

sdruno error opening file

sdruno error opening file

"sdruno error opening file" 这个错误通常表明在尝试打开一个文件时出现了问题。



1. 确认文件路径:检查你输入的文件路径是否正确。

如果文件路径不正确,SDR Uno将无法找到文件。

2. 检查文件名:确保文件名没有拼写错误,并且文件扩展名是正确的。

3. 检查文件状态:如果文件已经被另一个程序打开,你可能需要先关闭那个程序,然后再尝试打开文件。

4. 检查权限:确保你有足够的权限去访问文件。

如果你没有足够的权限,你可能需要以管理员身份运行SDR Uno,或者更改文件的权限设置。

5. 检查磁盘空间:如果你的磁盘空间不足,你可能无法打开新的文件。


6. 重启程序:如果SDR Uno在打开文件时出现错误,你可以尝试重启程序,看看问题是否仍然存在。

如果以上方法都不能解决问题,你可能需要联系SDR Uno的技术支持,看看他们是否有其他的解决方案。

undefined reference的排查方法

undefined reference的排查方法

undefined reference的排查方法在编译程序时,如果出现"undefined reference"错误,意味着编译器找不到相应的定义。


要解决"undefined reference"错误,可以按照以下步骤进行排查:1. 检查头文件是否包含了所有必要的声明和定义。


2. 检查代码中是否存在拼写错误或语法错误。


3. 检查是否正确链接所需的库。


4. 检查编译选项。



5. 检查是否正确使用了命名空间。


6. 检查是否存在重复定义的函数或变量。



7. 如果是使用C++编译器,检查是否使用了C++编译选项。



8. 如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,可以考虑在编译命令中增加调试信息选项,比如`-g`,然后尝试重新编译并查看详细的错误信息。


通过逐步检查这些可能导致"undefined reference"错误的因素,可以排查并解决错误,从而成功编译和链接程序。

texstudio package pdftex error

texstudio package pdftex error

texstudio package pdftex error
在TexStudio中遇到Package pdftex.def Error: File
'XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting.的错误通常意味着在编译过程中,TexStudio试图找到一个特定的PDF 文件,但是没有找到。





2.检查文件路径:在T exStudio中,检查你的文件路径设置,确保它们指向正确的位置。









MQL4 Reference MQL4命令手册(本手册采用Office2007编写)2010年2月目录MQL4 Reference (1)MQL4命令手册 (1)Basics基础 (12)Syntax语法 (12)Comments注释 (12)Identifiers标识符 (12)Reserved words保留字 (13)Data types数据类型 (13)Type casting类型转换 (14)Integer constants整数常量 (14)Literal constants字面常量 (14)Boolean constants布尔常量 (15)Floating-point number constants (double)浮点数常量(双精度) (15)String constants字符串常量 (15)Color constants颜色常数 (16)Datetime constants日期时间常数 (16)Operations & Expressions操作表达式 (17)Expressions表达式 (17)Arithmetical operations算术运算 (17)Assignment operation赋值操作 (17)Operations of relation操作关系 (18)Boolean operations布尔运算 (18)Bitwise operations位运算 (19)Other operations其他运算 (19)Precedence rules优先规则 (20)Operators操作符 (21)Compound operator复合操作符 (21)Expression operator表达式操作符 (21)Break operator终止操作符 (21)Continue operator继续操作符 (22)Return operator返回操作符 (22)Conditional operator if-else条件操作符 (23)Switch operator跳转操作符 (23)Cycle operator while循环操作符while (24)Cycle operator for循环操作符for (24)Functions函数 (25)Function call函数调用 (26)Special functions特殊函数 (27)Variables变量 (27)Local variables局部变量 (28)Formal parameters形式变量 (28)Static variables静态变量 (29)Global variables全局变量 (29)Defining extern variables外部定义变量 (30)Initialization of variables初始化变量 (30)External functions definition外部函数的定义 (30)Preprocessor预处理 (31)Constant declaration常量声明 (31)Controlling compilation编译控制 (32)Including of files包含文件 (32)Importing of functions导入功能 (33)Standard constants标准常数 (35)Series arrays系列数组 (35)Timeframes图表周期时间 (35)Trade operations交易操作 (36)Price constants价格常数 (36)MarketInfo市场信息识别符 (36)Drawing styles画线风格 (37)Arrow codes预定义箭头 (38)Wingdings宋体 (39)Web colors颜色常数 (39)Indicator lines指标线 (40)Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (41)Moving Average methods移动平均方法 (41)MessageBox信息箱 (41)Object types对象类型 (43)Object properties对象属性 (44)Object visibility (45)Uninitialize reason codes撤销初始化原因代码 (45)Special constants特别常数 (46)Error codes错误代码 (46)Predefined variables预定义变量 (50)Ask最新卖价 (50)Bars柱数 (50)Bid最新买价 (50)Close[]收盘价 (51)Digits汇率小数位 (51)High[]最高价 (51)Low[]最低价 (52)Open[]开盘价 (53)Point点值 (53)Time[]开盘时间 (53)Volume[]成交量 (54)Program Run程序运行 (56)Program Run程序运行 (56)Imported functions call输入函数调用 (57)Runtime errors运行错误 (57)Account information账户信息 (68)AccountBalance( )账户余额 (68)AccountCredit( )账户信用点数 (68)AccountCompany( )账户公司名 (68)AccountCurrency( )基本货币 (68)AccountEquity( )账户资产净值 (68)AccountFreeMargin( )账户免费保证金 (69)AccountFreeMarginCheck()账户当前价格自由保证金 (69)AccountFreeMarginMode( )账户免费保证金模式 (69)AccountLeverage( )账户杠杆 (69)AccountMargin( )账户保证金 (69)AccountName( )账户名称 (70)AccountNumber( )账户数字 (70)AccountProfit( )账户利润 (70)AccountServer( )账户连接服务器 (70)AccountStopoutLevel( )账户停止水平值 (70)AccountStopoutMode( )账户停止返回模式 (71)Array functions数组函数 (72)ArrayBsearch()数组搜索 (72)ArrayCopy()数组复制 (72)ArrayCopyRates()数组复制走势 (73)ArrayCopySeries()数组复制系列走势 (74)ArrayDimension()返回数组维数 (75)ArrayGetAsSeries()返回数组序列 (75)ArrayInitialize()数组初始化 (75)ArrayIsSeries()判断数组连续 (75)ArrayMaximum()数组最大值定位 (76)ArrayMinimum()数组最小值定位 (76)ArrayRange()返回数组指定维数数量 (76)ArrayResize()改变数组维数 (77)ArraySetAsSeries()设定系列数组 (77)ArraySize()返回数组项目数 (78)ArraySort()数组排序 (78)Checkup检查 (79)GetLastError( )返回最后错误 (79)IsConnected( )返回联机状态 (79)IsDemo( )返回模拟账户 (79)IsDllsAllowed( )返回dll允许调用 (80)IsExpertEnabled( )返回智能交易开启状态 (80)IsLibrariesAllowed( )返回数据库函数调用 (80)IsOptimization( )返回策略测试中优化模式 (81)IsStopped( )返回终止业务 (81)IsTesting( )返回测试模式状态 (81)IsTradeAllowed( )返回允许智能交易 (81)IsTradeContextBusy( )返回其他智能交易忙 (82)IsVisualMode( )返回智能交易“图片模式” (82)UninitializeReason( )返回智能交易初始化原因 (82)Client terminal客户端信息 (83)TerminalCompany( )返回客户端所属公司 (83)TerminalName( )返回客户端名称 (83)TerminalPath( )返回客户端文件路径 (83)Common functions常规命令函数 (84)Alert弹出警告窗口 (84)Comment显示信息在走势图左上角 (84)GetTickCount获取时间标记 (84)MarketInfo在市场观察窗口返回不同数据保证金列表 (85)MessageBox创建信息窗口 (85)PlaySound播放声音 (86)Print窗口中显示文本 (86)SendFTP设置FTP (86)SendMail设置Email (87)Sleep指定的时间间隔内暂停交易业务 (87)Conversion functions格式转换函数 (88)CharToStr字符转换成字符串 (88)DoubleToStr双精度浮点转换成字符串 (88)NormalizeDouble给出环绕浮点值的精确度 (88)StrToDouble字符串型转换成双精度浮点型 (89)StrToInteger字符串型转换成整型 (89)StrToTime字符串型转换成时间型 (89)TimeToStr时间类型转换为"yyyy.mm.dd hh:mi"格式 (89)Custom indicators自定义指标 (91)IndicatorBuffers (91)IndicatorCounted (92)IndicatorDigits (92)IndicatorShortName (93)SetIndexArrow (94)SetIndexBuffer (94)SetIndexDrawBegin (95)SetIndexEmptyValue (95)SetIndexLabel (96)SetIndexShift (97)SetIndexStyle (98)SetLevelStyle (98)SetLevelValue (99)Date & Time functions日期时间函数 (100)Day (100)DayOfWeek (100)Hour (100)Minute (101)Month (101)Seconds (101)TimeCurrent (101)TimeDay (102)TimeDayOfWeek (102)TimeDayOfYear (102)TimeHour (102)TimeLocal (102)TimeMinute (103)TimeMonth (103)TimeSeconds (103)TimeYear (103)Year (104)File functions文件函数 (105)FileClose关闭文件 (105)FileDelete删除文件 (105)FileFlush将缓存中的数据刷新到磁盘上去 (106)FileIsEnding文件结尾 (106)FileIsLineEnding (107)FileOpen打开文件 (107)FileOpenHistory历史目录中打开文件 (108)FileReadArray将二进制文件读取到数组中 (108)FileReadDouble从文件中读取浮点型数据 (109)FileReadInteger从当前二进制文件读取整形型数据 (109)FileReadNumber (109)FileReadString从当前文件位置读取字串符 (110)FileSeek文件指针移动 (110)FileSize文件大小 (111)FileTell文件指针的当前位置 (111)FileWrite写入文件 (112)FileWriteArray一个二进制文件写入数组 (112)FileWriteDouble一个二进制文件以浮动小数点写入双重值 (113)FileWriteInteger一个二进制文件写入整数值 (113)FileWriteString当前文件位置函数写入一个二进制文件字串符 (114)Global variables全局变量 (115)GlobalVariableCheck (115)GlobalVariableDel (115)GlobalVariableGet (115)GlobalVariableName (116)GlobalVariableSet (116)GlobalVariableSetOnCondition (116)GlobalVariablesTotal (117)Math & Trig数学和三角函数 (119)MathAbs (119)MathArccos (119)MathArcsin (119)MathArctan (120)MathCeil (120)MathCos (120)MathExp (121)MathFloor (121)MathLog (122)MathMax (122)MathMin (122)MathMod (122)MathPow (123)MathRand (123)MathRound (123)MathSin (124)MathSqrt (124)MathSrand (124)MathTan (125)Object functions目标函数 (126)ObjectCreate建立目标 (126)ObjectDelete删除目标 (127)ObjectDescription目标描述 (127)ObjectFind查找目标 (127)ObjectGet目标属性 (128)ObjectGetFiboDescription斐波纳契描述 (128)ObjectGetShiftByValue (128)ObjectGetValueByShift (129)ObjectMove移动目标 (129)ObjectName目标名 (129)ObjectsDeleteAll删除所有目标 (130)ObjectSet改变目标属性 (130)ObjectSetFiboDescription改变目标斐波纳契指标 (131)ObjectSetText改变目标说明 (131)ObjectsTotal返回目标总量 (131)ObjectType返回目标类型 (132)String functions字符串函数 (133)StringConcatenate字符串连接 (133)StringFind字符串搜索 (133)StringGetChar字符串指定位置代码 (133)StringLen字符串长度 (134)StringSubstr提取子字符串 (134)StringTrimLeft (135)StringTrimRight (135)Technical indicators技术指标 (136)iAC比尔.威廉斯的加速器或减速箱振荡器 (136)iAD离散指标 (136)iAlligator比尔・威廉斯的鳄鱼指标 (136)iADX移动定向索引 (137)iATR平均真实范围 (137)iAO比尔.威廉斯的振荡器 (138)iBearsPower熊功率指标 (138)iBands保力加通道技术指标 (138)iBandsOnArray保力加通道指标 (139)iBullsPower牛市指标 (139)iCCI商品通道索引指标 (139)iCCIOnArray商品通道索引指标 (140)iCustom指定的客户指标 (140)iDeMarker (140)iEnvelopes包络指标 (141)iEnvelopesOnArray包络指标 (141)iForce强力索引指标 (142)iFractals分形索引指标 (142)iGator随机震荡指标 (142)iIchimoku (143)iBWMFI比尔.威廉斯市场斐波纳契指标 (143)iMomentum动量索引指标 (143)iMomentumOnArray (144)iMFI资金流量索引指标 (144)iMA移动平均指标 (144)iMAOnArray (145)iOsMA移动振动平均震荡器指标 (145)iMACD移动平均数汇总/分离指标 (146)iOBV能量潮指标 (146)iSAR抛物线状止损和反转指标 (146)iRSI相对强弱索引指标 (147)iRSIOnArray (147)iRVI相对活力索引指标 (147)iStdDev标准偏差指标 (148)iStdDevOnArray (148)iStochastic随机震荡指标 (148)iWPR威廉指标 (149)Timeseries access时间序列图表数据 (150)iBars柱的数量 (150)iClose (150)iHigh (151)iHighest (151)iLow (152)iLowest (152)iOpen (152)iTime (153)iVolume (153)Trading functions交易函数 (155)Execution errors (155)OrderClose (157)OrderCloseBy (158)OrderClosePrice (158)OrderCloseTime (158)OrderComment (159)OrderCommission (159)OrderDelete (159)OrderExpiration (160)OrderLots (160)OrderMagicNumber (160)OrderModify (160)OrderOpenPrice (161)OrderOpenTime (161)OrderPrint (162)OrderProfit (162)OrderSelect (162)OrderSend (163)OrdersHistoryTotal (164)OrderStopLoss (164)OrdersTotal (164)OrderSwap (165)OrderSymbol (165)OrderTakeProfit (165)OrderTicket (166)OrderType (166)Window functions窗口函数 (167)HideTestIndicators隐藏指标 (167)Period使用周期 (167)RefreshRates刷新预定义变量和系列数组的数据 (167)Symbol当前货币对 (168)WindowBarsPerChart可见柱总数 (168)WindowExpertName智能交易系统名称 (169)WindowFind返回名称 (169)WindowFirstVisibleBar第一个可见柱 (169)WindowHandle (169)WindowIsVisible图表在子窗口中可见 (170)WindowOnDropped (170)WindowPriceMax (170)WindowPriceMin (171)WindowPriceOnDropped (171)WindowRedraw (172)WindowScreenShot (172)WindowTimeOnDropped (173)WindowsTotal指标窗口数 (173)WindowXOnDropped (173)WindowYOnDropped (174)Obsolete functions过时的函数 (175)MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) 是一种新的内置型程序用来编写交易策略。

中英文对照FREE PASCAL错误一览表

中英文对照FREE PASCAL错误一览表

Free Pascal错误一览表1.Out of memory[内存溢出]2.Identifier expected[缺标识符]3.Identifier not found[标识符未找到]*如:Identifier not found INTEGR[标识符INTEGER未找到]4.Duplicate identifier[重复说明]*如:Duplicate identifier N[变量N重复说明]5.Syntax error[语法错误]*6.Error in real constant[实型常量错]7.Error in integer constant[整型常量错]8.String constant exceeds line[字符串常量跨行]9.Too many nested file[文件嵌套过多]10.Unexpected end of file[非正常文件结束]11.Line to long[行过长]12.Type Identifier expected[缺类型标识符]13.Too many open file[打开文件过多]14.Invalid file name[无效文件名]15.File not found[文件未找到]*16.Disk full[磁盘满]17.Invalid compiler directive[无效编译指示]18.Too many file[文件过多]19.Undefined type in pointer definition[指针定义中未定义类型]20.Variable identifier expected[缺变量标识符]21.Error in type definition[类型错误说明]*22.Stucture too large[结构过长]23.Set base type out of range[集合基类型越界]24.File components may not be files or object[FILE分量不能为文件或对象]25.Invalid string length[无效字符串长度]26.Type mismatch[类型不匹配]*27.Invalid subrange base type[无效子界基类型]28.Lower bound greater than upper bound[下界大于上界]29.Ordinal type expected[缺有序类型]30.Integer constant expected[缺整型常数]31.Constant expected[缺常量]32.Integer or real constant expected[缺整型或实型常量]33.Pointe type identifier expected[缺指针类型标识符]34.Invalid function result type[无效的函数结果类型]bel identifier expected[缺标号标识符]36.Begin expected[缺BEGIN]*37.End expected[缺END]*38.Integer expression expected[缺整型表达式]39.Ordinal expression expected[缺有序表达式]40.Boolean expression expected[缺布尔表达式]41.Operand type do not match operator[操作数与操作符不匹配]42.Error in expression[表达式错]43.Illegal expression[非法赋值]*44.Field identifier expected[缺域标识符]45.Object file too large[目标文件过大]46.Undefined external[未定义外部标识符]47.Invalid object file record[无效OBJ文件记录]48.Code segment too large[代码段过长]49.Data segment too large[数据段过长]*50.Do expected[缺DO]*51.Invalid PUBLIC definition[无效PUBLIC定义]52.Invalid EXTRN definition[无效EXTRN定义]53.Too many EXTRN definition[EXTRN定义过多]54.Of extected[缺0F]*55.INTERFACE expected[缺INTERFACE]56.Invalid relocatable reference[无效重定位引用]57.THEN expected[缺THEN]*58.TO(DOWNTO)expected[缺T0或DOWNTO]*59.Undefined forward[提前引用未定义的说明]60.Too many procedures[过程过多]61.Invalid typecast[无效类型转换]62.Division by zero[被零除]63.Invalid typecast[无效文件类型]64.Cannot Read or Write variable of this type[不能读写该类型的变量]*65.Ponter variable expected[缺指针变量]66.String variable expected[缺字符串变量]67.String expression expected[缺字符串表达式]68.Circular unit reference[单元循环引用]69.Unit name mismatchg[单元名不匹配]70.Unit version mismatch[单元版本不匹配]71.Duplicate unit name[单元重名]72.Unit file format error[单元文件格式错误]73.Implementation expected[缺IMPLEMENTATl0N]74.constant and case types do not match[常数与CASE类型不相匹配]75.Record variable expected[缺记录变量]76.Constant out of range[常量越界]77.File variable expected[缺文件变量]78.Pointer extression expected[缺指针变量]79.Integer or real expression expected[缺整型或实型表达式]ble not within current block[标号不在当前块中]ble already defined[标号已定义]82.Undefined lable in preceding statement part[在前面语句中标号未定义]83.Invalid@argument[无效的@参数]84.Unit expected[缺UNIT]85.“;”expected[缺“;”]*86.“:”expected[缺“:”]*87.“,”expected[缺“,”]*88.“(”expected[缺“(”)*89.“)”expected[缺“]”]*90.“=”expected[缺“=”]*91.“:=”expected[缺“:=”]*92.“[”or“(”expected[缺“[”或“(”)*93.“]”or“)”expected[缺“]”或“)”]*94.“..”expected[缺“.”]*95.“..”expected[缺“..”]*96.Too many variable[变量过多]97.Invalid FOR control variable[无效FOR控制变量]98.Integer variable expected[缺整型变量]99.File and procedure types are not allowed here[此处不允许用文件和过程类型]100.Srting length mismatch[字符串长度不匹配]101.Invalid ordering of fields[无效域顺序]102.String constant expected[缺字符串常量]103.Integer or real variable expected[缺整型或实型变量]104.Ordinal variable expected[缺顺序变量]105.INLINE error[INLINE错]106.Character expression expected[缺字符表达式]107.Too many relocation items[重定位项过多]112.Case constant out of range[CASE常量越界]113.Error in statement[语句错]114.Can’t call an interrupt procedute[不能调用中断过程] 116.Must be in8087mode to complie this[必须在8087方式下编译]117.Target address not found[未找到目标地址]118.Include files are not allowed here[此处不允许包含INCLUDE文件]120.NIL expected[缺NIL]121.Invalid qualifier[无效限定符]122.Invalid variable reference[无效变量引用]123.Too many symbols[符号过多]124.Statement part too large[语句部分过长]126.Files must be var parameters[文件必须为变量参数]127.Too many conditional directive[条件符号过多]128.Misplaced conditional directive[条件指令错位]129.ENDIF directive missing[缺少ENDIF指令]130.Error in initial conditional defines[初始条件定义错] 131.Header does not match previous definition[过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹配]132.Critical disk error[严重磁盘错误]133.Can’t evalute this expression[不能计算该表达式]*如:Can’t evalute constart expression[不能计算该常量表达式] 134.Expression incorrectly terminated[表达式错误结束]135.Invaild format specifier[无效格式说明符]136.Invalid indirect reference[无效间接引用]137.Structed variable are not allowed here[此处不允许结构变量] 138.Can’t evalute without system unit[无SYSTEM单元不能计算] 139.Can’t access this symbols[不能存取该符号]140.Invalid floating–point operation[无效浮点运算]141.Can’t compile overlays to memory[不能将覆盖模块编译至内存] 142.Procedure or function variable expected[缺过程和函数变量] 143.Invalid procedure or function reference.[无效过程或函数引用] 144.Can’t overlay this unit[不能覆盖该单元]147.Object type expected[缺对象类型]148.Local object types are not allowed[不允许局部对象类型]149.VIRTUAL expected[缺VIRTUAL]150.Method identifier expected[缺方法标识符]151.Virtual constructor are not allowed[不允许虚拟构造方法] 152.Constructor Identifier expected[缺构造函数标识符]153.Destructor Identifier expected[缺析构函数标识符]154.Fail only allowed within constructors[FAIL标准过程只允许在构造方法内使用]155.Invalid combination of opcode and operands[无效的操作符和操作数组合]156.Memory reference expected[缺内存引用]157.Can’t add or subtrace relocatable symbols[不能加减可重定位符号]158.Invalid register combination[无效寄存器组合]159.286/287Instructions are not enabled[未激活286/287指令] 160.Invalid symbol reference[无效符号引用]161.Code generation error[代码生成错]162.ASM expected[缺ASM]二、运行错误运行错误将显示错误信息,并终止程序的运行。



上传⽂件,提⽰⽂件不存在的解决⽅法在做公司的⼀个项⽬中,需要上传⽂件,使⽤的是AjaxUpload JS组件,选择完⽂件后,发送请求到指定接⼝,随即返回服务器上⽂件的相对路径,然后PHP再做其他⼯作(这不是重点)处理上传的PHP程序,限制其⽂件⼤⼩为20Mphp.ini中post_max_size 20Mupload_max_filesize 20Mmemory_limit 256Mngint.conf中client_max_body_size 518M上传20M以下的⽂件,没有问题,但是,例如上传80M的⽂件,会报错,⽂件不存在,if ( ! isset($_FILES[$field])){ $this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected'); return FALSE;}⽹上的解决⽅法是设置 php.ini和nginx.conf中相应的属性,仍然报错,后来参考了,才找到原因解决⽅法:php.ini中的post_max_size和upload_max_filesize 的值要⼤些,不能仅限于规定的值,⽐如这个20M,根据情况,这⾥设置200M,再次上传80M的⽂件,根据PHP程序本⾝的 $_FILES['file']['error'] 可得出⽂件⼤⼩超过限制这样的提⽰1. SAPI_API SAPI_POST_HANDLER_FUNC(rfc1867_post_handler)2. {3. char *boundary, *s=NULL, *boundary_end = NULL, *start_arr=NULL, *array_index=NULL;4. char *temp_filename=NULL, *lbuf=NULL, *abuf=NULL;5. int boundary_len=0, total_bytes=0, cancel_upload=0, is_arr_upload=0, array_len=0;6. int max_file_size=0, skip_upload=0, anonindex=0, is_anonymous;7. zval *http_post_files=NULL; HashTable *uploaded_files=NULL;8. #if HAVE_MBSTRING && !defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING)9. int str_len = 0, num_vars = 0, num_vars_max = 2*10, *len_list = NULL;10. char **val_list = NULL;11. #endif12. zend_bool magic_quotes_gpc;13. multipart_buffer *mbuff;14. zval *array_ptr = (zval *) arg;15. int fd=-1;16. zend_llist header;17. void *event_extra_data = NULL;18. int llen = 0;19.20. /**21. *检查是否超出最⼤上传⽂件⼤⼩,这是重点22. *从request_global中取出request_info结构体中的content_length元素,这个content_length应该是http 头信息中发给服务器的23. *如果content_length ⼤于php.ini中设置的post_max_size,就会由sapi_errror触发⼀个warning,这个warning不会被php接受(还有待研究)24. *通过nginx的log⽇志中也能发现此warning25. *26. */ 27. if (SG(request_info).content_length > SG(post_max_size)) {28. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "POST Content-Length of %ld bytes exceeds the limit of %ld bytes", SG(request_info).content_length, SG(post_max_size));29. return;30. }31.32. //取得上传⽂件的分隔符33. boundary = strstr(content_type_dup, "boundary");34. if (!boundary || !(boundary=strchr(boundary, '='))) {35. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "Missing boundary in multipart/form-data POST data");36. return;37. }38.39. boundary++;40. boundary_len = strlen(boundary);41.42. if (boundary[0] == '"') {43. boundary++;44. boundary_end = strchr(boundary, '"');45. if (!boundary_end) {46. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "Invalid boundary in multipart/form-data POST data");47. return;48. }49. } else {50. /* search for the end of the boundary */51. boundary_end = strchr(boundary, ',');52. }53. if (boundary_end) {54. boundary_end[0] = '';55. boundary_len = boundary_end-boundary;56. }57.58. /* Initialize the buffer */59. if (!(mbuff = multipart_buffer_new(boundary, boundary_len))) {60. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "Unable to initialize the input buffer");61. return;62. }63.64. //初始化$_FILE变量67. ALLOC_HASHTABLE(uploaded_files);68. zend_hash_init(uploaded_files, 5, NULL, (dtor_func_t) free_estring, 0);69. SG(rfc1867_uploaded_files) = uploaded_files;70.71. ALLOC_ZVAL(http_post_files);72. array_init(http_post_files);73. INIT_PZVAL(http_post_files);74. PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_FILES] = http_post_files; //TRACK_VARS_FILE正是_FILE在php_core_globals.http_globals中的index (注1)75.76. #if HAVE_MBSTRING && !defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING)77. if (php_mb_encoding_translation(TSRMLS_C)) {78. val_list = (char **)ecalloc(num_vars_max+2, sizeof(char *));79. len_list = (int *)ecalloc(num_vars_max+2, sizeof(int));80. }81. #endif82. zend_llist_init(&header, sizeof(mime_header_entry), (llist_dtor_func_t) php_free_hdr_entry, 0);83.84. if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {85. multipart_event_start event_start;86.87. event_start.content_length = SG(request_info).content_length;88. if (php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_START, &event_start, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {89. goto fileupload_done;90. }91. }92.93. while (!multipart_buffer_eof(mbuff TSRMLS_CC))94. {95. char buff[FILLUNIT];96. char *cd=NULL,*param=NULL,*filename=NULL, *tmp=NULL;97. size_t blen=0, wlen=0;98. off_t offset;99.100. zend_llist_clean(&header);101.102. if (!multipart_buffer_headers(mbuff, &header TSRMLS_CC)) {103. goto fileupload_done;104. }105.106. if ((cd = php_mime_get_hdr_value(header, "Content-Disposition"))) {107. char *pair=NULL;108. int end=0;109.110. while (isspace(*cd)) {111. ++cd;112. }113.114. while (*cd && (pair = php_ap_getword(&cd, ';')))115. {116. char *key=NULL, *word = pair;117.118. while (isspace(*cd)) {119. ++cd;120. }121.122. if (strchr(pair, '=')) {123. key = php_ap_getword(&pair, '=');124.125. if (!strcasecmp(key, "name")) {126. if (param) {127. efree(param);128. }129. param = php_ap_getword_conf(&pair TSRMLS_CC);130. } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "filename")) {131. if (filename) {132. efree(filename);133. }134. filename = php_ap_getword_conf(&pair TSRMLS_CC);135. }136. }137. if (key) {138. efree(key);139. }140. efree(word);141. }142.143. /* Normal form variable, safe to read all data into memory */144. if (!filename && param) {145. unsigned int value_len;146. char *value = multipart_buffer_read_body(mbuff, &value_len TSRMLS_CC);147. unsigned int new_val_len; /* Dummy variable */148.149. if (!value) {150. value = estrdup("");151. }152.153. if (sapi_module.input_filter(PARSE_POST, param, &value, value_len, &new_val_len TSRMLS_CC)) {154. if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {155. multipart_event_formdata event_formdata;156. size_t newlength = 0;157.158. event_formdata.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);159. event_ = param;160. event_formdata.value = &value;161. event_formdata.length = new_val_len;162. event_formdata.newlength = &newlength;163. if (php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_FORMDATA, &event_formdata, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {166. continue;167. }168. new_val_len = newlength;169. }170.171. #if HAVE_MBSTRING && !defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING)172. if (php_mb_encoding_translation(TSRMLS_C)) {173. php_mb_gpc_stack_variable(param, value, &val_list, &len_list,174. &num_vars, &num_vars_max TSRMLS_CC);175. } else {176. safe_php_register_variable(param, value, new_val_len, array_ptr, 0 TSRMLS_CC);177. }178. #else179. safe_php_register_variable(param, value, new_val_len, array_ptr, 0 TSRMLS_CC);180. #endif181. } else if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {182. multipart_event_formdata event_formdata;183.184. event_formdata.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);185. event_ = param;186. event_formdata.value = &value;187. event_formdata.length = value_len;188. event_formdata.newlength = NULL;189. php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_FORMDATA, &event_formdata, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC);190. }191.192. if (!strcasecmp(param, "MAX_FILE_SIZE")) {193. max_file_size = atol(value);194. }195.196. efree(param);197. efree(value);198. continue;199. }200.201. /* If file_uploads=off, skip the file part */202. if (!PG(file_uploads)) {203. skip_upload = 1;204. }205.206. /* Return with an error if the posted data is garbled */207. if (!param && !filename) {208. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Mime headers garbled");209. goto fileupload_done;210. }211.212. if (!param) {213. is_anonymous = 1;214. param = emalloc(MAX_SIZE_ANONNAME);215. snprintf(param, MAX_SIZE_ANONNAME, "%u", anonindex++);216. } else {217. is_anonymous = 0;218. }219.220. /* New Rule: never repair potential malicious user input */221. if (!skip_upload) {222. char *tmp = param;223. long c = 0;224.225. while (*tmp) {226. if (*tmp == '[') {227. c++;228. } else if (*tmp == ']') {229. c--;230. if (tmp[1] && tmp[1] != '[') {231. skip_upload = 1;232. break;233. }234. }235. if (c < 0) {236. skip_upload = 1;237. break;238. }239. tmp++;240. }241. }242.243. total_bytes = cancel_upload = 0;244.245. if (!skip_upload) {246. /* Handle file */247. fd = php_open_temporary_fd_ex(PG(upload_tmp_dir), "php", &temp_filename, 1 TSRMLS_CC);248. if (fd==-1) {249. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "File upload error - unable to create a temporary file");250. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_E;251. }252. }253.254. if (!skip_upload && php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {255. multipart_event_file_start event_file_start;256.257. event_file_start.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);258. event_file_ = param;259. event_file_start.filename = &filename;260. if (php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_FILE_START, &event_file_start, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { 261. if (temp_filename) {262. if (cancel_upload != UPLOAD_ERROR_E) { /* file creation failed */265. }266. efree(temp_filename);267. }268. temp_filename="";269. efree(param);270. efree(filename);271. continue;272. }273. }274.275. if (skip_upload) {276. efree(param);277. efree(filename);278. continue;279. }280.281. if(strlen(filename) == 0) {282. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD283. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "No file uploaded");284. #endif285. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_D;286. }287.288. offset = 0;289. end = 0;290. while (!cancel_upload && (blen = multipart_buffer_read(mbuff, buff, sizeof(buff), &end TSRMLS_CC)))291. {292. if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {293. multipart_event_file_data event_file_data;294.295. event_file_data.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);296. event_file_data.offset = offset;297. event_file_data.data = buff;298. event_file_data.length = blen;299. event_file_data.newlength = &blen;300. if (php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_FILE_DATA, &event_file_data, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {301. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_X;302. continue;303. }304. }305.306. if (PG(upload_max_filesize) > 0 && total_bytes > PG(upload_max_filesize)) {307. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD308. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "upload_max_filesize of %ld bytes exceeded - file [%s=%s] not saved", PG(upload_max_filesize), param, filename); 309. #endif310. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_A;311. } else if (max_file_size && (total_bytes > max_file_size)) {312. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD313. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "MAX_FILE_SIZE of %ld bytes exceeded - file [%s=%s] not saved", max_file_size, param, filename);314. #endif315. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_B;316. } else if (blen > 0) {317.318. wlen = write(fd, buff, blen);319.320. if (wlen == -1) {321. /* write failed */322. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD323. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "write() failed - %s", strerror(errno));324. #endif325. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_F;326. } else if (wlen < blen) {327. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD328. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "Only %d bytes were written, expected to write %d", wlen, blen);329. #endif330. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_F;331. } else {332. total_bytes += wlen;333. }334.335. offset += wlen;336. }337. }338. if (fd!=-1) { /* may not be initialized if file could not be created */339. close(fd);340. }341. if (!cancel_upload && !end) {342. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD343. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "Missing mime boundary at the end of the data for file %s", strlen(filename) > 0 ? filename : "");344. #endif345. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_C;346. }347. #if DEBUG_FILE_UPLOAD348. if(strlen(filename) > 0 && total_bytes == 0 && !cancel_upload) {349. sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "Uploaded file size 0 - file [%s=%s] not saved", param, filename);350. cancel_upload = 5;351. }352. #endif353.354. if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {355. multipart_event_file_end event_file_end;356.357. event_file_end.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);358. event_file_end.temp_filename = temp_filename;359. event_file_end.cancel_upload = cancel_upload;360. if (php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_FILE_END, &event_file_end, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {361. cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_X;364.365. if (cancel_upload) {366. if (temp_filename) {367. if (cancel_upload != UPLOAD_ERROR_E) { /* file creation failed */368. unlink(temp_filename);369. }370. efree(temp_filename);371. }372. temp_filename="";373. } else {374. zend_hash_add(SG(rfc1867_uploaded_files), temp_filename, strlen(temp_filename) + 1, &temp_filename, sizeof(char *), NULL); 375. }376.377. /* is_arr_upload is true when name of file upload field378. * ends in [.*]379. * start_arr is set to point to 1st [380. */381. is_arr_upload = (start_arr = strchr(param,'[')) && (param[strlen(param)-1] == ']');382.383. if (is_arr_upload) {384. array_len = strlen(start_arr);385. if (array_index) {386. efree(array_index);387. }388. array_index = estrndup(start_arr+1, array_len-2);389. }390.391. /* Add $foo_name */392. if (llen < strlen(param) + MAX_SIZE_OF_INDEX + 1) {393. llen = strlen(param);394. lbuf = (char *) safe_erealloc(lbuf, llen, 1, MAX_SIZE_OF_INDEX + 1);395. llen += MAX_SIZE_OF_INDEX + 1;396. }397.398. if (is_arr_upload) {399. if (abuf) efree(abuf);400. abuf = estrndup(param, strlen(param)-array_len);401. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_name[%s]", abuf, array_index);402. } else {403. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_name", param);404. }405.406. #if HAVE_MBSTRING && !defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING)407. if (php_mb_encoding_translation(TSRMLS_C)) {408. if (num_vars>=num_vars_max){409. php_mb_gpc_realloc_buffer(&val_list, &len_list, &num_vars_max,410. 1 TSRMLS_CC);411. }412. val_list[num_vars] = filename;413. len_list[num_vars] = strlen(filename);414. num_vars++;415. if(php_mb_gpc_encoding_detector(val_list, len_list, num_vars, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) {416. str_len = strlen(filename);417. php_mb_gpc_encoding_converter(&filename, &str_len, 1, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);418. }419. s = php_mb_strrchr(filename, '\' TSRMLS_CC);420. if ((tmp = php_mb_strrchr(filename, '/' TSRMLS_CC)) > s) {421. s = tmp;422. }423. num_vars--;424. goto filedone;425. }426. #endif427. /* The check should technically be needed for win32 systems only where428. * it is a valid path separator. However, IE in all it's wisdom always sends429. * the full path of the file on the user's filesystem, which means that unless430. * the user does basename() they get a bogus file name. Until IE's user base drops431. * to nill or problem is fixed this code must remain enabled for all systems.432. */433. s = strrchr(filename, '\');434. if ((tmp = strrchr(filename, '/')) > s) {435. s = tmp;436. }437. #ifdef PHP_WIN32438. if (PG(magic_quotes_gpc)) {439. s = s ? s : filename;440. tmp = strrchr(s, ''');441. s = tmp > s ? tmp : s;442. tmp = strrchr(s, '"');443. s = tmp > s ? tmp : s;444. }445. #endif446.447. #if HAVE_MBSTRING && !defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING)448. filedone:449. #endif450.451. if (!is_anonymous) {452. if (s && s > filename) {453. safe_php_register_variable(lbuf, s+1, strlen(s+1), NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC);454. } else {455. safe_php_register_variable(lbuf, filename, strlen(filename), NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC);456. }457. }458.459. /* Add $foo[name] */460. if (is_arr_upload) {463. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[name]", param);464. }465. if (s && s > filename) {466. register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, s+1, http_post_files, 0 TSRMLS_CC);467. } else {468. register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, filename, http_post_files, 0 TSRMLS_CC);469. }470. efree(filename);471. s = NULL;472.473. /* Possible Content-Type: */474. if (cancel_upload || !(cd = php_mime_get_hdr_value(header, "Content-Type"))) {475. cd = "";476. } else {477. /* fix for Opera 6.01 */478. s = strchr(cd, ';');479. if (s != NULL) {480. *s = '';481. }482. }483.484. /* Add $foo_type */485. if (is_arr_upload) {486. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_type[%s]", abuf, array_index);487. } else {488. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_type", param);489. }490. if (!is_anonymous) {491. safe_php_register_variable(lbuf, cd, strlen(cd), NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC);492. }493.494. /* Add $foo[type] */495. if (is_arr_upload) {496. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[type][%s]", abuf, array_index);497. } else {498. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[type]", param);499. }500. register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, cd, http_post_files, 0 TSRMLS_CC);501.502. /* Restore Content-Type Header */503. if (s != NULL) {504. *s = ';';505. }506. s = "";507.508. /* Initialize variables */509. add_protected_variable(param TSRMLS_CC);510.511. magic_quotes_gpc = PG(magic_quotes_gpc);512. PG(magic_quotes_gpc) = 0;513. /* if param is of form xxx[.*] this will cut it to xxx */514. if (!is_anonymous) {515. safe_php_register_variable(param, temp_filename, strlen(temp_filename), NULL, 1 TSRMLS_CC); 516. }517.518. /* Add $foo[tmp_name] */519. if (is_arr_upload) {520. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[tmp_name][%s]", abuf, array_index);521. } else {522. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[tmp_name]", param);523. }524. add_protected_variable(lbuf TSRMLS_CC);525. register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, temp_filename, http_post_files, 1 TSRMLS_CC);526.527. PG(magic_quotes_gpc) = magic_quotes_gpc;528.529. {530. zval file_size, error_type;531.532. error_type.value.lval = cancel_upload;533. error_type.type = IS_LONG;534.535. /* Add $foo[error] */536. if (cancel_upload) {537. file_size.value.lval = 0;538. file_size.type = IS_LONG;539. } else {540. file_size.value.lval = total_bytes;541. file_size.type = IS_LONG;542. }543.544. if (is_arr_upload) {545. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[error][%s]", abuf, array_index);546. } else {547. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[error]", param);548. }549. register_http_post_files_variable_ex(lbuf, &error_type, http_post_files, 0 TSRMLS_CC);550.551. /* Add $foo_size */552. if (is_arr_upload) {553. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_size[%s]", abuf, array_index);554. } else {555. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s_size", param);556. }557. if (!is_anonymous) {558. safe_php_register_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC);559. }562. if (is_arr_upload) {563. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[size][%s]", abuf, array_index);564. } else {565. snprintf(lbuf, llen, "%s[size]", param);566. }567. register_http_post_files_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, http_post_files, 0 TSRMLS_CC); 568. }569. efree(param);570. }571. }572. fileupload_done:573. if (php_rfc1867_callback != NULL) {574. multipart_event_end event_end;575.576. event_end.post_bytes_processed = SG(read_post_bytes);577. php_rfc1867_callback(MULTIPART_EVENT_END, &event_end, &event_extra_data TSRMLS_CC); 578. }579.580. SAFE_RETURN;581. }。


















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initialization error的解决方法

initialization error的解决方法

initialization error的解决方法在使用各种软件或进行编程时,我们可能会遇到初始化错误。



**1. 文件初始化错误**如果程序在试图访问某个文件时出现错误,可能是由于文件没有正确初始化。



**2. 变量初始化错误**在许多编程语言中,变量在使用前必须被初始化。





**3. 内存分配错误**在C或C++中,如果你试图分配的内存超出了可用内存量,就可能出现初始化错误。


**4. 数据库连接错误**如果你在使用数据库,那么在连接数据库时可能会遇到初始化错误。




以下是一些常见的解决方法:* 检查并确保所有必要的文件和变量都已正确初始化。

* 确保你没有使用已释放的内存或未初始化的变量。

* 检查你的代码以查找可能的内存泄漏。

* 确保你的数据库连接代码正确无误。

* 使用调试工具(如断点、日志等)来定位和解决问题。

* 参考相关的文档和教程,获取更多关于如何解决问题的信息。



preparing metadata setup py error

preparing metadata setup py error

preparing metadata setup py error 这个错误信息"preparing metadata setup.py error" 通常意味着在尝试准备或构建一个Python项目的元数据时遇到了问题。

这可能是由于多种原因,包括但不限于:1. 依赖问题:项目可能依赖于某些库或模块,但这些依赖没有正确安装或版本不兼容。

2. 环境问题:例如,你可能在一个特定环境中运行该命令,而该环境缺少所需的依赖或配置。

3. 权限问题:在某些情况下,权限问题可能会阻止你访问或修改必要的文件或目录。

4. 代码问题:项目中的某些代码可能存在错误或不兼容的配置,导致在处理元数据时出错。

要解决此问题,你可以尝试以下方法:1. 检查依赖:确保你已经安装了项目所需的所有依赖,并且它们的版本是兼容的。

2. 查看文档或日志:通常,错误消息后面会有更详细的日志或堆栈跟踪,它们可能会提供关于错误的更多信息。


3. 测试不同的环境:如果你在一个特定的虚拟环境中遇到问题,尝试在一个新的或不同的环境中运行相同的命令。

4. 查阅社区或文档:查找与此错误相关的解决方案或讨论。


5. 清理并重新安装:尝试删除项目的构建目录和已安装的依赖,然后重新运行安装命令。

6. 更新工具和库:确保你的构建工具、Python解释器和其他相关库都是最新的。


7. 手动检查文件:查看元数据文件是否有任何明显的格式错误或缺失信息。

8. 联系项目维护者:如果以上方法都不起作用,考虑联系项目的维护者或在相关的开发者社区中寻求帮助。

安装程序 错误信息问题大全

安装程序 错误信息问题大全

错误信息提示:一、The Setep files are corrupted, please obtain anew copy of the program(安装文件时会还的,请获得一个新程序的副本)直接运行msconfig也可以二、《应用程序初始化失败》:1.应用程序正常初始化(0xc0000135)失败解决方法这是由于没有安装.NETframework 所造成的,请安装.NET framework。

2.下载地址:微软官方地址:/download/3/F/0/3F0A922C-F239-4B9B-9CB0-DF53621C5 7D9/dotnetfx3.exe3. 我给你7种方法调试:1.下载个“360急救箱”,原名:“360顽固木马专杀”,急救系统!2.电脑里有木马或病毒干扰,下载“360安全卫士”和“360杀毒双引擎版”,建议“全盘扫描”病毒和木马,修补电脑上的漏洞!3.你下载的“播放器”,或“聊天软件”,或“IE浏览器”,或“游戏”的程序不稳定,或者“版本太旧”!建议卸掉,下载新的,或将其升级为“最新版本”!4.就是你安装了两款或两款以上的同类软件(如:两款播放器,两款qq,或多款浏览器,多款杀毒软件,多款网游等等)!它们在一起不“兼容”,卸掉“多余”的那一款!5.你在电脑左下角“开始”菜单里找到“强力卸载电脑上的软件”,找到多余的那款卸掉!卸完了再“强力清扫”(看准了再卸,别把有用的卸了)!6.重启电脑,开机后按“F8”,回车,回车,进到“安全模式”里找到“最后一次正确设置”,按下去试试,看看效果如何!7.实在不行就“还原系统”或“重装系统”!4.用程序发生异常未知的软件异常(0xc0000142),位置为0x7c81eb33一般出现这种情况就是由与软件的冲突引起的。

建议方案:1 系统还原:适用于这种情况刚发生,并且没有关闭相关磁盘的系统还原的情况。

2 卸载近期安装的软件:冲突,至少是两个或者两个以上的软件之间吧,卸载近期安装的软件,可以使冲突一方退避。

copying zip to temp directory unzip error

copying zip to temp directory unzip error

Copying Zip to Temp Directory Unzip ErrorIntroductionIn software development and system administration, it is common practice to work with compressed files in order to save storage space andsimplify the process of transferring data. One widely used file format for compression is Zip, which allows multiple files and folders to be combined into a single archive. However, sometimes errors occur when trying to copy a Zip file to a temporary directory and then unzip it. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.Potential Causes of the Error1.Insufficient disk space: One possible cause of the error could beinsufficient disk space on the destination drive where thetemporary directory is located. When the system tries to copy the Zip file to the temporary directory, it requires enough free space to accommodate both the compressed file and the uncompressed files.2.Permission issues: Another potential cause of the error could berelated to insufficient permissions to write or execute files inthe temporary directory. If the user or process attempting tounzip the files does not have the necessary permissions, it willresult in an error.3.Corrupted Zip file: A corrupted Zip file itself could be the rootcause of the error. If the Zip file is damaged or incomplete, the system may fail to perform the unzip operation correctly.4.Incompatible unzip software: The software or utility being used toextract the contents of the Zip file may not be compatible withthe file format or version. This incompatibility can lead toerrors during the unzipping process.Solutions to Resolve the Error1. Check Disk SpaceTo resolve the error caused by insufficient disk space, follow these steps: 1. Open your file manager or explorer. 2. Navigate to the destination drive where the temporary directory is located. 3. Check the available free space on the drive. If it is critically low, consider freeing up some space by deleting unnecessary files or moving them to another drive. 4. Attempt to copy the Zip file to the temporarydirectory again.2. Verify PermissionsTo address the permission issues that may be causing the error, try the following solutions: 1. Check the permissions of the temporary directory. Ensure that the user or process attempting to unzip the files has sufficient write and execute permissions. 2. If necessary, grant the required permissions to the user or process. 3. Retry copying the Zipfile to the temporary directory and unzip it again.3. Repair or Obtain a New Zip FileIf the error persists and the Zip file seems to be corrupted, consider the following steps to try and repair it or obtain a new copy: 1. Use a reliable Zip file repair tool to attempt to restore the damaged file. These tools can often fix minor issues within the Zip file and make it readable again. 2. If a repair tool fails to fix the Zip file, try obtaining a new copy from a trusted source. Ensure that the new Zip file is complete and not corrupted.4. Use Compatible Unzip SoftwareIf the error is caused by incompatible unzip software, try the following solutions: 1. Ensure that you are using the latest version of the unzip software or utility. Older versions may have compatibility issues with certain file formats. 2. If the error persists, try using a different unzip software or utility that supports the particular format of the Zip file. 3. Alternatively, try using command-line tools, such as unzip or7-Zip, to extract the contents of the Zip file. These tools are often more versatile and can handle various file formats.ConclusionIn this article, we explored the possible causes of the error encountered when trying to copy a Zip file to a temporary directory and then unzip it. We discussed insufficient disk space, permission issues, corrupted Zip files, and incompatible unzip software as potential reasons for the error. Additionally, we provided solutions to address each of these causes, including checking disk space, verifying permissions, repairing or obtaining a new Zip file, and using compatible unzip software. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error and successfully extract the contents of your Zip file in the temporary directory.。

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38

大气层error parsing file

大气层error parsing file

大气层error parsing file
1. 游戏文件损坏:游戏文件可能已经损坏或不完整,导致无法正确解析。


2. 游戏更新问题:如果游戏有更新可用,可能会出现不兼容或解析错误。


3. 驱动程序问题:过时或不兼容的图形驱动程序可能导致游戏文件解析错误。


4. 系统文件缺失或损坏:某些系统文件的缺失或损坏可能影响游戏的正常运行。

运行系统文件检查工具(如 Windows 的 SFC 扫描)来修复可能的系统文件问题。

5. 第三方软件冲突:某些第三方软件可能与游戏冲突,导致文件解析错误。


6. 硬件问题:有时硬件故障或不兼容也可能导致游戏文件解析错误。






未能加载⽂件或程序集或它的某⼀个依赖项,系统找不到指定的⽂件解決不同版本依赖问题1. 问题描述⼀个项⽬引⽤不同版本的同⼀DLL,会引发以下报错:未能加载⽂件或程序集“xxx, Version=x.x.x.x, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxx”或它的某⼀个依赖项。


2. 解决⽅式通过配置配置⽂件(app.config[控制台或窗体应⽤等]或web.config[Web项⽬])增加配置节点dependentAssembly不同场景有不同的解决⽅式,下⾯说明场景⼀、以⾼版本兼容例如:新旧项⽬都引⽤Newtonsoft.Json,但是不同版本。

需要以最⾼版本兼容时:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><appSettings></appSettings><system.web></system.web><system.webServer></system.webServer><runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"><dependentAssembly><assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" /><bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /></dependentAssembly><dependentAssembly><assemblyIdentity name=".Http" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" /><bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /></dependentAssembly></assemblyBinding></runtime></configuration>场景⼆、同⼀DLL两种版本共存例如:项⽬⾃⼰引⽤log4net.dll 版本1.2.13.0 。



Android使⽤gradle打包Assets⽬录的案例现在提起Android开发⼯具,⼤多⼈第⼀个想到的肯定是Android Studio。






在eclipse时代,笔者创建assets⽬录时,习惯性地操作是“右键 -> new -> Directory”,然后只需将⽂件夹命名为“assets”即可。

到了Studio下,还是同样的操作,结果却有可能导致打包的apk中assets资源丢失了所以习惯⼀定要改,Android Studio下assets ⽬录正确的创建姿势是:1 在你的src或者main⽬录上右键new;2 在Folder菜单上找到Assets Folder,确定即可。







Android studio 下的APK打包失败问题解决办法
今天遇到了⼀个奇怪的问题,本来在Android studio 1.4上运⾏的好好的程序,到了我更新完的Android studio 2.1上就打包失败了,但是⽤调试机直接运⾏则没问题。

lintOptions {
abortOnError false
checkReleaseBuilds false
// 防⽌在发布的时候出现因MissingTranslation导致Build Failed!
disable 'MissingTranslation'


missing permission state for package

missing permission state for package

missing permission state for package "missing permission state for package" 是一个相对通用的错误消息,通常涉及到在安装或升级软件包时,相关的权限状态出现问题。


* 管理员权限:确保你在安装或升级软件包时具有足够的管理员权限。




* 防病毒软件:一些防病毒软件可能会阻止或干扰软件包的安装。


* 安装路径:如果你可以选择安装路径,请尝试将软件包安装到不同的路径。



setup failed copying system data file

setup failed copying system data file

setup failed copying system data file
setup failed copying system data file通常表示在安装程序或操作系统时,复制系统数据文件过程中出现错误这可能是由于多种原因引起的,如磁盘空间不足、文件权限问题、硬件故障等以下是一些可能的解决方案:





  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• Speaker or entertainment contracts that total $25,000 or more will be required to be reviewed by the Meetings & Events department prior to signature.


3.0 Roles And Responsibilities
3.1 Meetings & Events Department Responsible for implementing and managing the M3 program and the adherence of this policy, with the goal of improving efficiencies within the McDonald’s meeting planning process while measuring the overall meeting spend to maximize cost savings. 3.2 Meeting Owner
2.0 Scope
This policy applies to all meetings and events, hosted or arranged by McDonald’s, and replaces Section 17.2 (Corporate Events) of the Travel Policy. See below for specific guidelines pertaining to the registration, sourcing and/or contracting process for various types of meetings and events.
Responsible for managing the overall meeting or event planning, including coordinating the responsibilities of service providers or related internal departments and business units. The Meeting Planner identifies the requirements of the meeting or event, creates and manages the project plan, and maintains the budget, all in compliance with applicable McDonald’s policies. The Meeting Planner may also be responsible for budget development and approval, attendee management, logistical planning, on-site meeting execution, and payment reconciliation.
Meeting Planner
Responsible for identifying the requirements of the meeting or event, completing the online Meeting Registration Form and completing all other applicable steps of the M3 program. 3.3 Meeting Approver
A meeting or event that satisfies any one of the following criteria will, in addition to being registered, also be required to be sourced and contracted via the M3 tool in accordance with Sections 4.1 and 4.2 below: • All groups requiring meeting or event space at Hamburger University or The Hyatt Lodge; • A group requiring meeting or event space off campus, with 10 or more sleeping rooms per night; • A group of 50 people or more; • A meeting booked through Meeting Room Manager that requires 10 or more sleeping rooms per night (applies to meeting space at the McDonald’s Oak Brook office buildings) 2.3 Speaker or Entertainment Contracts
a Meeting or Event
A meeting or event that satisfies the following criteria will be required to be registered online using the M3 tool by completing the Meeting Registration Form. • A group of any size requiring meeting or event space at Hamburger University, The Hyatt Lodge or any other hotel or venue. “Meeting or event space” as used here does not include meeting space at any McDonald’s office buildings, unless it satisfies the requirement as outlined in section 2.2. 2.2 Sourcing and Contracting of a Meeting or Event
4.0 Process
4.1 Meeting and Event Registration Procedure For every meeting or event satisfying the criteria defined in Section 2.1 above, an online Meeting Registration Form must be completed and submitted. • This form summarizes meeting or event details and the business objectives, initiates sourcing efforts (where the meeting or event satisfies the criteria defined in Section 2.2 above), and adds the meeting or event to the McDonald’s Meeting Calendar. • This process confirms that the meeting or event dates are the most optimal dates, based on the current McDonald’s Meeting Calendar, in order to avoid potential conflicts. • If necessary, the Meetings & Events Department may contact the Meeting Owner if further clarification is required. 4.2 Lead Time for Meeting and Event Registrations that satisfy the criteria defined in Section 2.2 above
1.0 Purpose 2.0 Scope 2.1 Registration of a Meeting or Event 2.2 Sourcing and Contracting of a Meeting or Event 2.3 Speaker or Entertainment Contracts 3.0 Roles and Responsibilities 3.1 Meetings & Events Department 3.2 Meeting Owner 3.3 Meeting Approver 3.4 Meetings & Events Manager 3.5 Meeting Sourcing Professional 3.6 Meeting Planner 4.0 Process 4.1 Meeting and Event Registration Procedure 4.2 Lead Time for Meeting and Event Registrations 4.3 Meeting or Event Sourcing and Contracting Procedure 4.4 Venue Selection 4.5 Contract Approval Process 4.6 Third Party Vendors and Suppliers 4.7 Attendee Management 4.8 Ethics Responsibilities 4.9 Security and Risk Management Responsibilities 4.10 Authorization and Payment Procedures 5.0 Additional Policies/Documentation