德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)--2012年12月DBverbal新题
2013年2月:英美两国监管当局宣布对苏格兰皇家银行处以 约6.1亿美元罚款,以惩戒其在2006年至2010年间操纵 LIBOR的行为。
2013年11月欧盟(EU)准备对多家银行处以数十亿欧元罚款, 因为这些银行组成卡特尔,操纵全球两个关键基准利率。苏格 兰皇家银行(RBS)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和法国兴业 银行(Société Générale)将于下月支付罚款,了结受到的指控。
在亚洲,日本成为利率操纵丑闻的最新 焦点。美国商品期货交易委员会发布声明 说,苏格兰皇家银行及其日本子公司在 2006年至2010年期间数百次试图操纵和 虚假汇报日元和瑞士法郎的LIBOR报价, 以在衍生品和货币市场交易方面牟利。类 似的情况还出现在新加坡。
2007年:巴克莱银行提示美国监管部门其他银行虚假汇报银行 间利率。
2008年9月:雷曼兄弟破产引发全球金融危机,LIBOR大幅攀 升。
2011年8月:券商查尔斯·施瓦布公司起诉11家主要银行共谋 操纵LIBOR。 2012年6月:巴克莱银行因操纵和虚假汇报LIBOR和欧洲银行 间同业拆借利率(EURIBOR)被英国和美国监管机构处以4. 5亿美元罚款。巴克莱首席执行官鲍勃·戴蒙德和董事长马库 斯·阿吉厄斯随后引咎辞职。
银行业操纵利率的危害显而易见,首先是利用行业 地位和信息不对称进行社会财富转移,将本该属于消 费者的利益转变为自己的利润;其次,操控市场利率 将干扰央行的货币政策,影响宏观调控效果。
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)--42题 Verbal
9.Communication technologies are far from equivalent.A recent study comparing honesty across a range of different media revealed that people were twice likely to tell lies when using the phone than when communicating via e-mail.It had previously been assumed that people would be more inclined to fabricate the truth when using e-mail,due to the remoteness of the interaction making people more comfortable about deceiving others.On the contrary,it seems that anxiety over the accountability afforded by the recording of e-mail exchanges induces greater truthfulness.However,the research also noted that people are much more likely to be rude or insulting over e-mail,outweighing any benefits of increased honesty!An implication of the study is that if telephone conversations are recorded and people are aware of this fact,they are likely to be more truthful over the phone.TPeople are unconcerned about the repercussion of e-mail untruths.FIt had been assumed that people would communicate more honestly when using e-mail than when using the telephone.F10.There is often considerable scientific disagreement both about available reserves of natural resources and about the extent of environmental damage caused byparticular pollutants.Even where the scientific evidence is incontrovertible.There may be political conflict,based on different vested interests,over the degree to which particular environmental controls should be ernments may,for example, refrain from introducing effective control if they fear these will adversely affect company profitability or jobs,even where the environmental cost of not introducing controls are considerable.There is always scientific debate around the facts regarding the reserves of natural resources.TVery rarely is there conflict over the degree to which particular environmental controls should be accepted.FParties with a vested interest are more influenced by politics than science when deciding whether to implement environmental controls.T/C11.Whilst high visibility crime such as night-time drunken disturbance has increased,total urban and rural crime,both reported and unreported,has fallen over the last two years,yet paradoxically people feel less safe,believing that the converse is the case.This fall in crime has coincided with a drop in the number of police officer on the street.A citizen’s fear of crime seems not to be a matter of reality at all-the visibility of law enforcement officials has a greater impact on their view of reality than hard facts.Reducing the number of police officer has led to a reduction in crime.CCrime statistics support popular belief about the level of crime.FPeople feel safer when there are more police on the street.C/T12.There is no task more difficult than that of ensuring the education of children in modern society.Not only school,but also teachers and their roles have changed out of all recognition in the past few decades,thanks to the impact on teaching institutions by indoctrinating,and indoctrinated,reformist intellectuals bearing revolutionary ideas.To the perpetual indiscipline of youth has now been added the indiscipline of parents,many of whom interpret any reports of wrongdoing in school on the part of their offspring as a personal affront,or as the manifestation of the malice of teachers. As for the teachers themselves,whilst many are respectable and learned men and women,who view it as their vocation to induct their charges into a civilization and a way of behaving,others attempt to influence youth merely to further their political or ideological ends.Some of those working in education have their own hidden agendas.C/TTeacher with revolutionary ideas will attempt to influence their pupils for their own political ends.FSome teachers who report children of wrongdoing do so because of malice,rather than nay legitimate reason.C13.Last week,the competition commission outlined two packages to regulate the sale of extended product warranties,which provide repair/replacement for faulty goods beyond the manufacturer’s original guarantee.Whilst warranty sales are currently highly profitable,with some retailers attributing up to¾of their profits to this income stream,they are also criticized for offering poor value for money due to obscure clauses,which restrict payment in many,but the most unlikely claim scenarios.The first package-to ban retailers selling a full warranty on the day of purchase was condemned by all as draconian-whilst the other,rather milder,option of forcing retailers to provide full information on warranty exclusions and an obligatory 60–day“cool-off”period for customers,received a more balanced hearing.Because no one believes that the first option will ever be implemented,investors and analysts have focused more closely on the implication of the“milder”package.In a recent leaked research note,one analyst suggested that the implementation of the reform in the second package would place a staff-training burden on the retailer, which would lead to a significant increase in the cost of warranty sales,and a predicted20%fall in actual sales.“Cool-off”periods are not currently offered by companies selling product warranties.TIt is likely that neither package will be implemented.CPreventing retailers from selling warranties on the day of purchase of a product was felt to be too severe a restriction.T14.All scientific knowledge is provisional.Everything that science knows,even the most mundane facts and long-established theories,is subject to re-examination as new information comes in.the latest data and ideas are scrutinized the most.Some recantations will be unavoidable,but this is not a weakness of science,but rather its strength.No endeavor rivals science in its incremental progress towards a more complete understanding of the observable universe.Science improves understanding on the basis of leaving those theories that appear to work.FSome facts in science cannot be challenged if any progress is to be made.C/FThat which is not observable cannot be part of the domain of science.C15.The Statute on workplace safety requires that an employer should ensure,so far as is reasonably practicable,the health,safety and welfare at work of all full and part time employees,and also those not in direct employment who may be affected by acts or omissions at work.However,it is also the duty of employees to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and also that of other persons whomay be affected by their acts or omissions at work,for example by complying with all notices on health and safety that are posted.If a workplace visitor is hurt due to an act of negligence by an employee then the employee may be held solely responsible.C/FAn employer has responsibility for the safety of visitors to his factory.TEmployees have negligible responsibility for workplace health and safety.F16.Today’s historians aim to construct a record of human activities and to use this record to achieve a more profound understanding of humanity.This conception of their task is quite recent,dating from the development from18th and early19th centuries of scientific history,and cultivated largely by professional historians who adopted the assumption that the study of natural,inevitable human activity.Before the late18th century,history was taught in virtually no schools,and it did not attempt to provide an interpretation of human life as a whole.This is more appropriately the function of religion,of philosophy,or even perhaps of poetry.That which constitutes the study of history has changed over time.T/CProfessional historians did not exist before18th century.CIn the17th century,history would not have been thought of as a way of understanding humanity.T17.Whilst having similar effects on employees,there tend to be major difference between a merger and an acquisition.In an acquisition,power is substantially assumed by the new parent company.Change is often swift and brutal as the acquirer imposes its own control systems and financial restraints.Parties to a merger are likely to be evenly matched in terms of size,and the power and cultural dynamics of the combination are more ambiguous,integration is a more drawn out process.During an acquisition,there is often more overt conflict and resistance and a sense of powerlessness.In mergers,because of the prolonged period between the initial announcement and full integration,uncertainty and anxiety continue for a much longer time as the organization remains in a state of limbo.There tends to be a major power difference between parties in an acquisition.T Mergers and acquisition tend to have distinctly different impacts on employees.F Mergers yield a shorter period of anxiety and uncertainty amongst employees.F 18.Management is,in effect,the catalyst that is essential for converting the resources and raw material inputs of the operation into valued outputs and,in the process,ensuring that stakeholder needs are satisfied.Managers represent the critical factor,which economists refer to as“enterprise”,without which the other factors (land,labor and capital)cannot function.Managers are effectively the custodians ofthe organization’s resource,responsible for deciding what the resources should be used for,how best to use them,and to which customers the outputs should be targeted.Stakeholder needs are best served through the creation of valued outputs.CManagement has at least two major but different responsibilities.TManagers must decide how best to handle all the resources at their disposal.T19.There is no doubt that vegetarian food can be healthier than a traditional diet–indeed,research has demonstrated that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from heart disease and obesity than those who eat meat.One long-standing concern about a vegetarian lifestyle is the risk of failing to take in enough protein.However,historical calculations as to the amount of protein needed for a healthy lifestyle have recently been shown to overestimate the quantities needed,and if vegetarian select their food carefully they should be able to meet their protein needs.A balanced diet is more likely to promote health than any particular food or foodgroup in isolation.C/FToo much protein in the diet can lead to heart disease.COver time the recommendations as to what constitutes a healthy balanced diet have changed.C20.Water,the most common liquid used for cleaning,has a property called surface tension.Molecules in the body of the water are surrounded by other molecules, but at the surface a“tension”is created as molecules are only surrounded by other molecules on the waterside.This tension inhibits the cleaning process,as it slows the wetting of surface due to tension causing the water to bead up.This is where water droplets hold their shape and do not spread.For effective cleaning to take place “surface tension”must be reduced so that water can spread.Surface-active agents,or surfactants,are chemicals,which are able to do this effectively.Surface-active agents,or surfactants,are only used for cleaning.CWater is the only known liquid used for cleaning.FIf surfactant chemicals are added to water when cleaning a surface,surface tension will occur.FThe molecules on the waterside hinder the cleaning process.C/T21.The biggest risk facing the world’s insurance companies is possibly the rapid change now taking place within their own ranks.Sluggish growth in core markets and intense price competition,coupled with shifting patterns of customer demand and the rising cost of losses,are threatening to overwhelm those too slow to react.Insurance companies are experiencing a boom in their core markets.FInsurance companies are competing to provide best prices to customers.TInsurance companies are coping well with increased price competition and rising losses.F22.Short-sightedness is to a large extent inherited,its incidence varies from one family to another.The reason behind the link between the common incidence of short-sightedness and high intelligence is unclear.Previous generations thought that eyes could become strained by years spent poring over books,but a few decades ago the popular medical view was that short-sighted people gravitated towards the library because they found it hard to excel at sports.Recently there has been partial support for a theory that high intelligence and short-sightedness may,in fact,be part of a genetic package.The genetic link between intelligence and short-sightedness has recently been disproven.CPeople from all families stand at an equal chance of being short-sighted.FIntelligence is to a large extent inherited.C23.The cosmic microwave background(CMB)radiation is the afterglow from the Big Bang,and weak as it may be today,these primeval microwaves hold valuable information about fundamental properties of the early universe.Slight differences,or anisotropies,in the brightness and polarization of the CMB reveal clues about the nature of the primeval plasma:that the discrepancies exist at all shows that the plasma was not perfectly uniform.The variations in the brightness seen in the CMB reflect differences in the density of the primordial plasma,whereas the anisotropic polarization reveals information about the dynamics of the early universe,such as the movement of material and the number of gravitational waves.The CMB,however,is not the only source of polarized microwaves and the cosmological polarization must thus be measured at different wavelengths so as to isolate them from foreground signals.The anisotropies of the CMB show solely that the primordial plasma was not uniform.FThe polarization of cosmic microwaves is measured at different wavelength so as to separate the foreground from the background signals.TThrough studying the cosmological microwaves,one may learn about the forces of gravity in the early universe.24.Internet experts are warning of a new multitude of extremely dangerous computer viruses that have recently been causing devastation and could potentially cripple entire global computer systems.These viruses can replicate thousands of copies within hours and are capable of extirpating security software that,in turn, enables hackers to appropriate control of the machines.Criminal gangs can then establish bank accounts using stolen identities,sabotage a company’s computersystem and extort money for its restoration,and sell computers that have been interfered with on the black puter users are often advised to refrain from opening suspicious program attached to the emails and to continually update their security software.Internet experts are advising computer users to replace their software if they suspect it has been tampered with.C25.For most people,any reference to hypnosis brings to mind images of individuals involved in amusing,and often out of character,behavior.However, hypnosis is also a topic of scientific research.Research by scientists over the last few decades has revealed ways in which memory processes,and processes involved in pain perception can be changed using hypnosis.It has also been found that hypnotic suggestions can regulate activity in identifiable sections of the brain and can contribute to the effective management of cognitive conflict.Findings from several related brain imaging studies,for example,have suggested that people under hypnosis cab exhibit reduced level of brain activity in both visual area and the anterior cingulate cortex.Disparate research has already established the role of these brain structures in the monitoring the cognitive conflict.Workers are becoming increasingly concerned about company relocation due to its association with employee distress and isolation,which can be caused by issues such as the management of property transitions and loss of community ties.Furthermore, moving home can put a strain on worker’s financial resources and close relationships, especially for those working parents who may feel guilty about moving children to new schools.Regardless of the disruption created,some individuals are very willing to relocate,due to the potential for enhanced career prospects and long-term financial stability.Some people may feel guilty about the consequences of relocating.TCompany relocation has increased.CThe potential benefits of job relocation are seen,by some,to be worth the associated distress and strain.T26.Political,economic and demographic developments are combining to increase the wealth of individuals leading economies.These individuals take a much more active role in managing their personal financial affairs and in determining how their assets should be invested for their long-term benefit.As a result,we are seeing the emergence of a new market,consisting of so-called“affluent individuals”.This structural trend is set to continue and will provide significant opportunities for financial services providers.This band of individuals has traditionally been dominated by old money inheritance,and this will remain a factor,but the rise of new affluent money is increasing as individuals benefit from higher salaries and compensation inthe form of stock options.These new affluent individuals are also creating wealth as small business entrepreneurs.Affluent individuals want to manage their own assets rather than use financial service providers.FIndividuals cannot become“affluent”through inheriting old money.FInherited old money will be completely replaced by new affluent money.FThat which is not observable cannot be part of the domain of science.C 27.At the moment of GTC,like other European producers,is able to relieve at least some of its over-capacity by exporting,partly to Central America.A decade from now,that region will be largely self-sufficient and trade will be starting to flow the other way.However,for GTC investors,the company’s recent restructure could herald better times.The group’s lack of focus and lack-lustre returns have been much criticized of late.Central America will,in the future,begin to export less to Europe.FCentral American producers will find a ready market for their products in Europe.CRestructuring generally produces an increase in profitability.C28.The increasing fragility of the rural economy will be the biggest challenge facing country communities over the next ten years.Agriculture,which accounts for a quarter of rural job,is in decline.Tourism provides no more than half this number of job.The rural manufacturing sector,however,has grown over last ten years.Despite this,it still employs fewer than one in twenty people living in rural area,and is threatened by companies based in industrial areas,which benefit from access to a larger skilled workforce and better transportation networks.Industries based in rural areas benefit from better transport links.CManufacturing provides the fewest jobs in the countryside.CThe manufacturing sector is likely to be the main source of employment for rural workers in the future.CIndustries based in rural areas suffer from poorer transport links.T29.In recent years,many issues have been considered when attempting to ameliorate the wellbeing of patients and the efficiency of hospital administration. Patients have often complained about endless waiting lists,low standards of cleanliness,poor hospital food,and unsatisfactory doctor-patient communication and now,according to an expert from a leading image consultancy,doctors’dress codes and their general appearance must come under close scrutiny.Of healthcareprofessionals have an unwashed appearance,dirty nails or unkempt hair,this exudes the impression of recklessness,wearing red reminds patients of blood,and power dressing is discouraged because patients may feel undermined and less relaxed. Although campaign groups approve of healthcare professionals leading by example with high standards of hygiene in hospitals,some individuals argue that this potential new image legislation is merely a case of jumping on the bandwagon of the current media trend for home and lifestyle makeovers.Individuals have argued that the current media trend for lifestyle makeover is direct result of the concern over the image of new legislations.New hospital legislation states that healthcare professionals must have clean fingernails.TIt is always preferable for healthcare professionals to wear blue instead of red.C30.One of the great paradoxes of entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs must develop the capacity to engage the urgent with the emergent.Routine pressures force us to allow the urgent to dominate us,quarterly reports,market share,and tangible return on investment become paramount in this paradox,emergent(strategic)issues are often lost.The urgent presents itself in tangible shape and form,whereas the emergent is subtler in its appearance.Entrepreneurs need to pre-sense emergent reality,thus they require more than ordinary attentiveness.However,information consumes the attention of the recipient,and urgent information is by nature more demanding of attention than emergent.Yet it is an awareness of the emergent that frequently distinguishes the successful leader,the individual who can see through the reactive demands of day-to-day urgency to act rapidly upon the emergent trends that,if capitalized upon, can ensure commercial triumph.One way of ensuring time to identify the emergent is to make time for reflective moments in work life in order to restore the quality of attentiveness and see through the fog of the immediate.It is easier to spot an emergent trend than an urgent issue.FThe present tends to be governed by the immediate demands.TIt is easy to lose sight of the strategic issues given the demands that immediate issues make.T31.Some doctors claim that any information received from a patient during a medical consultation is subject ethically to absolute confidentiality and can in no circumstance be revealed without the patient’s permission.Without such a rule,they believe that patients would not supply all of the information needed to treat them. Most however,believe that their obligations to society override their obligations to their patients;for example,being prepared to report to the police a patient who persisted in driving,despite the existence of a condition that rendered them unsafe.One reason for such a conflict is that whilst courts recognize the confidentiality of exchange between lawyers and clients,this is not extended to doctor and patients.A doctor would report to the police a patient who was a danger to others.TPatients rarely give permission for a doctor to discuss their medical details with others.CDoctors are in agreement about the ethics and practice of patient confidentiality.F32.Private airline companies have always been determined to operate a transport system that is safe for passengers,whilst still remaining competitively priced and commercially viable.However,a private sector business can only remain viable if it generates profits for its shareholders.Recent reports suggest that if all aircrafts were fitted with military derived ground-to-air missile defense system,and at all airports there was infallible screening for weapons and explosives then the system would be much safer.However,totally effective screening would preclude all possibility of profit,and current systems are still very thorough,whilst also providing a good cost-benefit ratio.Military aircraft are safer than commercial craft.TMore effective airline security systems than are currently in use are available.T Current airline security systems provide the best possible mix of cost against benefit.C33.The location of a shop operated by a charity in an affluent neighborhood could be deemed extremely advantageous because this increases the potential for a continuous supply of highly valuable donations.However,this may be counterbalanced by an exorbitant rent for the property.Of fundamental importance to the success of the shop is a dedicated group of volunteers who should sort through donations promptly to ensure that items are quickly made available for purchase,in order to promote financial prosperity.Volunteers and staff must be vigilant of thieves, to which these shops are particularly susceptible,usually due to a lack of security cameras or bar codes on the item.The only factor affecting the financial success of a shop operated by a charity is its location.FShops operated by charitable organizations are particularly vulnerable to shoplifter if there are no security cameras or bar codes on items.TIt is less likely that shops operated by charities which are situated in affluent neighborhoods will have volunteers who are more dedicated,than those in less wealthy neighborhoods.C34.The prospect of accepting negative feedback about ourselves elicits conflict, as we need to assess the immediate emotional costs of negative information about ourselves against the long-term benefits of gaining useful feedback.Studies have confirmed what most managers seem to have known already,that the mood we in whilst receiving feedback often influences the relative weight people assign to emotional costs versus the informational benefits of receiving negative feedback.The studies that have been carried out have demonstrated that positive moods can function as a buffer and therefore enable people affected in this way to both accept,as well as better handle,the emotional costs of negative self-related information.Managers are increasingly taking employees’moods into consideration when providing them with negative feedback regarding their performance.CAccepting negative feedback involves a trade-off between short-term and long-term costs and benefits.TAn individual’s mood will have no effect on how negative feedback is received.C35.Over the past decade there has been a steady growth in the holiday industry whilst the number of travel agencies has declined.This is due to the increasing number of customers who are booking their holidays online,because of a quicker and more financially viable service.However,specialist travel agencies,such as those focusing on particular regions or holiday activities,remain successful as they have an in-depth understanding of a region and the customers who go there.The staffs are also multilingual,and thanks to their specialized knowledge they can provide good deals, meaning that their prices are often lower than non-specialist travel agents and online companies.A travel agent’s specialist knowledge can be used to the financial benefit of thecustomer.TIt is not always more expensive for the customer to book holidays with a travel agent.TMore people are booking their holidays online rather than through a travel agent, even though it takes longer to find the right holiday this way.F36.Significant advances in float furnace design and operation,in the development of glass compositions,and in the glass forming process itself have all played a role in the optimization of glass manufacturing.For example, thermodynamic modeling assists with the enhancement of glass composition and offers control over devitrification characteristics,and studies examining burner design, to ensure flames have maximum luminosity and impinge on the glass at the correct angle,aid the minimization of fuel consumption.The exploitation of such advanced research allows glass manufacturers to reduce their expenditure on fuel,decrease theirdefect rates and produce glass of the highest quality,all of which are important if they are to retain their commercial standing and customer loyalty.Glass of a higher quality is produced when the float furnace is at its maximum temperature.CThe radiance of furnace flames has no direct impact on the amount of fuel used in the glass-forming process.CEnsuring the flames come into contact with the glass at a particular point can reduce the amount of energy required in the glass manufacturing process.T37.Amateur scientists have long been attracted to the discipline of astronomy, and professional astronomers are frequently supportive of their contribution to the science.Indeed,amateur astronomers have often been the first to spot an uncharted comet or star.Until now,the required scientific equipment has,unfortunately,been largely very expensive,varying according to the intricacy and size of the apparatus. According to some scientists,however,the spread of new,cheap technology, particularly in information and date management,promises to dramatically change and facilitate amateur-professional interaction,and collaboration.Amateur-professional collaboration will contribute to the advancement of astronomy.TIn the past,all scientific equipment required for research in astronomy was very expensive.CFollowing the spread of new,and cheaper technology,more amateur scientists are collaborating with professionals.T38.Scientists believe we are experiencing a dramatic change in the overall climate system,verified by the10-15cm rise in sea levels over the last100years and the increases in severe weather conditions.Although climate change occurs naturally, scientists believe human activities have led to increased carbon dioxide,methane and nitrous oxide concentrations,leading to climate changes and,in turn,observed increases in sea levels,atmospheric temperatures,and erratic weather systems.This means that today’s climate shift differs dramatically from previous shifts in climates in both magnitude and rate.Scientific research suggests that advancing sea levels, rising temperatures and severe weather conditions caused by climate change will result in a host of negative consequences such as a threat to international trade patterns,an increase in the movement of tropical disease,and an increased risk of forest fires and landslides.Only the difference in velocity distinguishes current climates shifts from previous shifts.FThe enormity of alterations to our climate system has never been experienced by human beings before.T。
2012年8月:美国纽约和康涅狄格州司法部门向苏格兰皇家银行、汇 丰银行、摩根大通、德意志银行、巴克莱银行、瑞银集团、花旗集团 发出传票,深入调查其涉嫌操纵LIBOR的行为。
2012年9月:英国金融管理局提出改革LIBOR定价机制的十点计划, 建议剥夺英国银行家协会的相关权力,另外成立一个完全独立的监督 小组。
加强国际级融市场中的利率风险管理,防范非 系统性风险 (P240 ) 发挥国际金融协调作用加大惩罚力度 ( P363)
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
放映结束 感谢各位的批评指导!
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根据课本结合案例分析欧洲货币市场特征为这些 大银行进行利率操纵提供有力条件(P185)
摆脱了任何国家或地区政府法令的管理 约束
突破了国际贸易与国际金融业务汇集地 的限制
完全由非居民交易形成的借贷关系 拥有广泛的银行网络与庞大的资金规模 具有信贷创造机制
无论是LIBOR、EURIBOR还是TIBOR,都是 一种基准利率,从学生贷款到家庭住房贷款到企 业贷款都和这一基准利率息息相关。操纵基准利 率无疑将损害普通消费者利益,令银行赚取非法 利润,还能令银行在危机期虚饰其资产状况,以 避免破产或遭政府接管。
2013年2月:英美两国监管当局宣布对苏格兰皇家银行处以 约6.1亿美元罚款,以惩戒其在2006年至2010年间操纵 LIBOR的行为。
二、业务条线德意志银行主要的业务条线包括公司银行与证券(Corporate Banking &Securities)、环球交易银行(Global Transaction Banking)财富管理(Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management)以及私人及工商企业客户业务(Private &Business Clients)。
德国品牌集合1.依茨 DEUTZ(世界上第一家发动机厂)2.福维克 vorwerk(创立伊始时的一家地毯工厂一直发展到今天成为一个涵盖诸多业务领域,并且在全球各地拥有分支机构的大型跨国集团)3.徕卡 leica(世界上最著名的照相机品牌之一)4.蔡司 Carl Zeiss(卡尔.蔡司 (Carl Zeiss) 公司是光学、精密工程及电子观测等领域的富有创新精神的技术领头人。
)5.亿能 infineon 英飞凌科技公司(全球领先的半导体公司之一)6.雷柏 Rapoo(无线外设技术专家,致力于向全球PC使用者提供高性能、高品质的电脑外设产品)7.麦科 Maico(是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的听力诊断仪器公司之一)8.Interton(领导世界助听器科技的公司之一)9.奥德声助听器 Audioservice(处于世界助听器行业的领先地位)10.福斯 fuchs(世界最大的独立润滑油生产商)11.马牌轮胎 Continental(世界第三大轮胎制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件供应商)12.迈雅 MEYER(专业生产高档男裤,既富有传统的特色,也充满优雅和现代的风格)13.维弗拉士公司已形成自己独特的工艺,在无污染的条件下生产制作,实现了零污染的国际环保标准,成为第一家获得欧洲环保证书的企业)14.唯森啤酒 Weihenstephan(创建有唯森技术大学科技中心,不断为世界各地培养一流啤酒酿造师)15.Rimowa(从行李箱起家,并将业务拓展到专业摄影箱、工业用箱及定制箱等三大领域,已在数不清的好莱坞影片中出现,甚至于保时捷跑车品牌以及德国汉莎航空也邀请RIMOWA为它们进行专属设计)16.NUK(德国MAPA公司生产的世界高质量的婴儿用品的著名商标,在世界婴儿用品市场上享有很高的声誉)17.哈芭 HAUBER(HAUBER时装公司发展成为涉及所有女装系列的制造商集团公司)18.CAMEL ACTIVE(“真正的穿着”时尚品牌的标志)19.碧斯 Best Care(以深厚的医学背景和独具特色的美容连锁闻名于世,行销世界35个国家和地区、拥有数十万个美容沙龙)20.THOMAS SABO(德国及其它欧洲国家确定了其时尚纯银首饰设计的领导地位)21.MARCCASNE 玛卡西尼(被誉为“理性美感式”的服饰)22.欧司朗 OSRAM(欧司朗以其出色的光源产品而闻名于世,已成为世界两大光源制造商之一,是西门子全资子公司)23.迈巴赫 maybach(“迈巴赫”这一传奇品牌——象征着完美和昂贵的轿车)24.GMG(一款新型的超级跑车牌子)25.帕萨特 passat( 车牌子,帕萨特有着悠久的历史,感觉更像是一位来自德国传统家庭的绅士)26.多特 Deuter(欧洲最著名的背包生产及设计商)27.马丁大夫 Dr. Martens(这牌子的鞋在整个欧洲都十分畅销)28.德丽芙 Doliva(秉承德国人严谨的制业态度,每一滴橄榄精华都源自意大利托斯卡纳特级初榨橄榄油,世界知名橄榄油品牌)29.爱米默 Allmilmo(引领国际厨卫产品设计的潮流,并以其个性化的设计和卓越的风格式样而闻名世界)30.麦森瓷器 Meissen(麦森瓷器被欧洲贵族称为“白色金子”,贵为欧洲第一名瓷)31.雅蔻 ARTDECO(ARTDECO拥有最专业及最齐全的彩妆、手足护理及护肤系列产品)32.(德国最大的,领军性的时装零售商)33.菲仕乐 fissler(世界上现存的,最古老的锅具品牌之一,是目前世界上最昂贵的锅具之一)34.罗特斯 LOTOS(全球最贵的眼镜供应商)35.歌薇 GOLDWELL(技术在德国同行业内处于领先水平)36.速腾 Sagitar(德国基因的正统传承者和PQ35平台的又一款力作,领先于同级车型,诸多技术细节甚至达到了豪华车的水准)37.Grosee(设计高品质、矜贵、时尚饰品及皮具的设计理念,为高贵、优雅的女士添加迷人气质)38.环球 Trek&Trave1(全球知名度最高级,集旅游、商务、运动及功能之男士休闲时装)39.嘉宝 Gabor(秉乘了德国制鞋业的精细工艺和卓越品质,还将潮流变换与日常商务概念完美地结合在一起,使顾客舒适行走的同时尽显时尚之风)40.索德士 SOTX(集运动装、羽网器材等系列产品于一体的专业运动领域的世界知名品牌)41.沙乐华 Salewa(世界著名的户外运动品牌)42.SAP(全球最大的企业管理和协同化商务解决方案供应商、全球第三大独立软件供应商)43.柏丽厨具 nobilia(德国柏丽厨具以其市场占有率第一的业绩成为欧洲厨具行业引导者)44.挺拔 TIBHAR(挺拔产品在全世范围内100多个国家销售.挺拔在法国是乒乓球运动第一品牌,是整个欧洲最具有影响力的品牌之一.目前挺拔品牌正在向全世界各个国家和地区扩张)45.优拉 Joola(国际乒联,国际奥委会乒乓器材指定供应商,因使用其研制的器材而取得好成绩的世界顶级乒乓球高手不胜枚举)46.沃克 Volkl(网坛顶级国际品牌,源自德国人对高品质的狂热追求)47.FALKE(欧洲规模最大,也是历史最悠久的顶级内衣品牌)48.凯迪东尼 Cardydony(尊贵,精致和时尚的象征)49.福腾宝 WMF(德国最著名的厨房餐桌用品品牌,以高品质和种类齐全著称)50.OFFERMANN(在德国,OFFERMANN是最悠久的皮革及制品的品牌)51.卡拉玛 CALAMAR(世界著名休闲服饰系列品牌,代表着经典、简约的欧洲时尚风范)52.酷 kuhle(年青新贵的休闲时装品牌,以“时尚&简约”风格引领青年新贵都市前沿生活)53.汉高 henkel(三大全球业务部门:洗涤剂及家用护理、化妆品/美容用品和粘合剂技术)54.odbo(创作及设计涵盖服装、皮具、鞋、手表、眼镜、雨伞等等,已屹立于德国及欧洲各大市场,与其它世界级品牌并驾齐驱)55.施华蔻 Schwarzkopf(世界专业美发沙龙品牌前三名之一:施华蔻、威娜、欧莱雅)56.宝马生活 BMW Lifestyle(力求准确把握服装演变的最新趋势,采用欧洲的高级面料,将传统材质与艺术表现相结合)57.环球唱片公司 universalclassics(20世纪全球最大唱片(音像制品制作,出版,发行)集团58.碧浪 bilang(技术上的优势使碧浪在短短几年里迅速成为欧洲最大的洗衣粉品牌之一)59.威娜Wella(一家主营美发厅专用产品的专业性跨国公司,并在全球的零售市场也占有相当的份额)达乐麦耶 Dallmayr(其咖啡曾因是拜尔王室所喜爱而闻名)60.葛兰特咖啡 GrandosCoffee(德国著名的咖啡品牌)61.克莱士咖啡 KreisKaffee(世界上最早的真空包制发被开发成即溶咖啡,在欧洲及苏联等国广受好评)62.欧宝 Opel(欧宝汽车的标志为“闪电”图案,喻示汽车如风驰电掣,同时也炫耀它在空气动力学方面的研究成就)63.邓禄普 DUNLOP(世界上最先开发出充气轮胎的DUNLOP,DUNLOP的高性能轮胎为世界上众多著名厂商及高性能轿车改装公司所采用)64.米技 miji(德国米技将始终致力于提高生活品质的厨房生活产品的研究和开发)65.双立人 ZWILLING(世界上最古老的品牌之一,德国双立人的刀剪餐具设计,不仅象征优雅生活的品味。
世界100家著名银行英文名 四季英语作文
世界100家著名银行英文名四季英语作文世界100家著名银行1. Citibank 花旗银行(XX)2. Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 第一劝业银行(日本)3. Fuji Bank 富士银行(日本)4. Sumitomo Bank住友银行(日本)5. Mitsubishi Bank三菱银行(日本)6. Banque Nationalede Pairs巴黎国民银行(法国)7. Sanwa Bank三和银行(日本)8. Credit Agricole农业信贷银行(法国)9. Bank of America美洲银行(XX)10. Credit Lyonnais里昂信贷银行(法国)11. Norinchukin Bank农业储金银行(日本)12. National Westminster国民西敏士银行(英国)13. Industrial Bank of Japan日本兴业银行(日本)14. Societe Generale兴业银行(法国)15. Deutsche Bank德意志银行(德国)16. Barclays Bank巴克莱银行(英国)17. Tokai Bank东海银行(日本)18. Mitsui Bank三井银行(日本)19. Chase Manhattan Bank大通曼哈顿银行(XX)20. Midland Bank米兰银行(英国)21. Mitsubishi trust and Banking三菱信托银行(日本)22. Sumitomo Trust and Banking 住友信托银行(日本)23. Long Term Credit Bank of Japan日本长期信用银行(日本)24. Band of Tokyo东京银行(日本)25. Dresdner Bank德累斯顿银行(德国)26. Taiyo Kobe Bank太阳神户银行(日本)27. Manufacturers Hanvor Trust汉华实业银行(XX)28. Mitsui Trust and Banking三井信托银行(日本)29. Compagnie Financiere de Paribas巴黎巴银行(法国)30. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking汇丰银行(英国)31. J.P.Morgan摩根银行(XX)32. Royal Bank of Canada加拿大皇家银行(加拿大)33. Union Bank of Switzerland瑞士联合银行(瑞士)34. Daiwa Bank大和银行(日本)35. Lloyds Bank劳埃德银行(英国)36. Yasuda Trust Banking安田信托银行(日本)37. Swiss Bank Corp瑞士银行(瑞士)38. Deutsche Landesbank德意志地方银行(德国)39. Banca Nazionale del La-voro国民劳动银行(意大利)40. Bank of Mantreal蒙特利尔银行(加拿大)41. Bank of China中国银行(中国)42. Commerzbank商业银行(德国)43. Chemical (New York) Bank化学银行(XX)44. Banco do Brasil巴西银行(巴西)45. Bayerische Vereinsbank巴伐利亚联合银行(德国)46. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce加拿大帝国商业银行(加拿大)47. Security Pacific安全太平洋银行(XX)48. Algemene Bank Nederland荷兰通用银行(荷兰)49. Nippon Credit Bank日本信贷银行(日本)50. Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank阿鹿银行(荷兰)51. Kyowa Bank协和银行(日本)52. Bankers Trust银行家信托公司(XX)53. First Interstate Bancorp第一州际银行(XX)54. Toyo Trust Banking东洋信托银行(日本)55. Rabobank农业合作社中央银行(荷兰)56. Banca Commerciale Italiana意大利商业银行(意大利)57. Bayerische Hypothekenaund Wechsel巴伐利亚抵押汇兑银行(德国)58. Saitama Bank琦玉银行(日本)59. Istituto Bancario Sanpalol di Torino都灵圣保罗银行(意大利)60. Bank of Nova Scotia诺伐斯科西亚银行(加拿大)61. Credit suisse瑞士信贷银行(瑞士)62. Bayerische Landesbank巴伐利亚州银行(德国)63. Deutsche Gemossenschalts Bank德意志合作银行(德国)64. Stand-Chartered Bank标准麦加利银行(英国)65. Generale de Banque通用银行(比利时)66. Monte dei pascht di Siena西雅那银行(意大利)67. Cassa di Risparmio Delle Paovincie Lombarde伦巴第省储蓄银行(意大利)68. Banco di Roma罗马银行(意大利)69. First Chicago芝加哥第一银行(XX)70. Norddentsche Landesbank北德意志州银行(德国)71. Credit Italiano意大利信贷银行(意大利)72. Shoko Chukin Bank工商组合中央金库(日本)73. Hokkaido Takushoku Bank北海道拓殖银行(日本)74. CIC Group工商信贷集团(法国)75. Toronto Dominion Bank多伦多自治领银行(加拿大)76. Bank of Yokohama横滨银行(日本)77. Rafidain Bank拉菲丁银行(伊拉克)78. Banque Indosuez东方汇理苏伊士银行(法国)79. Bank Melli Iran伊郎国民银行(伊郎)80. Westpac Banking西太平洋银行公司(澳大利亚)81. Zenshinren Bank合作银行(日本)82. State Bank of India印度国家银行(印度)83. Mellon Bank梅隆银行(XX)84. Group des Banque Popalaries大众银行集团(法国)85. Banco di Napoli那坡里银行(意大利)86. Continental Lllinois Bank大陆伊利诺斯银行(XX)87. Wells Fargo Bank威尔士法戈银行(XX)88. Chuo Trust Banking中央信托银行(日本)89. Bank of Boston波士顿银行(XX)90. Australia New Zealand Banking Group澳新银行集团(澳大利亚)91. Bank fur Gemeinwirischaft公共经济银行(德国)92. BBI Bank Brussels Lambert布鲁塞尔朗贝银行(比利时)93. Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank荷兰密登斯坦银行(荷兰)94. First Bank System第一银行系统(XX)95. Krediet Bank信贷银行(比利时)96. Hessische Landesbank黑森地方汇划中心(德国)97. Creditanstalt Bankverein联合信贷银行(奥地利)98. Banque Francaise de Commerce法国商业银行(法国)99. Credit Communal de Belgique比利时公共信贷银行(比利时)100. Banco Central中央银行(西班牙)。
1933年,德意志银行解雇了三名犹太董事会成员。随后德意志银行负责管理犹 太人的商业机构并将其雅利安化,后来还参与成立新占领地区的银行组建。德意志 银行还参与了为盖世太保提供金融支持,为奥斯维辛集中营的建立筹款。1999年2 月德意志银行承认其为奥斯维辛集中营筹款,并和其他德国公司一道应大屠杀幸存 者的要求共同赔偿52亿美元。
在1880年代,发行业务逐渐重要起来。德 意志银行对德国电气工程行业的发展有着 巨大的帮助,同时它靠着钢铁行业立稳脚 跟。 德意志银行在19世纪90年代后半期进行了 新一轮的扩张。成立了法兰克福分支,的 慕尼黑分支,德累斯顿和莱比锡分支。
1914年春天,法兰克福汇报向它的读者宣 布:德意志银行是世界上最大的银行. 顶峰。 一战期间,逐渐萧条下来。 1917年,Deutsch-Asiatische Bank银行在中 的十年间德意志银行投资的主要项目有美国北太平洋铁路 (1883)和巴格达铁路(1888)。它还为钢铁康采恩克虏伯发售债券 (1885),并操作了化学公司拜耳在柏林证交所的上市。
1870年3月10日 成立
最初的国内分支机构位于不来梅和汉堡。 不久,进驻上海(1872)、横滨(1872)、 伦敦(1873)、北美和南美。
1870年1月22日,私人银行家阿尔伯特· 德尔布拉克和政治家路德维 希· 班相格在德国柏林创建了德意志银行,当时银行主营的业务是 国际贸易。早期德国以外的分支机构分别位于伦敦(1873年)、上海 (1872年)和横滨(1872年)。 1876年德意志银行收购了柏林银行协会 的银行和德意志联合银行,因此超过贴现公司成为德国最大的银行。
随着第三帝国的覆亡,德意志银行在战后1948年4月1日被 拆分成10个地区银行,后来经过不断地合并,到1952年成 为三个主要大银行: 北德银行股份公司(Norddeutsche Bank AG) 南德银行股份公司(Süddeutsche Bank AG) 莱茵威斯特法伦银行股份公司(Rheinisch-Westfälische Bank AG) 1957年三家银行再次合并,其他并购: 民主德国国家银行 随着1990年德国统一并入; 伦敦的投资银行摩根· 葛瑞菲尔1989年。 此次收购标志着 德意志银行开始进入投资银行领域;纽约的信孚银行 1999 年并入;布鲁塞尔的里昂信贷银行1999年并入。 2011年10月,德意志银行正式在纽交所挂牌上市。在接下 来的一年,德意志银行通过购买Scudder Investments巩固 其再美国的发展。同时,在欧洲,德意志银行通过收购 Rued Blass & Cie (2002)和俄罗斯投资银行United Finanncial Group (2006)继续发展它的私人银行业务。在德国,德意 志银行陆续收购了Norisbank, Berliner Bank 和 Postbank以巩 固其国内市场。这一系列的收购都紧紧依照银行的发展策 略。银行在2005年得到了25%的高额股权回报率。
从左至右:卡尔路德维希·蒂埃尔,安德烈亚斯 Dombret,魏德曼,Sabine Lautenschlager,约阿 希姆内格尔,Bohmler鲁道夫 ——来自官网
• 德意志联邦银行被认为是欧洲各国中最 具有独立性的中央银行,它的有效运作 是取得长期繁荣稳定的保障。联邦银行 法规定“德意志联邦银行为了完成本身 使命,必须支持一般经济政策。在执行 本法授予的权力时,不受政府指示的干 涉”,从而在法律地位上确认了中央银 行可以相对于政府具有较大独立性的地 位。
德意志联邦银行 Deutsche Bundesbank
德意志联邦银行(德语:Deutsche Bundesbank)是德 国的中央银行,同时也是欧洲中央银行系统(ESCB)的一 部分。由于它的实力和规模,德意志联邦银行是此组织中 最有影响力的成员,德意志联邦银行和欧洲中央银行同位 于德国法兰克福。 德意志联邦银行建于1957年,前身是德意志各邦银行。 1990年10月德国统一后,德意志联邦银行成为统一德国 的中央银行。1948年6月20日起发行德国马克,直到 2002年欧元实体货币开始流通之前,德意志联邦银行一 直是德国马克的中央银行。其是第一个被赋予完全独立性 的中央银行,代表了被称为“联邦银行模式”的中央银行 模式,和政府决定其目标的“新西兰模式”相对应。
• 国家的货币信用政策由中央银行理事会独立决定。联邦银行 将“保卫币值”作为自己的重要目标,在对政府经济政策的 支持与中央银行自身谨慎的货币政策相冲突时,联邦银行有 权选择后者。 • 联邦银行行长以及其他负责人是由联邦总统根据联邦议会的 建议任命的,任期长达8年,比联邦总统5年的任期要长得多 。这形成了一个保证中央银行各项政策独立性和连续性的环 境,不至于由于政府首脑更迭而造成中央银行领导层的过多 变动。 • 根据法律规定,联邦政府成员有权参加中央银行执行董事会 商议有关货币、金融和经济政策的会议,在会议上,政府成 员有权向中央银行理事会提出动议,但没有表决权。在对讨 论的问题有重大异议时,政府成员可要求中央银行执行董事 会推迟表决,但这种推迟最长不能超过两周,当两者之间出 现严重分歧时,由联邦议院作出终裁。这也就是说,德国中 央银行向联邦议院负责。
其中最重要的是德国中央银行——德意志银行(Deutsche Bundesbank),作为德国的央行和货币发行机构,负责维护货币稳定和金融体系的稳健运作。
3、中国、美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、意大利、加拿大、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、芬兰、比利时、瑞士、奥地利、荷兰、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰、俄罗斯、以色列、印度、乌克兰、新加坡、韩国科学院院士、工程院院士(即member 或fellow,见中国科学院国际合作局网站http://)。
德商德意志银行 Deutsche Bank
德商德意志銀行Deutsche Bank開戶同意書(簡稱AOC)此致:亞洲德意志銀行之各相關分行或附屬機構(即開戶所在㆞之相關帳戶)(各相關分行或附屬機構,以㆘簡稱「本行」)。
申請㆟(以㆘簡稱「客戶」)在隨時與本行取得確認或同意㆘,得於任何管轄區域內以任何幣別,向本行申請開立任何帳戶 (包括各類分支帳戶、儲蓄/活期存款帳戶、支票存款帳戶、信託帳戶以及/或定期存款帳戶)。
【最新投行| 四大|外企shl 真题题库|Aptitude test|Numer|Logic|Verb 】专门针对各大投行| 四大| 外企校园招聘、社会招聘笔试,资料包含了包含了各大投行、四大、快销等外企笔试Aptitude tests 官网全套题库【10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析】以及各大外企的100 余套shl 真题题库,适用于shl 、Kenexa、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、Saville Consulting 等测试,可作为各大投行、四大会计、各快消企业、各咨询公司等外企的笔试复习资料。
具体包括但不限于汇丰、渣打、花旗、恒生、瑞士、德意志、摩根大通、美林、巴莱克、毕马威、普华永道、德勤、安永,宝洁,联合利华、安利、玛氏、箭牌、百威、飞利浦等外企公司各职位,资料说明:本资料分为三个模块:第一部分:各大外企笔试Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库包含10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析,所有题目Questions 和Solutions 全部齐全,且含有详细解析,各种题型Tests 的套数和Questions 的数量与以下描述完全一致!!!第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的shl 真题集包含100余套shl 真题,以下列有详细目录,通常各公司为同一机构出题,且往往选自同一题库,出现原题的概率极高,因此参考性极强!!!第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容四大优势:1、aptitude tests 适用于多家公司,且带详细答案解析,不断更新2、100 多套真题题库都是历往考试真题,极具参考性,原题出现概率极高3、适用范围广,适用于 shl 、Kenexa 、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、SavilleConsulting 等测试4 、题型覆盖全面:包括 Numerical 、Logical 、Verbal 、Inductive 、 Diagrammatic 、 Situational Judgement 、 In-Tray and E-Tray 、Assessment Centre 、 Critical Thinking 、Error Checking 10 种题型第一部分:各大外企笔试 Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库 -- 与官网10 种题型 第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的 shl 真题集包含 100 余套 shl 真题, 详细目录: 获取方式或者直接掏宝联系望望名:素簌簌素保持同步更新第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),该部分当日五星好评评语后获赠包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容,详细目录:。
anti-money laundering 国际案例
anti-money laundering 国际案例1.银行巨头汇丰(HSBC)被曝出涉嫌违反反洗钱规定,其中涉及墨西哥、沙特阿拉伯、伊朗等国家的资金流入。
2. 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)因反洗钱审核不力被控罚款14亿欧元。
6. 德国最大的邮政银行Postbank因涉嫌违规进行反洗钱活动被德国金融监管机构罚款1亿欧元。
7. 新加坡标准银行(Standard Chartered)因涉嫌违反美国的反洗钱法规而支付了6.5亿美元的罚款。
8. 法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)因违反美国的制裁规定而支付了89亿美元的罚款。
9. 美国富国银行(Wells Fargo)因未能遵守反洗钱规定而支付了4.5亿美元的罚款。
10. 瑞士银行Credit Suisse因未能遵守美国和瑞士的反洗钱法规而支付了5.4亿美元的罚款。
世界十大投资银行简介1,高盛集团Goldman Sachs高盛集团成立于1869年,是全世界历史最悠久及规模最大的投资银行之一,总部设在纽约,并在东京、伦敦和香港设有分部,在23个国家拥有41个办事处。
3,摩根士丹利Morgan Stanley从1935年到1970年,大摩一统天下的威力令人侧目。
” 大摩从20世纪80年代中期就积极开拓中国市场。
4,摩根大通公司JP Morgan摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase Co)为全球历史最长、规模最大的金融服务集团之一,由大通银行、J.P.摩根公司及富林明集团在2000年完成合并。
欧洲最具影响力的25位商界领袖1 约翰•布朗JOHN BROWNEBP 公司(BP)英国布朗今年 56 岁,是近十年来石油工业的主要推动者。
布朗在90 年代兼并了阿莫科公司(Amoco)和阿科公司(Arco),开启了石油行业的兼并时代,随后他又第一个在俄罗斯大力开展业务。
他现在管理著世界最大的石油公司(2003 年营业收入 2,326 亿美元),而且一直保持著“热爱环保”的美誉。
2 魏思乐DANIEL VASELLA诺华集团(Novartis)瑞士这位欧洲薪水最丰的首席执行官(去年薪酬为1,230 美元)年初碰了壁: 在收购法国安万特制药公司(Aventis)时遭到法国政府的阻挠。
魏思乐现年 50 岁,曾是一名内科医生和精神病治疗师,他为把诺华集团这家一度停滞的瑞士公司打造成大胆创新的药业巨人立下了汗马功劳。
去年,公司实现收入249 亿美元,盈利50 亿美元,跻身全球第五大制药公司。
3 蒂埃里•德马雷THIERRY DESMAREST道达尔公司(Total)法国在全球石油行业的要人中,法国最大公司(世界500 强第10 位)的这位首席执行官举止很文静。
这位58 岁的前公务员正因为被对手低估而建起了一番事业。
1999 年,它在法国的对手埃尔夫公司(Elf)企图收购道达尔,结果反被德马雷收购。
道达尔由此成为石油业不折不扣的超级巨人,去年销售额1,184 亿美元,盈利 80 亿美元。
4 迈克尔•狄克曼MICHAEL DIEKMANN安联公司(Allianz)德国2003 年 5 月,默默无闻的安联公司局内人狄克曼接掌了这家欧洲最大保险公司的管理大权,当时的安联遭受了一连串天灾人祸(如中欧的洪水、买下德累斯顿银行后出现意想不到的亏损)的重创,快要垮了。
德意志银行德意志银行股份公司是德国最大的银行和世界上最主要的金融机构之一,总部设在美因河畔简介德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)全称德意志银行股份公司,是一家私人拥有的股份公司,是德国最大的银行和世界上最主要的金融机构之一,总部设在美因河畔的法兰克福。
德意志银行发展历史德意志银行的前身可以追溯到1870年,当时在德国国内的普鲁士银行(Preußische Bank)和德累斯顿银行(Disconto-Gesellschaft)成立。
它收购了多家欧洲和美国的银行和金融机构,包括德国的德累斯顿银行(Disconto-Gesellschaft)和汇丰银行(Bankers Trust)。
【海归就业】如何在学校最后一年拿下德意志银行Deutsche Bank的全职offer
【海归就业】如何在学校最后一年拿下德意志银行Deutsche Bank的全职offerJohn利用四年半的时间同时修完了本科和硕士。
▽▽▽1. “为什么在尝试过了四大会计事务所和Sales and Trading实习之后会选择继续找IBD的全职?”我其实一开始并没有想做IBD,对于IBD也并没有了解很多。
大四上的那个recruiting season,我联系了很多校友拿到了一些纽约投行的面试,接着疯狂地准备练习了一个月的面试。
不过在大四的暑假,我拿到了纽约一家boutique firm的S&T实习,并且从中学习到了有关金融市场,数据分析和建模有关的知识。
于是我在最后半年读master期间,又尝试了去找full time。
有了大三大四两个暑假的实战经验,和在校各种商科club的积淀,最终我成功一举拿下DB IBD全职。
2. “你觉得进入美国投行比较困难的地方是什么?”我觉得being a good social fit是很重要的。
对于很多国际学生来说,走出自己的comfort zone是件很难的事情。
接下来为大家整理了世界各国主要银行中英文对照,希望对你有帮助哦!花旗银行Citibank 美国大和银行Daiwa Bank 日本富士银行Fuji Bank 日本阿比国民银行Abbey National 英国巴克莱银行Barclays Bank PLC. 英国巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris 法国巴西银行Banco Do Brasil 巴西大通曼哈顿银行Chase Manhattan Bank 美国德累斯顿银行Dresdner Bank 德国德意志银行Deutsche Bank 德国第一劝业银行Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 日本第一洲际银行First Interstate Bancorp 美国东海银行Tokai Bank 日本东京银行Bank of Tokyo 日本都灵圣保罗银行Istituto Bancario SanPaolo Di Torino 意大利多伦多自治领银行Toronto-Dominion Bank 加拿大国民劳动银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 意大利国民西敏寺银行National Westminster Bank PLC. 英国荷兰农业合作社中央银行Cooperatieve Centrale Raifferssen-Boerenleenbank 荷兰荷兰通用银行Algemene Bank Nederland 荷兰汉华实业银行Manufacturers Hanover Corp. 美国汇丰银行Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港加拿大帝国商业银行Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大加拿大皇家银行Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大劳埃德银行Lloyds Bank PLC. 英国里昂信贷银行Credit Lyonnais 法国伦巴省储蓄银行Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde 意大利梅隆国民银行Mellon National Corp. 美国美洲银行(全称"美洲银行国民信托储蓄会") Bank America Corp( "Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations") 美国米兰银行Midland Bank 英国纽约银行家信托公司Bankers Trust New York Corp. 美国农业信贷国民银行de Caisse Nationale Credit Agricole 法国日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan 日本瑞士联合银行Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士瑞士信贷银行Credit Suisse 瑞士瑞士银行公司Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士三和银行Sanwa Bank 日本三井银行Mitsui Bank 日本三菱银行Mitsubishi Bank 日本太平洋安全银行Security Pacific Corp 美国西德意志地方银行Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 德国西太平洋银行公司Westpac Banking Corp. 澳大利亚西亚那银行Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena 意大利意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana 意大利意大利信贷银行Credito Italiano 意大利芝加哥第一国民银行First Chicago Corp. 美国中国银行Bank of China 中国住友信托银行Sumitomo Trust & Banking 日本。