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•50 •冷机4封 —•第34卷
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研究[J].有机桂材料,2017, 31(6):451 -453.
Study and Application of Synergistic Dehydration of Silicone Defoamer
ZENG Lu-ming1,H U Ting1,L IU Yao-jun2, XU Chao1,WANG Jing1
(1. CNOOC Ener-tech Oilfield Chem ical Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin300451 ; 2.China N ational Offshore Oil International Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin300452)
Abstract:In order to solve the problem s of poor degassing and dehydration caused by high viscosity, high gas content, and sh ort treatm ent in a Bohai oilfield, the effect of dissolved gas on dehydration of crude oil w as studied by dehydration test in the laboratory. The defoam ing perform ance and its synergetic dehydration of th e self-made silicone defoam er were investigated. The results show th a t the bubbles form ed by the dissolved gas hinder th e dehydration. The addition of defoam er elim inates the bubbles in the crude oil quickly, thereby improving the dehydration effect of the dem ulsifier. It is also show n th a t by adding 20 mg/L of the silicone defoam er into the secondary separator, the liquid level of oil chamber of the separator reduces greatly, the w ater content of the crude oil a t all levels of equipm ent in the system is reduced, and the volum e fraction of w ater in transporting crude oil has been reduced from 2% to 0. 8% , which m eets the export standards of on-site crude oil.
Key w ords:silicone, defoamer, dissolved gas, synergistic dehydration
5月7日,陶氏公司推出了陶熙(DOW-SIL)™TC-4040点胶式导热硅凝胶。它也可以 作为间隙填缝料。这些关键特性使其能更好地应 对5G设备中因高功率密度带来的高发热情况。此外,它作为双组分热界面材料和填隙料,可以 手动或自动程序操作的方式完成点胶或印刷,从 而取代传统的不同厚度的预制导热垫片。新材料 支持室温固化或加速固化,并保持可靠的热性能 和机械性能。陶氏表示:“5G网络和云计算系 统运行时会产生大量热量,这一情况对电信网络设备及其它先进设备中的热界面材料的散热性能 要求极高。全新的TC-4040点胶式导热材料是 对陶氏公司系列热传导产品的创新性补充,在优 秀的热性能和机械性能之间实现精准平衡c/’这一全新产品支持自动点胶、丝网印刷,由于材料填充负荷较高,可使用柱塞泵和柱塞计量 泵进行点胶。在使用点胶针头的情况下,由于黏 度较高,该产品具有优越的挤出速率,此外还表 现出精确的组件覆盖率。这一高导热材料的热导 率为4W/(m_K)。该产品具有稳定的性能和易 于储存的特性,室温条件下其保质期长达6个 月。产品在各类极端环境(如150T x1 〇〇〇h老 化等)测试中均表现出稳定可靠的热管理性能。