AbstractBody language is an important part of nonverbal communication. It is a very usual phenomenon in our daily life. Body language plays an assistant role in communication, especially when communicate with foreigners. But in different countries, body languages have different significances and expressions except some world known ones. This paper,on the basis of some examples,comparing the body languages in the Western countries and China. It aims to illustrate the differences body language in different cultures and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding.Then promote people’s cross-cultural communication competence, reinforce the heart-to-heart understanding and in the end will benefit the communication between Weatern people and Chinese people.Key Words:body language; Western countries and China;comparison; difference; cross-cultural communication摘要体态语是非语言交际的重要组成部分,在我们生活中是很常见的现象。
英汉跨文化非言语交际身势语语用特征及文化差异1 引言人类交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合,非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分。
2 身势语的语用特征作为符号概念的身势是交际和传递信息的符号单位,它用于传递信息,早已未人们所熟悉,并能自如的运用各自群体中所通用的符号势进行交际。
2.1 辅助,替代功能身势语伴随话语,对话语起着补充,强调或者确定的辅助功能,他们相互依附,相互支持以取得预期良好的交际效果。
例如:” Pardon me,sir ,will you do mea favor ?Let mepurchase you one of these puddings. It would give mesuch pleasure. ”He jumped back as if he had been stung ,and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.“请原谅,先生,能赏我个脸吗?让我为您买一只布丁吧,如果您肯收下,我将不胜感激。
2.2 表情功能主要是通过面部表情表露感情或者情绪,当然,身体其他部分也可显露这类情绪。
A Contrastive Study of Body Language Between Chinese andEnglish-speaking Countries[Abstract] In human communication, people use body language to communicate, as well as verbal language. Body language is also called Kinesics. It belongs to the scope of nonverbal communication. Body language plays an important role in complementing, accenting, symbolizing or substituting utterance meaning. Body language, like verbal language, is also a part of culture. But in different cultures body language means the different things. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. Understanding the different cultural implication of English and Chinese body language can promote people’s cross-cultural communication competence, reinforce the heart-to-heart understanding and in the end will benefit the communication between English and Chinese people. This paper mainly expounds the features and functions of body language in pragmatics, presents the meanings of body language in different cultures from the point of cultures, researches body language’s cultural differences between English and Chinese, especially those in gesture, posture, facial expression_r_r_r, eye contact and physical distance, and discusses the importance of knowing cultural meanings. The research of English and Chinese body language in nonverbal communication is helpful for people todiminish or avoid misunderstandings caused by the cultural differences of body language.[Key Words] body language; English-speaking countries; China; contrast英汉身势语的对比研究[摘要] 人们在进行交流的过程中,除了运用语言这种普遍的方式外,也经常运用身势语。
中西身势语差异Body Language
• 情感表露 指用面部表情和各种体态动作表达内心的 思想情感。 • 象征动作 指用身体的某一部分象征性地表达一种意 思。 • 伴随动作 指人们说话时同时作出的相关动作,用于说 明、强调说话人表述的意思或反映某种即时的心理状 态。 • 反应动作 指人们在一定场景下作出的适应性动作,这 是对客观情况作出习惯性和机械性的反应。 • 调节动作 指说话双方为了调节彼此之间的交际行为 而作出的体态动作,这是一种非语言的反馈。
在公共场合,交谈者之间相距更远,如:在公共场所演说,教 师在堂上讲课,他们同听众距离很远。 多数英语国家的人不喜 欢人们离得太近,离得太远也有些别扭。离得太近会使人感到不 舒服,除非另有原因,如表示喜爱或鼓励对方与自己亲近等,但 这是另一回事。
在许多国家,握手已成为 一种常 用的表示亲热和友 好的礼节。但各国握手的 习惯不大一样 。 中西握手差别: 就力度来讲,西方人要 重,这与传统观念相关。 西方国家握过手后身体马 上分开;中国人则是先握 手,然后互相靠近,或者 干脆抓住不放。
一、不同民族在谈话时,双方保 持多大距离最合适。 二、各国对于身体接触的不同看 法。 三、目光接触的艺术。 四、交际中你会微笑吗? 五、手势语 六、中西方文化中的身势语对比。
一、不同民族在谈话时,双方保持多大距离最合 适
不同的民族在谈话时,对双方保持多大距离才合适有不同的看法。 在进行社交或公务谈话时,有四种距离表示四种不同的情况: • (1)亲密距离(0~45cm),适合于夫妻关系及情侣之间; • (2)私人距离(45~120cm),限于朋友、熟人或亲戚间的交往; • (3)礼仪距离(120~360cm),用于处理非个人性事务的场合之 中; • (4)公共距离(360~750cm),适用于非正式的聚会。
关键词:中西方文化身势语差异许多学者都曾指出身势语在跨文化交际中的重要性,Bi rdw hi s t ed R a yJ m过实验结果估计.交际中非语言交际信息约占65%。
身势语(body l a nguage)的概念是由美国心理学家伯德惠斯特尔(B i r dw hi st el l)首先提出的。
差异 。
2. 动作语言
由于不同民族的文化已经是根深蒂固 ,不容易接受与自己的习惯相反
在交际过程中 ,人体的各个部分都会有一定的动作 ,这些动作表达不 的信号 ,所以我们不能忽视文化约束力对身势语的影响以及文化和环境差
同的意思 ,我们把这些叫做动作语言 。在动作语言中 ,手的动作最为丰富 , 异所赋予身势语的不同含义 。最为熟悉的动作就是将食指和中指构成一
表情语言中 ,用眼睛交流是人类普通的交际行为 ,由于民族和文化的
语言等方面来探究身势语 。
差异 ,东西方的目光表现都有不同的含义 。东方人交谈的时候 ,习惯于眼
一 、身势语的分类
睛只看到对方的颈部 ,以表示对发言者的尊重 ,而美国人交谈往往将目光
1. 表情语言
注视着对方的眼睛以表示对发言者的尊重 。
于膝盖上或在胸前做较少的手势 ,而欧美领导人一般是翘着二郎腿 ,上身 定民族的文化素质提升到新的高度 。
半侧 ,手臂的动作幅度较大 。这两种姿态给人完全不同的印象 ,前者端庄
身势语涉及文化 、艺术 、文学 、科学 、民俗 、心理学 、社会学 、宗教 、历史
大方 ,后者潇洒自如 ,但都有一定的男士风度 。
通的情况下人们就可以用这种非语言的手段来交际 。
同 ,打叉则表示否认或不同意 ,而英语语言区国家则以打叉表示肯定或赞
当然 ,在不同文化背景下 ,同样的身势语所传达的信息是多种多样 成 。在国际交流中 ,若要进行非语言交际 ,一定要注意不同文化下身势语
的 ,一方面 ,时代 的 发 展 逐 步 影 响 着 身 势 语 的 表 达 , 譬 如 握 手 源 于 西 所表达的不同含义 ,否则就会出现令人尴尬的场面 。
它是最便利的交际工具 。见面要握手 ,说话有动作 ,再见要挥手 ,手的动作 个 V 字 ,就是从 英 文 的 V ICTORY 得 来 的 , 现 在 在 中 国 也 用 的 很 多 。而
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》:哈克和吉姆的性格对他们关系的影响分析2 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度3 论礼貌制约下You-attitude在英语商务信函中的用法4 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting5 对《灿烂千阳》中姐妹情谊的分析6 非语言行为在小学外教英语教学中的运用7 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms8 英文电影片名翻译策略研究9 On the Fighting Spirit of Buck in The Call of The Wild10 《政府工作报告》中的概念隐喻及其英译方法11 文化负迁移对翻译的影响12 论中西婚姻观的差异13 美国情景喜剧字幕翻译的归化策略--以《生活大爆炸》为例14 A Brave Call for Peace--An Analysis of the Relationship between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley and Its Tragic Ending in A Farewell to Arms15 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 805 990 74 916 中文商标英译研究17 The Destruction and Degeneration of Heroines in William Faulkner’s Works18 《人性的污点》中主要人物的悲剧命运与社会原因的分析19 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究20 论《黑夜中的旅人》中主人公的信仰冲突与融合21 从《简爱》看世纪女性地位及女性意识的觉醒22 英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段23 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素24 A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights25 论英汉数字习语的差异及翻译26 浅谈《旧约》中女性的形象和地位27 简爱与嘉莉妹妹女性形象比较28 英汉动物习语的对比研究29 网络流行语翻译评析——“神马都是浮云”个案分析30 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略31 《马克•吐温—美国的镜子》中的中英文衔接手段的对比和翻译32 从民族文化心理差异角度看功能对等论在商标翻译中的运用33 中英动物习语使用和翻译的差异研究34 中英广告的文化差异及翻译35 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融36 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)浅析促销战略在电子商务中的应用——以淘宝“双十一”大促为例37 从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译38 论狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想39 《莫比.迪克》中的象征意义40 中医术语翻译方法研究41 语言行为性别差异研究42 从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由43 从冲突到和解—解析《接骨师之女》中的母女关系44 游戏教学法在初中英语课堂教学中的应用45 Cooperative Learning in English Interpretation Class46 澳大利亚英语词汇和澳大利亚文化(开题报告+论)47 汉英语序对比浅析48 Influences of Encouraging Words on Students In High School Classes49 A Study on Differences of Family Education between China and America--A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club50 Scarlett的人物形象分析51 目的论视角下的化妆品翻译52 A Preliminary Survey of Translating San in Chinese Idioms53 An Analysis on Shear's Personality in The Bridge on the River Kwai54 文化对在校英语学习的重要性55 A Comparison of the English Color Terms56 A Cultural Approach to the Translation of Movie Titles57 从跨文化交际视角谈品牌翻译策略58 浅析《白牙》中爱的力量59 《请买票》的生态女性主义解读60 The Comparison of Marriage Traditions between China and America61 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较62 论英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵差异63 《我的安东妮娅》中的文化冲突研究64 浅谈英语中歧义65 An Analysis of Key Elements of Cross-cultural Business Negotiation66 英语歌曲名称汉译研究67 《远离尘嚣》中女主角的情感变迁研究68 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》的生态解读69 对跨文化交际中肢体语言的研究70 A Comparative Study on Gratitude Expressing Approaches of Chinese and Western Relatives71 Psychological Analysis of Stuttering in The King’s Speech72 《基督山伯爵》中的复仇,复活以及宽恕73 全身反应法在少儿英语教学中的应用——以杭州英之辅EF语言培训为例74 论中西文化中家庭观念的差异75 On Advertising Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie76 浅谈《竞选州长》中的幽默与讽刺77 A Script-based Study of the Female Theme in Scent of a Woman78 卡门-波西米亚之花79 打破沉默——接骨师之女中“沉默”主题的解读80 试析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中女主人公艾米莉的形象81 非言语交际对演讲的影响82 经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》83 任务型英语教学的理论与实践探讨84 《远离尘嚣》人物分析及悲剧写法85 从女性主义的角度研究萧伯纳《华伦夫人的职业》中的女性形象86 东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品87 论爱伦•坡小说《莫格街谋杀案》中悬疑的设置88 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒89 《神探夏洛克》文化现象研究90 图式在英语阅读中的作用91 英文电影片名翻译中的归化与异化策略92 大学生英语学习归因倾向的调查研究93 《紫色》的妇女主义解读94 埃德娜:一个孤独的女战士——解读凯特•肖邦的《觉醒》95 A Research on Frances Burnett’s “Fauntleroy” Writing Style96 解析网络语言的变异97 对罗伯特•弗罗斯特自然诗的尝试性研究98 论《宠儿》中的象征意象99 关注耐心教育——浅谈《差不多是大人的人》中黑孩子的叛逆心理100 《名利场》的女性主义解读101 禅宗思想在艾米莉迪金森诗歌中的体现102 中西饮食文化差异探析103 论委婉语与国际商务谈判104 伍尔芙的人生经历对其小说创作的影响105 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略106 汽车广告英语的语言特点及其翻译107 Negative Transfer and the Errors Committed by Chinese English Learners108 Sino-US Cultural Differences——Through Comparison Between APPLE and OPPO 109 时政漫画看美国社会110 浅析《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结111 文化差异对英语学习的影响112 《名利场》的女性主义解读113 外贸函电写作中存在的误区及其对策114 盖茨比的悲剧成因分析115 从语用学角度分析《老友记》中的幽默116 对公共演讲课堂中大学生课堂表现的心理分析117 比较约翰·邓恩与艾米丽·迪金森诗歌中奇思妙喻的艺术效果118 会计文本语言特色分析——以《国际收支手册》为例119 A Tentative Study of the Origin of American Place Naming120 Wessex Women: Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels121 聊天室中网络英语缩略词浅析122 Improving the College Students’Writing Skill through Cohesive Devices123 如果不复仇——论呼啸山庄中的爱与恨124 An Analysis of the Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Tess of the D’Urbervilles125 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同126 汉语中的英语外来语127 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译128 解析马克吐温《竞选州长》中的幽默讽刺艺术129 诠释《儿子与情人》中儿子、母亲、情人之间的关系130 抽象名词词义内涵及其翻译策略131 中西方文化中颜色词的隐喻比较研究132 合作原则视角下对《老友记》中台词的幽默研究133 中国奢侈品的营销之道134 浅析中美幽默之差异135 从语用学的角度谈美剧中的言语幽默——以《老爸老妈浪漫史》为例136 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则137 A Comparison of the English Color Terms138 重新诠释玛格丽特的人生悲剧根源139 从电视剧《绝望主妇》看委婉语的交际功能140 Two Trapped Roses—A Comparative Study on Emily and Miss Havisham141 A Brief Discussion on the Translation of Brand Names142 论《追风筝的人》中父子关系的心理剖析143 从数字的联想意义研究中西文化的差异144 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征及其作用145 中英爱情隐喻的对比研究146 简爱与林黛玉的形象比较分析147 从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象148 从动态对等角度分析中国旅游景点名称英译——以中国庐山网为例149 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析150 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究151 傅东华译《飘》归化现象浅析152 浅析英语委婉语的应用领域153 论海勒《约塞连幸免于难》的黑色幽默的荒诞与反讽154 The Interpretation of A Rose for Emily from the Perspective of Feminism155 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例156 《哈利波特》中西弗勒斯•斯内普的人物分析157 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理158 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利留给世人的礼物159 凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中女主人公女性意识的觉醒160 论莎士比亚戏剧中的女扮男装现象161 从尤金•奈达的功能对等理论角度论网络流行语的可译与不可译162 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese163 论旅游广告的显影性164 The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry165 《园会》中男性人物性格作用分析166 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界167 从追求走向幻灭与死亡——谈马丁•伊登的美国梦168 On Characteristic Features of the Main Characters in The Moon and Sixpence169 中西方文化背景对理解隐喻的影响170 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield171 论纳撒尼尔霍桑《牧师的黑面纱》中的象征172 英语写作中的母语迁移作用及教学启示173 A Withering Rose:An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy174 英语商标的汉译原则及策略175 英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析176 A Comparison of the English Color Terms177 《奥罗拉•李》中的女性形象解读178 《可爱的骨头》的电影改编分析179 论《小妇人》中的家庭教育问题180 Cause of Tragedy in Desire Under the Elms181 福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的三个世界182 浅析委婉语的构造方式及功能183 中英文化中寒暄语的比较184 意象图式研究185 语用模糊及语用功能186 适者生存—对《飘》中生存意识的探究187 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析188 从文体风格谈培根散文《论美》的翻译189 美国文学中的美国梦研究190 从文化差异的角度对英语习语翻译的研究191 从《简爱》和《藻海无边》看罗切斯特对女性和婚姻的态度变化192 《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧193 文化差异视角下的英语称谓语的翻译策略194 从《纯真年代》中的女性角色看伊迪斯•华顿的女性意识195 加工层次理论指导下的商务英语词汇学习196 The Tragic Destiny of Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises197 《瓦尔登湖》中寂寞观的超验主义分析198 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation199 On C-E Translation of Neologisms from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory200 浅谈商务英语合同的翻译。
浅谈英汉 身势语的文化差异
杨 春 会
( 尔滨体育学院公共课教学部, 哈 黑龙江 哈 尔滨 1oO ) 5 00
摘要 : 身势语是人类社会 文化 交流和发展的产物 , 是传递信息的一种非语 言手段 。它同语言一样是民族文化 的一部 分, 在人 们的交际中起着独特 的不可忽视 的作用。由于文化风俗 的差异, 英汉文化都有属 于自己的身势语 , 并存在 差异性 , 了解这些 文化 差异有助 于跨文化交际。本文从 面部表情着眼介绍 了 汉身势语 的差异。 英 关键词 : 英汉身势语 ; 文化差异 ; 面部表情
2 0 年第 0 期 09 5 第2 s卷 ( 2 1期 ) 总 2
J R L OF E C 0U NA DU NA S n’ E 0F JU P L DiT Ur I R0、 CE , l
Nn 5.o 9 O 2 o V0 5 L2
的 。中 国人 用 拇 指表 示 “ ” 用 小 手 指 表 示 “ ” 好 , 差 ,
不清中国人笑的含义 了, 要理解那么多的含义并 学 会识别 确实 有一定 难 度 。 英 汉不 同的文化差异 导致 了英汉身势语 的差 异, 这种差异往往会导致跨文化交际 中相互间的信 息传递不畅 , 引起文化 冲突。要使跨文化交际获 得 成功 , 就必须注重英汉身势语 的文化差异。 三 、 少 英 汉 身 势 语 表 达 中 文 化 冲 突 的 几 个 减
中图分 类号 : 3 3 1 H 1. 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :6 1 18 (09 0—0 0—0 17— 5 0 2o )5 0r 2 7
d8 a rl) py 它 每 作为非语言交际的一种重要手段 , 身势语是表达 了显露 规则 ( i l ue 的概 念 , 表 明“ 种 文 化 这些规则指导个人显露社 个人内心世界的无声而真实的语言, 是一个民族文 都发展了一系列的规则 , 它表达个人在一定 的条件下所 体 化的一部分。由于不同民族的文化已经根深蒂固, 不 会所认可的行为 , 验的情绪。不 同的文化有不 同的显 露规则 , ” 以笑 为 容易接受与 自己习惯相反的信号 , 以我们不能忽视 所 文化约束力对身势语 的影响以及文化环境差异所赋 例, 中国人 的笑在某些场合会 引起外 国人 的反感 。 予身势语的不同含义。英汉文化存在着极大的差异, 个美 国人失手摔了一个盘子 , 他本来就感 到很窘 这种差异直接制约着我们对身势语信息的正确获得。 迫, 而在场的中国人发出的笑声使他更加觉得不是 又气又恼。其实这种笑并非嘲笑 当事人 , 也不 如果交际双方不注意这种文化差异, 就会使交际发生 滋味 , 只是表示“ 当一 回事 ” “ 别 、 没关系” 的 障碍 , 造成相互间的信息传递的不畅。对英汉身势语 是幸灾乐祸 , 进行对 比研究具有极其重要的现实意义 , 它不仅有助 意思 。 于英语语言学习者更好地掌握英语语言文化, 而且还 英美人对 中国人的微笑也感到不可思议 , 称 并 会避免英汉两种语言使用者在实际交际中产生一些 之为“ 比蒙娜丽莎还 蒙娜丽莎 ” 不 可捉摸 的微 的“ 笑” 。一个 比较典型 的例子是 : 一位美 国留学生 回 不应有的误会 , 从而大大提高交际效果。 校后很不高兴地向中国老师诉说她在那里的不愉快 英 汉 文化 中身势 语的差 异 中西文化底蕴各不相 同, 这直接体现在语言当 遭遇 , 老师一直微笑地听着 , 学生很不高兴 , 质问老 老师会用很 明显 的感 中, 这一点在身势语方面体现得尤为明显 。而面部 师为什么发笑 。因为在美国, 情共鸣的表情做出反应 ; 中国的老师看起来似乎 而 表 情是 说话 时最 明显有 效 的辅 助 方式 , 此本 文 以 因 身势语 当中的面部表情为例来解析一下英汉身势语 是在幸灾乐祸 。再如 中国人 习惯 以微笑来 表示友 愉快 、 满意或者安慰。唐玄宗诏令快骑从岭南千 的文化差异 。面部表情是身势语 中最能表现人情绪 好、 里运送荔枝以取悦于杨贵妃的故事在诗人笔下成为 的一种手段 。由于生理和心理 的原因 , 人们内心 的 各 种情 绪不 可避 免地 会从 面部 反映 出来 。面部 表情 骑红尘妃子笑 , 无人知是荔枝来” 的名句。杨贵 在人际交流 中 占有 相当重要 的地位 。人 的基本感 妃的满心喜悦在一个“ ” 中得 以生动体现 , 笑 字 但这 情, 如喜、 哀、 、 、 、 怒、 欲 爱 恶 惧等都可以通过面部表 种含蓄的微笑在英美人眼里变得 “ 不可捉摸 ” 。中 情 反映 出来 。 国人的笑 的含义很多, 既可以表示赞赏 , 又可以表示 人类面部表情 由生物遗传 , 由于文化传统不 不 同意 、 但 不屑一谈、 接受对方的好意 、 听不 清对方说 同, 人们对某一事物 的面部表情反应 也会有差异。 了什么 , 以及回避其他不便或不愿明确表态 的含义 , 也难怪 外 国人 会弄 不懂 了。 弗里森 和汤姆金斯在大量实验和研究的基础上提出
息 科 技 突 飞 猛 进 、 通 1 快 捷 、 国 各 民 族 交 往 1 及 眼 神 , 们 可 以 观 察 别 人 的 内 心 世 界 。 人 的 眼 睛 交 3益 各 3 我
渐 增 多 的 今 天 , 势 语 内涵 的 变 化 也 在 不 断 “ 新 ” 是发 射信 息 最 多 的 部 位 之 一 , 统 计 , 语 中有 关 身 刷 。 据 英
手 身 方 面 , 一 个 特 定 的 民 族 传 统 文 化 里 , 势 语 所 表 达 是 人 们 研 究 的 重 点 。 下 面 主 要 从 目 光 、 势 、 体 姿 在 身
的 意 思 是 约 定 俗 成 的 , 反 某 种 “ 势 ” 易 引 起 交 势 、 觉 四 个 方 面 探 讨 英 汉 身 势 语 的 不 同 之 处 。 违 定 极 触
20 0 2年 1 1月
安徽 大 学学 报 ( 学 社会 科 学版 ) 哲
J u a fAn u iesy ( hlsp y a d S ca ce c s o r lo h i v ri P i o h n o ilS in e ) n Un t o
情 、 止 动作 、 觉等 身势语 方 面 的文 化 差异 , 身 势语 在 英汉 两种 文 化 背景 中 的 内 涵作 了 举 触 对 “ ” “ 的 对 比分析 , 异 与 同” 旨在 说 明 学 习 身 势 语 文 化 内 涵 对 学 习 英 语 语 言 的 重 要 性 。 关 键 词 : 势 语 ; 化 内涵 ; 化 交 际 身 文 文
1英 汉 身 势 语 文化 内涵 之 异 .
身 势 语 和语 言 一 样 也 是 文 化 的 载 体 , 势 语 行 身
人 的 身 体 各 部 位 的 运 动 肌 的 动 作 、 官 都 可 以 表 达 器
中西身势语差异Body Language概要
在许多国家,握手已成为 一种常 用的表示亲热和友 好的礼节。但各国握手的 习惯不大一样 。 中西握手差别: 就力度来讲,西方人要 重,这与传统观念相关。 西方国家握过手后身体马 上分开;中国人则是先握 手,然后互相靠近,或者 干脆抓住不放。
2.拥抱 在欧美拥抱是跟握手 相提并论的见面礼仪,但 有些国家也不一定拥抱, 如:印度,日本,芬兰等。 在西方国家公众场合的拥 抱是一种礼仪,在中国公 开场合通常不拥抱。 阿拉伯人,俄国人,法 国人以及东欧和地中海沿 岸的一些国家里,两个男 人也热烈拥抱,亲吻双颊 表示欢迎。
3.亲吻 亲吻礼,作为一种重要的社交礼节,是表示亲密、 热情和友好的一种礼节。 欧美人,待别是意大利、法国、荷兰、德国、美 国人多喜欢“亲吻礼”。 • 吻的部位不同,表示的含意也完全不同。 • 吻手表示敬意; 吻颊表示我愿意成为你的朋友; 吻唇表示我喜欢你; 吻额表示关爱; 吻眼表示幻想; 吻掌表示热情;
Body Language—Nonverbal Communication
楚雄师范学院 外国语学院 2012级英语2班第13小组
• 语言是人类交际的重要工具,但并不是 唯一的交际手段。当人们谈话时,经常 伴随着各种手势和姿势这是一种非语 言交际行为。语言与非语言交际的同 时运用是在任何一种文化中都极为重 要的表现形式。 • 非语言交际是人际交往的重要组成部 分。它和语言交际一样,是人们互相交 往的方式。在交际过程中,两者互为依 托,相辅相成,共同传递信息与情感,构成 整个交际行为。
手势是人们交往时不可或缺的体态动作,是最具有表现 力的一种形体语言。手势在各国有不同的意义,不同的 文化背景赋予手势不同的交际功能。 在一般情况下,可以把手势语分为四类: 1、情绪性手势。情绪性手势是指用以表示强烈情感 的手势。 2、指示性手势。指示性手势只是用以表示直白的目 的,要求的手势。 3、象征性手势。象征性手势是指用表达抽象概念, 以引起听者联想的手势。 4、象形性手势。象形性手势是指用手模拟事物形状, 强化印象的手势。
[2]152-153 身势语与话语同时或先后进行,它能使言语表达更生动、更形象,语义信息量更大、更清楚。
请看下面这段话:With a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings. 他当机立断,转向女店员,大声说道:“劳驾把这只替我包扎一下,我要带走。
A Comparison of Body Language between China and English-speaking CountriesWith the development of inter-cultural communication, the role of non-verbal communication becomes more and more obvious, which means that the position of body language is also becoming increasingly important. Therefore, if we want to have a successful inter-cultural communication it is very necessary for us to understand the similarities and differences of body language in different countries. There are many examples which can show the similarities and differences between China and English-speaking countries. And the comparison of body language between China and English-speaking countries is a very complicated question for us to understand them drastically. And it is a very hard task for us to learn every body language of every nation and countries. So this article mainly takes some typical ones to explain the similarities and differences of body language between China and English-speaking countries.3.1 The GesturesIn stead of verbal communication, people can also communicate and express our thoughts by the movements and patters of hands and fingers. And that is called gesture communication. Gesture communication which is the core of non-verbal communication plays a very important role in the whole communication. But gesture has different meanings in different countries and different cultural backgrounds also give the same gesture different functions in communication. For example, Chinese people show the meaning of good by thumbs up and show the meaning of bad or poor by extending the pinkie. However, the situation in America is not the same. If Americans extend their thumbs up that means hitchhike. There are also some other typical examples can show the importance of gesture in inter-cultural communication. And following are the examples.Firstly, in China, people move their fingers around the temples it means they are thinking. But in America, if people move their fingers around their temples it means that they are crazy. Secondly, when Chinese people see the foreign gusts use their palms across the neck after the dinner they feel very amazed because they can not understand why the foreigners show the action of suicide after the dinner. But in fact, the Americans just want to show that they are stuff.Thirdly, the posture of salutation is also different between China and English-speaking countries. If people want to ask someone to come over they will move their index finger upward and inside in English-speaking countries, while Chinese people will move their hands down and towards themselves. The gesture of number is another typical example which shows the differences of body language between China and English-speaking countries. Take the number 10 for example, in English-speaking countries, people will show the meaning of ten by opening their two fists, while Chinese people express the meaning of ten by making a fist by one of their hand. There are also a number of unique gestures in China and English-speaking countries, such as o-type gesture, which means zero or no in France and which refers to a man with homosexual tendencies in some Mediterranean countries. O-type gesture means both three and zero in China. The sign of victory between China and English-speaking countries can also show the cultural influence of the body language among different nations. In English-speaking countries, the V-type gesture express the meaning of victory and this action started from the World War II when Churchill took this gesture to show meaning of victory. But in China, the way to show victory is that people hold the arms and wave their hands in the air. For example, when Chinese athletes win the games in the sport meeting the always do this action to show their mood. The main reason forthose situations above is that the habits of different nations are not the same. It is well known to us, the habits can be represented through the behavior. And the habit can also incarnate the historical backgrounds of culture in different countries. So the differences and similarities of body language are still inseparable from the culture. In personal contacts everyone has his or her gesture. And because of the differences of culture, the gestures bring us many conveniences. But at the same time it also causes many troubles, especially in inter-cultural communication. If we do not know the meaning and ambiguity of gestures in the communication, we will not be success in the inter-cultural communication in both our daily life and in the business.3.2 The Facial ExpressionThe importance of facial expression in non-verbal communication is recognized for most of us. But the various cultural connotations of facial expression are hard to estimate. Compared with any party of body movement, the facial movement is more unpredictable and vague. Most of the facial movement are innate rather than acquired result of cultural. Rules about facial expression are too numerous and complex. It is difficult for us to know all the details, but we can try to understand the basic ones. Smile is a very important and common facial expression. In the culture of both China and English-speaking countries, a slight smile means happiness. However, in daily behavior, because of the humble attitude of the people in China and conceited attitude in English-speaking countries, there are really some differences of facial expression which can be not ignored among those countries. For example, when people are praised sincerely by others Chinese people always give a negative response both in language and action with the facial expression of denial, unacceptable, unbelievable and so on, while the people in English-speaking countries will accept the praise with smile and say thank you. Chinese people always think that this attitude of the English-speaking countries is too proud and arrogant. Conversely, English-speaking countries' people believe that Chinese people are too modest. Just from this, we can get the differences of the way of thinking between Chinese people and English-speaking countries' people.Eye contact is another typical example of facial expression. Eye language means that people use their eyes to convey information and express our thoughts and it is also a very important means of communication. As the common saying goes eyes are the windows of the soul, and which shows that through the eyes we can understand others' inner world. But due to the similarities and differences among countries, eye language also does not express the same meanings in different countries. For example, English-speaking countries' people always disgust that Chinese people often look back others in a very short time in the communication and the believe that this action is the symbol of looking down upon them. Though people in both China and English-speaking countries think that it is not a good habit when you communicate with others without the eye contact, the concrete reason of this attitude is not the same between Chinese and English-speaking countries' people. The people of English-speaking countries think that the lack of eye contact during the conversation is a symbol of lacking honesty and interest, while Chinese people think that is a symbol of lacking respect and obedience. In America, there is such a saying, do not believe those people who can not look at you directly. British people also think that you should look at each other directly to show you are listening in the communication.There is also another facial action which can show the difference of the body language between China and English-speaking countries. And that is called Shen shetou. In China when people, especially the children and girls feel embarrassing they always take this action to show they are shy. But in English-speaking countries, English-speaking countries' people never do thisaction because they think this is a very rude action. From the examples of facial expression, we can know that the Chinese are more undemonstrative, while the people in English-speaking countries are more direct. The main reason for this difference is that the people receive the different education in different nations. Though both Chinese and the English-speaking countries' people are educated to be more polite, Chinese receive a more conservative education. And the education background is one form of the culture, so that the body language is actually affected by the culture.3.3 The Head MovementHead movements are used very frequently in the non-verbal communication. And the head movements also have a very important contribution in body language in the inter-cultural communication. Knowing the meaning of the head movement of other countries can help us avoid a lot of trouble in the conversation.Firstly, take nod for example, in China it is a symbol of greeting or it just means coming here. But this body action also often seems a little superiority and it is also regarded as an action of contempt. For example, the policeman can call the suspect come over by this action. Another typical head movement is shacking head, which shows the meaning of no, reject, refusal and so on. Some people think that the origin of shacking head is the action, by which the baby refused to eat. This shows that the way of thinking of different nations still have something in common. This action in both China and English-speaking countries is also a contradictory action. It sometimes also means happy or admire, but it often accompanied with a smile and other signs of pleasure and admiration. In this situation, shaking head shows the meaning of that I could not believe or it shows the meaning of that this can not be true. There are also some other head movements which express different meanings in different countries. For example, when people want to show the meaning of might, hesitation, and so on, they will shake their head side to side in English-speaking countries. But there is no such a head action in China. There is also another head action which is not done by Chinese people. When people lower their head into 8-type that means they are feeling shyness and discomfiture. And this action also accompanied with some expression, such as hide their hands behind their back and so on. Though there are many head movements which show differences in meanings, most of the head movements have the same meaning in different countries. This situation shows that it is not the only rule that every body language is different among different countries. And as it has been explained before, the body language is one part of culture; the culture also has the same points in different nations.3.4 The Posture The importance of posture in body language can be not ignored, because when you talk to others the first thing comes into their vision is posture. The choice of body posture is also reflected by the cultural differences between China and English-speaking countries. There is an example can show this reflection. In Chinese traditional culture, people always think that the person who often sits is in the position of dominance. There are some example can show this situation, such as the king sit, while the courtiers stand; the father sit, while the son stand; the boss sit, while the employees stand and so on. Therefore younger people always give their seat to the older ones to show their respect. But the situation in English-speaking countries is on the contrary; the persons who are in the position of dominance tend to stand in order to show a higher status. If people of higher status choose a sitting position it means that they hope to create an atmosphere of harmony and equality and hope to reduce the distance between the two sides. Standing and sitting posture in different cultures also represent different behavior. When Americanmen sit they love to put one of his legs to the other and let the tiptoe toward the next person and this action is called Qiao Erlang Tui, which is the habit that Chinese people can not accept, because this is considered extremely impolite to the guest. In Cairo, there had been such a thing that a British professor sits on the chair and let his feet point to the students and such a behavior angered the Egyptian students so that the students parade and strongly demand to expulse the British professor. In fact, such actions have also caused strong resentment of students in China. The arm movement is a very important part of the posture.As for the arm movement, the significance of the arm movement in different nations is very different. There are many body languages which take the arm as one of the tool. Take oath for example, the action of oath is much different between China and English-speaking countries. In China, when people swear they always clench the right hand and let the palm outward and over the shoulder simultaneously. But in terms of the people in English-speaking countries, they are used to pen their right hands and raise the hand on a high level and sometimes they may put their left hands on the Bible.The leg movement is another party of posture. It seems that legs are not important in non-verbal communication because of its tick and inflexible. However, if we observe carefully we will find that the contribution of legs in non-verbal communication can not be ignored. Leg movements mainly base the stance. When people talk to others whether they sit or stand all depends on the cultural difference in different countries. In our daily interactions, Chinese people like to ask the guest to sit down because they think they can not exchange very will when the guests are standing. But in many cases, westerners have a preference for station. They stand for meeting, dinner, chatting and so on. In the National Day Celebration Party of Franc, there are thousands of participants, of which there many old people who are over seventy years old. But to our surprise is that there is no any chair in the garden. Because all the people just stand to talk to others freely. Even though both their waist and legs are painful, they will not have any complain. This shows that the leg movement in different cultures may differ materially. The examples of the difference of the posture show the differences of characters of the people of different countries. Most of English-speaking countries have the Open character. They always dare to express themselves, and which is the behavior which most of the Chinese people can not accept. The character is also influenced by the history background which is also the part of culture. So it is easily to know that because of the cultural difference the body language can be different in different nations. And if we want to success in the inter-cultural communication we should try to understand those differences in the posture.3.5 The Physical Contact Except those body languages above, there are still many other examples of body language which can show the differences of non-verbal communication in inter-cultural communication. Take physical contact for example. Contact mainly refers to change the information through body contact. China is a country with low contact culture.In China, when people meet each other or say hello to others they show their friendship just by nodding, raising their hands or shaking hands. In English-speaking countries, both homosexual and heterosexual people have the habit of hugging and kissing each other which can not be accept by Chinese people, because these actions are just be done between lovers and couples in China. But some close actions between the same-sex friends in China, such as arms around, hand in hand and so on, are regarded as the action which should happen between gays in English-speaking countries.In English-speaking countries, if people touch others because of crowding or carelessness they will apology for that immediately. But in China, people will not do so, because they think this situation is just a piece of cake and they have been used to the crowding in public places. This has become one habit of Chinese people. From all these examples of body language between China and English-speaking countries, we can know that the specific traditions and national customs decide the specific signification of body language and we can get that the reasons cause these differences and similarities are various, such as the difference of education background, the difference of characters, the difference of view, and so on. And all of these causes are collectively referred to cultural differences. There is no list for all the examples of this, but the examples above are enough to prove the differences of body language in different lingual backgrounds.From this we can know that body language is a part of culture it plays a very important role in the inter-cultural communication. Furthermore, we should realize that if we do not understand the different meaning of body language in different cultures and if we do not understand the ambiguity of body language in different cultures, we will meet a lot of troubles in the interpersonal communication. So we all should know the importance of understanding and the importance of mastering the comparison of body language between China and English-speaking countries. And that can help us avoid many unnecessary troubles in our future inter-cultural communication.4. ConclusionBody language, by which we can express our thoughts and feelings and transfer the information, is a very important tool of communication and as a main part of non-verbal communication it has a very close relation with the culture. If we want to avoid the troubles in the communication we should try to learn the cultures of other countries. Only when we clearly understand the characteristic of different culture, we can benefit from the body language. And body language is a very complicated topic, so that we can not study of all the fields of the body language in such a short passage. Therefore, in this essay the author mainly talk about the basal information of body language, the body language in non-verbal and inter-cultural communication and the comparison of body language between China and English-speaking countries. From the study of body language above, we can get that the purpose of this article is to help more people know the importance of body language in communication and let them understand the different meanings and types of body language in different cultures. But besides all of those above, we should also realize that there are some difficult places to which people should pay more attention during the process of studying body language. In short, body language is a kind of magical tool in intercultural communication, even if two speakers coming from different countries can't speak each other's language, they can understand each other smoothly by hand gesture, facial behavior, eye contact and so on.Bibliography[1] Andersen, Peter, Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions [M]. London: Waveland Press, 2007.[2] Birdwhistell, R. S. Kinesics and Context[M]. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970.[3] Knapp, M. Nonverbal communication in Human Interaction[M]. Winston: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978.[4] Patrick, W. M. Nonverbal Communication [M]. USA: Natal Education Assent, 1988.[5] Samovar, L. et al. Understanding Intercultural Communication[M]. California: Wadsworth, 1981.[6] 毕继万. 跨文化非语言交际[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.[7] 陈望道. 修辞学发凡[M]. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2008.[8] 邓炎昌&刘润清. 语言与文化[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1989.[9] 胡文仲. 跨文化交际学概论[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1999。
中西身势语差异Body Language
在公共场合,交谈者之间相距更远,如:在公共场所演说,教 师在堂上讲课,他们同听众距离很远。 多数英语国家的人不喜 欢人们离得太近,离得太远也有些别扭。离得太近会使人感到不 舒服,除非另有原因,如表示喜爱或鼓励对方与自己亲近等,但 这是另一回事。
在许多国家,握手已成为 一种常 用的表示亲热和友 好的礼节。但各国握手的 习惯不大一样 。 中西握手差别: 就力度来讲,西方人要 重,这与传统观念相关。 西方国家握过手后身体马 上分开;中国人则是先握 手,然后互相靠近,或者 干脆抓住不放。
美国:他们用同样的态度对待每个人,他们习惯 微笑着彼此打招呼。在公众场合,对陌生人也 毫不吝啬的给予微笑。所以在其他文化的人看 来他们的微笑显得不真诚,硬梆梆。 中国:在中国微笑是一种礼仪。对于熟人,见面 时会经常朝他们笑,对于陌生人却往往不愿意 或者觉得没必要这么做。通常只有在有求于人 的时候才向陌生人笑。如,问路的时候。
• 我吃饱了(饭后):西方人把一只手放在 自己的喉头,手心向下,手指伸开。中国 人用一只手或两只手轻轻拍拍自己的肚子
妈妈,过 来。
come here
• 拱手礼:拱手礼也叫作揖礼。这个礼既能 表达晨报对您的感谢和尊敬,也是咱们中 华传统的见面礼仪,有着浓浓的中国特色 和人情味儿。 • 双手递物:表示尊敬 • 用食指点点或指指自己的鼻子:表示“是 我”,“是我干的”(西方则认为这个动 作很可笑)
伸出小指:在日本表示女人、女孩子、恋人;在韩国表示妻子、妾、 女朋友;在菲律宾表示小个子、年轻或表示对方是小人物;在泰 国、沙特阿拉伯表示朋友;在缅甸、印度表示要去厕所;在英国 表示懦弱的男人;在美国、韩国、尼日利亚还可以表示打赌。
而在英语中,这种结构比较少,通常由两个人体词用“and“连接起来的情况比较多,如:“heart and hand”、“heart and soul”、“eyes and ears”,etc。
而其他由“N-N”(两个名词相同)的结构中,英汉语中看起来意义相同,如:心连心=heart linked to heart;面对面=face to face,etc。
1.英汉关系分句的对比分析——以对比分析和中介语对比分析为视角 [J], 蒋玮
2.中西方不同文化背景下身势语的符号意义 [J], 田慧敏
3.英汉语言求同探异四景观--双关语、身势语、缩略语和称呼语 [J], 郑皓
4.英汉第一人称单数指示语对比分析——以英汉对照版《水浒传》第三回为语料[J], 赵帆
5.语言磨蚀视角下身势语在我国英语课堂教学中的应用策略 [J], 万竟成
英汉身势语的文化内涵对比及应用英汉身势语的文化内涵对比及应用论文摘要目录:关键词:非语言交际身势语跨文化交际文化差异中国论文学术论文设置字体【大中小】[摘要] 人类的交际包括语言交际和非语言交际。
[关键词] 非语言交际; 身势语;跨文化交际;文化差异The Cultural Contrast and Application of Body Language between English and Chinese[Abstract] Human communication is conducted through verbal communication and non-verbal communication, of which non-verbal communication plays a very important role. Body language, as a means of non-verbal communication, varies with culture and society. Misunderstanding and conflicts sometimes occur in the process of intercultural communication due to cultural differences and improper uses of body language. This paper devotes to a comparison of body language in different cultures in terms of hand gesture, eye behavior, facial expressions, posture, etc, and the application of body language in teaching and learning as well. It aims to highlight the importance of the body language on the one hand, and to be conducive to the communicative skills in intercultural communication on the other hand.[Key Words] non-verbal communication; body language; intercultural communication; cultural differences1.IntroductionWhat is intercultural communication? Intercultural communication is the process of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. It can be divided into two types: verbal communication and non-verbal communication.Using language to communicate is called verbal communication. Another kind that is often overlooked by us but plays a very important role in co mmunication is non-verbal communication. “Linguistics sum up the contex t of non-verbal communication into three aspects: proxemics, kinesics, pa ralanguage.”[1]P122 “Among all the classification, Bi Jiwang’s (2000) clas sification is more specific, sententious and ordered. He divides it into fou r aspects: body language, paralanguage, object language and environme ntal language.”[2]P113 Non-verbal communication mainly expresses real emotion and attitude through facial expression, posture, eye behavior, clot hes, sound, etc. For instance, waving hand is to show farewell; offering our hand with a slight smile to others means welcome. When listening t o a report, people lean against the chair, which suggests that they are n ot interested in the report. Non-verbal communication has a close relatio nship with historical culture of nations, so, the meaning it expresses diffe rs from nation to nation and the differences bring about a lot of obstacle s, misunderstanding and conflicts. “Edward T. Hall claims that the reason why we meet so much trouble in communicating with foreigners is we k now only a little about intercultural communication”[3]P98 which indicates that it is important for us to have a good command of communication i ncluding verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication has many functions. Generally speaking, non-verbal communication can make effec ts independently in communication and it can be a complement of verbal communication too.Because of the language barrier, people communicate with one another not only through verbal communication but also through non-verbal com munication. Psychologist estimates that sixty to eighty percent of all com munication is conducted through non-verbal communication. That is to sa y, non-verbal communication plays an important role in intercultural com munication. Bi Jiwang (2000) believes that the information delivered by a person’s appearance and actions is much more than that of a person’s words. “Birdwhistell, an American scholar, deems that among all means of expressing meaning and emotion, more than sixty-five percent is finis hed through facial expression, action, gesture, posture, etc. Some studies in America indicate that in expressing emotion and attitude, intonation a nd facial expression can convey more than ninety-three percent of inform ation while language can only deliver seven percent of information. Com pare with the communicative function of verbal language, non-verbal com munication can transmit much more information and emotion.”[4]P20Body language is a means of non-verbal communication. Owing to cultural dif ferences, the same body language has different meanings and communic ative functions, which causes a lot of trouble in intercultural communicati on. Therefore, in intercultural communication, it is of great importance for us to understand the body language. This paper focuses on the cultural contrast of the body language between Chinese and English.2.A brief introduction of body language2.1. The functions of body languageBody language is one of means of non-verbal communication. It is the most natural part of non-verbal communication and it helps verbal-comm unication achieve effective communication. During the study of communic ation, researchers just pay attention to the verbal communication without paying attention to body language, however, the message and information conveyed by body language is far better than words. “Alber Mebr abian, after a long-time study, he concludes a formula: the total impact of mes sage = verbal (7%) + vocal (38%) + facial (55%).” [5]P33 Body languag e can reveal people’s hidden mind and emotion, but what is body langu age and what does it include?2.2. The definition and context of body language“Body language is called kinesics. Birdwhistell, an American psychologist, is the first person that created the definition of “body language” and he called it “optics” it means the system of motive power. Birdwhste ll indic ates that all parts of human body, all organs can express and exchange information, emotion and attitude; moreover, these can make efforts that words cannot obtain. Scholars reckon that “Body language is informatio n”. In the west, Birdwhistell is t he leader in study of body language. He believes that among all means of expressing emotion and attitude, more than sixty percent is finished by facial expression, gestures, postures, et c.” [6]P449 “This famous scholar indicates that face can make 250,000 k inds of expression and eyebrow can have 23 places.”[7]P456. Yang xiaol i once analyzed the Chinese phases and gets a conclusion that more th an one hundred and sixty Chinese phrases are used to represent the co ntext of body language and they can convey emotion and intention sepa rately. “The psychologist, David Abercrombie also points out “We say wit h our phonetic organs, but we talk with the whole body.”[8]P448.Body la nguage is nonverbal action that delivers information through posture, acti on including body movement and facial expressions.The context of body language is very comprehensive. It includes eye be havior, posture; gesture; facial expression; etc. In this paper, we will disc uss them in detail.2.3. The common features of body languageBody language is so universal that it has the following common features: 2.3.1. UnconsciousnessThe eyes expand when people feel excited. The eyebrows twinkle quickl y when people give agreement to others. People will frown when they ar e unsatisfied. They will close their eyes from time to time when they fee l tired.2.3.2.TransferabilityIt is estimated that there are 125 kinds of body language in the world, b ut most of them are acquired afterwards. We know some body language when we were born and learn some from our surroundings. Some kind s of body language are intimated from our parents, friends, relatives, nei ghbors, etc.2.3.3.ControllabilityPeople can do some body movement consciously. For example, when aperson is making a speech in public, if he touches his glasses or taps h is pencil from time to time, it may indicate that the person is very nervo us. In a lecture room, if the audience move their body or glance at their watch all the time, it may mean that this lecture is too boring. If people can be aware of all these cases, they may tend to control it even use a false body language to hide their real emotion. A skilled lecturer usuall y can show his confidence to the listeners though he is nervous because he makes a signal of confidence to cover it.2.3.4.NationalityAlthough there is the same body language in different nations, such as, nodding head suggests positive and waving head infers negative and ag ainst, however, in some Asia countries, waving head is used to show pe ople’s agreement. Nodding head means agr eement, self-identity, submissi on and permission in China, Japan, England and American, but it means disagreement in Bulgaria and Nepal.2.3.5. SocialityMany linguists think that many body languages have a close relationship with our society and it will change as the society develops. Different ag e: kids like to be embraced by adults, but they hate it when they grow up; different environment: it is common for westerners to give a hug or a kiss to others when they meet, but it is impossible to do it in public f or lovers or couples in China.3. The cultural similarities and differences of body language3.1.The cultural similaritiesWe admit that body language has some similarities. As the countries are developing in the world, they communicate with each other more and m ore closely and frequently. At the same time, economy and culture beco me mingled. The world becomes smaller and smaller. We often called it “Global Village” in which the cultural meaning of body language tends to be similar.For instance, th e signal “V” means “victory” —“we can see a SARS inf ected person use it to show his firm confidence to overcome this diseas e in China.”[9]P114 “OK” means “consent” —we often use it to show o ur positive ideas in a meeting. “Shrug one’s shoulders” means “n egative, uninteresting” —we use it to show that we don’t know when asked by others in our daily life.Some body language are gradually accepted by easterners. Here is an a dvertisement on CCTV that can be used to explain it. A Canadian name d “Da San” can u se submissive ceremony to show his best wishes. Wes terners are able to imitate the Chinese common body language. Accordin g to the study of anthropology, body language is the signal and tool of human communication and human being has the same ancestors, so thesignal they express through their body language may be the same. We called it “innate” so some body language belongs to all nations in the world: for example, people laugh when they feel happy. People cry when feel sad. Their faces turn red when they feel shy, etc.3.2. The cultural differences3.2.1. Hand gesture and its application in negotiationEveryone has hands and everyone uses them to communicate everyday. In fact, hand gesture is the core of body language. Instead of words, p eople can convey ideas, information and message by using the moveme nt and style of hands and fingers. Hands are the earliest communicative tools in human communication, because our ancestor depends on hand s to communicate before language comes forth. Hands are flexible and t hey can form various styles; moreover, hands can express the meaning clearly. Using our hands, we can point out what we intend to buy and w e can remind our listener how many things we want to have and we ca n emphasize our viewpoints, e.g. clapping our hands together loudly or p utting our fingers in a ball as if we want to hit someone, wall or desk. We have our hand out with the palm down and then turn fingers (except thumb) towards ourselves to show that we are calling someone to com e here. To show that we welcome somebody, on the other hand, we ha ve our hand out with the palm up and then move it to a seat to invite s omeone to sit. Be careful! People in some countries do not understand a single hand gesture in the same way. We can call these hand gesture s “folk gestures” which are passed down from generation to generation a s a cultural product, So they are provided with cultural feature.When expressing doubt or helplessness, westerners like to shrug their s houlders and spread out hands, but Chinese people only wave their han ds simply. Chinese people like to use the middle finger to point somethi ng that is an impolite and slighting presentation in English culture. In Me xico, the gesture people used to describe the height of people, things or animal are quite different. The improper use of hands will bring about much trouble and jeer.Here we will take some hand gestures for example.(1) “V” (putting up index finger and middle finger with the palm towards out). We know that this gesture means victory. In China, when seeing p eople doing this, the first impression came to our mind is that this gestu re means the number “2”. In British, America and most of African countri es, it means victory but not the number “2”.(2) Put the index finger on the temples and then make a circle: In Engli sh-speaking countries, when seeing a person is doing this gesture, peopl e would think that this person is too odd or almost mad, but it is a sign al to ask other to think over in China.(3) Cock the thumb: For Chinese people, when they want to show that t hey agree with others or they intend to praise others, they often cock th eir thumb. It suggests agreement and satisfaction in America. In Australi a, if a person wants to travel by obtaining free rides in other people’s c ars, they often cock thumb to the passing cars, but for Chinese people, they don’t use this gesture.The three kinds of gesture we talked above are easy to cause trouble, c onfusion and conflict in intercultural communication. The cultural meaning of hand is so rich that we should distinguish them to avoid the crash a nd misunderstanding of culture. Don’t assume that everybody in the worl d understands one gesture in the same way, so be careful when using c ommon gestures. Of course, there are also other gestures, for example, head movement: shaking head or nodding. Generally speaking, nodding means agreement and shaking head suggests disagreement, but in some countries, nodding means disagreement, such as in Bulgaria. Perhaps w e learn those gesture and movement at an early age, and probably use and interpret them almost without thinking. That is the cause of misunde rstanding.Body language is a good tool in intercultural communication. Intercultural negotiation is a commercial communication among countries. Negotiators frequently use it to express their attitude, emotion and understanding. If the negotiator uses the hand gesture as usual and understands it in his /her own way without considering the occasion, custom, religion, misunde rstanding will occur and a fail negotiation will be brought on. A Chinese factory is negotiating with an Iranian company about the export of electr onic machine. Everything goes well, but when they decide to sign the co ntact, the manager of the Chinese factory in habit of using his left hand to sign the name that caused an abnegation of the Iranian company. In Islamic countries, people consider left hand as unclearness so that left hand cannot be used to touch people or food. It is impolite to use the l eft hand to notify people’s meaning or sign the co ntact in cross-cultural communication.3.2.2. Eye behavior and its application in interviewEye behavior is an important part of facial expression. People often say that eyes are indeed “the window of soul”, because eyes can give us a lot of real informat ion. Eye behavior happens between two persons. “The sender uses them to convey information and the receiver uses them to get information.”[10]P47 “In drama, fiction, poetry and music, eyes have always been a fascinating topic —from Shakespeare’s “thu tell’st me th ere is murder is mine eyes” to Bob Dylan’s “Your eyes said more to me that night than your lips would ever say.” To the lyric “Your lips tell me no, no, but there is yes, yes in your eyes.” Even the “evil eye” is more than just an expression.”[11]P63 We can know whether people like us or not from the way they look at us. When we are talking with someone, if the person stares at us, we can infer that he is attracted by us and h e is interested in what we say or what we do, however, if the person lo oks around, glancing at his watch time to time, we often wander whethe r he is listening to us or absent-minded. If a person is staring toward an other person or thing for a long time, we often say that he doesn’t listen to us. Lacking of confidence, trying to avoid us or is lying, people alwa ys dare not to look at us. Whether look at others or not; When should people look at others; How long is proper to look at others; Whom peop le can look at and whom people can not look at, etc. In different nation, district, the meaning is different. It is known to all that China is a natio n with a long and feudal history. The feudal society controls the nation with human power. The authority counts the final, so people in China sel dom look at others so as to show their respect when a talk begins betw een the young and the old, as well as, in Japan and South Korea, but f or American, they believe that “Don’t trust anybody who dare not look at you straightly.”[12]P56 They think that those people are impolite. For th e first meeting, people in Arabia often stare at others to express their w elcome while Asian people dislike the straight eye contact. People from America think that this eye-gazing is a kind of imperil, but they can not accept people don’t look at each other when they are talking just as Chi nese people do.Eye behavior is very important in face-to-face interview. For employees, without knowing the meaning of eye contact in foreign country, they will l ose a good working chance if they want to be a staff in a foreign trade company. A newly graduated student was invited for an interview. She is so bright and ambitious that she can get into the final round interview after a few rounds of heated com petition. The manager, a Canadian, st ared at her and asked her “It is your resume and working experience?” The girl cannot in habit of this eye contact, so she low down her head and answered “yes”. To her surprise, the manager politely said goodbye to her and then he left the meeting room without saying one more word s. She felt so confused. Obviously, the girl lost this opportunity, because she doesn’t know that people in Canada cannot believe in those people who don’t have enough courage to look at them straightly. This intervie w goes in vain finally for poor master of western culture and custom, m eanwhile, the Canadian manager misunderstood the girl’s behavior, beca use it is a tedious way to show one’s respect in China. From the above, we can see that the communicative function of eye’s courtesy and eye behavior reflects different cultural background and different national ment ality. The meanings are so complex that we should not understand the meaning of body language from our own understanding.3.2.3. Facial expressions and its application in serving occupationThe face has been c alled an “organ of emotion”.[13]P64 because it is a very common way that we use to communicate and constantly to understand what others are feeling everyday, such as, people make a big smile on their face when they feel very happy, whereas, they make a long fa ce when they fell unhappy. Compare with words, facial expression is a n atural way to reveal person’s emotion and if offers vital clues to our own feeling. The face is the most simple and important broadcaster of emoti on among all non-verbal channels. For one thing, we are able to hide o ur hands, cover our eyes, shut up our mouth, or choose to be silent, ho wever, we can not succeed in hiding our face without making people fee l we are intend to deceive them, then we can not put our face away. W e suffer great pains and make great efforts to control the expressions w e reveal to others. Relatively speaking, easterners are more reserved in expressing their emotion than westerners. They always use face to cover or hide their emotion but not reveal their emotion, so “to read one’s fac e” becomes an indispensable way in intercultural communication.Smile is not only expresses people’s joy and amity but also convey the i nformation of apology and forgiveness: when meeting or running into a s trange person, smile means we don’t have enmity. On a crowed street, we step on someone’s foot incautiously, smile means “sorry”. To show th at we don’t know, we often smile to the question master. Smile decides the quality and profit in serving occupation. We often find that some sho pkeeper facing their customers with coldness and indifference, pulling a l ong face that hides mutual information of communication and a lot of po ssibility keep more customers away from their service. “The manners of t reating people with sincerity, of serving people with a big smile make pe ople feel cordial and warm. The first class service reflects our Chinese p eople’s beautifications of the mind.”[14]P64 In some occasion, smile does n’t mean well, for instance, there is a dinner for an American lady and a Chinese man. With carelessness, the lady pushed over the coffee with her sleeve and all the coffee dirtied the table. The waiter tidied it up im mediately with a big smile, at the same time the Chinese man roared wi th laughter. The lady turned red in the face and there is a dissatisfied lo ok in her eyes. She was so angry that she started to leave the dinner r oom. At that moment the manager stopped her and explained that why t hey smile to her. In China smile is an emergent way to break ice betwe en people or ease up tense and embarrassment, but for people in Ameri ca, smile at that occasion is a kind of insulted or ridicule.3.2.4. Posture and its application in classPosture is a matter of how people sit, stand walk and move. Our postur e can give others all o f message. “Freud said that nobody could really maintain secrecy despite his lips can keep silent, his fingers can talk an d any part of his body will betray him.”[15]P36. This sentence means th at people’s posture, attitude delivers more information that wa s conceale d. From people’s posture, we can conclude something, for instance, whe n we see a person doesn’t stand up and tall, we say the person is notenergetic, competent and unconfident. On the other hand, we can conclu de that a person is not concentrated in what they are discussing if he st anding lazily. In intercultural communication, the presentation of posture a lso reflects the differences between eastern and western countries, such as, according to the Chinese tradition, the seated person is the dominato r, so the young generation always give up their seat to the old, however, in English and American countries, it is quite opposite. The dominator p refers to stand to show their high station. Chinese students cannot acce pt that the foreign teacher seat on the chair optionally in class. In China, it is demanded that the atmosphere in class should be active but cann ot be too serious, so the foreign teacher’s gesture will be considered as unserious.From the above cultural differences we can see that there are some spe cial features of body language in intercultural communication(ⅰ) The same body language with the same culture has different social feature in different occasion. Smile means agreement, unsteady or embar rassment in China. When a student has a talk with a professor, the time for eye contact is much longer that may sugg est the student’ respect, a dmiration or complete disagreement. Waving hand is not only a signal of greeting, welcome but also a signal of farewell.(ⅱ) The same body language with different culture has different meaning and communicative function, for exam ple, protruding one’s tongue is a despise for Englishman and American while it means astonishing for the Han nationality and the Zang nationality in china.(ⅲ) Different body language with different culture can indicate the same or similar meaning and it has a similar communicative effects: to show p eople’s greeting and welcome, American usually shakes hands with other s. Arabian, Jews smell the fragrance of others. Some Indian even beat other’s heads or backs with their fits.Each of us expect others to display body language the same as us that is possible, but it is impossible for others to understand it the same as us. in different cultural background, the same body language may has different meaning. Different body language can have the same meaning. How to use it? When to use it? All about these we have discussed bef ore. Many obstacles, misunderstanding may occur in intercultural commu nication, so in order to avoid them, we should make some efforts.(a) We should know the cultural meaning of body language(b) We cannot understand it in the same way we understand ourselves(c) Be sure not use body language only despite that it has many advant ages that verbal language doesn’t have, we can add our words or soun d to complement the message or information we want to express.(d) In general, in intercultural communication, the senders and the receiv ers should take corresponding method of the objective language’s cultura l features, national custom and religions. Esteem and understand objective culture and obviate obstruct of the fixed cultural mode.(e) Compare and analyze the differences and similarities of different cult ure. Conclude the regulation and exclude the cultural interfere.4. The application of body language in teaching and learningFrom the above-mentioned, we could see that teachers should integrate l anguage teaching with non-language teaching. The intercultural communic ation between China and foreign countries is increasing now. Foreign lan guage, as a tool of communication, becomes more and more important. Learning a foreign language is a popular and a necessity in primary sch ool, middle school, senior school and university. Many foreign teachers a re invited to China, but how can they teach us smoothly in class in the case of not knowing any Chinese, and how students can understand thei r foreign teacher’s words in the very beginning? Body language is a goo d helper. For teachers, they not only teach students the ability of comm unication, but also teach them how to use body language that is another aspect of communicative ability.4.1. IndicationIn specified circumstances, teacher often use body language to indicate t he object target. In class, while asking question, the teacher is looking a t a student that means, the teacher expects that student to answer the question without saying anything. For another example, in a foreign-langu age class, our foreign teacher often asks us to make a sentence by usi ng the new word. Sometimes, we cannot complete the whole sentence f or lacking of vocabulary. In this case, we can look around and point to a TV, then say “I want to buy a set of television.” In this way, the forei gn teacher can understand what we really want to say.4.2. ComplementarityIn conversation, the teacher usually uses body language to complete the words to get the meaning across and ensure that everything is correct. Learning a foreign language needs a good learning environment. The tea cher should try his best to avoid using native language in order to offer a good language environment for students. In class, it is not easy for th e student to understand each word the teacher said, so it is better for t he teacher to use body language to help teaching. When teacher says “stand up”, she stretches out her hands with the palm up and raise her hands, then, the student can understand it well and stand up immediatel y. When we learn “Mum, I came back.” the foreign teacher stands outsi de the room and then steps into the room, meanwhile, the teacher says “Mum, I came back” to us, students know what the teach er said.。
英汉差异与翻译英语和汉语是世界上使用范围最广、使用人数最多的两门语言, 前者隶属印欧语系( Indo- European Language) , 后者属汉藏语系( Sino-Tibetan Language ) 。
从词源(Etymology) 看, 英汉两种语言相距甚远。
英语和汉语虽然同属曲折变化( Inflection) 较少的分析性语言( Analyticallanguage ) , 但由于各自的历史、地理、政治、经济、文化、风俗、习惯、思维等不同, 英语和汉语在词法、句法、篇章结构诸方面皆存在显豁的差异, 特色鲜明。
恩格斯曾说: 只有将本族语同其他的语言进行比较, 才能真正懂得自己的语言。
对英汉两种语言的差异进行比较, 非常有助于英语学习和翻译实践。
由于英汉两种语言的差异巨大, 本文仅重点从句法层面对英汉语的主要特点和差异进行探讨, 并同时进行翻译实践的尝试。
一、英汉差异比较及翻译1.英语重形合(Hypotaxis) , 汉语重意合(Parataxis)汉语是一种意境( Artistic Concept ion ) 语言, 以神驭形,结构松弛, 多是意思连接的积累式分句或独立单句, 彼此的逻辑关系多以句序之先后加以暗示; 英语遣词造句讲究逻辑性,最忌流散疏放, 借助连接词、关系词、指代词等手段来凸现句子间的逻辑关系, 以形摄神。
语言学家曾用一个生动形象的比喻来说明两者间的差异: 称英语句子为“葡萄型”结构, 汉语为“竹节型”结构。
形合是明示, 意合是隐含, 在复句内, 英语重形合, 汉语重意合。
译者了解了英汉这种句法差异, 英汉翻译时就会充分发挥各自的优势, 注意各自的特点, 译文才会符合译入语的表达习惯和规范, 不留译痕和翻译腔( Translationese) 。
我们在翻译英语形合句时, 常可把原文的连接词和关联词等省略不译,而译成把各种逻辑关系隐含在句中的汉语意合句。
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Woman78 卡门-波西米亚之花79 打破沉默——接骨师之女中“沉默”主题的解读80 试析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中女主人公艾米莉的形象81 非言语交际对演讲的影响82 经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》83 任务型英语教学的理论与实践探讨84 《远离尘嚣》人物分析及悲剧写法85 从女性主义的角度研究萧伯纳《华伦夫人的职业》中的女性形象86 东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品87 论爱伦•坡小说《莫格街谋杀案》中悬疑的设置88 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒89 《神探夏洛克》文化现象研究90 图式在英语阅读中的作用91 英文电影片名翻译中的归化与异化策略92 大学生英语学习归因倾向的调查研究93 《紫色》的妇女主义解读94 埃德娜:一个孤独的女战士——解读凯特•肖邦的《觉醒》95 A Research on Frances Burnett’s “Fauntleroy” Writing Style96 解析网络语言的变异97 对罗伯特•弗罗斯特自然诗的尝试性研究98 论《宠儿》中的象征意象99 关注耐心教育——浅谈《差不多是大人的人》中黑孩子的叛逆心理100 《名利场》的女性主义解读101 禅宗思想在艾米莉迪金森诗歌中的体现102 中西饮食文化差异探析103 论委婉语与国际商务谈判104 伍尔芙的人生经历对其小说创作的影响105 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略106 汽车广告英语的语言特点及其翻译107 Negative Transfer and the Errors Committed by Chinese English Learners108 Sino-US Cultural Differences——Through Comparison Between APPLE and OPPO 109 时政漫画看美国社会110 浅析《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结111 文化差异对英语学习的影响112 《名利场》的女性主义解读113 外贸函电写作中存在的误区及其对策114 盖茨比的悲剧成因分析115 从语用学角度分析《老友记》中的幽默116 对公共演讲课堂中大学生课堂表现的心理分析117 比较约翰·邓恩与艾米丽·迪金森诗歌中奇思妙喻的艺术效果118 会计文本语言特色分析——以《国际收支手册》为例119 A Tentative Study of the Origin of American Place Naming120 Wessex Women: Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels121 聊天室中网络英语缩略词浅析122 Improving the College Students’Writing Skill through Cohesive Devices123 如果不复仇——论呼啸山庄中的爱与恨124 An Analysis of the Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Tess of the D’Urbervilles125 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同126 汉语中的英语外来语127 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译128 解析马克吐温《竞选州长》中的幽默讽刺艺术129 诠释《儿子与情人》中儿子、母亲、情人之间的关系130 抽象名词词义内涵及其翻译策略131 中西方文化中颜色词的隐喻比较研究132 合作原则视角下对《老友记》中台词的幽默研究133 中国奢侈品的营销之道134 浅析中美幽默之差异135 从语用学的角度谈美剧中的言语幽默——以《老爸老妈浪漫史》为例136 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则137 A Comparison of the English Color Terms138 重新诠释玛格丽特的人生悲剧根源139 从电视剧《绝望主妇》看委婉语的交际功能140 Two Trapped Roses—A Comparative Study on Emily and Miss Havisham141 A Brief Discussion on the Translation of Brand Names142 论《追风筝的人》中父子关系的心理剖析143 从数字的联想意义研究中西文化的差异144 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征及其作用145 中英爱情隐喻的对比研究146 简爱与林黛玉的形象比较分析147 从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象148 从动态对等角度分析中国旅游景点名称英译——以中国庐山网为例149 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析150 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究151 傅东华译《飘》归化现象浅析152 浅析英语委婉语的应用领域153 论海勒《约塞连幸免于难》的黑色幽默的荒诞与反讽154 The Interpretation of A Rose for Emily from the Perspective of Feminism155 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例156 《哈利波特》中西弗勒斯•斯内普的人物分析157 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理158 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利留给世人的礼物159 凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中女主人公女性意识的觉醒160 论莎士比亚戏剧中的女扮男装现象161 从尤金•奈达的功能对等理论角度论网络流行语的可译与不可译162 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese163 论旅游广告的显影性164 The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry165 《园会》中男性人物性格作用分析166 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界167 从追求走向幻灭与死亡——谈马丁•伊登的美国梦168 On Characteristic Features of the Main Characters in The Moon and Sixpence169 中西方文化背景对理解隐喻的影响170 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield171 论纳撒尼尔霍桑《牧师的黑面纱》中的象征172 英语写作中的母语迁移作用及教学启示173 A Withering Rose:An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy174 英语商标的汉译原则及策略175 英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析176 A Comparison of the English Color Terms177 《奥罗拉•李》中的女性形象解读178 《可爱的骨头》的电影改编分析179 论《小妇人》中的家庭教育问题180 Cause of Tragedy in Desire Under the Elms181 福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的三个世界182 浅析委婉语的构造方式及功能183 中英文化中寒暄语的比较184 意象图式研究185 语用模糊及语用功能186 适者生存—对《飘》中生存意识的探究187 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析188 从文体风格谈培根散文《论美》的翻译189 美国文学中的美国梦研究190 从文化差异的角度对英语习语翻译的研究191 从《简爱》和《藻海无边》看罗切斯特对女性和婚姻的态度变化192 《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧193 文化差异视角下的英语称谓语的翻译策略194 从《纯真年代》中的女性角色看伊迪斯•华顿的女性意识195 加工层次理论指导下的商务英语词汇学习196 The Tragic Destiny of Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises197 《瓦尔登湖》中寂寞观的超验主义分析198 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation199 On C-E Translation of Neologisms from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory200 浅谈商务英语合同的翻译。