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如:Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。
(连接两个并列主语)You must look after yourself1 and keep healthy.你必须照顾自己并保持身体健康。
(连接两个并列谓语)They teach us Chinese and we teach them English.他们教我们汉语,我们教他们英语。
如:I like eggs,meat,rice,bread and milk.我喜欢鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面包和牛奶。
All that afternoon I jumped and sang2 and did3 all kinds ofthings.那天整个下午我又唱又跳,做各种各样的事情。
The apples are big and delicious4.苹果又大又好吃。
如:men,women and children男人、妇女和儿童;fish and chips5 炸鱼加炸土豆片等。
此时and相当于 to,不必译出。
如:Go and see!去看看!Come and meet the famly.来见见这家人。
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?试题(考试时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一卷(选择题75分)一、听力测试(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节:听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。
A B C D E1. _______2. _______3. _________4. _________5.________第二节:听句子,选择恰当的答语。
( )6. A. They are from Africa. B.They live in China. C. They are dangerouse. ( )7. A Because they are cute. B. They’re ugly. C. Because I love dogs. ( )8. A. Not very far. B. It is on Bridge Street. C. Yes, there is. ( )9. A. No, I don't. B. You are welcome. C.OK.( )10. A. Thank you. B. Thank you all the same. C. I am sorry.第三节:对话理解听对话,选择正确答案。
( )11. Where does the boy want to go?A. The park.B. The zoo.C. The hotel.( )12. What kind of animals does Molly like?A. Dolphins.B. Pandans.C. Penguins.( )13. Why does the woman ask Tim to be quiet?A. Because she wants to sleep.B. Because she hates noise.C. Because the little pandas are very shy.( )14. Does the woman like the tigers?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn’t.C. It’s hard to say.( )15. What does the boy think of lions?A.They are very beautiful.B.They are very cute.C. They are very ugly.第四节:短文理解听短文,选择正确答案。
一、单选题1.(0分)Mike and his family _________ going on a trip.A. beB. isC. are答案: C2.(0分)Your pencil box is than .A. biger; mineB. bigger; myC. bigger; mine答案: C3.(0分)— are you going to the bookstore?— This afternoon.A. WhatB. WhereC. When答案: C4.(0分)Can I give him ________ e-mail address?A. meB. himC. my答案: C5.(0分)选出画线部分发音不同的单词()A. footB. foodC. cool答案: A6.(0分)下列单词中划线部分发音是_________day play theyA. 一种B. 两种C. 三种答案: A7.(0分)下列单词中划线部分发音是_________bread head greatA. 一种B. 两种C. 三种答案: B8.(0分)Tom is_______ than Ben.A. heavyB. heavyerC. heavierD. more heavy答案: C二、选词填空9.(0分)选词完成句子。
— It's rainy.(2)— ________ are you going?— I'm going to the zoo.(3)— ________ is that man?— He's John.(4)— ________ do you get up?— At six.(5)— ________ is that pen?— It's John's.(6)— ________ did you go to school?— On foot.答案:(1)What(2)Where(3)Who(4)When(5)Whose(6)How10.(0分)Look at the bird. It's ________ (小的). ( small / big )答案: small11.(0分)Hi, how many ________(book/books) do you have?答案: books12.(0分)从方框内选择适当的单词,补全下列对话。
小学四年级上册英语1至4单元复习试卷试题第一部分 听力(50分)一、 请听录音;选出你所听到的字母组合、音标、单词、短语或句子。
(10分) ( )1、A 、VCD B 、KFC C 、JOD( )2、A 、[θɜ:ti:] B 、[θin] C 、[st ʌdi] ( )3、A 、classroom B 、classmate C 、( )4、A 、math book B 、Chinese book C 、English book ( )5、A 、long hair B 、short hair C 、long nose ( )6、A 、bathroom B 、bedroom C 、kitchen ( )7、A 、thirteen B 、thirty C 、twenty ( )8、A 、mouth B 、eye C 、ear ( )9、A 、music B 、 sports C 、science( )10、A 、Let ’s clean the window B 、Let me clean the windowC 、Clean the classroom二、请根据你所听到的句子或对话;给图片标上1-10的数字序号。
(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、请根据你所听到的问句;选择正确的答语。
(10分)( )1、A 、It ’ B 、Yes,it is. C 、OK.( )2、A 、It ’s white. B 、It ’s 20. C 、Here you are. ( )3、A 、Yes,it isn ’t. B 、 Yes,it is. C 、No,it is.( )4、A 、OK B 、Sure,Here you are. C 、Thank you.( )5、A 、I ’m 20 B 、I can see 20 C 、I have 20 四、请根据你所听到的内容及其后面的问题;选择正确的答案。
Lesson oneText ALadies and Gentlemen,Good morning!I am very happy to be here for the opening of the XVI international AIDS Conference,which we are honored to host in Canada this year. This conference will give us a wonderful opportunity to form a lasting bond of fellowship.I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you who have traveled from far and wide. Your efforts will remind us that life is our most precious possession and that we need to find a planet-wide approach if we are to have any hope of protecting it.I would even go so far as to say that we need to globalize our efforts to fight the threat of AIDS;a kind of globalization, with the sole purpose of saving lives, gives us the opportunity to rethink the world in the spirit of a true global community.I can still recall the fear, the hostility felt by some when we first began to hear about AIDS some twenty-five years ago. And when I heard people around me saying that this disease was the result of "deviant" behaviour, a punishment against those who are condemned, I could barely contain my anger. AIDS brought with it a shame that could not be named.But as we now know, AIDS knows no boundaries, nor has it any regard for our prejudices or the ways in which we ostracize and abandon one another. Is that not reason enough to put those prejudices to rest and come together to fight this universal threat?AIDS is now the fourth leading cause of death in the world. AIDS indiscriminately strikes children, women, and men; AIDS devastates national economies; AIDS destabilizes communities around the world.Take for example sub Saharan Africa, where the situation is the most alarming. Just over one tenth of the world's population lives in that area, including nearly 64 per cent of all people living with HIV. Two million of them are children under the age of fifteen.The situation is dire. We must act now. We cannot remain indifferent to the devastating attack that the AIDS is taking. Those of us who live in such affluent countries have a moral responsibility to do something and work together.Cananda is among the countries that answered the United Nations' call in June 2001 to halt the spread of AIDS, and signed the Declaration of Commitment on HIV\AIDS. We support a coordinated effort on all fronts, from governments, the private sectors, communities, researchers, and individuals. And it is our firm belief that the rights and dignity of those living with HIV must be recognized, respected and defended.We must be relentless in our fight against discrimination, which breeds fear and ignorance, we must ensure that people living with this disease are not treated like pariahs, and let me be frank:to give up would be irresponsible, simply unforgivable.The battle against AIDS is a battle for life. Every life is precious, in every corner of this world. Everyone is entitled to freedom and dignity. Today, I have the opportunity to applaud your efforts and ,on behalf of all Canadians, I think all of you here.It is with great pride that i now declare the XVI International AIDS Conference officially open.Text BDistinguished Guests,Dear Colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, as we are to bid farewell to the old year and greet the new year, on behalf of the Foreign Ministry and in my own name, I wish to extend a warm welcome and best New Year wishes to you.In the past year, the Chinese people forged ahead and dedicated themselves heart and soul to comprehensively promote the nation's socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural constructions well as the establishment of a harmonious society.The national economy is growing fairly fast with quiet good benefit, stable prices and invigorated vitality.The various social undertakings are constantly developing and the living standard keeps improving. Actively developing partnership with all the other countries in the world and making every endeavor to promote the solution of major international and regional issues, China has played a constructive role in maintaining world peace and promoting common development.China people of all ethnic groups are creating a happier life and a brighter future with their diligence and wisdom.Currently, the world is undergoing profound changes,with peace, development and cooperation becoming the trend of our times.With the interdependency and cooperation between the countries increasing, the human society is faced with new opportunities.Meanwhile, the uncertain factors influencing the world peace and development are also increasing. The sporadic regional war and conflicts the widening gap between the developing and the developed countries, as well as the growing prominence of global issues - such as terrorism, transnational crime,environmental pollution and highly communicable diseases - constitute severe challenges to the development of human society. Therefore, advancing multilateralism has become the common aspiration and pursuit of the international community.The multilateral system with the United Nations at the core is tasked to realize the dream if the human society to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity. Over the past 61 years, the United Nations has come an extraordinary way and played a prominent role in maintaining world peace and promoting common development. China is one of the founding members of the United Nations and is a staunch supporter of the multilateral system. China will, under the guidance of the UN Charter, continue to unite in a concerted effort with the United Nations and other international agencies as well as other members of the international community "to promote social progress and better living standards in larger freedom".In the present-day world, people in many countries and regions are still tortured by wars poverty and diseases. The Chinese people feel deep sympathy for them and are ready to offer them all the assistance our country can summon. The Chinese people love peace andLong for a beautiful life. We sincerely hope to unite as one with the world people to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Now please join me in a toastTo world peace and developmentTo the health of all out guests, friends and colleagues presentCheers!Wish you a pleasant and enjoyable evening!Lesson TwoText ALadies and Gentlemen,Education holds the key to the success of a society.If a society is to prosper, our students must optimize their potentials and our people must upgrade themselves. We cannot do this without education.Taking into account the initiatives we have been taking forward since 2000, I think I can say with confidence and pride, that we have put in place the strategy and the infrastructure required for the delivery of quality education. Our priority for the short to medium term is to sustain the momentum of the Education Reform and to implement the various measures announced.To begin with, we will make all the preparations that are necessary to implement in 2012 the new academic structure. The three years pf senior secondary education will be followed by a four-year undergraduate program starting from 2012. This is an important structure change which better addresses the diverse needs of our secondary school students,broadens their outlook, reduces the pressure of public examinations and makes learning more rewarding,Secondly, on professional development, we have scaled up our school-based professional support services with the creation of Education Development Fund in July 2004.With the concerted effort of principals, teachers and academics, we hace successfully launched a number of government funded programs. Together they have rendered support to 442 primary schools and 589 secondary school in the past two years. This area of our work well remain our priority.Schools today are serving a more heterogeneous student cohort with diverse abilities and needs than they did before. It is important that we provide schools with the necessary resources to cater for students' needs, It is equally important that schools have a culture of respecting and accommodating individual differences. We will continue to strengthen teacher training programs to equip our teachers with the knowledge and skills to address the specific learning needs of their students,I want to emphasize that the challenges for the coming years are not just a matter for people in the educational sector. In this fast-changing era, schools are no longer the only source of information and inspiration for our students,people from all walks of life have a part to play in educating our youngsters. I appeal to the different organizations in our community to exercise their social responsibility, to provide various kinds of resources and cooperate with schools in offering a wide range of activities. Whichever way you wish to contribute, it will be most welcome, because we do need your generous support to help nurture our younger generation.Finally, I hope our cities will not be disappointed when I say that our priority for the coming years is to sustain and to implement. Although "sustaining" and "implementing"should not carry ant surprises, it does not mean that we will not look into initiatives which are more visionary. As the Government has openly remarked, we will map out strategies for developing our city into an education hub for the region. This ambition is backed up by the remarkable achievements made by our tertiary institutions in the international arena. By now, there of our universities are ranked as among the top 100 universities in "The Top 100 Global Universities 2006"in Newsweek International.Ladies and gentlemen, education is by nature an ongoing process,and so is our endeavor toimprove education.We have gone a long way in mapping out a shared vision. We have gone a long way in building for our education arena a strong foundation, a foundation for embracing changes and for sustainable development. Let us learn from,and take heart in , what we have achieved so far and move forward.Text BChairman , Chancellor, Distinguished Guests,On behalf of my fellow honorary graduates and myself, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the University for the high honors which have been conferred on us and for the generous citations today.We receive the award with humility and we are proud to be admitted to the rank of honorary graduates of this distinguished University.It is an award which we shall treasure.With its global vision and its mission to combine teadition with modernity and to bring together China and the West,the University is a unique institution that makes an invaluable contribution.The University must be congratulated on what it has achieved. I am confident that it will go from strength to strength and I wish it every success in its endeavors.On this happy occasion, I would like to offer some remarks to our young graduates. You have received much from the University and i trust that you will do your part to contribute to the development of your Alma Mater in future years. Youth is the trustee of posterity. Looking into the future, how can our young people, prepare ourselves for the exciting challenges ahead?We must believe in and practice learning for life, so as to ensure that we would have the knowledge and skills required from time to time. Success, and indeed survival, would depend on the life-long pursuit of education in all respects.Things taught at schools and universities are not an education bur only a means to an education and there are no limits and boundaries to learning and we must be keen to continue to learn from the experience in the university of life.Besides, most importantly, amongst rapid and accelerating changes, it is of fundamental importance that we should have the strength of character to live by our values and principles.we must abide always by the enduring values of honesty and integrity. We must have faith and courage to tackle what life throws at us.As we progress through life’s journey, there will be many ups and downs.Sometimes, the sun will shine on us. But at other times, life can be stormy. Sometimes the sailing will be plain, at other times, the territory will be rugged. It is important always to move in, with the determination to overcome adversity. And we must remember that we make a living by what we get . But we make a life by what we give. Be generous and ready to share with others and have the welfare of the under privileged in mind.Ships are safe anchored in the harbor. But this is not what shops are made for. With the excellent education you have received here, graduates of this distinguished University are well prepared to continue to life's journey and to face life's many challenges. I wish you every success and happiness.Lesson ThreeText ALadies and Gentlemen,It is a matter of particular satisfaction to be here today, among the premier business representatives and organizations of the two countries. This provides me the opportunity to share with you my thoughts and views on what undeniably is one of the focus areas in our growing relationship, that is, our economic ties.Creating awareness and understanding about each other’s economic, industrial and commercial capabilities is a crucial requirement of any bilateral economic relationship. Exhibitions like the Made in India Show make a valuable contribution in promoting business to business linkages between the two countries. Through the Made in India Show, the India private sector brings to China the Made in India brand that has already achieved international recognition.Sustained high economic growth in China over more than two decades has been a phenomenon that has engaged the interest of analysts all over the world. You are the fastest growing economy in the world and the second largest in purchasing power parity. China’s plans for future economic growth are ambitious, but given China’s past record, it would no be surprising if these are achieved within your defined scheduled ime frames. China’s achievements have truly been remarkable.The India economy has also registered impressive expansion and growth in the last wo decades. Over the last 12 years, the India economy has maintained an average annual growth of over 6%.our interest rates are falling, inflation has been kept down and foreign exchange reserves are growing rapidly. Our foreign trade is also growing healthily. We have targeted an 8%growth over the next five years, and we aim to double the GDP within the growing and accessible domestic market and rich pool of human resources. We are alsoone among the leaders in man state-of-the-art technologies. Our vision 2020 is not too different from yours but that is hardly surprising.India and China are two of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding economies in the world. Both of us have continent-sized markets. Many of our individual strengths complement and industry. This matches well with recognized Indian capabilities in the knowledge sector, our strengths in software, the financial sector and entrepreneurship.Our commonalities are generating potentially rewarding synergies that must be tapped. I am convinced that the logic of economic would bring to the fore the strengths that are inherent in our economic relationship. India and China are also going to be important players in harnessing the opportunities and mitigating the negatives emerging ou of the process of economic globalization.India looks o China as a business partner, not as a competitor. The recent visit of India Prime Minister to china in June this year has imparted a new thrust and direction to the entire gamut of the India-China relationship, including to our economic ties. We must both adopt a forward looking approach in building our economic relationship that is mutually beneficial and rewarding.Ladies and gentlemen,In terms of utilizing the myriad opportunities that exist for developing the India-China economic partnership we have barely scratched the surface. While governments on both sides could work to address infrastructural issues such as passenger and cargo links, trade facilitation measures including harmonization of standards and appropriate banking support structure, it is the business and service sectors of the two countries that must make a concerted effort to implement and utilize them. The process should be proactive and mutually reinforcing.Text BThe development of China generates important opportunities for Asia. As the world’s biggest potential market ,China has become the third largest importer globally and the largest importer in Asia in past 25 years with its steadily expanding and maturing market growing at an average annual rate of over 15 percent. Last year ,China imported from the rest of Asia a total of 272.9 billion US dollars worth of merchandise ,up by 42.4percent year on year ,with imports from ASEAN, Japan , ROK and India increasing by over 35 percent.. Direct investment in the rest of Asia by China has risen at an average annual rate of 20 percent in recent years .Last year ,more than 20 million outbound visits were made by Chinese nationals ,as more and more Chinese tourist made Asian countries and regions their choice destinations.With China’s development ,the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit. China’s economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy , giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistanceChina’s development injects fresh vigor to regional cooperation in Asia. China has been extensively involved in the various mechanism of Asian-based regional cooperation, emphasizing its cooperation and coordination with all the parties and promoting regional economic integration. China has joined the fellow Asian countries in discussing the possibility of free trade areas, conducting various forms of security dialogues and cementing cooperation on the bilateral level while promoting regional cooperation.China is ready to develop all-round economic cooperation with fellow Asian countries with emphasis on trade,investment, natural resources, information, pharmaceuticals, health service, environmental protection, transportation,science and technology, agriculture,poverty alleviation, and development of human resources .China will continue taking practical steps to help other developing Asian countries with their economic development through preferential policies. China will encourage its enterprises to take Asia as their principal destination for "going global" strategy, and combines its western development strategy and the Northeast rejuvenation strategy with strengthened economic cooperation with the neighboring countries.China will promote cultural interaction and personnel exchanges.China is committed to stronger cultural exchanges in Asia, and encourages media cooperation to jointly build an Asia-wide cultural exchanges in Asia, and encourages media cooperation to jointly build an Asia-wide cultural market.China supports inter-culture and inter-religion dialogues in Asia, and advocates greater understanding and tolerance. China is ready to work with other Asian countries in promoting youth exchanges, and providing greater convenience for people's travel in public, business and tourist purposes.China’s development cannot be achieved in isolation of Asia, and Asia’s prosperity also needs China.China will follow a peaceful development path holding high the banners of peace, development and cooperation, join the other Asian countries in bringing about Asian rejuvenation, and making greater contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development in the world.。
Unit 3 Topic 1
西中2017级七上第7次测试Class:_____ Name:____________ 家长签字___________ Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确图片。
(5分)( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. No problem. C. I like it a lot.( )7. A. Thank you. B. What’s your name? C. Sure. I’m Linda.( )8. A. Yes, I like it very much. B. You are welcome. C. No, I am not.( )9. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does.( )10. A. She wants to visit Canada. B. She is my sister. C. Yes, she is.Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。
(5分)( )11. What does Linda speak? A. Chinese. B. English. C. Japanese. ( )12. What’s the man’s name? A. David. B. Maria. C. Kangkang. ( )13. Which place does Jim like? A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. China.( )14. Who is Jim? A. His pen pal. B. His classmate. C. His teacher.( )15. —How does the woman like English? —She likes it _______.A. a little.B. little.C. a lot.Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。
九年级英语13单元练习题unit 13 练习
Unit 13A部分练习题一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。
1. Throwing l everywhere is harmful to the environment.2.There is only a little water at the b of the bottle. How can the crow (乌鸦) get it?3.Tom lives by the sea. His father is a f and he catches fish every day.4.The new mobile phone c me more than 3,000 yuan.5.We should use cloth bags instead of p ones when we go shopping.6.The thief was so (残酷的) that he killed the owner of the shop.7.The dirty water is (有害的) to your health. Don't drink it.8.Our city aims to develop its (工业).9.We should make some (法律) to protect the environment.10. (科学上的) studies have shown that enough sleep is good for our health..11.Li Lin's family couldn't (承担) the education for her.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. We must do something useful to stop (pollute).2.You'd better not use (wood) chopsticks when you buy takeaway food.3.Kate used to (collect) coins,but now she likes stamps very much.4.Lots of rubbish was (throw) into the river.So the water is dirty now.5.Remember (bring) a bag when you go to the supermarket.6.She′s going to work in the (south) part of China next year.7.Production costs (fall) by 30% last year.8.So far, they (build) four new schools in that poor area.9.The tiger (keep) in a tiny cage and can’t move.三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
人教版英语 PEP 五年级下册 第六单元 课堂笔记(三年级起点)
人教版英语 PEP 五年级下册 第六单元 课堂笔记(三年级起点)UNIT 6 Work quietly重点单词:doing morning exercises (正在)做早操having…class (正在)上…课eating lunch (正在)吃午饭reading a book (正在)看书listening to music (正在)听音乐keep 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话turn 顺序take turns 按顺序来bamboo 竹子its (指事物、动物或幼儿)它的,他的,她的show 给人看,指引anything 任何事物else 另外,其他exhibition 展览say 说,讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach 教sure (表示同意)当然Canadian 加拿大的Spanish 西班牙的课文解析:Let’s talk ILook at the pandas.看这些熊猫。
What are they doing?它们在做什么?Haha. They're eating lunch! They're so cute.哈哈。
Oh, yes! They like bamboo.哦,是的!它们喜欢竹子。
What's the little monkey doing?那只小猴子在做什么?It's playing with its mother!它在和它妈妈一起玩!Do you see any elephants?你看到大象了吗?Yes! Look there! The elephant is drinking water.是的!看那边!这只大象在喝水。
Let’s talk IIMy name is Tom. What's your name?我的名字是汤姆。
一、单选题1.My school is newer than _________.A. herB. hisC. him2.John上课迟到了。
他应该对老师说:A. I'm hungry.B. I'm sorry.3.There's ______ "h" in the word "hour", but ______ "h" doesn't make a sound.A. a; aB. an; theC. a; the4.Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a ____________________ chair.A. breakB. breaksC. broken5.I can play piano sing songs in music class.A. /, orB. the, orC. a, or6.Did you play football______?A. next MondayB. nowC. last week7.That's ______ dinosaur in this hall.A. tallerB. the tallestC. tall8.选出不同类的单词()A. grapeB. pearC. grass9.—Whose socks are those?—They're .A. ourB. themC. his10.My grandpa will us a story about Chang'e.A. tellB. speakC. say二、选词填空11.Lucy, come here ________(at/and) have a look.12.My sister is two kilograms ________(thinner/thin) than me.13.你喜欢去农场玩吗?在农场里可以做什么呢?请你用所给的词填空。
河流:The longest river is the Severn River which is only 338 kilometres long.
The second largest and most important river in Britain is the Thames River.It is 336 milometres long.
湖泊:Canada has numerous lakes. In addition to the Great Lakes on the U.S. border,there are nine others that are more than 161 kilometres long and thirty five that are more than 80 kilometres long.
The Rockies,the backbone of the North American continent is also known as the Continental Divide.
河流:Mississippi is one of the world's great continental rivers.(3,782 kilometres long)It has two branches,river Missouri and river Ohio.
七年级上册英语试卷篇1:七年级英语上册期中考试试卷及答案1~5 BABBC 6~10 ACABB 11~15 ACCAB16. ten/10 17. Nine/9 18. son 19. aunt 20. cousins二、1. B 结合选项可知题干意为“一天一苹果,医生远离我”。
2. A 问句的主语为your name,故答语中应用it代替,排除C、D两项,B项本身错误,应选A。
3. C 谓语动词为实义动词的一般现在时的否定句结构为:主语+don’t/doesn’t+实义动词原形+其他.,主语为第三人称单数,故选C。
4. D should“应该”;would“将,将会”;must“必须”;can“能,会”。
由答语I think Jeff can.(我认为杰夫会。
5. C 由第一句句意“我找不到我的橡皮了”可推知空格所在句意应为“我可以用一下你的(橡皮)吗?”,空格后无名词,应用名词性物主代词,故选C。
6. B 谓语动词为实义动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句结构为:Do/Does+主语+实义动词原形+其他?。
其肯定回答为:Yes, 主语+do/does.。
7. C this/that为单数指示代词,these/those为复数指示代词。
第一空用this指代单数名词my sister,第二空用those 指代复数名词my brothers。
8. D under the table意为“在桌子下面”;on the floor意为“在地板上”。
9. B 当别人向你表示称赞时,应向对方表示感谢。
10. A Thank you for...因……而感谢你。
You are wele.不用谢;别客气。
11. C 由前句句意“我很整洁”和后句句意“吉娜不整洁”可知两句之间为转折关系,故选C。
12. A my sister意为“我的姐姐”,是女性,其相对应的代词的主格应是she,故选A项。
U1 单元同步练习3(无答案)
Unit 1 练习根据首字母和句意填入适当的单词1.She is from Japan. She can speak J_________.2.Mrs Brown is from Canada. She can speak English and F________.3.What l ___________ does your pen pal speak?4. Sydney is in A _______________.5.My brother l __________ in Canada.6. Her favorite city is P_________.7.---Are you from the U _________ K _________ ? --- No, I’m from the U______ S________.8.---Where is Shanghai? ---- It’s in C __________.用所给单词的正确形式填空1._______ (Japan) speak English and French.2. ________ ( Japanese) is near China.3..They are ______ (China) teachers.4. I want ______ (make)friends in China.5.People from different ______ (country) are all friends.6.We think _______ (Australian) is an English-speaking country, too.根据提示写出正确的单词1.My friend is a ________ (日本人).2. How many _______ (语言) can you speak?3.Our ______ (世界) is very big.4. He is from ________ (澳大利亚).5.Julie’s pen pal ______ (住) in Beijing.6. New York is a city of the United S ______.7.He lives in Toronto, C _______. 8. W ________ are the boys from?9.I can do Chinese Kung fu. I think it’s e _________. 10.Why do you ask the q_________ ?11.I want to ______ (交make )pen pals on the internet.12.Tom likes going to the ______ (电影)on weedends.13.Alice has a sister and two _______ (兄弟). 14.John can speak a _______ (一点)Chinese.15. Please write and tell me about ______ (你自己).单项选择1._____ are you from ? A. When B. How C. Why D. Where2. --- Where _____ her pen friend _____ ? --- She’s from Tokyo.A. does, fromB. is, fromC. does, inD. is, in3.Where _______ your teachers from ? A. is B. am C. are D. do4.Where _____ your brother live ? A. is B. are C. do D. does5. Where is Sydney? --- In ___ .A. the United StatesB. CanadaC. AustraliaD. the United Kingdom6. The United States ______ very big. A. is B. are C. am D. be7. --- _____ do you go ? --- I go to the movies. A.When B.Where C.What D.How8. --- What’s her _____ name? --- Her name is ______.A. first, KingB. last, LucyC. first, JolieD. last, Andrew9. Where is _____ pen pal from? A.John B.Johns C.Johns’ D.John’s10. I like going to movies with my pals and ___sports. A. play B. to play C.playing D. plays11. Jim ___ Canada speaks____., Chinese and English B. in, Japanese and EnglishC. from, English and FrenchD.from, French and Spanish (西班牙语).12. We know ______ is in USA.A.TorontoB. TokyoC. ParisD. New York13. My birthday is _______ November. A. at B. in C. on D. of14. My birthday is coming. Would you like to my party?--Sure, ___ is it? --- It’s November 20th.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. How15. --- James is good at sports. He plays _____ basketball very well.--- And he plays __ piano well, too. Wow, so great! A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, /16. --- Kelly, could you come here, please? I need some _______. ---- Ok, I’m coming.A. friendsB. peopleC. helpD. hands17. It’s ____to stay at home. I don’t like it. A. boring B. interesting C. fun D. relaxing18. --- What is your favorite subject at school? --- ____________.A. FootballB. BasketballC. ScienceD. Running19. --- Goodbye! --- Bye! Please write to me _____. A. soon B. fast C. quickly D. now20. She enjoys _______ music . A . listening to B .listen to C . to listen to D. listening21. -- Where is Sydney? --- It’s in _______.A. AmericaB. AustraliaC. the United KingdomD. Mexico22.He wants _____ TV every night. A. watch B . to watch C. watches D. watching23.--- Is she an American girl ? --- No, she is _____. She’s from ______.A. English, EnglandB. English, EnglandC. England, EnglandD. England, English24.What language do you ______ ? A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk25.Where __ your pen pal _____from ? A. is, come B. are, / C. is, / D. does, comes26.They ______ two cats. The cats are black. A. have B. are C. do D. is27. --- Does Kate have any Chinese books ? --- _________.A. Yes, she hasB. No, she hasn’tC. Yes, she doesD. No, she does27.What ________ does she speak? A. lessons B. subjects C. language D. words28._____ is my pen pal. She’s from Cananda. A. It B. This C. Who D. How 补全对话:A: Is that your new _____ pal, Lucy? B: Yes, it is .A: Oh, _______ her name? B: Her name is Maria.A: Uh-huh. And where is she _______ ? B: Um, she’s from Canada.A: Uh-huh. Where _____ she live? B: She lives _______ Toronto.A: Does she have _____ brothers and sisters? B: Yes, she does. She _____ two brothers and two sisters.A: _____ she speak English? B: Yes. She ______ English and Spanish.。
and连接三个以上动词用法在英语中,我们经常使用 "and" 连接三个或更多的动词。
"And" 在这种情况下被用作一个并列连词,用于连接并列的动词或动词短语。
以下是 "and" 连接三个以上动词的几种常见用法。
1. 同一主语的三个动词:例如:She sings, dances, and acts in the school play.(她在校园剧中唱歌、跳舞并表演。
)在这个例子中,三个动词 sing(唱歌)、dance(跳舞)和 act(表演)都有相同的主语 she(她)。
2. 不同主语的三个动词:例如:He eats fruits, exercises daily, and reads books.(他吃水果、每天锻炼并阅读书籍。
)在这个例子中,三个动词 eat(吃)、exercise(锻炼)和 read(阅读)有不同的主语 he(他)。
3. 不同时间的三个动词:例如:I have studied, worked, and traveled around the world.(我学习过、工作过并周游世界。
)在这个例子中,三个动词 study(学习)、work(工作)和 travel(旅行)发生在不同的时间,并使用了完成时态。
4. 表示连续动作的三个动词:例如:She woke up, brushed her teeth, and took a shower.(她醒来、刷牙并洗澡。
)在这个例子中,三个动词 wake up(醒来)、brush(刷)和 take(洗)表示一系列的连续动作。
无论是以上哪种用法,使用"and" 可以使我们在句子中更清楚地表达多个动作。
请注意,"and" 连接的动词应该属于同一类别,以保持句子的平衡和语法正确性。
四年级英语测试试卷考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1. Whose classroom is this? It’s __________ classroom. A.we C.our2.当你想问别人的妈妈是做什么工作的,你应说: A .What's your mother? B .Who's your mother?3.How _____ is the coat?A .manyB .someC .muchD .any 4.——Is she quiet? —— .A.Yes, she is.B. No, she is. C .No, she doesn’t. 5.— What's the spring festival? — about the spring festival. ( ) A 、It's B 、they're6.Please give ________ some sweets. A. me B. I C. my7.—Can you tell me something _______ Canada? —Yes, I am. A . over B . off C . about D . to8.How many ________ are there in your class? A .boy B .girls C .book9.我国国旗的颜色有 and and yellow10.Let’s go and have a look.__________A.Thank you. B. No. C. All right.二、判断题11.根据录音内容,判断下面句子是否与录音内容相符,符的在括号里打“ √”.不符的打“×”(共10分)(1)There is a garden in Chen jie’s school.(2)Our playground is small.(3)We have a computer room.(4)The library is on the second floor.(5)We go to the gym.12.判断句子内容与图片是(T)否( F )相符。
1966年徕卡发表了内含一片非球面鏡片的Noctilux-M 1:1.2/50mm,而现在生产的Noctilux-M 1:1/50mm便是根据先前的款式改良而来。
首次出现这个名词是在1959年的Summilux-M 1:1.4/50mm。
首次出现这个名词是在1953年的Summicron 1:2/50mm。
Elmarit现今徕卡生产的镜头中,只要光圈值为2.8的镜头,便会取名Elmarit(例外:Elmar-M 1:2.8/50mm)。
首次出现这个名词是在1959年的Elmarit 1:2.8/90mm。
ROMRead Only Memo记忆读取功能(编辑注:应为只读存储器),在使用TTL闪光灯时,透过R8机身与镜头上的电子接点,可以得到更精确的曝光控制。
法语的代词语法总结一.人称代词( 一) 重读人称代词1.形式:moi 我 toi 你 lui 他 elle 她 nous 我们 vous 您,你们 eux 他们 elles 她们2.用法:(1)用来重申主语,而且做主语的同位语。
Moi, je suis dans la section de fran? ais.(2)作表语: ( 一般在 c’est 以后用 )—C’est Philippe?—Oui,c’est moi.(3)用在介词后边:Ce roman estàlui.Nous pensonsà lui.(4)用在省略句中:① Et vous?②— Où est la? —Moi.( 二) 作直接宾语的人称代词1. 形式me 我 te 你 le他 ( 它 ) la她 ( 它) nous我们 vous您,你们 les 他们,她们,它们2. 地点(1) 作直接宾语的人称代词放在变位动词前方,在否认句中放在ne 以后、动词以前:Il nous regarde.他看着我们。
Il ne m ’é coute pas.他不听我的。
(2) 在助动词 +原形动词的句式中(如,近来未来时,以及pouvoir , devoir , vouloire加原形动词),作直接宾语的人称代词要放在原形动词前,比如:Vous pouvez me suivre.您能够跟我来。
(3)me, te, le, la在以元音字母或哑音 h 开始的动词前要省音,变为m’, t ’, l ’,l ’,比如:Elle m ’é coute.她听我的。
(4) 命令式中作直接宾语的人称代词①在必定数令式中,作直接宾语的人称代词放在动词后边。
me,te 要变为moi, toi ,其余不变。
比如:Excusez-moi .谅解我。
Regarde -toi dans la glace.②在否认命令式中,它放在动词前方:Ne me regarde pas.别看我。
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East: foothill South :flat ,basin West :mountain area North :foothill and some low mountain Mid :Plain
Time Zone
Natural Resources
4,900,000 ton
2million ton only less than Saudi Arabia
Canada is a country, consisting of ten provinces and three territories, in the northern part of the continent of North America.
The University of Toronto
U of T is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. situated on the grounds that surround Queen's Park.
McGill University
Ethnic groups:
76.7% White 14.2% Asian 4.3% Aboriginal 2.9% Black 1.2% Latin American 0.5% multiracial 0.3% other
₪Ten provinces ₪ From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean ₪ Northward into the Arctic Ocean
Canada has a vast territory. The acreage of the forest is more than 400million hectare, only less than that in Russia and Brazil.
There is 890,000 square kilometer of fresh ground water resources in Canada.
A public research university in Montreal, Canada. The University is one of the two members of Association of American Universities located outside the United States.
Royal anthem: "God Save the Queen"
National animal
More details
Capital: Ottawa Largest city: Toronto National Day: July, 1st Official languages: English,French
National Anthem
Anthem: "O Canada"
It was orginally sung in 1880. The lyrics were originally in French. Stanley Weir wrote another English version in 1908. It officially becoming Canada's national anthem in 1980 and became effective on July 1st as part of that year's Dominion Day celebrations.
Potato Carrot Muffins
Chickpea Pasta Salad
Egg and Tomato Pesto Sandwich Candian Beef Stew
@潘倩倩 王畅 刘晓晗
Canada is the world's eleventh-largest economy as of 2015, with a nominal GDP of approximately US$1.79 trillion.
It is a member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Group of Eight (G8), and is one of the world's top ten trading nations, with a highly globalized economy.
More than 60 kinds of mineral resources exist in Canada. §Potassium(钾): 1 §Tungsten(钨): §Nickel(镍): 4 §Lead(铅): 5 §Crude oil: 2 2 44billion ton 260,000 ton
₪9.98 million square kilometers
₪ World's second-largest country
₪ Common border with the United States
₪Latitudes 41° and 84°N, longitudes 52° and 141°W
Red: ALeabharlann lantic and Pacific oceans Maple leaf. (symbol) Maple tree ---- National Tree
Arms of Canada
Since 1921, it is the official coat of arms of the Canadian monarch and thus also of Canada. Motto: "A Mari Usque Ad Mare" (Latin) "From Sea to Sea"