医学英文文献 (1)
以下是医学英文参考文献引用格式的基本要求和准则:1. 期刊文章:作者姓氏和名字缩写。
发表年份; 卷号(期号):页码。
例如:Hwang E, et al. The effects of acupuncture on high-risk patients with chronic gastritis. J Altern Complement Med. 2016;22(12):967-973.2. 书籍:作者姓氏和名字缩写。
出版地:出版者; 出版年份。
例如:Roberts LW, Louie AK, Sabath LD. Ethics in Psychiatry: A Review. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 2013.3. 网络资源:作者姓氏和名字缩写。
例如:World Health Organization. WHO Director-General's speech to high-level pledging event for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. World Health Organization. 2018. Accessed November 20, 2019.https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/2018/high-level-pledging-ev ent-yemen/en/4. 报告:组织名称。
例如:National Institutes of Health. Strategic Plan for NIH Obesity Research. February 2007.https:///about/strategic-plan.as px. Accessed November 20, 2019.总的来说,正确的参考文献引用格式不只是为了遵守学术规范,更是为了保证研究的可信度和可重复性。
医学影像学英文文献英文回答:Within the realm of medical imaging, sophisticated imaging techniques empower healthcare professionals with the ability to visualize and comprehend anatomical structures and physiological processes in the human body. These techniques are instrumental in diagnosing diseases, guiding therapeutic interventions, and monitoring treatment outcomes.Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are two cornerstone imaging modalities widely employed in medical practice. CT utilizes X-rays and advanced computational algorithms to generate cross-sectional images of the body, providing detailed depictions of bones, soft tissues, and blood vessels. MRI, on the other hand, harnesses the power of powerful magnets and radiofrequency waves to create intricate images that excel in showcasing soft tissue structures, including the brain,spinal cord, and internal organs.Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) are nuclear medicine imaging techniques that involve the administration of radioactive tracers into the body. These tracers accumulate in specific organs or tissues, enabling the visualization and assessment of metabolic processes and disease activity. PET is particularly valuable in oncology, as it can detect the presence and extent of cancerous lesions.Ultrasound, also known as sonography, utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures. It is a versatile technique commonly employed in obstetrics, cardiology, and abdominal imaging. Ultrasound offers real-time visualization, making it ideal for guiding procedures such as biopsies and injections.Interventional radiology is a specialized field that combines imaging guidance with minimally invasive procedures. Interventional radiologists utilize imaging techniques to precisely navigate catheters and otherinstruments through the body, enabling the diagnosis and treatment of conditions without the need for open surgery. This approach offers reduced invasiveness and faster recovery times compared to traditional surgical interventions.Medical imaging has revolutionized healthcare by providing invaluable insights into the human body. The ability to visualize anatomical structures andphysiological processes in exquisite detail has transformed the practice of medicine, leading to more accurate diagnoses, targeted treatments, and improved patient outcomes.中文回答:医学影像学是现代医学不可或缺的一部分,它利用各种成像技术对人体的解剖结构和生理过程进行可视化和理解,在疾病诊断、治疗方案制定和治疗效果评估中发挥着至关重要的作用。
Section Two: Internal Disease第二部分内科疾病
21. Arrhythmia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)心律失常 22. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)冠心病 23. Hypertension/High Blood Pressure高血压病 24. Heart Failure心力衰竭 25. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)急性呼吸窘迫综合征 26. Asthma哮喘 27. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)慢性阻塞肺疾病 28. Pneumonia肺炎 29. Respiratory Failure呼吸衰竭
Section Five: Cancer第五部分恶性肿瘤
66. Breast Cancer乳腺癌 67. Esophagus Cancer食管癌 68. Liver Cancer肝癌 69. Stomach Cancer胃癌 70. Colorectal Cancer结直肠癌 71. Lung Cancer肺癌 72. Cervical Cancer宫颈癌 73. Ovarian Cancer卵巢癌 74. Bladder Cancer膀胱癌
Section Three: Obstetrical and Gynecological Disease第三 部分
59. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding功能失调性子宫出血
60. Ectopic Pregnancy异位妊娠
Section Four: Pediatric Disease第四部分儿科疾病
前言 Introduction
英文文献翻译第1 篇 Effects of sevoflurane on dopamine, glutamate and aspartate release in an vitro model of cerebral ischaemia七氟醚对离体脑缺血模型多巴胺、谷氨酸和天冬氨酸释放的影响兴奋性氨基酸和多巴胺的释放在脑缺血后神经损伤中起重要作用。
第2篇The Influence of Mitochondrial K ATP-Channels in the Cardioprotection of Proconditioning and Postconditioning by Sevoflurane in the Rat In Vivo线粒体K ATP通道在离体大鼠七氟醚预处理和后处理中心肌保护作用中的影响挥发性麻醉药引起心肌预处理并也能在给予再灌注的开始保护心脏——一种实践目前被称为后处理。
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1. 了解有关疯牛病(bovine spongiform encephalopathy ,BSE) 起源(origin)的情况,最早的报道在哪年,记录出处。 2. 2005年度诺贝尔医学奖授予了幽门螺杆菌的发现者Barry J. Marshall(1951-)和J. Robin Warren(1937-),请检索两人合 作发表的论文,记录最早的一篇文献题录。 3. 南方医院王继德教授在《Gastroenterology》发表了一篇有 关FHL2表达的文献,请找到这篇文献,并记录篇名和在 PubMed的被引情况 4. 请检索有关流感病毒H5N1人疫苗(vaccine)的临床试验 (clinical trial)文献。 5. RNA干扰(RNA INTERFERENCE )用于肝癌治疗的综述文献。
PubMed简介 收录70余个国家4900多种生物医学期刊的 题录与文摘,是世界上最权威的医学数据库。 现有1950年以来的1700多万篇文献的记录 (其中MEDLINE记录1400多万条)
在全部记录中有76%的文献为英文;在 2000年以来的记录中90%的文献为英文; 收录中文刊500余种。
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• PVOD确实是肺动脉高压的一种罕见病因,通常疾病晚期才能 诊断出来并且预后往往很差。PVOD的年发病率估计为0.1到 0.2例每百万人口,还不包括很多例误诊为其他病因的IPAH。 许多PVOD病例为特发性,但是这些被报道出来的疾病中被发 现常常与肺结缔组织疾病,艾滋病,骨髓移植,化学致病因 素及某些化疗药物有关。组织学检查的主要病变是小静脉内 层的纤维化。纤维化会引起肺静脉梗阻,导致肺毛细血管淤 血、肺间质和胸膜水肿、淋巴结肿大肺泡的含铁血黄素沉着。 肺动脉闭塞也发生在多达一半的PVOD患者。长期下去,那些 患有PAH,右心室功能障碍的病人,尽管经过药物治疗但仍然 会进展为心肺衰竭。
Case description
• 在这一点上,鉴于ILD的主要表现,以及病人的严重低氧血 症,CTA检查结果和肺功能测试,外院给她进行了支气管镜检 查和胸腔镜肺活检。而这一系列检查我们都不推荐。在麻醉 诱导后立即出现的无脉性电活动又使病情更加复杂化。这个 病人经历了不到5分钟心肺复苏后才恢复自主循环,整个过程 也才完成。随后,该患者出现低血压,并需要用多巴胺+米力 农等血管收缩药物来维持。初步肺活检结果与与特发性肺动 脉高压是一致的;活检的切片被送到外面的专业实验室(图1 示)。
• 该病人诊疗经过十分复杂,既需要血管升压药来治疗低血压,又有逐渐恶化的右 心室功能障碍和急性肾损伤。在移植评估过程中,她决定不想再继续接受那些试 图稳定其进行性多器官功能障碍的治疗,并改为安适疗法。在撤去支持治疗后数 小时她便去世了。
• 肺静脉闭塞性疾病(PVOD)是一种罕见的肺动脉高血压(PAH)病 因,其肺小静脉和微静脉纤维化,逐渐导致肺动脉高压、肺 间质、胸膜水肿和右心衰。
1.1 生物医学论文的基本格式
根据国际医学杂志编辑委员会(ICMJE)2010年修订 的《生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求》,生物医学 科研论文包括: 标题页( Title Page) 摘要与关键词 (Abstract and Key Words) 引言 (Introduction) 材料 与方法 (Materials and Methods) 结果 (Results) 讨论 (Discussion) 致谢 (Acknowledgements) 参考文献 (References)
• • • • • • • •
• • • • •
图例 (Legends) 插图 (Figures) 表格 (Tables) 照片和说明 (Plates and Explanations) …
1.2 标题页 (Title page)
• 标题页是投稿论文的一部分,一般放在论文之前 单独成页。主要包含(根据《生物医学期刊投稿的 统一要求》) : • (1)论文标题(the title of the article); • (2)每位作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位 (the name by which each author is known, with his or her highest academic degree and institutional affiliation); • (3)研究工作的归属部门或单位名称(the name of the department and institution to which the work should be attributed); • (4)弃权者(若有)(disclaimers, if any);
(2) 突出研究重点
糖尿病:新的诊断标准 Diabetes : New diagnostic criteria
Manyfactorsinducevascularendothelialcelldamage,includinglipopolysacchari des(LPS),inflammatorymediatorsandoxygenfreeradical.Ofwhich,LPS,duetoitsgeneralbiologiceffects,ispaidmoreandmoreattentionfromresearchers.Asacompo nentoftheoutermembraneouterGram-negativebacteria,LPSisaninflammatorystim ulus,whichinducesdisorderexpressionofapoptosis-relatedfactors,bystimulat ingvascularendothelialcells,especiallythereleasesofCa2?Andreactiveoxygen species(ROS)induceoxidativestressinhumanumbilicalveinendothelialcells(HUonofatherosclerosis.Mitochondrialpathwayofapoptosisisanessentialsignalin g,whichistheprecursorofirreversibleapoptosis。
医学英文文献汇报——HIV 中和性抗体
4. Tested volunteer plasmas against four
subtype B isolates, which known as virus
In one study, overall binding and Nab development appeared to be impaired in patients who were treated with HAART shortly after seroconversion(血清转换).
2. The expanded neutralization group possessed a significantly lower viral load posttreatment interruption (24-week after treatment interruption). At study endpoint, the expanded neutralization group advantage was no longer significant.
High-titer, heterologous (异种的)HIV-1 NAbs were associated with a reduction in HIV-1 viral load in individuals possessing a more extensive neutralization phenotype ( 表 型 ) but there appeared to be minimal impact on CD4 T-cell decline.
medical popular science 英文文章 参考文献
medical popular science 英文文章参考文献1. [书籍](1) "The Illustrated Medical Encyclopedia". New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1985.(2) "Medical Science and the Public". London: Oxford University Press, 2005.(3) "The World of Medicine". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.2. [期刊](1) "The New England Journal of Medicine".(2) "The Lancet".(3) "Medical Journal of Australia".3. [网络资源](1) "MedlinePlus - Health Reference".(2) "YouTube - Medical Videos".(3) "NHS Choices - Health Information for the Public".4. [专家观点]某某医学专家在他的著作或论文中提出了许多关于医学科学的真知灼见,他对医学的理解深入且具有独到见解,他的观点对于我们理解医学科学具有重要的参考价值。
5. [案例研究]一些案例研究为我们提供了医学实践中的具体实例,这些实例有助于我们更好地理解医学科学的应用和局限。
6. [相关会议]最近召开的医学相关会议为我们提供了了解医学最新进展和研究成果的机会。
医学类英文文献作总结Title: Summarizing Medical English Literature: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction:Summarizing medical English literature is an essential skill for healthcare professionals, researchers, and students.It allows for quick understanding of complex research findings and facilitates knowledge sharing within the medical community.In this document, we will provide a detailed guide on how to effectively summarize medical English literature, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and coherence.1.Understanding the Purpose:Before diving into the literature summary, it is crucial to understand the purpose behind it.Are you summarizing for personal study, a research paper, or to update colleagues on recent findings? Defining the purpose will help tailor your summary accordingly.2.Identifying Key Components:To create an effective summary, identify the key components of the literature you are reading.These typically include:a.Objective: The research question or aim of the study.b.Methods: The design, sample size, and methodology used inthe research.c.Results: The main findings of the study, including statistical analysis.d.Conclusion: The authors" interpretation of the results and their implications.e.Key Points: Any notable or controversial aspects of the study.3.Outlining the Summary:Create an outline to structure your summary.This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all important aspects of the literature.Here"s a suggested outline:a.Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic and the purpose of the summary.b.Objective: State the research question or objective of the study.c.Methods: Summarize the study design and methodology.d.Results: Present the main findings, focusing on key statistics.e.Conclusion: Summarize the authors" interpretation and implications of the results.f.Key Points: Highlight any notable or controversial aspects of the study.g.Critique (optional): Provide a brief critique of the study, discussing strengths and limitations.4.Writing Style and Language:When summarizing medical English literature, it is important to maintain a clear, concise, and objective writing e the active voice, avoid jargon, and explain any complex terms orconcepts.Additionally, ensure proper grammar, punctuation, and syntax to enhance readability.5.Citing Sources:Accurately cite the sources you have summarized to give credit to the original authors.Follow the appropriate citation style, such as APA or AMA, to maintain academic integrity.6.Reviewing and Editing:After completing the initial draft of your summary, take the time to review and edit it.Check for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.Ensure that your summary captures the essence of the original literature withoutdistorting the authors" intentions.Conclusion:Summarizing medical English literature is a valuable skill that requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of the subject matter.By following the guidelines provided in this document, you will be well-equipped to create accurate, concise, and effective summaries that contribute to the medical community"s knowledge base.。
RAPSYN CARBOXYL TERMINAL DOMAINS MEDIATE MUSCLE SPECIFIC KINASE–INDUCED PHOSPHORYLATION OFTHE MUSCLE ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORY. LEE, J. RUDELL, S. YECHIKHOV, R. TAYLOR,S. SWOPE AND M. FERNS*Departments of Anesthesiology and Physiology and Membrane Biol-ogy, One Shields Avenue, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USAAbstract—At the developing vertebrate neuromuscular junc-tion, postsynaptic localization of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is regulated by agrin signaling via the muscle specific kinase (MuSK) and requires an intracellular scaffolding pro-tein called rapsyn. In addition to its structural role, rapsyn is also necessary for agrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR, which regulates some aspects of receptor local-ization. Here, we have investigated the molecular mechanism by which rapsyn mediates AChR phosphorylation at the ro-dent neuromuscular junction. In a heterologous COS cell system, we show that MuSK and rapsyn induced phosphor-ylation of  subunit tyrosine 390 (Y390) and ␦ subunit Y393, as in muscle cells. Mutation of  Y390 or ␦ Y393 did not inhibit MuSK/rapsyn-induced phosphorylation of the other subunit in COS cells, and mutation of  Y390 did not inhibit agrin-induced phosphorylation of the ␦ subunit in Sol8 muscle cells; thus, their phosphorylation occurs independently, downstream of MuSK activation. In COS cells, we further show that MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the  subunit was mediated by rapsyn, as MuSK plus rapsyn increased Y390 phosphorylation more than rapsyn alone and MuSK alone had no effect. Intriguingly, MuSK also induced tyrosine phosphorylation of rapsyn itself. We then used deletion mu-tants to map the rapsyn domains responsible for activation of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate the AChR subunits. We found that rapsyn C-terminal domains (amino acids 212– 412) are both necessary and sufficient for activa-tion of tyrosine kinases and induction of cellular tyrosine phosphorylation. Moreover, deletion of the rapsyn RING do-main (365– 412) abolished MuSK-induced tyrosine phosphor-ylation of the AChR  subunit. Together, these findings sug-gest that rapsyn facilitates AChR phosphorylation by activat-ing or localizing tyrosine kinases via its C-terminal domains.© 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words: neuromuscular junction, synaptogenesis, agrin, postsynaptic membrane.At the developing neuromuscular junction in vertebrates, several nerve-derived signals combine to localize the ace-tylcholine receptor at postsynaptic sites (Sanes and Lich-tman, 2001; Burden, 2002; Kummer et al., 2006). One essential factor is agrin, which signals via the muscle specific kinase (MuSK) and induces and/or stabilizes clus-tering of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) in the postsyn-aptic membrane (reviewed in Kummer et al., 2006). Inter-estingly, embryonic muscle is prepatterned and AChR clusters occur in the central region of the muscle prior to and even in the absence of neural innervation (Lin et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2001). However, upon innervation, agrin is required for stable aggregation of AChR at nerve–mus-cle contacts, counteracting an acetylcholine-driven dis-persal of AChR that eliminates aneural aggregates (Lin et al., 2005; Misgeld et al., 2005). Indeed, in agrin and MuSK knockout mice, AChR clusters are largely eliminated by birth and the mice die due to an inability to move and breathe (DeChiara et al., 1996; Gautam et al., 1996). Downstream of MuSK activation, an important mediator of AChR clustering is the intracellular, peripheral membrane protein, rapsyn, which associates with the AChR in the postsynaptic membrane in approximately 1:1 stoichiom-etry (Froehner, 1991). When expressed in heterologous cells, rapsyn self-aggregates and is sufficient to cluster, anchor and stabilize the AChR (Froehner et al., 1990; Phillips et al., 1991, 1993, 1997; Wang et al., 1999). More-over, in rapsyn null mice, there is a complete absence of AChR clusters at developing synaptic sites (Gautam et al., 1995). Together, these findings suggest that rapsyn binds the receptor, clustering and anchoring it in the postsynaptic membrane.Although rapsyn mediates AChR localization, it is un-clear how this is regulated by agrin signaling in muscle cells. Potentially, protein interactions underlying localiza-tion could be regulated via posttranslational modifications of the AChR, rapsyn, or additional binding proteins. Con-sistent with the first possibility, agrin/MuSK signaling in-duces rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR  and ␦subunits (Mittaud et al., 2001; Mohamed et al., 2001), mediated by an intervening cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase (Fuhrer et al., 1997), perhaps of the src and/or abl families (Mohamed and Swope, 1999; Finn et al., 2003). Phosphor-ylation correlates closely with reduced mobility and deter-gent extractability of the AChR(Meier et al.,1995;Borges and Ferns,2001),suggesting that it regulates linkage to the cytoskeleton.In addition,it precedes AChR clustering (Ferns et al.,1996)and tyrosine kinase inhibitors that block phosphorylation also block clustering(Wallace et al.,1991; Ferns et al.,1996).Consistent with thesefindings,muta-tion of the tyrosine phosphorylation site in thesubunit abolishes agrin-induced cytoskeletal anchoring of mutant AChR and impairs its aggregation in muscle cells(Borges*Corresponding author.Tel:ϩ1-530-754-4973;fax:ϩ1-530-752-5423.E-mail address: mjferns@ (M. Ferns).Abbreviations:aa,amino acid;AChR,acetylcholine receptor;BuTX,␣-bungarotoxin;C-terminal,carboxyl terminal;HA,hemagglutinin;MuSK,muscle specific kinase;N-terminal,amino terminal.Neuroscience153(2008)997–10070306-4522/08$32.00ϩ0.00©2008IBRO.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.03.009997and Ferns,2001).Moreover,mice with targeted mutations of thesubunit intracellular tyrosines have neuromuscular junctions that are simplified and reduced in size,with de-creased density and total numbers of AChRs(Friese et al., 2007).Phosphorylation of thesubunit contributes to AChR localization,therefore,but it is unclear whether it does so by regulating rapsyn interaction(Fuhrer et al., 1999;Marangi et al.,2001;Moransard et al.,2003).In addition to its structural role,rapsyn also functions in agrin signaling.Notably,agrin-induced phosphorylation of the AChRand␦subunits is significantly decreased in rapsyn null myotubes(Apel et al.,1997;Mittaud et al., 2001),and rapsyn activates src family kinases in heterol-ogous cells(Qu et al.,1996;Mohamed and Swope,1999), resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cellular proteins.Thus,rapsyn may facilitate MuSK-induced phos-phorylation of the AChR by activating and/or localizing the relevant cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases.In this study,we have investigated how rapsyn mediates the functionally important tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR and have mapped the COOH-terminal domains required for tyrosine kinase activation and receptor phosphorylation.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Expression constructsRat MuSK that was myc-tagged at the amino terminal(N-terminus)was expressed in the pRcRSV vector(provided by S. Burden,NYU,New York,NY,USA).Mouse muscle nAChR subunits(␣,,,␦)were expressed using the pcDNA3vectorwith a CMV promoter(Invitrogen;Carlsbad,CA,USA).To epitope tag the-subunit,a Kpn I site was introduced at thecarboxyl terminal(C-terminal)extracellular tail,and double-stranded oligonucleotides that coded for the hemagglutinin (HA)or142epitopes(Das and Lindstrom,1991)were ligated into this site.To tag the␦-subunit,a Cla I site was introducedand the142epitope ligated into this site.Tyrosine390of thesubunit and393of the␦subunit were mutated to phenylala-nines using polymerase chain reaction-based site-directed mu-tagenesis(Quickchange Kit,Stratagene;La Jolla,CA,USA). Mouse rapsyn was expressed using the pcDNA3vector. Rapsyn deletion mutants that were His6-tagged at the C-termi-nus were generated through PCR and ligated into the pMT23 vector;rapsyn C-terminal deletion constructs retained the N-terminal myristoylation sequence whereas C-terminal frag-ments lacked this sequence.All constructs were confirmed by sequencing.Assaying phosphorylation of AChRCOS cells were grown on10cm dishes in DMEM-HI containing 10%fetal bovine serum and penicillin–streptomycin.When the cells reached85–90%confluency they were transfected overnight with20g of plasmid DNA encoding the AChR subunits(␣,,,␦)using the calcium phosphate method(Profection kit,Promega; Madison,WI,USA).For these experiments,theand␦subunitswere tagged with HA and142epitopes,respectively.After2days of expression,the live cells were surface labeled with biotin-conjugated␣-bungarotoxin(BuTX)(Molecular Probes;Eugene, OR,USA)for1h,rinsed,and then scraped off and pelleted in Ca2ϩ/Mg2ϩ-free PBS containing1mM sodium vanadate.Cells were then resuspended in buffer containing1%Triton X-100and 25mM Tris–glycine pH7.5,150mM NaCl,5mM EDTA,1mM sodium vanadate,50mM sodiumfluoride and the protease inhib-itors:1mM bisbenzimidine,1mM sodium tetrathionate,and1mM PMSF.After extraction on ice for10min,the detergent soluble and insoluble fractions were separated by centrifugation at 16,000ϫg for4min.The insoluble pellet fraction was resus-pended directly in200l of SDS-PAGE loading buffer.The solu-ble lysates were incubated with streptavidin–agarose beads(Mo-lecular Probes)for1h to isolate AChR pre-labeled with biotin-conjugated BuTX.MuSK was then immunoprecipitated with anti-MuSK polyclonal antibody(gift of J.Sugiyama and Z.Hall,UCSF San Francisco,CA,USA)and protein G beads.In both cases, proteins isolated on the beads were eluted in30l of2ϫSDS-PAGE loading buffer.Sol8muscle cells were grown on10cm dishes and trans-fected with142-taggedsubunit using the calcium phosphate method as previously described(Borges and Ferns,2001).After treatment with agrin for1h(200pM C-Ag4,8),the cells were extracted as described above.AChR containing taggedsubunit was immunoprecipitated with mAb142and then the remaining AChR was pulled down using biotin-conjugated BuTX and strepta-vidin-agarose beads(Molecular Probes).For immunoblotting,samples were electrophoretically sepa-rated on10%SDS-PAGE gels,and transferred onto PVDF mem-branes.To detect phosphorylated AChRand␦subunits,the proteins were probed with polyclonal antibodies JH-1360and JH-1358,respectively(Mohamed and Swope,1999)in buffer containing4%Blotto,20mM Tris–HCl,pH7.6,150mM NaCl, 0.5%NP40,and0.1%Tween-20.The blots were then incubated with horseradish peroxidase–conjugated anti-rabbit IgG second-ary antibody(Amersham Corporation;Arlington Heights,IL,USA) and bound antibody was visualized by chemiluminescence(ECL, Amersham Corporation).To identify theand␦subunit phos-phorylation bands,the immunoblots were reprobed for taggedand␦subunits with monoclonal antibodies anti-HA(Roche;Indi-anapolis,IN,USA)or mAb142(Sigma-Aldrich;St.Louis,MO, USA).The identity of the bands was also confirmed via mutations ofY390and␦Y393,which eliminate phosphorylation of the respective subunits.Blots were also reprobed for the␣subunit using mAb210(Babco;Berkley,CA,USA)to compare levels of expression of the AChR.Rapsyn immunoblots were performed using monoclonal antibody mAb1234(gift of S.Froehner,Univ. Washington,Seattle,WA,USA),polyclonal antibody B5668(gen-erated against amino acids(aa)133–153of rapsyn)or anti-His6 for tagged versions of rapsyn.Reprobes for tagged MuSK were performed using anti-myc monoclonal antibody9E10.To quantify levels of tyrosine phosphorylation,we carried out densitometric analysis of theand␦subunit bands in both soluble and pellet fractions using Sci-Scan5000Bioanalysis software(USB;Cleveland,OH,USA).As only20%of the pellet fraction was used for immunoblotting,these values were mul-tiplied byfive and added to the corresponding value for the soluble fraction in order to give total AChR subunit phosphor-ylation.The data were also normalized to the level of AChR, detected by immunoblotting for the taggedsubunit(anti-HA or 142).In order to average several independent transfection experiments,all values were expressed as a percentage of the maximal signal,which was obtained in COS cells co-expressing AChR,MuSK and rapsyn,or in Sol8muscle cells treated with agrin.Assaying total cellular phosphorylationCOS cells grown on6cm dishes were transfected overnight with 9g of plasmid DNA.After1day of expression,cells were rinsed, scraped off and pelleted in Ca2ϩ/Mg2ϩ-free PBS containing1mM sodium vanadate.The cells were then lysed in100l of extraction buffer(1%Triton X-100,25mM Tris–glycine pH7.5,150mM NaCl,5mM EDTA,1mM sodium vanadate,50mM sodium fluoride,1mM bisbenzimidine,1mM sodium tetrathionate,and 1mM PMSF),and after centrifugation,the residual pellets wereY.Lee et al./Neuroscience153(2008)997–1007 998resuspended in 100l of SDS loading buffer and boiled.To assay cellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation,10l of the pellet frac-tion were separated on 10%acrylamide gels and immunoblotted with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies 4G10and PY20.The inten-sity of the phosphotyrosine signal was quantified using Sci-Scan 5000Bioanalysis software (USB)where we performed a line scan through all the bands in each lane,from the top of the separating gel to ϳ45kD in order to avoid rapsyn.To average independent transfection experiments,we normalized the data in each exper-iment by subtracting the background in COS cells transfected with empty vector (i.e.0%)and expressing levels of cellular phosphor-ylation as a percentage of that in COS cells expressing wild type rapsyn (i.e.100%).This best controls for the variation in transfec-tion efficiency (and resulting cellular phosphorylation)between experiments,by comparing rapsyn versus rapsyn plus MuSK,or rapsyn deletion mutants to full-length rapsyn.Phosphorylation of rapsyn was measured independently and rapsyn levels were as-sayed by blotting duplicate gels with mAb1234or anti-His6.Phos-phorylation of rapsyn was also confirmed by immunoprecipitating with polyclonal anti-rapsyn antibodies B5668and B6766(gener-ated against aa 133–153and 402–412of rapsyn,respectively),and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine monoclonal anti-bodies 4G10and PY20.Assaying AChR extractabilityCOS cells growing in six well plates were transfected with AChR and rapsyn deletion mutants using Fugene (Roche).After 2days of expression,the live cells were incubated with 10nM I 125-BuTX for 1h to label surface AChR and rinsed 3ϫwith PBS.Cells were then lysed in 200l of extraction buffer (as above)for 10min on ice and the detergent soluble and insoluble fractions separated by centrifugation at 16,000ϫg for 4min.Both lysate and pellet fractions were counted with a gamma counter to assay rapsyn’s effect on detergent extract-ability of the AChR (i.e.anchoring).RESULTSMuSK/rapsyn-induced phosphorylation of AChR and ␦subunitsAgrin/MuSK signaling in muscle cells induces a rapid ty-rosine phosphorylation of the AChR,which contributes to its postsynaptic localization.Surprisingly,receptor phos-phorylation is dependent on rapsyn,a scaffolding protein that clusters and anchors the AChR in the postsynaptic membrane.To investigate the mechanism by which rapsyn mediates the functionally important phosphorylation of the receptor,we first recapitulated MuSK-induced AChR phos-phorylation in a simplified,heterologous cell system.To do this,we transiently expressed the AChR subunits (␣,,,␦)in COS cells in combination with rapsyn and MuSK.To assay phosphorylation,surface AChR was labeled with biotin-conjugated ␣-BuTX,pulled down from cell lysates and immunoblotted with antibodies specific for the phos-phorylated (Y390)and ␦(Y393)subunits (Wagner et al.,1991;Mohamed and Swope,1999).AChR retained in the detergent-insoluble pellet fraction was also immunoblot-ted,as previous studies have shown that rapsyn anchors significant amounts of receptor to the cytoskeleton (Phillips et al.,1993;Mohamed and Swope,1999).In agreement with previous work (Gillespie et al.,1996),we find that coexpression of MuSK and rapsyn significantly increased phosphorylation of the AChR and ␦subunits (Fig.1A,B).The MuSK/rapsyn-induced increase in phosphorylation was greatest for the subunit,whereas basal phosphory-lation was highest for the ␦subunit;these findings in heterologous cells mirror previous observations in muscle cells (Meier et al.,1995;Mittaud et al.,2001).Moreover,Fig.1.Phosphorylation of AChR and ␦subunits is not interdependent.AChR was transiently expressed in COS cells with either wild type or tyrosine-mutated and ␦subunits (Y390F and ␦Y393F).(A)After detergent extraction,we assayed MuSK/rapsyn-induced phosphorylation of surface AChR isolated from the soluble lysate (100%of BuTX pull-down)and also AChR retained in the insoluble pellet (20%of pellet)by immunoblotting with and ␦subunit phospho-specific antibodies (JH-1360and JH-1358,respectively).The blots were reprobed with anti-HA antibody to detect HA-tagged subunit and levels of AChR expression.Arrows indicate the and ␦subunit phosphorylation bands and *marks a nonspecific band present in the pellet fraction.(B)Quantification of total AChR phosphorylation in both soluble and pellet fractions shows that rapsyn plus MuSK induced significant phosphorylation of the and ␦subunits (P Ͻ0.00001and P Ͻ0.05,respectively;n ϭ5,Student’s t -test).Mutation of subunit Y390(Y390F)did not block ␦subunit phosphorylation (78Ϯ6%of wild type levels,mean ϮS.E.M.;n ϭ5;ns,difference not significant;Student’s t -test),nor did ␦subunit Y393F mutation block subunit phosphorylation (89Ϯ3.5%of wild type levels;n ϭ5,difference not significant).Thus,rapsyn/MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the two sites occurs independently.Y.Lee et al./Neuroscience 153(2008)997–1007999most phosphorylated AChR was found in the pellet frac-tion,consistent with previous findings in both heterologous and muscle cells (Meier et al.,1995;Borges and Ferns,2001).Several studies have shown and ␦subunit phosphor-ylation to be closely linked,both temporally and in their sensitivity to kinase blockers (Mohamed and Swope,1999;Mittaud et al.,2001).This could reflect parallel phosphor-ylation of the two sites by the same—or a similar—kinase.Alternatively,phosphorylation might be sequential,with phosphorylation at one site recruiting a kinase that then phosphorylates the second subunit.To distinguish these possibilities,we expressed AChR with subunit Y390F or ␦subunit Y393F mutations and tested the effect on MuSK/rapsyn-induced phosphorylation of the other subunit (Fig.1A,B).We find that mutation of Y390did not block ␦subunit phosphorylation,and similarly,mutation of ␦Y393did not abolish phosphorylation of the subunit,suggest-ing that their phosphorylation is independent.To confirm that AChR phosphorylation occurs via a similar mechanism in muscle cells,we transfected Sol8myotubes with 142-tagged,wild type or Y390F subunit,which we have shown previously to be incorporated into AChR that is expressed on the myotube surface (Borges and Ferns,2001).After agrin treatment,the cells were extracted and AChR containing tagged subunit was se-lectively immunoprecipitated using anti-142antibodies and assayed for and ␦phosphorylation (Fig.2A,B).Consis-tent with our results in COS cells we find that subunit Y390F mutation did not block ␦phosphorylation in muscle cells (85Ϯ6%of wild-type levels;mean ϮS.E.M.).We were unable to test the effect of ␦Y393F mutation on phos-phorylation due to low expression of the introduced ␦sub-unit.Together with the results from COS cells,however,these findings demonstrate that phosphorylation of the and ␦subunits is independent and occurs in parallel,downstream of MuSK activation.Rapsyn facilitates MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the AChR subunitAgrin/MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the AChR is sig-nificantly impaired in rapsyn null muscle cells (Apel et al.,1997;Mittaud et al.,2001).To confirm that rapsyn is also required in our heterologous cell system,we expressed the AChR in combination with rapsyn and/or MuSK,and as-sayed phosphorylation as described above.As in muscle cells,basal phosphorylation of the ␦subunit was higher than the subunit.Rapsyn co-expression increased both and ␦subunit phosphorylation,whereas MuSK alone did not affect phosphorylation.Moreover,co-expression of rapsyn plus MuSK increased phosphorylation above that with rapsyn or MuSK alone (Fig.3A,B;n ϭ6;P ϭ0.002and Ͻ0.0001respectively;Student’s t -test).Thus,in agree-ment with previous work,we find that rapsyn facilitates MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the AChR subunit (Gillespie et al.,1996).Rapsyn C-terminus is necessary and sufficient for activation of cellular tyrosine kinasesRapsyn likely mediates MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the AChR by activating and/or localizing cytoplasmic ty-rosine kinases that phosphorylate the and ␦subunits.Indeed,rapsyn activates src family kinases in heterolo-gous cells,resulting in increased tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cellular proteins (Qu et al.,1996;Mohamed and Swope,1999).Moreover,agrin specifically activates src-family kinases associated with the AChR in musclecellsFig.2.Phosphorylation of AChR ␦subunit is not dependent on subunit phosphorylation in muscle cells.(A,B)Sol 8muscle cells were transfected with 142-tagged wild-type or Y390F subunit.After detergent extraction,AChR containing tagged subunit was immunoprecipitated with mAb142(142IP),followed by isolation of the remaining AChR with ␣BuTX (BuTX pull-down).Isolates were then immunoblotted with and ␦subunit phospho-specific antibodies (JH-1360and JH-1358,respectively).The blots were reprobed with anti-142antibody to detect tagged subunit and with mAb 210to determine AChR levels.For AChR containing tagged wild type subunit (142IP),agrin induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the and ␦subunits,similar to endogenous AChR (BuTX pull-down).In AChR containing Y390F subunit,absence of phosphorylation did not inhibit agrin-induced phosphorylation of the ␦subunit (85Ϯ6%of wild type level;n ϭ3;ns,difference not significant,Student’s t -test).Y.Lee et al./Neuroscience 153(2008)997–10071000and this occurs in a rapsyn-dependent manner (Mittaud et al.,2001).We examined,therefore,whether rapsyn’s activation of kinases is enhanced by MuSK and which do-mains in rapsyn are responsible.First,we expressed rapsyn and/or MuSK in COS cells and after detergent extraction,assayed phosphorylation in the pellet fraction by immunoblot-ting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies 4G10and PY20.As previously reported (Qu et al.,1996;Mohamed and Swope,1999),rapsyn alone significantly increased cellular tyrosine phosphorylation compared with controls transfected with empty vector (by ϳ250%;Fig.4A,B).In contrast,MuSK alone did not increase phosphorylation significantly and MuSK coexpression with rapsyn did not increase overall cel-lular phosphorylation beyond the levels found with rapsyn alone (Fig.4A,B).One interesting exception was that MuSK increased tyrosine phosphorylation of rapsyn itself.In immunoblots of the pellet fraction,we found ϳ350%increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of a 43kD band corresponding to rapsyn (Fig.4A,C;arrowed band).This was confirmed in immu-noblots of rapsyn deletion mutants,where a strong phos-photyrosine signal corresponded exactly to the different-sized rapsyn mutants (see Fig.5).In addition,we detected tyrosine phosphorylation of rapsyn that was specifically immunoprecipitated from the soluble fraction (Fig.4D),although interestingly,the level of tyrosine phosphorylation was significantly lower than in rapsyn anchored in the pellet fraction.The MuSK-induced phosphorylation of rapsyn suggests that its function might also be regulated by agrin-induced phosphorylation during synaptogenesis.To then map the domains in rapsyn responsible for kinase activation (Fig.5A),we tested a series of deletionmutants for their ability to induce cellular tyrosine phos-phorylation.Full-length wild type and His6-tagged rapsyn increased levels of overall cellular tyrosine phosphoryla-tion by approximately 2.5-to threefold (Fig.5B).In con-trast,three different rapsyn C-terminal deletion mutants failed to increase tyrosine phosphorylation above back-ground levels,despite being expressed at levels equiva-lent to wild type rapsyn.Indeed,deletion of just the RING domain and following 10aa (rapsyn 1–365)abolished kinase activation (Fig.5C).We then tested whether the rapsyn C-terminus alone activated kinases and increased tyrosine phosphorylation.Strikingly,we found that two different rapsyn C-terminal fragments (rapsyn 158–412and 212–412)both increased cellular tyrosine phosphorylation to levels similar to that seen with wild type rapsyn (Fig.5D,E).In an effort to map the responsible domains further,we tested two additional GFP-tagged C-terminal fragments (GFP-rapsyn 200–284and 255–412);despite being highly expressed,neither increased cellular phosphorylation (data not shown).To-gether,these results demonstrate that the C-terminal half of rapsyn is sufficient for activation of cellular tyrosine kinases,and within this region,the RING domain and following 10aa are necessary for activation.Rapsyn C-terminus is required but not sufficient for AChR phosphorylationNext,we investigated whether rapsyn’s C-terminal do-mains mediate MuSK-induced phosphorylation of the AChR,focusing on the functionally important phosphory-lation of the subunit (Borges and Ferns,2001;FrieseFig.3.Rapsyn mediates MuSK-induced phosphorylation of AChR subunit.(A)AChR was transiently expressed in COS cells alone or with rapsyn and/or MuSK.After detergent extraction,we assayed phosphorylation of surface AChR isolated from the soluble lysate (100%of BuTX pull-down)and also AChR retained in the insoluble pellet (20%of pellet)by immunoblotting with and ␦subunit phospho-specific antibodies (JH-1360and JH-1358,respectively).Levels of AChR were determined by blotting for HA-tagged subunit,and expression of MuSK and rapsyn confirmed by blotting with anti-MuSK and mAb1234antibodies,respectively.(B)Quantification of total AChR phosphorylation (in both soluble and pellet fractions)shows that rapsyn co-expression increased and ␦subunit phosphorylation,whereas MuSK alone had no effect (n ϭ3–6).Co-expression of both rapsyn and MuSK increased the levels of subunit phosphorylation above that with rapsyn or MuSK alone (P ϭ0.002and P Ͻ0.0001,respectively;Student’s t -test),indicating that rapsyn facilitates MuSK-induced subunit phosphorylation.Y.Lee et al./Neuroscience 153(2008)997–10071001et al.,2007).To do this,we co-expressed AChR and MuSK together with rapsyn C-and N-terminal deletion mutants and then assayed tyrosine phosphorylation of the sub-unit.Consistent with our previous results,we found that all three rapsyn C-terminal deletions abolished MuSK-in-duced subunit phosphorylation (Fig.6A,B).Thus,the RING domain and following 10aa is required for rapsyn’s ability to mediate AChR tyrosine phosphorylation.The C-terminus of rapsyn was not sufficient for AChR phosphor-ylation,however,as subunit phosphorylation was unde-tectable with either of the rapsyn C-terminal fragments (rapsyn 158–412and 212–412;Fig.6C,D).Fig.4.Rapsyn activates cellular tyrosine kinases independent of MuSK.(A)COS cells transfected with rapsyn and/or MuSK were extracted and the pellet fractions immunoblotted with monoclonal anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies,4G10and PY20to assay levels of phosphorylation.Rapsyn expression increased tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cellular proteins,indicating that it activates cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases.MuSK expression did not increase general cellular phosphorylation,either alone or in combination with rapsyn.However,it did increase phosphorylation of the 43kD band corresponding to rapsyn (arrow).(B)Quantification of relative phosphotyrosine levels in the COS pellet fractions,expressed as a percentage of the level with rapsyn alone.MuSK expression did not increase phosphorylation above control levels or enhance the effect of rapsyn (123Ϯ35%of rapsyn alone,mean ϮS.E.M.;n ϭ3;difference not significant,Student’s t -test).(C)MuSK co-expression significantly increased the tyrosine phos-phorylation of rapsyn (360Ϯ31%of rapsyn alone,mean ϮS.E.M.;n ϭ3;P ϭ0.01,Student’s t -test).(D)COS cells transfected with rapsyn and/or MuSK were extracted and rapsyn was immunoprecipitated from cell lysates and immunoblotted along with the residual pellet with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies,4G10and PY20.Rapsyn immunoprecipitated from the soluble lysate is tyrosine-phosphorylated,although to a lesser extent than rapsyn anchored in the insoluble pellet.Reprobing with mAb1234shows the relative levels of rapsyn in the soluble and insoluble fractions,and immunoblotting with mAb 9E10confirms expression of myc-tagged MuSK.Y.Lee et al./Neuroscience 153(2008)997–10071002。
As the field of medicine progresses and becomes increasingly technologically advanced, the importance of humanizing medical care becomes more apparent. This article will explore relevant English literature on the topic of medical humanities and the importance of humanistic care in medicine.The first section will explore the origins of medical humanities and its evolution over time. The field of medical humanities began to emerge in the 1960s and encompasses a range of disciplines, including literature, philosophy, and cultural studies. Its goal is to bring a humanistic perspective to medical education and practice, with a focus on improving the patient experience.The second section will discuss the benefits of incorporating medical humanities into medical education. Research has shown that medical students who participate in humanities courses perform better on standardized tests and have a stronger sense of empathy and compassion. Additionally, humanities courses can help students develop critical thinking skills and promote reflective practice, which is essential to being a good doctor.The third section will delve into the importance of humanistic care in medicine. The patient experience is greatly impacted by the way that medical professionals communicate and interact with their patients. A humanistic approach to care can improve trust, rapport, and patient satisfaction. Additionally, a patient-centered approach to care can have positive impacts on healthcare outcomes.The fourth section will explore the concept of medical storytelling and its role in medical humanities. Medical narratives can help physicians better understand the patient experience and provide a means for patients to express their own experiences. Medical stories can foster empathy and understanding, which can lead to better communication, patient satisfaction, and healthcare outcomes.The final section will highlight the challenges and future directions of medical humanities. The integration of medical humanities into medical education and practice is still a relatively new development, and there are challenges in how to effectively teach and evaluate these skills. However, the need for humanistic care in medicine is clear, and the continued development of medical humanities is crucial to the future of healthcare.In conclusion, medical humanities are essential to humanizing medical care and improving the patient experience. By incorporating humanistic approaches into medical education and practice, healthcare providers can better connect with their patients, improve healthcare outcomes, and foster a more empathetic and compassionate healthcare system.。
diabetes neuropathies: update on definitions,diagnostic criteria,estimation of severity,and treatments糖尿病神经病变:更新的定义,诊断标准,估计的严重程度,与治疗Tesfaye S,Boulton A J.Dyck P J,et al.内容概要,博尔顿一·戴克磷,等。
AbstractPreceding the joint meeting of the 19th annual Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (NEURODIAB) and the 8th International Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy in Toronto, Canada, 13–18 October 2009, expert panels were convened to provide updates on classification, definitions, diagnostic criteria, and treatments of diabetic peripheral neuropathies (DPNs), autonomic neuropathy, painful DPNs, and structural alterations in DPNs.前联席会议第十九年糖尿病神经病变研究组欧洲糖尿病研究协会(neurodiab)和第八届国际糖尿病神经病变在多伦多,加拿大,–13 18 2009年十月,专家小组召开了提供更新的定义,分类,诊断标准,治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(标准草案),自主神经病变,痛苦的标准草案,和结构改变的标准草案。
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Muscle-selective synaptic disassembly and reorganization in MuSK antibody positive MG miceAnna Rostedt Punga ⁎,1,Shuo Lin,Filippo Oliveri,Sarina Meinen,Markus A.RüeggDepartment of Neurobiology/Pharmacology,Biozentrum,University of Basel,Basel,Switzerlanda b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23February 2011Revised 15April 2011Accepted 21April 2011Available online 30April 2011Keywords:Myasthenia Gravis MG MuSKNeuromuscular junction MasseterMuscle atrophy DenervationMuSK antibody seropositive (MuSK+)Myasthenia Gravis (MG)patients present a distinct selective fatigue,and sometimes atrophy,of bulbar,facial and neck muscles.Here,we study the mechanism underlying the focal muscle involvement in mice with MuSK+experimental autoimmune MG (EAMG).8week-old female wildtype C57BL6mice and transgenic mice,which express yellow fluorescence protein (YFP)in their motor neurons,were immunized with the extracellular domain of rat MuSK and compared with control mice.The soleus,EDL,sternomastoid,omohyoid,thoracic paraspinal and masseter muscles were examined for pre-and postsynaptic changes with whole mount immunostaining and confocal microscopy.Neuromuscular junction derangement was quanti fied and compared between muscles and correlated with transcript levels of MuSK and other postsynaptic genes.Correlating with the EAMG disease grade,the postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor (AChR)clusters were severely fragmented with a subsequent reduction also of the presynaptic nerve terminal area.Among the muscles analyzed,the thoracic paraspinal,sternomastoid and masseter muscles were more affected than the leg muscles.The masseter muscle was the most affected,leading to denervation and atrophy and this severity correlated with the lowest levels of MuSK mRNA.On the contrary,the soleus with high MuSK mRNA levels had less postsynaptic perturbation and more terminal nerve sprouting.We propose that low muscle-intrinsic MuSK levels render some muscles,such as the masseter,more vulnerable to the postsynaptic perturbation of MuSK antibodies with subsequent denervation and atrophy.These findings augment our understanding of the sometimes severe,facio-bulbar phenotype of MuSK+MG.©2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.IntroductionAbout 40–70%of acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-antibody seronegative Myasthenia Gravis (MG)patients have antibodies against the muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK)(Hoch et al.,2001;Sanders et al.,2003).In MuSK-antibody seropositive (MuSK+)MG patients,there is often selective involvement of bulbar-,neck-and facial muscles,as well as muscles that are usually asymptomatic in AChR-antibody seropositive (AChR+)MG,such as the paraspinal muscles (Sanders and Juel,2008).Contrary to conventional AChR+MG patients,the majority of MuSK+patients does not experience symptomatic relief from acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (AChEI)(Evoli et al.,2003)but instead may respond with pronounced nicotinic adverse effects,such as muscle fasciculations and cramps (Punga et al.,2006).Pronounced atrophy of facial muscles has also been described in MuSK+patients,although the concomitant treatment of corticosteroids in most cases has made it dif ficult tojudge whether the MuSK antibodies or the cortisone treatment is the cause of the atrophy (Farrugia et al.,2006).Muscle biopsy studies of the intercostal muscle and biceps brachii muscle from MuSK+patients have shown little AChR loss (Selcen et al.,2004;Shiraishi et al.,2005),however,the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)pathophysiology in the most affected facial or bulbar muscles has not been studied.Nevertheless,MuSK antibodies have been shown to be pathogenic in animals,both after immunization with the extracellular domain of the MuSK protein itself (Jha et al.,2006;Shigemoto et al.,2008;2006;Xu et al.,2006)and after passive transfer of sera from MuSK+MG patients (Cole et al.,2008;ter Beek et al.,2009).MuSK is essential to the process of NMJ formation,maintenance (Wang et al.,2006)and integrity,as perturbations in MuSK protein expression cause pronounced disassembly of the entire NMJ (Hesser et al.,2006;Kong et al.,2004).Other NMJ proteins that are essential for synaptogenesis include Dok-7,a downstream adaptor protein to MuSK (Okada et al.,2006),Lrp4,the co-receptor for neural agrin (Kim et al.,2008;Zhang et al.,2008),rapsyn and the AChR subunits.The effects of MuSK antibodies in-vivo on the gene expression of those synaptic proteins in the facial or bulbar muscles have not yet been established.Here,we hypothesized that low expression levels of MuSK may render some muscles more vulnerable to the effect of MuSK antibodies in the EAMG mouse model.We show that MuSK antibodiesExperimental Neurology 230(2011)207–217⁎Corresponding author at:Institute of Neuroscience,Department of Clinical Neuro-physiology,Uppsala University Hospital,Uppsala,Sweden.Fax:+4618556106.E-mail address:annarostedtpunga@ (A.R.Punga).1Present address:Department of Clinical Neurophysiology,Uppsala University Hospital,Uppsala,Sweden.0014-4886/$–see front matter ©2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2011.04.018Contents lists available at ScienceDirectExperimental Neurologyj o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c om /l o c a t e /y e x n rinduce severe fragmentation of the postsynaptic AChR clusters in particular in the masseter and thoracic paraspinal muscles,with less fragmentation in the limb muscles.The severe postsynaptic pertur-bation results in subsequent denervation of musclefibers,not previously described in EAMG or MG.We propose that one underlying mechanism for the severe involvement of the facial masseter muscle, with severely impaired NMJ architecture,atrophy and denervation,is its low intrinsic levels of MuSK.Moreover,muscles respond to the partial denervation caused by MuSK antibodies in two different ways: (1)terminal nerve sprouting in muscles with high intrinsic levels of MuSK(i.e.soleus,sternomastoid)and(2)no nerve sprouting in muscles with low intrinsic MuSK levels(i.e.masseter,omohyoid).MethodsProduction of recombinant rat MuSKpCEP-PU vector containing the His-tagged extracellular domain of recombinant rat MuSK(aa21-491;(Jones et al.,1999))was transfected(Lipofectamine2000;Invitrogen)into HEK293EBNA cells.The overexpressed protein was purified from the cell superna-tant over a Ni-NTA superflow column(Qiagen)and was subsequently dialyzed against PBS.Protein concentration was determined at OD 280nm and purity was ensured by SDS-PAGE.Experimental animalsC57BL6mice and mice expressing yellowfluorescence protein (YFP)in their motor neurons under Thy-1promoter(Feng et al., 2000)were originally supplied from Jackson Laboratories(Bar Harbor, Maine,US).For immunization,8week-old female mice were used.All mice were housed in the Animal Facility of Biozentrum,University of Basel,where they had free access to food and water in a room with controlled temperature and a12hour alternating light–dark cycle.All animal procedures complied with Swiss animal experimental regu-lations(ethical application approval no.2352)and EC Directive 86/609/EEC.ImmunizationThe immunization procedure has been described previously(Jha et al.,2006).Briefly,eleven C57BL6and seven Thy1-YFP female mice aged8weeks were anesthetized(Ketamine:111mg/kg and Xylazine: 22mg/kg)and immunized with10μg of MuSK emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant(CFA,Difco laboratories,Detroit,Michigan,US) subcutaneously in the hind foot pads,at the base of the tail and dorsolateral on the back.At day28post-injection,immunization was repeated.A3rd immunization was given to mice that did not show any myasthenic weakness after56days.Control mice(8female mice) were immunized with PBS/CFA.Clinical and neurophysiological examinationMuscle weakness was graded every week,as described(Nakayashiki et al.,2000).Briefly,mice were exercised by20consecutive paw grips on a grid and were then placed on an upside-down grid.The time they could hold on to the grid reflected the grade of fatigue and muscle weakness.EAMG grades were as follows:grade0,no weakness;grade1, mild muscle fatigue after exercise;grade2,moderate muscle fatigue; and grade3,severe generalized weakness.Evaluation of the response to AChEIs was performed by i.p.injection of a mix of neostigmine bromide (0.0375mg/kg)and atropine sulfate(0.015mg/kg)in mice with EAMG grades2and3(Berman and Patrick,1980).Repetitive stimulation of the sciatic nerve and recording from the gastrocnemius muscle with monopolar needle electrodes was performed under anesthesia,in mice with EAMG grades2(n=2)and3(n=2),using a Saphire1L EMG machine(Medelec).Decrement was calculated as percent amplitude change between the1st and4th compound motor action potentials evoked by a train of10impulses where10%was considered as pathological.ELISASera were obtained from tail vein blood on day0(preimmune sera)and day35post-immunization.ELISA plates(Nunc MaxiSorp, Fisher Thermo Scientific,Rockford,IL,US)were coated with250ng/ ml of His-labeled rat MuSK(50μl/well),blocked with3%BSA/PBS and then incubated with a sera dilution row(1:3000–1:2,000,000).Pre-immune sera constituted negative and rabbit-anti-MuSK antibody (Scotton et al.,2006)positive controls.After washing,plates were incubated with secondary HRPO-conjugated goat-anti-mouse (1:2000)and goat anti-rabbit antibodies(1:2000;both from Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories,Westgrove,PA,US).HRPO activation by a TMB substrate was terminated with1N HCl after5min. Absorbance was read at450nm.Non-specific binding,determined by incubation of plates with pre-immune serum,was subtracted.The data were displayed as“half maximum MuSK immunoreactivity”,which represents the immunore-activity at a dilution of1:27,000,where the majority of sera obtained50% of maximum absorbance(in the linear range of the absorption at450nm).Western blotWestern blot of masseter muscles was conducted as described (Bentzinger et al.,2008).10μg of protein was resolved on a4–12%Nu-PAGE Bis–Tris gel(Invitrogen,Eugene,OR,US),transferred to nitrocellulose membrane,probed with rat monoclonal anti-NCAM (CD56;1:100;GeneTex)and rabbit polyclonal anti-pan-actin(1:1000; cell signaling)and then recognized with HRPO-conjugated antibodies (1:5000;Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories,Westgrove,PA,US). Quantitative RT-PCR analysisMouse muscle RNA was extracted and purified as previously described(Punga et al.,2011).RT-PCR reactions(triplicates)were carried out with Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix reagent(Applied Biosystems,Warrington,UK).β-actin was used as endogenous control (Punga et al.,2011;Murphy et al.,2003;Yuzbasioglu et al.,2010).The following primer sets were used:MuSK:5′-GCCTTCAGCGGGACTGAG-3′and5′-GAGGCGTGGTGA-CAGG-3′Lrp4:5′-GGATGGCTGTACGCTGCCTA-3′and5′-TTGCCGTTGTCA-CAGTGGA-3′Dok-7:5′-CTCGGCAGTTACAGGAGGTTG-3′and5′-GCAATGC-CACTGTCAGAGGA-3′A C h Rα1:5′-G C C A T T A A C C C G G A A AG T G A C-3′a n d5′-CCCCGCTCTCCATGAAGTT-3′AChRε:5′-CTGTGAACTTTGCTGAG-3′and5′-GGAGATCAG-GAACTTGGTTG-3′AChRγsubunit:5′-AACGAGACTCGGATGTGGTC-3′and5′-GTCGCACCACTGCATCTCTA-3′Rapsyn:5′-AGGTTGGCAATAAGCTGAGCC-3′and5′-TGCTCTCACT-CAGGCAATGC-3′MuRF-1:5′-ACC TGC TGG TGG AAA ACA-3′and5′-AGG AGC AAG TAG GCA CCT CA-3′β-actin:5′-CAGCTTCTTTGCAGCTCCTT-3′and5′-GCAGCGA-TATCGTCATCCA-3′A C h E:5′-G G G C T C C T A C T T T C T G G T T T A C G-3′a n d5′-GGGCCCGGCTGATGAG-3′208 A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology230(2011)207–217NMJ whole mount analysisAlexa Fluor555-conjugatedα-bungarotoxin(1μg/ml;Invitrogen) was injected into soleus,EDL,sternomastoid,omohyoid,masseter and the thoracic paraspinal muscles as described(Bezakova and Lomo, 2001).At least12images of each muscle per mouse(6MuSK-immunized YFP-transgenic mice and4CFA-immunized control mice) were collected with a confocal laser-scanning microscope(Leica TCS SPE).Laser gain and intensity were equal for all images.Quantification of pre-and postsynaptic area was performed in ImageJ(http://imagej. /ij/index.html).NMJs containing terminal nerve sprouts(processes with YFP expression)were counted in muscles fromfive MuSK+EAMG mice with disease grades1–3.At least275NMJs per muscle were analyzed. The number of postsynapse fragments per NMJ was counted using a fluorescence microscope(Leica DM5000B)in at least50NMJs per muscle deriving fromfive MuSK+EAMG grades1–2and from four control mice(Supplemental Fig.1).Fragmentation was classified as follows:1)normal pretzel-like NMJ;2)slight to moderate fragmen-tation;and3)severe fragmentation or absent postsynapse.The degree of postsynaptic perturbation per muscle was judged based on the percentage of NMJs belonging to each postsynaptic class and was further subdivided into number of postsynapse fragments per NMJ:1–3,4–6,7–9,10–12and more than12.Each NMJ was given the median score for that subgroup.The fragmentation score was obtained by taking the ratio of the score between the EAMG mice and control mice.Statistical analysisIndependent,2-sample t-test was performed for parametric data. For ordinal data(ELISA),the non-parametric test Spearman Rank Correlation was applied.A p-value b0.05was considered significant.Fig.1.(A)Development of EAMG after immunization with recombinant rat MuSK.Progress of clinical EAMG grade at the time points week4,5,7and10.*The mice with EAMG grade 3were sacrificed after week7(hence no new grade3mice week10)and the remaining mice were sacrificed andfinally evaluated at week10.(B)One mouse,representative of the most severely affected MuSK+EAMG mice,withflaccid paralysis and pronounced kyphosis.(C)Repetitive nerve stimulation performed in the same mouse.Stimulation of the sciatic nerve and recording of the gastrocnemius muscle demonstrated a35%decrement between the1st and4th compound motor action potentials at low frequency3Hz stimulation.(D)Correlation of clinical EAMG grade with MuSK antibody titer.Half of maximum MuSK immunoreactivity(1:27,000dilution)in sera from MuSK immunized mice was assessed by Elisa at450nm.R=0.483(Spearman's Rank Correlation);p b0.05.209A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology230(2011)207–217ResultsMuSK+EAMG presents with prominent kyphosis,paralysis and weight lossOut of the18mice immunized with MuSK,thefinal EAMG grade 0was seen in3mice(17%),grade1in8mice(44%),grade2in4mice (22%)and grade3in3mice(17%)(Fig.1A).No difference in disease incidence was found between the groups of C57BL6mice and the YFP-transgenic mice.Based on this,the data were pooled in the current study.The most severe phenotype of EAMG(grade3)includedflaccid paralysis,pronounced kyphosis and weight loss(Fig.1B).In-vivo nerve stimulation at3Hz with recording from the gastrocnemius muscle revealed a decrement of10–40%in the MuSK+EAMG mice (Fig.1C),whereas the control mice had normal neuromuscular transmission(data not shown).MuSK immunoreactivity in sera(day 35)correlated with clinical severity(Fig.1D;Spearman Rank Correlation;R=0.483;p b0.05),although some mice developed measurable MuSK antibodies without showing obvious muscle weakness or fatigue.Bulbar symptoms underlying weight loss in MuSK+EAMG The MuSK immunized mice steadily decreased significantly in body weight after the2nd immunization(Fig.2A),in contrast to the control mice,and thefinal body weight of the MuSK+mice was significantly smaller(p b0.001;Fig.2B).This severe weight loss was slowed but not stopped after introduction of wet food(data not shown).Since the timeline of the weight drop also correlated with development of muscle fatigue,the weight loss was assumed to be indicative of chewing and swallowing difficulties,some of the cardinal symptoms of MuSK+MG.To determine whether loss of muscle weight significantly contributed to the overall lower body weight in the MuSK+EAMG mice,the weight offive different muscles was assessed.The masseter was the only muscle with a significant weight reduction(p b0.01;Fig.2C),implying that this muscle is atrophic and further indicating chewing difficulties.Adverse effects of AChEIs in MuSK+EAMGTo elucidate whether AChEIs have any beneficial effect on fatigue or weakness in MuSK+EAMG,a neostigmine test was performed in the mice with EAMG grade3(n=3).No apparent improvement in weakness at rest or exercise-induced fatigue was seen;instead the mice experienced shivering and constant twitching of the tail,trunk and limbs starting after approximately13min(Supplemental Video1).This effect wore off after40min and was interpreted as nicotinic side effects and neuromuscular hyperactivity,usually seen after an overdose of AChEIs.Thus,this intolerance towards AChEIs in MuSK+EAMG indicates an abnormal sensitivity to acetylcholine.Impairment of NMJs in different musclesBecause muscle groups in the bulbar/facial/back region are selectively involved in the MuSK+EAMG model,we next examined the morphological changes of NMJs in the thoracic paraspinal muscles, masseter,omohyoid and sternomastoid and compared them with those in two limb muscles(EDL and soleus).Typical features of postsynaptic impairment were a fainting of AChRfluorescence,areas lacking AChRs(holes)and disassembly of AChR clusters.To quantify these impairments,we classified NMJs into three classes as illustrated in Fig.3A.All muscles from MuSK+EAMG mice displayeddifferentFig.2.Weight loss in MuSK+EAMG.(A)The course of weight loss in two MuSK+mice with EAMG grade3compared to control(Ctrl CFA)mice(n=8).Initial body weight was comparable and weight loss started after the2nd immunization and weight kept dropping even though wet food was provided ad libitum.(B)Mean body weight was dramatically reduced in the MuSK immunized mice(MuSK+;n=18),compared to the control mice.Results shown as mean±SEM(gram);***p b0.001.(C)Muscles were weighed and compared between control mice(n=8)and MuSK+EAMG mice(n=18).Results displayed as mean muscle weight±SEM(mg).The only muscle which was significantly lighter in the MuSK+mice was the masseter.**p b0.01.210 A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology230(2011)207–217degrees of NMJ impairment (Fig.3B).Moreover,we also observed that the postsynapses were often fragmented into two to three non-continuous fragments (see illustration in Fig.3A),which is in strong contrast to non-interrupted,pretzel-like shape of AChRs in non-immunized mice.This fragmentation was also quanti fied (Supplemental Fig.1)and expressed as “fragmentation score ”.Because fragmentation differs between muscles,this “fragmentation score ”was normalized to the control.As shown in Fig.3C,the fragmentation score varied between a minimum of 2.0in the soleus muscle and a maximum of 3.3in the masseter muscle.The postsynaptic labeling was markedly reduced in the MuSK+EAMG mice compared to control mice (Fig.4A).In the mild to moderately affected mice,AChR cluster area was reduced signi ficantly by 40–50%in all muscles (p b 0.01),except for the soleus,which had a remaining area of 85%(p b 0.05;Fig.4B).In the most severely affected mice,the postsynaptic area was also lost in the soleus muscle and less than 10%of the α-bungarotoxin staining remained in the masseter,sternomastoid and thoracic paraspinal muscles (p b 0.001).In the soleus,the nerve terminal area was unchanged in the severely affected mice,although in the other muscles the presynaptic area was reduced to about 80%in the mild to moderate cases and to 50%in the most severely affected mice (p b 0.01)(Fig.4C).Thus,both the pre-and postsynaptic data suggest that the masseter is the most affected muscle by MuSK antibodies whereas the soleus is the least affected.mRNA transcript expression of NMJ proteins in different muscles in MuSK+EAMGThe mRNA levels of MuSK differ signi ficantly between muscles,with the highest levels in the soleus muscle and lowest levels in the omohyoid muscle (Punga et al.,2011).Consequently,we additionally analyzed MuSK transcript levels in the masseter and these were even lower,with less than 20%of the mRNA levels detected in the soleus muscle (Supplemental Fig.2;p b 0.01).In the MuSK+EAMG mice,MuSK mRNA levels were signi ficantly reduced to 45%of control in the EDL (p b 0.05)and to 25%in the omohyoid muscle (p b 0.001;Fig.5A).Conversely,MuSK mRNA expression was signi ficantly increased in the masseter muscle (p b 0.01)and remained unchanged in the soleus and sternomastoid muscles.The expression of the AChR αsubunit was unchanged (Fig.5B),whereas the AChR εsubunit transcript was downregulated in the soleus and sternomastoid muscles and conversely a trend towards upregulation was seen in the masseter muscle (Fig.5C).The fetal AChR γsubunit mRNA was upregulated up to 1000-fold in the masseter (p b 0.001)and 5-fold in the soleus (p b 0.05;Fig.5D).The transcript levels of rapsyn,Lrp4and Dok-7were not signi ficantly altered (Fig.5E to G).Finally,the transcript levels of acetylcholine esterase (AChE)were signi ficantly down-regulated only in the sternomastoid and omohyoid muscles (p b 0.05;Fig.5H).Fig.3.Postsynaptic fragmentation of NMJs.(A)Examples from each postsynaptic classi fication.AChRs stained for alfa-bungarotoxin.(B)At least 275neuromuscular junctions (NMJs)per muscle were assessed in a total of 5MuSK+EAMG mice with moderate to severe disease.The appearance of NMJ postsynapses were divided into 3classes as indicated.Sol:soleus;EDL:extensor digitorum longus;STM:sternomastoid muscle;omo:omohyoid;mass:masseter.(C)Postsynapses were analyzed in at least 50NMJs per muscle in a total of 5MuSK+EAMG mice with slight to moderate disease grade and in 4control mice.Each NMJ in a certain subclass (for details see Supplemental Fig.1)was given the median score for that subclass.The fragmentation score for each muscle is the ratio in score between the EAMG mice and control mice.211A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology 230(2011)207–217In summary,particularly the massive upregulation of MuSK transcripts and AChR γin conjunction with the overall trend for upregulation of mRNA for the other postsynaptic genes in the masseter muscle most likely re flects the severely disturbed neuro-muscular transmission in this muscle as a result of the MuSK antibodyattack.Fig.4.Pronounced reduction of postsynaptic and presynaptic area in different muscles in MuSK+EAMG.(A)Whole mount staining of single fiber layer bundles from the paraspinal muscle (ps),sternomastoid (STM),masseter (mass),omohyoid (omo),extensor digitorum longus (EDL)and soleus (sol)muscles from one control mouse immunized with CFA/PBS and one mouse with severe MuSK+EAMG.AChRs are visualized by alexa-555-bungarotoxin (red)and the motor nerve terminals by YFP expression (green).The AChRs are almost completely gone from the paraspinal muscles,STM and masseter.Confocal images of 100×magni fication,scale bar is 10μm.Quanti fication of (B)postsynapse (AChR clusters)and (C)presynaptic area in the different muscles;soleus (sol),extensor digitorum longus (EDL),omohyoid (omo),masseter (mass),sternomastoid (STM)and paraspinal muscles (ps).Results are given as %of ctrl area±SEM and at least 12NMJs in each muscle/mouse was measured in mice with EAMG grades 1–2(N =4),in mice with severe grade 3(N =2)and in control mice (N =4).**p b 0.01;#p b 0.001.212 A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology 230(2011)207–217Denervation induced muscle atrophy in MuSK+EAMGThe masseter muscle lost weight and consequently we examined the mRNA levels of the atrophy marker muscle-speci fic RING finger protein 1(MuRF-1)and assessed signs of denervation.For this analysis we included the same muscles as previously examined,with the addition of thoracic paraspinal muscles due to the pronounced kyphosis of the MuSK+EAMG mice.MuRF-1mRNA levels were signi ficantly upregulated in the masseter muscle (p b 0.05;Fig.6A)and on the contrary MuRF-1transcript levels were strongly reduced in the soleus muscle (p b 0.01)in the MuSK+EAMG mice.Further,the protein levels of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM),a marker for denervation,were increased in the masseter muscle as detected by Western blot analysis.This is thus additional evidence of denervation in this particular muscle (Fig.6B).Absence of nerve sprouting may contribute to the severe denervation phenotypePresynaptic nerve terminals were visualized by transgenic YFP expression,allowing observation also of NMJs with absent post-synapses.In the masseter,the nerve terminals were still present although many postsynaptic AChRs were partially or completely lost.Intriguingly,no or little nerve sprouting was observed in these cases (Fig.7).This finding raised the possibility that postsynaptic perturbation in this muscle did not elicit any nerve sprouting response.To test this hypothesis,we examined ≥450NMJs in each of the muscles for such sprouting response.The quantitative examination of 4MuSK+EAMG mice revealed terminal nerve sprouting in approximately 20%of NMJs in the soleus and in 15%of endplates in the sternomastoid (Fig.7).On the contrary,theFig.5.mRNA levels of postsynaptic proteins in MuSK+EAMG.C:control mice immunized with CFA/PBS.MG:EAMG mice immunized with MuSK.mRNA levels in the control mice are set to 100%and levels in the EAMG mice are relative to the control levels.n=6control mice;n=6MuSK+EAMG mice.Genes of interest are relative to the house keeping gene β-actin.*p b 0.05;***p b 0.001.213A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology 230(2011)207–217omohyoid,EDL,thoracic paraspinal muscles and masseter,showed terminal sprouting at only a few NMJs.In most samples no sprouting was observed,which differed signi ficantly from the soleus (p b 0.001)and the sternomastoid muscle (p b 0.05).Interestingly,the degree of nerve sprouting in each muscle correlates with their endogenous levels of MuSK,suggesting that MuSK levels regulate the nerve sprouting response and consequently reorganization of NMJs (Punga et al.,2011).DiscussionMuSK+MG patients often present with focal weakness of facial,bulbar,neck and respiratory muscles and sometimes also of paraspinal and upper esophageal muscles (Sanders and Juel,2008).The pathopysiological role of MuSK antibodies has been questioned based on the normal levels of MuSK and AChRs at the NMJ in cross-sections of the intercostal muscle and biceps brachii muscle of MuSK+MG patients (Selcen et al.,2004;Shiraishi et al.,2005).Further studies in mice have now shown that MuSK antibodies deplete MuSK from the NMJ,which results in disassembly of the postsynaptic apparatus and a reduced packing of AChRs (Jha et al.,2006;Shigemoto et al.,2006;Cole et al.,2010).Nevertheless,the exact mechanism of how MuSK antibodies affect muscles has so far not been revealed.Here we report that MuSK antibodies cause a severe pre-and postsynaptic disassembly in the facial,bulbar and paraspinal muscles but only a slight disruption in the limb muscles (i.e.soleus and EDL).The most affected muscle was the masseter and intriguingly this muscle expressed less than 20%of MuSK transcripts than the least affected soleus muscle.Considering that fast-twitch muscle fibers require larger depolarization to initiate contraction compared to slow-twitch fibers,we propose that the superfast twitch pattern of the masseter in combination with its critically low MuSK levels makes this muscle extra vulnerable to the synaptic perturbation following the MuSK antibody attack (Laszewski and Ruff,1985).Hence,over-expression of MuSK in vulnerable muscles could potentially alleviate the effects of the antibody-mediated attack against MuSK.Earlier studies of AChR+EAMG rats have been shown to respond to rapsyn-overexpression in the tibialis anterior muscle with no loss of AChRs and almost normal postsynaptic folds,whereas the NMJs of untreated muscles showed typical AChR loss and morphological damage (Losen et al.,2005).Nevertheless,we did not find any changes in rapsyn mRNA levels across the examined muscles.Additionally,our findings underline the importance of examining the clinically affected muscles in MuSK+MG in order to draw the right conclusions regarding NMJ morphology.In the MuSK+EAMG model,the mice exhibited obvious bulbar and thoracospinal muscle weakness,similar to the mouse model of congenital myasthenic syndrome with MuSK mutation (Chevessier et al.,2008).This implies a common clinical phenotype in mice with impaired MuSK function and corresponds well with the phenotype of human MuSK+MG.In contrast,we have noticed in parallel rounds with immunization of C57BL6mice with AChR from Torpedo californica that the AChR-antibody seropositive mice did not develop signi ficant weight loss,neck muscle weakness or kyphosis and also that their flaccid paralysis was reversible with AChEI treatment (Punga et al.,unpublished observations).The adverse effect of AChEIs in MuSK+EAMG resembles the neuromuscular hyperactivity reported in MuSK+MG patients (Punga et al.,2006).We hypothesize that the underlying reason for the hypersensitivity in the muscles to the additional amount of available ACh at the NMJ is a consequence of (1)the denervation of the muscle fibers with extensive AChR fragmentation and (2)the downregulation of AChE in some muscles (e.g.omohyoid and sternomastoid),which may result in AChEI overdose-like phenotype.The downregulation of AChE mRNA is most probably a direct consequence to the loss of MuSK,since MuSK binds collagen Q,an interaction that is thought to be largely responsible for the synaptic localization of AChE-collagen Q complex at the NMJ (Cartaud et al.,2004).The fragmentation and spatial dispersion of AChRs most likely inhibits the response to the increased ACh at the NMJ induced by AChEIs in the most clinically affected muscles.This study also investigated the possibility of MuSK antibodies to initiate a cascade that results in denervation-induced atrophy.MRI studies of newly diagnosed MuSK+patients have con firmed early muscle atrophy in the temporal,masseter and lingual muscles with fatty replacement (Zouvelou et al.,2009;Farrugia et al.,2006).We observed that,particularly in the masseter and paraspinal muscles,some NMJs were completely depleted of AChRs,and the subsequent loss of synaptic transmission most probably resulted in functional denervation.This explanation is further supported by the fact that pharmacological denervation arises after injection of botulinum toxin A (BotA),which also blocks the cholinergic synaptic transmission,and it is sometimes dif ficult to distinguish this from a surgical denervation due to the similarities in pattern,extent and time course (Drachman and Johnston,1975).Previous studies of passively induced AChR+EAMG in rats have shown an upregulation of the AChR ε,but not the γsubunits;thus suggesting that newly expressed AChRs in the case of antibody mediated AChR loss are of the adult type (Asher et al.,1993).However,our observed massive upregulation of AChR γtranscript in the masseter implies that,except for disturbed neuromuscular transmission,denervation is also ongoing since this usually correlates with the predominant expression of embryonic type receptors and re-expression of the fetal type occurs after experimental denervation (Witzemann et al.,1989).Levels of AChR γmRNA are normally extremely low in all muscles except for the extraocular muscles (Kaminski et al.,1996;MacLennan et al.,1997).Concomitantly with the very prominent increase in transcripts encoding AChR γ,MuSKFig.6.Atrophy-and denervation related markers in MuSK+EAMG mice.(A)mRNA levels of MuRF-1expressed as %of control in relation to β-actin.n=6control mice (C)and n=5MuSK+EAMG mice (MG).*p b 0.05.(B)Western blot of NCAM in the masseter muscle of one MuSK+EAMG mice with disease grade 3(MG)and in one CFA-immunized control mouse (Ctrl).NCAM was detected as 3bands at levels 120,140and 180kD and the loading control β-actin (45kD).An equal amount of protein was loaded.**p b 0.01.214 A.R.Punga et al./Experimental Neurology 230(2011)207–217。