

1. 干燥法:将样品放入高温下烘干,直到样品重量不再变化,从而确定水份含量。
2. 卡尔·费伯法:通过测量样品中水分产生的氢气量来确定水份含量。
3. 原子吸收法:利用样品中水分分子中所含的氢原子吸收特定波长的电磁辐射的原理,来测定水份含量。
4. 电子平衡法:将样品置于一个稳定的环境中,测量样品和环境之间的水分交换量,从而确定水份含量。
5. 密度法:根据样品中水分的密度和样品总质量的比例,来计算水份含量。
- 1 -。

50中国纤检 2010年 5月(上)山羊绒是名贵的特种动物纤维之一,在当今国际市场上统称为“开司米”(Cashmere),其纤维细、强度大、光泽好,是目前世界纺织原料中品质最好、价格最高的原料之一,被人们誉为“纤维宝石”、“软黄金”。
经过多年检测实践发现,近年来掺假手段越来越复杂,所用的掺假原料极易与山羊绒纤维混淆,例如与山羊绒纤维较相似的绵羊绒、改性绵羊毛、Optim (拉伸绵羊毛)、牦牛绒纤维、马海毛、驼绒等。
1 羊绒、羊毛纤维鉴别检测的常用方法1.1 比较羊绒、羊毛纤维的外观形态和微观结构绵羊毛的鳞片多数呈不规则的环状、斜环状、大瓦块状、龟裂状。
关键词:摩擦性能;热学性能;拉伸性能;碱溶度差异性;光谱法;羊绒;羊毛纤维Abstract:Cashmere and wool are protein fibers with different chemical properties,scale structures and fineness. This article summarizes current chemical, physical and biological identification methods of cashmere and wool,and compares their features, advantages, disadvantages and limitations. In this paper, we propose several new relatively simple and accurate identification methods in terms of tribological properties, thermal properties and tensile properties, etc.Key words :Tribological propert;Thermal property;Tensile property; Alkali solubility difference;Spectroscopy;Cash mere;Wool浅谈羊绒与羊毛纤维鉴别检测的策略与方法Exploring Identi fi cation Methods of Cashmere and Wool文/毛晓芳 林素君 胡君曼 龚512010年 5月(上) 中国纤检左: 环状、斜环状鳞片( ×1000) 右: 瓦块状鳞片( ×1500)图1 羊毛的显微结构山羊绒的鳞片结构相似,多数呈环状、斜环状,鳞片清晰,排列较均匀、规则,鳞片长度大于宽度,边缘翘起程度不明显(见图2)。

进出口尼龙、兔毛、羊毛混纺毛纱三组分含量测定方法Method of determination for individual content of compositionin nylon, rabbit hair and lamb’s wool bool blended kniting yarnfor import and exportSN/T 0462—95代替ZB W22 004—87 1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了进出口尼龙、兔毛、羊毛混纺毛纱三组分含量的取样与检验方法。
2 引用标准GB 2910 二组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法ZB W04 004.3 纺织纤维鉴别试验方法显微镜观察方法3 取样3.1 取样数量3.1.1 毛纱:每批取20个纱筒或纱绞,每筒剥去1%表层纱后,间隔—定距离截取1 m长的纱20段,然后将每1 m的纱线一剪两段,一块作为化学测定的代表性样品,一段作投影测定的代表性样品。
3.1.2 织物:从每块样品上,用梯形法取三块10cm×10cm样品,再将每块样品一剪两块,—块作为化学测定的代表性样品,一段作投影测定的代表性样品。
3.2 样品处理3.2.1 纱线或织物化学测定试样,取样至少两份,每份重1g。
3.2.2 投影测定的代表性样品,用四分法取一部分作平行试验,另一部分作备样。
4 测试原理4.1 尼龙含量的测试用2.5%的氢氧化钠溶解羊毛、兔毛、剩余尼龙,使蛋白质纤维与化学纤维分开。
4.2 羊毛与兔毛含量的测试根据羊毛与兔毛的结构、形态的差异,在显微镜下鉴别羊毛、兔毛并记录下来,同时测量其直径,从而计算出羊毛与兔毛纤维之含量。
5 三组分含量的测定5.1 尼龙含量的测定5.1.1 仪器设备a. 恒温烘箱:保证达到105℃恒温的要求;b. 索氏萃取器:接受瓶250mL;c. 恒温水浴锅;d. 天平:精确至0.000 2g;e. 干燥冷却器:装有变色硅胶;f. 真空泵;h. 玻璃滤器:容量30~50mL,微孔直径40~80µm;i. 称量瓶、铝盒、抽气滤瓶、温度计、量筒、烧杯、碘量瓶、坩埚钳和玻璃棒等。

例:还原糖氨基化合物△→变色(美拉德反应) H2O↑还有H2C4H4O6(酒石酸) 2NaHCO3→NaC4H4O6(酒石酸钠) 2H2O 2CO2发酵糖(NaHCO3 KHC4H4O6)△→H2O CO2 NaKC4H4O6高糖高脂肪食品不适应只看符合上面三点就可采用烘箱干燥法。

色泽检验(Colour Measurement):色泽特点通过CIE 系统(X(红色)、Y(绿色)、Z(蓝色))中等
可冼掉颜色(Colour, Scourable /M):AWEX ID 说明用语,未分级。指原毛带有的目视即可判断可
其中 = 变差系数
= 样品的标准偏差
= 样品的平均值
净色(Clean Colour):洗毛后羊毛的颜色。净色是衡量光泽度和黄色度的,这两者都会对染色造成潜在影响。
粗纤维含量(Coarse Fibre Content):在纤维分布中,直径大于30 微米的粗纤维的百分比。
粗羊毛或强力羊毛(Coarse or Strong Wool):纤维直径较宽的羊毛,通常直径大于24 微米。
离散系数(Co-efficient of Variation):显示一系列值的变化性的统计测量方法。它是以平均值百分比来
生条(Card Sliver):经粗梳并松散组合的、连续的一股羊毛纤维,其草杂含量不同,其线性密度大体上是不变

纺织品成分及分析测试相关英语纺织品成分及分析测试相关英语A. Composition and analytical tests 成分及其他分析测试1. Fibe analysis 纤维分析2. Identification of virgin/recycled wool 新⽺⽑/再造⽑鉴定3. Identification of noble animal fiber & natural cellulosic fibre other than cotton 特殊纤维鉴定4. Identification of lambswool ⽺仔⽑鉴定5. Fibre diameter 纤维直径6. coarse hair content 粗⽑含量7. PH value 酸碱度8. moisture content /regain ⽔分含量9. extractable matter 可萃取物10. identification of dyestuff 染料鉴定11. starch content 淀粉含量12. filling & foreign matter content 填充物及杂质含量13. mercerisation in cotton 棉丝光处理14. formaldehyde content 甲醛含量15. hardness of water ⽔硬度16. mushroom reaction 发胀反应17. UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) 防⾃外光系数18. Nickel release 镍的释放度19. Microfibre 微纤维20. Verification of Ammonium finish on fabric 布料之铵整理剂鉴定21. Verification of plastic by UV 以⾃外光法鉴定塑胶22. BHT. Content BHT含量23. Deterioration effect of UV exposure ⾃外光曝晒下劣化效果24. Azo dye 偶氮染料测试B. Construction analysis 结构分析1. yarn counts 纱⽀2. yarn twist (per yarn) 纱捻度(每秒钟)3. number of filaments 长丝数量4. fabric weight 布料重量5. fabric thickness 布料厚度6. threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(机织物)7. stitch density (knitted fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物)8. loop length (knitted fabrics) 线圈长度9. type of cut pile 割绒种类10. type of weave 梭织品织法分类11. measuring bow & skew 扭曲及歪斜量度12. cover factor 覆盖系数13. fabric width 布匹阔度14. length of thread ( per cone) 线长度(每筒)15. crimp or take up of yarn 纱线绉缩或织缩率16. terry to ground ratio ⽑圈经密与地经密度⽐17. identification of continuous / microscopic method 长丝 / 短纤维鉴定18. harness of corduroy 灯⼼绒的综合19. holes on synthetic fibres 纤维孔数C. Dimensional stability (shrinkage) and related tests 尺⼨稳定性及有关测试1. dimensional stability to washing ⽔洗缩率测试2. each additional wash cycle 每增加⼀次⽔洗回圈3. appearance after laundering 洗涤后外观4. dimensional stability to dry cleaning ⼲洗缩率5. each additional dryclean cycle 每增加⼀次⼲洗6. appearance after dry cleaning (appearance retention) ⼲洗后外观7. durable of applied designs and finishes to dry cleaning 印花花纹和整理剂性8. dimensional stability to relaxation 松弛缩率9. dimensional stability to felting 毡化缩率10. dimensional stability to free steam 蒸⽓缩率11. dimensional stability to heating in house 热缩率12. spirality / skewing of fabric & garments 织物和服装扭曲/歪斜13. dimensional stability to steam pressing / ironing 蒸⽓压烫/熨⽃熨烫缩率14. tumbler shrinkage 圆筒烘⼲缩率15. cold water immersion 冷⽔浸洗缩率16. additional ironing 每增加⼀次熨烫17. effect after wash & pressing 洗涤后效果18. effect after pressing 熨后效果D. Colour fastness tests 染⾊坚牢度测试1. Washing ⽔洗2. Perspiration 汗液3. Dry & wet crocking / rubbing 摩擦4. Light 光照5. Water ⽔6. Sea water 海⽔7. Chlorinated water 氯⽔8. Dry cleaning ⼲洗9. Actual laundering (one wash) 实际洗涤(⼀次⽔洗)10. Commerical dryclean 商业⼲洗11. Dry heat ⼲热12. Hot pressing 热压13. Water spotting ⽔斑14. Acid spotting 酸斑15. Alkaline spottig 碱斑16. Bleaching漂⽩17. Chlorine bleaching 氯漂18. Non‐chlorine bleaching ⾮氯漂19. Organic solvents 有机溶剂20. Sublimation during storage 存放升华21. Perborate 酸钠22. Phenolic yellowing 酚醛发黄23. Sweat & saliva 汗液及唾液24. Washing (with shrinkage conducted) ⽔洗⾊牢度(缩⽔测试后)25. Bleeding 渗⾊度26. Ozone 臭氧27. Gas fume 烟⽓28. Dye transfer in storage 储存时颜⾊转移29. Light & perspiration 光照及汗液30. Contact test 接触测试31. Wicking 吸⽔32. Colour transfer against special condition 特别情况下颜⾊转移33. Colour fastness to perborate & light 过硼酸盐及光照⾊牢度34. Colour fastness of fabrics 布料颜⾊牢度E. Strength tests 强度测试1. Tensile strength 拉伸2. Lea strength 绞纱3. Single thread/yarn strength 单线纱4. bursting strength 胀破强⼒5. Seam performance 接缝6. Tearing strength 撕裂7. Bonding strength 粘合强⼒8. Loop strength 打结,钩接强⼒F. Fabric / garment performance and flammability tests 品质及燃烧测试1. Abrasion ressistance 耐磨性2. Pilling ressistance 抗⽑性3. Snagging ressistance 防钩丝4. Wrinkle/crease recovery 皱纹/折痕回复性5. Stiffness 布料硬挺度6. Stretch and recovery 伸展及回复性7. Water repellency 防⽔性8. Oil repellency防油性9. Soil release 防污10. Needle cutting 烧针现象11. Flammabillity 燃烧性12. Surfce flammabillity of carpets and rugs 地毯燃烧测试13. Durability of applied designs and finishes to dry cleaning 印花花纹和整理剂14. Wettability 湿润度15. Absorbency of bleached textiles 漂⽩纺织品和吸⽔性16. Air permeability 透⽓性17. Water vapour permeability index 透湿指数18. Thermal stability of coated fabric 涂层织物之耐热性19. Resistance to blocking 抗阻塞性20. Water vapour transmision 透湿性21. Dry fit function 快⼲综合功能22. Cold bending test for coated fabric 涂层织物的低温弯曲度测试23. Brittleness temp. of plastic sheeting 塑胶脆化温度24. Antistatic 防静电25. Thermal ressistance 保暖度G. Fibre & Yarn tests 纤维及纱测试1. Linear dendity 纤维线密度2. Fibre fineness 纤维细度3. Fibre diameter 纤维直径4. Yarn counts 纱线⽀数5. Denier counts of filament Yarns 长丝纱纤度6. Identification of continuous / discontinuous fibre 长丝/短丝纤维鉴定7. Twist per unit length 纱线捻度8. length of thread (per roll) 纱线长度(每轴)9. Net weight of thread 纱线净重10. Dimensional stability of yarn to washing 纱线缩⽔率11. Single fibre strength 单纤维强度12. Single thread/yarn strength 纱线强度13. Lea strength 绞纱强度14. Loop strength 打结、钩接强度15. Yarn evenness 纱线均匀度16. Crimp test 卷曲测试17. Holes on synthetic fibres 纤维孔数H. Carpet tests 地毯测试1. Colour fastness 颜⾊牢度2. Thread per unit length of backing 底部纱线密度3. Weight per unit area 重量4. Pitches per unit length ⽑束经密度5. Rows per unit length ⽑束纬密度6. Thickness 厚度7. Surface pile density 表⾯⽑绒密度8. Ply of pile yarn ⽑绒纱股数9. Fibre composition of pile & back ⽑绒及底部的纤维成分10. Surface flammability of carpers and rugs 地毯燃烧测试11. Abrasion resistance 耐磨性12. Pile height 绒⾼度。

二、常见纤维含量检验方法2.1 人眼观察法人眼观察法是一种简便、直观的方法,通过观察样品表面的触感、光泽等特征来判断纤维含量。
2.2 化学试剂法化学试剂法是一种常用的纤维含量检验方法,通过特定的试剂与纤维发生特定反应,从而识别纤维的存在。
2.3 光谱法光谱法利用红外光谱、紫外光谱等技术对纤维进行测量和分析,通过纤维的光吸收特性来判断其含量。
2.4 显微镜法显微镜法是一种通过显微镜观察纤维结构来判断纤维含量的方法。
3.1 检验入口纱线纤维含量对于进口纱线的纤维含量检验,可以采用人眼观察法结合化学试剂法的方式。
3.2 检验成品服装纤维含量对于成品服装的纤维含量检验,可以采用显微镜法。
3.3 检验纺织面料纤维含量对于纺织面料的纤维含量检验,可以采用光谱法。

常规纺织检验项目中英文翻译对照1 经纬密度 Threads per unit length 结构分析2 针圈密度 Stitch density3 线密度(纱支) Yarn counts4 克重量(质量) Fabric weight5 捻度 Yarn twist6 F 数 Number of filaments7 幅宽 Fabric width8 纬斜Distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics 9 纤维细度Fiber fineness 10 纱线长度Length of thread 11 纤维含量(一组分) fiber composition(1 fiber)纤维配比12 纤维含量(二组分) fiber composition(2 component blend)13 每增加一种成分Each Additional fiber 14 羊毛羊绒Wool and cashmere 15 麻棉含量Linen or ramie and cotton 16 纤维鉴别(二种以上) fiber identification17 耐干摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking(dry) 色牢度18 耐湿摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking(wet) 19 耐皂洗色牢度Colour fastness to washing 20 耐酸汗渍色牢度Colour fastness to perspiration(acid) 21 耐碱汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(alkaline) 22 耐水色牢度 Colour fastness to water 23 耐热压色牢度 Colour fastness to hot pressing 24 耐干热色牢度Colour fastness to dry heat 25 耐干洗色牢度 Colour fastness to drycleaning26 耐唾液色牢度Colour fastness to saliva and perspiration 27 实际洗涤色牢度(一次) Colour fastness to actual laundering 28 每增加一次EachAdditional wash cycle 29 耐光色牢度(4级) Colour fastness to light(4class) 30 每增加一级Each Additional one grade31 耐光汗、复合色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration&light32 耐次氯酸盐漂白色牢度Colour fastness to bleaching(Hypochlorite) 33 耐海水色牢度Colour fastness to sea-water34 耐氯化水色牢度(游泳池水) Colour fastness to chlorinated water(swimming-pool water) 35 拼接互染程度 Colour fastness to patchwork 36 耐酸斑色牢度 Colour fastness to acid spotting 37 耐碱斑色牢度 Colour fastness to alkaline spotting 38 耐水斑色牢度Colour fastness to water spotting 39 耐刷洗色牢度 colour fastness to wet scrubbing 40 pH 值 pH valueGB18401全套41 甲醛含量Formaldehyde content 42 可分解致癌芳香胺染料 AZO dyes 43 异味 Peculiar smell44 耐水色牢度 Colour fastness to water45 耐酸汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(acid) 46 耐碱汗渍色牢度 Colour fastness to perspiration(alkaline) 47 耐干摩擦色牢度 Colour fastness to crocking/rubbing 48耐唾液色牢度Colour fastness to saliva and perspiration49 起毛起球-圆轨迹 Pilling resistance(circular locus) 品质测试50 起毛起球-马丁代尔 Pilling resistance(martindale)51 起毛起球-滚箱式(7200转)Pilling resistance(I.C.I pilling box)(7200)52 起毛起球-滚箱式(14400转) Pilling resistance(I.C.I pilling box)(14400) 53 起毛起球-乱翻式Pilling resistance(random tumbler) 54 沾水性 Spray test55 静水压 Hydrostatic pressure 56 透气率 Air Permeability 57 拒油性能 Oil repellency 58 燃烧性能 Flammability59 耐磨性能Abrasion resistance(≤20000 cycles) 60 每增加10000次Each Additional 10000 cycles 61 吸水率Water absorption rate 62 滴水扩散时间 Drip diffusion time 63 蒸发速率Evaporation rate 64 芯吸高度Wicking height 65 透湿量Vapour transmission 66 防污性能(涂层) Soil release 67 免烫性能 No-iron performance68 水洗尺寸变化率 Dimensional Stability to washing 尺寸稳定性及相关测试69 干洗尺寸变化率Dimensional Stability to dry-cleaning 70 汽蒸尺寸变化率 Dimensional Stability to free steam 71 水洗后外观(一次) Appearance after laundering 72 干洗后外观(一次) Appearance after dry-cleaning 73 洗后扭曲/歪斜(一次) Spirality/skewing of fabric & garment 74 每增加一次Each Additional wash cycle 75 断裂强力 Tensile Strength 强力指标76 撕破强力 Tearing Strength 77 接缝滑移 Seam slippage 78 接缝强力 Seam Strength79 弹子顶破强力Bursting strength(Steel ball) 80 单纱强力Single thread Strength 81 含油率 Oil content 其他相关82 回潮率Moisture regain83 重金属含量(每种) Determination of heavy metal content 84 含绒量 Down content 85 清洁度 Degree of cleaning 86 蓬松度 Fill power 87 微生物 Microorganism 88 耗氧指数 Oxygen index89 充绒量Net weight of filling materia 90 标志标识Instructions for garment 91 色差Color difference 92 病疵分析Defect analysis 93 洗唛测试care labelling94 规格、外观、缝制Sizes 、visually inspecting 、Sewing备注检测咨询:152******** 前台电话:0575-******** 验室地址:浙江绍兴中国轻纺城创意园东区B 幢3018#(亚太粮食市场东边高铁线北边)。

微波测量纤维含水率的方法孙必成,陈美玉,孙润军(西安工程大学纺织与材料学院,陕西西安 710048)摘 要:选择棉花、羊毛、腈纶纤维为试验材料,通过不断给纤维加湿以获得不同含水率的样品。
关键词:含水率;电磁波;屏蔽效能;功率吸收率中图分类号:TS1011921 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-1456(2009)06-0054-03Method of measuring moisture content of fiber by microwaveSUN B-i cheng,CHEN Me-i yu,SUN Run -jun(School of Textile and Materials,Xi .an Polytechnic University,Xi .an 710048,China)Abstract :In this paper,c otton,wool and acrylic fibers were chosen as experimental materials and different moisture contents were obtained by continuous wetting.The relationship between the moisture c ontent in different te xtile materials and the shielding efficienc y and power absorption of microwave was studied with sel-f made waveguide -network analyzer.The results indicated that the effec t of fiber material on microwave can be ignored and the moisture content of different fiber had an approximate exponential relationship with the shielding effeciency of micro waves,while a linear relationship between the moisture content of fiber and the power absorption of microwave can be observed.Therefore,during the trade and processing of fiber materials,we can use microwave equipment to measure quickly the moisture content of fiber materials by the shielding effectiveness value.Key words :moisture content;micro wave;shielding efficiency;power absorption收稿日期:2008-12-10作者简介:孙必成,硕士研究生,主要从事纺织材料方面的研究。




1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了纺织玻璃纤维制品含水率的测定方法。
2 引用标准GB5434纺织玻璃纤维术语及定义GB7690.1纺织玻璃纤维连续纤维纱、定长纤维纱和无捻粗纱线密度的测定3 术语本标准涉及到的有关术语按GB5434的规定。
4 原理在标准室温下,使试样置于105±2℃的规定温度下干燥,称取干燥前后的试样质量,通过计算得到含水率。
5 仪器5.1通风烘箱:能控制在105±2℃,80±2℃或所选择的温度。
6 抽样与试样制备6.1抽样按GB7690.1附录A的规定抽样。

羊毛检验证书中常用英文词汇、缩写及中文参考翻译16/1/29 13:26:54--> Actual Regain 实测回潮率Additional Information附加信息Airflow 气流仪Aqueous 水洗Ash Test灰分试验ASTM C.W.F.P. ASTM 净毛含量ASTM Clean Wool Fibre PresentASTM 净毛含量Bales毛包Bale Numbers 包号Brand 刷唛Broker 经纪人Calculated Yield 计算净毛率 (商用净毛率)Centre拍卖中心Client Reference 客户查询号Colour色泽Colour Measurement 色泽检验Condition Test 公量检验Condition Weights 公定重量Date 日期Declared Tare 皮重Details of Component Parts组成交货批的各拍卖批检验结果Dry Sample Wt试样烘干重量Fibre Fineness 纤维细度Greasy Wool原毛Gross Mass毛重Gross Weight毛重HHB 硬头草刺与枝梗含量Inc #.#% H.H. Twigs 包括 #.#% 的硬头草刺与枝梗IWTO"国际毛纺织协会"IWTO C.W.C IWTO 净毛含量IWTO Clean Wool Content IWTO 净毛含量IWTO Carded Sliver IWTO 梳毛毛条得率IWTO Combined Test Certificate IWTO 合并检验证书IWTO S.W. @ 16% IWTO 洗净率 ( 16% 回潮率)IWTO S.W. @ 17% IWTO 洗净率 ( 17% 回潮率)IWTO SCH./DRY IWTO史伦伯格干毛条及精梳落毛得率IWTO SCHLUMBERGER Dry Combed 1.0% IWTO史伦伯格干毛条及精梳率IWTO Scouring Yield @ 16 Regain IWTO 洗净率 ( 16% 回潮率) IWTO Scouring Yield @ 17% RegainIWTO 洗净率 ( 17% 回潮率) IWTO Test Certificate IWTO 检验证书J.C.S.Y 日本洗净率Japanese Clean Scour Yield @ 16% 日本洗净率 ( 16% 回潮率) Lot No 批号Max.最大值Maximum 最大值Mean 平均值Mean Fibre Diameter 平均纤维直径Mean of 2 specimens2 个试样的平均值METHYLENE CHLORIDE 二氯甲烷Micron 微米Min. 最小值Minimum最小值Moisture Content 含水率Net Weight净重Nett Mass 净重New Zealand Wool Testing Authority " 新西兰羊毛检验公司" NZ Process YLD 新西兰加工净毛率NZ Proce. Yield 新西兰加工净毛率Oven Dry %烘干重量Range范围Regain回潮率Residual Grease 残留油脂Sale Date拍卖日期Sample 试样Sample Weight 试样重量SCD16%IWTO 洗净率 ( 16% 回潮率)Scoured Wool洗净毛S/Dry IWTO史伦伯格干毛条及精梳落毛得率SGS Wool Testing Services"SGS 羊毛检验公司" Specimen (Spec) 试样Subsample 子样Test Certificate No 检验证书编号Test No 检验证书编号/ 试验编号Test Results检验结果Vegetable Matter Base 草杂基VMB 草杂基Wool Base 毛基WB毛基Weight Note 码单Yield Test Results 净毛率检验结果。

实验6 烘箱法测定纺织纤维水分纺织材料的吸湿或放湿是一个普通的自然现象,同时又是一个动态平衡过程。
纺织材料在标准大气条件下(温度为20+-2o C 。
表6-1 各种纤维的标准大气条件下回潮率国家为了贸易和成本核算等需要,由国家对各种纤维规定的回潮率,称公定回潮率(见表6-2)。
iwto 6-1998

iwto 6-1998标题:IWTO 6-1998:国际羊毛测试组织的标准引言概述:IWTO 6-1998是国际羊毛测试组织(International Wool Textile Organization)制定的一项标准。
本文将从五个大点出发,详细阐述IWTO 6-1998的内容和意义。
正文内容:一、羊毛测试的目的1.1 羊毛纤维的测试:包括纤维长度、纤维直径、纤维强度等指标的测量。
1.2 羊毛纤维的质量评估:通过测试结果对羊毛纤维的质量进行评估,以确定其适用性和用途。
二、测试方法和要求2.1 纤维长度测试方法:介绍了常用的纤维长度测试方法,如纤维长度仪、纤维长度分析仪等。
2.2 纤维直径测试方法:介绍了常用的纤维直径测试方法,如显微镜观察、电子显微镜测量等。
2.3 纤维强度测试方法:介绍了常用的纤维强度测试方法,如单纤维强度测试、纤维束强度测试等。
2.4 羊毛质量评估要求:详细说明了羊毛纤维在不同指标上的要求,如纤维长度、纤维直径、纤维强度等。
三、测试设备和仪器3.1 纤维长度测试设备:包括纤维长度仪、纤维长度分析仪等。
3.2 纤维直径测试设备:包括显微镜、电子显微镜等。
3.3 纤维强度测试设备:包括单纤维强度测试仪、纤维束强度测试仪等。
四、测试结果的解读和应用4.1 纤维长度测试结果的解读:根据测试结果,评估羊毛纤维的长度分布情况,判断其适用性和用途。
4.2 纤维直径测试结果的解读:根据测试结果,评估羊毛纤维的直径分布情况,判断其质量和织造性能。
4.3 纤维强度测试结果的解读:根据测试结果,评估羊毛纤维的强度水平,判断其耐久性和使用寿命。
五、标准的意义和应用5.1 保证羊毛产品质量:IWTO 6-1998标准的制定和应用,可以保证羊毛产品的质量符合国际要求,提高产品竞争力。
5.2 促进国际贸易:标准的统一和认可,有助于促进国际羊毛产品的贸易和交流。

常见的纺织品检测项目及其英语对照纤维与纱线Fibers and Yarns1.纤维鉴别Fiber Identification2.纤维含量Fiber Content3.纱线细度Yarn fineness4.纤维长度Fiber length5.纱线强力Yarn strength6.纱线捻度Yarn Twist7.回潮率Moisture Regain8.化纤长丝分析Synthetic filament Analysis物理性能Physical properties1.经纬密度(Fabric Density)2.针织物线圈密度(Knitted fabric coil density)3.纱支(Yarn count)4.起毛起球(Pilling resistance)5.质量/克重量(Fabric Weight)6.厚度(Fabric thickness)7.水洗缩率(Washing shrinkage)8.气蒸缩率(Gas Steam shrinkage)9.干洗缩率(Dry shrinkage)10.洗后外观(appearance after laundering)11.拉伸强力(Tensile strength)12.撕破强力(Tearing strength)13.胀破强力(Bursting strength)14.接缝滑移(Seam slippage)15.折痕回复性(Crease recoverability)16.起毛起球(Pilling)17.荧光分析(Fluorescence Analysis)18.棉结杂质(Nep impurity)19.护理标签/水洗建议(care labeling recommendation)色牢度Color Fastness Test1.耐洗色牢度(Color fastness to washing )2.耐摩擦色牢度(Color fastness to rubbing)3.耐汗渍色牢度(Color fastness to perspiration)4.耐水色牢度(Color fastness to water)5.耐日晒色牢度(Color fastness to light)6.耐唾液色牢度(Color fastness to saliva)7.耐干洗色牢度(Color fastness to drycleaning)8.耐熨烫色牢度(Color fastness to Ironing)9.耐刷洗色牢度(Color fastness to scrubbing)10.耐漂白色牢度(Color fastness to Bleaching)11.耐干热色牢度(Color fastness to dry heat)12.耐甲醛色牢度(Color fastness to Formaldehyde)生态纺织品Eco-textile1. PH值(PH value)2. 甲醛含量(Formaldehyde content)3. 禁用偶氮染料(AZO Dyes content)4. 致癌染料(Carcinogenic dye)5. 致敏染料(Sensitized dye)6. 含氯苯酚(Chlorinated Phenols)7. 邻苯基苯酚(O-phenylphenol)8. 有机锡化合物(Organic Tin Compounds)9. 可萃取重金属(Extractable Metal Content)10. 六价铬(Chromium VI)11. 总铅/总镉(Total Lead/Cadmium)12. 镍释放量(Nickel release)13. 邻苯二甲酸盐(Phthalates)14. 富马酸二甲酯(DMF,Dimethyl Fumarate)15. 二甲苯(Xylene)16. 有机氯载体(chlorinated Organic carriers)17. 禁用纤维(Disable Fiber)18. 气味(Peculiar smell)功能性检测Textile Functional Property Test1. 燃烧性能(Flammability)2. 耐磨性(Abrasion Resistance)3. 静水压(Hydrostatic pressure)4. 表面抗湿性(Resistance to surface wetting)5. 透气性(Air permeability)6. 防水性(Water Repellency)7. 防油性(Oil Repellency)产品测试Product Tests1.国家纺织基本安全技术规(GB 18401)National general safety technical specification for textile products2.羽毛羽绒检测Feather & Down Test3.棉花品质检验Cotton Test4.衬衫Shirts5.棉服装Cotton wadded clothes6.婴幼儿服装Knitted garment and adornment for infant7.袜子Hosiery纺织专业词汇A色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度washing摩擦牢度rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度perspiration干洗牢度drycleaning光照牢度light水渍牢度water氯漂白chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白non-chlorine bleach漂白bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次)actual laundering (one wash)氯化水chlorinated water含氯泳池水chlorinated pool water海水sea-water酸斑acid spotting碱斑alkaline spotting水斑water spotting有机溶剂organic solvent煮呢potting湿态光牢度wet light染料转移dye transfer热(干态)dry heat热压hot pressing印花牢度print durability臭氧ozone烟熏burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液saliva and perspirationB尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT)皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage)洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性)appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性dimensional stability for sewing threadC强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力tensile strength撕破强力tear strength顶破强力bursting strength接缝性能seam properties双层织物的结合强力bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力single thread strength缕纱强力lea strength钩接强力loop strength纤维和纱的韧性tenacity of fibres and yarnD织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样)denier counts as received织物幅宽fabric width织物克重fabric weight针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类type of cut pile织造种类type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比terry to ground ratio织物厚度fabric thicknessE成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS纤维成分fibre composition染料识别dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度purity of indigo含水率moisture content可萃取物质extractable matter填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量starch content甲醛含量formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度mercerisation in cottonPH值PH value吸水性absorbanceF可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles 布料的燃烧速率(45。

按GB/T 10629-2009《纺织品用于化学试验的实验室样品和试样的准备》规定纤维含量在备样时,对于普通常见的样品,为使其具有代表性,单个样品备样重量一般约1.0g 左右,样品要求进行平行试验。
1.1 样品修边后需要拆散的情况:●含毛的样品,俢边后必须拆散;●织物较厚,试剂难于浸透待溶解的样品,样品俢边后需要拆散;●拆分类样品:修边后经纬纱分开或根据样品循环将纱线分成若干堆;●甲酸氯化锌法溶解的样品需要拆散。
1.2 样品修边后不用拆散的情况● 75 % 硫酸法直接溶解的样品,例如:聚酯纤维/ 棉或麻、聚酯纤维/ 粘纤、聚酯纤维/ 莫代尔纤维和莱赛尔纤维等混纺产品;●二甲基甲酰胺直接溶解的样品,例如:粘纤/ 氨纶、棉/ 氨纶、莫代尔纤维/ 氨纶、聚酯纤维/ 粘纤/ 氨纶、聚酯纤维/ 棉/ 氨纶等混纺的产品;●桑蚕丝/ 氨纶、锦纶/ 氨纶等混纺的轻薄样品,修边后不用拆散纱线,直接用于化学溶解。
2.1 直接剪两块的样品●经编类、蕾丝类样品,例如:聚酯纤维/ 氨纶、锦纶/氨纶、聚酯纤维/ 氨纶等;●成分不含毛或丝的轻薄类样品,例如T 恤衫、网状氨纶产品等;●织物网孔较大且紧密度较小的样品。
2.2 剪窄长条拆散或拆分的样品●所有含毛或丝的样品,例如:羊毛/ 聚酯纤维、羊毛/腈纶等;●纱线较粗的样品(比如线衣类的样品),例如:腈纶/ 棉、锦纶/ 粘纤等;●对于棉/ 氨纶、粘纤/ 氨纶、莫代尔纤维/ 氨纶等含氨纶的样品,能拆分定量的优先选择拆分定量,这样结果更接近真值。
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西安工程大学学报Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University 第23卷第2期(总96期)2009年4月Vol.23,No.2(Sum.No.96) Arti cle I D:16712850X(2009)022*******M ethod of test wa ter con ten t of wool f i ber a sse m blyDU Zhao2qun1,Y U W ei2dong1,2,DA I Ya2lan1,WANG Meng2chen1,LOU Q i1,CHEN Xin2yi1(1.Key Laborat ory of Textile Sci.&Tech.(M inistry of Educati on),Donghua Univ.,Shanghai201620,China;2.College of Cl othing and A rt Design,J iaxing University,J iaxing,Zhejiang314001,China)Abstract:A method of measure water content of wool fibre asse mbly quickly was p resented,and the drying oven was modified t o dry fibre assembly by i m p r oving the drying p rinci p le and the weighing way by the weighting sens or.The theory modelling of water content of materials measured was analysed and modelled.The experi m ental had been conducted,and the results existed good accordance with theoret2 ical p redicti on value and can be p redicted by the theoretical model.It is indicated that the method is an effective test method in testing water content of wool fiber asse mble,and the corres ponding method t o p r ovide water content is fast and the test ti m e is no more than10m in.The method is hel pful in de2 signing and celebrating standard method for hydr ophilic behavi or.Key words:fibre asse mble;wool;water contentCLC nu m ber:TS101.921.3 D ocu m en t code:AHydr ophilic p r operty of fiber material p lays an i m portant r ole in ther mo2hydr o comf ortability and st oring and trading of textile materials,which deter m ines the stability of physical p r operties and commercial trade p r ofit.The for mer requires p recise baking ti m e,and the latter needs fast testing of water content.However,general method t o test water content of fiber asse mble is t o adop t oven method,which is ti m e2consu m ing l onger than30m in;or is t o adop t capacit or moisture method,which is easily affected by air conditi on and water distributi on in fibre as2 se mbly[122].The drying oven method is t o bake fire assembly until subtract of t w o neighboring test results is less t o defi2 nite value[324].The method requires at least half an hour t o comp lete a test,which is ti m e2consum ing.However, it is objective and accurate and used as standard method f or measuring moisture content.Actually,the method can be modified s o as t o realize fast measure ment by drying p rinci p le.So the paper is t o modify traditi onal oven method by adding sens or and analyzing moisture vapor p rinci p le.The devel oped method and corres ponding appa2 ratus t o measure water content takes only10m in,which is relatively quicker and i m p r oves the measure ment effi2 ciency.A s far as Hydr ophilic p r operty of fiber material is concerned,the water is liberated fr om fiber asse mbly according t o water distributi on status,which depends on hydr ophilic p r operty of fiber asse mbly.So many re2 Rece i ved da te:2009202221 B i ography:DU Zhao2qun(19812),male,a native of J iujiang city,J iangxi p r ovince,ass ociate p r ofess or of Donghua University.E2mail:duzq@searchers have been conducted theoretical researching work .For natural fiber asse mbly,the water content is rel 2ative high,and water molecular have direct and indirect hydr ophilic bonding with fiber,which consists of t w o or three p r ocess .For cott on fiber asse mbly,water liberating is initially liberated as indirect water f or s mall bonding force .The indirect water liberati on is fast .Then,the second p r ocess is that the direct abs orbing water liberatedgradually f or high hydr ophilic bonding energy [527].Peirce theory exp lained that direct abs orbed water depends onthe hydr ophilic gr oup and has good bonding acti on with fiber macr omolecules;then indirect abs orbed moisturecontinues t o have hydr ophilic with direct abs orbed water in fiber [8].Speakman studied the liberati on of wool fiberasse mbly and f ound the sa me trend,and the difference is that indirect abs orbed water is composed of lateralchain molecular and main chain molecular [9].The common attributes bet w een the t w o theoretical studies includet w o as pects .One is that the liberati on ti m e of direct water of fiber asse mbly is sl ow and that of indirect water is quick .The other is that there exists exponential functi on bet w een residual water with ti m e .So the paper ai m s t o devel op method t o measure water content quickly and t o celebrate the mathe matical model bet w een residual water content and ti m e with a modified apparatus and a method t o test water content of textile p r oducts quickly and accurately .1 Experi m ental111 M a ter i a ls and testsT wo kinds of high hydr ophilic fiber asse mbly sa mp les were selected and balanced f or above 24h under the conditi on in (20±2)℃,(65±3)%RH bef ore testing,and the oven te mperature for wool fiber asse mbly and kapok fiber asse mble sa mp leswere set in drying oven te mperature (105±2)℃f or about 30m in,then,t o weight sa mp le mass every 15m in until subtract of t w o neighboring test results is less t o 0102%.The initial sa mp le were weighted as 10gra m ,and the at m os pheric te mperature is set as (105±2)℃.Then,sa mp le is put int o the oven and sa mp le weight is balanced every 2m in .112 Typ i ca l resi dua l s am ple we i ght curve w ith ti m eWool sa mp le were selected as 10g and put int o the oven at (105±2)℃,and balance every 2m in .The mass balanced in the oven were acquired by the sens or,and the liberated water were acquired fr om the subtract with the t otal mass which were modified according modifying coefficient of mass balanced in the oven and at m os 2phere .The typ ical balanced mass of sa mp le curve with ti m e and liberated water mass curve with ti m e were listed in Figure 1.It is obvi ous that sa mp le weight decrease fast in the initial regi on f or about 5m in,and reaches equi 2librium status in 10m in .Moreover,the fitting exponential functi on bet w een residual sa mp le weight and ti m e shows very high correlati on coefficient as 01996.Theref or,it is feasible t o devel op mathe matical functi on t o p re 2dict moisture regain and t o i m p r ove test ti m e when ti m e is cl ose t o infinity .2 Results and discussi on211 Rel a ti on sh i p between resi dua l ma ss and ti m e of wool f i ber a sse m bly10g mass sa mp le was weighted and put it int o the oven,and balanced fr om 0m in t o 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24and 26m in,res pectively;and the mass balanced with ti m e were shown in Tab .1.It can be seen fr o m Table 1that water liberati on increased quickly in the initial regi on,then sl owly .It is that the indi 2rect water was vapoured firstly and fast,then the direct water was liberated .It was als o shown that there exists exponential functi onal trend bet w een residual balanced mass of sa mp le and ti m e .Moreover,the exponential func 2ti ons were fitted according t o the results and listed in Fig .2.The relative coefficient bet w een residual balanced mass of sa mp le and ti m e reaches as high as 01997,which indicated that the water liberati on fr om fiber asse mbly exists nonlinear exponential functi on .Table 1 Resi dua l s am ple we i ght va lue w ith ti m eTi m e /m in02468101214161820222426W eight/g 101009165914191259114910081928191818881878186818581858185771第2期 Method of test water content of wool fiber asse mbly(a ) (b )Fig .1 Typ ical balance mass of sa mp le weight (a )and liberated water mass (b )curve with ti meFig .2 Wool mass balanced curve with ti m eFig .3 Relative err or curve of water content with ti m e W ater content can be calculated based on the result in26m in,however,it can not increase the efficiency .Thereof,and the p redicti on values of water content basedon the fitting exponential functi on with ti m e cl ose t o infini 2ty were obtained and shown in Fig .3,where err or is oftheoretical value t o experi m ental value .It can be seenfr om Fig .3that relative err or bet w een theoretical and ex 2peri m ental values increases fr om 4m in t o 8m in;then ex 2ists a valley 8m in t o 12m in;finally,it decreases gradual 2ly fr om 12m in t o 30m in .It is obvi ous that the relative er 2r or reaches l owest raging fr om 4m in t o 10m in .It indica 2ted that it is possible t o p redict water content based on theresidual weight with ti m e for a short ti m e not more than 10m in and the relative err or is s maller than 01064.212 Rel a ti on sh i p between resi dua l ma ss and ti m e of Kapok f i ber a sse m blyKapok fiber asse mbly was high hydr ophilic material and water abs or p ti on ability is str ong,and its water con 2tent was als o measured and the residual weight curve with ti m e was illustrated in Fig .4.It can be seen fr om Fig .4that residual weight initially descends very fast and arrives at equilibrium status with the sa me trend as wool fi 2871 西安工程大学学报 第23卷ber asse mbly .It may be exp lained that acti on bet w een water and kapok fiber,which shows t w o phase moisture abs or p ti on according t o Peirce theory .The high relative coefficient of kapok fiber asse mbly bet w een residual mass and ti m e is 01997,which als o p r oves the nonlinear exponential functi on .Moreover,the exponential functi on is obtained by fitting and the relative err or bet w een measured and p redicted residual mass of sa mp le according t o ti m e are calculated and listed in Fig .5.It is obvi ous that the maxi m u m relative err or is 01371%no more than 015%.It can be concluded fr om relati onshi p bet w een residual mass and ti m e of high hydr ophilic material that there exists the sa me trend and functi on t o wool fiber asse mbly and kapok fiber asse mbly .The conclusi ons are hel pful t o analyze other high water content material as cott on and rayon.Fig .4 Typ ical residual sa mp le weight curve of Kapok fiber asse mbly with ti meFig .5 Relative err or curve of water content of Kapok fiberasse mbly with ti m e 213 Rel a ti on sh i between resi dua l ma ss and ti m e ofPET f i ber a sse m blyWool and kapok fiber asse mbly were high hydr ophilicmaterial and water abs or p ti on ability is str ong,and itneeds more ti m e t o find the residual weight trend withti m e .The l ow water content of PET fiber asse mbly was al 2s o measured and the residual weight curve with ti m e wasillustrated in Fig .6.It can be seen fr om Fig 。