Character Contrast in Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller
• Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman stems from both Arthur Miller’s personal experiences and the theatrical traditions in which the playwright was schooled(培养). The play recalls the traditions of Yiddish theater that focus on family as the crucial element, reducing most aspects of the play to a family level.
Brief introduction
• Arthur Miller is one of the leading American playwrights of the twentieth century. He was born in New York City in 1915, the son of a ladies-wear manufacturer who was ruined during the economic collapse of the 1930s. As a young man during the Great Depression,
• Miller was shaped by the poverty that surrounded him, which demonstrated to him the insecurity of modern existence. After graduation from high school he worked in a warehouse so that he could earn enough money to attend the Michigan University, where he began to write plays.
新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame
Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame
Skill Focus A. Scan the article to put the following X Scanning for Answers to “Wh-” statements into a correct order. Questions in an Interview a. The people research the are assistant In anway interview, many questions asked job. b. The reason for keeping a secret of a celebrity. and answered. Stay alert for questions c. beginning Her teaching with content. ―wh-‖ question words: who, d. The reason for her stay at the job for so long. what, where, when, why and how. Key e. The year when her book was published. information is often contained in the answers. f. The reason not to name horrible celebrities. g. Her general impression of celebrities. c b a e d g f ________________________________________
Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame
Translation Tan: They can talk to us. And to people who were assistants in the past. They can also read my book. I was a celebrity assistant for 25 years. Lee: When did your book come out? Tan: Last year. It’s about the responsibilities of the job. But I warn your readers---they may discover the job’s overrated. I describe things like waking up at four a.m. to clean up after a celebrity’s sick dog and then working until late the next night. Lee: That sounds disgusting . . . and exhausting! Why did you stay for 25 years?
第7章美国文学Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. American literature is mainly about the seeking of the American people for success and happiness. _____【答案】T【解析】美国文学主要是关于美国人民追寻成功和幸福。
2. Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fenimore Cooper. _____【答案】F【解析】《瑞普·凡·温克》是小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)的名篇。
3. The Leather-Stocking Tales consist of five novels depicting the American West. _____【答案】T【解析】《皮袜子故事集》是美国作家詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper)的系列小说,共包含《杀鹿者》(The Deerslayer)、《最后的莫希干人》(The Last of the Mohicans)、《探路人》(The Pathfinder)、《拓荒者》(The Pioneer)和《大草原》(The Prairie)等五部小说。
4. Before Mark Twain, all major American writers were born on the East Coast. _____ 【答案】T【解析】马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,生于美国密苏里州佛罗里达。
The Approach of Contra st i n Character i zati on of H a m let○Tian Zhongshan(Foreign L anguage Institu te,InnerM ongolia Polytechn ic U niversity,Hohhot,InnerM ongolia,Ch ina 010010) [Abstract] This paper is a study of the app r oach of contrast,which is e mbodied in Shakes peare’s master p iece,Ham let .By the comparis on bet w een Ha m let’s p r of ound thought and Laertes’s rashness and Claudius’s wickedness and oldHa m let’s l oftiness,we can see that contrast is one of the maj or app r oaches adop ted by Shakes peare in this work .This is an effective way t o make the characters’distinguishing pers onalities become more distinguishable .W hile Shakes peare’s great 2ness doesn’t lie in the adop ti on of this common way of writing,it lies in his flexibleness and masteries in his writing in the p r ocess of e mp l oying the app r oach of contrast . [Key words] contrast;characterizati on;Ham let [中图分类号]I 10614 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2007)1220072203 Shakes peare,the most outstanding dra matist all o 2ver the world,is very skilled in creating full bl ooded,rep resentative and vivid characters .The characters un 2der his pen see m t o be gifted with lives in his p lays .Among his 37dra mas,Ham let is one of the most re 2markable,in which Shakes peare shows his great talent of characterizati on .The characters in this p lay are all very i m p ressive .Each of the m has their distinctive in 2dividuality,f or exa mp le,the melancholy of Ha m let,the weakness and innocence of Ophelia,the wicked 2ness of Claudius,the pedantry of Pol onius,and s o on .Even Rosencrantz and Guildenstern become world 2wide household na mes,which stand for disl oyalty and treachery .T o achieve this vividness in dep icting characters,Shakes peare adop ts diversified skills,a mong which contrast is a very cons p icuous one .I n literary works,the e mp l oying of this app r oach can leave a very shar p and vivid i m p ressi on by menti oning t w o co mp letely dif 2ferent pers onages in one work .This paper is just goingt o discuss the app r oach of contrast in characterizati on e mp l oyed by Shakes peare in Ham let .Among the gallery of characters portrayed by Shakes peare in Ham let ,the most notable one is Ha m let unquesti onably .Shakes peare shows with great enthusi 2as m his p r of ound thought,his res olute deter m inati on and his l ofty s oul .Those distinguishing features be 2come more distinguishable in contrast against other characters’pers onalities .I n this p lay,several p l ots are woven t ogether .Both Ha m let and Laertes undertake t o avenge their fa m ilies on killing,whereas,they convey comp letely different pers onalities in their acti ons .I n the p r ocess of Ha m let’s revenge,his delay in acti on just shows his outstanding intelligence .A t the beginning of the st ory,he dis p lays his s orr ow f or his father ’s death and his mother’s hasty marriage .A t the sa me ti m e,in his deep s oul,he sus pects the real cause of his father’s death .Because he is s o intelligent he can see thr ough things .That’s why when the ghost tells hi m :27L I TERAT URE Tian Zhongshan /The App r oach of Contrast in Characterizati on of Ham letThe ser pent that sting they father’s lifeNow wears his cr own.(Shakes peare.V.38239) his res ponse is:“Oh,my p r ophetic s oul.”(V.60).I n s p ite of this str ong intuitive sus p ici on,he doesn’t ex2 hibit it.He doesn’t rush int o the cha mber of the as2 sumed murderer’s with a cr owd of mobs and questi ons the king directly:“Give me my father!”(,5),just as what Laertes does.Considerable grief at his father’s death and gr oundless g ossi p make Laertes l ose all his reas ons and s oberness,and he is driven nearly mad by the str ong desire of revenge:T o this point I stand,That both worlds give t o negligence,Let come what comes,only I’ll be revengedMost thor oughly f or my father.(..1332136)These words are the best portrayal of Laertes’s rashness;everything he does is urged by passi on and i m pulsiveness.W hile under the sa me circumHa m let’s perf or mance is sur p risingly composed.W hen the ghost comes and reveals hi m the murder of his fa2 ther,he is over whel m ed by shock and indignati on,but he is not conquered by these e moti ons.H is p rudent nature drives hi m t o questi on what others take f or gran2 ted,he says:The s p irit that I have seenMay be the devil,and the devil hath powerT’assu me a p leasing shape;(..5852587)So he has a p lay acted which rese mbles the death of old Ha m let,in order t o justify the king’s f oul deeds and find convincing evidence for the unnatural murder. W hen the guilty Claudius stands up and leaves the hall in fear bef ore the p lay ends up,everything becomes clear as clear can be.However,Ha m let doesn’t take i m mediate acti on when a good opportunity comes. Claudius,who is stricken by guilty consci ous is knee2 ling and atte mp ting t o p ray,al one.He could have kill2 ed hi m on the s pot,but when he dra ws his s word,he hesitates:Now m ight I do it pat,now he is a2p raying;And now I’ll do it,and s o he goes t o heaven,And s o I a m revenged.That would be scanned.(..71274)He gives up this extre mely favorable opportunity, because he wants t o destr oy his ene my’s s oul as well as body.He al w ays thinks the consequence of his deeds over and over again,that leads t o his delay in acti on, which just reflects his p r ofound pared with Ha m let,Laertes appears s o si m p le2m inded and reck2 less,and these weaknesses are taken advantages of by the crafty,sha meless king.Consequently,Laertes be2 comes the access ory t o the murder of p rince Ha m let.Fr om above,it is easy t o conclude that Ha m let’s intelligence and p rudence stand more vivid in contrast against Laertes’s rashness and naivety.The comparis on bet w een the t w o’s pers onalities creates a shar p contrast. Not only that,exa m ining the dra ma on the whole,it can be f ound that the app r oach of contrast p lays really an i m portant r ole in the portrayal of the i m age of Ha m2 paring with the weakness and purity of Ophel2 ia his res oluti on and strength appear more striking;in comparis on with the wicked Claudius,Ha m let’s i m age see m s even l oftier and nobler.T o s peak of Claudius,the e mp l oying of contrast is more obvi ous in the p r ocess of the creating of this i m2 age.It is known t o all,in this p lay Claudius pers oni2 fies all the f orces of evil.He pois ons his own br other t o death,and then marries his sister2in2la w unscrupul ous2 ly.H is ugliness see m s more p r ojecting in contrast with old Ha m let’s l oftiness.This f oll owing sentence appears in an i m passi oned s olil oquy of Ha m let:So excellent a king that was t o this,Hy peri on t o a Satyr.(..1392140)I n this s olil oquy he exhibits his extreme disgusting t o his mother’s marriage and shows his str ong distain t o his uncle.No more sentences in this seg ment can be found t o describe how ugly and repulsive Claudius is. The wonderfulness of e mp l oying contrast is it leaves a s pace f or the readers t o i m agine:how different old Ha m let is fr om Claudius is just as how different Hype2 ri on is fr om Satyr.A s the st ory g oes on,Ha m let’s a2 bom inati on t oward his uncle gr ows even str onger,when his cri m e has been justified.I n the queen’s cha mber,37语文学刊(高教・外文版) 2007年第12期Ha m let reveals Claudius’s baseness t o her which ren2 ders the queen’s heart br oken:Look here,upon this p icture,and on thisA combinati on and a f or m indeedW here every god did see m t o set his seal t o give the world assurance of a manHere is your husband,like m ild ear(..53256)By this shar p contrast any more descri p ti on is su2 perfluous,and the i m age of a des p icable king vividly appears in fr ont of the readers.By the analysis of the t w o i m ages—Ha m let and Claudius,the clear conclusi on is that the app r oach of contrast is one of the maj or app r oaches e mp l oyed by Shakes peare in the p r ocess of characterizati on in Ham2 let.Nevertheless,contrast is just a very common ap2 p r oach of characterizati on,which can be found in nu2 mer ous literary works in any era,but in Shakes peare’s hand,it becomes a most flexible and effective method. W hile what we shouldn’t ignore is that contrast is just one of the app r oaches of characterizati on adop ted byShakes peare,there are still other ways such as p sycho2 l ogical analysis.So it is not inapp r op riate t o say that Shakes peare is a great master of characterizati on.Under Shakes peare’s hands,even the most insignificant fig2 ures are fa m iliar t o the readers,and he hi m self is con2 sidered as the greatest dra matist in the world.【References】[1]Guo Qunying.B ritish L iterature[M].Foreign LanguageTeaching Research Press,2001.[2]L iu B ingshan.A Short H istory of English L iterature[M].He Nan Peop le’s Publishing House,1973.[3]Luo J ingguo.A N e w A nthology of English L iterature[M].Bei J ing University’s Publishing House,1996.[4]Shakes peare,W illia m.Ham let[M].Eds Cedric W alts,Crib street,W are,Hertfordshire:Words worth Editi onsL i m ited Cu mberland House,1992.[5]W u W eiren.H istory A nd A nthology of English L iterature[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000(revised ed.)对照手法在莎士比亚的代表作《哈姆雷特》中的运用田忠山(内蒙古工业大学外国语学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010010)[摘 要] 通过对哈姆雷特思想的深邃与雷欧提斯的鲁莽、哈姆雷特的高贵与克罗狄斯的卑鄙的对比,可以得出这样的结论:对照手法是莎士比亚在这部作品中采用的主要手法。
Arthur Miller的英文简介
Arthur Miller的英文简介Arthur Miller Arthur Miller is a great dramatist to come out of the 1940s; he has led the postwar new drama along with Tennessee Williams. Arthur Miller lived in the postwar period. The history background of this period multi-faceted: The world warⅡ leaves people in fright and disturbance. Cold war and McCarthyism intensify the sense of fright. People started to doubt that technique really can bring people bliss. Besides, baby boom leads to the surge of population, which causes many environmental problems. Civil right movement in the 1960s gives black people much motivation, promoting the flourish of post war African American literature. Literature in this period is considered as “multi-cultural” literature. Many forms of post-modern fiction appeared, such as metafiction, anti-novel, surfiction, etc. The same mood in this period is despair, but continuing to search absurdity of modern life; lonely, but searching for the meaning of existence; identity. A typical theme of Arthur Miller’s conce rns the dilemma of modern man in relation to his family and work. What occurs often in a miller play is that the hero finds himself under a pressure from his society and its ethics, tries in vain to extricate himself from the physical and spiritual quandary into which he has fallen and finds release only in death, often in the form of actual or virtual suicide. The world is harsh. There is little or no choice for the hero. Either he submits to the impossible demands of society, or he rejects them. He dies in either case. Miller is, however, not completely pessimistic. Reading his plays, one feels a faith in man and in life, however vague it may be, though very often gloom overweighs hope. Arthur Miller is best known as author of Death of a Salesman. It is a sad version of the American dream. The staging of death of a salesman, his masterpiece, won him the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize, and established him once and for all as a writer of no small talent. When miller did was to wipe out the old realistic stage setting and go back to the Elizabethan kind of stage where the audience saw a house which was only a frame.。
Arthur Miller
米勒受到歧视的犹太人身仹使他 始终以局外人之姿清醒地旁观美 国主流文化。
米勒兲注的焦点始终是生活 在美国社会幵与之斗争的个人, 绝大部分作品都在扮演其私人 生活中所遭遇的问题。于是他 的戏剧几乎成了20世纪前半期 美国历史的忠实记彔:大萧条, 二战,麦卡锡主义,冷战,这 些重大事件成了他重复使用的 戏剧背景。有人称之为 “美国的易卜生”。
In America, the Great Depression may be said to have begun with a catastrophic collapse of stock-market prices on the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929.
Tragedy and the Common Man
Winner of many literary and dramatic award, Miller is an important force in American drama. His major characters are ordinary and suffering individuals seemingly trapped by naturalistic circumstances. And yet, Miller points out, they have dignity if not human greatness.
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world.
1937: Rewrite of No Villain, titled, They Too Arise, receives a major award.
Heads east to join the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain during their Civil War, and decides not to go.
阿瑟米勒介绍 arthurmiller arthur miller source: weales, gerald. death salesmantext york: vikingpress, 1967. october 17, 1915 arthur aster miller newyork city. 1920-28: attends public school #24 harlem.1923: sees first play--a melodrama schuberttheater. 1928: bar-mitzvah temple.1929: father?s business fails familymove brooklyn.1932: graduates from abraham lincoln high school. registers nightschool citycollege, quitsafter two weeks. 1932: various jobs, including singing localradio station truckdriving. 1932-34: clerked auto-partswarehouse, where he onlyjew employed hadhis first real, personal experiences americananti-semitism. 1934-35: university michigan,studying journalism. reporter nighteditor studentpaper, michigandaily. 1936: writes sixdays receiveshopwood award drama.transfers englishmajor. 1937: rewrite villain,titled, tooarise, receives majoraward. heads east abrahamlincoln brigade spainduring civilwar, go.1938: graduates english.joins federaltheater project newyork city writeradio plays scripts
美国文学 阿瑟.米勒( arthur miller)
After graduating from high school, Miller worked jobs ranging from radio singer to truck driver to clerk in an automobile-parts warehouse. Miller began writing plays as a student at the University of Michigan, joining the Federal Theater Project in New York City after he received his degree.
Profoundly infln and the war that immediately followed it, Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche.
Miller told the New York Times: “It [the Depression] made you want to search for ultimate values, for things that would not fall apart under pressure."
Influence of The Great Depression on Miller
Although none of Miller's theater work is specifically autobiographical, it has been strongly influenced by his particular life experiences. An early influential event was the Great Depression of the 1930s
美国文学 阿瑟.米勒( arthur miller)
All My Sons is based upon a true story, which Arthur Miller's then mother-in-law pointed out in an Ohio newspaper. The story described how a woman informed on her father who had sold faulty parts to the U.S. military during World War II.
Henrik Ibsen's influence on Miller is evidenced from the Ibsen play The Wild Duck, where Miller took the idea of two partners in a business where one is forced to take moral and legal responsibility for the other. This is mirrored in All My Sons. He also borrowed the idea of a character’s
《推销员之死》1983年在北京人艺上演,由米勒亲 自导演。该剧是文革后第一个在中国上演的外国戏 剧。
Beijing in Miller’s 1979 Writing
As we drive away down the quiet Peking back streets, mazelike and narrow, the thought returns that hardly more than ten percent of Chinese live in cities, and that…. Quoted from Chinese Encounters Included in Echoes Down the Corridor (179)
阿瑟·米勒Arthur miller
Arthur Miller, the son of a women's clothing company owner, was born in 1915 in New York City. His father lost his business in the Depression and the family was forced to move to a smaller home in Brooklyn. After graduating from high school, Miller worked jobs ranging from radio singer to truck driver to clerk in an automobile-parts warehouse. Miller began writing plays as a student at the University of Michigan, joining the Federal Theater Project in New York City after he received his degree
• Death of a Salesman (1949)..........
• Radio plays(广播剧)
• • • • • • Joel Chandler Harris (1941) Captain Paul (1941) The Battle of the Ovens (1942) The Four Freedoms (1942) That They May Win (1943) Listen for the Sound of Wings (1943) • Bernardine (1944) • · I Love You (1944) • · Grandpa and the Statue (1944)............
An Analysis of the Tragic Elements of Death of a Salesman from the Angle of Humans’ RelationshipsContentsAcknowledgements (i)Abstracts in Chinese ................................................................................................................................ i i Abstracts in English ................................................................................................................................. i iI Introduction (1)1.1 Arthur Miller and his play of Death of a Salesman (1)1.2 The Main Content of the Play (2)II Relationships among people (5)2.1 The Relationship of Family Members (6)2.1.1The Relationship Between Willy and His Father (7)2.1.2 The Relationship Between Willy and His Elder Brother (7)2.1.3The Relationship Between Willy and His Son Biff (9)2.1.4The Relationship Between Willy and His Wife Linda (12)2.1.5 A Brief Summary of This Chapter (14)2.2 The Relationship of Social Members (15)III Literature Review (4)3.1 The definition of values .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
悲剧的体现英文作文高中Tragedy is a universal theme in literature, encompassing a range of emotions and experiences that evoke empathy and reflection from audiences. In high school English classes, students often explore various works that embody tragedy, examining the complexities of human nature, society, and the inevitable conflicts that arise. In this essay, we will delve into the manifestations of tragedy in literature, exploring its themes, characterizations, and impacts on readers.One of the primary ways tragedy is manifested in literature is through the portrayal of flawed characters whose actions lead to their downfall. These charactersoften possess admirable qualities but are ultimately undone by their fatal flaws, known as "hamartia" in literary terms. For example, in William Shakespeare's "Macbeth," the protagonist, Macbeth, is a valiant warrior whose ambition and desire for power lead him to commit regicide anddescent into madness. His tragic flaw, unchecked ambition,ultimately leads to his downfall and the destruction of those around him.Furthermore, tragedy often explores themes of fate and the inevitability of suffering. In Sophocles' ancient Greek tragedy "Oedipus Rex," the titular character attempts to defy the prophecy foretelling his patricide and incestuous marriage, only to fulfill it unwittingly. Despite hisefforts to escape his fate, Oedipus is inexorably drawn towards his tragic destiny, highlighting the tragic irony and powerlessness of human beings in the face of fate.Moreover, tragedy frequently delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms, exposing the flaws and injustices inherent in human society. In Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman," the protagonist, Willy Loman, grapples with the disillusionment of the American Dream and the pressures of societal expectations. His strained relationship with his sons andhis inability to achieve success in the eyes of society ultimately lead to his tragic demise, shedding light on the destructive nature of capitalist ideals and the pursuit ofsuperficial success.Additionally, tragedy often evokes a sense of catharsis in audiences, allowing them to experience intense emotions and gain insight into the human condition. Through witnessing the struggles and tragedies of fictional characters, audiences are prompted to reflect on their own lives and the choices they make. Tragedy serves as a mirror to society, revealing its flaws and inspiring change and introspection.In conclusion, tragedy is a pervasive and compelling theme in literature, exploring the depths of human suffering, flaws, and the complexities of existence. Through the portrayal of flawed characters, themes of fate, societal norms, and the evocation of catharsis, tragedy captivates audiences and provides profound insights into the human condition. By studying and engaging with tragic works, high school students can develop empathy, critical thinking skills, and a deeper understanding of the complexities of the world around them.。
ArthurMiller的英文简介Arthur Miller的英文简介Arthur Miller Arthur Miller is a great dramatist to come out of the 1940s; he has led the postwar new drama along with Tennessee Williams. Arthur Miller lived in the postwar period. The history background of this period multi-faceted: The world warⅡ leaves people in fright and disturbance. Cold war and McCarthyism intensify the sense of fright. People started to doubt that technique really can bring people bliss. Besides, baby boom leads to the surge of population, which causes many environmental problems. Civil right movement in the 1960s gives black people much motivation, promoting the flourish of post war African American literature. Literature in this period is considered as “multi-cultural” literature. Many forms of post-modern fiction appeared, such as metafiction, anti-novel, surfiction, etc. The same mood in this period is despair, but continuing to search absurdity of modern life; lonely, but searching for the meaning of existence; identity. A typical theme of Arthur Miller’s conce rns the dilemma of modern man in relation to his family and work. What occurs often in a miller play is that the hero finds himself under a pressure from his society and its ethics, tries in vain to extricate himself from the physical and spiritual quandary into which he has fallen and finds release only in death, often in the form of actual or virtual suicide. The world is harsh. There is little or no choice for the hero. Either he submits to the impossible demands of society, or he rejects them. He dies in either case. Miller is, however, not completely pessimistic. Reading his plays, one feels a faith in man and in life, however vague it may be, though very often gloom overweighshope. Arthur Miller is best known as author of Death of a Salesman. It is a sad version of the American dream. The staging of death of a salesman, his masterpiece, won him the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize, and established him once and for all as a writer of no small talent. When miller did was to wipe out the old realistic stage setting and go back to the Elizabethan kind of stage where the audience saw a house which was only a frame.。
捷进英语2综合训练 Unit4
Part II Vocabulary and StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.1. Mr. Brown started a doctor's degree but _____ out after only a year.A. droppedB. tookC. madeD. picked2. You'd better_____ the water until it has been boiled.A. not to drinkB. not drinkC. not drunkD. not drinking3. Sometimes determination is the only way to _____. You'll get what you want _____ one day if you don't give up.A. succeed; successB. success; successfulC. success; successfullyD. succeed; successfully4. Nancy had to shout _____ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hearB. to make herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard5. Mr. Wang asked us to make preparations for the meeting _____ next week.A. being heldB. heldC. to be heldD. to hold6. The flowers _____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. to smellB. smellingC. smeltD. to be smelt7. The football player was really disappointed at not _____ a winning goal in face of such a good chance.A. scoringB. to scoreC. kickingD. to kick8. The flu is believed _____ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A. causeB. being causedC. to be causedD. to have caused9. The fruit _____ fresh in his fruit stand sells well.A. lookingB. lookedC. lookD. to look10. _____ such heavy pollution already, it may be too late to clean up the river now.A. Having sufferedB. SufferingC. To sufferD. SufferedSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.11. Genes determine the (character) _____________ of every living thing.12. I shall be glad to give him any help if he (reveal) _____________ his thoughts to me.13. Even the most familiar American fast food joints can be (surprise) _____________ different abroad.14. A (compete) _____________ person is eager to be more successful than other people.15. Jackie Chan was offered to play the (lead) _____________ role in an Arthur Miller play.16. The victim injured in the traffic accident (award) _____________ damages of 80,000 dollars.17. Among all the applicants, which one do you think is the very person (qualify) _____________ for the position of sales manager?18. The system is falling most disastrously among less (academy) _____________ students.19. Everyone concerned acted with great courage and (determine) _____________.20. It's (fair) _____________ to blame him because he was not on the scene of the crime at the moment.Part III Reading ComprehensionTask 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements numbered 1 to 5. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A. B. C and D. You should make the correct choice.Extreme SportsSome people say extreme sports are dangerous. However, it is reported that regular sports are not all that much safer than extreme ones. Whatever sports you do, if you are not afraid of getting hurt, your enjoyment will be greater. That is especially true for extreme sports. Here is an introduction to three new extreme sports.Ostrich(鸵鸟) RacingSouth Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, USA are the two homes of ostrich racing. Why do some guys like to practise this extreme sport? In ostrich racing you can see four or even tenostriches marching forward at one time, and this is seriously strange. For the supporters, there’s a chance to ride an ostrich. Although if you don't want to be bitten or kicked, you can use carts(木车) shaped like ostriches for racing instead.BASE JumpingBASE stands for several words—Buildings, Spans, Earth. Spans mean bridges and Earth means cliffs (悬崖), but then the beauty of BASE jumping is that it's just launching yourself from anywhere possible with a parachute(降落伞) ready to go. Although BASE jumping dates back to 1978, it has been increasingly popular recently due to Internet videos. Every jump presents a new possibility.Bird Man SuitsThe bird man suit has a few names—the flying squirrel suit, wing-suit and bat-suit. It's a specially designed suit that lets you glide(滑翔) through the air at controlled speeds, adding a little extra to your usual skydiving experience. This is probably the closest we are going to get to flying. If combining this with BASE jumping, you'll get some seriously death-defying feelings of excitement!1. According to the passage, why is ostrich racing seriously strange?A. Because ostriches may bite and kick people.B. Because supporters have the chance to ride ostriches.C. Because four or even ten ostriches march forward at a time.D. Because it has two homes, South Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, USA.2. How long have people known about BASE jumping?A. More than 40 years.B. Less than 30 years.C. For nearly half a century.D. For almost 40 years.3. What can be inferred from the passage?A. You can only attend ostrich racing in South Africa.B. BASE jumping has been popular since 1978.C. Sometimes regular sports are more dangerous than extreme ones.D. Supporters have no choice but to use carts like ostriches for racing instead.4. The following places are all suitable for BASE jumping except _________.A. the Little MermaidB. Mount FujiC. the Leaning Tower of PisaD. the Tower Bridge5. Which function does the bird man suit NOT possess?A. It helps control flying speed.B. It helps squirrels and bats fly.C. It helps people experience gliding through the air.D. It can help people get seriously death-defying feelings of excitement.Task 2Directions: The following is an introduction on how to use a Multi Core Flex Home Gym. You willfind 5 questions, numbered 6 to 10. For each question, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice.How to Use a Multi Core Flex Home GymThe Multi Core Flex home gym is a piece of exercise equipment that trains your thighs and abs(大腿和腹肌) while massaging your back. The Health Care company has designed the machine to support your head, neck and back while you exercise. Padding along the back supports gives you a massage while you use your legs to rock yourself back and forth. The company claims that you will see results by using the home gym for just five minutes a day.Instructions1. Take the home gym out of its packaging and spread the pieces out on the floor. Follow the instructions to quickly assemble the home gym. It is a simple machine, and assembling it should only take a few minutes.2. Set the assembled home gym on the floor. Lay your head and neck on the head and neck supports. Your back will naturally align itself properly in the machine. If you have any confusion, consult the instruction manual.3. Use your legs to rock back and forth in the machine. The motion should slightly fatigue your thighs and abs while relaxing your back and neck.4. Continue the rocking motion for at least five minutes. To increase the challenge of the exercise, use only one leg to rock your body. Alternate legs every minute.Tips & WarningsIf you use the home gym for only five minutes a day, it will not change your body significantly. This is not enough work to improve fitness or health. Better exercises for body transformation and health improvement are jogging, swimming and resistance training. There is no “quick-fix” for losing fat; this takes time and diligence.6. The Multi Core Flex home gym designed by the Health Care company will NOT _______.A. train your thighs and absB. massage your backC. support your head, neck and backD. make you calm down7. How long does it take you to assemble the home gym?A. Just five minutes.B. Only a few minutes.C. Less than 5 minutes.D. Over 5 minutes.8. Which statement is NOT correct according to the passage?A. Five minutes a day of using the home gym will change your body significantly.B. The Multi Core Flex home gym is easily assembled.C. You can consult the instruction manual when confused.D. Losing fat takes time and diligence.9. What can you do if you want to add difficulty to the home gym exercise?A. Lay your head and neck out straight.B. Keep rocking for 5 minutes.C. Use your legs to rock back and forth.D. Use only one leg to rock your body.10. According to the passage, which of the following exercises is NOT considered more effective than the home gym exercise?A. Jogging.B. Swimming.C. Resistance training.D. Jumping.Task 4Directions: The following are some common sports terms. After reading them, you are required to find the items equivalent to(与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets.A—Physical EducationB—sports centreC—competitive sportD—sports powerE—sports circleF—sports activitiesG—sports meetH—ice sportsI—basketball courtJ—championship contestK—track and fieldL—free exercisesM—seeded playerN—all-round championO—team eventP—national teamQ—walking raceR—martial artsS—five-animal exercisesT— cheer leaderExamples: ( E )体育界( R )武术16.( )体育大国( )团体项目17. ( )全能冠军( )自由体操18. ( )啦啦队长( )种子选手19. ( )五禽戏( )竞技性运动20. ( )国家队( )田径运动。
了解戏剧的角色英文作文英文:Understanding the Roles in Drama。
Drama is a captivating art form that brings stories to life through the portrayal of characters. Understanding the roles in drama involves delving into the intricacies of character development, motivations, and interactions. Here, I'll explore this topic in detail, offering insights and examples to illuminate the essence of dramatic roles.Characters in a play serve as the driving force behind the narrative, each contributing uniquely to the story's progression. They can be protagonists, antagonists, or supporting characters, each with their own set of traits and purposes.Protagonists are the central figures around whom the plot revolves. They often face challenges and undergosignificant growth throughout the story. Take, for example, Hamlet in Shakespeare's famous tragedy. He grapples with existential questions and moral dilemmas, driving the action forward through his internal conflicts and external struggles.Antagonists, on the other hand, oppose the protagonist and create obstacles to their goals. They can be villains or simply characters with conflicting interests. In "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth serves as a compelling antagonist, manipulating her husband into committing heinous acts in pursuit of power.Supporting characters play vital roles in supporting the main narrative and fleshing out the world of the story. They can provide comic relief, offer guidance to the protagonist, or serve as foils to highlight certain aspects of the main characters. Consider the role of Mercutio in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." His wit and humor contrast with Romeo's romanticism, enriching the overall tapestry of the play.Beyond their basic classifications, characters in drama are also defined by their motivations, desires, and conflicts. These elements contribute to their depth and complexity, making them relatable and compelling to audiences.Motivations drive characters to act in certain ways and pursue particular goals. Whether it's love, power, or revenge, understanding a character's motivations provides insight into their behavior and choices. For instance, in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," John Proctor's desire for redemption motivates his actions as he struggles against the hysteria of the Salem witch trials.Desires shape characters' aspirations and drive the trajectory of the plot. They can be personal, such as a longing for freedom or recognition, or more universal, such as the pursuit of justice or truth. In Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," Blanche DuBois's desire for love and acceptance ultimately leads to her downfall.Conflicts, both internal and external, propelcharacters forward and create tension within the narrative. Internal conflicts, such as doubt or guilt, add depth to characters' struggles, while external conflicts, such as societal norms or physical obstacles, present challengesfor them to overcome. In Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun," the Younger family faces both internal and external conflicts as they strive for a better life amid racial discrimination and economic hardship.In conclusion, understanding the roles in drama involves recognizing the diverse array of characters and the complexities that define them. By exploring their motivations, desires, and conflicts, we gain insight into their humanity and the stories they inhabit.中文:理解戏剧中的角色。
四大悲剧主题英语作文1. Love and Passion: Love and passion are one of the main themes in tragedies. It is the intense emotions and desires that often lead the characters to their tragic downfall. Love can be both a driving force and adestructive force, as seen in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The passionate love between the two young lovers ultimately leads to their untimely deaths. Love can blind the characters and make them act irrationally, leading to tragic consequences.2. Fate and Destiny: Another common theme in tragedies is the idea of fate or destiny. The characters often find themselves in situations that they cannot escape, no matter how hard they try. This sense of inevitability adds to the tragic nature of the story. In Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, Oedipus tries to avoid his fate of killing his father and marrying his mother, but ultimately fails. The idea of a predetermined fate adds a sense of hopelessness and despair to the tragedy.3. Hubris and Pride: Hubris, or excessive pride, is a theme that often leads to tragedy. The characters'arrogance and overconfidence often result in their downfall. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the title character's ambitionand pride lead him to commit heinous acts and ultimately lead to his own demise. The theme of hubris serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the dangers of unchecked pride and ego.4. Moral Dilemmas: Tragedies often present characters with moral dilemmas, forcing them to make difficult choices that have dire consequences. These choices often involve conflicting values or duties. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the characters are faced with the choice of confessing to witchcraft or maintaining their innocence, even if it means death. The moral dilemmas presented in tragedies highlight the complexity of human nature and the consequences of our actions.In conclusion, the four main themes in tragedies are love and passion, fate and destiny, hubris and pride, andmoral dilemmas. These themes explore the depths of human emotions and the consequences of our actions. Tragedies serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of making wise choices.。
关于托物言志的作文英文回答:In the realm of literature, the technique of "托物言志," or "expressing one's feelings through objects," allows writers to convey their innermost thoughts, emotions, and aspirations by imbuing inanimate objects with symbolic significance. This method not only adds depth and nuance to literary works but also invites readers to engage in a deeper level of interpretation.Throughout history, countless writers have adeptly employed this technique. For instance, in William Wordsworth's famous poem "Ode: Intimations of Immortality," the speaker's sense of loss and nostalgia for childhood is expressed through the image of "trailing clouds of glory." Similarly, in Emily Dickinson's enigmatic poem "Because I could not stop for Death," the personification of Death as a gentleman caller serves to explore the inevitability of mortality and the speaker's complex feelings towards it.In Chinese literature, the concept of 托物言志 has been equally prevalent. The use of objects to convey personal sentiments can be traced back to the classical era, with notable examples found in the works of poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu. For instance, in Li Bai's famous poem "Quiet Night Thoughts," the poet's longing for home is symbolized by the lonely moon reflected in the water, while in Du Fu's "The Thatched Hut," the dilapidated state of the hut mirrors the poet's own hardships and frustrations.Beyond poetry, the technique of 托物言志 has also been effectively utilized in other literary genres, such as prose and drama. In the nov el "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo, the character of Jean Valjean's redemption is symbolically represented through his encounter with a bishop who offers him compassion and forgiveness. In the play "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, the protagonist Willy Loman's failure to achieve the American Dream is reflected in his obsession with the "jungle" that symbolizes the harsh realities of business.In conclusion, the technique of 托物言志, or expressing one's feelings through objects, is a powerful tool that enables writers to convey complex emotions and themes in a subtle and evocative manner. By imbuing inanimate objects with symbolic significance, writers can invite readers to engage in a deeper level of interpretation and connect with the universal human experiences that lie beneath the surface of words.中文回答:托物言志,通过对象表达心声。
Arthur Miller was born in a middle-class Jewish family. His father was a clothing manufacturer, but during the Great Depression, no money for the Arthur Miller to college. Miller had side of working in a warehouse in New York , while studying at the University of Michigan, in 1938 he obtained a bachelor's degree. Life of Arthur Miller received numerous awards, including the 1949 Pulitzer Prize, two New York Drama Critics Circle Award, Olivier Award for best plays. The Cold War in 1953 culminated, Miller has created his most famous a drama TheCrucible, "(translated as" purgatory "). The creation of this movie is in response to McCarthy, Senator of the suppression of the so-called Communist sympathizers. In the 80-year-old when he created alluding to Monroe works to complete the picture.Representative: "my son" (All the my sons, 1947), " Death of a Salesman "(Death of a salesman, 1949)," The Crucible "(The Crucible, 1953)," bridge overlooking "( A View from the Bridge, 1955) maintaining the event (Incident of at of Vichy, 1964), "Consideration" (The price, 1968), "the clock" (The American Clock, 1980)), theater, and also wrote the novel , the script.In college, he began writing scripts. "Luckily a man" is his first performances in the Broadway repertoire, and rehearsal only four games in 1944. Arthur Miller also publishes made several novels and short stories, published a number of travel and his wife, molas , about their travel in Russia and China .The United States half a century the most distinguished playwright , also wrote two novels . 1987 wrote a memoir, "Time Warp", when over seventy years, also wrote the screenplay "beyond the pale of Morgan Hill," and "The Last Yankee. His works point out problems, outspoken, known as the representative of the conscience of the 20th century. "Death of a Salesman" is a masterpiece of its most influential.The death of playwright Arthur MillerAmerican playwright Arthur Miller died due to heart failure in the United States, and the evening of February 10, 2005. He was 89 years old."We lost a giant. The 1999 Broadway version plays "Death of a Salesman," director Robert Fox said, "He demonstrated extraordinary art."Playwright Edward Albee , recalls Miller, "that we need to" praise his plays, and Albi, said: "I will go further to say that the drama of Arthur we must. "阿瑟·米勒出生在一个中产阶级犹太家庭。
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Character Contrast in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman WillyLoman the protagonist i. e. the salesman o f the title Linda LomanWilly's wife and the boy s' mother Biff Loman the grown- up son of Willy and Linda LomanHappy Loman the younger brother o f BiffCharley Willy 's neighbor and only friend Bernar d Charley's so n and a childhood friend o f BiffBen Willy's rich, older brotherFirst of all, a prominent contrast is dev eloped between Willy and Charey. Willy Loman is an ag ing door r- to- do or salesman living in Brooklyn.H e is lost in false hopes and illusions. He is obsessed with the American dream o f financial prosperity asepit omizedthroug h his except ionally successful big bro ther Ben. But the reality is harsh. T he sales firm he w orks for no long er pay s himsalary . Wor king on straight commission, Willy cannot bringhome enoug h money to pay his bills. After thirty- fo ur yearswith the firm, they hav e spent his energ y and discar ded him.His tw o sons, Biff and H appy , are also failur es, but Willydo esn't want to believe this. H e wants his sons, especially Biff,to succeed w here he has no t. H e believes his bo ys are g reat andcannot understand w hy they ar e not successful. As he hasgr ow n o lder, he has tr ouble disting uishing betw een the past andpr esent- between illusio n and reality and is oft en lo st in flash backs. He g rows incr easing ly insane, ev entually ending his lifein suicide. So many crit ics believ e that Willy is the tr agic hero ofthis play, w ho r epr esents the continua l failures in a ca pit alistsy stem.In co ntr ast, Char ley, Willy 's nex t doo r neighbor and o nlyfriend, stands fo r different beliefs and exemplifies the successthat Willy nev er could achiev e. Char ley owns his own sa les f irmand is a quite successful businessman. H e is respected and ad mired. H e and Willy do no t get alo ng ver y well, but they arefriends nonetheless. Charley is alway s being the voice of r easo nbut Willy is too stubbor n to listen to him. For instance, Charleywar ned Willy not to let his kids steal fr om a nearby constructio nsite and that the nig ht w atchman w ould event ually catch them.Willy said, I go t a co uple of fearless character s, and Charleysaid, The jails are full of fear less characters. Char ley is alsothe v oice o f r eality in the play , tr ying t o set Willy str aig ht o nthe facts of Willy's situatio n, but Willy refuses to listen. Fo r in stance, when the salesman is fired, he feels humiliated and moredesper ate than ever . H e goes straight to his fr iend Cha rley tobo rr ow money. Charley o ffers him a jo b. But Willy can't br inghimself to wo rk fo r Char ley because t his w ould be admit tingfailur e. H ere's the 500 dollar s, Willy , say s Charley , to w hichWilly is quick to r espo nd: You know I am g oo d for it, Char ley. Some critic once st ated, Willy's refusal, fr om t he stand point of dr amatic significance, seems less a pr oduct of his insani t y than o f his lifelong feeling of competition w ith Charley. Ac ceptance w ould hav e been tantamount to admitting that Char ley'sphilosophy had pr oved to be t he r ight o ne, and Willy simply isn't big eno ug h a man to make such an admission. In otherwo rds, yo u can lead a ho rse to w ater but y ou can't make himdr ink. Char ley tries to lead Willy to the fo untain o f know ledgebut Willy r efuses t o take in this pr ecious liquid. From above an alyses we can see that Charley is just Willey 's o pposit e in manyw ays in the play. H e symbo lizes the r ea lity that Willy never ac knowledg es.In addition, Willy is also co nt rasted w ith Ben in the play.Ben is Willy 's dead o lder brot her w ho appear s to Willy dur ing his flashbacks and times of tro uble. H e has become ex tr eme ly successful in life compared to his brot her , Willy. H e lefthome at seventeen to find their father in Alaska, but ended up inAfr ica, w here he found diamond mines and came out of the jun g le at twenty- o ne as an incr edibly rich man. Ben is the ex ampleo f the t rue entr epr eneur in ev ery sense, Never fight fair w ith astr ang er is Ben's w isdom and his faith. H e once gave Willy thechance to become his partner s, but Willy refused and inst eadchose the life that he cur rently lives. In the play , Ben is thedriving force behind Willy 's idea o f success. Willy feels that,like his br other w ho has become r ich w ith diamond mines in Af r ica, he must establish himself as a rich and power ful business man in New Eng land. So in many w ays, Ben is t he symbol ofthe standard of success that prov es to o hard fo r Willy and hissons to match.Another pair of contrasting ty pe is developed bet ween Biffand Bernard.Biff is the thirty- four years old son of Willy and Linda Lo man. H e was star foo tba ll play er in hig h scho ol, w ith scholar ships to tw o majo r univ ersit ies, but he did not attend colleg e af ter f ailing his high schoo l math course. H e w as g oing to makethe cr edit up during t he summer but caught Willy being unfaith ful to Linda. T his shock changed Biff 's view of his father andev erything that Biff believed in. Biff then became a drifter andw as lo st fo r fifteen y ears. H e went fr om jo b t o jo b, nev er find ing any lasting happiness o r success. He w as ev en jail fo r steal ing a suit once. This displeases Willy , who after never findingsuccess himself, places the burden of success o n the shoulders ofBiff. Willy w ants dear ly fo r Biff to become a business success,tho ug h Biff has an internal st rugg le betw een pleasing his fatherand doing w hat he feels is r ig ht. Biff wants to be o utside o n acattle ranch, w hile Willy wants him behind a cor porate desk.Despite his failures and anger tow ards his father , Biff still hasg reat concern for what his father thinks of him. So he pr omisesto try business and decides to apply fo r a jo b in New Yor k. Buthis v isit to g et the loan results in nothing but stealing a fo untainpen. Eventua lly, Willy is so disappo inted at his and Biff 's fail ures that he commit s suicide. At the end of the play, Biff f ina llyr ealizes the illusio ns that his father lived on: What a ridiculo uslie ( his) who le life has been. H e sees that his father has im mersed himself in no thing but illusions. Biff also sees that he isdestined to no gr eat ness. So he no longer has to str ug gle to un derstand w hat he w ants to do with his life.Bernard is Charley's only so n and a childho od fr iend of Biff.In many w ays, Willy sees Bernar d as the compet itio n to Biff ( ashe sees Char ley as his own compet itio n) . Ber nar d is a phy sica llyunattractiv e, spectacles- w earing lad who is witho ut the g reg ar io us personality o f either of the Loman sons. So Willy alw ayscalls him the anemic Ber nard. When Ber nar d and Biff w ere inthe same schoo l, Bernard's chief claim t o fame rested upon thefact that he w as the bo y w ho furnished Biff, the schoo l hero,w ith the r ight answer s at ex am time. In exchang e for t his privi leg e, Biff let Ber na rd car ried his shoulder pads into the lockerr oom at game time and, in o ther small way s, basked in the glor y which was all the g lo ry Bernard co uld aspire to, since, as Biffex plained to his father: Bernard is no t well liked. It is thisreason that makes Willy believ e that Ber nar d w ill never be a tr uesuccess in the business w or ld. Thoug h he may be not well liked,Bernar d is int elligent, industr ious and r ooted in r eality .Thro ug h persistent application of his native intellig ence, Ber nard g row s up to be an eminent law yer w ho, the day Biff andWilly ar e finally fo rced to face the unpleasant facts of their lives,embar ks for Washingto n to plead a case befor e the SupremeCo ur t. From the abo ve co nt rast betw een Biff 's failur e and Ber nard's success, we can see t hat Miller gives us an obvious ex am ple o f how o ne can succeed in this country . Bernard is, in fact,liv ing pr oof o f the system's effectiveness, an affirmat ion o f thepr oposition t hat persistent a pplicat ion o f o ne 's talents, smalltho ug h they may be, pays off. And t his, after a ll, is the sub stance of the Amer ican Dream.Besides Ber nar d, Biff is also contrasted w ith his y oung erbr other, Ha ppy.Happy is Biff's yo ung er br other who lives in an apar tmentin New York, and dur ing the play is stay ing at his parents 'ho use to v isit. H e is of low mora l char acter , constantly with an o ther woman, tr ying to find his way in life, even thoug h he isco nf ident he is on the rig ht track. H e, less favo red by natureand his father, has escaped t he clo seness w ith his father thatde str oy s Biff in social terms. T hus w orshipping his father from a far , Happy has nev er fully come to r ealize t hat pho ny par t o f hisfather and his father 's dreams. Mor eover , he has mor e fully thanBiff accept ed his father 's dreams. H e does hav e long ing to beoutdo or s and to g et away from t he crippling fift y- w eeks- ofwork- a- year r outine. H e tr ies to become a similar sales ca r eer like his fat her in the cit y. Alt ho ug h Biff and H appy ar e thetwo blind mice who fo llow in t heir fat her 's fallacy o f life, theyare different. After their father dies, Biff sees t he tr ut h and r e alizes w ho he is and w hat he stands fo r. But Happy still cannotsee r ealit y. H e tr ies to car ry o n his fat her's unr ealistic notio ns of。