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IMDM(Iscove’s Modified Dubecco’s Medium ) ⼜称为伊思柯夫改良培养液。

当初是为培养B 淋巴细胞设计的,当然也可以⽤于其它细胞。

含有L-⾕氨酰胺4.00mM; HEPES缓冲液25mM;不含α-硫代⽢油;不含碳酸氢钠;含酚红。

主要⽤于培养hybridoma cell lines ,macrophages,HUT78等细胞,并且这些IMDM培养的细胞同样也可以⽤RPMI-1640培养。

因为IMDM与RPMI-1640的差别也主要在于酚红和丙酮酸钠等成分的差别,⽐如,IMDM的酚红含量是RPMI-1640的3倍,并且其中含25mM HEPES和L-⾕氨酰胺。

DMEM 肿瘤细胞
RPMI1640 淋巴细胞
IMDM ⼈的组织细胞。

MEM 常⽤基础培养基。



New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1)新版实体瘤疗效评价标准:修订的RECIST指南(1.1版本)Abstract摘要Background背景介绍Assessment of the change in tumour burden is an important feature of the clinical evaluation of cancer therapeutics: both tumour shrinkage (objective response) and disease progression are useful endpoints in clinical trials. Since RECIST was published in 2000, many investigators, cooperative groups, industry and government authorities have adopted these criteria in the assessment of treatment outcomes. However, a number of questions and issues have arisen which have led to the development of a revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1). Evidence for changes, summarised in separate papers in this special issue, has come from assessment of a large data warehouse (>6500 patients), simulation studies and literature reviews.临床上评价肿瘤治疗效果最重要的一点就是对肿瘤负荷变化的评估:瘤体皱缩(目标疗效)和病情恶化在临床试验中都是有意义的判断终点。



2022年最新阿考替胺杂质系列全套资料以下信息整理自恒丰万达药物杂质网产品货号CAS号分子式分子量结构式阿考替胺A014000N/A C21H30N4O5S450.55盐酸阿考替胺A014000A185104-11-4C21H31ClN4O5S487.01阿考替胺杂质1A01400140283-41-8C4H4N2O2S144.15阿考替胺杂质2A014002118452-04-3C5H6N2O2S158.18阿考替胺杂质3A0140035722-93-0C9H10O5198.17阿考替胺杂质4A014004877997-98-3C15H14O5274.27阿考替胺杂质5A014005185106-01-8C14H14N2O6S338.34阿考替胺杂质6A014006185103-81-5C22H33ClN4O5S501.04阿考替胺杂质7A014007206882-15-7C12H22N4OS270.39阿考替胺杂质8A0140081809272-85-2C13H12N2O6S324.31阿考替胺杂质9A014009948053-83-6C6H10N4OS186.23阿考替胺杂质10A014010185106-05-2C15H16N2O6S352.36阿考替胺杂质11A014011N/A C17H20N2O8S412.41阿考替胺杂质12A014012185105-98-0C16H18N2O6S366.39阿考替胺杂质13A014013185106-16-5C21H30N4O5S450.55阿考替胺杂质15A014015N/A C16H18N2O6S366.39阿考替胺杂质16A014016N/A C8H6N4O3S2270.29阿考替胺杂质17A014017N/A C13H13ClN2O6S360.77阿考替胺杂质18A014018N/A C14H15ClN2O6S374.8阿考替胺杂质20A014020N/A C19H27BrN4O5S503.41阿考替胺杂质21A014021738562-93-1C20H29BrN4O5S517.44阿考替胺杂质22A014022877997-99-4C14H14N2O6S338.34阿考替胺杂质23A014023877998-00-0C15H18N2O7S370.38阿考替胺杂质24A014024N/A C6H8N2O2S172.2阿考替胺杂质25A014025N/A C10H12O5212.2阿考替胺杂质26A014026N/A C17H28N2O4324.42阿考替胺杂质27A014027N/A C18H24N4O5S408.47阿考替胺杂质28A014028N/A C21H32N4O6S468.57阿考替胺杂质29A014029N/A C13H14N2O7S342.32阿考替胺杂质31A014031N/A C20H20N4O7S2492.53阿考替胺杂质32A014032N/A C14H14N4O6S2398.41阿考替胺杂质33A014033N/A C14H14N2O6S338.34阿考替胺杂质34A014034N/A C15H16N2O6S352.36阿考替胺杂质35A014035N/A C15H16N2O6S352.36阿考替胺杂质36A014036N/A C21H29N3O6S451.54阿考替胺杂质37A01403767370-98-3C8H8O5184.15阿考替胺杂质38A014038610-90-2C7H6O5170.12阿考替胺杂质39A014039N/A C8H8O5184.15阿考替胺杂质40A014040N/A C9H10O5198.17阿考替胺杂质42A014042N/A C9H10O5198.17阿考替胺杂质43A014043N/A C9H11ClO3202.63阿考替胺杂质44A014044N/A C4H4Br2O3259.88阿考替胺杂质45A014045N/A C5H8O4132.11阿考替胺杂质46A014046N/A C9H8O4180.16阿考替胺杂质47A014047N/A C20H28N4O5S436.53阿考替胺杂质48A014048N/A C10H12N2O4S256.28阿考替胺杂质49A014049N/A C15H17N3O6S367.38阿考替胺杂质50A014050N/A C17H14N4O7S2450.45阿考替胺杂质51A014051N/A C18H16N4O7S2464.47阿考替胺杂质53A014053N/A C18H16N4O7S2464.47。


2 A SA P与前列腺微小癌鉴别指标
ASAP与前列腺微小癌 (m inimal volume p rostatic adeno2 carcinoma,癌占活检组织总量的 5%以下 )之间的鉴别标准 中 ,腺泡数目和病灶大小是最主要的一条 , ASAP腺泡的数目 是癌腺泡数目的 2 /3 (11、17) , ASAP病灶比癌性病灶小一半 (014 mm、018 mm ) 。核增大 、明显的核仁 、核分裂象 、腔内蓝 色黏液及并存 P IN等形态特征在前列腺微小癌中更明显 ,但 核深染及中 ~重度萎缩在 ASAP 比癌中更为常见 (分别为 44%、9%和 59%、35% ) 。 100%前列腺微小癌呈浸润性生 长 ,但浸润性的生长方式也存在于 75%的 ASAP病例中 。嗜 酸性颗粒性分泌物与类晶体在两者无明显差异 [12 ] 。
前列腺癌占男性恶性肿瘤的第 2位 ,在发达国家 ,前列 腺癌占全部恶性肿瘤的 19% ,在发展中国家为 513% [1 ] 。前 列腺穿刺活检是发现和确诊前列腺癌的重要手段 ,但穿刺标 本中经常会遇到少量不典型腺泡 ,疑似癌却又不能确定为 癌 ,这便是前列腺不典型小腺泡增生 ( atyp ical small acinar p roliferation, ASAP) 。现将 ASAP形态特征 、诊断标准 、发病 率 、临床意义以及对发现前列腺癌的预测价值等作一综述 。
1 A SA P的病理特征及应用现状
ASAP也称不典型腺体 ( atyp ia / atyp ical glands) [2 ] ,是由 Bostw ick等 [3 ]于 1993年首次提出的一个描述不典型腺样前 列腺增生的诊断术语 。4 年后这一诊断的临床意义得到首 次阐述 [4 ] 。
ASAP为不典型腺泡病变 ,表现为排列紧密的灶性增生 的小腺泡集落 。这些小腺泡被覆一层几近透明的分泌细胞 上皮 ,而基底细胞呈断片状或消失 (可经 34βE12 免疫组化 证实 ) 。组织特点为 : ①有限数量的腺体 ; ② 极少腺体出现 细胞不典型性 ,包括核增大 、核仁增大 ; ③ 组织异型 :缺乏核 异型的小腺泡杂乱无章地排列 ; ④ 腔内可见蓝色黏液 、结晶 体或粉红色蛋白样分泌物 [5 ] 。这些腺泡的结构形态和 /或细 胞形态类似于分化较好的前列腺癌 ,但数量太少 ,只是怀疑 为癌但不能明确诊断 。不足以诊断为癌而做出 ASAP这一 诊断主要见于两种情况 [6 ] : ①质的方面 ,缺乏足够的前列腺 癌细胞和组织结构特点 。例如一个病灶可能包括 12 个腺 泡 ,腺泡缺乏基底细胞层 ,呈浸润性生长 ,但细胞形态和组织 结构上尚未达到癌的诊断标准 (如缺少明显的核仁和明显 的核增大 ) ; ②量的方面 ,包含的腺泡数量太少 ,腺泡的细胞 和组织结构方面已经达到癌的诊断标准 ,但病灶的大小是其 主要限制 (如 1~3个腺泡 ) 。



致癌物质的 (类别 1B) 对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1A) 致癌物质的 (类别 1B) 对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1A) 致癌物质的 (类别 1B) 对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1A) 2013 年 11 月 21 日 2015 年 5 月 21 日 用作涂料, 颜料和 塑料的添加剂 2013 年 11 月 21 日 2015 年 5 月 21 日 涂料、 颜料和塑料 的着色剂 2013 年 11 月 21 日 2015 年 5 月 21 日 涂料、颜料、橡胶 和塑料的着色剂
对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1B)
药品的 用作树脂、PVC、 2013 年 8 月 21 日 2015 年 2 月 21 日 最内层 丙烯酸树脂的增 包装 1 塑剂
对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1B)
药品的 粘合剂和纸张涂 2013 年 8 月 21 日 2015 年 2 月 21 日 最内层 层的增塑剂, 纺织 包装 1 第二批 品中的杀虫剂
对生殖系统有毒 害(类别 1B)
2014 年 2 月 21 日 2015 年 8 月 21 日
阻燃剂、 阻燃性增 塑剂
致癌物质的 (类别 1B)
2014 年 2 月 21 日 2015 年 8 月 21 日
用于制造炸药、 聚 氨酯塑料、 有机体
CAS No:121-14-2 第三批
氧化剂, 皮革的鞣 重铬酸铵 15 EC 号:232-143-1 CAS 号:7789-09-5 制,纺织品,金属 致癌,致突变, 生 殖毒性 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 表层处理, (阴极 射线管)屏 幕感光
金属表面处理和 用于涂层, 生产化 铬酸钾 16 EC 号:232-140-5 CAS 号:7789-00-6 致癌,致突变 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 学试剂,纺织品, 陶瓷染色剂, 皮革 的鞣制与辅料, 色 素和墨水,烟花, 烟火 由三氧化铬生成的酸以及其低聚 物 包括: 铬酸 17 EC 号:231-801-5 CAS 号:7738-94-5 重铬酸 EC 号:236-881-5 CAS 号:13530-68-2 重铬酸以及铬酸低聚物。 用于金属表面精 整(如电镀)、 制 三氧化铬 18 EC 号:215-607-8 CAS 号:1333-82-0 致癌(类别 1A), 致突变(类别 1B) 高纯金属铬, 还用 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 作水溶性防腐剂、 颜料、油漆、催化 剂、 洗涤剂生产以 及氧化剂等 铬金属制造, 金属 零部件的清洗与 重铬酸钾 19 EC 号:231-906-6 CAS 号:17778-50-9 致癌(类别 1B), 致 突变(类别 1B), 生 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 殖毒性(类别 1B) 脱脂, 玻璃器皿的 清洗剂, 皮革的鞣 制,纺织品,照相 平版, 木材防腐处 理, 冷却系统缓蚀 剂 铬酸钠 20 EC 号:231-889-5 CAS 号:7775-11-3 致癌(类别 1B), 致 突变(类别 1B), 生 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 殖毒性(类别 1B) 实验室, 生产其他 的铬酸盐化合物 致癌(类别 1B) 2016 年 3 月 21 日 2017 年 9 月 21 日 铬酸溶于水是产 生这些酸类及其 低聚物, 用途等同 于铬酸

生物梅里埃API说明书 part1(1-49)

生物梅里埃API说明书 part1(1-49)

bioMérieux sa
bioMérieux sa
REF 10 100
API 10 S
G API 10 S
API 10 S
-50 API 105
-0.85% NaCl
5ml (ref. 20 230)
1 2 3 4 7 18 24 34 42 50 60 66 74 81 89 96 110 118 122 128
05-02/006GB99023A/This document is not legally binding.BIOMERIUEUX reserves the right to modify specifications without.BIOMERIEUX and the blue logo.API are registered and protected trademarks belonging to biomerieux sa or one of its subsidiaries /Printed in France/THEPA McCann Healthcare/RCS Lyon B398 160 242
Shewanella putrefaciens
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa / fluorescens /
putida / Chryseobacterium indologenes / Pseudomonas spp / Sphingobacterium multivorum)



Unit 33
Unit 34
List 14 Unit 31 humility humor hurricane husbandry husk husky hybrid hymn hyperbole hypnotic
Unit 32
List 16 Unit 51 Unit 52 Unit 53 Unit 54 Unit 55 Unit 56 Unit 57 Unit 58 Unit 59 itinerary jeopardy jovial knave laconic languor latitude lethal licentious jabber jettison jubilant knead lachrymose lank laudatory lethargic lien jaded jibe judicious knit lambaste lapse lavish levee liken jape jingoist juggernaut knotty lament larder leaven levelheaded limber jargon jitter kangaroo kudos lamentable largesse leer levity limerick jar jocular ken labile laminate lariat leery lexicographer limousine jaundice jocund kidnap labored lampoon lash legacy liability limp jaunty jog kindle labyrinth landfill lassitude legend liberal limpid jejune jolt kindred lacerate languid latent legion libertine linen jest jot knack lackluster languish lathe lenient libretto linger

Powerbuilt Hydraulic Transmission Jack 产品说明书

Powerbuilt Hydraulic Transmission Jack 产品说明书

Hydraulic Transmission Jack, Telescopic Model CapacityT-2501 700 lb.WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm.AVERTISSEMENT: Cancer et dommages au système reproducteur.ADVERTENCIA: Cáncer y daño reproductivo.SAFETY and GENERAL INFORMATIONSave these instructions. For your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack before using. The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from service immediately.Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked or damaged parts are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, or operates abnormally shall be removed from service immediately. If the jack has been or suspected to have been subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use until jack has been checked by a factory authorized service center (contact distributor or manufacturer for list of authorized service centers). It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel. Labels and Operator's Manuals are available from manufacturer.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONHydraulic Transmission Jack is designed to be used as an aid in the removal and installation of automotive and light truck transmissions, transfer cases and transaxles. This telescopic style transmission jack is for use under an overhead lift or in a garage pit.NEVER use for any purpose other than those uses outlined above!PREPARATIONAssembly (refer to Figure 1)Tools required: M16 & M18 wrench.1. Four major parts should be included in the package:(a) Hydraulic unit; (b) Upright Post; (c) Saddle Assembly; (d) 2 pieces of base half with hardware.2. Attach the base halves to the upright post, then secure using threaded pins, washers and M12 nuts.3. Attach the casters onto the base halves using M12 nuts and washers.4. Place hydraulic unit on top of the upright post and secure with M10x25 bolts and washers.5. Attach saddle assembly above the ram of hydraulic unit and secure using pin and spring pin provided.6. Attach all four bracket supports onto saddle plate with bolts and wing nuts.7. Attach saddle brackets to bracket support with provided nuts.8. Finally, attach chains with bolts, washers, and nuts to saddle bracket.Before Use1. Verify that the product and application are compatible, if in doubt call Technical Service (888) 332-6419.2. Before using this product, read the operator's manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with theproduct, its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use.3. With ram plunger fully retracted, remove the oil filler plug. Insert the handle into the handle sleeve, then pump 6to 8 strokes. This will help release any pressurized air, which may be trapped within the reservoir. Ensure the oil level is just below the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler plug.4. To familiarize yourself with basic operation, turn the release valve lever:a. Clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further turning. This is the ‘CLOSED’ release valve position used toraise the ram/saddle.b. Counter-clockwise, but no more than 2 turns from the closed position. This is the ‘OPEN’ release valve positionused to lower the ram/saddle.5. Ensure that jack rolls freely. Raise and lower the unloaded jack throughout the lifting range before putting intoservice to ensure the pump operates smoothly. Replace worn or damaged parts and assemblies with authorized replacement parts only.Figure 1- Transmission Jack ComponentsOPERATIONFollow the instruction for removal and installation of transmission, transfer case or transaxle according to the vehicle manufacturer's service manual.Raise saddle assembly:1. Close release valve by turning the release valve level clockwise until firm. Pump handle until saddle reaches desired height.2. Secure the load using the provided chains.Ensure center gravity of load is centered on the saddle and load is stable before moving jack. An off-centertransmission could cause the jack to tip or flip over .Be sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load. Slowly engage release valve!Maintain control of the rate of speed at which the load lowers at all times!Open release valve by turning lever counter-clockwise, but never more than 2 full turns. Control the rate of descent at all times. The more you open the release valve, the faster the load descends.Neveruse this jack as a work station!TROUBLESHOOTINGMAINTENANCEImportant: Use only good grade hydraulic jack oil. Avoid mixing different types of fluid and NEVER use brake fluid, turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Improper fluid can cause premature failure of the jack and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load.Adding oil1. With saddle fully lowered, set jack in its upright, level position. Remove oil filler plug.2. Fill until oil is level with the oil filler hole, reinstall oil filler plug.Changing oilFor best performance and longest life, replace the complete fluid supply at least once per year.1. With saddle fully lowered, remove oil filler plug.2. Lay the jack on its side and drain the fluid into a suitable container. Note. Dispose of hydraulic fluid in accordance with local regulations.3. Set jack in its level position. Fill until oil is level with the oil filler hole, reinstall oil filler plug.LubricationA periodic coating of light lubricating oil to pivot points, axles and hinges will help to prevent rust and assure that casters and pump assemblies move freely.CleaningPeriodically check the pump piston and ram for signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with an oily cloth.Note: Never use sandpaper or abrasive material on these surfaces! StorageWhen not in use, store the jack with saddle fully lowered.SymptomPossible CausesCorrective ActionJack will not lift load• Release valve not tightly closed • Load is too heavy• Ensure release valve tightly closed • Consider higher capacity jack Jack will lift, but not maintain pressure• Release valve not tightly closed • Hydraulic unit malfunction • Ensure release valve tightly closed • Discontinue use, Contact Tech. ServiceJack will not lower after unloading• Reservoir overfilled • Linkage binding• Ensure load is removed, then drain fluid to proper level• Clean and lubricate moving parts Poor lift performance• Fluid level low• Air trapped in system• Ensure proper fluid level• With ram fully retracted, remove oil filler plug to let pressurized air escape, then reinstall oil filler plug Jack will not lift to full extension • Fluid level low• Ensure proper fluid levelReplacement Parts Illustration for Models T-2501:Figure 2 - Replacement Parts Illustration for Models T-2501REPLACEMENT PARTS (page 6 & 7)Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient reference of location and position in the assembly sequence. When ordering parts, please give the Model number and parts description. Call or write for current pricing: SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153, U.S.A.Tel: (888) 332-6419 Fax: (816) 891-6599Website:;Email:*************************Replacement Parts List for Models T-2501:ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYFor a period of one (1) year from date of purchase, SFA Companies will repair or replace, at its option, without charge, any of its products which fails due to a defect in material or workmanship under normal usage. This limited warranty is a consumer's exclusive remedy.Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted product, freight prepaid, to SFA Companies Warranty Service Department, 10939 N. Pomona Ave., Kansas City, MO 64153.Except where such limitations and exclusions are specifically prohibited by applicable law, (1) THE CONSUMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. (2) SFA Companies SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE OR LOSS WHATSOEVER. (3) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE YEAR, OTHERWISE T HE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER, AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. (4) ANY MODIFICATION, ALTERATION, ABUSE, UNAUTHORIZED SERVICE OR ORNAMENTAL DESIGN VOIDS THIS WARRANTY AND IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.。

Sysmex XN系列和SP-10维护指南说明书

Sysmex XN系列和SP-10维护指南说明书

Sysmex XN Series and SP-10 MaintenanceDocument Number: RHEAHS14010MUL Revision Number: 2.50 Document Type: Procedure Effective Date: 6/17/2022 2:26:04 PM Location: 3. APL Folder Structure\Hematology HE\CBC and Differential\Sysmex XN - 59\Edmonton ZoneRHEAHS14010MUL Sysmex XN Series and SP-10 MaintenanceAPPLICABILITYThis document is applicable to APL staff at the following Edmonton Zone sites: GNH,RAH, SGH and UAH.PURPOSEThis procedure describes how to perform the daily clean, shutdown, startup and maintenance (daily, weekly and monthly) of the Sysmex XN series and SP-10 analyzers.MATERIALSPROCEDURE4.1. XN Series MaintenanceAll maintenance procedures must be signed off on the Sysmex XN Series Maintenance form.4.1.1. Daily4.1.2. Weekly4.1.3. Monthly4.1.4. Every Six Months4.1.5. Yearly or As Needed4.2. SP-10 Maintenance (RAH and UAH only)All maintenance procedures should be signed off on the Sysmex SP-10 Maintenance form.4.2.1. DailyWhen in shutdown, remove the trap chamber from the right side of4.2.2.Weekly4.2.3.As NeededREFERENCES1. Sysmex XN-1000 / XN-2000 Automated Hematology Analyzers CLSI Procedure, Document number:1004-LSS. Rev. 1, March 20132. XN Series (For XN-1000 system) Instructions for Use (North American Edition), November 2012.3. SP-10 Instructions for use.4. XN-9000 Instructions for use.RELATED DOCUMENTSRHEAHF14010MULA Sysmex XN Series MaintenanceRHEAHS14006MUL Sysmex XN Series - Performing QCRHEAHS14019MUL Sysmex XN Series - Manual Shutdown and StartupRHERHS00004MUL Inter-Instrument Variability for Hematology Coagulation and Special Coagulation AnalyzersRHERHF00002MUL Hematology Inter-Instrument Variability Excel WorksheetRQMPCS14000MUL Annual Autovalidation CheckRHEAHF14010MULB Sysmex SP-10 MaintenanceHE24-097 Evaluating Quality Control using the Beyond Care Quality Monitoring BCQM System。



REF 10213-4 4 x 24mL总蛋白 (TP)楔形瓶,每瓶含试剂可用量 24mL。

预期用途EasyRA® TP 试剂目的是用于通过 MEDICA EasyRA 临床化学分析仪进行人血清或血浆(采用肝素锂作为抗凝血剂)中总蛋白的定量测定。



摘要和说明1, 2, 3在人血清中,血清蛋白主要包括白蛋白(占总蛋白的50-60%),其余部分包括α1-、α2-、β- 和γ-球蛋白。




方法的原理本分析法采用双缩脲反应测定血清蛋白,其中碱性溶液中的二价铜离子与化合物(含 2 个或多个、与碳原子结合的酰胺基或肽基)反应,形成一种有色络合物4。

碱性 pH血清蛋白质类 + Cu++———— 紫色络合物紫色络合物以分光光度法在 550nm 处测定,以 700nm 作为空白波长。



注意事项1.当处理任何实验室试剂时,应遵守良好实验室安全规范(CLSI, GP17-A2)。






如果发生皮肤接触,用水清洗皮肤至少 15 分钟。

3.本试剂含叠氮化钠 <0.1%;叠氮化钠可与铅和铜水管反应,形成高爆炸性金属叠氮化物。



三星SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I MAG 6000 I Ex流量计传感器说明书

三星SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I MAG 6000 I Ex流量计传感器说明书

3/433■Overview The SITRANS FM MAG 6000I/MAG 6000I Ex de transmitter is designed for the demands in the process industry. The robust die cast aluminum housing provides superb protection, even in the most harsh industrial environments. Full input and output functionality is given even in the Ex version.■Benefits•Full range of Ex-rated flowmeters with intrinsically safe rated input and outputs•For compact or remote installation•HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS PA and DP , Modbus RTU/RS485 add-on communication modules available•Superior signal resolution for optimum turn down ratio •Digital signal processing with many possibilities•Automatic reading of SENSORPROM data for easy commis-sioning•User configurable operation menu with password protection -3 lines, 20 characters display in 11 languages -Flow rate in various units-Totalizer for forward, reverse and net flow as well as much more information available•Multiple functional outputs for process control, minimum con-figuration with analogue, pulse/frequency and relay output (status, flow direction, limits)•Comprehensive self-diagnostic for error indication and error logging•Batch control•MAG 6000 I NAMUR: compliant with NAMUR NE 21, NE 32, NE 43, NE 53 and NE 70■DesignThe transmitter is designed for either compact or remote instal-lation in non-hazardous or hazardous areas (compact mounted transmitter to be ordered together with the sensor).■FunctionThe following functions are available:•Flow rate•2 measuring ranges •2 totalizers•Low flow cut-off •Flow direction •Error system •Operating time•Uni-/bidirectional flow•Limit switches and pulse output •Batch controlThe MAG 6000I/6000I Ex de is a microprocessor-based trans-mitter with a built-in alphanumeric display in several languages. The transmitters evaluate the signals from the associated elec-tromagnetic sensors and also fulfil the task of a power supply unit which provides the magnet coils with a constant current.Further information on connection, mode of operation and instal-lation can be found in the data sheets for the sensors.Displays and keypadsOperation of the transmitter can be carried out using:•Keypad and display unit •HART communicator•PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software via HART communica-tion•PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software using PROFIBUS orModbus communication3■Technical specifications1)Applicable for: Compact mounted MAG 6000I Ex on MAG 3100 (sizes DN 15...DN 300 (½"...12")).Mode of operation and design Measuring principle Electromagnetic with pulsed constant fieldEmpty pipeDetection of empty pipe (special cable required in remote mounted installation)Excitation frequency Depend on sensor size Electrode input impedance >1x 1014ΩInputDigital input11…30V DC, Ri =4.4k Ω•Activation time 50ms•Current I 11V DC =2.5mA, I 30V DC =7mAOutput Current output •Signal range 4…20mA (active/passive)•Load<560Ω•Time constant 0.1…30s, adjustableDigital output •Frequency 0…10kHz, 50% duty cycle (uni-/bidirectional)•Time constant 0.1…30s, adjustable•Pulse (passive)3…30V DC, max. 110mA (30mA Ex version), 200Ω≤Ri ≤10k Ω (powered from connected equip-ment)•Time constant 0.1…30s, adjustableRelay output •Time constant Changeover relay, same as current output•Load42V AC/2A, 24V DC/1A Low flow cut off 0…9.9% of maximum flow Galvanic isolation All inputs and outputs are galvanic isolated.Max. measuring error MAG 6000I/MAG 6000I Ex (incl. sensor)±0.2% ±1mm/sRated operation conditions Ambient temperature •Operation -MAG 6000I -25…+60°C (-13…+140°F)-MAG 6000I Ex -25…+60°C (-13…140°F)•Storage -40…+70°C (-40…+158°F)Mechanical load18…1000Hz random in x, y, z, directions for 2 hours according to EN 60068-2-36Transmitter: 1.14g RMS Degree of protection IP67/NEMA 4X to IEC 529 and DIN 40050 (1mH 2O 30min.)EMC performanceIEC/EN 61326-1 (all environments)IEC/EN 61326-2-5NAMUR NE 21Display and keypad Totalizer Two eight-digit counters for forward, net or reverse flowDisplayBackground illumination with alpha-numeric text, 3x 20 characters to indicate flow rate, totalized values, settings and faults; Reverse flow indi-cated by negative signKeypad Capacitive touch keypad with LED light for feedback indicationTime constantTime constant as current output time constantDesignEnclosure material Die cast aluminum, with corrosion resistant Basic Polyester powder coating (min.60µm)•Wall mounting Wall mounting bracket enclosed for remote versionDimensions See dimensional drawings Weight See dimensional drawings Power supply•Standard transmitter:18…90V DC; 115…230V AC; 50…60Hz•Ex transmitter: 18…30V DC •Ex transmitter: 115…230V AC; 50…60Hz•Ex transmitter NAMUR:18…30V DC; 115…230V AC; 50…60HzPower consumption•230V AC: 20VA•24V DC:9.6W,I N =0.4A, I ST =1A (3ms)Certificates and approvals General purpose •CE (LVD, EMC, PED, RoHS)Hazardous areas•ATEX, IECEx, FM, CSA, EAC Ex, NEPSI-Zone 1 Ex d e [ia] ia IIC T6 Gb •ATEX, IECEx, CSA-Zone 21 Ex tD A21 IP67 T85 °C •FM-XP IS Class I Div. 1 Groups A, B, C, D-DIP Class II+III Div. 1 Groups E, F , G Others•CPA (China)•EAC (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan)•KCs (South Korea)Cable entries MAG 6000I•Power supply and outputs 2x M20 (HART)/M25 (PROFIBUS) or 2x ½"NPT (HART)•Sensor connection2x M16 or 2x ½"NPTMAG 6000 I Ex ATEX 2GD •Power supply and outputs 2x M20•Sensor connection 2x M16Communication Standard versionsHART, Modbus RTU/RS 485, FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS PA, PROFIBUS DP add-on modules Ex versionsHART, PROFIBUS PA (not for Ex version)3/453■Selection and ordering dataArticle No.Operating instructions for SITRANS FM MAG 6000IAll literature is available to download for free, in a range of lan-guages, at/processinstrumentation/documentation Communication modules for MAG 6000I (All standard outputs can still be used)1)Not for Ex versionsOperating instructions for SITRANS F add-on modulesAll literature is available to download for free, in a range of lan-guages, at/processinstrumentation/documentationFurther designOrder codePlease add “-Z “ to Article No. and specify Order code(s) and plain textTag name plate, stainless steel (specify in plain text)Y17Tag name plate, plastic (self adhesive)Y18Special version (specify in plain text)Y99Description Article No.•English A5E02083319•GermanA5E02210835DescriptionArticle No.HART (only for MAG 6000I/Ex)FDK:085U0321Modbus RTU/RS 4851)FDK:085U0234PROFIBUS PA Profile 3FDK:085U0236PROFIBUS DP Profile 31)FDK:085U0237DeviceNet1)FDK:085U0229FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1A5E02054250Description Article No.HART •English A5E03089708PROFIBUS PA/DP •English A5E00726137•German A5E01026429Modbus •English A5E00753974•GermanA5E03089262FOUNDATION Fieldbus •English A5E02318728•GermanA5E02488856DeviceNet, EnglischA5E03089720■Selection and ordering data (continued)3Accessories for MAG6000I/6000I Ex Spare partsDescription Article No.Standard coil or electrodecable, 3×1.5 mm²/ 18 gage,single shielded with PVC jackeTemperature range:-30...+70 °C (-22...+158 °F)•5m (16.5ft)A5E02296523•10m (33ft)FDK:083F0121•20m (65ft)FDK:083F0210•30m (98ft)A5E02297309•40m (131ft)FDK:083F0211•50m (164ft)A5E02297317•60m (197ft)FDK:083F0212•100m (328ft)FDK:083F0213•150m (492ft)FDK:083F3052•200m (656ft)FDK:083F3053•500m (1640ft)FDK:083F3054Special electrode cable (emptypipe detection or low conduc-tivity), 3×0.25 mm², doubleshielded with PVC jacketTemperature range:-30...+70 °C (-22...+158 °F)•10m (33ft)FDK:083F3020•20m (65ft)FDK:083F3095•40m (131ft)FDK:083F3094•60m (197ft)FDK:083F3093•100m (328ft)FDK:083F3092•150m (492ft)FDK:083F3056•200m (656ft)FDK:083F3057•500m (1640ft)FDK:083F3058Cable kit including standardcoil cable (3×1.5 mm²/ 18gage, single shielded with PVCjacket) and special electrodecable (3×0.25 mm², doubleshielded with PVC jacket)Temperature range:-30...+70 °C (-22...+158 °F)•5m (16.5ft)A5E02296329•10m (33ft)A5E01181647•15m (49ft)A5E02296464•20m (65ft)A5E01181656•25m (82ft)A5E02296490•30m (98ft)A5E02296494•40m (131ft)A5E01181686•50m (164ft)A5E02296498•60m (197ft)A5E01181689•100m (328ft)A5E01181691•150m (492ft)A5E01181699•200m (656ft)A5E01181703•500m (1640ft)A5E01181705Low noise electrode coaxcable for low conductivity andhigh vibration levels,3×0.13mm²Temperature range-25 °C…+85 °C(-13 °F…+185 °F)•2m (6.6ft)A5E02272692•5m (16.5ft)A5E02272723•10m (33ft)A5E02272730Description Article No.Display unit FDK:085U3122Accessory bag including cablegland inserts and connectorsfor sensor cablesFDK:085U3144Display lid (Ex) in die-cast alu-minum, with corrosions resitantcoating (min. 60 μm)7ME5933-0AC01Blind lid for sensor cables con-nection compartment (onlyremote version) in die-cast alu-minum, with corrosion resistantcoating (min. 60 μm) incl. O-ring seal7ME5933-0AC02Blind lid (mains supply,input/outputs) in die-cast alu-minum, with corrosion resistantcoating (min. 60 μm)7ME5933-0AC03Safety clamp7ME5933-0AC06Standard wall-mountingbracket, stainless steelAISI316L/1.44047ME5933-0AC04Special wall-mounting bracket,BI 2.5 DIN59382 X6Cr177ME5933-0AC053/47■Selection and ordering data (continued)3Complete spare part PCB unit1)Spare pcba for MAG 6000 I Ex produced after 12/2012.Please use online Product selector to get latest updates.Product selector link:DescriptionArticle No.MAG6000I std. (not for Ex), 18...30 V DC; 115...230V AC Spare PCBAFDK:085U3123MAG 6000 I std. (NAMUR), 18...30 V DC; 115...230V AC Spare PCBAA5E31426892MAG 6000 I Ex (NAMUR),18...30 V DC; 115...230V AC Spare PCBA for use with Ex sensors with increased safety e (for Ex sensors: 7ME6110, 7ME6120, 7ME6140, 7ME6310, 7ME6320, 7ME6340)(for 7ME6330 > DN300)1)A5E31426877MAG 6000I Ex d 115...230V ACSpare PCBA for use with ATEX sensors with increased safety e A5E01013127 1)MAG 6000I Ex d 18...30V DCSpare PCBA for use with ATEX sensors with increased safety eA5E01013340 1)■Dimensional drawingsSITRANS FM transmitter MAG 6000 I with wall-mounting bracket,dimensions in mm (inch)。









2 重均分子量测定——光散射法
光线通过不均匀介质时,会产生散射现象, 散射光的强度为:
dn dc
cIo M 2
θ—观察角; r—观察点与散射点之间距离; λo—入 射光波长;Io—入射光强度; n——溶剂折射率; dn/dc—溶液折射率与浓度变化比值;No—阿佛加德 罗常数; M—溶质分子量;A2—第二维利系数。
光散射现象:一束光通过介质时,在入射线以 外的其他方向上也能观察到光强的现象。利用 光散射性质测定分子量和分子尺寸的方法称为 光散射法。
光散射的本质:光的电磁波与介质分子相互作 用的结果。在光波电场的作用下,分子中电子 产生强迫振动,成为二次光源,向各个方向发 射电磁波。
⑴光散射现象 一束光通过不均匀的透明介质(气体、液体
1)端基分析法测定的是数均分子量; 2)方法适用于一些缩聚产物(尼龙、聚酯)分
3)当聚合物分子量较高时实验误差比较大,其 测量分子量的上限为二万左右;
依据——溶液的依数性: 1 在溶剂中加入不挥发
性的溶质后,溶液的蒸汽 压下降,导致溶液的沸点 升高。沸点升高值(ΔTb PoA )与溶质的性质无关。但 是与溶质的摩尔分数成正 PA 比,即与溶质的分子量成 反比。
或溶液)时,一部分光沿原来方向继续传播, 称为透射光。而在入射方向以外的其他方向, 同时发出一种很弱的光,称为散射光。这种在 入射方向以外的其他方向也能观察到光强的现 象称为光散射现象。如图所示。散射光方向与 入射光方向的夹角称为散射角,用θ表示。散 射中心(O)与观察点P之间距离以r表示。

Instruction manual.pdf_1693225695.0476854说明书

Instruction manual.pdf_1693225695.0476854说明书

I. M EASUREMENT OF DC AND AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT , MEASUREMENTUNCERTAINTY AND ERRORS.M ESUREMENT OF THE PARAMETERS OF DIODES ANDTRANSISTORSTheory:Theory of errors and uncertainty in the measurement. Uncertainty of type A ,type B and C. Definitions of the instrument precision by the producers. Principle of multimeters. Measurement of DC and AC voltage and current. Connection of the multimeter to the tested circuit. Measurement of the effective value of the voltage and current- definitions & principles. Measurement of the effective value alternating voltage/current with or without superimposed direct voltage/current. Shape coefficient, crest factor. Testing of diodes and transistors using the multimeter Principle of the digital frequency measurement. Exercises:1) Get acquainted with Agilent 33220A waveform generator. Set the appropriate load value according tothe resistor used (Utility > Output Setup> Load> 50Ω). ATTENTION: The generator output must be matched to the load impedance for all laboratory tasks.2) Set the generator for harmonic signal output of 2Vpp amplitude and 100 Hz frequency (setting of thegenerator, not measured value on the voltmeter). Connect the rectifier to loaded output according to the schematic. Measure the rectified voltage by available multimeters (using DC mode). Read at least10 measured values. Estimate measurement uncertainty of type A. Estimate the measurementuncertainty of type B based by parameters from datasheets. Determine overall uncertainty of your measurements (type).3) Generate a harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw tooth and at least one of embedded arbitrarysignals with arbitrary amplitude from the range 1-5 V and frequency from the range 50-300 Hz with the offset equal to zero. Measure voltages for all shapes using both a TRMS voltmeter and simple multimeter with diode rectifier. Explain why the multimeter readings differ for every waveform and amplitude. Use a multimeter also for frequency measurement of every waveform.4) Repeat task 3 for harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw-tooth waveform with DC offset set to 1V.Measure the output voltage of the generator by TRMS voltmeter in both AC and DC mode. What is the total dissipated power on the resistor load and what is the effective value of the voltage? Hint -Parceval´s theorem.5) Generate a harmonic signal with amplitude 1V and frequency of 5Hz. What is measured by themultimeter? Gradually adjust the frequency 10, 50, 200, 1k, 10k, 25k, 100k, 500kHz and 1MHz. What is measured by the multimeter? Try to explain the multimeter behavior.6) Set the generator for rectangular pulses of 100 Hz repeating frequency and pulse width of 100 s. Setthe low voltage level to 0V. The high level (pulse amplitude) set gradually to 0.02V, 0.2V, 2V. How does the measured rms value change for different peak values of the signal? What voltage value is shown by the multimeter? Is its variation consistent with the changes of the pulse amplitude?Compare your measurement results acquired with other types of multimeters.7) Repeat task 4 for AC and DC current through the load. How can you calculate total power dissipatedon the resistor load from the measured current and resistor’s value? Compare results with those of the task 4.8) Test available diodes using a multimeter and assess whether they passed. What does thismeasurement tell us about the measured diode? Measure also the Graetz bridge9) Measure PN junctions and h21E of available transistors in the active and inverse mode. Comparemeasured results with datasheet values.10) Switch the multimeter to frequency measurement mode. Set the generator to an arbitrary harmonicwaveform of frequency within kHz range. Gradually rise the amplitude from minimum up to 5V.Observe the measured frequency and determine an amplitude threshold, where multimeter starts to measure correctly. Try to explain the results and behavior of the multimerter in frequency measurement mode.Instruments‘ manuals:Multimeter UT 803Multimeter Agilent 34410AMultimeter Agilent 34405AMultimeter Metex 3640Multimeter METEX 3850DGenerator Agilent 33220AStudy materials:Agilent multimeter simulation installation filesWebsite simulating the function of selected instruments -。

替加环素杂质14 标准品对照品杂质现货

替加环素杂质14   标准品对照品杂质现货
结Байду номын сангаас式

替加环素杂质14 (N-亚硝基替加环素)

hemin结构式 -回复

hemin结构式 -回复







在这个分子中,有一个铁离子(Fe)与四个含氮的呋喃或吡嗪环(porphyrin 环)结合。







对于hemin,我们可以用Kekulé结构式表示如下:H H H HN N N NH3C —C —C= —————C = C —C=OHH H H H HH H H H在这个表示式中,可以清晰地看到含氮的porphyrin环,以及连接在其周围的其他原子和化学键。






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list 14 hem --- inanehem [hem] n. (衣服或裙子的)褶边a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched downhem:garment=ruffle:shirt=molding:cabinet褶边:衣服=皱褶:衫=壁带:橱柜(事物及其特殊部分)Sample:The hem on her skirt needs sewing.herald [5herEld] vt. 预报,宣布,传达,欢呼to give notice of:ANNOUNCEunabashed:embarrassment=unheralded:announcement不害羞的:困窘=未预告的:公告(反义关系)impromptu:performance=unheralded:announcement即席演出:表演=没有预先通知的:公告(反义关系)unherald<>proclaim未预告的<>宣布Synonyms: ANNOUNCE, forerun, foreshow, harbinger, preindicate, presageSample:For many years an unheralded researcher, Barbara McClintock gainedinternational renown when she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology andMedicine.herbicide [5h\:bIsaId] n. 除草剂an agent used to destroy or inhibit plant growthinsect:pesticide=plant:herbicide害虫:杀虫剂=植物:除草剂(事物及其消除对象)Sample:Though environmentalists have targeted some herbicides aspotentially dangerous, the manufacturers, to the environmentalists' dismay,defend the use of these herbicides on lawns.hereditary [hI5redItErI] adj. 世袭的,遗传的characteristic of or fostered by one's predecessorsSample:Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inheriteddiseases,acting most strongly against the most severe diseases;consequently, hereditary diseases that are lethal would be expected to bevery rare, but, surprisingly, they are not.heresy [5herIsI] n. 异端邪说an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogmaapostasy:faith=recantation:heresy变节:忠实=改变信仰:异端邪说(反义关系)dogma<>heresy教条的<>异端邪说Synonyms: dissent,dissidence,heterodoxy,misbelief,nonconformism,nonconformity, schism, unorthodoxySample:The Salem witch trials were a misguided attempt to extirpatesuperstition and heresy.heretical [hI`retIkEl] adj. 异教的,异端的of,relating to,or characterized by departure from accepted beliefs orstandards:UNORTHODOXdoctrine:heretical=course:errant教条:异教的=道路:错误的(反义关系)heretic:unconformity=apologist:defend异教徒:不顺从:辩护者:辩护(人物及其正面特征)【注:词性不符】heretic:unconformity=generous:liberality { authority:superiority }异端:不服从=慷慨的:大方 { 权威:优越性 }(人物及其正面特征)Synonyms: dissident,heterodox,nonconformist,schismatic,sectarian,unorthodoxSample:She was punished by the Spanish Inquisition because she was aheretic.hermit [5h\:mIt] n. 隐士,隐居者one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially forreligious reasons:RECLUSEvegetarian:meat=hermit:society素食者:肉=隐士:社会(前者远离后者)hermitage:secluded=landmark:conspicuous隐居处:隐退的:路标:明显的(建筑物及其正面特征)Synonyms: RECLUSE, solitarySample:We thought the hermit was a miantrope because he shunned oursociety.herpetologist [7hE:pi5tClEdVist] n. 爬虫学家one that a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibianssalmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist鳜鱼:鱼类研究者=变色龙:爬虫学家(人物及其研究对象)hesitance [`hezItEns] n. 踌躇,犹豫the quality or state of being hesitant:as a:INDECISION b:RELUCTANCEimpetuous:hesitate=irrepressible:servile冲动的:犹豫=无法镇压的:顺从的(反义关系)parsimonious:profligacy=impetuous:hesitance吝啬的:挥霍的=冲动的:忧郁的hesitation:reluctance=hubris:pride犹豫:不愿意=狂妄自大:骄傲(褒贬类比)alacrity<>dilatoriness/hesitance敏捷<>迟缓/犹豫impetuosity<>hesitance/vacillation性急<>踌躇Sample:She hesitated to intrude on their conversation.heterodox [5hetErEJdRks] adj.非正统的, 异端的Not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine or dogmaheterodox:nonconformity=authority:superiority异教:不墨守成规=权威:优越(人物及其正面特征)doctrine:heterodoxy=spontaneous:studied {adaptability:stable}教义:非正统的异端=自发的:后天习得的(反义关系)Sample:To those who upheld the belief that the earth did not move,Galileo's theory that the earth circled the sun was disturbingly heterodox.hidebound [5haIdbaJnd]adj. 营养不良的,死板的,量小的having an inflexible or ultraconservative charactercontumacious:authority=reactionary/hidebound/conservative:change/innovation/novelty不听令的,顽固的:权威 =反动的/死板的/保守的:改变 /创新/新颖(形容词与名词的反义关系)hidebound:conservative=peeved:annoyed死板的:保守的=气恼的:苦恼的(程度类比)hidebound:conservative=manic:interested/excited {peeved:annoyed }死板的:保守的=疯狂的:感兴趣的/激动的 {怨恨的:恼怒的}(程度类比)carefree:responsibility=hidebound:flexibility不负责任:责任=死板的:灵活性(缺乏关系)hidebound:innovation=diehard:budge死板的:创新=顽固分子:放弃(形容词与名词的反义关系)Synonyms: ILLIBERAL,bigoted,brassbound,intolerant,narrow,narrow-minded, small-minded, unenlargedhideous [5hIdIEs]adj. 丑恶的,可憎的,可怕的offensive to the senses and especially to sight:exceedingly uglypulchritudinous<>hideous美丽的<>丑陋的affinity<>aversion/hideousness吸引力<>厌恶/丑陋Synonyms: UGLY,ill-favored,ill-looking,unbeautiful,uncomely,unsightlySample:The horror film was about a hideous monster.hie [haI] v. 急忙,疾走,催促to go quickly:HASTENhie<>dawdle催促<>游手好闲,闲混Synonyms: GO, fare, journey, pass, proceed, push on, repair, travel, wendhierarchy [5haIErB:kI] n. 阶级组织,教士政治,僧侣政治the classification of a group of people according to ability or toeconomic, social, or professional standingechelon:hierarchy=??梯队:层次=??(??关系)Sample:Their hierarchy of loyalties is first to oneself, next to kin, thento fellow tribe members, and finally to compatriots.hieroglyph [5haIErE^lIf] n.象形文字, 图画文字a character used in a system of hieroglyphic writingdecipher:hieroglyph=separate:component破解:象形文字=分离:组分(动宾关系)Sample:Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting entitled the MonaLisa as an original and wonderful technical feat, the reproduction of anatural object,the aesthetes saw it as a hieroglyph that requireddeciphering.hike [haIk] v. 使高涨,拉起 n.提高,增加to rise up; especially :to work upward out of placebackset<>hike倒退;挫折<>提高,增加Sample:No matter how often he hiked through the mountains,David neverfailed to be struck by the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada range.hilarity[hI5lArItI] n. 欢闹high spirits that may be carried to the point of boisterous conviviality ormerrimenthilarious:laughter=contemptible:distain欢闹的:笑=可鄙的:贬损(行为及其所表达的含义)hoary:old=hilarious:funny古老的:老的=欢闹的:有趣的(程度类比)Synonyms: MIRTH,glee,jocularity,jocundity,jollity,joviality,merrimentSample: The hilarity is improper on this solemn day of mourning.hint [hInt] n. 暗示,提示a slight indication of the existence, approach, or nature of something:CLUEnuance:distinction=hint:suggestion细微差别:差别=暗示:提议(程度类比)Sample:The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at atwelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought tolegitimize the city's social strivings by evoking a history the city didnot truly possess.histrionic [hIstrI5RnIk]adj. 演员的,演剧的,有如演戏的of or relating to actors, acting, or the theaterpedantic:scholar=histrionic:actor学究的:学者=戏剧的:演员(人物及其正面特征)Synonyms: DRAMATIC, dramaturgic, theatral, theatric, theatrical, thespianSample:He was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to paly the role ofHamlet.hive [haIv] n. 蜂房,闹区,蜜蜂群a place swarming with activitytumultuous:bedlam=active:hive喧嚣的:喧嚣之地=活跃的:热闹之地(正面特征)Sample:The stock exchange is a hive of activity.hoard [hC:d] n./v. 贮藏,秘藏to keep (as one's thoughts) to oneselfmiser:hoard=dandy:preen=sycophant:fawn=pundit:opine守财奴:秘藏=花花公子:打扮=马屁精:奉承=博学者:发表意见(人物及其特征行为)hoard:miser=shirk:malinger秘藏:守财奴=逃避:装病的人(人物及其特征动作)lavish<>hoard浪费的<>储藏squander<>hoard挥霍<>贮存Synonyms: squirrel, stashSample:Plants store a hoard of water in their leaves, stems, or understockto provide themselves with a form of insurance that will carry them throughthe inevitable drought they must suffer in the wild.hoary [5hC:rI]adj. 灰白的,久远的extremely old:ANCIENThoary:old=hilarious:funny古老的:老的=欢闹的:有趣的(程度类比)Synonyms: ANCIENT, aged, age-old, antediluvian, antique, Noachian, old,timeworn, venerablehoax [hEuks] n.愚弄an act intended to deceive or trickfilibuster:delay=hoax:deceive阻挠:拖延=愚弄:欺骗(行为及其结果)hoax:fraudulent=paragon:excellent愚弄:欺骗的=模范:优秀的(事物及其正面特征)Synonyms IMPOSTURE,fake,flimflam,fraud,gyp,humbug,phony,put-on,sell, spoofSample: Embarrassed by the hoax, he reddened and left the room.hodgepodge [5hRdVpRdV] n. 混煮,杂菜,混淆a heterogeneous mixture:JUMBLEhodgepodge:uniformity=cliche:originality大杂烩:一致=陈词滥调:新颖(缺乏关系)items:hodgepodge=people:rabble物品:大杂烩=人们:乌合之众(个体及其杂乱的集体)hodgepodge:??=interpreter:translate/illuminati(illuminator):instruct大杂烩:混乱:解说:翻译/先知:指导(正面特征)Synonyms: MISCELLANY,gallimaufry,hash,hotchpotch,jumble,medley,mishmash, patchwork, potpourriSample:His ideas are a hodgepodge of unproved theories.homage [5hRmIdV] n. 尊崇,尊敬,效忠expression of high regard:RESPECTcounsel:advice=laud:homage劝告:劝告=称赞:敬意(同义关系)homage<>disrespect敬意<>失礼Synonyms: honor, reverence, deferenceSample:In her speech she tried to pay homage to a great man.homely [5hEJmlI] adj.家常的,朴素的;不漂亮的Not attractive or good-lookingpulchritude<>homeliness美丽<>不漂亮Sample:I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.homily [5hRmIlI] n. 说教,训诫a lecture or discourse on or of a moral themeparable:story=homily:lecture寓言:故事=说教:演讲(种属关系)区别:homely(adj.家常的;不好看的)Sample:His speeches were always homilies, advising his listeners to repentand reform.homogenize [hE5mRdVInaIz] v. 使均匀to blend (diverse elements) into a uniform mixturestratify<>homogenize使分层<>使均匀motley<>homogenize杂乱的<>使均匀【注:词性不符】Sample:Many educators try to put pupils of similar abilities in the sameclass because they believe that his homogeneous grouping is advisable.hone [hEJn]v. 用磨刀石磨 n. 磨刀石,抱怨,想念to make more acute, intense, or effective:WHEThone<>blunt磨快<>弄钝Sample:To make shaving easier, he honed his razor with great care.honorarium [RnE5reErIEm] n.酬劳金,谢礼a payment for a service (as making a speech) on which custom or proprietyforbids aamenity:comfortable=honorarium:grateful舒适的设备:舒适的=谢礼:感谢的(事物及其正面特征)Sample:The company paid the teacher an honorarium for the speech she gave to its workers.horn [hR:n] n. 角,角质,喇叭a wind instrument used in a jazz band; especially :TRUMPEThorn:blow=harp:pluck喇叭:吹=竖琴:弹(动宾关系)Sample:The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, isin sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.hortative [`hR:tEtIv] adj. 激励的,劝告的,勉励的giving exhortation:ADVISORYdidactic:teach=hortatory:urge说教的:教授=激励的:力劝(形容词与动词的同义关系)hortative:encourage=exculpatory:absolve鼓励的:鼓励=辨明无罪的:无罪赦免(形容词与动词的同义关系)Sample:The peroration was largely hortatory and brought the audience to itsfeet clamoring for action at its close.horticulture [5hC:tIkQltFE(r)] n. 园艺学the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, orornamental plantstree:forestry=flower:horticulture树:林学=花:园艺学(学科及其研究对象)Sample:The city's botanical garden is a center of horticulture.hospitable [5hCspitEbl] adj.好客的, 招待周到的,思想开放的;善于接受的having an open mind; receptivehospitable:misanthrope=genteel:churl思想开放的:厌世者=优雅的:粗俗的人(人物及反面特征)Synonyms:SOCIAL,companionable,convivial,cooperative,gregarious, sociablehovel [5hRvl] n. 小屋,杂物间,家畜小屋a small, wretched, and often dirty house:HUTpalatial:hovel=bucolic:city富丽堂皇的:小屋=田园风味的:城市(反面特征)palatial:hovel=bucolic:metropolis宏伟的:小屋=乡村的:大都市(事物及其反面特征)Sample:He wondered how poor people could stand living in such a hovel.hub [hQb] n. 车轴,,中心the central part of a circular object (as a wheel or propeller)spoke:hub=radius:center轮辐:中心=半径:中心(前者会聚于后者)Sample:The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub.hubris [5hju:brIs] n. 傲慢,骄傲exaggerated pride or self-confidencehubristicparsimony:frugal=hubris:pride吝啬:节俭的=狂妄自大:自豪的(褒贬程度类比)hesitation:reluctance=hubris:pride犹豫:不愿意=狂妄自大:骄傲(褒贬类比)Sample:Filled with hubris, Lear refused to heed his friends' warnings.humanitarian [hju:mAnI5teErIEn] n. 人道主义者,博爱者,基督凡人论者a person promoting human welfare and social reform:PHILANTHROPISTSample:It is difficult for humanity with its finite existence to grasp theinfinite.humble [5hQmb(E)l] adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的ranking low in a hierarchy or scale:INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUSdour:geniality=bumptious:humbleness严厉的:亲切=傲慢的:谦逊(形容词与名词的反义关系)impetuous:vacillation/hesitation=bumptious:humbleness冲动的:犹豫=傲慢的:谦逊(形容词与名词的反义关系)supercilious<>humble傲慢的<>谦逊的bumptious<>humble傲慢的<>谦逊的hauteur<>humility傲慢<>谦卑panache<>humility炫耀,摆架子<>谦卑Synonyms: IGNOBLE, base, baseborn, low, lowborn, lowly, mean, plebeian,unennobled, unwashedSample:Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap was a servilecreature.humor [5hju:mE(r)] v. 迎合,牵就,顺应to soothe or content by indulgencechide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle责骂:使示众=迁就:溺爱(程度关系)Synonyms: BABY,cater(to),cocker,coddle,cosset,cotton,indulge,mollycoddle, pamper, spoilSample:The humor of cartoonists Gary Trudeau often is satirical; though thecomments of the Doonesbury characters,Trudeau ridicules politicalcorruption and folly.hurdle [5h\:d(E)l] n. 障碍,跳栏 v. 用篱笆围,越过,克服to leap over especially while running (as in a sporting competitionSynonyms: CLEAR, leap, negotiate, over, overleap, surmount, vaulthurricane [5hQrIkEn] n. 飓风a tropical cyclone with winds of74miles(118kilometers)per hour orgreater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic,that is usuallyaccompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves intotemperate latitudesfire:inferno=storm:hurricane火:大火=暴风:飓风(程度关系)rain:deluge=wind:hurricane雨:暴雨=风:狂风(程度关系)snow:precipitation=hurricane:cyclone雪:降水=飓风:旋风(种属关系)Sample:Titanic waves beat aginst the shore during the hurricane.husbandry [5hQzbEndrI] n.节俭;耕种;家政the control or judicious use of resources:CONSERVATIONhusbandry:dissipate=alacrity:procrastinate节俭:浪费=敏捷:拖延(反义关系)husband<>squander节俭地使用<>浪费husbandry<>prodigality节俭<>浪费husbandry<>waste节俭<>浪费Synonyms: ECONOMY,forehandedness,frugality,providence,prudence,thrift, thriftinessSample:He accumulated his small fortune by diligence and husbandry.husk [hQsk] n.(果类或谷物的)外壳(通常用复数), 皮, 无价值之物a usually dry or membranous outer covering(as a pod or hull or onecomposed of bracts)of various seeds and fruits; also:one of theconstituent partscorn:husk=??谷物:外皮=??seed:husk=orange:rind种子:外壳=橘子:外皮(事物及其外皮)husk<>core皮<>核Sample:You shuck the corn's husks before cooking it.husky [5hQskI] adj. 声音沙哑的hoarse with or as if with emotionhusky<>delicate嘶哑的<>细腻的Synonyms: HOARSE, croaking, croaky, gruffSample:He is a husky boy.hybrid [5haIbrId] adj. 混合的,杂种的,混合语的 n杂种something heterogeneous in origin or composition:COMPOSITEhybrid<>of unmixed extraction杂种<>纯血统hybrid<>purebred杂种的<>纯种的Synonyms: bastard, cross, crossbred, crossbreed, half blood, half-breed,mongrel, muleSample:The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba by usinghybridization to reinforce favorable traits was finally abandoned in favorof a simpler and much faster method:the domestication of flourishing wildstrains.hymn [hIm] n. 赞美诗,圣歌;赞歌a song of praise or joyhymn:praise=elegy:sorrow赞歌:赞美=挽歌:悲伤(事物及其表达的含义)Synonyms: SONG, aria, descant, ditty, lay, liedhypnotic [hIp5nRtIk] adj. 催眠的,催眠术的,易于催眠的tending to produce sleep:SOPORIFIChypnotic<>conscious催眠的<>有知觉的hypnotic<>stimulant催眠药<>刺激物hypnotic<>bracing催眠的<>给以力量,支撑Synonyms: SOPORIFIC, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, somnifacient, somniferous,somnific, somnolent, somnorific, soporiferousSample:The mother's voice had a hypnotic effect on her baby.hyperbole [haI5p\:bElI] n. 夸张法extravagant exaggerationanger:tirade=exaggeration:hyperbole恼火:长篇激烈的演讲=夸张:夸张(行为及其表达的含义)malicious:ill will=exaggerating:hyperbole恶毒的:恶意=夸张的:夸张(形容词与名词的同义关系)bumptious:bombast=exaggerative:hyperbole盲目自大的:夸大的言辞=夸张的:夸张法(名词及其正面特征)exaggerated:hyperbole=nonsensical:drivel夸大的:夸张法=无意义的:胡说(事物及其表达的含义)Synonyms: EXAGGERATION,coloring,embellishment,embroidering,overstatementSample:Rhetoric often seems to triumph over reason in a heated debate, withboth sides engaging in hyperbole.hypercritical [haIpE5krItIk(E)l] a.苛求的,吹毛求疵的;meticulously or excessively criticalSynonyms: critical, faultfinding, captious, carping, censorious区别:hypocritical(adj.伪善的)Sample:You are hypercritical in your demands for perfection; we all makemistakes.hypocritical [hIpE5krItIk] adj. 伪善的characterized by hypocrisy; also :being a hypocriteauthenticity:fraudulent=sincerity:hypocritical真实性:欺诈的=诚挚:伪善的(名词与形容词的反义关系)hypocritical<>ingenuous/honest伪善的<>真诚的/诚实的Synonyms: canting,pecksniffian,pharisaic,pharisaical,sanctimonious,self-righteous区别:hypercritical (adj.苛求的,吹毛求疵的)Sample:I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for I know he isinterested only in his own advancement.ichthyologist [9IkWI`ClEdVIst] n. 鱼类学者,鱼类研究者one that study a branch of zoology that deals with fishessalmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist大麻哈鱼:鱼类学家=变色龙:爬虫学家(学者及其研究对象)Sample:Jacques Cousteau's rpograms about sea life have advanced the causeof ichthyology.idiosyncratic [7idiE5siNkrEtik] adj. 特质的,异质的,特殊的a peculiarity of constitution or temperament:anindividualizingcharacteristic or qualitySample:One of his personal idiosyncrasies was his habit of rinsing allcutlery given him in a restaurant.idolatrize [aI5dRlEtE(r)] v.奉为偶像, 盲目崇拜admires intensely and often blindlyreverent:idolater=trusting:dupe虔诚的:偶像崇拜者=信赖的:易受骗的人(人物及其正面特征)esteem:idolatrize=favor:bribe尊敬:盲目崇拜=赠与:行贿(程度褒贬类比)Sample:James had idolized the professor so much for so long that even afterlunching with her several times he remained quite inhibited in herpresence, and as a result, he could not really be himself.ignite [I^5naIt] v. 点燃,使灼热,使兴奋to set afire; also :KINDLEignite<>extinguish点燃<>熄灭Synonyms: LIGHT, enkindle, fire, inflame, kindleSample:When Desi crooned, "Baby, light my fire," literal-minded Lucy lookedaround for some paper to ignite.ignominy [5I^nEmInI] n. 羞耻,屈辱deep personal humiliation and disgraceignominious<>lofty可耻的<>崇高的ignominy<>glory, honor; esteem, respect耻辱<>光荣Synonyms: DISGRACE,discredit,disesteem,dishonor,disrepute,infamy,obloquy, odium, opprobrium, shameSample:The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of theday when it would be victorious.ignorant [5I^nErEnt] adj. 无知识的,不知道的,幼稚的destitute of knowledge or education also lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specifiedSynonyms: benighted,empty-headed,illiterate,know-nothing,rude,uneducated, uninstructed, unlettered, unschooled, untaught, untutoredSample:I am totally ignorant of what happened at home while I was on vacation.ignore [I^5nC:(r)] v.不理睬,忽略to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungroundedscorn:reject=adulate:flatter=disparage:ignore轻蔑:拒绝=谄媚:奉承=蔑视:不理睬(程度类比)subtle:ignore=salient:observe微妙的:忽略=易见的:观察(事物特征及其正面被动行为)erudite<>smattering of knowledge/ignorant/unlettered博学的<>一知半解的/无知的/文盲的Synonyms: NEGLECT, blink (at or away), discount, disregard, fail, forget,omit, overlook, overpass, slightSample:She would have liked to ignore the minutiae of daily living.illiteracy [I`lItLrEsI] n. 文盲the quality or state of being illiterate; especially :inability to read orwriteilliteracy:education=inequity:redistribution文盲:教育=不公:重新分配(消除关系)erudition<>illiteracy博学<>文盲illuminati [I9lU:mI`nB:ti:] n. 先觉者; 智者persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightenedinterpreter:translate=illuminati:instruct翻译员:翻译=先觉者:指导(人物及其正面特征行为)hodgepodge:??=interpreter:translate/illuminati(illuminator):instruct大杂烩:混乱:解说:翻译/先知:指导(事物及其正面特征)illumination [Ilu:mI5neIF(E)n] n. 照明,阐明,启发one of the decorative features used in the art of illuminating or indecorative lightingfrieze:building=illumination:manuscript雕饰:建筑=装饰图案:手稿(装饰关系)stylus:mark=lamp:illumination铁笔:刻痕=灯:照明(物品及其用途)squall:commotion=flash:illumination大叫:扰乱=使闪烁:照明(因果关系)therapeutic:hospital=illuminating:school治疗的:医院=启蒙的:学校(机构及其功能)apron:protected=lamp:illuminate围裙:保护=灯:照明(工具及其作用)obfuscate<>elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly使迷乱<>阐明/阐明/解释清楚Sample:Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents toextract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of differentsocial groups(these attitudes include,but are not confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authoritiesadministered justice.illusory [I5lu:sErI] adj. 产生幻觉的,幻影的,错觉的based on or producing illusion:DECEPTIVEmaelstrom:turbulent=mirage:illusory大旋涡:狂暴的=海市蜃楼:幻影的(正面特征)nicety:precision=illusion:fantasy准确:精确=幻想:幻想(同义关系)illusion:perception=gaffe:judgment幻想:感觉=过失:判断(事物及其特征化方式)Synonyms: FICTITIOUS,chimerical,fanciful,fantastic,fictional,fictive, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unrealSample:The trick for Michael was to conjure for his son an illusoryorderliness; only alone at night, when the boy was asleep, could Michaelacknowledge the chaos he kept hidden from his son.illustrate [5IlEstreIt] v. 举例说明,作图解,阐明to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorateillustrate:pictures=particularize:details作图解:图片=详细说明:详细资料(前者通过后者实现)Synonyms: CLARIFY, clear, clear up, elucidate, explain, illuminateSample:Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overridinginfluence that scientists' prejudices have on their interpretation of dataand the consequent impairment of their intellectual objectivity.imbibe [Im5baIb] v. 吸收象用喝一样地吸收或吸进to absorb or take in as if by drinkingthirsty:imbibe=exhausted:rest渴:喝水=疲惫的:休息(感觉及其消除方式)Sample:The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.imbroglio [im5brEuliEu] n. 纷乱,纠葛,纷扰,一团糟a violently confused or bitterly complicated altercation:EMBROILMENTSynonyms: QUARREL, altercation, bickering, dispute, embroilment, falling-out, miff, row, spat, squabbleSample:He was called in to settle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmonyinto the situation.imitation [ImI5teIF(E)n] n. 模仿,效法,冒充,赝品the quality of an object in possessing some of the nature orattributes of a transcendent ideaexemplary:imitation=culpable:blame可作模范的:模仿:该责备的:责备(形容词与动词的同义关系)paragon/paradigm:imitate=reverence:regard模范:效仿=尊敬:尊重(人物特征及其正面被动行为)exemplary:imitation=reverent:deference可仿效的:模仿=虔诚的:尊重(因果关系)Synonyms: ARTIFICIAL,dummy,ersatz,false,mock,sham,simulated,spurious, substituteSample:Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection untilmaturity by imitating the seedling stage in the rice plant's life cycle,thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the floweringstage.immaculate [I5mAkjJlEt] adj.完美的,洁净的无瑕地清洁的;极其清洁的having no stain or blemish:PUREsqualor<>immaculate肮脏的<>纯净的Synonyms: CHASTE,clean,decent,modest,pure,spotless,stainless,unblemished, undefiled, unsulliedSample:The West Point cadets were immaculate as they lined up forinspection.immanent [5ImEnEnt] adj. 普遍存在的,内在的remaining or operating within a domain of reality or realm ofdiscourse:INHERENT; specifically :having existence oreffect only within the mind or consciousnessimmanent<>explicit内在的<>外在的immanent<>extrinsic内在的<>外在的immaterial [ImE5tIErIEl] adj. 非物质的,无形的,精神的,不相关的of no substantial consequence:UNIMPORTANTimmaterial:relevance=peripheral:center不相关的:相关=外围的:中心的(形容词与名词的反义关系)immaterial:relevance=circuitous:directness无关的:有关=拐弯抹角的:率直(形容词与名词的反义关系)relevant<>immaterial有关的<>无关的immaterial<>pertinent无关的<>相关的immaterial<>consequential不重要的<>重要的Synonyms: asomatous,bodiless,disbodied,discarnate,disembodied,incorporeal,insubstantial,metaphysical,nonmaterial,nonphysical,spiritual,unbodied,unembodied,unfleshly,unmaterial,unphysical,unsubstantialSample:That information is immaterial to solving the problem.immemorial [ImI5mC:rIEl] adj. 太古的,极古的extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory,record, or traditionimmemorial<>recent古老的<>近来的Sample:Customs practiced by tribes have been handed down from time immemorial.imminent [5ImInEnt] adj. 即将来临的,逼近的ready to take place; especially:hanging threateningly over one'sheadSynonyms: impending, proximateSample:Robin’s words were not without emotion:they retained their leveltone only by a careful equipoise between imminent extremes.immune [I5mju:n] adj. 免疫的,免除的,不受影响的not susceptible or responsive; especially :having a highdegree of resistance to a diseasefertilize:grow=immunize:resist施肥:生长=使免疫:抵抗(因果关系)overexposure:jaded=vaccination:immune感光过度:厌倦的=接种疫苗:免疫的(因果关系)soporific:sleep=vaccinating:immunity催眠的:睡觉=接种的:免疫(因果关系)vaccination:immune=overexposure:jaded接种疫苗:免疫的=感光过度:厌倦的(因果关系)Sample:No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly maliciousprogram that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks onwhich data are stored.immure [I5mjJE(r)] v. 监禁,禁闭to enclose within or as if within walls b:IMPRISONimmure<>release禁闭<>释放immure<>liberate监禁<>解放Synonyms: IMPRISON,bastille,confine,constrain,incarcerate,intern,jail, jugSample:For the two weeks before the examination,the student immureedhimself in his room and concentrated upon his studies.immutable [I5mju:tEb(E)l] adj. 不可变的,不变的,不能变的not capable of or susceptible to changeimmutable:altered=implacable:propitiated不变的:改变的=不缓和的:劝解的(反义关系)transitory:endure=immutable:change短暂的:耐久=不能变的:改变(形容词与动词反义关系)immutable:vary=precaries:stabilize不变的:改变=不稳定的:稳定(反义关系)immutable<>variable不可变的<>可变的Sample:Scientists are constantly seeking to discover the immutable laws ofnature.imp [Imp] n. 顽童a mischievous child:URCHINinsensitive:boor=mischievous:imp感觉迟钝的:粗野的人=淘气的:顽童(人物及其正面特征)Synonyms: URCHIN, gamin, monkeySample:That girl is an imp, always up to mischief.impair [Im5peE(r)] v. 损害,减少,削弱to damage or make worse by or as if by diminishing in somematerial respectSynonyms: injure, harm, hurt, damage, marSample:Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to impair bloodpressure regulation in human beings and,particularly,to increasehypertension,even though some researchers have obtained inconclusiveresults that obscure the relationship.impassive [Im5pAsIv] adj. 无感情的,冷淡的,不动的,平静的unsusceptible to or destitute of emotionimpassive:perturb=voracious/avaricious:satisfy冷漠的:打扰=贪婪的:满足(人物个性及其反面被动特征)callous:impassive=dupe:duplicity冷淡的:冷漠的=欺骗:不诚实(同义关系)drawl:slow=deadpan:impassive {bicker:unpleasant}慢慢的说:慢=无表情:消极{争吵:不愉快}(动作及其正面特征)perfervid<>impassive非常热心的<>冷漠的impassive<>emotional冷漠的<>情感的impassive<>excitable冷漠的<>易兴奋的impassive<>fervid无动于衷的<>热心的Synonyms: apathetic, dry, matter-of-fact, phlegmatic, stoic, stolidSample:Employees had become so inured to the caprices of top management'spersonnel policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-widedress code with impassivity.impeccable [Im5pekEb(E)l] a.无瑕疵的blemish:impeccable=guile:artless污点:没缺点的=狡诈:朴实的(反义关系)impeccable:flaw=ingenuous:guile没缺点的:缺点=真诚的:狡诈(反义关系)rectitude:transgress=keen:obtuse {impeccable:flaw=indolent:stir}正直:犯罪=锋利的:钝的(反义关系)restive:calmness=impeccable:flaw不安静的:平静=没有缺点的:缺点(缺乏关系)impeccable:flaw=sterile:germ没有缺点的:错误,缺点=无菌的:细菌(缺乏关系)perfection:error=impeccable:flaw尽善尽美:过失=没有缺点的:缺陷(反义关系)【注:词性不符】impeccable<>faulty没缺点的<>有缺点的Synonyms: errorless, exquisite, faultless, flawless, immaculate, irreproachableSample:He was proud of his impeccable manners.。
