TEST efficiency breakthrough-W2
Six Sigma 常用缩写中英对照200909
Rev. E Printed 7/9/2013 © 2003 by Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc.
• • • • • • • • • • • • ARIMA 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计 Attribution 属性 Autocorrelation 自相关 Autocorrelation of residuals 残差的自相关 Average 平均数 Average confidence interval length 平均置信区间长度 Average growth rate 平均增长率 Bar chart 条形图 Bar graph 条形图 Base period 基期 Bayes‘ theorem Bayes 定理 Bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线
Rev. E Printed 7/9/2013 © 2003 by Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Common variance Common variation Communality variance Comparability Comparison of bathes Comparison value Compartment model Compassion Complement of an event Complete association Complete dissociation Complete statistics 公共方差 公共变异 共性方差 可比性 批比较 比较值 分部模型 伸缩 补事件 完全正相关 完全不相关 完备统计量
AS 1357.1-2009 主要应用在热水系统中的阀 第一部分: 安全阀
AS 1357.1—2009Australian Standard ®Valves primarily for use in heated water systemsPart 1: Protection valvesAS 1357.1—2009w ww .b ab a ke .n etThis Australian Standard® was prepared by Committee WS-026, Valves Primarily for Use in Warm and Hot Water Systems. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 22 September 2008.This Standard was published on 28 January 2009.The following are represented on Committee WS-026:•Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry •Australian Industry Group•Building Officials Institute of New Zealand •Consumers Federation of Australia •Department of Health (South Australia)•Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association of Australia •Institute of Hospital Engineering Australia•Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia •Master Plumbers Association of NSW•Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers New Zealand •New Zealand Employers and Manufacturers Association •New Zealand Engineers Federation •NSW Health Department•Plumbing Product Industry Group (AUSTAP) •Water Corporation Western AustraliaThis Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 07139.Standards Australia wishes to acknowledge the participation of the expert individuals that contributed to the development of this Standard through their representation on the Committee and through the public comment period.Keeping Standards up-to-dateAustralian Standards® are living documents that reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments that may have been published since the Standard was published.Detailed information about Australian Standards, drafts, amendments and new projects can be found by visiting w w .auStandards Australia welcomes suggestions for improvements, and encourages readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at mail@.au , or write to Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001.w ww .b ab a ke .n etAS 1357.1—2009Australian Standard ®Valves primarily for use in heated water systemsPart 1: Protection valvesOriginated as AS B271—1968.AS B271—1968 revised and redesignated AS 1357—1972.AS 1357—1972 revised and redesignated in part AS 1357.1—1988. Fourth edition 2009. COPYRIGHT© Standards AustraliaAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electron i c or mechan i cal, i nclud ing photocopy i ng, w i thout the wr i tten permission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia ISBN 0 7337 8995 1w ww .b ab a ke .n etAS 1357.1—2009 2PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee WS-026, Valves Primarily for Use in Warm and Hot Water Systems, to supersede AS 1357.1—2004, Water supply—Valves for use with unvented water heaters ,Part1: Protection valves , and ATS 5200.476—2006, Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products , Part 476: Heated water systems—Leak protection device .After c onsultation with stakeholders in both c ountries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand dec ided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.The objec tive of this Standard is to provide manufac turers with design, materials and performance requirements for the protection of valves. Other Standards covering heated water system valves include the following: AS1357 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems 1357.2 Part 2: Control valves 4032 Water supply—Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures 4032.1Part 1: Thermostati c mixing valves—Materials design and performan cerequirements4032.2 Part 2: Tempering valves and end-of-line temperature actuated devices 4032.3 Part 3: Requirements for field testing, maintenan c e or repla cement ofthermostati cmixing valves, tempering valves and end of line temperature control devicesThe terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables and figures are deemed to be requirements of this Standard.w ww .b ab a ke .n et3 AS 1357.1—2009CONTENTSPageSECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1 SCOP E........................................................................................................................6 1.2 AP P LICATION...........................................................................................................6 1.3 NORMATIVE REFERENCES....................................................................................6 1.4 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................6 1.5 INSTRUMENTATION ...............................................................................................8 1.6 MARKING (8)SECTION 2 MATERIALS2.1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................9 2.2 CONTAMINATION OF WATER...............................................................................9 2.3 CORROSION-RESISTANT METALLIC MATERIALS............................................9 2.4 COP P ER......................................................................................................................9 2.5 COP P ER ALLOY........................................................................................................9 2.6 DEZINCIFICATION-RESISTANT (DR) COPPER ALLOY......................................9 2.7 STAINLESS STEEL.................................................................................................10 2.8 DIAPHRAGM MATERIALS, AND VALVE SEATS...............................................10 2.9 TEMP ERATURE-SENSING P ROBE.......................................................................10 2.10 OTHER COMP ONENTS (10)SECTION 3 GENERAL DESIGN AND CONTRUCTION3.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................12 3.2 STRENGTH..............................................................................................................12 3.3 END CONNECTIONS..............................................................................................12 3.4 COMPONENTS AND VALVE SEATS....................................................................12 3.5 REMANUFACTURED VALVES.............................................................................12 3.6 INSULATION OF TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES,TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES, EXPANSION CONTROL VALVES ANDCOMBINATION HIGH-PRESSURE EXPANSION NON-RETURN VALVES (13)3.7 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (14)SECTION 4 TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES4.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................15 4.2 INLET AND DRAIN CONNECTIONS AND FLOW DIMENSIONS......................15 4.3 VALVE SEAT AND DISC ASSEMBLIES...............................................................17 4.4 SPRINGS PRESSURE-RELIEF FUNCTION...........................................................17 4.5 TESTING..................................................................................................................17 4.6 EASING GEAR TEST ..............................................................................................20 4.7 AUXILIARY PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE...........................................................21 4.8 P RESSURE-RELIEF FUNCTION............................................................................21 4.9 TEMP ERATURE-RELIEF FUNCTION...................................................................22 4.10 MARKING................................................................................................................23SECTION 5 EXPANSION CONTROL VALVES5.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................24 5.2 CONNECTIONS AND FLOW DIMENSIONS.........................................................24 5.3 VALVE SEAT AND DISC ASSEMBLIES...............................................................25 5.4 SP RINGS...................................................................................................................25 5.5 TESTING (25)w ww .b ab ake .n etAS 1357.1—2009 45.6 EASING GEAR.........................................................................................................26 5.7 AUXILIARY PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE...........................................................27 5.8 EXP ANSION-CONTROL VALVE FUNCTION......................................................27 5.9 MARKING. (28)SECTION 6 NON-RETURN VALVES6.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................29 6.2 INLET AND OUTLET CONNECTIONS..................................................................29 6.3 TESTING..................................................................................................................29 6.4 FLOW RATE AND CLOSING PRESSURE.............................................................30 6.5 ENDURANCE TEST................................................................................................30 6.6 ORIENTATION........................................................................................................30 6.7 MARKING. (30)SECTION 7 TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES7.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................31 7.2 INLET AND DRAIN CONNECTIONS AND FLOW DIMENSIONS......................31 7.3 VALVE SEAT AND DISC ASSEMBLIES...............................................................33 7.4 SP RINGS...................................................................................................................33 7.5 TESTING..................................................................................................................33 7.6 EASING GEAR TEST ..............................................................................................34 7.7 AUXILIARY PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE...........................................................35 7.8 TEMP ERATURE-RELIEF FUNCTION...................................................................35 7.9 P RESSURE SETTING..............................................................................................36 7.10 MARKING. (36)SECTION 8 COMBINATION HIGH PRESSURE EXPANSION NON-RETURN VALVES (HPNR)8.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................37 8.2 CONNECTIONS AND FLOW DIMENSIONS.........................................................37 8.3 VALVE SEAT AND DISC ASSEMBLIES...............................................................38 8.4 SP RINGS...................................................................................................................38 8.5 TESTING..................................................................................................................38 8.6 EASING GEAR.........................................................................................................39 8.7 EXPANSION CONTROL VALVE FUNCTION.......................................................39 8.8 MARKING. (39)SECTION 9 LEAK-PROTECTION DEVICES9.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................40 9.2 DESIGN....................................................................................................................40 9.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TEST METHODS................................40 9.4 MARKING. (40)APPENDICES A MEANS FOR DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD.....41 B NORMATIVE REFERENCES..................................................................................43 C INSTRUMENTATION—ACCURACY....................................................................45 D MEASUREMENT OF NOISE EMISSION ...............................................................46 E TORQUE TEST.........................................................................................................47 F LEAKAGE TEST......................................................................................................49 G EASING GEAR TEST FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES,TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES AND EXPANSION-CONTROL VALVES (51)H AUXILIARY PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICES TEST (53)w ww .b ab a ke .n et5 AS 1357.1—2009I RATED EXPANSION CAPACITY TEST FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND EXPANSION-CONTROL VALVES.................................55 J WATER DISCHARGE CAPACITY TEST FOR TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES................................57 K OPENING PRESSURE TEST AND RESEATING PRESSURE TEST FORTEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND EXPANSION-CONTROL VALVES...................................................................................................................59 L ENDURANCE (PRESSURE) TEST FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND EXPANSION-CONTROL VALVES...............................................62 M OPENING AND RESEATING TEMPERATURE TESTS FOR TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES...........64 N ENDURANCE (TEMPERATURE-RELIEF) TEST FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES...........66 O STEAM DISCHARGE CAPACITY TEST FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES AND TEMPERATURE-RELIEF VALVES.. (69)P FLOW RATE TEST FOR NON-RETURN VALVES...............................................72 Q CLOSING PRESSURE TEST FOR NON-RETURN VALVES................................74 R ENDURANCE TEST FOR NON-RETURN VALVES.............................................75 SSAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES.....................................................................................................77 T SAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR EXPANSION CONTROLVALVES...................................................................................................................80 U SAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR NON-RETURN VALVES.............82 V SAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR TEMPERATURE-RELIEFVALVES...................................................................................................................84 W SAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR COMBINATIONHIGH-PRESSURE EXPANSION NON-RETURN (HPNR) VALVES ....................86 X SAMPLING AND FREQUENCY PLANS FOR LEAK-PROTECTIONDEVICES..................................................................................................................88 Y CLOSING TEST FOR LEAK-DETECTION DEVICES...........................................90 ZENDURANCE TEST FOR LEAK-DETECTION DEVICES (91)w ww .b ab a ke .n etAS 1357.1—2009 6© Standards Australia.auSTANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian StandardValves primarily for use in heated water systemsPart 1: Protection valvesS E C T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis Standard sets out requirements for the design, construction, testing and performance of the following types of valves, within the range of DN 15 to DN 50: (a)Temperature/pressure-relief valves. (b)Expansion-control valves. (c)Non-return valves. (d)Temperature-relief valves. (e)Combination high-pressure expansion non-return valves (HPNR).(f)Leak-protection devices.The valves specified in this Standard are primarily intended for use in warm and hot water systems that are required to operate at— (a) continuous operating temperatures not exceeding 85°C;(b) temperatures under emergency conditions, not exceeding 99°C; and (c)continuous working pressure not exceeding 1400 kPa.NOTE: For valves used with water heaters, which are intended to operate at temperatures above 99°C (e.g., hot water boilers), see AS 1271.1.2 APPLICATIONMeans for demonstrating compliance with this Standard shall be as given in Appendix A. 1.3 NORMATIVE REFERENCESDocuments referred to in this Standard in normative terms are listed in Appendix B.NOTE: Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography.1.4 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 3500.0 and those below apply.1.4.1 Auxiliary pressure-relief devicePressure-operated devic e forming part of an expansion c ontrol valve, temperature-relief valve or temperature/pressure relief valve, which in the event of blockage of the drain outlet provides— (a)expansion relief (expansion-control valves);w ww .b ab a ke .n et7 AS 1357.1—2009.au © Standards Australia(b)safety relief (temperature-relief valves); or(c)expansion and safety relief (temperature/pressure-relief valves).1.4.2 DistortionThat which is obvious to the eye without resorting to dimensional checking. 1.4.3 PressureNOTE: All pressures referred to in this document are gauge pressures and not absolute pressures. Opening pressure The pressure that first causes a valve to open. Reseating pressureThe pressure that first allows a valve to close. Set pressure The pressure at which a valve is designated to operate.1.4.4 NormativeForming an integral part of the Standard. 1.4.5 Rated capacity1.4.5.1 Expansion control valveThe maximum rate of heat energy to a water heater for which the pressure remains withindefined limits, as the valve discharges the expanding water. Relief valveThe rate at which the input energy can be safely dissipated by the discharge of hot water or steam through the valve. 1.4.6 Temperature Opening temperatureTemperature at the inlet of a valve that first causes it to open. Reseating temperature Temperature at the inlet of a valve that first allows it to close. Set temperatureTemperature at which a valve is designated to operate. 1.4.7 Manufacturer’s specificationThe documented record of the product’s attributes, issued by— (a)the original manufacturer in the case of a new valve; or (b)the manufac turer in the c ase of a remanufac tured valve whose spec ific ations supersede the original valve’s specifications.1.4.8 Reconditioned componentA c omponent that is rendered suitable for normal servic e by ac c eptable rec onditioning techniques.1.4.9 Replacement componentsNew components that are sourced from an original equipment or replacement manufacturer and produced in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification for the valve model.w ww .b ab a ke .n etAS 1357.1—2009 8© Standards Australia.au1.4.10 ShallIndicates that a statement is mandatory. 1.4.11 ShouldIndicates a recommendation. 1.5 INSTRUMENTATIONInstrument requirements shall be in accordance with Appendix C.1.6 MARKINGEach valve complying with this Standard shall be marked with the following information:(a)The manufac turer’s name, trademark or symbol. In the c ase of a remanufac tured valve, the original manufac turer’s name, trademark or symbol and lic enc e number shall be removed.(b)Name or model number of the valve or device. (c)Identification for traceability in the form of either of the following:(i)Batch identification. (ii)Individual serial number.(d)WaterMark.(e)Number of this Standard, i.e., AS 1357.1.(f)Identification of the inlet, drain, outlet or other special connections, or by an arrow indicating direction of flow(g)Additional markings for valves as specified in the appropriate clause.(h)In the c ase of a remanufac tured valve, the words ‘remanufac tured valve’ in a prominent position immediately adjac ent to the model number or name and with a minimum text height of 3 mm.Unless otherwise specified, this information shall be permanently marked on the valve body (cast, stamped or engraved) or shown on a rating plate affixed to the valve.NOTES:1The intention is to achieve permanency of the marking for the life of the product, or at least 5 years under normal conditions of use2Manufacturers making a statement of compliance with this Australian Standard on a product, pack aging, or promotional material related to that product are advised to ensure that such compliance is capable of being verified.w ww .b ab a ke .n et.au © Standards AustraliaS E C T I O N 2 M A T E R I A L S2.1 GENERALMaterials used in the construction of valves and devices shall be suitable for the conditionsof use (e.g., temperature, pressure, and compatibility with any adjacent component). Where c onstruc tion or attac hment involves brazing, the materials shall be suitable for brazing.2.2 CONTAMINATION OF WATERMaterials in contact with drinking water shall comply with AS/NZS 4020. 2.3 CORROSION-RESISTANT METALLIC MATERIALSThe parts of the valves in c ontac t with water shall be made from c orrosion-resistant materials. For the purpose of this Standard, the following materials are deemed to be corrosion resistant: (a)Copper, as specified in Clause 2.4. (b)Copper alloy, as specified in Clause 2.5 and Clause 2.6. (c)Stainless steel, as specified in Clause 2.7.(d)Material for springs, as specified in Clause 2.10 (c). (e)Other materials, as specified in Clause COPPERCopper shall comply with the following: (a)Wrought products AS 2738.(b)Tubular components Copper pipe shall comply with AS 1432 or NZS 3501.2.5 COPPER ALLOY Copper alloy shall comply with the following:(a)Castings AS 1565 and have a lead content of less than 4.5%. (b)Hot pressing AS/NZS 1568.(c)Rod for machined parts AS/NZS 1567.(d)Tubular components Copper alloy pipe shall comply with AS 1572 alloy,designation C 26130. Where bent or stamped in the fabrication process, the pipe shall be suffic iently stress-relieved, so that it is c apable of passing the merc urous nitrate test spec ified in AS 2136 after all fabric ation proc esses are c ompleted. For the purpose of this test, the entire pipe component shall be tested before any coating or plating operation.2.6 DEZINCIFICATION-RESISTANT (DR) COPPER ALLOY Copper alloys in contact with water shall comply with AS 2345.w ww .b ab a ke .n et© Standards Australia.au2.7 STAINLESS STEELStainless steel shall comply with the following: (a)Wrought components ASTM A276, series 300, c ontaining not less than 8% nic keland UNS S32750, S32304, S31803, S31500 Duplex (ferritic -austenitic ) stainless steels.(b)Tubular components ASTM A269 and UNS S32750, S32304, S31803, S31500 Duplex (ferritic-austenitic) stainless steels.2.8 DIAPHRAGM MATERIALS, AND VALVE SEATSDiaphragm materials and valve seats shall have c orrosion-resistant properties and, where used in a hot water servic e, heat-resistant properties. Seat materials shall also have anti-adhesion properties for the conditions of intended application.Suitability of these materials shall be established by the test method spec ified in the appropriate appendix.2.9 TEMPERATURE-SENSING PROBEThe outer casing of the temperature-sensing probe shall not show signs of deterioration on completion of the endurance testing.2.10 OTHER COMPONENTS 2.10.1 General The following applies to materials for other components:(a)Ceramics Ceramic materials may be used. (b)Filler metals Filler metal shall be one of the following:(i)Silver brazing alloy containing not more than 0.05% cadmium, complying with AS/NZS 1167.1.(ii)Copper-phosphorus brazing alloys c omplying with AS/NZS 1167.1 with a minimum of 1.8% silver.(iii)Solder complying with the requirements of AS 1834.1 and having a maximumof 0.1% lead. (c)Material for springs Materials for springs shall comply with one of the following: (i)Stainless steel, complying with the corrosion-resistant property of grade 304 of AS 2837.(ii)Stainless steel complying with ASTM A313/A313M.(iii)Nickel copper alloy (monel).NOTE: Other grades may be used, provided they meet the performance requirements of this Standard and have the equivalent corrosion-resistant properties.(d)Nickel-copper-iron Ni c kel-c opper-iron shall comply with either one of the following: (i)AS 2738, alloy 713.(ii)ASTM B127, ASTM B163, ASTM B164 and ASTM B165.w ww .b ab a ke .n et.au © Standards Australia2.10.2 Plastics materials GeneralUnder hydrostatic pressure, plastics materials shall be able to demonstrate suitability at themaximum operating pressure and temperature for the intended life of the product. UV resistance.For outdoor applic ations, the plastic material formulation shall be stabilized by suitable ultraviolet light stabilizers.The materials of plastic s c omponents that are designed to be exposed to direc t sunlight, when installed, shall not c rac k, c raze or exhibit signs of any defec t when tested to the conditions specified in AS 3558.5.w ww .b ab a ke .n et© Standards Australia.auS E C T I O N 3 G E N E R A L D E S I G N A N DC O N T R U C T I O N3.1 GENERALThe body and c omponent parts of valves shall be designed and manufac tured to perform their intended func tions reliably so that, in the c ourse of handling, installation, normal operation or maintenance, damage that would prevent their continued compliance with this Standard does not occur.Unless otherwise spec ified, all valves shall be provided with a minimum of two parallel wrench flats.NOTE: Guidelines for the acoustic evaluation of valves are given in Appendix D.3.2 STRENGTH 3.2.1 Torque testWhen tested in ac c ordanc e with Appendix E, the valves under test shall be c apable of withstanding, without permanent distortion, the applied torque, as appropriate. This test is not applicable where elastomeric seals are used on connections for assembly of combination valve bodies.3.2.2 Leakage testWhen valves are tested in accordance with Appendix E and Appendix F, respectively, there shall be no leakage from the valve body.3.3 END CONNECTIONSEnd connections shall comply with the following requirements: (a)Threaded All threaded end c onnec tions shall c omply with AS 3688 with the exception of pipe stops.(b)Compression Compression end connections shall comply with AS 3688.3.4 COMPONENTS AND VALVE SEATSComponents and assemblies, including inserted valve seats, shall be positively secured by screw threads, riveting or other durable mechanical means. 3.5 REMANUFACTURED VALVES 3.5.1 GeneralUnder the conditions of this Clause, reconditioned and re-used components may be used to manufac ture valves to this Standard. The main c omponent that would be rec onditioned is the valve body and reconditioning would normally be undertaken on the valve seat. Other c omponents may be c onsidered for rec onditioning where, after the rec onditioning, the quality of the component will meet the requirements of this Standard.w ww .b ab a ke .n et。
石油英语词汇(B5)石油英语词汇(B5)石油英语词汇(B5)break a joint卸下一节break apart使…分裂开break circulation恢复循环break detecto裂缝探测器break down agent压裂液break down maintenance事故检修break down pressure临界压力break draft解捻牵伸break even price保本价格break even不赚不贴break hiatus间断break in the succession层序间断break joint断缝;格状裂隙break line断开线break loose pull提松力break mechanism破坏机理break of forecastle艏楼后端break of poop艉楼前端break off弄断break offs断裂的钻具或管子break out tongs卸螺纹大钳break slide背斜破裂面断层;破裂滑动break thrust背斜上冲断层break time转效时间break wave破浪break破裂;中止;波止break-and-make cathead自动猫头break-away arm可折断脱开的导引臂break-away link可脱环break-before-make先开后合break-even cost无盈亏价格break-even model盈亏平衡模型break-even point analysis损益平衡分析break-even point均衡点break-even value保本值break-in oil新机械磨合用润滑油break-in tool破拆工具break-in试用break-off plug type circulating sub断塞式循环接头break-off the arc收焊break-out block卡瓦块break-out tankage管道首站或末站的储罐区breakable易破碎的东西;易破碎的breakage破损;破断片breakaway torque断裂扭矩breakaway脱离breakbulk liner杂货现轮breakdown current击穿电流breakdown fluid压裂液breakdown gang急救队breakdown lorry救险起重车breakdown of emulsion破坏乳状液breakdown point破坏点breakdown potential击穿电压breakdown reverse voltage反向击穿电压breakdown strength破坏强度breakdown test耐压试验breakdown time停工时间breakdown torque临界转矩breakdown van修理车breakdown voltage击穿电压breakdown zone断裂区breakdown故障breaker chemical化学破坏剂breaker height碎波高breaker lug呼吸囊breaker plate多孔板breaker slot装卸器上的槽breaker zone碎浪带breaker碎浪;激浪;破碎装置breakeven analysis盈亏平衡分析法breakeven chart盈亏平衡分析图breakeven footage保本进尺breaking current断路电流breaking depth浪击深度breaking down test耐压试验breaking down the pipe将立柱卸成单根breaking down损坏;打碎;分解开;把钻杆立根卸成单根breaking elongation断裂伸长率breaking extension断裂伸长breaking in试车breaking limit破坏极限breaking line卸扣链breaking load破坏载荷breaking moment断裂力矩breaking of emulsion破乳breaking pin自断安全销breaking point曲线拐点;混浊液澄清点;断点breaking pressure破坏压力breaking strain断裂应变breaking strength抗断强度breaking stress断裂应力breaking test断裂试验breaking twist致断捻度breaking wave碎波breaking切断breaking-out卸开breakout box转接器breakout cathead卸松螺纹猫头breakout cylinder卸螺纹液压缸breakout gun液压或气压卸管器breakout man钻机大钳工breakout oil乳化泥浆分离油breakout plate钻头装卸器breakout爆发;烧穿炉衬breakover转折;转页刊登部分;圆脊breakpoint转效点;断点breaks岩层中之小断层breakthrough capacity漏过能量breakthrough capillary pressure突破时毛细管压力breakthrough curve见示踪剂曲线breakthrough displacement efficiency突破时驱替效率breakthrough height锥进高度breakthrough interval见水层段breakthrough of gas气体突破breakthrough of injection water注入水突破breakthrough oil recovery无水原油采收率breakthrough pattern见水井排breakthrough point突破点breakthrough recovery无水采收率breakthrough saturation突破时的饱和度breakthrough streamline突破时的流线breakthrough sweep efficiency突破时波及系数breakthrough time突破时间breakthrough well突破井breakthrough突破;穿透breakup phase断裂幕breakup unconformity裂开不整合breakup破裂breakwater end防波堤堤头breakwater gap防波堤缺口;堤头口门breakwater tip防波堤堤头breakwater防波板breakwind防风林;挡风物breast anchor船舷锚breast drill胸压手摇钻breast line中央系索breast侧面;炉胸;工作面;煤房;风口铁套breasting dolphin带中央缆索的系船柱breasting中部冲水法breastplate胸铠;胸前受话器breath呼吸;气息breathable air可呼吸的空气breather loss呼吸损耗breather roof tank呼吸顶油罐breather roof呼吸顶breather tank呼吸罐breather valve呼吸阀breather呼吸者breathholding屏气breathing apparatus呼吸面具breathing coating透气性涂层breathing loss呼吸损失breathing of the earth油井的间歇性漏气breathing roof呼吸顶breathing tank呼吸顶油罐breathing油罐呼吸作用;通气;飘动breccia dike角砾岩脉breccia fragment角砾岩碎片breccia marble角砾大理岩breccia pore灰岩内的角砾孔隙breccia sandstone角砾砂岩breccia vein角砾岩脉breccia角砾岩breccia-conglomerate角砾砾岩breccial角砾的brecciated texture角砾结构brecciated vein角砾化脉brecciated角砾化的brecciation角砾岩化作用breccio-conglomerate角砾砾岩brecciola细角砾灰岩breciated structure角砾构造breech block connector炮栓式连接器breeching烟道breed品种breeder饲养员;分起人;增殖反应堆breeze焦炭渣breezing不清晰breiggs standard布氏管子规范brent英国布伦特油田原油bressummer托墙梁bretonian orogeny布雷顿造山运动bretonic movement布雷顿运动bretton woods agreement布雷顿森林协定breunerite铁菱镁矿brevaxina nfda3brevi-短breviary摘要breviaty缩简brevibolbina短球茎介属brevimonosulcites短单沟粉属brew酿造brg方位;轴承bribery贿赂brick baffle砖隔墙brick clay制砖粘土brick earth制砖土brick kiln砖窑brick layer砌砖工brick laying砌砖brick lining砖衬里brick pattern积木式brick press制砖机brick stone天然硬红土brick trowerl灰镘brick yard堆砖场地;砖厂brick砖bricking砌砖bricklayer砌砖工人bricklayer's hammer瓦工锤brickmaker制砖工brickwork砌砖工程;砖房;砖圬工brickwork-like pattern砌砖状形态brickyard mixer一种气体混合器bridge amplifier桥式放大器bridge arm电桥臂bridge balanced amplifier桥式平衡放大器bridge blinding桥堵bridge calculating circuit桥式计算电路bridge circuit电桥电路bridge connection桥形联接bridge control电桥控制bridge crane门式起重机bridge current电桥电流bridge deck航行台甲板bridge deckhouse航行台甲板舱bridge diagram电桥电路bridge erection桥楼bridge fuse桥接保险丝bridge house桥楼室bridge joint桥形联接bridge ladder桥楼梯bridge linkage桥式联接bridge material堵塞材料bridge method电桥法bridge of the bit四牙轮钻头牙轮支架bridge oscillator桥式振荡器bridge over堵塞;井壁坍塌;砂堵;跨过bridge piece连接件bridge pier桥墩bridge plug seat桥塞座bridge plug沙桥卡钻bridge plugging桥塞封堵bridge rectifier circuit桥式整流电路bridge rectifier桥式整流器bridge region搭桥区bridge sampling gate桥式取样门bridge slotted screen桥形割缝衬管bridge test电桥测试bridge the hole井眼中形成桥塞bridge welding桥焊bridge桥bridge-type feedback桥式反馈bridge-type fluid pill防漏失处理液bridge-type modulator桥式调制器bridge-up卡住;井眼沙桥阻卡bridged crossing架桥跨越bridged hole桥塞阻住的井眼bridged region成拱区bridged-t filter桥接t 型滤波器bridged-t network桥接t 形网络bridging agent桥堵剂bridging basket桥伞bridging design砂桥防砂设计bridging device桥塞装置bridging efficiency堵塞效率bridging installation桥塞装置bridging material桥堵材料bridging off堵塞bridging oil过渡油bridging order返回指令bridging particle堵漏剂bridging point桥塞点bridging solid shape暂堵剂固体颗粒形状bridging technique砂桥防砂技术bridging type fluid loss control暂堵型失水控制bridging架桥;跨接bridle马勒bried摘要brief rain period少雨期briefcase便携式仪器箱briefing情况简介;简报brigade旅;队brigg's clinophone勃瑞格斯型钻孔测斜仪brigg's standard勃瑞格斯标准bright coal光亮煤bright event亮点同相轴bright reflection强反射bright spot anomaly亮点异常bright spot亮点bright stock精制高粘度润滑油配料;光亮油bright trace亮点bright wire rope无镀层的钢丝绳bright yarn有光丝brightener增白剂brightening agent增白剂brightness contrast range亮度对比范围brightness line map亮度线图brightness multiplication亮度倍增brightness temperature亮度温度brightness亮度;辉度;白度brights光亮煤brill=brilliancebrilliance=brilliancy brilliancy光辉brilliant image清晰影象brilliant polish抛光剂brilliant光耀式;钻石;光亮的brim边brimstone硫磺brindle斑纹;有斑纹的brine arrival time盐水到达时间brine composition盐水组分brine concentration盐水浓度brine connate water咸原生水brine corrosion盐水腐蚀brine gradient line咸水梯度线brine lake盐湖brine mud盐水泥浆brine post-flush盐水后冲洗brine preflush盐水预冲洗brine slug盐水段塞brine solution盐水溶液brine spacer盐水隔离液brine tolerance耐盐性brine viscosity盐水粘度brine water mud盐水泥浆brine water盐水brine well盐井brine盐水brine-base fluid盐水基液brine-colloid mixture盐水-胶粒液brine-oil ratio盐水-油比率brine-polluted area盐水污染区brinell ball布氏硬度试验球brinell hardness number布氏硬度数brinell hardness test布氏硬度试验brinell hardness tester布氏硬度测定器brinell hardness布氏硬度brinell instrument布氏硬度计brinell test布氏硬度试验brinell tester布氏硬度计brinell布里涅耳brinelling测布氏硬度;渗碳bring bottoms up停钻循环泵出岩屑bring into operation将…投入生产bring into production投产bring on stream投入生产;开始通油bring the well in使井投产bring-into-oil curve水驱油曲线brining盐浸作用brinish咸水的brinishness含盐度brink河岸briny environment海水环境briny咸的briquet煤砖briquettability压制性briquetting压型brisance炸药震力briscoia布列斯哥虫属bristle pig钢刷清管器bristle短而硬的毛brit.=britainbrit.pat.英国专利britannia metal锡锑铜合金britannia=britainbritatin不列颠brite spot亮点british air ministry method英国空军部方法british association for the advancement of science英国科学促进会british association of standard英国标准协会british petroleum company p.l.c.英国石油公司british standard英国标准british standards institution英国标准协会british thermal unit英热单位british unit英制单位brittle failure脆性失败brittle fracture脆性断裂brittle material脆性材料brittle metal脆性金属brittle mica脆云母brittle point of asphalt沥青冷脆点brittle point脆点brittle rock脆性岩石brittle rupture脆性破坏brittle state脆性状态brittle temperature脆化温度brittle易碎的brittleness index脆性指数brittleness temperature脆性温度brittleness脆性;变脆;脆度brk稍咸的brkr电流断路器broach锥形尖头工具broacher剥孔机;绞孔机;拉床broaching machine拉床broaching扩孔broad angle钝角broad anticline开展背斜broad band seismic acquistition method宽频带地震采集方法broad band seismic interpretative method宽频带地震解释方法broad coloring pattern粗色模式broad coverage广阔遥测范围broad fold开阔褶皱broad image不明显的图象broad line survey宽线测量broad peak宽峰broad term广义的术语broad top anticline宽顶背斜broad top basin宽顶盆地broad warp平缓弯曲broad宽的;淡水湖broad-dip-band stacking宽倾斜带叠加broad-leaf forest阔叶林broad-side noise侧向排列干扰broad-survey普查broad-topped dome开阔穹隆broadband amplification宽带放大broadband channel宽频带通道broadband constant beamwidth sonar宽带恒定束宽声呐broadband crab vibrator宽带蟹式可控震源broadband electromagnetic measurement宽带电磁测量broadband filter宽带滤波器broadband multifrequency electromagnetic measurement 宽带多频电磁测量broadband seismograph宽频带地震仪broadband transmission equipment宽带情报传输设备broadband tuner宽带调谐器broadband宽频带;宽波段broadcast ephemeris广播星历broadcast广播broadcasting satellite广播卫星broadcasting studio广播室broaden展宽broadening增宽broader frequency spectrum宽带频谱broadloom磁控管波段干扰发射机broadness广阔broadside array宽边天线阵broadside dielectric antenna垂射介质天线broadside directional antenna垂射天线broadside l arrangement侧向l 型排列broadside magnetic dipole横向磁偶极子broadside method侧向观测法broadside sea横浪broadside seismic reflection profiling侧向地震反射剖面法broadside seismic refraction profiling侧向地震折射剖面法broadside shooting侧向放炮broadside t arrangement侧向t 型排列broadside technique旁线法broadside船侧;宽面brocade锦缎;织锦brocatel彩色大理石brochantite水硫酸铜brochotriletes大穴孢属brochure小册子brockram坡积灰岩角砾岩brod铸铁柄舌;型芯骨brog曲柄手摇钻broggite褐地沥青broil焙broinsonia布罗因索石broke out被提拔职务broken belt破碎带broken circuit断路broken country丘陵地broken down解堵broken emulsion破乳后的乳状液broken filament断裂长丝broken flexure破裂挠曲broken fold破裂褶皱broken ground断裂地带broken joints错缝接合broken line graph折线图broken line虚线broken number分数broken oil澄清的油broken out section切面broken plateau断裂高原broken sand含页岩砂岩broken sea碎浪broken shipwreck海损沉船broken stone碎石broken stream间歇性河流broken up裂缝性的broken砂岩夹薄页岩层;管子松扣;混合成分地层broken-foreland basin断裂前陆盆地broken-foreland断裂前陆broken-in断裂broken-rock zone岩石破碎带broken-tone negative色调破坏的底片broker经纪人brokerage佣金brom-溴的bromate溴酸盐;用溴处理bromatoxism食物中毒bromcresol green溴甲酚绿bromcresol purple溴甲酚紫bromide brine含溴化物的盐水bromide溴化物bromide-viscositier溴化物增粘剂brominated castor oil溴化蓖麻油bromination溴化处理bromine number溴值bromine value溴值bromine溴bromochloromethane一氯一溴甲烷bromoform溴仿bromonaphthalene溴萘bromotrichloromethane三氯溴甲烷bronc新钻工brongniartella布郎尼亚虫属brontosaurus雷龙属bronze bearing青铜轴承bronze bushing青铜套bronze pump impeller青铜泵叶轮bronze tube青铜管bronze青铜;青铜色;青铜制品;镀青铜bronzite古铜辉石brookfield viscometer布氏粘度计brookite板钛矿broom扫帚;自动搜索干扰振荡器;用扫帚扫;桩顶蓬裂broomea勃氏藻属broomstick charge细长药包broomstick扫帚柄;干扰抑制器bros.兄弟brother兄弟;同胞brotiopsis布罗特螺属brougham四轮车brought in well投产井brought in油井投产brought on line进入管线brow眉;额;悬崖brown coal褐煤brown hematite褐铁矿brown jura褐侏罗统brown lignite褐色褐煤brown matter腐殖分解物质brown mica金云母brown ocher褐铁矿brown petroleum褐石油brown soil棕钙土brown spar铁菱镁矿brown ware陶器brown布朗brown褐色的brown-glazed brick褐釉砖browne correction布朗改正brownian motion process布朗运动过程brownian movement布朗运动brownish淡褐色的brownmillerite钙铁铝石brownout灯火暗淡;节约用电brownstone铁质砂岩browse浏览browser食草动物browsing trace觅食迹brp英国专利brs黄铜brs转移子程序brspl铜花键brt转盘面下bru无条件转移bruchfaltung断褶构造brucite水镁石brucker survival capsule自给自航球形救生艇bruckner cycle布吕克讷周期bruggen布吕根期bruise撞伤bruiser捣碎机brume雾brunt正面的冲击;主要的压力;锐气brunton compass布鲁顿罗盘brush cast刷模brush function刷状函数brush gang清理班组brush holder炭刷架brush lead炭刷导线brush mark刷痕brush painting刷涂brush pig钢刷清管器brush scraper除锈器brush spring assembly钢丝刷弹簧组件;电刷弹簧组件brush stop钢丝刷止动器brush structure帚状构造brush wheel磨轮brush刷brush-applied coating刷敷涂层brushability耐刷能力brushing primer刷涂底漆brushing quality涂刷质量brushing刷光brushless excitation无刷励磁brussels treaty organization布鲁塞尔条约组织brute stack初步叠加brute兽brute-force radar强力雷达bruxellian stage布鲁塞尔阶bryalgal苔藻灰岩bryantodina小布氏牙形石属bryochore苔原气候带bryology苔藓学bryophyta苔藓植物门bryophyte苔藓植物bryozoa苔藓动物门bryozoan苔藓动物bryozoon苔藓虫brz青铜bs按钮开关bs标准局bs伯明翰线径规bs出货单bs底脚bs二进位制bs后视bs碱性沉淀物;底部沉积物bs理学士bs两边bs平衡表bs酸性转炉钢bs投弹瞄准器bs退格bs钻头尺寸bs)英国标准bsal井内液体矿化度bsam基本顺序存取方法bsc eng工学士bsc二元同步通信bscfd10亿标准立方英尺每日bsd每作业日桶数bsd英国度量标准bse反散射电子成象bsg英国标准线规bsh.蒲式耳bsi英国标准学会bsi转移及存储指令bsl声波测井bsmt底层bsor块逐次超松弛bsp英国标准管bsp英国管螺纹标准bsr抗弯强度比值bsr整体屏蔽反应堆bss英国标准规范bss英国标准筛制bsw沉淀物和水bsw盐水桶数bswg英国标准线规bs&w monitor罐底垢水监测器bs&w油脚和水bt深温记录bt弯头bt温度深度仪btam基本远程通信存取法btc具扁梯形螺纹及接箍的套管btf三氟-溴甲烷btfs压力恢复时间函数选择btft现时钻头进尺bthe实际热效率bthi地层厚度bthu英国热量单位btl瓶btm底部btt井下电视bttleneck瓶颈btu =b.t.u.英国热量单位btu平衡-不平衡耦合变压器btu英国贸易部电能单位btu英国热量单位btx aromatics混合芳烃bty电池bu备用;支撑;辅助;支持bu缓冲器bu局bu蒲式耳bu燃耗bu转移的bu总线bubble aeration气泡充气bubble bucket井口泥浆取样桶bubble cap tower泡帽塔bubble cap tray泡帽塔盘bubble column泡罩塔bubble counter计泡计bubble diameter气泡直径;液滴直径bubble effect气泡效应bubble energy气泡能量bubble film泡膜bubble flow泡沫流bubble gauge起泡测量计bubble head显示头bubble hose观察和取样软管bubble impression气泡痕bubble inclinometer气泡测斜仪bubble memory磁泡存储器bubble oscillation frequency气泡振荡频率bubble oscillation气泡振荡bubble plate tower泡罩塔bubble point oil饱和石油bubble point pressure饱和压力bubble point temperature泡点温度bubble point泡点bubble pressure method气泡压力法bubble pulse气泡脉冲bubble sand气泡砂bubble size气泡大小;液滴大小bubble sort冒泡分类法bubble stabilizer气泡稳定剂bubble tower高圆柱形塔bubble tray tower集泡盘式蒸馏塔bubble tube泡沫管bubble viscometer泡沫粘度计bubble well注气井bubble泡bubble-flow regime泡沫状流型bubble-point formation volume factor泡点原油体积系数bubble-point gor泡点气-油比bubble-point pump泡点抽油泵bubble-point reservoir溶解气驱油藏bubble-pulse energy气泡脉冲能量bubble-pulse regions气泡脉冲区bubble-pulse train气泡脉冲序列bubble-tight shut-off气密关闭bubble-tight不起泡的bubbler起泡器bubbling pressure泡点压力bubbling reactor鼓泡反应器bubbly发泡的bubnoff unit布勃诺夫单位bucculinus巴卡库石buchites布基菊石属buchnerite二辉橄榄岩buchonite闪云霞玄岩buck saw架锯buck scraper弹板刮土机buck消除;补偿;反向buck-up拧紧bucker破碎机bucket auger短管螺旋钻具bucket backfiller斗式回填机bucket chain conveyor链斗式输送机bucket dredger链斗式挖泥船bucket elevator斗式提升机bucket excavator斗式挖土机bucket hand-pump斗式手压泵bucket rod泵的活塞杆bucket spinning罐式纺丝bucket steam trap浮筒式汽水阀bucket trap凝析罐bucket trencher斗式挖沟机bucket valve泵的活塞阀bucket水斗bucket-ladder dredger多斗挖泥机bucket-wheel blower斗轮式鼓风机buckhead防水舱壁bucking coil补偿线圈bucking current loop屏蔽电流回路bucking current屏蔽电流bucking electrode屏蔽电极bucking the tongs铺设螺纹管线的铺管队;用管钳接管bucking the tool joint给钻杆装接头bucking-out system补偿系统buckle detection铺管屈曲检测buckle detector屈曲检测器buckle fold弯曲褶皱buckle folding弯曲褶皱作用buckle propagation屈曲传播buckle shortening弯曲缩短buckle扣子buckled layer弯曲层buckley-leverett frontal-drive method巴克利-莱弗里特前缘驱动法buckley-leverett immiscible displacement theory巴克利-莱弗里特非混相驱理论buckley-leverett theory巴克利-莱弗里特理论buckling effect弯曲效应buckling episode弯曲幕buckling force压曲力buckling hypothesis挠曲说buckling length产生弯曲的长度buckling load压曲临界载荷buckling resistance压曲抗力buckling stress压曲应力buckling弯折buckling-up-installing wellhead扣装法抢装井口buckshot大号铅弹buckstaves夹炉板buckstay支柱;加固圈bud芽buddhaites菩萨菊石属buddle洗矿槽;淘汰盘;用洗矿槽淘洗budget anendments预算修订budget compilation编制预算budget cut预算削减budget deficit预算赤字budget enforcement预算执行budget estimates概算budget of capital construction基本建设预算budget of tender awards开标预算budget statement预算书budget预算;把…编入预算;按预算来安排;预定;编预算;廉价的budgetary estimate of capital construction基本建设概算budgetary estimate of unit construction单项工程概算budgetary estimate概算budgeting作预算budocks stato美国海军新型锚buergerite布格电气石buff软皮;浅黄色buffalo grips紧绳器卡子buffalo水牛buffer action缓冲作用buffer amplifier缓冲放大器buffer capacity缓冲能力buffer circuit缓冲电路buffer computer带缓冲器的计算机buffer condition缓冲条件buffer data path缓冲数据通路buffer fluid缓冲液buffer memory缓冲存储器buffer pad缓冲液buffer plug缓冲段塞buffer plunger缓冲柱塞buffer pool缓冲器组buffer register缓冲寄存器buffer regulated mud acid缓冲液调节的土酸buffer solution缓冲溶液buffer stock调节库存;缓冲储备buffer storage缓冲存储器buffer substance缓冲物质buffer tank稳压罐buffer zone缓冲区buffer缓冲buffered inputoutput channel缓冲输入输出通道buffered inputoutput section缓冲输入输出装置buffered silica gel缓冲硅胶buffering agent缓冲剂buffering缓冲buffet打击buffeting震动buffing machine抛光机buffing wheel抛光轮buffing抛光buffle-type tower挡板塔buffled washpipe带阻尼挡板的冲洗管bug blower驱虫风扇bug check错误检查bug time到达井口时间bug缺陷;故障;窃听器;雷达位置测定器;快键buggy翻斗车bugite紫苏英闪岩bugs原因不明的故障buhrstone硅质磨石build and hold wellbore增斜-稳斜build and sail wellbore增斜-稳斜build angle造斜build cost配制费用build curve造斜曲线build in插入;加入build labourer建筑工人build rate =building rate造斜速率build section增斜井段build tendency增斜趋势build the pressure使压力升高;憋压build up a joint加焊焊缝build up welding堆焊build建筑build-up analysis压力恢复分析build-up curve压力恢复曲线build-up of fluid液面恢复build-up of water production出水量增加build-up period压力恢复期build-up pressure生成压力build-up process造斜过程build-up rate造斜率build-up type-curves压力恢复典型曲线builder fabric轮胎帘子布builder建设者builder's diary施工员日志builder's knot死结builder's licence施工许可证builder's road施工便道builder's yard建筑场地building acts建筑法规building angle造斜building area建筑面积building asphalt建筑沥青building assembly增斜钻具组合building berth造船台building block积木building by-laws建筑条例building capacity造壁性building code建筑规范building construction房屋构造building dock造船坞building force造斜力building frame房屋构架building ground建筑工地building inspection建筑检查building inspector建筑检查员building law建筑法building materials建筑材料building office建筑事务所building operation建筑施工building ordinance建筑条例building paper防潮纸building regulation建筑规程building slip造船台building storm drain房屋雨水排放building storm sewer房屋排雨水管building unt构造单元building up hole angle增斜building ways造船台building建筑物building-block machine组合机床building-up effect聚集效应building-up装配buildings建筑物buildout外积buildress女施工员buildup cutoff time压力恢复中止时间buildup effect聚集效应buildup sequence焊道熔敷顺序buildup test压力恢复试井buildup time压力恢复时间buildup建造built in sections分段制成built pile组合桩built platform浪积平台built terrace浪成阶地built-in antenna机内天线built-in check内部校验built-in command内部指令built-in differential lock内装式压差锁紧装置built-in edges嵌入边built-in editor编辑程序built-in error checking内部错误检查built-in error correction内部错误校正built-in function内部操作built-in lane identification system机内巷识别系统built-in oscillation固有振荡built-in sluice内装闸门built-in storage内存储器built-in内装的built-on pump与发动机制成一体的泵built-up area已建满房屋或其它建筑物的地区built-up frame组合肋骨built-up gear组合齿轮built-up member装配部件built-up pattern组合模built-up pillar组合柱built-up propeller组合推进器built-up radiation总辐射built-up terrace堆积阶地built-up welding堆焊built-up合成的built-up-edge粘附车刀的切削物builtup film组合薄膜bukryaster巴氏星石bul.公报bulb小灯泡;盐丘顶部球体;球形零件bulb-tubulating machine接管机bulbistroma鳞层藻属bulbous球根的buldozer泵;大型堆土机;壮工bulge derrick钻杆盒在旁侧的井架bulge size凸出尺寸bulge膨胀bulged in打入的bulged out爆裂bulged tube膨胀管bulging cylindrical hole膨胀圆柱形孔眼bulging force膨胀力bulging膨胀bulk additive松散的添加材料bulk analysis整体分析bulk boat油驳bulk cement storage tank散装水泥储存罐bulk cement truck散装水泥运输车bulk cement散装水泥bulk composition总成分bulk compressibility体积压缩系数bulk crystallization大量结晶bulk degradation本体降解bulk delivery散装发货bulk density体积密度bulk effect体积效应bulk elasticity体积弹性bulk excavation大规模挖土bulk factor体积因数bulk flow总体流动bulk formula块体公式bulk freight散装货物bulk goods散装油品bulk handling散装搬运bulk hauling散装拖运bulk hose大型软管bulk image粗加工相片bulk isotope composition全岩同位素组成bulk material散装材料bulk memory device大容量记忆设备bulk memory大容量存储器bulk method全直径岩心分析法;批量生产法bulk mixing散料混合bulk modulus of elasticity体积弹性模量bulk modulus体积模量bulk molding compound预制整体塑料bulk molding compounds整体模塑料bulk movement块体运动bulk mud散装泥浆bulk of molecule分子的大小bulk of reservoir rock储层容积bulk oil散装油bulk parameter宏观参数bulk permeability按体积平均渗透率bulk phase外相bulk plant operator油库操作工人bulk plant pump油库泵bulk plant油库;石油销售站bulk polymerization整体聚合bulk porosity按体积平均孔隙度bulk product散装油品bulk properties综合性质bulk reduction小批装油bulk reservoir volume储层总容积bulk sales批发bulk solution本体溶液bulk specific gravity容重bulk specific weight容重bulk station散装油站bulk storage散装储存bulk strain体积应变bulk temperature平均温度bulk terminal转运油库bulk transfer散装转运bulk transport container散装运输容器bulk transportation散装运输bulk treatment整体处理bulk uniformity膨松均匀度bulk vapour pressure总蒸气压bulk variability膨松不均度bulk vehicle vapour loss油罐车蒸发损耗bulk viscoelasticity体积粘弹性bulk viscosity of oil油品主体粘度bulk viscosity体积粘度bulk volume fraction总体积百分数bulk volume of gravel砾石的充填体积bulk volume容积bulk water大体积的水bulk wave体波bulk weighing散装计重bulk weight散装重量bulk wt散装重量bulk容积bulk-handling equipment散装运输设备bulked continuous filament膨化变形长丝bulked yarn膨体纱bulkhead wharf岸壁型码头bulkhead舱壁bulkiness庞大bulking capacity膨化能力bulking effect膨化效应bulking intensity膨松度bulking胀大bulkley pressure viscosimeter巴尔克利压力粘度计bulkload散装货物bulky yarn膨体纱bulky庞大的bull ditcher大型挖沟机bull dog casing spear套管打捞矛bull dog double-slip spear双卡瓦的打捞矛bull dog grip钢丝绳夹bull dog slip socket一种卡瓦打捞筒bull dog spear钻杆打捞矛bull dog wrench管子扳手bull engine蒸汽机泵bull gang采油队壮工bull gear reducer大齿轮减速箱bull gear大齿轮bull nose guide圆头导向器bull nose screw圆头螺钉bull plug shoe死堵管鞋bull plug大管堵bull plugged wash pipe封口冲管bull point尖钻头。
电力设备:E-VAC EP系列中高压真空电路断路器说明书
E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerAutomotiveAerospaceTruckHydraulicsAutomotive Aerospace Truck Hydraulics Poweringbusiness worldwideEaton delivers the power inside hundreds of products that are answering the demands of today’s fast changing world. We help our customers worldwide manage the power they need for buildings, aircraft, trucks, cars, machinery and entire businesses. And we do it in a way that consumes fewer resources.Next generationtransportationEaton is driving the development of newtechnologies – from hybriddrivetrains and emission control systems to advanced engine components – that reduce fuel consumption and emissions in trucks and cars. Higher expectationsWe continue to expand our aerospace solutions andservices to meet the needs of new aviation platforms,including the high-flying light jet and very light jet markets. Building on our strengths Our hydraulics businesscombines localised service and support with an innovative portfolio of fluid powersolutions to answer the needs of global infrastructure projects, including locks, canals and dams.Powering Greener Buildings and BusinessesEaton’s Electrical Group is a leading provider of powerquality, distribution and control solutions that increase energy efficiency and improve power quality, safety and reliability. Our solutions offer a growing portfolio of “green” products and services, such as energy audits and real-time energy consumption monitoring.Eaton’s Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), variable-speed drives and lighting controls help conserve energy and increase efficiency.ElectricalElectrical E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 1Eaton Corporation is a worldwide leader in thedesign, manufacture, and sale of safe, reliableand high-performance medium voltage power distribution equipment in accordance with IEC,GB and ANSI standards.Complete Global Medium Voltage Switchgear Solutions Eaton, a premier leader in designing and manufacturing power distribution and protection equipment in the electrical industry, offers a comprehensive range of medium voltage (MV) solutionsto meet the needs of virtually every application. From productsthat feature cutting-edge design that allow for easy access, maintenance and space savings, to arc-resistant products that enhance safety, Eaton’s medium voltage solutions provide avariety of products for every need. Additionally, Eaton’s global service network provides maximum customer support in allregions of the world.As one of the few completely vertically integrated and diversified industrial manufacturers in the world, Eaton designs not only MV assemblies, but also the key components that comprise the MV solutions – from steel housing and circuit breaker compartmentsto vacuum interrupters, circuit breakers, bus systems and fuses. Eaton’s MV heritage, strengthened by acquisitions such as Westinghouse DCBU, Cutler Hammer, MEM and Holec, has resulted in breakthrough MV technologies and numerous international patents over the years.Part of Eaton’s complete electrical PowerChain Solutions– which help businesses minimize risks while realizing greater reliability, cost efficiencies, capital utilization and safety –Eaton’s medium voltage equipment meets all applicablestandards and certifications such as IEC, NEMA / ANSI, GB,UL, IEEE, KEMA and CSA.When it comes to medium voltage solutions, you can trust theone name with a long history of proven performance: Eaton.E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage VacuE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerE-VAC EP Series medium voltage Ideal contact material and E-VAC EP Vacuum Circuit Breakervacuum circuit breakers from geometry ensure low Eaton Electrical combine our chopping current andexcellent vacuum technology reliable contact resistance . with decades of experience in designing and manufacturing A few components and power distribution system. They compact and reasonable offer high reliability, ease of structure ensure morehandling and maintenance, high reliable and safer operation. cost efficiency for Chinese users. Enable ideal cutoff and close Meet GB and DL standards. of resistance, inductance load and capacitive load. E-VAC equipped with new generation vacuum Secondary plug, chassis,interrupter, suited formoving contact and grounding technologies and operation methods are speciallycondition of power system. designed to Chinese users, completely compatible with E-VAC utilizes solid-enveloped domestically dominantpole of Eaton Electrical, offers medium voltage switchgear superior and reliable solid KYN28.enveloping insulation performance, passescondensation test, suitable for safely operating in harsh environment. It offers better creepage distance and clearance compared to the requirements in GB standards.Product modelsE -VAC -12 / T □ -□GB StandardEaton breaker seriesVoltage ratings kVRated current ARated short circuit breakingcurrent kASpring operation mechanismE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker3Application condition Technical features Temperature condition Ambient air temperature not E-VAC utilizes mature spring Product assembly utilizes The average of relative exceeding 40℃, and the operating mechanism, offers tooling method to ensure humidity measured within 24 average value measured within reliable and stable dimension consistency. All hours not exceeding 95%.24 hours not exceeding 35℃. performance, long service life, products have been subject toThe minimum ambient air ease of operating, excellent the push panel test for The average vapor pressure temperature is -15℃.corrosion protection and low standard panel, ensuring measured within 24 hours notmaintenance within the lifetime product interchangeability and exceeding 2.2kPa.The effect by solar radiation universality.can be ignored. E-VAC EP series 12kV vacuum The average of relativecircuit breaker adopts mature All products have been subject humidity measured within one The ambient air is not obviously APG process to enclose to hundreds of mechanical month not exceeding 90%.polluted by dust, smoke, vacuum interrupter and main operation running-in testscorrosive or flammable gases, conductive circuit in a before leaving the factory, The average vapor pressure vapor or salt mist. insulation tube, thoroughly ensuring the product measured within one montheliminating the environmental performance in the most stable not exceeding 1.8kPa.Seismic intensity not impact on insulated parts phase.exceeding 8 degree. which weakens the voltagewithstanding capacity, ensuring Utilize advanced importedAmplitude of electromagnetic the vacuum interrupter suitable testing equipment, exactlyinterference induced in for harsh environment. record no-load mechanicalsecondary system not characteristics of each product,exceeding 1.6kV. E2 level electrical life extended and provide users with theseand M2 level mechanical life characteristic curves, ensureextended as per GB1984-2003, product reliability.capacitive current breaking andlowre-breakdown probability C2level, having completed thetype test.Outline dimension anddistribution panel interlockingmethod completely compatiblewith domestically dominantmedium voltage switchgearKYN28, high universality,significantly reduce design cost4E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerApplication areasChemical industry Substation Oil industry Cement industry Piping industry Automotive industry Offshore mining Power plantShipbuildingTextile and food industries Paper making industry Metallurgical industryOpencast coal mineT echnology creation historyAs the manufacturer of the world’s first vacuum interrupter, the pioneer of vacuum technology, Eaton Electrical has been committed to the research, development andmanufacturing of vacuum interrupters for over 70 years, and gathered plenty of experience. Westinghouse has become the synonym of quality and reliability.We own the world’s largest and globally leading vacuum interrupter plant and the only vacuum interrupter plant that is equipped with large capacity high voltage laboratories.Our manufacturing capacity and design and development always maintain a leadership position.E-VAC vacuum circuit breaker requires almost no relevant maintenanceSimple structure design of E-VAC vacuum circuit breaker further minimizes fault occurrence, simplifies daily maintenance. With the indicator on the circuit breaker panel, no detection instrument isrequired, facilitating the judgment of working state of circuit breaker. The circuit breaker utilizes the world’s first class Eaton Electrical’s vacuum interrupter with vacuum degree up to 10-6Pa, low air leakage, and ensure 50-year life with no maintenance required.Optional accessoriesCharging handle Trolley handle LifterIdeal for control and protection in medium voltage power supply and distribution systemThe circuit breaker is equipped with superior spring chargingmechanism, utilizes modular design, offering optimized mechanism main part distribution, simpler structure and more reliable performance. The whole mechanism is composed by three modules: charging,closing, opening. Assembly and maintenance of these three parts are very simple. The spring charging mechanism composed by ratchet wheel mechanism, oscillator and closing spring is compact and smart. The operating mechanism is usually equipped with manual charging device and electric charging device, enabling automatic reclosing function.The circuit for manual charging operating mechanism is provided with manual opening and closing operation buttons, circuit breaker position indicator and spring mechanism charging status indicator, switch operations counter, shunt release auxiliary switch, position and fault signals, etc..The circuit breaker of electric charging operating mechanism: added with spring charging motor, shunt release, trip free relay, and auxiliary switch for spring charging motor release.The following accessories can also be provided as needed: undervoltage release, overcurrent relay, etc..E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker5E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerMain specification and technical parametersItem Unit ValueRated voltage kV 12Rated short-time power frequency withstand voltage (1 min) 42 (phase to ground, phase to phase) 48 (gap)Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak) 75 (phase to ground, phase to phase) 85 (gap)Rated frequency Hz 50Rated current A 630 630 1250 1250 1600 1250 16001250 1600 2000 2000 2500 2000 250040002500 2500 3150 3150 (1)4000 3150 (1) Rated short-circuit breaking current kA 25 31.5 40 50Rated short-time withstand current (4s) 25 31.5 40 50125Rated peak withstand current kA 63 80 100 (2)125Rated short circuit making current 63 80 100 (2) Secondary circuit power frequency withstand voltage (1 min) V 2000Opening time ms 20~50Closing time 35~70Mechanical endurance time 30000 (1600A/31.5kA and below), 20000 (2000A and above, 40kA), 10000(50kA) Rated current breaking endurance 30000 (1600A/31.5kA and below), 20000 (2000A and above, 40kA), 10000(50kA) Rated short circuit current breaking endurance time 50 (1600A/31.5kA and below), 30 (2000A and above, 40~50kA)Allowable accumulated wearingthickness of moving/fixed contact mm 3Rated closing operating voltage V AC 110/220 DC 110/220Rated opening operating voltageRated voltage of spring charging motor V AC 110/220 DC 110/220Rated power of spring charging motor W 55~90Charging duration s ≤15Rated operating sequence O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO (40kA and below), O-180s-CO-180s-CO (50kA)Note:(1) Forced air cooling is required at 4000A; (2) For higher parameters, please contact the Eaton Corp.T echnical parameters for trip/close coilsName ParameterRated operating voltage (V) AC, DC110 AC, DC220Rated operating current of close coil (A) 2.0 1.0Rated operating current of trip coil (A) 1.8 (40kA and above is 2.6) 0.9 (40kA and above is 1.6)Normal operating voltage range Closing: 80%~110% of rated operating voltageOpening: 65%~120% of rated operating voltage, opening will not occur when thenormal operating voltage is less than 30% of rated operating voltageE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 6E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerOutline and dimension of E-VAC EP circuit breaker (drawout type)Distribution Rated Rated short panelcurrent circuit breaking width (mm) (A) current (kA)P H A B C D E G J K L M N R S T W Q 800 630 25~31.5 210 275 638 652 640 650 433 Φ35 280 598 76 78 637 508 277 40 23 / 800 1250 25~40 210 275 638 652 640 650 433 Φ49 280 598 76 78 637 508 277 40 23 550* 800 1600 31.5 210 275 638 652 640 650 433 Φ55 280 598 76 78 637 508 277 40 23 / 800 2000 40 210 310 638 652 640 650 361 Φ79 295 586 77 88 698 536 277 0 23 550 800 1250~2000 50 210 310 638 652 640 650 361Φ79295 586 77 88 698 536 277 0 19 550 1000 2500 31.5 275 310 838 852 838 850 361 Φ109 295 586 77 88 698 536 377 0 31 / 1000 3150 31.5 275 310 838 852 838 850 361 Φ109 295 586 77 88 725 536 377 0 31 / 10002500~400040~50275310 838 852838 850361 Φ109295586 77 88 725 53637731750**Note:Forced air cooling is required at 4000A. * 40kA only. ** 50kA only.E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker7E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerOutline and dimension of E-VAC EP circuit breaker (fixed type)E-VAC fixed type vacuum circuit breaker (210 phase space)Rated Rated shortcurrent circuit breaking(A) current (kA) H J E K B N Y1\Y2630~125025~31.527523771.54370555I 12504027523771.54370551II160031.5~4027523771.54370551II 200040310252804493614III1250~200050310252804493614IIIE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 8E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerOutline and dimension of E-VAC EP circuit breaker (fixed type)E-VAC fixed type vacuum circuit breaker (275 phase space)Rated Rated short current circuit breaking (A) current (kA)M Z1\Z2 2500 31.5 628 IV 3150 31.5 678 V 2500~400040~50678VE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker9E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerSecondary control connection diagram of E-VAC EP series vacuum circuit breaker (drawout type) The diagram shows the circuit breaker in test position, opening, discharged statesE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 10E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerSecondary control connection diagram of E-VAC EP series vacuum circuit breaker (fixed type) The diagram shows the circuit breaker in opening, discharged states11E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerE-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit BreakerE-VAC EP series vacuum circuit breaker selection table1. Circuit breaker models□E-VAC (drawout type)□ E-VAC (fixe d type)2. Parameters of E-VAC EP series vacuum circuit breaker Panel width (mm) Breaker phase Rated short circuit Rated working current (A)spacing(mm) breaking current (kA) □630 □1250 80021025 □630□1250□ 160031.5 □1250 □ 1600 □ 2000 40 □1250 □ 1600□ 2000 501000 275 25 □2500 31.5 □2000□ 2500□ 315040 □1250 □ 1600 □ 2000 □ 2500 □ 3150 □ 4000* □□□ □□□1250 1600 2000 2500 31504000*50* Forced air cooling is required at 4000A.* * The specifications such as the need to purchase, please contact Eaton. 3. Technical parameters of spring operating mechanism Opening power supply (V) □DC110 □ AC110 □ DC220 □ AC220 Closing power supply (V)□DC110 □ AC110 □ DC220 □AC220 Spring charging motor power supply (V)□DC110 □ AC110 □ DC220 □AC2204. Optional configuration (standard option includes trip free device. Please note if the trip free device has to been canceled)□ Overcurrent release □ 2 Overcurrent □ 3 Overcurrent□A□ Closing latch □ V □ Position latch □ V□ Trip free relay □ V □ Undervoltage release □V□ Operating handle□ Quantity neededNote: Technical parameters of products will be changed without notice. Please confirm withEaton corporation before ordering.E-VAC EP Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 12•Electrical solutions that use less energy, improve power reliability andmake the places we live and work safer and more comfortable•Hydraulic and electrical solutions that enable machines to delivermore productivity without wasting powerWe deliver:Discover today’s Eaton.•Aerospace solutions that make aircraft lighter, safer and less costly tooperate, and help airports operate more effciently•Vehicle drivetrain and powertrain solutions that deliver morepower to cars, trucks and buses, while reducing fuel consumption and emissionsPowering business worldwideAs a global diversif ed power management company, We provide integrated solutions that help make we help customers worldwide manage the power energy, in all its forms, more practical and accessible. needed for buildings, aircraft, trucks, cars, machinery and businesses.With 2014 sales of $22.6 billion, Eaton has approxi-mately 99,000 employees around the world and sells Eaton’s innovative technologies help customers manage products in more than 175 countries.electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more reliably, eff ciently, safely and sustainably.Eaton is a power management company with approximately 97,000 employees. The company provides energy-efficient solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. Eaton sells products to customers in more than 175 countries. For more information, visit . Electrical Sector Asia PacificNo. 3 280 Nong Linhong RoadChangning DistrictShanghai, China 200335© 2016 Eaton Corporation Eaton is a registered trademarkAll Rights Reserved of Eaton Corporation.Printed in ChinaE-VAC EP-EN All trademarks are property of theirMay 2016 respective owners.。
英文简历中的常用词汇able 有才干的,能干的adaptable 习惯性强的active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 与蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有懂得力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理认确实candid 正直的competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富制造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的telligent 懂得力强的learned 熟知某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的eady 踏实的systematic 有系统的rposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温与的erate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的telligent 懂得力强的learned 熟知某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的eady 踏实的systematic 有系统的rposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温与的erate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的个人资料常用词汇name 姓名in. 英寸pen name 笔名ft. 英尺alias 别名street 街Mr. 先生road 路Miss 小姐district 区Ms (小姐或者太太)house number 门牌Mrs. 太太lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高bloodtype 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省birthdate 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视ID card 身份证date of availability 可到职时间membership 会员、资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事society 学会association 协会secretary-general 秘书长research society 研究会工作经历常用词汇work experience 工作经历occupational history 工作经历professional history 职业经历specific experience 具体经历responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业achievements 工作成就,业绩administer 管理assist 辅助adapted to 习惯于accomplish 完成(任务等)appointed 被认命的adept in 善于analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的behave 表现break the record 打破纪录breakthrough 关键问题的解决control 操纵conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用create 制造demonstrate 证明,示范decrease 减少design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除enlarge 扩大enrich 使丰富exploit 开发(资源,产品)enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业evaluation 估价,评价execute 实行,实施expedite 加快;促进generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵improve 改进,提高initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新invest 投资integrate 使结合;使一体化justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)maintain 保持;维修modernize 使现代化negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名;被认命的overcome 克服perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行profit 利润be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为realize 实现(目标)获得(利润)reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的refine 精练,精制registered 已注册的regenerate 更新,使再生replace 接替,替换retrieve 挽回revenue 收益,收入scientific 科学的,系统的self-dependence 自力更生serve 服务,供职settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低……效能simplify 简化,精简spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格supervises 监督,管理supply 供给,满足systematize 使系统化test 试验,检验well-trained 训练有素的valuable 有价值的target 目标,指标working model 劳动模范advanced worker 先进工作者介绍离职原因常用词汇for more specialized work 为更专门的工作for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满sought a better job 找到了更好的工作to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作介绍业余爱好常用词汇hobbies 业余爱好play the guitar 弹吉他reading 阅读play chess 下棋play 话剧long distance running 长跑lay bridge 打桥牌collecting stamps 集邮play tennis 打网球jogging 慢跑sewing 缝纫travelling 旅游listening to symphony 听交响乐do some clay scultures 搞泥塑A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇)education 学历educational history 学历educational background 教育程度curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包含specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)supervisor 论文导师pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数examination 考试degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor(Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生abroad student 留学生undergraduate 大学肆业生government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生graduate 毕业生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)day-student 走读生简历中个人情况常用语:Position Desired:HR ManagerName: ******** Sex: Male/FemaleDate of birth:June2,1975 Address: *****Marital Status:Single/Married Post Code: 100001Height: 1.70M Weight: 50 kgPager: 191-2222222 Tel: 12321456Current AnnualSalary:50,000 RMB英文简历中介绍工作经验常用语■Dunphy & Reilly,Inc.Senior Internal AuditorConducted operational and financial audits of manufacturingsubsidiaries. Designed and implemented audit programs to test theefficiency of all aspects of accounting controls.Recommended changes and improvements to corporate anddivisional management.Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof accounting controls.Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof the audit engagement.Involved with corporate management in areas of acquisitionand corporate development.■DEVONSHIRE EQUIPMENT,INC,Loretto,PAStaff AuditorPlan,identify,and test controls;present findings and recommend actionsto management.Assist in the audits of New England,Northwest,NewJersey,Washington,D.C.,Southeast,and Great Lakes Districts and U.S.Areas General Ledger Group.■EMERSON ASSOCIATES,Wayne,NEoffice ManagerArrange logistics for office expansion and relocation.Establish office procedures and systems.Actuate/implement filing system,client billingsystem and bookkeeping.Order supplies;maintain inventory.Handle word processing and receptionist responsibilities.■Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CAComponents Evaluation EngineerResponsible for the characterization and evaluation of,and approvedvendors list for:Power supplies,oscillators,crystals,and programmablelogic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommendedquality componentsthat increased product profitability.Created and developed power supplytest plan used for evaluating third party power supplies.Interacted withvendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification. Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to Engineerll.■Experience:1.Previous job____________________________________Position________________________________From______________to_______ 2.Present job________________________________________________________ Position________________________________From______________to________ Interests___________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________Date _________________________要求薪水常用语■My salary requirement is in the $100,000-$120,000range with appropriate benefits.I would be willingto relocate for the rightopportunity.■Thesalary required is 12,000 per month,living in the house.■I am quite willing to start with a small salary.■I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a smallsalary.■I got five thousand and five hundred per month.个人特长常用语:■Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.V ersedin both digital and analog electronicswith specific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and componentwork supervisor responsible for installing/maintainingArcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programminglanguagesL.Excellent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal.■IBM:WordPerfect,Word for Windows;Maclntosh:Microsoft Word,FileMaker.■A T&T and Compaq PC's with Samna program;data entry,CRT,typing(55wpm)■Maclntosh:Pagemaker,Word.IBM and Macintosh.Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Word.■Maclntosh:Pagemaker,Word.IBM:WordPerfect,Excel and rBase.■Proficientin Microsoft Word,WordPerfect,Lotus 1-2-3,and Quark.Working knowledge of the French language.■Typing(60 wpm),Shorthand(60-70 wpm),WANG Word Processing,knowledge ofother word processing systems.Fluency in German,good verbal and writtencommunications skills.■Systems:Lexitron,PTS100,IBM Personal ComputerSoftware:WordStar,Accounting Plus,Symphony,Lotus1-2-3,WordPerfect,DOS,Microsoft Word■At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest.■I have received an ordinary English education,and have a slightknowledge of Spanish.I took a Spanish course in college.■I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute,andtypewriting at 55 words English.■At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest.英文求职信个人能力说明英文coverletter在表述了自己申请职位的原因之后通常要针对招聘方的要求或者qualification表述自己什么能力能与之匹配,继而胜任这一工作。
关键词再生稻;丰产增效技术;优化构建中图分类号 S511 文献标识码 A文章编号 0517-6611(2021)22-0036-05doi:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2021.22.008开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Study on High Yield and Efficiency Enhancement Technology of Ratooning Rice under Rice-rice Annual Planting System along the Yangtze RiverKONG Ling-juan FENG Jun WANG Yong-wu1 et al (1.Anhui Province Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Hefei, Anhui 230001;2.Tongcheng Planting Administration Bureau, Tongcheng, Anhui 231400)Abstract Ensuring food security, improving multiple cropping index and developing efficient planting modes such as ratooning rice are important ways to stabilize food production, so as to solve the problems caused by the sharp reduction of labor force, low comprehensive benefits and the change of management subject.Through the analysis of temperature and light meteorological historical data, the screening test of high-quality varieties with moderate maturity and strong regeneration,and the exploration of pile height and fertilizer operation research mode in regeneration season under mechanized cultivation conditions, we systematically summarized and optimized after the breakthrough of key technologies, constructed the high-yield and efficiency increasing technology of regeneration rice under the rice annual planting system along the Yangtze River, and successfully demonstrated and popularizes it in a large area.Key words Ratooning rice;High-yield and efficiency-increasing technology;Optimized construction随着农村劳力锐减、综合效益低下以及经营主体的改变,安徽省双季稻种植面积不断下滑、减少。
Read Operation............................................................................................................. 12 Write Operation ............................................................................................................. 13 Precharge ..................................................................................................................... 13 Burst Termination ......................................................................................................... 13 Refresh Operation ........................................................................................................ 13 Power Down Mode ....................................................................................................... 14 Input Clock Frequency Change during Precharge Power Down Mode ........................ 14 Mode Register Operation .............................................................................................. 14 Publication Release Date: Nov. 29, 2011 Revision A03
英语阅读觉知策略一、英语阅读觉知策略的中文翻译与英文解释1. 中文翻译“英语阅读觉知策略”:English reading awareness strategies。
2. 英文解释Awareness in English reading strategies refers to the conscious understanding and perception that readers apply during the process of reading English texts. It involves being aware of various elements such as the text structure (e.g., beginning, middle, and end; different paragraphs' functions), the purpose of the reading (whether it is for general understanding, finding specific information, or analyzing the text), the language features (vocabulary usage, grammar patterns, and rhetorical devices), and one's own reading process (such as comprehension difficulties, areas of confusion, and the speed of reading). By being aware of these aspects, readers can better adjust their reading methods, improve reading efficiency, and enhance comprehension.二、运用英语阅读觉知策略的情况及例子1. 情况一:初读文章确定主旨大意时- 例子1:When reading a news article about a scientific discovery. For instance, an article titled “New Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment”. By using awareness strategies, the reader first looks at the headline, which gives a clue about the main topic. Then, quickly scanning the first and lastparagraphs can help identify the overall message, like whether it's about a new treatment method, its potential impact, etc.- 例子2:Reading a short story. In a story called “The Lost Key”, the reader can be aware of the setting and main characters introduced at the very beginning. By skimming through the initial paragraphs, one can get a sense of where the story takes place (e.g., in an old mansion) and who the key characters are (maybe a young detective and the owner of the mansion), which helps in understanding the general plot.2. 情况二:寻找特定信息时- 例子3:When looking for a particular date in a historical document. Say, in a text about World War II, if one needs to find out the date when a certain battle started. Using awareness of the text structure, the reader might know that dates are often mentioned along with events in a chronological order. So, they can quickly scan the relevant parts of the text (such as sections dealing with military operations) to find the specific date.- 例子4:Searching for a product's price in a shopping catalogue. In a catalogue full of various products and descriptions, the reader, being aware of the common layout where price information is usually placed near the product name or description, can efficiently locate the price of the item they are interested in, for example, a new smartphone.3. 情况三:遇到不熟悉的词汇时- 例子5:While reading a literature passage with some archaic words. For example, in a passage from a Shakespearean play, when coming across words like “thou” and “thee”. By being aware of the context (the overall theme of the play, the relationship between characters) and the historical period of the writing, the reader can make an educated guess about the meaning. If the play is about a conversation between two friends in a love triangle, and “thou” is used by one character to address another, it can be inferred that it i s a form of “you” in an old - fashioned way.- 例子6:Reading a scientific research paper with specialized terminology. In a paper about genetics, terms like “allele” and “genotype” may be unfamiliar. The reader can use awareness of the subject area (genetics) and the overall flow of the paper. If the paper is discussing inheritance patterns, and “allele” is mentioned in the context of different forms of a gene, the reader can start to understand its meaning based on that context.4. 情况四:分析文章逻辑关系时- 例子7:In an argumentative essay. For example, an essay arguing for or against the use of renewable energy sources. The reader can be aware of the logical structure, such as the introduction stating the thesis (the main argument), the body paragraphs presenting supporting evidence or counter - arguments, and the conclusion summarizing the main points. By understanding this structure, the reader can betterevaluate the strength of the argument. If the body paragraphs lack relevant evidence or if the counter - arguments are not properly addressed, the reader can identify these flaws in the logic.- 例子8:Reading a mystery novel where the plot is full of twists and turns. By being aware of the logical connections between events, the reader can start to piece together the mystery. For instance, if a character's strange behavior is mentioned early on, and later on, a missing item is discovered, the reader can suspect that the character may be involved in the disappearance. The awareness of these logical relationships helps in predicting the outcome of the story.5. 情况五:理解文章文化背景时- 例子9:When reading a story set in a different culture. For example, a folktale from an African tribe. The reader needs to be aware of the cultural values, traditions, and beliefs of that tribe. If the story involves a character performing a certain ritual, understanding the cultural significance of that ritual (maybe it's a rite of passage or a way to appease the gods) helps in fully grasping the meaning of the story and the character's actions.- 例子10:Reading a travelogue about a foreign country. In a travelogue about Japan, when the author mentions concepts like “omotenashi” (the Japanese spirit of hospitality), the reader, by being aware of Japanese culture, can better understand the experiencesdescribed in the travelogue, such as the high - quality service in Japanese hotels and restaurants.三、个人观点English reading awareness strategies are extremely important for English learners. They not only help in improving reading comprehension but also enhance the overall reading experience. By being conscious of various elements in the reading process, readers can become more efficient and independent learners. These strategies can be developed over time through practice and exposure to different types of English texts. Teachers should also focus on teaching these strategies in the classroom, guiding students to be more aware of their reading habits and how to adjust them according to different reading tasks.。
关键词:装备制造;世界五百强;全要素生产率;资源错配中图分类号:F276.6;F425文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-292X(2020)11-0103-07Research on Total Factor Productivity of China's Equipment Manufacturing Industry------Evidence from the World's Top500EnterprisesXU Xiao-hui,LI Xin-ying,KE Han(Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,Urumqi Xinjiang830012,China) Abstract:China has always taken highly valued attitude towards the equipment manufacturing industry.Although China has high input in various production factors,its input and output do not match,and the huge input in R&D has not brought corresponding output,and there are still problems of core parts missing and neck sticking.In this context,this paper selects the samples of the world's top500equipment manufacturing enterprises to measure and decompose the total factor productivity using deap software,establishes theoretical hypothesis and uses Stata to do dynamic panel test to study the influencing factors of industrial input-output efficiency,and tries to make a breakthrough in the problem of input-output mismatch.Based on the empirical study of R&D investment,operating capacity and intangible assets as the core explanatory variables,this paper concludes that resource mismatch leads to low TFP,and puts forward several development suggestions according to the test results.Key words:Equipment manufacturing;Top500in the world;Total factor productivity;R esource mismatch—、引言制造业母机的装备制造产业,是我国高科技核心技术展现最集中的产业,因而装备制造业在我国是创造核心科技的“国之重器”产业,从行业数据足以看出装备制造业在我国有着很重要的地位。
过滤介质Filter medium
滤饼Filter cake
板框式压滤机Filter press
叶滤机Leaf filter
转鼓过滤机Drum filter
带式过滤机Belt filter
盘式过滤机Pan filter
预涂助滤剂的过滤机Precoat filter
滴滤池Trickling filter
浮法(1)floatation (2)flotation
甲烷发酵Methane fermentation
混和液中挥发性悬浮物质Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids
灰处理装置Ash handling equipment
灰沉淀池Ash settling pond
锅炉效率Boiler efficiency
循环比Circulation ratio
安全阀起跳实验Safety valve operation test
负荷实验Load test
排污罐Blowdown tank
混和比Weight ratio of solid to gas
螺旋输送机Screw conveyer
振动输送机Vibrating conveyer
滚轴输送机Roller conveyer
斗式提升机Bucket elevator
平台给料机Table feeder
定量给料机(1)constant feeder
砂滤器Sand filter
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP) tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost-per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved-gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas-lift valve 气举阀gas-liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive-displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo-steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curre 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water-sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well-killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油 crude oil天然气 natural gas方钻杆 kelly钻杆 drillpipe泥浆泵 mud pump转盘 rotary table封隔器 packer旋转钻井 rotary drilling固井 cementing裸眼完井 openhole completion井口 well head扶正器 centralizer三次采油 tertiary recovery射孔 perforating油管 tubing油井流入动态 inflow performance relationship 井底流压 bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数 productivity index增产增注措施 stimulation近井地带 near-well bore region含水率 water cut最终采收率 ultimate recovery剩余油 remaining oil提高采收率 IOR水驱 water flooding原始地质储量 OOPI(original oil in place)流度比 mobility ratio有效渗透率 effective permeability孔隙体积 pore volume上冲程 upstroke下冲程 downstroke润湿性 wettability聚合物驱 polymer flooding。
污泥吸附SO2---Adsorption of SO2 on Sewage
Adsorption of SO 2on Sewage Sludge-Derived MaterialsS V E T L A N A B A S H K O V A ,†A N D R E Y B A G R E E V ,†,‡D A V I D C .L O C KE ,§A N D T E R E S A J .B A N D O S Z *,†Department of Chemistry and International Center for Environmental Resources and Development,The City College of New York,New York,New York 10031,and Department of Chemistry,Queens College,CUNY,York,Flushing,New York 11367Sewage sludge-derived materials carbonized at tem-peratures between 400and 950°C were used for adsorption of sulfur dioxide from dry and moist air.The materials were characterized using sorption of nitrogen and thermal analysis.The sulfur dioxide capacity was measuredaccording to a laboratory-developed breakthrough test.It was found that the capacity of the adsorbents increases with increasing temperature of carbonization.It is likely that during carbonization at high temperatures such catalytic metals as calcium become active.They play a significant role in the SO 2removal process by neutralization of sulfuric acid formed as a result of oxidation of sulfur dioxide in wet conditions.Besides sulfuric acid,various sulfur-containing salts are formed.It was shown that,after their removal using water washing,the SO 2capacity significantly decreased.IntroductionAdsorption of sulfur dioxide on carbonaceous materials has been extensively studied (1-17).Activated carbon and activated carbon fibers have been found to be efficient adsorbents for the low-temperature removal of SO 2.It is believed that sulfur dioxide is adsorbed with two adsorption energies on activated carbons (3-12).The low energy,about 50kJ/mol,corresponds to weak physical adsorption,and the second,about 80kJ/mol,corresponds to chemisorption (11).The former process is likely to occur in small pores and is governed by microporosity and the pore size distribution of the activated carbon (12,13).The strong adsorption is related to the presence of oxygenated groups on the carbon surface (3,6,8,10,11,13),which are believed to be catalytic centers for sulfur dioxide oxidation to SO 3(14).Since usually the process is carried out in the presence of moisture and oxygen,sulfur dioxide is oxidized to sulfuric acid as the final product of the reaction.It was also found that three forms of adsorbed sulfur oxides could be present in such a situation.They are as follows:weakly adsorbed SO 2,physically adsorbed SO 3(after oxidation of SO 2),and strongly adsorbed H 2SO 4(5-13).The removal of the adsorption products from the carbon depends on the features of the carbon surface and thechemical nature of the oxidation products and their adsorp-tion energies (9).For example,the presence of strong basic groups on the surface strengthens the bond of sulfuric acid to the surface causing the low efficiency of its water extraction.On the other hand,an increase in surface acidity may result in enhancing both the adsorption of SO 2and the feasibility of water regeneration (9).The role of pore structure is not so well-defined (11,13).Overall,the capacities of activated carbon and carbon fibers under ambient conditions reported in the literature are of the order of a few miligrams to 100mg/g of carbon bed (10,18).Recently,we showed that materials obtained from sewage sludge-derived fertilizer can work efficiently as hydrogen sulfide adsorbents (19,20).Their origin is in biosolids,which are mixtures of exhausted biomass generated in the aerobic and anaerobic digestion of the organic constituents of municipal sewage along with inorganic materials such as sand and metal oxides.Since 6.9million t of biosolids (dry basis)was generated in 1998and only 60%was used beneficially (21),their conversion into useful materials is desirable.The problem of biosolid disposal is of major concern to environmentalists,especially in Europe where the standards for the heavy metal content of sewage sludge-derived fertilizers are 100times tighter than that in the United States (21).Municipal sewage sludge has been utilized in many ways.The most frequently applied are incineration,landfilling,road surfacing,conversion to fertilizer,compressing into building blocks,and carbonization (22,31).The last option is described in several patents (23-27).The resulting materials have been proposed to be used for removal of organics in the final stages of water cleaning (26)and removal of chlorinated organics (27).The materials obtained from carbonization of dewatered sewage sludge,with or without the addition of various activating agents,usually have surface areas between 100and 500m 2/g.Reports on their performance as adsorbents of acidic gases differ (28-31).For example,the capacity for the adsorption of SO 2reported by Lu was less than 10%of the capacity of Ajax activated carbon (31).When the performance for H 2S adsorption was compared,the capacity of the sludge-derived adsorbents was only 25%of the capacity of Calgon carbon,IVP 4x6(30).Our recent studies (20)showed that sludge-derived adsorbents have a higher capacity for hydrogen sulfide removal than coconut shell-based carbon,which is considered an alternative to the caustic impregnated carbons currently used in water treatment plants.The objective of this study is to determine the sulfur dioxide sorption capacity of sludge-derived adsorbents in comparison with the performance of coconut shell-based activated carbons.Differences in capacities result from differences in porosity,surface chemistry,and inorganic constituents of the adsorbents.All of these have an effect not only on the sorption capacity but also on the chemical nature of the oxidation products.Experimental SectionMaterials.The dewatered sewage sludge-derived product marketed as an organic fertilizer,Terrene,was obtained from the New York Organic Fertilizer Company (Bronx,NY)in the form of 3mm diameter granules with an approximate 5%water content.The chemical and structural properties of this sludge product are described elsewhere (19,20).It contains approximately 35%inorganic matter mainly in the form of iron,aluminum,and silicon oxides and carbonates and 60%organic matter.The sorbents used in this study were obtained*Corresponding author e-mail:tbandosz@;telephone:(212)650-6017;fax:(212)650-6107.†The City College of New York.‡Permanent address:Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology,Ukraine.§Queens College.Environ.Sci.Technol.2001,35,3263-326910.1021/es010557u CCC:$20.00©2001American Chemical SocietyVOL.35,NO.15,2001/ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY93263Published on Web 07/06/2001by pyrolysis of Terrene at temperatures between400and 950°C in a nitrogen atmosphere in a fixed bed(horizontal furnace).The samples are referred to as SC400,SC600,SC800, and SC950(the numbers represent the pyrolysis temperatures of400,600,800,and950°C,respectively).For comparison,experiments were done using the as-received carbon manufactured from coconut shells by Waterlink Barnebey and Sutcliffe,S208.The sorbent was ground,and the granules were the same size as the carbonized Terrene(1-3mm).The prepared materials were studied as adsorbents for sulfur dioxide in the dynamic tests described below under dry and wet conditions.After the concentration of SO2in the effluent gas reached350ppm,the samples were considered as exhausted for sulfur dioxide adsorption,and each sample is identified by adding the letter“E”to its designation. Adsorbent samples not subjected to prehumidification(see below)are designated with the letter“D”.To investigate the effects of soluble inorganic salts,5g of initial or exhausted materials was washed in a Soxhlet apparatus for2days using300mL of water.The content of metals as calcium,iron,copper,and zinc was then evaluatedusing the procedure described below.Methods.SO2Breakthrough Capacity.Dynamic tests were carried out at room temperature to evaluate the capacity of the sorbents for SO2removal under two sets of conditions, wet and dry.For the former,adsorbent samples were packed into a glass column(length60mm,i.d.9mm,bed volume 6cm3)and prehumidified with moist air(relative humidity (RH)80%at25°C)for1h.The amount of water adsorbed was estimated from the increase in the sample weight.Moist air(RH80%at25°C)containing0.3%(3000ppm)SO2was then passed through the column of adsorbent at0.5L/min. The breakthrough of SO2was monitored using a Micromax monitoring system(Lumidor)with an electrochemical sensor. The test was stopped at the breakthrough concentration of 350ppm.The adsorption capacities of each sorbent in terms of gram of SO2per gram of carbon were calculated by integration of the area above the breakthrough curves and from the SO2concentration in the inlet gas,flow rate, breakthrough time,and mass of sorbent.For each sample, the SO2test was repeated at least twice.The determined capacities agreed to within4%.To determine the capacity of the dry adsorbent,the experimental conditions were the same as those in the wet run except for the absence of water vapor.The amount of weakly adsorbed SO2was evaluated by purging the adsorbent column with air at0.5L/min immediately after the break-through experiment.The SO2concentration was monitored until its concentration dropped to5ppm.The process took about1-2h depending on the type of adsorbent.Nitrogen Adsorption.Nitrogen adsorption isotherms were measured using an ASAP2010analyzer(Micromeritics, Norcross,GA)at-196°C.Before the experiment,the samples were degassed at120°C to a constant pressure of10-5Torr. The isotherms were used to calculate the specific surface area,S N2;micropore volume,V mic;total pore volume,V t;and pore size distribution.All the parameters were determined using Density Functional Theory(DFT)(32,33).The relative microporosity was calculated as the ratio of the micropore volume to the total pore volume.pH.A0.4-g sample of dry adsorbent was added to20mL of deionized water,and the suspension was stirred overnight to reach equilibrium.The sample was filtered,and the pH of solution was measured using an Accumet Basic pH meter (Fisher Scientific,Springfield,NJ).Thermal Analysis.Thermal analysis was carried out using TA Instruments thermal analyzer(New Castle,DE).The heating rate was10°C/min in a nitrogen atmosphere at100 mL/min flow rate.Determination of Iron,Zinc,and Copper.The quantities of iron,zinc,and copper removed from sludge-derived adsorbents during washing were determined using a Com-putrace716polarograph(Metrohm)in the differential pulse mode.A sample of0.03M triethanolamine was the electrolyte used for the determination of iron,whereas copper and zinc were determined using a0.05M NH3/NH4Cl buffer solution. In all cases the standard addition method was applied with 0.20mL of sample and10mL of supporting electrolyte.The differential pulse polarography peaks for iron,zinc,and copper were at-1.04,-1.07,and-0.30V vs SCE,respectively.Determination of Soluble Salt Content.The amount of metal ions in the leachate was determined using a titration with0.005M EDTA titrant and eriochrome black-T indicator. The amount of sulfate ion was determined by measuring the change in transmittance at520nm using a Palintest system photometer of the leachate after adding200mg of BaCl2to 10mL of leachate.The calibration curve was determined using known concentrations of sulfate.Conductivity and total dissolved solids(TDS)were measured using a Corning conductivity meter.The two calibration standards had conductivities of1413µS and12.88mS.The concentration of calcium in the leachate was measured using a calcium ion-selective electrode with a Fisher Accumet pIon meter (Fisher Scientific,Springfield,NJ).The electrode was cali-brated using a range of calcium concentrations from1×10-5to0.1M.Results and DiscussionSO2breakthrough curves obtained under dry and wet conditions are presented in Figures1and2,respectively.For comparison,the curve obtained for the coconut shell-based activated carbon(S208)is included.The values of the adsorbent capacities in milligram SO2per gram of adsorbent are given in Table1.The capacity of the wet adsorbent,and to a lesser extent that of the dry material,increased with carbonization temperature.For the high-temperature-carbonized dry sample,the SO2removal capacity is ap-proximately half that of the wet adsorbent;for these materials, water enhances the adsorption process.In the case of coconut shell-based activated carbon,the presence of moisture has little effect on its SO2breakthrough capacity.For the sludge-derived adsorbents,as suggested by the thermogravimetric results(below),water may react with oxides present in the inorganic matrix causing formation of surface hydroxyls(34, 35).These results also suggest that with increasing carbon-ization temperature new reactive oxides are formed,e.g., FIGURE1.SO2breakthrough curves for sludge-derived adsorbents with no prehumidification.The breakthrough curve for a coconut shell-derived activated carbon,S208,is included for comparison.32649ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY/VOL.35,NO.15,2001calcium oxide,from decomposition of calcium carbonate (18,36).Indeed,for the sample obtained at low temperature,SC400,the SO 2capacities under dry and wet conditions do not differ significantly.However,carbonization at 400°C would not be expected to completely dehydroxylate the surface inorganic oxides (35).With increasing carbonization temperature the differences in capacity between dry and wet conditions increase,suggesting changes in surface chemistry enhanced by the presence of moisture.It is interesting that all samples except SC400have similar capacities under dry conditions.This is probably related to changes in porosity.As described previously (19)and listed in Table 2,the values of structural parameters are ap-proximately double when the carbonization temperature exceeds 400°C.In Table 1,it is seen that the amount of water adsorbed after prehumidification increases with increasing carboniza-tion temperature.Sample SC400does not follow this trend,presumably because incomplete carbonization of organic matter at 400°C leaves hydrophilic functional groups on the carbonaceous deposit that retain water.The importance of the role of water in the formation of surface species is reflected in the trends in the amount of weakly adsorbed SO 2.For all samples run under dry condi-tions,roughly 20%of the adsorbed SO 2was removed by air purging.The absence of water precludes the formation of sulfuric acid in the pore system.However,it is possible thatSO 2forms sulfites through reactions with calcium oxide and carbonate.As noted previously (19,20),the sludge-derived samples contain 3-6%calcium.For samples run under wet conditions,air purging removes approximately the same amount of SO 2for all adsorbents except SC400.For all these sludge-derived materials,the site for weak physical adsorp-tion must be the same.About 5%of the SO 2is weakly adsorbed on the activated carbon,about 5times more than for the sludge-derived materials.This suggests differences in the mechanism of adsorption on conventional carbons and sludge-derived adsorbents.These differences in the mechanism are also reflected in the changes in pH of the samples.For the sludge-derived adsorbents,a relatively smaller decrease in pH is found after exhaustion,leaving a neutral or slightly basic material.However,a drastic acidification occurs with the activated carbon,presumably caused by the formation of sulfuric acid in wet conditions.To evaluate the chemical nature of sulfur-containing species,differential thermogravimetric (DTG)experiments were carried out in nitrogen.DTG curves are presented in Figures 3and 4.The peak maximum temperature and range provide information on the nature of the adsorbed species while the size of the peak is related to their amount.On the basis of reports in the literature on similar systems,the first peak at temperatures less than 150°C corresponds to the removal of physically adsorbed water and the weakly adsorbed SO 2(7,10,11,15-17).We have to emphasize here that this weakly adsorbed SO 2is adsorbed stronger than that removed during purging (the samples used for TA analysis are after the purging process).The second peak,between 150and 350°C,indicates the presence of strongly adsorbed sulfuric acid (7,10,15-17).The third peak,between 350and 550°C,corresponds to dehydroxylation of surface hydroxyl groups (35)and/or volatilization of salts such as FeSO 4(boiling point 480°C (37))that are formed by reaction of metal oxides present in the starting material with adsorbed sulfurous acid.The last peak,between 700and 900°C,results from the decomposition of inorganic salts such as calcium carbonate (decomposition temperatures of aragonite and calcite are 825and 900°C,respectively (37))and calcium sulfite.Comparison of the DTG curves for the initial samples and the exhausted samples carbonized at T >600°C run under dry conditions shows a significant increase in the size of the first peak.Since no water was present,this increase corre-sponds to the loss of the weakly adsorbed SO 2.For samples SC800DE and SC950DE,the peak assigned to the strongly adsorbed sulfuric acid is present,but its intensity is low because of the absence of water.It is likely that some water from the atmosphere was adsorbed on the surface during the storage process after SO 2adsorption and beforethermalFIGURE 2.SO 2breakthrough curves for sludge-derived adsorbents using prehumidification and moist conditions.The breakthrough curve for a coconut shell-derived activated carbon,S208,is included for comparison.TABLE 1.Data for Various Adsorbents Studied under Wet and Dry (D)Conditions:pH before and after Exhaustion (E);SO 2Breakthrough Capacities,Amount of SO 2Desorbed by Air Purging after Breakthrough,and Quantity of Water Adsorbed during Prehumidificationsample pH/pH(E)SO 2breakthrough capacity (mg/g)SO 2desorbed (mg/g)H 2O adsorbed (mg/g)SC-17.0/6.7 5.10.4146.5SC-210.6/ 7.0/7.0 4.80.98SC-2D 10.6/10.412.0 2.33SC-3D 11.3/9.514.1 2.76SC-4D 10.7/8.814.5 2.90S20810.1/2.248.2 2.4772.9S208/D10.1/5.847.310.0TABLE 2.Structural Parameters Calculated from Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms,Estimated Hypothetical Volume of Sulfur Species asample S BET (m 2/g)S DFT (m 2/g)V mic (DFT)(cm 3/g)V t (cm 3/g)V mic /V t ∆V mic (cm 3/g)V sulf(cm 3/g)SC-141210.0060.0750.080SC-1E 1170.0030.0550.0550.0030.004SC-299920.0300.1150.261SC-2E 1180.0030.0490.0610.0270.009SC-31041060.0330.1070.308SC-3E 30270.0080.0560.1430.0250.021SC-41221040.0280.1000.280SC-4E 39320.0070.0530.1320.0210.028S2088808890.3590.4570.786S208E6906900.2800.2960.9460.0790.045aAssuming density equal to 1.62g/cm 3.VOL.35,NO.15,2001/ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY93265analysis.As a result of the reaction of SO 2under dry conditions with inorganic oxides or salts,the size of the peak near 800-900°C increases.For the exhausted samples run in the presence of moisture,the first peak is much larger than that for the dry-run samples.For the most carbonized material,SC950,which adsorbs the most water and SO 2,the peaks in the exhausted wet-run sample corresponding to loss of sulfuric acid and FeSO 4and/or CaSO 3are well-developed as compared to the starting material.These species are not formed at lower temperature of carbonization,suggesting a unique chemistry of the sludge sample prepared at 950°C,producing decomposition of calcium carbonate.DTG experiments done on the coconut shell-based carbon revealed a significant weight loss associated with the weakly adsorbed SO 2and a two-step weight loss between 200and 400°C.The first of these near 270°C results from the removal of surface-adsorbed H 2SO 4(7,17).The peak maximizing at 350°C probably corresponds to loss of sulfuric acid that is strongly bound to the surface of small pores in the carbon.A similar peak was found in a study of the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide on microporous activated carbons (38,39).In that study,the bonding with the surface was so strong that extensive water washing was not able to remove this sulfuric acid.In Table 3,we show the amount of sulfur dioxide adsorbed based on the breakthrough results (SO 2(BTh))(corrected for the air purge-desorbed amount)and the amount of SO 2in the form of S(IV)and S(VI)(S TA ).The latter was calculated for the dry runs,assuming that the first peak in the DTG curves represents the loss of SO 2and that the second peak represents the loss of H 2SO 4.A balance had been expected only for the dry runs and the activated carbon,because the first peak area cannot be corrected for the contribution ofthe loss of adsorbed water.In fact,it was found that the amount of water desorbed was smaller than the amount adsorbed.This apparent anomaly can be explained by the fact that some of the water adsorbed during prehumidifi-cation was consumed by hydration of SO 2and SO 3to produce sulfurous and sulfuric acids.These acids can further react with inorganic components of the adsorbents.Water was also consumed in hydroxylation of the surface.For the sludge-derived samples run under wet conditions,the amount of sulfur estimated from the first two DTGpeaksFIGURE 3.Differential thermogravimetric (DTG)curves for non-prehumidified sludge-derived adsorbents before and after exhaustion of sorption capacity with SO 2.The inset in the lower curve expands the curves from 200to 600°C.FIGURE 4.Differential thermogravimetric (DTG)curves for pre-humidified sludge-derived adsorbents before and after exhaustion of sorption capacity with SO 2.The inset in the middle curve expands the curves from 200to 600°C.The DTG curve for the prehumidified coconut shell-derived activated carbon is included for comparison.TABLE 3.Estimated Amount of Adsorbed Sulfur Dioxide from Breakthrough Capacity Test (SO 2(BTh))and Thermogravimetric Experiments SO 2(TA)sample SO 2(TA)(%)SO 2(BTh)(%)sample SO 2(TA)(%)SO 2(BTh)(%)SC-1E 0.47SC-3DE 1.30 1.13SC-1DE 0.250.38SC-4E 2.97SC-2E 0.93SC-4DE 1.39 1.16SC-2DE 0.350.96S208E 4.57SC-3E2.20S208DE1.952.9832669ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY /VOL.35,NO.15,2001is much larger than the amount estimated from the SO 2breakthrough capacity.The material balance cannot be obtained by considering the contribution of water to the formation of sulfuric or sulfurous acid,salts,or surface hydroxides.It should be noted that for the samples run under wet conditions the weight loss between 700and 900°C increased after exhaustion.This indicates that a significant amount of sulfur is present in the form of salts,which decompose at temperatures higher than 700°C.As expected,the results are different for samples exhausted in dry runs where good balance was found due to the lack of water interference.Analysis of the nitrogen adsorption isotherms provides information on the spatial deposition of the surface products.The structural parameters calculated from the isotherms are presented in Table 2.During outgassing under high vacuum at 120°C,it is likely that the weakly adsorbed SO 2was removed from the pore system,leaving only sulfuric and sulfurous acid or sulfites and sulfates.The results show a decrease in the surface area and pore volume in the exhausted materials.This decrease is more pronounced for samples carbonized at the higher temperatures.For samples SC800and SC950,the volume of the micropores was reduced by almost 90%.In Table 2is also presented the hypothetical volume of sulfur products,V sulf ,deposited on the surface assuming that their density is 1.62g/cm 3.This density represents an average value between the density of condensed SO 2(1.40g/cm 3)and concentrated H 2SO 4(1.83g/cm 3).For the high-temper-ature-carbonized samples,this volume is comparable to the decrease in the volume of the micropores,which indicates the gradual filling of these pores with the products of surface reactions.A significant decrease in the sorption capacity was also observed for the coconut shell-based activated carbon.As shown by other researchers (5,13),in the presence of air and moisture,the adsorption of SO 2by activated carbon with a pH in the basic range is promoted by its conversion to sulfuric acid.That this capacity decrease is greater than the hypo-thetical volume of acid (assuming that all SO 2is oxidized to H 2SO 4of density 1.83g/cm 3)suggests that the acid is deposited at entrances to the pores.These changes are seen in the pore size distributions presented in Figure 5.The very narrow first peaks centered at about 6Åwith high intensities indicate the presence of fine microporosity,probably within the carbonaceous deposit of the initial materials (19).After the adsorption process,the volume in these pores is significantly decreased from the blocking of the pore entrances,as is shown in Table 2.Pores similar in size to the SO 2molecule should be especially active in the process of physical adsorption of sulfur dioxide (11).Indeed,the plot presented in Figure 6clearly shows that for the dry run samples,where a chemical reaction with surfaceoxides is less probable,a good correlation is found (R 2)0.88for the dry-run points)between the amount of SO 2adsorbed and total pore volume (points corresponding to SO 2adsorp-tion on peat-based Norit carbon,R2030,with V t )0.282cm 3/g are added to better demonstrate the trend observed).For the wet-run,the correlation is not as good,probably because of the catalytic effect of the surface of the adsorbents.The catalytic effect of the surface chemistry of the sludge-derived materials on the normalized capacity (capacity per unit surface area of adsorbent)is visualized in Figure 7.The normalized capacity of the sludge-derived adsorbents,especially those produced at higher temperature,is much larger than that of the activated carbon.The significantly higher activity of the surfaces of the adsorbents carbonized at 800and 950°C probably result from the combined effect of dehydroxylation of inorganic phase oxides and their solid-state reactions promoted at high temperature and reducing conditions.To investigate the effects of the inorganic phase,the initial and exhausted samples were subjected to Soxhlet extraction with water to remove water-soluble species.The weight changes produced by this treatment are summarized in Table 4.For the initial samples,although some water-soluble salts were removed from the surface,a small net weight increase was found.Presumably this is caused by the reaction of surface oxides with water to create hydroxyl groups.The affinity of sorbents toward water was changed after SO 2adsorption.Washing resulted in about 10%weight loss for samples,which adsorbed significant amounts of sulfur dioxide.This indicates that with increasingcarbonizationFIGURE 5.Pore size distributions for high-temperature-carbonized materials before and after exhaustion run under wetconditions.FIGURE 6.Dependence of the SO 2capacity on the total pore volume of the adsorbents.The line and the correlation coefficient refer to the data obtained under dry conditions (opencircles).FIGURE 7.Normalized capacity of the samples for SO 2under wet and dry conditions.VOL.35,NO.15,2001/ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY93267temperature the affinity of an inorganic phase toward reactions with sulfuric acid increased.This supports our hypothesis about the changes in the chemical states of metal oxides and salts at high temperature and the formation of sulfates or sulfite during SO 2adsorption in wet conditions.The concentrations of catalytically active metals such as iron,zinc,and copper in leachates were measured.The results revealed that concentrations of zinc,cooper,and iron were almost negligible (<0.001%the total weight loss).It follows that their amounts were too small to account for significant weight loss of exhausted samples.To find differences in the content of salts before and after SO 2adsorption,conductivity measurements,sulfate ion analysis,EDTA titrations,and potentiometric analyses of calcium were performed.The results are presented in Table 4.For the exhausted samples,the conductivities,total dissolved solids,total EDTA-titrateable metals,and sulfate and calcium concentrations are all larger for the exhausted materials than for the initial materials.This can only result from the conversion of adsorbed SO 2into water-extractable salts on the surface of the sludge-derived adsorbents.It is interesting that for SC950the amount of SO 42-present in the surface corresponds to the amount of SO 42-formed from SO 2adsorbed on the surface (4.50%as compared to 4.47%determined from SO 2adsorption).Another important finding is an excellent linear correlation between the amount of metal cations and the amount of sulfate ions present in the leachates from both initial and exhausted samples (R 2)0.985)(Figure 8).This suggests that the soluble salts are predominantly in the form of sulfates of divalent metal ions.Since the amount of calcium present in the leachates corresponds to about 60%of the amount of sulfate,the balance of the sulfate must be in the form ofsulfuric acid and associated with divalent metal ions other than calcium (as indicated above the amount of copper,zinc,or iron in leachates was negligible).This significant amount of calcium clearly indicates that CaO formed during car-bonization from CaCO 3present initially and subsequently partly hydrolyzed to Ca(OH)2are the main contributors to the removal of sulfur dioxide through their reaction with sulfuric acid to form soluble sulfates (36).Further support for this is the fact that,after the exhausted samples were washed,the SO 2breakthrough capacity decreased to 15and 12mg/g for SC800and SC950,respectively.It is interesting that the breakthrough capacity values obtained for both initial and exhausted samples after extensive washing are similar.This suggests that after removal of chemically active salts and oxides some SO 2can be adsorbed in the carbon pore system.Since the structural parameters remain similar,the adsorption of SO 2is comparable.The results presented here imply that at least two types of active sites for SO 2adsorption are present on the surface of the sludge-derived adsorbents.The first is metal oxides or hydroxides in the mineral matter,and the second is active sites on the carbon surface.The amount of the metallic active sites can be estimated from the increase in the amount of water-extractable ions from the initial to the exhausted.The dependence of the amount of SO 2adsorbed per unit surface area on the increase in sludge-derived adsorbent soluble ion content per unit surface area is shown in Figure 9.Since the capacity of the adsorption catalytic system is expected to reach a limiting value when all active sites are exhausted,we fitted the results assuming that a Langmuir -Hinshelwood surface reaction model is followed (40).The results presented in this paper demonstrate that sewage sludge-derived materials can work efficiently as adsorbents for sulfur dioxide from moist air.The SO 2on the surface of these materials is first physically adsorbed,oxidized to SO 3,and then converted into sulfuric acid.The acid reacts with inorganic oxides and/or salts to create soluble sulfates.Calcium oxide is the principal reactant for neutralization of sulfuric acid in the pore system of the adsorbents.The reaction proceeds until the active inorganic species are consumed.Removal of salts from the surface significantly decreases the adsorbent capacity,leaving the possibility of physical adsorption and oxidation to SO 3.The samples carbonized at higher temperatures are more active because of the presence of chemically active calcium oxides and high dispersion of catalytic metals.TABLE 4.Weight Change on Leaching,Leachate Conductivity,Total Dissolved Solids (TDS),EDTA-Titrateable Metal Cation Content (Me n +),SO 42-Content,and Calcium Contensample wt loss (-)/gain(+)(%)con-ductivity(µS)TDS (g/L)Me n +(mmol/g)SO 42-(mmol/g)Ca 2+(mmol/g)SC-1+1.64750.2370.0650.0230.048SC-1E -7.69410.4690.1840.2110.105SC-2+2.34250.2100.0480.0430.056SC-2E -4.77390.3660.1320.1290.125SC-3+1.52490.1260.0660.0250.060SC-3E -5.98470.4300.2200.1990.147SC-4+2.63660.2760.0250.0200.046SC-4E-8.413971.0500.4570.4610.314FIGURE 8.Relationships between sulfate concentration and calcium concentration (in leachate)and sulfate concentration and EDTA-titrateable soluble ions (inleachate).FIGURE 9.Relationship between the amount of SO 2adsorbed per unit surface area of adsorbent and the increase in soluble ion content of the adsorbent.The line is fitted to the experimental data points using the Langmuir -Hinshelwood (L-H)surface reaction model.32689ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY /VOL.35,NO.15,2001。
英文回答:China has recently achieved a major breakthrough in aerospace with the successful test flight of the Long March-8 rocket, signaling a significant advancement in the development of reusable space technology. This milestone represents a crucial step towards the country's aim to reduce the cost of space missions and enhance overall efficiency. The introduction of this new generation of carrier rockets is a testament to China's steadfastmitment to sustainable space exploration, with a focus on cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness.随着长征八号火箭试飞成功,我国最近在航空航天领域取得了重大突破,标志着再利用空间技术发展取得显著进展。
China has been making some serious strides in both rocket and satellite technology. The new Gaofen-13 satellite they launched is a big deal, giving China a top spot when ites to earth observation. With its super detailed imaging and wide coverage, this satellite is going to be a game-changer for monitoringnatural resources, tracking environmental changes, and helping out with disaster relief. It's clear that China is reallymitted to pushing their space tech to new heights, and it's not just for their own benefit, but for the whole world.我国在火箭和卫星技术方面都取得了一些重大进展。
stata中test用法 -回复
一、基本语法和选项在Stata中,`test`命令的一般语法如下:test [hypothesis] [options]其中,`hypothesis`表示待检验的假设,可以是参数的等式或不等式。
可以使用如下命令:test x1 = x2该命令将进行一个t检验,检验`x1`和`x2`系数之间是否存在显著差异。
可以使用如下命令:test [model1] = [model2]`model1`和`model2`表示两个模型的表达式。
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid—fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP) tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing—tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost—per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved—gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas—lift valve 气举阀gas—liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive—displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo—steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curre 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water—sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well—killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油crude oil天然气natural gas方钻杆kelly钻杆drillpipe泥浆泵mud pump转盘rotary table封隔器packer旋转钻井rotary drilling固井cementing裸眼完井openhole completion井口well head扶正器centralizer三次采油tertiary recovery射孔perforating油管tubing油井流入动态inflow performance relationship 井底流压bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数productivity index增产增注措施stimulation近井地带near-well bore region含水率water cut最终采收率ultimate recovery剩余油remaining oil提高采收率IOR水驱water flooding原始地质储量OOPI(original oil in place)流度比mobility ratio有效渗透率effective permeability孔隙体积pore volume上冲程upstroke下冲程downstroke润湿性wettability聚合物驱polymer flooding。
如何利用切换系统(Switching System)提高测试效能
Keithley Parametric Curve Tracer (PCT)- High Power SMUs and ACS Control SoftwareAgenda1. Keithley Instrument Intro. 2. Overview of Keithley’s semiconductor test offerings 3. Parametric Curve Tracer overview 4. Power device market drivers 5. Parametric Curve Tracer configuration details 6. Discussion & Conclusion2Keithley Instrument Intro.3Keithley and Tektronix: Where We Are HeadedCombined, Tektronix and Keithley are very strongComplementary products – the widest range in T&M Customers rank combined brand superior Starting to leverage distribution channels Increased investment in new products Guided by ingenuity, precision, and simplicity4吉時利儀器簡介專精於高階電性量測儀器,擁有超過60年以上的研發經驗– 為全球專業的電子製造商提供高準確度用於產品測試、過程 監控、產品發展和研究的各種測量解決方案。
– 針對各產業特性開發解決方案。
例如: 半導體、光電、平面顯 示器、通訊、電腦週邊、汽車 …總部位於美國Ohio州Cleveland市,全球有超過100個銷售 服務據點– 台灣、日本、韓國、中國大陸、新加坡、美國、英國、德國 … – 各地分公司擁有完整維修與技術諮詢能力不斷創新與突破– 多次諾貝爾獎得主,使用Keithley儀器量測發表研究成果而獲 將獎產品範圍DC/AC儀器和系統 - 專業儀器和系統DC/AC儀器和系統 - 靈敏性量測DC/AC儀器和系統 - 波形產生器DC/AC儀器和系統 - 電流源-電壓源-數位多功能電錶-電源量測儀器(SMU)半導體測試系統和軟體-半導體參數分析儀-Capacitance Voltage Unit (CVU)-Ultra High Speed Pulse Measure Unit (PMU)Self-heating effects on MOSFET-半導體開關系統(K2700, K3706A, K707B)Matrix System Mux System-半導體參數測試系统-半導體參數測試系统(Cont’)-半導體參數測試系统(Cont’)ACS BASICAutomated Characterization Suite (ACS)常用配件 - IEEE-488/GPIB界面常用配件 - 測試治具和導線Overview of Keithley’s semiconductor test offerings23Semiconductor Testat Keithley24Keithley Semiconductor Characterization SolutionsFrom p.60 of Keithley Sales Guide, September 2012 Edition25Parametric Curve Tracer Overview26What is a Parametric Curve Tracer?A configurable benchtop system for characterizing power devicesComprehensive solution including instruments, cables, test fixture, software, test libraries, and sample devices World Class measurements to 3KV and 100A Cost-effective Easy field upgrades, scalable and reconfigurable Supports both Parametric and Trace test modes27What is Trace Test Mode?Generates rapid visual results of device characteristics Requires real-time operator control based upon visual inspection of test results (graph, plot)– The “knob” for the Tektronix curve tracer – The slider for the Keithley Parametric Curve TracerUsed to determine condition of device (bad or good) or boundaries of device (breakdown voltage) Common in– Device development – Failure analysis28What is Parametric Test Mode?Each test has clearly defined variables (e.g. start, stop, and step levels of sweep) Outputs precise digital data, which is necessary for parameter extraction (e.g. hfe, RdsON, gm) Operator controls test programmatically. Tests can run automatically without operator intervention. Common in– Device qualification – Process monitoring – Data sheet generation29Why parametric curve tracer configurations?Tektronix curve tracer was the primary test instrument for power devices– Combined high power with interactive controlIncreased interest in power devices requires parametric analysis However, power device engineers also want the familiar, interactive control of the Tektronix curve tracer The Keithley parametric curve tracer configurations combine precise device parameter measurements with the interactive and visualization benefits of a curve tracer– In many cases, these configurations are a suitable alternative for the Tektronix Curve Tracer for characterizing power devices30Semiconductor Test and the Parametric Curve Trace configurationsCompanies involved in: Integrated Circuits Discrete & Power Components Flat Panel Displays Electronic Systems Manufacturers. Consumers of discrete & power components)Research & Education Facilities31Example Parametric Curve Tracer CustomersAIST, Denso, Fuji Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Renesas, Rohm, Toshiba, ToyotaJapanABB, Azzurro, Bosch, Fraunhofer Institute, IMEC, Infineon, NXP, Semikron, ST Micro, Vishay,Cree, EPC, Fairchild, GE Global Research, GeneSiC, International Rectifier (IRF), IXYS, Linear Technology, Microsemi, National Semi, OnSemi, RFMD, SemiSouth, TI, Transphorm, numerous universities and national labs32Market Drivers33Market DriversGreen movement– Improved energy efficiency– Motor drivers, power supplies, lighting (LEDs), IT (servers)– Energy generation and management– Alternate sources of energy such as solar and wind turbines– Energy regulation policies– Energy efficiency standards (voluntary and mandatory), Power Factor Correction (PFC) policiesIncreasing use of electronics in transportation industry– Power control elements in all vehicles – Critical for HEV/EVPower semiconductor devices are critical to all of the above!34So how does this relate to semiconductor devices?Opportunities for energy efficiency improvement exist in products we interact with daily. One of the most common products is the switchmode power supply (SMPS). SMPS are more efficient and lighter weight than linear power supplies– Still, the SMPS accounts for >10% total system weight of PC. Making a more efficient SMPS will produce a lighter end product. – Still, lots of power is wasted in SMPS. Average desktop PC is only 50% efficient.Diagram from On Semiconductor “Overview of Energy Efficient Solutions”Background on Power Semiconductor DevicesPower semiconductor devices are in all areas of energy modification AC to DC conversion (rectification)– Happens almost every time an electrical device is plugged into a wallDC to AC conversion (inversion)– Motor control, transporting bulk power (DC from solar panel to supply AC power within a company or residence)DC to DC– Used for voltage regulation. Used often in mobile devicesAC to AC– Changing voltage or frequency36light dimmer circuitHigh Power Device - OverviewThe driving factors for lots of interest in power semiconductor performance improvements Role of semiconductor components in the switching power supply– Diode – BJT – MOSFET – IGBTRole of advanced materials in improving power semiconductor device performanceExample: The role of power semiconductor devices in the switching power supplySemiconductor switches (e.g. MOSFETs) and diodes are largest determinants of switching power supply efficiency– Fuels increased interest in design and test of power semi devicesPower supply designers evaluate components for their designsDiagram from On Semiconductor “Overview of Energy Efficient Solutions” 38Parametric Curve Tracer Detail39Keithley Parametric Curve Tracer ConfigurationsFrom p.64 of Keithley Sales Guide, September 2012 Edition40What is included in each Parametric Curve Tracer configuration?From p.66 of Keithley Sales Guide, September 2012 EditionAdditional Notes •Parametric Curve Tracer configuration are fixed •Customer supplies PC with Model 2600-PCT-*. Keithley includes PC with Model 4200-PCT-*.41Parametric Curve Tracer software: ACS-Basic 2.0For fast and simple single device testing!Parameter Extract42Keithley Parametric Curve Tracer DemonstrationConnect instruments to the test fixture Start ACS-Basic Install device in test fixture Select the test mode: parametric or curve tracer Select a device and a test Run43Keithley Parametric Curve Tracer Demonstration44Series 2600B and 2650A SMUsModel 2636B SMU •Two independent SMU channels •Up to 200V •Up to 10A pulsed •0.1fA measurement resolution Model 2651A SMU •Up to 50A pulsed (up to 100A with 2 units) •Up to 2000W pulse / 200 W DC power •Pulse widths from 100us to DC •High speed and integrating ADCs Model 2657A SMU •Up to 3000V, Up to 180W of power •4-Quadrant operation (source and sink power) •1fA measurement resolution •High speed and integrating ADCs45Series 2600B and 2650A SMUs – Flexibility and SpeedEach SMU is a completely independent instrument– Can be used alone or as a component of a larger systemVirtual backplane (TSP-Link) includes enhanced communication and triggering features– Nearly simultaneous synchronization between instruments on the backplane46Series 2650A ADCsIntegrating ADC 24-bit resolution Maximum reading rate = 20kHz Simultaneous voltage and current measurements ensured by dual ADCs Useful for high accuracy measurementsFast ADC 18-bit resolution Maximum sample rate = 1 MHz Provide high speed measurements without external instruments Useful for transient characterization, especially pulse integrity inspection47Series 2650A accessories for optimal performanceHigh Current, Low Inductance, Low Resistance Cable– Custom design – Critical for achieving 100us pulses at 100A – Supplied with Parametric Curve TracerHigh Voltage Low Noise Triaxial Cable– Custom design – Critical for achieving guarded pA-level current measurements at 3kV – Supplied with Parametric Curve Tracer48Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization SystemA an integrated semiconductor parameter analyzer that contains– Source-Measure Units (SMUs) – 200V, 1A– Capacitance meters– Ultra-Fast I-V and Pulse cardsThis is the only reason to have 4200 in a parametric curve tracerIncludes PC and Window-based, point-and-click GUI that enables the user to quickly and simply set up and run tests, and analyze data For more details on Keithley Model 4200, refer to KI20149Model 8010 Test FixtureProvides safe environment for testing at 3kV and at 100A Includes test sockets for TO-220 and TO-247 packages and custom devices. Easy to use banana connections Includes laminated, full-color connection guide50。
fstpd计算公式(一)FSTPD计算公式简介FSTPD(Fast Software Testing Performance Diagram)是一种用于评估软件测试性能的方法。
时间效率指标1. 测试速度测试速度是指完成一个测试用例所需的时间。
可以通过以下公式计算:测试速度(TC) = 测试用例执行的时间总和 / 测试用例的数量示例:如果执行100个测试用例的总时间为200秒,则测试速度为2秒/用例。
2. 测试生产力测试生产力是指在单位时间内能够执行的测试用例数量。
可以通过以下公式计算:测试生产力(TP) = 测试用例的数量 / 测试用例执行的时间总和示例:如果在60秒内执行了30个测试用例,则测试生产力为个用例/秒。
资源利用率指标1. 测试资源利用率测试资源利用率是指测试资源的有效利用程度。
可以通过以下公式计算:测试资源利用率(TRU) = 有效使用测试资源的时间总和 / 测试用例执行的时间总和示例:如果在200秒的测试时间中,有150秒是有效利用测试资源,则测试资源利用率为。
2. 测试用例复用率测试用例复用率是指被多次执行的测试用例的比例。
可以通过以下公式计算:测试用例复用率(TCR) = 被多次执行的测试用例数量 / 总测试用例数量示例:如果总共执行了100个测试用例,其中有60个是被多次执行的,则测试用例复用率为。
质量评估指标1. 测试缺陷发现率测试缺陷发现率是指在测试过程中发现的缺陷数量与发现时间的比例。
可以通过以下公式计算:测试缺陷发现率(DFR) = 发现的缺陷数量 / 测试用例执行的时间总和示例:如果在200秒的测试时间中发现了10个缺陷,则测试缺陷发现率为个缺陷/秒。
2. 缺陷密度缺陷密度是指在软件中每个模块或代码行中的缺陷数量。
可以通过以下公式计算:缺陷密度(DD) = 缺陷数量 / 软件模块或代码行数示例:如果在一个包含10000行代码的软件中发现了100个缺陷,则缺陷密度为个缺陷/行。
下面是一个示例代码,用于生成一些随机数据来拟合Weibull失效率函数:```{r}library(rstdio)set.seed(123)time <- rweibull(100, shape = 2, scale = 100)status <- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = pweibull(time, shape = 2,scale = 100))```在上面的代码中,我们使用rweibull函数生成100个符合Weibull 分布的随机数作为故障时间数据,然后使用rbinom函数生成100个随机数作为故障状态数据。
接下来,我们可以使用weibull.fit函数来拟合数据:```{r}fit <- weibull.fit(time, status)```在上面的代码中,我们将故障时间数据和故障状态数据作为参数传递给weibull.fit函数,然后将拟合结果保存在fit变量中。
pbist原理PBIST原理解析1. 什么是PBIST•PBIST是”Parallel Built-In Self-Test”的缩写,意为并行内建自测。
2. PBIST技术的主要作用•检测逻辑芯片中的故障•对逻辑芯片进行测试•提升芯片的可靠性和性能3. PBIST的工作原理什么是内建自测•内建自测是指将测试电路集成到芯片中,通过硬件和软件来对芯片进行自动化测试的技术。
4. PBIST在芯片设计中的应用芯片制造过程中的PBIST•PBIST在芯片制造过程中用于对芯片进行测试,保证芯片的质量。
5. 总结•PBIST作为一种集成电路芯片测试技术,通过内建自测和并行测试的方式,可以有效地检测芯片中的故障并提升芯片的可靠性和性能。
embedded deterministic testing的基本作用
embedded deterministic testing的基本作用
Embedded deterministic testing(EDT)是一种用于嵌入式系统
1. 验证硬件设计:通过EDT可以验证硬件设计的正确性,包
2. 确保系统可靠性:EDT可以检测并验证嵌入式系统的功能
3. 降低测试成本:传统的测试方法需要依赖大量的人工操作和测试设备,费时费力且成本高昂。
4. 提升系统的可维护性:EDT可以在系统上运行自动化测试
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动作经济改善 HC 4↓ 9月-11月 Laihuayan
Key updates/ Risk / Next Step/Help Needed
下周计划 完成炉后皮带线采购单的下达 上周计划延后一周
HC 10↓ 9月-11月
下周计划 MES产出扫描取消选择排程动作 完成X2机型的并线,线体白晚班各缩减2人
HC 6↓ 9月-11月
Zhangshufen Yangyunbei
下周计划 计划排产原则输出—杨允北
Complete portion
On track
测试线体 Layout 变更(进行中)
Improve Items (6)
Improve Item:
Target / Result:
下周计划: 1、完成DEMO线网络、电气路施工 2、DEMO线精益桌制作完成
Complete portion
On track
Name Objective Status& Timeline Project Executive & Manager
Project Dashboard
Objective目标 Project Status& Executive & Timeline状态 Manager负责人
Key updates/ Risk / Next Step/Help Needed 完成自动化工装硬件方案设计、完成自动化工装采购需求单的提交
5 6 7
6. Communication
Object Team
Deliverables frequency Owner
Category Regular meeting
Guanjie zhangshufen
Improve Items (3)
Improve Item:
Target / Result:
Due Date
2014-10-17 2014-10-17
oning oning
Qiu genghui Wang zhongfei
Target / Result:
Improve Items (2)
Improve Item:
Target / Result:
Key Issues/Help Needed
Key Issues
点胶自动冷却皮带线 自动化工装 采购回复预计到位时间 提供测试站点自动化夹具设计终版定稿给采购,采购回复样品到厂时间
Help Needed
Owner to support
Lai huayan Gaofeng、Lai huayan Zhu yinliu、 Qiu genghui Zhu wenbin
Leader Guanjie、zhangshufen
测试 郑美玲,任巍, 杨存,张建新,李 向飞、王敏、刘 全二
工程 温高星,王锺飞、 刘伟27、刘传桂、 朱文斌,姚双
AMC 朱银柳 高峰 蓝碧峰
采购 林斯青 Lai Huayan
WWTE: 郭长勇
IE 林开雄
Improve Items (1)
Improve Item:
显示器高于人眼 物料暂放 在二层
Improve Items (4)
Improve Item: 点胶炉后 Layout 变更
1、10月第1周测试UPPH达到 35.2 2、完成X2机型的并线,线体总标配HC↓ 4人 3、完成DEMO线的定位与搬迁 3、完成炉后桌面滚轮冷却线的制作,单次拖动托盘时间减少3S
SMT&TEST Efficiency Breakthrough Kick Off 测试管理优化 测试自动化工装 测试layout 测试程序优化
3. Risk/dependency
3 4
Some improvements solutions need high cost of new equipment; Some improvements cycle will be too long to be finished on time;
Project Charter(Version 1.0)
1. Objectives anization Executive Leader Project target: TEST UPH increase from 210 to 332(↑58%); TEST UPPH increase from 25.4 to 33.0(↑30%);
导入自动化工装 设备
Gaofeng Laihuayan
下周计划: 1、完成自动化工装采购单下达 DEMO线位置已选定 精益桌样品改造完成
Linkaixiong Qiugenghui Zhuyinliu
Sponsor Jack Zhu/Sean Shen Facilitator Hongbo Support team AMC:Steven Gui&Tony WWTE:Guo Changyong Procurement: Rachel Zhang
PMO Chen Wenwen Meiling 、renwei
Target / Result: 省去铁盘冷却周转时间,约18S
简易自动冷却 滑轨台面
Improve Items (5)
Improve Item:
Target / Result:
PD:郑美玲,任巍,杨存,、张建新,李向飞、Eng.: 温高星,王锺飞、 刘伟27、刘传桂、朱文斌、WWTE: 汤木枞、IE: 林开雄/朱银柳/高 峰/蓝碧峰/汪长云 Chuangyi He
guanjie Jack Zhu, Sean shen
/zhengmeiling、 renwei
Leader Sponsor
Core members 2. Scope Include:
Product: SP and TB Process:TEST
5. Time frame Duration: 2013.9-2014.6
1 2
Due Date
2014.Aug. 2014.Sep 2014.Oct. 2014.Nov. 2014.Nov. 2014.Nov.