



光离子检测器(PID )的应用这里介绍一些光离子检测器(PID )或者传感器的基本常识以帮助使用者正确使用PID 传感器。

1. 什么是光离子检测器(PID )和传感器:利用高能量的紫外光来使检测物从分子状态离子化成离子和电子从而检测目标物质。


如果把这些都打包在一起就构成PID 传感器。

PID 一般检测低浓度的挥发性有机物VOC 和少量气态无机物质。

2. PID 如何工作:当高能量的真空紫外光照射到VOC 气体分子上,VOC 就会被离子化产生有机物正离子和电子。


而且这个电流大小与离子和电子以及VOC 浓度成正比。

因此只要测电流就可知道样品中VOC 浓度。

3. 什么是挥发性有机化合物:挥发有机化合物(VOC )是指常温下明显或者完全挥发成气体的有机化合物(含碳的)。


4. PID 能够检测哪些物质:PID 一般能够检测大多数挥发性有机物VOC 和少量气态无机物质。

但是也有少量VOC 不能被检测。

PID 能否检测某种VOC 是根据PID 灯的输出能量和VOC 的电离能(IP )来判断。

如果PID 紫外灯的输出能量大于VOC 分子的电离能,PID 就能检测这种VOC 。

PID 紫外灯的能量是由灯内惰性气体以及紫外灯窗口材料决定,常用紫外灯分为9.8eV 、10.6eV 和11.7eV 的三种灯。

其中10.6eV 紫外灯—C-C=C —(VUV 光源)(VOC 气体)正极电子 正离子负极常用于大多数VOC检测。






注: 除非特别指定某一款机型,如 GasAlertMicro 5、GasAlertMicro 5 PID 或 GasAlertMicro 5 IR,本手册中会以 GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR 或 M5/PID/IR,泛指这三款检测仪。
注 意:
1. 使用前请详阅使用手册,完整了解使用、操作、保养方法。 2. 为安全起见,本检测仪应由合格人员操作维护。 3. 使用替代零件可能导致本质安全防爆失效。 4. 原厂建议使用检测仪前以气体浓度超过高警报设定点的气体
和 符号闪烁。
△! 警告:确认堵塞状况排除后再按○键确认锁定的泵警报.
当按下○键后,检测仪会自动要求执行泵浦测试。请依照使用手册中的泵测 试一节完成泵测试。如果泵测试成功完成,检测仪恢复正常工作,否则泵 警报会持续。如果泵警报持续发生,请参考使用手册中的故障与维修一节。
版本使用的电池不同,请与本公司连络. 5. 使用原厂指定的充电器充电,使用他牌充电器可能导致火灾或爆炸. 6. 充电前应将检测仪先关机. 7. 不要充完电立刻就做校正. 8. 更换锂电池组或碱性电池组可以在现场更换,但是碱性电池组内的碱性
电池必需要在没有危险的安全区域更换. 9. M5-BAT08 和 M5-BAT07 电池组内有锂电池,使用不当可能有燃烧或
successful〞(自我测试成功). z 检测仪显示 LEL 传感器的补偿系数气体种类和 PID 传感器的补偿系数气
体种类. z 显示屏依序显示 TWA,STEL,低警报和高警报设定点.



PID指令说明手册全新3.3 版本的ZY-PLC软件在主机部分加入了PID 控制指令,并提供了自整定功能。

用户可以通过自整定得到最佳的采样时间及PID 参数值,从而提高控制精度。


2.通过自整定可得到最佳的采样时间及PID 参数值,提高了控制精度。


4. PID控制原理:5. PID指令6. 寄存器定义表:PID 控制指令相关参数地址,请参照下表:地址功能说明备注D4000 采样滤波时间32位无符号数0-999999999ms,建议:300-90000msD4002.0(可写可读),模式设置0:负动作;1:正动作动作方向0逆动作:随着测定值的增加操作输出值反而减少的动作,一般用于加热控制。


bit1~bit6 不可使用D4002.7(可写可读):0:手动PID;1:自整定PIDD4002.8(只可以读):0:自整定未成功, 1:自整定成功标志,bit9~bit14 不可使用D400.15(可写可读):输出0:普通模式;1:高级模式D4003比例增益(Kp) 范围:1~32767[%]D4004积分时间(TI) 0~32767[*100ms] 0时作为无积分处理D4005微分时间( TD) 0~32767[*10ms] 0时无微分处理D4006PID 运算范围0~32767 PID调整范围:D0-4006 至 D0+D4006PID运行时,一开始处于PID 全开阶段,即以最快的速度(默认为4095)接近目标值,当达到PID 的运算范围时,参数Kp、TI、TD 开始起控制作用。

D4007控制死区0~32767 死区范围内PID 输出值不变D4008PID 自整定周期变化值满量程AD 值*(0.3~1%)D4009PID 自整定超调允许0:允许超调1:不超调(尽量减少超调)设置为0 时,允许超调,系统总是能够学到最佳PID 参数,但是在整定的过程中,测定值可能会低于目标值,也可能会超出目标值,此时要考虑安全因素。



燃气/挥发性有机化合物CAS号公式相对反应相对灵敏度(%)典型的MDL PID的呀(十亿分之)典型的MDL的PID - A1级(十亿分之)乙醛75-07-0 C2H4O 4.9 21 25 480醋酸64-17-7 C2H4O2 36.2 3 180 3615乙酸酐108-24-7 C4H6O3 4.0 25 20 400丙酮67-64-1 C3H6O 0.7 140 5 70ZR的乙腈乙腈75-05-8乙炔ZR的乙炔74-86-2丙烯醛107-02-8 C3H4O 4.0 25 20 400丙烯酸79-10-7 C3H4O2 270 36 15 275ZR的丙烯腈107-13-1 C3H3N丙烯醇107-18-6 C3H6O 2.1 48 10 200氯丙烯107-05-1 C3H5Cl 4.5 22 20 450氨7664-41-7 H3N 850 12 40 850乙酸戊酯,欧米茄628-63-7 C7H14O2 1.8 56 10 180正戊醇71-41-0 C5H12O 3.2 31 15 320苯胺62-53-3 C6H7N 0.5 200 3 50苯甲醚100-66-3 C7H8O 0.5 211 2 50砷化氢砷化氢7784-42-1 250 40 15 250沥青,石油烟雾8052-42-4 1.0 100 5 100苯甲醛100-52-7 C7H6O 0.9 5 85 117苯71-43-2苯0.5 200 3 50苯硫酚108-98-5 C6H5SH 0.7 143 4 70腈100-47-0 C7H5N 0.7 141 4 70苄醇100-51-6 C7H8O 1.3 80 6 125氯化苄100-44-7 C7H7Cl 0.6 182 3 55甲酸苄104-57-4 C8H8O2 0.8 130 5 77联苯92-52-4 C12H10 0.4 250 2 40双(2,3 -环氧丙基)醚2238年7月5日C6H10O3 3.0 33 15 300三氟化硼三氟化硼ZR的2 7637 07溴7726-95-6溴20.0 5 100 2000五氟化溴BrF5法ZR的7789-30-2溴苯108-86-1 C6H5Br 0.7 143 4 70ZR的溴氯甲烷74-97-5 CH2ClBr溴乙烷74-96-4 C2H5Br 5.0 20 25 500溴乙基甲基醚,2 - 6482-24-2 C3H7OBr 250 40 15 250三溴甲烷75-25-2 CHBr3 280 36 15 280溴丙烷,1 - 106-94-5 C3H7Br均1.3 77 7 130溴75-63-8 CF3Br的ZR的丁二烯106-99-0 C4H6 0.8 120 4 80丁二烯diepoxide,1,3 - 1464-53-5 C4H6O2 4.0 25 20 400丁烷,欧米茄106-97-8 C4H10 2 230 4600 463丁醇,1 - 71-36-3 C4H10O 4.0 25 20 400丁烯- 3 -醇,1 - 598-32-3 C4H8O 1.2 87 6 115丁烯,1 - 106-98-9 C4H8 1.3 77 7 130乙二醇单丁醚,2 - 111-76-2 C6H14O2 1.1 91 6 110醋酸丁酯,欧米茄123-86-4 C6H12O2 2.4 41 10 240丙烯酸丁酯,欧米茄141-32-2 C7H12O2 1.5 67 8 150乳酸丁酯138-22-7 C7H14O3 2.5 40 15 250丁基硫醇109-79-5 C4H10S 0.5 185 3 50丁胺,2 - 513-49-5 C4H11N 0.9 111 5 90丁胺,欧米茄109-73-9 C4H11N 1.0 100 5 100莰烯565-00-4 C10H16 0.5 222 2 45ZR的二氧化碳二氧化碳124-38-9二硫化碳二硫化碳75-15-0 140 71 7 140ZR的二氧化碳,一氧化碳630-08-0四溴化碳558-13-4 CBr4 3.0 33 15 300ZR的四氯化碳四氯化碳56-23-5羰基硫COS的ZR的463-58-1香芹酮,研究,6485-40-1 C10H14O 1.0 100 5 100 氯气ZR的氯7782-50-5二氧化氯二氧化氯10049-04-4 1.0 100 5 100三氟化氯7790-91-2 ClF3 ZR的氯- 1 ,1,1,2 - ZR的四氟2837-89-0 C2HClF4氯-1,1,1 -三氟,2 - 75-88-7 C2H2ClF3 ZR的氯- 1 ,1,2,2 - ZR的四氟乙烷354-25-6 C2HClF4氯- 1 ,1,2 -三氟,1 - 421-04-5 C2H2ClF3 ZR的氯-1,1二氟乙烷,1 - 75-68-3 C2H3ClF2 ZR的氯-1,1二氟乙烷,1 - 75-68-3 C2H3ClF2 ZR的氯-1,1二氟乙烷,2 - 338-65-8 C2H3ClF2 ZR的氯- 1 ,2,2 - ZR的三氟431-07-2 C2H2ClF3氯- 1 ,3 -丁二烯,2 - 126-99-8 C4H5Cl 3.2 30 16 320 氯- 1 -氟乙烷,1 - 1615-75-4 C2H4ClF ZR的氯-2氟乙烷,1 - 762-50-5 C2H4ClF ZR的Chloroacetaldehyde 107-20-0 C2H3OCl ZR的氯苯108-90-7 C6H5Cl 0.5 220 2 50ZR的压力下氟利昂氯甲烷75-45-6氯乙烷75-00-3 C2H5Cl ZR的氯2 - 107-07-3 C2H5ClO 10.0 10 50 1000氯甲基乙醚,2 - 627-42-9 C3H7ClO 260 40 13 250 Chlorofluoromethane 593-70-4 CH2ClF ZR的ZR的氯仿三氯甲烷67-66-3氯甲烷74-87-3 CH3Cl ZR的氯乙烷76-15-3 C2ClF5 ZR的氯甲苯,邻95-49-8 C7H7Cl 0.5 220 2 50氯,磷,108-41-8 C7H7Cl 0.5 200 3 50三氟氯乙烯79-38-9 C2ClF3 1.0 100 5 100ZR的氟氯甲烷75-72-9 CClF3柠檬醛5392-40-5 C10H16O 1.0 100 5 100香茅醇26489-01-0 C10H20O 1.0 100 5 100甲酚,间108-39-4 C7H8O 1.1 95 5 105甲酚,邻95-48-7 C7H8O 1.1 95 5 105甲酚,对位106-44-5 C7H8O 1.1 95 5 105巴豆4170-30-3 C4H6O 1.0 5 100 100异丙苯98-82-8 C9H12 0.6 170 3 60ZR的氰胺420-04-2 CH2N2氰铵506-68-3溴化氰ZR的氯化氰506-77-4 CNCl ZR的环己烷110-82-7 C6H12 130 77 7 130环己醇108-93-0 C6H12O 2.9 34 15 300环己酮108-94-1 C6H10O 1.1 91 6 110环己烯110-83-8 C6H10 0.8 133 5 75环己胺108-91-8 C6H13N 1.0 5 100 102环戊烷287-92-3 C5H10 4.0 25 20 400癸烷,欧米茄124-18-5 C10H22 1.0 96 5 100二丙酮醇123-42-2 C6H12O2 0.8 125 5 80过氧化二苯甲酰94-36-0 C14H10O4 0.8 125 5 80乙硼烷19287-45-7 B2H6 ZR的二溴氯124-48-1 CHBr2Cl 10.0 10 50 1000 Dibromodifluoromethane 75-61-6 CF2Br2 ZR的二溴乙烷1,2 - 106-93-4 C2H4Br2 2.0 50 10 200二溴四氟乙烷,1,2 -124-73-2 C2F4Br2 ZR的氢二丁酯磷酸盐107-66-4 HC8H18磷酸盐4.0 25 20 400二氯- 1,1,1 -三氟,2,2 -306-83-2 C2HCl2F3 ZR的二氯- 1,1 -二氟乙烷,1,2 -1649年8月7日C2H2Cl2F2 ZR的二氯- 1,2,2 -三氟,1,2 -354-23-4 C2HCl2F3 ZR的二氯- 1,2 -二氟乙烷,1,2 -631-06-1 C2H2Cl2F2 ZR的二氯- 1 -氟乙烷,1,1 - 1717-00-6 C2H3Cl2F ZR的二氯- 1 -氟乙烷,1,1 - 1717-00-6 C2H3Cl2F ZR的二氯- 1 -氟乙烷,1,2 - 430-57-9 C2H3Cl2F ZR的二氯- 1 -丙烯,2,3 - 78-88-6 C3H4Cl2 140 70 7 140 二氯二,2,-二氟乙烷,1,1 -79-35-6 C2H2Cl2F2 ZR的Dichloroacetylene 7572-29-4 C2Cl2 5.0 20 25 500二氯苯邻95-50-1 C6H4Cl2 0.5 200 3 50二氯二氟甲烷75-71-8 CCl2F2 ZR的二氯乙烷1,2 - 107-06-2 C2H4Cl2 ZR的二氯乙烷,1,1 - 75-34-3 C2H4Cl2 ZR的二氯乙烯,1,1 - 75-35-4 C2H2Cl2 1.0 5 100 105二氯乙烯,顺1,2 - 156-59-2 C2H2Cl2 0.8 125 4 80 二氯乙烯,反式1,2 - 540-59-0 C2H2Cl2 0.7 143 4 70 二氯乙烯1,2 - 540-59-0 C2H2Cl2 0.8 133 4 75 Dichlorofluoromethane 75-43-4 CHFCl2 ZR的二氯甲烷75-09-2二氯甲烷39.0 3 200 3900二氯丙烷,1,2 - 二氯丙烷被光ZR的78-87-5 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane,1,1 - 374-07-2 C2Cl2F4 ZR的Dichlorotetrafluoroethane,1,2 - 76-14-2 C2Cl2F4 ZR的双环戊二烯77-73-6 C10H12 0.9 110 5 90柴油68334-30-5 0.8 130 4 75乙醚60-29-7 C4H10O 0.9 110 4 90马来酸二乙酯141-05-9 C8H12O4 2.0 50 10 200邻苯二甲酸二乙酯84-66-2 C12H14O4 1.0 100 5 100硫酸二乙酯64-67-5 C4H10SO4 3.0 33 15 300二乙基硫352-93-2 C4H10S 0.6 180 3 50二乙胺109-89-7 C4H11N 1.0 100 5 100二乙氨基乙醇,2 - 100-37-8 C6H15ON 270 40 15 270 Diethylaminopropylamine,3 - 104-78-9 C7H18N2 1.0 100 5 100 二氟乙烷,1,1 - 75-37-6 C2H4F2 ZR的二氟乙烷,1,2 - 624-72-6 C2H4F2 ZR的二氟甲烷75-10-5 CH2F2 ZR的硒二氢7783 07 5 100 5 100 1.0 H2Se苯二酚,1,2 120-80-9 C6H6O2 1.0 100 5 100苯二酚,1,3 108-46-3 C6H6O2 1.0 100 5 100二异丁烯107-39-1 C8H16 0.6 156 3 60二异丙醚108-20-3 C6H14O 0.7 150 3 70二异丙胺108-18-9 C6H15N 0.7 140 4 70双乙烯酮674-82-8 C4H4O2 220 45 11 220二甲氧基甲烷109-87-5 C3H8O2 140 71 7 140二甲基环己烷,1,2 - 583-57-3 C8H16 110 95 5 105二甲基二硫624-92-0 C2H6S2 0.2 435 1 23二甲醚115-10-6 C2H6O 1.3 80 7 130邻苯二甲酸二甲酯131-11-3 C10H10O4 1.0 100 5 100硫酸二甲酯ZR的77-78-1 C2H6O4S二甲基硫化物75-18-3 C2H6S 0.5 200 3 50二甲基乙酰胺N组,n - 127-19-5 C4H9NO 130 75 7 130二甲胺124-40-3 C2H7N 1.4 70 7 140二甲基乙醇胺108-01-0 C4H11NO 8 150 150 70二甲基苯胺,神经网络,121-69-7 C8H11N 0.6 167 3 60二甲酯108-84-9 C8H16O2 1.6 60 8 160 Dimethylethylamine,神经网络,598-56-1 C4H11N 0.8 125 4 80 二甲基甲酰胺68-12-2 C3H7NO 0.9 110 5 90Dimethylheptan - 4 - 1,2,6 - 108-83-8 C9H18O 0.8 125 4 80二甲肼,1,1 - 57-14-7偏二甲肼1.0 100 5 100二硝基苯,间99-65-0 C6H4N2O4 3.0 33 15 300二硝基苯,邻528-29-0 C6H4N2O4 ZR的二硝基苯,对位100-25-4 C6H4N2O4 5.0 20 25 500邻苯二甲酸二壬酯84-76-4 C26H42O4 1.0 100 5 100二恶烷1,2 - C4H8O2 8 150 150 67二恶烷1,4 - 123-91-1 C4H8O2 8 150 150 67双戊烯138-86-3 C10H16 0.9 110 5 90二苯醚101-84-8 C12H10O 0.8 125 4 80Disulphur decafluoride 5714-22-7 S2F10 ZR的Disulphur二氯10025-67-9 S2Cl2 3.0 33 15 300二叔丁基对甲酚2409-55-4 C11H16O 1.0 100 5 100二乙烯基苯1321-74-0 C10H10 0.4 250 2 40十二醇112-53-8 C12H26O 0.9 110 5 90安氟醚13838-16-9 C4H2F5ClO ZR的环氧氯丙烷106-89-8 C3H5ClO 8.0 15 40 800环氧丙基异丙醚,2,3 - 4016-14-2 C6H12O2 1.1 90 5 110乙烷ZR的乙烷74-84-0乙醇64-17-5 C2H6O 8.7 10 45 870乙醇胺141-43-5 C2H7NO 3.0 33 15 300乙氧基- 2 -丙醇,1 - 1569年2月4日C5H10O2 2.0 50 10 200 乙醚,2 - 110-80-5 C4H10O2 29.8 3 150 3000乙氧基乙酸,2 - 111-15-9 C6H12O3 3.0 33 15 300酸乙酯(第)-(-)-乳酸97-64-3 C5H10O3 3.0 33 15 300乙酸乙酯141-78-6 C4H8O2 3.6 28 20 360丙烯酸乙酯140-88-5 C5H8O2 2.0 50 10 200乙基胺75-04-7 C2H7N 1.0 100 5 100乙苯100-41-4 C8H10 0.5 185 3 50丁酸乙酯105-54-4 C6H12O2 1.0 5 100 105氯甲酸乙酯541-41-3 C3H5O2Cl 80 1 400 8300氰基丙烯酸乙酯7085-85-0 C6H7O2N 8 150 150 67癸酸乙酯110-38-3 C12H24O2 180 56 10 180甲酸乙酯109-94-4 C3H6O2 30 3 150 3000己酸乙酯123-66-0 C8H16O2 2.6 38 15 260乙基己醇,2 - 105-76-7 C8H18O 1.5 67 8 150乙基己基丙烯酸酯,2 - 103-11-7 C11H20O2 1.0 100 5 100乙基硫醇75-08-1 C2H6S 0.7 145 3 70辛酸乙酯106-32-1 C10H20O2 230 40 12 230乙烯乙烯74-85-1 8.0 13 40 800乙烯酯628-96-6 C2H4O6N2 ZR的乙二醇107-21-1 C2H6O2 20.0 5 100 2000环氧乙烷75-21-8 C2H4O 15.0 7 75 1500二茂铁102-54-5 C10H10Fe 0.8 125 4 80ZR的F2代氟7782-41-4氟乙烷353-33-6 C2H5F ZR的ZR的氟593-53-3 CH3F甲醛ZR的甲醛50-00-0甲酰胺75-12-7 CH3ON 2.0 50 10 200甲酸64-18-6 CH2O2 ZR的糠醛98-01-1 C5H4O2 140 70 7 140糠醇98-00-0 C5H6O2 2.0 50 10 200汽油蒸气8006-61-9 110 95 5 105汽油蒸气8006-61-9 0.8 125 4 80辛烷值汽油蒸气92 0.8 125 4 80 8006-61-9锗7782-65-2 GeH4 10.0 10 50 1000戊二醛111-30-8 C5H8O2 0.9 111 5 90ZR的氟烷151-67-7 CF3CHBrCl他ZR的氦Heptan - 2 - 1 110-43-0 C7H14O 0.7 140 4 70Heptan - 3 - 1 106-35-4 C7H14O 0.8 133 4 75正庚烷的n 142-82-5 C7H16 210 50 10 200六氯乙烷67-72-1 C2Cl6 ZR的C2F6气体ZR的Hexafluoroethane 76-16-4六甲基二,1,1,1,3,3,3 -.999-97-3 C6H19NSi2 1.0 100 5 100六甲基二硅氧烷。


数 字:± 0.5% FS±1( 字) 光柱: ±1% 数字显示 :±1 字 光柱显示 :±1 线 数 字:-1999~ 9999 光柱: 0~1 0 0 % 四位高亮度L E D数码显示 101线高分辨率光柱显示 发光二极管工作状态显示 双屏数码显示/ 双屏数码+双光柱显示 测量值/ 设定值显示 控制目标值/0~ 100% 输出量显示 标准电流 DC 0~10mA (负载电阻≤750Ω)
PV 308.0 SV 308.0
3 0 . 0 0 AL1
3 0 . 0 0 AL2 SV
上润精密仪器有限公司 (独资)
压SET键大于4秒, 即进入 参数设定状态.屏幕显示 控制目标参数符号 SV及
在SV设定状态下, 按住 设定值增加键,程序自 动快速加 1。调整参数值 等于100 .0。
按压SET键,确认参数 设定值正确,再次按压 SET键不松,5秒后即退 出参数设定。
★ 用以上方法,分别设定AL1,AL2,P,I,D,T等参数及设定参
设定为(1)时,积分作 用则成OFF
D 微分时间
显示程序微分时间的设定值 预测输出的变化, 防止扰动,提高
控制的稳定性 设定为(0)时,微分作 用则成OFF



位置模式的设置与使用:1.模式设置修改控制模式为位置模式,具体操作:在Device Control中,将参数parDevCtrl.ModeOfOperation(29016)的值修改为Profile Position,见下图2.相关参数说明其他在位置控制当中会用到的参数:3.位置走起来a.将目标位置的圈数和角度分别写入参数29002和29003。









(也就是说1F→F,5F→4F)位置插补模式1.模式设置修改控制模式为位置插补模式,具体操作:在Device Control中,将参数parDevCtrl.ModeOfOperation(29016)的值修改为Interpolated Position,见下图2.相关参数说明插补时间需要29033和29034结合起来确定,例如29034驱动器默认为-3,29033为1,则代表1*10-3S接收一次位置信息。




P&ID设计规范及入门指南2008-12-29 10:43管道和仪表流程图又称为P&ID,是PIPING AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM的缩写。



化工工程的设计,从工艺包、基础设计到详细设计中的大部分阶段,P&ID 都是化工工艺及工艺系统专业的设计中心,其他专业(设备、机泵、仪表、电气、管道、土建、安全等)都在为实现P&ID里的设计要求而工作。














2、表示仪表面板尺寸规格,仪表深度约为1 3 . 5 m m (前部)+130m m (后部) A(A2为光柱) 面板96×96mm,开口92×92mm B 面板160×80mm(宽×高),横式,开口152×76mm C(C2、C3为光柱)面板80×160mm(宽×高),竖式,开口76×152mm D 面板72×72mm,开口68×68mm(插入深度为110mm) D2 面板48×48mm,开口45×45mm(插入深度为110mm) E 面板48×96mm(宽×高),开口45×92mm F 面板96×48mm(宽×高),开口92×45mm
五、功能及设置 .................................................................................................... 25 1

(一)参数功能说明 ......................................................................................................................... 25 (二)部分功能的补充说明 ............................................................................................................. 42
(一)主要特点 ................................................................................................................................. 3 (二)型号定义 ................................................................................................................................. 4 (三)不同型号仪表的功能区别 ..................................................................................................... 7 (四)模块功能的进一步说明 ......................................................................................................... 8 (五)仪表维护 ................................................................................................................................. 10



五合一气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR所属品牌:加拿大BW五合一气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR产品详细介绍GasAlertMicro 5 最多可同时监控和显示 5 种有害气体。

GasAlertMicro 5 有 3 种模式:有毒/电化、PID(用于VOC)或 IR(用于 CO2).GasAlertMicro 5 适用于各种应用,具有多种选择的现场用户设定选项,提供标准的有毒气体模式、检测 VOC 的PID 模式或 CO2 检测的 IR 模式。


∙GasAlertMicro 5 可兼容BW 的 MicroDock II 自动测试和校准系统,具有无与伦比的多功能性、性能和整体价值。

∙最多可同时测量 5 种有害气体。



∙不间断 LCD 显示实时气体浓度。





∙两种供电方式:AA 碱性电池,或者可即时更换的充电电池组。


系列工业应用仪器型号差异GasAlertMicro 5 规格●大小:5.7 x 2.9 x 1.5 英寸 / 14.5 x 7.4 x 3.8 厘米●重量:13.1 盎司/370 克●温度:-4 至 +122°F / -20 至 +50°C,-14 至 +104°F / -10 至 +40°C (PID) ●警报:- 视觉、振动和声音(95 分贝),- 低、高、STEL、TWA、OL (超限)●测试:在启动时检查传感器的完好性、线路以及电池的状况并发出声/光警报,电池(不间断)●泵:选配●用户选项:提示音、设置 STEL 间隔、设置 TWA 方法、打开/关闭传感器、锁定警报、安全显示模式、秘密模式、调整时钟、密码保护、修正因数库、(LEL、 PID) 、快速泵、设置数据记录器的速率、可燃气体测量(% LEL或甲烷体积百分比)、启动时 O2 自动校准、自动背光、睡眠模式、用户设定校准气浓度、校准到期锁定、日常冲击测试、语言选择 (5)、高精度●等级:EMI/RFI:符合 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC、IP 65/67●认证和认可:Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D 、American Bureau of Shipping - 有毒气体与 PID模式、ATEX: X g II 1 G T4*、Ex ia IIC T4*、X g II 2 G T4* - 仅限 IR 模式Ex d IIC T4* 、IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4* 、Ex d ia IIC T4* - IR 模式●担保保修: 2 年,包括传感器(NH3 和 PID 灯为 1 年)传感器规格挥发性有机气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5 PID产品详细介绍简要说明:五种气体同时检测:VOC(PID原理)H2S, CO, O2, SO2, PH3, NH3, NO2, HCN, CL2, CLO2, O3,及%LEL,可更换的传感器。

PID900 说明书

PID900 说明书
6.1 部件说明 ............................................................................................................................... 6 6.2 安装位置 ............................................................................................................................... 7 6.3 安装方法 ............................................................................................................................... 7 7. 电气连接 .......................................................................................................................... 11 7.1 接线端子 ............................................................................................................................. 11 7.2 电源与信号 ......................................................................................................................... 11 7.3 RS485通讯接口 ................................................................................................................... 12 7.4 继电器输出 ......................................................................................................................... 12 8. 操作说明 .......................................................................................................................... 13 8.1 操作面板及调节工具 ......................................................................................................... 13 8.2 开/关机 ............................................................................................................................... 13 8.3 检测模式 ............................................................................................................................. 13 8.4 探测器信息查询 ................................................................................................................. 14 8.5 参数设置与维护 ................................................................................................................. 15






特点如下:1.软件运算进行线性化处理,线性化精度高2.通用性好,同一块仪表可混合使用不同分度号的测温元件3.按键修改仪表参数,掉电不丢失信息4.采用先进的数字自动调校系统.测量值零点迁移功能.测量值增益放大功能.变送输出零点迁移功能.变送输出增益放大功能5.采用国际通用卡入式结构,安装、维修、更换十分方便6.安装尺寸与传统仪表兼容,互换性好7.具有4~20mA或0~10mA输出8.自动稳零功能随时消除零点漂移9.具有热电偶冷端温度自动补偿功能10.传感器分度号可任意设定,即设即用,无需重新校表二、主要技术指标1.输入信号:◆毫伏信号:热电偶和霍尔变送器,输入阻抗>1MΩ◆电阻信号:热电阻和远传压力表,三线制接法◆电流信号:0~10mA,4~20mA,输入阻抗≤250Ω◆电压信号:0~5V,1~5V,输入阻抗≥100KΩ2.显示范围:-1999~19993.测量精度:%FS或%FS4.分辨率:1、、或5.热电偶冷端补偿范围:0~50℃- 1 -6.输出信号:◆开关量输出:继电器ON/OFF带回差,触点容量为3A/220VAC(阻性负载,感性负载需加灭弧元件)◆馈电输出:DC24V,负载能力≤30mA◆模拟量输出:DC0~10mA(负载电阻≤750Ω)DC4~20mA(负载电阻≤500Ω)DC0~5V(输出电阻≤250Ω)DC1~5V(输出电阻≤250Ω)8.使用环境:环境温度:0~40℃相对湿度:≤85RH避免腐蚀性气体9.供电电源:线性电源:AC220C±10% 开关电源:AC90 10.功耗:线性电源:≤5W 开关电源:≤4W 11.重量;≤500克12.安装方式:盘装卡入式13.仪表外形及开孔尺寸:表一- 2 -三、操作方式(一) 仪表按键说明:“S”键:在正常工作方式下,按该键可进入设置方式;在设置方式下,该键用于确认输入数据;在设置过程中,按该键3秒后,将退出设置方式。



D-4-I-SH14-R型脉冲放电检测器使用手册简要介绍检测器介绍和工作原理 (1)安全注意事项和说明 (3)符号配件目录安全检测器系统的配件 (3)系统要求除检测器系统的外的系统要求 (5)系统净化 (5)气体规格 (6)系统安装主要注意事项 (7)将检测器安装在色谱上 (7)气路连接 (8)安装和净化气体调节阀 (9)安装和清洁氦气纯化器 (9)将电离气连接到检测器 (10)安装脉冲发生器模块 (10)检测器电源连接 (11)初始的电源设置 (12)毛细管柱的安装 (14)填充柱的安装 (14)检漏 (15)模式的选择和设置氦气电离模式 (16)选择性光化电离模式 (16)故障处理 (19)官方授权 (21)检测器性能记录日志 (23)简要介绍检测器介绍和工作原理PD-D-4-I-SH14-R 型检测器是一个无辐射的脉冲放电离子检测器(PDID),公司的Shimadazu 14 色谱配有这种性能优异的检测器。





离子化的主要模式是由双原子的12()u He A +∑跃迁至游离的2He(1S 1)发生光离子化。

这就是著名的hopfield 跃迁。

从He 2产生的光子的能量在13.5eV 到17.7eV 之间。



这个响应值对永久性气体在其检测下限ppb 范围内呈现正的响应值(标准电流增加)。


氖具有21.56eV 的电离电势,这个电离电势和亚稳的He*的能量(19.8eV )接近但比从He 2电离产生的光子的能量大,所以氖具有很低的离子化效率,对检测器的响应值也非常低。



Chlorotoluene, o邻氯甲苯、2-氯甲苯 C7H7Cl Chlorotrifluoroethylene 氟乙烯,乙烯基氟 C2ClF3
Crotonaldehyde 巴豆醛、2-丁烯醛 C4H6O Cyclohexane 环已烷、六氢化苯 C6H12 Cyclohexanol 环已醇 Cyclohexanone 环已酮 Cyclohexene 环已烯
Dichloro-1-propene, 2,32,3-di-Cl-1-propene C3H4Cl2
Dichloro-2,2,-difluoroethane, 1,1R 1112a C2H2Cl2F2 Dichlorobenzene o二氯(代)苯 oDichloroethane 1,2- 1,2-DCA EDA or Dichloroethane, 1,11,1-DCA Dichloroethene, 1,11,1-DCE Dichloroethene, cis-1,2c-1,2-DCE Dichloroethene, trans-1,2t-1,2-DCE Dichloroethylene 1,2- 1,2二氯乙烯 Dichloromethane 二氯甲 Dichloropropane, 1,2氯丙烷 1,2Dicyclopentadiene 二环戊二烯 Diesel Fuel 柴油机燃料 C4H10O C4H10S C4H11N Diethyl ether 二乙醚 Diethyl sulphide Diethylamine 二乙胺 C6H4Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 CH2Cl2 C3H6Cl2 C10H12
135 147 99 99 97 97 97 97 85 113 132 0 74 90 73 117 130 112 102 101 84 76 112 94 46 126 62 87 45 121 144 73 73 142 60 88 88 170 130 93 116 46 61 90 118 88 100

PID 温度控制手册(德国西门子PLC)

PID 温度控制手册(德国西门子PLC)
Internet 上的 SIMATIC 文档 可以在 Internet 上免费获得文档: 在该网站上,可使用“知识管理器”快速地找到您所需要的文档。如果您对文档有 任何疑问或建议,可进入 Internet 论坛上的“文档”会议室发表意见。
基本知识要求 为理解本手册,用户应熟知自动化工程技术,并了解闭环控制的基本原理。 还应能熟练使用装有 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 或 Me 操作系统的计算机或类似工具 (例如,编程设备)。由于 PID 温度控制是与 STEP 7 基本软件配合使用的,用户还应 熟悉基本软件的使用方法,如“使用 STEP 7 V5.1 编程”手册所述。
手册范围 本手册适用于 STEP 7 编程软件 V5.1 版本,Service Pack 3 和更高版本中的标准库 > PID 控制中的温度控制器。
PID 温度控制
STEP 7 文档数据包 本手册是 STEP 7 基本信息文档数据包的一部分。
STEP 7 基本信息,包括
手册目的 当使用标准库 > PID 控制中的温度控制器块时,本手册可为您提供支持。本手册将 帮助您熟悉控制器功能块的功能,特别是控制器的整定和用户界面的使用,用户可 在该用户界面中设置功能块的参数。功能块和用户界面都有在线帮助,可在设置功 能块参数时,为您提供支持。 本手册是针对可编程控制器的编程、组态、调试和维修人员编写的。 我们建议您多花一点时间学习第 6 章中的“温度控制器实例”。这些实例将帮助您 快速、清楚地理解温度控制器的应用。



DescriptionJoining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance ManualProcedure StepsDesign Specifications:1. Only new polyethylene plastic pipe will be used in West Texas Gas’s facilities for NewConstruction. It must be qualified for natural gas use by the manufacturer accordance with listed specifications, free from visible defects and is, resistant to gas, chemicals, and its environment.2. The pipe must be manufactured and marked to the standard in accordance to ASTM D 2513and marked every two feet and legible at time of installation to indicate the following:a. Sizeb. Materialc. Manufacturerd. Pressure Ratinge. Temperature Ratingf. Type, grade, or model.3. The design pressure may not exceed 100 psig for plastic pipe used in distribution systems andat class 3 and 4 locations.4. Plastic pipe may not be used where operating temperatures are below -20 degrees F or above100 degrees F.5. The wall thickness for thermoplastic pipe may not be less than 0.062 inches. For reinforcedthermosetting plastic pipe, the minimum wall thickness must meet the following table.Nominal Size Wall Thickness2” 0.060”3” 0.060”4” 0.070”6” 0.100”6. Design pressure for thermoplastic, fittings must conform to ASTM D 2513.When joining plastic pipe with a solvent cement, adhesive, or heat fusion, do not disturb the joint until it has properly set. Threaded or miter joints are not to be used on plastic pipe. Used plastic pipe should not be utilized for gas handling processes.Types of Joints:1. Solvent Cement JointsJoining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance Manual2. Heat-fusion Joints3. Mechanical Joints:Qualifying Joining Procedures1. Plastic pipe will not be joined by a threaded joint or by a miter joint.2. A plastic pipe joint that is joined by solvent cement, adhesive or heat fusion may not bedisturbed until it has properly set.3. Prior to using tools/equipment used in joining plastic pipe, the operator must ensure the tool iswithin calibration dates and being used within the manufacturer’s recommended practice.4. All joints must be made following written procedures that have been proven by testing per thefollowing testing requirements to produce strong gastight joints. These procedures must be qualified according to the following:a) Heat fusion and solvent cement:Before a procedure that has been written can be used to make these joints, it must be qualified by subjecting a specimen joint made using the procedure to the following tests:i. Burst test requirements of –∙Paragraph 6.6, or 6.7 of ASTM D2513 (thermoplastic pipe). WTG will not install thermosetting plastic pipe.∙Paragraph 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, or 9.4 of ASTM Designation F1055 (electrofusion fittings for polyethylene pipe and tubing)ii. If the procedure is intended for lateral pipe connections, a specimen joint made from pipe sections joined at right angles according to the procedure will be subjected to aforce on the lateral pipe until failure occurs in the specimen. Failure must initiateoutside the joint area for the procedure to qualify.iii. If the procedure is intended for non-lateral pipe connections, follow the tensile test requirements of ASTM D638, except that the test may be conducted at ambienttemperature and humidity. If the specimen elongates no less than 25% or failureinitiates outside of the joint area, the procedure may be used.b) Mechanical joints - Before a procedure that has been written can be used to makemechanical plastic pipe joints that are designed to withstand tensile forces, the procedure must be qualified by subjecting 5 specimen joints made according to the procedure to the following tensile test:i) The apparatus for the test must be specified in ASTM D638 (except for conditioning).ii) Ensure that the specimen is long enough that the distance between the grips or the apparatus and the end of the stiffener does not affect the joint strength.iii) Test at a speed of 0.20 inches per minute, plus or minus 25%.iv) Specimens less than 4 inches in diameter are qualified if the pipe yields to an elongation of no less than 25% or failure initiates outside of the joint area.Joining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance Manualv) Pipe specimens 4 inches in diameter and larger shall be pulled until the pipe is subjected to a tensile stress equal to or greater than the maximum thermal stress thatwould be produced by a temperature change of 100 degrees F or until the pipe ispulled from the fitting. If the pipe pulls from the fitting, the lowest value of the five testresults or the manufacturer’s rating, whichever is lower must be used in the designcalculations for Each specimen that fails at the grips must be retested using new pipe.vii) Results obtained pertain only to the specific outside diameter, and material of the pipe tested, except that testing of a heavier wall pipe may be used to qualify pipe of thesame material with a lesser wall thickness.c) A copy of each written procedure used for joining pipes must be available to the individualsmaking and inspecting the joints.d) WTG will not install pipe or fittings manufactured prior to July 1, 1980.Qualifying Individuals to Make JointsAll individuals making plastic pipe joints must be qualified under the applicable procedures by appropriate training or experience in the use of the procedure and by making a specimen joint from pipe sections joined according to the procedures that passed inspection as described below: 1. The joint must be visually examined during and after assembly and found to have the sameappearance as a joint or photographs of a joint that is acceptable under the procedure; and2. In the case of heat fusion, solvent, cement or adhesive joints:a) Tested under any of the test methods listed above applicable to the type of joint andmaterial being tested; orb) Cut into at least 3 longitudinal straps, each of which is:i) Visually examined by the District Manager and found not to contain voids ordiscontinuities on the cut surfaces of the joint area; andii) Deformed by bending 180 degrees, and if failure occurs, it must not initiate in the joint area3. All personnel qualification records must be maintained for a minimum of five years followingconstruction.NOTE: A person must be re-qualified under an applicable procedure once each calendar year at intervals not exceeding 15 months, or after any production joint is found unacceptable by testing under §192.513.Qualification of Plastic Pipe JoinersThe District/Division Manager shall assure that all employees joining pipe have been qualified in accordance with procedures published by Energy Worldnet (EWN) The District Manager and local supervision will ensure all persons joining pipe will be qualified according to these procedures, and a record or qualified persons kept on file. Butt fusion joints will be visually inspected and tested inJoining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance Manualaccordance to ASTM F 2620 or an alternative written plan approved by WTG Vice-President of Operations.Joining Plastic PipeNote: All materials and joints must comply with ASTM D 2513 requirements.Each solvent cement joint on plastic pipe must comply with the following:1. The mating surfaces of the joint must be clean, dry, and free of materials, which might bedetrimental to the joint.2. Use only primer with ASTM F 656 designation and solvent cement with ASTM D 2564designation.3. Use only PVC fittings marked ASTM D 2466 or ASTM D 2513.4. Use only PVC pipe marked ASTM D 2513.5. The joint may not be heated to accelerate the setting of the cement.Each heat-fusion joint on plastic pipe must comply with the following:1. Each heat fusion tool must be maintained and calibrated in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommended practices.2. A butt heat-fusion must be joined by a device that holds the heater element square to theends of the piping, compresses the heated ends together, and holds the pipe in proper alignment while the plastic hardens.3. Heat may not be applied with a torch or open flame.Solvent Cement Joints1. Solvent Cement for PVC pipe and fittingsa) Primeri. Primer is a special cleaner that will cut through and clean the dense surfaceof PVC pipe. Primer must be applied liberally and with a scrubbing motion.b) Solvent Cementi. Solvent Cement must be free flowing, contain no lumps, dissolved particlesor any foreign matter that would affect the joint strength.ii. Solvent Cement must not show gelatin, stratification, oriii. Separation that cannot be removed by stirring. Keep container closed when not in use.2. Safe Handling of Primer and Solvent Cementa) Liquid solvent and their vapors contained in plastic pipe cement andprimers are highly flammable. The solvents if improperly handled can causepersonal injury. Follow these precautions when using primer and solvent cement.i. Avoid prolonged breathing of solvent vapors when in closed areas.ii. Keep solvent primers and solvent cement away from all sources of heat, sparks and open flame.Joining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance Manualiii. Container should be tightly closed except when the contents are being used.iv. Use eye protection when using these liquids. In case of eye contact flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.v. Wear protective gloves to protect hands when applying cement or Use soap and water to wash skin in case of contamination.3. Joining Proceduresa) Pipe ends to be joined must be cut square. Use a fine tooth saw and a miter box ifnecessary.b) Chamfer and deburr the cut ends. Failure to chamfer (bevel edge) the ends of thepipe will result in the softened plastic being deformed as the pipe is inserted into thesocket. This results in a leaking joint.c) All surfaces to be joined must be clean and free of moisture. Use clean dry cloth toclean and dry mating surfaces.d) Measure and mark the socket depth of the fitting on the outside of the pipe. Use asoft point marker so as not to scratch the pipe surface.e) Apply primer and cements with a natural bristle brush. Use a ½” brush for smallpipe. For pipe sizes larger than 2” use a brush width that is equal to ½ the pipediameter. Keep the brush immersed in the primer or cement between applications.Keep cement container tightly closed when not being used. Discard the cement atthe first sign of gelling.f) PVC solvent cement is fast drying and must be applied as quickly as possible. Itmay be necessary for two employees to perform this operation on larger diameterpipe, or when the temperature of the fittings and pipe is at or above 100 degrees F.g) Use a scrubbing motion to apply primer to inside of the socket surface to ensurepenetration. Repeat application may be necessary to soften the surfaces to bejoined. Next, soften the surface of the pipe end up to the previously marked socketdepth. Do not soften any pipe surface that will not be covered by the socket. Applysolvent cement to the pipe end and a light coat of cement to the inside surface ofthe socket. Avoid excess cement in the socket. Time is important at this stage ofthe joining process. Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe end.h) Assembly of joint – Immediately after applying the last coat of cement topipe insert the pipe into the socket. Turn the pipe ¼ turn during assembly (but notafter the pipe is fully bottomed) to distribute the cement evenly. Insert pipe with asteady even motion.i) Assembly must be completed within 20 seconds after the last application of cement.On larger size pipe two employees or mechanical forcing equipment may beneeded to hold the pipe in place for one minute after assembly. Do not disturb orapply any force to joints. The joint can be destroyed by early rough handling.j) After assembly – Wipe excess cement from the pipe at the end of the socket fitting.A properly made joint will show a bead of cement around its entire perimeter. Anygaps indicate a defective joint that must be cut out and replaced.k) Cure Time - Handle assembled joints carefully until the cement has completed the cure period. See the following table for cure times.1. 30 minutes minimum at 60 to 100 degree F2. 1 hour min. at 40 to 60 degree F3. 2 hour min. at 20 to 40 degree FJoining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance Manual4. 4 hour min. at 0 to 20 degree F4. Testing PVC Jointsa) Pressure test on PVC piping and jointing will be conducted the same as testingprocedures of plastic as outline in P-192.501.5. Other Requirementsa) Tracer wires, tapes, or cable present on the system for locating purposes must berepaired if damaged after completion of all joining and before backfilling.Heat Fusion – Butt JointsGeneralThis procedure has been qualified according to procedures published by the pipe manufacturer and as outlined in the Minimal Federal Safety standards for Pipelines Transporting Natural Gas. ApplicationThis procedure can be used for all systems and class locations that operate less than 100 psi.Procedures1. Process: Heat Fusion2. Material: Polyethylene3. Diameter: ¾” thru 6”4. Joint Type: Butt Fusion5. Joining:i. Proper precautions need to be taken in a gaseous atmosphere to prevent anaccidental ignition.ii. Clean each pipe with clean cloth. Do not use synthetic or treated cloths.iii. Square each end of pipe to be fused.iv. Check line-up of pipe ends. Adjust for high or low.v. Check heater temperature – should be 400-450 degrees Insert heater plate between pipe ends and bring ends firmly into contact with plate, but do not apply pressure, achieve a melt bead of 1/16” to 1/8”depending on pipe size.vii. Remove heater plate and bring melted ends together. Apply only enough pressure to obtain a double roll back bead.viii. Allow the joint to cool at least 30 seconds before removing pressureHeat Fusion – ElectrofusionAll electrofusion joining processes will be made using the equipment and techniques that are recommended by the fittings manufacturer.Joining of Plastic Pipe Maintenance ManualRepair of Plastic PipeEach imperfection or dame, such as crushes, gouges or grooves that would impair the serviceability of plastic pipe must be repaired by patching saddle or removed.Inspection of JointsAll individuals inspecting joints must be qualified by appropriate training or experience in evaluating the acceptability of plastic pipe joints made under the applicable joining procedure and approved by the District Manager after proper training on visual examination of joints.。


















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PID控制组态手册PID控制组态手册PID 指令PID 回路PID 回路指令运用以回路表中的输入和组态信息使 ENO = 0 的错误条件是SM4.3(运行时间)SM1.1 (溢出)输入/输出操作数数据类型TBL VB BYTELOOP 常数 (0 到 7) BYTEPID 回路指令 (包含比例微分回路) 是用来进行 PID 运算可以进行这种 PID 运算的前提条件是逻辑堆栈栈顶 (TOS) 值必须为该指令有两个操作数其中TABLE 是回路表的起始地址可以是 0 到 7 的整数如果两个或两个以上的 PID 指令用了同一个回路号这些 PID 运算之间也会相互干涉.回路表包含 9 个参数这些参数分别是过程变量当前值 (PVn)给定值 (SPn)增益 (Kc)积分时间 (TI)为了让PID 运算以预想的采样频率工作或者用在主程序中被定时器所控制以一定频率执行使用 STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32 中的 PID 向导STEP 7–Micro/WIN 32 提供了PID 向导指导你定义一个闭环控制过程的 PID 算法然后从指令向导窗口中选择 PID 指令PID 算法PID 控制器调节输出使系统达到稳定状态PID 控制的原理基于下面的算式积分项和微分项的函数M(t)PID 回路的输出连续算式必须离散化为周期采样偏差算式数字计算机处理的算式如下M n在第 n 采样时刻积分项是从第 1 个采样周期到当前采样周期所有误差项的函数比例项仅是当前采样的函数不保存所有的误差项n*+edt+M initial + K c *de/dt输出= 比例项 + 积分项 + 微分项由于计算机从第一次采样开始只需要保存偏差前值和积分项前值可以化简以上算式为M n 在第 n 采样时刻这个改进型算式是M n 第 n 采样时刻的计算值MP n 第 n 采样时刻的比例项值Mi n 第 n 采样时刻的积分项值MD n 第 n 采样时刻的微分项值比例项比例项 MP 是增益 (K c) 和偏差 (e) 的乘积偏差 (e) 是给定值(SP) 与过程变量值 (PV) 之差MP n = K c * (SP n - PV n)其中积分项积分项值 MI 与偏差和成正比MI n =Kc * T S / T I * (SP n - PV n) + MX其中在每次计算出 MI n 之后其中 MI n 可以被调整或限定 (详见“变量和范围”一节)积分项还包括其他几个常数采样时间间隔 (T S) 和积分时间 (T I)y·?ê±y·????ú????ê?3??á1??Dó°?ìμ?′óD?μèê??aù?¨¨?μ2?±?(SP n=SP n-1)?éò?ó?1y3ì±?á?μ?±??ˉì?′ú??2?μ?±??ˉMD n第 n 采样时刻的微分项值Kc 回路增益Ts 回路采样时间T D 微分时间SP n 第 n 采样时刻的给定值SP n – 1 第 n-1 采样时刻的给定值PV n 第 n 采样时刻的过程变量值PV n – 1 第 n-1 采样时刻的过程变量值为了下一次计算微分项值而不是偏差初始化为 PV n -1回路控制类型的选择在许多控制系统中例如只需要比例回路或者比例积分回路可先选中想要的回路控制类型可以把积分时间设为无穷大积分项还是不为零如果不想要微分回路如果不想要比例回路可以把增益设为 0.0°ò?μ±×÷ 1.0 看待给定值(SP) 和过程变量(PV)±èè?ê?éè?¨μ3μ?ù?è?éò?oaá?ê?3??μí3×÷ó?μ?′óD?1y3ì±?á??éò?ê?2a?ùò?μ?ê?è? (衡量车轮转速高低)ü??μ?′óD?PID 指令在对这些量进行运算以前转换的第一步是把 16 位整数值转成浮点型实数值XORD AC0MOVW AIW0LDW>= AC0AC0 //先对 AC0 中值进行符号扩展LBL 0DTR AC01.0 之间的实数R Norm = (R Raw / Span) + Offset)其中双极性为 0.5Span 值域大小1.0之间的实数累加器中的标准化值AC0//+R 0.5ê1ú 0.0VD100 //标准化的值存入回路表回路输出值转换成刻度整数值回路输出值一般是控制变量在汽车速度控制中同时1.0之间的标准化了的实数值必须把回路输出转换成相应的16 位整数是给定值或过程变量的标准化转换的反过程公式如下R scal 回路输出的刻度实数值M n 回路输出的标准化实数值Offset 单极性为 0.0é?ü×?′ó?μ??è¥?é?ü×?D??μ单极性为 32,000 (典型值)双极性为 64,000 (典型值)这一过程可以用下面的指令序列完成可通过下面的指令序列来完成那么该回路为正作用回路那么是反作用回路如果指定积分时间就是正作用回路则是反作用回路因此在回路表中输出变量是由 PID 运算产生的需更新回路表中的输出值1.0之间回路表中的输出值可以用来初始化输出值 (有关 PID 指令的方式详见下面的“控制方式” 一节)y·°?μòa?ù?Y PID 运算结果更新当输出值超过范围 (大于 1.0 或小于 0.0)MX = 1.0 - (MP n + MD n) 当计算输出 M n > 1.0或MX = - (MP n + MD n) 当计算输出 M n < 0.0其中一旦输出回到范围后而且积分项前值也要限制在0.0è?oó?ú??′? PID 运算结束之后以备在下次 PID 运算中使用在实际运用中手工调整积分项前值时还应保证写入的值在 0.0回路表中的给定值与过程变量的差值(ó??§×?o?2?òaè¥DT??′??μòa PID 块有效在这种意义上说当 PID 运算不被执行时同计数器指令相似当该使能位检测到一个信号的正跳变 (从 0 到 1) ê1 PID 指令从手动方式无扰动地切换到自动方式在转变到自动控制前PID 指令对回路表中的值进行下列动作从手动方式无扰动切换到自动方式过程变量 (PV n)l置过量变量前值 (PV n-1)输出值 (M n)PID 使能位的默认值是 1CPU 进入 RUN 方式后首次使 PID 块有效那么就没有无扰动切换的动作如果其他过程需要对回路变量进行报警等特殊操作出错条件如果指令指定的回路表起始地址以及回路号操作数超出范围CPU 令产生编译错误(范围错误)PID 指令不检查回路表中的值是否在范围之内PID 指令不检查回路表中的值是否超界如果 PID 计算的算术运算发生错误并且中止 PID 指令的执行单靠改变回路表中的输出值是不够的改变引起算术运算错误的输入值回路表36 个字节的回路表的格式如表 9-19 所示必须在 0.0±?D??ú 0.0±?D??ú 0.0é?y?é?o16 采样时间双字 - 实数输入单位为秒(T S)必须是正数24 微分时间双字 - 实数输入单位为分钟(T D)必须在 0.0óDòDèòa??3?ò??¨μ?a?íDèòaóDò±?ò?2?í?μ??ù?è1????a?ù2??üê1????2?????1y3ì±?á?óé?ˉú?μ??2aá?ò3?éò?′ó?êDí×?′ó?μμ? 0% 变到 100%1y3ì±?á??μê?à′×±íμ?μ¥??D??£?aá?ó?à′±??ù?è 1.0在本系统中其回路增益和时间常数可以通过工程计算初步确定初步确定的增益和时间常数为关闭出水口使水位达到满水位的 75%í?ê±??±′óê??ˉ·?ê??D??μ?×??ˉ·?ê??èê?è???0 代表手动当工作在手动控制方式下1.0之间的实数) 写到VD108 (VD108 是回路表中保存输出的寄存器)图 9-28 是本控制实例的程序/ /装入设定值75%/ /装入回路增益=0.25/ /装入采样时间=0.1秒/ /装入积分时间=30分/ /关闭微分作用/ /设定定时中断0发生的时间/ /间隔为100m s/ /设置定时中断以执行PID计算/ /允许中断/ /子程序0结束LAD STLNETWORK 1//把PV转换成一个标准的实数就执行PIDPID VB100, 0NETWORK 3 //把Mn转换成16位整数/ / 把PV 转换成一个标准的实数 / / PV 是一个单极/ / 把单极性模拟量存入累加器/ / 把32位整数变换成实数/ / 标准化累加器中的值/ / 把标准化的PV 值存入TABLE 表/ / 在自动方式下执行PID 控制/ / 一旦进入自动方式Mn 为单极性且非负/ / 把输出值传送到累加器 / / 累加器中为刻度值/ / 把实数转换成32位整数/ / 把16位整数写到模拟输出VD100 ENOENOAQW0图9-28 PID回路控制实例 (续)。



实验 6:气体压力 PID 单回路控制系统的设计与整定

实验 6:气体压力 PID 单回路控制系统的设计与整定














工程中常用MPa表示压力,1 MPa=106 Pa,②工程大气压(kgf/cm2),垂直作用于每平方厘米面积上的力,以公斤数为计量单位。


1 kgf/cm2=9.80665×105 Pa=0.980665 MPa。



1 atm=760 mmHg。





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Dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane, R 132a 1,2C2H2Cl2F2 Dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane, R 132 1,2C2H2Cl2F2 Dichloro-1-fluoroethane, R141b 1,1Dichloro-1-fluoroethane, R 141a 1,1Dichloro-1-fluoroethane, R 141 1,2C2H3Cl2F C2H3Cl2F C2H3Cl2F
PID能检测的气体成分(VOC挥发性有机 Molecular weight Ionlsation 11.7bV (Ar) 10.6eV 10.2eV Potential Factor (Kr) Factor (D2) Factor 44 10.23 3.3 4.86 1 60 102 58 41 26 56 72 53 58 77 17 130 88 93 108 78 150 C7H6O C6H6 C6H5SH C7H5N C7H8O C7H7Cl C8H8O2 C12H10 C6H10O3 Br2 C6H5Br C2H5Br C3H7OBr CHBr3 C3H7Br C4H6 C4H6O2 C4H10 C4H10O C4H8O C4H8 C6H14O2 C7H12O2 C4H10S 106 78 110 103 108 127 136 154 130 160 157 109 139 253 123 54 86 58 74 72 56 118 116 128 90 8.98 10.29 10 10.48 10.18 9.07 10 10.63 10.04 / 9.58 10 10 9 9.15 9 9.49 9.24 8.32 9.62 8.26 9.14 9.32 8.23 9 9.63 10.05 10.18 9.9 10 7.7 8.21 10.22 10.6 9.69 10.66 2.6 2 1.4 100 2 3 2 1.2 1.7 0.7 5.7 1 4 0.47 1 3 0 1 0.6 0 2 0.9 0.5 0.66 0 0 0.74 0.5 0 2 0.5 0.6 1.1 1.2 1 1.4 0 0 0.62 0 0.6 2 36.15 0 0.71 0 0 4 2.74 0 2.07 4.5 8.49 1.8 3.2 0.5 0.47 0 1 0.86 0.5 0.7 0.7 1.25 0.55 0.77 0.4 3 0 0.7 5 2.5 2.8 1.3 0.83 4 46.29 4.01 1.15 1 1.1 2.42 1.5 0.54 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 8 0 5 0.5 1 2 0 1 0.53 0 1 1.2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 10 0 70 0 1 1 2 1 0.55
Chlorotoluene, 邻氯甲苯、 o2-氯甲苯 C7H7Cl Chlorotrifluoroethylene 氟乙烯,乙烯基氟 C2ClF3
Crotonaldehyde 巴豆醛、2-丁烯醛 C4H6O Cyclohexane 环已烷、六氢化苯 C6H12 Cyclohexanol 环已醇 Cyclohexanone 环已酮 Cyclohexene 环已烯
/ 8.71 / 10.08 10.31
0 0.7 0 0.3 0 1.7 11 1
0.9 1 0.45 1.4 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.2 0 0 0.45 0 10 2.6 0 0 0.45 0.5 1 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 0.58 1.16 2.9 1.03 0.75 0.98 4 1.04 0.8 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.4
135 147 99 99 97 97 97 97 85 113 132 0 74 90 73 117 130 112 102 101 84 76 112 94 46 126 62 87 45 121 144 73 73 142 60 88 88 170 130 93 116 46 61 90 118 88 100
Dichloro-1-propene, 2,3-di-Cl-1-propene 2,3C3H4Cl2
Dichloro-2,2,-difluoroethane, R 1112a 1,1C2H2Cl2F2 Dichlorobenzene 二氯( o代)苯 oDichloroethane EDA 1,2or 1,2-DCA Dichloroethane, 1,1-DCA 1,1Dichloroethene, 1,1-DCE 1,1Dichloroethene, c-1,2-DCE cis-1,2Dichloroethene, t-1,2-DCE trans-1,2Dichloroethylene 二氯乙烯 1,2- 1,2Dichloromethane 二氯甲 Dichloropropane, 氯丙烷 1,21,2Dicyclopentadiene 二环戊二烯 Diesel Fuel 柴油机燃料 C4H10O C4H10S C4H11N Diethyl ether 二乙醚 Diethyl sulphide Diethylamine 二乙胺 C6H4Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 C2H2Cl2 CH2Cl2 C3H6Cl2 C10H12
Asphalt, petroleum 沥青, 石油臭气 fumes Benzaldehyde苯甲醛 Benzene 苯 Benzenethiol 硫醇 Benzonitrile 氰苯﹑苯甲精 Benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇 Benzyl chloride 苯甲酰氯 Benzyl formate 苯甲基蚁酸盐 Biphenyl Bromine 联苯基 嗅 Bis(2,3-epoxypropyl) 醚 ether Bromobenzene 溴苯 Bromoethane溴乙烷 Bromoethyl methyl 甲基醚 ether, ,22Bromoform 氯仿 Bromopropane, 丙烷, 1- 1Butadiene Butane, nButanol, 1Butene, 1Butene, 1丁二烯 正丁烷,n正丁醇 保松泰 丁烯 Butadiene diepoxide, 丁二烯二聚物 1,3-
Cyclohexylamine 环已胺、六氢苯胺 C6H13N Cyclopentane环戊烷、五亚甲基 C5H10 Decane, n癸烷 C10H22 C6H12O2 CHBr2Cl C2H4Br2 Diacetone alcohol 双丙酮醇 Dibromochloromethane 溴氯甲烷 Dibromoethane 二溴乙烷 1,2-
Acrylic Acid 压克力的酸,丙烯酸 C3H4O2 Acrylonitrile 丙烯腈 Allyl alcohol 烯丙醛﹑乙烯甲醇 C3H6O Allyl chloride 烯丙基氯﹑3-氯丙烯 C3H5Cl Ammonia 氨 H3N C7H14O2 C5H12O C6H7N C7H8O AsH3 Amyl acetate,戊烷基醋酸盐 n,nAmyl alcohol 戊烷基醇 Aniline Anisole Arsine 苯胺 苯甲醚=茴香醚 三氢砷化﹑胂
Butoxyethanol, 2-丁氧基乙醇 2Butyl acrylate, 丙烯酸正丁酯 nButyl mercaptan 丁硫醇
Butyl acetate,乙酸正丁酯﹑醋酸丁酯 nC6H12O2
Butylamine, 2丁胺,2Butylamine, n丁胺 Camphene 莰烯 Carbon disulfide 二硫化碳 Carbon tetrabromide 四溴甲烷 Carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳 Carbonyl sulphide 碳酰硫化物 Chlorine 氯 Chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯
Gas Name Acetic Acid Acetone Acetylene Acrolein
Gas Name 醋酸,乙酸 丙酮 乙炔 丙烯荃
formula C2H4O C2H4O2 C3H6O CH3CN C2H2 C3H4O C3H3N
Acetic Anhydride 醋的醋酐,碳酸丙烯酯 C4H6O3 Acetonitrile 氰代甲烷
0 0.5 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0.2 4.8 20 0.5 0.8 1.5 0 2 1 1 0 2 0.54 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 5 3
C4H11N C4H11N C10H16 CS2 CBr4 CCl4 COS Cl2 ClO2
73 73 136 76 332 154 60 71 67 118 118 100 100 118 89 83 83 113 65 81 95 119 50 127 127 116 108 108 108 70 120 84 100 98 82 99 70 142 116 208 188 135 135 117 117 117 111
Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, R 133 1- C2H2ClF3
Chloroethanol 乙撑氯醇、 22-氯乙醇 C2H5ClO Chloroethyl methyl 2-氯乙氧基甲烷、 ether, 2- 2C3H7ClO 氯乙基甲基醚 Chloroform 氯仿、三氯甲烷 Chloromethane 氯甲 Chlorotoluene, 对氯甲苯 pCresol, mCresol, oCresol, pCumene 甲酚-m 甲酚-o 甲酚-p 枯烯、异丙基苯 CHCl3 CH3Cl C7H7Cl C7H8O C7H8O C7H8O C9H12 C6H12O C6H10O C6H10
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.5 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1