

七年级3月第一次周练试题 试题

七年级3月第一次周练试题  试题

















• 47. fulfill • 48. gesture • [ful'fil] • ['dʒestʃə] ʃ • v. 实现,履行 满 • n. 手势 姿态 履行,满 手势,姿态 实现 履行 v. 作手势,用手 足,使达成 作手势 用手 势表示
• 49. imaginative • 50. available • [i'mædʒinətiv] • [ə'veiləbl] • a. 富有想象力 • a. 可用的 可获 可用的;可获 得, 可利用的 的
• 29. extensive • [iks'tensiv] • a. 大量的,大 大量的, 规模的; 规模的;广阔 的,广泛的
• 30. harmony • ['hɑ:məni] ɑ • n. 和谐,和睦 和谐,
• 31. gloomy • [glu:mi] • a. 阴沉的,阴暗 阴沉的 阴暗 的,忧伤的
• 17. boundary • ['baundəri] • n. 分界线;界 分界线; 限,范围 范围
• 18. compensate • ['kɔmpenseit] ɔ • v. 赔偿;补偿; 赔偿;补偿; 弥补; 弥补;抵消
• 19. convince • 20. emerge • [kən'vins] • [i'mə:dʒ] 出现; • vt. 使确信 使信 • vi. 出现;露出 使确信,使信 真相 服
• 51. approximately
• 52. assignment
• [ə'prɔksəmeitl • [ə'sainmənt] ɔ i] • n. 任务 作业 分 任务,作业 作业;分 • ad. 大约 大致 大约,大致 大致, 配,指定 指定 近乎



第1篇一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 以下哪个数字不是3的倍数?A. 14B. 27C. 36D. 492. 如果一个钟表从3点开始倒计时,10分钟后指向的时间是?A. 2点B. 3点C. 4点D. 5点3. 下列哪个图形是立体图形?A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 圆形4. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语不属于同一类别?A. 汽车B. 飞机C. 轮船D. 手机5. 下列哪个成语是形容人聪明才智的?A. 勤能补拙B. 慧眼识珠C. 愚不可及D. 一鸣惊人6. 下列哪个数字不是偶数?A. 8B. 10C. 15D. 207. 下列哪个字母在英语中是元音字母?A. BB. CC. DD. E8. 下列哪个物品可以在水中漂浮?A. 铅笔B. 玩具车C. 石头D. 书本9. 下列哪个成语是形容人很有才华的?A. 学富五车B. 才高八斗C. 雅俗共赏D. 风华正茂10. 下列哪个物品在厨房中用来炒菜?A. 锅B. 洗衣机C. 电视D. 钢笔11. 下列哪个词语表示数量很多?A. 众多B. 极少C. 极小D. 极大12. 下列哪个成语是形容人很有耐心的?A. 悠然自得B. 不屈不挠C. 持之以恒D. 稳扎稳打13. 下列哪个物品在体育比赛中用来计分?A. 足球B. 篮球C. 计分板D. 比赛服14. 下列哪个成语是形容人很有远见的?A. 眼光如炬B. 高瞻远瞩C. 目光如豆D. 目光短浅15. 下列哪个物品在冬天用来取暖?A. 电暖器B. 空调C. 风扇D. 水壶二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)16. 1+1=______,2+2=______,3+3=______。

17. 2的倍数是______,3的倍数是______,4的倍数是______。

18. 英语字母表中共有______个字母,其中元音字母有______个。

19. 地球绕太阳公转的周期是______年。

20. 人体有______个手指,其中大拇指有______个。


学生需要根据诗歌的主题思想进行探究和思考,领悟其中的人生 启示和智慧,形成自己的思考和感悟。
命题作文是一种常见的写作形式,要求学生根据给定的题目 进行创作。在命题作文中,学生需要仔细审题,理解题目的 含义和要求,然后展开思路,按照题目要求进行写作。
命题作文的优点在于能够有效地考查学生的审题能力和语言 表达能力。同时,命题作文也有助于培养学生的思维能力和 创新精神。
考查了学生对中国古代文学常识 的掌握情况,包括《诗经》、 《楚辞》、唐诗宋词等。
此部分主要考查学生对中国现代文 学常识的掌握情况,包括鲁迅、茅 盾、巴金等作家的作品及其特点。
此部分主要考查学生对外国文学常 识的掌握情况,包括莎士比亚、托 尔斯泰等作家的作品及其特点。
压缩语段主要考察学生对长文或段落的理解 能力,以及提取关键信息、整合语言的能力 。学生需要从给定的长文或段落中提取关键 信息,并将其简明扼要地表达出来。在答题 时,学生需要注意语言的准确性和简洁性,
扩展语句主要考察学生的语言表达能力,以及补充细节、 丰富语言的能力。学生需要根据给定的词语或短语,通过 添加修饰语、从句或扩展句式等方式,将其扩展成一段具 体而生动的语句。在答题时,学生需要注意语言的连贯性 和逻辑性,确保扩展的内容与原词语或短语相符合。
学生需要从文章中筛选和整合重要信息,归纳概括出关键内容, 并能够根据需要进行提炼和整理。






一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数字不是3的倍数?A. 12B. 15C. 18D. 212. 下列哪个词语与其他词语不属于同一类?A. 雨伞B. 钥匙C. 马桶D. 眼镜3. 下列哪个国家的首都是伦敦?A. 英国B. 法国C. 德国D. 意大利4. 下列哪个成语与其他成语不属于同一类?A. 龙腾虎跃B. 风和日丽C. 雪中送炭D. 画蛇添足5. 下列哪个国家的国旗是三色旗?A. 法国B. 日本C. 俄罗斯D. 美国6. 下列哪个成语与其他成语不属于同一类?A. 一帆风顺B. 一心一意C. 一举两得D. 一箭双雕7. 下列哪个国家的货币是欧元?A. 英国B. 德国C. 法国D. 意大利8. 下列哪个成语与其他成语不属于同一类?A. 风和日丽B. 雪中送炭C. 龙腾虎跃D. 一帆风顺9. 下列哪个国家的首都是柏林?A. 英国B. 德国C. 法国D. 意大利10. 下列哪个成语与其他成语不属于同一类?A. 一心一意B. 一举两得C. 一箭双雕D. 雪中送炭二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下四个词语中,缺失的词语是__________。

A. 风和日丽B. 雨打芭蕉C. 雪上加霜D. __________12. 以下四个词语中,缺失的词语是__________。

A. 眼镜B. 钥匙C. 雨伞D. __________13. 以下四个词语中,缺失的词语是__________。

A. 法国B. 德国C. 英国D. __________14. 以下四个词语中,缺失的词语是__________。

A. 一帆风顺B. 一心一意C. 一举两得D. __________15. 以下四个词语中,缺失的词语是__________。












)4.B (“越国以鄙远”中“以”是连词,可译为“来”,表目的。




)9.C二、10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C16、(1)即使太子不说,我也要请求行动,(只是)现在去却没有什么凭信之物,那就无法接近亲王。









一年级语文上学期每周一练试卷 长春版(附解析)

一年级语文上学期每周一练试卷 长春版(附解析)

乡镇(街道) 学校班级姓名 学号………密……….…………封…………………线…………………内……..………………不……………………. 准…………………答…. …………题…绝密★启用前一年级语文上学期每周一练试卷 长春版(附解析)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分考试须知:1、考试时间:60分钟,满分为100分(含卷面分3分)。





乐le ( ) yue ( )兴xing ( ) xing ( )觉jue ( ) jiao ( )二、填空题(每题5分,共计15分)1、我会填空:1、小_______,正年少,尊长辈,懂礼貌。



3、乡亲们在井旁边_______ 一块石碑,刻着"_______挖井人,时刻_______毛主席"。

4、 _______惜细流,树阴_______晴柔。







小荷才露( ),早有蜻蜓( )。

2.《所见》:牧( )骑黄牛,歌声振(zhèn)林樾(yuè)。

意欲(y ù)捕鸣蝉,忽然( )。

3.《司马光》:别的小朋友都慌了,有的( )哭了,有的( )着喊着,跑去找大人。


一( )人 一( )牛 一( )河 一( )手一( )鸟一( )花三、识字写字(每题5分,共计10分)1、我会读,也会写。




(每字0.5分,计8分)shōu liǎn wúgū héǎi yān hóu kǒnɡ xì()()()()( )Wèi ()藉()为壮观无所()惧líng 丘()盛气()人草木()落二、选择正确的读音,在下面画“——”。

(每空0.5分,计3分)歼(qiān j iān)灭不屑(xièxuè)一顾悄(qiāo qiǎo)然无声友谊(yíyì)张牙舞爪(zhuǎzhǎo)猝(cù cuì)不及防三、词语练习。



















盐山中学2021-2021学年高一英语3月周测试题〔无答案〕Ⅰ.单词拼写(哭泣) over her sad fate.2.I’ll never (原谅) her for what she did.3.The teacher gave me to go home early.to Mary for not going to her party.5.His books have sold more than 20 million copies .6.It is obvious that the girl is trying to hide her (悲伤).Ⅱ.选词填空turn up,set off,fall in love,hold one’s breath,keep one’s word7.Tom and I early in the morning to catch the first bus.8.We invited her to dinner bu t she didn’t .9.The whole country to see who would win the election.10.I believe in him because he always .11.The young man with the girl at first sight.Ⅲ.完成句子12.很明显,他误拿了我的雨伞。

he took my umbrella by mistake.13.我早上经常听到Mary读英语。

I often in the morning.14.我下公交车的时候看见了Peter。

the bus,I saw Peter.15.意识到上错了公交车,他大哭起来。

,he burst out crying.16.你说他工作努力,他确实是,你也是一样。

You say he works hard, and .BNew research brings some good news for lovers of spicy(辛辣的) foods, after finding that eating hot red chili peppers might help to extend lifespan〔寿命〕.Consuming hot red chili peppers might reduce death risk, say Chopan and Littenberg from the research team. In hot peppers, such as Mexico peppers, the strong flavor comes from a compound(复合物), which does not exist in sweet peppers or onions. Studies have suggested that this compound can offer a welth of health benefits.A study of more than 16,000 people in the United States revealed that individuals who consumed red chili peppers had a lower risk of death from all causes over an average of 18 years than those who did not eat the spicy food. Compared with participants who did not consume hot red chili peppers, those who did were found to be at 13 percent reduced risk of all-cause death.For example, a recent study reported by Medical News Today, found that the compound might have the potential to stop breast cancer, while an earlier study linked the compound to a reduced risk of digest system cancers. Still, the available data suggested that hot red chili pepper consumption was most strongly associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease.While the researchers are unable to identify the concrete compound by which red chili peppers might extend lifepan, the team says that it is likely due to the compound that is effectively against obesity(肥胖症).Overall, the team says that these latest findings support those of the 2021 study, linking spicy food intake to reduced risk of death by showing “a significant decreasein death associated with hot red chili pepper consumption.〞 However, Chopan and Littenberg note that the earlier study was only conducted in Chinese adults, so the now research makes these findings more credible.5. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The study only goes for American people.B. Red chili pepper can all-cause disease.C. The compound protects people against obesity.D. Onion consuming can reduce death risk.6.What is the finding of the new research mainly about?A. Hot red chili pepper lovers develop no cancers.B. Hot red chili peppers help control breast illness.C. Hot red chili peppers decrease heart disease.D. Hot red chili pepper intake may increase lifespan.7. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “credible〞?A. Convincing.B. Practical.C. Encouraging.D. Attractive.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项里面选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。






英语参考答案1—5CBBDA 6—10 ADCDB11-14BABD 15-17 BDC 18-21。

ADAB 22—25CDCA26--30CBGFE31—35 DBACD 36—40 BCCDA 41—45 BABAC 46—50 ABCDA51. its 52.till/until/and 53。

was built 54. to keep 55. Joined 56.the 57. where 58. warning 59。

extremely 60。

by第一句many-much第二句student—students第三句去掉the;made—makes/has made 第四句other-others第五句successful-successfully第六句visit前加a;so—and第七句That-What第八句Win—WinningOne possible version:As youknow, the Spring Festival in China isagrand festival。

We celebrate it cheerfully。

The daybeforethe festival is eve。



一年级语文周测试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一年级语文周测试卷一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个字是“山”字旁的字?A. 岳B. 峡C. 岭D. 峰2. “一”字在下列哪个词语中读作“yì”?A. 一样B. 一天C. 一个D. 一年级3. 下列哪个字的笔画数是4画?A. 日B. 月C. 水D. 火4. 下列哪个词语的词性是名词?A. 跑步B. 看书C. 吃饭D. 洗衣5. 下列哪个词语的词性是动词?A. 大海B. 蓝天C. 绿树D. 飞翔二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. “人”字是独体字。

()2. “水”字的笔画数是3画。

()3. “天”字在“天空”中读作“tiān”。

()4. “好”字的部首是“女”。

()5. “山”字在“山水”中读作“shān”。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. “___”字的笔画数是2画。

2. “天”字的部首是“___”。

3. “人”字在“人们”中读作“___”。

4. “大”字在“大小”中读作“___”。

5. “火”字的部首是“___”。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请写出“水”字的笔画顺序。

2. 请写出“木”字的笔画顺序。

3. 请写出“火”字的笔画顺序。

4. 请写出“土”字的笔画顺序。

5. 请写出“山”字的笔画顺序。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请用“人”字组成一个词语。

2. 请用“水”字组成一个词语。

3. 请用“火”字组成一个词语。

4. 请用“木”字组成一个词语。

5. 请用“土”字组成一个词语。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析“山”字的笔画和结构。

2. 请分析“水”字的笔画和结构。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用“人”字和“木”字组成一个词语,并解释其意义。

2. 请用“水”字和“火”字组成一个词语,并解释其意义。

八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个以“春天”为主题的语文实践活动,包括活动目标、内容和形式。





一、试题要求考生掌握常用词的深层词义及相关成语今年阅读理解Part A 的文章中有些词汇考生大多认识,但深层词义没有掌握,而考点又在其深层词义上。


如Text 4中的compromise ,大多数考生知道其词义为“妥协,折衷”,部分考生还知道有“让步”之意。

据笔者在今年3月份一次400多人的讲座上调查,没有一个学生知道compromise 还有“因错误行为使自己陷入困境”和“修改,更改(某事);减弱,减轻”的词义,因而37题大部分考生做错。

又如fetch 一词,学生初中就学过,意为“去取,去拿;去接来”,但几乎没有人知道fetch 还有“(某货物)卖得(多少钱)”之意,因而Text 4中第1段最后一句就无法理解:These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay,not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch (这些规则写道,银行必须以第三方愿意支付的价格来估价一些资产,而不是以价格经理和管理者想要把这些资产卖出去的价格)。

再如Text 2第2段第1句:Now the nation ’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business -method patents,which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10years ago (现在国家的顶级专利法庭似乎完全准备收紧经营方法专利,因为这些专利从10年前首次批准以来一直有争议)。



小学上册英语第三单元全练全测(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 We are going to ___ a trip. (take)2 How many continents are there in the world?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:C3 The _____ (生态思维) promotes balance in nature.4 The __________ is the center of the earth.5 The chemical symbol for rubidium is __________.6 A ________ (植物观察活动) promotes conservation.7 I enjoy celebrating my birthday. Each year, I invite my friends to __________. We have fun playing games and enjoying cake together.8 What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. EarthC. VenusD. Jupiter9 The ancient Romans enjoyed _______ as a form of entertainment. (角斗术)10 The chemical properties of a substance can be observed during a ______.11 The _______ is often used in landscaping designs.12 Plants can improve our ______ (健康).13 My sister loves her _________ (玩具马) that she brushes every day.14 She is ___ a song. (singing)15 Mars is known as the ______ Planet.16 What do we call the layer of the Earth where we live?A. AtmosphereB. LithosphereC. BiosphereD. Hydrosphere答案:C17 My _____ (邻居) is very nice.18 What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. BlueB. PinkC. PurpleD. Green答案:B19 What is the name of the chemical element with the symbol O?A. OxygenB. GoldC. SilverD. Iron答案: A. Oxygen20 Which part of the body allows you to see?A. EarsB. EyesC. NoseD. Mouth21 We need to water the _____ (植物) regularly.22 My _______ (狗) loves to bark at the mailman.23 A frog can croak and ______.24 The ______ teaches us how to draw well.25 What do you call a person who repairs buildings?A. EngineerB. ArchitectC. BuilderD. Carpenter答案: D26 The Sun will eventually become a red giant and ______.27 What is the most popular sport in the world?A. BasketballB. SoccerC. BaseballD. Tennis答案:B28 The chemical symbol for arsenic is __________.29 One thing I love about nature is __________. It is so beautiful to see __________ in the park. I enjoy going for walks and listening to the __________.30 The __________ is a major river in Africa. (尼日尔河)31 The _____ (lamp/desk) is bright.32 A compound that contains both hydrogen and oxygen is called a ______.33 What is the name of the famous island in the Pacific Ocean?A. Bora BoraB. FijiC. TahitiD. All of the above答案: D. All of the above34 My family goes on ______ (vacation) every summer.35 The ________ was a prominent figure in the historical struggle for equity.36 The architect, ______ (建筑师), designs houses.37 What is the capital of Panama?A. Panama CityB. ColonC. DavidD. Santiago答案:A38 My friend is a ______. He loves to write stories.39 A _____ (小马) can be very gentle around children.40 What is the freezing point of water?A. 0°CB. 100°CC. 50°CD. 25°C答案:A41 The seagull dives for _________. (食物)42 We make ______ (pancakes) for breakfast.43 What is the capital of Brazil?A. Rio de JaneiroB. BrasíliaC. São PauloD. Salvador答案: B44 What do you call the act of catching a ball?A. ThrowingB. HittingC. CatchingD. Kicking答案: C45 The __________ is a significant natural resource found in forests. (木材)46 What is the name of the famous character who is a mischievous cat?A. GarfieldB. FelixC. TomD. Sylvester47 What do we call a person who studies meteorology?A. MeteorologistB. ClimatologistC. GeographerD. Environmental Scientist48 The elephant is very ___. (big)49 A physical property of water is that it is ______.50 Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. Hamster答案:B51 I planted a _______ in my garden (我在我的花园里种了一_______).52 How many months have 28 days?A. 1B. 2C. 12D. 0答案: C53 My sister is a ______. She loves to dance ballet.54 The ________ was a significant period in English history.55 What is the color of a pumpkin?A. WhiteB. OrangeC. YellowD. Green56 The __________ (历史的流变) reveals shifts in power.57 A _____ is a natural formation that rises prominently.58 I love to ______ (品尝) new foods.59 What do we call the study of insects?A. EntomologyB. ZoologyC. BotanyD. Ecology答案:A60 The _______ (The Boston Tea Party) protested British taxation without representation.61 Evaporation is a type of ______ change.62 What is the main ingredient in a sandwich?A. BreadB. RiceC. PastaD. Soup63 I enjoy learning about different ______ (历史事件) and how they shaped the world. It’s fascinating!64 I think it’s essential to have goals in life. They give us direction and purpose. I set goals for myself by __________ and tracking my progress.65 A __________ is a visual tool for understanding chemical reactions.66 My friend is very ____.67 I drink _____ milk in the morning. (cold)68 What is the capital city of Cyprus?A. NicosiaB. LimassolC. LarnacaD. Famagusta69 The __________ (历史的影响力) can inspire change.70 I always do my ______ after school.71 A ____ enjoys basking in the sun on warm days.72 I enjoy _____ (discovering) new plants.73 What type of tree produces acorns?a. Pineb. Oakc. Mapled. Birch答案:b74 __________ (化学反应途径) describes the possible steps in a reaction.75 She is ___ her lunchbox. (opening)76 The frog can make a loud ______ (叫声).77 What is the name of the famous explorer who sailed around the world?A. Ferdinand MagellanB. Christopher ColumbusC. Vasco da GamaD. Marco Polo答案: A78 Galaxies can be shaped like _______ or spirals.79 The baby is _____ (sleeping).80 My favorite animal is a _______ (狐狸).81 I see a _____ (bird/fish) flying.82 What is the largest ocean on Earth?a. Atlantic Oceanb. Indian Oceanc. Arctic Oceand. Pacific Ocean答案:d83 What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. MoonB. SunC. StarsD. Fire答案:B84 The __________ is a famous lake in Switzerland. (日内瓦湖)85 What is the name of the famous scientist who developed the theory of relativity?A. Isaac NewtonB. Albert EinsteinC. Galileo GalileiD. Nikola Tesla答案:B86 The __________ is famous for its ancient ruins.87 The antelope leaps gracefully over the ____.88 What is the name of the process by which plants lose water?A. AbsorptionB. RespirationC. TranspirationD. Evaporation答案:C89 What do we use to take photographs?A. CameraB. TVC. ComputerD. Phone答案:A90 The first man to circumnavigate the globe was ______ (麦哲伦).91 What do we call a story that is told through dialogue and action?A. NovelB. PlayC. PoemD. Short Story92 The _______ offers a variety of benefits.93 What do we call a natural satellite of the Earth?A. StarB. MoonC. PlanetD. Comet94 What is a group of three called?a. Pairb. Trioc. Quartetd. Quintet答案:b95 What do you call the person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Artist96 The invention of the internet changed _____ communication.97 A ____ is a gentle animal that enjoys being petted.98 Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Bear答案:B99 What is the name of the fairy tale with a girl and a glass slipper?A. Little Red Riding HoodB. CinderellaC. Beauty and the BeastD. The Frog Prince100 The kittens are _______ (playing) together.。



阅读高频词第三级练习题一、词汇辨析题1. 请从下列词语中选出与其他三项不同类的词语。

A. 勤奋B. 谦虚C. 贪玩D. 坚强2. 下列词语中,哪个词语与其他三个词语意思相近?A. 快乐B. 悲伤C. 高兴D. 生气3. 请从下列词语中选出与其他三项不同类的词语。

A. 美丽B. 壮观C. 丑陋D. 优雅二、词语搭配题1. 请将下列词语与正确的搭配连线。

A. 阳光明媚B. 风和日丽C. 阴雨绵绵① 天气预报② 景色宜人③ 春暖花开2. 下列词语搭配中,哪个搭配不正确?A. 勤学苦练B. 勇往直前C. 风平浪静D. 气喘吁吁地走三、阅读理解题1. 阅读下列短文,选择正确的答案。




下列关于小明的说法,正确的是:A. 小明不喜欢读书B. 小明想成为一名科学家C. 小明每天花一个小时阅读D. 小明在努力学习写作2. 阅读下列短文,选择正确的答案。

下列关于春天的说法,错误的是:A. 春天是万物复苏的季节B. 公园里的花儿都凋谢了C. 小朋友们在草地上放风筝D. 春天是一个充满生机的季节四、完形填空题1. 阅读下列短文,从括号中选择合适的词语填空。

小华是一名(① )的学生,他(② )学习,成绩优异。


在他的(③ )下,班级氛围十分融洽。

①:A. 调皮捣蛋 B. 刻苦认真 C. 懒散消极②:A. 讨厌 B. 喜欢 C. 厌恶③:A. 影响 B. 带领 C. 驱使2. 阅读下列短文,从括号中选择合适的词语填空。

我国地大物博,拥有许多世界闻名的(① )。

如雄伟的长城、美丽的西湖、神秘的(② )等。

这些景点吸引了大量国内外游客前来(③ )。

①:A. 景点 B. 城市 C. 建筑②:A. 故宫 B. 乡村 C. 沙漠③:A. 游玩 B. 旅行 C. 观光五、句子排序题1. 请将下列句子按正确的顺序排列。



小学上册英语第三单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.We have a ______ (丰富的) menu at the café.2.What do you call a person who studies marine life?A. Marine biologistB. OceanographerC. Aquatic scientistD. All of the aboveD3.The ______ (蚂蚁) works together in a colony.4.The __________ (种植计划) should be well thought out.5.The _____ (生态恢复) projects help damaged areas.6.My grandma loves to bake ____ (bread).7. A ________ (海狮) barks and plays in the sea.8.What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. VillainA Protagonist9.ration of Independence was signed in ________ (1776). The Decl10.The Mediterranean Sea is between Europe and _______.11.Pulsars are rotating neutron stars that emit beams of ______.12.Which word means "happy"?A. SadB. JoyfulC. AngryD. TiredB13.Which shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. RectangleC. SquareD. Circle14. A volcanic eruption can release ash, gases, and ______ into the atmosphere.15.What is the process of making bread called?A. BakingB. CookingC. FryingD. Boiling答案:A16. A ______ is a small, flying insect.17._____ (herbicides) can harm the environment.18. A rabbit can have many ______ (小兔子) each year.19.The sunflowers face the _______ all day long.20.The _______ (Medieval) period lasted from the 5th to the late 15th century.21.The __________ (历史的回顾) informs our present.22.My brother is known for his __________ (勇气).23.What do we call the brightness of a star as seen from Earth?A. MagnitudeB. LuminosityC. IntensityD. Brightness24.What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. Queen MaryB. TitanicC. LusitaniaD. BritannicB25.The chemical symbol for tellurium is _____.26. A rabbit's foot is considered a ______ (好运) charm.27.The _______ (海豚) is very friendly.28.My teacher gives us ____.29.Plants can be symbols of ______ (和平).30.riverbank) is the land along the edge of a river. The ____31.Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?A. BananaB. StrawberryC. KiwiD. PeachB Strawberry32.The __________ (历史的共同体) foster connection.33.The _______ of sound can be increased by amplifying it.34. A sunny afternoon is perfect for ______ (晒太阳).35. A ______ is a type of bond formed by the attraction of opposite charges.36.The chemical symbol for osmium is _______.37.What is 2 + 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6B38.They are _______ (playing/studying) in the classroom.39.What is the name of the famous artist known for his starry night paintings?A. Vincent van GoghB. Pablo PicassoC. Claude MonetD. Henri MatisseA Vincent van Gogh40.My favorite pizza has ________ (奶酪).41.What is the main purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To show distancesC. To represent a placeD. To provide informationC42.What do we call the process of creating new cells?A. MitosisB. MeiosisC. Cell divisionD. ReplicationA43. A skunk's spray can deter larger ________________ (捕食者).44. A _______ can be a wonderful addition to your classroom.45.What is 10 - 4?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8B46.What do you call a person who studies insects?A. EntomologistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. BotanistA47.What is the opposite of near?A. FarB. CloseC. AdjacentD. Nearby48. A rabbit's ears are very ______ (长).49.What is the primary color of a lemon?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. BlueB50. A chemical reaction requires energy to overcome the ______ barrier.51.What do you call the place where you can watch movies?A. TheaterB. CinemaC. AuditoriumD. Gallery52. A chemical reaction can change the physical ______.53.The birds are ______ in the morning. (chirping)54.The puffin can dive underwater to catch ________________ (鱼).55. A reaction that occurs in the absence of oxygen is called an ______ reaction.56.An acid can turn litmus paper _____ (red). is the ________ (亚洲是________) continent in the world.58.What do we call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. GaggleD. ColonyA59.听录音,把图片与颜色连起来。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个字是错别字?A. 玩耍B. 玩耍C. 玩耍D. 玩耍2. 下列哪个成语意思与其他三个不同?A. 一丝不苟B. 一心一意C. 一举两得D. 一蹴而就3. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词性不同?A. 美丽B. 高兴C. 明天D. 大小4. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词义不同?A. 慢慢B. 一直C. 每天都D. 每时每刻5. 下列哪个句子是正确的?A. 这个苹果很好吃。

B. 这个苹果很不好吃。

C. 这个苹果不好吃。

D. 这个苹果好吃。

6. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词性不同?A. 书包B. 钢笔C. 笔记本D. 手机7. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词义不同?A. 美丽B. 高兴C. 快乐D. 痛苦8. 下列哪个句子是正确的?A. 这个苹果很好吃。

B. 这个苹果很不好吃。

C. 这个苹果不好吃。

D. 这个苹果好吃。

9. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词性不同?A. 书包B. 钢笔C. 笔记本D. 电脑10. 下列哪个词语与其他三个词语的词义不同?A. 美丽B. 高兴C. 快乐D. 悲伤二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 一寸光阴一寸金,__________。

2. 《咏鹅》的作者是__________。

3. 我国的四大发明是__________、__________、__________、__________。

4. 《小池》的作者是__________。

5. 《赠刘景文》的作者是__________。

6. 《泊船瓜洲》的作者是__________。

7. 《山行》的作者是__________。

8. 《所见》的作者是__________。

9. 《画鸡》的作者是__________。

10. 《夜书所见》的作者是__________。




1. 这首诗的作者是谁?请写出这首诗的题目。

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2010年太奇词汇班周测一1. Later the speaker ____ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.A. went afterB. went forC. went intoD. went on2. I am sorry I have no time now to ____ more detail or give an account of other cities of interest.A. bring inB. take inC. come intoD. go into3. My father used to be a “chain smoker”, but now he has given up smoking for the ____ of his health.A. sakeB. interestC. profitD. favor4. We should have taken ____ of this precious chance to make friends with them but the rain ruined it.A. advantageB. benefitC. interestD. profit5. Shortly after receiving the news of Mike’s death, Tom began to make the final preparations ____ his own.A. ofB. onC. forD. at6. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ____ harm them.A. more thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. better than7. He walked ____ fast, I wasn’t able to catch up with him in spite of my great efforts.A. efficientlyB. successivelyC. sufficientlyD. excessively8. The teacher demanded that the exam ____ before eleven.A. must finishB. would be finishedC. be finishedD. must be finished9. He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.A. had beenB. has beenC. wasD. has gone10. The young man insisted that he ___ nothing wrong and ____ free.A. did; setB. had done; should be setC. should do; be setD. had done; must be set11. It seems as if it ___ rain.A. will toB. is going toC. is toD. were going to12. Though I am really a very ___ person, I can’t wait for you, a lazy man, any longer.A. sensitiveB. modestC. generousD. patient13. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t ____ anything.A. lackB. withdrawC. omitD. leak14. Our so n doesn’t know what to ____ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.A. take overB. take afterC. take inD. take up15. This plan can help you make aware of how to ____ your time meaningfully.A. spendB. costC. takeD. pass16. Scientists have ____ the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles.A. kept up withB. put up withC. came up withD. caught up with17. It is beyond me that this gentle man should have ____ such a crime.A. committedB. madeC. performedD. acted18. If I tell the police I was with you that day, will you ____ my story?A. back upB. back downC. back offD. back of19. It is obvious that American hatters were able to ____ the market with wool hats and caps.A. supplyB. offerC. giveD. deliver20. Jack and Joan ____ with each other just before their marriage, which made their parents very angry.A. fell downB. fell throughC. fell outD. fell off虚拟语气:三种情况1,虚拟条件句.2,名词性虚拟语气.3,虚拟语气的其他用语.一,虚拟条件句:条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气.1,条件从句与现在事实不一致,其句型为:If 主语+过去时,主语+should(could, would, might)+动词原形,如:If I were you, I would study hard.2,条件从句与过去事实不一致,句型为:If 主语+had+过去分词,主语+should(could, would, 或might)+have+过去分词,如:If the doctor had come last night, the boy would have saved.3,条件从句与将来事实不一致,句型为:+do,主语+should(could…)+ 原形do过去时(与现在事实条件句一样).If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.If I were to go to the moon one day, I could see it with my own eyes.If you missed the film to night, you would feel sorry.二,名词性虚拟语气:在表示命令,建议要求,惊叹时的名词性从句中需用虚拟语气,基本句型:主语+(should)+动词原形,如:Mother insisted that John go to bed at 9 o'clock.(宾语从句)We suggested that the meeting should not be held.The suggestion that he be invited was rejected.(同位语从句)That is their demand that their wages be increased.(表语从句)注意:在这种句子中绝不出现"would""must""could"等.三,虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或含蓄条件句:1,wish后的宾语从句:与现在愿望不一致主语+过去时;与过去愿望不一致主语+had+过去分词;与未来愿望不一致主语+would(could)+原形.I wish I had visited the white House when I was in the states.2,It's time句型:当It's time后用that从句时应该为:主语+should+原形或主语+过去时,例如:It's time that you went to school.3,If only引起的感叹句相当于"How I wish+宾语从句"If only he could come! 他要能来就好了.4,would rather, as if(though)引导的句子也需使用虚拟,表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时,如:I'd rather you posted the letter right away.She loves the children as if they were hers.Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there.5,without, but, but for, otherwise引起的短语或句子常暗含着含蓄条件.Without you, I would never know him.But for your cooperation, we wouldn't have done the work so well.I would be most glad to help you, but I' am busy now.I am busy now, otherwise I would do you the favor!。
