Lecture 2 Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加·爱伦·坡



外文名 Edgar Allan
出生日期 1809年1月19日
毕业院校 弗吉尼亚大学
主要成就 侦探小说、恐怖小说、
故事Байду номын сангаас介
故事发生在南卡罗来纳州的苏里文岛, 主人公威廉·勒格朗,他在不久前被一 只金色的虫子咬了,他的仆人丘比特害 怕他会发疯,于是去找到了勒格朗的朋友, 一位不知名的叙述者,勒格朗在破解了 一份关于被埋葬的宝藏的秘密文件之后, 带着两人一起去冒险寻宝。

埃德加··坡 侦探小说之父
埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)(1809~1849),美国作家、诗人、编者与文学评论 家,被尊崇是美国浪漫主义运动要角之一,以悬疑、惊悚小说最负盛名。爱伦·坡是美国 的短篇小说家先锋之一,并被公认是推理小说的创造者,甚至被视为科幻小说的共同催生 者之一。他的短篇小说大致分为三类:恐怖故事、谋杀疑案和科学难解之谜。他开创了侦 探小说的先河,被称为“侦探小说之父”。1849年10月7日,爱伦·坡逝于巴尔的摩,四十

Edgar Allan Poe 介绍

Edgar Allan Poe 介绍

Life Experience
entered the University but didn’t finish went to West Point but was dismissed
a miserable childhood
was adopted by John Allan
an unhappy relationship died in mysterious circumstances , in 1849
Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, as well as in specialized fields, such as cosmology and cryptography. Poe and his work appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films, and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today.
a To Helen (致海伦 ) b To One in Paradise(致乐园中的一位 ) c The Sleeper(睡美人) d The Valley of Unrest(不安的山谷 ) f The City in the Sea(海中之城 ) g Silence, a Sonnet(十四行诗)——静 h The Raven(乌鸦)
a critic
His theory for short story -- clarity
1. The short story must be of such length as to be read at one sitting (brevity), so as to ensure the totality of impression. 2.The very first sentence ought to help to bring out the “single effect” of the story. 3. No word should be used which does not contribute to the “pre-established” design of the work (compression). 4.A tale should reveal some logical truth with “the fullest satisfaction” and should end with the last sentence, leaving a sense of finality with the reader. (a certain decision 某种结局) Short story should be of brevity, totality, single effect, compression(压缩) and finality.


“一个绝妙的东西——一 个绅士没有断气就给拖 进坟墓后的感觉——其 中有的是趣味、恐惧、 感情、玄想和博学”来自爱伦· 坡简介
• 埃德加· 爱伦· 坡(Edgar Allan Poe),十 九世纪美国诗人、小说家和文学评论家、 侦探小说鼻祖、科幻小说先驱之一、恐怖 小说大师、短篇哥特小说巅峰、象征主义 先驱之一,唯美主义者、美国三大恐怖小 说家之一 。以悬疑、惊悚小说最负盛名。。
• 小说:《瓶中手稿》《卷入美尔斯卓姆大 漩涡》《金甲虫》《厄舍府的倒塌》《红 死病假面舞会》 • 文学评论:《评霍桑的〈故事重述〉 》 《写作的哲学》《诗歌原理》
• 其作品是在任何时代都是“独一无二”的 风格。语言和形式精致、优美,内容多样。 有严密的逻辑和诗情画意的神秘气息。 • 在故事写作上,他注重于情调和氛围的制 造,力图制造出惊险、恐怖和强烈情感的 效果,故事的发展还在其次,。 • 在文学评论中条理清晰,分析透彻。
• 萧伯纳曾说:“美国出了两个伟大的作 家——埃德加· 爱伦· 坡和马克· 吐温。” • 爱伦坡直接影响了欧洲的象征主义文学和 侦探文学。 • 受其影响的人物有:柯南· 道尔、波德莱尔、 儒勒· 凡尔纳、罗伯特· 路易斯· 斯蒂文森、希 区柯克、蒂姆· 伯顿等。
• 爱伦· 坡幼失双亲,生性敏感,得不到温暖 和安全感,屡遭磨难,曾精神紧张,神志 迷乱,明显地表现出受迫害狂想症的病象, 带有强烈的悲观情绪。对他来说,现实世 界不堪忍受,他只有借助写作和酒精才能 在幻想的土地上驰骋。 • 他不是一个梦想家,也不是一个逃避现实 的人。从他努力不懈的写作态度上表现出 他是讲究现实的。
• 他主张“为艺术而艺术” ,竭力推崇美的 基调和本质,试图以美来平息人对死亡的 恐惧,并尽力渲染超脱凡俗的气氛来达到 自己的主体目的。他认为“在诗歌中只有 创造美——超凡绝尘的美才是引起乐趣的 正当途径。而在故事写作方面,艺术家就 不妨力图制造惊险、恐怖和强烈情感的效 果。而且每篇作品都应该收到一种效果。”

edgar allan poe 爱伦坡简介 ppt课件

edgar allan poe 爱伦坡简介 ppt课件
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838)
Page 7
A: poetry
made Poe famous as a poet
1 The Raven (1844) 《乌鸦》
2 Annabel Lee 《安娜贝尔丽》 3 The Sleeper 《睡美人》
An unhappy youth: at 17 went to the University of Virginia but did not finish, an appointment to West Point but was dismissed (fired)less than a year later
15 The Masque of the Red Death
Page 9
厄舍古厦的陷落 Page 10
C: Literary theory
The Poetic Principle <诗歌原理> The Philosophy of Composition
<创作哲学> Review of Twice-Told Tales
edgar allan poe 爱伦坡简介 ppt课件
A poet, short story writer, and literary critic
Page 2
Poe’s mother
Page 3
Edgar Allan Poe(1809—
Part I. Life Experience Part II. Major Works Part III.Literary Position Part IV.Appreciation Part ments on Poe


ven (1844) 《乌鸦》 Annabel Lee 《安娜贝尔丽》 The Sleeper 《睡美人》 A Dream Within a Dream 《梦中梦》 Israfel 《伊斯拉菲尔》 The Bells 《钟》 Sonnet – To Science 《十四行诗--致 科学》 To Helen 《献给海伦》 The City in the Sea 《海中的城市》
Edgar Allan Poe
Brief introduction
Born: January 19, 1809 Boston, Massachusetts, USA Died: October 7, 1849 (aged 40) Baltimore, Maryland, USA Occupation: Poet, short-story writer, editor, literary critic Genres: Horror fiction, Gothic romance, crime fiction, detective fiction, comedy, satire
On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore. The cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion 脑溢血, cholera霍乱 , drugs, heart disease, rabies狂犬病, suicide, tuberculosis肺结核 and other agents.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

The Haunted Palace A Dream Within A Dream …
Gothic novels 哥特式小说
Metzengerstein The Duc De L'Omelette King Pest The Fall of the House of Usher Ligeia Morella Berenice Eleonora The Assignation 梅岑格施泰因 德洛梅勒特公爵 瘟疫王 厄舍府的倒塌 丽姬娅 莫雷娜 贝蕾妮丝 埃莱奥诺拉 幽会
Poe’s poems and stories: love, beauty, death,
terror, neurotic disorder
Poe’s Gothicism: decadent content, melancholy,
abnormal psyches, supernatural elements
Even so, Poe has received not only praise, but criticism as well. This is partly because of the negative perception of his personal character and its influence upon his reputation. Emerson dismissed him in three words, “the jingle man.”(打油诗人) Mark Twain declared his prose to be unreadable. Henry James made the ruthless statement that “an enthusiasm for Poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive state of development.” T. S. Eliot charged him with “slipshod writing.” Yvor Winters regarded his literary merit as “a very frail delusion.”



• Whitman: admit Poe’s genius, but it was “its narrow range and unhealthy, lurid quality” (terrible) • T. S. Eliot: a critic of the first rank, but with “slipshod writing” (careless)
Reasons for Misunderstanding
• 1) As a perceptive critic, he wrote some scathing criticisms on distinguished literary figures. • 2) His literary executor sullied his reputation after his death.
Part II. Poe’s literary position
– Forerunner of western decadent literature – Forerunner of aesthetic literature – Explorer of abnormal psychology – Father of psychoanalytic criticism – Path-breaker of American detective novel – Father of modern short story
Edgar Allan Poe 坡 (1809—1849)
E.A. Poe (1809llan Poe
• • • • • •
Part Part Part Part Part Part

Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849)埃德加 爱伦坡

Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849)埃德加 爱伦坡

His position
Poe‘s position in world literature is secure. His influence is world-wide in modern literature. His aesthetics and conscious craftsmanship, his attack on ―the heresy(异端,异教) of the didactic(说 教的)” and his call for ―the rhythmical(有韵律 的) creation of beauty‖ have influenced French symbolism and the devotees of ―art for art‘s sake‖. Poe is father of many things, one of which is psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story.
Edgar Allan Poe 坡 (1809—1849)
E.A. Poe (1809—1849)
Poe’s mother
Edgar Allan Poe
• • • • • •
Part Part Part Part Part Part
I. Life Experience II Literary Position III. Major Works IV. Point of View V. Style VI. Appreciation
Edgar Allan Poe
• Poe‘s literary contribution
– Aestheticism

爱伦坡 人物资料

爱伦坡 人物资料

埃德加·爱伦·坡埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)(1809~1849),十九世纪美国诗人、小说家和文学评论家,美国浪漫主义思潮时期的重要成员。





[1]中文名:埃德加·爱伦·坡外文名:Edgar Allan Poe国籍:美国出生地:波士顿出生日期:1809年1月19日逝世日期:1849年10月7日职业:诗人、小说家、评论家毕业院校:弗吉尼亚大学、西点军校肄业主要成就:侦探小说、恐怖小说、效果论代表作品:小说《黑猫》、《厄舍府的倒塌》,诗《乌鸦》、《安娜贝尔·丽》逝世地:巴尔的摩1 生平年表少年时代1809年1月19日生于波士顿,三兄妹中的第二个孩子,父亲戴维·坡和母亲伊丽莎白·阿诺德·坡是同一个剧团的演员。








The Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe

The Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe

The Introduction of Edgar Allan PoeEdgar Allan Poe was born on january 19 ,1809.he was an American author, poet, editor and literary critic.considered part of the American Romantic Movement.Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre,Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre and the master of horror fiction.He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.•外文名:Edgar Allan Poe•中文名:埃德加·爱伦·坡•国籍:美国•出生地:Boston•出生日期:1809年1月19日•逝世日期:1849年10月7日•职业:poet、novelist、critic•毕业院校:virginia university•主要成就:detective fiction 、horror fiction 、•代表作品:小说《黑猫》The Black Cat《厄舍府的倒塌》The Fall of the House of Usher,诗《乌鸦》The Raven•逝世地maltimore生平年表1. 少年时代1809年,1月19日生于波士顿.1811年,他2岁时母亲于弗吉尼亚州里士满去世。

美国文学欣赏Edgar_Allan_Poe PPT

美国文学欣赏Edgar_Allan_Poe PPT

• An unhappy youth: at 17 went to the University of Virginia but did not finish, an appointment to West Point but was dismissed less than a year later
His position
Poe’s position in world literature is secure. His influence is world-wide in modern literature. His aesthetics and conscious craftsmanship, his attack on “the heresy of the didactic” and his call for “the rhythmical creation of beauty” have influenced French symbolism and the devotees of “art for art’s sake”. Poe is father of many things, one of which is psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story.
Part II. Poe’s literary position
– Forerunner of western decadent literature – Forerunner of aesthetic literature – Explorer of abnormal psychology – Father of psychoanalytic criticism – Path-breaker of American detective novel – Father of modern short story



themes of his short stories
– predominant theme
“Poe is not interested in anything alive. Everything in Poe’s writings is dead.”
horror negative
King Pest 《瘟疫王》

Detective story
Art the Man《你就是凶手》 The Purloined Letter 《被窃之信》 The Mystery of Marie Roget 《玛丽· 罗杰疑案》 The Murders in the Rue Morgue《莫格街谋杀案》 The Gold-Bug《金甲虫 》 The Oblong Box《长方形箱子》
versatile and productive
Historical position
He is one of the most famous American poets, fictionists and literature critics. He is one of the forefathers of detective story, science fiction , horror fiction, and the master of short Gothic story . He has profound influence on many writers such as Conan Doyle(柯南· 道尔)Edogawa Ranho(江户 川乱步) and so on .

Edgar Allan Poe

edgar allan poe

edgar allan poe

The Cultural Background behind the Poem To Helenby Edgar Allan Poe中文摘要埃德加·爱伦·坡,美国作家、诗人、编者与文学评论家。


《致海伦》于1831年首次出版在《爱伦坡诗集》中,歌颂了Jane Stanard,爱伦坡朋友的母亲,赞扬了女人美的本质,即外貌美和心灵美的结合。




AbstractEdgar Allan Poe was an American author, poet, editor and literary critic. During his lifelong time, he has written many poems, some of which are still widely spread and To Helen is one of them. To Helen was first published in 1831 in the collection of Poems of Edgar A. Poe. It sings of Jane Stanard, the mother of his childhood friend, of the essence of women’s beauty, that is, the combination of physical and spiritual beauty. Within the 15-line poem, the author quotes a number of historical allusions; for instance, Helen and Psyche are mentioned respectively, as well as Nicean barks, the Greek glory and Roman grandeur, etc. Thus, this poem is abound ing in the cultural background and the rich content. At the same time, it reflects the author’s sound cultural knowledge. In this way, the theme of the poem is illustrated to its fullest.This mini-thesis is made up of four parts: the first part gives a brief introduction of the poem and its author; the second one is the literature review, concerning about the analysis and the point of view from previous scholars; the third one is the specific discussion, which is done by combining the mentioned historical stories with the main idea of the poem; the last one is the conclusion, reiterating the previous issues and making a summary.Key words: To Helen, Edgar Allan Poe, allusionsIntroduction1. Introduction to Edgar Allan PoeEdgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. He was the second child of English-born actress Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe and actor David Poe, Jr. He had an elder brother and a younger sister. His father abandoned their family in 1810, and his mother died a year later from consumption. Poe was then taken into the home of John Allan, a successful Scottish merchant in Richmond, Virginia. The Allans served as a foster family and gave him the name "Edgar AllanPoe", though they never formally adopted him.Poe attended the grammar school in Irvine, Scotland for a short period in 1815, before rejoining the family in London. There he studied at a boarding school, subsequently entered at the Reverend John Bransby’s Manor House School, then a suburb in the north of London.Poe moved back with the Allans to Richmond, Virginia in 1820. Then he registered at the one-year-old University of Virginia to study ancient and modern languages. In spite of the strict discipline, Poe still had an increasing debt due to gambling. He dropped out and traveled to Boston in April 1827, sustaining himself with odd jobs as a clerk and newspaper writer.Unable to support himself, Poe enlisted in the United States Army as a private. That same year, he released his first book, but received virtually no attention. He was discharged on April 15, 1829, moved back to Baltimore and published his second book.He left for New Y ork in February 1831, and released a third volume of poems. That book did not publish six previously poems including early versions of "To Helen", "Israfel", and "The City in the Sea". Besides poems, he turned his attention to prose and then journal.Since 1831, after his brother's death, Poe began more earnest attempts to start his career as a writer. Poe secretly married the 13-year-old Virginia, his cousin. After his wife’s early death, he attempted to court the poet Sarah Helen Whitman, but their engagement failed because of her mother’s intervention. Biographers and critics often suggest that Poe's frequent theme of the "death of a beautiful woman" stems from the repeated loss of women throughout his life.On October 3, 1849, Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore delirious, then died.2. Introduction to the PoemTo Helen is one of the most popular poems by Poe. The first draft was finished in 1831 and then revised in 1845. The most notable change is that "the beauty of fair Greece, and the grandeur of old Rome" in the first draft was improved into "the glory that was Greece, and the grandeur that was Rome."The subject of this poem is Mrs.Jane Stith Stanard, the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates, who is said to be Poe’s first real love. The poem is a reflection on the beauty of women, including both the superficial beauty and the spiritual purity.There are three stanzas in this poem. In the first stanza, the author sings of the superficial beauty of Helen, by describing her loveliness and niceness as the Nicean barks of yore, calling people to go back to his shore. In the second stanza, the author depicted her in details, including her hyacinth hair and the classic cheek. In the last stanza, the author called her Psych. In this way, he put an emphasis on the beauty of her soul to protrude the theme.ⅡLiterature ReviewⅢThe Allusions in To HelenPoe has a very large range of extensive knowledge, and an imaginative and flexible mind. Ups and downs for thousands of years, lengths and breadths for millions of miles, via the sensitive and accurate process of his mind, he can reveal everything in his writings. Through reading his works, we can sense the beauty——the elegance and exquisite, the glory and refinement, the melancholy and sadness. Just as in this poem, there are many classic allusions serving to the theme:1. Helen——women’s physical beautyIn Greek mythology, Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, the most beautiful woman in Greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan War. Helen was the wife of Menelaus. They had a daughter. Once, while Menelaus was out, Helen went the temple of Artemis and met Paris, son of Priam. They fell in love. Then, Paris took her to his country. Paris action irritated the Greeks and thus initiated the Troy War. In short, the cause of Troy War is that men started a battle for Helen, the beauty.The author chose Helen as the subject of the poem to suggest that, first of all, woman is beautiful in terms of appearance.Helen, then, was compared with Nicean barks. It is a simile. This does not mean that Helen is as beautiful as Nicean barks, but illustrates that Helen can bring sense of safety and comfort. Thus, it recalls mother or old lady, hinting the real subject of the poem, the mother of his classmate. Poe lost his mother at the very early time, so he never felt the powerful sense of safety under the shelter of his mother. He longed for being protected, be cared and be loved. From this point of view, he fell in love with an old lady is within the expectation.2. Hyacinth——happinessIn Greek Mythology, Apollo and Hu A Sintros are good friends. Zephyrus became envious. He deliberately blew the discus to Hu A Sintros. His head bleed. The blood flew from his head and grew into a hyacinth. Since that, it represented the happiness and admiration.Poe depicts Helen’s hair as the hyacinth to demonstrate his love and fondness of her.3. Psyche——women’s spiritual beautyIn Greek Mythology, Psyche is the daughter of a King. She is such a beauty that her fame is even beyond that of V enus. Cupid, V enus’s son, marries her, which triggers the envy of Psych e’s two sisters. They make up a rumor that Cupid is a monster and render Cupid’s burn hurt. All of these annoy V enus and she almost wants to kill her. Psyche comes to V enus to make an apology, but V enus would not forgive her so easily.By referring Psyche, Poe intents to convey the idea that woman needs not only the physical, and more important, the spiritual beauty. Meanwhile, in this way, Poe speaks highly of the integrated beauty of the real subject——Mrs.Jane Stith Stanard. ⅣConclusionEdgar Allan Poe, by quoting many classic allusions in Greek Mythology, vividly expresses his idea, i.e. the theme of the poem: at the beginning, he represents her as Helen of Troy—the quintessence(典范)of physical beauty; at the end, he characterizes her as Psyche, the beauty of soul.Reference:/wiki/To_helen/wiki//wiki/Edgar_allan_poe/question/73756484/z/q2000035004.htm?pid=ask.box/p/4131274/彭桂菊.爱德加.爱伦.坡作品赏析.武汉测绘科技大学出版社.1999.285页Appendix:To HelenBy Edgar Allan Poe Helen,thy beauty is to meLike those Nicean barks of yore,That gently,o'er a perfumed sea,The weary,way-worn wanderer boreTo his own native shore.On desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair,thy classic face,Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the glory that was Greece.And the grandeur that was Rome.Lo!in yon brilliant window-nicheHow statue-like I see thee stand!The agate lamp within thy hand,Ah!Psyche from the regions whichAre Holy Land!。

Edgar Allan Poe演讲PPT

Edgar Allan Poe演讲PPT
Edgar Allan Poe
Speaker name and title here
Edgar Allan Poe Biography
American writer, poet and critic Edgar Allan Poe is famous for his tales and poems of horror and mystery, including "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The TellTale Heart" and "The Raven."
His wife Virginia Died,and left Poe a bitterer life
1849 Edgar Allan Poe dies in the hospital of unknown causes.
Tamerlane and Other Poems July 1827
morning Virginia just lie the
man in the story morns over
Edgar Allan Poe has a unique and dark way of writing. His mysterious style of writing appeals to emotion and drama.
His style is created by his use of punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, imagery, and tone.Poe's most impressionable works of fiction are gothic. His stories tend to have the same recurring theme of either death, lost love or both.

Edgar Allan Poe 美国诗人

Edgar Allan Poe 美国诗人

literary works should have a sense of concentration and unity.
Page 7
Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea, The weary, wayworn wanderer bore To his own native shore. On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome.
Page 6
Poe's Artistic theories
argued for the creation of beauty and intensity of emotion,against the didactic motive for literature.
literature should have no social function or responsibility but an expression of the isolated artist.
Page 10
Page 11
Psyche ∕Helen
Page 9
Psyche ∕Helen
To Helen
The theme of this poem is the beauty of a woman with whom Poe acquainted when he was young. Apparently, she treated him kindly and may have urged him or perhaps inspired him to write poetry. Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem, appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as her body. On the one hand, he represents her as Helen of Troy–the quintessence of physical beauty–at the beginning of the poem. On the other hand, he represents her as Psyche–thequintessence of soulful beauty–at the end of the poem. In Greek, psyche means soul.



爱伦·坡(EdgarAlanPoe)诗选埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)(1809~1849),十九世纪美国诗人、小说家和文学评论家,美国浪漫主义思潮时期的重要成员。

























关键词:爱伦坡恐怖小说写作艺术特色AbstractEdgar Allan Poe‟s horrible fictions are well-known for a profound beauty of decadence, grotesque and gloom. In this paper, through analyzing the most representative American writer Edgar Allan Poe‟s horror fictions, we can touch the writer‟s uncanny world. Edgar Allan P oe‟s fiction s obviously inherit from the traditional Gothic literature. Poe, with his ingenious inheritance from Gothicism, created a unique style for his horrible tales. At the same time, his writing characteristics including symbolism, rendering technique and the first person visual angel are presented in most of his horrible stories. Using the psychological analysis to analyze the mysterious and obscure symbolism, to understand its specific meaning, and how to arouse the readers' imagination, which makes readers experience the glamour of the fear. Rendering of the colors, environment makes the horror stories with dark, terror sense of pictures. First-person narrative point of view makes the story become more realistic and close to the reader confronted the bloody scene. Application of these techniques successfully solved the problem of advancing the plot and producing terror feelings in the creation of horror fiction. Analyzing Poe ‟ s writing artistic features will certainly help people to understand his book and thoughts.Key words :Edgar Allan Poe horror fictions writing artistic characteristicsContentI. Introduction (1)II. Gothic Features (2)A. The Definition of the Term “Gothic” (2)a. The character‟s horror actions……………………………………….3.b. The scene settings (3)c. The theme of death (3)B. The Creation of the Gothic Literature……………………………….5. III. SymbolismA. The Definition of Symbolism (5)a. Scene images (6)b. Color images (6)c. Animals images (7)B. Analysis Symbol From Psychology (7)a. From Sigmund Freud‟s Theory………………………………………....7.b. From Aristotle‟s Theory (9)IV. Rendering T echniqueA. The Specific Application of Rendering Technique (9)V.Writing From First PersonA.The specific Application of First Person (10)VI. Conclusion (11)Work citedThe Writing Artistic Characteristics In Edgar Allan Poe’s Horror FictionsI. Introduction.Not a passion is more direct touch the soul of human than fear. We can deeply realize the frightened soul, and totally immerse in terror tales which created by Poe. Dangerous actually does not exist, but Edgar Allan Poe used his gifted imagination and narrative skills to show them with specific subtle details. With the degree of terror upgrading, the panics make readers immersive.Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) is one of the most outstanding writers in American three prominent terror novelists. He is the American 19th century author of fiction, poet, literary critic, journalist, editor. His poetry and fictions have been attracted extensive attention from all over the world, especially his horror fictions, with its mystery, terror attracts more and more researchers‟ interest. In his tales, he created an integrated mysterious and terrible atmosphere, and achieved thrilling effect. He is good at using fantasy to express his awake and wise, and a meditation of life. As the notable English writer George Bernard Shaw once said, the United States has two great writers, Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain. "Poe's greatness lies in his was the first one to start digging human consciousness is the deepest darkness in the field of people." (常耀信Chang Yaoxin)Once there are many conventional people feel hard to accept this kind of weird protagonists for they are used to reading that encouraging stories that full of love and hope. He was misunderstood by his contemporaries and their followers for a long time. Mark Twain thought Poe‟s prose hard to be readable. However, now his works both attract readers, and let the reader feel the narrator‟s sometimes lucid, sometimes maniacal abnormal mind. He believed “art for art‟s sake”. His theory of effects and unity and the techniques he used in his tales have influenced most writer after him, especially the detective writers. The authors explored two extremes, the people‟s good or evil, reason or mania, and strove to depict the intermediate zone between the two extremes. In his works, Poe confused boundaries between reason and mania, the difference between waking anddream. Beauty and terror, fear and pleasure that are accompanied with each other.II. Gothic Features.A. The Definition of the Term “Gothic”.Gothic literature is a collection of terror and romantic literature. Edgar Allan Poe 's horror fiction not only inherited the traditional Gothic novel writing pattern, but also develop a unique Gothic novel writing style. The origin of the "Gothic" can be traced back to the word "Goths" , which initially described the Germanic tribes of the most deadly, savage branch. And the "Gothic style" is used to describe French church architectures of the 11th century, and its characteristics are high taper steeples, high arch windows, colored glasses and internal gloomy environments. The Gothic novel originated in Britain in the late 18th century. The Castle of Otranto(1764) written by Horace Walpole established the model of the early classical Gothic novel. Since then, this writing style attracted many people to imitate, and extended to the whole Europe and the United States. Ed gar Allan Poe are the most significant among the representative personages in the early Gothic novel.The Gothic novel has strong appeals to readers, for its profound psychological and the aesthetic sources. The psychology of the Gothic novel is based on a sense of fear and curiosity by nature. When readers are reading Gothic stories, they usually have a strong experience of fear, of being personally on the scene and do not worry their own safety at the same time. Readers have a experience of imagination themselves or replace the characters, or as a participant, or as a spectator, and with the development of events in the works, readers complete adventures travel of mind. There is no any cost of adventure. Modern people and ancestors are both keen to ancient monsters, popular legends and appalling and scary ghost stories. Although people will be afraid of them, but they still want to find stimulation. Human curiosity, the demand of fear and safety, and the demand of courageous hero are all meet in the Gothic novels. When society people are feeling depressed, this kind of work is popular in the market.The Gothic novel, fundamentally speaking, is the past and present negative reaction of comfortable, safe political stability and the commercial prosperity.The most important thing is that it resists rational control. Therefore, the hero is usually violent and cruel in theGothic novel, which plots are bloody and violent, and often happened in the past, especially in the middle ages, and used castles, ruins or wilderness as the background. The plot is weird and horrific, and often with a mysterious supernatural, giving people the most strong fears of the soul and visual stimulation.a.the character‟s terror actionThe Gothic novels ‟characters was oppressed by social and secular vision for a long-time, so they usually became insane and crazy. Such as Heathcliff in the Wuthering heights. And in Edgar Allan Poe ‟ s novels, hero usually became vicious brutality in that inexplicable fear in his inner world.In a Bucket of White Wine, he deceived Fortunato to his home cellar and killed him, who once insulted him.In the Black Cat, the author describes the actions of killing the black cat and his wife.“Slowly I took a knife from my pocket, opened it, and then carefully cut out one of Pluto‟s eyes from its socket.”and when the hero killed his wife, he thought that he could cut the body up into very small pieces and then burn them in a fire, and that he could put the body in a box and then ask someone to carry the box away.Moreover, in the Tell-Tale Heart, Poe depicted this cruel pictures: “ First , I cut it into pieces. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs. I then took up there boards from the wooden floor, and hid the body underneath.”b. the scene settingsUnder the traditional Gothic novel, the choice of the scene is very common. They were likely to select a bleak and isolated places, such as castles, cellars, cemetery, as the scene of the story. And Edgar Allan Poe also had an obsession with the theme of death. Poe was good at using his unique imagination, with the help of a grim scenario, to strengthen the result of the terror. Poe insisted that this closed, dark environment can expose human nature and desire and show human irrational world.c. the theme of deathBecause the Gothic novels itself is from the eerie, dark and mysterious architectural style, its contents are generally violence, murder, fornication, etc. The death of death isthe eternal theme in the Gothic novels, of course, which is Edgar Allan Poe's most beloved. When the terrible incidents happened, there are often accompanied with some characters ‟s death. Before Poe, the author Lewis created a novel Monastery whose plots contained killing one with maltreatment, which is the landmark work in the Gothic novels. Therefore Poe inherited these kinds of plot from the former writer. Edgar Allan Poe‟s life is suffered form a series of blows and grief, so he can more deeply understand the theme of death.For Poe, death is not a natural fact, but an accident which people could not control when it happens. Death means a new lease of life and a transcending. It has a super organic meaning.(Poe‟s Aesthetic Perspectives of Beauty in Art , Life and Death. 潘蕾2006,April,26页)A bucket of white wine is the most representative and typical revenge of the theme of death. Avengers Monterroso knew a lot about his enemy Fortunato as his profound hatred in his heart. He held on to others fatal weakness, which is human common weakness, vanity, and he knew that Fortunato …s biggest weakness is that he considered himself as a reviewer of good wines. Monterroso pretended a worship, friendly, warm and affectionate heart in surface, but actually hidden dangers and set a trap.In the Masque of the Red Death, death seems to be doomed and invincible. In the shadow of death, people are panic, hysterical, and despair hidden under the carnival. As "the Red Death" spread in the whole city, half the people of this country had already died from it. In order to avoid the plague, the fearless prince Prospero invite a thousand of his brave and strong friends to stay with him in a castle, far out in the countryside. The castle had a strong high walls and great gates of heavy metal. They all thought that they fled to a safety place far away from the Red Death. That forms an obvious contrast: outside wall is red death world, life itself yet was inside the castle. The contrast of death and life, and the close distance of them let a person have no way to retreat and make people crazy. Party held in seven rooms, but the seventh room was the most frightening for its walls were black, carpet was also black, but its windows were a deep blood-red. No one can enter into this black room that represented the domain of the death and meant people‟s deep fear. Every time as the clock slowly rang the twelve long chimes of midnight, it remindedrevelers of the coming of death and let their hearts experience death's powerful and oppression at every moment.B. The Creation of the Gothic Literature.Edgar Allan Poe made a bold innovation of the Gothic literature, turned the horrors of the Gothic novel into mental horror,and revealed the human inner fear.Poe once wrote his mental terror in the preface of Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. If the theme in many of his story has always been a terror, he insisted that the terror is not German type, but a type of mind. He deduced such terror just from reasonable source, and simply made the tendency of reasonable results.In the Gothic novels, Poe made innovations in the structure of the form. The characteristics of the progressive type structure is obvious, clear, and easy to narrate. Along with the advancement of the story, the narrative rhythm speeding up, the plot is becoming more and more exciting to achieve climax under the atmosphere of terror. In Poe 's horror fictions, he further developed the progressive structure. Using the first person in order to recall the past things according to chronological order. Narration stratification makes the development of tales particular attracted, and mysterious. In the novel of William Wilson, using the structure of the progressive type tells the story of “I”in chronological order. “I”go to school met a student whose name and birthday is the same as me. And he was always opposing me. So "I" became more and more wild. After fighting again and again, “I” killed “another I”.He revealed the evil in human nature. In the second half of the 19th century America, the beautiful art still occupied the dominant position. Until the last century, the principle of beauty and ugliness was introduced to the modernism art. A large number of literature and art creators tried to reveal the contradictions of society and life from the opposite side. Edgar Allan Poe 's works existed a lot of ugliness, and also broke through the traditional aesthetics. Poe‟s aesthetic innovation exceeded other contemporary writers.III. Symbolism.A. The Definition of SymbolismThe symbolism is an artistic technique that expresses similar emotions and thoughtswith the specific image that easily associated. So-called objective image is through different emotional activities to create a kind of artistic image. In other words, it is an objective image that used to express objective emotions. Poe was influenced by British romanticism and German idealism aesthetic. So Poe is keen on singular weird things that in his view are not terrible, but a beauty of the bizarre. Poe fully utilized his genius, to create one by one significant and profound images. He used some animals or things to represent the abstract concept, which can be divided into the following category.a. Scene images.The ancient castle in the Masque of the Red Death, the dark damp underground wine cellar in a Bucket of White Wine, the bleak old house in the Fall of the House of Usher are scene images. Airtight, isolated and bleak scene image produces a depressive environment, and impacts the protagonist's psychological feelings and spirit.After reading the Fall of the House of Usher I was scared for a long time. At first sight, it seems to be an abnormal emotional story, but the image setting not stayed on the surface meaning, but gave it more complex and deeper meaning. The house of usher symbolic meaning is that it gave birth to the old family, but at the same time closed itself, also closed its owner. And the House of Usher is on behalf of both the collapsed building and the family. In the end, the house and its owner both ruined. The characteristics of the house are similar to the temperament of the hero. To achieve the effect of the unified theory, Edgar Allan Poe integrated the scene image with hero‟s temperament. The melancholy House of Usher shows the protagonist's mental state with great pain.b. Color imageIt is badly common to use color as the image in Poe ‟s horror novels. Red and black were also his favorite color images. He chose them for red is the color of blood and black is a symbol of death. In the Masque of the Red Death, the seventh room was black and its walls were black, its thick, heavy carpet was also black. But its windows were a deep blood-red. For each fire was opposite a window, so in the black room the firelight that shone through the blood-red window changed the room into something too horrible to describe. And as the fires burned brighter, the colors and shapes in this room became morehorrible than ever.In the fall of the house of Usher, the black tapestry, the dark silent lake, in the tell-tale heart,the dark lantern, the old man had a pale, blue eyes that all brought people greatly unease and panic. Whether black cat or the dark House of Usher are both filled with so much color images that produced more horrific feelings.c. Animal imageIn the book of the Black Cat , this title laid an ominous tone for the full story. The black cat is not a simple "object", but a prominent horror, which makes the hero in fear all the time, also gives the readers a kind of fear of excitement and pleasure. In the West, the ominous black cat is the embodiment of the witch and a symbol of evil. The name of the black cat, Pluto, was originally the name of the hell and the ruler of the underworld in the ancient Greek mythology. Pluto often made a sinister sound. Edgar Allan Poe designed the Black Cat as title and Pluto as the name of the cat, which the aim is to create an terrible atmosphere. As shown in the ending, the black cat led to a end, “ On top of her head, with a red, open mouth and one burning eye, sat the black cat - the animal which has had made me a murderer, and which would now send me to death.”When the first cat hanged in a few days later, there appeared another black cat that like Pluto, but a white mark on its chest. The white mark of the chest showed the shape of the gallows, which made the hero frighten. The white mark reminded his crimes, aroused his guilt, and became the symbol of his crimes.In short, Poe not only simple inherited the death and gloomy aesthetic orientation, violent plots in the Gothic literature but also innovated the Gothic writing techniques, and more strove to explore people‟s inner world.B. Analysis Symbol From Psychologya. From Sigmund Freud‟s Theory.Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic personality theory focuses on the study of human unconscious mental activity. Freudian theory of human psyche is a kind of"understanding people's motivation, personality, mental activity of science." It has a huge influences on many areas in modern western society. Among them, the three-level personality structurepoints out that the imbalance of ego, id or the self, superego will lead to mental illness and personality disorder."The self", or the subconscious mind, is the most basic part of the personality structure and lies in the deepest heart, representing the most primitive, instinctive impulse and desire. Id follows the principles of happiness that do not have any moral, ethical and value factors. It is easily impulsive, but can be controlled and regulated. "The ego" is from “the id”and is the executor of the personality. It is the medium that contact with the outside world according to actual condition to adjust the id and the superego and it does things according to the moral principles. "The superego" is a manager in the personality structure, and is on behalf of the social moral standards. Since there always exists the opposite between the superego and the id, ego needs to coordinate the contradictions between the id and the superego.Only the id, ego and superego arrive balance, can a person's spiritual world be normal. If they don't balance, they can cause abnormal mentality and personality distortion.Poe probed the most secret unconscious and subconscious mental activities that showed a person‟s mentality from abnormal to breakdown.Poe's psychological description is vivid, natural and frank. Through psychological activities, we can see the ugliness and evil of human nature, and have a profound introspection and the purification of the soul.In the book of the Black Cat,when the hero‟s superego is unable to suppress and prevent id‟s violent impulse, violent nature that hidden in the depths of the protagonist subconscious began to do evil things. So one day the hero committed unforgivable crimes under the uncontrolled evil thoughts. Later, protagonist and his superego was tormented by criminal facts. Every time he remember that day he killed the cat, he still feel sadness and pain. As a result of the need to self hurt self, people often know that we should not do but still done something stupid or evil. In this novel, Poe went into the most deep place of the human consciousness that showed the evil instinct in a person's unconscious.Usher lived in the house of usher where full of despair for a long time, and only had a sister. The intolerable darkness, and desolate, terrible, bleak atmosphere gradually eroded and distorted Usher‟s spirit. And because id overindulgence made he fornicate with his sister, he felt deeply regret, fear, anxiety and guilt. Because of id indulgence, superego will severely punish id.It is difficult to achieve balance for these three parts which are always contradictory and not harmonious in the personality structure, so everyone more or less have somemental illness that symptoms severity or lighter. The objective environment make the readers realize the psychological development of health and personality molding auxiliary need good environment, including family environments, school environments, social environments, etc. Ego should coordinate the relationship between the id and the superego, and should emphasize the guidance and warning role of superego and should make decisions according to the social ethics and common sense.b. From the theory of effects and unifyIn "the review of H awthorne’s twice told tales" (the review of Hawthorne 's twice told tales. 1840) he explained his creation principles. He thought a clever writer not put his own thoughts into his plot, but planned in advance and created a unique distinctive effect, and then fabricated some plots and contacted with these plots. All these things are in order to realize the theory of effect and unify. He believed that the work should be a harmonious unity. From beginning to end, every detail, every plot, each place, even every sentence, every word should achieve a unified effect.Based on his famous creation principle of theory of the effect and unify. Through his elaborate conception and clever arrangement, he created the unique aesthetic effects, and aesthetic values.In the novels, name is not random, but carefully chosen for the ultimate horror effects. The pronunciation of Fortunato is similar with fortunate, and Pluto is the name of the hell in ancient Greek mythology.IV. Rendering TechniqueA. The Specific Application of Rendering TechniqueIn Poe 's horror fictions, both the depiction of psychology, environment, and all kinds of horrible death way in the novels, give one impression of terror. In the fall of the house of usher, Poe portrayed“I looked up at the old house with its high stone walls and narrow windows. I looked around at the thin dry grass and the old dying trees, and sick, and could not think of one happy thought to chase away my gloom.”Thus we can see, His works through rendering environment, such as old house, high stone walls, narrow windows, thin dry grass, old dying tree, to emphasize the decline of the surrounding environment, which makes people feel that life is fragile and prepares for the next horrible plot.In the Fall of the House of Usher, about seven or eight days after they had put LadyMadeleine‟s coffin in the vault. Outside, there was a storm which was growing wilder. “I”could hear some low sounds from somewhere inside the house. And then Poe described the violent storm as the follow that made people feel much tension.“T he wind from the violent storm outside crashed into the room, nearly knocking us to the floor. It was, indeed, a wild, but strangely beautiful night. The wind seemed to be going in circles around the house, and huge, heavy black clouds chased each other, first this way, then that way. We could see no moon and no stars, but a pale ghostly light lay around the house.”At that moment, “I”read a wild, fantastic story whose plot is Ethelred breaking the old man‟s door, the cry of the dragon, and the falling of the gates. This story the hero read enhanced the tense atmosphere. And then the plot arrived the climax. Usher‟s body began to shake, and a sickly smile came over his lips. He said that he had put Madeleine alive into a coffin. At the end of this story, Poe depicted this picture “O utside, the storm was still violent and as I ran past the lake, a sudden wild light shone around me......There was a long shouting sound, like the voice of a thousand waters, and the deep dark lake closed over the broken pieces of the House of Usher.”which made everything disappeared and the story full of the breath of despairing.V.Writing From First PersonA.The specific Application of First PersonIt's not hard to find that the first person in narration in Poe 's horror fictions. From the perspective of the reader, applying the first person to give readers a real feeling, to stimulate reading interest, and to build a kind of objective real effect. While from the author himself, using the first person in narrating the experience of gruesome story can objectively present and tell the hero's thoughts and behaviors. This way can let article write fluently and better analyze the narrator own mental condition. Poe seemed to be a prophet of god, and know the development of all things.In the novel William Wilson, a series of events experienced by the author with "I" as the main content, he also let readers feel that has really happened , and leave the deep impression.In the beginning of the Tell-Tale Heart,“I could hear all things, things in this world and things in heaven. I heard many things in hell, too. So how can I be mad?”The "I" repeatedly stressed he is not crazy, normal mental, how people have a normal mental to kill the old man suffered from cataract? When the police asked what has happened, “I”heard the noise of the old man‟s noise of beating heart becoming louder and clearer, and then “I”collapsed, told the police that the corpse was under the floor. If “I” didn't hear that beating heart, I can escape from the pain of heart, and legal sanctions, but “I”heard this horrible noise was bigger and bigger, “I” argued, “I” walked up and down the room, “I” felt that “I”must scream or die. Finally, “I” can not stand it and accept the realistic punishment.“We humans seem to like hurting ourselves. Haven‟t we all, a hundred times, done something stupid or evil just because we know that we should not do it? ”He borrowed "I" in The Black Cat to briefly analyze people ‟ s criminal mentality, and show that the dark inner corner of the man.IV. ConclusionPoe lived in America where the whole country was filled with hope of life in the second half of the 19th century, however, he focused on the death, and the darkness. Edgar Allan Poe 's works not only improved the depth and breadth in literature, and promoted the development of the romanticism, but also studied social concerned psychological problems now. Poe by means of describing the terror to express his view on the good and evil, to expose meditation and inner struggle in the modern western. As a successor and innovator of traditional Gothic literature, he has become a significant writer in American literature. He used techniques such as symbol, rendering, the first person visual single in his tales to create a stunning success. Edgar Allan Poe's strove to explore the secrets of the human mind, and explored the limits of human psychology. He showed that beauty is not a kind of nature, but make the readers feel strong sense of pleasure from horror and let readers enjoy them.。

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The Rocky Mountains
❖Long Tales
▪ The Gold-Bug (1843) ▪ Hans Phaall (1850) ▪ The Murders In The Rue Morgue (1841) ▪ The Mystery Of Marie Roget --- A Sequel To
About the man…
Married life…
In 1836 Edgar married his young cousin, Virginia Clemm.
She died in 1847. They had no children.
❖In his latter years, Poe was interested in several women. They included the poetess, Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman, Mrs. Charles Richmond, and the widow, Mrs. Sarah Elmira Shelton, whom he had known in his boyhood as Miss Royster.
His famous poetry
❖ Alone ❖The City In the Sea Sleeper ❖ Lenore ❖ The Valley of Unrest ❖ The Haunted Palace ❖ The Raven ❖To Helen ❖Annabel Lee ❖ The Conqueror Worm ❖ Ulalume ❖A Valentine ❖ Eldorado
❖As Edgar grew older, he became involved in drinking and gambling. He was discharged from the Army for his neglect of duty. John Allan was so disappointed with Edgar, he cut him off and never had contact again.
Edgar Allan Poe
➢ Situated in the central part of North America (except Alaska & Hawaii)
Life and Contributions
U.S.A. 9,370,000
❖Born January 19, 1809 ❖Parents were David and Elizabeth Poe ❖Born in Boston, Massachusetts
The Cask of Amontillado
❖The Cask of Amontillado was first published in the November 1846 issue of Godey's Lady's Book, a monthly magazine from Philadelphia. The story next appeared in the collection Poe's Works, in 1850.
❖The tale is focused on two main characters named Montresor and Fortunato.
The story begins around dusk, one evening during the carnival season in an unnamed European city. The location quickly changes from the lighthearted activities associated with such a festival to the damp, dark catacombs under Montresor's palazzo which helps to e2sMtiassboluirsihRivtehre sinister atmosphere of the story.
❖The circumstances of Poe's death remain a mystery. After a visit to Norfolk and Richmond for lectures, he was found in Baltimore in a pitiable condition and taken unconscious to a hospital where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849. He was buried in the yard of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Missouri River
❖In the beginning, these peculiar men meet in a jovial atmosphere during carnival season and later retreat to the dank and eerie vaults of the catacombs. Poe creates a creepy and suspenseful mood the deeper Fortunato and Montresor venture into the vaults.
“The Murder In The Rue Morgue” (1850)
▪ The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym Of Nantucket (1850)
The best known of the Colorado Plateau is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.)
❖He is best known for his poetic output. His flawless literary construction, haunting theme and meter are remarkable.
❖He is the First Master of the short story form, especially in tales of horror and mystery. He had more books published than any other American author.
❖The story is narrated by Montresor, who carries a grudge against Fortunato for an offense that is never explained. Montresor leads a drunken Fortunato through a series of chambers beneath his palazzo with the promise of a taste of Amontillado, a wine that Montresor has just purchased. When the two men reach the last underground chamber, Montresor chains Fortunato to the wall, builds a new wall to seal him in, and leaves him to die.
“The Murder In The Rue Morgue” (1850) ▪ The Purloined Letter (1845)
▪ Berenice (1835) ▪ The Cask Of Amontillado (1846) ▪ The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1839) ▪ The Masque Of The Red Death (1842) ▪ Morella (1850) ▪ The Oblong Box (1850) ▪ The Oval Portrait (1850) ▪ The Pit And The Pendulum (1842) ▪ The Premature Burial (1850) ▪ Von Kempelen And His Discovery (1850)
The Formative Years…
❖Living with the Allans, Edgar was given the best of everything. John Allan promised to give Edgar the education he had not had growing up. He was put in private school from the early age of six. He attended the University of Virginia for one year. After that he attended the United States Military Academy.
❖The setting in most pieces of literature reveals a specific purpose. In The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, the twisted scenery is an important factor for the mood, plot, and characters.
▪ Criticism (1850) ▪ The Daguerreotype (1840) ▪ Marginalia (1844-49) ▪ Detective ▪ The Murders In The Rue Morgue (1841) ▪ The Mystery Of Marie Roget --- A Sequel To