CS-LF0001 (RevQ)



纠正预防措施报告 Correction and Precaution Report
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Form-CPR-0001 Rev 00
Form-CPR-0001 Rev 00
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Form-CPR-0001 Rev 00
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根本原因分析 Root Cause Analysis
项目经理意见: Project Manager:
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项目经理意见: Project Manager:
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Form-CPR-0001 Rev 00
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4.444 3.211 1.909 1.684 94.262 5.131 8.234 4.893 6.051 2.926 2.187 2.379 3.722 33.033 14.429 9.504 2.388 6.886 6.378 3.9 2.747 1.141 2.463 0.941 2.3 3.243 2.511 3.418 10.018 3.261 7.251 1.851 4.094 3.264 8.889 6.973 6.519 2.819 3.738 1.411 4.279 5.833 1.226 5.938
0003-4932 0003-4967 0003-4975 0003-6900 0003-6951 0003-9527 0003-987X 0003-9888 0003-990X 0003-9926 0003-9942 0003-9950 0003-9993 0004-0010 0004-3591 0004-3702 0004-5411 0004-6256 0004-6361 0004-637X 0004-8038 0004-9409 0005-1098 0005-2086 0005-2728 0006-2952 0006-3185 0006-3207 0006-3223 0006-3363 0006-341X 0006-3444 0006-3568 0006-4971 0006-8101 0006-8950 0007-0882 0007-0912 0007-0920 0007-0963 0007-1048 0007-1161 0007-118
五、国际权威期刊目录(理工医管类 2012年版)
期刊简称 ISSN刊号 影响因子

SST38LF6401RT 4M ×16 CMOS Advanced Multi-Purpose F

SST38LF6401RT 4M ×16 CMOS Advanced Multi-Purpose F

SummaryThe SST38LF6401RT is a 4M ×16 CMOS Advanced Multi-Purpose Flash Plus (Advanced MPF+) upgraded for space applications. It is manufactured with SST proprietary, high-performance CMOS SuperFlash ® technology. The split-gate cell design and thick-oxide tunneling injector attain better reliability and manufacturability compared with alternate approaches. The SST38L-F6401RT writes (program or erase) with a 3.0V to 3.6V power supply. This device conforms to JEDEC standard pin assignments for ×16 memories.SST38LF6401RT Parallel Rad Tolerant Flash MemoryFeatures• Density: 64 Mbit• Read access time: 90 ns • Page size (bytes): 8• Temperature range: –55°C to +125°C • Endurance: 10,000 cycles • Organized as 4M ×16• Single voltage read and write operations : 3.0V to 3.6V • Superior reliability, endurance: up to 10,000 cycles mini-mum, greater than 100 years data retention•Low-power consumption (typical values at 5 MHz)• Active current: 4 mA (typical)• Standby current: 3 µA (typical)• Auto low-power mode: 3 µA (typical)• 128-bit unique ID• Security-ID feature, 256 word, user one-time programmable• Protection and security features, hardware boot block protection/WP# input• Hardware Reset Pin (RST#)•Fast read and page read access times: 90 ns page read access times, 4-word page read buffer• Latched address and data• Fast erase times: sector-erase time: 18 ms (typical), block-erase time: 18 ms (typical), chip-erase time: 40 ms (typical)• Erase-suspend/resume capabilities• Fast word and write-buffer programming times:• Word-program time: 7 µs (typical)• Write buffer programming time: 1.75 µs/word(typical)• 16-word write buffer• Automatic write timing: internal V pp generation• End-of-write detection, toggle bits, data# polling, ry/by# output• CMOS I/O compatibility• JEDEC standard, Flash EEPROM pinouts and command sets• Pin, uniform (32 KWord) and non-uniform (8 KWord) op-tions available, user-controlled individual block (32 KWord) protection, using software only methods • Password protection • CFI Compliant•Packages available: 48-lead TSOP ceramic or plasticThe Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.© 2020, Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 11/20 DS00003649AWhat is SuperFlash Technology?SuperFlash Technology is an innovative, highly reliable and versatile type of NOR Flash memory invented by Silicon Storage Technology (SST, which is owned by Microchip). SuperFlash memory is much more flexible and reliable than competing non-volatile memories. This technology utilizes a split-gate cell architecture which uses a robust thick-oxide process that requires fewer mask steps resulting in a lower-cost nonvolatile memory solution with excellent data retention and higher reliability.Advantages of SuperFlash Technology• Fast, fixed program and erase times (typical chip-erase time: 40 ms)• No pre-programming or verify required prior to erase (Results in significantly lower power consumption)• Superior reliability (10K cycles and 100 years data retention)• Inherent small sector size (4 KB erase sector vs. 64 KB), results in faster re-write operations and contributes to lowering overall power consumptionSpace Environment• Full wafer lot traceability• 48-lead hermetic ceramic dual flat package (CDFP)• Space-grade screening and qualification (QML and ESCC flow)• T otal ionizing dose: better than 50 Krad, (biased & unbiased) • Heavy ions and protons tested• Single event latch-up immune with a LET > 78 MeV .cm²/mg • Full SEU characterization• No SEU corruption up to 46 MeV .cm²/mgFunctional Block Diagram®。



ycnagelE \ytilibigilletnI \ytilediF sevitan eht sa gnileef emas eht evah sredaer eht teL :noiretirC .egaugnal rehtona ni nettirw ro dias gnihtemos fo gninaem eht evig oT noitalsnarT
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艇游 staob erusaelP 船客货 spihs regnessap-ograC .evoba sa emas eht hcum si noisividbus eht ,slessev ograC 船垫气、艇气腾 )VCA :elcihev noihsuc ria( tfarcrevoH 艇翼水 liofordyH 船班客规常 renil lanoitnevnoC :smrof gniwollof eht htiw ,spihs regnessaP 船渡 )htob ro ,srac ,sregnessap rof( seirref )lennahc-ssorC( 舶船河内和海沿、海近 spihs yawretaw dnalni ,spihs latsaoc dna aeS :2 puorG 船驳载式降升 EEBAES �船驳载 HSAL �船驳载 reirrac egraB 船装滚 pihs oRoR 船藏冷 )refeer( pihs ograc noitaregirfeR 船气然天化液 GNL �船气油石化液 GPL :gnidulcni ,reirrac sag deifiuqiL 船箱装集盖舱无 pihsreniatnoc sselrevochctaH 船箱装集规常 pihsreniatnoc lanoitnevnoC :gnidulcni ,spihsreniatnoC 船油品成 reirrac tcudorP = 船品学化 reknat lacimehC 船油级超 CCLU �船油型巨 CCLV�船油原 reirrac lio edurC :otni dedivid ,sreknaT 船木运 reirrac rebmiT 船油、散、矿 OBO �船砂矿 reirrac erO 船煤运 reilloC �船用兼 reirrac noitanibmoC :smrof laiceps eht htiw ,船货装散 seirrac kluB 船途用多 pihs )esoprup lareneg( esoprupitluM 船货杂 pihs ograc lareneG 船班或船期日定不、线航定不�船货 )renil ro pmart( spihs gniyrrac ograC :2 puorgbuS 船货客 pihs ograc dna regnessaP 船班客 srenil regnessaP 船客 spihs regnessaP :1 puorgbuS 舶船洋远 spihS gnioG naecO :1 puorG 类分船商 spihS tnahcreM fo eerT ylimaF ehT 习学汇词业专

SAE J942-1999 Passenger Car Windshield Washer Systems

SAE J942-1999 Passenger Car Windshield Washer Systems

The minimum performance requirements and test procedures, outlined in this document, are based on currently available engineering data. It is intended that all portions of the document will be periodically reviewed and revised as additional data on windshield washer system performance are developed. 2. 2.1 References Applicable Publications— The following publications forms a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply. SAE P UBLICATION— Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J198— Windshield Wiper Systems— Trucks, Buses, and Multipurpose Vehicles SAE J726— Air Cleaner Test Code SAE J903— Passenger Car Windshield Wiper Systems 2.1.2 ASTM P UBLICATION— Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM D 1149— Test for Accelerated Ozone Cracking of Vulcanized Rubber



F o r P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t A p p l i c a t i o nControl Integrated POwer System (CIPOS™)I K C S 12F 60F 2A I K C S 12F 60F 2CD a t a S he e t ,J un. 2010CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CRevision History: 2010-06Rev.1.0Authors: Junho Song*, Junbae Lee* and Daewoong Chung*, W. Frank**, W. Brunnbauer**LS Power Semitech*, Infineon Technologies**Edition 2010-01Published byLS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. Seoul, Korea© LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserved.Attention please!The information given in this data sheet shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. office or representatives ().WarningsDue to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. office or representatives.LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd., if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safetyor effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implantedin the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.TRENCHSTOP® is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies AG.CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CTable of contents:CIPOS™ Control Integrated POwer System (4)Features (4)Target Applications (4)Description (4)System Configuration (4)Certification (4)Internal Electrical Schematic (5)Pin Assignment (6)Pin Description (6)HIN1,2,3 and /LIN1,2,3 (Low side and high side control pins, Pin 15 - 20) (6)FLT-TEMP (temperature NTC, Pin 24) (7)ITRIP (Over-current detection function, Pin 21) (7)VDD, VSS (control side supply and reference, Pin 22, 23) (7)VB1,2,3 and VS1,2,3 (High side supplies, Pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8) (7)VRU, VRV, VRW (low side emitter, Pin 12, 13, 14) (7)V+ (positive bus input voltage, Pin 10) (7)Absolute Maximum Ratings (8)Module Section (8)IGBT and Diode Section (8)Control Section (9)Recommended Operation Conditions (9)Static Characteristics (10)Dynamic Characteristics (11)Integrated Components (12)Typical Application (12)Characteristics (13)Package Outline IKCS12F60F2A (17)Package Outline IKCS12F60F2C (18)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CCIPOS™C ontrol I ntegrated PO wer S ystem Single In-Line Intelligent Power Module3Φ-bridge 600V / 12A @ 25°CFeatures•DCB isolated Single In-Line molded module •FAULT signal•TrenchStop® IGBTs with lowest V CE(sat)•Optimal adapted antiparallel diode for low EMI •Integrated bootstrap diode and capacitor •Rugged SOI gate driver technology with stability against transient and negative voltage •Fully compliant to 3.3V and 5V microcontrollers •Temperature sense•Under voltage lockout at all channels •Matched propagation delay for all channels •Low side emitter pins accessible for all phase current monitoring (open emitter)•Cross-conduction prevention•Lead-free terminal plating; RoHS compliant •Qualified according to JEDEC1 (high temperature stress tests for 1000h) for target applicationsTarget Applications•Washing machines•Consumer Fans and Consumer Compressors DescriptionThe CIPOS™ module family offers the chance for integrating various power and control components to increase reliability, optimize PCB size and system costs.This SIL-IPM is designed to control AC motors in variable speed drives for applications like air conditioning, compressors and washing machines. The package concept is specially adapted to power applications, which need extremely good thermal conduction and electrical isolation, but also EMI-save control and overload protection. The features of TrenchStop®IGBTs and antiparallel diodes are combined with a new optimized Infineon SOI gate driver for excellent electrical performance. The product provides a FAULT signal, which is significantly simplifying the system.System Configuration• 3 half-bridges with TrenchStop®IGBT & FW-diodes•3Φ SOI gate driver•Bootstrap diodes for high side supply •Integrated 100nF bootstrap capacitance •Temperature sensor, passive components for adaptions•Isolated heatsink•Creepage distance typ 3.2mmCertificationUL 1577 (UL file E314539)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CInternal Electrical SchematicFigure 1: Internal SchematicVSS (23)/LIN3 (20)/LIN2 (19)/LIN1 (18)/HIN3 (17)/HIN2 (16)/HIN1 (15)VDD (22)VB1 (7)VB2 (4)VB3 (1)VRW (14)VRV (13)VRU (12)W, VS3 (2)V, VS2 (5)U, VS1 (8)V+ (10)/FLT-TEMP (24)ITRIP (21)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CPin AssignmentPin Description/HIN1,2,3 and /LIN1,2,3 (Low side and high side control pins, Pin 15 - 20)These pins are active low and they are responsible for the control of the integrated IGBTsuch to guarantee LSTTL and CMOS compatibility down to 3.3V controller outputs. The maximum voltage at these pins is 5.5V and therefore fully compliant to 3.3V-microcontrollers. Pull-up resistor of about 75k Ω is internally provided to pre-bias inputs during supply start-up and a zener clamp is provided for pin protection purposes. Input schmitt-trigger and noise filter provide beneficial noise rejection to short input pulses. It is recommended for proper work of CIPOS™ not to provide an input pulse-width and PWM deadtimes lower than 1us.The integrated gate drive provides additionally a shoot through prevention capability which avoids the simultaneous on-state of two gate drivers ofFigure 2: Input pin structureCIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2Cthe same leg (i.e. HO1 and LO1, HO2 and LO2, HO3 and LO3).A minimum deadtime insertion of typ 380ns is also provided, in order to reduce cross-conduction of the external power switches./FLT-TEMP (temperature NTC, Pin 24)The TEMP terminal provides direct access to the NTC, which is referenced to VSS. An external pull-up resistor connected to +5V ensures, that the resulting voltage can be directly connected to the microcontroller.The same pin indicates a module failure in case of under voltage at pin VDD or in case of triggered over current detection at ITRIP. A pull-up resistor is externally required to bias the NTC. No temperature information is available during fault. ITRIP (Over-current detection function, Pin 21) CIPOS™ provides an over-current detection function by connecting the ITRIP input with the motor current feedback. The ITRIP comparator threshold (typ 0.46V) is referenced to VSS ground. A input noise filter (typ: t ITRIPMIN = 225ns) prevents the driver to detect false over-current events. Over-current detection generates a hard shut down of all outputs of the gate driver after the shutdown propagation delay of typically 900ns. The fault-clear time is set to typically to 4.7ms. VDD, VSS (control side supply and reference, Pin 22, 23)VDD is the low side supply and it provides power both to input logic and to low side output power stage. Input logic is referenced to VSS ground as well as the under-voltage detection circuit. The under-voltage circuit enables the device to operate at power on when a supply voltage of at least a typical voltage of V DDUV+ = 12.1V is at least present.The IC shuts down all the gate drivers power outputs, when the VDD supply voltage is below V DDUV- = 10.4V. This prevents the external power switches from critically low gate voltage levels during on-state and therefore from excessive power dissipation.VB1,2,3 and VS1,2,3 (High side supplies, Pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)VB to VS is the high side supply voltage. The high side circuit can float with respect to VSS following the external high side power device emitter/source voltage.Due to the low power consumption, the floating driver stage is supplied by an integrated bootstrap circuit connected to VDD. This includes also integrated bootstrap capacitors of 100nF at each floating supply, which are located very close to the gate drive circuit.The under-voltage detection operates with a rising supply threshold of typical V BSUV+ = 12.1V and a falling threshold of V DDUV- = 10.4V according to Figure 4.VS1,2,3 provide a high robustness against negative voltage in respect of VSS of -50V. This ensures very stable designs even under rough conditions.Figure 4: Operation modesVRU, VRV, VRW (low side emitter, Pin 12, 13, 14)The low side emitters are available for current measurements of each phase leg. It is recommended to keep the connection to pin VSS as short as possible in order to avoid unnecessary inductive voltage drops.V+ (positive bus input voltage, Pin 10)The high side IGBT are connected to the bus voltage. It is recommended, that the bus voltage does not exceed 500V.CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CAbsolute Maximum Ratings(T J = 25°C, V DD = 15V Unless Otherwise Specified): Module SectionIGBT and Diode Section1 Monitored by pin 24CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CControl SectionRecommended Operation ConditionsAll voltages are absolute voltages referenced to V SS -Potential unless otherwise specified.IKCS12F60F2CStatic Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)1 Allowed number of short circuits: <1000; time between short circuits: >1s.Dynamic Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)Integrated ComponentsTypical Application1Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N TI F , f o r w a r d C U R R E N TV CE , COLLECTOR EMITTER VOLTAGEV F FORWARD VOLTAGEFigure 4. Typical IGBT output characteristicFigure 5. Typical diode forward current as afunction of forward voltaget , S W I T C H I N G T I M E S0A 5A 10A 15At , S W I T C H I N G T I M E S25℃50℃75℃100℃125℃I C , COLLECTOR CURRENTT vJ , JUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 6. Typical switching times as afunction of collector current (inductive load,T vJ =150°C,V CE =300VDynamic test circuit in Figure A)Figure 7. Typical switching times as afunction of junction temperature (inductive load, V CE = 300V, I C = 6A Dynamic test circuit in Figure A)E , S W I T C H I N G E N E R G YE , S W I T C H I N G E N E R G YI C , COLLECTOR CURRENTT vJ , JUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 8. Typical switching energy losses asa function of collector current (inductive load, T vJ =150°C, V CE =300VDynamic test circuit in Figure A)Figure 9. Typical switching energy losses asa function of junction temperature (inductive load, V CE = 300V, I C = 6A Dynamic test circuit in Figure A)R T S , N T C r e s i s t a n c eZ t h J C , T R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E10-210-1100 T NTC , NTC TEMPERATUREt P , PULSE WIDTHFigure 10. Characteristic of NTC as afunction of NTC temperatureFigure 11. Transient thermal impedance as afunction of pulse width (D =t P /T )Test Circuits and Parameter DefinitionFigure A: Dynamic test circuit Leakage inductance L σ =180nH Stray capacitance C σ =39pFFigure B: Definition of diodes switching characteristicsFigure C: Definition of Enable propagation delayFigure D: Switching times definition and switching energy definitionI RRMI FLIN1,2,3HIN1,2,3i CU , i CV , i v CEU , v CEV ∫⋅=Cx CEx dti v Eoff 0∫⋅=Eont Cx CEx dti v Eon 0Figure E: Short Pulse suppressionPackage Outline IKCS12F60F2ANote: There may occur discolorations on the copper surface without any effect of the thermal properties.Package Outline IKCS12F60F2CPackage Data。

USB串口转换器(Micro USB B类)2014.02 Rev. 1.01 产品说明书

USB串口转换器(Micro USB B类)2014.02 Rev. 1.01 产品说明书

USB Serial Converter (Micro USB B type)2014.02Rev. 1.01Contents1.Introduction (2)1-1. Overview (2)1-2. Package Contents (2)1-3. System Requirements and Restrictions (2)1-4. RS-232C connector Pin Assignment (3)2.Installation and Operation on Android OS (4)2-1. Installation of USB60Term application (4)2-2. How to operate USB60Term (5)3. Specifications (8)*All trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective holders. *The specifications and pictures are subject to change without notice.11.Introduction1-1. Overview● REX-USB60MB is a USB to serialconverter. Compatible with UniversalSerial Bus specifications Rev. 1.1.● Up to 230.4Kbps data transfer rate.●Micro USB (B type Male)Easy to connect Android tablet or smartphone.●Power/Transmit/Receive LED indicatorsfor monitoring communication status.1-2. Package ContentsThis product is shipped with the following items:● REX-USB60MB USB Serial Converter● Warranty Card in JapaneseNote: Not include the printed document of User’s manual and Software CD. 1-3. System Requirements and RestrictionsHost machine●Android tablet/smart phone with free Micro USB B type portOperating System● Android OS 3.2、Android OS 4.0 or laterNote:The Android driver software for this product is not provided from RATOC Systems, Inc.The FTDI Java D2xx for Android Library which is provided by FTDI Ltd, “D2xx.jar” works with this product.And we made the terminal application “USB60Term” using “D2xx.jar”, published at Google Play.21-4. RS-232C connector Pin AssignmentThe pin assignment of the connector is below:This DB9pin connector is compatible with ANSI/EIA/TIA-574 specifications.1 2 3 4 5Signal NameDirectionDTE – DCE. Meaning1 DCD <--- Data Carrier Detected2 RXD <--- ReceivedData3 TXD ---> TransmittedData4 DTR ---> Data Terminal Ready5 GND - SignalGround6 DSR <--- DataSetReady7 RTS ---> Request to Send8 CTS <--- Clear to Send9 RI <--- RingIndicator6 7 8 932. Installation and Operation on Android OS Please make sure that the Android tablet meets the following specifications: •USB port is Micro-USB B or AB•Android OS version is 3.2, 4.0 or later•USB Host mode is available2-1. Installation of USB60Term applicationDownload the terminal application “USB60Term” from Google Play.1) Start Google Play. Type “USB60” to the search box on Google Play.2) Select “USB60Term” from the search result, and install it.3) After USB60Term application is installed, connect USB Serial Converter. Then, the below window will show:Set the check to the checkbox “[ ] Useby default for this USB device”.If you set the uncheck to the abovecheckbox, the above popup windowshows up at each time attaching USBserial converter.4) Select “OK”, and then start USB60Term. The below window will show:After the USB Serial Converter is recognized, the “Connected” message shows up on the left of “USB Serial”. And then, it will be ready for use.42-2. How to operate USB60TermWhen the USB60Term starts, the below window will show:1Status of detecting USBSerial Converter Display the status of detecting USB SerialConverter, this status shows “Connected” or “Not connected”.2 “To setting” buttonThe button for changing serial parameter.After changing the parameter values, tap the“Configure” button to enable new values.3 Send data fieldAfter tapping this field, enter the send data.4 Receive data fieldDisplay the received data.The displayed data is holding till the “Clear ”buttonis tapped.5 Option menuOption menu shows up6 “Send” buttonTransmit the data of the “send data field “ 7 “Send with CR+LF” buttonTransmit the send data with CR code(0x0D) and LF code(0x0A) 8“new line [CR+LF]” checkbox Before transmitting the send data, an LF(0x0A)code in the send data will be replaced with the CR+LF(0x0D+0x0A) code.9 “Clear” buttonErase the data of the “Receive data field ” Option menuRTS_clear checkboxWhen checked the “RTS_clear” checkbox, then the RTS signal will be stable to clear (off). If unchecked this checkbox, the RTS signal will be unstable after opening serial port.5How to send dataWhen tapping the send data field, the software keyboard shows up. Then, enter the send data.You can set multiple lines with a new-line.After entering the send data, tap the “Send” button or the “Send with CR+LF” button at the upper-right of screen. Then, the send data will be transmitted.How to receive dataThe data from USB Serial Converter will be always received.And the received data will show at the “receive data field”.When tapping the “Clear” button, the data of the “Receive data field” will be erased.6How to change serial parameterAfter tapping the “To setting” button, you can change serial parameter values. When edit is ready, the “To setting” button will be changed to the “Configure” button. And the back-ground color of serial parameter values will be changed in light blue.Baud Rate Stop Bit Data Bit Parity Flow ControlAfter finishing editing the parameter values, tap the “Configure ” button for changing values.73. SpecificationsProduct Name REX-USB60MBSerial Input/Output level RS-232C levelUSB Specification USB(Universal Serial Bus) Specifications Rev. 1.1 Connector USB :Micro-USB B maleRS-232C:D-Sub9 male (with anchor [#4-40]) Number of I/O ports 1 portUnit Dimensions 3.35[L] x 1.1[W] x 0.43[H] in (85[L] x 28[W] x 11[H] mm) Cable Length Approx. 2.83 ft (85 cm)Weight 0.194 oz (55 g)Data transfer mode Asynchronous (Start stop synchronization)Data transfer Rate (Baud) 300/600/1,200/2,400/4,800/9,600/19,200/38,40057,600/115,200/230,400 bpsTransmit Distance Within 50ft (15m)Power Voltage DC+5V (Powered for USB Bus)Power Consumption Average: 36mA(5V) Max.: 60mA(5V)Serial Parameter Data bit: 7/8 Start bit:1 Stop bit: 1/2Parity bit: even/odd/noneRS-232C connector D-SUB9PIN RS-232C connector MaleANSI/EIA/TIA-574LED Indicators PWR:Power LEDIf 5V power from USB bus is properlysupplied from USB bus, this indicator LEDwill be on.TXD:Transmit data indicator (Host to Device)RXD:Receive data indicator (Device to Host) Operating Environment Temperature: 32ºF to 122ºF (0ºC to 50ºC)Humidity: 10 to 90% (non condensing)Storage Environment Temperature: -4ºF to 149ºF (-20ºC to 65ºC)Humidity: 10 to 90% (non condensing)Note:1.Do not remove while the application is communicating. System will beunstable.2.Do not operate to suspend while the application is communicating.System will be unable to resume properly.3.This product does not support the serial mouse for connecting to RS-232Cport.89。

California Instruments CSW Series 5550-33300 VA AC

California Instruments CSW Series 5550-33300 VA AC

InputVoltage Ranges Factory configured 187 to 264 Vrms, 3ø L-L (3 wire), or 342 to 457 Vrms, 3ø L-L (4 wire). A chassis ground is also required. Power Factor PFC Input, 0.99PFFrequency Range47 to 440 HzEfficiency70% min, at full loadRide Through10 ms minimumOutputPower5550 VA: 1ø or 3ø (systems up to 33,000 VA)AC or DC Output Voltage0 to156 Vrms L-N, low range; 0 to 312 Vrms L-N, high rangeCurrent Per Phase16A to 115V in 156V range; 8A to 230V in 312V range per, 1850 VA module.Power Factor of Load0 lagging to 0 leading (0-unity)Crest Factor 3.5:1 (peak output current to rms output current))Frequency Range Specifications apply DC, 40Hz to 5kHz. For output frequencies greater than 1 kHz, the max slew rateallowed is 1 kHz per second.Max Total Harmonic Distortion(Full Linear Load or No Load): 0.25% max, 40 to 100 Hz; 0.5% max to 500 Hz; and 1% max to 1 kHz plus 1%/kHz to 5 kHzAC Noise Level>60 dB rms below full output voltageAmplitude Stability With Remote Sense±0.1% of full scale over 24 hours at constant line, load and temperatureLine Regulation(DC, or 40 Hz to 5 kHz): ±0.015% of full scale for a ±10% input line changeLoad Regulation±0.025% of full scale voltage for a full resistive load to no load; above 1 kHz, add ±0%/kHzVoltage Accuracy±0.1% of range. Above 1 kHz, add 0.2%/kHz. Add ±0.1% of full scale for “AC PLUS DC” mode. Valid for 5 to 156 Vrms and10 to 312 Vrms at 25°CVoltage Resolution1mV (0.1V) Full ScaleFrequency Accuracy±0.01% at 25°C ±0.001%/°CFrequency Resolution40 Hz to 81.91 Hz (0.01 Hz)81.90 Hz to 819 Hz (0.01 Hz)820 Hz to 5000 Hz (1 Hz)Phase Accuracy, Phase-to-PhaseBalanced Linear Resistive Load±1% of Programmed valuePhase Angle Resolution0.1°Remote Output Voltage Sense 5 Vrms total lead drop, maxCSW Series : Product SpecificationsCommon Intput and OutputsRemote Inhibit A logic Low or High contact closure input to inhibit the outputsExternal Amplitude Modulation0 to 5 VRMS provides 0 to 20% output amplitude modulation (±2% of full scale output).External Drive Input Acts as Amplifier, 0 to 5 VRMS (DC to 5 kHz) or ±5 VDC input for zero to full scale programmed voltage output(±2% of full scale output). Individual inputs for an external signal for each of the three phases.Remote Programming Voltage0 to ±7.07 VDC provides zero to full scale programmed voltage output(±2% of full scale output).External Input Impedance40K (ohm symbol) for each of the three inputs.Externaly Sync External Sync allows the output frequency of the AC source to be synchronized to an external TTL level clock signal.LKM Clock and Lock Master. Enables synchronizing outputs of two or more California Instruments sources, one acts as master.LKS Clock and Lock AuxiliaryFront Panel Trigger, BNC Connector Output available at the front panel BNC connector that provides a negative going pulse for any programmed voltage or frequencychange. The trigger can be reassigned as an output when running list transients.Front Panel Phase A, B and C, BNC connectors These three outputs are representive of the programmed output waveform, magnitude and frequency. 0 to 4.86 Vrms represents 0 to a full-scale output voltage.206858.458.0223sales.ppd@CSW Series : Product SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating Temperature 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)Storage Temperature -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)CoolingAir is drawn in from the top, bottom, and sides and exhausted through the rear Humidity (Non-condensing)0 to 85% at 25°C (77°F); derate to 50% at 40°C (104°F)AltitudeOperating 10,000 ft, non operating 40,000 ftPhysicalDimensionsWidth: 19” (483 mm)Height: 8.75” (222 mm)Depth: 23.5” (597 mm)WeightCSW 5550 - 127 lbs (57.5 kg)Shipping Weight - US CSW - 160 lbs (72 kg)NoteMulti Chassis systems, dimension and weight are approximately x2, x3, x4, x5 and x6 CSW Specifications5550–33300 VAMeasurementsMeasurements - Standard (AC Measurements)Parameter Frequency Phase Voltage (AC)Current (AC rms)Real Power Apparent Power Power Factor Range40-81.91 Hz 82.0-819.1 Hz > 819 Hz 40-100 Hz 100-1000 Hz0-300 V0-50 A0-6 kW0-6 kVA0.00-1.00Accuracy* (±)1 ø mode (-1) 0.1% + 1 digit 0.5°0.5% + 250 mV 0.1% + 150 mA0.15% + 9 W0.15% + 9 VA 0.033 ø mode (-3)2°0.1% + 50 mA0.15% + 3 W 0.15% + 3 VA 0.01Resolution*.01 Hz / 0.1 Hz / 1 Hz0.1° / 1°10 mV 1 mA 1 W 1 VA 0.01* Accuracy specifications are in % of reading and apply above 100 counts. For multi-chassis configurations, current, power range and accuracy specifications are times three. Power factor accuracy applies for PF > 0.5 and VA > 50% of max. Frequency measurement specification valid for output > 30 Vrms.Constant Power AC ModeRMS VoltageR M S C u r r e n t5550 CSW Operating Areaper PhaseLow Range High Range16.0A11.8A8.0A 5.9A115V 156V 230V 312VHarmonic MeasurementsParameterRange Accuracy ( ± )Resolution Frequency fundamental 16.00 - 1000 Hz 2 counts 0.01 Hz to 1 Hz Frequency harmonics 32.00 Hz - 16 kHz 2º typ.0.5ºVoltage Fundamental 0.25V0.01V Harmonic 2 - 500.25V + 0.1% + 0.1%/kHz 0.01V CurrentFundamental 0.05A0.01A Harmonic 2 - 500.05A + 0.1% + 0.1%/kHz0.01AHarmonics frequency range in three-phase mode is 32 Hz - 16 kHz. Accuracy specifications are multiplied by the number of power sources in multi-source systems with the 3-phase (3Ø) or the number of sources times 3 in the 1-phase (1Ø) mode . Measurement bandwidth is limited to 16 Khz.ModelCSW5550CSW11100CSW16650CSW22200CSW17750CSW33300Multiplier 3Ø/1 Ø1/32/63/94/125/156/18CSW Series : Product SpecificationsProtection And SafetyOvervoltage Shutdown Programmable for 15V to 255V peak, 156V range; 30V to 510V peak, 312V range Programmable Current Limit Shutdown Settable to 0.01 ARMS ResolutionSettable to 1% of range: the timeout is settable from 100 ms to 10s.Programmable Current Limitwith Timed ShutdownOver temperature Shutdown Automatic, not programmableRegulatory Compliance• EN 61010• EN 55011• UL 3111• EN 50082-2• EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4• FCC Part 15, Class A• CE MarkDesigned to meet:• EN 61010• EN 55011• UL 3111• EN 50082-2• EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4• FCC Part 15, Class A208858.458.0223sales.ppd@CSW Series : Product Diagram8.620”Front View16.90”Rear View16.90”21.069”2.371”Top View 23.440”8-32UNC-2B A =ACCURIDE SLIDE MOUNTINGAAA4.10013.2504.8755.3301.8108.620Side View2.6801.065 DIA FOR INPUT WIRING .875 DIA FOR SENSE WIRING 1.063 DIA FOR OUTPUT WIRING6.32519” (483mm)8.71”(221 mm)5550–33300 VA210CSW Series© 2011 AMETEK Programmable Power All rights reserved. AMETEK Programmable Power is the trademark of AMETEK Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Elgar, Sorensen, California Instruments, and Power Ten are trademarks of AMETEK Inc., registered in the U.S.Model Number DescriptionCSW5550208Power LevelInput PowerXXXOptionsXXX Input Options -400342-457 Volt Line to Line AC input.Output Options -LFLimits output frequency to 500 Hz.Cabinet Options -RMS Rackmount Slides. Recommended for rack mount applications.C prefixCabinet System. Installed and pre-wired in 19” cabinet.OptionsOptions Code Description-160RTCA/DO-160D, Change 2, EuroCAE-14D and Airbus test firmware.-704F Mil. Std. 704A-F tests -ABD Airbus Directive 0100.1.8 tests.-AMD Airbus AMD24 tests.-A350Airbus A350 tests.-B787Boeing 787B3-0147 tests.-AIRB Airbus ABD0100.1.8, AMD 24 and A350 combination test software suite -LAN LXI Ethernet LAN Interface (Rj45 Connector)-LKM Clock/Lock Master -LKS Clock/Lock Auxiliary-413IEC61000-4-13 Harmonics and Interharmonics test firmware and hardware.-411IEC61000-4-11 test firmware. See also EOS1/3.-WHM Watt-Hour Measurement option.-MB Multi-Box. Adds controller to auxiliary chassis of multi-chassis systems-SWSCPI Command Firmware (Simulates the Elgar SW Series) Not all commands are supported. Please contact factory for details.。



LANCET INFECT DIS1473-309916.161 ANNU REV PSYCHOL0066-430823.274 ANN INTERN MED0003-481917.035 ANNU REV MAR SCI1941-140516.457 PLOS MED1549-127715.379 CLIN MICROBIOL REV0893-851219.832 ALDRICHIM ACTA0002-510016.882 ANNU REV CELL DEV BI1081-070619.733 TRENDS ECOL EVOL 0169-5347 16.981 NAT NEUROSCI1097-625616.289 NANO TODAY 1748-0132 16.078 MAT SCI ENG R0927-796X16.5 ANNU REV GENOM HUM G1527-820414.615 CIRCULATION0009-732215.304 NEURON0896-627315.71 REP PROG PHYS0034-488514.356 NAT CHEM BIOL1552-445016.052 PSYCHOL BULL0033-290918.1 ANNU REV ECOL EVOL S1543-592X18.007 ANNU REV MICROBIOL0066-422716.083 TRENDS NEUROSCI0166-223614.684 PROG ENERG COMBUST0360-128517.133 MOL CELL1097-276514.202 J AM COLL CARDIOL 0735-1097 13.065 ANNU REV PHYS CHEM0066-426X17.48 BRIT MED J0959-535X13.511 DEV CELL1534-580714.202 ADV MATER0935-964812.813 J EXP MED0022-100714.665 J NATL CANCER I0027-887414.537 CELL METAB1550-413117.77 MOL PSYCHIATR1359-418412.992 GENOME RES1088-905112.486 ANNU REV BIOPHYS1936-122X17.729 CELL HOST MICROBE1931-312814.067 ASTROPHYS J SUPPL S0067-004911.438 ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT1433-785113.195 NANO LETT1530-698413.843 ANNU REV MED0066-421910.71 ANNU REV MATER RES1531-733112.451 J CLIN INVEST0021-973815.43 MICROBIOL MOL BIOL R1092-217216.814 CURR OPIN CELL BIOL0955-067412.594ANNU REV FLUID MECH 0066-4189 12.558NAT REV NEUROL1759-475812.48 ANNU REV CONDEN MA P1947-545412.389 REV GEOPHYS8755-120911.341 TRENDS CELL BIOL0962-892412.481 ANNU REV BIOMED ENG1523-982915.667 COORDIN CHEM REV 0010-8545 12.744 ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT0003-990X14.179 NAT REV CLIN ONCOL1759-477412 NAT GEOSCI1752-089411.92 SURF SCI REP0167-572918.095 GASTROENTEROLOGY0016-508512.455 HEPATOLOGY0270-913911.089 GENE DEV0890-936912.785 ASTRON ASTROPHYS REV0935-495614.108 ADV DRUG DELIVER REV0169-409X14.608 ARCH INTERN MED0003-992611 ANNU REV ENTOMOL0066-417014.154 PLOS BIOL1544-917313.63 FRONT NEUROENDOCRIN0091-302211.648 IMMUNOL REV0105-289611.293 ANN NEUROL0364-513410.644 AM J RESP CRIT CARE 1073-449X 10.424 TRENDS PLANT SCI1360-138510.991 J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN0091-67499.712 FEMS MICROBIOL REV0168-644511.754 TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI0165-614710.322 TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI0968-000411.587 ACS NANO1936-085111.171 PAIN PHYSICIAN1533-3159MED RES REV0198-632510.03 PROG LIPID RES0163-782711.95 STUD MYCOL0166-06167.714 AM J HUM GENET0002-929711.716 CANCER METAST REV0167-765910.339 EUR HEART J0195-668X10.511 MASS SPECTROM REV0277-703711.676 TRENDS IMMUNOL1471-49068.992 J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO C1389-556712.458 TRENDS MOL MED1471-49149.835 BRAIN RES REV0165-01739.199 EMBO MOL MED1757-467610.333 J CELL BIOL0021-95259.947 SYST BIOL1063-515712.061 ADV FUNCT MATER1616-301X9.92GUT0017-57499.885ANN RHEUM DIS0003-49677.792CURR OPIN NEUROBIOL 0959-4388 8.742ANNU REV EARTH PL SC0084-65978.85 PHYS LIFE REV1571-0645 5.241 REV MED VIROL1052-92767.434 EXPERT REV MOL MED1462-3994J NEUROSCI0270-64747.915 NAT REV NEPHROL1759-50617.11 INT J CARDIOL0167-5273 4.111 SEMIN LIVER DIS0272-8087 6.138 NAT CLIN PRACT CARD1743-4297 5.633 OBES REV1467-78817.231 ENVIRON HEALTH PERSP0091-67657.366 ADV ORGANOMET CHEM0065-3055 6.636 PROG QUANT ELECTRON0079-6727 6.818 NANO RES1998-01247.461 MUCOSAL IMMUNOL1933-02197.006 INT MATER REV0950-6608 6.567 SLEEP MED REV1087-07927.543 MOL THER1525-0016 6.284 GLOBAL ENVIRON CHANG0959-37808.262 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL1354-10138.036 CURR OPIN PHARMACOL1471-4892 6.924 THORAX0040-6376 6.95 DRUG DISCOV TODAY1359-64467.155 CHEMSUSCHEM1864-56317.171 DIABETOLOGIA0012-186X 6.17 P IEEE0018-9219 6.46 JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE1936-87987.123 J MAMMARY GLAND BIOL1083-3021 5.819 NANOMED-NANOTECHNOL1549-9634AM J CLIN NUTR0002-91657.366 GONDWANA RES1342-937X 5.599 SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL1084-9521 6.294 NEW PHYTOL0028-646X 6.693 AUTOIMMUN REV1568-9972 5.214 BRIT J PSYCHIAT0007-1250 6.606NEUROPSYCHOL REV1040-73087.395J BONE MINER RES0884-0431 6.459 ONCOGENE0950-9232 6.889 ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS1079-56427.037 J MED GENET0022-2593 5.669 STRUCTURE0969-2126 5.931 CRIT CARE MED0090-3493 6.484 GREEN CHEM1463-9262 6.761 J PATHOL0022-3417 6.143 J INVEST DERMATOL0022-202X 5.793 IEEE COMMUN SURV TUT1553-877X 5.496 CIRC-HEART FAIL 1941-3289 6.639 PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM0033-3190 5.092 POLYM REV1558-37248.71 SEMIN IMMUNOPATHOL1863-2297 6.181 TRAC-TREND ANAL CHEM0165-9936 6.873 ALLERGY0105-4538 6.098 CRIT REV MICROBIOL1040-841X 5.694 AGING CELL1474-97187.119 AIDS0269-9370 6.16 WORLD PSYCHIATRY1723-8617 4.707 J PHYS CHEM LETT1948-7185 6.217 HYPERTENSION0194-911X 6.643 NEUROBIOL AGING0197-4580 5.874 AGEING RES REV 1568-1637 6.383CHEM COMMUN1359-7345 6.082SOC COGN AFFECT NEUR1749-5016 6.675 J CELL SCI 0021-9533 6.401 CIRC-CARDIOVASC GENE1942-325X 6.137 BIOTECHNOL BIOFUELS1754-68347.014 CURR OPIN LIPIDOL0957-9672 5.351 NAT CLIN PRACT NEPHR1745-8323 4.871 CORTEX0010-9452 4.765 CARDIOVASC RES 0008-6363 6.225 ANGIOGENESIS0969-6970CIRC-CARDIOVASC INTE1941-7640 6.25 CANCER TREAT REV0305-7372 5.828 ADV SYNTH CATAL1615-4150 5.904 CLIN PHARMACOL THER0009-9236 6.231 BMC MED1741-7015 5.768 B AM METEOROL SOC0003-0007 6.946 ASTROPHYS J0004-637X 5.102 RENEW SUST ENERG REV1364-0321 6.619 NEUROTHERAPEUTICS1933-7213J CATAL0021-9517 6.201 CURR TOP DEV BIOL0070-2153 5.802 J MATER CHEM0959-9428 5.992 INT REV PHYS CHEM0144-235X 6.977 J CLIN ENDOCR METAB0021-972X 6.374 NEOPLASIA1522-8002 5.133 CIRC-CARDIOVASC IMAG1941-9651 6.032 CHEM-EUR J0947-6539 5.866 NANOSCALE2040-3364 5.914 EUR RESPIR J0903-1936 5.879 NEUROIMAGE1053-8119 6.608 HUM BRAIN MAPP1065-9471 6.348 ORG LETT1523-7060 5.558 ANAL CHEM0003-2700 5.983 NAT CLIN PRACT RHEUM1745-8382 5.246 ENVIRON MICROBIOL1462-2912 6.151 J HIGH ENERGY PHYS1126-6708 4.777 CHEM BIOL1074-5521 5.971 PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO0306-4530 5.264 FISH FISH1467-2960 6.571 J CLIN PSYCHIAT0160-6689 5.664 J PINEAL RES0742-3098 4.286 PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS1062-7995 5.767 J IMMUNOL0022-1767 5.859 PAIN0304-3959 6.428 ADV IMMUNOL0065-27767.438 NANOTOXICOLOGY1743-5390 6.781BMC BIOL1741-7007 5.841MOL ECOL0962-1083 6.347 ATMOS CHEM PHYS1680-7316 5.633 CELL COMMUN SIGNAL1478-811XJ INTERN MED0954-6820 5.676 BIOMACROMOLECULES1525-7797 5.646 BIOINFORMATICS1367-4803 6.051 CELL MICROBIOL1462-5814 5.299 OPHTHALMOLOGY0161-6420 5.567 ANNU REV PUBL HEALTH 0163-7525 9.333 INT J CANCER0020-7136 4.919 PLANT BIOTECHNOL J1467-7644 5.355 PEDIATRICS0031-4005 5.785 AM J KIDNEY DIS0272-6386 5.138 JACC-CARDIOVASC IMAG1936-878X 5.841 AM J MED0002-9343 4.875 FREE RADICAL BIO MED0891-5849 5.769 P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI0962-8452 5.67NEUROBIOL DIS0969-9961 5.271ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL0013-936X 5.764 CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO1555-9041 5.31 MOL CANCER THER1535-7163 5.39 AM J EPIDEMIOL0002-9262 6.001 J CHEM THEORY COMPUT1549-9618 5.673 PLANT CELL ENVIRON0140-7791 5.748 PLOS COMPUT BIOL1553-734X 5.844 PROG NUCL MAG RES SP0079-6565 6.296 ENDOSCOPY0013-726X 4.75 CHEMCATCHEM1867-3880 5.207 ADV AGRON0065-2113 5.744 BRIEF BIOINFORM1467-54637.749 WIRES NANOMED NANOBI1939-5116 5.186 J BIOL REG HOMEOS AG0393-974X 3.331 HIPPOCAMPUS1050-9631 5.135 J COGNITIVE NEUROSCI0898-929X 6.268 MACROMOLECULES0024-9297 5.03 J MOL CELL CARDIOL0022-2828 4.988 DNA RES1340-2838 5.276 CRIT REV TOXICOL 1040-8444 6.237IEEE T IND ELECTRON0278-0046 5.337ORPHANET J RARE DIS1750-1172 5.96 HUM GENET0340-6717 4.184 J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH0305-7453 4.792 PIGM CELL MELANOMA R1755-1471 5.106 NANOMEDICINE-UK1743-5889 6.534 SLEEP0161-8105 5.735 J APPL ECOL0021-8901 5.804 J ECOL0022-0477 6.02 THROMB HAEMOSTASIS0340-6245 4.206 BRIT J CANCER0007-0920 4.955 CLIN EXP ALLERGY0954-7894 4.342 MOL MICROBIOL0950-382X 5.248 J CEREBR BLOOD F MET0271-678X 5.467 ADV APPL MECH0065-2156 6.357 BBA-GEN SUBJECTS0304-4165 3.883 FARADAY DISCUSS1364-5498 4.687 IEEE IND ELECTRON M1932-4529 4.224 NEUROMOL MED1535-1084 4.249 J LEUKOCYTE BIOL0741-5400 4.73 EUR J NUCL MED MOL I1619-7070 4.756 BIORESOURCE TECHNOL0960-8524 5.352 SEMIN ARTHRITIS RHEU0049-0172 4.86 BIOESSAYS0265-9247 4.754 J POWER SOURCES0378-7753 5.006 MRS BULL0883-7694 5.384 MOL BIOL CELL1059-1524 5.371 BRIT J HAEMATOL0007-1048 4.523 DIS MODEL MECH1754-8403 5.053 J ANIM ECOL0021-8790 4.971CURR OPIN NEUROL1350-7540 5.027PROG CARDIOVASC DIS0033-0620 4.737 BIOCONJUGATE CHEM1043-1802 5.224 CURR OPIN INFECT DIS0951-7375 4.891 J PAIN1526-5900 4.79 CURR TOP MICROBIOL0070-217X 4.441 TRAFFIC1398-9219 5.28 EVOL APPL1752-4571 6.206 CANCER PREV RES1940-6207 5.181 IEEE T PATTERN ANAL0162-8828 6.085 CIRC-CARDIOVASC QUAL1941-7705 5.097 MON NOT R ASTRON SOC0035-8711 4.585 BIOCHEM J0264-6021 4.693 EUR J HEART FAIL1388-9842 4.24 EXPERT OPIN DRUG DEL1742-5247AM J PATHOL 0002-9440 5.571 MOL PHARMACOL0026-895X 4.58 GASTROINTEST ENDOSC0016-5107 5.3 J PROTEOMICS1874-3919 4.906 ACTA BIOMATER1742-7061 5.076 WATER RES0043-1354 5.315 CURR MED CHEM0929-8673 4.806 ELECTROCHEM COMMUN1388-2481 5.159 EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN1473-7159 3.666 INFLAMM BOWEL DIS1078-0998 5.049 ARTHRIT CARE RES2151-464X 5.045 ECOLOGY0012-9658 6.007 BBA-BIOENERGETICS0005-2728 4.485 NUTR RES REV0954-4224 4.429 ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH0066-4804 4.911 CRIT REV ENV SCI TEC1064-33898.247 ADDICT BIOL1355-62155 DIVERS DISTRIB1366-9516 5.139 GLIA0894-1491 5.157 NEUROPHARMACOLOGY0028-3908 4.137 J PHYS CHEM C1932-7447 5.049 CNS DRUGS1172-7047 4.334 MODERN PATHOL0893-3952 4.743 THYROID1050-7256 3.498 CRIT REV FOOD SCI1040-8398 5.78 APOPTOSIS 1360-8185 4.125 GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEM CY0886-6236 5.533 ONCOTARGET1949-2553 4.784 MOL PHARMACEUT1543-8384 5.634 EVID-BASED COMPL ALT1741-427X 4.929 J BIOL CHEM0021-9258 5.117 CANCER-AM CANCER SOC0008-543X 5.306 FUNGAL DIVERS1560-2745 3.587J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS0022-3050 4.953AM J PHYSIOL-ENDOC M0193-1849 4.577 BIOFUEL BIOPROD BIOR1932-104X 6.97 OBSTET GYNECOL0029-7844 4.718 AM NAT0003-0147 5.28 J TOXICOL ENV HEAL B1093-7404 4.973 BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN0889-1591 4.946 CRYST GROWTH DES1528-7483 4.877 J PHYSIOL-LONDON0022-3751 4.931 PLOS NEGLECT TROP D1935-2727 4.983 EUR J EPIDEMIOL 0393-2990 3.714 STRUCT EQU MODELING1070-55117.195 BIOCHEM PHARMACOL0006-2952 4.748 PLANT CELL PHYSIOL0032-0781 4.486 EXP NEUROL0014-4886 4.416 CONSERV BIOL0888-8892 5.94 INT J OBESITY0307-0565 5.238 J CHEM INF MODEL1549-9596 4.305 ARCH TOXICOL0340-5761 3.487 AM J HEMATOL0361-8609 3.017 J MOL MED0946-2716 4.704 J PSYCHIATR RES 0022-3956 4.374 NUCL PHYS B0550-3213 3.593 CRIT REV PLANT SCI0735-2689 6.457 SIAM J IMAGING SCI1936-4954 5.045 TOXICOL SCI1096-6080 4.983 AM HEART J0002-8703 4.321 IEEE T POWER ELECTR0885-8993 4.664 J AM MED DIR ASSOC1525-8610 3.295 B WORLD HEALTH ORGAN0042-9686 5.551 INT J BIOCHEM CELL B1357-2725 4.759 BIOSCIENCE0006-3568 6.223 GENOME BIOL EVOL1759-6653 4.618 CRIT CARE1466-609X 4.975 BRIT J SURG 0007-1323 4.931 INT J PLASTICITY0749-6419 4.738 CLIM DYNAM0930-7575 5.114 INORG CHEM0020-1669 4.553 J GERONTOL A-BIOL1079-5006 4.726 HEREDITY0018-067X 4.523 MACROMOL RAPID COMM1022-1336 4.46 MOL INTERV1534-03847.487 INVEST RADIOL0020-9996 4.192 ASTRON ASTROPHYS0004-6361 3.979 J COMPUT CHEM0192-8651 4.795 OSTEOPOROSIS INT0937-941X 4.966 INT J NEUROPSYCHOPH1461-1457 4.676J NEUROIMMUNE PHARM1557-1890 4.52ENDOCRINOLOGY0013-7227 4.62 STEM CELLS DEV1547-3287 4.382 J ORG CHEM0022-3263 4.204 MIS QUART0276-77837.497 TOXICOL APPL PHARM0041-008X 3.991 ARTHRITIS RES THER1478-6354 4.689 CNS NEUROSCI THER1755-5930 4.528 PHARMACOL RES1043-6618 3.875 BREAST CANCER RES TR0167-6806 4.351 MED SCI SPORT EXER0195-9131 5.017 MOL PLANT MICROBE IN0894-0282 4.762 BIOFOULING0892-7014 4.488 JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF1525-4135 4.614 MED IMAGE ANAL1361-8415 4.512 NAT REV UROL 1759-4812 4.415 CRIT REV ONCOL HEMAT1040-8428 4.705BRIT J PHARMACOL0007-1188 4.635BBA-GENE REGUL MECH1874-9399 3.476 J R SOC INTERFACE1742-5689 4.591 EUR J HUM GENET1018-4813 3.997 ADV PARASIT0065-308X 4.317 SOFT MATTER1744-683X 4.998 J OPER MANAG0272-6963 6.012 TELLUS B0280-6509 3.818 CURR OPIN CLIN NUTR1363-1950 4.07 CHEM REC1527-8999 4.161 ENDOCR-RELAT CANCER1351-0088 4.751 AM J SURG PATHOL0147-5185 4.472 MEDICINE0025-7974 5.274 J BIOPHOTONICS1864-063X 4.433 PHYTOCHEM REV1568-7767J HEART LUNG TRANSPL1053-2498 3.521 CURR OPIN NEPHROL HY1062-4821 3.728 CURR CANCER DRUG TAR1568-0096 4.267 EPIGENETICS-US1559-2294 4.462 CLIN SCI0143-5221 4.181 ADDICTION0965-2140 4.739 HEALTH AFFAIR0278-2715 3.748 CURR OPIN RHEUMATOL1040-87114 SEMIN NUCL MED0001-2998 4.466 ANTIVIR RES0166-3542 3.905 MOL NUTR FOOD RES1613-4125 4.579 MOL CANCER RES1541-7786 4.49 INT J NEURAL SYST0129-0657 2.574 OBESITY1930-7381 4.742 J CHILD PSYCHOL PSYC0021-9630 6.104 MOL NEURODEGENER1750-1326 4.455 COGNITIVE PSYCHOL0010-0285 5.061 J CLIN EPIDEMIOL0895-4356 4.354 EUR J PHARM BIOPHARM0939-6411 4.406 IEEE T FUZZY SYST1063-6706 4.196 GEOCHIM COSMOCHIM AC0016-7037 4.589 J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR0022-3069 4.633 HEALTH TECHNOL ASSES1366-5278 5.596 MULT SCLER J1352-4585 3.788 EXPERT REV VACCINES1476-0584 3.865 BRIT J ANAESTH0007-0912 3.848 ARCH SURG-CHICAGO0004-0010 4.612 CANCER LETT0304-3835 4.031 CURR OPIN SOLID ST M1359-0286 5.884 ANALYST0003-2654 4.119 DRUGS0012-6667 3.692 AM J OPHTHALMOL0002-9394 3.885 HEART1355-6037 4.366ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND0001-690X 4.299J VIRAL HEPATITIS1352-0504 3.753ADV VIRUS RES0065-3527 5.258AM J PUBLIC HEALTH0090-0036 4.764 ADV ANAT PATHOL1072-4109 3.533 J POLYM SCI POL CHEM0887-624X 3.388 J NUTR0022-3166 4.355 SEMIN FETAL NEONAT M1744-165X 3.638 ONCOLOGIST1083-7159 5.262 OSTEOARTHR CARTILAGE1063-4584 4.365 APPL CATAL A-GEN0926-860X 3.961 CRIT REV ANAL CHEM1040-8347 3.956 METALLOMICS1756-5901 3.902 MOL PLANT PATHOL1464-6722 4.062 SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM0925-4005 3.751 J NUTR BIOCHEM0955-2863 4.26 ADV POLYM SCI0065-3195 6.192 ARCH DERMATOL0003-987X 4.224 GYNECOL ONCOL0090-8258 3.592 MACROMOL BIOSCI1616-5187 3.799 CORAL REEFS0722-4028 3.884 J CELL PHYSIOL0021-9541 4.058 BIOL BLOOD MARROW TR1083-8791 3.792 HEALTH PSYCHOL0278-6133 4.796 GENES IMMUN1466-4879 3.505 CURR PHARM DESIGN1381-6128 3.807 HORM BEHAV0018-506X 4.126 BIOGEOSCIENCES1726-4170 4.193 MAR DRUGS1660-3397 3.704 MOL HUM REPROD1360-9947 3.529 J MEMBRANE SCI0376-7388 4.314 CHROMOSOMA0009-5915 3.685 APPL PHYS LETT0003-6951 3.787 MOL IMAGING BIOL1536-1632 3.519 CRYSTENGCOMM1466-8033 4.023 J AM MATH SOC0894-0347 3.275 J GEN PHYSIOL0022-1295 3.97 DALTON T1477-9226 3.887J NEURAL ENG1741-2560 4.434J PHARMACOL EXP THER0022-3565 3.995 J NEUROINFLAMM1742-2094 4.728 REJUV RES1549-1684 2.678 J BACTERIOL0021-9193 3.924 LIVER INT1478-3223 3.349 NUCL DATA SHEETS0090-3752 4.167 FUTURE MICROBIOL1746-0913 3.435 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY0894-4105 4.063 CNS NEUROL DISORD-DR1871-5273 4.12 INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL1438-4639 2.931 J COMP NEUROL0021-9967 4.114 NEUROPATH APPL NEURO0305-1846 3.728 SEMIN REPROD MED1526-8004 3.689 PARKINSONISM RELAT D1353-8020 3.173 ATHEROSCLEROSIS0021-9150 3.962 TALANTA0039-9140 3.747 AM J SPORT MED0363-5465 4.427 GEOPHYS RES LETT0094-8276 3.759 FEBS J1742-464X 3.341 GEOL SOC AM BULL0016-7606 4.045 IEEE COMMUN MAG0163-6804 3.267 IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 1077-260X 3.51 CHEM RES TOXICOL0893-228X 3.969 ANAL BIOANAL CHEM1618-2642 3.733 CLEV CLIN J MED0891-1150 2.982 ALIMENT PHARM THER0269-2813 3.802 CELL CALCIUM0143-4160 3.698 CIRC J1346-9843 2.755 VACCINE0264-410X 3.7 BIOL LETTERS1744-9561 4.049 AQUAT TOXICOL 0166-445X 4.225 BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY1567-5394 3.238 MENOPAUSE1072-3714 3.349 MOL MED1076-1551 4.601 ACTA MATER1359-6454 4.226 BRAIN STIMUL1935-861X6 J APPL PHYSIOL8750-7587 4.103 ASN NEURO1759-0914 3.75 BONE MARROW TRANSPL0268-3369 3.313 ENVIRON POLLUT0269-7491 3.987 J UROLOGY0022-5347 3.856 J ALZHEIMERS DIS1387-2877 4.188 CELL BIOCHEM BIOPHYS1085-9195 3.107 ANN THORAC SURG0003-4975 3.503EXP GERONTOL0531-5565 3.644IMMUNOL CELL BIOL0818-9641 3.609CURR OPIN ENDOCRINOL1752-296XGCB BIOENERGY1757-1693 3.617 FOUND COMPUT MATH1615-3375 2.909 MITOCHONDRION1567-7249 4.108 TARGET ONCOL1776-2596 1.712 GEOLOGY0091-7613 4.306 J BIOMOL NMR0925-2738 2.547 EVOL BIOL0071-3260SPACE SCI REV 0038-6308 3.914 J AM MED INFORM ASSN1067-5027 4.329 MOL PHYLOGENET EVOL1055-7903 3.982 LASER PHYS1054-660X 2.202 EUKARYOT CELL1535-9778 3.762 RESUSCITATION0300-9572 3.021 ANNU REV FOOD SCI T1941-1413 3.6 BIOL CELL0248-4900 3.635 CELLULOSE 0969-0239 3.685 INVEST OPHTH VIS SCI 0146-0404 3.862 INT J ANDROL0105-6263 3.934 OPT EXPRESS1094-4087 3.666 J AM DIET ASSOC0002-8223 3.785 COMBUST FLAME0010-2180 3.541 TRANSFUS MED REV0887-7963 3.696 PUBL ASTRON SOC PAC0004-6280 2.997 EXP CELL RES0014-4827 3.638 GLYCOBIOLOGY0959-6658 4.044 ADV CHEM PHYS0065-2385 3.103HUM VACCINES1554-8600 3.309AUST J PHYSIOTHER0004-9514 2.625J STRUCT BIOL1047-8477 3.805PROTEINS0887-3585 3.191 AGR FOREST METEOROL0168-1923 3.991 CURR GENE THER 1566-5232 4.086 J COMPUT AID MOL DES0920-654X 3.665 LIVER TRANSPLANT1527-6465 3.702 APPL SPECTROSC REV0570-4928 4.475 CLIMATIC CHANGE0165-0009 4.906 ICARUS0019-1035 3.218 DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEN0376-8716 4.082 COMPUT-AIDED CIV INF1093-9687 2.704 PLAST RECONSTR SURG0032-1052 3.429 NEUROSCIENCE0306-4522 3.458 DIABETES OBES METAB1462-8902 3.622 J VISION1534-7362 3.646 DIABETES-METAB RES 1520-7552 3.129 MICROFLUID NANOFLUID 1613-4982 3.503 AM J CARDIOL0002-9149 3.578 IEEE COMPUT INTELL M1556-603X 2.971 ADV STUD BEHAV0065-3454 4.982 PROSTAG LEUKOTR ESS0952-3278 3.228 BIOMICROFLUIDICS1932-1058 3.402 SYST APPL MICROBIOL0723-2020 3.59 J GEN VIROL0022-1317 3.334 CLIN EXP IMMUNOL0009-9104 3.071 PROG PHYS GEOG0309-1333 4.06 RESP RES1465-993X 3.598 CAN J CARDIOL0828-282X 2.255 INVEST NEW DRUG0167-6997 2.946 PALEOCEANOGRAPHY0883-8305 4.037 ACS MED CHEM LETT1948-5875 3.355 J INORG BIOCHEM0162-0134 3.495 NEUROGENETICS1364-6745 3.355 PHYTOCHEMISTRY0031-9422 3.527 VIROLOGY0042-6822 3.249 INT J PHARMACEUT0378-5173 3.867 CARDIOVASC DIABETOL1475-2840EUR J MED CHEM0223-5234 3.509 ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES0145-6008 3.53 IEEE T EVOLUT COMPUT1089-778X 4.736 BIOGERONTOLOGY1389-5729 2.947PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 1057-9249 3.992J BIOL INORG CHEM0949-8257 3.488 J NANOPART RES1388-0764 3.574 TECHNOVATION0166-4972 2.76 ANESTH ANALG0003-2999 3.069 OBES SURG0960-8923 3.12 SCI TOTAL ENVIRON0048-9697 3.536 EUROINTERVENTION1774-024XJPEN-PARENTER ENTER0148-6071 2.643 MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT1387-1811 3.254 CLIN CHEST MED0272-5231 2.9 EXPERT REV ANTI-INFE1478-7210FOOD MICROBIOL 0740-0020 3.768 CHEM CENT J1752-153X 3.033 CRYOSPHERE1994-0416 3.656 J TISSUE ENG REGEN M1932-6254 4.07 J EVOLUTION BIOL1010-061X 3.689J BONE JOINT SURG AM0021-9355 4.289J NEUROENG REHABIL1743-0003 3.232 MEDIAT INFLAMM0962-9351 2.858 EXP EYE RES0014-4835 3.117 CANCER J1528-9117 2.997 J INT AIDS SOC1758-2652AMINO ACIDS0939-4451 3.138 FUEL0016-2361 3.791 PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH0278-5846 3.138 INSECT BIOCHEM MOLEC0965-1748 3.362 LITHOS0024-4937 3.691 J ENVIRON MANAGE0301-4797 3.161 PHOTOSYNTH RES0166-8595 3.291 GEOSCI MODEL DEV1991-959X 3.29 ENV MICROBIOL REP1758-2229 3.238 J CLIN SLEEP MED1550-9389TOXICOL LETT0378-4274 3.557 IEEE J SOLID-ST CIRC0018-9200 3.549 REPROD TOXICOL0890-6238 3.667 BIOL PSYCHOL0301-0511 4.085 BIOANALYSIS1757-6180 3.223 EUR RADIOL0938-7994 3.321 J ANAL ATOM SPECTROM0267-9477 2.966 TRANSFUSION0041-1132 3.223 ASTROPART PHYS0927-6505 2.783 PREV MED0091-7435 3.773 UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI 1078-1439 2.803 ANN EPIDEMIOL1047-2797 3.38 J NEURO-ONCOL0167-594X 3.036 NMR BIOMED0952-3480 3.766 EUR J PHARM SCI0928-0987 3.536 STEM CELL RES THER1757-6512 3.212 EXP PHYSIOL0958-0670 3.18 J VASC SURG0741-5214 3.753 PERSPECT PLANT ECOL 1433-8319 5.229 CEREBELLUM1473-4222 3.597 EXPERT OPIN EMERG DR1472-8214 2.644 CHEMOSPHERE0045-6535 3.613 ADV CLIN CHEM0065-2423 2.848 EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO1465-6566 2.216 IMMUNOBIOLOGY0171-2985 3.618 PROG BIOPHYS MOL BIO0079-6107 4.539 HEART FAIL REV1382-4147 3.857J GEOL SOC LONDON0016-7649 3.456MOL IMAGING1535-3508 3.225 BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL0340-5443 3.209 CURR PROTEOMICS1570-1646ACTA DERM-VENEREOL0001-5555 3.223 MED EDUC0308-0110 3.189 BRAIN COGNITION0278-2626 3.495 MABS-AUSTIN1942-0862 3.174 SURV OPHTHALMOL0039-6257 3.935 J PHYS CHEM REF DATA 0047-2689 3.804 REV ENDOCR METAB DIS1389-9155 4.524 CLIN ENDOCRINOL0300-0664 3.249 MOL CARCINOGEN0899-1987 3.091 PURINERG SIGNAL1573-9538FUTURE ONCOL1479-6694PSYCHIATRY0033-2747 4.447 ANTIVIR THER1359-6535 3.618 J CLIN GASTROENTEROL0192-0790 2.741 J BIOMED OPT1083-3668 3.48 J SLEEP RES0962-1105 3.628 ANN NY ACAD SCI0077-8923 2.997 MOL DIVERS1381-1991 3.236 CHEMMEDCHEM1860-7179 3.445 HELICOBACTER1083-4389 2.747 FOOD RES INT0963-9969 3.549 FUEL CELLS1615-6846 3.676 BMC SYST BIOL1752-0509 3.544 HYDROL EARTH SYST SC1027-5606 3.457 COMPOS SCI TECHNOL0266-3538 3.818 PROG OCEANOGR0079-6611 4.177 CURR ISSUES MOL BIOL1467-3037 4.218 J NEUROENDOCRINOL0953-8194 3.441 PROTIST1434-4610 3.323 DENT MATER0109-5641 3.695 HEAD NECK ONCOL1758-3284 3.135 DIS COLON RECTUM0012-3706 3.19 CARDIOVASC DRUG THER0920-3206 2.631 INT J NANOMED1178-2013 4.424 PEDIATR CRIT CARE ME1529-7535 2.973 CLIN GENET0009-9163 3.115 INFECT GENET EVOL1567-1348 3.166J NAT PROD0163-3864 3.164J GERIATR PSYCH NEUR0891-9887 2.719 CURR ORG CHEM1385-2728 3.468 J CARDIOVASC ELECTR1045-3873 2.932 J INTERF CYTOK RES1079-9907 2.412 J NEURODEV DISORD1866-1947 3.063 MOL ECOL RESOUR 1755-098X 2.907 J EXP PSYCHOL HUMAN0096-1523 3.759LANDSCAPE ECOL0921-2973 3.83AM J REPROD IMMUNOL1046-7408 2.705 EUR J INORG CHEM1434-1948 2.904 ADV INORG CHEM0898-8838 3.049 MICROCHEM J0026-265X 2.878 ARCH DIS CHILD-FETAL1359-2998 2.971 J BIOTECHNOL0168-1656 3.288 BMC MICROBIOL1471-2180 3.375 BMC NEUROSCI1471-2202 3.232 IEEE T IMAGE PROCESS1057-7149 3.77 PROG BRAIN RES0079-6123 3.787 J PSYCHOPHARMACOL0269-8811 3.405 MUTAT RES-GEN TOX EN1383-5718 3.175 STAT SCI0883-4237 4.205 J SCI MED SPORT1440-2440 2.77 MAMMAL REV0305-1838 3.475 MICROCHIM ACTA0026-3672 2.508 BIOMED MICRODEVICES1387-2176 3.406 ANN STAT0090-5364 3.7 INNOV FOOD SCI EMERG1466-8564 3.307 INFECT DIS CLIN N AM0891-5520 2.963 EUR CELLS MATER1473-2262 4.953 IMMUNOL RES0257-277X 3.167 NUTRITION 0899-9007 2.903 TETRAHEDRON0040-4020 3.06 ARTHROSCOPY0749-8063 3.079 ENVIRON SCI POLICY1462-9011 3.158 NUCL MED BIOL0969-8051 2.756 BIOCHIMIE0300-9084 3.424 GEOCHEM GEOPHY GEOSY1525-2027 3.286 J GEOPHYS RES0148-0227 3.441 OCCUP ENVIRON MED1351-0711 3.613 RHEUM DIS CLIN N AM0889-857X 2.95 CYTOKINE1043-4666 3.171 GENOMICS0888-7543 2.958 EUR J CLIN INVEST0014-2972 2.797 EXPERT OPIN DRUG SAF1474-0338 2.717 J ETHNOPHARMACOL0378-8741 3.728 APPL PHYS EXPRESS1882-0778 2.944 BRIT J NUTR0007-1145 3.342CELL STRESS CHAPERON1355-8145 2.667GEOSPATIAL HEALTH1827-1987 3.038 J ORTHOP SPORT PHYS0190-6011 2.98 J SYST PALAEONTOL 1477-2019 3.627 PLANTA0032-0935 3.42 PROG AEROSP SCI0376-0421 3.554 REG ENVIRON CHANGE1436-3798 2.75 FOOD CHEM TOXICOL0278-6915 3.078 ANAL BIOCHEM0003-2697 3.247 J CLIN PERIODONTOL0303-6979 3.83 J EXP BIOL 0022-0949 3.301 CELL MOL IMMUNOL1672-7681EUR J VASC ENDOVASC1078-5884 2.885 INT J IMMUNOPATH PH0394-6320 2.179 IEEE T IND INFORM1551-3203 3.148 J METAMORPH GEOL0263-4929 4.004 SEMIN PERINATOL 0146-0005 3.608 PLASMONICS1557-1955 4.026 CATAL COMMUN1566-7367 3.299 INT J PEDIATR OBES1747-7166 4.089 OCEANOGRAPHY1042-8275TRANSL RES1931-5244 2.689 ENVIRON EXP BOT0098-8472 3.644 NEUROTOXICOL TERATOL0892-0362 3.155 J EUR ACAD DERMATOL0926-9959 2.757 J RHEOL0148-6055 3.093 RENEW ENERG0960-1481 3.2 DEV PSYCHOBIOL0012-1630 2.814 ECONOMETRICA0012-9682 4.7 NEUROINFORMATICS1539-2791 2.56 J ANDROL0196-3635 2.77 CURR OPIN ORGAN TRAN1087-2418 1.916 J PHARMACEUT BIOMED0731-7085 2.979 J REPROD IMMUNOL0165-0378 2.831 BIOL CHEM1431-6730 2.868 J ELECTROMAGNET WAVE0920-5071 1.594 J NEUROSURG0022-3085 3.088 MAGN RESON MED0740-3194 3.724 PSYCHIAT RES-NEUROIM0925-4927 3.284J MATH BIOL0303-6812 2.48GLOBAL PLANET CHANGE0921-8181 3.918 AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT0004-8674 2.939 FUNCT PLANT BIOL1445-4408 2.69 MOL BIOL REP0301-4851 2.809 AM J NEURORADIOL0195-6108 3.332 ANN MATH0003-486X 3.327 COLORECTAL DIS1462-8910 2.865 PALEOBIOLOGY0094-8373 3.294 LEUKEMIA RES0145-2126 2.472 BIOORGAN MED CHEM0968-0896 3.157 SEP PURIF TECHNOL1383-5866 3.562 TRANSPL INT0934-0874 2.704 DTSCH ARZTEBL INT1866-0452 2.54 DEV MED CHILD NEUROL0012-1622 3.4 INT CLIN PSYCHOPHARM0268-1315 3.129 SKIN PHARMACOL PHYS1660-5527 3.473 WIRES CLIM CHANGE1757-7780 2.913ZOOL SCR0300-3256 2.986IEEE J-STSP1932-4553J ENDODONT0099-2399 2.999 FREE RADICAL RES1071-5762 2.745 PHYS REV A1050-2947 2.612 CANCER CAUSE CONTROL0957-5243 3.237 DRUG DES DEV THER1177-8881HUM PATHOL0046-8177 3.125 SPECTROCHIM ACTA B0584-8547 2.74 TREE PHYSIOL0829-318X 2.953 SEX TRANSM DIS0148-5717 3.106 ELECTROANAL1040-0397 2.856 BIOPOLYMERS0006-3525 2.699 PHYSIOL BEHAV0031-9384 3.226 J CELL BIOCHEM0730-2312 3.123 NEUROSURG FOCUS1092-0684SCAND J MED SCI SPOR0905-7188 3.024 TECTONICS0278-7407 3.543 CHEM-BIOL INTERACT0009-2797 3.06 IEEE-ASME T MECH1083-4435 2.852 J GASTROEN HEPATOL0815-9319 2.61 MOL MEMBR BIOL0968-7688 2.662 ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME1871-5206J SUPERCRIT FLUID0896-8446 3.145 EUR J CLIN MICROBIOL0934-9723 2.852J PLANT GROWTH REGUL0721-7595 2.899ANN ALLERG ASTHMA IM1081-1206 2.677 CANCER CHEMOTH PHARM0344-5704 2.713 CURR OPIN PEDIATR1040-8703 2.586 INFORM SCIENCES0020-0255 2.984 MECH DEVELOP0925-4773 2.892 PLANT METHODS1746-4811J BONE JOINT SURG BR0301-620X 3.405 J GEN INTERN MED0884-8734 3.646 MED PHYS0094-2405 3.095 AUTOMATICA0005-1098 3.128 PHYS MED BIOL 0031-9155 2.872 STEROIDS0039-128X 2.691 MICROVASC RES0026-2862 2.985 AEROSOL AIR QUAL RES1680-8584J GASTROINTEST SURG1091-255X 2.975 AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL0002-9483 3.019 NEURORADIOLOGY0028-3940 2.796 BIOMETALS0966-0844 2.919 INT J DEV BIOL0214-6282 2.959 J AGR FOOD CHEM0021-8561 3.239BOT J LINN SOC0024-4074 1.85EUR J CELL BIOL0171-9335 3.336 J MECH PHYS SOLIDS0022-5096 3.522 CURR PHARM BIOTECHNO 1389-2010 3.043 CANCER GENE THER0929-1903 2.508 J HUM HYPERTENS0950-9240 2.224 J N AM BENTHOL SOC0887-3593 3.251 J PERIPHER NERV SYST1085-9489 3.122 MEDCHEMCOMM2040-2503 2.8 PULM PHARMACOL THER1094-5539 2.333 J HERED0022-1503 2.569 PHYTOPATHOLOGY0031-949X 2.924 PROTEIN SCI0961-8368 3.018 NEUROMUSCULAR DISORD0960-8966 2.725 OLIGONUCLEOTIDES1545-4576 2.634 TROP MED INT HEALTH1360-2276 2.958 J PLANT PHYSIOL0176-1617 3.057 BMC DEV BIOL1471-213X 3.316 RAPID COMMUN MASS SP0951-4198 2.782 EXERC IMMUNOL REV1077-5552 3.95 PURE APPL CHEM0033-4545 2.987 NEUROSURGERY0148-396X 3.822 ORG GEOCHEM0146-63803 ACTA DIABETOL0940-5429 2.27 J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL0733-8724 2.68 NUTR CANCER0163-5581 2.784 CEMENT CONCRETE RES0008-8846 3.282 EXP TOXICOL PATHOL0940-2993 2.053 GERONTOLOGY0304-324X 2.639 AM J SURG0002-9610 2.841 SOL PHYS0038-0938 2.88 AM J ROENTGENOL0361-803X3 TOXICOL IN VITRO0887-2333 2.755PHILOS T R SOC A1364-503X 3.024ECON HUM BIOL1570-677X 2.457 ENERG FUEL 0887-0624 2.999 BEHAV PHARMACOL 0955-8810 2.967 CURR NEUROVASC RES1567-2026 2.824 METEORIT PLANET SCI1086-9379 2.542AM J SCI0002-9599 3.508MAR ECOL-PROG SER0171-8630 3.086 SYNLETT 0936-5214 2.567 PROSTAG OTH LIPID M1098-8823 2.492 TAXON0040-0262 2.804 PEDIATR RES0031-3998 2.728 INT J BIOL SCI1449-2288SCRIPTA MATER1359-6462 3.024 SOC SCI MED0277-9536 3.479 J MAGN RESON IMAGING1053-1807 3.028 HEARING RES0378-5955 2.832 J DRUG TARGET1061-186X 3.018 SOC PSYCH PSYCH EPID0933-7954 2.837 COMPOS PART A-APPL S1359-835X 3.16 ECOL INDIC1470-160X 3.021 J ATHEROSCLER THROMB 1340-3478 2.995 MON WEATHER REV0027-0644 3.004 J GEOL0022-1376 3.292 J NUTR HEALTH AGING1279-7707 2.688 MAT SCI ENG C-MATER0928-4931 2.423 CURR TREAT OPTION ON1527-2729RADIAT RES 0033-7587 2.844 TETRAHEDRON LETT0040-4039 2.588 EUR HEART J SUPPL1520-765X 1.425 GENES CELLS1356-9597 2.954 IEEE T POWER SYST 0885-8950 3.258 NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY0302-282X 2.586 BIOCHEM CELL BIOL0829-8211 2.507 AM J GERIATR PHARMAC1543-5946DRUG AGING1170-229X 2.336 BASIC APPL ECOL1439-1791 2.873 BIOTECHNIQUES0736-6205 2.962 HEALTH PLACE1353-8292 3.119 BMC MED RES METHODOL1471-2288J NUCL CARDIOL1071-3581 2.526 AEROSOL SCI TECH0278-6826 2.925 AM J BOT0002-9122 3.159 CURR ATHEROSCLER REP1523-3804METABOLISM0026-0495 2.772 ORTHOPEDICS0147-7447 1.334 PHARMACOECONOMICS1170-7690 3.013 J AM ACAD ORTHOP SUR1067-151X 2.955 SUPERCOND SCI TECH0953-2048 2.026 AMYLOID1350-6129 2.302 CLONING STEM CELLS1536-2302 3.042 ORIGINS LIFE EVOL B0169-6149 2.081 INFECTION0300-8126 2.411 J EUKARYOT MICROBIOL1066-5234 2.097J SPORT EXERCISE PSY0895-2779 3.476。



物質安全資料表MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET一、物品與廠商資料(Product on and company information)物品名稱(Product name):镀镍层(Nickel-plated layer )物品編號(Product code): /製造商和供應商名稱、地址及電話 (Names, addresses, and phone numbers of the manufacturer or supplier): 名称:温州意华接插件股份有限公司地址:浙江省乐清市翁洋镇后西工业区电话:+86 577-62811520緊急聯絡電話/傳真電話 Emergency contact phone numbers/fax numbers :TEL :+86 577-62811520FAX :+86 577-62815159二、成分辨識資料Ingredients identification information純物質Pure material: 部件中/英文名稱(Chemical Name) 材料成份及分子式(Molecular formula) 化學文摘社登記號碼 (CAS No.) 成分百分比 (The ingredient %of the content)镀镍层 镍(Ni) 7440-02-0 99.9%其他 — —0.1% 三、危害辨識資料Hazards identification information健康危害效應:Adverse health effects皮肤接触可能引起过敏现象環境影響Environmental effects : 未规定物理性及化學性危害Physical and chemical effects : 在Ni 与酸接触,会解放氢气这可能会导致在空气中形成爆炸性混合物。

镍会与一氧化碳还原反应形成羰基镍,Ni (CO )4,有毒气体。



数控代码G00 定位G01 直线插补G02 圆弧插补 CWG03 圆弧插补 CCWG04 延时G10 可编程数据输⼊G11 可编程数据输⼊取消G17 X1轴-Y1轴平⾯选择(主轴)G18 Z1轴-X1轴平⾯选择(主轴)、Z2-X2轴平⾯选择(副主轴)G19 Y1轴-Z1轴平⾯选择(主轴)G25 主轴速度变动检出OFFG26 主轴速度变动检出ONG28 参考点复归检查G30 第⼆参考点复归G32 螺纹切削G34 可变螺距螺纹切削G40 ⼑尖R补偿取消G41 ⼑尖R补偿左G42 ⼑尖R补偿右G50 坐标系偏移、主轴最⾼转速锁定G65 ⾃定义宏调出G66 ⾃定义宏模态调出G67 ⾃定义宏模态调出取消G70 精加⼯循环G71 外径粗车循环G72 端⾯粗车循环G73 闭环切削循环G74 端⾯切断循环G75 外径内径切断循环G76 复合螺纹切削循环G80 钻孔固定循环取消G83 正⾯钻孔循环G84 正⾯攻丝循环G86 正⾯镗孔循环G87 侧⾯钻孔循环G88 侧⾯攻丝循环G89 侧⾯镗孔循环G90 外径内径车削循环G92 螺纹切割循环G94 端⾯车削循环G96 线速度恒定控制G97 线速度恒定控制取消G98 每分进给G99 每转进给G150 坐标系设定(G300后仅Z1轴设定)G184 横向刚性攻丝循环G300 加⼯原点复归(X1.Z1.Y1)G310 加⼯原点复归(X2.Z2)M00 程序停⽌M01 选配停⽌M02 程序终⽌M03 主轴:顺时针转(CW)M04 主轴:逆时针转(CCW)M05 主轴:停⽌&切削液OFFM08 切削液 ONM09 切削液 OFFM10 主轴夹头:关闭M11 主轴夹头:打开M12 主轴速度达到确认M13 主轴顺时针转CW&切削液ONM14 主轴逆时针转CW&切削液ONM17 接料器:前进M18 接料器:后退M20 副主轴夹头:关闭M21 副主轴夹头:打开M23 横向动⼒头顺时针转CWM24 横向动⼒头逆时针转CCWM25 横向动⼒头停⽌M29 刚性攻丝M30 程序结束M32 故障检测 ONM33 故障检测 OFFM34 齿轮倒⾓ ONM35 齿轮倒⾓ OFFM36 切断检出 (电光开关)M37 ⼯件排出确认M38 丝锥折断检出M42 切断检出确认(差速式)M48 超控⽆效M49 超控有效M50 主轴C轴模式 ONM51 主轴C轴模式 OFFM52 副主轴速度达到确认M53 主国&副主轴速度达到确认M54 主轴/副主轴相位同期 ONM55 主轴/副主轴相位同期 OFFM56 主轴/副主轴相位同期 ONM59 主轴/副主轴相位同期 OFFM58 主轴&副主轴转矩不⾜M59 主轴&副主轴转矩正常M60 送料机转矩 OFFM61 送料机转矩 ONM62 送料机材料更换开始M64 送料机材料导⼊开始(在零件进给器上) M65 棒材送料机跟踪柱关M74 喷⽓-1 ONM75 喷⽓-1 OFFM76 喷⽓-2 ONM77 喷⽓-2 OFFM78 ⼯件前⽅排出前进M79 ⼯件前⽅排出后退M82 主轴制动器 ONM83 主轴制动器 OFFM88 副主轴内切削液 ONM89 副主轴内切削液 OFFM91 棒料进给程序调⽤ O9001M92 棒料进给程序调⽤ O9002M93 棒料进给程序调⽤ O9003M95 送料机材料缺乏检查开始M96 送料机材料缺乏检查结束M97 ⼯件计数器M98 ⼦程序调⽤M99 ⼦程序终⽌M103 副主轴顺时针转 CWM104 副主轴逆时针转 CCWM105 副主转速停⽌ (说明书上写的是:副主轴挡料装置.好像不对 (~-~)M108 ⾼压泵 ONM109 ⾼压泵 OFFM129 横向刚性攻丝M160 喷油-1 ONM161 喷油-1 OFFM162 喷油-2 ONM163 喷油-2 OFFM164 喷油-3 ONM165 喷油-3 OFFM166 供油固定防震 ONM167 供油固定防震 OFFM170 背⾯⼑具喷油 ONM171 背⾯⼑具喷油 OFFM182 副主轴制动器 ONM183 副主轴制动器 OFFM188 内径冷却液 ONM189 内径冷却液 OFFM500--M599 等待 M 代码M704 Z1/Z2轴同步取消M220 Z1/Z2轴同步取消M705 Z1/Z2轴同步开始M221 Z1/Z2轴同步开始M230 Z1/Z2混合解除M232 Z1/Z2混合开始M2… 副主轴程序检查&开始、M90000-93599 副主轴分度下第1⾏:0.1度指令下第2⾏: 1度指令下第3⾏: 10度指令下第4⾏:100度指令注:M704与M220功能相同M705与M221功能相同G02,G03G02 CW 顺时针 G02 (X[U])(Z[W]) R() F()G03 CCW 逆时针 G02 (X[U])(Z[W]) R() F()说明:G02 G03的区别是。



Subject : 品保一二阶文件传签申请单:FS-0122(2014/10/25,石红兰(S1208417))申请表单当前版本:2品保一二阶文件传签申请单流程负责人:Tegi.Wang 王铁号FS20141025-012 申请日期2014/10/25 承办人S1208417姓名石红兰部门整合品质系统课分机23405申请人S1208417 姓名石红兰厂别sz职称工程师部门代码11523200 部门名称整合品质系统课备注修订<品质手册>:1.在附件二和附件三中增加FPC支持SMT的过程描述;2.更新附件六顾客文件类型m lji一阶n m l j二阶查新处理意见传签部门信息厂别部门代部门名称部门主管姓删除s112020生管部S1104728蔡尚育s112100FPC工程处S1412877许淙理s112200FPC制造处S094914徐祥铵s112600辅材自制处S070643黄文宏s115220苏州品管部S1402463王铁皋s118200业务处941335锺孟君s118400客户工程与服务处S1314307黄正谷s118500营运整合处S1205021车小玲s112120制前设计部S030413冯东颖s112610模切制造部S1305823锺少荣s112210制一部S1410181洪育政sz 11222000 制二S030478朱金素szsz sz sz sz11229000 制三部 S1204044 徐明君 11225000制四部 S030449 张梅 11227000工务部S1210057陈传旌 1122B000制工部S030391黄小燕11400000供应链中心 130004 林玲楷同意退回加会流程纪录关卡 处理时间 处理者 意见开始2014/10/25 下午 02:54:04 石红兰 A pp l y .同意.因SMT 厂TS 16949单独认证而修主管签核2014/10/25 下午03:34:11 章高平正,主要在27/37页识 别FPC 支持SMT 厂的相 关过程主管签核 2014/10/27 下午 01:48:44 王铁皋 (代理谢经纬) A pp r o v e . 品保部确认 2014/10/27下午03:25:27孙艳A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 03:26:30 徐祥铵 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 03:32:55 徐明君 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 03:35:02 黄小燕 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 04:00:42 张梅 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 04:25:09 朱金素 A pp r o v e . 各部门*会签 2014/10/27 下午 05:03:01 王铁皋 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 05:36:58 车小玲 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/27 下午 09:25:42 锺少荣 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 上午 07:58:48 黄文宏 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 上午 08:02:37 许淙理 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 上午 08:05:02 林玲楷 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 上午 10:57:26 锺孟君 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 上午 11:13:06 冯东颖 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 下午 04:31:53 蔡尚育 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/28 下午 04:51:07 陈传旌 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/29 上午 11:53:54 黄正谷 A pp r o v e . 各部门会签 2014/10/29 下午 02:19:56 洪育政 A pp r o v e . 二级主管签核 2014/10/29 下午 02:41:31 王铁皋 (代理谢经纬) A pp r o v e . 一级主管签核 2014/10/29 下午 04:34:36 孙永祥 A pp r o v e . 品质系统课确认 2014/10/29 下午 04:40:14 章高平 A pp r o v e .文管中心归档 2014/10/31 下午 02:08:49 孙艳 A pp r o v e .结束2014/10/31 下午 02:08:50文件制/修订记录DOC.CONTROL发 行 日 期NO 日期版本变更内容2F 0B 1-040.012011.30管 制制文/修订件者 Re v .B1.在附件二和附件三中增加 FPC 支持 SMT 的过程描述;ICHIA FPC162014.10.25Q2.更新附件六顾客代表;3.应组织架构的更新,修订附件七。



Tel:+86 571 2882 8608 Toll Free: 400 6721 600(China Only)Fax:+86 571 2882 8618 Website: Technical Service: service@ MultiSciences Biotech Co,. Ltd To place an order: order@ 1Brefeldin A(BFA) solutionProduct InformationContents: Brefeldin A(BFA) solutionCatalog Number: CS0003Concentration: Brefeldin A(BFA) (4mg/ml) in Ethanol Volume: 60ulHandling Conditions: Wear suitable personal protective equipment and gloves.Temperature Limitation: Store at -20°C. For long-term storage, product can also be stored at less than or equal to -70°C. Protect from light.Description Brefeldin A is an inhibitor of intracellular protein transport. Incubation of cells in culture with Brefeldin A leads to blockade of protein transport to the Golgi complex (GC) and accumulation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Addition of Brefeldin A during the last hours of in vitro activation of cells results in enhanced detection of intracellular cytokines. Brefeldin A is effective for enhanced detection of a majority of mouse and human intracellular cytokines; Suggested working concentration is 2-20ug/ml. however, it is advised that the investigators evaluate the use and efficacy of this reagent as well as other protein transport inhibitors such as Monensin in their specific assay system. Applications Reported The BFA solution has been reported for use in flow cytometric analysis.Applications Tested The PMA solution in present of Ionomycin has been tested by treatment of mouse splenocytes for 5 to 18 hours in combination with the Protein Transport Inhibitor (BFA or Monensin) followed by intracellular staining and flow cytometric analysis of IFNγ. This product is formulated with a solvent that will not freeze at recommended storage temperatures. It is recommended that this product be kept tightly sealed and cold at all times to avoid excess evaporation.Related ProductsCS0001 PMA 0.1mg/ml in Ethanol 100ul CS0002 Ionomycin 1mg/ml in Ethanol 50ul CS0003 BFA 4mg/ml in Ethanol 60ul CS0004 Monensin 50mg/ml in Ethanol 100ul CS1001 PMA/Ionomycin Mixture(250X) 100ul CS1002 BFA/Monensin Mixture(250X) 100ul CS1003 PMA/Ionomycin/BFA/Monensin mixture(250X)100ulFor Research Use Only Rev: 10/2011。

LG 电视机说明书.pdf_1702027384.194331

LG 电视机说明书.pdf_1702027384.194331

P/NO : SAC34134215 (1010-REV 00)OWNER’S MANUALLED LCD TV / LCD TVPlease read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.LED LCD TV MODELS42LH90QR 47LH90QR 42SL90QR 47SL90QRLCD TV MODELS19LH20R 22LH20R 26LH20R 32LH20R 37LH20R 42LH20R 22LU40R32LF20FR 42LF20FR 32LH30FR 37LH30FR 42LH30FR 47LH30FR42LH50YR 47LH50YR 55LH50YR 32LH70YR 42LH70YR 47LH70YR 32LD34026LD331C 32LD331C19LU50R 22LU50FR 26LU50FR 32SL80YR 42SL80YR 47SL80YR 55SL80YR 22LD330C 26LD330C22LD33026LD33032LD33032LD42042LD42032LD41042LD410O2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ W2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ O&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ W2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ 7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ W&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ 7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@ 7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@N@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5V'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(YV'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(YV'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(YO N O FFINPUT MENU ENTER SPEAKERAC power control switchAC power control switchINPUTMENU ENTER CH VOLImage shown may differ from your TV.32/42/47/55SL80YRAC power control switch (For 42/47/55SL80YR)OFF ONRemote Control SensorINPUT Button POWER ButtonMENU Button ENTER Button CHANNEL (,)ButtonsVOLUME (-, +)ButtonsIntelligent Sensor Adjusts pictureaccording to the sur-rounding conditions2LD420AUDIO IN (RGB/DVI)RGB IN (PC)AV IN 11/DVI IN1Carefully place the TV screen side down on acushioned surface to protect the screendamage.Loose the bolts from the TV.Detach the stand from the TV. PROTECTION COVERAfter removing the stand, install the includede c t i o n c o v e r over the hole for theRemove the screws from the TV.Detach the stand from TV. PROTECTION COVERAfter removing the stand, install the included p o v e r over the hole for the stand.After removing the protection paper from the protec-tion cover, adhere it to the TV as shown.VESA (A *B)AB9/22LH20R, 47LH30FR, 47/55LH50YR, 147LH90QR, 32/42/47/55SL80YR, 22LU40R, 42/47SL90QR, 22LD330, 22LD330C)The TV must be attached to a desk so it cannot be pulled in a forward/backward direction, potentially causing1-Screw(provided as parts of the product)。

Vectron GNSSDO NMEA 参考手册说明书

Vectron GNSSDO NMEA 参考手册说明书

Vectron GNSSDO NMEA Reference ManualRev. A, 07-27-18Revision History Revision Date DescriptionA 07-27-18 •First ReleaseTable of ContentsCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... - 4 -1.1P URPOSE (4)1.2N OTICE (4)CHAPTER 2 NMEA-0183 STANDARD SENTENCES................................................................................................ - 5 -2.1S TANDARD NMEA P ROTOCOL (5)2.2NMEA T ALKER I DENTIFIERS (5)2.3A VAILABLE S ENTENCES L IST (6)CHAPTER 3 NMEA-0183 STANDARD SENTENCE DETAILS................................................................................. - 7 -3.1I NTRODUCTION (7)3.2GGA:G LOBAL P OSITIONING S YSTEM F IX D ATA (7)3.3GLL:G EOGRAPHIC P OSITION –L ATITUDE/L ONGITUDE (8)3.4GNS:GNSS F IX D ATA (8)3.5GSA:GNSS DOP AND A CTIVE S ATELLITES (9)3.6GSV:GNSS S ATELLITES IN V IEW (10)3.7RMC:R ECOMMENDED M INIMUM N AVIGATION I NFORMATION (11)3.8VTG:C OURSE O VER G ROUND AND G ROUND S PEED (12)3.9ZDA:T IME &D ATE (12)Introduction1.1 PurposeVectron GNSS Disciplined Oscillator (GNSSDO) modules embed a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver which, given a sufficiently high-quality signal, provide timing and position data to the user. Timing information is used by the module to discipline the onboard high-stability oscillator. This information, along with position and navigation data, is forwarded to the user via the module’s serial port in the form of ASCII NMEA-0183 Standard Sentences. This document outlines which standard sentences are available, and provides details for each.1.2 NoticeEach satellite system is operated by their respective country, Vectron cannot guarantee and is not liable for degradation of performance due to factors outside of the module’s or Vectron’s control. This includes, but is not limited to, degradation of satellite system performance due to changes or upgrades by the system operator, and poor signal quality at the module’s antenna port. The user is expected to be familiar with the implementation, limitations, and risks associated with GNSS solutions, and is responsible for providing and properly implementing any necessary external electronics and conditions, such as: antenna location, antenna quality, cable quality, transmission lines, matching, signal levels, avoiding multi-path interference, shielding from both internal and external noise sources, etc.Information herein related to the NMEA-0183 protocol is for reference only. This protocol is defined by the National Marine Electronics Association in the document:”NMEA 0183 STANDARD FOR INTERFACING MARINE ELECTRONIC DEVICES Version 4.10”(NATIONAL MARINE ELECTRONICS ASSOCIATION, June, 2012)Vectron reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application.All brand and product names are registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.NMEA-0183 Standard Sentences2.1 Standard NMEA Protocol<------------------------- Checksum Range ----------------------->$ <Address> {,<data>} *<checksum> <CR><LF>Notes1)All characters are transmitted in ASCII format2)The start character is always '$'3)The address field is subdivided into two subfields: <TT><SSS>, where:a.<TT> is the Talker Identifier. It is always:i.Gx for GNSS messages (See Talker Identifiers Section)ii.P for proprietary messagesb.<SSS> is the Sentence formatter, which defines the message content4)Data fields are delimited by a comma ','. Field length can vary, if no data isavailable for a particular field, it will be left empty (null).5)The checksum starts with an asterisk '*' and consists of two characters containingthe hexadecimal 8-bit exclusive OR of all characters between '$' and '*'.6)The end sequence is always a carriage return and a line feed <CR><LF>.2.2 NMEA Talker IdentifiersStandard NMEA Sentences reported by the GNSS receiver may use one of a several possible talker IDs depending on the state of the receiver and its current fix. For example, a module with a view of only GPS satellites will fix to GPS and report information using the “GP” identifier. If this same module later obtains enough GLONASS satellites in view, it may switch to a multi-GNSS fix and begin reporting information using the “GN” identifier.When using multiple constellations, the user must ensure that their system is able to receive and process these messages under all possible identifiers. Table 2.1-1 contains all identifiers currently implemented (at the time of writing) by Vectron GNSSDO products. The user should be prepared to handle these identifiers if GNSS information is needed in their application.Table 2.2-1, GNSS System Talker IDsTalker Identifier DescriptionGN Any combination of 2 or more GNSS systemsGP Global Positioning System (USA), QZSS (Japan)GL GLONASS (Russia)GA Galileo (EU)2.3 Available Sentences ListVectron GNSSDO module support up to 8 of the following standard NMEA output sentences, defined by the NMEA Standard 0183 Version 4.10 (June, 2012). Thedescriptions in the following chapter are for reference only, as these sentence formats are defined exclusively by the copyrighted document from the NMEA.Table 2.3-1, Available NMEA Standard SentencesFormatter Fix Data Date Time Position Navigation GGA X 1 X X GLL X X GNS X X X GSA X GSV X RMC X X X VTG X ZDAXXNote: 1) GGA is specific to GPS fix data onlyPlease note that some modules may not support all the above talker identifiers orsentences. Proprietary report messages (where the talker id is ‘P’) may also be reported by the module. Individual sentences may be enabled or disabled by the user, and the rate at which they are reported may also be modified. Check the device-specific reference manual and appropriate proprietary protocol user’s guide for more details.Sentence FormatterDescriptionGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data GLL Geographic Position – Latitude/Longitude GNS GNSS Fix DataGSA GNSS DOP and Active Satellites GSV GNSS Satellites in ViewRMC Recommended Minimum Navigation Information VTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed ZDATime & DateChapter 3NMEA-0183 Standard Sentence Details3.1 IntroductionThis section provides details for each available NMEA Standard Sentence.These formats are defined by the NMEA 0183 Standard Version 4.10 (June, 2012) - the descriptions and information provided in this section are for reference only. Vectron modules may not populate all fields as described by the NMEA specification, and in this case, these fields are marked “Not Supported”.3.2 GGA: Global Positioning System Fix DataMessage Structure:$XXGGA,hhmmss.sss,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,x,xx,x.x,x.x,M,x.x,M,,*cs<CR><LF> Example:$GPGGA,020418.127,4048.4894,N,7720.2754,W,1,8,1.5,42.0,M,33.8,M,,*XX# Name Format Example Description1 UTC hhmmss.sss 020418.127 “hh” hour, “mm” minute, “ss.sss” second2 Latitude ddmm.mmmm 4048.4894 Latitude Degrees and Minutes3 Lat. N/S a N Latitude North or South4 Longitude dddmm.mmmm 7720.2754 Longitude Degrees and Minutes5 Long. E/W a W Longitude East or West6 Fix Quality x 1 “0” Fix Invalid, “1” Fix Valid7 Satellites1xx 8 Number of GPS satellites used in current fix8 HDOP2 x.x 1.5 Horizontal Dilution of precision9 Altitude x.x 42.0 Altitude above/below mean sea level10 Altitude Unit M M Unit of Altitude (meter)11 Geoidal Height xxx 33.8 Geoidal Height12 Geoidal Height Unit M M Unit of Geoidal Height (meter)13 Not Supported Field will be empty14 Not Supported Field will be emptyNotes:1)This field counts GPS, QZSS, and SBAS satellites only. Other GNSS satellites arenot included. Maximum number is 12.2)The HDOP field may be null if a valid fix is not available3.3 GLL: Geographic Position – Latitude/LongitudeMessage Structure:$XXGLL,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,hhmmss.sss,a,a*cs<CR><LF>Example:$GPGLL,4048.4894,N,7720.2754,W,020418.127,A,A*XX# Name Format Example Description1 Latitude ddmm.mmmm 4048.4894 Latitude Degrees and Minutes2 Lat. N/S a N Latitude North or South3 Longitude dddmm.mmmm 7720.2754 Longitude Degrees and Minutes4 Long. E/W a W Longitude East or West5 UTC hhmmss.sss 020418.127 “hh” hour, “mm” minute, “ss.sss” second6 Status a A “A” Data Valid, “V” Data Invalid7 Position Mode a A “A” Autonomous, “N” Data InvalidNotes:3.4 GNS: GNSS Fix DataMessage Structure:$XXGNS,hhmmss.sss,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,xxx,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x,,,x*cs<CR><LF> Example:$GNGNS,020418.127,4048.4894,N,7720.2754,W,AAN,18,1.5,42.0,33.8,,,V*XX# Name Format Example Description1 UTC hhmmss.sss 020418.127 “hh” hour, “mm” minute, “ss.sss” second2 Latitude ddmm.mmmm 4048.4894 Latitude Degrees and Minutes3 Lat. N/S a N Latitude North or South4 Longitude dddmm.mmmm 7720.2754 Longitude Degrees and Minutes5 Long. E/W a W Longitude East or West6 Mode Indicator xxx AAN “A” Autonomous, “N” Invalid for each system(GPS, GLONASS, Galileo)7 Satellite Count xx 18 Number of satellites used (0-32)8 HDOP x.x 1.5 Horizontal Dilution of Precision (0.0-50.0)9 Altitude x.x 42.0 Altitude above mean sea-level (geoid)10 Geoidal Height x.x 33.8 Geoidal Height11 Not Supported12 Not Supported13 Nav. Status x V Navigation Status Indicator“S” Safe, “C” Caution, “U” Unsafe, “V” Not Valid Notes:3.5 GSA: GNSS DOP and Active SatellitesMessage Structure:$XXGSA,a,a,xx,xx,xx,…,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x,h*cs<CR><LF>Example:$GNGSA,A,3,09,15,26,05,24,21,08,02,29,28,18,10,0.8,0.5,0.5,1*XX$GNGSA,A,3,79,69,68,84,85,80,70,83,,,,,0.8,0.5,0.5,2*XX# Name Format Example Description1 Operation Mode a A “M” 2D/3D Fixed, “A” 2D/3D Auto-Switching2 Mode a3 “1” No Fix, “2” 2D Fix, “3” 3D Fix3-14 Satellite Numbers1xx 09 01-99, SVIDs used in fix15 PDOP x.x 0.8 Position Dilution of Precision16 HDOP x.x 0.5 Horizontal Dilution of Precision17 VDOP x.x 1.5 Vertical Dilution of Precision18 GNSS System ID h 2Notes:1)Multiple messages may be reported if multiple systems are used for the current fix(GPS, GLONASS, etc.). The identifier will follow the convention of other messages, but field 18 will indicate which system the message is providing information from.2)SVIDs are numbered as follows:a.GPS: 01-32b.SBAS: 33-51 (120 to 138)c.GLONASS: 65-92 (01 to 28)d.QZSS: 93-99 (193 to 199)3.6 GSV: GNSS Satellites in ViewMessage Structure:$XXGSV,x,x,x,xx,xx,xxx,xx,xx,xx,xxx,xx,xx,xx,xxx,xx,xx,xx,xxx,xx,…,h*cs<CR><LF>Example:$GPGSV,4,1,14,15,67,319,52,09,63,068,53,26,45,039,50,05,44,104,49,1*XX$GPGSV,4,2,14,24,42,196,47,21,34,302,46,18,12,305,43,28,11,067,41,1*XX$GPGSV,4,3,14,08,07,035,38,29,04,237,39,02,02,161,40,50,47,163,44,1*XX$GPGSV,4,4,14,42,48,171,44,93,65,191,48,,,,,,,,,1*XX$GLGSV,3,1,09,79,66,099,50,69,55,019,53,80,33,176,46,68,28,088,45,1*XX$GLGSV,3,2,09,70,25,315,46,78,24,031,42,85,18,293,44,84,16,246,41,1*XX$GLGSV,3,3,09,86,02,338,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1*XX# Name Format Example Description1 Number of Messages x 4 Total number of messages2 Message Number x 1 Message number in this sequence3 Number of Satellites x 14 Satellites in line-of-sight4 1st SV ID xx 15 Satellite ID Number5 1st SV Elevation xx 67 Satellite Elevation Angle (degree)6 1st SV Azimuth xxx 319 Satellite Azimuth Angle (degree)7 1st SV SNR xx 52 Satellite Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) (dB)8-11 2nd SV Details12-15 3rd SV Details16-19 4th SV Details20 Signal ID h 1Notes:1)Each message contains fields for 4 satellites, multiple messages may be reportedper each GNSS system, enough to indicate all satellites in line-of-sight. If less than4 satellites are reported by a message, the extra fields will be null.2)If a satellite is in line-of-sight but is not able to be used in the fix, the SNR field isleft null. A situation where this may be observed is if a satellite is predicted by the almanac to be visible, but is obscured or masked by an SNR mask or elevationmask.3)The ‘GN’ talker identifier is not used for GSV, as a GSV message or group ofmessages is reported for each system which is enabled and satellites are visible.4)SVIDs are numbered as follows:a.GPS: 01-32b.SBAS: 33-51 (120 to 138)c.GLONASS: 65-92 (01 to 28)d.QZSS: 93-99 (193 to 199)3.7 RMC: Recommended Minimum Navigation InformationMessage Structure:$XXRMC,hhmmss.sss,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,x.x,x.x,ddmmyy,x.x,a,a,a*cs<CR><LF> Example:$GNRMC,020418.127,4048.4894,N,7720.2754,W,0.00,0.00,180116,,,A,V*XX# Name Format Example Description1 UTC hhmmss.sss 020418.127 “hh” hour, “mm” minute, “ss.sss” second2 Latitude ddmm.mmmm 4048.4894 Latitude Degrees and Minutes3 Latitude N/S a N Latitude North or South4 Longitude dddmm.mmmm 7720.2754 Longitude Degrees and Minutes5 Longitude E/W a W Longitude East or West6 Speed x.x 0.00 Speed in knots7 True Course x.x 0.00 Course in degrees8 Date ddmmyy UTC Date9 Not Supported10 Not Supported11 Positioning Mode a A “A” Autonomous, “N” Invalid12 Nav. Status a V Navigation Status Indicator“S” Safe, “C” Caution, “U” Unsafe, “V” Not Valid Notes:3.8 VTG: Course Over Ground and Ground SpeedMessage Structure:$XXVTG,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K,a*cs<CR><LF>$GNVTG,0.00,T,,M,0.00,N,0.00,K,D*XX# Name Format Example Description1-2 True Course x.x,T 0.00,T True Coarse (degrees)3-4 Not Supported x.x,M ,M5-6 Speed – kts x.x,N 0.00,N Speed in knots7-8 Speed – km/h x.x,K 0.00,K Speed in km/h9 Positioning Mode a A “A” Autonomous, “N” Invalid Notes:3.9 ZDA: Time & Date$XXZDA,hhmmss.sss,xx,xx,xxxx,xxx,xx*cs<CR><LF>$GPZDA,014811.000,13,09,2013,+00,00*XX# Name Format Example Description1 UTC hhmmss.sss 020418.127 “hh” hour, “mm” minute, “ss.sss” secondUTC: Day xx 13 Day of monthUTC: Month xx 09 MonthUTC: Year xxxx 2013 YearLocal Zone Hours xxx +00 (+/-) 00 – 23Local Zone Minutes xx 00 00 – 59Notes:。

dCC Jogbox 使用手册说明书

dCC Jogbox 使用手册说明书
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence 250 Circuit Drive North Kingstown, RI 02852, U.S.A. Tel.: +1 (800) 766-4673 Internet:
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Siegmund-Hiepe- Strasse 2-12, 35578 Wetzlar, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 6441 207 0 Internet:
EMERGENCY STOP ................................................................................................... 7 2.5. Warnings ................................................................................................................................... 8 2.6. Safety Devices .......................................................................................................................... 9
ii • dCC Jogbox – User Manual
Contents ............................................................................................................................. iii Preface ................................................................................................................................ 5








数十年来,严重感染患者是否可以在常规治疗基础上加用静脉注射免疫球蛋白(in tr a v e n o u s im m u n o g lo b u lin s,I V I g )作为辅助治疗,一直存在争议。


脓毒症、脓毒性休克的诊断标准对于感染或疑似感染的严重患者,当脓毒症相关器官衰"‘:(S e q u e n t i a lO r g a n F a i l u r e A s s e s s-m e n t,S0F A)!2分时可考虑诊断脓毒症。

临床工作中,常用简单易行的快速脓毒症相关序贯器官衰竭评分(q u ic k S e q u e n tia l O rg a n F a ilu r e A s s e s s m e n t,q S O F A)初步评估;包括呼吸频率!22次/分、意识改变、收缩压"100m m H g,满足其中至少两项时,则需进一步评估是否存在脏器功能障碍[3,7]。

脓毒性休克是在脓毒症的基础上,出现持续性低血压,在充分容量复苏后仍需血管活性药来维持平均动脉压(M A P)!65m m H g,以及血乳酸水平>2m m o l/L[3]。

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