人教版高二英语选修七Unit 3 Under the sea课件(共22张PPT)
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人 员 ,往 更 高 设计层 次迈近 。 从 一 年 的 设 计产值 来看,比 去年有 了相对 程度的 提高,设 计工程 总产值 达1亿 元左右 , 设 计 费 总 产 值近300万 元。 从项目 的类型 上分析 ,今年 的声学 公建项 目比去 年增加 很 多 ,如 青 少 年宫、 艺术中 心、会 议中心 等等。 这也在 另一个 角度可 见,几年 以来, 丰 总 一 直 要 求销售 人员在 销售过 程中同 样需要 重视声 学装饰 领域这 一决策 初见成 效 。 还 有 今 年本地 区的事 业单位 的设计 装饰项 目,如雨 后春笋 ,慢慢地 越来越 多,而 且 都 是 侧 重 于在原 有建筑 中的装 修改造 ,这也预 示着本 地区的 机关事 业单位 的二次
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about _t_h_e__s_h_o昨es天I 在bo你ug店h里t i购n y买o的ur鞋st子or_e_l_a_s_t_w_e_e_k_.____.
I am sorry to say that I am unhappy about_t_h_e_p_o质o量r q差u_a_li_ty_._. (First of all, t_h_e_y__w_e_r_e它no们t不m是ad皮e 革of制le作at的he_r._____. In addition, __th使ey我h的u脚rt m疼y痛f_e_e_t _a_l_o_t. Even worse than that, __t_h_e我h在ee走l f路el的l o时ff 候wh跟il断e I了w_a_s_w__a_lk_i_n_g_._______.)
XX设 计 部 门 工 作总 结范文 秋 去 冬 又 来 ,花开花 亦谢。 一闭一 睁间,匆 匆又一 年。 在 忙 忙 碌 碌 中,XX年 又将过 去了,在 这一 年当中 ,设计部 无论是 在运作 模式、 设计产
值 、 还 是 人 员结构 ,各方面 的变化 都比较 大。 设 计 部 的 运 作模式 是从7月 底开始 进行调 整的,以 独立 承包制 的运营 方式,与 之前相 比 ,变化相 对较大 。设计 部有了 更大的 自主权 ,有了更 大的发 挥空间 。对于 公司来 讲, 也 省 了 不 少 杂事小 事。在 近几个 月的运 作来看 ,情况还 是比较 稳定,总体是稳中有发 展 。 在 不 断 提高自 己的管 理能力 的基础 上,继续 加强专 业知识 的学习 ,领导部门所有
A complaint letter can be known as a document that enables you to notify an individual person, company or business that you are dissatisfied with a product you purchase or a service you receive.
I would be grateful if ...
I would like you to ...
I will write to the Consumer Association unless I receive a satisfactory reply.
装 修 改 造 时 期的到 来,因 此 ,我 们 应 该 提前
E E Complaint 杏南中学 曾燕玲
A short play
Now Loading…
In the restaurant of KHC hotel
Twenty minutes later…
I would like you to _g_i退ve钱b_a_c_k_m__y_m__o_n_e_y_.. I intend to __ 采t取ak进e 一fu步rth措er施a_c_ti_o_n____ unless you give me a satisfactory reply.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Writing :
父亲节要到了,你上周在光明商场给父亲买了一块电子 手表,使用中发现手表出现了很多问题: 1. 质量差 2. 手表不防水 3. 售货员拒绝退款 4. ……
Introduction: a digital watch(last week, GuangMing shopping center) Reasons for complains: poor quality not waterproof; lose about five minutes every hour the alarm, not work battery, die after a few hours button, not work Reaction to the complaint: refuse to give back my money be rude
Demands: give back money repair/replace the watch take further action
You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter to the School Headmaster about the Canteen Service on Campus . You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition
I would like you to ______________________. I intend to ___________________ unless you give me a satisfactory reply.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully, __________
Things you need to focus on while writing complaint letters: 1. Provide a description of the situation with details, Who When Where Why 2. Specify what the problem is 3. Outline the consequences of the problem 4. Make and justify a specific claim 5. Indicate clearly what the reader can do to remedy the situation 6. Suggest solutions and specify deadlines or time limits 7. Not necessarily harsh tone, preferably polite
Complain about service
Spilling the coffee
Keeping the customer waiting
Being rude and impatient
Offering the wrong food
Complain about product
be reasonable
What When Where Shape Color
Attitude Quality damage packing Delivery
Unsatisfied Disappointed
Upset Still waiting
I am writing to express my views concerning……
I am going to complain about ...
I am writing to you about... which I received/bought ...
I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid
that I have to m__a_k_e_a_c_o_m__p_la_in_t_a_b_o_u_t_the __s_e_r_v_ic_e_I_r_e_c_e_iv_e_d_f_ro_m__y_o_u_r_r_estaurant (对你们饭店给予的服务提出投诉).
I am writing to you to _c_o_m_p_la_i_n_a_b_o_u_t_th_e__c_e_llp_h_o_n_e__I _bo_u_g_h_t_____ _fr_o_m__y_o_u_r _sh_o_p__la_s_t_w_e_e_k_._____ (投诉我上 周你们店里买的手机)
I will write a letter to complain to the boss !!
Suppose you were Mr. Qiu ! If you want to complain to the boss, what aspects can you mention in your letter of complaint?
Insulted …
Hope / Solution
Action required
pay compensation refundtake legal action write to the local newspaper…
be specific
letter of complaint
include the important facts about your purchase/service you receive
write it in a more formal style.
Be brief
Purpose (Introduction)
Yours faithfully, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about __________________________________________.
I am sorry to say that I am unhappy about_____________. (First of all, _________________________. In addition, ______________________. Even worse than that,____________________________________.)
on the outline given below in Chinese :
Spilling the coffee
Keeping the customer waiting
Being rude and impatient
Offering the wrong food
How to write a complaint letter
Reason Purpose Situation
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about _t_h_e__s_h_o昨es天I 在bo你ug店h里t i购n y买o的ur鞋st子or_e_l_a_s_t_w_e_e_k_.____.
I am sorry to say that I am unhappy about_t_h_e_p_o质o量r q差u_a_li_ty_._. (First of all, t_h_e_y__w_e_r_e它no们t不m是ad皮e 革of制le作at的he_r._____. In addition, __th使ey我h的u脚rt m疼y痛f_e_e_t _a_l_o_t. Even worse than that, __t_h_e我h在ee走l f路el的l o时ff 候wh跟il断e I了w_a_s_w__a_lk_i_n_g_._______.)
XX设 计 部 门 工 作总 结范文 秋 去 冬 又 来 ,花开花 亦谢。 一闭一 睁间,匆 匆又一 年。 在 忙 忙 碌 碌 中,XX年 又将过 去了,在 这一 年当中 ,设计部 无论是 在运作 模式、 设计产
值 、 还 是 人 员结构 ,各方面 的变化 都比较 大。 设 计 部 的 运 作模式 是从7月 底开始 进行调 整的,以 独立 承包制 的运营 方式,与 之前相 比 ,变化相 对较大 。设计 部有了 更大的 自主权 ,有了更 大的发 挥空间 。对于 公司来 讲, 也 省 了 不 少 杂事小 事。在 近几个 月的运 作来看 ,情况还 是比较 稳定,总体是稳中有发 展 。 在 不 断 提高自 己的管 理能力 的基础 上,继续 加强专 业知识 的学习 ,领导部门所有
A complaint letter can be known as a document that enables you to notify an individual person, company or business that you are dissatisfied with a product you purchase or a service you receive.
I would be grateful if ...
I would like you to ...
I will write to the Consumer Association unless I receive a satisfactory reply.
装 修 改 造 时 期的到 来,因 此 ,我 们 应 该 提前
E E Complaint 杏南中学 曾燕玲
A short play
Now Loading…
In the restaurant of KHC hotel
Twenty minutes later…
I would like you to _g_i退ve钱b_a_c_k_m__y_m__o_n_e_y_.. I intend to __ 采t取ak进e 一fu步rth措er施a_c_ti_o_n____ unless you give me a satisfactory reply.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Writing :
父亲节要到了,你上周在光明商场给父亲买了一块电子 手表,使用中发现手表出现了很多问题: 1. 质量差 2. 手表不防水 3. 售货员拒绝退款 4. ……
Introduction: a digital watch(last week, GuangMing shopping center) Reasons for complains: poor quality not waterproof; lose about five minutes every hour the alarm, not work battery, die after a few hours button, not work Reaction to the complaint: refuse to give back my money be rude
Demands: give back money repair/replace the watch take further action
You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter to the School Headmaster about the Canteen Service on Campus . You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition
I would like you to ______________________. I intend to ___________________ unless you give me a satisfactory reply.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully, __________
Things you need to focus on while writing complaint letters: 1. Provide a description of the situation with details, Who When Where Why 2. Specify what the problem is 3. Outline the consequences of the problem 4. Make and justify a specific claim 5. Indicate clearly what the reader can do to remedy the situation 6. Suggest solutions and specify deadlines or time limits 7. Not necessarily harsh tone, preferably polite
Complain about service
Spilling the coffee
Keeping the customer waiting
Being rude and impatient
Offering the wrong food
Complain about product
be reasonable
What When Where Shape Color
Attitude Quality damage packing Delivery
Unsatisfied Disappointed
Upset Still waiting
I am writing to express my views concerning……
I am going to complain about ...
I am writing to you about... which I received/bought ...
I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid
that I have to m__a_k_e_a_c_o_m__p_la_in_t_a_b_o_u_t_the __s_e_r_v_ic_e_I_r_e_c_e_iv_e_d_f_ro_m__y_o_u_r_r_estaurant (对你们饭店给予的服务提出投诉).
I am writing to you to _c_o_m_p_la_i_n_a_b_o_u_t_th_e__c_e_llp_h_o_n_e__I _bo_u_g_h_t_____ _fr_o_m__y_o_u_r _sh_o_p__la_s_t_w_e_e_k_._____ (投诉我上 周你们店里买的手机)
I will write a letter to complain to the boss !!
Suppose you were Mr. Qiu ! If you want to complain to the boss, what aspects can you mention in your letter of complaint?
Insulted …
Hope / Solution
Action required
pay compensation refundtake legal action write to the local newspaper…
be specific
letter of complaint
include the important facts about your purchase/service you receive
write it in a more formal style.
Be brief
Purpose (Introduction)
Yours faithfully, __________
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about __________________________________________.
I am sorry to say that I am unhappy about_____________. (First of all, _________________________. In addition, ______________________. Even worse than that,____________________________________.)
on the outline given below in Chinese :
Spilling the coffee
Keeping the customer waiting
Being rude and impatient
Offering the wrong food
How to write a complaint letter
Reason Purpose Situation