API RP500 Class 1 Hazardous Area Maps




自控专业工程设计用标准及规范1 行业法规及管理规定1.1 化工厂初步设计内容深度规定[(88)化基设字第251号]1.2 化工厂初步设计内容深度规定中有关内容更改的补充[(92)化基发字第695号]1.3 自控专业施工图设计内容深度规定(HG 20506)1.4 化工装置自控工程设计规定(HG/T 20636~20639)1.4.1 自控专业设计管理规定(HG/T 20636)1 自控专业的职责范围(HG/T 20636.1)2 自控专业与工艺、系统专业的设计条件关系(HG/T 20636.2)3 自控专业与管道专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.3)4 自控专业与电气专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.4)5 自控专业与电信、机泵及安全(消防)专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.5)6 自控专业工程设计的任务(HG/T 20636.6)7 自控专业工程设计的程序(HG/T 20636.7)8 自控专业工程设计质量保证程序(HG/T 20636.8)9 自控专业工程设计文件校审提要(HG/T 20636.9)10 自控专业工程设计文件的控制程序(HG/T 20636.10)1.4.2 自控专业工程设计文件的编制规定(HG/T 20637)1 自控专业工程设计文件的组成和编制(HG/T 20637.1)2 自控专业工程设计用图形符号和文字代号(HG/T 20637.2)3 仪表设计规定的编制(HG/T 20637.3)4 仪表施工安装要求的编制(HG/T 20637.4)5 仪表请购单的编制(HG/T 20637.5)6 仪表技术说明书的编制(HG/T 20637.6)7 仪表安装材料的统计(HG/T 20637.7)8 仪表辅助设备及电缆、管缆的编号(HG/T 20637.8)1.4.3 自控专业工程设计文件的深度规定(HG/T 20638)1.4.4 自控专业工程设计用典型图表及标准目录(HG/T 20639)1 自控专业工程设计用典型表格(HG/T 20639.1)2 自控专业工程设计用典型条件表(HG/T 20639.2)3 自控专业工程设计用标准目录(HG/T 20639.3)1.5 化工装置工艺系统工程设计规定(HG 20557-20559)1.5.1 工艺系统设计管理规定(HG 20557)1.5.2 工艺系统设计文件内容的规定(HG 20558)1.5.3 管道仪表流程图设计规定(HG 20559)1.6 石油化工装置基础设计(初步设计)内容规定(SHSG-033)1.7 石油化工自控专业工程设计施工图深度导则(SHB-Z01)2 图形符号2.1 过程检测和控制流程图用图形符号和文字代号(GB 2625)2.2 过程检测和控制系统用文字代号和图形符号(HG 20505)2.3 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification 仪表符号和标志[SHB-Z02 (等同于ISA S5.1)] 2.4 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations用于过程操作的二进制逻辑图[SHB-Z03 (等同于ISA S5.2)]2.5 Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic and Computer Systems 分散控制/共用显示仪表、逻辑和计算机系统用图形符号[SHB-Z04 (等同于ISA S5.3)]2.6 Instrument Loop Diagrams仪表回路图图形[SHB-Z05 (等同于ISA S5.4)]2.7 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays (ISA S5.5) 过程显示图形符号2.8 分散型控制系统硬件设备的图形符号(JB/T5539)2.9 Process Measurement Control Function and Instrumentation-Symbolic Representation (ISO 3511)过程测量控制功能及仪表符号说明2.10 Recommended Graphical Symbols Part 15: Binary Logic Elements (IEC 117-15)推荐的图形符号:二进制逻辑元件2.11 Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (two state devices) (ANSI Y32.14)逻辑图用图形符号(二状态元件)2.12 Symbolic Representation for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation (BS 1646)过程测量控制功能及仪表用符号说明2.13 Bildzeichen fü r messen, steuern, regeln: Allgemeine bildzeichen. 自控图例:一般图形(DIN 19228)2.14 仪表符号(JIS Z8204)3 工程设计规范3.1 计算站场地技术要求(GB 2887)3.2 计算机机房用活动地板技术条件(GB 6650 )3.3 城乡燃气设计规范(GB 50028)3.4 氧气站设计规范(GB 50030)3.5 乙炔站设计规范(GB 50031)3.6 工业企业照明设计标准(GB 50034)3.7 锅炉房设计规范(GB 50041)3.8 小型火力发电厂设计规范(GB 50049)3.9 电子计算机机房设计规定(GB 50174)3.10 氢气站设计规范(GB 50177)3.11 压缩空气站设计规范(GBJ 29)3.12 冷库设计规范(GBJ 72)3.13 洁净厂房设计规范(GBJ 73)3.14 石油库设计规范(GBJ 74)3.15 工业用软水除盐设计规范(GBJ 109)3.16 工业电视系统工程设计规范(GBJ 115)3.17 化工厂控制室建筑设计规范(HG 20556)3.18 石油化工储运系统罐区设计规范(SH3007)3.19 炼油厂燃料油燃气锅炉房设计技术规定(SHJ 1026)3.20 加油站建设规定(SHQ1)4 自动化仪表4.1 工业自动化仪表电源、电压(GB 3368)4.2 不间断电源设备(GB 7260)4.3 工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号(GB 777)4.4 工业自动化仪表用模拟直流电流信号(GB 3369)4.5 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟记录仪和指示仪性能测定方法(GB 3386) 4.6 工业过程测量和控制用检测仪表和显示仪表精度等级(GB/T 13283)4.7 工业自动化仪表用气源压力范围和质量(GB 4830)4.8 工业自动化仪表工作条件温度和大气压(ZBY 120)4.9 工业自动化仪表电磁干扰电流畸变影响试验方法(ZBY 092)4.10 工业自动化仪表工作条件~振动(GB 4439)4.11 工业自动化仪表盘基本尺寸及型式(GB 7353)4.12 工业自动化仪表盘盘面布置图绘制方法(JB/T 1396)4.13 工业自动化仪表盘接线接管图的绘制方法(JB/T 1397)4.14 工业自动化仪表公称通径值系列(ZBN 10004)4.15 工业自动化仪表工作压力值系列(ZBN 10005)4.16 流量测量仪表基本参数(GB 1314)4.17 工业自动化仪表通用试验方法-接地影响(ZBN 10003.26)4.18 Quality Standard for Instrument Air (ISA S7.3)仪表空气的质量标准5 自控专业工程设计规范5.1 流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里测量充满圆管的流体流量(GB/T 2624 等同于ISA 5167)5.2 自动化仪表选型规定(HG 20507)5.3 控制室设计规定(HG 20508)5.4 仪表供电设计规定(HG 20509)5.5 仪表供气设计规定(HG 20510)5.6 信号报警联锁系统设计规定(HG 20511)5.7 仪表配管配线设计规定(HG 20512)5.8 仪表系统接地设计规定(HG 20513)5.9 仪表及管线伴热和绝热保温设计规定(HG 20514)5.10 仪表隔离和吹洗设计规定(HG 20515)5.11 自动分析器室设计规定(HG 20516)5.12 分散控制系统工程设计规定(HG/T 20573)5.13 自控设计常用名词术语5.14 石油化工自动化仪表选型设计规范(SH 3005)5.15 石油化工控制室和自动分析器室设计规范(SH 3006)5.16 石油化工仪表配管配线设计规范(SH 3019)5.17 石油化工仪表接地设计规范(SH 3081)5.18 石油化工仪表供电设计规范(SH 3082)5.19 石油化工分散控制系统设计规范(SH/T 3092)5.20 石油化工企业信号报警、联锁系统设计规范(SHJ 18)5.21 石油化工企业仪表供气设计规范(SHJ 20)5.22 石油化工仪表保温及隔离吹洗设计规范(SH 3021)5.23 石油化工紧急停车及安全联锁设计导则(SHB-Z06)5.24 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Temperature and Humidity 过程测量和控制系统的环境条件:温度和湿度(ISA S71.01)5.25 Control Centers Facilities (ISA RP60.1) 控制中心设施5.26 Human Engineering for Control Centers (ISA RP60.3) 控制中心的人类工程5.27 Documentation for Control Centers (ISA RP60.4) 控制中心的文件5.28 Electrical Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.8)控制中心的电气导则5.29 Piping Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.9) 控制中心的配管导则5.30 Recommended Practice for the Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Systems in Refineries (API RP520)炼油厂压力泄压系统的设计和安装5.31 Vibration, Axial Position, and Bearing Temperature Monitoring Systems.(API 670)非接触式振动和轴位移监测系统5.32 Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluids (ISA S39.1) 不可压缩流体用调节阀的口径计算公式5.33 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves (ISA S75.01)控制阀口径计算公式5.34 Control Valve Terminology (ISA S75.05 )控制阀术语5.35 Control Valve Manifold Designs (ISA RP75.06)控制阀的阀组设计5.36 调节阀口径计算(ANSI FCI62-1)5.37 Control Valve Seat Leakage (ANSI B16.104/FCI70-2)控制阀泄漏量规定5.38 Terminology for Automatic Control (ANSI C85.1) 自动控制术语6 通用图册和设计手册6.1 自控安装图册(HG/T 21581)6.2 仪表单元接线接管图册(TC 50B1)6.3 仪表回路接线图册(TC 50B2)6.4 自控设计防腐蚀手册(CADC 051)6.5 仪表修理车间设计手册(CADC 052)6.6 石油化工企业仪表修理车间设计导则(SHB-Z002)6.7 仪表维护设备选用手册(SHB-Z003)6.8 Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control systems (API RP550) 炼油厂仪表及调节系统安装手册6.9 Part ⅡInstallation Operation and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments (ISA S12.13) 可燃气体检测仪表的安装、操作和维护7 管法兰与管螺纹7.1 钢制管法兰国家标准汇编(GB 9112~9128)7.2 钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件(HG 20592~20635~97)7.3 高压管、管件及紧固件通用设计(H1~37)7.4 石油化工企业钢制管法兰(SH 3406)7.5 管路法兰及垫片(JB/T 74~90)7.6 用螺纹密封的管螺纹(GB 7306,相应于55°圆锥管螺纹)7.7 非螺纹密封的管螺纹(GB 7307,相应于55°圆柱管螺纹)7.8 60°圆锥管螺纹(GB/T 12716)7.9 钢管螺纹[ISO 7/1 (R.RC)]7.10 直管螺纹[ISO 228/1 (G.Ga)]7.11 Pipe Flanges and Falanged Fittings Flange su**ce shall be smooth. (ANSI B16.5)管法兰和法兰连接件7.12 Steel Orifice Flanges (ANSI B16.36、B16.36a)钢制孔板法兰7.13 Flange Mounted Sharp Edged Orifice Plates for Flow Measurement (ISA RP3.2)流量测量用法兰安装式锐孔板7.14 管螺纹(ASME B1.20.1)8 安全8.1 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备(GB 3836)8.2 外壳防护等级的分类(GB 4208)8.3 电气设备安全设计导则(GB 4064)8.4 电子测量仪器安全要求(GB 4793)8.5 爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范(GB 50058)8.6 石油化工企业设计防火规范(GB 50160)及1999年筑物抗震设计8.7 构筑物抗震设计规范(GB 50191)8.8 建筑抗震设计规范(GBJ 11)8.9 建筑设计防火规范(GBJ 16)8.10 火灾自动报警系统设计规范(GBJ 116)8.11 化工企业爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范(HGJ 21)8.12 化工企业静电接地设计规程(HGJ 28)8.13 石油化工企业可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计规范(SH 3063)8.14 Electrical Instrument in Hazardous Atmospheres (ISA RP12.1) 危险大气里的电气仪表8.15 Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification (ISA S12.4) 用于降低危险区域等级的仪表吹气法8.16 Installation of Intrinsically safe Systems for Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISA RP12.6) 本安系统在危险区的安装8.17 Area Classification in Hazardous (Classified) Dust Locations (ISA S12.10) 危险粉尘场所的区域分类8.18 Electrical Equipment for Use in Class1, Division 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISA S12.12) 1区2类危险场所的电气设备8.19 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures. (IEC 529) 外壳防护标准8.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres part10: Classification of hazardous areas.(IEC 79-10)爆炸气体场所的电力设备第10部分:危险场所的划分8.21 Part14: Electrical installations in explosive gas atmospheres.(IEC 79-14)爆炸气体环境的电力设备(除矿用外)8.22 Intrinsically Safe Apparatus in Division I Hazardous Locations (NFPA 493) I区危险场所中的本安设备8.23 Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations in Petroleum Refineries (API RP500A)炼油厂电气安装用防爆场所的划分9 环境卫生9.1 密封放射源一般规定(GB 4076)9.2 放射卫生防护基本标准(GB 4792)9.3 电磁辐射防护规定(GB 8702)9.4 辐射防护规定(GB 8703)9.5 放射性物质安全运输规定(GB 11806)9.6 低、中水平放射性固体废物暂时贮存规定(GB 11928)9.7 操作开放型放射性物质的辐射防护规定(GB 11930)9.8 环境核辐射监测规定(GB 12379)9.9 放射性防护规范(GBJ 211)9.10 a 、g 射线外照射个人剂量监测规定(EJ 269)9.11 工业噪声控制设计规范(GBJ 87)9.12 工业企业噪声测量规定(GBJ 122)9.13 化工建设项目噪声控制设计规定(HG 20503)9.14 石油化工企业环境保护设计规范(SHJ 24)9.15 炼油厂卫生防护距离(SHJ 1070)9.16 Methods for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels (ANSI S1.13)声压级的测量方法9.17 石油化工企业职业安全卫生设计规范(SH3047)10 施工验收10.1 工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范(GBJ 93)10.2 自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准(GBJ 131)10.3 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范(GB 50169)10.4 电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范(GB 50254)10.5 洁净室施工及验收规范(HGJ 71)10.6 石油化工仪表工程施工技术规程(SH3521)10.7 长输管道仪表工程施工及验收规范(SYJ 4005)10.8 工业控制计算机系统验收大纲(JB/T 5234)附录A 标准代号对照表A.1 GB(GB/T) 中华人民共和国国家标准A.2 JB(JB/T) 机械工业部行业标准A.3 HG(HG/T) 化学工业部行业标准A.4 HGJ 化学工业部工程建设标准A.5 H 原化学工业部标准A.6 CD 原化学工业部基本建设局标准A.7 TC(CADC) 化学工业部自动控制设计技术中心站标准A.8 SH 中国石化总公司行业标准A.9 SHJ(SYJ) 中国石化总公司工程建设标准A.10 SHB- Z 中国石化总公司自动控制设计技术中心站标准A.11 SYJ 中国石油天然气工业总公司工程建设标准A.12 NDGJ 电力工业部工程建设标准A.13 JGJ 建设部工程建设标准A.14 FJJ 纺织总会工程建设标准A.15 EJ 中国核工业总公司行业标准A.16 JJG 国家计量总局标准A.17 ZBY 仪器仪表专业标准A.18 ZBN 仪器仪表行业标准A.19 JB/YQ 仪器仪表行业内部标准A.20 ISO 国际标准化组织INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZITION FOR STANDARDIZATIONA.21 IEC 国际电工委员会INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISIONA.22 ISA 美国仪表协会INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICAA.23 API 美国石油学会AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTEA.24 ANSI 美国国家标准协会AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTEA.25 ASME 美国机械工程师协会AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSA.26 NEPA 美国国家防火协会、美国流体动力协会NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION A.27 NEC 美国国家电气规程NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODEA.28 NEMA 美国电气制造商协会NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATIONA.29 DIN 德国国家标准DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIE NORMA.30 BS 英国国家标准BRITISH STANDARDSA.31 JIS 日本国家标准**ESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS。



美国石油学会标准分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例API 500分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例勘探和生产部、制造,销售和市场部API推荐的实施惯例500第2版,1997年11月海洋石油化肥项目海洋石油化肥项目美国石油学会标准分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例API 500目录1. 适用范围 (5)1.1 目的 (5)1.2 适用范围 (5)2. 参考标准 (6)2.1 工业法规,指南和标准 (6)2.2 政府法规,条例和规程 (8)3. 首字母缩写词和简略定义 (9)3.1 首字母缩写词 (9)3.2定义 (10)4.火灾或爆炸的基本条件 (13)5.易燃性和可燃性液体,气体和蒸汽 (13)5.1总则 (13)5.2易燃性和可燃性液体 (14)5.3易燃性高挥发性液体 (15)5.4易燃性轻于空气的气体 (15)5.5国家电气规程关于大气混合物的分组 (15)6.分类的判断准则 (16)6.1总则 (16)6.2国家电气规程判断准则 (17)6.3通风 (20)6.4相邻区域 (23)6.5可燃性气体探测设备的使用 (25)7.分类场所的范围 (26)7.1总则 (26)7.2室外场所 (26)7.3封闭的场所 (27)8.对确定分类场所的等级和范围的建议-通用部分 (27)8.1总则 (27)8.2对围绕专用设备的区域的建议 (27)9.对确定石油炼油厂中的分类场所的等级和范围的建议 (43)9.1前言 (43)9.2建议 (44)海洋石油化肥项目海洋石油化肥项目美国石油学会标准分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例API 50010.对确定陆地和海上固定平台上钻井机和生产设施上的分类场所的等级和范围的建议 (50)10.1总则 (50)10.2钻探区域 (51)10.3生产设施 (51)10.4钻探井 (52)10.5产油和气的井 (60)10.6油和气加工和贮存设备 (66)10.7自动化密闭输送(ACT)装置 (68)10.8易燃性气体保护设备和采出水/工艺用水的处理设备 (69)10.9处理易燃性液体,气体或蒸汽的压缩机或泵 (70)10.10集油盘 (70)10.11仪表 (71)10.12贮油槽 (73)10.13排液系统 (75)10.14留作备用 (78)10.15螺纹接头、法兰、阀门和阀门操纵机构 (78)10.16包含应用或测量易燃性液体,气体或蒸汽的仪器仪表的控制台 (79)11.对确定移动式近海钻探装置上的分类场所的81等级和范围的建议(MODUS) (81)11.1总则 (81)11.2对移动式近海钻探装置的专门定义 (82)11.3留作备用 (83)11.4在移动式近海钻探装置上的分类场所 (83)11.5区域分类的基础 (84)11.6危险性(分类的)场所的分类 (85)11.7钻面底盘和井架区域 (86)11.8底部结构或船井区域 (86)11.9泥浆系统处理设备综述 (93)11.10泥浆罐(位于末端除油器排放口之后) (93)11.11泥浆槽或泥浆池 (96)11.12泥浆泵 (98)11.13泥浆处理设备(在钟形喷咀和末端除油器泥浆排放口之间) (98)11.14除沙器或沉沙池(在末端除油器泥浆排放口和泥浆池之间) (99)11.15通风口 (99)11.16分流器管道出口 (100)海洋石油化肥项目海洋石油化肥项目美国石油学会标准分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例API 50011.17防喷装置(BOP) (100)11.18井的测试设备区域 (100)11.19用来贮存涂料的房间(油漆间) (101)11.20蓄电池间 (101)11.21留作备用 (101)11.22直升飞机燃油贮存区域 (101)11.23相邻空间的分类 (101)12.对确定浮动式生产装置上钻井机和生产设施上的分类场所的等级和范围的建议 (102)12.1总则 (102)12.2浮动式产品贮存和卸货装置(FPSO) (102)12.3钢绳“张力腿”稳定的半潜式钻井平台(TLP) (102)12.4支架,防水支架和类似装置 (102)12.5相邻区域的分类 (102)13.留作备用 (106)14.对确定石油管路输送设施上的分类场所的等级和范围的建议 (106)14.1总则 (106)14.2图形的使用 (107)14.3图形 (107)附录A-封闭区域通过自然方式获得充分通风,用方程式1和方程式2的计算实例 (121)附录B-使用易散排放获得充分通风的最小空气导入速率的计算 (122)附录C-通风判断准则的发展 (124)附录D-提供资料的附录-区域分类的另一种方法 (125)附录E-对场所进行分类的步骤 (134)附录F-表示Ⅰ类1分区和2分区危险性(分类的)场所优先选用的符号 (135)图形海洋石油化肥项目海洋石油化肥项目美国石油学会标准分类为Ⅰ类1分区和2分区的石油设施中对电气装置的场所分类推荐的实施惯例API 5001. 适用范围1.1 目的1.1.1 本推荐的实施惯例的目的是为在石油设施中选择和安装电气设备分类为Ⅰ类1分区和Ⅰ类2分区的分类场所提供指南。



api rp-505 对应的石油标准概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本文旨在对API RP-505标准进行概述及解释说明,该标准是与石油行业相关的重要指导文件。



1.2 文章结构本文将依次介绍石油标准概述、API RP-505解释说明以及使用案例分析与实例解析,并最后给出结论与展望。

通过系统深入地剖析这些方面,读者将能够充分了解API RP-505标准的内容、应用情况以及其对石油行业的重要性。

1.3 目的本文旨在向读者传达以下信息:首先,介绍API RP-505标准所涵盖的内容和领域;其次,阐明该标准的定义和术语解释,以及其具体要求和指导原则;第三,强调遵循并实施API RP-505标准的必要性和优势;最后,通过实际案例的分析和解读,探讨API RP-505在石油行业中的具体应用和效果。

通过本文的阐述,读者将能够深入了解API RP-505标准,并认识到其对于石油行业的重要性和应用前景。

2. 石油标准概述:2.1 API RP-505简介API RP-505是由美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)制定的一项重要石油标准。

RP代表Recommended Practice,这意味着该标准不是强制性的,而是一种推荐性实践。


2.2 标准内容概述API RP-505标准主要关注于石油行业中特定活动或场景中的风险识别、评估和控制。


这个标准包含了以下主要内容:a) 安全管理系统(SMS):建立适合石油行业需求的安全管理框架,以保障安全生产。

b) 风险分析与评估:通过识别和评估可能发生的事故、事故原因以及后果,来开展针对性的风险控制工作。





国际电工委员会第31技术委员会(IECTC31)是负责爆炸性环境用电气设备方面国际标准的制订工作,为了加快标准的制订工作,使IEC标准从纯技术标准向商业用标准转化,IECTC31提出了与欧洲电工标准化委员会加强合作的战略, IECTC31近年来将欧洲一些标准直接作为IEC标准的CD文件分发各成员国征求意见,然后转化为相应IEC标准。





例如:BS EN50014BS EN50015……等;联邦德国欧洲标准编号之前冠以德国标准的代号DIN,其他内容不变。

例如:DIN EN50014DIN EN50015 ……等。

1.2防爆电气设备的检验和标志1)按照欧共体防爆框架指针(EC (Ex)Frame Directive)76/117/EEC的规定,符合欧洲防爆标准的防爆电气产品欧共体各成员国应市场准入。

防爆电气产品经型式检验合格和工厂条件检查符合要求,法定的检验单位颁发防爆合格认证证书(EEx Certificate of Conformity ), 产品上允许使用认证标志”EEx”。

标志举例:EEx d ia IIB T42)按照欧洲指针“Directive 94/9/EC of European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres”(ATEX 100a) 的规定,防爆电气产品上除了标志防爆类型、类别和温度级别外,还应标志:设备的类别:I ---煤矿用;II—工厂用;允许使用的爆炸危险场所类别: 1---0区;2—1区;3—2区;M1—煤矿1区;M2—煤矿2区;气体或粉尘: G—气体或蒸气环境;D—粉尘环境;例如:ATEX100a 于1996年3月16日正式生效,按照旧的EC制造的防爆电气设备于2003年6月30日停止流通。

hazardous area classification

hazardous area classification

Definitions of Classes and ZonesHazardous Areas are locations where the potential for fire or explosion exists because of gases, dust, or easily ignitable fibers or flyings in the atmosphere.In North America, hazardous areas are separated by classes, divisions, and groups to define the level of safety required for equipment installed in these locations. Classes define the general form of the flammable materials in the atmosphere. Divisions define the probability of the presence of flammable materials. Groups classify the exact flammable nature of the material.In Europe and countries outside of North America, classification of hazardous areas is accomplished differently. Zones are used to define the probability of the presence of flammable materials. Protection Types denote the level of safety for the device. Groups classify the exact flammable nature of the material. These groups are separated differently than North American Gr oups. Temperature Identifications convey the maximum surface temperature of the apparatus based on 104° F (40° C) ambient. These temperature codes are selected carefully not to exceed the ignition temperature of the specific gas or vapor to be encountered in the application.Some classifications are not shown here. For further detailed information, see specific standards published by approval organizations.Common Terms:Class I, Division 1A Class I, Division 1 location is a location where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids:∙can exist under normal operating conditions;∙may exist frequently because of repair or maintenance operations or because of leakage; or ∙may exist because of equipment breakdown that simultaneously causes the equipment to become a source of ignitionEquipment intended for use in a Class I , Division 1 area is usually of the explosionproof, intrinsically safe, or purged/pressurized type.Explosionproof apparatus: "Apparatus enclosed in a case that is capable of withstanding an explosion of a specified gas or vapor that may occur within it and of preventing the ignition of a specified gas or vapor surrounding the enclosure by sparks, flashes, or explosion of the gas or vapor within and that operates at such an external temperature that a surrounding flammable atmosphere will not be ignited thereby." (See NFPA 70)Intrinsically safe apparatus:"Apparatus in which all the circuits are intrinsically safe." (See UL 913)Intrinsically safe circuit: "A circuit in which any spark or thermal effect is incapable of causing ignition of a mixture of flammable or combustible material in air under prescribed test conditions." (See UL 913)Purging: "The process of supplying an enclosure with a protective gas at a sufficient flow and positive pressure to reduce the concentration of any flammable gas or vapor initially present to an acceptable level."(See NFPA 496)Pressurization:"The process of supplying an enclosure with a protective gas with or without continuous flow at sufficient pressure to prevent the entrance of a flammable gas or vapor, a combustible dust, or an ignitable fiber." (See NFPA 496)Class I, Division 2A Cla ss I, Division 2 location is a location:∙where volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases or vapors exist, but are normally confined within closed containers;∙where ignitable concentrations of gases, vapors or liquids are normally prevented by positive mechanical ventilation; or∙adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 location, where ignitable concentrations might be occasionally communicated.Equipment intended for use in a Class I, Division 2 area is usually of the nonincendive, non-sparking, purged/pressurized, hermetically sealed, or sealed device type.Nonincendive circuit: "A circuit in which any arc or thermal effect produced under intended operating conditions of the equipment is not capable, under the test conditions specified, of igniting the specified flammable gas- or vapor- air mixture."(See UL 1604)Nonincendive component: "A component having contacts for making or breaking an incendive circuit and the contacting mechanism shall be constructed so that the component is incapable of igniting the specified flammable gas- or vapor-air mixture. The housing of a nonincendive component is not intended to:∙exclude the flammable atmosphere, or∙contain an explosion." (See UL 1604)Nonincendive field circuit: "A circuit that enters or leaves the equipment enclosure and that under intended operating conditions is not capable, under the test conditions specified, of igniting the specified flammable gas- or vapor-air mixture or combustible dust." (See UL 1604)Non-sparking apparatus: "Apparatus that has no normally arcing parts or thermal effects capable of ignition. Examples of norm ally arcing parts are relays, circuit breakers, servo-potentiometers adjustable resistors, switches, non-latching type connectors and motor brushes. (See UL 1604)Purging: See definition under Class I, Division 1Pressurization: See definition under Class I, Division 1Hermetically sealed component: "A component that is sealed against entrance of an external atmosphere and in which the seal is made by fusion, such as soldering, brazing, welding, or the fusion of glass to metal." (See UL 1604)Sealed device: "A device that is constructed so that it cannot be opened, has no external operating mechanisms, and is sealed to restrict entry of an external atmosphere without relying on gaskets. The device may contain arcing parts or internal hot surfaces." (See UL 1604)Class I, Zone 0A Class I, Zone 0 location is a location where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids:∙are present continuously; or∙are present for long periods of time.Equipment intended for use in a Class I, Zone 0 area is usually of the intrinsically safe, "ia," type.Intrinsically safe: See definitions under Class I, Division 1Class I, Zone 1A Class I, Zone 1 location is a location where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids:∙are likely to exist under normal operating conditions;∙may exist frequently because of repair or maintenance operations or leakage; or∙may exist because of equipment breakdown that simultaneously causes the equipment to become a source of ignition; or∙are adjacent to a Class I, Zone 0 location from which ignitable concentrations could be communicated.Equipment intended for use in a Class I, Zone 1 area is usually of the flameproof,purged/pressurized, oil immersed, increased safety, encapsulated or powder filled type. Flameproof: "The enclosure of the equipment will withstand an internal explosion, and prevent passage of flame to the surrounding atmosphere. Care must be taken to maintain the length and clearance (gap) of flameproof joints in service." (See UL 2279)Purged/pressurized: See definitions under Class I, Division I.Oil immersion: "Arcing contacts are immersed in a protective liquid." (See UL 2279)Increased safety: "The equipment contains no normally arcing parts, and additional measures (such as larger spacings among wiring connections) are taken to prevent the possibility of high temperatures or sparks. A minimum IP rating of IP 54 is required." (See UL 2279)Encapsulation: "Arcing contacts are completely surrounded by an encapsulating material." (See UL 2279)Powder filling: "Arcing contacts are surrounded by a filling material (glass or quartz powder)." (See UL 2279)Class I, Zone 2A Class I, Zone 2 location is a location:∙where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids are not likely to occur in normal operation or, if they do occur, will exist only for a short period;∙where volatile flammable liquids, or flammable gases or vapors exist, but are normally confined within closed containers∙where ignitable concentrations of gases, vapors, or liquids are normally prevented by positive mechanical ventilation;∙adjacent to a Class I, Zone 1 location from which ignitable concentrations could be communicated.Equipment that is intended for use in a Class I, Zone 2 area is usually of the nonincendive, non-sparking, restricted breathing, hermetically sealed or sealed device type.Nonincendive: See definitions under Class I, Division 2Non-sparking: See definition under Class I, Division 2Restricted breathing: "The enclosure relies on tight seals and gaskets to prevent diffusion of the explosive atmosphere into the equipment enclosure. Provision for checking that the restricted breathing properties of the enclosure are maintained is provided." (See UL 2279)Hermetically sealed: See definition under Class I, Division 2Sealed device: "A device that is constructed so that it cannot be opened and is sealed to restrict entry of an external atmosphere. The device may contain arcing parts or internal hot surfac es." (See UL 2279)Class II, Division 1A Cla ss II, Division 1 location is a location where:∙ignitable concentrations of combustible dust can exist in the air under normal operating conditions;∙ignitable concentrations of combustible dust may exist because of equipment breakdown that simultaneously causes the equipment to become a source of ignition; or ∙electrically conductive combustible dusts may be present in hazardous quantities. Equipment intended for use in a Class II, Division 1 area is usually of the dust-ignition-proof, intrinsically safe, or pressurized type.Dust-ignition-proof : "Enclosed in a manner that will exclude dusts and, where installed and protected in accordance with the NEC, will not permit arcs, sparks or heat otherwise generated or liberated inside of the enclosure to cause ignition of exterior accumulations or atmospheric suspensions of a specified dust on or in the vicinity of the enclosure." (See NFPA 70)Intrinsically safe: See definitions under Class I, Division 1.Pressurization: See definition under Class I, Division 1.Class II, Division 2A Class II, Division 2 location is a location where:∙combustible dust is not normally in the air in ignitable concentrations;∙dust accumulations are normally insufficient to interfere with normal operation of electrical equipment;∙dust may be in suspension in the air as the result of infrequent malfunctioning of equipment;or∙dust accumulation may be sufficient to interfere with safe dissipation of heat or may be ignitable by abnormal operation.Equipment intended for use in a Class II, Division 2 area is usually of the dusttight, nonincendive, non-sparking, or pre ssurized type s.Dusttight: "Constructed so that dust will not enter the enclosing case under specified test conditions. An example of such conditions would be a UL Type 12 enclosure." (See NFPA 70)Nonincendive: See definitions under Class I, Division 2Non-sparking: See definition under Class I, Division 2Pressurization: See definition under Class I, Division 1.Class III, Division 1A Class III, Division 1 location is a location where easily ignitable fibers or materials producing combustible flyings are handled, manufactured or used.Equipment intended for use in a Class III, Division 1 area is usually of the dusttight or intrinsically safe type (both previously defined).Class III, Division 2A Class III, Division 2 location is a location where easily ignitable fibers are stored or handled. Equipment intended for use in a Class III, Division 1 area is usually of the dusttight or intrinsically safe type (both previously defined).Interpreting Rating Nomenclature:Classifications Inside North AmericaClassifications Outside North America。


OSHA Office of Training and Education
Safety Glasses
• Made with metal/plastic safety frames • Most operations require side shields • Used for moderate impact from particles produced by jobs such as carpentry, woodworking, grinding, and scaling
OSHA Office of Training and Education
PPE Program
• Procedures for selecting, providing and using PPE • First -- assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, or are likely to be present, which necessitate the use of PPE • Once the proper PPE has been selected, the employer must provide training to each employee who is required to use PPE
Then . . .
The hazard can be eliminated with an engineering control.
OSHA Office of Training and Education
Engineering Controls (cont’d)
Examples . . .



Ship Fabrication:Electrical and Automation Hazardous Areas and Batteries1Learning Objective●This module is intended to enhance the awareness ofthe participant with ABS Rules requirements pertinentto the certification of electrical equipment installed inhazardous areas2Hazardous Areas●Hazardous areas are the spaces within a restricted areain which a flammable atmosphere is continuouslypresent or likely to exist during normal operations orunder abnormal/fault conditions3Hazardous Area Classification●Hazardous areas are to be classified based on thelikelihood of presence and the concentration and type of flammable atmosphere as well as in terms of extent ofthe space●Hazardous area classification is a method of analyzingand classifying environment where explosive gasatmospheres may occur to allow the proper selection of electrical apparatus to be installed in that environment●See SVR 4-8-4/27.14Hazardous Area Classification●Hazardous areas are normally classified in zones or inclass/division (normally practiced in North America) according to the probability, intensity and duration of assessed potential hazardwithin the specified areaFuel source'sFacility Fire and Blast Wall(H-60 / 0.5 barg rated)Potential ignitionsource’s5Hazardous Area Classification: Purpose●The purpose of classification of a hazardous area is toverify that ignition sources are not available to ignitepotential flammable atmosphere●This is to be achieved by dividing the field into classifiedhazardous and non-hazardous areas based onprobability of presence or possibility of release offlammable gas6Why is Area Classification so Important?●To provide separation and isolation of the sources ofignition from sources of flammable gas or vapor●To provide guidance for the design or selection ofelectrical equipment to be installed in hazardous area●To assist in the appropriate location of air inlets andoutlets for ventilation systems for purged and pressurizedequipment●To assist in the appropriate location of internal combustionequipment●To define the extent of flammable gas level from vents7Why is Area Classification so Important?●So that life-saving appliances, radioactive stores andemergency control points are located in non-hazardous areas●To determine the location for flammable gas detectors●To determine the maximum allowable surfacetemperature for particular areas●To assist in the location of escape routes8Fire Triangle●Three basic conditions must exist in order for a fire orexplosion to occur:■Flammable gas or vapor■Air/oxygen■Source of ignition9Explosion Hazards●What can be a source of energy to ignite acombustible or flammable gas?■Hot surfaces►Space heaters, electrical equipment►Internal combustion engines■Arc/spark►Circuit breakers, contactors, relays, switches,►Metal to metal –fans■Static electricity►Non conducting/insulated materials10Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas●Electrical equipment is not to be installed in hazardousareas unless it is essential for safety or operationalpurposes●Where installation of electrical equipment in suchlocation is necessary, it is to be selected based on itssuitability for the hazardous area so classified●See SVR 4-8-4/27.111Hazardous Areas on a Vessel●Tanks containing flammable liquids having flash point of60ºC (140ºF) or below●Holds containing solid bulk cargoes liable to releaseflammable gases or dust●Holds or enclosed cargo spaces containing cargoesthat are likely to emit flammable gases or vapors●See SVR 4-8-4/27.3 (i)(ii)(iii)12Hazardous Areas on a Vessel 13●An enclosed or semi-enclosed space:■Having direct access or opening into the above hazardous areas■Having direct access or opening into the above hazardous areas defined in the previous slide through a door, ventilation opening, etc■Immediately adjacent to the tanks containing flammable liquids as defined in (i)■Containing pumps or piping used for conveying liquids described in (i)●See SVR 4-8-4/27.3 (iv)Hazardous Areas on a Vessel 14●A defined zone in open space:■ 3 m (10 ft) from an opening to the hazardous areas defined in (i)(ii)(iii)(iv) such as door or ventilation opening■Immediately adjacent to the hazardous area defined in (i)■In way of pumps or piping used for conveying liquid described in (i)■See SVR 4-8-4/27.3(v)Hazardous Areas on a Vessel15Certified Safe Equipment in Hazardous Areas●Only electrical equipment of the following typescomplying with IEC Publication 60079, or otherrecognized standards is to be considered forinstallation in hazardous areas.■Intrinsically safe type (Ex i)■Flameproof (explosion proof) type (Ex d)■Increased safety type (Ex e)■Pressurized or purged type (Ex p)●Consideration is to be given to the flammability groupand temperature class of the equipment●See SVR 4-8-4/27.5.116Codes & Standards●Production Units(FPSO, FSO, TLP, SPAR)■API RP 500 or 505, NEC, API RP 14F●Ships■ABS Steel Vessel Rules, SOLAS, IEC 60079●Drilling Units■ABS MODU Rules, IMO MODU Code17Standards Most Commonly Referred to●API 505, International■Zone 0, 1, 2●Electro technical Commission (IEC Series 79):■Zone 0, 1, 2●API 500:■Class I Div1, Div 2●National Electric Code (NEC Art 500):■Class I Div1, Div 218Hazardous Areas●Zone 0:where an explosive gas is continuously presentor is present for long periods, e.g. inside pipes in themud circulating system●Zone 1:where an explosive gas is likely to occur innormal operation e.g. rotary table, bell nipple●Zone 2:where an explosive gas is not likely to occur innormal operation and if it occurs will exist for only ashort period e.g. semi-enclosed drill-floor●Non-hazardous area:where an explosive gas/airmixture will not occur in normal operation19Hazardous Areas●Class I Div 1:locations in which ignitable concentrationof flammable gas or vapors may exist under normaloperating conditions or such concentrations may existfrequently due to repairs, maintenance or leakage●Class I Div 2:locations in which ignitable concentrationof flammable gas or vapors would occur only as resultof accident or breakdown of systems, or in whichconcentrations are normally prevented by mechanicalor natural ventilation●Non-hazardous area:where an ignitable concentrationof gas can not exist20Hazardous AreasThere is NO equivalency between Zone and Division!However:●Zone 2 equipment Class I Div 2●Zone 1 equipment●Zone 0 equipment Class I Div 121 Cargo Tank: Hazardous AreasSVR 5C-1-7/31.522Equipment for Hazardous Areas●Certification of Equipment●Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL)or Independent Testing Laboratories (UL, FM, CSA,KEMA, PTE, etc.)23Hazardous Areas●What to look for in a nameplate when equipmentinstalled in hazardous area?■The Testing Lab’s name: CSA, UL or others■The Certificate No.■The Hazardous Area Marking24Hazardous Areas25Cert No.Testing Lab’s NameHazardousArea MarkingHazardous Areas26Hazardous AreaMarkingTesting Lab’s NameCert No.What’s Wrong with this Nameplate?27 Hazardous Area MarkingTesting Lab’s NameCert No.28Nameplate: IEC29 Zone & Type of Protection30Division & Type of Protection31 Batteries & their Ventilation32Three Categories of Batteries●Small :battery charger output below 0.2 kW ●Medium or Moderate :battery charger output of 0.2 kW up to and including 2 kW●Large :battery charger output more than 2 kW ●See SVR 4-8-4/5 for battery requirements33Location of Batteries●Small :battery charger below 0.2 kW●Battery boxes with openings near the top to release the gas●Medium :battery charger output of 0.2 kW up to and including 2 kW●Battery room or deck boxes:34They are NOT allowed to be installed in the sleeping quartersunless hermetically sealedLocation of Batteries●Deck boxes may be located in machinery spaces, or other well ventilated locations:■Weather tight type with a duct at the top of the box,terminating with goose-neck or mushroom head, and two air inlets at the lower part and opposite sides of the box ■Louvers to be fitted at the air inlets35Large Batteries●Large:battery charger output of more than 2 kW●Battery room dedicated to batteries only:■The room is to have natural or mechanical ventilation, capable of changing the air every two minutes oralternatively, to maintain the gas level below the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)■Exhaust vent at the top of the room, and the inlet vents near the floor36Battery room is classified as HAZARDOUSAREAVentilation●Exhaust vent at the top of the room, and the inlet ventsnear the floor●Fan motor is to be certified (explosion-proof) safe typefor battery room atmosphere, or to be at least 10 feetaway from the exhaust end of the duct●Fan is to be of non-sparking construction●See SVR 4-8-3/1137Batteries: Special Cases●Low hydrogen emission (LHE) batteries(See SVR 4-8-4/5.5)●It emits significantly less hydrogen under similarcharging condition than a standard lead-acid batteryA low hydrogen emission battery installation with abattery charger having a charging rate of a large ormoderate size installation may be treated as amoderate or small battery installation if satisfactoryhydrogen emission calculation is provided38Low Hydrogen Emission (LHE) Batteries ● A warning notice is to be furnished at the room,indicating that additional batteries are not to beinstalled and any replacement battery is to be of theLHE type3940。



自控专业工程设计用标准及规范1行业法规及管理规定自控专业施工图设计内容深度规定HG20506-1992化工装置自控工程设计规定HG/T20636~20639自控专业设计管理规定HG/T20636自控专业的职责范围HG/T20636.1自控专业与工艺、系统专业的设计条件关系HG/T20636.2自控专业与电气专业的设计分工HG/T20636.4自控专业与电信、机泵及安全消防)专业的设计分工HG/T20636.5 自控专业工程设计的任务HG/T20636.6自控专业工程设计的程序HG/T20636.7自控专业工程设计质量保证程序HG/T20636.8自控专业工程设计文件校审提要HG/T20636.9自控专业工程设计文件的控制程序HG/T20636.10自控专业工程设计文件的编制规定HG/T20637自控专业工程设计文件的组成和编制HG/T20637.1自控专业工程设计用图形符号和文字代号HG/T20637.2仪表设计规定的编制HG/T20637.3仪表施工安装要求的编制HG/T20637.4仪表请购单的编制HG/T20637.5仪表技术说明书的编制HG/T20637.6仪表安装材料的统计HG/T20637.7仪表辅助设备及电缆、管缆的编号HG/T20637.8自控专业工程设计文件的深度规定HG/T20638自控专业工程设计用典型图表及标准目录HG/T20639自控专业工程设计用典型表格HG/T20639.1自控专业工程设计用典型条件表HG/T20639.2自控专业工程设计用标准目录HG/T20639.3化工装置工艺系统工程设计规定HG20557-20559工艺系统设计管理规定HG20557工艺系统设计文件内容的规定HG20558管道仪表流程图设计规定HG20559石油化工装置基础设计初步设计)内容规定SHSG-033石油化工自控专业工程设计施工图深度导则SHB-Z012图形符号过程检测和控制流程图用图形符号和文字代号GB2625过程检测和控制系统用文字代号和图形符号HG20505Instrumentation Symbols and Identification仪表符号和标志[SHB-Z02等同于ISAS5.1Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations用于过程操作的二进制逻辑图SHB-Z03等同于ISAS5.2)Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation,Logic and Computer Systems分散控制/共用显示仪表、逻辑和计算机系统用图形符号SHB-Z04等同于ISAS5.3Instrument Loop Diagrams仪表回路图图形SHB-Z05等同于ISAS5.4Graphic Symbols for Process Displays ISAS5.5过程显示图形符号分散型控制系统硬件设备的图形符号JB/T5539Process Measurement Control Function and Instrumentation Symbolic Representation ISO3511过程测量控制功能及仪表符号说明Recommended Graphical Symbols Part15:Binary Logic Elements IEC117-15推荐的图形符号:二进制逻辑元件Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams two state devices ANSIY32.14逻辑图用图形符号二状态元件Symbolic Representation for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation BS1646过程测量控制功能及仪表用符号说明Bildzeichenfürmessen,steuern,regeln:Allgemeinebildzeichen.自控图例:一般图形DIN19228)仪表符号JISZ82043工程设计规范计算站场地技术要求GB2887计算机机房用活动地板技术条件GB6650工业企业照明设计标准GB50034电子计算机机房设计规定GB501744自动化仪表工业自动化仪表电源、电压GB3368不间断电源设备GB7260工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号GB777工业自动化仪表用模拟直流电流信号GB3369工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟记录仪和指示仪性能测定方法GB3386工业过程测量和控制用检测仪表和显示仪表精度等级GB/T13283工业自动化仪表用气源压力范围和质量GB4830工业自动化仪表工作条件温度和大气压ZBY120工业自动化仪表电磁干扰电流畸变影响试验方法ZBY092工业自动化仪表工作条件~振动GB4439工业自动化仪表盘基本尺寸及型式GB7353工业自动化仪表盘盘面布置图绘制方法JB/T1396工业自动化仪表盘接线接管图的绘制方法JB/T1397工业自动化仪表公称通径值系列ZBN10004工业自动化仪表工作压力值系列ZBN10005流量测量仪表基本参数GB1314工业自动化仪表通用试验方法-接地影响ZBN10003.26Quality Standard for Instrument Air ISAS7.3仪表空气的质量标准5自控专业工程设计规范流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里测量充满圆管的流体流量GB/T2624等同于ISA5167自动化仪表选型规定HG20507)控制室设计规定HG20508)仪表供电设计规定HG20509)仪表供气设计规定HG20510)信号报警联锁系统设计规定HG20511)仪表配管配线设计规定HG20512)仪表系统接地设计规定HG20513)仪表及管线伴热和绝热保温设计规定HG20514)仪表隔离和吹洗设计规定HG20515)分散控制系统工程设计规定HG/T20573)自控设计常用名词术语石油化工自动化仪表选型设计规范SH3005)石油化工仪表配管配线设计规范SH3019)石油化工仪表接地设计规范SH3081)石油化工仪表供电设计规范SH3082)石油化工分散控制系统设计规范SH/T3092)石油化工企业信号报警、联锁系统设计规范SHJ18)石油化工企业仪表供气设计规范SHJ20)石油化工紧急停车及安全联锁设计导则SHB-Z06)Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems:T emperature and Humidity过程测量和控制系统的环境条件:温度和湿度ISAS71.01)Control Centers Facilities ISARP60.1)控制中心设施Human Engineering for Control Centers ISARP60.3)控制中心的人类工程Documentation for Control Centers ISARP60.4)控制中心的文件Electrical Guide for Control Centers ISARP60.8)控制中心的电气导则Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluids ISAS39.1不可压缩流体用调节阀的口径计算公式FlowEquationsforSizingControlValves ISAS75.01控制阀口径计算公式ControlValveT erminology ISAS75.05控制阀术语ControlValveManifoldDesigns ISARP75.06控制阀的阀组设计调节阀口径计算ANSIFCI62-1ControlValveSeatLeakage ANSIB16.104/FCI70-2控制阀泄漏量规定T erminologyforAutomaticControl ANSIC85.1自动控制术语6通用图册和设计手册自控安装图册HG/T21581仪表单元接线接管图册TC50B1仪表回路接线图册TC50B2自控设计防腐蚀手册CADC051仪表修理车间设计手册CADC052石油化工企业仪表修理车间设计导则SHB-Z002仪表维护设备选用手册SHB-Z003Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control systems APIRP550炼油厂仪表及调节系统安装手册PartⅡInstallationOperationandMaintenanceofCombustibleGasDetectionInstrumentsISAS12.13)可燃气体检测仪表的安装、操作和维护8安全爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备GB3836外壳防护等级的分类GB4208电气设备安全设计导则GB4064电子测量仪器安全要求GB4793爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范GB50058化工企业爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范HGJ21化工企业静电接地设计规程HGJ28)Electrical Instrument in Hazardous Atmospheres ISARP12.1)危险大气里的电气仪表Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification ISAS12.4用于降低危险区域等级的仪表吹气法Installation of Intrinsically safe Systems for Hazardous Classified Locations ISARP12.6本安系统在危险区的安装Area Class Ification in Hazardous Classified Dust Locations ISAS12.10危险粉尘场所的区域分类Electrical Equipment for Use in Class 1,Division 2 Hazardous Classified Locations ISAS12.121区2类危险场所的电气设备Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures.IEC529外壳防护标准ClassificationofAreasforElectricalInstallationsinPetroleumRefineries APIRP500A炼油厂电气安装用防爆场所的划分10施工验收工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范GBJ93自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准GBJ131电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范GB50169电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范GB50254洁净室施工及验收规范HGJ71石油化工仪表工程施工技术规程SH3521工业控制计算机系统验收大纲JB/T5234附录A标准代号对照表GB GB/T中华人民共和国国家标准SHJ SYJ中国石化总公司工程建设标准SHB-Z中国石化总公司自动控制设计技术中心站标准SYJ中国石油天然气工业总公司工程建设标准ZBY仪器仪表专业标准ZBN仪器仪表行业标准JB/YQ仪器仪表行业内部标准ISO国际标准化组织INTERNA TIONALORGANIZITIONFORST ANDARDIZA TIONIEC国际电工委员会INTERNA TIONAL ELECTROTE CHNICALCOMMISIONISA美国仪表协会INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICANEC美国国家电气规程NA TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODENEMA美国电气制造商协会NA TIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURES ASSOCIA TION。


4.18 Quality Standard for Instrument Air (ISA S7.3)仪表空气的质量标准
5 自控专业工程设计规范
5.1 流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里测量充满圆管的流体流量(GB/T 2624 等同于ISA 5167)
5.2 自动化仪表选型规定(HG 20507)
2.11 Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (two state devices) (ANSI Y32.14)逻辑图用图形符号(二状态元件)
2.12 Symbolic Representation for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation (BS 1646)过程测量控制功能及仪表用符号说明
4.8 工业自动化仪表工作条件温度和大气压(ZBY 120)
4.9 工业自动化仪表电磁干扰电流畸变影响试验方法(ZBY 092)
4.10 工业自动化仪表工作条件~振动(GB 4439)
4.11 工业自动化仪表盘基本尺寸及型式(GB 7353)
4.12 工业自动化仪表盘盘面布置图绘制方法(JB/T 1396)
1.4.2 自控专业工程设计文件的编制规定(HG/T 20637)
1 自控专业工程设计文件的组成和编制(HG/T 20637.1)
2 自控专业工程设计用图形符号和文字代号(HG/T 20637.2)
3 仪表设计规定的编制(HG/T 20637.3)
2.6 Instrument Loop Diagrams仪表回路图图形[SHB-Z05 (等同于ISA S5.4)]
2.7 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays (ISA S5.5) 过程显示图形符号



自控专业工程设计用标准及规范1 行业法规及管理规定1.1 化工厂初步设计内容深度规定[(88)化基设字第251号]1.2 化工厂初步设计内容深度规定中有关内容更改的补充[(92)化基发字第695号]1.3 自控专业施工图设计内容深度规定(HG 20506)1.4 化工装置自控工程设计规定(HG/T 20636~20639)1.4.1 自控专业设计管理规定(HG/T 20636)1 自控专业的职责范围(HG/T 20636.1)2 自控专业与工艺、系统专业的设计条件关系(HG/T 20636.2)3 自控专业与管道专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.3)4 自控专业与电气专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.4)5 自控专业与电信、机泵及安全(消防)专业的设计分工(HG/T 20636.5)6 自控专业工程设计的任务(HG/T 20636.6)7 自控专业工程设计的程序(HG/T 20636.7)8 自控专业工程设计质量保证程序(HG/T 20636.8)9 自控专业工程设计文件校审提要(HG/T 20636.9)10 自控专业工程设计文件的控制程序(HG/T 20636.10)1.4.2 自控专业工程设计文件的编制规定(HG/T 20637)1 自控专业工程设计文件的组成和编制(HG/T 20637.1)2 自控专业工程设计用图形符号和文字代号(HG/T 20637.2)3 仪表设计规定的编制(HG/T 20637.3)4 仪表施工安装要求的编制(HG/T 20637.4)5 仪表请购单的编制(HG/T 20637.5)6 仪表技术说明书的编制(HG/T 20637.6)7 仪表安装材料的统计(HG/T 20637.7)8 仪表辅助设备及电缆、管缆的编号(HG/T 20637.8)1.4.3 自控专业工程设计文件的深度规定(HG/T 20638)1.4.4 自控专业工程设计用典型图表及标准目录(HG/T 20639)1 自控专业工程设计用典型表格(HG/T 20639.1)2 自控专业工程设计用典型条件表(HG/T 20639.2)3 自控专业工程设计用标准目录(HG/T 20639.3)1.5 化工装置工艺系统工程设计规定(HG 20557-20559)1.5.1 工艺系统设计管理规定(HG 20557)1.5.2 工艺系统设计文件内容的规定(HG 20558)1.5.3 管道仪表流程图设计规定(HG 20559)1.6 石油化工装置基础设计(初步设计)内容规定(SHSG-033)1.7 石油化工自控专业工程设计施工图深度导则(SHB-Z01)2 图形符号2.1 过程检测和控制流程图用图形符号和文字代号(GB 2625)2.2 过程检测和控制系统用文字代号和图形符号(HG 20505)2.3 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification 仪表符号和标志[SHB-Z02 (等同于ISA S5.1)]2.4 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations用于过程操作的二进制逻辑图[SHB-Z03 (等同于ISA S5.2)]2.5 Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic and Computer Systems 分散控制/共用显示仪表、逻辑和计算机系统用图形符号[SHB-Z04 (等同于ISA S5.3)]2.6 Instrument Loop Diagrams仪表回路图图形[SHB-Z05 (等同于ISA S5.4)]2.7 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays (ISA S5.5) 过程显示图形符号2.8 分散型控制系统硬件设备的图形符号(JB/T5539)2.9 Process Measurement Control Function and Instrumentation-Symbolic Representation (ISO 3511)过程测量控制功能及仪表符号说明2.10 Recommended Graphical Symbols Part 15: Binary Logic Elements (IEC 117-15)推荐的图形符号:二进制逻辑元件2.11 Graphic Symbols for Logic Diagrams (two state devices) (ANSI Y32.14)逻辑图用图形符号(二状态元件)2.12 Symbolic Representation for Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation (BS 1646)过程测量控制功能及仪表用符号说明2.13 Bildzeichen fü r messen, steuern, regeln: Allgemeine bildzeichen. 自控图例:一般图形(DIN 19228)2.14 仪表符号(JIS Z8204)3 工程设计规范3.1 计算站场地技术要求(GB 2887)3.2 计算机机房用活动地板技术条件(GB 6650 )3.3 城乡燃气设计规范(GB 50028)3.4 氧气站设计规范(GB 50030)3.5 乙炔站设计规范(GB 50031)3.6 工业企业照明设计标准(GB 50034)3.7 锅炉房设计规范(GB 50041)3.8 小型火力发电厂设计规范(GB 50049)3.9 电子计算机机房设计规定(GB 50174)3.10 氢气站设计规范(GB 50177)3.11 压缩空气站设计规范(GBJ 29)3.12 冷库设计规范(GBJ 72)3.13 洁净厂房设计规范(GBJ 73)3.14 石油库设计规范(GBJ 74)3.15 工业用软水除盐设计规范(GBJ 109)3.16 工业电视系统工程设计规范(GBJ 115)3.17 化工厂控制室建筑设计规范(HG 20556)3.18 石油化工储运系统罐区设计规范(SH3007)3.19 炼油厂燃料油燃气锅炉房设计技术规定(SHJ 1026)3.20 加油站建设规定(SHQ1)4 自动化仪表4.1 工业自动化仪表电源、电压(GB 3368)4.2 不间断电源设备(GB 7260)4.3 工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号(GB 777)4.4 工业自动化仪表用模拟直流电流信号(GB 3369)4.5 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟记录仪和指示仪性能测定方法(GB 3386) 4.6 工业过程测量和控制用检测仪表和显示仪表精度等级(GB/T 13283)4.7 工业自动化仪表用气源压力范围和质量(GB 4830)4.8 工业自动化仪表工作条件温度和大气压(ZBY 120)4.9 工业自动化仪表电磁干扰电流畸变影响试验方法(ZBY 092)4.10 工业自动化仪表工作条件~振动(GB 4439)4.11 工业自动化仪表盘基本尺寸及型式(GB 7353)4.12 工业自动化仪表盘盘面布置图绘制方法(JB/T 1396)4.13 工业自动化仪表盘接线接管图的绘制方法(JB/T 1397)4.14 工业自动化仪表公称通径值系列(ZBN 10004)4.15 工业自动化仪表工作压力值系列(ZBN 10005)4.16 流量测量仪表基本参数(GB 1314)4.17 工业自动化仪表通用试验方法-接地影响(ZBN 10003.26)4.18 Quality Standard for Instrument Air (ISA S7.3)仪表空气的质量标准5 自控专业工程设计规范5.1 流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里测量充满圆管的流体流量(GB/T 2624 等同于ISA 5167)5.2 自动化仪表选型规定(HG 20507)5.3 控制室设计规定(HG 20508)5.4 仪表供电设计规定(HG 20509)5.5 仪表供气设计规定(HG 20510)5.6 信号报警联锁系统设计规定(HG 20511)5.7 仪表配管配线设计规定(HG 20512)5.8 仪表系统接地设计规定(HG 20513)5.9 仪表及管线伴热和绝热保温设计规定(HG 20514)5.10 仪表隔离和吹洗设计规定(HG 20515)5.11 自动分析器室设计规定(HG 20516)5.12 分散控制系统工程设计规定(HG/T 20573)5.13 自控设计常用名词术语5.14 石油化工自动化仪表选型设计规范(SH 3005)5.15 石油化工控制室和自动分析器室设计规范(SH 3006)5.16 石油化工仪表配管配线设计规范(SH 3019)5.17 石油化工仪表接地设计规范(SH 3081)5.18 石油化工仪表供电设计规范(SH 3082)5.19 石油化工分散控制系统设计规范(SH/T 3092)5.20 石油化工企业信号报警、联锁系统设计规范(SHJ 18)5.21 石油化工企业仪表供气设计规范(SHJ 20)5.22 石油化工仪表保温及隔离吹洗设计规范(SH 3021)5.23 石油化工紧急停车及安全联锁设计导则(SHB-Z06)5.24 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Temperature and Humidity 过程测量和控制系统的环境条件:温度和湿度(ISA S71.01)5.25 Control Centers Facilities (ISA RP60.1) 控制中心设施5.26 Human Engineering for Control Centers (ISA RP60.3) 控制中心的人类工程5.27 Documentation for Control Centers (ISA RP60.4) 控制中心的文件5.28 Electrical Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.8)控制中心的电气导则5.29 Piping Guide for Control Centers (ISA RP60.9) 控制中心的配管导则5.30 Recommended Practice for the Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Systems in Refineries (API RP520)炼油厂压力泄压系统的设计和安装5.31 Vibration, Axial Position, and Bearing Temperature Monitoring Systems.(API 670)非接触式振动和轴位移监测系统5.32 Control Valve Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluids (ISA S39.1) 不可压缩流体用调节阀的口径计算公式5.33 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves (ISA S75.01)控制阀口径计算公式5.34 Control Valve Terminology (ISA S75.05 )控制阀术语5.35 Control Valve Manifold Designs (ISA RP75.06)控制阀的阀组设计5.36 调节阀口径计算(ANSI FCI62-1)5.37 Control Valve Seat Leakage (ANSI B16.104/FCI70-2)控制阀泄漏量规定5.38 Terminology for Automatic Control (ANSI C85.1) 自动控制术语6 通用图册和设计手册6.1 自控安装图册(HG/T 21581)6.2 仪表单元接线接管图册(TC 50B1)6.3 仪表回路接线图册(TC 50B2)6.4 自控设计防腐蚀手册(CADC 051)6.5 仪表修理车间设计手册(CADC 052)6.6 石油化工企业仪表修理车间设计导则(SHB-Z002)6.7 仪表维护设备选用手册(SHB-Z003)6.8 Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control systems (API RP550) 炼油厂仪表及调节系统安装手册6.9 Part ⅡInstallation Operation and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments (ISA S12.13) 可燃气体检测仪表的安装、操作和维护7 管法兰与管螺纹7.1 钢制管法兰国家标准汇编(GB 9112~9128)7.2 钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件(HG 20592~20635~97)7.3 高压管、管件及紧固件通用设计(H1~37)7.4 石油化工企业钢制管法兰(SH 3406)7.5 管路法兰及垫片(JB/T 74~90)7.6 用螺纹密封的管螺纹(GB 7306,相应于55°圆锥管螺纹)7.7 非螺纹密封的管螺纹(GB 7307,相应于55°圆柱管螺纹)7.8 60°圆锥管螺纹(GB/T 12716)7.9 钢管螺纹[ISO 7/1 (R.RC)]7.10 直管螺纹[ISO 228/1 (G.Ga)]7.11 Pipe Flanges and Falanged Fittings Flange surface shall be smooth. (ANSI B16.5)管法兰和法兰连接件7.12 Steel Orifice Flanges (ANSI B16.36、B16.36a)钢制孔板法兰7.13 Flange Mounted Sharp Edged Orifice Plates for Flow Measurement (ISA RP3.2)流量测量用法兰安装式锐孔板7.14 管螺纹(ASME B1.20.1)8 安全8.1 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备(GB 3836)8.2 外壳防护等级的分类(GB 4208)8.3 电气设备安全设计导则(GB 4064)8.4 电子测量仪器安全要求(GB 4793)8.5 爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范(GB 50058)8.6 石油化工企业设计防火规范(GB 50160)及1999年筑物抗震设计8.7 构筑物抗震设计规范(GB 50191)8.8 建筑抗震设计规范(GBJ 11)8.9 建筑设计防火规范(GBJ 16)8.10 火灾自动报警系统设计规范(GBJ 116)8.11 化工企业爆炸和火灾危险环境电力设计规范(HGJ 21)8.12 化工企业静电接地设计规程(HGJ 28)8.13 石油化工企业可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计规范(SH 3063)8.14 Electrical Instrument in Hazardous Atmospheres (ISA RP12.1) 危险大气里的电气仪表8.15 Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification (ISA S12.4) 用于降低危险区域等级的仪表吹气法8.16 Installation of Intrinsically safe Systems for Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISA RP12.6) 本安系统在危险区的安装8.17 Area Classification in Hazardous (Classified) Dust Locations (ISA S12.10) 危险粉尘场所的区域分类8.18 Electrical Equipment for Use in Class1, Division 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations (ISA S12.12) 1区2类危险场所的电气设备8.19 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures. (IEC 529) 外壳防护标准8.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres part10: Classification of hazardous areas.(IEC 79-10)爆炸气体场所的电力设备第10部分:危险场所的划分8.21 Part14: Electrical installations in explosive gas atmospheres.(IEC 79-14)爆炸气体环境的电力设备(除矿用外)8.22 Intrinsically Safe Apparatus in Division I Hazardous Locations (NFPA 493) I区危险场所中的本安设备8.23 Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations in Petroleum Refineries (API RP500A)炼油厂电气安装用防爆场所的划分9 环境卫生9.1 密封放射源一般规定(GB 4076)9.2 放射卫生防护基本标准(GB 4792)9.3 电磁辐射防护规定(GB 8702)9.4 辐射防护规定(GB 8703)9.5 放射性物质安全运输规定(GB 11806)9.6 低、中水平放射性固体废物暂时贮存规定(GB 11928)9.7 操作开放型放射性物质的辐射防护规定(GB 11930)9.8 环境核辐射监测规定(GB 12379)9.9 放射性防护规范(GBJ 211)9.10 a 、g 射线外照射个人剂量监测规定(EJ 269)9.11 工业噪声控制设计规范(GBJ 87)9.12 工业企业噪声测量规定(GBJ 122)9.13 化工建设项目噪声控制设计规定(HG 20503)9.14 石油化工企业环境保护设计规范(SHJ 24)9.15 炼油厂卫生防护距离(SHJ 1070)9.16 Methods for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels (ANSI S1.13)声压级的测量方法9.17 石油化工企业职业安全卫生设计规范(SH3047)10 施工验收10.1 工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范(GBJ 93)10.2 自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准(GBJ 131)10.3 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范(GB 50169)10.4 电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范(GB 50254)10.5 洁净室施工及验收规范(HGJ 71)10.6 石油化工仪表工程施工技术规程(SH3521)10.7 长输管道仪表工程施工及验收规范(SYJ 4005)10.8 工业控制计算机系统验收大纲(JB/T 5234)附录A 标准代号对照表A.1 GB(GB/T) 中华人民共和国国家标准A.2 JB(JB/T) 机械工业部行业标准A.3 HG(HG/T) 化学工业部行业标准A.4 HGJ 化学工业部工程建设标准A.5 H 原化学工业部标准A.6 CD 原化学工业部基本建设局标准A.7 TC(CADC) 化学工业部自动控制设计技术中心站标准A.8 SH 中国石化总公司行业标准A.9 SHJ(SYJ) 中国石化总公司工程建设标准A.10 SHB- Z 中国石化总公司自动控制设计技术中心站标准A.11 SYJ 中国石油天然气工业总公司工程建设标准A.12 NDGJ 电力工业部工程建设标准A.13 JGJ 建设部工程建设标准A.14 FJJ 纺织总会工程建设标准A.15 EJ 中国核工业总公司行业标准A.16 JJG 国家计量总局标准A.17 ZBY 仪器仪表专业标准A.18 ZBN 仪器仪表行业标准A.19 JB/YQ 仪器仪表行业内部标准A.20 ISO 国际标准化组织INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZITION FOR STANDARDIZATION A.21 IEC 国际电工委员会INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISIONA.22 ISA 美国仪表协会INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICAA.23 API 美国石油学会AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTEA.24 ANSI 美国国家标准协会AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTEA.25 ASME 美国机械工程师协会AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSA.26 NEPA 美国国家防火协会、美国流体动力协会NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATIONA.27 NEC 美国国家电气规程NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODEA.28 NEMA 美国电气制造商协会NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATIONA.29 DIN 德国国家标准DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIE NORMA.30 BS 英国国家标准BRITISH STANDARDSA.31 JIS 日本国家标准JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS。



Fire Triangle燃烧三要素
Solvent 溶剂 Cardboard 硬纸板 Timber 木材 Powder 火药等 etc. Spark 火星 Static 静电 Friction 摩擦 Electrical 电气等 etc.
Fuel 燃料
Non-classified Area 无需分类区域
Meet any one of the following conditions: 符合以下任何情况: 1. No release source and flammable materials are unable to reach无易燃物释放源并且易燃物无法侵 入的区域 Max concentration of flammable material is not more than 10% of LEL易燃物混合浓度低于LEL的 10%
Parameters 参数
MIE, uJ 最小点火能 AIT,℃自燃温度
Propane 丙烷
180 466
Ethylene 乙烯
60 425
Hydrogen 氢
20 560
That’s why different requirements of electrical devices are designed for various process areas or facilities. 这是为什么设计不同的电气装置用于不同的区域或设施
What is HAC 什么是危险区划分
• Dividing plant and equipment into zones • 将厂房和设备划分区域 – Progressively decreased risk that a flammable atmosphere may occur逐步减少可能出现易燃环境的风险 – Non-hazardous areas where risk is non-existent or may be neglected不存在或可忽略的风险区域为无危害区域 – Flammable gas e.g. hydrogen, acetylene易燃气体,如氢气, 乙炔 – Flammable liquids above their flash point e.g. acetone, ethanol, toluene储存环境超过闪点的易燃液体,如丙酮,乙 醇,甲苯 – Flammable mist e.g. aerosol易燃雾,如气雾剂 – Dust cloud e.g. sugar, flour, pharmaceuticals粉尘云团,如糖, 面粉,药粉


ANSI/ISA TR75.25.02
Control Valve Response Measurement from Step Inputs
ANSI B 1.20.1
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
Metric Screw Threads: M Profile
IEC 61131
Programmable Controllers
IEC 61285
Industrial-process control - safety ofanalyserhouses
IEC 61508
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/
IEC 60584-1
Thermocouples: Part 1: Reference tables
IEC 60584-2
Thermocouples: Part 2: Tolerances
IEC 60584-3
Thermocouples: Part 3: Extension and compensation cables- Tolerances and identification system
IEC 605344
Industrial process control valves Part 4: Inspection and routine testing
IEC 60534-5

ArcGIS 9.0 Hazmat 风险物质风险评估样式说明书

ArcGIS 9.0 Hazmat 风险物质风险评估样式说明书

Hazmat Style - ColorsFlood 1Flood 2Construction 1Construction 2Noise 1Noise 2Fume 1Fume 2Biohazard 1ChemicalRadiation 1Radiation 2PoisonEMT 1EMT 2EMT 3FireBlasting AgentsCombustible 1DangerousFlammableFlammable GasFlammable Gas 2NFPA BlueNFPA YellowNFPA RedExit Green WhitePotential Flood Overlay 100 Year Flood Overlay 500 Year Flood Overlay Construction Overlay Noise OverlayFume Overlay Biohazard Overlay Chemical Overlay Radiation Overlay Poison OverlayÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉSector BoundaryÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊDivision BoundaryÏÏÏÏÏÏBurnt Area¢EMT 1¢EMT 2¢EMT 3¥Fire Axe £Fire Hat¬Fire Hydrant 1«Fire Hydrant 2¡Fire Hydrant 3¬«Fire Hydrant 4¦Fire Rescue 1¨Fire Rescue 2§Fire Rescue 3©Fire Rescue 4¤Fire Truck 1 m Fire Truck 289:Blasting Agents $(Blasting Agents 1 $+Blasting Agents 1.5 8;Chlorine 11Chlorine 28<Combustible $Combustible 3G Corrosive 88=Corrosive Chemical 8@Dangerous 1"#Dangerous 2 $Dangerous When Wet 89>Explosives A$&Explosive A189A Explosives B$'Explosive B1$)Explosive 1$*Explosive 1.4$,Explosive 1.68B Flammable 1$Flammable 38C Flammable Gas 1 $Flammable Gas 28D E Flammable Solid 4.08O Q P Flammable Solid 4.157Flammable Solid 4.28F Fuel Oil 1$Fuel Oil 2C Harmful, Store Away From Foodstuffs 6 8G Non-Flammable Gas $Non-Flammable Gas 2 89H Organic Peroxide $B Organic Peroxide 5.2 89I Oxidizer$A Oxidizer 5.189J Oxygen 1$-Oxygen 28K PoisonD Poison 68L Poison Gas0Poison Gas 28M N RadioactiveF Radioactive 1, 7E F Radioactive 2, 7E F Radioactive 3, 7>?Spontaneously Combustible 4 J I Class 9e f g c NFPA Diamondh NFPA, Blacki NFPA, Radioactivej NFPA, Whitek NFPA, Bluel NFPA, 1 Bluem NFPA, 2 Bluen NFPA, 3 Blueo NFPA, 4 Bluep NFPA, Yellowq NFPA, 1 Yellowr NFPA, 2 Yellows NFPA, 3 Yellow t NFPA, 4 Yellow u NFPA, Redv NFPA, 1 Red w NFPA, 2 Red x NFPA, 3 Red y NFPA, 4 Red ¾Control Center ¿Control Point ÀBase Camp ÁAssembly Area ÂStaging Area ÃRefuge Area ÄAirbaseÅHelibaseÆHelipadÇWater Point (vehicle)ÈWater Point (heli)ÊDivision BoundaryËFire OriginÌSpot Fire 2ÍFire Direction 1ÎFire Direction 2ÏBurnt AreaÐProhibitionÕÔEmergency Exit 1ÚÔEmergency Exit 2ÙÔAccessible Emergency Exit 1ÔÝr Not an ExitßàUse Stairs 1áâUse Stairs 2äåDo Not Use Elevator - Fireq r No SmokingéèNo CampfiresíAuto Sprinkler Connect - Siamese îAuto Sprinkler Connect - Single ïStandpipe ConnectðSprinkler / StandpipeñFire HydrantòSprinkler Control ValveóElectric Panel or ShutoffôGas Shutoff ValveõFire Hose or Standpipe OutletöFire ExtinguisherëDirectional Arrow 1ìDirectional Arrow 2÷Child Care Center-Smoke Barrier Wall 1a ,Smoke Barrier Wall 1b +Smoke Barrier Wall 1c *Smoke Barrier Wall 1d )Smoke Barrier Wall 1e (Smoke Barrier Wall 1f 'Smoke Barrier Wall 1g &Smoke Barrier Wall 1h %Smoke Barrier Wall 1i $Smoke Barrier Wall 1j #Smoke Barrier Wall 1k $Smoke Barrier Wall 1l !Smoke Barrier Wall 1m ãParapet äFire Door - Less than 3hrsåFire Door - 3hr rated.Elevator in Combustible Shaft/Elevator in Non-combustible Shaft 0Open Hoistway2Escalator3Stairs in Combustible Shaft4Stairs in Fire-rated Shaft5Stairs in Open Shaft1Skylight6Boiler7Chimney8Fire Escape9Tank, Aboveground - Horizontal =Tank, Aboveground - Vertical:Tank, Belowground;Thrust Block<Riser>Valves (general)Valve in Pit@Post Indicator ValveA Key-Operated ValveB OS & Y ValveC Indicating Butterfly ValveD Nonrising - Stem ValveF Check ValveG Backflow Preventer - Double TypeH Backflow Preventer - RPZI MeterJ Private Hydrant K Public HydrantL Two Hose HydrantM Wall HydrantN Private Housed Hydrant O Siamese FD ConnectP Free-Standing FD Connect Q Single FD ConnectR Fire Pump with DrivesS Fire PumpT Test HeaderU Control PanelV Fire Alarm Control Panel W Fire System Annunciator X Fire Alarm Transponder Y Elevator Status/ RecallZ Fire Alarm Communicator [Halon Control Panel\Control Panel for Air]Emergency Light 1 Lamp^Emergency Light 2 Lamps_Emergency Light 3 Lamps`Illuminated Exit Sign 1 Facea Illuminated Exit Sign 2 Faceb Manual Stationc Manual Station - Halond Manual Station - CO2e Manual Station - Dry Chemicalf Manual Station - Foamg Manual Station - Wet Chemicalh Manual Station - Pull Station i Telephone Station - Accessj Telephone Station - Jackk Telephone Station - Hand-setl Abort Switch|Auto Detect Supervisory Devicem Heat Detectorn Heat Detector - Rise and Fixedo Heat Detector - Rate Compensation p Heat Detector - Fixed Temperature q Heat Detector - Rate of Rise Only r Smoke Detectors Smoke Detector - Photoelectrict Smoke Detector - Ionizationu Smoke Detector - Beam Transmit v Smoke Detector - Beam Receiverr Smoke Detector in Duct w Gas Detectorx Flame Detectory Flow Detectorz Pressure Detector {Level Detector}Tamper Detector¡Valve w/ Tamper Detector ¢Speaker/HornæMini-Horn£Bell¤Water Motor Alarm ¥Horn with Light 1¦Horn with Light 2§Light¨Door Holder©Extinguish Wet - AutoªExtinguish Wet - Manual«Extinguish Dry - Auto¬Extinguish Dry - Manual-Extinguish Foam - Auto®Extinguish Foam - Manual¯Extinguish Liq, Gas, Elec - Auto°Extinguish Liq, Gas, Elec - Manual ±Extinguish All - Auto²Extinguish All - Manual³Extinguish - Carbon Dioxide - Auto ´Extinguish - Carbon Dioxide - Manual µExtinguish - Halon - Auto¶Extinguish - Halon - Manual·Fully Sprinklered Space ¸Partially Sprinklered Space ¹Nonsprinklered Space|Upright Sprinkler 1»Upright Sprinkler 2ºPendent Sprinkler 1¼Pendent Sprinkler 2¾Sprinkler with Guard¿Sidewall SprinklerÀOutside SprinklerÁPipe HangerÂAngle ValveÃAlarm Check ValveÄDry Pipe Valve 1ÅDry Pipe Valve 2ÆDeluge ValveÇPreaction ValveÉPortable Fire ExtinguisherÉWater ExtinguisherÊFoam ExtinguisherËLiq, Gas, Elec ExtinguisherÌAll Types ExtinguisherÍCO2 ExtinguisherÎHalon ExtinguisherÏFire Fighting EquipmentÐCO2 Reel StationÑDry Chemical Reel StationÒFoam Reel StationÓHose Station, Dry StandpipeÔHose Station, Charged StandpipeÕMonitor Nozzle, DryÖMonitor Nozzle, Charged ×Purge, Manual Control ØFan, GeneralÚFan, DuctÙFan, RoofØFan, WallÛDamper, FireÜDamper, SmokeÝDamper, Fire/SmokeÞDamper, BarometricßPressurized Stairwell àVentilation OpeningsâAgent Storage Container áSpecial Spray NozzleHazmat Style - North Arrows_Haz North 2^Haz North 1。







引燃温度分组表3.爆炸性⽓体混合物的分类、分级、分组⽰例下⾯所⽰的举例表及爆炸性⽓体、蒸⽓特性表,引⾃《中华⼈民共和国爆炸危险场所电⽓安全规程》(试⾏)·1987年12⽉16⽇表1 爆炸性⽓体的分类、分级、分组举例表注:①表1未列⼊的爆炸性⽓体见附录B;②最⼤试验安全间隙与最⼩点燃电流⽐在分级上的关系只是近似相等。







紧急切断阀(EBV)防火要求一、术语再溯源在《Refinery Control Valves炼油厂控制阀》(API RP 553-1998) 对紧急切断阀EBV的定义如下:7.2.1 Emergency Block ValvesEmergency block valves are designed to control a hazardous incident. These are valves for emergency isolation and are designed to stop the uncontrolled release of flammable or toxic materials. These valves should be fire-safe rated valves if they are within the fire zone. The valves may be referred to as Types A, B, C, and D.由此可见,只有位于fire zone 的阀门才有fire-safe的特殊要求,而国内石油化工行业的设计文件中,目前在石化装置内并没有看到类似文件或者要求。

同样,API RP 553也对fire zone进行了定义。

7.2.2 Determination of Fire ZoneThis is the area which is unsafe to enter during an emergency situation. Distances are included as examples only refer to plant standards for actual distances. The area is considered to be within a 25-foot radius minimum surrounding the leak source。



美国石油学会(API)标准规范系列号标准代码描述1 API RP 500 1级1类和2类区域石油设施电气安装区域划分的推荐做法2 API RP 500B 陆上及海上固定与移动平台钻井与采油设施的电气安装区域划分的推荐做法3 API RP 505 1级0区、1区和2区石油设施电气安装区域划分的推荐做法4 API RP 520 artI 炼油厂压力释放设备的尺寸计算、选型和安装第1部分- 尺寸计算和选型5 API RP 520 artII 炼油厂压力释放设备的尺寸计算、选型和安装第2部分- 安装6 API RP 521 压力释放和泄压指南7 API STD 526 法兰钢压力释放阀8 API RP 550 炼油厂仪表和控制系统安装手册9 API RP 551 过程测量仪表10 API RP 576 压力释放设备的检查11 API STD 616 为石油、化工和气体工业服务的燃气透平12 API STD 617 为石油、化工和气体工业服务的离心压缩机13 API STD 620 大的、焊接式的低压储罐的设计和建造14 API RP 750 石油和炼油工艺危险管理15 API RP 752 与加工厂房相关的危险管理16 API RP 1104 管线和相关设施的焊接17 API RP 1111 海上碳氢管线设计、建造、操作和维护18 API STD 2000 冷冻和非冷冻低压储罐的放空19 API STD 2003 防止静电火化、闪电和漂移电流的保护措施20 API RP 14A ISO10432 井下安全阀设备规范21 API 14C 海洋石油生产平台基本表面安全系统的分析、设计、安装和试验22 API 14E 海洋石油生产平台管线系统设计和安装的推荐做法23 API 14F 非1级1类和2类区域固定和浮式海洋石油设施电气系统设计和安装的推荐做法24 API 14G 开式海洋石油生产平台防火和消防控制的推荐做法25 API 14J 海洋石油生产设施设计和安全分析的推荐做法26 API RP 2A LRFD 海上固定平台规划、设计和建造的推荐作法27 API RP 2A WSD 海上固定平台规划、设计和建造的推荐作法28 API 2G 海洋结构物上生产设施的推荐作法29 API 2I 浮式钻井单元停泊服务检测30 API 2L 海上固定平台直升机场规划、设计和建造的推荐作法31 API 2N 北极条件结构和管线规划和设计的推荐作法32 API 2X 海上结构制造超声波检查和技术员资质33 API 2Z 海上结构钢板预制资质34 API 5L8 新的绳管检测的推荐做法35 API SPEC 2B 结构钢管建造规范36 API SPEC 2C 海上吊机规范37 API SPEC 2F 系泊链条规范38 API SPEC 2H 海上平台管状节点锰钢规范39 API SPEC 2W 经过热处理的海洋结构钢板40 API SPEC 2Y 海上结构钢钢板淬火和冷却规范41 API SPEC 5L 软管规范42 API SPEC 6A 井口和管汇设备规范43 API SPEC 6D 管线阀门规范44 API SPEC 11P 石油和天然气生产服务往复压缩机规范45 API SPEC 11P 石油和天然气生产服务往复压缩机规范46 API SPEC 12B 螺栓生产液体储罐规范47 API SPEC 12D 现场焊接储液灌规范48 API SPEC 12F 运输船焊接储液灌规范49 API SPEC 12G 乙二醇气体脱水单元规范50 API SPEC 12J 石油和天然气分离器规范51 API SPEC 12K 间接型油田加热器规范52 API SPEC 12L 立式和卧式处理器规范53 API SPEC 12P 玻纤加固塑料罐规范54 API MPMS 4.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第1部分 -- 介绍55 API MPMS 4.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第2节 -- 管线校准试验装置56 API MPMS 4.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 小容积计量装置57 API MPMS 4.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 罐计量装置58 API MPMS 4.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 主计量装置59 API MPMS 4.6 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 脉冲计量60 API MPMS 4.7 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 现场标准测试计量61 API MPMS 4.8 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 计量系统操作62 API MPMS 5.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章计量第1节 -- 一般表记考量63 API MPMS 5.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第2节 -- 用位移表来计量碳氢液体64 API MPMS 5.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第3节 -- 用涡轮表来计量碳氢液体65 API MPMS 5.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第4节 -- 用附属设备来计量液体66 API MPMS 5.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第5节 -- 脉冲流量计量数据发射系统的保真度和安全性67 API MPMS 6.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第1节 -- 租用自动密闭输送系统68 API MPMS 6.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第2节 -- 安装架和车载非液化石油气产品计量69 API MPMS 6.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第5节 -- 装卸海运散装船计量系统70 API MPMS 6.6 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第6节 -- 管线计量系统71 API MPMS 8.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第8章采样第2节 -- 液体石油和石油产品自动采样的标准做法72 API MPMS 8.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第8章采样第2节 -- 液体石油和石油产品液体采样的混合和处理73 API MPMS 9.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第9章密度测定第1节 -- 原油和石油产品密度、相对密度(比重)或API比重的测量方法74 API MPMS 10.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第10章沉淀物和水第3节 -- 水和被离心分离过(实验室程序)的原油沉淀物的测定75 API MPMS 10.4 石油计量标准手册-第10章沉淀物和水第4节-水和/或被离心分离过(现场程序)的原油沉淀物的测定76 API MPMS 12.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第12章石油量化计算第2节 -- 来自带有原油和轻碳氢混合物的容积收缩原因77 API MPMS 14.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第1节 -- 密闭传输中的天然气收集和处理78 API MPMS 14.3.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第1部分 - 一般公式和无常指南79 API MPMS 14..3.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第2部分 - 安装要求规范80 API MPMS 14..3.4 油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第3部分 - 天然气应用81 API MPMS 14..3.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第4部分 - 背景,开发,执行程序和子程序文件82 API MPMS 14..4 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第4节 -- 天然气液体和蒸汽到同等容积的液体的质量转换83 API MPMS 14..5 来自成分分析的天然气混合物总热值、相对密度和压缩系数的计算84 API MPMS 14..6 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第6节 -- 连续性密度测量85 API MPMS 14..7 天然气液体质量测量标准86 API MPMS 21.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第21章用于电动计量系统的流量测量第1节 --电动气体测量87 API UBL 761 勘探和生产设施的风险模型设计88 API UBL 1130 计算机管线监控89 API UBL 1149 管线参数不定性和泄露检测结果。

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