Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 安装标准流程
R-spondin1在促进人骨髓间充质干细胞成骨分化中的作用孙博;张弢;杨龙;李靖;任厚相;孙琦;王建吉;叶川【摘要】目的:研究Wnt信号通路激活剂R-spondin1在人骨髓间充质干细胞(hBMSC)成骨分化中的作用.方法:用0、5、10、20 μg/L R-spondin1处理hBMSC,利用荧光素酶实验检测R-spondin1对hBMSC中Wnt信号通路的作用,Western blot检测R-spondin1对Wnt信号通路下游靶基因β-catenin蛋白表达的影响;在成骨分化培养基中添加20 μg/L R-spondin1诱导hBMSC成骨分化,检测R-spondin1对早期成骨分化指标ALP活性及成骨分化晚期钙沉积、成骨分化标志物OSX、OCN和成骨分化关键转录因子RUNX2表达的影响.结果:R-spondin1增强hBMSC中Wnt信号通路,R-spondin1增强ALP活性和钙沉积,促进OSX、OCN及RUNX2的表达.结论:R-spondin1增强hBMSC中Wnt信号通路的作用,促进hBMSC成骨分化.【期刊名称】《贵阳医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(040)005【总页数】5页(P438-441,446)【关键词】R-spondin1;Wnt信号通路;人骨髓间充质干细胞;成骨分化;RUNX2【作者】孙博;张弢;杨龙;李靖;任厚相;孙琦;王建吉;叶川【作者单位】贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;中国人民解放军第117医院骨科,浙江杭州311201;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004;贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳550004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318.17骨缺损是临床上常见的骨骼系统疾病,严重危害患者的生活质量。
人骨髓间充质干细胞(human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,hBMSC)是成骨细胞的前体细胞,具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能,在体外可定向分化为骨细胞,是骨再生工程理想的种子细胞,具有重要的临床应用前景[1]。
Code No.:DRR041ASYBR® Premix Ex TaqTM (Perfect Real Time) (200 次量)目内 容●制品说明 ●制品内容 ●适用的 Real Time PCR 扩增仪 ●保 存录页 码1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3●TaKaRa Ex TaqTM HS活性定义 ●纯 度●Real Time PCR 性能检测 ●试剂盒原理 ●试剂盒特长 ●操作注意 ●Real Time PCR 操作顺序 ●操作方法 ◆应用 Thermal Cycler Dice Real Time System 扩增仪的操作方法 ◆应用 ABI PRISM 7000/7700/7900 HT, 7300/7500/7500 Fast Real - Time PCR 的操作方法 ◆应用 Light Cycler Real Time PCR 扩增仪的操作方法 ◆应用 Smart Cycler II System Real Time PCR 扩增仪的操作方法 ◆应用 Mx3000P Real Time PCR 扩增仪的操作方法 ●PCR 反应条件说明 ●实验例 ●进行 RT-PCR 反应时的实验方法 ●引物设计说明 ●引物设计服务说明: 本公司提供用于基因表达定量分析的引物设计及合成服务 ●问 答4 5 7 8 9 9 11 1314 14◆特别提示: 本制品请于 4℃避光保存,避免冻结制品!●制品说明本制品是采用SYBR® Green I嵌合荧光法进行Real Time PCR的专用试剂。
制品中已经将DNA聚合酶、反 应用Buffer、dNTP、SYBR® Green I等试剂预混在一起,是一种 2×浓度的Premix Type试剂,进行实验 时,PCR反应液的配制十分方便简单。
制品中的DNA聚合酶使用了改良后的Hot Start法用 DNA聚合酶TaKaRa Ex TaqTM HS,与TaKaRa精心研制的Real Time PCR用Buffer组合使用,可以有效抑制非特异性的PCR扩增,大大提高PCR的扩增效率,进行高灵敏度的Real Time PCR扩增反应。
作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(10): 1766−1774 /zwxb/ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@本研究由国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2011ZX08009-003)和留学人员科技活动择优资助项目“农作物分枝机理及应用研究”资助。
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 李学勇, E-mail:, Tel: 010-********第一作者联系方式: E-mail: tottiwang@, Tel: 136********Received(收稿日期): 2012-03-01; Accepted(接受日期): 2012-06-10; Published online(网络出版日期): 2012-07-27. URL: /kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20120727.0844.011.htmlDOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.01766水稻DUS 测试标准品种丛矮2号矮化多分蘖表型的遗传基础王 涛1 袁守江2 尹 亮2 赵金凤1 万建民1,3 李学勇1,*1中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 / 农作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科学工程, 北京 100081; 2 山东省水稻研究所, 山东济南250100; 3南京农业大学 / 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室 / 江苏省植物基因工程技术研究中心, 江苏南京 210095 摘 要: 水稻DUS 测试标准品种之一丛矮2号(cl2)具有矮化多分蘖的表型特征, 遗传分析表明该性状由1对隐性核基因控制, 已将其定位在第4染色体长臂InDel 标记C4-CL5和C4-CL4之间。
对这2个标记之间一个已报道的多分蘖基因D17/HTD1进行测序, 发现cl2中的D17/HTD1基因编码区第1 796个碱基由C 突变为T, 从而导致第599位的氨基酸由脯氨酸变成亮氨酸。
Invitrogen的ICFC系列产品促销1.QPCR及QRT-PCR系列产品Invitrogen公司专门为中国客户提供的定量PCR试剂盒,结合了 UDG 防止残余污染技术和SYBR® Green I 荧光染料(存在于SYBR® Green I荧光定量PCR试剂盒中),在美国接受了严格的质量监控,可提供极高灵敏度的目的序列定量检测,线性剂量低,反应浓度范围很大。
qPCR Supermix-- 即用型反应剂,专为高特异性、实时定量DNA扩增设计UDG-- 防止携带污染物,减少克隆片段假阳性结果ROX参考染料-- 适用ABI仪器的校正染料产品信息活动时间:即日起至2009年4月30日2.Gibco南美胎牛血清即日起凡优惠价¥1780购买Gibco胎牛血清500ml(目录号:C2027050)即可获赠送价值¥250现金抵用券。
3.Invitrogen TA Cloning克隆产品专门用于克隆Taq聚合酶扩增的PCR产物。
applied biosystems 7900HT荧光定量PCR仪相对定量实验简易操作流程SDS 2.47900HT定量PCR仪相对定量实验简易操作流程1.双击桌面图标开启SDS software或从Start >All Programs > AppliedBiosystems > SDS 2.4> SDS 2.4开启软件。
2.进入SDS software后出现Login窗口,输入用户名和密码,或以administrator登入(无须键入密码),按OK进入软件。
3.点选或从“File”下选择“New”,出现如下窗口:Assay:选择△△Ct(RQ)Container:根据反应板类型,选择96-well Plate,384-well Plate或384-well Taqman Low Density ArrayTemplate:Blank Template (如有之前已设好的Template,点击Browse可导入模板) 。
3.1点击OK,即出现Plate Document。
①在Setup 窗口下点“Add Detector”即会弹出Detector Manager,②如有已设定的Detectors,选中待检测的Detector,③点击Copy to Plate Document,④点击Done完成添加。
3.2设定新的Detector:①在Detector Manager中点击“New”,②进入“AddDetector”窗口设置Detector,③点击“OK”完成detector设置。
Quencher:如果使用MGB探针或SYBR染料则选None Fluorescent。
3.3设置反应板:①选中放置样品的反应孔,②标记“Use”,③输入样本名称,④在“Task”栏中选择属性:目的基因“Target”,内参“Endogenous Control”。
total RNA total RNA
相对定量:内对照 Endogenous Control
time t =0 t=12 t=24 t=48
total RNA total RNA
total RNA total RNA
1. 基线(空白)信号的产生是由于测量的偶然误差引起的。 2. 偶然误差的结果满足对数分布。 3. 阈值 = 基线(背景)信号标准偏差 x 10。 4. 由于测量的偶然误差而导致测得的荧光信号大于阈值的概率小于10-5。 5. 当荧光信号大于阈值时,可以肯定是由于PCR的扩增使得荧光强度得以测量。
• 定义:等位基因分型(AD)分析是一种多重(每个反应包括一个以上的 引物和探针对)、终点(在PCR过程的终点收集数据)分析实验,用 于检测某个核酸序列的变异。 每个反应中包括两个引物和探针对,允许在一个目标模板序列的单核 苷酸多态性(SNP)位点上出现两个可能的变异基因型。 目标序列的实际量不确定。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transcription Hairpin release in the nucleus Export to cytoplasm Dicer processing Strand selection by RISC Translational repression
*mature active strand
地塞米松调节T细胞免疫应答保护小鼠急性炎性肝损伤的作用刘焕荣;陆芸;张正国;王健;王昱;刘光伟;薛峰【摘要】背景:在小鼠急性炎性肝损伤中,地塞米松(Dex)可通过抑制天然免疫细胞功能抑制肝损伤进展,然而T 细胞是否参与此保护作用尚少见报道。
目的:探讨 Dex 在急性炎性肝损伤中对 T 细胞免疫应答的调节效应。
方法:6只雄性C57BL/6J 小鼠随机分为实验组和模型组,在以脂多糖诱导急性炎性肝损伤模型前1 h,两组分别腹腔注射 Dex 5 mg/ kg 和等体积 PBS。
建模12 h 后处死小鼠,行临床评分并检测肝功能;分离脾脏单个核细胞,分析 T 细胞活化情况以及各 T细胞亚群的细胞因子表达、分泌和转录因子表达。
结果:实验组小鼠临床评分和血清转氨酶水平均明显低于模型组,脾脏 CD44+ CD62L - T 细胞(活化或记忆性 T 细胞)比率显著降低,Th1型细胞因子 IFN-γ表达、分泌减少,Th2型细胞因子IL-4表达、分泌增加,调节性 T 细胞(Treg 细胞)比率、Th2/ Th1、Treg/ Th1比值增加;同时,Th1细胞特异性转录因子表达下调,Th2、Treg 细胞特异性转录因子表达上调。
结论:Dex 通过抑制 T 细胞活化并调节 T 细胞亚群分化(抑制Th1细胞分化,促进 Th2、Treg 细胞分化),在急性炎性肝损伤中起一定保护作用。
%Background:Dexamethasone can protect mice against the acute inflammatory liver injury by inhibiting innate immune cell function. However,the roles of T cell in this protective effect remain unknown. Aims:To investigate the regulatory effect of dexamethasone on T cell immune response in acute inflammatory liver injury. Methods:Six maleC57BL/ 6J mice were randomly divided into 2 groups. One hour before induction of acute inflammatory liver injury by lipopolysaccharide,dexamethasone 5 mg/ kg and PBS were given intraperitoneally in experimental group and model group,respectively. All the mice were sacrificed 12 hours after model construction. The clinical score and liver function parameters were assessed;splenic mononuclear cells were isolated for measurements of T cell activation,as well as cytokineexpression,secretion, and transcriptional factor expression for different T-cell subsets. Results:Clinical score and serum levels of transaminase were significantly lower in experimental group when compared with the model group. Meanwhile,percentage of CD44 +CD62L - T cells(i. e. activated or memory T cells)from spleen was significantly decreased in experimental group. Among splenic T cell population,expression and secretion of IFN-γ,a Th1-type cytokine,was decreased;expression and secretion of IL-4,aTh2-type cytokine,percentage of regulatory T cells(Treg cells),and ratios of Th2 / Th1 and Treg/ Th1 were increased;transcriptional factor specific for Th1 cells was down-regulated,and those for Th2 and Treg cells were up-regulated. Conclusions:Dexamethasone inhibits T cell activation and directs the reciprocal T cell lineage differentiation (repressing Th1 cell differentiation,promoting Th2 and Treg cell differentiation),which may contribute to the protection against acute inflammatory liver injury.【期刊名称】《胃肠病学》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【总页数】5页(P324-328)【关键词】肝损伤;地塞米松;淋巴细胞活化;细胞分化;Th1-Th2 平衡【作者】刘焕荣;陆芸;张正国;王健;王昱;刘光伟;薛峰【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科 200127; 复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;复旦大学基础医学院免疫学系;上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科 200127【正文语种】中文* Email:*****************背景:在小鼠急性炎性肝损伤中,地塞米松(Dex)可通过抑制天然免疫细胞功能抑制肝损伤进展,然而T细胞是否参与此保护作用尚少见报道。
ABI Prism 7900HT 型荧光定量 PCR 仪 中文操作手册说明书
美国应用生物系统公司ABI Prism® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪操作手册目录ABI PRISM® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪简明手册 . 快速入门 (3)ABI PRISM® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪简明手册 . 绝对定量 (4)一.开机 (4)二.新建文件 (4)三.探针设置 (4)四.参数设置 (5)五.填样品表 (6)六.启动循环 (7)七.数据分析 (7)八.查看结果 (7)ABI PRISM® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪简明手册 . 相对定量 (9)一.开机 (9)二.新建文件 (9)三.探针设置 (9)四.参数设置 (10)五.填样品表 (11)六.启动循环 (12)七.数据分析 (12)八.设置S TUDY (12)九.查看结果 (12)ABI PRISM® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪简明手册 . 终点读板 (14)一.开机 (14)二.新建文件 (14)三.设置D ETECTOR和M ARKER (15)四.参数设置 (16)五.填样品表 (16)六.终点读板 (16)七.数据分析 (17)八.查看结果 (17)ABI Prism® 7900HT型荧光定量PCR仪简明手册 · 快速入门1. 开机开电脑显示屏电源,启动电脑,进入Windows NT操作系统,以用户名Administrator 登陆,密码7900。
2. 新建文件菜单File → New,新建一个空白文件。
Assay代表试验类型,实时定量选Absolute Quantification;终点读板选Allelic Discrimination;Container指反应板类型,根据需要选择96孔板、384孔板或微量反应卡;Template项用于调用事先设置好的模板文件;Barcode是反应板的条形码,可以用扫描仪扫入或者手工输入。
)美国Applied Biosystems公司(原PE公司)ABI Prism(r) 7000型荧光定量PCR仪7700型定量PCR及点突变检测系统(AIB RPISM 7700 Sequence Detection System)ABI Prism(r) 7900型高通量荧光定量PCR仪7900HT 型荧光定量PCR仪是继7700、5700型荧光定量PCR仪之后,ABI公司最新推出的高通量实时荧光定量PCR系统。
ABI PRISM? 6100核酸提取仪6700型全自动核酸提取工作站6700型全自动核酸提取工作站利用全自动的机械手臂和特制的提取试剂盒,实现了从复杂的生物样本中自动提取和纯化核酸,包括总RNA、DNA,并可将mRNA自动转录成cDNA。
TaqMan荧光定量PCR试剂盒1999 年底,PE公司推出检测大肠杆菌E. Coli O157:H7菌种及其Shiga毒素基因的TaqMan荧光定量PCR试剂盒. 闻名的大肠杆菌O157:H7有了快速准确的检测试剂盒. 仅在美国, 每年有20000人因食用 E. Coli O157:H7污染的食品而得病,其中250-500人死亡。
ABI PRISE 310型全自动DNA测序仪(遗传分析仪)3700型遗传分析仪ABI Prism(r) 3100遗传分析仪测序试剂盒片段分析试剂盒应用试剂盒:1. 农业2. 疾病研究3. 个体识别4. 分子诊断5. 微生物研究分析软件:序列分析和片段分析软件基因型分析软件日本大和PCR仪英国HYBAID定量PCR仪杭州大和热磁电子有限公司-荧光定量PCR分析系统美国应用生物系统公司-全自动核酸提取工作站BIOTECH-97基因扩增仪国产PCR仪TOUCHgene GENIUS Progene-2 Progene-1PCR仪生产厂家型号PCR 系列优惠价: 见 VWRCN公司中国办事处基因扩增仪珠海黑马医学仪器有限公司Hema240基因扩增仪珠海黑马医学仪器有限公司Hema 8000基因扩增仪珠海黑马医学仪器有限公司Hema4800基因扩增仪(进口组件)珠海黑马医学仪器有限公司Hema480大容量DNA扩增仪MJ RESEARCH PTC-225型PCR仪销售及维修英国techne公司progen和geniuspcr仪英国techgene384孔透明PCR板美国AXYGEN PCR-384-C96孔透明PCR板美国AXYGEN PCR-96-CPCR仪Biometra基因扩增仪北京新未来世纪科技发展有限公司NEW FUTUREE半导体式全自动PCR仪杭州朗基科学仪器有限公司Mygene25全自动半导本式PCR仪杭州朗基科学仪器有限公司Mygene16型全自动半导体式PCR仪杭州朗基科学仪器有限公司Mygene25 plus(精品型)梯度PCR 德国Whatman/Biometra TgrientPCR 德国Whatman/Biometra T1PCR 德国Whatman/Biometra T3个人PCR 德国Whatman/Biometra Tpersonal高效水冷全自动基因扩增仪上海理工大学高机实业总公司SRX-481、SRX-48/35 水浴式PCR扩增仪上海博通经贸有限公司博士舰PCR 英国TECHNEPCR-MHC基因检测仪杭州大和热磁电子有限公司PCR仪日本FERROTEC Super-PCR TC-48/88/96基因扩增仪北京市君意机电技术公司JY01型(原WD9402增强型)PCR样品处理器北京市君意机电技术公司JY05型PCR仪美国Ericomp TCX-20APCR仪美国Ericomp TCX-60PCR仪(冷冻型) 北京仪诚科技公司JK-236PCR仪美国Ericomp TCX-20PCR仪德国BIOMETRA T3PCR仪德国BIOMETRA T-personal CyclePCR仪日本三洋MIR-D40PCR仪日本三洋MIR-D30梯度PCR仪德国BIOMETRA T-GradientPCR仪日本FERROTEC Life Express TC-48/88/96PCR仪日本FERROTEC Little Genius TC-16/25基因扩增仪澳大利亚Corbett FTS-320APCR仪美国伯乐170-6701PCR仪美国MJ PTC-200PCR仪美国MJ PTC-150PCR仪美国MJ PTC-100PCR仪英国JOYOR TC-480微电脑基因扩增仪北京科普仪器厂KP-32PCR仪英国JOYOR TC-410APCR仪英国JOYOR TC-410基因扩增仪澳大利亚Corbett FTS-960基因扩增仪北京市新技术应用研究所1109 (2A)基因扩增仪北京六一仪器厂WD-9402基因扩增仪英国Techne Progene分子杂交点样器(斑点式抽滤) 北京科普仪器厂KP-30PCR仪美国MJ RESEARCH基因扩增仪北京市新技术应用研究所1109PCR仪英国JOYOR TC-410PCR仪(定量) 美国AcuGen System AG-96PCR仪(定性) 美国AcuGen System AG-96基因扩增仪(气冷型) 北京四环科学仪器厂JK-232B基因扩增仪北京市新技术应用研究所1449PCR仪英国JOYORPCR仪(全自动四孔水浴式) 上海复申高科技(集团)实业公司FS-919PCR仪美国MJ RESEARCH PTC-100全自动基因扩增仪上海高机应用技术研究所SRX-481全自动基因扩增仪比利时ThermojeT Termoje全自动基因扩增仪美国BIO-RAD BIO-RAD全自动基因扩增仪美国安普A TC1605 英国EQUIBIO 25 PCR仪英国EQUIBIO 36PCR放污染罩上海复星实业股份有限公司FX-441基因扩增仪英国Gene E- 1智能基因扩增仪上海跃进医疗器械厂PCR-1109基因扩增仪温州孚华分析仪器厂DTC-3A基因扩增仪美国GL Applied Inc. GTC-2PCR仪德国EPPENDORF 5332PCR仪美国COY 110PPCR仪美国COY 110SPCR仪美国MJ RESEARCH PTC-100AGVPCR仪(原位)美国MJ RESEARCH PTC16MS大容量PCR仪美国MJ RESEARCH PTC-225梯度PCR仪德国eppendorf MastercyclerDNA扩增仪美国STRATAGENE RoboCycler 40DNA扩增仪(梯度型) 美国STRATAGENE GRADIENT 40 全自动基因扩增仪上海复日生物实验技术研制所FR-900 自动基因扩增仪上海市离心机械研究所JK-1PCR仪德国EPPENDORF 5330基因扩增仪上海FR-800英国TECHNE公司Cyclogene基因扩增仪英国TECHNE公司GeneE基因扩增仪英国TECHNE公司PROGENE基因扩增仪英国TECHNE PROGENEDNA扩增仪美国TE CHNE。
的影响是暂时性的。3 特斯拉的 EMF 不会导 致细胞死亡,既没有促进 II 类骨胶原的合成, 也没有促进其成骨。根据 Pezzetti 等的报道, 仅当在 24 小时之内向培育介质内加入血清 时,EMF 才会促进人体内软骨细胞的增殖。 通过动物和临床研究都可以观察到结论性的 结果。
暴露在EMF中的骨胶膜的接触角为(80.4 ±1.6)o,控制器中的骨胶膜的接触角为 (71.4±4.8)o。EMF中骨胶膜的接触角比控 制器(p<0.05)中大。经EMF照射24小时的骨 胶的憎水性比控制器组中的骨胶强。
细胞分解物(25μL)加入到 250μL 的 1, 9 - 二 甲 基 苯 蓝 色 ( DMMB(Sigma,MO) ) 溶 液 (16ug DMMB/mL 甘氨酸/NaCl 溶液,pH=3) 中,用一个吸收度读数计读取其吸收度为 525nm。 H&E和GAG染色
在指定的时间点对细胞/骨胶结构进行 取样,并在室温下保存在10%的福尔马林溶
在每个时间点分别从每组中取出三个细 胞/骨胶结构试样,每个试样在 55oC 的温度 下,在 0.5mL 的 0.1%的木瓜酶(Sigma, MO) 溶液中保温 1 个小时,使其分解。细胞分解 物内的 dsDNA 的数量根据制造商的说明使用 一套商业仪器(PicoGreen,Invitrogen,CA) 进行测量。荧光的强度用一个荧光光谱仪 (LS55, PerkinElmer, MA)读取,其 ex/em 波长设置为 480nm/520nm。
低频脉冲电磁场(LFPEMF)已经被临床 应用于体内软骨细胞修复,并抑制炎症反应。 尽管有些研究表明,LFPEMF 对软骨细胞增 殖和细胞外矩阵(ECM)的生成有重要的影 响,但是其他研究表明,EMF 对 ECM 合成 和细胞增殖没有影响。前人的研究证明,EMF 能够促进软骨细胞增殖、II 类骨胶原表达式 的增加、软骨移植时蛋白多糖的合成、聚糖 (GAG)的含量以及 II 类基因表达的增加。 同时,据研究小组报告,EMF 既不会刺激软 骨细胞增殖,也不会促进单层软骨细胞内 GAG 和蛋白多糖的合成,或者使 II 类骨胶原 表达式不同。Sunk 等的研究表明,3 特斯拉 EMF 对关节软骨(整个关节和移植的软骨)
manual THUNDERBIRD Probe qPCR Mix 0910 A4250K THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR MixQPS-101T 1 mL x 1QPS-101 1.67 mL x 3Store at -20°C, protected from lightContents[1] Introduction[2] Components[3] Primer/Probe design[4] Template DNA[5] Protocol1. Standard reaction set up2. Cycling conditions2-1. Real-time PCR conditions using Applied Biosystems 7900HT2-2. Real-time PCR conditions using Roche LightCycler 1.1[6] Related ProtocolcDNA synthesis[7] Troubleshooting[8] Related productsC AUTIONAll reagents in this kit are intended for research purposes only. Do not use for diagnosis or clinical purposes. Please observe general laboratory precautions and observe safety procedures while using this kit.-LightCycler™ is a trademark of Idaho Technology, Inc. and Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.-TaqMan® is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.-SYBR® is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86) 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************1[ 1 ] Introduction [ 2 ] Components DescriptionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix is a highly efficient 2x Master Mix for real-time PCR using TaqMan® probes. The master mix contains all required components, except for ROX reference dye, probe and primers (50x ROX reference dye is individually supplied with this kit). The master mix facilitates reaction setup, and improves the reproducibility of experiments.This product is an improved version of Realtime PCR Master Mix (Code No. QPK-101). In particular, reaction specificity and PCR efficiency is enhanced.Features-High specificityThe specificity for the detection of low-copy targets is improved.-Homogeneous amplificationThe dispersion of PCR efficiency between targets is reduced by a new PCR enhancer*. (*Patent pending)-Broad dynamic rangeHigh specificity and effective amplification enable the detection of a broad dynamic range.-Compatibility for various real-time cyclers.The reagent is applicable to most real-time cyclers (i.e. Block type and glass capillary type). Because the 50x ROX reference dye is individually supplied with this kit, the kit can be applied to real-time cyclers that require a passive reference dye.-Hot start PCRThe master mix contains anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibodies for hot start technology. The antibodies are easily inactivated in the first denaturation step, thereby activating the DNA polymerase.About the fluorescent probe detection systemThe TaqMan® probe system utilizes fluorescence emission from the probes. The probes hybridize to the target amplicons and then emit fluorescence upon degradation by the 5'-3' exonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase. This type of detection system can achieve higher specificity in real-time PCR assays than the SYBR® Green I detection system.This kit includes the following components for 40 reactions (QPS-101T) and 200 reactions (QPS-101), with 50 μl per reaction. All reagents should be stored at -20°C.<QPS-101T>THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 1 ml x 150x ROX reference dye 50 μl x 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************2[ 3 ] Primer/Probedesign <QPS-101>THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 1.67 ml x 350x ROX reference dye 250 μl x 1Notes:-THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C for up to 3 months. For longer storage, this reagent should be kept at -20°C and protected from light. No negative effect was detected by 10 freeze-thaw cycles of THUNDERBRID™ Probe qPCR Mix. This reagent does not contain the ROX reference dye.-50x ROX reference dye can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C or -20°C. For real-time cyclers that require a passive reference dye, this reagent must be added to the reaction mixture at a concentration of 1x or 0.1x. The master mix solution with the ROX reference dye can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C for up to 3 months. For longer storage, this reagent should be kept at -20°C and protected from light. The pre-mixed reagents can be prepared according to the following ratios. [5] Table 1 shows the optimal concentration of the ROX dye.1x solutionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1.67 ml : 66.8 μl THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1 ml : 40 μl0.1x solutionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1.67 ml : 6.7 μl THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1 ml : 4 μlFor real-time cyclers that do not require a passive reference dye, THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix without the ROX reference dye can be used.1. Primer conditionsHighly sensitive and quantitative data depend on primer design. The primer should be designed according to the following suggestions;-Primer length: 20-30 mer-GC content of primer: 40-60%-Target length: ≤ 200 bp (optimally, 80-150 bp)-Melting temperature (Tm) of primers: 60-65°C-Purification grade of primers: Cartridge (OPC) grade or HPLC gradeNotes:-Longer targets (>200 bp) reduce efficiency and specificity of amplification.-Tm of the primers can be flexible, because the Tm value depends on the calculation formula.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************3[ 4 ] Template DNA 2. Fluorescent probeThe probes should be designed according to the guidelines of each probe system. Because insufficiently purified probes may inhibit the reaction, HPLC-grade probes should be used.The following DNA samples can be used as templates.1. cDNANon-purified cDNA, generated by reverse transcription reactions, can be used directly for real-time PCR using THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix. Up to 10% of the volume of a cDNA solution can be used for a real-time PCR reaction. However, excess volume of the cDNA may inhibit the PCR. Up to 20% (v/v) of the cDNA solution from ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit (Code No. FSQ-101) can be used for real-time PCR (see [6]).2. Genomic DNA, Viral RNAGenomic DNA and viral RNA can be used at up to 200 ng in 50 μl reactions.3. Plasmid DNAAlthough super-coiled plasmids can be used, linearized plasmid DNA produces more accurate assays. The copy number of the plasmid DNA can be calculated by the following formula.Copy number of 1μg of plasmid DNA = 9.1 x 1011 / Size of plasmid DNA (kb)JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************4[ 5 ] Protocol1. Reaction mixture setupReaction volume FinalReagent50µl20µlConcentrationDWXµlXµlTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 25 µl 10 μl 1xForward Primer 15 pmol 6 pmol 0.3 μM*1Reverse Primer 15 pmol 6 pmol 0.3 μM*1TaqMan® Probe 10 pmol 4 pmol 0.2 μM*150x ROX reference dye 1μl / 0.1 μl 0.4μl / 0.04μl 1x / 0.1x*2DNA solution Y µl Y µlTotal50µl20µlNotes:*1 Primer / probe concentration should be determined according to the manufacturer’sinstructions.Higher primer concentration tends to improve the amplification efficiency, and lowerprimer concentration tends to reduce the non-specific amplification. The primerconcentration should be set between 0.2-0.6 μM.*2 50x ROX reference dye must be added when using real-time cyclers that require apassive reference dye, according to Table 1. Table 1 shows the optimum concentrationof the ROX reference dye. This dye is not necessary for real-time cyclers that do notrequire a passive reference dye.Table 1 Recommended ROX dye concentrationReal-time cycler Optimal dye concentration(dilution ratio)Applied Biosystems 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT etc. 1x (50:1)Applied Biosystems 7500, 7500Fast,Stratagene cyclers (Optional) etc.0.1x (500:1)Roche’ cyclers, Bio-Rad cyclers, BioFlux cyclers etc. Not requiredNotes:The ROX dye in Realtime PCR Master Mix (Code No. QPK-101) corresponds to 1xconcentration.JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140********************52. PCR cycling conditionsThe following table shows the recommended thermal conditions using primers designed according to the recommended primer and probe conditions described in [3]. Almost all targets can also be amplified using the ongoing conditions with other real-time PCR reagents.*1Due to the anti-Taq antibody hot start PCR system, the pre-denaturation can be completed within 60 sec. The pre-denaturation time should be determined according to the recommendations of each real-time cycler. If the optimal pre-denaturation time cannot be determined, the time should be set at 60 sec.Table 2 The recommended pre-denaturation time for each real-time cycler Real-time cycler Pre-denaturation time High speed cycler (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7500Fast) 20 sec Capillary cycler (e.g. Roche LightCycler™ 1.x, 2.0) 30 secGeneral real-time cyclers (Applied Biosystems 7700, 7500,7900HT (normal block), Stratagene cyclers, BioFlux cyclers 60 sec *2The following table shows the optimal denaturation times for each real-time cycler. If the optimal denaturation time cannot be determined, the time should be set at 15 sec.Table 3 The recommended denaturation time for each real-time cycler Real-time cycler denaturation time High speed cycler (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7500Fast) 3 sec Capillary cycler (e.g. Roche LightCycler™ 1.x, 2.0) 5 secGeneral real-time cyclers (Applied Biosystems 7700, 7500,7900HT (normal block), Stratagene cyclers, BioFlux cyclers 15 sec *3Insufficient amplification may be improved by decreasing the extension temperature, and non-specific amplification (e.g. abnormal shapes of the amplification curve at low template concentrations) may be reduced by increasing the extension temperature. The extension temperature should be set at 56-64°C. *4If the target size is smaller than 300 bp, the extension time can be set at 30 sec on almost all real-time cyclers. Instability of the amplification curve or variation of data from each well may be improved by setting the extension time at 45-60 sec. Some real-time cyclers or software need over 30 sec for the extension step. In these cases, the time should be set according to each instruction manual (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7000/73000: ≥ 31 sec; Applied Biosystems 7500: ≥ 35 sec.).<3-step cycle> Temperature Time Ramp Pre-denaturation:95°C 20-60 sec *1Maximum Denaturation:95°C 1-15 sec *2 MaximumExtension: 60°C *3 30-60 sec *4 Maximum (data collection should be set at the extension step)JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140********************62-1. Real-time PCR conditions using Applied Biosystems 7900HT(Normal block type, software version 2.2.2)The following is an example of a TaqMan ® assay using Applied Biosystems 7900HT.(1) The cycling parameters should be set according to the following “Thermal CyclerProtocol” window under the “Instrument” tab.Notes:- Appropriate sample volumes should be set. - ≥ 45 sec is necessary for the extension step.(2) Click the “Data collection” tab.(3) Insert the PCR plate(4) Start the programJAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************72-2. Real-time PCR conditions using Roche LightCycler 1.1(Software version 3.5)The following is an example of a TaqMan® probe assay using Roche LightCycler 1.1. (1)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysisand Acquisition mode of the initial denaturation step must be set at “None”. (2)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysismode of the PCR step must be set at “Quantification”. Acquisition modes of 95°C and 60°C must be set at “None” and “Single”, respectively.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************8(3)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysisand Acquisition mode of the cooling step must be set at “Non”.(4) Insert the capillaries in the carousel, and start the cycling program.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************9[ 6 ] Related Protocol1. cDNA synthesiscDNA synthesized by various cDNA synthesis reagents can be used withTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix. However, cDNA synthesized by a reagentspecialized for real-time PCR can increase sensitivity.ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit (Code No. FSQ-101) is a cDNA synthesis kit suitable forreal-time PCR. Here, the protocol with ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit is described.However, for the detailed protocol, please refer to the instruction manual of the kit.(1) Denaturation of RNAIncubate the RNA solution at 65°C for 5 min and then chill on ice.Notes:-This step can be omitted. But this step may increase the efficiency of the reversetranscription of RNA, which forms secondary structures.-Do not add 5x RT Buffer and/or enzyme solution at this step.(2) Preparation of the reaction solutionReagent V olume (amount)Nuclease-freeWaterXµl5x RT Buffer 2 µlPrimerMix 0.5µlEnzymeMix 0.5µlRNAsolution 0.5pg-1 µgTotal10µl(3) Reverse transcription reaction-Incubate at 37°C for 15 min. <Reverse transcription>-Heat at 98°C for 2 min. <Inactivation of the reverse transcriptase>-Store at 4°C or -20°C.**This solution can be used in the real-time PCR reaction directly or after dilution.Notes:The above temperature conditions are optimized for ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************10[ 7 ] TroubleshootingSymptom Cause SolutionLoss of linearity in the high cDNA/DNA concentration region. Inhibition by the components in thecDNA/DNA solution.-DNA: The DNA sample may contain PCRinhibitors. The DNA samples should berepurified.-cDNA: The components in the cDNA synthesisreagent may inhibit the PCR reaction. The cDNAsample should be used after dilution.The template DNA is insufficient. When the DNA/cDNA copy number is lower than10 copies per reaction, the linearity of the reactiontends to be lost. The template concentrationshould be increased.Adsorption of the DNA to the tubewall.The diluted DNA templates tend to be absorbedonto the tube wall. Dilution should be performedjust prior to experiments.Lost of linearity or lower signal in the lowDNA/cDNAconcentration region. Competition with primer dimerformation. In the probe assay, primer dimers are not detected. However, dimer formation may reduce the amplification efficiency of the target, especially for reactions at low template concentration. The reaction conditions should be optimized or the primer sequences should be changed.Loss of linearity of the amplification carves. Competition with non-specificamplification.In the probe assay, non-specific amplification isnot detected. However, non-specific amplificationmay reduce the amplification efficiency of thetarget. The reaction conditions should beoptimized or the primer sequences should bechanged.Inappropriate cycling conditions. Optimize the cycling conditions according to [5]. Degradation of the primers. Fresh primer solution should be prepared.The PCR efficiency is lower than 90% (slope:<-3.6) The calculation of the PCRefficiency is inappropriate. The Ct value on the linear region should be used to calculate PCR efficiency.The PCR efficiency is higher than 110%. The calculation of the PCRefficiency is inappropriate.The Ct value on the linear region should be usedto calculate PCR efficiency.Poor purification of the templateDNA.Low-purity DNA may contain PCR inhibitors.Re-purify the DNA samples.Absorption of the template DNA tothe tube wall.Diluted DNA templates tend to be absorbed ontothe tube wall. Dilution of the templateDNA/cDNA should be performed just prior toexperiments.Plasmid DNA or PCR product isused as a template.In general, plasmid DNA or PCR product is usedat low concentration. Diluted DNA templates tendto be absorbed onto the tube wall. Dilution of thetemplate DNA/cDNA should be performed justprior to experiments. Dilution with a carriernucleic acid solution (Yeast RNA) is alsoeffective in improving linearity.Inappropriate thermal conditions. Optimize the thermal conditions according to [5].Reproducibility is notgood.Low purity of the primers or probes.Different lots of primers or probes may showdifferent results. When the lot is changed, priortesting of the primer or probe should beperformed.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************11Symptom Cause SolutionContamination or carry over of the PCR products. Change the contaminated reagent.Amplification from the non-template control(NTC). Inappropriate settings offluorescence measurement, such asin the case of multiplex PCR. In multiplex experiments, inappropriate setting of fluorescence measurement may cause the detection of noise by the cross talk of fluorescent dyes. Settings should be reconfirmed.Excessive amount of ROX reference dye. Excessive amount of ROX reference dye may cause low signal. 50x ROX reference dye should be used according to [5] Table 1.Inappropriate settings of fluorescence measurement. Settings should be confirmed according to the instruction manual of each detector.Low purity of fluorescent probes. Low purity of the probe may increase the baseline. HPLC grade probes should be used.Excessive intensity of the quencher Dye. Certain quenchers (e.g. TAMRA) may cause a higher baseline because of its fluorescence. Use of a non-fluorescent quencher may improve the high baseline.Degradation of the probe. Store the probes according to the manufacture’srecommendations.Insufficient fluorescence measurement time. Certain detection systems require a longer time to detect the fluorescent signal. Longer extension (measurement) time (45-60 sec) may improve the unstable signal.Low amplificationcurve signal /Unstable amplificationcurve signal.Insufficient reaction volume. Low reaction volume may cause an unstablesignal. Increase the reaction volume.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)********************12[ 8 ] Related productsProduct name Package Code No.High efficiency real-time PCR master mix THUNDERBIRD™ SYBR® qPCR Mix 200reactionsQPS-201High efficiency cDNA synthesis kit for real-time PCR ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit 200reactionsFSQ-101One-step Real-time PCR master mix for probe assayRNA-direct™ Realtime PCR Master Mix 0.5 mL x 20.5 mL x 5QRT-101TQRT-101One-step Real-time PCR master mix for SYBR® Green assayRNA-direct™ SYBR® Realtime PCR Master Mix 0.5 mL x 20.5 mL x 5QRT-201TQRT-201JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140********************NOTICE TO PURCHASER: LIMITED LICENSEA license to perform the patented 5’ Nuclease Process for research is obtained by the purchase of (i) both Authorized 5' Nuclease Core Kit and Licensed Probe, (ii) a Licensed 5’ Nuclease Kit, or (iii) license rights from Applied Biosystems.This product is an Authorized 5’ Nuclease Core Kit. Use of this product is covered by one or more of the following US patents and corresponding patent claims outside the US: 5,079,352, 5,789,224, 5,618,711, 6,127,155, 5,677,152, 5,773,258, 5,407,800, 5,322,770, 5,310,652, 5,210,015, 5,487,972, and claims outside the US corresponding to US Patent No. 4,889,818. The purchase of this product includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of product for the purchaser’s own internal research. Separate purchase of a Licensed Probe would convey rights under the applicable claims of US Patents Nos. 5,538,848, 5,723,591, 5,876,930, 6,030,787, 6,258,569, 5,804,375 (claims 1-12 only), and 6,214,979, and corresponding claims outside the United States. No right under any other patent claim and no right to perform commercial services of any kind, including without limitation reporting the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a separate license from Roche. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained from the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.。
①的反应液 10.0 μl
RNase Free dH 2 O up to 20 μl*5
37℃ 15 min*6
85℃ 5 sec
*1 20 μl 反应体系可最大使用 1 μg 的 Total RNA。
*2 室温反应时,可以延长至 30 分钟。
的标准曲线。EASY Dilution 也可以单独购买(TaKaRa Code:D9160) 。
EASY Dilution 请与本公司 Real Time PCR 试剂组合使用, 对于其他公司的同类制品的适用性本
是要抑制细胞中的 RNA 分解酶和防止所用器具及试剂中的 RNA 分解酶的污染。因此,在实验中必须采
取以下措施:戴一次性干净手套;使用 RNA 操作专用实验台;在操作过程中避免讲话等等。通过以上办
法可以防止实验者的汗液、唾液中的 RNA 分解酶的污染。
5. 制品中附加了标准曲线制作用稀释液 EASY Dilution(for Real Time PCR) ,将 Total RNA 或 cDNA 稀
● ● RNA 样品制备
本制品是将 RNA 反转录成 cDNA 的专用试剂。RNA 的纯度会影响 cDNA 的合成量,而制备 RNA 的关键
璃容器盛装 (也可使用 RNA 实验用的一次性塑料容器) , 使用的无菌水需用 0.1%的 DEPC 处理后进行高
早期组包括当归补血颗粒治疗组(DG组)和生理盐水对照组(NS组),晚期组包括当归补血颗粒治疗组(GD 组)和生理盐水对照组(NS组)。
早期组以当归补血颗粒6 g/(kg·d)灌胃,直至28周龄;晚期组以同样剂量当归补血颗粒灌胃,直至28周龄。
尾动脉无创测压法观察各组大鼠血压情况,生化方法测定治疗前后各组大鼠的血肌酐、尿素氮和尿β2微球蛋白水平,组织病理学染色观察大鼠肾间质纤维化及肾血管病变情况,Real-time PCR和Western Blot检测各组大鼠的CTGF表达。
结果:早期组DG治疗后SHR血肌酐、尿素氮、尿β2 MG、肾间质纤维化指数、血管病变评分、CTGF mRNA和蛋白表达均较NS组明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。
晚期组治疗后,DG组尿β2 MG、肾间质纤维化指数、血管病变评分、CTGF mRNA 和蛋白表达与NS组比较均下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),早期组的治疗效果优于晚期组;当归补血颗粒治疗对SHR血压无影响(P>0.05)。
结缔组织生长因子(Connective Tissue Growth Factor,CTGF)是转化生长因子β1(Transform Growth Factorβ,TGF-β1)下游的重要致纤维化因子之一,早期干预CTGF表达,能阻止纤维化进程[1-2]。
QPCR条件优化QPCR 条件的优化对于制定稳健的检测方案非常重要。
设备•定量PCR仪器•PCR设置的层流罩(选购件)试剂•用作标准曲线模板(例如cDNA、gDNA或合成模板)的DNA•KiCqStart SYBR®Green ReadyMix™ (KCQS00/KCQS01/KCQS02/KCQS03—取决于仪器,参见表 P4-6)。
•用于测试基因的正向和反向引物(10 μM储备)。
•KiCqStart® SY BR® Green qPCR ReadyMix™(货号KCQS00)KiCqStart® SYBR® GreenqPCRReadyMix™Low Rox(货号KCQS01)KiCqStart® SYBR® GreenqPCRReadyMix™带ROX(货号KCQS02)KiCqStart® SYBR® GreenqPCRReadyMix™用于 iQ(货号KCQS03)兼容仪器:兼容仪器:兼容仪器:兼容仪器:Bio-Rad CFX384™AppliedBiosystems7500AppliedBiosystems5700Bio-RadiCycler iQ™Bio-Rad CFX96™AppliedBiosystems7500AppliedBiosystems7000Bio-Rad iQ™5Bio-Rad MiniOpticon™Fast AppliedBiosystemsViiA 7AppliedBiosystems7300Bio-RadMyiQ™Bio-Rad MyiQ™StratageneMx3000P®AppliedBiosystems7700Bio-Rad/MJ Chromo4™StratageneMx3005P™AppliedBiosystems7900Bio-Rad/MJ Opticon 2 StratageneMx4000™AppliedBiosystems7900 HT FastBio-Rad/MJ Opticon®Applied Biosystems 7900HTCepheid SmartCycler®Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus ™Eppendorf Mastercycler®ep realplex Applied Biosystems StepOne™Eppendorf Mastercycler®ep realplex2 sIllumina EcoqPCRQiagen/Corbett Rotor-Gene® 3000Qiagen/Corbett Rotor-Gene® 6000Qiagen/Corbett Rotor-Gene® QRocheLightCycler® 480表 P17-42.SYBR® Green PCR Mix™选择指南耗材•无菌过滤器移液管吸头•无菌 1.5 mL 螺旋盖微量离心管 (CLS430909)•PCR管和PCR板,选择一种以匹配所需格式:• 单个独立的薄壁200μLPCR管(Z374873或P3114)• 孔板- 96孔板 (Z374903)- 384孔板 (Z374911)• 孔板密封- ThermalSeal RTS™ 封膜 (Z734438)- ThermalSeal RT2RR™ 封膜 (Z722553)本方案注意事项•使用随机引发或oligo-dT方法生成cDNA(参见标准逆转录实验方案(两步法))。
1. 产品描述 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. 产品组分及储存条件 ............................................................................................................................................ 3 3. 一般注意事项 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
GoTaq® qPCR Master Mix 产品提供易用的、2X 的预混液。本产品中已包含:专利的双链 DNA 结合染料 BRYT Green® dye,低浓度的 CXR(carboxy-X-rhodamine)参比荧光染料(性质与 ROX 相同),GoTaq®热启动 酶,MgCl2,dNTP 和专利的反应缓冲液。另外独立包装的 100X CXR 用于需要高浓度参比荧光染料的仪器。
作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2019, 45(1): 1-9/ ISSN 0496-3490; CN 11-1809/S; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: zwxb301@本研究由国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0100101-08), 国家自然科学基金重点项目(91535302)和国家级大学生创新性实验计划项目(201710307014)。
This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0100101-08), the Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation (91535302), and the National University Student Innovation Program (201710307014).*通信作者(Corresponding author): 江玲, E-mail: jiangling@第一作者联系方式: E-mail: 11115225@Received(收稿日期): 2018-06-07; Accepted(接受日期): 2018-10-08; Published online(网络出版日期): 2018-11-01. URL: /kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20181030.1120.004.htmlDOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82032水稻圆粒基因RS 的鉴定和定位陈雅萍 缪 荣 刘 喜 陈本佳 兰 杰 马腾飞 王益华 刘世家 江 玲*南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室 / 江苏省植物基因工程技术研究中心, 江苏南京210095摘 要: 阐明水稻籽粒大小相关基因的遗传和分子机制对水稻产量形成具有重要意义。
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7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation
选购 TLDA 用户必须准备以下设备及器材 ☆ TLDA 使用特殊转子,如下图 □ (TLDA 安装包中包括吊篮及转接卡,客户无需另行购买)
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation 本回执请传真到美国应用生物系统中国公司维修服务中心 传真:010-64106617,电话:010-64106608,免费电话:8008100497
我方已详细阅读 ABI 公司关于仪器安装的各项准备工作以及验收和保修情
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation
人员及时间安排 □ 安装通常需要一个工作日的时间,已经指定待培训的操作人员(1~2 人), 并确保操作人员在安装和培训期间不受干扰。安装工程师培训的内容为 样品上机后的仪器和软件操作及维护过程。
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation
建议实验室任选一种匹配的插座安装(ABI 不提供插座的安装服务): ①NEMA L6-20P 需要的插座型号为 NEMA L6-20R(20A 0V)
NEMA L6-20R (Part Number 2320A)可查询 Hubbell 牌 NEMA 插 座信息; (Part Number 88031080)可查询 NEMA 插座信息 ②IEC-60309 插头需要插座为 IEC-60309 插座(16A 230V)
保修期 □ 本台仪器保修期为安装日起一年或 ABI 公司发货日起十四个月,以先到 达的日期为准。
保修的除外责任 □ 以下部件及损坏不在 Applied Biosystems 保修范围之内: 1、消耗品:耗材(比如 384 孔板)、消耗的试剂; 2、 用户的故意行为; 3、 用户实验室条件所造成的损坏,比如:火灾、爆炸、电路缺陷、漏 水; 4、 不可抗力,如地震等自然灾害、战争或暴力行为,所造成的损坏; 5、擅自使用第三方软件控制仪器,以及由于第三方软件原因导致的仪 器故障; 6、客户 2 次培训; 7、 客户搬家。 注:电脑保修由电脑厂商提供,比如 Dell 电脑保修由戴尔公司(Dell Inc.) 提供,Dell 报修电话 8008580950。(ABI 不提供电脑的维修服务)
推荐 Thermo Scientific 品牌: 离心机
Sorvall® Legend® T/RT Plus 系列或 Heraeus® Multifuge® 3 Plus 系列 转子
TTH750 型
□ 100μl 微量进样器或移液器 推荐以下品牌: Pipetman® (Gilson): P100 或 P200 及吸头 或 Research® (Eppendorf): 100μl 或 200μl 及吸头
NEMA 插座:
IEC 插座:
仪器安装合格标准 □ 本台仪器的安装合格标准为: 依据 ABI 公司 7900HT 安装手册或 RNaseP 试剂盒说明书,在本台仪器 上运行 ABI 公司提供的 RNaseP 仪器验证板(或 TLDA RNaseP 仪器验 证芯片),结果达到手册或说明书中所描述的要求 [(QtyMean10K) – 3(QtyStddev10K)] > [(QtyMean5K) + 3(QtyStddev5K)] 或 [(QtyMeanB) – 3(QtyStddevB)] > [(QtyMeanA) + 3(QtyStddevA)](TLDA)
文档 □ 安装结束后,将签署以下文档: 1、7900HT 系统性能及客户培训清单,一式两份,客户和工程师各一份; 2、ABI 公司的安装报告(FIELD SERVICE REPORT),一式三份,客 户一份,工程师二份。
注:AB,ABI,Applied Biosystems,美国应用生物系统公司 中国公司注册名称:爱普拜斯应用生物系统贸易(上海)有限公司
考虑总电流约 16 + 7 = 23A,强烈建议实验室配线电流>25A
□ 仪器配备了两种电源插头(仅使用其中一种):
IEC-60309 插头
(20A 250V)
(16A 230V)
ABI 7900HT Fast Real Time PCR 安装前检查清单
尊敬的用户:感谢您购买和使用本公司产品!7900HT Fast 实时
定量 PCR 仪是高精密仪器,为保证仪器正常调试及运行,请仔细阅读
准备回执(第 8 页)传真至 ABI 公司。谢谢!
用户单位 负责人姓名 E-mail 操作人员姓名 E-mail 地址
电话 传真 电话 传真 邮编 用户(负责人)签字:
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation
□ 请用户在 ABI 工程师到达之前先行安装并调试好空调,UPS 及插座,并 确保包括地线在内的接线正确。使用电压表或万用表(电压档)测量最 终插座输出的火零电压,及零地电压,准确填写第 8 页安装准备回执
仪器到货 □ 仪器已到货。
打开装有试剂的箱子 □ 到货后立即打开标有红色“Open NOW”字样或白色的箱子。 □ 确认此箱中至少包括: Spectral Calibration Plate Kit(96/96Fast/384) 或 TaqMan® Low Density Array Kit (TLDA 专用) 以及 TaqMan® RNase P Instrument Verification Plate(96/96Fast/384) 或 TaqMan® Low Density Array RNase P Kit(TLDA 专用) 安装时将需要该试剂。 □ 所有化学试剂已保存在试剂盒上要求的温度,如,4℃或-15~-20℃。
≈6.39 kg N/A
61 cm
不含机械臂:150 cm 宽 x 100 cm 深 含机械臂:200 cm 宽 x 100 cm 深
124.5 cm
63.5 cm
17.8 cm
53.3 cm
72.4 cm 200 cm
74.3 cm
17.8 cm
实验室通风条件 □
仪器 散热口
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System SOP of Installation
7900HT仪器 76.2 cm (不含机械臂) (使用时)
7900HT仪器 (含机械臂)
离心机及转子: □已准备
(仅 TLDA)
验收合格标准: □了解并认可
保修除外责任: □了解并认可
浪费,安装延迟或保修期损失,ABI 公司不承担责任。
实验室相关器材及耗品准备 □ 安全眼镜、实验服 □ 实验用无屑抽纸或擦手纸 □ 抗化学腐蚀的无粉手套 □ 建议配备微量进样器或移液器(ABI 不提供微量进样器或移液器) Pipetman® (Gilson): P10,P20,P100,P200,P1000,P5000 等及吸头 或 Research® (Eppendorf): 10μl,20μl,100μl,200μl,1000μl,5000μl 等及 吸头
建议实验室安装冷暖空调(ABI 不提供空调的安装服务):
☆ 接入仪器电压要求为 220±10VAC,50Hz,可供电流不小于 16A
□ 接入电脑电压要求为 220±10VAC,50Hz,可供电流不小于 7A
125.7 cm
电脑*(台式机) 18 cm
≈37.6 cm
•键 盘
91.4 cm
44.7 cm ≈22.9 cm ≈17.5cm
63.5 cm
42.7 cm ≈55.4 cm ≈4.1cm
82.1 kg
122.5 kg
13.6 kg
L(火) 230V 最大