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My sister enjoys _________ (play/playing) the guitar in her free time.

Answer: playing

Explanation: Use the gerund form "playing" after "enjoys."(在“enjoys”后面使用现在分词形式“playing”。)

The house next door needs _________ (paint/painting).

Answer: painting

Explanation: Use the gerund form "painting" after "needs."(在“needs”后面使用现在分词形式“painting”。)

I'm not sure _________ (whose/who's) coat this is.

Answer: whose

Explanation: Use "whose" to show possession, not the contraction "who's" which means "who is."(使用“whose”表示所有权,而不是缩写形式“who's”,后者表示“who is”。)

The cat is hiding _________ (underneath/under) the bed.

Answer: under

Explanation: Use "under" to show the position of the cat in relation to the bed.(使用“under”表示猫相对于床的位置。)

I need to go to the store to buy _________ (some/any) milk.

Answer: some

Explanation: Use "some" to show a specific quantity of milk needed.(使用“some”表示需要一定数量的牛奶。)

She told me _________ (her/she) name.

Answer: her

Explanation: Use the object pronoun "her" because it is the object of the verb "told."(使用宾格代词“her”,因为它是动词“told”的宾语。)

The book _________ (that/which) I borrowed from the library is overdue.

Answer: that

Explanation: Use "that" to introduce a restrictive clause which defines which book is being referred to.(使用“that”引导一个限制性从句,定义正在讨论的书。)

My grandparents have been married for _________ (sixty/sixtyth) years.

Answer: sixty

Explanation: Use the word "sixty" to show the number of years.(使用“sixty”表示年数。)

The doctor advised me _________ (to take/taking) some time off work.

Answer: to take

Explanation: Use the infinitive form "to take" after "advised me."(在“advised me”之后使用不定式形式“to take”。)

They couldn't decide _________ (whose/who's) turn it was to do the dishes.

Answer: whose

Explanation: Use "whose" to show possession, not the contraction "who's" which means "who is."(使用“whose”表示所有权,而不是缩写形式“who's”,后者表示“who is”。)

The movie we watched last night was really __________ (entertain/entertaining).

Answer: entertaining

Explanation: Use the -ing form "entertaining" to describe the movie.(使用-ing 形式"entertaining" 来形容这部电影。)

It's important to _________ (exercise/exercising) regularly to stay healthy.

Answer: exercise

Explanation: Use the base form "exercise" after "to" to show purpose.(在“to”后面使用基本形式“exercise”,表示目的。)

The teacher gave us _________ (each/one) a worksheet to complete.

Answer: each

Explanation: Use "each" to show that every person received a worksheet.(使用“each”表示每个人都得到了一份工作表。)

I'm not used to _________ (get/getting) up early on the weekends.

Answer: getting

Explanation: Use the -ing form "getting" after "used to."(在“used to”后面使用-ing 形式“getting”。)

She is _________ (farther/further) ahead in her studies than I am.

Answer: farther

Explanation: Use "farther" to describe physical distance or degree of separation.(使用“farther”来描述物理距离或分离程度。)

The weather is perfect for _________ (flying/fly) a kite.

Answer: flying

Explanation: Use the -ing form "flying" after "for" to show purpose.(在“for”后面使用-ing 形式“flying”,表示目的。)

My sister is always _________ (borrowing/lending) my clothes without asking.

Answer: borrowing

Explanation: Use "borrowing" to show that she is taking the clothes without permission.(使用“borrowing”表示她没有得到许可就拿了这些衣服。)

She is one of the _________ (best/better) athletes on the team.

Answer: best

Explanation: Use the superlative form "best" to describe the athlete.(使用最高级形式“best”来形容这位运动员。)
