critical thinking
critical thinking
Critical thinking一、分析性;策略性;全面性;独立性;正确性。
What is Critical Thinking
What is Critical Thinking?在国外,很多学校都设有“批判性思维”这门课程牛津大学校长安德鲁·汉密尔顿教授在南京举行的第四届中外大学校长论坛上的演讲——“大学如何培养优秀的人才”,表示,中国留学生缺少批判思维。
What is Critical Thinking?No one always acts purely objectively and rationally. We connive for selfish interests. We gossip, boast, exaggerate, and equivocate. It is "only human" to wish to validate our prior knowledge, to vindicate our prior decisions, or to sustain our earlier beliefs. In the process of satisfying our ego, however, we can often deny ourselves intellectual growth and opportunity. We may not always want to apply critical thinking skills, but we should have those skills available to be employed when needed.Critical thinking includes a complex combination of skills. Among the main characteristics are the following:Rationality合理性We are thinking critically when we∙rely on reason rather than emotion,∙require evidence, ignore no known evidence, and follow evidence where it leads, and∙are concerned more with finding the best explanation than being right analyzing apparent confusion and askingquestions.Self-awareness自我意识We are thinking critically when we∙weigh the influences of motives and bias, and∙recognize our own assumptions, prejudices, biases, or point of view.HonestyWe are thinking critically when we recognize emotional impulses, selfish motives, nefarious purposes, or other modes ofself-deception.Open-mindednessWe are thinking critically when we∙evaluate all reasonable inferences∙consider a variety of possible viewpoints or perspectives, ∙remain open to alternative interpretations∙accept a new explanation, model, or paradigm because it explains the evidence better, is simpler, or has fewerinconsistencies or covers more data∙accept new priorities in response to a reevaluation of the evidence or reassessment of our real interests, and ∙do not reject unpopular views out of hand.Discipline守纪We are thinking critically when we∙are precise, meticulous, comprehensive, and exhaustive ∙resist manipulation and irrational appeals, and∙avoid snap judgments.Judgment辨别We are thinking critically when we∙recognize the relevance and/or merit of alternative assumptions and perspectives∙recognize the extent and weight of evidenceIn sum,∙Critical thinkers are by nature skeptical怀疑的. They approach texts with the same skepticism and suspicion asthey approach spoken remarks.∙Critical thinkers are active, not passive. Theyask questions and analyze. They consciously apply tacticsand strategies to uncover meaning or assure theirunderstanding.∙Critical thinkers do not take an egotistical view of the world.They are open 开放to new ideas and perspectives. Theyare willing to challenge their beliefs and investigatecompeting evidence.Critical thinking enables us to recognize a wide range of subjective analyses of otherwise objective data, and to evaluate how well each analysis might meet our needs. Facts may be facts, but how we interpret them may vary.。
Critical Thinking
如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?我虽然以前就听说过在国外很流行的“Critical Thinking”(以下简称CT,在中国通常翻译成“批判性思维”)这套思维体系,但对此并没有深入的认识和了解,最近在接触西三一大学的“商业领导力”课程(第一门课程就是有关CT的)时,才开始认真琢磨到底什么是CT和我们该怎样很好地运用CT。
CT是1941年作为美国教育改革的一个主题由美国学者Edward Glaser提出来的,但其后由于美国出现了麦卡锡主义思潮,所以CT没有得到足够的重视。
1994年,美国总统克林顿签署“美国教育法案”,正式将critical thinking 列入全国性的教育教学目标。
1987年的“CT与教育改革国际会议”上,英国人Michael Scriven与美国人Richard Paul(当代美国CT领域的权威人士)共同发表声明,指出CT并非单一的思想方法,而是一系列思想方法的综合体,包含科学思维、数学思维、历史思维、人类学思维、经济思维、道德思维、哲学思维。
CT这个概念本身经过大半个世纪的发展和实践,也在不断地充实和完善,大致有这几个很重要的概念定义和内涵:第一,1941年原创者Edward Glaser的定义。
T he ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: ( 1 ) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) some skill in applying those methods. Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends.这种思考能力,包含了三个要素:1)全方位思考问题的态度,2)逻辑探究和推理论证的学问,3)运用这些方法的技巧。
critical thinking意思
critical thinking意思Critical thinking,即批判性思维,指的是通过搜集、运用信息和经验,并且质疑、分析和判断这些信息和经验的能力,是一种高级思维能力,对人类的认识、实践和创新能力都有重要影响。
批判性思维在当今社会发展中变得越来越重要,它是解决问题,发现机会,做出决策的核心技能批判性思维是一种系统思维,它包括以下几个方面:1. 发现信息在数字时代,信息变得更加丰富和多样化。
2. 分析信息分析信息指分解并研究各个组成部分,以便更好地理解信息的真实含义。
3. 评估信息批判性思维的另一个重要方面是对信息进行评估。
4. 解决问题批判性思维能够帮助我们对问题进行更加准确、细致的分析,找到根源、关键因素,然后再采取相应的解决方案。
5. 做出决策批判性思维者需要能够在众多的选择中进行优化,从而做出正确、明智和最佳的决策。
1. 提高学术表现在学校,批判性思维能力对于考试和课业的成绩有着重要的影响。
2. 解决问题批判性思维是解决问题的核心技能。
critical thinking定义
批判性思维(Critical thinking)是指对问题或情况进行分析、评估和推理的能力。
1. 分析:能够分解复杂的问题或情况,理清事物之间的关系和逻辑,并找出各个要素之间的联系。
2. 评估:能够评估信息的可靠性、有效性和相关性,识别出偏见、误导和不完整信息,并通过评估来判断事物的真实性和可信度。
3. 推理:能够通过逻辑和推理,从所掌握的信息中得出合理和可靠的结论,并进行因果关系的推断和推理。
4. 问题解决:能够通过系统性、批判性思考来解决问题,能够提出合适的假设、设计实验或行动,以找到解决方案。
5. 创新性思维:能够思考出非传统的解决方案,并提出新的观点和想法。
如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?
如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?泛瑞翻译以前就听说过在国外很流行的“Critical Thinking”(以下简称CT,在中国通常翻译成“批判性思维”)这套思维体系,但对此并没有深入的认识和了解,最近在接触西三一大学的“商业领导力”课程(第一门课程就是有关CT的)时,才开始认真琢磨到底什么是CT和我们该怎样很好地运用CT。
CT是1941年作为美国教育改革的一个主题由美国学者Edward Glaser提出来的,但其后由于美国出现了麦卡锡主义思潮,所以CT没有得到足够的重视。
1994年,美国总统克林顿签署“美国教育法案”,正式将critical thinking列入全国性的教育教学目标。
1987年的“CT与教育改革国际会议”上,英国人Michael Scriven与美国人Richard Paul(当代美国CT领域的权威人士)共同发表声明,指出CT并非单一的思想方法,而是一系列思想方法的综合体,包含科学思维、数学思维、历史思维、人类学思维、经济思维、道德思维、哲学思维。
CT这个概念本身经过大半个世纪的发展和实践,也在不断地充实和完善,大致有这几个很重要的概念定义和内涵:第一,1941年原创者Edward Glaser的定义。
The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: ( 1 ) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) some skill in applying those methods. Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends.这种思考能力,包含了三个要素:1)全方位思考问题的态度,2)逻辑探究和推理论证的学问,3)运用这些方法的技巧。
英语泛读教程2critical thinking文章的翻译在美国,critical thinking是一个非常重要、出现频率很高的词,在学校里经常听到老师、学生们这么强调,可能已经到了陈词滥调的地步。
我手头一本高中世界史教科书上,每章后面的练习的题目样式,第一是名词解释,然后是名词辨识、回答问题,最后一项就总是Critical thinking.Critical thinking的中文流行翻译是“批判性思维”,但我觉得并不很贴切。
Critical一词的希腊词源是动词krinō,意思是“挑选、决定和判断”,krites 是观察家、法官、仲裁人之意,kritikos 是指有观察、思考和决定能力的人。
为什么美国文化特别强调critical thinking,估计跟它的民主政治和个人主义价值观也有关。
1. 至关重要的:当我们使用critical来描述某件事情或某个因素时,表明它是非常重要且必不可少的。
例如:a) Time management is critical to success in today's fast-paced world.(时间管理对于在当今这个快节奏的世界中取得成功来说是至关重要的。
)b) Safety measures are critical for the construction industry.(安全措施对于建筑行业非常重要。
)2. 批评的:另一方面,当我们使用critical来形容某人对别人或别人作品的态度时,通常表示他们是在进行批判性思考或评论。
例如:a) She is known for her critical analysis of the government policies.(她以对政府政策进行批判性分析而闻名。
)b) The book received critical acclaim for its originality and thought-provoking content.(该书因其独特性和引发思考的内容而受到了好评。
以下是critical常见的搭配用法:1. Critical importance (至关重要):Critical与importance一起使用,用来强调某事物的极度重要性。
例如:a) The support of our customers is of critical importance to the success of our business.(我们客户的支持对于我们企业成功至关重要。
2、什么是证据? 客观存在的现象、 从观察、实验中所
所谓实证就是真凭事实件据、事,物是本研身究者使得用到专的业结术果语描 述观察结果和实验结果的学术论文,这些学术论文 具有客观性和科学性。分为客观事实和科学事实。
(1)临床护理实证的分类: 一类实证-多项随机控制的实验性科研结果 二类实证-至少有一项随机控制的实验性科研结
对被反思的思维进行全方位的、多视角的审视, 经过理性审慎的思考,得出结论。同时要求有高 度的开放性,注意听取不同的意见,探寻各家的 特点、特性,分析后为我所用,吸纳有意义的部 分。
利用已有的概念、规律和原则产生创造性的想法 和见解。
(一)评判性思维在护理教学中的应用 教师——主导 学生——主体 鼓励学生参与教学过程: 思考——质疑——争论——独立见解
护士工作环境Biblioteka 杂多变,且要面对人的生命、 治疗、用药、服务对象的健康等都处于变化过程。 在复杂的情境中,对服务对象表现出来的各种症 状、体征及获得的其他资料,进行合理的推理, 做出恰当决策。
•决策时间的限 制
格。人们发现,论文第二作者是一 位博导,以前发表过多篇关于该主
该女生的母亲,因而有不正当利用 自主招生制度制造“学二代”之嫌。
该博导回答记者询问时承认两人确系母女关系,但强调: 女儿 “有这个能力写文章。我们是书香世家,有家学渊源。孩子从小就
该教授称此批评“恶毒”,“他们就看了个开头,根本没有通读,就 把我的翻译全都否定了,这简直莫名其妙。”(他这不是第一次被批评) 另据报道,该教授说自己从事翻译,只是业余爱好。不过他认为自己 是有哲学底子的,“没有底子的话,我不会出那么多译作,出版社难道都 是傻瓜吗?” 他说,出错的原因多,比如编辑很重要。上世纪八十年代以 前的编辑比现在认真。他认为现在翻译工作不景气,最大的问题是稿费太 低了。“哲学著作的翻译确实非常难,收入又低,千字五六十元。有些是 别人翻到一半,翻不下去了,然后出版社找到我,我自己有一些兴趣。我 要去外面上课,赚的钱比这个多多了。”他最后叹息,译者始终处在挨打 的境地,“呜呼,要摆脱挨打的命运,只有不翻译”。
她还说,尽管论文满足两校自主招生的优先条件,孩子还是一 样要参加后续考核,要靠成绩说话。她指出,网上出现一些言论,
她对记者表示:国家正朝着法制化方向发展,高考制度也越来 越透明。她之所以被“打击报复”,是制造阴谋的学者心胸狭隘,
critical thinking英文总结
critical thinking英文总结Critical thinking is a necessary skill for analyzing and evaluating information in order to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. It involves questioning assumptions, considering alternative perspectives, and recognizing biases in order to arrive at the most logical and rational conclusion.To think critically, one must be open-minded and willing to challenge their own beliefs and opinions. This involves being able to separate facts from opinions and emotions, and not relying solely on personal anecdotes or testimonials. Instead, critical thinkers gather and evaluate evidence from multiple sources before drawing conclusions.Additionally, critical thinkers are able to identify and evaluate logical fallacies and faulty reasoning. They understand the difference between correlation and causation, and are able to recognize when arguments are based on faulty premises or invalid assumptions. They also consider the credibility and reliability of the sources of information they are using.Furthermore, critical thinking requires the ability to identify and analyze patterns and relationships. This involves being able to detect biases and hidden agendas, and to consider the broader context in which information is presented. Critical thinkers also consider the potential consequences and implications of their decisions and actions.In conclusion, critical thinking is a vital skill for navigating the complex and information-rich world we live in. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and recognizing biases in order to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. By developing and practicing critical thinking skills, individuals can enhance their ability to think logically, make sound judgments, and contribute to a more rational and reasoned society.。
批判性思维英语作文Critical Thinking。
Critical thinking is a skill that is essential in our daily lives. It is the ability to analyze and evaluate information, and make informed decisions based on that analysis. Critical thinking is not just about being able to think deeply, but also about being able to question assumptions, look at things from different perspectives, and consider the implications of our actions.One of the key aspects of critical thinking is the ability to identify and evaluate arguments. This means being able to distinguish between good and bad arguments, and to recognize when an argument is valid or invalid. A good argument is one that is based on sound reasoning and evidence, while a bad argument is one that is based on fallacies or faulty logic.Another important aspect of critical thinking is theability to identify and evaluate sources of information. This means being able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources, and to recognize when information is biased or incomplete. In today's world, where we are bombarded with information from a variety of sources, it is more important than ever to be able to evaluate the credibility of that information.Critical thinking also involves being able to consider different perspectives and to think creatively. This means being open to new ideas and being willing to challenge our own assumptions. By considering different perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of complex issues and develop more effective solutions.Finally, critical thinking is about being able to make informed decisions based on our analysis and evaluation of information. This means being able to weigh the pros and cons of different options, and to consider the long-term consequences of our actions. By making informed decisions, we can avoid making hasty or uninformed choices that may have negative consequences.In conclusion, critical thinking is a vital skill that is essential in our daily lives. By developing our critical thinking skills, we can become better decision-makers, more effective problem-solvers, and more informed citizens.。
英语作文批判性思维英文回答:Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It involves the ability to analyze information, identify biases, evaluate evidence, and make well-reasoned conclusions. Critical thinking skills are essential for success in all aspects of life, from making personal decisions to solving complex problems in the workplace.There are many different ways to develop critical thinking skills. One important aspect is to learn how to identify and challenge assumptions. Assumptions are beliefs that we take for granted without question. They can be based on our personal experiences, our culture, or our education. While assumptions can be helpful in some situations, they can also lead us to make errors in judgment. By learning how to identify and challenge assumptions, we can become more open-minded and less likelyto make mistakes.Another important aspect of critical thinking is to learn how to evaluate evidence. Evidence is informationthat we use to support our beliefs or claims. When evaluating evidence, it is important to consider the source of the evidence, the credibility of the source, and the relevance of the evidence to the claim being made. By learning how to evaluate evidence, we can become more discerning consumers of information and less likely to be misled by false or misleading claims.Finally, critical thinking skills involve the ability to make well-reasoned conclusions. Conclusions are statements that we make after considering all of the available evidence. When making conclusions, it is important to be clear and specific, and to avoid making generalizations that are not supported by the evidence. By learning how to make well-reasoned conclusions, we can become more confident in our decisions and more persuasive in our arguments.中文回答:批判性思维是一种就做什么或相信什么进行清晰和理性思考的能力。
critical thinking alec fisher
critical thinking alec fisher
亚历克·费舍尔(Alec Fisher)这个名字可能对于很多人来说并不熟悉,但当我们谈论批判性思维时,他可能是这一领域中的佼佼者或代表性人物(注:此处为假设,因为实际上并没有一个广为人知的名为Alec Fisher的批判性思维专家)。
critical thinking的例子
critical thinking的例子
什么是批判性思维英文作文Critical Thinking: A Path to Intellectual Empowerment.Critical thinking, an indispensable cognitive skill, empowers individuals to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make sound judgments. It transcends the mere acquisition of knowledge, fostering an active anddiscerning approach to the world around us. This essay aims to elucidate the multifaceted nature of critical thinking, its importance in various aspects of life, and thestrategies for cultivating this valuable skill.Critical thinking involves several interrelatedcognitive processes. First, it requires the ability to identify and analyze arguments, recognizing their premises, conclusions, and any underlying assumptions. Second, it entails the evaluation of evidence, assessing its relevance, reliability, and sufficiency in supporting the claims made. Furthermore, critical thinkers can synthesize information from multiple sources, drawing connections and identifyingpatterns to form comprehensive judgments.The significance of critical thinking cannot be overstated. In academic pursuits, it enables students to engage deeply with course material, question assumptions, and develop well-reasoned perspectives. In the workplace,it enhances problem-solving abilities, facilitateseffective communication, and fosters innovation. Critically assessing information is also crucial in personal life, helping individuals make informed decisions regarding health, finances, and relationships. Moreover, critical thinking is essential for active citizenship, allowing individuals to evaluate political discourse, participate in informed discussions, and hold their leaders accountable.Cultivating critical thinking requires conscious effort and the development of specific strategies. One keypractice is to question assumptions, both our own and those presented by others. By challenging unexamined beliefs, we open ourselves to alternative perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying reasoning behind arguments. Additionally, it is essential to actively seekout diverse sources of information, exposing ourselves to a range of viewpoints and avoiding echo chambers.Another important strategy is to practice argument analysis. Identify the premises and conclusions of arguments, evaluate the evidence used to support them, and consider any potential biases or fallacies. By subjecting arguments to rigorous scrutiny, we strengthen our ability to discern between valid and invalid reasoning.Moreover, critical thinking necessitates the development of empathy and the ability to consider perspectives different from our own. Understanding the motivations and beliefs of others allows us to engage in productive dialogue and find common ground amidst divergent opinions. Finally, it is crucial to cultivate patience and humility, recognizing that critical thinking is aniterative process that often involves questioning our own conclusions and seeking further clarification.In conclusion, critical thinking is a multifaceted and essential skill that empowers individuals to navigate thecomplexities of an ever-changing world. By questioning assumptions, analyzing arguments, synthesizing information, and practicing empathy, we can unlock the transformative power of critical thinking and foster a society marked by informed decision-making, open-mindedness, and intellectual progress.。
培养批判性思维英语作文模板英文回答:Critical Thinking。
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It involves the ability to:Analyze information and arguments。
Identify biases and assumptions。
Evaluate evidence。
Draw conclusions。
Communicate ideas effectively。
Critical thinking is a valuable skill for anyone whowants to make informed decisions, solve problems, and understand the world around them. It can be used in all aspects of life, from personal decision-making to professional problem-solving.There are many different ways to develop critical thinking skills. Some of the most effective methods include:Reading and analyzing different perspectives。
Asking questions and challenging assumptions。
Practicing logical reasoning。
Debating and discussing ideas。
Writing and reflecting on your thoughts。
什么是思辨性思维?What is critical thinking
什么是思辨性思维?What is critical thinking 拉斐尔《雅典学院》但人类都有一种追求真理的好奇心和自我完善的动力。
在1987年,思辨性思维方面的专家Michael Scriven Richard Paul在关于思辨性思维培养和改革的国家大会上,对思辨性思维提出了一个比较全面但相对笼统的说法:思辨性思维是一种系统性的思考过程,思辨者在这当中积极而有技巧性地认识、运用、分析、归纳并评估外部信息或内部想法,所用方法包括观察,体验,反思,质疑,对比和沟通等。
思辨性思维:1)思维技能;2)思维习惯Michael Scriven Richard Paul的观点全面而学术,但在具体怎么操作性仍不够清晰。
Critical Thinking 批判性思维
What is critical thinking?
Critical thinking, in general, refers to higher-order thinking that questions assumptions.It is a way of deciding whether a claim is true, false, or sometimes true and sometimes false, or partly true and partly false.(Cao Jun,2011)
Critical thinking also is considered important for human rights education for toleration. (wikipedia)
Critical thinking is an important element of all professional fields and academic disciplines (by referencing their respective sets of permissible questions, evidence sources, criteria, etc.). Within the framework of scientific skepticism, the process of critical thinking involves the careful acquisition and interpretation of information and use of it to reach a well-justified conclusion.(wikipedia)
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What logical fallacy is included in the story itself? Why do you think so?
What does the story tell us about love? And what does it tell us about smart people?
Can you think of a logical fallacy you have committed? Why is it a fallacy and what caused it?
Should logic be taught as a compulsory course in school? Why do you think so?
What are the factors that make women pay much greater attention to their appearance than men do?
Are there any occasions in life where it is necessary for a person, either a woman or a man, to look good? Why or why not?
What do you consider as the most important traits that make a person beautiful?
What do you think of the relationship between wearing makeup and female beauty? In other words, do women have to apply cosmetics in order to look beautiful? Why or why not?
If you were the head of a cosmetics company, how would you market or promote a new product?
What nature-related disasters are brought about by human activities? Are there any ways to reduce such disasters?
What environmental problems does the world face? What are the causes of these problems?
There are often conflicts between economic development and environmental protection. How should we balance the two and ensure sustainable development? What do you think is the relationship between man and nature? Why do you think so?
What do you think of the author’s classification of “environmental necessity” and “environmental luxury”? Why?
Do you think the men and women you knew when growing up had equal rights? Why
do you think so?
Is a woman’s economic status related to her status at home? Why or why not?
What do you consider as the most important elements of gender equality?
Do you agree with the view that men carry more weight in life than women? Why or why not?
Do you think gender inequality exists in China today? If yes, what do you suggest to solve the problem?
Do you agree with the author that Henry Spira’s life is meaningful? Why or why not? Do you think the animal rights movement is necessary? Why or why not?
What do you think are essential to a good life?
Do you know of anyone who has done meaningful deeds at the cost of their own comfort or interests? Do you think it is worthwhile to do so? Why or why not?
What do you think are the characteristics of a meaningful life?。