最新科普版小学英语五年级下册Lesson 4 Where do you live 公开课教学设计2
五年级英语下册Lesson4《Wheredoyoulive》 优秀课件4科普版
Where do you live?
live Ms town ready
/liv/ /miz/ /taun/ /’redi/
城镇 准备好的
/’ כfis/
wife sick
/waif/ /sik/
药 在外
medicine /’medisn/
out /aut/Fra bibliotekcome from
be ready to
be ready
at once
take out
梦想的力量, 当我充满自信地,朝着梦想 的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧 地,过着我理想中的生活, 成功,会在不期然间忽然降 临!
1有了坚定的意志,就等于给双 脚添了一对翅膀。 2一个人的价值在于他的才华, 而不在他的衣饰。 3生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强 的人,才能到达彼岸。 4、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进 先读书。
科普版-英语-五下-Lesson 4 WHERE DO YOU LIVE (科普社)
Lesson 4Where do you live?【知识目标】1、确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌握的单词:live,Ms, town, ready, office, wife, sick, medicine, out, come from, be ready to, at once, take out 。
2、学习使用本单元重点句型及表达,掌握句型:Where do you come from?I come from …Where do you live?I live in …3、复习一般现在时的一般疑问句及肯否回答。
【能力目标】能理解一般现在时(包括第三人称单数)的特殊疑问句及相关答语(where 引导)Where does Miss Green come from ? She comes from ...对话。
Tape recorder, MultimediaStep 1 Let’s talk1. 导人对话:本课可用角色表演法。
学生先说:“Excuse me. Where do you come from?”教师说:“I come from the USA.”直到整个对话表演完。
2. 操练:(1)将对话分成两段,各配一幅图,遮住关键词和关键句,然后逐个显示出来操练。
五年级英语下册Lesson4《Wheredoyoulive》 优秀课件3科普版
白宫,是一幢白 色的新古典风 格砂岩建筑物, 是美国总统的 居住和办公的 地点。
Washington 华盛顿
Let's talk 学习目标(要想学得好,目标少不了)
1. 听懂,会读,会拼写单词live、Ms并知道汉语 意思。 2. 掌握句子 Where do you live? —— I live in New York. Where does she live?—— She lives in China. 3.能够谈论个人的居住地点。 4.熟读并背诵对话!!!
the USA 美国
美国的国旗由13道红白相间的宽条构成,左上角 是包含了50颗白色小五角星的蓝色长方形。50颗 小星代表了美国的50个州,而13条间纹则象征着 美国最早建国时的13块殖民地。 这面红色象征勇气,白色象征真理,蓝色则象征 正义。
自由女神像,是 法国在1876年赠 送给美国独立 100周年的礼物
1.Let's talk 3英1汉,并背诵!!! 2.会默写lesson 4 单词,明天听写! 3.练习册24页 字母排序 25页 翻译短语
名言摘抄 ● 青年时种下什么,老年时就收获什么。 ──易卜生 ● 人并不是因为美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。 ──托尔斯泰 ● 人的美德的荣誉比他的财富的荣誉不知大多少倍。──达· 芬奇 ● 人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。 ──雷锋 ● 人的天职在勇于探索真理。 ──哥白尼 ● 人的知识愈广,人的本身也愈臻完善。──高尔基 ● 人的智慧掌握着三把钥匙,一把开启数字,一把开启字母,一把开启音符。知识、思想、幻想就在其中。 ──雨果 ● 人们常觉得准备的阶段是在浪费时间,只有当真正机会来临,而自己没有能力把握的时候,才能觉悟自己平时没有准备才是 浪费了时间。 ──罗曼.罗兰 ● 人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。 ──列夫· 托尔斯泰 ● 人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。 ──萧楚女 ● 人需要真理,就像瞎子需要明快的引路人一样。 ──高尔基 ● 任何问题都有解决的办法,无法可想的事是没有的。 ──爱迪生 ● 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以当心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。 ──爱迪生 ● 如果是玫瑰,它总会开花的。 ──歌德 ● 如果我比笛卡尔看得远些,那是因为我站在巨人们的肩上的缘故。 ──牛顿 ● 善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更大的成绩来。 ──华罗庚 ● 少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明。 ──刘向 ● 生活便是寻求新的知识。 ──门捷列夫 ● 生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得最大的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。 ─卢梭 ● 生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 ──张闻天 ● 生活的情况越艰难,我越感到自己更坚强,甚而也更聪明。 ──高尔基 ● 生活的全部意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西,在于不断地增加更多的知识。 ──左拉 ● 生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 ──罗曼· 罗兰 ● 生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是在于接受,也不是在于争取。 ──巴金 ● 生命多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。 ──裴多菲 ● 时间,就象海棉里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。 ──鲁迅 ● 时间是伟大的作者,她能写出未来的结局。 ──卓别林 ● 时间最不偏私,给任何人都是二十四小时;时间也最偏私,给任何人都不是二十四小时。 ──赫胥黎
五年级英语下册Lesson4《Wheredoyoulive》 精品优选PPY课件3科普版
the USA 美国
美国的国旗由13道红白相间的宽条构成,左上角 是包含了50颗白色小五角星的蓝色长方形。50颗 小星代表了美国的50个州,而13条间纹则象征着 美国最早建国时的13块殖民地。 这面红色象征勇气,白色象征真理,蓝色则象征 正义。
自由女神像,是 法国在1876年赠 送给美国独立 100周年的礼物
1.Where _____ does (do) Miss Li come from? do (do) they live? 2.Where ____ 3.Tom comes _____ (come) from the USA. lives (live) in Sichuan. 4.She _____ 5.Mary _______(do not) live in Henan. doesn't 1.Excuse me. _____ Where do you live? A.Who B.Where C.What 2.Where does he live? — He lives ___ in Guilin. A.in B.at C.on small city. 3.He lives in a ______ A.great B.little C.small
New York 纽约 美国最大城市及最大 的商港,被人们誉为 世界之都
白宫,是一幢白 色的新古典风 格砂岩建筑物, 是美国总统的 居住和办公的 地点。
Washington 华盛顿
Let's talk 学习目标(要想学得好,目标少不了)
1. 听懂,会读,会拼写单词live、Ms并知道汉语 意思。 2. 掌握句子 Where do you live? —— I live in New York. Where does she live?—— She lives in China. 3.能够谈论个人的居住地点。 4.熟读并背诵对话!!!
科普版英语五年级下册lesson 4《where do you live》优秀教案(重点资料).docx
A:Where do you come from?
B:I come from ____
A:Where do you live?
B:I live in______
A:Where does she come from?
第一课时 Let’s talk and Let’s sing
Step 1 : Warm up and Review
1 Greeting :We are the best.(给学生信心,使学生情绪高涨)
2 sing a song :The music room(集中学生注意力,调动积极性,同时让学生有良好的心理准备进入新课的学习当中。 )
3、What is the girl’s name?
4、Where does she live?
5、What school is she from?
6、Can she type a letter?
7、Can she get the job?
8、How much can the man pay her?
Excuse me ,Where do you come from?
I come from...
Where do you live ?
I live in ...
Where does she come from ?
She comes from...
Step 3: Drill
1Team work, 以行为组操练
2 pair work ,同桌操练
Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Let’s talk(K=Kate, R=Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R: Sorry, she’s not in. Who’s this?K: It’s Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes.K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number?K: Certainly, it’s 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Listen and say(T=Tom, D=Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking.T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now?D: I’m having lunch. What’s up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: What about three o’clock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.ReadMaking a pizzaMom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Let me put some meat on it, OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can.Mom, it’s done. May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job.Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now.Let’s talk(J=Jim, M=Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum?M: Yes.J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustn’t run in the street.J: OK.M: Look at the red light. We mustn’t cross the street now.J: OK.M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street.J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here.J: Oh, I see.Listen and say(G=Girl, B=Boy, W=Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes.G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: You’re welcome.ReadDon’t cross the street here.Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustn’t play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob answers.“Oh! You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there.”“Oh, yes.”“Don’t cross now. The light is red. We must wait.”“OK.”“Look! The light is green.”“We can cross now.”“Yes. Let’s go.”Lesson 3 How many pupils are there?Let’s talk(K=Kate, D=Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: I’m making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term.K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, We have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, that’s a big class.ReadDoing a good job.Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldn't throw them away. It’s Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things. Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin. How much paper is there? About half a kilo. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.Let's talk(B=Boy, M=Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you live?M: I live in New York.B: Where do Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too.B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesn't. She lives in Washington.Listen and say.(P=policeman, L=Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I can't find my mum.P: Oh, don't worry. I can help you. What's your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four.P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building.P: OK. Do you know your mother's phone number?L: Yes, it's 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother.L: Thank you.Read for fun.A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others.One day a farmer came to his office.“ My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?”“ Where do you live?” asked Liu Jun.“ I live in a small village. ““ OK. Let's go at once. “They walked for a long time and got to the village very late.Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine.The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didn't take it.The farmer thanked him, but Liu Jun said,” It's my pleasure. I'm happy to help others.”Let's talk(G=Girl, F=Farmer)G: What do you do?F: I'm a farmer.G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm.G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isn't.(G=Girl, P=Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P: Yes, I am.G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much.Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello!A: Where do you come from?B: I come from the UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do.A: What do you do?B: I'm a doctor.A: That's a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital.A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. It's beautiful, and people here are very nice.ReadWhich girl can get the job?Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want to get this job. Mr Smith doesn’t know who to choose. Then he has an idea.“ Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?”“ No, he isn't.”“What do you do?”“ I'm a cleaner.““ Go and find your manager.““ OK. But can you help me clean the room?”“ No. It's not my job.I can't help you.““ Let me help you.”“Thank you. You are so kind.““ Hello. Y es, this is Mr Smith.““ You are Mr Smith?”“ Yes.““ What do you do?”“I'm the manager.“Now Mr Smith knows who to choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Lesson 6 Revision Let's talk(D=Dongdong, M=Mum)D: Mom, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustn’t play football in the street. D: OK.(Q=Qiqi, W=Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do.Q: What do you do?W: I'm a doctor.Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping hospital.Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital.W: There are thirty-four.。
Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Let’s talk(K=Kate, R=Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R: Sorry, she’s not in. Who’s this?K: It’s Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes.K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number?K: Certainly, it’s 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Listen and say(T=Tom, D=Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking.T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now? D: I’m having lunch. What’s up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: What about three o’clock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.ReadMaking a pizzaMom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Let me put some meat on it, OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can.Mom, it’s done. May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job.Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now. Let’s talk(J=Jim, M=Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum?M: Yes.J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustn’t run in the street.J: OK.M: Look at the red light. We mustn’t cross the street now.J: OK.M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street.J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here. J: Oh, I see.Listen and say(G=Girl, B=Boy, W=Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes.G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: You’re welcome.ReadDon’t cross the street here.Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustn’t play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob answers.“Oh! You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there.”“Oh, yes.”“Don’t cross now. The light is red. We must wait.”“OK.”“Look! The light is green.”“We can cross now.”“Yes. Let’s go.”Lesson 3 How many pupils are there?Let’s talk(K=Kate, D=Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: I’m making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term.K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, We have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, that’s a big class.ReadDoing a good job.Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldn't throw them away. It’s Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things. Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin. How much paper is there? About half a kilo. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.Lesson 4 Where do you live? Let's talk(B=Boy, M=Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you live?M: I live in New York.B: Where do Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too.B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesn't. She lives in Washington.Listen and say.(P=policeman, L=Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I can't find my mum.P: Oh, don't worry. I can help you. What's your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four.P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building.P: OK. Do you know your mother's phone number?L: Yes, it's 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother.L: Thank you.Read for fun.A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others.One day a farmer came to his office.“ My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?”“ Where do you live?” asked Liu Jun.“ I live in a small village. ““ OK. Let's go at once. “They walked for a long time and got to the village very late.Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine.The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didn't take it.The farmer thanked him, but Liu Jun said,” It's my pleasure. I'm happy to help others.”Lesson 5 What do you do? Let's talk(G=Girl, F=Farmer)G: What do you do?F: I'm a farmer.G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm.G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isn't.(G=Girl, P=Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P: Yes, I am.G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much.Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello!A: Where do you come from?B: I come from the UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do.A: What do you do?B: I'm a doctor.A: That's a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital.A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. It's beautiful, and people here are very nice.ReadWhich girl can get the job?Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want to get this job. Mr Smith doesn’t know who to choose. Then he has an idea.“ Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?”“ No, he isn't.”“What do you do?”“ I'm a cleaner.““ Go and find your manager.““ OK. But can you help me clean the room?”“ No. It's not my job. I can't help you.““ Let me help you.”“Thank you. You are so kind.““ Hello. Y es, this is Mr Smith.““ You are Mr Smith?”“ Yes.““ What do you do?”“I'm the manager.“Now Mr Smith knows who to choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Lesson 6 Revision Let's talk(D=Dongdong, M=Mum)D: Mom, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustn’t play football in the street. D: OK.(Q=Qiqi, W=Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do.Q: What do you do?W: I'm a doctor.Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping hospital.Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital.W: There are thirty-four.Lesson7 It's seven thirty-five.Let’s talk(T=Tom, G=Grandma)G: Tom, breakfast is ready. Please sit down.T: Thank you Grandma.G: What time is school over?T: School is over at three forty on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.G: What about Monday and Wednesday?T: School is over at four thirty on Monday and at two fifty on Wednesday. G: OK, I see.T: What time is it, Grandma?G: It's seven thirty-five.T: Oh, it's time for school. I must go. Goodbye, Grandma.G: Goodbye.Listen and say.Mom: Get up! Get up!Son: What's the time, Mum?Mom: It's seven fifty. You are late.Son: Oh, no.Son: Mom, it's not seven fifty. It's six fifty-five.Mum: Oh, yes. So let's have a big breakfast.Son: OK, Mum.ReadThe ball in the hole.It's four fifty. School is over. Li Ming and Wang Ying are walking home. On the way they see a boy. He is crying.“ What's wrong?” Li Ming asks.“ My ball is in that hole. I can't get it out.”“ Don't worry. Wee can help you. “They try to take the ball out, but the whole is too deep. They think and think, and then Li Ming has an idea. H e says, “we can use water.” They get some water and fill the hole with it. Then the ball comes up. Wang Ying gives the ball to the boy. The boy smiles and thanks them for their help.Lesson 8 What day is it today? Let’s talk(D=Dongdong, K=Kate)D: What day is it today?K: It’s Monday.D: What classes do you have this morning?K: We have Chinese, maths, English and art.K: Do you have English lessons on Wednesdays?D: No, we don’t.K: When do you have English?D: On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.K: Do you have PE on Fridays?D: No. We have PE on Tuesdays.Listen and say(B=Boy, G=Girl)B: Do you have the timetable?G: Yes, I do.B: I want to make a new timetable. Can you help me?G: Certainly.B: What classes do we have on Monday morning?G: We have maths, English, Chinese and computer class.B: (Says and writes) Maths, English, Chinese and computer class. OK. What about Monday afternoon.G: We have science and art.B: (Says and writes) Science and art. OK....ReadAn email to Eve.Eve is ill and she didn’t come to school today. Lulu is writing an email to her now.Dear Eve,I’m sorry to hear that you’re ill and can’t come to school.Let me tell you what we did today.Today we had six classes. We had maths, English, Chinese and art in the morning. We have anew maths teacher this term. Her name is Sarah Black. She is very nice. In English class we learned an American song Old Black Joe, and in Chinese class we studied a short story. We drew pictures in art class. I drew some flowers. The teacher said I did a good job.In the afternoon, we had two classes, science and PE. Science is a new subject. It’s very interesting. In PE class we played basketball.Hope to see you soon.LuluLesson 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve?(L=Lulu, T=Tom)L: What time is it?T: It’s twelve o’clock.L: Oh, it’s time for lunch.T: Yes, it is.L: Do you always have lunch at twelve?T: Yes, I do. What about you?L: I usually have lunch at eleven thirty. Sometimes I have lunch at twelve.T: What do you usually have for lunch?L: Rice, chicken and soup.Read, choose and sayA: I’m doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions?B: Oh, yes.A: (Are / Do) you from the USA?B: Yes, I (am/ do).A: What food (are/ do) you often have?B: We often have hamburgers.A: (Are/ Do) you usually drink tea?B: No we (aren’t / don’t). We usually drink coke.A: Thank you.B: You’re welcome.ReadIs he late?I usually get up at 6:30, but now it’s 8:00. It’s time for school. I’m late.I always do morning exercises at 7:10, but today I have no time.Mun always makes breakfast at 7:00, but she isn’t in the kitchen today. She isn’t in the bedroom. She isn’t in the toilet, either. Where is she?Dad always takes me to school at 8:00, but he isn’t at home now, so I have to run to school.“ What are you doing, Scott?”“ I’m going to school. I’m late.”“ Late? No, you’re early. It’s only 4:45.”“ Oh, I see. The clock in my room isn’t working.”Lesson 10 Does she always come before six thirty? Let’s talk(L=Lulu, D=Dongdong)L: Eve comes here every morning. But where is she today?D: I don’t know. Does she do morning exercises here every day?L: Yes, she does.D: Does she always come before six thirty.L: Yes, she does.D: What time is it now?L: It’s about seven. I’m afraid she isn’t feeling well today.D: Let’s go and see her, OK?L: OK. Let’s go.Listen and say(L= Li Bing, E=Eve)L: Hey, look at that boy. Who is he?E: He’s Jimmy. He’s new here.L: Does he come from the UK?E: No, he comes from the USA.L: Does he like sports?E: Yes, he does. He plays basketball very well.L: Let’s say hello to him.E: OK. Let’s go.ReadMiss Rabbit and Mr Fox.Mr Fox and his friends are playing in a forest. Suddenly they hear someone crying,”Help! Help!” It is Miss Rabbit. She is in a pit. She says to Mr Fox,”Hi, Mr Fox! Please help me.”Mr Fox says,”Oh, Miss Rabbit. Don’t worry. We will help you.”Mr Fox and his friends think and think. Then they have an idea. They get a lot of grass and throw the grass into the pit. Miss Rabbit stands on the grass and gets out soon. Mr Fox and his friends are very happy.“Thank you so much,” says Miss Rabbit.“That’s all right. We’re friends, and we should help each other,” Mr Fox says.Lesson 11 When do you usually get up?Let’s talk(L=Lulu, T=Tom)L: Hello, Tom!T: Hello, Lulu!L: You are very early.T: You too. When do you usually get up?L: I usually get up at seven.T: How do you usually go to school?L: I usually go to school by bike.T: Does Lingling go to school by bike, too?L: No, her home is not far from the school, so she always goes to school on foot.Listen and sayMom: Look! It’s Tom’s letter from the summer camp.Dad: How is he doing?Mom: He is very busy.Dad: Good! What time does he get up?Mom: He gets up at 5:30.Dad: Wow, so early!Mom: They play team sports, go hiking and do many other things. Dad: Sounds great! When do they go to bed?Mom: At 9:30.Dad: That's not too late.ReadIs Lily’s clock slow?Mr Brown lives in London. His daughter Lily works in New York. Mr Brown usually gets up at seven thirty. He usually has breakfast at eight and have lunch at twelve. It's twelve fifteen. Mr Brown is having lunch. The telephone rings. It’s Lily. Mr Brown is happy. He talks to her for a minute. Then he asks, “What are you doing now, Lily?” Lily says “I'm having breakfast.” “What you are having breakfast? D o you always get up so late?” “No. I always get up early.” “What time do you usually get up?” “I usually get up at seven.” “But it's lunch time now. Why are you still having breakfast?” “No, it's only seven twenty by my clock.” “Your clock is slow!” Is Lily's clock slow? No, her clock is right. When it is 7:00 in New York, it is 12:00 in London.Lesson 12 RevisionLet’s talk(Q=Qiqi, L=Lulu)Q: What day is it today?L: It's Friday.Q: What classes do you have this afternoon?L: We only have art and PE this afternoon. Classes are over at three thirty. Q: Great. What time is it now?L: It's one o'clock. It's time for class.Q: Let's go to the cinema after class, OK?L: OK.(M=Mary, Q=Qiqi)Q: Hi, Mary. You are very late. When do you get up everyday?M: I usually get up at 7:00.Q: What time does your mother get up?M: She usually gets up at 6:30. She cooks breakfast for me every day.Q: How do you usually go to school?M: I usually go to school on foot.ReadThe machines in our homes.Today we have many machines in our homes. Machines can do many things for us. This is a room in my home. Look! There is a fridge, a washing machine and many other machines in it. This is our sitting room. There is a TV, a DVD, a fan and a telephone in it. The TV is on the wall. It’s very thin, and it looks like a picture. This new telephone is my favorite machine. When I talk to my friend on it, I can see him. It's wonderful. This is my room. There is a computer in it. I often use it to send emails to my friends. What new machines do you want? My father wants a 4G mobile. My mother wants a machine to cook food. And I want a machine to help me do my homework.。
五年级下册知识点整理Unit 1 May I speak to Mary?一、重点词汇:speak 说,讲注意句子中的长元音/i:/afternoon 中午注意句子中的字母组合的发音/u:/job 工作(可数)work 不可数learn 学习(教授)study 学习(自学)重点短语:use your bike go home now ask you a question watch TV now二、重点句型1.May I speak to sb.? 我可以跟……说话吗?2.May I use your……?我可以用你的……吗?3.She is not in. 她不在家4.Can you ask her to call me this evening? 你能让她今天晚上给我打电话吗?5.What are you doing now? I am having lunch.你正在干什么? 我正在吃午饭。
6.What about=How about 你呢?7.Can I learn how to make it? ? 我能学怎样做它吗?8.Let’s me put some meat on it,OK? 让我放上面一些肉,好吗?9.You did a good job. 你做的很好三、重点语法1.情态动词can/may /must表示请求,委婉的态度,后面加动词原形2.现在进行时的用法Unit2 We mustn’t cross the street now?一、重点词汇:must 必须,后面加动词原形street 街道,注意ee字母组合answer 回答,答复cross 动词:穿过重点短语:answer the question 回答问题all right 好No left turn 不要左转left turn 左转no parking 禁止停车parking 停车No U-turn 不能转弯U-turn 转弯二、重点句型1.Are you going shopping?2.You mustn’t run in the street.3.You mustn’t cross the street here.4.You can cross the street there.5.I should give my seat to her.三、重点语法情态动词must的用法Must+动词原形......Unit3 How many pupils are there?一、重点词汇短语blackboard 黑板pupil 小学生paper 纸张hould 应该pick 捡起throw away 扔掉pick up捡起二、重点句型1. How many pupils are there in your class this term?2. There are/is 名词.3. w e have a new clock and we have some green plants.4. This make the streets and parks very dirty.5.Many of the things are useful.6.The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.三、重点语法1.there be句型2.数词的用法—基数词Unit4 Where do you live?一、重点词汇live 居住town 注意发音sick 病的注意ck的发音come from 来自be ready to 愿意做某事二、重点句型1.Where do you come from?2.Where do you live?3. Where are you from?4.Why are you crying?5.He is always ready to help others.6.They walked for along time.7.The farmer took our some money.Unit 5 What do you do?一、重点词汇easy 容易的kind 和蔼的choose选择which 哪一个manager 经理interesting 有趣的二、重点句型1.What do you do?2. Where do you work?3. Is your work interesting?4. Go and find your manager.5.Now Mr. Smith knows who to choose.Unit7 It’s seven thirty-five一、重点词汇breakfast 早餐Monday 周一fifty 50 way 路try 尝试Tuesday 周二Thursday 周四Wednesday 周三fill 填满on the way 在……路上二、重点句型1.What time is school over?2. What about Monday and Wednesday ?3. What time is it?4. It’s time for school.5. On the way they see a boy.6.They try to take the ball out.7. They get some water and fill the hole with it.8. The boy smiles and thanks them for their help.三、重点语法1.数词—基数词2.时间的表示方法和提问Unit8 What day is it today?一、重点词汇math 数学art 艺术PE 体育science 科学subject 学科when 当……的时候lesson 课hope 希望soon 不久二、重点句型1.What day is it today?2.What classes do you have this morning?3.When do you have English?4.We have Chinese and PE.5.I want to make a new timetable.6.Lulu is writing an email to her now.7.Let me tell you what we did today. 8.Hope to see you soon.三、重点语法1. 星期的说法2.关于科目的单词3.关于课程的询问Unit 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve?一、重点词汇rice soup exercise kitchen toilet early bedroom usually短语:have lunch 吃午饭get up 起床do morning exercise 做晨练二、重点句型1.What time is it?2. I have to run to school.3.What do you usually have for lunch?4.I always do morning exercises at 7:10.5. Do you always have lunch at twelve?6.The clock in my room isn’t working.三、重点语法1.时间的询问2.一般疑问句和特殊疑问句Unit10 Does she always come before six thirty?一、重点词汇Before afraid stand suddenly someone get out each other二、重点句型1.Where is she today?2. Does she always come before six thirty?3.I am afraid she isn’t feeling well today.4. Suddenly they hear someone crying.5.Then they have an idea.6. They get a lot of grass and throw the grass onto the pit.三、重点语法1.一般疑问句的单三形式2.动词短语的积累Unit11. When do you usually get up?一、重点词汇far minute by slow daughter telephone ring短语by bike on foot have breakfast for a minute二、重点句型1.When do you usually get up?2. How do you usually go to school?3. Her home is not far from the school.4.What time does Peter go to school?5.How is he going?6.When so they go to bed?7.He talks to her for a minutes.8. Why are you still having breakfast?三、重点语法问时间的特殊疑问句Unit12. Revison重点句型1.What day is it taday?2.What time is it?3.When do you usually get up?4.How do you usually go to school?5.The TV is on the wall.6.When I talk to my friend on it, I can see him.7.I often use it to send emails to my friends.8.I want a machine to help me so my homework.小学二(2)班班规一、安全方面1、每天课间不能追逐打闹。
答案解析: 1.( B )A town 2.( A )A ready 3.( C )A wife 4.( C )A out 5.( C )A ready
B slow B meat B kite B mouth B windy
C brown C speak C sick C young C yellow
Unit 4 Where do you live
科普版 五年级下
Lesson4: Vocabulary:词汇
town [taʊn] 名词,城镇 发音: ow发/aʊ/
ready [ˈredi] 形容词,准备好的 发音: ea发/e/
office [ˈɒfɪs] 名词,办公室 发音: o发/ɒ/
Lesson4: Vocabulary:词汇
______________________________ 3. Where do you come from?(根据实际回答)
______________________________ 4. Does Mr. Li come from Shanghai?(作否定回答)
一般现在时的疑问句:(含有实意动词的句子) 助动词: Do, Does 当主语是第一人称,第二人称或复数时,助动词选Do 当主语是第三人称单数时,助动词选Does. 一般疑问句: Do/Does+主语+do sth? 一般疑问句的答语: 肯定回答: Yes, 人称代词主格+do/does.
否定回答: No, 人称代词主格+don’t/ doesn’t. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 如:Where does Ms. Green come from? 特殊疑问句的答语:问什么,答什么:答语: She comes from the USA.
五年级下册英语教案Lesson 4 WHERE DO YOU LIVE 科普版(三起)教学内容本课为科普版五年级下册英语的第四课,主题围绕“WHERE DO YOU LIVE”,旨在帮助学生掌握询问和描述居住地点的基本句型,如"Where do you live?" "I live in"。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:使学生能够理解并运用关于居住地点的基本词汇和句型。
2. 过程与方法:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,提高学生的英语实际应用能力。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生对居住环境的认识,增强环保意识和社会责任感。
教学难点1. 学生对于住宅区类型的词汇掌握,如 "apartment", "villa", "townhouse" 等。
2. 句型 "Where do you live?" 的正确使用及其回答构造。
3. 描述居住地点时的语法准确性和句式多样性。
教具学具准备1. 多媒体课件:包括住宅区的图片、句型展示、互动游戏等。
2. 实物模型或图片:各种住宅区的模型或图片,如公寓、别墅、联排别墅等。
3. 教学卡片:写有英文词汇和句型的卡片,用于课堂练习和学生展示。
教学过程1. 导入利用图片或视频展示不同的住宅区,引导学生说出它们的中英文名称。
2. 新授介绍本课的主要词汇和句型,通过PPT或实物展示,让学生直观地理解每个单词的含义。
引导学生用 "Where do you live?" 来询问他人的居住地点,并学会回答。
3. 练习进行角色扮演活动,让学生在实际对话中运用所学知识。
4. 巩固通过多媒体课件中的游戏或练习,巩固学生对词汇和句型的掌握。
科普版-英语-五下-Lesson 4 WHERE DO YOU LIVE (2)
the UK
New York
where do youcome from? I come from China
Where do you live ? I live in Beijing
Where do you come from ? I come from the USA
Where do you live ? I live in New York
Where does he come from? He comes from the UK.
Where does he live? He lives in London.
3.Does Ms Wang know the story ?(作否
No , she
doesn't 。
4.Tom lives in a tall building .(改为
Does Tom live in a tall building ?
5. where do you come from ?(改为同义句句) Where are you from? 6.He comes from the USA .(改为同义句) He is from the USA?
Let's sing
1.Listen to record and sing the let's sing together . 2.Find the sentences which have the same meanings.
Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Let’s talk(K=Kate, R=Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R: Sorry, she’s not in. Who’s this?K: It’s Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes.K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number?K: Certainly, it’s 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Listen and say(T=Tom, D=Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking.T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now?D: I’m having lunch. What’s up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: What about three o’clock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.ReadMaking a pizzaMom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Let me put some meat on it, OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can.Mom, it’s done. May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job.Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now.Let’s talk(J=Jim, M=Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum?M: Yes.J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustn’t run in the street.J: OK.M: Look at the red light. We mustn’t cross the street now.J: OK.M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street.J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here.J: Oh, I see.Listen and say(G=Girl, B=Boy, W=Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes.G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: You’re welcome.ReadDon’t cross the street here.Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustn’t play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob answers.“Oh! You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there.”“Oh, yes.”“Don’t cross now. The light is red. We must wait.”“OK.”“Look! The light is green.”“We can cross now.”“Yes. Let’s go.”Lesson 3 How many pupils are there?Let’s talk(K=Kate, D=Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: I’m making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term.K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, We have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, that’s a big class.ReadDoing a good job.Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldn't throw them away. It’s Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things. Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin. How much paper is there? About half a kilo. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.Let's talk(B=Boy, M=Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you live?M: I live in New York.B: Where do Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too.B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesn't. She lives in Washington.Listen and say.(P=policeman, L=Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I can't find my mum.P: Oh, don't worry. I can help you. What's your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four.P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building.P: OK. Do you know your mother's phone number?L: Yes, it's 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother.L: Thank you.Read for fun.A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others.One day a farmer came to his office.“ My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?”“ Where do you live?” asked Liu Jun.“ I live in a small village. ““ OK. Let's go at once. “They walked for a long time and got to the village very late.Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine.The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didn't take it.The farmer thanked him, but Liu Jun said,” It's my pleasure. I'm happy to help others.”Let's talk(G=Girl, F=Farmer)G: What do you do?F: I'm a farmer.G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm.G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isn't.(G=Girl, P=Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P: Yes, I am.G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much.Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello!A: Where do you come from?B: I come from the UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do.A: What do you do?B: I'm a doctor.A: That's a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital.A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. It's beautiful, and people here are very nice.ReadWhich girl can get the job?Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want to get this job. Mr Smith doesn’t know who to choose. Then he has an idea.“ Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?” “ No, he isn't.”“What do you do?” “ I'm a cleaner.““ Go and find your manager.“ “ OK. But can you help me clean the room?” “ No. It's not my job.I can't help you.““ Let me help you.” “ Thank you. You are so kind.““ Hello. Yes, this is Mr Smith.“ “ You are Mr Smith?” “ Yes.““ What do you do?” “I'm the manager.“Now Mr Smith knows who to choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Lesson 6 Revision Let's talk(D=Dongdong, M=Mum)D: Mom, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustn’t play football in the street. D: OK.(Q=Qiqi, W=Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do.Q: What do you do?W: I'm a doctor.Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping hospital.Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital.W: There are thirty-four.。
教学设计:五年级下册英语Lesson 4 WHERE DO YOU LIVE 科普三起教学内容:本课为五年级下册英语第四课,主题为“WHERE DO YOU LIVE”,通过学习本课,学生将掌握如何询问和回答关于居住地点的问题。
教学内容包括:认识新词汇,如“live, street, city, village”等;学习基本句型“Where do you live? I live in a ”;通过听力练习,理解对话内容;通过口语练习,提高交际能力。
教学目标:1. 让学生掌握关于居住地点的词汇和基本句型。
2. 培养学生的听力理解能力和口语表达能力。
3. 提高学生的交际能力,能够运用所学知识进行实际交流。
教学难点:1. 新词汇的掌握和应用。
2. 基本句型的运用和口语表达。
3. 对话内容的理解和听力技巧的培养。
教具学具准备:1. 教材、教案、PPT课件。
2. 录音机、磁带、音箱。
3. 学生练习册、笔记本、文具。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过图片或视频展示不同居住环境,引发学生兴趣,导入新课。
2. 新课内容学习:学习新词汇和基本句型,讲解语法和用法,通过例句进行示范。
3. 听力练习:播放录音,让学生听懂对话内容,并回答相关问题。
4. 口语练习:分组进行对话练习,让学生运用所学知识进行实际交流。
6. 作业布置:布置相关练习,让学生巩固所学知识。
板书设计:1. WHERE DO YOU LIVE2. 新词汇:live, street, city, village等。
3. 基本句型:Where do you live? I live in a作业设计:1. 完成练习册相关练习。
2. 写一篇关于自己居住地点的短文。
3. 与同学进行口语交流,询问和回答关于居住地点的问题。
Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Let’s talk(K=Kate, R=Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R: Sorry, she’s not in. Who’s this?K: It’s Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes.K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number?K: Certainly, it’s 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Listen and say(T=Tom, D=Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking.T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now?D: I’m having lunch. What’s up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: What about three o’clock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.ReadMaking a pizzaMom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Let me put some meat on it, OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can.Mom, it’s done. May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job.Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now. Let’s talk(J=Jim, M=Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum?M: Yes.J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustn’t run in the street.J: OK.M: Look at the red light. We mustn’t cross the street now.J: OK.M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street.J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here.J: Oh, I see.Listen and say(G=Girl, B=Boy, W=Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes.G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: You’re welcome.ReadDon’t cross the street here.Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustn’t play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,”Bob answers.“Oh! You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there.”“Oh, yes.”“Don’t cross now. The light is red. We must wait.”“OK.”“Look! The light is green.”“We can cross now.”“Yes. Let’s go.”Lesson 3 How many pupils are there? Let’s talk(K=Kate, D=Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: I’m making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term.K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, We have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, that’s a big class.ReadDoing a good job.Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldn't throw them away. It’s Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things. Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin. How much paper is there? About half a kilo. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.Lesson 4 Where do you live? Let's talk(B=Boy, M=Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you live?M: I live in New York.B: Where do Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too.B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesn't. She lives in Washington.Listen and say.(P=policeman, L=Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I can't find my mum.P: Oh, don't worry. I can help you. What's your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four.P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building.P: OK. Do you know your mother's phone number?L: Yes, it's 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother.L: Thank you.Read for fun.A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others.One day a farmer came to his office.“ My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?”“ Where do you live?” asked Liu Jun.“ I live in a small village. ““ OK. Let's go at once. “They walked for a long time and got to the village very late.Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine.The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didn't take it.The farmer thanked him, but Liu Jun said,” It's my pleasure. I'm happy to help others.”Lesson 5 What do you do? Let's talk(G=Girl, F=Farmer)G: What do you do?F: I'm a farmer.G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm.G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isn't.(G=Girl, P=Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P: Yes, I am.G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much.Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello!A: Where do you come from?B: I come from the UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do.A: What do you do?B: I'm a doctor.A: That's a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital.A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. It's beautiful, and people here are very nice.ReadWhich girl can get the job?Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want to get this job. Mr Smith doesn’t know who to choose. Then he has an idea.“ Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?”“ No, he isn't.”“What do you do?”“ I'm a cleaner.““ Go and find your manager.““ OK. But can you help me clean the room?”“ No. It's not my job. I can't help you.““ Let me help you.”“Thank you. You are so kind.““ Hello. Y es, this is Mr Smith.““ You are Mr Smith?”“ Yes.““ What do you do?”“I'm the manager.“Now Mr Smith knows who to choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Lesson 6 Revision Let's talk(D=Dongdong, M=Mum)D: Mom, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustn’t play football in the street. D: OK.(Q=Qiqi, W=Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do.Q: What do you do?W: I'm a doctor.Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping hospital.Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital.W: There are thirty-four.Lesson7 It's seven thirty-five. Let’s talk(T=Tom, G=Grandma)G: Tom, breakfast is ready. Please sit down.T: Thank you Grandma.G: What time is school over?T: School is over at three forty on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.G: What about Monday and Wednesday?T: School is over at four thirty on Monday and at two fifty on Wednesday. G: OK, I see.T: What time is it, Grandma?G: It's seven thirty-five.T: Oh, it's time for school. I must go. Goodbye, Grandma.G: Goodbye.Listen and say.Mom: Get up! Get up!Son: What's the time, Mum?Mom: It's seven fifty. You are late.Son: Oh, no.Son: Mom, it's not seven fifty. It's six fifty-five.Mum: Oh, yes. So let's have a big breakfast.Son: OK, Mum.ReadThe ball in the hole.It's four fifty. School is over. Li Ming and Wang Ying are walking home. On the way they see a boy. He is crying.“ What's wrong?” Li Ming asks.“ My ball is in that hole. I can't get it out.”“ Don't worry. Wee can help you. “They try to take the ball out, but the whole is too deep. They think and think, and then Li Ming has an idea. H e says, “we can use water.” They get some water and fill the hole with it. Then the ball comes up. Wang Ying gives the ball to the boy. The boy smiles and thanks them for their help.Lesson 8 What day is it today?Let’s talk(D=Dongdong, K=Kate)D: What day is it today?K: It’s Monday.D: What classes do you have this morning?K: We have Chinese, maths, English and art.K: Do you have English lessons on Wednesdays?D: No, we don’t.K: When do you have English?D: On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.K: Do you have PE on Fridays?D: No. We have PE on Tuesdays.Listen and say(B=Boy, G=Girl)B: Do you have the timetable?G: Yes, I do.B: I want to make a new timetable. Can you help me?G: Certainly.B: What classes do we have on Monday morning?G: We have maths, English, Chinese and computer class.B: (Says and writes) Maths, English, Chinese and computer class. OK. What about Monday afternoon.G: We have science and art.B: (Says and writes) Science and art. OK....ReadAn email to Eve.Eve is ill and she didn’t come to school today. Lulu is writing an email to her now.Dear Eve,I’m sorry to hear that you’re ill and can’t come to school.Let me tell you what we did today.Today we had six classes. We had maths, English, Chinese and art in the morning. We have a new maths teacher this term. Her name is Sarah Black. She is very nice. In English class we learned an American song Old Black Joe, and in Chinese class we studied a short story. We drew pictures in art class. I drew some flowers. The teacher said I did a good job.In the afternoon, we had two classes, science and PE. Science is a new subject. It’s very interesting. In PE class we played basketball.Hope to see you soon.LuluLesson 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve?(L=Lulu, T=Tom)L: What time is it?T: It’s twelve o’clock.L: Oh, it’s time for lunch.T: Yes, it is.L: Do you always have lunch at twelve?T: Yes, I do. What about you?L: I usually have lunch at eleven thirty. Sometimes I have lunch at twelve.T: What do you usually have for lunch?L: Rice, chicken and soup.Read, choose and sayA: I’m doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions?B: Oh, yes.A: (Are / Do) you from the USA?B: Yes, I (am/ do).A: What food (are/ do) you often have?B: We often have hamburgers.A: (Are/ Do) you usually drink tea?B: No we (aren’t / don’t). We usually drink coke.A: Thank you.B: You’re welcome.ReadIs he late?I usually get up at 6:30, but now it’s 8:00. It’s time for school. I’m late.I always do morning exercises at 7:10, but today I have no time.Mun always makes breakfast at 7:00, but she isn’t in the kitchen today. She isn’t in the bedroom. She isn’t in the toilet, either. Where is she?Dad always takes me to school at 8:00, but he isn’t at home now, so I have to run to school.“ What are you doing, Scott?”“ I’m going to school. I’m late.”“ Late? No, you’re early. It’s only 4:45.”“ Oh, I see. The clock in my room isn’t working.”Lesson 10 Does she always come before six thirty? Let’s talk(L=Lulu, D=Dongdong)L: Eve comes here every morning. But where is she today?D: I don’t know. Does she do morning exercises here every day?L: Yes, she does.D: Does she always come before six thirty.L: Yes, she does.D: What time is it now?L: It’s about seven. I’m afraid she isn’t feeling well today.D: Let’s go and see her, OK?L: OK. Let’s go.Listen and say(L= Li Bing, E=Eve)L: Hey, look at that boy. Who is he?E: He’s Jimmy. He’s new here.L: Does he come from the UK?E: No, he comes from the USA.L: Does he like sports?E: Yes, he does. He plays basketball very well.L: Let’s say hello to him.E: OK. Let’s go.ReadMiss Rabbit and Mr Fox.Mr Fox and his friends are playing in a forest. Suddenly they hear someone crying,”Help! Help!”It is Miss Rabbit. She is in a pit. She says to Mr Fox,”Hi, Mr Fox! Please help me.”Mr Fox says,”Oh, Miss Rabbit. Don’t worry. We will help you.”Mr Fox and his friends think and think. Then they have an idea. They get a lot of grass and throw the grass into the pit. Miss Rabbit stands on the grass and gets out soon. Mr Fox and his friends are very happy.“Thank you so much,” says Miss Rabbit.“That’s all right. We’re friends, and we should help each other,” Mr Fox says.Lesson 11 When do you usually get up?Let’s talk(L=Lulu, T=Tom)L: Hello, Tom!T: Hello, Lulu!L: You are very early.T: You too. When do you usually get up?L: I usually get up at seven.T: How do you usually go to school?L: I usually go to school by bike.T: Does Lingling go to school by bike, too?L: No, her home is not far from the school, so she always goes to school on foot.Listen and sayMom: Look! It’s Tom’s letter from the summer camp.Dad: How is he doing?Mom: He is very busy.Dad: Good! What time does he get up?Mom: He gets up at 5:30.Dad: Wow, so early!Mom: They play team sports, go hiking and do many other things.Dad: Sounds great! When do they go to bed?Mom: At 9:30.Dad: That's not too late.ReadIs Lily’s clock slow?Mr Brown lives in London. His daughter Lily works in New York. Mr Brown usually gets up at seven thirty. He usually has breakfast at eight and have lunch at twelve. It's twelve fifteen. Mr Brown is having lunch. The telephone rings. It’s Lily. Mr Brown is happy. He talks to her for a minute. Then he asks, “What are you doing now, Lily?” Lily says “I'm having breakfast.” “What you are having breakfast? D o you always get up so late?” “No. I always get up early.” “What time do you usually get up?” “I usually get up at seven.” “But it's lunch time now. Why are you still having breakfast?” “No, it's only seven twenty by my clock.” “Your clock is slow!” Is Lily's clock slow? No, her clock is right. When it is 7:00 in New York, it is 12:00 in London.Lesson 12 RevisionLet’s talk(Q=Qiqi, L=Lulu)Q: What day is it today?L: It's Friday.Q: What classes do you have this afternoon?L: We only have art and PE this afternoon. Classes are over at three thirty.Q: Great. What time is it now?L: It's one o'clock. It's time for class.Q: Let's go to the cinema after class, OK?L: OK.(M=Mary, Q=Qiqi)Q: Hi, Mary. You are very late. When do you get up everyday?M: I usually get up at 7:00.Q: What time does your mother get up?M: She usually gets up at 6:30. She cooks breakfast for me every day.Q: How do you usually go to school?M: I usually go to school on foot.ReadThe machines in our homes.Today we have many machines in our homes. Machines can do many things for us. This is a room in my home. Look! There is a fridge, a washing machine and many other machines in it. This is our sitting room. There is a TV, a DVD, a fan and a telephone in it. The TV is on the wall. It’s very thin, and it looks like a picture. This new telephone is my favorite machine. When I talk to my friend on it,I can see him. It's wonderful. This is my room. There is a computer in it. I often use it to send emails to my friends. What new machines do you want? My father wants a 4G mobile. My mother wants a machine to cook food. And I want a machine to help me do my homework.本文档部分内容来源于网络,如有内容侵权请告知删除,感谢您的配合!。
科普版英语五年级下册:Lesson4 There is a horse under thetree 教案设计教学内容:本课为科普版英语五年级下册Lesson4,主题为"There is a horse under the tree",主要围绕此句型展开,通过图片、故事、游戏等多种形式,让学生掌握此句型的用法,并能够灵活运用到实际情景中。
教学目标:1. 知识与技能:学生能够理解并正确使用句型"There is a horse under the tree",并能够用此句型描述图片或实际场景中的物体位置。
2. 过程与方法:通过图片展示、故事讲解、游戏互动等方式,让学生在实际语境中学习并运用句型。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
教学难点:1. 学生对"There is"句型的掌握。
2. 学生对物体位置描述的准确性。
教具学具准备:1. 教具:PPT、图片、故事书、游戏卡片等。
2. 学具:学生用书、练习册、彩笔等。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过展示一张图片,引导学生观察并描述图片中的物体位置,引出主题"There is a horse under the tree"。
2. 新课内容:通过PPT展示句型"There is a horse under the tree"的用法,并结合图片、故事、游戏等多种形式,让学生在实际语境中学习并运用句型。
3. 练习:通过练习册、游戏卡片等方式,让学生进行句型练习,巩固所学内容。
4. 应用:通过让学生自己描述图片或实际场景中的物体位置,检验学生对句型的掌握程度。
板书设计:1. 板书Lesson4 There is a horse under the tree2. 板书内容:句型"There is a horse under the tree"的用法及例句。
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科学普及出版社英语五年级下册Lesson 4 Where do you live部分内容。
1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。
需要掌握的词组:live, China, Beijing, the UK, London, Russia, Moscow, France, Paris, town, ready, office, wife, sick, medicine, out
2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express)。
Where do you come from?
Where do you live?
3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。
4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interest in English learning)。
5.增强学生听说读写译的能力(To strengthen the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)。
教学重点(Key Points):
Step1. Greeting
Warm-up Question
Do you know where is the USA ?
Do you know where is Beijing?
Do you know where is ….
1.Words Learning!
2)教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT 上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词。
2. Pronunciation Part!
Excuse me. Where do you come from?
I come from the USA.
Where do you live?
I live in New York.
Where does Ms. Green come from?
She comes from the USA, too.
Does she live in New York, too?
No, she doesn’t. She lives in Washington. Vocabulary Part!
the UK
4. Listening Part!
Listen to the interview and complete Steve's schedule.
Listen to the interview again. Circle the letters on the survey. ...
5. Reading Part!
Listen to the tape, and read aloud these sentences!