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1.马上就好先生Very nearly there,sir.
2.看你有点眼熟我以前给你画过像吗I have to say,your face is familiar.Have I drawn you
4.对啊我还在报纸上见过你Of course!I've seen you in the newspaper.
5.你是报导新闻的我是写新闻的记者You're a reporter?I'm a journalist.
6.别急白雪就好了Be patient,Snowy,not much longer.
7.真抱歉I do beg your pardon.
9.画得还挺像吧I believe I have captured something of your likeness.
10.不错Not bad!
11.你看呢白雪What do you think,Snowy?
13.给您钱先生There you are,sir.
14.又跑哪儿去了Now where's he run off to?
18.你去哪儿了啊Where have you been?
19.又去欺负猫咪了Chasing cats again?
20.白雪看这个Snowy,look at this!
21.三个桅杆Triple masted.
22.双层甲板五十门火炮Double decks.Fifty guns.
23.多漂亮啊Isn't she a beauty?
24.绝对珍稀的船模That's a very unique specimen.
25.某位老船长的遗物That is from an old sea captain's estate.
26.独角兽号"The Unicorn."
27.对独角兽号帆船时代的战舰之王Unicorn.Man o'war sailing ship.
28.年代非常久远十六世纪的It's very old,that is th century.
29.我记得是十七世纪th,I would think.
30.查理一世时代是查理二世Reign of Charles I.Charles II.
31.没错是查理二世That's what I said,Charles II.
32.驰骋世界的无敌战舰As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.
33.小伙子这可是难得一见的东西You won't find another one of these,mate.
34.只卖两英镑And it's only two quid.
35.我出一镑成交I'll give you a pound.Done!
36.拿好了啊Gently does it.
37.劳驾Excuse me!
38.拿好慢点Here you go.Careful.
39.伙计这船多少钱Hey,bud,how much for the boat?
40.不好意思刚卖给这个年轻人I'm sorry,I just sold it to this young gent.
42.你出了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.
43.加倍?谢谢可我不卖Double?Thanks.But it's not for sale.
44.听着年轻人我是想帮你Look,kid,I'm trying to help you out.
45.你不清楚其中利害I don't think you realise this,
46.你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.
47.什么祸What kind of danger?
48.我警告你别要这船I'm warning you,get rid of the boat
49.趁着还不晚别惹麻烦and get out while you still can.
50.那帮人不好惹These people do not play nice.
51.哪帮人What people?
53.太漂亮了It's just wonderful.
54.不用包了我就这么拿走Don't bother wrapping it,I'll take it as is.
55.我开支票可以吗Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?
56.您要想买得和这小伙子商量If you want to buy it,you'll have to talk to the kid.
57.明白了I see.
58.那就让他开个价儿吧Well,let the kid name his price.
59.随便开价儿"Name his price"?
60.我倒腾这些小玩意儿十年了Ten years I've been flogging bricabrac
61.结果眼皮底下丢了这种好买卖and I miss"name your price"by one bleedin'minute!
62.抱歉我和另一个买主也说了I'm sorry.I already explained to the other gentleman.
63.美国佬擦头油还不穿袜子American he was.All hair oil and no socks.
64.这东西不卖It's not for sale.
65.那就请你帮个忙Then let me appeal to your better nature.
66.最近我刚买下马林斯派克别墅I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,
67.而这条船我想你也知道and this ship,as I'm sure you're aware,
68.也是遗物一部分was once part of the estate.
69.故去那个船长的Of the late sea captain?
70.他们家族时运不济家产折腾得精光The family fell upon hard times.Lost everything.
71.此后一蹶不振霉运连连They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.
72.这家人代代都酗酒We are talking generations
73.而且行为怪异of drinking and irrational behaviour...
74.抱歉I'm sorry.
75.但我说过了这船不卖But as I told you before,it's not for sale.
76.祝您愉快先生Good day to you,sir.
77.那年轻人叫什么名字That young man,what's his name?
78.他谁都认识他他是丁丁Him?Everybody knows him.That's Tintin.
79.这船怎么回事What is it about this ship?
80.怎么引起那么多人的兴趣Why has it attracted so much attention?
81.到底里面藏着什么秘密呢What secrets do you hold?
82.放大镜在哪儿Where is that magnifying glass?
83.记着明明放在I could have sworn it was...
86.能放在哪儿呢Where could it possibly be?
89.白雪你看到没Snowy,you haven't seen the...
90.放哪儿了Where is it?
91.谢谢Thank you.
93.瞧你干的好事Look what you did.
94.你把船弄坏了You broke it!
95.臭狗狗Bad dog!
96.这船肯定有古怪Something happened on this ship.
97.我们去个可能找到答案的地方And we're going to the one place that could have the
98.走吧白雪Come on,Snowy.
99.在这里Here it is.
100.马林斯派克别墅的主人法兰西斯·阿道克爵士"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, 101.厄运缠身的独角兽号最后一任船长the last captain of the illfated Unicorn.
102.年该船由巴巴多斯起锚"The ship set sail from Barbados in
103.遭遇航海史上最不幸的海难之一"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history. 104.船只未抵达目的地"Ship never reached destination.
105.受到海盗攻击仅一名船员幸存"Attacked by pirates,all hands lost except for one survivor.
106.弗朗西斯爵士获救回国后"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,
107.认为其族姓遭受了诅咒"he was convinced his name had been cursed.
108.独角兽号装货单显示"The Unicorn's manifest stated
109.船上载有一批"that it was carrying a
110.运往欧洲的朗姆酒和烟草cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe,
111.但一直有人认为船上载有一批神秘货物"But it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."
112.船上装的到底是什么呢白雪What was the ship carrying,Snowy?
113.历史学家几经努力"Historians have tried and failed
114.仍无法查清那趟死亡之旅中发生了什么to discover what happened on that fatal voyage, 115.但弗朗西斯爵士的遗言称"but Sir Francis'last words,
116."唯真正阿道克族人可洞悉独角兽号之隐秘""'only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'
117.我肯定忽略了什么白雪I've missed something,Snowy.
118.我们得仔细看看那艘船模We need to take a closer look at that model.
119.肯定不在了Of course it's gone!
120.我怎么这么蠢How could I be so stupid?
121.你怎么进去的How'd you do that?
122.真聪明Clever boy.
123.一面族徽A coat of arms.
124.怎么看着有点眼熟Why does that look familiar?
125.等一下Hang on a minute.
126.里面的鱼That fish!
127.阿道克就是黑线鳕鱼的意思It's a haddock.
128.对啊马林斯派克别墅是阿道克家族的祖业Of course!Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.
130.好样的白雪Well done,Snowy!
131.好狗狗Good boy.
133.看来找到窃贼了It seems we've caught our thief.
134.欢迎来到马林斯派克别墅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.
135.我看到你溜进来I see you let yourself in.
136.我来取回自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.
137.抱歉听不懂你说什么I'm sorry,I'm not sure I follow you.
138.你自己明白I think you do.
139.不到一小时前这条船在我家被盗This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.
140.恐怕你弄错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken,Mr.Tintin.
141.怎么会错这船是我的There's no mistake.It belongs to me.
142.你肯定吗Are you sure?
143.当然肯定Of course I'm sure.
144.我买回家后放在起居室的柜架上I took it home,I put it on a cabinet in the living room, 145.后来白雪追猫时又把它碰翻and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over,
146.掉在...地上and it fell.
147.这不是我那条船This isn't my ship.
149.对不起I'm sorry.
150.看着一模一样眼见也未必为实It looks identical.Well,looks can be deceiving. 151.是这样可我弄不明白Yes,indeed.But I don't understand!
152.为什么法朗西斯爵士要做两条一模一样的船Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?
153.你都有一个了干嘛还要另一个And you have one already.Why do you want another? 154.船模里有什么会招来窃贼呢What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?
155.天哪怎么这么多问题Goodness me,why so many questions?
156.职业习惯It's my job.
157.这里可能藏着故事我的职业就是这个There could be a story here.That's what I do,you see.
158.这里没什么秘密可言Well,it's no great mystery.
159.法朗西斯·阿道克爵士嗜酒成性是个不可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.
160.他注定失败He was doomed to fail,
161.而且把这悲剧传给了子嗣and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.
162.那是真的了阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true!The Haddock line is cursed.
163.你还发现什么了有什么值得发现吗What else have you found out?What is there to find?
164.那得看你要找什么That depends what you're looking for.
165.我要找到答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers,Mr.Sakharine.
166.你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.
167.不早了It's late.
168.你该回去了I think you should go home.
169.这边请先生This way,sir.
170.真遗憾先生It's a pity,sir.
171.什么I'm sorry?
172.您那只船模上断掉的桅杆先生That the mast broke on your model ship,sir.
173.希望您找齐了所有的零件I hope you found all the pieces.
174.有些东西很容易丢Things are so easily lost.
175.内斯特你去哪儿了Nestor!Where are you?
176.晚安先生Good night,sir.
177.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.
178.他说这个什么意思白雪What did he mean by that,Snowy?
179.他想告诉我什么What was he trying to tell me?
180.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.
182.天啊Great snakes!
183.怎么了白雪What is it,Snowy?
184.这是什么What's this?
185.原来是桅杆里的东西This was in the mast!
186.好狗狗白雪Good boy,Snowy.
187.三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.
188.三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company
189.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak.
190.因这得自于光而光将破晓"For'tis from the light that light will dawn.
191.照耀鹰之十字"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."
192.这些符号什么意思What are these markings?
193.某种密文吗Some kind of secret language or code?
194.讲不通It makes no sense.
195.不过这正说明了屋子为什么被翻个遍But it does explain why they ransacked the flat. 196.他们想找这个却没找到They were looking for this,and they didn't find it.
197.也就是说Which means
198.他们还要再来they'll be back.
199.不知道他在哪里大概出去了吧No,I don't know where he is,dearie.I think he's gone out.
200.而且已经很晚了And anyway,it's after dark,
201.丁丁先生从来不愿and Mr.Tintin is most particular
202.过了睡觉时间会见访客about not admitting visitors after bedtime.
203.我要回去喝热巧克力I have to go back to my cocoa.
204.一本好书加上一杯热巧克力I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.
205.真是太棒了It's really lovely!
206.谢谢您芬奇太太我来吧Thank you,Mrs.Finch.I can look after this.
207.小伙子是你吗开开门Hey,kid,is that you?Open the door.
208.你想干嘛What do you want?
209.听着没办法了那人马上就回来Look,the game is up.He's gonna be back.
210.我知道他要找那几条船可我发誓Now,I know he wanted those boats,but I swear to God,
211.我真没想到他会为此杀人I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!
212.谁你说这人是谁Who?Who are you talking about?
213.我是想告诉你你现在处境危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.
214.说那人是谁Answer me!Who?
215.芬奇太太门口有人中枪Mrs.Finch!A man's been shot on our doorstep!
216.怎么又这样快叫救护车Not again.Call an ambulance!
218.能听到吗Can you hear me?
219.你能...Can you...
220.被害人名叫巴纳比·道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.
221.国际刑警组织资深探员He was one of the top agents at Interpol,
222.但其调查对象尚不清楚but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.
223.没错汤普森完全不清楚Quite right,Thompson.We're completely clueless.
224.国际刑警组织那边没别的线索吗Interpol doesn't have any other leads?
225.别急丁丁我们还在处理文书Steady on,Tintin.We're still filling out the paperwork. 226.警察工作又不全是惊险刺激Police work's not all glamour and guns.
227.还有很多的文书工作There's an awful lot of filing.
228.那我可能有些线索Well,I might have something for you.
229.道斯失去意识前试图告诉我什么事Before he lost consciousness,Dawes tried to tell me something,
230.我看他是在拼一个单词and I think he was spelling out a word.
231.{\fn方正综艺_GBK}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}bou"...b ou
235.你知道什么意思吗Does that mean anything to you?
236.天啊太不可思议了Great Scotland Yard!That's extraordinary!
237.怎么了What is?
238.沃辛顿在搞礼帽半价促销Worthington's have a halfprice sale on bowler hats!
239.搞什么汤姆森案子要紧Really,Thomson!This is hardly the time.
240.天啊怎么样Great Scotland Yard!What is it?
241.手杖也半价啦Canes are halfprice,too!
242.你俩到底想不想要这物证了Are you going to take charge of this evidence?
244.别担心丁丁放心交给我们Never fear,Tintin,the evidence is safe with us!
245.汤姆森你在哪儿Thomson?Where are you?
246.我已经下楼了你赶紧跟上Well,I'm already downstairs.Do try to keep up.
247.等等你们忘了拿这个Wait!You dropped this.
248.天哪汤姆森小心物证Good heavens,Thomson!Look after the evidence,man. 249.抱歉汤普森我想别的事来着Sorry,Thompson.My mind is on other things.
250.对二指窃贼Yes.Our lightfingered larcenist.
251.什么就是扒手What?The pickpocket.
252.他可料不到我会有这手He has no idea what's coming.
253.来丁丁掏我的钱夹Go on,Tintin,take my wallet.
254.没错超强橡皮筋Yes,industrial strength elastic.
255.真有办法Very resourceful.
256.恰恰相反只是小孩子把戏On the contrary.It was childishly simple.
257.没错小孩子把戏Simply childish,I agree.
260.说真的我认为他已经跑远了Mind you,I expect he's miles away by now.
261.你是说小偷吗I presume you're referring to the pickpocket?
262.对我是说他感觉到我们就要抓到他了Yes.I mean,knowing we're just a few steps behind him.
263.白雪怎么了看到什么了Snowy,what is it,boy?What do you see?
264.估计你不太想喝茶吧I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?
265.正相反我很想喝You're quite mistaken.I'd love one.
266.我请My treat.
267.可逮住你了你个混蛋I've got you now!You devil!
268.站住警察Stop,in the name of the law!
269.抓住了Got you!
270.那边怎么了What's going on down there?
271.来白雪Come on,Snowy!
272.真对不起抱歉先生I do beg your pardon.Sorry,sir!
273.小偷丁丁贼跑了The pickpocket,Tintin!He's getting away!
274.我的钱包My wallet!
275.被偷了It's gone!
276.快白雪追上他Come on!Snowy,after him!
278.好了别着急Got you!Steady on.
279.人不见了I've lost him!
280.你们必须找到我钱包You must find my wallet.
281.非常重要我必须把钱包拿回来It's very important.I have to get it back.
282.放心吧交给我们这样的专业人士And you will.Leave it to the professionals.
283.虽然纸条丢了We've lost the scroll.
284.可题材还在But we haven't lost the story.
286.这是个亚美尼亚词那就是线索白雪It's an Armenian word.That's our lead,Snowy. 287.巴纳比·道斯说我们身处险境时What was Barnaby Dawes trying
288.究竟想告诉我们什么to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?
290.你的包裹我什么也没订啊Delivery for you.But I didn't order anything.
291.因为要运的就是你Well,that's because it's you that's getting delivered!
292.快弄进车里Quick,get him in the van!
293.滚开你这条疯狗Get off me,you confounded mutt!
294.它咬我He bit me!
296.甩开它Get him off!
297.甩下去碾死它Shake him off,then run him over!
299.放在右舷I want this on the starboard side!
300.没有搜你那边Not here.Look your side.
301.等等Hang on.
302.没有搜那个口袋汤姆Nothing.Well,check that pocket,Tom.
303.这个我搜过了的确没有No,I've looked in this one already,I'm sure of it.
304.看看他袜子里Well,have a look in his socks.
305.找到了吗他身上没有Have you found it?He doesn't have it.
306.不在他身上头儿不在这儿It's not on him,boss.It's not here.
307.不在这儿那在哪儿什么在哪儿Not here?Then where is it?Where's what?
308.没工夫和你玩我要独角兽号里的纸条I am tired of your games.The scroll,from the Unicorn.
309.像这样的纸片A piece of paper like this!
310.你是说那首诗You mean the poem?
312.古英语写的诗对The poem written in Old English.Yes.
313.装在小管子里的没错It was inside a cylinder.Yes.
314.藏在桅杆里那个就是那个Concealed in the mast.Yes!
315.我没有I don't have it.
316.你肯定知道纸条的价值不然拿走干嘛You know the value of that scroll.Why else would you take it?
317.两条船两张纸都是谜题的一部分Two ships and two scrolls,both part of a puzzle. 318.你已经得到一个了但你还要另一个You have one,you need the other.
319.但你要的不是纸条是别的But that's not it.There's something else.
320.无论你帮不帮我我都会找到I will find it,with or without your help.
321.你得好好想想你对我到底有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.
322.我们先起航再收拾他是先生We'll deal with him on the way.Ayeaye,sir.
323.把事情办好Hold this course.
325.看见你我也高兴It's good to see you,too.
326.你能把这些绳子咬断码See if you can chew through these ropes.
327.他在撒谎纸条一定在他身上He's lying!He must have the scroll.
328.现在问题是他把纸条藏哪了The question is,what has he done with it?
329.我们搜遍了他全身老大We searched him all over,boss.
330.你们给我回去想办法让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.
331.哪怕把他身上每根骨头都打断Break every bone in his body if you have to!
332.太狠了点吧That's nasty.
333.你清楚其中利害你清楚我们在干什么You know the stakes.You know what we're playing for.
334.叫你干什么你就干Just do it!
335.萨卡林先生先生不好了Mr.Sakharine!Mr.Sakharine!All hell has broken loose! 336.出大事了船长醒了It's a disaster!The captain has come around.
337.什么他醒了What?He's conscious.
338.他指控您叛变He's accusing you of mutiny.
339.他说是您让全体船员都背叛他He says you turned the crew against him.
340.听起来他又醒酒了Sounds like he's sobered up again.
341.别傻站着再给他拿一瓶酒Well,don't just stand there.Get him another bottle.
344.晃一下就行卡住了晃Jiggle it a bit,it's just stuck.Jiggle?
346.干嘛呢让开What are you doing?Get off!
347.不是卡住了你个白痴It's not stuck,you idiot.
348.他从里面把门闩上了He's bolted it from the inside!
349.你想跟我们玩玩是吧丁丁So you want to play like that then,do you,Tintin?
350.去拿炸药来Get the TNT.
351.破板条箱绳子香槟Broken crates.Rope.Champagne.
352.还能找到什么白雪What else do we have,Snowy?
353.肯定有别的招能打开这门There are other ways to open this door.
354.抓到你就用你的肠子擦甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.
355.给我Give it here.
356.别动什么Don't move.What...
357.咱们上Let's go!
358.我来抓住他Let me have him!
359.他有枪He's got a big shooter!
360.他打中我了He got me!
361.停火Hold your fire.
362.他不在逃跑了He ain't here.He's vanished.
363.他藏起来了He's hiding.
364.搜船马上Search the ship.Quickly!
365.苏门答腊大老鼠A giant rat of Sumatra!
366.你以为你能偷偷溜进来So,you thought you could sneak in behind me
367.趁我不备偷袭我吗and catch me with my trousers down,huh?
368.我更希望你有所防备I'd rather you kept your trousers on,
369.对你来说都一样if it's all the same to you.
370.我知道你玩什么把戏你跟他们一伙的I know your game.You're one of them.
372.他们派你来杀我They sent you here to kill me,huh?
373.听着我根本不认识你Look,I don't know who you are!
374.他就打算这么杀死我That's how he's planned to bump me off.
375.派一个娃娃脸刺客让我横死在床Murdered in my bed by a babyfaced assassin!
376.刺客听着你完全搞错了Assassin?Look,you've got it all wrong.
377.我是被一伙强盗绑架来的I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.
378.那个猪猡The filthy swine.
379.他策反了我所有的水手He's turned the whole crew against me!
381.一个起了个嗲名的苦瓜脸A sourfaced man with a sugary name.
382.他把我所有的水手都收买了所有的He's bought them all off,every last man.
384.没人能抢走我的船Nobody takes my ship!
385.你是船长吗You're the captain?
386.我当然是船长我还能是谁Of course I'm the captain.Who else could I be?
387.我被锁在这个屋子里好几天了I've been locked in this room for days
388.只有威士忌来抚慰我受伤的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.
389.我以为门锁了Well,I assumed it was locked.
390.显然没有Well,it's not.
391.失陪了Now,you must excuse me.
392.他们要是找到我肯定会杀了我If they find me here,they'll kill me.
393.我得继续逃跑I have to keep moving.
394.努力从这个酒气冲天行驶缓慢的破船里逃出去Try and find my way off this drunken tub. 395.破船破船"Tub"?Tub?
398.顺便说一下我叫丁丁I'm Tintin,by the way.
399.我叫阿切博尔德·阿道克Haddock.Archibald Haddock.
400.在甲板上面有一艘大艇跟我来There's a longboat up on deck.Follow me.
401.等一下Hang on a second.
402.你说你姓阿道克吗Did you say"Haddock"?
403.你怎么让他们跑了How could you let them escape?
404.找到他们找到他们俩Find them.Find them both.
405.不用担心长官我们一定宰了他们Don't worry,we'll kill them,sir.
407.你可以干掉那个男孩阿道克必须活着You can kill the boy.Not Haddock.
408.什么他就是个一无是处的老醉鬼What?He's just a hopeless old soak.
409.我们早就该杀了他We should've killed him long since.
410.你以为我选择You think it's an accident
411.阿道克的船阿道克的船员that I chose Haddock's ship,Haddock's crew,
412.和阿道克这靠不住的大副是巧合吗Haddock's treacherous first mate?
413.没有什么是巧合Nothing is an accident.
414.我和阿道克船长渊源很深We go back a long way,Captain Haddock and I.
415.我们有一笔账没算清We've unfinished business.
416.这次我要让他付出代价And this time,I'm going to make him pay.
417.在这条走廊头上We have to reach a locked door at
418.有一扇上锁的门很棘手the end of this corridor.This is gonna be tricky.
419.你不会碰巧跟住在马林斯派克别墅的You wouldn't happen to be related
420.阿道克家族有亲戚关系吧to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall,would you?
421.你为什么问这个Why do you ask?
422.这是我报导的第一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.
423.一艘在巴巴多斯沿岸的古老沉船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.
424.一艘军舰A man o'war.
425.三桅杆五十门炮Triple masted.Fifty guns.
426.关于独角兽号你都知道什么What do you know of the Unicorn?
427.知道得不多所以我才问你Not a lot.That's why I'm asking you.
428.只有我们家族的人才知道这艘船的秘密The secret of that ship is known only to my family! 429.这秘密被一代一代的传下来It's been passed down from generation to generation. 430.我的祖父在临死之前亲自告诉我那个传说My granddaddy himself,with his dying breath, told me the tale.
433.什么叫"没了"What do you mean,gone?
434.他挂掉的时候我太难过了I was so upset when he kicked the bucket,
435.只好借酒浇愁I had no choice but to drown my sorrows.
436.等我早上醒来的时候When I woke up in the morning,
437.什么都没了什么都忘了it was gone!I'd forgotten it all.
438.全忘了一干二净Everything?Every last word.
439.你家里还有其他亲人吗Well,is there somebody else in your family?
440.没准他们知道Maybe they would know.
441.弗朗西斯爵士有三个儿子Sir Francis had three sons.
442.除了我这一支都没有后代All but my bloodline failed.
443.我是阿道克家族最后的血脉I am the last of the Haddocks!
444.你刚刚说三个儿子Did you say three sons?
445.下去搜搜Let's check below!
446.谁找到阿道克就赏一瓶朗姆酒There is a bottle of rum for the man who finds Haddock. 447.还得杀了那个男孩希望我先找到And kill the boy.Hope I find him first.
448.什么声音What's that?
449.你又出现幻听了You're hearing things.
451.那什么都没有There's nothing there.
452.上去看看Let's go up.
453.我知道萨卡林在找什么了I know what Sakharine's looking for.
454.你念叨什么呢What are you raving on about?
455.是写在纸条上的东西It was written on the scroll.
456."三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.
457."三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company
458.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak."
460.弗朗西斯爵士不只制作了两个模型Sir Francis didn't make two models of the Unicorn. 461.而是三个He made three!
462.每个儿子都有一艘船Three ships for three sons.
464.萨卡林在找第三艘模型船Sakharine's after the third model ship.
465.真麻烦有人把门锁上了Barnacles!Someone's locked the door!
466.有钥匙吗钥匙Well,is there a key?A key?
467.没错关键是找到钥匙Yes,now,that would be the problem.
469.中间那张床的上铺他负责保管钥匙Top bunk in the centre.Keeper of the keys.
470.当心他不幸地没了眼皮Careful,mind.He's a restless
471.睡觉的时候也不安宁sleeper on account of the tragic loss of his eyelids.
472.他眼皮没了对He lost his eyelids?Aye.
473.那次玩纸牌真是很难忘Now,that was a card game to remember.
474.你真该亲眼看到You really had to be there.
475.丁丁我本想自己去I'd do this myself,Tintin,
476.但是你脚步更轻不容易弄醒这帮小子but you've a lighter tread and less chance of waking the boys.
477.你确定这主意行得通吗Are you sure this is a good idea?
478.只要他们都没醒You've nothing to worry about.
479.你就没什么可担心的Provided they all stay asleep.
480.别离霍布斯先生太近I wouldn't get too close to Mr.Hobbs.
481.他的手从不离剃刀He's very handy with a razor.
482.离吉契先生也远点And I'd steer clear of Mr.Gitch.
483.以前做羊倌的因为他所谓的畜牧学被解雇了Sacked as a shepherd on account of his "Animal husbandry."
484.别去咬三明治Not the sandwich.
485.去叼钥匙The keys!
486.你是个勇敢的小伙子丁丁You're a brave lad,Tintin.
487.我跟你说我的心都提到嗓子眼了My heart was in my mouth,I don't mind telling you. 488.那个那个要是我的心的话Well,that is,if it was my heart.
489.按我的胃口来说在嗓眼的指不定是什么Judging by my stomach,it could've been anything,really.
490.快点船长我们没时间了Hurry up,Captain!We've no time to lose.
492.就拿点必需品Just the necessities,of course.
493.去救生艇那To the lifeboats.
494.挪进来Ease it in!
495.好好干活Put your back into it!
496.让它停在那稳住Hold her there,steady!
497.看见他了吗大块头Any sign of him,Jumbo?
498.还没小心点Nothing yet.Watch yourself.
499.老大说他挺棘手The boss says he's a handful.
500.这边来Come on.
501.那是阿兰It's Allan.
502.那是驾驶台吗Is that the bridge?
503.是就在发报房的另一边Aye,on the other side of the radio room.
504.发报房Radio room?
505.在这等着船长有人来就发警报Wait here,Captain.Sound the alarm if anyone comes. 506.小心点丁丁Careful,Tintin.
507.我什么都看不着I can't see a thing!
508.别抱怨了找到那男孩Quit your whining and find the kid!
509.我不是干这个的I didn't sign on for this!
510.继续找Keep searching!
511.刚有消息过来了老大Message just come through,boss.
512.什么消息What's it say?
513."米兰妮丝·南丁格尔已到达"The Milanese Nightingale has landed.
514.准备就绪等待行动"Waiting in the wings for action."
515.米兰妮丝·南丁格尔"Milanese Nightingale"?
516.希望这消息能让他高兴Now pray this cheers him up.
518.这是什么What's this?
519.百佳的领土"The Sultanate of Bagghar
520.由奥玛·本·萨拉德酋长统治"Ruled over by Sheikh Omar Ben Salaad,
521."他热爱音乐文化"Whose love of music and
522.尤其钟爱..."culture is matched only by his love of..."
523.我的天哪Great snakes!
525.百佳港The Port of Bagghar.
528.你举起手来Hey!Put your hands up!
529.这下可给你个教训And let that be a lesson to you!
530.救命Help me!
531.在这他在这In here!He's in here!
532.他在这在救生艇这Here!By the lifeboats!
533.滚开Out of the way!
534.去追他抓住他After him!Get him!
535.快快在这呢Quick,quick,in here!
536.在那边Over there!
537.怎么回事你个小...Why,you little...
538.他在上面上He's up there!Go!
539.我看见他了I can see him now!
540.别让他跑了Don't let them get away!
541.救命啊Help me!
542.掉头是长官Turn this ship around!Aye,sir!
543.给我一个照明弹Get me a flare!
544.船长躺下快躺下Captain,get down!Get down!
545.他在那给我让开There he is!Get out of the way!
546.全速前进全速前进Now!Full ahead!Full speed!
547.你们死定了Got you now.
548.躺下Stay down.
549.看看下面Look!Down there!
550.蠢货一群蠢货你们都干了什么Idiots!You idiots!What have you done?
551.我们把他们杀了老大如您所愿We killed them,boss,like you wanted!
552.不才不如我所愿我要阿道克活着No!Not like I wanted!I needed Haddock alive! 553.等一下老大有两艘长艇不见了Wait a minute,boss!There are two boats missing! 554.那被毁的这艘肯定是伪装的So,that one must have been a decoy.
555.他们对我们很了解知道我们的目的地They're onto us,and our destination.
556.找到他们确保他们决不会到达百佳Find them!Make absolutely certain they never reach Bagghar!
558.上来Get up there!
559.我们得赶在萨卡林之前赶到百佳We have to get to Bagghar ahead of Sakharine.
560.我知道我知道I know.I know.
562.因为他知道第三个模型的下落Because he has the third model ship.
563.你怎么知道How do you know?
564.酋长收集古老的船只The Sheikh collects old ships.And this
565.而这个是他收藏中的精品is the prize of his collection.
566.我的天老爷啊这是独角兽号Blistering blue barnacles,that is the Unicorn!
567.船长你发现图片上模型四周有点失真吗Captain,do you see the distortion around the model?
569.这说明本·萨拉德把它放在一个It means that Ben Salaad exhibits
570.防弹玻璃箱里然后陈列在他的宫殿里it in a bulletproof glass case in his palace.
571.萨卡林准备把它偷走And Sakharine is going there to steal it!
572.对他有秘密武器Yes,he has a secret weapon.
573.就是米兰妮丝·南丁格尔The Milanese Nightingale.
574.但光有这些无法解谜But that won't be enough to solve the mystery,
575.所以萨卡林还需要你and that is why Sakharine needs you.
576.所以他把你囚禁起来That's why he made you his prisoner.
577.他需要你记忆中的某些东西There is something he needs you to remember.
578.我不明白I don't follow you.
579.我在一本书上读到过I read it in a book.
580.只有真正的阿道克家族的人才能解开独角兽之谜That only a true Haddock can discover the secret of the Unicorn.
581.我一丝一毫都不记得I don't remember anything about anything.
582.但是你一定了解你的祖先吧But you must know about your ancestors,
583.弗朗西斯爵士这是你的家族传统Sir Francis.It's your family legacy!
584.我的记性不比以前了My memory is not what it used to be.。
