第10章 卡尔·海因里希·马克思(1)
卡尔·海因里希·马克思(德语:Karl Heinrich Marx,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),马克思主义的创始人,第一国际的组织者和领导者,全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师,无产阶级的精神领袖,当代共产主义运动的先驱,伟大的政治家、哲学家、经济学家、革命理论家、社会学家、革命家,社会学三巨头之一,主要著作有《资本论》、《共产党宣言》。
1、出生马克思于1818年公历5月5日生于德意志联邦普鲁士王国莱茵省(现属于德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州)特里尔城一个律师家庭,他的祖父洛宾·列维(Rabbin Marc Levy)是一名犹太人律法学家,他的父亲是希尔舍·卡尔·马克思,同荷兰裔犹太女子罕丽·普列斯堡(Henriette Presborck)结婚,生育多名子女,但从一确定继承人的文件中发现,只有卡尔·马克思和三个女儿索非亚、爱米尔、路易莎存活。
1840年,普鲁士新国王腓特烈·威廉四世即位,迫害自由主义民主人士,要求所有出版物都必须通过严格审查,大学失去学术自由,新国王任命的柏林大学教授F.W.von Shelling 将会审查马克思的博士论文,但马克思博士论文里哲学高过神学的立场不可能被反黑格尔的教授所接受,所以马克思将博士论文改寄给萨克森-魏玛-艾森纳赫大公国的耶拿大学(Jena)审查博士资格。
1861-1865年,撰Leabharlann 了关于美国内战的许多文章。
1850年3月和6月, 先后两次与马克思 合作起草《中央委 员会告共产主义者 同盟书》。为了支 援陷于极端贫困的 马克思一家,恩格 斯于该年迁居曼彻 斯特,在“欧门- 恩格斯公司”再度 经商。
在曼彻斯特居住期 间,恩格斯同马克 思保持了频繁的通 信联系,共同研讨 国际工人运动的理 论和策略,探讨各 个领域里的学术问 题。恩格斯进行了 广泛的理论研究, 尤其对军事学、语 言学和自然辩证法 作了深入的探讨。
五、马克思与恩格斯的伟大友谊对 当代大学生的启示
友谊是交往的重要产物,交往产生了友谊, 友谊加深了交往。大学生有着强烈的寻找友 谊、渴望朋友的心理需求,这是大学生人际 关系中一个十分普遍而突出的特点。
对于当代大学生而言, 构建良好的人际交往 要遵循正确的交往原 则;积极参与交往, 克服各种不正确的认 知,塑造良好的个人 形象;注重人际交往 技巧、学会人际交往 的艺术。 1、交往方式多样 2、交往范围开放 3、交往内容广泛
1818年5月5日马克 思诞生于普鲁士莱 茵省特利尔城一个 律师家里。 1820 年11月28日恩格斯 生于普鲁士莱茵省 的巴门市的一个工 厂主的家里,比马 克思小两岁。
1. 马克思的真实姓名是卡尔·海因里希·马克思(Karl Heinrich Marx),但他的家人和朋友都称他为卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)。
2. 马克思和恩格斯的合作是历史上最著名的合作之一。
3. 马克思并不是一位成功的经济学家。
4. 马克思的家庭生活并不富裕。
5. 马克思并不是一位纯粹的革命者。
6. 马克思对宗教持批评态度,认为宗教是一种虚幻的幻觉,是对人类苦难的逃避。
7. 马克思的著作在他生前并没有得到广泛的认可和重视。
8. 马克思主义在20世纪的社会主义国家中发挥了重要作用。
9. 马克思并不是一位历史学家,但他对历史的研究对其理论有着重要的影响。
叙述马克思恩格斯革命历程并谈谈体会1. 马克思恩格斯的革命历程1.1 青年时期和对社会问题的关注马克思恩格斯,全名卡尔·海因里希·马克思,于1818年出生在德国特里尔市。
1.2 与恩格斯的碰撞与合作马克思在1842年开始担任《莱茵报》的编辑,这是他第一次与弗里德里希·恩格斯接触的机会。
1.3 马克思主义的形成与共产主义思想马克思和恩格斯共同研究了资本主义的经济和社会结构,最终形成了马克思主义。
2. 对马克思恩格斯革命历程的体会2.1 深刻洞察社会问题马克思和恩格斯的革命历程使我深刻认识到社会问题的根源和实质。
2.2 支持无产阶级革命马克思和恩格斯的革命思想让我对无产阶级革命充满了信心和支持。
2.3 引领社会变革的重要性马克思和恩格斯的革命历程让我明白了个人和团体对社会变革的重要性。
下面是小编为你整理的马克思英文简介,希望对你有用!卡尔·海因里希·马克思简介Karl Heinrich Marx (German: Karl Heinrich Marx, May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883), one of the founders of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the first international A great mentor for the proletariat and working people all over the world. The spiritual leader of the proletariat, the pioneer of the international communist movement.Marx is a great German thinker, politician, philosopher, economist, revolutionist and sociologist. The main works are "Capital", "Communist Manifesto" and so on.Marx founded the well-known philosophical thought as historical materialism, its greatest wish is for the individual's comprehensive and free development. Marx founded the great economic theory. In his personal terms, his great work is "Capital", and Marx established his principles of elaboration as "Critique of Political Economy". Marx believes that this is the "political economy principle" thing, this is the "essence", and later people can continue to study on this basis.Marx argues that the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally unavoidable. He and Engels co-founded the Marxist doctrine, is considered to guide the working people around the world to achieve the socialist and communist great ideals of the struggle of the theoretical weapons and action guide.卡尔·海因里希·马克思人物生平Early schoolMarx was born on May 5, 1818 in the German Federal Prussian kingdom Rhine province (belonging to the German Rhineland-Palatinate) Terry City, a lawyer family. His grandfather Rabbin Marc Levy was a Jewish law jurist, his father, Hirsch Karl Marx, later renamed Heinrich Marx, born in 1782, with Dutch Jewish woman Henriette Presborck married, gave birth to many children, but found in a document of the heir, only Karl Marx and three daughters Sofia, Emir, Luisa survived.In October 1830, Marx entered Trier Middle School. After graduating from high school, enter the University of Bonn, 18 years after the transfer to the University of Berlin to study the law, but most of his focus is on the philosophy and history. In 1840, the Prussian New King Frederick William IV ascended the throne, persecuted Liberal Democrats, demanding that all publications must pass a rigorous review, the university lost academic freedom, and the new king appointed the University of Berlin professor FWvon Schelling would review the , But the position of Marx's scholar in philosophy is higher than the theological position can not be accepted by the anti-Hegelian professor, so Marx will be sent to the doctoral thesis to the Saxony - Weimar - Eisenach Grand Duchy of the University of Jena ( Jena) examines doctoral qualifications. In 1841 Marx applied for a degree from the distinction between the natural philosophy of Democritus and the natural philosophy of Epicurus, and successfully received the PhD in the University of Jena from the unanimous approval of the committee. After graduation as "Rheinland" editor, met in the history of Marx thought quite famous "forest theft problem".Revolutionary careerAt the beginning of the nineteenth century, the industrialrevolution swept through Germany, which promoted the development of the economy of the country's Junke landlords, and also exacerbated the extreme poverty of the lower working people. Hunger drives the poor to pick up dead branches in the forest, picking wild fruits, and some even break the hunting grounds and ranches. Although the 1826 "Prussian Penal Code" on the unauthorized logging and theft of trees severely punished, but the incident is still increasing. And many people do so in order to be sent to the detention center to receive a prison rations, it is hunger and homeless to force people to violate the forest management regulations.In 1836, there were 150,000 people who were subject to criminal penalties in Prussia, accounting for 77 per cent of all criminal cases. In the face of this rather serious social situation, the Prussian rulers did not find the root of the problem and the solution to the problem from the social system level. Instead, it introduced a tougher bill that would pick up dead branches in the forest, Some other violations of the forest management regulations have also been upgraded to theft and criminal penalties. According to the record of the Sixth Rheinland Parliament in 1841, in October the following year, the article "Debate on the Forest Burglary Law" was written to condemn the legislature's favor of the interests of the owners of the trees, to deprive the poor of the right to pick up dead branches, To put forward their own view of forest legislation.The Prussian government was very angry at the views expressed by the Rheinische Zeitung, who immediately sent a seizure of the Rheinland newspaper to force it to stop printing. Marx angrily resigned from the editorial duties of the newspaper. Marx did not regret his own actions, on the contrary, herecognized the government's ugly. He is looking for the opportunity to continue to resolutely fight against the government.1843 "Rheinische" issue license was revoked by King Prussia, because Marx published in the newspaper criticized the Russian czar article, triggering the dissatisfaction of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I, King of Prussia received a protest after the arrest of the ban Reported that Marx was unemployed. During this period, Marx met Friedrich Engels. Engels is the owner of the factory owner is very much appreciate the idea of Marx, often money to sponsor Marx's activities and life, Marx to do learning seriously serious but life with nature, often delayed to the newspaper to the manuscript, Engels often help Marx's work and pens Some articles.married familyFebruary 14, 1814, Yanni Marx was born in Teller a famous family. Yanni Marx (February 12, 1814 - December 2, 1881, formerly known as Johanna "Jenny" · Bernard Jolie von Weston Warren (Johanna "Jenny" Bertha Julie von Westphalen) is A German sociologist, who is only a few minutes away from the home of Marx.In the late summer of 1836, at the University of Bonn, the first year of the study of Marx, back to Terrier to his girlfriend to marry him. Yanni and 18-year-old Marx agreed for life. In accordance with the custom at that time, this is unprecedented. Aristocratic birth, the daughter of Yan Ni, was recognized as the most beautiful girl and the "Queen of the Queen", many handsome aristocratic youth dumping, suitors who lack some people, no doubt, you can conclude a glory Wealthy marriage. But she is contempt for all the traditional concept of society,without the knowledge of their parents to promise to a citizen of the community, she can not predict and Marx's future life how to live. Marx thought that he could not marry Yanni in front of his father, Yan Ni's father, as a temporary adviser. So at first he could only reveal his secret to his father. He believes that his father will be in front of the parents of Jenny for a successful pro-ready for a variety of preparations.In October 1836, Marx moved from the University of Bonn at home near the University of Berlin at home, which meant that they were to be loyal to each other for a long time. In Berlin, because of the feelings of the mind and "love" and the love and the suspense and anxiety, once influenced the Marx wholeheartedly into learning. He had told his father frankly that he had "fallen into the real tranquility" because he was far from the Moose Valley and was far from his "infinite beauty of Jenny". Troubled him is not a guessing heart, because he had never had the slightest doubt on the love of Jenny, but because of the thought of her and long years in the long years of separation, so that he felt very heavy mood.So, 18-year-old Marx wrote writing poetry, poems to express their feelings and feelings. Most of Marx's poems are singing Yanni and pouring himself into her, but there are many of them that express their own thoughts and aspirations and desire to make a difference.On April 15, 1841, Marx received a Ph.D. degree in advance. Young philosopher had just arrived in Trill, hastened to his most beloved home, the doctoral thesis personally sent to the hands of Jenny's father. Yan Ni and Marx after years of separation, had intended to immediately get married. But there is a doctoral thesis and can not be used as a basis for subsistence, so he andYanni had to cancel the idea of marriage, continue to wait. Beginning in April 1842, Marx began writing for the "Rheinische Zeitung". In October 1842, the shareholders of the Rheinland newspaper appointed Marx as editor, and in March 1843, Marx was forced to withdraw from the editorial board of the Rheinburger. And then with Arnold Luger in consultation with the work on the joint publication of the plan. Then on June 19, 1843 he went to Croznach (Yanni after her father died in March 1842 and his mother moved to this place), and waited for him for seven years, was born 1814 born in the German aristocratic (Baron) family of Jenny von Westphalia married. From their private agreement to life together, Yanni waited for a long seven years. In the past seven years, in addition to her had a few times with the fiance of Marx had a few times together, only from the distant with their thoughts and letters to accompany him. She wrote in a letter to Marx: "How brilliant is your image in front of me, how magnificent it is! How far is it from my heart that you can always be by my side, my heart, How is the joy of joy for your beating, my heart, what is anxious to follow you on the way you follow ... ... everywhere I am with you, walking in front of you, but also with you I hope that I can fill the road where you are going, and clear all the obstacles that will stop you from moving forward. "At the same time, she has to struggle with her aristocratic relatives.After the wedding, Marx and Jenny then set off a short wedding trip. In the autumn of 1843, the young Marx and his wife set foot on the exile journey to Paris. During this period he proceeded to study political economy, the French social movement and the French history, and eventually led to its becoming a communist.At the end of October 1843, Marx and Yanni came to Paristogether, and they came to Luga for two months earlier to organize and publish the magazine "German and French Yearbook". At this point, they opened a life full of hardship and self-sacrifice.Because of Marx's outstanding contribution to the cause of communism and to the landlords and bourgeoisians ruthlessly expose and criticize, so that all the conservative forces to exclude him, expelled him. He had to carry a small home around the transfer of their difficulties sometimes difficult to imagine the point of life. At the end of March 1850, with the death of London in London, Jenny wrote a letter to a friend Joseph Weiderme, depicting her life at that time: "Because here the nurse is too high wages, although I often have a bad chest , But still their own children to feed the poor children from my body sucked so much sadness and anxiety, so he has been frail, day and night to endure severe pain.He has been born since the night, Can fall asleep for two or three hours, and recently with violent ventilation, so the child struggles all day on the death line, because of these pains, he desperately sucked milk, so that my breasts were injured and cracked; blood often flow One day, I was holding him sitting, suddenly the female landlord came, I paid her five pounds of arrears, but we have no money at hand.Then came the two bailiffs, Will be my meager home - bed clothes and so on - and even my poor children's cradle and the better toys are seized. They threatened me to say two hours later to all West and I have to sleep with the shivering children sleep light board. "Marx and Yanni symbiotic four women and two children, for the above reasons, only three daughters (ie eldest daughter Jenny Marx, second daughter Laura Marx, Three daughter Elena Marx) grew up [at that time thanks to Helen de Mute Lin Heng, Yanni if thereis no such a loyal assistant, it is difficult to imagine her and her children later how to go down] TheIn this situation, Yan Ni is still deeply in love with Marx. In addition to her mother and housewife's responsibility, in addition to worry about the daily life, but also take on a lot of other work. Yanni is an indispensable secretary to Marx, and almost all manuscripts of Marx - most of which are hard to recognize - must be clearly written by her before being sent to a printing or publishing house.And publishers and editorial office negotiations, some cumbersome procedures, it is difficult to deal with the affairs, must write the situation, many by her agent. Marx was not the kind of person who was easily present in his mouth, but when Yanni left him for a few months because of his mother's death, he wrote in her letter: "Deep passion Because of the close proximity of its object The performance of the daily habits, and in the next resort under the influence of magic will grow up and re-have its inherent strength of my love is the case.As long as we are forced for the space, I immediately understand that time in my Love is like a sun and rain in the plant - to grow.I love you, as long as you stay away from me, it will show its true colors, like a giant face. In this love focused on all my energy and all the feelings. ... ... if I can put your gentle and pure heart close to his heart, I will be silent, not for a cry. I can not kiss you with lips, but have to resort to the text, to the text to convey the kiss. "The love of Marx and Jenny's dusk is more intense. 1880, may suffer from liver cancer, she with amazing restraint ability, endured great pain. In this scared of the years, Marx took care of his wife, not left or right in order to make her happy, Marx in 1881in July and August, accompanied her to France to see the eldest daughter and a few grandson. In the fall of 1881, due to anxious and insomnia, excessive physical exertion, Marx was ill. He is suffering from pneumonia, life is dangerous, but he still can not forget the yanni. Their little daughter talked about her parents' life, "I will never forget the scene of the morning." He felt that he was much better and had gone to the mother's room. Young people, like a pair of young men and women who are beginning to live together, are not like a sick man and a dying old woman, unlike a man who is about to farewell.December 2, 1881, Yan Ni sleepy. This is the biggest blow that Marx has never suffered. On the day of his death, Engels said: "Moore (from India, who describes the dark skin) is also dead." In the next few months, he accepted the doctor's advice, to the mild climate to rest. But no matter where they can not forget Yan Ni, could not stop grief. He wrote to the best friend, "By the way, you know that few people are more disgusted than I am sad, but if I do not admit that I miss my wife at all times - she is the best of my life Everything is inseparable - that 's how I'm lying. "How awesome these words are.January 11, 1883, came the sudden death of the eldest daughter of the bad news, Marx's condition increased. At noon on March 14, 1883, Marx resigned peacefully. On March 17, 1883, Marx was buried next to the grave of Haget's Cemetery, Jenny.Great friendshipIn 1844 September, Engels visited Paris, the two sides began to study the scientific socialism, and formed a deep friendship. Marx wrote the "Economic Philosophy Manuscript", the manuscript until 1933 was discovered and published, known as the "1844 economic philosophy manuscript." In 1845, Marxparticipated in the preparation of "forward magazine", in which the authoritarianism of Germany made a sharp criticism. The Prussian government was very dissatisfied and asked the French government to expel Marx. In the autumn of the same year, Marx was beaten by the French government rogue, deported, forced to come to Brussels, Belgium. In December 1845, Marx declared his departure from Prussian nationality.And then Engels completed with the "German ideology." The book criticizes Hegel's dialectics and analyzes the incompleteness of Feuerbach materialism, which for the first time systematically expounded the historical materialism they founded and made clear that the proletariat seized power The historical task laid the initial theoretical foundation for socialism from fantasy to science. At the beginning of 1846, Marx and Engels established the Brussels Communist Communications Commission. In 1847, Marx and Engels were invited to the righteous alliance. In June 1847, the reorganization of the alliance and renamed the communist alliance, Marx and Engels drafted the alliance program "Communist Manifesto." Since then the revolution of 1848 swept through Europe, also spread to Belgium. In March 1848, Marx was expelled by the Belgian authorities. At the invitation of the French new government, the Marxist couple returned to Paris, France, Engels arrived in Paris.In April 1848, under the auspices of the German proletariat, Marx and Engels returned to Prussia Cologne and founded the "New Rheinische Zeitung". Followed by almost all editors or judicial arrests, or deportation. On May 16, 1849, Marx received a deportation order from the Prussian authorities. May 19, published in the red ink published "New Rheinische" the last one No. 301 published. In early June, Marx came to Paris. He wasforced to choose or be imprisoned in Brittany, France, or was forced to expel again. In August, Marx was expelled from the French government to London, England. From the Prussian stationed in the British spy report that Marx seems to never scratch the beard, Marx is still in the UK by the Prussian government to monitor.In London, Marx spent the most difficult day of his life. In five years, Marx because of economic and debt problems, mental anxiety, suffering from the poor mood of the disease, four children in three deaths. But during this period, Marx wrote his most important work - "Capital" (Volume 1). Marx is thought to be rich, economically poor and poor, and the great economist who has a thorough study of the capitalist economy is itself poor, and his life is almost in poverty. Marx did not have a fixed job, and the family's economic origins was mainly due to his extremely unstable and extremely meager royalties, coupled with the persecution and blockade of the bourgeoisie, which had always plagued the Marxist family with hunger and survival. To death. In the life of the displaced, he is often empty, clean clothes, struggling in the dilemma of the struggle. If not Engels in economic long-term selfless assistance, Marx can not engage in leading the international proletarian movement and concentrate on theoretical creation.From the letter to Engels on February 27, 1852, we saw the plight of the world famous theorist, Marx wrote: "A week I have reached the point of great pain: because the coat into the pawn shop, I can not And then go out, because not to credit, I can not eat meat. "Soon wrote to Engels talked:" My wife is sick, little Yanni disease, Linheng suffering from a nerve heat, the doctor I can not please , And now can not please, because there is nomoney to buy medicine. Eight to ten days since the home to eat bread and potatoes, whether today can get these, but also a problem. "Hungry poverty and housework trivia, troubled Marx, he Feeling angry and irritable, unable to concentrate and wisdom to carry out theoretical creation. On the plight of Marx, Engels as their own difficulties. "I will send you five pounds in early February," he wrote in a letter to Marx. "You can receive this number every month, even if I do not have a debt to the new year." ... of course, you do not because I promised to pay 5 pounds a month in the difficult time no longer write to me to ask for money, because as long as possible, I must do so. "At this time Engels in the door - Engels The company is just an ordinary small clerk, the income is very low.Engels later made the company's care, the monthly salary has improved. From 1860 onwards, the support of Marx increased to 10 pounds per month, but also often "other" to give some funding. From 1851 to 1869, Marx received a total of £ 3121 remittances of Engels. For Engels at the time, it was a matter of course. It is precisely because of the generosity of Engels, so that Marx relentlessly survived, to be engaged in long-term scientific writings, writing for the "capital" for extensive and in-depth economic research. Just as Lenin said: "If not Engels sacrificed himself and continue to give funding, Marx not only can not be written as" capital "and is bound to die from poverty." Engels's selfless dedication, Marx was very moved, and very disturbed, in 1867 Wrote to Engels' letter: "frankly told you that my conscience is often as heavy as the dream of the devil, because your excellence is mainly for me to waste in business, only to let them deserted, and But also to share all my trivial worries. "This is the words of Marx's heart. The concern of Marx and his family life,Engels is meticulous. Marx's life is suffering from hardships, whenever Marx suffered setbacks and blows, thoughts and feelings with grief and depression, Engels always think of ways to soothe, he has become a Marx to avoid the storm of life in the harbor, Marx arrived in this harbor, Quiet and happy. Poverty and suffering have claimed the four children of Marx.In April 1855, Marx's favorite son, Edgar, died, which gave Marx a heavy blow, and he felt he could not support it. In the letter to Engels, Marx talked about the infinite sadness: "In these days, I have been able to bear all this terrible pain, because always miss you, miss your friendship, always hope that the two of us also To make some meaningful things together in the world. "Engels brought the couple to Manchester, in Engels's careful arrangements and care, the Marx and the couple spent the most difficult moments of life. Engels is a "supernumerary" member of Marx's house, and every time he goes to Marx's house, the whole family is as happy as the holidays, and Marx's daughters see Engels as "the second father". Of course, the Marx family of Engels on the health concerns, it is worrying. In 1857 July, when Engels was sick, Marx wrote a letter of comfort: "Dear Engels, you can believe that no matter how unfortunate we are, my wife and I are more concerned about your recent health situation than our own. "Two old comrades in the work of different places, often communicate with each other ideas, without reservation to talk about personal life and political life in the emotions, in their more than 1,000 communications, we see the two comrades Deep Yi Benedict, a few days can not get each other letters, each other to each other up. In his letter to Engels, Marx wrote, "Dear Engels, are you crying or laughing, sleeping or awake? In the last three weeks, I sent a variety of letters to Manchester, but Did notreceive a reply, but I believe are sent to. "Similarly, if you can not hear a few days of Marx's audio, Engels will be issued" even the gun "like questioning" old Moore, old Moore, big beard old Do you have anything to do? What are you doing, what are you doing? Are you sick or falling into the abyss of your political economy? "They are doing nothing Said, nothing to talk about. And the friendship between Engels, Marx made a high degree of evaluation, February 20, 1866 to Engels in the letter said: "This friendship between us is how happy, you have to know that I am any relationship Have not made such a high evaluation. "Engels and Marx's noble friendship, for the human to establish a brilliant example, the two great great friendship to tell the world: based on common faith and the pursuit of the foundation of friendship, is evergreen, unbreakable.Old age and deathSeptember 28, 1864, Marx participated in the first international congress, was elected to the leadership committee. He drafted the Declaration on the Establishment of the International, the Provisional Constitution and other important documents. September 14, 1867, "Capital" first volume published. After the two volumes for the death of Marx, by Engels finishing its legacy, respectively, in 1885, published in 1894. In October 1870 Marx reunited with Engels in London. As many countries were expelled and exiled everywhere, he claimed to be "the world's citizens".On December 2, 1881, Yanni Marx died. March 14, 1883 at 2:33 pm, the great thinker of Marx died in London, at the age of 65 years old. And later with Yanni buried in the northern suburbs of London Haget cemetery. Engels published the tomb speech, about 20 people attended the funeral.。
马克思的生平卡尔·海因里希·马克思(Karl Heinrich Marx)于1818年5月5日出生在德国特里尔的一个中产阶级家庭中。
马克思在巴黎从事新闻工作时结识了弗里德里希·恩格斯(Friedrich Engels),二人成为终生朋友和合作伙伴。
恩格斯的生平约翰·弗里德里希·恩格斯(Johann Friedrich Engels)于1820年11月28日出生在德国布雷梅市的一个工厂主家庭中。
么 评 价 马 克
马克思著作之丰,充分表现了他的勤奋精神和渊博学识。他 同恩格斯合著的《马克思恩格斯全集》中文第一版共50卷, 中文第二版60多卷(约在2008年前后出齐),而该全集国 际版约160多卷。面对如此巨大的思想理论财富,怎能不令 人肃然起敬!勤奋使马克思获取渊博的知识,而渊博的知识
身的演化,物质文明进程演变为文明规划的社会过程。 口”。
“马克思总以阴郁的眼光看待人类大部分的历史,是因 为历史不过是一种压迫和剥削替代另一种压迫和剥削…… (马克思这样悲观的思想家)向我们展示现实的残酷, 并以此激励我们着手改变。他们敦促我们抛弃一切幻 想。”《马克思为什么是对的》一书的作者(特里·伊格 尔顿)如此评价说。
马克思主义的另外两个 主要组成部分(政治经 济学和科学社会主义) 也都是在批判地继承前 人优秀成果的基础上创 立。
黑格尔、费尔巴哈、亚 当·斯密、大卫·李嘉图、 圣西门、傅立叶、欧文 等人都是思想理论界的 权威,如果马克思迷信 理论权威,没有敢于 “站在巨人的肩膀上” 的勇气。
马克思从小勤奋好学,善于独立思考。1830年,他进入 特利尔中学,1835年夏天,马克思即将中学毕业,他的 一篇作文《青年在选择职业时的考虑》引起了他的老师的 注意,文中有一段这样写道:“如果人只是为了自己而劳 动,他也许能成为有名的学者、绝顶聪明的人、出色的诗 人,但他决不能成为真正的完人和伟人。如果我们选择了 最能为人类福利而劳动的职业,我们就不会为他的重负所 压倒,因为这是为全人类所作的牺牲,那时,我们感到的 将不是一点点自私而可怜的欢乐,我们的幸福将属于千万 人,我们的事业并不会显赫一时,但将永远存在。”文章 中深刻的思想内容为教师们所惊叹,给老师们留下了深刻 的印象。
1835年,马克思中学毕业后,父亲把他送到了当时著名的波 恩大学去学习法律,父亲也想把儿子培养成律师,走自己 的道路。马克思到了波恩大学后,生活很惬意。除了喝酒、 决斗之外,还写了大量的诗,但也欠下一些帐,最后,父 亲对他进行了严厉批评,并将其转学到柏林大学。
1836年,马克思转入柏林大学学习。柏林大学在当时不仅学 习气氛浓厚,而且学术方面在思想学术领域都处领先地位。 如“青年黑格尔派”和“老年黑格尔派”的对垒,就促进 了思想运动的发展。在大哲学家黑格尔去世之后,德国哲 学界明显呈现出两种对立的派别,“青年黑格尔派”对专 制统治深恶痛绝,他们渴望民主政治,是一支不可忽视的 民主力量。而“老年黑格尔派”则拥护专制政权,支持普 鲁士专制政府的专制统治。马克思在柏林大学学习过程中, 加入了“青年黑格尔派”,积极参与他们的活动,这使他 更多地吸收了该派的民主思想成份,使马克思开阔了眼界、 增长了知识、丰富了思想、加强了对世界的认识、增强了 改造世界的信心,为他以后进行革命工作的思想发展、理 论建树奠定了牢固的基础。
卡尔· 海因里希· 马克思(Karl Marx 1818.5.5- 1883.3.14)
• “资产阶级在其反对封建制度的斗争中 只想把无产阶级当作炮灰使用,大家对 这一点必须有明确的认识但工人们在制 定自己策略时仍然不要受感情的支配, 不要受自己那种理所当然的对资产阶级 的仇恨所支配。”
• 3.献身人类
• “科学绝不是一种自私自利的享乐。 有幸能够致力科学研究的人,首先 应该拿自己的学识为人类服务。”
姓名 性别
卡尔·海因里 希·马克思
现居地址 天堂
专业 联系电话
本科 柏林大学
1818年5月5日,马克思 生于普鲁士莱茵省特里 尔一个律师家庭。1830 年10月,马克思进入特 里尔中学。中学毕业后, 进入波恩大学,18岁后 转学到柏林大学学习法 律,但他大部份的学习 焦点却摆。
• 1845年被法国驱逐 ,1848年3 月被比利时驱逐,1849年5月, 马克思接到普鲁士当局的驱逐令 , 1849年8月又一次被法国驱逐。
• 从1849年,在伦敦5年时间里, 马克思因为经济和债务问题,精 神焦虑,受疾病所苦情绪不佳, 四个孩子中的三个死亡。
• 1844年9月, 恩格斯到访 巴黎,两人 并肩开始了 对社会主义 的研究,并 结成了深厚 的友谊。
• 随后几年,马克思 跟恩格斯两人建立 了布鲁塞尔共产主 义通讯委员会,成 立了德意志工人协 会,并受共产主义 者同盟第二次代表 大会委托共同起草 同盟的纲领,也就 是科学共产主义的 纲领性文件《共产 党宣言》。
在马克思主义的指导下,中国特 色社会主义才得以飞速成长。和 平发展的今天,我们更应该牢记 像马克思这样为人类解放奉献毕 生心血的伟人,让他们耀眼的智 慧与崇高的品德激励我们,为全 人类的幸福而奋斗。
马克思的简介卡尔·海因里希·马克思(德语:Karl Heinrich Marx,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),马克思主义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导者,被称为全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师。
• 青年事迹
1845年著作:《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》(1845年)、《德意志意 识形态》(节选)(与恩格斯合著)(1845-1846年)。1847年7月, 作《哲学的贫困》。11月底,马克思和恩格斯出席在伦敦举行的共 产主义者同盟第二次代表大会,受委托起草同盟纲领。
汇报人:陈浩南 胡展华 兰橙霞 张琴芳 闫旭
1848年2月中旬,国际共产主义运动的第一个纲领性文件《共产党 宣言》问世。1848年2月,席卷欧洲大陆的资产阶级民主革命爆发, 马克思和恩格斯指导同盟投入革命洪流。3月初,马克思被比利时政 府驱逐出布鲁塞尔到达巴黎。1848年5月31日由马克思主编的《新 莱茵报》创刊。
1849年5月16日,普鲁士政府下令驱逐马克思。19日,《新莱茵 报》被迫停刊,用红色油墨印刷了最后一号。
拜访了马克思,倾心交谈后开始了伟 大合作,并合著《神圣家族》。 1845-1846年间,马恩又合著《德意 志意识形态》。1947年,两人应邀 参加正义者联盟。1948年4月,两人 在普鲁士科隆创办《新莱茵报》。
商,并且开始对马克思长期的赞助, 马克思完成了《资本论》第一卷。 1883年,马克思逝世,恩格斯花费 11年时间帮助其完成对《资本论》 的整理。
该片讲述了1844年,年轻的马克思在巴黎 与恩格斯相识,因共同的理想信念走到一 起,合作撰写《共产党宣言》的故事。
卡尔·马克思维基百科,自由的百科全书 跳转到: 导航, 搜索卡尔·马克思西方哲学19世纪哲学马克思在1875全名卡尔·海因里希·马克思 出生 1818年5月5日普鲁士王国特里尔逝世1883年03月14日 (64岁)英国伦敦 学派 / 流派 马克斯主义、共产主义、社会主义、黑格尔哲学主要领域 政治学、经济学、哲学、社会学、历史、阶级斗争、伦理学著名思想 马克思主义的创立者之一(另一创立者为恩格斯),剩余价值,发展了部分劳动价值理论,异化与对工人的剥削,《共产党宣言》,《资本论》,历史唯物主义本文介绍的是德国哲学家、思想家卡尔·马克思。
目录∙ 1 生平o 1.1 早年o 1.2 中年o 1.3 晚年∙ 2 马克思的思想o 2.1 社会o 2.2 经济o 2.3 政治2.3.1 阶级斗争∙ 3 影响与评价∙ 4 主要作品∙ 5 注释和参考资料∙ 6 延伸阅读∙7 参看∙8 外部链接青年时期的马克思共产主义主题政治主题“德国人的解放就是人的解放。
2020-2021学年高中语文 人教部编版 必修下册:10
修辞手 法
可是我们不会认错那个经常在这一切 矛盾中出现的狡狯的精灵……我们的 勇敢的朋友好人儿罗宾,这个会迅速 刨土的老田鼠、光荣的工兵--革命
比喻 、引用 典故
如果某一所房子画上了一个红十字,大 引用典 家就知道,这所房子的主人受到了“ 故 菲默法庭”的判决
在《人民报》创刊纪念会上的演说 马克思
1.了解马克思、演讲稿、《共产党宣言》等 相关文学常识,理解题目及写作背景。2.读准 字音,认清字形,反复朗读本篇课文。3.结合 资料注释对文章文意进行梳理,标注出层次 段落,基本了解文章内容。
1.了解作者 卡尔·马克思,全名卡尔·海因里希·马克思 (1818年5月5日—1883年3月14日),马克思主 义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导 者,马克思主义政党的缔造者,全世界无产 阶级和劳动人民的革命导师,无产阶级的精 神领袖,国际共产主义运动的开创者。
历史本身就是审判官,而无产阶级就 比喻 是执刑者
风趣幽默,拉近了 与在场的英国听众 的距离
富有历史庄严感, 发人深省
点明无产阶级的历 史地位,庄重有力 ,将演讲推向高潮, 颇具感染力
本文是一篇演讲词。演讲词的结构分开头、主体、结尾三个部分,其结构原则与一 般文章的结构原则大致一样。演讲词可以用来交流思想、感情,表达 主张、见解等 。演讲词具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思 想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。
学案8:第10课 在马克思墓前的讲话
在马克思墓前的讲话基础导学1.文学常识马克思——无产阶级最伟大的精神导师卡尔·马克思,全名卡尔·海因里希·马克思(德语:Karl Heinrich Marx 1818年5月5日~1883年3月14日),马克思主义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导者,马克思主义政党的缔造者,全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的革命导师,国际共产主义运动的开创者。
“现代工业和科学为一方与现代贫困和衰颓为另方的这种对抗,我们时代的生产力与社会关系之间的这种对抗,是显而易见的、不可避 免的和毋庸争辩的事实”,“这种对抗”表现在哪些方面?其原因是什么? ①那少年时的__________,在他的心灵里留下了多少难忘的记忆呵! 青梅竹马 如胶似漆 相濡以沫 连词“因而”使用不当,前后分句不存在因果关系。
比喻一同在困恩难格的处斯境停里,止用为微薄《的人力量民互报相帮》助撰。 稿他们和琼斯的关系也一度破裂。1858年6月
比喻一同在困,难该的处报境转里,到用了微薄资的产力量阶互级相帮实助业。 家的手中。
主(义1)的运基用本对思《照想反人。衬民法:报马》克思是意英欲以国这宪场革章命派的经的验周来对报照,反衬1由8它5“2宣年布”5预月示的,无由产阶宪级章解放运运动动。的领袖之一、 (“设2在)中财国富传集马媒中大在克学少思的数报人和告手厅恩里举而格行大”多斯句数式的人杂更朋糅加,应友贫改困厄为;“·在琼中斯国传在媒伦大学敦的创报告办厅。举行1”8。52年10月至1856年12月
马克思主义政党的缔造者,全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的革命导师,无产阶级的精神领袖,国际共产主义运动的开创者。 资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利是同样不可避免的。
比喻一同斯在困、难的拉处境斯里,拜用微尔薄的和力量布互相朗帮助基。 诸位公民更危险万分的革命家”?
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循环是周转的起点和基础,周转就是周而复始的循 环。 资本循环一次就是完成一次周转。
出发点又重新出发,不断循环。2)循环揭示资本 的一次运动经历的阶段,采取的形式和职能,周转 揭示资本周期性运动所需的时间,速度及对剩余价 值的影响。
价值规律:商品的价值由生产商品的社会必要劳动 时间决定,商品交换按照由社会必要劳动时间决定 的价值量进行。 价值规律的表现形式:围绕价值波动、平均价格与 价值是一致的、以各自的价值为基础。 价值规律作用:调节生产资料和劳动力在社会各部 门之间的分配、刺激生产者的积极性、优胜劣汰。 价值规律与市场机制的关系:价值规律是商品经济 中的基本规律,市场机制是这一规律的作用形式; 价值规律揭示了商品价值的决定、实现与社会必要 劳动时间之间的内在关系,市场机制只是表现这种 关系的外在形式。
资本积聚:个别资本靠本身的积累,将剩余价值转 化为资本来增大自己的资本总额。 资本集中:已有的较小规模的资本联合形成大资本。 联系:1)积聚促进集中,大资本力量增长快,加 速兼并,大资本信用高,借贷容易。2)集中促进 积聚,集中使规模扩大,有利于采用新技术,提高 生产率。 区别:1)积聚是单个资本的自我积累,集中是社 会资本的合并或联合。2)积累是单个资本家依靠 剩余价值资本化实现的能增大社会资本总额,集中 则不能。3)积累受积累基金限制,集中不受限制。
资本的循环:资本从一种形态开始,顺次改变自己 的形式,经过三个阶段,使价值得到增值,最后又 回到原来出发点的过程。
Pm A
Pm P W ' G ' G W Pm P W ' G ' G W A A P
购买阶段货币资本转化为生产资本,发生在流通流 域。生产阶段生产资本转化为商品资本,发生在生 产领域。售卖阶段商品资本转化为货币资本,发生 在流通领域。 资本的循环过程是流通过程和生产过程的统一。
相对人口过剩:即超过资本形成需要的相对多余的 劳动人口。 形成机理:1)资本积累和资本有机构成使可变资 本比例下降;2)体力和技能要求降低、小生产者 (农民和手工业者)破产。3)小资本家破产。 作用形式:1)提供后备劳动力;2)供过于求,可 加强剥削。 资本主义积累的历史趋势:生产资料日益集中,生 产社会化-生产关系不适应生产力-资本主义被取代。
简单的、个别的或偶然的价值形式:一种商品的价 值偶然表现在另一种商品上。1只绵羊=2把斧子。 总和的扩大的价值形式:一种商品的价值经常表现 在一系列商品上。 一般价值形式:一切商品的价值都集中的、统一的 表现在某一种商品上。
货币形式:一切商品的价值都集中的、统一的表现 在一种贵金属商品如黄金或白银上。
平均利润率高低主要取决于剩余价值和资本有机构 成的高低,随着资本积累的增加和资本有机构成的 提高,平均利润率有下降的趋势。(可变资本比重 减小,同量资本推动的劳动力少;固定资本比重增 大,资本周转速度减慢) 不意味着利润总量增加:1)总资本推动的劳动总 量增加,资本增加速度>平均利润率下降速度。2) 总价格包含的利润率增加,剩余价值率提高>新价 值下降速度。 不意味着剩余价值率降低,因为平均利润率还要受 资本有机构成和资本周转速度的影响。
货币资本的循环:G-G’。优点:最明显的暴露资本 主义的生产目的是追求剩余价值。缺点:有货币生 出货币的错觉、忽视了生产过程掩盖了剩余价值的 真正来源。 生产资本的循环:P· · · P。优点:突出生产过程的 决定性地位。缺点:货币只是流通手段,掩盖了资 本主义生产的目的是追求剩余价值。 商品资本的循环:W’-W’。优点:体现了剩余价值 的实现过程。缺点:起点和终点都是销售过程,造 成了资本主义生产是满足社会需要的假象,掩盖了 生产的真实目的。 统一的条件:空间上的并存性、时间上的继起性。
资本主义生产过程表现为劳动过程和价值增值过程 的统一。 一方面是生产各种物质资料的劳动过程。劳动隶属 于资本、雇佣工人创造的劳动产品归资本家所有。 另一方面是价值增值过程,劳动时间超过为补偿劳 动力所需的时间,劳动力的价值和劳动力所创造的 价值是不同的量。超过的量形成剩余价值。 剩余价值是在生产领域创造的,不是在流通领域创 造的,但是不能离开流通领域,必须在流通领域购 买生产资料和劳动力准备生产,且必须在流通领域 销售商品实现剩余价值。
对象:物质资料的生产,包括劳动者、劳动资料和 劳动对象三要素。 物质资料的生产是生产力和生产关系的统一,生产 力是人们征服改造自然的能力,生产关系是人们在 生产中结成的各种关系,包括生产资料所有制形式、 人们在生产过程中的地位和关系、产品的分配关系。 方法:抽象法、矛盾分析法、逻辑与历史相统一的 方法。 主要任务:通过对生产关系的研究,揭示经济规律, 即各种生产关系产生、发展和变化的规律。
全社会看,商品生பைடு நூலகம்价格总额和价值总额相等。
资本积累:即把剩余价值转化为资本。剩余价值 是资本积累的源泉,资本积累又是扩大再生产的 源泉。
资本积累的实质:在等价交换的形式下,资本家 不断使用无偿占有的剩余价值增殖资本,来继续 榨取更多的剩余价值,以扩大生产规模,扩大对 工人的剥削。
简单商品流通公式:W-G-W 资本总公式:G-W-G’ 矛盾:发生了价值增值。 矛盾解决:劳动力成为商品。 劳动力是指人的劳动能力,是存在于劳动者身体之 内并在劳动过程中所运用的体力和脑力的总和。 劳动力成为商品的条件:人身自由、一无所有。 劳动力的价值:生存工资 劳动力的使用价值:在生产过程中,不仅能创造自 身价值,还能创造更大价值,即剩余价值。
剩余价值转化为利润:商品价值W=c+v+m,但实 际经济中转化为W=K+m,剩余价值转化为利润, 剩余价值率转化为利润率。 利润转化为平均利润:1)部门内部的竞争形成商品 的社会价值,由占大量的、中等生产条件下生产的 产品的个别价值决定。个别价值低于社会价值的企 业就获得超额利润。部门之间的竞争和资本的自由 转移形成平均利润率。 价值转化为生产价格:利润转化为平均利润的过程 即价值转化为生产价格的过程,生产价格=K+P’
剩余价值率:剩余价值与可变资本的比率。 绝对剩余价值:必要劳动时间不变,工作日绝对延 长(局限:工作日长度延长有生理界限和社会道德 界限)。 相对剩余价值:工作日长度不变,缩短必要劳动时 间,延长剩余劳动时间。 个别资本家追逐超额剩余价值-提高个别劳动生产 率-竞争使其他资本家也提高劳动生产率-社会劳动 生产率提高-商品的社会价值下降(超额利润小时) -生活资料价值下降-劳动力价值下降-必要劳动时 间缩短-获得相对剩余价值。
劳动的二重性学说解释了商品的二重性,为劳动价 值论奠定了科学基础。 从劳动的二重性出发,马克思论证了资本主义生产 过程是价值增值过程,揭示了剩余价值是由剩余劳 动创造的,从而为剩余价值理论提供了科学依据。 在劳动价值论和剩余价值理论的基础上,马克思区 分了不变资本和可变资本,进而提出了资本的有机 构成学说。 在上述三点的基础上,马克思提出了资本积累理论, 平均利润和生产价格理论,以及剩余价值分配理论。 揭示了资本主义经济运动规律及危机的根源。
使用价值是商品能满足人们某种需要的有用性, 由商品的物理化学等自然属性决定。
交换价值表现为一种使用价值同另一种使用价值 相交换的数量关系或比例。
具体劳动是劳动的自然属性,体现人与自然的关系。 抽象劳动是无差别的人类劳动,是劳动的社会属性, 体现了商品生产者之间的社会关系。
马克思出生于一个普鲁士的犹太家庭。他的父亲是 一位律师,在马克思出生前几年开始信奉新教。 曾经在波恩、柏林和耶拿大学学习法律、历史和哲 学,23岁获得哲学博士学位。 25岁结婚,夫人燕妮· 冯· 威斯特华伦是一位担任 政府高官的男爵的女儿。 由于思想激进,无法在大学谋得教职,转向报纸杂 志,后被从德国驱逐到巴黎,开始研究政治经济学 和法国的社会主义,结识恩格斯,合作于1848年 写作《共产党宣言》。
两次劳动支出。 商品的二因素由劳动的二重性决定,具体劳动同物 质要素相结合创造使用价值,但不是价值的唯一源 泉,抽象劳动创造价值,是价值的唯一源泉。
质的规定性:物化在商品中的抽象劳动,是无差别 的人类劳动的凝结。 量的规定性:是实现在商品中的劳动量决定的。 社会必要劳动时间:在现有社会正常的生产条件下, 在社会平均的劳动熟练程度和劳动强度下生产某种 使用价值所需要的劳动时间。 个别劳动时间:个别商品生产者生产某种商品实际 耗费的时间。 简单劳动和复杂劳动:前者指不经过专门训练和学 习就能胜任的劳动,后者需经过专门训练和学习。
工资的本质:是劳动力的价值或价格。 名义工资:资本家为购买劳动力支付给工人的货币 工资。 实际工资:工人所得货币工资实际能购买的生活资 料和各种劳务数量。 相对工资:工人所得的工资同资本家占有的剩余价 值相比较的数额。 实际工资上升的原因:生活资料结构变化、失业工 人减少、对外剥削放松了对内剥削、工人阶级的斗 争。