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1.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Hugging’s Evolutionary Origins

After long stretches of social isolation, many of us are longing for the warmth of a hug. Degges-White, a professor focused on social relationships, says that our need for a hug goes all the way back to the survival of our species. When we’re born, we can’t care for ourselves and we need to be comfortable with being held in order to survive. We’re rewarded with a rush of feel-good hormones that come from a nice embrace.

When we hug, our brains release the oxytocin hormone, making us feel connected. This connection and sense of community has an important evolutionary role because for humans, the security of our small groups and later communities was crucial to survival. Close contact helped build civilization. We may not know what we are getting from greeting our friends and family with a hug; we just enjoy it. It isn’t until those experiences are taken away that we feel pain and sadness. An elbow bump or air greeting are not enough. Research published in the journal Psychological Science has shown that hugging has a “stress cushioning” effect that may even protect us from chronic illness and infections.

When children don’t experience healthy touch, it can impact their development. Kids who didn’t grow up being held, miss out on that sense of safety and protection. They may act out or isolate themselves from those around them. In some cases, the opposite may also be true. Some children may show too much affection, eager for any form of positive attention that they didn’t get at home.

Still, to hug or not to hug? That’s the question right now. According to Degges-White, if you’re both vaccinated, go for it; research has shown that the risk of transmission is extremely low. And if you’re vaccinated but you don’t know for sure whether the person you’re hugging has also been vaccinated, it’s still most likely safe.

【答案】Hugging has an evolutionary origin. First, new-borns need hugging to survive, for it makes them feel comfortable. Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization. When people hug, they feel more bonded. Additionally, hugging helps people feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ development negatively. Therefore, hugging

is recommended for people who are vaccinated.





1 要点摘录

①Degges-White, a professor focused on social relationships, says that our need for a hug goes all the way back to the survival of our species. When we’re born, we can’t care for ourselves and we need to be comfortable with being held in order to survive.

①When we hug, our brains release the oxytocin hormone, making us feel connected. Close contact helped build civilization.

①Research published in the journal Psychological Science has shown that hugging has a “stress cushioning” effect that may even protect us from chronic illness and infections.

①Still, to hug or not to hug? That’s the question right now. According to Degges-White, if you’re both vaccinated, go for it; research has shown that the risk of transmission is extremely low.



Hugging has an evolutionary origin. First, new-borns need hugging to survive, for it makes them feel comfortable.

Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization. When people hug, they feel more bonded.

Additionally, hugging helps people feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ development negatively.

Therefore, hugging is recommended for people who are vaccinated.


[高分句型1] Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization.运用非限制性定语从句对原文第二段进行了概括。

[高分句型2] Therefore, hugging is recommended for people who are vaccinated.用who引导
