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Food decreasing
Owing to global warming, some
creatures like Krill their numbers
are significantly reducing.
With less food, penguins will
face more grim situation.
cold weather, in case
young penguin have enough food to grow in summer.
Male have responsibility to
breed eggs.
After laying eggs, female
walk 200 miles away to find
李一璇 20132113310023
The Biggest
They have 17 species, they are birds, but they can’t fly. Though some live in warm zones, all penguins like cold weather. The Smallest
food .Male usually do not eat
food and lose less 50% of their weight in these 2
months .
We always thought….
But in reality, they face…..
Habitat changing
Emperor penguin
Name: Aptenodytes forsteri Height:120cm Weight:30-45kg Appearance: Have bright yellow(orange) feather in front of their eyes or neck. Habitat: Antarctic Eat: Cuttlefish, fish,(especially Myctophidae)
Virus-bird flu
In 2014, scientists found a birying a
new and activated bird flu.
Thanks for listening!
Global warming causes the
Iceland is decreasing.
Though big iceberg breaking causes the area of sea is
increasing, if they want to find food in the sea, foraging will become much harder.
Adelie Penguin
Name: Pygoscelis adelliae Height:70cm Weight:4.4-5.4kg Appearance: black back, white body, have a small white circle in front of their eyes, black beak Habitat: Antarctic Eat: Krill, Cuttlefish, fish Characteristics: Aggressive
About Marriage
Monogamy Loyal
But Emperor penguins are special
78% of them may choose abandon their partner at the first year
About Breed
They breed their eggs in