
ρ Board Volume . conductor
Flotherm 4.1 Lecture 4 << Index >>
Options for conductivity model
Layer Definition
– Set number of layers – Set thickness and
All require dielectric and conductor materials
All result in a single PCB with an othotropic conductivity
Flotherm 4.1 Lecture 4 << Index >>
Options for conductivity model
T0220 Component
Compact to Detailed
Flotherm 4.1 Lecture 4 << Index >>
Increased detail means: Increased accuracy Increased realism But also: Solutions take longer Design changes take
Modeling PCBs II
Changing the Modeling level to Conducting
The size section now requires a thickness in the Z direction.
The Dielectric and Conductor Materials must be specified.

– 膨胀区域可以按照尺 寸大小或物体比例来 定义 – 可以通过定义最小单 元数或最大单元尺寸 来控制网格 – 不同的膨胀可以单独 设置在正,反两个方向.
• 我们来看一下前面的例子…
– Low 方向约束定义 为10%尺寸内最小 划分两个网格单元 设置 – High 方向约束定义 为100mm内最大网 格尺寸10mm设置
1: 在目录:项目文件\PDProject下,将文件group拷出
2: 将group文件添加后缀后.pdml
3: 重新读入该pdml文件即可,便可恢复该文件,但计算结果无法恢复
可导入的文件包括IDF2.0及IDF3.0 IDF文件包括 Board 文件(.brd or .emn) Library文件(.lib or .emp)
段宗宪\俞丹海 Flomerics中国代表处
2019.10.25 FLOTHERM的文件管理(20min) 网格划分技术(40min) FLOMOTION的使用(30min) 收敛问题及其解决(20min) FLO/MCAD的导入(30min) 优化模块的使用(30min)
• 网格长宽比问题:
– 最小单元尺寸(系统网格) – 建立合理精度的模型(例如,根据实际问题的大小 确定尺寸单位精度) – 避免产生小尺寸网格导致较大差异的网格过渡
• 当我们扩大求解域时,必然增加整个系统网格数. • 这主要是因为物体几何网格线延伸到整个求解 域边界, 同时会增加求解计算时间.
2019.10.26 瞬态分析定义(30min) 芯片建模方法(90min) 批处理文件的编辑(10min) Compact Model的建立(30min) 其它使用技巧(40min)

FLOTHERM/China/1/06 V6 Issue 1.0练习题 1: FLOTHERM软件的基本操作本练习通过创建一个非常简单的算例让用户对Flotherm软件的操作有一个基本的了解。
本练习逐步指导用户完成安放在钢板的热模块的创建,具体步骤如下1.创建和保存一个新的项目2.创建实体3.定义网格、求解4.分析结果FLOTHERM/China/1/06 V6 Issue 1.0 Page 2练习题 1: FLOTHERM软件的基本操作从[开始/程序/ Flomerics/FLOTHERM 6。
1]启动FLOTHERM或用桌面快捷键出现彩斑屏幕,接着项目管理窗口(ProjectManager以下简称PM)会自动打开.FLOTHERM/China/1/06 V6 Issue 1.0 Page 3单击项目管理窗口(PM)的顶部菜单条’Project’(项目),下拉菜单,选择‘Save As’(另存为).在顶部的数据框(文本‘Project Name'(项目名称)右边)中键入项目名称“Tutorial 1”,另外在‘Title’(标题)输入框中键入“FirstFlotherm Tutorial"点击按钮‘Notes’(备注),打开输入框让用户输入项目相关注释,如:在下面我们可以用改变的日志区分建模过程,现在,只要点击按钮‘Date’(日期) 把当前的日期加入文本区。

學習項目 1
學習項目 熟悉各種工作視窗
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
工作視窗 Project Manager Drawing Board Flow Motion Tables Profiles FLO/MCAD Visualization
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
切換 指標/游擊手 叫出/關閉 繪圖列 隱藏物體 回覆至原來的畫面
細部操作 於上課中詳述
學習項目 3
學習項目 熟練各種模型的建法
No 工作視窗 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
產生一個 矩型體
最常用 機殼上的通風口 CPU 的熱源
Resistance 產生一個 流阻 Source PCB Enclosure Fan Region
細部操作 於上課中詳述
學習項目 4
學習項目 利用MCD將Pro/E的圖型轉入Flotherm
首先, 將 Pro/E 的圖轉成 IGS 檔.
呼叫 IGES 檔案 1
呼叫 IGES 檔案 2
選擇要轉入的 IGS 檔.
呼叫 IGES 檔案 3
指標: 選取
學習項目 2
學習項目 熟練快速鍵
No 快速鍵 功能 1 2 3 4 No 快速鍵 功能
F3 F4 F5 F6
目錄管理:獨立出來 目錄管理:完全關閉 目錄管理:回到上一層 目錄管理: 完全展開

• 全局或者单边的设置
華碩電腦 ASUS M I D Tooling Team
P27 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
壳体设置: Side Details
完全删除边 (High and Low X)
P4 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
CFD 求解概述
ä 控制方程
• 遵守质量守恒,动量守恒,能量守恒三大定律
ρ ∂ (ρϕ ) + div ρVϕ − Γϕ gradϕ = Sϕ ∂t
transient + convection - diffusion = source CFD - Finite Volume Approach
P19 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
華碩電腦 ASUS M I D Tooling Team
定义求解区域: 全局系统设置
P20 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
• 在求解区域的各个 面上可以定义不同 的环境设置
P18 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
華碩電腦 ASUS M I D Tooling Team
定义求解区域: 面
4 求解区域的表面有两种 选项
– 开放: 流体可以在计算区 域进出 – 对称: 绝热并且无摩擦力
華碩電腦 ASUS M I D Tooling Team
定义求解区域: 环境设置
Flotherm 教程 Appendices

<< Index >>
• Work done on fluid: • Rate of work done on fluid element by surface force equals product of force and component of velocity in direction of force • In the x direction:
• Equivalent equations for y and z directions
<< Index >>
• The body force is the force due to gravity on the control volume • If gravity acts in the negative y direction (this is the default in FLOTHERM)
η xy η xz y z δxδyδz • Plus body force in x direction
<< Index >>
• Can express acceleration as rate of change of velocity • Need to consider change of velocity in space and time
<< Index >>
• Mass of volume = density volume • Mass = r xyz • Assuming volume does not deform, rate of change of mass with time =

.练习题6:添加散热器和风扇Load (读取)项目“Tutorial 5”,并将其另保存为新项目,取名"Tutorial 6"。
设置其’Title’(标题)为"Addition of heat sink andfan to set top box"。
选中根组件‘Root Assembly’ 并点击调色板中的‘Assembly’(组件)图标,将新创建的组件更名为"Ventilation"(通风)。
在‘Libraries’(库)下找到‘Sanyo DenkiAxial Fan’(Sanyo Denki 轴流风扇),选择编号为‘109P0612H702’的风扇。
风扇的位置设为(7.5,75, 270) mm。
如果没有显示,选择“Modify Picture”图标进行修改。
选中“Flow/Source Direction”单选按钮.返回Drawing board 并观察风扇,你将可以看到带方向箭头的风扇。
如果现在绘图板显示的是四视图,请将其转换为单视图,即全屏显示+Z 方向视图。
Flotherm学习教程 (课堂PPT)

1. 理论解析: 利用数学方程式解决. 但此种方式, 仅适合非 常简单的问题. 在真实世界几乎无法用此种方式来解题.
2. 实验: 直接量测. 此方法为最准确. 但是必须要有实际的 产品才可做到.
3. 数值方法: 系利用电脑程式来解决散热问题. 可以在无实 体的情况下, 自由去做模拟.
Sieyuan Electric
Flotherm 的应用
元器件级 系统级
Sieyuan Electric
版级和模块级 环境级
Flotherm 的应用
液冷分析:可以分析含多种冷却介质的散热系统,如对液 冷、风冷同时存在的电子设备或冷板等的热分析;
Sieyuan Electric
学习项目 1
学习项目 熟悉各种工作视窗
Sieyuan Electric
No 工作视窗 1 Project Manager 2 Drawing Board 3 FloMotion 4 Launch Tables 5 Profiles Windows 6 FLO/MCAD
Sieyuan Electric
➢ 使用者本身的能力: CFD 牵涉到流体力学, 传热学, 材料 性质等专业知识. 使用者要能具备这些知识, 才能有效运 用CFD软件.
总之, 沒有一套CFD软件是十全十美的. 就像一部车子, 驾驶 人必须要操纵过它, 才能掌握车子的性能. 同样, 工程师要灵 活运用Flotherm, 也必须要花时间去 ‘操纵’ 它, 才能体 会 Flotherm 可以为你做什么.
Drawing Board

flotherm版本中⽂教程V82-2建⽴、、求解求解、、分析⼀简单的电⼦设备机箱练习题 2:建⽴本练习指导⽤户建⽴⼀个简单的电⼦设备机箱,步骤如下:1.创建和保存⼀个新的⼯程⽂件。
.Tutorial 2 – Build, Solve and Analyze a Simple Electronics Box启动Flotherm在项⽬管理窗⼝(PM)中选择菜单[Project/New](项⽬/新建)并选择“Defaults”(缺省)表.选中⽂件 “DefaultSI” 并按’OK’(确定)。
.要将此⽂件存成新⽂件,在项⽬管理窗⼝(PM)中选择[Project/Save As](项⽬/另存为)。
在’Project Name’(项⽬名称)栏中键⼊”Tutorial 2” 。
在’Title’(标题)栏中键⼊”Simple Electronics Box”。
⽐如“This is an initial model ofthe electronics box.”。
注意: 使⽤‘Notes’(备注)可⽅便的追溯对该项⽬发⽣的变化并使协作者间进⾏Flotherm⽂件交换的时候使得交流效率更加⾼。
Tutorial 2 – Build, Solve and Analyze a Simple Electronics Box整体的缺省尺⼨单位可在项⽬管理窗⼝(PM )中设置。
在菜单条上, 选择[Edit/Units ](编辑/单位)。
在 ‘Unit Class ’ (单位类型)下⾯选中 ‘LENGTH ’(长处) 并在 ‘Use Units ’(使⽤单位) 中选择’ mm ’。

Drawing Board
翻转 显示网格的资料
对齐工具 视角视窗切换工 具
测量尺寸工具 指标 与 手 切换工具 背景顏色 切换工具
Copyright © Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Flotherm 的应用
Copyright © Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
5 Profiles Windows 执行状态曲线
可将 IGS 文件 转入至 Flotherm
Copyright © Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Project Manager
复制, 移动, 阵列
Flotherm 的建模
1) 基本几何形体的建模:提供了立方体、棱柱、圆柱、圆球、斜板等 基本形体的模型建立:
Copyright © Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Library 的动作
(1)将已建好的物体 存进Library
以 单一 Smart Part 为例
(1)将已建好的物体 存进Library(续)
以 Assembly 为例
(2)将Library里的物体 呼叫进 现在的专案里
以 单一 Smart Part 为例
(2)将Library里的物体 呼叫进 现在的专案里(续)
Project Manager
复制, 移动, 阵 列
网格划分 运算
Drawing Board
Drawing Board
显示网格的资料 对齐工具
视角视窗切换 工具 自动对齐工具
测量尺寸工具 指标 与 手 切换工具 背景顏色 切换工具
学习项目 2
Flotherm 介紹 2
CFD 软件在计算什么呢? 所有CFD软件均是在计算 压力, 速度, 温度, 此三个变数. 因
为此三个变数是构成流体力学, 热传学的基本物理量. 由于速度是向量, 所以在表达速度时, 习惯以X, Y, Z 三个方
向的分量来做表示. 亦即 Vx, Vy, Vz. 因此, CFD 软件在求解 五个变数,
Байду номын сангаас
Flotherm 介紹 1
Flotherm 是一套专门为电子散热领域所设计的商业CFD 软体.
CFD 为 Computational Fluid Dynamics 的缩写, 意思为 计算流体力学. 所谓 ‘计算’ , 是指利用电脑程式来解决 的意思.亦有称为数值方法.
以往在解决散热问题可以用三种方式: 1. 理论解析: 利用数学方程式解决. 但此种方式, 仅适合非 常简单的问题. 在真实世界几乎无法用此种方式来解题. 2. 实验: 直接量测. 此方法为最准确. 但是必须要有实际的 产品才可做到. 3. 数值方法: 系利用电脑程式来解决散热问题. 可以在无实 体的情况下, 自由去做模拟.

FLO/MCAD – 模型修补(Healing)
• 模型的修补? – 模型修补:将所有的模型转换为Manifold格式;
Vertex (point)
Edge (bounded curve) Face (bounded surface) Sheet (unbounded volume)
…..a collection of faces with no free edges
Flatten Small Drafts
Level Near Level Faces
FLO/MCAD – 简化(Simplify)
• 信息框中 . (点)的表意? – 每个点都表示一次成功的简化 • 信息框中 F 的表意? – 一次简化的失败 – 通常在另外一个信息框中也会显示简化错误 – 失败的原因: • 修补工作没做好 • Non-manifold 模型 • Spatial公司 ‘local operations’ 功能的内核错误
FLO/MCAD – 可导入的数据模型
• FLO/MCAD 采用 ACIS 格式建模内核(由达索Spatial公司提供) • 所有的MCAD模型都必须转换为ACIS格式 • 格式的转化通过Spatial公司的 ‘Translator Husks’工具进行.
FLO/MCAD – Voxelization
• voxelization 工作步骤:
1)首先跟据选择的Body或Part的轮廓 线或者角点创建基础的Voxel网格; 2)然后跟据用户定义去创立更详细的 Voxel网格; 3)如果在Voxel网格中有固体的存在, 则将该网格转为一个六面体; 4)如果有两个多面体共享一个面,则 合并这两个多面体

教程 3: 使用发射模型计算屏蔽效能教程3将介绍如何用将发射天线置于壳体内部的方式来计算壳体的电场屏蔽效能。
在本例中,用户需要做以下的工作:第一步:导入提供的模型第二步:按照辐射问题的要求修改模型的边界条件第三步:计算有及没有缝隙和底盘两种情况的模型第四步:分析这两种情况的计算结果第五步:用没有底盘的计算结果去归一化有底盘的计算结果第六步:确认电场泄漏位置及情况在此教程中,将会讨论下列新名词:精简模型(SmartParts);通风板(Perforated Plates),缝隙( Slots),搭接( Seam),线缆( Wires);库(Library);目录组成(Assemblies);模型等级(Hierarchy);坐标系统(Coordinate Systems);网格(Grid);激活/使无效(Activation / Deactivation)模型及仿真的问题的描述水平方向的缝隙 (1.5 x 0.25 in.)垂直方向的缝隙 (1.5 x 0.25 in.)有搭接的箱盖 (1cm 搭接)箱角上缝隙 (4 in. x 10 mil.)铝箱(6 x 6 x 4 in.)FLO/EMC 所建的仿真模型箱体表面的缝隙等效的通风板模型(Perforated Plate)壳体上的搭接(( )保存所有操作。

FloTHERM(5.1) Tutorial研发厂商:Flomerics中国代理:海基科技FLOTHERM (5.1)What is FLOTHERM?FLOTHERM is a powerful 3D computational fluid dynamics software that predicts airflow and heat transfer in and around electronic equipment, including the coupled effects of conduction, convection and radiation.FLOTHERM is powerful 3D simulation software for thermal design of electronic components and systems. It enables engineers to create virtual models of electronic equipment, perform thermal analysis and test design modifications quickly and easily in the early stages of the design process well before any physical prototypes are built. FLOTHERM uses advanced CFD (computational fluid dynamics) techniques to predict airflow, temperature and heat transfer in components, boards and complete systems.Unlike other thermal simulation software, FLOTHERM is a Design-Class or industry-specific analysis tool specially designed for a wide range of electronic applications that include:∙computers and data processing,∙telecommunications equipment and network systems∙semiconductor devices, ICs and components∙aerospace and defense systems∙automotive and transportation systems∙consumer electronicsAs a Design-Class tool, FLOTHERM features specialization, built-in intelligence and automation not found in traditional analysis software. This functionality maximizes productivity for thermal design experts, minimizes the learning curve for mechanical design engineers and provides the highest levels of return on investment available from analysis software.In a small to medium-sized company, FLOTHERM can pay for itself several times over in just one year and even faster as the size of the company increases. Experience the benefits of using FLOTHERM for thermal design of electronics, that include:∙solving thermal problems before hardware is built∙reducing design re-spins and product unit costs∙improving reliability and overall engineering designHow to Run FLOTHERM?FLOTHERM is normally run interactively, so problem setup, flow calculation and results analysis can be completed in the same program session.To Start an Interactive SessionOn NT/Windows 2000/XP PlatformsIn the Flotherm51 group use the following menu sequence:Start -> Programs -> Flomerics -> FLOTHERM -> FLOTHERM 5.1Exiting FLOTHERM :To exit from FLOTHERM, in the Project Manager choose Exit from the Project menu.FLOTHERM then checks for project changes before exiting the program.If changes are detected, you are given the chance to save them using a query dialog. There are three options:a. [Yes] saves the project and solution data before exiting.If saving a new project, the Save Project Dialog, appears so you can give it a name, title and class.An existing project is overwritten.b. [No] does not save the project before exiting.c. [Cancel] cancels the exit request.Getting Started :-1. Creating a New Project:-∙Create a new project using the DefaultSI template.∙Name the New Project :Choose Save As... from the Project menu.Name = BasicsTitle = Fundamentals of FLOTHERM∙Add Reminders :Click on [Notes] to call the notepad editor dialog. Using the Edit Notes dialog you can add notes to accompany the project. For example a change log could be included to identify the modeling process followed.For the purposes of this exercise just type "Learning the fundamentals of FLOTHERM" and append the date to the text by clicking on [Date] and click [OK] in the Edit Notes dialog.2. How to Set the Size of the Solution Domain :-∙Display the System Menu:Move the mouse over the System node and right-click to display the System menu.∙Open the Overall Solution Domain dialog:Choose Location... from the System menu.∙Set Size of Solution Domain:Leave the Position settings at zero, but define the Size as:X=0.07m, Y=0.40m, Z=0.30m.3. Creating a Large Plate :-∙Create the GeometryRepresent a large plate in the project by adding a cuboid made of mild steel.∙Open the New Object Palette∙Click on the Root Assembly to select it and click the palette icon at the top of the Project Manager to open the New Object∙Call the Edit Primitive Dialog to change the Cuboid Defaults :Right-click the new cuboid and choose Location... from the pop-up menu to call the Edit Primitive Dialog.∙Define the Large Plate :In the Edit Primitive dialog, changeName to Large Plateand set position to:X=0.03 m, Y=0.10 m and Z=0.10 mand set size to:X=0.005 m, Y=0.1 m 0, Z=0.15 mClick [Apply] to confirm the settings.Note that the numbers entered are converted to scientific notation, however, they can be entered in any format. Click [OK] to dismiss the dialog and the cuboid can be seen renamed in the tree.∙Attach a Material using the Library :Open the Library Manager Open the Library Manager by either clicking again on the palette button, or the Library Manager button∙Access the Alloy Materials:∙Attach Attribute:Left click-drag Steel (Mild) onto the Large Plate.4. How to Create a Heated Block : Add a cuboid with an attached Alumina ceramic property to represent a heated block.∙Create the Geometry.∙Add a Cuboid. Select the Root Assembly and add another cuboid.∙Open Edit Primitive dialog. Right-click the new cuboid and choose Location...from the pop-up menu.∙Change the Cuboid Definition.Make the following settings in the Edit Primitive dialog:Rename the object to Heated BlockSet Position to: X=0.035 m, Y=0.12 m, Z=0.14 m Set Size to: X=0.005 m, Y=0.04 m, Z=0.04 m and click [OK].∙Attach a Property using the Library.∙Attach a Material Property to the Heated BlockExpand the Libraries node down to: Libraries->Flomerics_Libraries->Materials->CeramicsLeft click-drag Alumina (Typical) onto the Heated Block.∙∙Close the Library Manager:∙Close the library by clicking on the double arrow, the palette icon or the F7 function key.∙Attach a Thermal Attribute using the Dialogs:Because the thermal attribute now required is not in the library, now create a new attribute.∙Call the Thermal Selection Dialog:Right-click the Heated Block cuboidand choose Thermal from the pop-up menuto call the Thermal selection dialog.∙Create a New Thermal Attribute:Click [New...] in the Thermal Dialog to displaythe Thermal Attribute.Now make the following settings:Name = Block HeatThermal Model kept as ConductionTotal Power = 8 WClick [OK] to return to the Thermal selection dialog.∙Attach the New Thermal:With Block Heat highlighted in the Thermal list, click on [Attach].Note that the Currently Attached field updates when the attribute is successfully attached.[Dismiss] the dialog.∙Save the Project:Choose Save from the Project menu or click the save button.Note: During model set up it is a very good idea to save the project at regular intervals.5. How to Set the Grid :-The Drawing Board can be used to view the grid as well as the geometry structure.∙Display the Drawing BoardClick the button in the Project Manager to launch the Drawing Board.In the Drawing Board we can see the two blocks we have just created in 2D or 3D views. ∙Display the GridPress g on the keyboard to display the grid.Note that, at present, the grid is created by the geometry boundaries alone (i.e. the key point grid). This will not be sufficient to achieve a solution, so more grid must be added.∙Adding Grid:∙Display the System Grid DialogThere are a number of methods available, but here we will use a pre-set system grid. In the Drawing Board, choose System Grid... from the Grid menu to display the System Grid dialog.∙Add a Fine GridIn the System Grid dialog activate the Dynamic Update and click on [Fine]. The grid display in the Drawing Board updates.The program defines positions for the minimum and maximum cell sizes using a smoothing algorithm. 6. Solving the Project :-∙The solver requires less than 35 iterations for the solution to converge.∙Start the Solution∙Click in either the Drawing Board or Project Manager to start the solution. A sanity check is performed first and the message window appears indicating an open external boundary does not have an ambient attached.For now, ignore this since the default ambient (set in the Global System Settings dialog) will besufficient for our purposes.∙After the sanity check has been performed, the solution continues and the Profiles window opens and the progress bar displayed.∙The solution completes to show a converged plot.7. Visualizing the Results :-FLOMOTION can be used to display plots of results superimposed over the model.∙Display FLOMOTIONClick to launch FLOMOTION.A 2D view of the geometry is shown.∙Change to a 3D View: Press "i" in the keyboard to change to a 3D isometric view.∙Add a Plane PlotIn the Plane Plot Panel, change the direction to Z.and click the Create Plane button∙ A temperature contour fill plot is displayed.∙Change Geometry to Wireframe∙Press "w" in the keyboard to make thegeometry wireframe.∙The geometry becomes transparent allowingthe hidden results to be seen. Warning: under some conditions, theresults will also b ecome wireframe, so you can’t see them.8. Tabulating the Results :-In addition to viewing a graphical representation of the results, we can look at tabulations of data using the Tables window. For example, we can investigate the amount of heat conducted from the heated block, or, the amount of heat convected from the surface of the heated block to the air.∙Display the Tables Window: Click to launch the Tables window.The default view shows a summary of the geometry set up.∙Choose Data for Solid ConductorsClick to display the Geometry Table Selections dialog.Check Solid Conductors and click [OK].∙Display Summary Results∙Click to page down to display the summary table forsolid conductors. As you scroll across the surfacetemperature, conducted heat and convected heatare displayed for each surface of the conductingcuboids.Extra Points: Here we won’t be providing as much detail, so you’ll need to do some investigating on your own.1. Now add a monitoring point to the heated block so we can determine its temperature.∙Display the Project manager window.∙Highlight the Root Assembly and click on the icon at the right side of the Project Manager to add the Monitoring Point.∙Call the Edit Monitor Point to change the Monitor Point Position:Right click the Monitoring Point and choose Location…from the pop-up menu to call the Edit Monitor Point.∙Positioning the Monitoring Point:In the Edit Monitor Point, change the Name and Location to the desired one by allocating (x,y,z) co-ordinates. Choose coordinates to place the monitoring point in the center of the heated block.2. Now add a heat sink to your heated block.∙Display the Project manager window.∙Highlight the Root Assembly and click on the icon at the right side of the Project Manager to add a Heat Sink.∙Call the Edit Smart Part to change the Heat Sink Position:Right click the Heat Sink and choose Location…from the pop-up menu to call the Edit Smart Part.∙Positioning the Heat Sink:In the Edit Smart Part, change the Name and Location to place your heat sink on top of the heated block. Check to make sure that the heat sink has been placed in the proper location. You may need to experiment a bit. You will see that the heat sink is placed in the x-y dimension with the find extending in the z dimension, which isn’t what we want. Go to Tools-Rotate Clockwise to rotate the heat sink to the proper orientation. You will also need to pick a material and geometry for your heat sink. Aluminum is the most common material. Choose whatever geometry you’d like (pin fins or channels, heat sink height, etc.)3. Now add an enclosure, and cut holes in it for a fan and for an exhaust vent.∙Display the Project manager window.∙Highlight the Root Assembly and click on the icon at the right side of the Project Manager to setup an Enclosure. Make an enclosure large enough to enclose your whole system, with some room left over.∙You can see that the Enclosure has six walls, so we can introduce a hole wherever desired.∙Choose a location for your fan and for the exhaust vent. Click on the wall where a hole is to beadded and select the icon.∙In order to position the hole, we allocate the co-ordinates as desired.∙Call the Edit Smart Part to change the Hole’s position:Right click the Hole and choose Location…from the pop-up menu to call the Edit Smart Part.∙Positioning the Hole: In the Edit Smart Part, change the Name and Location to the desired one by allocating (x,y,z) co-ordinates. Pick any reasonable size for the wholes for your vent and fan.4. Now add a fan.∙Display the Project manager window. Highlight the Root Assembly and click on the icon at the right side of the Project Manager to add a Fan.∙Call the Edit Smart Part to change the Fan’s Position:Right click the Fan and choose Location…from the pop-up menu to call the Edit Smart Part.∙Positioning the Fan:In the Edit Smart Part, change the Name and Location to the desired one by allocating (x,y,z) co-ordinates.∙Go back to the fan menu to change the construction of the fan. Check out the various options available. For example, you can set a fixed flow rate, or you can even enter your own fan curve. For this exercise, choose any reasonable fixed flow rate.5. Now re-solve the project.∙Start the Solution∙Click in either the Drawing Board or Project Manager to start the solution. A sanity check is performed, after the sanity check has been performed, the solution continues and the Profiles window opens and the progress bar is displayed.∙Spend some time investigating to solution in FLOMOTIONThis ends the Flotherm Tutorial. If you have extra time available, spend some time investigating other aspects of the program or add some new element to your project. It will take quite a bit of time before it becomes easy for you to use this (or any other CFD) program!Possible Solution Scenarios:When the solution process is initiated, the most likely scenario is that the solution will converge, but there are the following possibilities reflected by the residual error plots shown below.Controlling the SolutionIf your solution fails to converge or converges extremely slowly, then you can reset the solution control panels, but first consider the following rules for assessing a solution convergence problem as the problem may well lie in the project set-up.Rules for Assessing Convergence Problems1. If a solution diverges, it is almost guaranteed to be a problem definition problem. Be immediatelysuspicious of the set up and check all defined objects and attributes before proceeding to alter any solution control parameters.2. If a solution fails to converge successfully, then it is important to check the grid. If there are pooraspect ratio grid cells and large jumps in grid size between adjacent grid cells, then this is the likely cause of the problem.3. If you are happy with the set up and the grid, then and only then should the solution controlparameters be adjusted.4. Do not waste time forcing low-level stable or low-level oscillation convergence profiles downto a residual error level of 1. Use the monitor points and error field to sensibly assess whether the solution is converged to a defined level of accuracy, and then stop the solution.If you do need to change the control parameters, then the following section provides an overview of how to resolve and manage the solution process.Techniques for Controlling the SolutionFLOTHERM contains a number of techniques, both automatic and manual, which can be used to optimize the solution process. In discussing their use, it is important to note that it is only possible to give general guidelines rather than hard and fast rules on how they should be altered for particular situations.In FLOTHERM, extremely complex and highly non-linear systems involving multiple modes of heat transfer are being modeled and it is impossible to automatically generate appropriate solution control parameters that will guarantee convergence under all circumstances. The automatic settings have been designed to give a reasonable convergence profile for the majority of applications, but may need to be adjusted in more complex situations.Much of this tutorial has been copied directly from the online Flotherm manual. It has been put together in this form by Girish Suppa with additions/modifications by Nicole Okamoto.。

Tutorial 3
Note that we did not define a function from 75 s to 100 s. By default, FLOTHERM will assume that the source is turned off for this time step.
Tutorial 3
In the PM, select [Grid/ System Grid]. Ensuring that ‘Override All’ is selected, click on ‘Fine’. You should have approximately 3600 grid cells. Check the grid in the Drawing Board. Save the project.
FLOTHERM/AT/03/06 V6 Issue 1.0
Commercial-inFra bibliotekConfidence
© 2006 Flomerics Ltd.
With FLOTHERM ready to solve for a transient solution, we must now provide the amount of time that we are interested in analyzing. The total transient time is set for 100 seconds. The whole analysis will be carried out in one period (Transient Solution Period) but later in the tutorial we will store intermediate times in order to have a look at the intermediate results. In the PM window, go back to the [Model] menu and select the ‘Transient’ option. Click on ‘Overall’. Set the ‘Total Transient Time’ to run from 0 to 100 seconds. Set the ‘Transient Solution Period’ to start at 0 and run for 100 seconds. Ensure that the ‘Keypoint Tolerance’ is set to 1.0e-05. Click on ‘OK’ to accept the changes and exit both dialog boxes. You will go back to this menu later to define the time grid. While still in the PM window, right click on the [System] box. Select ‘Location’ from the pop up menu. Change the size of the overall solution domain to: X=0.2 m; Y=0.2 m; Z=0.1 m The position of the domain should remain as (0,0,0) m.
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2019.10.25 ➢FLOTHERM的文件管理(20min) ➢网格划分技术(40min) ➢FLOMOTION的使用(30min) ➢收敛问题及其解决(20min) ➢FLO/MCAD的导入(30min) ➢优化模块的使用(30min)
2019.10.26 ➢瞬态分析定义(30min) ➢芯片建模方法(90min) ➢批处理文件的编辑(10min) ➢Compact Model的建立(30min) ➢其它使用技巧(40min)
• 网格约束用于在几何实体上设定网格
点击打 开膨胀 设置
Minimum Number和 Maximum Size 分别设置最 小单元数,或者最大网格单元 尺寸.建议采用Maximum Size.
Minimum Size是设置最小网 格尺寸,可以控制网格精度
数据库文件放置于 Flocentral\Libraries目录下
Library Name:数据库名 Directory:数据库存放路径 Read Only:只读属性
数据库的导入导出可借助于数 据库文件.library来进行
40min 俞丹海 Flomerics中国代表处
• 在某些特殊场合必须要放大求解区域
– 自然对流换热系统 – 封闭系统 – 外部边界条件对内部影响较大的情况
• 在强迫对流散热系统中,通常不需要放大求解域
– 除重力反方向外,其余按照装 置尺寸在各个方向扩大一倍
– 重力反方向放大两倍尺寸
Board 文件(.brd or .emn) Library文件(.lib or .emp)
在导入过程当中,可以进行替换和筛选 可以跟据器件尺寸进行筛选
如果采用Import IDF link Library 进行IDF文件的导入,可以采用库 中芯片模型进行自动替换
粗略外部网格 精细膨胀网格 精细局域网格
• 网格局域化可以应用于:
– 物体 – 组件 – Regions
• 使用网格约束定义.
• 方法1 –单个物体进行设置. 1. 选择物体 2. 设置网格约束(注意:
可在各个方向可独立设置 不同网格约束.)
3. 按图标 ,进行局域 化操作.
– 最小单元尺寸(系统网格) – 建立合理精度的模型(例如,根据实际问题的大小
确定尺寸单位精度) – 避免产生小尺寸网格导致较大差异的网格过渡
• 当我们扩大求解域时,必然增加整个系统网格数. • 这主要是因为物体几何网格线延伸到整个求解
域边界, 同时会增加求解计算时间.
• 解决办法是将整个装置采用局域化处理. • 产生两类网格
– 可以通过定义最小单 元数或最大单元尺寸 来控制网格
– 不同的膨胀可以单独 设置在正,反两个方向.
• 我们来看一下前面的例子…
– Low 方向约束定义 为10%尺寸内最小 划分两个网格单元 设置
– High 方向约束定义 为100mm内最大网 格尺寸10mm设置
• 划分准则:
列表中的图标显示局域化提 示
4. 检查Drawing Board…
• 如何对组设置局域化网格?
• 方法二.采用Region 将多个物体”包”起来.
– 包含三个物体 的组
– 绘制region – 添加网格约束 – 局域化
• 我们来分析一个采用局域化网格的散热器 模型…
– 存在两个问题
1. 物体几何边界与局域 化边界重合时,网格 线会延伸到外部区域 边界.
• 网格约束可以用于Region, 这样可以应用于无几何实 体的空间场所
• 例如,在两平板间增加网格
1. 定义几何尺寸 2. 定义Region 3. 帖附网格约束 4. 检查网格
• 膨胀可以使网格约束延伸到物体边界以 外的区域.
– 膨胀区域可以按照尺 寸大小或物体比例来 定义
如系统意外导致 FLOTHERM关闭 ,在重新读入时必 须Unlock该文件
将其它项目文件从其 它文件夹拷入或者在 Windows界面下删除, 必须使用Catalog进行 整理
段宗宪 Flomerics中国代表处
库文件区 模板
首先FLOTHERM软件借助四个 目录管理文件管理每个项目文件
千万别去尝试去修改项 目文件中名中的数字串
借助于项目文件长长的数字字 符串,FLOTHERM软件管理了
网格长宽比值越接近越好 1 最理想的状态
< 20 良好 >200 可能造成不收敛
尽量避免大尺寸网格到小尺寸网格的直 接过度
• 网格长宽比例问题:
– 网格平滑工具(系统网格)
• 增加网格线增加网格线减少网格过度问题的产生
• 网格长宽比问题:
1 :将项目文件夹拷至 目标文件夹下
2: 使用Catalog进行整 理
1: 在目录:项目文件\PDProject下,将文件group拷出 2: 将group文件添加后缀后.pdml 3: 重新读入该pdml文件即可,便可恢复该文件,但计算结果无法恢复
PDML文件: 只包括模型文件,不包括计算结果
Physical Design Model Language
Pack文件: 包括计算结果的模型文件
Assembly PDML
只包括模型的 某部件模型
Project PDML
包括整个项目模型及 其网格、求解设定