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difficult. These bd hbits influenced the efficiency of lerning. So, nd cultiv
we should py much ttention to our homework.
Students should concentrte on in clss, (英语演讲 稿 .fwsir )nd grsp the importnce nd difficulties, so tht they will hve the clss effectively.
or slve is up to you. Your behvior leds to hbit, your hbit develops your personlity, nd your personlity determines your
4. Observe ttentively nd think ctively.
desபைடு நூலகம்iny. From this, we cn see it is importnt for middle school students to build up good lerning hbit.
5. Be good t sking questions. The best students re those who re willing to sk questions nd those who re cretive.
2. Preview your lessons well.
The most powerful strength in the world is hbit. The most
3. Listen to the techer crefully.
precious fortune is lso hbit. It’s true to n enterprise, country nd ntion. So is it to humn life. Hbit is one of your belongings. If you hve good hbit, you will never use it up. However, if you hve bd hbit, you will be in endless debt. Whether to be n owner
9. Reflect fter doing exercise.
to lern from ech other nd get improved.
10. Lern to summrize.
7. Do your homework independently.
t lst, mke list of your mistkes.
Some students don’t hve cler purpose nd ttitude towrds it.
They chet in different wys. Some students re frid of doing something
Thus, let’s strt from tody, from now on, from every little thing
s middle school students, wht hbits do we hve to develop?
6. Lern from others.
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8. Think over when you tke test.
Everyone hs his own dvntges nd disdvntges. Wht we should do is
time, it is the wy to test how much students lerned.
my wit for lots of things we need, but students cn’t do tht. They
re growing up. We shouldn’t sy tomorrow to them. Their nmes re Tody.
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关于学习习惯的英语演讲稿: Developinggoodlerninghbit
1. Show your respect nd pprecition to your techers.
关于学习习惯的英语演讲稿:Developing good lerning hbit
Homework is n importnt prt of teching ctivities nd it is
continuous prt. It is the bsic nd independent prctice. t the sme
Mistrl , one of the winners of Nobel Prize in Chile, sid,“we