





二、问题分析1. 词汇匮乏许多学生在写作时遇到困难,主要是因为他们词汇量有限。


2. 句子结构和语法错误很多学生在句子结构和语法上犯了许多错误。


3. 表达能力有限许多学生虽然可以使用正确的词汇和句子结构来写作文,但却无法准确地表达自己想要传达的信息。


三、解决办法1. 扩大词汇量学生可以通过多读书、背单词等方式来扩大自己的词汇量。


2. 注重语法训练老师可以通过讲解和练习来澄清常见的英语语法错误,鼓励学生在写作中积极运用所学到的语法知识。


3. 培养表达能力为了培养学生的表达能力,教师可以组织一些口头表达活动,如辩论或演讲比赛。


四、落实教育场景1. 提供书面反馈教师应在批改作文时给予详细的反馈和建议。


2. 提供写作范文教师可以收集一些优秀的作文范本,并在课堂上向学生展示。


3. 鼓励写作实践学校应该提供更多的机会让学生进行写作实践,如课堂笔记、日记、作文比赛等。






我曾战胜过困难英语作文八年级English: I have overcome difficulties before, such as when I was struggling with learning English in middle school. At first, I found it challenging to understand the grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation. However, I didn't give up and sought help from teachers, friends, and online resources. I practiced reading, writing, speaking, and listening every day, pushing myself out of my comfort zone to improve. Over time, I gradually saw progress in my language skills and felt more confident in using English. Through hard work and dedication, I was able to overcome the obstacles and succeed in mastering English.中文翻译: 我曾在中学时期克服过困难,例如我在努力学习英语时遇到的困难。











一、消除畏惧心理,培养学习兴趣1. 树立学习目标,明确学习意义。



2. 改变学习态度,积极主动参与。


3. 建立自信心,战胜畏惧心理。



4. 营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。


二、掌握学习方法,提升学习效率1. 夯实基础,注重听说读写训练。


2. 善用工具,提高学习效果。



3. 多动笔,勤加练习。


4. 寻求帮助,及时解决问题。


三、突破学习瓶颈,实现突破性进步1. 加强阅读理解训练,提升语言理解能力。


2. 多说多练,提升英语口语表达能力。











如果没有丰富的词汇与句式,在写作文时,要用英语来表达清楚自己的思想是根本不可能的,俗话说“万丈高楼从地起,没有土哪能筑起墙!”所以要想让学生的英语作文有话可说,就必须抓住词汇及句式不放,作为教师:一是要有针对性地对词汇与句式进行灵活讲解,尽量让学生能举一反三,恰当运用,例如:我在教学 chang 这一单词时,就让学生记住chang 的常用句式:great changes have happened to somebody or in someplace. or something havechanged. etc;二是要时常对学生词汇与句式的记忆程度跟踪监督,例如对词汇、句式的抽写与默写;三是注意词汇与句式教学的趣味性,激起学生想学、想记的欲望,从而改变让学生死记硬背词汇与句式的习惯。






讲述一次克服困难的经历初中英语作文(中英文实用版)Title: Overcoming a ChallengeDuring my middle school years, I faced a major challenge that tested my determination and resilience.It was the annual school sports competition, and I was chosen to represent our class in the 100-meter sprint.Although I had never considered myself a strong runner, I accepted the responsibility with great enthusiasm.Training for the race was not an easy task.I had to wake up early every morning and run laps around the school track.Sometimes, my legs felt like jelly, and my lungs felt like they were on fire.I wanted to quit many times, but I reminded myself of the importance of perseverance.One day, during a particularly grueling training session, I twisted my ankle and fell to the ground.The pain was excruciating, and I thought I couldn't continue.However, my classmate and friend, Li Wei, picked me up and encouraged me to keep going.He said, 'Don't give up, you can do this!' His words resonated deeply with me, and I decided to push through the pain.With Li Wei's support, I continued my training.I gradually regained my strength, and my ankle healed.The day of the competition finally arrived, and I felt a mix of excitement and nerves.As I stood at the starting line, I remembered the countless hours of training and theencouragement from my friends.The starting gun went off, and I gave it my all.I pushed my body to the limit and crossed the finish line in a respectable time.Although I didn't win the race, I felt a sense of victory.I had overcome my fear, persevered through difficult times, and proven to myself that I could rise above a challenge.This experience taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the support of friends.I realized that obstacles in life are opportunities for growth and learning.From then on, I approach every challenge with a positive mindset, knowing that with determination and support, I can overcome anything.。





















困 境

兴趣 。 第二 , 阅读能够增加学生的识词量 , 词义有更 深的理 解 , 同时能够掌握词汇 的
语底子又比较 薄弱 , 大 多数学生会大声 回
并且在特 定语 境下学习英语 单词 , 能够对 答“ Y e s ! W h a t a b o u t y o u ?” 来和老师互动 ,
w i t h +名词固定搭配。该环节 的根本 目的 是让学生学习英语的思绪飞出课堂 ,让学 生掌握词的正确 用法, 从而拓宽写作思路。
3 . 组织课外 阅读分享会。
之,学生学情和教 师教学方法两者相互作 用, 导致 了学生陷入英语写作困境。 二、 “ 以读促 写” 在初 中英语写作教学

初 中英 语 写 作 教 学 的 现 状
生学 习的主观 能动性 ,从而有 利于 学生 注意 力高度集 中, 课 堂对话 对于学生记忆
2 . 】 哿 教材 R e a d i n g 教学环节延伸到课 除上 述 过 程 外 ,还 可 以将 句 子 “ I
英语 写作是 初 中英语 考试 的一个 重 学 习效果的增强 。老 师教授学 生写作 知 来说是非常有效的。 要考试项 目之一 , 英语 写作也 是学 生学 习 识, 犹如给 植物 叶面浇水 , 而学 生通过 大 于 中学生英语写作 能力的培养 , 有相 关的 水 。第四 , 用该方 法进行教 学 , 能够调 制
自主学 习性增 强 ,教 师的教学 主要 内容 p a r e n t s . ” 中的 M o u n t H u a n g和 m y p a r e n t 生提供阅读 素材 ,如 何指 导学生欣 赏阅 来 , 依次造 句。 在这个教学环节 当中 , 将阅读 中的名 词替换 出来 ,其 目的是扩 大学生 的词汇 词, 这 无疑会增 大难度 , 但 是教学过 程仍 英语写作技能并行 。


关键词 : 初 中英语 ; 写作 ; 阅读 中图分类号 : G 6 3 文献标识码 : A 文章 编号 : 1 6 7 3 — 9 1 3 2 ( 2 0 1 7) 3 4 — 0 1 3 3 — 0 2

D O I : 1 0 . 1 6 6 5 7 / j . c n k i . i s s n 1 6 7 3 — 9 1 3 2 . 2 0 1 7 . 3 4 . 0 8 0
这次 “ 微型英语写作 ” 的旗开得 胜 , 接下 来的 国庆节 、 中秋节 、
级错误 。语 篇和修辞层面的写作技 巧对 于学生来讲则是难上 加难 , 他们往往想到哪儿写N ̄ UL I , 内容缺乏条理 , 结构松散 ,
思路不清 。 最后是母语思维方式 的干扰。在写作时学生经常用汉语
二、 初 中 英语 写作 难 点 化 解 策 略

初 中英语写作难点及其成因分析
初 中生在英语写作方面存 在的困难 主要表现在 以下三个 方面 。首先是心理上惧怕写作 。随着英语考试 中书面表达分 值 的提高 ,词汇量的加大 ,对学生 提出的写作要求也越来越 高, 给学 生在 心理上造成 了很大 的压力 , 从而对英语写作产生 恐惧心理 , 由此使学生对英语写作缺乏兴趣 , 即使平时 的写作
语法是初 中英语写作的难点之一 ,可通 过由浅人深 的方 式逐步化解这一写作难点。在学生“ 听、 说、 读” 三个基本功掌 握 的前提下 , 应该制定翔实 的写作计划 , 明确短期 的任务 。初

教师是教学 活动的主导者 ,上述 问题 的产生跟英语教师 的教学方法有很 大关 系。第一 , 写作教学没有受 到足够重视 。
训练也是敷衍了事。没有 持之 以恒 的系统训练 ,到 中考时只 想突击 , 难 以达到很好 的效果 。



走出去英文作文初中英文:As a Chinese student, I believe that going abroad is an important step in our lives. It not only broadens our horizons, but also provides us with more opportunities to learn and grow.Firstly, studying abroad allows us to experience different cultures and ways of life. For example, when I studied in the United States, I was able to learn about American culture firsthand. I made friends with people from different backgrounds, tried new foods, and visited famous landmarks. These experiences helped me to appreciate the diversity of the world and expand my worldview.Secondly, studying abroad also provides us with better academic and career opportunities. For instance, studyingin a foreign country can help us to improve our language skills and gain a deeper understanding of differentsubjects. This can be especially valuable when applying for jobs or pursuing further education.Overall, I believe that going abroad is a great way to challenge ourselves and grow as individuals. By steppingout of our comfort zones and embracing new experiences, we can become more confident, independent, and open-minded.中文:作为一名中国学生,我相信出国留学是我们人生中重要的一步。



走出困境的英文作文英文:Facing difficulties and challenges is a common experience in life. When we encounter setbacks or obstacles, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck. However,there are ways to overcome these challenges and move forward.One approach is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help us to focus onspecific areas that need attention and make progresstowards a solution. For example, if we are struggling witha difficult project at work, we can break it down into smaller tasks and set achievable goals for each one.Another strategy is to seek support from others. This can include talking to friends or family members, seeking advice from a mentor or coach, or joining a support group. By sharing our struggles with others, we can gain newperspectives and insights that can help us to find a way forward.Finally, it is important to stay positive and maintaina growth mindset. Instead of seeing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, we can view them as opportunities for growth and learning. By embracing a positive attitude and staying focused on our goals, we can overcome even the toughest of challenges.中文:面对困难和挑战是生活中的常见经历。



走出困境人物介绍英文作文英文:I have been in a difficult situation before, where I felt stuck and hopeless. It was a time when I had lost my job and was struggling to find a new one. I had billspiling up and no way to pay them. I felt like I was drowning in my problems.But I didn't give up. I started looking for ways to improve my situation. I reached out to friends and family for support and advice. I also started networking and applying for jobs every day. It wasn't easy, but I kept pushing forward.Eventually, I landed a new job that paid better than my previous one. I was able to pay off my bills and start saving money again. Looking back, I realize that mydifficult situation helped me grow and become stronger. It taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience.中文:我曾经处于困境之中,感觉自己陷入了僵局,无法挣脱。




如何从困境中走出来的英语作文English: When faced with adversity, it is important to remember that challenges are a natural part of life and can often lead to personal growth and development. To overcome a difficult situation, it is crucial to first acknowledge and accept the reality of the circumstances. By facing the situation head-on and not shying away from the challenges, one can start to develop a plan of action. It is also important to seek support from friends, family, or a professional counselor to provide guidance, encouragement, and perspective. Additionally, practicing self-care through mindfulness techniques, exercise, and healthy habits can help maintain a positive mindset and emotional well-being during tough times. By taking proactive steps, staying resilient, and maintaining a positive attitude, it is possible to navigate through adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.中文翻译: 当面对逆境时,重要的是要记住挑战是生活中自然的一部分,通常会导致个人成长和发展。



初中的解压的英文作文Stress is a common problem among middle school students. The pressure to perform well academically, socially, and athletically can be overwhelming. However, there are many ways to relieve stress and maintain a healthy balance in life.One effective way to decompress is through physical exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals that make you feel good. Activities like running, swimming, or playing sports can help you forget about your worries and focus on the present moment. Additionally, exercise can improve your physical health, which can inturn boost your mental health.Another way to relieve stress is through creative expression. Writing, painting, or playing music can be a great way to channel your emotions and express yourself ina healthy way. Creative activities can also help you relax and clear your mind.Spending time with friends and family can also be a great stress-reliever. Talking to someone you trust about your problems can help you gain perspective and feel supported. Additionally, spending time with loved ones can help you feel connected and valued.Lastly, it’s important to take breaks and practiceself-care. This can include taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or simply taking a nap. Taking care of yourself can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle your responsibilities.In conclusion, stress is a common problem among middle school students, but there are many ways to relieve it. Physical exercise, creative expression, spending time with loved ones, and practicing self-care are all effective ways to decompress and maintain a healthy balance in life. By prioritizing your mental health, you can thrive academically, socially, and athletically.。



我克服了困难的英语作文As a student who has faced numerous obstacles in my journey to master English, I can now look back with a sense of accomplishment and share my story of overcoming thedifficulties I encountered along the way.The first and most daunting challenge was the sheer volume of vocabulary. English, with its rich lexicon and countless idioms, seemed overwhelming at first. I tackled this by creating flashcards and using spaced repetition techniques. Gradually, my vocabulary expanded, and I became more confident in expressing myself.Pronunciation was another hurdle. English phonetics are quite distinct from my native language, and I struggled withcertain sounds. I overcame this by listening to native speakers, watching English movies, and practicing with a mirror to correct my mouth movements.Grammar was a persistent challenge. The rules of English grammar are complex and sometimes counterintuitive. I found solace in grammar books and online resources, which provided clear explanations and plenty of exercises. Daily practice and writing exercises helped me internalize the rules.Cultural nuances were subtle but significant barriers. English is not just a language; it's a window into a diverse culture. I immersed myself in English literature, music, andsocial media to better understand the cultural context of the language.Lastly, the fear of making mistakes was a psychological barrier for me. I overcame this by accepting that errors are a natural part of the learning process. I joined language exchange groups and started speaking English regularly, which helped me gain the courage to use the language without fear.In conclusion, the path to mastering English was filled with challenges, but with perseverance, the right strategies, and a willingness to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, I was able to overcome them. Today, I am a more fluent and confident English speaker, ready to take on new linguistic adventures.。



逃离厌倦的作文英语Escaping Boredom。

Boredom is a common feeling that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can be caused by a lack of stimulation, repetitive tasks, or simply feeling uninterested in the things around us. However, it is important to find ways to escape boredom and inject some excitement into our lives. In this essay, I will explore the various ways in which we can escape boredom and find fulfillment in our daily lives.One of the most effective ways to escape boredom is to engage in new and exciting activities. This could be anything from trying out a new hobby, learning a new skill, or exploring a new place. By stepping out of our comfort zones and trying something new, we can reignite our passion and enthusiasm for life. For example, I recently took up painting as a hobby and found that it not only helped me escape boredom, but also provided me with a creative outletto express myself.Another way to escape boredom is to surround ourselves with positive and inspiring people. Spending time with friends and family who share our interests and passions can help lift our spirits and bring joy into our lives. Additionally, seeking out new friendships and connections can introduce us to new experiences and perspectives, helping to break the monotony of our daily routines.Furthermore, taking care of our physical and mentalwell-being is crucial in combating boredom. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate rest are essentialfor maintaining a positive outlook and keeping our mindsand bodies active. Engaging in mindfulness practices suchas meditation and yoga can also help us stay present and focused, reducing the likelihood of succumbing to boredom.In addition, finding purpose and meaning in our daily activities can help us escape boredom. Whether it's through volunteering, pursuing a career that aligns with our values, or setting personal goals, having a sense of purpose cangive us a reason to get out of bed each day and make the most of our time. For example, I found that volunteering at a local animal shelter not only gave me a sense of fulfillment, but also allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and make a positive impact in my community.Lastly, embracing change and seeking out new experiences can help us break free from the monotony of everyday life. Whether it's traveling to a new destination, trying out a new cuisine, or taking on new challenges, stepping outside of our comfort zones can bring excitement and adventure into our lives. By embracing change and being open to new opportunities, we can keep boredom at bay and live life to the fullest.In conclusion, boredom is a natural part of the human experience, but it doesn't have to define our lives. By engaging in new activities, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, taking care of our well-being, finding purpose, and embracing change, we can escape boredom and find fulfillment in our daily lives. It is important toremember that life is full of opportunities for growth and excitement, and it is up to us to seize them and make the most of our time.。




》【中英文实用版】Title: Overcoming a ChallengeDuring my middle school years, I faced a significant challenge that tested my determination and resilience.It was the annual school sports day, and I had signed up for the 100-meter sprint.Being naturally athletic, I was confident in my abilities.However, little did I know that this event would become a battle of mental and physical strength.As the day of the race approached, I began to experience a series of setbacks.First, I injured my ankle during a practice session, which limited my training.Despite the pain, I continued to push myself, determined to overcome the injury.Then, a few days before the race, I contracted a severe cold, leaving me weak and unable to focus.The situation looked grim, and doubts started to creep into my mind.I questioned whether I could even participate in the race, let alone win it.However, I refused to give up.I knew that quitting was not an option.I had worked too hard and come too far to let an injury and a cold derail my efforts.I decided to adopt a positive mindset and leverage the support around me.I consulted my coach, who provided me with valuable tips to manage the pain and improve my performance.My family and friends offered encouragement, reminding me of my strengths and the progress I had made.On the day of the race, I arrived at the track with a renewed sense of determination.The atmosphere was electric, and the competitors seemed equally fired up.As I stood at the starting line, I took a deep breath and focused on my goal - crossing the finish line victoriously.The signal to start echoed through the stadium, and we were off.The initial acceleration was painful, but I refused to let it discourage me.I pushed through the pain and found my stride.With each step, I grew stronger, drawing energy from the crowd's cheers and the encouraging words of my friends and family.As the final stretch approached, I could feel my competitors gaining momentum.However, I refused to give in.I dug deep, drawing on my reserves of strength and determination.With a final surge, I crossed the finish line, securing a respectable position.Reflecting on the experience, I realized that overcoming this challenge had taught me valuable lessons.It had shown me the importance of perseverance, resilience, and the power of support.I learned that obstacles may arise, but it is how we respond to them that defines our character and determines our success.In conclusion, facing and overcoming challenges is an essential part of growth and personal development.My experience in the 100-meter sprint not only tested my physical abilities but also honed my mental strength.It taught me that with determination, perseverance, and support,we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.。



走出困境作文500字英文回答:When facing adversity, it is crucial to remember that you are not alone. People around you care about you and want to help. Whether it is a friend, family member, or therapist, there is always someone willing to lend a listening ear and offer support.It is also important to be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time, and there will be setbacks along the way. Do not get discouraged or give up on yourself. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.Remember that you are stronger than you think. You have the inner strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way. Believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams.中文回答:困境是人生中不可避免的一部分。












走出迷茫作文英文回答:It's not uncommon to feel lost and confused at some point in our lives. It's easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life and lose sight of our goals and passions. However, it's important to remember that we have the power to overcome these feelings and find our way back on track.One way to start is by taking a step back and assessing the situation. Ask yourself what is causing you to feellost and what steps you can take to address it. Maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities or make a plan to achieve your goals. It's also important to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.Another helpful approach is to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. This can help you gain new perspectives and discover new interests. It can also help you build confidence and break free from the cycle offeeling stuck.Ultimately, it's important to remember that it's okayto feel lost and it's okay to ask for help. With time and effort, you can find your way out of the confusion and find a path that brings you fulfillment and happiness.中文回答:在我们的生命中,感到迷茫和困惑并不罕见。



克服的困境英文作文英文:Overcoming obstacles is a common experience for everyone. Throughout my life, I have faced many challenges that have tested my resilience and determination. One of the most difficult obstacles I have had to overcome was the loss of my father.My father passed away when I was just 16 years old. It was a devastating blow to my family, and I struggled to cope with the loss. I felt lost and alone, and I didn't know how to move forward. However, through the support of my family and friends, I was able to find the strength to keep going.I remember one particular moment when I was feeling particularly down. I was sitting in my room, crying, and my best friend came over to see me. She didn't say anything, she just sat with me and held my hand. It was a smallgesture, but it meant the world to me. It reminded me thatI wasn't alone, and that I had people who cared about me.Another obstacle I faced was when I decided to study abroad in a foreign country. I had never been away from home for an extended period of time, and I was nervousabout being so far away from my family and friends. However, I knew that this was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up, and I was determined to make the most of it.The first few weeks were tough. I struggled with homesickness and culture shock, and I found it difficult to make friends. However, I pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I joined a club on campus, started attending language exchange events, and even wenton a solo trip to a nearby city. Slowly but surely, I began to feel more at home in my new surroundings.中文:克服困境是每个人都会经历的一种常见经历。

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如教学了JEFC Book2 Unit15 What do people eat? 可布置学生写关于中国食品的内容(Chinese Food),可提供短文的开头或一些重要词。



英语中有句话“Practice makes perfect.”(熟能生巧)平时不惜挤出时间上写作课,只有不断的强化练习,并且教师对作文训练及批改要讲究方法,加强指导,才能达到预期的效果。























