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IEEE Standards for Prognostics and Health Management

IEEE Standards for Prognostics and Health Management

IEEE Standards for Prognostics and Health ManagementJohn W. Sheppard1, Mark A. Kaufman2, Timothy J. Wilmering3 1The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, jsheppa2@ 2NSWC Corona Division, PO Box 5000, Corona, CA 92878, mark.kaufman@3The Boeing Company, PO Box 516, M/C S270-3800, St. Louis, MO 63166, timothy.j.wilmering@Abstract – Recently, operators of complex systems such as aircraft, power plants, and networks, have been emphasizing the need for online health monitoring for purposes of maximizing operational availability and safety. The discipline of prognostics and health management (PHM) is being formalized to address the information management and prediction requirements for addressing these needs. In this paper, we will explore how standards currently under development within the IEEE can be used to support PHM applications. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of PHM and PHM-related standards with Department of Defense (DOD) automatic test systems-related research.Keywords – Prognostics, PHM, CBM, AI-ESTATE, SIMICAI.INTRODUCTIONIn 1976, the IEEE established the Standards Coordinating Committee 20 (SCC20) for purposes of standardizing on the Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems (ATLAS). Since then, SCC20 has expanded its scope to develop standards for larger system-level test and diagnostic related systems. In 1989, the IEEE approved a project authorization request (PAR) for SCC20 to develop a new standard focusing on diagnostic systems that use techniques from the maturing field of artificial intelligence—the Artificial Intelligence Exchange and Service Tie to All Test Environments (AI-ESTATE) standard under project P1232. In 1995, SCC20 approved and published the AI-ESTATE standard, IEEE Std 1232-1995, and in 2002, the standard was updated. Today, SCC20, under the management of its Diagnostic and Maintenance Control (DMC) subcommittee is completing a new update to the AI-ESTATE standard, and this standard is emphasizing its broad scope by embracing PHM-related issues.The DOD ATS Framework Working Group is a multi-service/industry/academic partnership that is focusing on defining an information framework and identifying standards for next-generation automatic test systems (ATS). Based on work in the 1990s when the ATS Research and Development Integrated Product Team defined a set of “critical interfaces” for ATS, the current working group has been selecting, supporting the development of, and demonstrating commercial standards to be used in ATS. In 2007, the working group decided to expand its scope to embrace information requirements for PHM as well and added two new “elements” to its framework—an element for prognostic data (PROD) and an element for prognostic services (PROS). The working group decided to focus on these elements to parallel the diagnostic data and diagnostic service elements already contained in the framework.PHM has been defined as “a maintenance and asset management approach utilizing signals, measurements, models, and algorithms to detect, assess, and track degraded health, and to predict failure progression [1].” As defined, PHM encompasses much more than is currently addressed by SCC20; however, the AI-ESTATE standard has been foundto address many PHM issues related to fault/failure diagnosis. The DMC is currently developing standards under the Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA) project (P1636) that are likely to address additional information management requirements for PHM. These standards capture historic information that can be used to analyze maintenance and diagnostic processes andto tie these analyses to system fleets or to individual systems. The result is a collection of standards that can support diagnostic maturation and PHM process improvement. The focus of this paper is on applying the AI-ESTATE and SIMICA standards in PHM systems. The discussion in this paper highlights the recent results in developing these standards and focuses on how they can be used to satisfy PHM information management requirements.II.APPROACHES TO PHMGenerally, PHM systems incorporate functions of condition monitoring, state assessment, fault or failure diagnostics, failure progression analysis, predictive diagnostics (i.e., prognostics), and maintenance or operational decision support. Ultimately, the purpose of a PHM system isto maximize the operational availability and safety of the target system.The primary area of interest in this paper is the impact and potential benefit of standardization supporting interoperability for PHM systems. More specifically, the areaof interest lies in the “predictive” portion of PHM—the ability to predict from information about some system state when a significant future event affecting the performance of the system (such as failure) might occur. Often, this prediction is characterized as estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of a component or system [2], [3]. Standardizationin information systems involves careful, formal definition of concepts and information elements for the target system. We believe RUL is misleading at the system level in that it suggests no repair is possible, thus extending the RUL of the system. Therefore, we suggest the term time to fail (TTF) butnote possible confusion with the TTF measure as defined in [4]. Specifically, Vachtsevanos et al. define TTF as “the duration between initiation of the fault and the time when the failure occurs.” As an alternative, we define TTF to be “the time from a measurement of system state to some failure of interest in the system.” One can think of PHM as being applied in an operating environment in which there is interaction with and feedback to the system being monitored (Figure 1). When building a PHM system, three components are necessary for prognostics to be effective (which are highlighted in Figure 1)—the ability to estimate the current state of the system, the ability to predict future state, and thereby time to fail, and the ability to determine the impact of the assessment on system performance and the need for corrective or mitigating action. In all three cases, system-specific models must also be provided. In support of these components, several approaches are being applied. Physics Model-Based Methods: Perhaps the most effective method in terms of high-fidelity prediction of system degradation is the application of physics-of-failure (POF) models to structural degradation and structural health monitoring systems [5]. POF methods focus on issues such as material deformation, fracture, fatigue, and material loss. Recent attempts at applying POF methods to electronic prognosis have focused on the material degradation of interconnects and substrates [6], [7]. While highly accurate, POF approaches tend to be computationally prohibitive to apply at the system level. This limitation has led to alternative approaches being developed and applied, sometimes in combination with POF methods. Reliability-Based Methods: Perhaps the simplest approach to predicting failure is based on statistical reliability models of component failure. Recall that reliability is defined as the probability that a component or unit will be functioning at time t [8]. Usually, reliability predictions are used to estimate future failure based on current test results by applying a probability distribution such as the exponential distribution (i.e., P (D i ) = 1 – exp[–λi t ]). One of the principal shortcomings of using the exponential distribution is that it imposes a “Markov” assumption, meaning that the future prediction of a failure is independent of the history of the unit given the current measurement. Given the strength of this assumption, alternative reliability methods have applied the Weibull distribution for the predictions since it relaxes the assumption of constant failure rates as well as the Markov assumption [9]. Data-Driven Methods: In a sense, POF and reliability-based methods form end-posts along a spectrum of techniques for prognostic methods. POF methods depend on high-resolution models but do not scale well. Reliability methods rely on statistical characteristics of populations of systems and do not handle idiosyncrasies of specific systems. As an attempt to provide a compromise approach, data-driven methods such as regression models [10], time series analysis [11], and neural networks [12] are being applied. Each offer an advantage of being able to learn models based on empirical data but also suffer from the inability to learn portions of the model where no such data exists. Probability-Based Methods: Lessons drawn from signal processing, target tracking, and state estimation have identified a number of probabilistic models showing promise for PHM. Specifically dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) architectures such as hidden Markov models (HMM) [13] and Kalman filters [11] have been suggested as methods for using historical, sequential data to predict future failure. The concern with these models relates to the so-called “diffusion of context” phenomenon where, because of conditional independence, the affect of past experience diffuses the ModelsO r g a n i z a t i o nS t a t e E s t i m a t i o nFigure 1. Notional CBM/PHM Systemability to predict. This, in fact, is directly related to the Markov assumption also inherent in the reliability models discussed above [14]. The use of so-called “input-output hidden Markov models” has been suggested as an approach to combat this problem [15].As should be evident from the above review, the “silver bullet” for PHM systems has yet to be discovered or developed. In fact, arguably, PHM technology is still very much in its infancy. Therefore, it is interesting to be considering standardization of PHM elements. Even so, the Machinery Information Management Open Systems Alliance (MIMOSA) has adopted the development and support of the Open System Architecture Condition Based Management (OSA-CBM) standard that purports to provide a standard architecture for CBM and PHM systems.OSA-CBM is an architecture standard organized around seven “hierarchical” layers: sensor/transducer, data acquisition, data manipulation, state detection, health assessment, prognostic assessment, and advisory generation. Of particular interest here are the health assessment, prognostic, and decision support layers [16]. Using the three key components of a PHM system identified above, we see the health assessment layer being responsible for health state estimation, and the prognostics layer being responsible for predicting time to fail. Both layers must address uncertainty management and confidence prediction. These layers are shown to be connected with state detection below and advisory generation above.Currently, the OSA-CBM standard provides a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model identifying key “objects” to be defined in a standard CBM system [17]. Unfortunately, current implementations of the OSA-CBM architecture have not incorporated the means of standardizing the semantics of the information being communicated between system components, This is where the work of SCC20 hopes to contribute and is what we discuss next.III.STANDARDS IN MAINTENANCE ANDDIAGNOSTICSFundamentally, prognosis is an extension of fault or failure diagnosis. In addition, given the fact prognosis attempts to anticipate and predict impending failure, the nature of the maintenance process under a PHM system is fundamentally different from a maintenance process based on taking corrective action in response to a reported failure. Currently, few standards exist of direct relevance to prognostic systems and PHM systems; however, because of the close ties between PHM and traditional diagnostic and maintenance systems, several standards for the maintenance and diagnostic communities can be applied to PHM. As we will discuss below, it is also hoped that these same standards will serve as a starting point for the development or maturation of standards for PHM.Since the mid 1970s, SCC20 has been developing standards, originally focused on test specification and test programming, but more recently focusing on test, diagnostics, and maintenance system interfaces. These standards, developed under the auspices of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems include the Signal and Test Definition standard [18], the Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) family of standards [19], the AI-ESTATE standard [20], and the SIMICA standards [21]. Of particular interest to us are the AI-ESTATE and SIMICA standards. Within the SIMICA family are two additional standards—Test Results [22] and Maintenance Action Information [23].A.AI-ESTATEIEEE Std 1232 describes the information comprising the diagnostics domain, i.e., information related to system test and diagnosis. The description of the diagnostic domain enables the exchange of diagnostic information between applications. IEEE Std 1232 also supports modular diagnostic architectures and interoperability with other test-related software assets. The 1232 standard was developed using information modeling practices with the ISO EXPRESS modeling language [24], resulting in the definition of five models addressing static and dynamic aspects of the diagnostic domain.Based on the formal information models, AI-ESTATE provides two different mechanisms for exchanging diagnostic information. The historical approach uses the Standards for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) Physical File Format defined in [25]. This format specifies a simple ASCII, flat file utilizing tokens within an attribute-value structure and must be used in conjunction with the EXPRESS Schema. SCC20 also plans to use an XML schema consistent with the information model based on ISO 10303 Part 28 [26].Finally, in addition to the information models being developed, AI-ESTATE defines a set of software services to be used when integrating a diagnostic reasoner into a test system. The reasoner services are being specified using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) [27], arising mostly due to the increased emphasis on web services and XML for exchanging information.Given both the published AI-ESTATE and the current revision being developed by SCC20, several relationships are apparent between AI-ESTATE information elements and key components of PHM systems. For instance, it is sometimes desirable to qualify test using measures of confidence, and failure/fault predictions can be provided with associated probabilities and levels of confidence. That said, AI-ESTATE is currently limited to assigning discrete outcomes, both to tests and diagnostic conclusions. Currently, AI-ESTATE is also limited to supporting systems that provide state assessments at the current point in time, assuming propositional representations of the associated diagnoses. This is significant because, currently, none of the models support time to fail predictions. Prior proposals have been supplied to SCC20 for supporting temporal logic [28] and dynamic Bayesian networks that would be useful for prognostic algorithms [29]; however, neither was consideredsufficiently mature to be included in the standard. In fact, it is unclear that industry consensus exists on the semantics of an elementary TTF metric at this point in time.B.Test ResultsThe current draft of the SIMICA standard is focused on providing a top-level information model for maintenance information. This model will provide an “umbrella” representation to correlate the semantics of several lower-level partitions of the system operational and maintenance information domain. While that information model was being completed, two of those lower level “component” standards within the SIMICA family have been under development as well. The first—SIMICA Test Results—has been approved and published as a trial use standard.The Test Results standard provides an XML schema and accompanying information model to specify a means for exchanging test measurement information. The focus of the standard is to capture historical information about the actual conduct of tests and includes information such as UUT identification, measurements, specified test limits, and information specific to test session such as setup, test sequence, and fault indictment information [22], [30].Typically, PHM requires systems that perform online monitoring of the system of interest. The 1636.1 standard provides direct support for a PHM system in that it captures the history of the monitored data. Measurements, test limits, outcomes, and calibration information, coupled with time stamps for when the data was collected, enable offline processing of the data to determine system state, perform diagnosis, and when coupled with a prognostic model, contribute to the prediction of future system state.Since the 1636.1 standard emphasizes data exchange through XML, real-time applications of the standard are not directly supported. A PHM system can, however, make use of the information model to determine the relevant types of information to be captured and the definitions, relationships, and constraints on that information necessary to ensure interoperability between other components that may require the data (such as a diagnostic system). By applying a similar “service-oriented” architecture for the PHM system as that proposed in AI-ESTATE, online processing of the test results could be supported in a standardized way.C.Maintenance Action InformationRecently, a new initiative was undertaken that was initially intended to support the capture and processing of historical maintenance data for military systems. This process involved surveying maintenance processes for each of the US military services to identify common, essential maintenance information that is captured on maintenance action forms (MAF). SCC20 then proceeded to generalize the information, to address maintenance processes in non-military applications. The result was the development of an information model and XML schema for maintenance action information (MAI), being standardized under IEEE P1636.2 [23].The MAI standard is not intended to support a PHM process directly, as the Test Results standard or AI-ESTATE might. Instead, MAI captures what has been done with respect to a system of interest, either in response to a failure or during preventative maintenance. Nevertheless, the information captured in an MAI document can be used to perform data mining and data analysis to support diagnostic and maintenance system maturation as well as to assist in developing prognostic models and systems.D.Related Non-IEEE StandardsThis paper has focused on the IEEE standards that have potential in supporting PHM. Currently, no IEEE standards exist that are dedicated to PHM; however, standards exist outside of the IEEE, in addition to OSA-CBM, that focus on issues such as health monitoring and condition-based maintenance (CBM).ISO 10303 Part 239 defines an “application protocol” for product life cycle support (PLCS) [32]. The purpose of this standard is to facilitate exchange of information about complex “engineering assets” for the purposes of life cycle support. The data exchange is accomplished through the definition of data exchange specifications (DEX) tied to specific domains and derived from the PLCS information model.With recent emphasis being placed on modifying product maintenance practices from reactive to condition-based or “just-in-time,” product-specific data has become critical. The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) has developed a PLCS DEX specifically targeted at aviation maintenance [33]. The Aviation Maintenance DEX focuses on sharing information in four categories:1.Historical maintenance activities;2.Activities that, while not maintenance-specific, mayimpact future maintenance (e.g., flying sorties);3.Estimation of system state (e.g., fault state, andserviceability); and4.Activities affecting product inventories.The PLCS architecture uses multiple DEXs to support information exchange between agents needing the information. DEXs related to the Aviation Maintenance DEX include:1.Product as-designed structure;2.Specific product as-delivered structure;3.Maintenance plan;4.Faults related to the product; and5.Specific information on maintenance tasks.ISO also provides a collection of standards focusing on condition monitoring and diagnosis of machines [34]. Thesestandards are developed by the technical committee on mechanical vibration and shock and focus on test design, measurement, and data processing focused specifically in these areas.IV.STANDARDIZING PHMIn this paper, we have been focusing on standards for information exchange. We recognize that standards are also necessary for communications, form-fit-function of devices, physical interfaces, timing, calibration, etc. Many standards exist to support such elements, and such standards also need careful consideration when building a PHM system. In the previous section, we reviewed the principal standards supporting maintenance and diagnosis and suggested how these standards might support the PHM enterprise. In this section, we will discuss the key PHM characteristics that are present or that need to be included in standards to meet PHM requirements.A.PHM Characteristics in Current StandardsFundamentally, PHM systems incorporate functions of condition monitoring, state assessment, fault or failure diagnostics, failure progression analysis, predictive diagnostics (i.e., prognostics), and maintenance support. Thus these functions must be supported in any collection of PHM-related standard. Specifically, PHM-related standards must be able to represent and exchange measured, observed, and inferred information about the target system and its operational environment, information about the current state as well as either an estimate of some future state or an estimate of when some target state might be reached, historical information about the operation and maintenance of the target system, and various models of the system.The OSA-CBM standard provides a detailed object model, represented in UML that identifies key data items, objects, and their relationships within a CBM system. Note that the algorithms are referenced via MIMExtTypes which are extensions to MIME types. No facility is provided for standard algorithm specification. In addition, OSA-CBM provides detailed facilities for exchanging logical propositions about the system. These are supported by detailed health assessment data items that include health level of the system and health grade of an item.The IEEE standards provide sound support for information exchange supporting the process of test and diagnosis of the target system. The AI-ESTATE standard provides a foundation for diagnostic assessment and includes four alternatives for diagnosis—static fault trees (or decision trees), D-matrix-based systems (e.g., dependency models), logic-based models (e.g., rule-based expert systems), and Bayesian networks. All four alternatives have been demonstrated to provide effective and accurate diagnostics. In addition, the standard has been defined to address all test environments, thus there is no implicit or explicit focus on ATS. As stated earlier, they do not currently provide facilities for prediction and are based on discrete test and diagnosis outcomes.The SIMICA family of standards (including Test Results and MAI) focuses on historical information but provide a means for using that information to improve both diagnostics and prognostics. Recognizing that PHM systems based entirely on discrete, outcome-based testing will be severely limited in their ability to predict future states, we find that the Test Results standard, while providing outcome-based data, also provides a method for capturing actual measurement data. This standard is oriented towards automatic test systems; however, the supporting information model providesa means for transitioning to a real-time health monitoring system as well.The MAI standard also provides both an XML schema and an information model. MAI focuses on the maintenance process rather than the test process; therefore, it is easily generalizable to PHM.B.Enhancements Needed to Current StandardsThe primary challenge facing SCC20 is in determining how best to extend or adapt current standards to PHM. We believe that, at a minimum, the following must be provided as enhancements or additions to the current set of standards:1. A means for representing graded health informationrather than limiting diagnostics to discrete outcomes.2.Given the ability to represent graded healthinformation, a means to “roll up” failure progressioninformation to higher levels in the system hierarchy.3.Relaxation or augmentation of the outcome-basedapproach to diagnosis to support state estimationbased on real-valued test results.4.The ability to support periodic measurements andcorrelation between time series.5.Incorporation of usage, operational, andenvironmental data in performing state assessmentand diagnosis.6.Representation of failure progression/degradationinformation for specific systems.7. A framework for integrating and combininginformation from multiple models and model types(e.g., physics-based, reliability-based, and datadriven) to exploit the specific advantages of eachtype.As a specific example, SCC20 is currently exploring a change to the AI-ESTATE standard that would address the need for capturing “grayscale” (i.e., graded) health information. Including grayscale health supports reasoning about current state of degradation and projecting future failure progression. It is also applicable to incipient fault detection. To address grayscale health, changes will be required in the Common Element Model to specify that a diagnosis outcome need not be discrete as well as the Dynamic Context Model to record the inferred grayscalemodels (i.e., fault tree, D-matrix, logic, and Bayes) will have to be updated to indicate inferences of grayscale health from test results or outcomes.Figure 2 illustrates one possible change to the definition of the Outcome entity in the Common Element Model. The only difference from the definition in [35] is the addition of the “softOutcome” attribute. The purpose of this attribute is to associate a soft or gray-scale function to the outcome where the domain of the function is specified but the range is [0, 1]. Six types of functions have been identified—triangular, trapezoidal, radial (e.g., Gaussian), hard limiter, linear threshold, and sigmoidal. The first three correspond to common “membership” functions from fuzzy logic, and the latter three correspond to common transfer functions for function approximators such as neural networks. The attributes, “minx,” “maxX,” “midpoint,” and “shape” provide key parameters for the function. The minimum and maximum X values specify the domain of the function. All of the functions have a point about which the functions are (usually) symmetric. This is identified with “midpoint.” Finally, the “shape” parameter is specific to the type of function. For example, for the radial function, the shape parameter represents the spread (or variance) of the function where, for the sigmoid function, it represents the slope at the point of inflection. Given the soft outcome, a corresponding attribute can then be added to “ActualOutcome” in the AI-ESTATE Dynamic Context Model to assign a value to the outcome based on the associated function.V.CONCLUSIONTwo of the primary reasons for standardization are to reduce cost by improving interoperability and minimizing repeated design of similar systems. The IEEE SCC20 standards focus on promoting information interoperability between components of a test or health monitoring system. The emphasis by the DOD on acquisition reform based on commercial standards for ATS, combined with declining budgets mandates the need for more affordable health management system development and operation. Cost must be reduced. Interoperability must be achieved. Information must be shared.The cost of reactive maintenance has become prohibitive, especially for complex systems. Even with the development of comprehensive standards focusing on interoperability and reuse, the way systems are maintained must and is changing. Providers are required to implement interoperable systems based on these standards. With the recent focus on CBM and prognostics, the need exists for exchanging more robust information in a timely way that will enable identifying and correcting a fault before it occurs. As with traditional testing, standards for CBM and PHM are also required.Technological advances in CBM and PHM have identified core types of information needed for health monitoring systems. What we have found is that there is a strong overlap between the type of information needed for health monitoring and the type of information used in traditional diagnosis. Therefore, the IEEE has been working to identify and expand。



2016年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第2套)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have twooptions upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to agraduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain thereasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180words.Part ⅢReading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on AnswerSheet 2with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The ocean is heating up. That's the conclusion of a new study that finds that Earth's oceans now26heat at twice the rate they did 18 years ago. Around half of ocean heat intake since 1865 hastaken place since 1997, researchers report online in Nature Climate Change.Warming waters are known to27 to coral bleaching (珊瑚白化) and they take up more spacethan cooler waters, raising sea28While the top of the ocean is well studied, its depths are moredifficult to 29The researchers gathered 150 years of ocean temperature data in order to get abetter30 of heat absorption from surface to seabed. They gathered together temperature readingscollected by everything from a 19th century31 of British naval ships to modem automated oceanprobes. The extensive data sources,32 with computer simulations ( 计算机模拟), created atimeline of ocean temperature changes, including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming fromfossil fuel33About 35 percent of the heat taken in by the oceans during the industrial era now resides at a34 of more than 700 meters, the researchers found. They say they're35whether the deep-seawarming canceled out warming at the sea's surface.A. absorbB. CombinedC. ContributeD. depthE. emissionsF. excursionG. exploreH. floorI. heightsJ. indifferentK. levelsL. mixedM. pictureN. unsureO. voyageSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraphfrom which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Secret to Raising Smart KidsA) I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation--and how people persevere aftersetbacks--as a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s. Animal experiments bypsychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeated failures, most animalsconclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control. After such an experience an animaloften remains passive even when it can effect change--a state they called learned helplessness.B) People can learn to be helpless, too. Why do some students give up when they encounter difficulty,whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn? One answer, I soondiscovered, lay in people's beliefs about why they had failed.C) In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than doesthe belief that lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children who displayedhelpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes in math, they learned to keep tryingwhen the problems got tough. Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded fortheir success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve hard math problems. Theseexperiments indicated that a focus on effort can help resolve helplessness and generate success.D) Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners--helplessversus mastery-oriented. I realized these different types of students not only explain their failuresdifferently, but they also hold different "theories" of intelligence.The helpless ones believeintelligence is a fixed characteristic: you have only a certain amount, and that's that. I call this a"fixed mind-set (思维模式). "Mistakes crack their self-confidence because they attribute errors toa lack of ability, which they feel powerless to change. They avoid challenges because challengesmake mistakes more likely. The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence isnot fixed and can be developed through education and hard work. Such children believe challengesare energizing rather than intimidating (令人生畏); they offer opportunities to learn. Studentswith such a growth mind-set were destined (注定) for greater academic success and were quitelikely to outperform their counterparts.E) We validated these expectations in a study in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373students for two years during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficultand the grading more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affect their math grades. At thebeginning of seventh grade, we assessed the students' mind-sets by asking them to agree or disagreewith statements such as "Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't reallychange. " We then assessed their beliefs about other aspects of learning and looked to see whathappened to their grades.F) As predicted, the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal thangetting good grades. In addition, they held hard work in high regard. They understood that evengeniuses have to work hard. Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, studentswith a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy. The students whoheld a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning.They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard was a sign of low ability.They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well.Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability, those with a fixed mind-set said that they wouldstudy less in the future, try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.G) Such different outlooks had a dramatic impact on performance. At the start of junior high, the mathachievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those ofstudents who displayed a fixed mind-set. But as the work became more difficult, the students witha growth mind-set showed greater persistence. As a result, their math grades overtook those of theother students by the end of the first semester--and the gap between the two groups continued towiden during the two years we followed them.H) A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress in the workplace and discourage orignore constructive criticism and advice. Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-setare less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growthmind-set.I) How do we transmit a growth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories aboutachievements that result from hard work. For instance, talking about mathematical geniuses whowere more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set, but descriptions of greatmathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set.J) In addition, parents and teachers can help children by providing explicit instruction regarding themind as a learning machine. I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whose mathgrades were declining in their first year of junior high.Forty-eight of the students receivedinstruction in study skills only, whereas the others attended a combination of study skills sessionsand classes in which they learned about the growth mind-set and how to apply it to schoolwork. Inthe growth mind-set classes, students read and discussed an article entitled "You Can Grow YourBrain. " They were taught that the brain is like a muscle that gets stronger with use and thatlearning prompts the brain to grow new connections. From such instruction, many students beganto see themselves as agents of their own brain development. Despite being unaware that there weretwo types of instruction, teachers reported significant motivational changes in 27% of the childrenin the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9% of students in the control group.K) Research is converging (汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius istypically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from agift. 36. The author's experiment shows that students with a fixed mind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.37. Focusing on effort is effective in helping children overcome frustration and achieve success.38. We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.39. Students' belief about the cause of their failure explains their attitude toward setbacks.40. In the author's experiment, students with a growth mind-set showed greater perseverance in solving difficult math problems.41. The author conducted an experiment to find out about the influence of students' mind-sets on math learning.42. After failing again and again, most animals give up hope.43. Informing students about the brain as a learning machine is a good strategy to enhance their motivation for learning.44. People with a fixed mind-set believe that one's intelligence is unchangeable.45. In the workplace, feedback may not be so welcome to managers with a fixed mind-set.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. AndD . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage."Sugar, alcohol and tobacco," economist Adam Smith once wrote," are commodities which arenowhere necessaries of life, which have become objects of almost universal consumption, and whichare, therefore, extremely popular subjects of taxation. "Two and a haft centuries on, most countries impose some sort of tax on alcohol and tobacco. Withsurging obesity levels putting increasing strain on public health systems, governments around the worldhave begun to toy with the idea of taxing sugar as well.Whether such taxes work is a matter of debate. A preliminary review of Mexico's taxation found afall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks. By contrast,a Danish tax on foods high in fats was abandoned a year after its introduction, amid claims thatconsumers were avoiding it by crossing the border to Germany to satisfy their desire for cheaper, fattierfare.The food industry has, in general, been firmly opposed to such direct government action.Nonetheless, the renewed focus on waistlines means that industry groups are under pressure todemonstrate their products are healthy as well as tasty.Over the past three decades, the industry has made some efforts to improve the quality of itsofferings. For example, some drink manufacturers have cut the amount of sugar in their beverages.Many of the reductions over the past 30 years have been achieved either by reducing the amount ofsugar, salt or fat in a product, or by finding an alternative ingredient. More recently, however, somecompanies have been investing money in a more ambitious undertaking: learning how to adjust thefundamental make-up of the food they sell. For example, having salt on the outside, but none on theinside, reduces the salt content without changing the taste.While reformulating recipes ( 配方) is one way to improve public health, it should be part of amulti-sided approach. The key is to remember that there is not just one solution. To deal with obesity,a mixture of approaches--including reformulation, taxation and adjusting portion sizes--will beneeded. There is no silver bullet.46. What did Adam Smith say about sugar, alcohol and .tobacco?A. They were profitable to manufacture.B. They were in ever-increasing demand.C. They were subject to taxation almost everywhere.D. They were no longer considered necessities of life.47. Why have many countries started to consider taxing sugar?A. They are under growing pressure to balance their national budgets.B. They find it ever harder to cope with sugar-induced health problems.C. The practice of taxing alcohol and tobacco has proved both popular and profitable.D. The sugar industry is overtaking alcohol and tobacco business in generating profits.48. What do we learn about Danish taxation on fat-rich foods?A. It did not work out as well as was expected.B. It gave rise to a lot of problems on the border.C. It could not succeed without German cooperation.D. It met with firm opposition from the food industry.49. What is the more recent effort by food companies to make foods and drinks both healthy and tasty?A. Replacing sugar or salt with alternative ingredients.B. Setting a limit on the amount of sugar or salt in their products.C. Investing in research to find ways to adapt to consumers' needs.D. Adjusting the physical composition of their products.50. What does the author mean by saying, at the end of the passage, "There is no silver bullet" ( Line 4, Para.7)?A. There is no single easy quick solution to the problem.B. There is no hope of success without public cooperation.C. There is no hurry in finding ways to solve the obesity problem.D. There is no effective way to reduce people's sugar consumption.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories: models eating tissues or cottonballs to hold off hunger, and models collapsing from hunger-induced heart attacks just seconds afterthey step off the runway.Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades, and two researchers saya model's body mass should be a workplace health and safety issue. In an editorial released Monday inthe American Journal of Public Health, Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case forgovernment regulation of the fashion industry.The average international runway model has a body mass index (BMI) under 16--low enough toindicate starvation by the World Health Organization's standard. And Record and Austin are worried notjust about the models themselves, but about the vast number of girls and women their images influence."Especially girls and teens," says Record. "Seventy percent of girls aged 10 to 18 report that theydefine perfect body image based on what they see in magazines. " That's especially worrying, she says,given that anorexia(厌食症) results in more deaths than does any other mental illness, according tothe National Institute of Mental Health.It's commonly known that certain diseases are linked with occupations like lung disease in coalminers. Professional fashion models are particularly vulnerable to eating disorders resulting fromoccupational demands to maintain extreme thinness.Record's suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.In April, France passed a law setting lower limits for a model's weight. Agents and fashion houseswho hire models with a BMI under 18 could pay $ 82,000 in fines and spend up to 6 months in jail.Regulating the fashion industry in the United States won't be easy, Record says. But with the new rulesin France, U.S. support could make a difference. "A designer can't survive without participating inParis Fashion Week", she says, adding," Our argument is that the same would be true of New YorkFashion Week. "51. What do Record and Austin say about fashion models' body mass?A. It has caused needless controversy.B. It is but a matter of personal taste.C. It is the focus of the modeling business.D. It affects models' health and safety.52. What are Record and Austin advocating in the Monday editorial?A. A change in the public's view of female beauty.B. Government legislation about models' weight.C. Elimination of forced weight loss by models.D. Prohibition of models eating non-food stuff.53. Why are Record and Austin especially worried about the low body mass index of models?A. It contributes to many mental illnesses.B. It defines the future of the fashion industry.C. It has great influence on numerous girls and women.D. It keeps many otherwise qualified women off the runway.54. What do we learn about France's fashion industry?A. It has difficulty hiring models.B. It has now a new law to follow.C. It allows girls under 18 on the runway.D. It has overtaken that of the United States.55. What does Record expect of New York Fashion Week?A. It will create a completely new set of rules.B. It will do better than Paris Fashion Week.C. It will differ from Paris Fashion Week.D. It will have models with a higher BMI.Part ⅣTranslation( 30 minutes )Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese intoEnglish. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.在中国文化中,黄颜色是一种很重要的颜色,因为它具有独特的象征意义。

Course Outline

Course Outline

Wireless Local Area NetworksCourse Instructor: Benny Bing, School of ECE, Georgia TechCourse OutlineWi-Fi applications have blossomed tremendously over the last few years. What started out as cable replacement for static desktops in indoor networks has been extended to fully mobile broadband applications involving wide-area outdoor community networks, moving vehicles, high-speed trains, and even airplanes.Wi-Fi data rates have also continued to increase from 2 to 54Mbit/s with current 802.11n proposals topping 600 Mbit/s. This development may eventually render wired Ethernet redundant in the local network.When wireless LANs were first deployed, they give laptop and PDA users the same freedom with data that cellphones provide for voice. However, a wireless LAN need not transfer purely data traffic. It can also support packetized voice and video transmission. People today are spending huge amounts of money, even from office to office, calling by cellphones. With a wireless LAN infrastructure, it costs them a fraction of what it will cost them using cellphones or any other equipment. Thus, voice telephony products based on wireless LAN standards have recently emerged. A more compelling use of wireless LANs is in overcoming the inherent limitations of wireless wide area networks (WANs). Current third-generation (3G) mobile telephony data rates have the potential to increase up to 2Mbit/s whereas wireless LANs already offer data rates of up to 54Mbit/s and unlike 3G, operate on unlicensed frequency bands. This has led some technologists to predict that eventually we are more likely to see dense urban broadband wireless LANs that are linked together into one network rather than widespread use of high-powered WAN handsets cramming many bits into expensive and narrow slices of radio spectrum.Despite its success in the LAN environment,Wi-Fi is now aggressively deployed as outdoor multihop mesh networks to provide pervasive broadband wireless access. The broadcast nature of wireless transmission and the ubiquity of Wi-Fi devices offer immediate access for both fixed and mobile users. Unlike wired access, a large portion of the deployment costs is incurred only when a subscriber signs up for service. A more significant trend is the increasing number of municipal governments that are financing the deployment of multihop Wi-Fi networks with the overall aim of providing ubiquitous Internet access and enhanced public services.This course is targeted for anyone who wish to study the underlying principles of past, present, and emerging Wi-Fi technologies. Quantitative concepts are explained visually while the bullet text brings out the key ideas in a manner that is self-contained, concise, and to the point. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a CTO, a business executive or a scientist, you will discover that the thought-provoking exercises not only help you master the subject but also serve as a rich source of interesting ideas.The contents of the course have been carefully class-tested at many of the instructor’s teaching assignments on the subject, including professional courses for industry, government agencies, and academic institutions, as well as tutorials for researchers at prestigious IEEE conferences. A companion website is available exclusively for participants, providing updates to this fast developing field, related websites, and additional learning resources and supplements.The course provides valuable insights on a broad range of topics:•Introduction to WLANs: Evolution, current standards, evolving technologies•Fundamentals of WLAN Design and Deployment: WLAN classifications, physical layer transmission, MAC protocols, network topologies, security, switches, deployment considerations (e.g., office, home, public hotspots/hotzones)•802.11 Standard and Amendments: Physical and MAC layers (802.11b/a/g), advanced security (802.11i),QoS support (802.11e)•Performance Evaluation of WLANs: Throughput, delay, prioritization•Emerging Technologies and New 802.11 Initiatives: High-speed MIMO systems, voice over Wi-Fi, intelligent wireless systems, wireless broadband access (long-range, multihop/mesh technologies)About the InstructorBenny Bing (benny@) is an associate director of the Georgia Tech Broadband Institute. He has published over 40 papers, 10 books, and 1 book chapter. His publications have also appeared in the IEEE Spectrum. His books on wireless networks are highly regarded by many technology visionaries. They contain forewords from both chairmen of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group since its inception, the inventor of Internet technology, and the inventor of the first wireless protocol.In early 2000, his groundbreaking book on wireless LANs was adopted by Cisco Systems to launch the Cisco-Aironet Wi-Fi product. The product has since enjoyed phenomenal success, dominating the corporate arena and capturing over 60% of the Wi-Fi market share. He was subsequently invited by Qualcomm Inc. in San Diego, CA to conduct a customized course on wireless LANs for its engineering executives. He was again invited to conduct a similar course for the Office of Information Technology. In 2002, his edited book on wireless LANs was extensively reviewed by the IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network, and ACM Networker, the first time a book has been reviewed by all three journals.He currently serves as an editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, and has also guest edited for the IEEE Communications Magazine and the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications. In addition, he was featured in the MIT Technology Review in a special issue on wired and wireless technologies as well as the Atlanta Business Chronicle and the IEEE Spectrum. He has served on the wireless networking panel for National Science Foundation (NSF) and was selected as one of the 10 best wireless designers in the United States by Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI), a 22,000-industry member telecommunication association based in Tampa, Florida. He was invited by NSF to participate in an NSF-sponsored workshop on “Residential Broadband Revisited: Research Challenges in Residential Networks, Broadband Access and Applications”, held on October 2003. He is also a frequent tutorial presenter at several IEEE flagship conferences such as IEEE Infocom and IEEE Globecom. He is a recipient of the Lockheed-Martin Fellowship and a best paper award at the 1998 IEEE International Conference on ATM. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has over 200 international research citations to his name. His current research interests include broadband access, wireless LANs, cognitive radio, mobile TV, and queueing theory.Introduction to Wireless LANsWhat are Wireless LANs?1 Inherent Limitations of Hard-Wired LANs2 Inherent Advantages of Wireless LANs3 Wireless LANs versus Cellular Networks4 Wireless LAN Applications5 Evolution of Wireless LANs7 Wireless LAN Technologies Today9 Market Demand for Wireless LANs10 Wireless LAN ComponentsA Typical Wireless LAN Configuration11Wireless Network Adaptors12 Wireless Access Points13 Wireless LAN Switches18 Wireless Remote Bridges19 Protocol Architectures20 Power over Ethernet (PoE)23 The Wireless MediumCharacteristics of Wireless Medium24 Wireless LAN Frequency Bands255 GHz Operating Channels and Power28Spectrum Trends29 Impact of Deregulated Radio Spectrum30 Path Loss32 Multipath Propagation34 Delay Spread36 Multipath Effect on Modulated Signals37 Intersymbol Interference40 Effects of Frequency-Selective Fading42 Coherence Bandwidth43 Shadow Fading44 Propagation Delay45 Countermeasures Against MultipathSwitched Antenna Diversity47 Selection Antenna Diversity48 Beamforming and Phased Antenna Arrays49 Spread Spectrum51 Equalization52 Multicarrier(Multitone) Transmission53 Multilevel Modulation54 Wireless LAN Physical Transmission MethodsWireless LAN Transmission Media55 Narrowband, Wideband, and Spread Spectrum Radio56 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Basics57 OFDM in Frequency Domain58 Advantages of OFDM 59 Disadvantages of OFDM60 Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)61 DSSS Transmission63 DSSS Reception64 DSSS Processing Gain (Spreading Ratio)69 DSSS Wireless LANs and CDMA70 Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum (FHSS)71 FHSS Dwell Time72 Fast Versus Slow Frequency Hopping73 Hopping Patterns74 Overall Network Capacity75 Comparing DSSS and FHSS Wireless LANs76 Interference Rejection77 Collisions78 Overlapping DSSS Transmissions79 Overlapping FHSS Transmissions81 Health Concerns82Wireless LAN Medium Access ControlMedium Access Control (MAC)83 Classification of MAC Protocols84 Spread Spectrum Multiple Access85 Carrier Sensing in Wireless LANs86 Carrier Sensing in Spread Spectrum Wireless LANs88 Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)90 CSMA with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)91 Collision Detection in Wired Ethernet LANs92 Collision Detection in Wireless LANs93 CSMA with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)94 Multiple Packet Transmission using CSMA/CA95 Fairness in CSMA/CA96 Collision/Error Detection in CSMA/CA97 Collision Resolution in CSMA/CA99 Limitations of CSMA/CA100 Wireless LAN DeploymentIndependent (Ad-hoc) Wireless LAN102 Infrastructure Wireless LAN104 Access Protocols for Infrastructure Wireless LAN106 Additional Network Topologies107 Hidden Node Problem109 Solving Hidden Node Problem112 Hidden Node Problem in Infrastructure Wireless LAN120 Exposed Node Problem122 Power Capture124 Radio Interference Sources125 Obstructions to Radio Signal Propagation126 Site Survey127 Enhancing Wireless LAN PerformanceMultichannel Configuration128 Multichannel Wireless Bridging129 Fall Back Rate130 Filtering Network Traffic131 Load Balancing132 Power Management133 Mobile Wireless LAN AccessRoaming135 Handoffs in Wireless LANs and Cellular Networks141 Emerging Standards Affecting Roaming142 Location Management143 Mobile Internet AccessPervasiveness of the Internet145 Internet Growth146 Mobile Internet Protocol Addresses147 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)148 Mobile IP150 IP Tunneling151 Wireless LAN SecurityWireless LAN Security Mechanisms154 Virtual Private Network (VPN)155 Client-based VPN156 Soft and Rogue Access Points157 Detecting and Locating Soft and Rogue Access Points158 802.11 Authentication and Privacy159 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)160 Limitations of WEP164 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)165 IEEE 802.1X166 Enhancing WEP using 802.1X167 EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)168 Other Versions of EAP169 Wireless Security Trends170Home Wireless NetworksTraffic Types172 QoS Provisioning173 HotspotsPublic Hotspot Access174 Enabling Technologies176 Challenges for Deploying Hotspots179 Components of Wi-Fi Hotspot Chain180 Wi-Fi Zone181 Wireless Internet Service Roaming (WISPr)182 Wi-Fi/Cellphone Integration183 Wi-Fi PhonesVoice over the Internet184 Voice over Wi-Fi185 IEEE 802.11 StandardIEEE 802 Standards187 IEEE 802.11 Working Group188 IEEE 802.11 Standard189 IEEE 802.11 Amendments190 IEEE 802.11 Service Sets and Network TopologiesBasic Service Set (BSS)191 Extended Service Set (ESS)192 BSS in an Independent Network193 BSS/ESS in an Infrastructure Network194 Joining a BSS or IBSS195 Association196 Reassociation197 IEEE 802.11Interframe and Slot Time DefinitionsInterframe Spaces (IFSs)198 IFS Definitions199 Slot Time200 IEEE 802.11 Basic Reference ModelIEEE 802.11 Physical (PHY) Layer202 IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC)203 IEEE 802.11 Management Functions204 IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer SpecificationsChannel Sets for 2.4 GHz 802.11 Wireless LANs206 Non-Overlapping Channel Assignment for DSSS208 Channel Sets for 5 GHz 802.11 Wireless LANs210 OFDM Physical Layer211 DSSS Physical Layer 213 Modulation Schemes214 FHSS Physical Layer 216 Modulation Schemes217 Physical Layer Packet Format218 DFIR Physical Layer219 Modulation Schemes220 Physical Layer Packet Format221 IEEE 802.11b AmendmentComplementary Code Keying (CCK)223 11Mbit/s CCK2275.5Mbit/s CCK228Physical Layer Packet Format229 Summary of Data Rates232 IEEE 802.11a AmendmentPhysical Layer234 Constellation Diagram for 16-QAM235 Physical Layer Packet Format237 IEEE 802.11g AmendmentPhysical Layer Packet Format239 CCK-OFDM Packet Format240 Packet Binary Convolutional Coding (PBCC)241 Comparing 802.11a,b,g242 Summary of IEEE 802.11 Data Rates243IEEE 802.11 Medium Access ControlGeneral 802.11 PSDU Packet Format245 Packet Types and MAC Addresses246 MPDU Header Fields247 Distributed Co-ordination Function (DCF)248 Effect of Slot Time on DCF Performance249 Collision Avoidance using Backoff250 Collision Resolution using Backoff251 Virtual Carrier Sensing252 Point Co-ordination Function (PCF)255 Co-existence of PCF and DCF256 Synchronization258 Beacon Packet Format259 Packet Fragmentation260 Power Management263 Transmit Power Control266 IEEE 802.11i AmendmentRobust Security Network Association (RSNA)268 IEEE 802.1X EAP Authentication269Mutual Authentication and Key Management270 Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)271 TKIP Packet Format272 Counter-Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP)273 IEEE 802.11e AmendmentHybrid Co-ordination Function (HCF)276 Block Acknowledgment (BA) Setup and Tear Down278 BA Mechanisms and Packet Formats 279 Deriving Medium Time280 Scheduling TXOP and Surplus Bandwidth281 IEEE 802.11f Recommended Practice and IEEE 802.11h,j AmendmentsIEEE 802.11f 283 IEEE 802.11h284 IEEE 802.11j285 Current IEEE 802.11 ActivitiesIEEE 802.11k286 IEEE 802.11n287 IEEE 802.11m,s,u,v289 Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)290 Other Wireless LAN InitiativesEuropean HiperLAN Standards291 Multimedia Mobile Access Communication (MMAC)293 CAPWAP and CCX294 Commercializing 802.11 Wireless LANsIEEE 802.11 Chipsets295 Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)296 Performance Evaluation of Wireless LANsWireless and Wired LANs297 Data Rate versus Throughput Performance299 Wireless Throughput Calculation300 Overheads for Data, ACK, RTS, and CTS Packets301 Main Overheads for 2 Mbit/s 802.11 Wireless LAN302 Maximum Wireless Throughput Calculation303 Actual Wireless Throughput Calculation305 Higher Layer Delays306 Wireless Network Analyzers307 Multiple Antenna SystemsReliable Wireless Transmission Using Multiple Antennas309 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Systems3102 x 2 MIMO Systems314BLAST Coding315 Space Time Coding316 Space Time Block Coding (STBC)318 Alamouti STBC319 Space Time Trellis Coding (STTC)320Multiple Antenna Systems (cont’d)2 x 2 STTC321 Broadband Wireless AccessBroadband Access322 Wireless Access323 Multihop Wireless Access:Wi-Fi on Rooftops326 Advantages of Multihop Wireless Access330 Disadvantages of Multihop Wireless Access332 Concurrent Transmissions in Multihop Wireless Access334 Long-Range Wireless Access:Wi-Fi Hotzone336 Long-Range Wireless Access:Wi-MAX Hotzone338 Wireless Peer-to-Peer ApplicationsPeer-to-Peer (p2p) Broadband Access339 Peer to Peer File Sharing340 Peer-to-Peer Live Video/Audio Streaming341A Peer-to-Peer Broadband Access Architecture342 Ubiquitous Wi-Fi AccessSummaryReferencesRelated WebsitesExercisesGlossaryIndex。

New Blood《无间菜鸟(2016)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

New Blood《无间菜鸟(2016)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

前情提要-什么情况 -自杀- What've we got? - Suicide.他应该不是自己跳下来的他是被人推下来的I don't think he's jumped. I think he was pushed.为什么你想成为一名警♥察♥Why did you want to be a policeman?我不想成为一名警♥察♥I don't want to be a policeman.我想做一名探员I want to be a detective.-已经有两人死了 -我可能要去伦敦了- Two people are dead. - I might be coming to London.-哪个车站 -金丝雀码头他会到那里的- Which station? - Canary Wharf. He'll be there.你是某个选手的亲友团Are you supporting someone,-还是来看着玩的 -她和我一起的- or are you here to have fun? - She's with me.我第二个到的你第三个I came second. You came third.要不是你挡道我都能拿第一I'd have come first if you hadn't got in my way.-不 -大卫·莱瑟在受贿一定是的- No! - David Leese is taking backhanders. He must be.他收了英国莱米康的贿赂UK Remicon are bribing him.可惜我们拿不出丝毫证据Shame we haven't got a shred of evidence.我有三组人在调查这个I have three teams working on this.制药行业的未来你觉得我要冒这么大风险让你玩过家家吗You think I'll risk it all for your Batman and Robin antics? -英国莱米康是罪犯 -他们受到保护- UK Remicon, they're criminals. - They're protected.他们有一些很有权势的商业和政♥府♥伙伴They have some very powerful friends in government.欺诈调查局的麻烦之处在于The trouble with the Serious Fraud Office一旦他们开始就会一查到底is that once they get started, they don't stop.你是政♥府♥的人不能阻止他们吗You're in government. Can't you stop it?无间菜鸟第一季第二集无间菜鸟第一季第二集无间菜鸟第一季第二集无间菜鸟第一季第二集无间菜鸟第一季第二集特别播报制药产业The pharmaceutical industry,到底是为民服务a force for good,还是侵吞几十亿的受贿机器or a corrupt multibillion-pound profit machine?重大新闻欧元危机欧债危机恐怕仍会进一步扩散医疗服务系统每年在处方药上的开支高达150亿With the NHS spending 15 pounds billion a year on prescription drugs, 越来越多人开始关注这家世界上最大的urgent questions are being asked about the business practices制药巨头的商业行为of the world's biggest pharmaceutical giants.我们正在西敏寺直播We're going live now to Westminster,下院选举委员会正在召开调查会议where the Commons' Select Committee, set up to investigate,询问政♥府♥高级顾问彼得·梅休are interviewing senior government advisor Peter Mayhew.你为一种抗暴食症的药物脂轻松You authorised the multimillion-pound purchase批了几百万of an anti-obesity drug, Lipocite?我没有这么说我的职责只是提出建议Not personally, no. My role is only to advise.但是你的建议是那的确有效But you advised that it was effective.所有证据证实的确有效All the evidence suggests that it is.但也比市场上的其他药物贵三倍But it's also three times the price of other drugs on the market. 鲁恩实验室比如鲁恩实验室就提供了A simpler, cheaper product is available一种更简单便宜的药物from Ruhn Laboratories, for example.国民医疗服务选择他们是不是应该更合适Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be supplying the NHS? 鲁恩实验室是一家美国公♥司♥Well, Ruhn Laboratories are an American firm,脂轻松是英国公♥司♥研发的whereas Lipocite is made by a British company.英国莱米康UK Remicon.我觉得我们应该以支持他们为豪I think we should be proud that we're supporting them.脂轻松作用于脑部对吗Lipocite acts on the brain. Is that correct?据我所知是的As I understand, yes.危险吗有什么副作用吗Is it dangerous? Does it have any side-effects?这种药通过了所有常规测试It's been through all the usual trials.我问的不是这个That's not what I asked.没有出现负面结果Well, there have been no negative results.亨利Oh! Henry!怎么了What is it?发生了一场意外There was an accident.-一个女孩 -在哪儿怎么回事- A girl. - Where? What happened?在车站At the station.她...摔下去了S-s-she fell.她受伤了吗Was she hurt?我逃走了妈妈I ran away, Mum.亨利你做了什么Henry, what have you done?你要和我说些什么吗Is there something you need to tell me?你不用害怕我会照顾你的You don't need to be afraid. I'll look after you.旅游快讯金丝雀码头站乘客跌落滑梯死亡后..In travel news, Canary Wharf station has been closed警方已经封锁车站by the police after a passenger fatality.其他站点和线路工作正常...All other stations and lines are operating a good service...他在哪里Where is he?你有什么要说的So, what have you got to say for yourself?-我来迟了 -来迟了- I was too late. - Too late.你在说什么你为什么又回到那所学校What are you talking about? Why did you go back to the school? -我想去见她 -所以你追她到这里- Well, I wanted to see her. - So you chased her here然后她在滑梯上扳倒摔断了脖子and she tripped on the bloody escalators and broke her neck.-不是这样的 -那到底是怎样- That's not what happened. - So, what did happen?这不可能是意外她是被人杀害的It can't have been an accident. She was killed, she was murdered. -是吗 -就像马克·汉森和史蒂夫·穆伦- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. Like Mark Henson and Steve Mullen.-史蒂夫·穆伦 -他在照片上- Steve Mullen? - He was in the photograph.他跟他们一起去印度He was with them in India.你以为能有什么事很大的阴谋吗What do you think this is, some kind of conspiracy?唯一的阴谋就是你没好好干♥你♥的活The only conspiracy is what you're doing in this bloody job! 回去吧Just go home!这是什么这上面怎么会有污渍And what is this?! This stain up there?!你怎么能把污渍弄到这上面的How is it possible to get a stain up there?!短期保证租♥房♥♥Assured shorthold tenancy!不要和我说合同条例我知道合同写了什么Don't you tell me about my contract! I know my contract!斯蒂芬你和他说Stefan, tell him!晚上好米南克斯先生Good evening, Mr Menakis.-有什么问题吗 -问题- What's the problem? - The problem?问题非常多There are lots of problems!你来之前应该提前24小时通知我们You're meant to give us 24 hours' notice before you show up. -他不请自入了 -看看这这是我的房♥子- He just walked in. - Look at this place. It is my house.-这是猪圈你们赶紧搬走 -你不能这么做- It's a pigsty. I want you out! - You can't do that.你不能先威胁涨租金You can't threaten to put up the rent one minute,然后就把我们赶出去then throw us out the next.-你们欠房♥租了 -没有- You're behind with the rent. - No, we're not.我们每个月都在月尾付房♥租一直如此We pay on the last day of the month, every month.前两个月就没付Not last month, not the month before.不可能贾恩That... That's not true. Jan?你私藏房♥租了You held back the rent?他没修厕所He didn't mend the toilet.什么你没付房♥租Wha...? You didn't pay the rent?-我没付房♥租 -你是- I didn't pay the rent! - Are you...?!我明天中午亲自转给你You'll have it by tomorrow lunchtime. I'll transfer it myself. 我为什么要相信你Why should I believe you?好吧明天中午All right. Lunchtime tomorrow.你还是得搬走给你们两周时间And I still don't want you here! You have two weeks!她是位老师She was a teacher.今早才见过她Only met her this morning.他们认为是我的错They think it was my fault.-怎么会是你的错 -这事很复杂- How can it be your fault? - It's complicated.因为很复杂他们就怪你吗It's complicated, so they blame you?我听你说过这话I've heard that before.你还好吗Are you OK?嗯Yeah.我没事I'm fine.会没事的It's going to be fine.听着也许现在不合适但Look, this might not be the right time, but, um...我有东西给你I've got something for you.我知道你一直想搬出去I know you've been thinking about moving out,这个或许能让你开心点so this might cheer you up.-公♥寓♥的一间房♥ -是吗- It's a room in a flat. - Yeah?是的这个女生在医院工作她叫乔Yep. There's a girl that works at the hospital. Her name's Jo. 她人很好她在旺兹沃思找到房♥子了She's really nice, she's got a place in Wandsworth.要搬得趁早很多人都盯着呢Better move quickly, though. Lots of people are interested. 谢谢Thanks.晚安Night.赛义德还适应吧Sayyad! How are you settling in?第一天只有一个目击者死了First day, just the one dead witness.看看到周末会怎样好吗Let's see, er...where we are by the end of the week, shall we? 先生我Guv, I...别你现在最好还是少说话No, it's probably best you don't say too much right now.德里克帮我捋一捋案情吧Derek, why don't you take me through it?劳拉·琼斯认识马克·汉森Laura Jones knows Mark Henson.他们一起度假All right? They go on holiday together."神奇男孩"想多了解一点这事Wonder Boy here wanted to know a bit more about that,所以他决定回学校so he decides to go back to the school.然后发生了什么And what happened?不知道We don't know.她紧张了从电动扶梯上摔下去了She got nervy, fell down the escalators.她不是摔下去的是被推下去的She didn't fall. She was pushed.你这么看吗That your opinion?病理调查科有答复吗Have we got anything from Pathology?结果还没出来They're still working on it.所以说这两个死者有关联吗What are we saying, then, the two deaths are linked? -我不确定 -肯定有- I'm not sure they are. - They have to be!看这是马克·汉森这是劳拉·琼斯Look. This is Mark Henson, this is Laura Jones.你什么时候拿到这照片的When did you get that?我在公♥寓♥看到的I saw it at the flat.弗拉克斯顿公♥寓♥ 我今早回去了一趟Flaxton Court. I went back this morning.然后你就拿来了吗你不能这么做What, and you just took it? You can't do that!你打上标签并录入证物列表了吗You had it labelled and entered in the evidence log? 是的先生Yes, Guv.继续Go on.这是马克·汉森劳拉·琼斯This is Mark Henson, Laura Jones这是史蒂夫·穆伦and this is Steve Mullen.我在卢顿的车祸报告中看到了他的照片I saw his picture in the collision report from Luton. 他们三个都在过去四周内被杀All three have been killed in the last four weeks.你做了功课You've been busy.照片是在印度拍的That picture was taken in India.背景应该是孟买♥♥的印度门I think that's the Gate of India in Mumbai.慢着你什么意思Wait a minute. What are you saying?有个连环杀人犯专门杀老师吗We've got some kind of serial killer hitting teachers?我什么都没说德里克我也不明白I'm not saying anything, Derek. It makes no sense to me, either. 那这个呢金丝雀码头站的监控录像What about this, TV footage from Canary Wharf?并没有多大帮助Well, it won't be much help.在售票处的电源被切断了It was switched off in the ticket office.-谁干的 -这两个人- Who by? - These two.他们进来之后似乎They came in and it seems径直走向了主接线盒they made straight for the main junction box.他们很熟练Contract workers.好吧他们是谁他们在做什么All right, who are they? What were they doing there?我们正在调查We're onto it.他们就是在这时切断了电源That's where they pulled out the power supply.我猜你没看到别的了I don't suppose you saw anything else?我到的时候已经来不及了Oh, it was over by the time I arrived.好吧照片里还有两个人All right. There are two other people in this photograph.也许他们还没有摔断脖子或者被撞死Assuming they haven't had their necks broken or been run over, 我们要知道他们是谁we should find out who they are.好吧聪明人Right, then, genius,从史蒂芬·穆伦开始调查start with Steve Mullen.把他的遗孀找来Get his widow in here.你从哪里得到的Where did you get this from?我看它在莱瑟的办公室里I saw it in Leese's office.制药行业的未来中心酒店英国莱米康赞助Axis Hotel. Sponsored by UK Remicon.你务必要出席You should definitely make an appearance.复印一张作为你的邀请Get a copy of this printed up and use it at the front door.你可以装作是大卫·莱瑟OK? You can go as David Leese.-这算是加班么 -不算这是聚会- Will it count as overtime? - No. It's a party.-那你去 -我不去我不喜欢聚会- Then you go. - I can't. I don't like parties.人人都爱聚会Everyone likes parties.所以这不能算是加班That's why it's not overtime.发件人:艾莉森收件人:斯蒂芬主题:研究 7份附件这些资料会有所帮助期待今晚的晚餐艾莉森英国莱米康获得数十亿英镑合约鲁恩实验室能否给出回击英国莱米康鲁恩实验室回击英国莱米康和鲁恩实验室在英国市场份额上决一雌雄制药公♥司♥鲁恩实验室投入英国分部数十亿制药公♥司♥市场份额数十亿首席执行长官科尔曼·布雷克将鲁恩实验室带上新的高度科尔曼很高兴接到你的电♥话♥ Coleman. How nice to hear from you.我有另外一项任务I have another assignment.是时候去帮助警♥察♥的调查了It's time to help the police with their enquiries. 感谢你和你的宝宝的到来Thank you for coming in today, Mrs Mullen.穆伦太太And with your baby.有新发现么Have you found something?你知道杀害史蒂芬的凶手了吗Do you know who killed Stephen?还不知道Not... Not yet, no.我们想问你一些问题We've just got a few questions for you.你们是什么时候搬到卢顿的So, when did you move to Luton?在我们新婚之后Just after we got married.五年前迪恩六个月的时候Five years ago. Dean's six months.他很可爱He's lovely.史蒂夫在利兹没有找到工作Steve couldn't find any work up in Leeds,所以我们来到了南边so we came south.他从事什么工作What job did he do?在苗圃[托儿所]工作Worked at a nursery.照顾孩子吗Babies?培育花朵Flowers.他是主管He was the manager.悲剧发生时他正在回家路上He were on his way home when it happened. 珍妮能讲讲有关印度的事吗Jenny, can you tell me anything about India? 印度India?-他去印度的时候 -然后呢- While he went there... - Yeah?他见了一些朋友对吧..He met some people out there, didn't he?我想有一群人..There were a group of them, I think.他从没和我谈论过这个He never talked about it.这个照片里的人你一个都不认识吗You don't know anyone in this photograph? 这是史蒂夫That's Steve我不认识其他人了I, um... I don't know the others, though.你知道他们怎么认识的吗Do you know how they met?不知道No.但是他得到了一些报酬But he got, um... he got paid for it.他赚了很多钱He earned quite a bit of money.有多少How much money?600英镑600 pounds.他用一部分钱买♥♥了这枚戒指He used some of it to buy this ring.他是怎么赚钱的What did he do to earn the money?我不知道I don't know.他没告诉我He didn't say.在印度做什么可以赚600英镑'So, what do you do in India to earn 600 quid?'我不知道 -你不知道I don't know. - You don't know?这是做无用功That makes a change让她来就是浪费时间It was a waste of time bringing her in here.照片里的人她一个都不认识She knew nobody in that bloody photograph.如果他们认识劳拉如果他们还是朋友If they knew Laura, if they were still friends,也许他们会参加她的葬礼then maybe they'll come to her funeral.有可能That's possible.再去找负责卢顿车祸的调查员聊一聊Have another word with Luton Collision Unit investigators, -看看有没有别的线索 -好的警官- see if they've got anything else. - Right, Sarge.你最好找出一套正装And you may have to dig out a black tie.晚上好艾莉森Good evening, Alison.你吓到我了You frightened me!-你来做什么 -我来看你啊- What are you doing here? - Well, I came to see you.你可以提前告诉我的You could have let me know.我买♥♥了一瓶普伊富美的好酒I brought a rather pleasant Pouilly-Fume.来一杯吗Would you like a glass?彼得叔叔你真的不能这样随便进来Uncle Peter, I really don't think you should just walk in here. 我知道这是你的公♥寓♥I know it's your flat...这是你的公♥寓♥ 亲爱的Oh, it's your flat, my dear.我很乐意给你住I'm glad to give you the use of it.我知道年轻人在伦敦不容易I know how hard it is for young professionals in London.房♥价高得离谱House prices are ridiculous.你想干什么What do you want?我就想问问你有没有莱米康的新消息要给我I just wondered if you had any more news for me about UK Remicon. 眼前局势不稳定The situation is rather fluid at the moment,所以我需要提前知道so, er...I like to be informed.我在打探了但我不喜欢你这样做彼得叔叔I'm trying, but I don't like this, Uncle Peter.如果他们知道我们私下有联络一定会开除我They'd fire me if they knew I was talking to you.我们站在同一战线We're all on the same side, really.成功的英国公♥司♥ 三万七千名员工Successful British company, 37,000 jobs.-我们可不想失去这些 -我不- We wouldn't want to lose all that. - I don't...而你也不想失去这间公♥寓♥Any more than you would want to lose this flat.干杯Cheers.你好请问是乔吗Hi! Um... is that Jo?我叫阿雷什我姐姐莱拉给了我你的号♥码My name's Arrash. My sister, Leila, gave me your number.她说你有房♥间在出租She said you had a room.是的那我能过去看♥房♥♥吗Er... yeah. Can I, um... Can I come and see it?明天晚上九点一刻Tomorrow, 9.15.我七点下班时间刚好I finish work at 7.00, so that's perfect.那就明晚见I'll see you tomorrow night. OK.谢谢Oh! Thanks.你弟弟人呢So, what happened to your brother?-什么 -你说他会带女朋友一起来- What? - You said he was coming with his girlfriend. 对他刚刚放我鸽子了Oh, yes. Er... he, um... he let me down at the last minute. -你不介意吧 -不会- You don't mind, do you? - Er, no.完全不会Not at all.你是怎么进欺诈调查局的So, how did you get into the SFO?我认识了马库斯他聘用了我Well, I met Marcus and he hired me.你和马库斯经常不在办公室You and Marcus, you're always out of the office.你的具体工作是什么What is it you do, exactly?和你一样Same as you.这么说你在调查英国莱米康公♥司♥ So, you're working on UK Remicon, then?-是的 -你们提到了一个派对- Well, yeah. - You were talking about a party.是的我明晚会去Yeah. I'm going tomorrow night.你为什么感兴趣Why are you so interested?我是对你感兴趣I'm interested in you.-你想再来一杯吗 -还是不了- Would you like another drink? - Not really.继续嘛我还有一瓶Oh, go on. I've got another bottle.-不了我还得早起 -对我也是- No, no, I've got an early start. - Oh, yeah, me, too.我们可以一起起床We could... get up together.我真的很荣幸I'm really flattered...但是我们在同个公♥司♥工作But, you know, we work together.无意冒犯No... No offence.不会No.谢谢你的晚餐Look, thanks for dinner.劳拉·琼斯孟买♥♥之门的图片搜索结果印度门孟买♥♥孟买♥♥之门的旅行搜索结果马克·汉森孟买♥♥之门的图片搜索结果孟买♥♥ 马克·内瑟索普孟买♥♥之门的旅行搜索结果史蒂芬·穆伦欢迎光临穆伦网店包邮史蒂芬·穆伦高级销♥售♥助理如何在印度赚取六百英镑印度旅社工作印度学生兼♥职♥印度单人徒步旅行一千八百六十万个搜索结果-明天举♥行♥葬礼吗 -是的布雷克先生- So, the funeral's tomorrow? - Yes, Mr Blake.你知道要怎么做吧And you know what to do.知道Yes.但我不太明白I don't really understand.实话跟你说布鲁斯Let me be honest with you, Bruce.有时候知道的越少越好Sometimes, the less you know, the better it is for you. 我不想伤害到别人I don't want anyone to get hurt.当我刚加入鲁恩实验室的时候When I first joined Ruhn Laboratories,我们正在研究一种新的癌症药物we were working on a new cancer drug.是治疗慢性髓性白血病的It...tackled chronic myeloid leukaemia,这药成功了and it worked.我们两年就赚回了所有研究成本We covered all our research costs in just two years.但我们依然继续向服用这种药物的病人But that didn't stop us charging patients 90,000 a year 每年收90000英镑just to take the drug.当我成为英国公♥司♥的总裁时And by the time I became CEO here in the UK,我们每年赚9个亿we were earning 900 million a year.纯利润Pure profit.现在你来告诉我布鲁斯Now... Well, you tell me, Bruce,我们是在伤害这些病人were we hurting those patients?还是在拯救他们Or were we saving them?你相信上帝吗Do you believe in God, then?不相信Not really.你是穆♥斯♥林♥吗Are you a Muslim?我没有任何信仰I'm not anything.尘归尘土归土Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.所有这些都是废话It's all crap, the whole lot of it.节哀顺变My condolences.-在那里 -什么- Over there. - What?照片上的那个人From the photograph.我能和你说件事吗赛义德Shall I tell you something, Sayyad?没有人喜欢永远正确的人No-one likes anybody who's right ALL the time.-反正你也不喜欢我 -没错- You don't like me anyway. - Oh, that's true.我们将劳拉的身体埋葬于此We therefore commit Laura's body to the ground,归还给大地earth to earth,尘归尘ashes to ashes,土归土dust to dust,愿她的灵魂能够得到永生in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life. 打扰了我们能和您说句话吗Excuse me. I wonder if we could have a word with you.我是桑兹警长这位是赛义德警员I'm Detective Sergeant Sands, this is DC Sayyad.-是和劳拉有关吗 -是的- Is this about Laura? - Well, yes.除非你认识其他Unless you know anybody从电梯上摔下来的人else here who's fallen down the escalators,不然这问题也太多余了I'd say that was a fair assumption.我们能进去吗Shall we go inside?-为什么 -就几分钟我们可以谈谈- Why? - Just for a few minutes, so we can talk.似乎成功了Well, that seems to have worked.你叫什么名字So, what's your name?布鲁斯·洛克伍德Bruce Lockwood.你们不知道吗Didn't you know that?如果不知道我是谁为什么要和我谈If you don't know who I am, why do you want to talk to me? 你认识这照片上的任何人吗Can you identify any of the people in this photograph?这是劳拉That's Laura.劳拉·琼斯Laura Jones.马克·汉森Mark Henson.史蒂夫·穆伦Steve Mullen.他们都死了They're all dead.什么时候的事Since when?过去四周In the last four weeks.对你来说有什么意义吗Does that mean anything to you?没有No!- 我没见过他们 - 另一个人是谁- I hadn't seen them. - Who's the other one?我不大了解她I don't know much about her.她回老家了在印度的什么地方She went home. Somewhere in India,我觉得是的我再也没见过她I think. I never saw her again.劳拉呢What about Laura?你了解她吗How well did you know her?我们都是在孟买♥♥认识的We all met in Mumbai.-在印度 -我们知道孟买♥♥在哪- In India. - We know where Mumbai is!我们有六个人那时一起旅行There were six of us. We were travelling at the time.我只看到五个人I only count five.第六个人叫亨利·威廉姆斯The sixth was a man called Henry Williams.他住在伦敦He's living in London.拍这张照片的时候他还没加入我们He wasn't part of the group when this was taken.-为什么 -我们没有人和他合得来- Why not? - None of us really got on with him.然后他又生病了And then he got ill.和我说说孟买♥♥吧Tell me about Mumbai.我们都是旅行者学生背包客We were travellers. Students, backpackers.我们没有钱所以回应了这条广♥告♥We didn't have any money and so we answered this advertisement. 街上总是有小贩发传♥单♥There were always leaflets,提供这类东西hawkers in the street, offering this sort of thing.-什么东西 -测试- What sort of thing? - Testing.一种抗抑郁药需要志愿者It was an antidepressant, and they needed volunteers.我们都去了那家医院So we all went to this hospital.所以你们都注射了这种未经测试的药吗So, you had this untested drug injected into you?他们说很安全They said it was safe.而且那是家有声誉的公♥司♥And it was a respectable company.他们叫什么What were they called?绿蕨Greenfern.是一个叫大卫·莱瑟的人经营的It was run by a guy called David Leese.支票上写的是他的名字It was his name on the cheques.你知道他在哪里吗Any idea where we can find him?他好像在英国国民医疗服务工作I think he works for the NHS.然后发生了什么So, what happened?没发生什么Nothing happened.我们在那里待了24小时他们给钱我们We were there for 24 hours, they paid us,让我们签了保密协议然后我们就走了they made us sign confidentiality clauses and we left.-给了你们多少钱 -600英镑- Paid you how much? - £600.我问的是他不是你I'm asking him, not you!他说得没错就是这么多He's right, that's how much it was.你们都回孟买♥♥了吗Did you all go back to Mumbai?没有有人没回去No, not all of us.我们再没见过亨利了We never saw Henry again.不过我也没在意他是个奇怪的人But I didn't mind. He was a weird guy, anyway.-怎么奇怪 -我觉得他已经流浪很久了- Weird in what way? - I think he'd been out there too long. 像印度这种地方你待一段时间就会变样A place like India, it does your head in after a while.我可能需要你的联♥系♥方式I'm going to need to take your contact details.非常感谢洛克伍德先生我们再联♥系♥ Thank you very much, Mr. Lockwood. We'll be in touch.亨利·威廉姆斯他很奇怪还生病了Henry Williams. He was weird, he was ill.我们要找到他We need to find him.伦敦肯定有一千个亨利·威廉姆斯There must be a thousand Henry Williams in London.好吧我们就先找负责的那个大卫·莱瑟OK, we'll start with the man in charge, David Leese.我们知道他在英国国民医疗服务工作We know he works for the NHS.应该不难找He shouldn't be too hard to find.-玩的开心 -谢谢- Enjoy the party. - Thank you.叫什么Name?大卫·莱瑟David Leese.祝你玩的开心先生Have a good evening, sir.他到了He's here.你好我是阿雷什·赛义德警员Yes. My name's Detective Constable Arrash Sayyad.你能帮我个忙吗I wonder if you can help me.我在找一个叫大卫·莱瑟的人I'm looking for a man called David Leese.你好Hello.我是盖尔·梅多斯I'm Gail Meadows.我明白保持身材的重要性And I know the importance of keeping myself in shape. 但你们相信吗一年前我是这样的But can you believe, a year ago, I looked like this?没错那就是我Yes, that's me.我试了一切办法所有减肥食品都没用I tried everything, every fad diet, but nothing worked. 然后我的医生给我推荐了脂轻松And then my doctor recommended Lipocite.希望你们今晚能玩的开心And I hope you have a very enjoyable evening.女士们先生们晚上好Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.我叫詹姆斯·迪肯My name is James Deakin.别担心我简短地说两句Don't worry, I'll keep this short.我知道你们很多人都在问I know many of you have been asking about我们备受追捧的健身课程our highly sought-after training courses.事实上我们很快就会在法国南部As a matter of fact, we have one coming up very soon 推出一♥期♥in the south of France,欢迎大家向我或者我的员工咨♥询♥so please do ask me or a member of my staff about that. 首先我们要好好了解你们Above all, we want to get to know you better.最后我想说在你们的帮助下And finally, I'd like to announce that, thanks to you,脂轻松已经成为了我们最成功的产品Lipocite has become our most successful product ever. 大家玩得开心Have a great evening.脂轻松快接...Come on...快接Come on.你在哪里你在哪里Where are you? Where are you?你能跟妈妈说我不回家吃饭吗Hey, can you tell Mum I won't be in for dinner?我要加班...I'm working late...-然后去见乔 -乔是谁- and then I'm seeing Jo. - Who's Jo?-你的朋友公♥寓♥的事 -好吧随便你- Your friend, about the flat? - Yeah, fine. Whatever.-好谢谢 -再见- Yeah. Thanks. - Bye.恐怕他不在这里I'm afraid he's not here.你知道他在哪里吗Do you know where I might find him?你说你是谁来着。



《肖申克的救赎》杜福雷先生Mr.Dufresne,describe...……你太太被杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么?...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.一些很伤感的话It was very bitter.她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了She said she was glad I knew,that she hated all the sneaking around.她说她想离婚And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno.-你当时有什么反应?-我对她说我不会在乎的-What was your response?-I told her I would not grant one.“在我看见你在雷诺市前,在地狱见吧!”"I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno."你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧?Those were your words,according to your neighbors.随他们怎么说If they say so.我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了I really don't remember.I was upset.你和太太争吵后发生了什么事?What happened after you argued with your wife?她收拾好行李She packed a bag.到昆汀先生家里去了She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr.Quentin.格伦·昆汀,职业高尔夫球员Glenn Quentin,golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club...你知道他是你妻子的情人...whom you had discovered was your wife's lover.你跟踪她了吗?Did you follow her?我先去了几间酒吧找I went to a few bars first.接着,我开车去了昆汀家,但他们不在家里Later,I drove to his house to confront them.They weren't home.我把车停在街角I parked in the turnout...等在那里...and waited.有何企图吗?With what intention?我不太确定I'm not sure.我非常困惑I was confused...还有点醉...drunk.我觉得I think...我只是想吓一吓他们...mostly I wanted to scare them.他们到家后,你就进屋杀了他们When they arrived,you went up to the house and murdered them.没有,我控制了自己I was sobering up.我开车回家睡觉来忘记一切I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off.在回家的路上,我把枪扔进了河里Along the way,I threw my gun into the Royal River.我很肯定这一点I've been very clear on this point.但我感到奇怪的是,第二天早上清洁女工发现……I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning...你太太和她的情人死在床上...and finds your wife in bed with her lover...致死的子弹是出自点38口径的手枪...riddled with.38-caliber bullets.杜福雷先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence,or is it just me?是巧合来的Yes,it does.你仍坚持说你在凶案发生前Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river...已经把枪扔进河里了吗?...before the murders took place.这对你很有利That's very convenient.这是事实It's the truth.警察在河里找了三天,但他们没有找到你的枪……The police dragged that river for three days,and nary a gun was found...所以无法鉴定 no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets...死者身上的子弹是否出自你的枪...taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.这对你来说And that also...也非常有利,不是吗,杜福雷先生? very convenient.Isn't it,Mr.Dufresne?因为我是无辜的……Since I am innocent of this crime...所以我发现找不到枪对我非常不利...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.各位先生女士,你们听到了所有的证据Ladies and gentlemen,you've heard all the evidence.我们有他犯罪的动机,我们找到他的脚印We have the accused at the scene of the crime.We have footprints.留有他的指纹的子弹头Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints.打碎的酒瓶上也留有他的指纹A broken bourbon bottle,likewise with fingerprints.最重要的是And most of all...我们知道他的妻子和她的情人...we have a beautiful young woman and her lover...双双倒卧在血泊中...lying dead in each other's arms.他们是犯了错They had sinned.但他们所犯的错严重到……But was their crime so great...……需要用死来赎罪吗? to merit a death sentence?当你们考虑时While you think about that...请想想这个……...think about this:一个弹匣只能装六颗子弹,而不是八颗A revolver holds six bullets,not eight.我肯定这不只是一时冲动而犯下的罪行I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion.那至少是可以理解的,即使不能宽恕That at least could be understood,if not condoned.不!No.这是复仇This was revenge...一个冷血者的复仇,看看这些:...of a much more brutal,cold-blooded nature.Consider this:每个死者都身中四枪Four bullets per victim.总共是八枪而不是六枪Not six shots fired,but eight.那表明子弹打完后That means that he fired the gun empty...他还停下来装子弹...and then stopped to reload...以便再次向他们开枪 that he could shoot each of them again.每人多加一枪An extra bullet per lover...就在头部...right in the head.杜福雷先生,我觉得你非常冷血You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man,Mr. Dufresne.看着你都令我毛骨耸然It chills my blood just to look at you.我以本州赋予我的权利By the power vested in me by the state of Maine...判处你两项终身监禁...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back...分别为两位死者,退庭! for each of your victims.So be it!坐下来Sit.你因被判终身监禁己在此二十年?We see you've served20years of a life sentence?-是的,先生-你感到后悔吗?-Yes,sir.-You feel you've been rehabilitated?是的,绝对有,先生Yes,sir.Absolutely,sir.我是说,我得到了教训I mean,I learned my lesson.我敢说我已经完全改变了I can honestly say that I'm a changed man.我不会再为害社会I'm no longer a danger to society.这是神的真理That's God's honest truth.“不合格”嗨,瑞德Hey,Red.怎么样了?How'd it go?不同的日子,同样的结果Same old shit,different day.我知道你的感受的Yeah,I know how you feel.我下星期又要被否决了I'm up for rejection next week.对,我上星期也被否决了Yeah,I got rejected last week.一向如此It happens.嗨,瑞德,给我一包烟Hey,Red,bump me a deck.滚开!你已欠我五包烟了Get out of my face,man!You're into me for five packs already.-是四包!-五包!-Four!-Five!我想在美国的每个联邦或州监狱里都有像我一样的人物There must be a con like me in every prison in America.就是能够给你搞到东西的家伙I'm the guy who can get it for you.定制的香烟,一包大麻……Cigarettes,a bag of reefer,if that's your thing...为庆祝你儿子或女儿高中毕业的一瓶白兰地,只要你喜欢...bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation.或者几乎所有东西……Damn near anything within reason.是的,先生,我是个冷酷的人Yes,sir!I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck.所以1949年当安迪·杜福雷来找我So when Andy Dufresne came to me in1949...问能否弄张丽塔·海华丝的图片进来时(丽塔·海华丝:Rita,Hayworth,美国艳星)...and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him...我告诉他没问题...I told him,"No problem."安迪·杜福雷在1947年来到肖申克监狱Andy came to Shawshank Prison...罪名是谋杀他的妻子和她的情人 early1947for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging.入狱以前,他是波特兰银行的副总裁On the outside,he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank.对他来说是年青有为Good work for a man so young.好啊,瑞德Hi,Red你会说英语吗?You speak English,butt-steak?跟着这个长官走You follow this officer.我一生中从没见过这么差劲的人I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life.过来啊!到这里来Hey,fish!Come over here!今天要赌吗,瑞德?Taking bets today,Red?赌烟还是赌钱?Smokes or coin?Bettor's choice.香烟,我赌两根Smokes.Put me down for two.好吧,你买哪一个?All right,who's your horse?那个又矮又瘦的That little sack of shit.-排在第八的,他会是第一个的-妈的!我也想买他-Eighth.He'll be first.-Bullshit!I'll take that action.你输定了,孩子You're out some smokes,son.该你下注了If you're so smart,you call it.我买那边的那个胖子I'll take that chubby fat-ass there.排在第五的那个,我赌四根香烟The fifth one.Put me down for a quarter deck.今天又有新人Fresh fish today!我们又有的玩了We're reeling them in!我承认我初次见到安迪的时候,没什么特别的感觉I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.他看起来似乎风一吹就会倒Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.这就是我对他的第一印象That was my first impression of the man.你买谁?What do you say?那个高个子That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.那个人?不可能的That guy?Never happen.-我赌十根香烟-那可是大赌注-10cigarettes.-That's a rich bet.谁来证明我看错了?Who's going to prove me wrong?黑伍德?济格?Heywood?Jigger?史基?Skeets?弗洛德?Floyd!四个胆小鬼Four brave souls.回囚房去,要查房了Return to your cellblocks for evening count.所有犯人都回囚房去All prisoners,return to your cellblocks.向右转Turn to the right!往前看Eyes front.这是哈德利先生,他是这里的看守长This is Mr.Hadley.He's captain of the guards.我是诺顿,这里的典狱长I'm Mr.Norton,the warden.你们都被判有罪了You are convicted felons.因此被送到这里来That's why they've sent you to me.规则一Rule number one:不得污言秽语No blasphemy.我不想在我管的监狱里听到这些I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison.其他的条例……The other rules...其他的条例,你们慢慢就会知道了,还有问题吗?'ll figure out as you go along.Any questions?何时吃饭?When do we eat?我们叫你吃的时候你就吃You eat when we say you eat.叫你去厕所你就去厕所You shit when we say you shit,and piss when we say you piss.明白吗?笨蛋?You got that,you maggot-dick motherfucker?站好On your feet.我只相信两样东西I believe in two things:纪律和圣经Discipline and the Bible.在这里,你们两样都有Here,you'll receive both.信任上帝Put your trust in the Lord.但你们属于我Your ass belongs to me.欢迎来到肖申克监狱Welcome to Shawshank.解开他们Unhook them.转过身Turn around.够了That's enough.到笼子边上去Move to the end of the cage.转身,给他消毒Turn around.Delouse him.转身Turn around.出来,去领你们的衣服和圣经Move out of the cage.Pick up your clothes and Bible.下一个!Next man up!往右走To the right.右边,右边Right.Right.左边Left.毫无疑问,第一晚是最难熬的The first night's the toughest.No doubt about it.赤裸裸的进囚笼,就像刚出生时那样They march you in naked as the day you were born...消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样 burning and half-blind from that delousing shit.他们把你丢进囚笼And when they put you in that cell...关上铁门...and those bars slam home...那时你才感到这是真实的...that's when you know it's for real.瞬间过去的一切都离你而去Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.剩下的只有对过去的回忆Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.很多新来的人在第一晚都几乎发疯了Most new fish come close to madness the first night.有些人甚至还痛哭流涕Somebody always breaks down crying.一向都如此的Happens every time.唯一的问题是The only question is...谁会是第一个呢?...who's it going to be?我想那是用来赌博的最佳玩意It's as good a thing to bet on as any,I guess.我把赌注押在杜福雷身上I had my money on Andy Dufresne.熄灯Lights out!我还记得我在这里的第一晚I remember my first night.似乎是很久以前的事了Seems like a long time ago.嗨,新来的Hey,fish.新来的Fish,fish.你怕黑吗?What are you,scared of the dark?我打赌,你希望你爸和你妈从没把你生下来Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama!蠢猪!Piggy!Pork!I want me a pork chop.他们总是喜欢逗新人The boys always go fishing with first-timers.不达目的,誓不罢休And they don't quit till they reel someone in.嗨,胖子Hey,Fat Ass.胖子!Fat Ass!聊天吧Talk to me,boy.我知道你在那里,我能听见你的呼吸声I know you're there.I can hear you breathing.别理别人怎么说,你听到吗?Don't you listen to these nitwits,you hear me?这地方没那么差劲This place ain't so bad.这样吧Tell you what...我介绍你认识他们,就像一家人...I'll introduce you around,make you feel right at home.我知道有几个人I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just...会很乐意认识你的...Iove to make your acquaintance.尤其是你那又白又嫩的屁股Especially that big,white,mushy butt of yours.天啊!God!我不属于这里I don't belong here!-嗨,有人赢了-我要回家-We have a winner!-I want to go home!是胖子And it's Fat Ass by a nose!新人!Fresh fish!我要回家I want to go home!我要见我妈妈I want my mother!我操过你妈妈!她不怎么样I had your mother!She wasn't that great!发生了什么事?What the Christ is this horseshit?他讲粗话,我要告诉典狱官He blasphemed.I'll tell the warden.告诉他我操你屁股吧You'll tell him with my baton up your ass!让我出去Let me out!胖子,你想怎么样?What is your malfunction,you fat barrel of monkey spunk?求求你!我不该在这里的Please!I ain't supposed to be here.不该是我Not me!我不会警告你的I won't count to three.Not even to one.马上你闭上你的臭嘴,否则有你受的!You shut up,or I'll sing you a lullaby!-闭嘴,闭嘴-求求你……-Shut up,man.Shut up!-Please...你不明白的,我不该在这里的You don't understand.I'm not supposed to be here.把囚笼打开Open that cell.我也是!这里被他们弄得就像监狱Me neither!They run this place like a fucking prison!狗娘养的Son of a bitch!长官,算了Captain,take it easy!如果我今晚听到有半点声音If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight...我对天发誓,你们会吃不了兜着走...I swear by God and Jesus,you will all visit the infirmary.所有的人都不会放过的Every last motherfucker in here.把他抬到医疗室去Call the trustees.Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.杜福雷第一晚就让我输了两包烟His first night in the joint,Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes.他整晚一言不发He never made a sound.北仓三楼,出来Tier3north,clear count!北仓二楼,出来Tier2north,clear count.南仓三楼,出来Tier3south,clear.准备出来放风Prepare to roll out.出去!Roll out!你准备吃那个吗?Are you going to eat that?不,我没这打算I hadn't planned on it.你介意吗?Do you mind?你真不错That's nice and ripe.杰克说谢谢你Jake says thank you.它从巢里掉下来了Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.我要照顾它直到它会飞为止I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly.不!他过来了Oh,no!Here he comes.早上好,各位Morning,fellas.不错的早晨,不是吗?Fine morning,isn't it?你们知道我的意思的,对吗?You know why it's a fine morning,don't you?把它们拿出来,我想把它们排成……Send them down.I want them lined up...非常诱人的一行...just like a pretty little chorus line.看看这个Look at that.-我真受不了了-天哪-I can't stand this guy.-Oh,Lord!瑞查德、维吉尼亚……Yes!Richmond,Virginia.嗅嗅我的屁股Smell my ass!再嗅嗅我的After he smells mine.很遗憾,你下注的那个输了That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all.但我很喜欢我下注的那个人But I sure do love that winning horse of mine,though.我见到他就要亲他一下I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him.你为何不把香烟分给他点?Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead?Lucky fuck!嗨,利奥Hey,Tyrell.这周你在医疗室当值是吗?You pull infirmary duty this week?我下注的那个怎么样了?How's my horse doing anyway?死了Dead.哈德利打爆了他的头Hadley busted his head up pretty good.晚上医生都回家了Doc had gone home for the night.可怜的家伙就在那里躺到早上Poor bastard lay there till this morning.可是那时我们已经无能为力了By then,there wasn't nothing we could do.他叫什么?What was his name?你说什么?What'd you say?我只是想问有人知道他的名字吗?I was just wondering if anyone knew his name.关你屁事,新来的?What the fuck do you care,new fish?他叫什么都无所谓了,他已经死了Doesn't fucking matter what his name was.He's dead.嗨,有人和你一起吗?Anybody come at you yet?有人罩着你吗?Anybody get to you yet?嗨,在这里我们都需要朋友Hey,we all need friends in here.我可以做你的朋友I could be a friend to you.很难得手Hard to get.我喜欢I like that.安迪一开始很自闭Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.我猜他在想办法I guess he had a lot on his mind...接受牢里的生活...trying to adapt to life on the inside.一个月以后他才开口Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth...和某人谈话 say more than two words to somebody.就像你们所看见的As it turned out...那个人就是我...that somebody was me.我是安迪·杜福雷I'm Andy Dufresne.杀妻的银行家Wife-killing banker.你为何要杀你的妻子?Why'd you do it?我没有杀她I didn't,since you ask.你会很适应这里You're going to fit right in.这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道吗?Everybody in here's innocent.Didn't you know that?-你为何入狱的?-我什么都没做,律师骗了我-What you in here for?-Didn't do wyer fucked me.听说你很冷酷Rumor has it you're a real cold fish.你以为自己很了不起,对吗?You think your shit smells sweeter than most.Is that right?你怎么认为呢?What do you think?说实话,我还不知道To tell you the truth,I haven't made up my mind.我知道你能拿到违禁品I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.我能搞的I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.你能给我个手槌吗?I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer.手槌A rock hammer.-要干什么?-你关心这个干吗?-What is it and why?-What do you care?如果是牙刷我就不会问你,我会开个价钱For a toothbrush,I wouldn't ask.I'd quote a price.但是牙刷没有杀伤力,对吗?But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object,isn't it?足够了Fair enough.一个手槌有六至七英寸长A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long.-看起来像个小锄子-锄子?-Looks like a miniature pickax.-Pickax?打石用的For rocks.-石英-石英?-Quartz-Quartz?还有云母、页岩……And some mica,shale...石灰岩……...limestone.这么说吧So?我收集石头So I'm a rock hound.起码我回到了从前的生活,我喜欢那样At least I was in my old life.I'd like to be again.或许你想用它们攻击某人Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.不,我在这里没有敌人No,I have no enemies here.不会?等着瞧吧No?Wait a while.话说回来Word gets around.那对姐妹花很喜欢你The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.特别是伯格斯Especially Bogs.就算跟他们说我不好此道也没用Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.他们也不是Neither are they.首先得是人才行,他们没资格You have to be human first.They don't qualify.水牛喜欢用暴力,不管他人喜不喜欢Bull queers take by force.That's all they want or understand.如果我是你,我会加倍小心If I were you,I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.-谢谢你的忠告-这是免费的-Thanks for the advice.-Well,that's free.你知道我担心什么You understand my concern.就算我有麻烦也不会用手槌的If there's trouble,I won't use the rock hammer.那我猜你想挖个洞逃出去Then I'd guess you want to escape.Tunnel under the wall,maybe.我说漏了什么?什么东西这么好笑What did I miss?What's so funny?等你看见手槌你就明白了You'll understand when you see the rock hammer.买这个东西一般要多少钱?What's an item like this usually go for?七美元,五金铺的零售价Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop.我一般要加20%My normal markup's20percent.但这东西很特殊But this is a specialty item.风险越大,价钱越高,一口价,10元吧Risk goes up,price goes up.Let's make it an even10bucks.就10元吧Ten it is.那是浪费金钱Waste of money,if you ask me.为什么?Why's that?这里的人喜欢突击检查Folks around this joint love surprise inspections.他们找到手槌就会被充公They find it,you're going to lose it.被他们发现的话,你别把我供出来If they catch you,you don't know me.否则的话就别想再和我做生意了,你明白了吗?Mention my name,we never do business again. Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum.Now you got that?我知道了I understand.谢谢你,你叫……Thank you,Mr...瑞德Red.我叫瑞德Name's Red.这名字怎么来的?Why do they call you that?可能因为我是爱尔兰人吧Maybe it's because I'm Irish.我现在明白他们为何看中他了I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.他不太说话He had a quiet way about him...一举一动都不像普通的人...a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here.他漫步着He strolled...就像公园里与世无争的人 a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.他像穿了隐形的外套Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.可以说I think it'd be fair to say...开始我对安迪就有好感...I liked Andy from the start.快点!我赶时间的Let's go!Some of us got a schedule to keep.快点Move it!Come on,move it!怎么样?你太太对你好吗?How you doing?How's the wife treating you?安迪说得很对Andy was right.我最终拿到那玩意I finally got the joke.用这东西来挖隧道It would take a man about600years...起码要花六百年 tunnel under the wall with one of these.-要书吗?-今天不用了-Book?-Not today.要书吗?Book?送到杜福雷那里去Delivery for Dufresne.这是你要的书Here's your book.谢谢Thanks.又不够用了,你再去拿点来We're running low on hexite.Get on back and fetch us up some.这可以弄瞎你的眼睛This will blind you.亲爱的Honey,hush.就是这样That's it.You fight!这样打好吗?Better that way.我很想说安迪打赢了I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight...令姐妹花放过他...and the Sisters let him be.我希望能这么说I wish I could tell you that...但是监狱里没有神话...but prison is no fairy-tale world.他从没提起是谁干的He never said who did it.但我们都很清楚But we all knew.事情就这样持续了一段时间Things went on like that for a while.监狱里的生活都是些例行公事Prison life consists of routine...越来越多的例行公事...and then more routine.安迪的脸上经常出现新的伤痕Every so often,Andy would show up with fresh bruises.姐妹花不断地骚扰他The Sisters kept at him.有时候他能逃脱Sometimes he was able to fight them off.但有时不能Sometimes not.对安迪来说And that's how it went for Andy.这已经成了他的例行公事That was his routine.我相信最初的两年是最糟糕的I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.我也相信事情再继续这样下去And I also believe that if things had gone on that way...这儿会令他脱胎换骨...this place would have got the best of him.但是,在1949年的春天But then,in the spring of1949...头头们决定……...the powers that be decided:工厂的屋顶需要重修The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.我需要12名自愿者工作一星期I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.你知道的As you know...有义务就也有福利...special detail carries with it special privileges.这是户外劳动It was outdoor detail...五月是户外劳动的好时机...and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors.排好队Stay in line there.超过100人报名参加劳动More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.威勒斯·E·安戈……Wallace E.Unger.艾力斯·瑞丁……Ellis Redding.你知道吗?Wouldn't you know it?我和几个我认识的都被选中了Me and some fellows I know were among the names called.安德鲁·杜福雷……Andrew Dufresne.这只花了我们每人一包烟的代价It only cost us a pack of smokes per man.我当然也像往常一样赚了20%I made my usual20percent,of course.德州的律师打长途给我So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas.我说,“喂?”I say,"Yeah?"他说,“很遗憾,你弟弟死了”He says,"Sorry to inform you,but your brother just died."-我很难过-我并不难过,他是个混蛋-I'm sorry to hear that.-I'm not.He was an asshole.离家多年,早就当他死了Ran off years ago.Figured him for dead.这个律师对我说So this lawyer fellow says to me:“他死的时候很富有”,有价值超过百万的油井"He died a rich man."Oil wells and shit.Close to a million bucks.超过百万的?A million bucks?-人的运气是很难想像的-有你的份吗?-Incredible how lucky some assholes get.-You going to see any of that?我的那份是三万五千元Thirty-five thousand.That's what he left me.-美元?-对-Dollars?-yeah你的运气真不错That's great!That's like winning the sweepstakes.不是吗?Isn't it?笨蛋,你想政府会如何对我?Dumb shit,what do you think the government will do to me?他们会取走很大一部分Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what.可怜的巴朗Poor Byron.真是非常走运Terrible fucking luck,huh?Crying shame.有些人觉得很糟糕Some people really got it awful.安迪,你傻了吗?Andy,are you nuts?继续干活吧Keep your eyes on your mop,man!虽然要交点税,但你还可以……You'll pay some tax,but you'll still end up...也许够买辆新车,但接着呢?Yeah,maybe enough to buy a new car,and then what?你必须为新车上该死的税,维修和保养I got to pay tax on the car.Repair...该死的小孩子会纠缠着你带着他们兜风...maintenance,kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time.如果年底算错了税金,还要掏自己的腰包Then if you figure your tax wrong,you pay out of your own pocket.告诉你!山姆叔叔I tell you!Uncle Sam!他只是假仁假义He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.他在找死,继续干活吧-Getting himself killed.-Keep tarring.什么兄弟,去死吧Some brother.Shit!哈德利先生Mr.Hadley...你信任你太太吗? you trust your wife?这很有趣Oh,that's funny.你给我吹萧的话也许更有趣You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth.我是说,可曾想过她会对你不忠?What I mean is,do you think she'd go behind your back?让开点,米特,他马上会出点小意外Step aside,Mert.This fucker's having himself an accident.他会把他推下去的He'll push him off!如果你信任她,你就能……If you trust her,you can keep...……拿到三万五千元...that35,000.-你说什么?-三万五千元-What did you say?-Thirty-five thousand.-一分不少。



杀手2物品简介英文作文英文:In the game "Hitman 2," there are various items that the player can utilize to complete missions in creative and strategic ways. Let me introduce some of these items and how they can be used effectively.1. Fiber Wire: This is a classic assassination tool for the silent and stealthy approach. It's essentially a garrote wire used to silently strangle targets without alerting nearby NPCs. I remember one time when I was in a crowded marketplace level, and my target was mingling with the crowd. I approached from behind, seamlessly looped the wire around his neck, and silently took him out without anyone noticing. It's perfect for situations where you need to eliminate a target discreetly.2. Lockpick: A must-have tool for any stealthy operative. The lockpick allows the player to bypass lockeddoors and safes without needing a key. I recall a mission where my target was holed up in a heavily guarded mansion. Instead of confronting the guards head-on, I snuck aroundto the back entrance, used my lockpick to quietly open the door, and slipped inside undetected. It's incredibly useful for infiltrating secured areas without raising suspicion.3. Coin: Sometimes, the simplest tools can be the most effective. The humble coin is a versatile item that can be used to distract NPCs and lure them away from their posts.I once needed to gain access to a restricted area patrolled by guards. Instead of risking a direct confrontation, I tossed a coin into a nearby alleyway. The guard, curious about the noise, wandered off to investigate, giving me the perfect opportunity to slip past unnoticed. It's a handytrick for creating diversions and manipulating NPC behavior.4. Silenced Pistol: When stealth is of the essence buta more direct approach is necessary, the silenced pistol is your best friend. It allows for discreet elimination of targets from a distance without alerting nearby enemies. In one particularly tense mission, I found myself cornered byhostile guards with no way to escape. With quick reflexes, I drew my silenced pistol and took them out one by one without raising the alarm. It's a reliable fallback option when stealthy tactics fail.Now, let's switch to Chinese to summarize the items and their uses.中文:在游戏《杀手2》中,有各种各样的物品可以让玩家以创意和策略性的方式完成任务。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Whitney Houston’s sudden death suggests that dr ug abuse is such a serious problem ________ we should deal with it B.that C.which D.where2.If they throw stones at you,don’t throw e them to build your own foundation ________.A.somehow B.anywayC.instead D.nevertheless3.--- Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?--- ______ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A.None of your business.B.It depends.C.Why not? D.I don’t think so.4.— What great changes have taken place in our city in the last few years!— Indeed, many high buildings have _______all over the city.A.wound up B.sprung up C.held up D.made up5.In my driving lesson, a traffic rule that impressed me most is that in no time ________ when the traffic lights turn red. A.all vehicles should stop B.should all vehicles stopC.should stop all vehicles D.should stop all vehicles6.So far, only one man has ________ a theory that seems to fit all the facts.A.come up with B.put up withC.lined up with D.caught up with7.The new product is beyond all praise and has quickly taken over the market ________ its superior terms of B.on account ofC.on behalf of D.on top of8.Countries which continue importing huge quantities of waste will have to____ the issue of pollution.A.maintain B.simplify C.overlook D.address9.Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, ______ anyone can start now and make a new ending.A.for B.andC.but D.so10.If you sleep less than seven hours, you are three times more to catch a cold.A.possible B.certainly C.probable D.likely11.We believe ________ you have been devoted to ________ naturally of great necessity.A.that; being B.all that; beC.that all; are D.what; is12.—I’m afraid I couldn’t go to your birthday party.I have a test next Monday.—Oh,!You’re my best friend and you must be there!A.go ahead B.come on needn’t doesn’t matter13.She is quite____to office work.You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.A.familiar B.freshC.similar D.sensitive14.Time is pressing.You cannot start your task _____ soon.A.too B.very D.as15.-Do you really mean it when you say he will a good president?A.judge B.duit C.turn D.Serve16.---We want someone to design the new art museum for me.---_____ the young fellow have a try?A.Shall B.May C.Will D.Need17.Last December China _____ 100 Chinese and 10 foreigners for their outstanding contributions to the country’s reform and opening-up.A.distinguished B.sponsoredC.acknowledged D.evaluated18.— Did you go to last night’s concert?— Y es. And the girl playing the violin at the concert _______ all the people present with her excellent ability.A. impressed B.compared C.conveyed D.observed19.If I can help , I don’t like working late into the B.that C.them D.it20.—Sorry, I didn’t hear the door bell ring.—Your bell . Perhaps it needs repairing.A.never worked never workingC.never works D.had never worked第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

raffel_nibel 尼伯龙根之歌

raffel_nibel 尼伯龙根之歌

FOREWORDMichael DirdaT he great literary works of the Middle Ages—and Das Nibelungenlied is one of the very greatest—are as exciting as they are often desolate and heartbreaking. In stark beauty and sudden violence, the brooding Njal Saga can be readily likened to a Sergio Leone spaghetti western, on ice. The Song of Roland, especially the last stand of its isolated and betrayed heroes at Roncevaux, perfectly represents W. P. Ker’s classic definition of the heroic epic as ‘‘the defense of a narrow place, against odds.’’ The Nibelungenlied itself could be easily updated to describe the downfall of a Mafia crime family, something like The Godfather, with swords.Recited in great halls as the evening’s entertainment, medieval poetry couldn’t afford to be dreary. A romance or epic, no matter how moralistic, still needed to entertain a provincial court, beguile its sleepy duke, flatter his lady, and keep everyone not only hanging on every word but also thinking,‘‘Hey, this is as good as Tolkien’’—if, of course, anyone back then had known who J. R. R. Tolkien was.It’s widely recognized that The Lord of the Rings draws many of its special effects from the packed storehouse of medieval saga and especially from poems like the Nibelungenlied. As an eminent linguist and student of what one might call the northern world, Tolkien naturally gravitated to the work he loved most, borrowing themes and motifs from Anglo-Saxon poetry, Norse myth, Teutonic history, and Celtic romance. Magical artifacts and enchantedweapons, ancient alliances, doomed battles, journeys to the Other World, monsters, women-warriors and weakling kings, scenes of tenderness and beauty as well as moments of cold brutality and horror—all these can first be found in ‘‘The Battle of Maldon,’’ Grettir Saga, The Mabinogion,Beowulf, and many other wonder-filled tales of fated and glorious heroes.In its plot the Nibelungenlied moves inexorably from romance (at times almost tall tale) through tragedy to holocaust. It is fundamentally a story about the consequence of lies, of the heartbreaking disconnect between words and reality. The great hero Sifried decides he wants to marry Krimhild, the beautiful sister of King Gunter of Burgundy. To this end, he supports Gunter in war, then helps the king to win, through trickery and subterfuge, a formidable bride. This is Brunhild, an Amazon-like beauty who possesses astonishing, even supernatural strength and who would seem more properly matched with Sifried himself (as is the case in other versions of the story).The two couples do marry, yet at the wedding dinner a puzzled Brunhild notes the high degree of honor awarded to Sifried, supposedly a mere vassal of her seemingly indomitable husband. She’s also suspicious about why Gun-ter is giving his only sister as a bride to this underling. Only temporarily allayed by further trickery, Brunhild’s suspicions continue to gnaw at her. She must learn the truth, no matter what the consequences. As the reader gradu-ally discovers, those consequences prove widespread and bloody.But why? Because in a feudal world, where society stands or founders on personal relations, you need to be able to trust those who give you their pledge. But in the Nibelungenlied, everyone lies to those who count most on their truthfulness. Sifried pretends to be Gunter’s vassal, Gunter and Sifried trick Brunhild into marriage, Brunhild discovers she has been living with an illusion, Gunter’s adviser Hagen betrays Krimhild’s confidences, and on and on. Slowly, an edifice built on personal honor starts to crumble and finally comes crashing down into complete and devastating ruin.Of course, any summary of its motivating action leaves out the artistry that gives the Nibelungenlied its life. Not only is this the great national poem of Germany and one of the masterworks of medieval literature, it is also, in a memorable sentence by scholar A. T. Hatto, ‘‘the world’s best heroic epic, bar one.’’ Moreover, like Homer’s Iliad, it repays all the attention you bring to it.Composed around the year 1200, the Nibelungenlied draws on stories that go back to the fifth or sixth century, the period when Germanic tribes wandered through northern Europe. Its main characters appear to be basedon actual historical figures, though they are obviously much fictionalized: For example, Krimhild’s second husband, Etzel, is none other than Attila the Hun. Much of Sifried’s early life remains only hinted at in the Middle High German poem, but his youthful adventures—with the Nibelung hoard and Brunhild—are more fully elaborated in the Volsunga Saga and other Icelandic works. The unknown German poet has, however, altered later developments significantly, especially in his portrayal of Krimhild’s deep love, indeed obses-sion, with Sifried and her subsequent determination to avenge his murder at any cost. Finally the wintry, Teutonic starkness of this family tragedy is reg-ularly softened by a courtliness drawn from twelfth-century French romance, those suave Arthurian tales of amour courtois and chivalry.As a poem, the Nibelungenlied is built on four-line stanzas, each line divided in half, with the final half-line of each stanza being slightly longer than the seven others. This gives a particular lilt or syncopation to the narrative. The epic thus moves cleanly along, avoiding similes, keeping the syntax as clear and stark as Hemingway. Burton Raffel’s translation closely emulates the original’s structure and language.Much of the poem’s considerable suspense derives, oddly enough, from a pervasive use of foreshadowing. The reader is always being told that this or that action will eventually bring tears and sorrow. Such asides create readerly eagerness, a longing for the moment when these flashes of the future will be finally and fully played out. Krimhild’s prophetic dreams—of her marriage and Sifried’s death—perform a similar predictive function. At the same time, the narrator’s occasional recourse to phrases like ‘‘as we are told,’’ reminds us that the general outline of the story was probably as well known to its au-dience as were the plots of the Greek tragedies to the ancient Athenians. Thus the reader—roughly aware of what’s bound to happen—can better appreciate the delineation of character, the play of language, the poem’s overall polish.While these stylistic elements keep the narrative tightly knit and flowing right along, others slow it down to reveal the underlying sociology of the times. For instance, much of the Nibelungenlied hangs on questions of status and protocol. In any encounter between approximate equals, there is always a jockeying for position, and usually an attempt to outshine the possible rival. Thus Brunhild and Krimhild, along with their respective maids-in-waiting, repeatedly try to outclass each other in the sheer gorgeousness of their dresses. The disastrous quarrel that leads to the destruction of a whole nation starts with the two queens attempting to determine who should first enter achurch. Similarly, the unspoken issue between warriors is always: Who is the greater fighter, hunter, king? Who, ultimately, is the lord and who the vassal?In this light, the poem’s unfolding tragedy initially hinges on that mystery of social hierarchy: Brunhild just can’t figure out exactly where to place Sifried in relationship to Gunter. She’s told he’s her husband’s liegeman, and yet the man behaves like Gunter’s equal, and proud Krimhild claims he’s actually Gunter’s superior. What is the truth? All this uncertainty is par-ticularly grating to Brunhild because her tests of strength and courage had been instituted so that she could marry the best warrior in the world. Like nearly everyone else in the poem, Brunhild discovers that she has trusted too much in appearances.For in the end, the Nibelungenlied isn’t primarily about battles and magic cloaks and treasure. Though starting like a fairy tale about a beautiful princess and a great warrior, it deepens into a study of human psychology. As we read, we learn more and more about the inner nature of its men and women, just as we gradually recognize how their respective strengths and weaknesses lead to their respective dooms. In these pages, character really is destiny.The most interesting figures are, in fact, not the celebrated Sifried and Brunhild—so familiar to us from Richard Wagner’s quite different conception of their relationship in the four-part opera The Ring of the Nibelung—but rather Krimhild and Gunter’s adviser Hagen, who actually dominate the second half of the poem. (Some scholars have even thought Hagen the work’s true hero.) Krimhild neatly evolves from docile daughter and sister to money-and-prestige-obsessed queen, from passionate wife to Medea-like harpy. But Hagen is even more artfully portrayed. Whereas Gunter consistently displays weakness and vacillation, his loyal lieutenant reveals rare courage and almost Machiavellian political acumen. He will perform the ‘‘necessary murder’’ for the presumed good of the commonwealth. But as time passes, Hagen grows ever more profound and clear-eyed about the fatality that dogs everyone, yet firm in resolve, and heroic to the end. Throughout this poem we marvel that the contradictory human heart can be so full of both good and evil.Edward Haymes, the distinguished Germanist, further elucidates the historical background of the Nibelungenlied in his informative and scholarly introduction. Yet what matters most in the following pages is surely the crisp, clear English translation of the epic itself. Certainly Burton Raffel’s Nibe-lungenlied deserves many enthralled readers and should, I hope, entice at least some of them to explore further the riches of medieval literature.。

万叶集 雷神短歌英文版

万叶集 雷神短歌英文版

万叶集雷神短歌英文版Title: The Manyoshu: An English Version of the Thunderous Songs of the GodsIntroduction:The Manyoshu, also known as the Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, is the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry. Composed between the 7th and 8th centuries, it contains a wide range of poems that reflect the rich cultural heritage and religious beliefs of ancient Japan. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Manyoshu and discuss the challenges and importance of translating the Thunderous Songs of the Gods into English.Body:1. Historical and Cultural Significance of the Manyoshu:1.1 Preservation of Japanese Tradition:- The Manyoshu serves as a valuable source of information about the language, customs, and daily life of ancient Japan.- It provides insights into the religious beliefs and mythologies of the time, including the worship of various gods and deities.1.2 Literary Excellence:- The Manyoshu showcases the poetic talents of numerous Japanese poets, displaying a variety of styles and themes.- It is considered a masterpiece of Japanese literature, influencing subsequent generations of poets and writers.1.3 Symbol of Identity:- The Manyoshu played a crucial role in shaping a sense of national identity among the Japanese people.- It helped establish a unique literary tradition that continues to be celebrated and revered today.2. Challenges in Translating the Thunderous Songs of the Gods:2.1 Linguistic and Cultural Barriers:- The Thunderous Songs of the Gods are deeply rooted in Japanese history, mythology, and religious beliefs, making them challenging to translate accurately into English.- The nuances and cultural references embedded in the original text require a thorough understanding of both languages.2.2 Preserving Poetic Form and Meter:- Translating poetry involves maintaining the original structure, rhythm, and rhyme scheme, which can be particularly difficult when translating from a syllabic language like Japanese to English.- Translators must find creative ways to convey the beauty and musicality of the original verses while ensuring the meaning remains intact.2.3 Conveying Cultural Context:- The Thunderous Songs of the Gods often reference specific locations, historical events, and cultural practices that may be unfamiliar to non-Japanese readers.- Translators must provide explanatory notes or find equivalent expressions to bridge the cultural gap and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the poems.3. Importance of an English Version of the Thunderous Songs of the Gods:3.1 Cultural Exchange and Understanding:- Translating the Thunderous Songs of the Gods into English allows for the dissemination of Japanese culture and mythology to a wider audience.- It promotes cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of the rich literary heritage of Japan.3.2 Academic and Literary Value:- An English version of the Thunderous Songs of the Gods enables scholars and researchers to explore and analyze the poems in greater depth.- It contributes to the global study of comparative literature and enhances our understanding of the development of poetic traditions.3.3 Preserving and Honoring Tradition:- Translating the Thunderous Songs of the Gods ensures the preservation of this ancient cultural treasure for future generations.- It pays homage to the original poets and their contributions to Japanese literature, ensuring their legacy reaches beyond linguistic boundaries.Conclusion:The Manyoshu and its Thunderous Songs of the Gods hold immense historical, cultural, and literary significance. Translating these poems into English poses various challenges, but it is crucial for promoting cultural exchange, academic exploration, and the preservation of Japan's literary heritage. An English version of the Thunderous Songs of the Gods not only allows for a wider appreciation of Japanese culture but also contributes to the global understanding of poetry and its enduring power.。



The Metaphysical School
• The diction is simple, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.
• The imagery is drawn from the actual life.
• The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.
subtle and often outrageous logic.
• It is usually organized in the dramatic or rhetorical form of an urgent or heated argument (first drawing in the reader and then launching the argument).
Donne's first literary work, satires was written during this period . This was followed by Songs and Sonnets.
Then in 1617 Anne Donne died in giving birth to the couple's 12th child. Her death affected Donne greatly, though he continued to write, notably Holy Sonnets (1618).
Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not soe,...



比之前做的更好英语作文Embracing the Journey of Continuous Improvement.In the realm of human endeavor, the pursuit of excellence is an eternal quest. From the earliest cave paintings to modern scientific breakthroughs, humanity has consistently strived to surpass its previous achievements. This inherent drive for betterment finds expression in all aspects of our lives, from our personal development to our collective societal progress.The concept of continuous improvement, often referred to as Kaizen in Japanese, has gained significant traction in recent decades as organizations and individuals alike recognize its transformative power. It is a philosophy that emphasizes the ongoing and incremental improvement of processes, products, and services through small, iterative changes.Unlike traditional approaches that focus on drasticoverhauls or major breakthroughs, continuous improvement embraces the idea that even the smallest enhancements can accumulate over time to yield significant results. It recognizes that perfection is an elusive goal and that the journey towards excellence is a perpetual one.At the core of continuous improvement lies the concept of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. This iterative approach involves:Planning: Identifying areas for improvement, setting goals, and developing strategies to achieve them.Doing: Implementing the plan and carrying out the necessary actions.Checking: Monitoring progress, collecting data, and evaluating the effectiveness of the plan.Acting: Making adjustments based on the evaluation and refining the plan as needed.By repeatedly cycling through these steps, organizations and individuals can create a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. Each iteration of the PDCA cycle provides valuable insights, identifies areas for further refinement, and drives the pursuit of excellence.Continuous improvement is not merely a set of techniques or tools. It is a mindset, a culture, and a way of life. It requires a commitment to learning, awillingness to experiment, and an unwavering belief in the power of incremental progress.Embracing this philosophy in all aspects of our lives can lead to transformative results. In the workplace, it fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving. By empowering employees to identify and address areas for improvement, organizations can unlock hidden potential and drive operational excellence.In our personal lives, continuous improvement can enhance our well-being, productivity, and relationships. By setting small, achievable goals and consistently workingtowards them, we can gradually improve our physical health, mental acuity, and interpersonal skills.The beauty of continuous improvement lies in its universality. It is applicable in any context, from manufacturing processes to customer service, and from personal development to societal change. Its simplicity and adaptability make it accessible to individuals and organizations of all sizes and industries.It is important to recognize that continuous improvement is not a quick fix or a silver bullet. It requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to embrace failure as a valuable learning opportunity. However, the rewards of this journey are undeniable.By embracing the principles of continuous improvement, we can unlock our potential, drive progress, and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. It is a journey worth embarking upon, one that will lead us to heights we never thought possible.In conclusion, the pursuit of continuous improvement is an essential aspect of human progress. It is a mindset that celebrates incremental change, embraces learning, and drives excellence. By adopting this philosophy, we can empower ourselves and our organizations to achieve transformative results and create a better world for all.。


• In World War II, made outstanding contribution for the anti-fascist war! Finally at once with the German Nazi war into glacier sleep for 70 years!
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Captain America
• He is a soldier, in the Avengers, he is the captain, wearing blue and red armor, chest a yellow star, with a carry all before one shield to defend the motherland!
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
• Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics. Marvel's modern incarnation dates from 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and many others.

IAL IUL IEL LEL磁路保护器参数表及特点介绍说明书

IAL IUL IEL LEL磁路保护器参数表及特点介绍说明书

IAL/CEL/LEL Series• 147• 148• 150 • 154• 157• 159 • 163 • 165Introduction Poles Handles Configurations Operating Characteristics Delay Curves SpecificationsDecision TablesINTRODUCTIONIAL/IUL/IEL/LEL magnetic circuit protectors provide low-cost power switching, reliable circuit protection and accurate circuit control for equipment in the international marketplace.IAL models are for those applications where the unit’s inherent attributes are desired, but compliance with the various standards is not required.IUL models have been tested and approved in accordance with UL 1077 requirements for UL recognition.IEL/LEL models are VDE approved to VDE 0660, part 101. They meet IEC spacing requirements, mandatory for equipment which must comply with IEC specifications 601 and 950, and VDE specifications 0804 and 0805. In addition, the IEL models are UL recognized to UL 1077 as supplementary protectors and the LEL models are UL listed under the conditions of UL 489. Both are CSA certified and CCC Approved. The IEL is CSA certified as a supplementary protector per CSA C22.2–No. 235.The CEL model has achieved two new enhancements, including a single pole, 125 amp rating with TÜV approval, and a parallel 4-pole version with 400 amp rating.Airpax™ IAL/CEL/LEL circuit protectors are available in a wide variety of configurations, including series, series with auxiliary switch, shunt and relay with choice of delays and ratings in DC and/or 50/60Hz or 400Hz versions. Single or multi-pole versions are available with a variety of pole arrangements to meet your specifications. Please see the appropriate product specification table for ratings and limitations.Screw TerminalSingle PoleClip Terminal Bullet TerminalNotes:Tolerance ± .015 [.39] unless noted.Dimensions in brackets [ ] are millimeters.A T erminal protrusion dimensions are referenced from back of mountingpanel.B E ach screw terminal is supplied with a 10-32x.312 [7.92] or M5 x 8mmscrew, flatwasher and external tooth lockwasher.C S tud terminals are supplied with a flatwasher, external tooth lockwasherand a 10-32 or M5 hex nut (<=70A) (<=50A for LEL),1/4-20 or M6 hex nut(>70A)(>50A for LEL).Mounting DetailNote: Each outer terminal is supplied with af latwasher, tooth lockwasher and a hex nut.Bullet terminal receptacle should be .312 ± .001diameter hole not less than .250 depth. ContactSensata for other bullet sizes.Panel Mounting DetailTolerance ±.005 [.13] unless noted.Note:A Terminal protrusion dimensions are referenced from back of mounting panel.B Each screw terminal is supplied with a 10-32x.312 [7.92] or M5 x 8mm screw, flatwasher and external tooth lockwasher.C Stud terminals are supplied with a flatwasher, external tooth lockwasher and a 10-32 or M5 hex nut (<=70A), 1/4 -20 or M6 hex nut (>70A).Two PoleMAX.IELH11IEL11Note:Tolerance ± .015 [.38] unless noted.Dimensions in brackets [ ] are millimeters.[3.96]4XTwo Pole*Two Pole*Note:Each outer terminal is supplied with a flatwasher, tooth lockwasher and a hex nut.Panel Mounting DetailTolerance ±.005 [.13] unless noted.Multi-pole units are combined in an assembly with the trip mechanisms internally coupled. A fault in any protected circuit opens all poles simultaneously. Applications include use in polyphase circuits, single-phase three-wire systems, or in two or more related but electrically isolated circuits. A mix of delays, ratings and configurations are offered. The auxiliary switch is offered with either gold or silver contacts and is available when a series construction pole is specified.Two Pole UnitsAn assembly consisting of two single pole units, having their trip mechanisms internally coupled, is available with either a single toggle handle or with a handle per pole. Please see decision one of the part number decision tables. Individual poles may vary in ratings, delays and internal configurations. If the poles are of series construction, an auxiliary switch may be included in either or both poles, allowing you to mix SELV and hazardous voltages.MULTI-POLE CIRCUIT PROTECTORS[57.53]2.265MAX.Three Pole and Four Pole UnitsThe three pole structure consists of three single pole units assembled with an internal mechanical interlock which actuates all units simultaneously. The units are available with either a single toggle handle or with a handle per pole. Units with four pole construction operate with a minimum of two center toggle handles or with a handle per pole. Please see decision one of the part number decision tables. Mixing of delays, ratings and configurations is available in each individual pole. The auxiliary switch is offered in any series trip pole.Breaker poles are numbered consecutively when viewed from the terminal side, with the ON position up, starting with pole #1 on the left side and proceeding to the right.Three Pole IEL111MAX.[57.53]2.265Mounting Detail*[19.05].750[19.05].750[57.91]2.280MAX.[76.58]3.015Four Pole IEL1111[19.05].750[19.05].750[19.05].750[38.86]1.530Mounting Detail*[19.05].750[19.05].750Note:Tolerance ± .015 [.39] unless noted. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are millimeters.*See Single Pole Mounting Detail for Hole Sizes and Locations.Three Pole IELH111MAX.[76.58]3.015[19.05].750[19.05].750[19.05].750[76.96]3.030Mounting Detail*Four Pole IELH1111Mounting Detail*BX - FLAT ROCKER HANDLEThe innovative new design of our IAL/CEL/LEL BX Style circuit protectors features a flat rocker that will satisfy your aesthetic needs while guarding against accidentalactuation, providing the highest degree of circuit protection and quality. Only Airpax offers this new standard in user interface. Available on a variety of versions with a full range of agency approvals, the IEL BX style circuit protectors meet or exceed all current performance specifications, including interrupting capacities up to 50,000 amperes.1.239[31.47].387 REF.[9.84].768[19.49]1.859[47.22]2.490 MAX.[63.25]2.173 MAX.[55.19].314[7.98]1.395[35.43].125[3.17]6-32 THD. MOUNTING M3 ISO THD. OPTIONAL1.660[42.16].750 MAX.[19.05]OPTIONAL GUARD(SEE DETAIL ìCî)SINGLE POLE1.660[42.16].750[19.05]1.260[32.00].200[5.08]2X ÿ.156[3.96]Panel Mounting DetailMounting Detail Tolerance: ±.005 [.13] unless notedON ION IACTUATION ACCESS(SEE NOTE)DETAIL "A"ON I O OF FON IO OF FON I O OF FON IOF FOHANDLEPOSITION "OFF"GUARD WITH NO ACTUATE OFF FEATURE(SIXTH DECISION, X)HANDLEPOSITION "ON"GUARD WITH NO ACTUATE OFF FEATURE(SIXTH DECISION, X)PU SH TO RE SE TNOTE: ACCESS IS LIMITED TO A DEVICE SMALLER THAN THE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY "ARTICULATED PROBE" DEFINED IN UL-489 FIG. "OFF"WITH GUARD(SIXTH DECISION, G)HANDLEPOSITION "ON"WITH GUARD(SIXTH DECISION, G)HANDLEPOSITION "OFF"WITHOUT GUARD HANDLEPOSITION "ON"WITHOUT GUARDPU SH TO RE SE TPanel Mounting DetailTolerance ±.005 [.13] unless noted.I A L S e r i e sThe Airpax™ LELHP/CELHP high current magnetic circuit protector compliments our entire series of LEL circuit protectors. Its unique, parallel current sensing design provides precise current overload protection and reliability in the compact size of a two pole LEL. The unit is ideal for high power DC applications such as drive motor systems and telecommunication power systems.LEL is available in series and series with auxiliary switch configurations with a choice of delays for DC ratings of 125, 150, 175 and 200 amperes. The CEL has been enhanced to include these same ratings plus a 4-pole, parallel 400 amp rating for UL489A. The LELHP is UL listed under the conditions of UL489 and CSA certified. The CELHP is UL listed under the conditions of UL489A. Mid-trip handle indication, voltage trip and remote operator options complete the LELHP/CELHP circuit breaker series. Please see the individual product tables for approved ratings.LELHP/CELHP CIRCUIT PROTECTORSTwo Pole Three Pole Four PoleThe rocker style is available in one to four poles. Choose either vertical or horizontal mounting with ON-OFF, international markings or a combination of both.Five front panel enhancing colors including black, white, red, grey and orange are available.Note:A Terminal protrusion dimensions are referenced from back of mounting panel.Single PolePanel Mounting Detail* Single,Two & Three PoleFour Pole***Mounting detail tolerance ±.005 [.13] Unless noted.**See single mounting detail for hole sizes and locations.(Optional handle may be in Pole 2 instead of Pole 1.)IALX/IULX/IELX ROCKER HANDLESeries TripThe most popular configuration for magneticprotectors is the series trip where the sensing coil and contacts are in series with the load being protected. The handle position conveniently indicates circuit status. In addition to providing conventional overcurrent protection, it’s simultaneously used as an on-off switch.Shunt TripThe shunt trip is designed for controlling two separate loads with one assembly. The control is established by providing overload protection for the critical load. When the current through this load becomes excessive and reaches the trip point, the protector will open and remove power from both loads simultaneously. The total current rating of both loads must not exceed the maximum contact rating.Dual CoilBy combining two electrically independent coils on a common magnetic circuit, it is possible to provide contact opening when either an over-current or trip voltage is applied to the respective coils. One coil will be a current trip coil with standard specifications. The second, or dual coil, can be used to provide a control function permitting contact opening from a remote interlock or other transducer functions. Standard coils are 6, 12, 24, 48, 120 and 240 volts. Tripping is instantaneous and must be removed (usually self-interrupting) after trip.Auxiliary Switch (Applies to Series Trip Only)This is furnished as an integral part of a series pole in single or multi-pole assemblies. Isolated electrically from the protector’s circuit, the switch works in unison with the power contacts and provides indication at a remote location of the protector’s on-off status.Auxiliary switch contacts actuate simultaneously with the main breaker contacts, and will open regardless of whether the breaker contacts are opened manually or electrically. For auxiliary switch ratings below 6Vac or 5Vdc, an auxiliary switch with gold contacts, designated as REG is available. Gold contacts are not recommended for load current above 100 milliamps.SWITCH ONLYSERIES1.940[49.28].281[7.13]Dimension B(See Table)Dimension A(See Table)1.290[32.77].648[16.46]1.055[26.80]NCNOCBREAKER IN OFF POSITION1.26[32.00].278[7.05]1.940[49.28]2.640 MAX.[67.06](SEE NOTE A).795[20.19].660 ±.045[16.76] ±1.14]1.266[32.16].971[24.66].676[17.17]Dimension B(See Table)-IREC4, -IREG4.260[6.60].110[2.79]2.454 MAX.[64.52](SEE NOTE A)2.438 MAX.[64.52](SEE NOTE A)-IREC5.250[6.35].187[4.75][22.454 MAX.[64.52](SEE NOTE A)DUAL COILSHUNTSpacing for VDE SwitchSeries with Auxiliary Switch[17.17].676[24.66].971[32.16]1.266Note: Each outer terminal is supplied with a flatwasher,tooth lockwasher and a hex nut.Note:A T erminal protrusion dimensions are referenced from back of mountingpanel.B E ach screw terminal is supplied with a 10-32x.312[7.92] or M5 x 8mmscrew, flatwasher and external tooth lockwasher.C S tud terminals are supplied with a flatwasher, external tooth lockwasher and a 10-32 or M5 hex nut (<=70A), 1/4-20 or M6 hex nut (>70A).Series and Switch Only Shunt and Dual CoilCONFIGURATIONSSTUD TERMINAL TYPESScrew Stud Thread Dimension “A”Dimension “B”M6.510 ± .045[12.95 ± 1.14].652 ± .035 [16.56 ± 0.89]1/4 -20.545 ± .045[13.84 ± 1.14].687 ± .035 [17.45 ± 0.89]M5.510 ± .045[12.95 ± 1.14].652 ± .035 [16.56 ± 0.89]10-32.545 ± .045[13.84 ± 1.14].687 ± .035[17.45 ± 0.89]IALSeriesRelay TripThis permits the overload sensing coil to be placed in a circuit which is electrically isolated from the trip contacts. The coil may be actuated by sensors monitoring pressure, flow, temperature, speed, etc. Other typical applications include crowbar, interlock and emergency/rapid shutdown circuitry. Trip may be accomplished by voltage or current, which must be removed after trip.Voltage TripSometimes called “dump circuits” or “panic trip circuits,” these units make it possible to open main power contacts with lower power inputs from one or more sources. This configuration is becoming increasingly more important for sensitive circuitry and denser packaging in automation systems. Available in series, shunt or relay configurations.[18.34].722[33.78]1.330[7.14].281[16.76±1.14].660±.045[49.28]1.940[67.06]2.640 MAX [20.19].795RELAY Relay and Dual CoilNotes:Tolerance ± .015 [.39] unless noted. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are millimeters.A T erminal protrusion dimensions are referenced from back of mounting panel.B E ach screw terminal is supplied with a 10-32x.312[7.92] or M5 x 8mm screw, flatwasher and external tooth lockwasher.C S tud terminals are supplied with a flatwasher, external tooth lockwasher and a 10-32 or M5 hex nut (<=70A), 1/4 -20 or M6 hex nut (>70A).YDUAL COILBarriers[69.60]2.740[17.02].670[27.89]1.098[65.02]2.560[29.13]1.147[18.31].721[65.02]2.560[29.13]1.147[18.31].721[.84].033[78.74]3.100[35.00]1.378[24.18].952[7.69].303[3.11].122[.84].033NOTE:THIS BARRIER CAN BE FLIPPED TO COVER EITHER POLE.PLEASE CONTACT FACTORY FOR SPECIFIC PART NUMBERFIG.4FIG.3FIG.2FIG.1CONFIGURATIONS (CONT.)BARRIER OPTIONSRating OptionStandardBarrier Optional BarrierIEL240/415 VAC Fig. 1Fig. 2, 3 & 4415 VAC (VDE)277/480 VAC1/4-20, M6 studs for AC 120/240 VAC multi-pole Fig. 2Fig. 3 & 4125VDC LELAll multi-pole 50/60 HzFig. 2Fig. 3 & 4All multi-pole 80 VDC, if opposite polarity Fig. 2Fig. 3 & 4125VDCFig. 2Fig. 3 & 4Note: Optional barrier available with factory assigned part number. Contact factory for assistance.In the optional auxiliary switch configuration, the switch allows an alarm or signal to be forwarded when the breaker trips and the handle moves to the middle position. The alarm can be disengaged by themanual actuation of the handle to the OFF position. Once the fault has been corrected, the circuit breaker can be reset to the ON position. The mid-trip option is available in one, two or three pole toggle handle packages and in either standard panel screw or snap-in mounting. Please see specification tables of specific product for available ratings.Snap-In MountingThe snap-in mounting adapter allows for simplified mounting of most IEL/LEL toggle handle products. Prior toshipment, the adapter is attached to the circuit breaker during our final product assembly, allowing you to securely snap the unit into a rectangular panel cut-out. This eliminates the need for panel mounting hardware and associated assembly costs.Available for units up to three poles, with or without an option handle guard.Note: Tolerance ± .015 [.39] unless noted.Dimensions in brackets [ ] are millimeters.Panel Mounting DetailTolerance ±.005 [.13] unless noted.OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS400Hz, DC, 50/60Hz Delay Curves (typ)A choice of delays is offered for DC, 50/60Hz, 400Hz, or combined DC/50/60Hz applications. Delays 49, 59, 69 and 79 provide fast-acting, instantaneous tripping and are often used to protect sensitive electronic equipment (not recommended where a known inrush exists). Delays 41, 51, 61 and 71 have a short delay for general purpose applications. Delays 42, 52, 62 and 72 are long enough for most transformers and capacitor loads. Delays 43, 53, 63 and 73 are extra long for special motor applications.Inrush Pulse TolerancePulse tolerance is defined as a single pulse of half sine wave peak current amplitude of 8 milliseconds duration that will not trip the circuit breaker.The table on page 171 provides a guide to determine if the inertia delay feature is required. Consult factory for further assistance.DELAY CURVES400Hz Delay Curves (typ)*Available only in IAL/IUL/IEL; not available in LEL.DC/50/60Hz Dual-frequency Delay Curves (typ)IAL/IUL/IEL/IDL/LEL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral notes:• All supplementary protectors are of the overcurrent (OC) type• T he family of protectors has been evaluated for end use application for use groups (UG) A, B, C and D• The terminals (FW) are suitable for factory wiring only (0)• T he maximum voltage ratings for which the protectors have been tested are shown in the chart• T he current is the amperage range that the protectors have been tested• T he tripping current (TC) for all of the protectors is either either “1” (in the range of 125% to 135% of ampere rating) or “2” (more than 135% of ampere rating)• T he overload rating (OL) – designates whether the protector has been tested for general use or motor starting applications.0 – tested at 1.5 times amp rating for general use1 – t ested at 6 times AC rating or 10 times DC rating for motor starting• T he short circuit current rating (SC) – The short circuit rating in amperes following a letter and number designating the test conditions and any calibration following the short circuit test is defined below:C – Indicates short circuit test was conducted with series overcurrent protection U – Indicates short circuit test was conducted without series overcurrent protection 1 – Indicates a recalibration was not conducted as part of the short circuit testing 2 – Indicates a recalibration was performed as part of the short circuit testing 3 – Indicates recalibration was performed along with the dielectric and voltage withstand for “Suitable for Further Use” ratingIAL/IUL/IEL DECISION TABLES The ordering code for IAL/IUL/IEL/LEL circuit protectors may be determined by following the decision steps in the appropriate part number decision table subsequent to this page.The coding given permits a self-assigning part number but with certain limitations.Special applications may require a factory assigned part number. Typical examples are units with mixed ratings, combinations of styles, or constructions not listed in the third decision table, etc. With these, it is suggested that order entry be by description and/or drawings, and a part number will be established. Additionally, it is standard policy to establish a factory-assigned part number whenever a descriptive drawing exists to provide cross reference, traceability and manufacturing control.When specifying a circuit breaker for AC motor start or high inrush applications, the peak amplitude and surge duration should be specified for factory assistance in rating selection.For example the code shown is the code for a single pole breaker with a series construction and auxiliary switch, designed for operation in a 50/60Hz circuit. It has a short time delay, rating of 20 amperes and a marked black handle, and is VDE approved.To determine the ordering number for your particular IAL/IUL/IEL unit, simply follow the steps shown. You may use this number to place an order or as a reference for further questions you may have.Notes:IEL, IELH and IELX circuit protectors are designedto meet 8mm creepage clearance requirements for installation Category 111, Pollution Degree 3, Case A as measured in IEC 664. Intended for use in equipment to comply with IEC 950, 601 and VDE 0804 & 0805.Second DecisionSingle poleTwo poleThree poleFour pole*11111111112Poles*Not available in toggle seal handle type.Consult factory for 5 and 6 pole IEL part number.Internal Con gurationThird Decision3* Only one auxiliary switch is normally supplied on two or threepole units. Switch is located in the right-hand pole (viewed fromterminal end) unless otherwise speci ed.1234IEL 1 - 1REC4- 61- 20.0 - 01 - V57Example:Fourth Decision4Frequency & DelaySwitch only400Hz short delay400Hz long delay400Hz motor start400Hz 150% instant tripDC short delayDC long delayDC motor startDC 125% instant trip50/60Hz short delay50/60Hz long delay50/60Hz motor start50/60Hz 125% instant tripDC/60Hz short delayDC/60Hz long delayDC/60Hz motor startDC/60 Hz 135% instant tripFor addition of inertial delay, add an ìFî to anydelay numeral.SW-41-42-43-49-51-52-53-59-61-62-63-69-71-72-73-79N ote: C CC Approval is pending.IALBX**IULBX***IELBX**IMLBXOne handle per unitOne handle per poleOne handle per unitpanel sealOne handle per unit,rocker, bracket mountingOne handle per unit,rocker, integral mountingOne handle per unitUL 1500One handle per poleUL 1500One handle per unitmid trip indicationOne handle per polemid trip indicationOne handle per unit,rocker, accidental-offprotectionOne handle per unit,mid trip indication, rocker,accidental-off protection*UL Recognized**UL Recognized, CSA Certi ed***UL Recognized, CSA Certi ed, VDE Approved*** I ML***I MLHSelect Type and TerminalFirst Decision1IAL**IUL***IELIALH**IULH***IELHIALN***IULNIALX**IULX***IELXIALZX**IULZX***IELZX*I DL*I DLHType TerminalStandard screw terminal,no designation requiredStud terminalsClip terminalsBullet terminalsKCBThe shaded areas denote VDE and CCC(if applicable) Approval options. T his approvalrequires the addition of a V at the end of thepart number. The V will be added to any partnumber formed entirely from shaded decisions.If non-shaded areas are selected, the unit will notbe VDE or CCC Approved, but other approvalsstill apply.V = VDE and CCC ApprovedDescriptionN ote: C CC Approval is pending.-0-1-1REC4-1REC5-1REG4-1RS4-1RLS4-1RS5-3-4Switch only (50, 70 or 100 amp switch)SeriesSeries with auxiliary switch*.110 quick connectSeries with auxiliary switch*.187 quick connectSeries with auxiliary switch.110 quick connectSeries with alarm switch,electrical trip, .110 quick connectterminalsSeries with alarm switch,electrical trip, .110 quick connectterminals (mid-trip only)Series with alarm switch,electrical trip, .187 quick connectterminalsShuntRelay (not available in IEL/IELX)This approval requires the addition of a C at the endof the part number. T he unit will not be VDE Approved.C = CCC ApprovedLEL DECISION TABLESCEL DECISION TABLESLELHP DECISION TABLES。

No Silver Bullet 没有银弹

No Silver Bullet  没有银弹

No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineeringby Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.Of all the monsters that fill the nightmares of our folklore, none terrify more than werewolves, because they transform unexpectedly from the familiar into horrors. For these, one seeks bullets of silver that can magically lay them to rest.The familiar software project, at least as seen by the nontechnical manager, has something of this character; it is usually innocent and straightforward, but is capable of becoming a monster of missed schedules, blown budgets, and flawed products. So we hear desperate cries for a silver bullet--something to make software costs drop as rapidly as computer hardware costs do.But, as we look to the horizon of a decade hence, we see no silver bullet. There is no single development, in either technology or in management technique, that by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity. In this article, I shall try to show why, by examining both the nature of the software problem and the properties of the bullets proposed.Skepticism is not pessimism, however. Although we see no startling breakthroughs--and indeed, I believe such to be inconsistent with the nature of software--many encouraging innovations are under way. A disciplined, consistent effort to develop, propagate, and exploit these innovations should indeed yield an order-of-magnitude improvement. There is no royal road, but there is a road.The first step toward the management of disease was replacement of demon theories and humours theories by the germ theory. That very step, the beginning of hope, in itself dashed all hopes of magical solutions. It told workers that progress would be made stepwise, at great effort, and that a persistent, unremitting care would have to be paid to a discipline of cleanliness. So it is with software engineering today.Does It Have to Be Hard?--Essential DifficultiesNot only are there no silver bullets now in view, the very nature of software makes it unlikely that there will be any--no inventions that will do for software productivity, reliability, and simplicity what electronics, transistors, and large-scale integration did for computer hardware. We cannot expect ever to see twofold gains every two years.First, one must observe that the anomaly is not that software progress is so slow, but that computer hardware progress is so fast. No other technology since civilization began has seen six orders of magnitude in performance price gain in 30 years. In no other technology can one choose to take the gain in either improved performance or in reduced costs. These gains flow from the transformation of computer manufacture from an assembly industry into a process industry.Second, to see what rate of progress one can expect in software technology, let us examine the difficulties of that technology. Following Aristotle, I divide them into essence, the difficulties inherentin the nature of software, and accidents, those difficulties that today attend its production but are not inherent.The essence of a software entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: data sets, relationships among data items, algorithms, and invocations of functions. This essence is abstract in that such a conceptual construct is the same under many different representations. It is nonetheless highly precise and richly detailed.I believe the hard part of building software to be the specification, design, and testing of this conceptual construct, not the labor of representing it and testing the fidelity of the representation. We still make syntax errors, to be sure; but they are fuzz compared with the conceptual errors in most systems.If this is true, building software will always be hard. There is inherently no silver bullet.Let us consider the inherent properties of this irreducible essence of modern software systems: complexity, conformity, changeability, and invisibility.Complexity.Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct because no two parts are alike (at least above the statement level). If they are, we make the two similar parts into a subroutine--open or closed. In this respect, software systems differ profoundly from computers, buildings, or automobiles, where repeated elements abound.Digital computers are themselves more complex than most things people build: They have very large numbers of states. This makes conceiving, describing, and testing them hard. Software systems have orders-of-magnitude more states than computers do.Likewise, a scaling-up of a software entity is not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger sizes, it is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements. In most cases, the elements interact with each other in some nonlinear fashion, and the complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is an essential property, not an accidental one. Hence, descriptions of a software entity that abstract away its complexity often abstract away its essence. For three centuries, mathematics and the physical sciences made great strides by constructing simplified models of complex phenomena, deriving properties from the models, and verifying those properties by experiment. This paradigm worked because the complexities ignored in the models were not the essential properties of the phenomena. It does not work when the complexities are the essence.Many of the classic problems of developing software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases with size. From the complexity comes the difficulty of communication among team members, which leads to product flaws, cost overruns, schedule delays. From the complexity comes the difficulty of enumerating, much less understanding, all the possible states of the program, and from that comes the unreliability. From complexity of function comes the difficulty of invoking function, which makes programs hard to use. From complexity of structure comes the difficulty of extending programs to new functions without creating side effects. From complexity of structure come the unvisualized states that constitute security trapdoors.Not only technical problems, but management problems as well come from the complexity. It makes overview hard, thus impeding conceptual integrity. It makes it hard to find and control all the loose ends. It creates the tremendous learning and understanding burden that makes personnel turnover adisaster.Conformity.Software people are not alone in facing complexity. Physics deals with terribly complex objects even at the "fundamental" particle level. The physicist labors on, however, in a firm faith that there are unifying principles to be found, whether in quarks or in unifiedfield theories. Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary.No such faith comforts the software engineer. Much of the complexity that he must master is arbitrary complexity, forced without rhyme or reason by the many human institutions and systems to which his interfaces must conform. These differ from interface to interface, and from time to time, not because of necessity but only because they were designed by different people, rather than by God.In many cases, the software must conform because it is the most recent arrival on the scene. In others, it must conform because it is perceived as the most conformable. But in all cases, much complexity comes from conformation to other interfaces; this complexity cannot be simplified out by any redesign of the software alone.Changeability.The software entity is constantly subject to pressures for change. Of course, so are buildings, cars, computers. But manufactured things are infrequently changed after manufacture; they are superseded by later models, or essential changes are incorporated into later-serial-number copies of the same basic design. Call-backs of automobiles are really quite infrequent; field changes of computers somewhat less so. Both are much less frequent than modifications to fielded software.In part, this is so because the software of a system embodies its function, and the function is the part that most feels the pressures of change. In part it is because software can be changed more easily--it is pure thought-stuff, infinitely malleable. Buildings do in fact get changed, but the high costs of change, understood by all, serve to dampen the whims of the changers.All successful software gets changed. Two processes are at work. First, as a software product is found to be useful, people try it in new cases at the edge of or beyond the original domain. The pressures for extended function come chiefly from users who like the basic function and invent new uses for it.Second, successful software survives beyond the normal life of the machine vehicle for which it is first written. If not new computers, then at least new disks, new displays, new printers come along; and the software must be conformed to its new vehicles of opportunity.In short, the software product is embedded in a cultural matrix of applications, users, laws, and machine vehicles. These all change continually, and their changes inexorably force change upon the software product.Invisibility.Software is invisible and unvisualizable. Geometric abstractions are powerful tools. The floor plan of a building helps both architect and client evaluate spaces, traffic flows, views. Contradictions and omissions become obvious. Scale drawings of mechanical parts and stick-figure models of molecules, although abstractions, serve the same purpose. A geometric reality is captured in a geometric abstraction.The reality of software is not inherently embedded in space. Hence, it has no ready geometric representation in the way that land has maps, silicon chips have diagrams, computers have connectivity schematics. As soon as we attempt to diagram software structure, we find it to constitute not one, but several, general directed graphs superimposed one upon another. The several graphs may represent theflow of control, the flow of data, patterns of dependency, time sequence, name-space relationships. These graphs are usually not even planar, much less hierarchical. Indeed, one of the ways of establishing conceptual control over such structure is to enforce link cutting until one or more of the graphs becomes hierarchical. [1]In spite of progress in restricting and simplifying the structures of software, they remain inherently unvisualizable, and thus do not permit the mind to use some of its most powerful conceptual tools. This lack not only impedes the process of design within one mind, it severely hinders communication among minds.Past Breakthroughs Solved Accidental DifficultiesIf we examine the three steps in software technology development that have been most fruitful in the past, we discover that each attacked a different major difficulty in building software, but that those difficulties have been accidental, not essential, difficulties. We can also see the natural limits to the extrapolation of each such attack.High-level languages.Surely the most powerful stroke for software productivity, reliability, and simplicity has been the progressive use of high-level languages for programming. Most observers credit that development with at least a factor of five in productivity, and with concomitant gains in reliability, simplicity, and comprehensibility.What does a high-level language accomplish? It frees a program from much of its accidental complexity. An abstract program consists of conceptual constructs: operations, data types, sequences, and communication. The concrete machine program is concerned with bits, registers, conditions, branches, channels, disks, and such. To the extent that the high-level language embodies the constructs one wants in the abstract program and avoids all lower ones, it eliminates a whole level of complexity that was never inherent in the program at all.The most a high-level language can do is to furnish all the constructs that the programmer imagines in the abstract program. To be sure, the level of our thinking about data structures, data types, and operations is steadily rising, but at an ever decreasing rate. And language development approaches closer and closer to the sophistication of users.Moreover, at some point the elaboration of a high-level language creates a tool-mastery burden that increases, not reduces, the intellectual task of the user who rarely uses the esoteric constructs.Time-sharing. Time-sharing brought a major improvement in the productivity of programmers and in the quality of their product, although not so large as that brought by high-level languages.Time-sharing attacks a quite different difficulty. Time-sharing preserves immediacy, and hence enables one to maintain an overview of complexity. The slow turnaround of batch programming means that one inevitably forgets the minutiae, if not the very thrust, of what one was thinking when he stopped programming and called for compilation and execution. This interruption is costly in time, for one must refresh one's memory. The most serious effect may well be the decay of the grasp of all that is going on in a complex system.Slow turnaround, like machine-language complexities, is an accidental rather than an essential difficulty of the software process. The limits of the potential contribution of time-sharing derive directly. The principal effect of timesharing is to shorten system response time. As this response time goes to zero, atsome point it passes the human threshold of noticeability, about 100 milliseconds. Beyond that threshold, no benefits are to be expected.Unified programming environments.Unix and Interlisp, the first integrated programming environments to come into widespread use, seem to have improved productivity by integral factors. Why?They attack the accidental difficulties that result from using individual programs together, by providing integrated libraries, unified file formats, and pipes and filters. As a result, conceptual structures that in principle could always call, feed, and use one another can indeed easily do so in practice.This breakthrough in turn stimulated the development of whole toolbenches, since each new tool could be applied to any programs that used the standard formats.Because of these successes, environments are the subject of much of today's software-engineering research. We look at their promise and limitations in the next section.Hopes for the SilverNow let us consider the technical developments that are most often advanced as potential silver bullets. What problems do they address--the problems of essence, or the remaining accidental difficulties? Do they offer revolutionary advances, or incremental ones?Ada and other high-level language advances.One of the most touted recent developments is Ada, a general-purpose high-level language of the 1980's. Ada not only reflects evolutionary improvements in language concepts, but indeed embodies features to encourage modern design and modularization. Perhaps the Ada philosophy is more of an advance than the Ada language, for it is the philosophy of modularization, of abstract data types, of hierarchical structuring. Ada is over-rich, a natural result of the process by which requirements were laid on its design. That is not fatal, for subsetted working vocabularies can solve the learning problem, and hardware advances will give us the cheap MIPS to pay for the compiling costs. Advancing the structuring of software systems is indeed a very good use for the increased MIPS our dollars will buy. Operating systems, loudly decried in the 1960's for their memory and cycle costs, have proved to be an excellent form in which to use some of the MIPS and cheap memory bytes of the past hardware surge.Nevertheless, Ada will not prove to be the silver bullet that slays the software productivity monster. It is, after all, just another high-level language, and the biggest payoff from such languages came from the first transition--the transition up from the accidental complexities of the machine into the more abstract statement of step-by-step solutions. Once those accidents have been removed, the remaining ones will be smaller, and the payoff from their removal will surely be less.I predict that a decade from now, when the effectiveness of Ada is assessed, it will be seen to have madea substantial difference, but not because of any particular language feature, nor indeed because of all of them combined. Neither will the new Ada environments prove to be the cause of the improvements. Ada's greatest contribution will be that switching to it occasioned training programmers in modern software-design techniques.Object-oriented programming.Many students of the art hold out more hope for object-oriented programming than for any of the other technical fads of the day. [2] I am among them. Mark Sherman of Dartmouth notes on CSnet News that one must be careful to distinguish two separate ideas that go underthat name:abstract data types and hierarchical types. The concept of the abstract data type is that an object's type should be defined by a name, a set of proper values, and a set of proper operations rather than by its storage structure, which should be hidden. Examples are Ada packages (with private types) and Modula's modules.Hierarchical types, such as Simula-67's classes, allow one to define general interfaces that can be further refined by providing subordinate types. The two concepts are orthogonal_one may have hierarchies without hiding and hiding without hierarchies. Both concepts represent real advances in the art of building software.Each removes yet another accidental difficulty from the process, allowing the designer to express the essence of the design without having to express large amounts of syntactic material that add no information content. For both abstract types and hierarchical types, the result is to remove a higher-order kind of accidental difficulty and allow a higher-order expression of design.Nevertheless, such advances can do no more than to remove all the accidental difficulties from the expression of the design. The complexity of the design itself is essential, and such attacks make no change whatever in that. An order-of-magnitude gain can be made by object-oriented programming only if the unnecessary type-specification underbrush still in our programming language is itself nine-tenths of the work involved in designing a program product. I doubt it.Artificial intelligence.Many people expect advances in artificial intelligence to provide the revolutionary breakthrough that will give order-of-magnitude gains in software productivity and quality.[3] I do not. To see why, we must dissect what is meant by "artificial intelligence."D.L. Parnas has clarified the terminological chaos: [4]Two quite different definitions of AI are in common use today. AI-1: The use of computersto solve problems that previously could only be solved by applying human intelligence. Al-2: The use of a specific set of programming techniques known as heuristic or rule-basedprogramming. In this approach human experts are studied to determine what heuristics orrules of thumb they use in solving problems.... The program is designed to solve a problemthe way that humans seem to solve it.The first definition has a sliding meaning.... Something can fit the definition of Al-1 todaybut, once we see how the program works and understand the problem, we will not think of itas Al any more.... Unfortunately I cannot identify a body of technology that is unique to thisfield.... Most of the work is problem-specific, and some abstraction or creativity is requiredto see how to transfer it.I agree completely with this critique. The techniques used for speech recognition seem to have little in common with those used for image recognition, and both are different from those used in expert systems. I have a hard time seeing how image recognition, for example, will make any appreciable difference in programming practice. The same problem is true of speech recognition. The hard thing about building software is deciding what one wants to say, not saying it. No facilitation of expression can give more than marginal gains.Expert-systems technology, AI-2, deserves a section of its own.Expert systems.The most advanced part of the artificial intelligence art, and the most widely applied, isthe technology for building expert systems. Many software scientists are hard at work applying this technology to the software-building environment. [3, 5] What is the concept, and what are the prospects? An expert system is a program that contains a generalized inference engine and a rule base, takes input data and assumptions, explores the inferences derivable from the rule base, yields conclusions and advice, and offers to explain its results by retracing its reasoning for the user. The inference engines typically can deal with fuzzy or probabilistic data and rules, in addition to purely deterministic logic. Such systems offer some clear advantages over programmed algorithms designed for arriving at the same solutions to the same problems:z Inference-engine technology is developed in an application-independent way, and then applied to many uses. One can justify much effort on the inference engines. Indeed, that technology is well advanced.z The changeable parts of the application-peculiar materials are encoded in the rule base in auniform fashion, and tools are provided for developing, changing, testing, and documenting the rule base. This regularizes much of the complexity of the application itself.The power of such systems does not come from ever-fancier inference mechanisms but rather from ever-richer knowledge bases that reflect the real world more accurately. I believe that the most important advance offered by the technology is the separation of the application complexity from the program itself.How can this technology be applied to the software-engineering task? In many ways: Such systems can suggest interface rules, advise on testing strategies, remember bug-type frequencies, and offer optimization hints.Consider an imaginary testing advisor, for example. In its most rudimentary form, the diagnostic expert system is very like a pilot's checklist, just enumerating suggestions as to possible causes of difficulty. As more and more system structure is embodied in the rule base, and as the rule base takes more sophisticated account of the trouble symptoms reported, the testing advisor becomes more and more particular in the hypotheses it generates and the tests it recommends. Such an expert system may depart most radically from the conventional ones in that its rule base should probably be hierarchically modularized in the same way the corresponding software product is, so that as the product is modularly modified, the diagnostic rule base can be modularly modified as well.The work required to generate the diagnostic rules is work that would have to be done anyway in generating the set of test cases for the modules and for the system. If it is done in a suitably general manner, with both a uniform structure for rules and a good inference engine available, it may actually reduce the total labor of generating bring-up test cases, and help as well with lifelong maintenance and modification testing. In the same way, one can postulate other advisors, probably many and probably simple, for the other parts of the software-construction task.Many difficulties stand in the way of the early realization of useful expert-system advisors to the program developer. A crucial part of our imaginary scenario is the development of easy ways to get from program-structure specification to the automatic or semiautomatic generation of diagnostic rules. Even more difficult and important is the twofold ,task of knowledge acquisition: finding articulate, self-analytical experts who know why they do things, and developing efficient techniques for extracting what they know and distilling it into rule bases. The essential prerequisite for building an expert system is to have an expert.The most powerful contribution by expert systems will surely be to put at the service of theinexperienced programmer the experience and accumulated wisdom of the best programmers. This is nosmall contribution. The gap between the best software engineering practice and the average practice is very wide_perhaps wider than in any other engineering discipline. A tool that disseminates goodpractice would be important."Automatic" programming.For almost 40 years, people have been anticipating and writing about "automatic programming," or the generation of a program for solving a problem from a statement of the problem specifications. Some today write as if they expect this technology to provide the next breakthrough. [5]Parnas [4] implies that the term is used for glamour, not for semantic content, asserting,In short, automatic programming always has been a euphemism for programming with ahigher-level language than was presently available to the programmer.He argues, in essence, that in most cases it is the solution method, not the problem, whose specification has to be given.One can find exceptions. The technique of building generators is very powerful, and it is routinely used to good advantage in programs for sorting. Some systems for integrating differential equations have also permitted direct specification of the problem, and the systems have assessed the parameters, chosen from a library of methods of solution, and generated the programs.These applications have very favorable properties:z The problems are readily characterized by relatively few parameters.z There are many known methods of solution to provide a library of alternatives.z Extensive analysis has led to explicit rules for selecting solution techniques, given problemparameters.It is hard to see how such techniques generalize to the wider world of the ordinary software system, where cases with such neat properties are the exception. It is hard even to imagine how this breakthrough in generalization could occur.Graphical programming.A favorite subject for PhD dissertations in software engineering is graphical, or visual, programming--the application of computer graphics to software design. [6, 7] Sometimes the promise held out by such an approach is postulated by analogy with VLSI chip design, in which computer graphics plays so fruitful a role. Sometimes the theorist justifies the approach by considering flowcharts as the ideal program-design medium and by providing powerful facilities for constructing them.Nothing even convincing, much less exciting, has yet emerged from such efforts. I am persuaded that nothing will.In the first place, as I have argued elsewhere [8], the flowchart is a very poor abstraction of software structure. Indeed, it is best viewed as Burks, von Neumann, and Goldstine's attempt to provide a desperately needed high-level control language for their proposed computer. In the pitiful, multipage, connection-boxed form to which the flowchart has today been elaborated, it has proved to be useless as a design tool--programmers draw flowcharts after, not before, writing the programs they describe.Second, the screens of today are too small, in pixels, to show both the scope and the resolution of anyseriously detailed software diagram. The so-called "desktop metaphor" of today's workstation is insteadan "airplane-seat" metaphor. Anyone who has shuffled a lap full of papers while seated between two portly passengers will recognize the difference--one can see only a very few things at once. The truedesktop provides overview of, and random access to, a score of pages. Moreover, when fits of creativityrun strong, more than one programmer or writer has been known to abandon the desktop for the morespacious floor. The hardware technology will have to advance quite substantially before the scope of our scopes is sufficient for the software-design task.More fundamentally, as I have argued above, software is very difficult to visualize. Whether one diagrams control flow, variable-scope nesting, variable cross references, dataflow, hierarchical data structures, or whatever, one feels only one dimension of the intricately interlocked software elephant. If one superimposes all the diagrams generated by the many relevant views, it is difficult to extract any global overview. The VLSI analogy is fundamentally misleading--a chip design is a layered two-dimensional description whose geometry reflects its realization in 3-space. A software system is not.Program verification.Much of the effort in modern programming goes into testing and the repair of bugs. Is there perhaps a silver bullet to be found by eliminating the errors at the source, in the system-design phase? Can both productivity and product reliability be radically enhanced by following the profoundly different strategy of proving designs correct before the immense effort is poured into implementing and testing them?I do not believe we will find productivity magic here. Program verification is a very powerful concept, and it will be very important for such things as secure operating-system kernels. The technology does not promise, however, to save labor. Verifications are so much work that only a few substantial programs have ever been verified.Program verification does not mean error-proof programs. There is no magic here, either. Mathematical proofs also can be faulty. So whereas verification might reduce the program-testing load, it cannot eliminate it.More seriously, even perfect program verification can only establish that a program meets its specification. The hardest part of the software task is arriving at a complete and consistent specification, and much of the essence of building a program is in fact the debugging of the specification.Environments and tools.How much more gain can be expected from the exploding researches into better programming environments? One's instinctive reaction is that the big-payoff problems--hierarchical file systems, uniform file formats to make possible uniform program interfaces, and generalized tools--were the first attacked, and have been solved. Language-specific smart editors are developments not yet widely used in practice, but the most they promise is freedom from syntactic errors and simple semantic errors.Perhaps the biggest gain yet to be realized from programming environments is the use of integrated database systems to keep track of the myriad details that must be recalled accurately by the individual programmer and kept current for a group of collaborators on a single system.Surely this work is worthwhile, and surely it will bear some fruit in both productivity and reliability. But by its very nature, the return from now on must be marginal.Workstations.What gains are to be expected for the software art from the certain and rapid increase in。



有关破云的英语作文标题,Breaking Through the Clouds: A Journey of Perseverance。


Clouds are ephemeral formations in the sky, sometimes blocking the sun's brilliance, sometimes casting shadows upon the earth. Yet, amidst these ever-changing veils of mist, lies a metaphorical landscape of challenges and triumphs, a journey reflective of the human spirit's perseverance. Just as the sun relentlessly breaks through the clouds, so too do individuals overcome obstacles, emerging stronger and more resilient. This essay delvesinto the profound symbolism of breaking through the clouds, exploring personal experiences and universal themes of perseverance, resilience, and hope.In life, challenges often shroud our path like thick clouds, obscuring our vision and casting doubts upon ourjourney. Whether it be academic struggles, personal setbacks, or unforeseen obstacles, we all face moments when the future appears bleak and uncertain. I vividly recall a time when I grappled with the daunting task of completing a challenging project under a tight deadline. With each passing day, the weight of expectations seemed to hang over me like a dense fog, threatening to engulf my resolve. However, I refused to succumb to despair, channeling my inner strength and determination to break through the clouds of uncertainty.Perseverance, I realized, is not merely the absence of obstacles but the courage to confront them head-on. Like a ship navigating through stormy seas, I forged ahead, undeterred by the raging tempests of doubt and fear. Each setback became an opportunity for growth, each obstacle a stepping stone towards personal development. Through sheer perseverance and unwavering resolve, I gradually pierced through the clouds of uncertainty, emerging victorious on the other side.Yet, the journey of breaking through the clouds is notsolely defined by individual triumphs but also by the collective spirit of resilience and camaraderie. In times of adversity, we often find solace and strength in the support of others, forming bonds that withstand the test of time. I recall a particularly challenging period in my life when I faced a series of setbacks that left me feeling overwhelmed and despondent. It was during this dark hour that I experienced the true power of solidarity and compassion.Friends and family rallied around me, offering words of encouragement and acts of kindness that served as beacons of hope amidst the storm. Their unwavering support reminded me that I was not alone in my struggles, that together, we could weather any adversity that came our way. In their company, I found the courage to persevere, to keep pushing forward despite the odds stacked against me. Indeed, it is often in the darkest of moments that the light of human resilience shines brightest, illuminating our path and guiding us towards brighter horizons.Moreover, the journey of breaking through the clouds isa testament to the indomitable nature of the human spirit, a celebration of the triumph of hope over despair. In the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, it is our unwavering belief in a better tomorrow that sustains us, propelling us forward with renewed determination and purpose. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of hope, the way it can turn despair into opportunity, and adversityinto triumph.During a period of profound uncertainty in my life, I clung to the belief that every cloud has a silver lining, that behind every obstacle lies a hidden opportunity waiting to be seized. It was this unwavering faith in the power of hope that enabled me to persevere, to keep pushing forward even when the path ahead seemed obscured by clouds of doubt and fear. And true to form, amidst the darkness, I found rays of light piercing through the clouds, illuminating my path and guiding me towards a brighter tomorrow.In conclusion, breaking through the clouds is not merely a physical act but a metaphorical journey reflectiveof the human spirit's capacity for perseverance, resilience, and hope. It is a testament to our ability to confront adversity with courage and determination, to find strengthin the face of uncertainty, and to emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side. So let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that with perseverance, resilience, and hope, we can break through any cloud that dares to stand in our way.--。



其实他是谁作文英语Title: The Enigmatic Identity。

In the realm of mystery and intrigue, lies the enigmaof a person's true identity. We often encounter individuals whose personas seem to be veiled in secrecy, leaving us to wonder: who is he really? Unraveling the layers of this mystery demands a journey through perception, observation, and speculation.At first glance, he appears as an ordinary figure, blending seamlessly into the backdrop of everyday life. Yet, beneath the surface lies a complexity that eludes easy comprehension. His actions speak volumes, yet reveal little about the essence of his being. Is he a friend or foe? A mastermind or a pawn in the grand scheme of existence?In the corridors of speculation, theories abound like whispers in the wind. Some claim he is a prodigy, a savantof unparalleled intellect, navigating the labyrinth of lifewith effortless grace. Others suggest a darker narrative, painting him as a shadowy figure, lurking in the shadows, orchestrating events with sinister intent.But perhaps the truth lies not in the extremes, but in the subtleties of human nature. He is neither hero nor villain, but a complex tapestry of contradictions and complexities. Behind the mask of anonymity, he is areflection of the multifaceted nature of humanity itself.To understand his true identity is to embark on a journey of introspection, peering into the depths of our own souls. For in seeking to unravel the mystery of another, we inevitably confront the mysteries within ourselves. Who are we, if not the sum of our experiences, our desires, our fears?In the grand tapestry of existence, every thread playsa vital role, weaving together the fabric of reality. So too, does he, in his enigmatic presence, contribute to the rich tapestry of human experience. He is not defined by a single label or category but exists in the liminal spacesbetween them.As we ponder the question of his true identity, let us not seek definitive answers but embrace the ambiguity that defines us all. For in the pursuit of understanding lies the beauty of the human experience, a never-ending journey of discovery and enlightenment.In conclusion, the enigma of his identity transcends mere labels and categorizations. He is a reflection of the complexity of human nature, existing in the realm of ambiguity and uncertainty. To unravel his mystery is to unravel the mysteries of existence itself, a journey fraught with wonder and introspection.。

Treasure Island《金银岛(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本

Treasure Island《金银岛(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本

The squire and Dr. Livesey...长官和利夫西医生…... having asked me to write down the particulars of Treasure Island...…一直嘱咐我把金银岛的细节写出来…... leaving nothing out but the bearings of the island itself...…除了它的位置外什么都不要遗漏…... and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted.…毕竟还有些财宝尚未起获…I go back to the time when my mother and I kept the Admiral Benbow Inn... 回首往事那时我和母亲经营着"本鲍将军"旅店…... and the brown, old seaman with a saber cut...…那位褐色皮肤、脸上有一道刀疤的老水手…... first took up lodging under our roof.…也就在那时住进了我们店里Open the door, will you? Open the door!开下门!开门!Go away! We're closed.走开!我们已经打烊了Open the door, you lubberly swab, or by thundering...开门你这个蠢女人遭天谴的…Throw that cutlass away this instant.马上扔掉你的刀What do you want?你想干什么?Good evening, missus.晚上好太太Lad.年轻人Will you not put up your musket?你能不能把枪放下?I'm just a simple sailor seeking lodgings.我只是个普通的水手想找个住的地方Just so?没别的吗?This looks like a conveniently situated grogshop.你这里看起来位置不错很方便You have much company here, lad, do you?年轻人生意不错吧No, sir. No one hardly ever comes in here since Father died.不先生自从家父过世以后已经很少有人光顾了Shh. Ha, ha.嘘!哈哈Then this here's the place for me, matey.这么说来这里正合适我朋友!And what might we call you, sir?怎么称呼你先生?If we're to put up with the likes of you under our roof.似乎我们得忍&hearts;耐我家招牌上那种人了You may call me captain, ma'am.你就叫我船长好了夫人Captain Billy Bones at your service.比利·伯恩斯船长为你效劳I'm a plain man, ma'am.我这人很随和夫人Rum, bacon and bread's what I want.朗姆酒、熏肉加面包足之够也And that headland down the road there to watch ships off of.再逛逛海边看看船来船往Here, matey.接着!朋友Tell me when I've worked my way through that, will you?要是花光了只管招呼一声便是He stayed with us long after his gold had run out.那以后他一直赖着我们那些钱很快就花光了But none of us had the courage to ask for more.可是我们谁都不敢向他开口要All day, he hung around the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope... 他成天拿着黄铜望远镜到小海湾和悬崖上去... gazing out over the waves...…直勾勾地盯着海面…... as if he feared something were coming for him from the sea.…仿佛担忧海的那头会有些什么冲他而来…All evening, he would drink rum and water very strong...每个晚上他都拼命喝酒…... looking up fierce when spoken to.…跟人说话时眼露凶光…His stories and songs were all about hanging and piracy...他讲的故事哼的歌&hearts; 都是些绞刑啊海盗啊…... and wild deeds on the Spanish Main.…以及那些西属美洲的疯狂往事…None of us suspected then, of course...当然我们那时谁都没有想过…... how our lives would be changed by them forever.…我们的生活会因此而永远地改变Jim, here. Have you seen a seafaring man...吉姆过来你有没有见过一个瘸腿的水手?...with one leg, Jim? - No, sir.先生我没见过BONES: Keep a weather eye open, Jim, for a seafaring man.吉姆帮我留心一个瘸腿的水手I will give you a silver fourpenny each week, you understand that?每周我就给你四便士的银币懂吗?Aye. See, you've told me, captain, but I haven't seen one yet.是的船长您倒是说过不少次了可是我现在一个子儿都没见过Dr. Livesey. Hello, Jim.利夫西医生您好你好吉姆Ah. Dr. Livesey.啊利夫西医生Good evening, Mrs. Hawkins.晚上好霍金斯太太Evening, doctor.您好医生And how are you feeling, Mrs. Hawkins? Better, I trust.感觉如何霍金斯太太?相信您好些了Oh, yes, doctor. Thanks to your visit.噢是的医生您的光临让寒舍蓬荜生辉Fifteen men on a dead man's chest棺材岛上还活着十五个家伙Drink to the devil And had done for the rest其他人都死于酗酒和恶魔了Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum哟嗬嗬嗬哟嗬嗬再来一瓶朗姆酒Give me rum, you hear?来一瓶酒听见没有?Give us rum, goddamn you!拿酒来该死的!Rum, it's feed and drink to the likes of me! Rum, good laddie.我拿朗姆当饭吃拿酒来年轻人!Mrs. Hawkins, I once prescribed a draft for Squire Trelawney.霍金斯太太有一次我给特里劳尼长官开了药方He had the gout, you know. And his man, Joyce, swore he would see him take it. 他有痛风症他的仆人乔伊斯发誓要督促他服下去But the squire... Silence!但这位长官呢… 安静!Silence between decks to here.从吧台到我这儿都给我安安静静的!Were you addressing me, sir?先生你在说我吗?I was indeed, sir.你还挺有自知之明先生Have you something to say about that?有什么意见吗?I have only one thing to say to you, sir.先生我只奉劝你一句If you keep on drinking rum...如果你一直这么喝下去…...the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel.…很快这个世界就会少一个无赖了You're a whistler.你个乌鸦嘴Captain.船长I'll take none of that from the likes of you nor any other lubberly swab.我才不买&hearts;&hearts;你这种人的账你们这些蠢货You call me "captain" or I'm gonna pin you to the wall with this cutlass...乖乖叫我一声我船长不然我就用这把刀把你钉在墙上…...and hang you from the yard by your thumbs and use you for musket practice. …吊在院子里给我当枪靶Now, you hear me.你给我听好了If you do not put down that cutlass this instant...奉劝你马上放下刀否则的话…...I promise you, upon my honor that I'll have you drawn up at the next assizes. …我用我的名誉担&hearts;保&hearts; 下一次巡回审判一定把你揪出来I am not a doctor only, but a magistrate.别忘了我不只是个医生我还是这里的治安官And now I know there is such a fellow in my district.而现在我发现了我的辖区里有一只害群之马And if I catch so much as a breath of complaint against you...但凡我听到有人说你半个不字…...I'll have you hunted down and hanged like t he dog you are.…我一定会穷追猛打让你永无翻身之地Let that suffice.好话不说第二遍Well, I say, Mrs. Hawkins, the squire is a clever fellow.接着说霍金斯夫人长官是位明白人What might I get for you, sir?您需要什么先生?Rum, sonny.朗姆酒小家伙Rum will do.朗姆酒就行Is this here a table for my mate, Bill?是不是给我的比尔兄弟留的位子?I don't know your mate Bill, sir. This table's for the captain. 我不认识您的比尔兄弟先生这是留给船长的Ah.哦Right, because now Bill would be called "captain," aye.对比尔现在叫"船长"了Now...那么… my mate, Bill, in this here house?…我的比尔兄弟现在在吗?No, sir. He's out walking.不在先生他出门散步去了Back soon?是否很快回来?Yes, sir.他会的先生Where's your mother, boy? She's not here.孩子你母亲呢?她不在She's in the village. To market.她到集市上去了买&hearts;&hearts;东西去了Just as well.很好All right.唔This'll be a pleasant surprise for my mate, Bill.对我的比尔兄弟来说这肯定是个惊喜Good as drink.像酒一样令人惊喜You know, I have a young nipper of my own.告诉你我也有个小子It's like you is two blocks.跟你像一个模子刻出来的And he's all the pride of my yards.他是我的骄傲But a great thing for boys...但对小孩子来说最要紧的是… discipline.…要循规蹈矩Discipline?…循规蹈矩?Aye.没错Discipline.循规蹈矩Right. Would you step in here and surprise old Bill. 好啊!你过来我们来给老比尔一个惊喜Billy Bones.比利·伯恩斯!Come, Bill, you know your old shipmate, surely.比尔还记得你的老搭档吧Black Dog? Aye.你是黑狗?没错Black Dog as ever was.一如既往的黑狗Come for to see his old mate, Bill.看望老搭档比尔来了Now, look here.看看你You've run me down here.不远千里追到这里来Here I am.我不就在这里么Now, what you want, Dog?黑狗你想要什么?You speak up, will you?说来听听啊?Ah? That's you, Bill.嗯?你还是老样子I'll just have a glass of rum from this dear child here. 我向这个好小子要一杯朗姆You'll join me, won't you?一起喝一杯如何?Now, we'll sit down and talk square, like old shipmates.咱们坐下来叙叙旧重温旧时光嘛Where's the chart, Bill?比尔那张图在哪儿?No. No, no!别妄想别妄想!We'll swing. Swing once, swing all, say I.我们会发大财的大财要大家一起来发That weren't Flint's way, no sir.那不是弗林特的风格不Flint's dead, God damn him. Aye.弗林特死了这就是上帝的诅咒没错Aye. That he is, mate, dead and damned.没错兄弟他是死了他该死All I want's the chart, Bill.比尔我只想要那张图All I'm asking's what's rightfully ours.我只想要回属于我们的东西Our lawful shares.我们合理合法的那一份Damn your lawful shares and damn you too.去你的合理合法去你的!Rum, Jim.拿酒来吉姆!Rum, boy.孩子拿酒来!Oh, God.噢天哪Are you hurt?你受伤了吗?It's rum I need, Jim.吉姆我要酒!Give us rum, will you?拜托你拿酒来Ah. I needed that.唉酒是我的命啊I must get away from here, Jim before they have the black spot on me. 吉姆在他们给我黑券之前我得离开这里了That black what? Spot, Jim.什么券?黑券It's a summons.那是个最后通牒The lubbers will be going around by now to get their wind of me.那些痞子会开始到处找我What lubbers are those, captain?船长那些都是什么人?Ah, it's Flint's men, as like as not. Black Dog, Blind Pew.十有八&hearts;九&hearts;是弗林特的人比如黑狗瞎子皮尤It's my old sea chest they're after, macky.他们想要我的水手箱Now, you look here, Jim.吉姆你听好了If they should slip me the spot, you get on a horse...如果他们真的送来黑券你赶紧骑马…...and you go and fetch that infernal swab of a doctor.…去找那个讨厌的鬼医生You tell him why I'm the only one that has it.告诉他为什么只有我有那个箱子Has what? Oh.有什么?噢Flint gave it to me as he was lying, dying in some island.当年在一个岛上弗林特临死前给我的For the love of God, boy, give me some rum, will you?看在上帝的份上孩子给我拿点儿酒来Will you?拿酒来啊Who's there?谁?Jim Hawkins. What do you want?吉姆·霍金斯您有何吩咐?Would some kind friend tell a poor, blind man...好心人我又老又瞎能不能告诉我为什么命运偏偏…...what's lost the sight of his eyes in the service of King George, God bless him... …让我失明毫不怜悯我多年效忠乔治陛下…噢!天佑吾皇… what part of the country he might now be?…能否告诉我我现在在什么地方?You're at the Admiral Benbow Inn.这里是本鲍将军旅馆Oh, yes.噢来对地方了Give me your hand, my kind young friend.过来扶我一把好心的年轻人Lead me in.领我进去吧Now, boy, you take me to the captain. I daren't.小子现在你带我去见船长!我不敢You take me in straight, and as soon as I'm in view, you cries out. 你直接带我去就行一旦他看见我你就大喊Here's a friend of yours, Bill.比尔你的老朋友来了Yes, yes, oh, yes.来了来了噢!我来了Captain Bones.伯恩斯船长Blind Pew. Yes.瞎子皮尤!正是Come for you at last, Billy.比利终于找到你了Now...如今… is business, Mr. Bones.…伯恩斯先生咱们公事公办Sit right where you are.你坐着别动!Hold out your hand.伸出你的手Boy, take his left hand and bring it near my right.孩子抓着他的左手递给我的右手Yes.好了And now that's done.这样就行了Oh, yes.噢行了It's a spot, Jim.吉姆黑券来了It's the black spot, lad.孩子这就是索命符"You have till 10:00."你的大限 10点整That's two hours.只剩下两个小时了We'll have them yet, Jim.吉姆我们还有时间Get me a top of rum, will you?给我一瓶朗姆酒好吗?Here, lad, it's...给你孩子这个就是…It's for the sea chest.水手箱的钥匙For the old sea chest, boy.就是那个旧的水手箱孩子What chest? Mother.什么箱子?母亲!What's been happening here, Jim?发生什么事了吉姆?Is he dead?难道他死了?Aye, dead.是的死了Being in his cups again, I shouldn't wonder.准又是喝得烂醉Now, what about this chest?现在告诉我箱子是怎么回事?He owes me money.他还欠我钱呐!Mother, the captain said we have the devil to pay and no pitch hot. 母亲船长说会我们马上会有恶人来访They tipped him the black spot.他们给他送了一个索命符That what?什么符?Stop talking nonsense and open the chest.不要废话了开箱子吧If there's money in there, we'll have what's own us and no more. 如果这里面有钱我也只要欠我的部分多余的我才不要Mother, listen to me, please. They're coming for him at 10.母亲拜托你听我说他们10点钟会过来要他的命It's almost 10 now.现在就快10点钟了Who's coming, Jim? The lubbers.吉姆谁要过来?一帮无赖They're coming for the captain. They can have him. That's broken. 他们是过来杀船长的让他们杀吧这个早坏了!What lubbers?什么无赖啊?Blind Pew and Black Dog. Flint's men.一个叫瞎子皮尤一个叫黑狗都是弗林特的人The captain said they were after his sea chest.船长说他们想要他的箱子Said he was the only one had it.还说只有他才有一样东西Had what?有什么东西?Aha!啊哈!We'll have what he owes us and not a penny more.我们只拿他欠着咱们的钱余下的我分文不取Mother, we must go to the village and get Sheriff Dance.母亲我们必须马上去找丹斯警长Shh.嘘!What's that?什么东西?Blind Pew. He's come back. Come on, Mother. They'll cut our throats. 瞎子皮尤!他回来了!快点母亲!他们会杀了我们!Come on, Jim.吉姆赶快!No! No!不要!不要!Let him go. No, you leave him.放了他!不要!放了他!No.别!No.不要啊!Get out.滚出去!Jim. Quickly, come on. Jim. Come on.吉姆赶快赶快吉姆快点儿!It won't open.打不开啊!It won't open, Jim.打不开啊吉姆!No.No!不要!Stop it. Mother! Shake his...住手不要… 母亲!打他…It's Billy. Someone's done for it.是比利已经有人杀了他Search him.搜他的身!Run for the woods.到树林里去!He's been overhauled already.有人已经搜得底儿朝天了Aloft. Find the chest.上楼!找箱子!There's the chest.箱子在这里The lady, you shucking lubbers.去追那个女人你们这些蠢货!Catch the boy. He's got it, you fools.抓住那小子他抢走了那图你们这群废物Pew, they've ransacked the bloody thing.皮尤他们已经抢走那张该死的图了!It's gone. So's the money. And the money.图丢了钱也没有了!钱也没了!Come below and follow the boy. All I want's to put his eyes out. 下来追那个小子我要把他的眼珠子挖出来Scatter and find them.分开找They can't have gone far.他们不可能跑多远What the devil?来了什么人?Hey, who's that? Sheriff Dance.你们是谁?丹斯警长来了!Hey, let's go there, lads.喂兄弟们躲一边去Come on, let's get out of here.赶快离开这里Black Dog, don't.黑狗不要丢下我啊伊斯莱尔You won't leave old Pew, mate. Not old Pew.你不会丢下我的兄弟你不会丢下老皮尤的Damn your eyes.你会有报应的!No.不要啊!Leave him like that. After them. Aye, aye, sir.别管这个老东西去追那些人遵命长官After them.去追他们Get up there.过去Oh, dear.噢天哪Sheriff Dance saw a scooner standing off and on in the cove.丹斯警长看见陌生船只在小海湾晃来晃去Rather suspicious. He reported it to me. Drink that.多个心眼没坏处他马上就告诉我了喝点酒压压惊I said we should roust up his men and ride hard for the Admiral Benbow. 我叫他叫醒手下快马加鞭赶来本鲍旅馆It were a lucky chance we came when we did.说来也是运气好我们正好赶上了It were none too soon either.你们来得刚刚好!They got the money, I presume.想必他们抢走了钱吧They did not.没有Excuse me, doctor. Yes, Jim?医生恕我直言怎么了吉姆?I don't think they're after the money.他们并不是图财What in fortune were they after then?那他们图什么?I think they were after this.我想他们要的是这个东西It should be put in a safe place.我们得找一个地方妥当保管To be sure, boy. Quite right.没错年轻人你所言极是We must go at once to Squire Trelawney and open it in his presence. 我们应该马上去找特里劳尼长官当着他的面打开He'll know what to do.他知道如何处置Jim, there's not a moment to lose. Can you ride?吉姆刻不容缓你会骑马吗?I tell you, I have some business with the squire.我有要事向长官禀报Wake him up. No.把他叫醒不行You must do it. We must wake him up. Please do it. Please? Thank you. 我们必须得叫醒他拜托你了谢谢你Livesey. Squire.利夫西?长官是我Well, where is it? Come on, man.东西呢?赶紧拿过来朋友Hawkins, you had quite the night, I hear. Yes, sir.霍金斯听说你这个晚上可不轻松啊是的长官Your coffee, sir. Thank you, Joyce.大人您的咖啡谢谢乔伊斯Hot and hot.还烫着呢Squire?长官?Scotch, Livesey? Yeah, okay.苏格兰威士忌行吗利夫西?好的Master Hawkins? That'll do, Joyce.霍金斯大人呢?没事了乔伊斯!Uh, milk, sir? All right. Thank you. Thank you.呃来杯牛奶吗大人?好啊谢谢谢谢Uh, sugar, sir? No.呃加不加糖大人?不用That'll do, Joyce.够了!乔伊斯!Yes, sir.是的大人Well, now, squire.唔来吧长官First of all, we'll try the book. Yes.我们先看看书里有什么好的"W. Burns, master's mate. Off Palm Quay, he got it.""W·贝恩斯主人的副手于棕榈码头取走"Some sort of an account.应该是个账本"Bones his pile.""伯恩斯的份额"Can't make head nor tail of this.这没头没尾的Oh, Livesey, this is as plain as noon to a seafaring man.噢利夫西这对船员来说已经是一清二楚的了This is the black-hearted scoundrel's account book.这无非是那些流氓的黑心账本Look, here. Now, look here.瞧瞧这里唔瞧瞧这里This is a list of the town's sacked or the ship's voyage...这是遭洗劫的镇子的清单这是航海日志…...and here, the sums of Bone's share of the loot.…这里!这是伯恩斯分到的战利品Right you are. You see what it is to be a traveler.没错冒险家都是这种货色Now, and the other...现在看看另一样…Treasure Island.金银岛Bulk of treasure here.这是藏金分布图Oh, God.噢上帝呀It must be...一定是了…"Tall tree, Spyglass shoulder, bearing north northeast by north. "望远镜山的山肩有棵大树向其东北偏北前进"Skeleton Island, east southeast and by east. Ten feet."到骷髅岛往东南偏东再往东十英尺"The bar sil..."银…"The bar silver is in the north cache..."银条藏在北边…" 10 fathom south of black crag. Signed J. F.""…位于黑岩崖往正南方向十英尺处署名是J·F"For God's love, man.老天有眼啊朋友You know what this is? Pray enlighten me, sir.知道这是什么吗?愿闻其详先生J. F. John Flint.J·F 就是约翰·弗林特This is Flint's map.这是弗林特的藏宝图!Bulk of treasure here.这里是金山银山啊That's Flint's treasure, man.这是弗林特的财富朋友Who's this Flint?弗林特是谁?Billy Bones said he was Flint's first mate.比利·伯恩斯说自己是弗林特的大副He was the blood-thirstiest buccaneer that ever sailed.弗林特是航海史上最残忍&hearts;的海盗Well, Blackbeard was a child of Flint.这么说吧黑胡子跟弗林特相比只能算小巫见大巫Ha, ha. Even the Spaniard was so prodigiously afraid of him. 嘿嘿就连西班牙人也要敬他三分I must own, I was proud he was an Englishman.我得承认我为他是一个英国人而感到骄傲Sir, would this treasure be worth much?先生这些财宝价值多少?Worth mu...?价值多少…?Worth much.价值连城啊Ha, ha. Why, lad, here's the sight of it.哈哈唔朋友们这是我们的计划The finest vessel in England...驾驶全英格兰最好的船…...and then we'll sail for the Spanish Main within a month. …一个月之内到达西属美洲You, Hawkins, shall come aboard as cabin boy.霍金斯你到船上来作侍应生Livesey here shall be surgeon, and myself, admiral, of course. 利夫西就是队医我嘛当然就是舰队司令了!And then we'll take along Joyce, my man and, oh, great...我们再带上我的亲信乔伊斯噢太好了…Well, that's capital, squire, capital but there's only one man I'm afraid of. 好主意!长官好主意我只对一个人有顾虑Name the dog. You, sir.谁?正是您大人For you cannot hold your tongue, as well you know.您自己应该也清楚您管不住您的嘴We aren't the only men to know about this.我们不是唯一知道这个秘密的人From first to last, none of us must breathe a word.所以我们自始自终一个字都不能声张Well, you're in the right of it, doctor, as usual.医生所言极是你一贯在理You may depend upon me.你要相信我I shall be as silent as a grave.我一定会守口如瓶Goodbye, Jim.再见了吉姆Now, you take care of yourself.你一定要好好照顾自己And mind you, do what your squire tells you.记住乖乖听长官的话Jim.儿子!Bye, Mother.再见了母亲The doctor and old Redruth, the squire's gamekeeper...那天傍晚医生和长官的猎场总管老雷德鲁斯…... came for me at dusk on the Bristol mail.…依照长官从布里斯托尔来信的要求接我动身Next morning, we had turned the corner my home was out of sight.翌日清晨当我们转过弯去我的家消失在了视线里And in no time at all, Bristol laid bustling before us.很快熙熙攘攘的布里斯托尔出现在我们眼前What is that?什么东西?Come on, lad. The squire will keelhaul us if we're late.年轻人赶紧的如果晚了长官会发火的Oh, Redruth, stop dawdling, man.噢雷德鲁斯不要再磨磨蹭蹭的了Come on. Stay away.跟上走开There she is, Jim. The Hispaniola.吉姆到了那就是"伊斯帕尼奥拉"号&hearts;Bring the bag, Redruth.把袋子拿过来雷德鲁斯Ahoy, Hispaniola!啊嘿!伊斯帕尼奥拉!Ahoy, on boat!啊嘿登船了!Come on. Welcome aboard the Hispaniola, doctor.来吧!医生欢迎光临伊斯帕尼奥拉号&hearts;You're late. Better late than never, admiral.你迟到了迟到总比不到好舰长阁下The roads were muddy, sir.路上稀泥烂滑的大人工We got stuck three times on the way to Bristol.来布里斯托尔的路上我们被堵了三次TRELAWNEY:Did you? Did you?真的吗?有这等事?Yes, come on, Redruth, come on. Don't hang back, man. 好吧赶紧的雷德鲁斯赶紧的不要东张西望的了Mr. Arrow, here, look after your tonnage. Aye, aye, sir. 埃诺先生注意观察吨&hearts;位是的!遵命大人Will you take a glass of port with me in my cabin?能不能送一杯红葡萄酒到我的船舱来?Nothing would please me better, sir.为您效劳是我无上的荣耀大人So when do we sail? Sail?我们何时出发?出发?We sail tomorrow, boy. Ha, ha.年轻人我们明天就起航哈!To the good ship Hispaniola, gentleman.敬伟大的伊斯帕尼奥拉号&hearts; 先生们A sweeter ship you could not imagine.它的豪华舒适超过你的想象I give you joy over her, sir.愿您因它而心情愉快大人To the Hispaniola. Hispaniola.为伊斯帕尼奥拉干杯!伊斯帕尼奥拉!Mm. A child could sail her, doctor.医生小孩子都可以驾驶它出海You know, I had a devil of a job finding a crew for her.不过你知道吗为了找到合适的船员我被弄得焦头烂额Hard to find half a dozen who knew the difference...懂得区分桅杆和龙骨的人…...between the main top and the keelson.…真是寥寥无几Are there no good seaman in Bristol then?这么说来布里斯托尔就没有中用的水手了吗?Oh, well, doctor, I shall tell you met this fellow on the dock.告诉你吧医生码头上有个家伙Ahem. Old navy man.嗯哼一个老水兵了Fought the French under Admiral Hawke, lost a leg in action.他是霍克将军的手下在与法国的战争中失去了右腿Kind of man who makes England feared at sea.他是那种让英格兰的敌人闻风丧胆的人物Well, he found me a company of the toughest old salts imaginable.他是超出你想象的不折不扣的硬汉I declare, we could fight a frigate with them.我可以宣称我们现在的战斗力可以媲美护卫舰了Ha, ha. I'm glad to hear it. What is the man's name?哈听上去很不错这个人叫什么名字?Uh, John Silver.约翰·西尔维They call him Long John Silver.人们都叫他高个子约翰·西尔维He's even volunteered to come aboard the ship's cook.他还自告奋勇上船做大厨呢Remarkably civil of him. Indeed. What a youthful man.真是个公民楷模真有干劲啊You know, while I think of it, young Jim you cut ashore in the gig...我的想法是让吉姆坐小划艇上岸…...and give my compliments to Mr. Silver and tell him civil-like, mind you... 找到西尔维先生转达我的问候一定要注意礼貌 be aboard by the evening gun.…等降旗炮后再回到船上来We sail tomorrow with the tide.明天我们趁着涨潮起航!Yes, sir. Oh, you'll find him...遵命大人噢你可以… the side of the Spyglass.…去一个叫望远镜小酒馆的地方找他Tall fellow, one leg. Can't miss him.高个子独腿侠很好认的I'm begging your pardon, sir. Could you tell me where I could find John Silver? 打扰一下先生能否告诉我约翰·西尔维在哪?Long John?高个子约翰?He'll be somewhere in the back. Bug us not.他在后面别烦我们Mr. Silver, sir.西尔维先生您好Such is my name to be sure.正是鄙人And who might you be, lad?年轻人敢问尊姓大名?Jim Hawkins, sir, ship's boy of the Hispaniola.阁下我是吉姆·霍金斯伊斯帕尼奥拉号&hearts;的侍应生Squire Trelawney's compliments says you're to come on board tonight...向您转达特里洛尼长官的问候请您今晚登舰…...if you please.…若得欣允不胜感激We sail at dawn.我们明日破晓出发Jim Hawkins, is it? Pleased I am to meet you.吉姆·霍金斯是吧?很高兴认识你Come, lad. I expect you're hungry.过来年轻人想来你已经饿了A person like you is always hungry as sharks.你这个年龄饿得快I remember when I was just a reefer in the king's navy.想当年我在皇家海军只是个收帆员We was fighting the Dutch off Batavia at war.我们跟丹麦人开仗把他们赶出了巴达维亚Black Dog. Stop him, that's Black Dog, that's one of Flint's men.黑狗!拦住他!那是黑狗!弗林特的人!I don't care two coppers who he is. He ain't paid his bill.我不管他是哪路神仙但他没付酒钱!You are Morgan.你是摩根!You was drinking with him.你在和他喝酒You never clapped eyes on this Black Dog...黑狗从来是神龙见首不见尾…...before now, did you? - No, sir.这之前你并没见过他吧?是的先生You never heard of him neither, did you? No, Barbecue, on my mother's grave.以前也从未听说过他对吗?是的烧烤架(西尔维绰号&hearts;)以我母亲的名义发誓…You never had a mother.你就是个没妈的人What was he saying to you anyway? He was saying...他跟你说了什么?他说…Well, we was jawing of keelhauling.呃…我们只不过随便扯扯罢了Yeah. Mighty suitable topic too.是啊你们就会胡吹海聊而已Back to your place for a lubber, Tom.汤姆一边儿呆着去蠢货Come. Set yourself down. Out of there.来吧坐下来歇一歇…滚开!Black Dog.黑狗Let's see. Yes, I've seen that swab before.我想想没错我见过那个无赖He used to come in here with a blind man.他常跟一个瞎子来这里I knew that blind man. His name was Pew.我知道那个瞎子他的名字叫皮尤It were. He looked like death.没错他看上去像快死了Sheriff Dance ran him down back at Admiral Benbow.他在本鲍旅店被丹斯警长的人踩死了You see here, Hawkins, you're smart. Smart as paint.告诉你霍金斯你很聪明非常聪明I seen that right off.我一眼就看出来了This here's a blessed hard thing for an honest man like me.像我这样诚实的人也会遇到这种跳进黄河也洗不清的倒霉事Here I've got this confounded son of a Dutchman...如今这个荷兰人的混账儿子(黑狗)…...sitting under my roof, drinking my rum. What will Squire Trelawney think?…坐在我家屋檐下喝着我的朗姆酒特里劳尼长官作何感想?。

no silver bullet谚语

no silver bullet谚语

No silver bullet 谚语一、引子"No silver bullet" 是一个源自美国传统的谚语,字面意思是没有银弹,比喻没有一种简单、完美的解决方案可以解决所有问题。



二、软件工程领域中的应用1. 软件开发在软件开发领域,人们常常希望找到一种“银弹”式的解决方案,可以快速、高效地解决各种技术难题。




2. 质量控制另软件质量控制也需要多种手段和方法的综合应用。


3. 项目管理在软件项目管理中,也常常出现希望通过某种工具或方法解决所有问题的情况。


三、其他领域中的应用1. 医学在医学领域,也常常出现对于某种治疗方法或药物的过度期望。


2. 环境保护环境保护是一个全球性的问题,人们也希望找到一种解决全球环境问题的“银弹”。


3. 教育在教育领域,也常常出现希望通过某种教学方法或工具解决所有教育问题的情况。


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No Silver Bullet : Inherent Limitations of Computer Security TechnologiesJeffrey W. HumphriesDaniel J. RagsdaleCurtis A. Carver, Jr.John Mitchell Duval HillUdo W. PoochDepartment of Computer Science, Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77843-3112, USAABSTRACTAwareness of the need for secure systems has grown rapidly as computers have become increasingly pervasive in our society. Numerous computer security technologies have been proposed and implemented, but all of them fall short of providing the level of security most organizations and end-users expect. No current technology, whether used in isolation or used together with other measures, fully addresses the problems associated with insecure computing platforms. Further, it is not likely that any technologies in the near future will be developed that, by themselves, will fix these problems. By examining the inherent problems in securing computers, this paper shows why it is unlikely that any silver bullet will be found that will fully address the problem in the foreseeable future. This paper also discusses some current technologies and shows why they do not adequately address these issues. It concludes with an assessment of evolutionary change and proposes approaches that may produce incremental improvements.Keywords: Information Systems Management, Communication Systems and Networks, Computer Security, Security Policy, Security Technologies1. INTRODUCTIONReports of computer break-ins, hacker incidents, and viruses are now common in the public press. As the number of reports increases, awareness of the need for secure systems has grown rapidly. Increased personal computer use, exponential growth in networking, and the advent of the World Wide Web has especially increased public concern for security [1, 2]. The current direction of computer science has moved away from the more easily secured mainframe paradigm towards more distributed, web-based, agent-based paradigms. A number of computer security technologies have been developed to address the security implications introduced by this shift, but all of them fall short of providing the level of security most organizations and end-users expect. No present technology, whether used by itself or used in conjunction with other mechanisms, fully addresses the computer security problem. Moreover, because of the fundamental problems in computer security, it is unlikely that any future developments will provide an immediate solution. Rather, while no single solution is probable, it is more likely that using approaches that attempt to address these inherent problems will provide better solutions. This paper only considers enabling security technologies and practices -- discussions on legal and social proposals are not addressed.The Nature of the Problem"The security of a system is a measure of its ability to implement a security policy" [3]. It is often described in terms of its three principal elements: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. While computer security covers a broad range of threats, such as natural disasters and accidents, the focus here is on the intentional threat -- the intelligent, determined, and intentional attacks that can be made against computing platforms. Thus, by definition, the use of computer security here deals with defense from deliberate attacks [4].The fast-paced change in computer technology, and the complexity it naturally brings, has increased the number of system vulnerabilities and has not improved overall security as some had predicted. Today's attackers have an increasingly large number of points to attack: satellite communications, video conferencing, fax machines, digital communications systems, mobile communications, mobile computing, personal computers, and dozens of other new technologies are commonplace. Moreover, new technologies, with their own set of exploitable vulnerabilities, are being continually created [5]. Likewise, the growth in the size and diversity of computer networks makes the job of securing computing systems increasingly difficult. Since computing platforms have become omnipresent, the task of system administration has become more decentralized. It is virtually impossible for system administrators to keep abreast of every new hardware or software technology, much less the new vulnerabilities each one introduces. Because of the many other concerns that system administrators have to address each day, security is often neglected due to lack of time or skill. Often, end users are left to install software on their own systems leaving well-known security holes that provide easy access to an attack [6].Schneier [7] describes those who try to defend their computer systems as occupying what is called "the position of the interior", a phrase coined by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz. For a system to be truly secure, it must defendagainst every conceivable attack, even those that are notcurrently known. The attacker, however, need only find one crack in security in order to defeat the system. Further, today's attackers can use whatever unscrupulous methods that are at their disposal to attack the system in ways those attempting to protect the system may never have considered. "The odds favor the attacker: defenders have to protect against every possible vulnerability, but an attacker only has to find one security flaw to compromise the whole system" [8].2. INHERENT PROBLEMS IN COMPUTERSECURITYProviding adequate computer security is very difficult. By examining the inherent problems in securing computers, it can be shown why it is unlikely that a quick fix will be found in the foreseeable future to fully address these problems. The following sections also discuss the properties of technologies that have been proposed and show why they are inadequate. In particular, three inherent difficulties in the nature of computer security are examined: the complexity of the computing environment, the rate of change in computer technology, and the people factor.Complexity of the Computing EnvironmentOne of the inherent problems in computer security is the complexity of the computing environment. Computer technology, both hardware and software, grows more complex each day. Not only are the individual components complex, but the exponential growth in their interconnection makes the entire infrastructure complex. All components of a computing system are potentially vulnerable, including the communications links, the actual computer hardware and related equipment, and the associated software [9]. The increase in size and complexity far exceeds the comprehension of any given security mechanism to monitor, even for relatively small networks. As a result, as this "information grid" expands and becomes more accessible, the security vulnerabilities increase as well. This occurs for several reasons [5].First, an increase in size means that more valid users have access to the system, thus increasing the threat from insiders. Second, as the number of hosts and connection points increases, outside attackers have more opportunities to penetrate a system. Finally, if an attacker, either from the inside or from the outside does manage to penetrate a system, more information is now available than ever before to be compromised. Even a solitary penetration has the potential to be extremely damaging, especially in a highly connected computing environment [5]. Likewise, since the computing environment has become so complex and interconnected, an attacker need only focus on a small subset of the infrastructure in order to cause major disruptions.Furthermore, since new technologies become available to potential attackers at the same time as they do to others, adversaries have time to understand these technologies and look for exploits [5]. For example, industry is increasingly reliant on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software and hardware. These products increase the organization's vulnerabilities by making their systems familiar to potential attackers who know the weaknesses of these products.Rate of Change in Computer TechnologyAnother inherent problem in computer security is the rate of change in computer technology. "The explosion of information technologies has set in motion a virtual tidal wave of change that is in the process of profoundly affecting organizations and individuals in multiple dimensions" [5]. The pace of these advances in information technologies and their use means that security mechanisms must be able to keep up or they will become quickly outdated [5]. This rapid change in technology hampers computer security efforts for several reasons.First, computer product developers, in their rush to get new products to the market, fail to thoroughly research and understand the security implications their products might have on those who use them. Many times, the security weaknesses in these products are not found until after the product has been installed and is in use in an organization that is unaware it is vulnerable. It is inevitable that security engineering will continue to lag behind product development [10].Likewise, technological advances and the pervasive drive toward efficiency lead many organizations to purchase, install, and integrate these new products into their computing infrastructure with little thought of their effect on security [9]. Many organizations are unaware that what appears to be a benign change to enhance their performance or efficiency can have a profound impact on the organization's vulnerability to attack by potential adversaries who know what to look for. For example, the installation of a newer version of a popular software package can introduce enormous vulnerabilities to an organization's infrastructure.The usual response to such events is for the organization to install security patches after an attack has occurred. This method does not provide an adequate level of security to most organizations. The description of a new security flaw can be described on the Internet and exploited by thousands much faster than developers can create and disseminate patches. Computer systems must be able to anticipate future attacks because any technology designed today is likely to remain in use for several years [8].The People FactorA third problem that is inherent to computer security involves people. Human beings are responsible for the design, configuration, and use of systems with security features. People often make mistakes in judgment and implementation, and many take shortcuts. Further, it is not possible for people to anticipate all possible failures [10]. In the realm of computer security, people can be categorized as either insiders or outsiders. The insider works for an organization and usually has some form of trusted, authorized access to the computing resources therein. An outsider is an attacker who has no prior access to the target computing platform. Both categories pose special problems in computer security.The largest threat, both in the number of incidents and in the monetary damage caused by attacks comes from insiders [4, 10]. Insiders are a threat when, for personal gain or for sabotage, they exploit information resources within their organization [4]. "A system that is secure when the operatorsare trusted and the computers are completely under the control of the company using the system may not be secure when the operators are temps hired at just over the minimum wage and the computers are untrusted" [7].Insiders can also introduce threats by accident. For example, even systems that are secure when used properly can become vulnerable when users subvert the security features by accident, especially if the system was not designed well [7]. Even more importantly, many system administrators themselves are simply not trained or possess adequate knowledge about information security to ensure that their systems are safe. Because security personnel and system administrators can change jobs frequently, inconsistencies in an organization's security policies develop. It is also difficult for personnel to keep up with new procedures and safeguards that are constantly being developed and introduced by an organization with the intent of improving security. These new procedures often have the unintentional effect of introducing new weaknesses.The threat from outsiders can also be very costly. These so-called hackers are becoming increasingly proficient at using easily obtainable, low cost technologies that provide tools for penetrating computer systems anywhere in the world [5]. Advances in technologies, such as the World Wide Web have resulted in an enormous amount of potentially dangerous information being available to individuals anywhere [5]. The Internet is the enabling tool that is almost singularly responsible for the spread of knowledge about vulnerabilities and the distribution of hacking tools worldwide [10]. Further, as these tools become more powerful and user friendly, the attacker's task becomes even easier. Sophisticated attacks that can devastate a targeted computer system can be launched by people with very modest technical expertise [10]. To make matters worse, there is considerable evidence that the once informal community of hackers is becoming more and more organized, as individuals are increasingly sharing their latest skills and tools with others on the Web [9]. Because the Internet is world-wide, attackers can mount an attack from anywhere in the world, hopping through multiple locations in-between, which makes tracking them extremely difficult.Computer specialists and system administrators are in a constant tug-of-war with the hacker community -- each one tries to foil the other. It is doubtful that this struggle will ever be effectively ended. Consequently, it is important for system administrators and users to maintain a vigilant watch of their systems and to continue to develop and implement improved security measures [9]. "History has taught us: never underestimate the amount of money, time, and effort someone will expend to thwart a security system. It's always better to assume the worst. Assume your adversaries are better than they are. Assume science and technology will soon be able to do things they cannot yet" [8].3. CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES FALL SHORTProviding good security is very difficult. The increasing sensitivity to the need for security has resulted in a corresponding increase in efforts to add security to current computing systems [1]. Good solutions are complex enough to require more than one type of remedy and involve actions among various organizations that need to be closely coordinated in order to be effective. No existing technology provides the type of orchestration of appropriate remedies necessary to provide a coherent solution to the inherent problems in computer security [5]. The current disciplines that have professed finding some solutions to these problems are insufficient and poorly understood [8].Authentication and Access ControlsIt is well known by most system administrators that standard methods of user authentication and access controls, such as the use of passwords, are woefully inadequate to provide any real security. It is far too easy for an attacker to subvert current authentication mechanisms. Several technologies, such as hand-held authenticators, biometrics, and smart cards, have been proposed which purport to solve the current authentication problem and make computers more secure. While these technologies may make small improvements in security in some systems, they fall short of their promise to provide complete system security to the end user. It is important for those responsible for an organization's security to realize that, while these technologies may have some value, they also have their limitations and are all potentially vulnerable to bypass or subversion [10].Network TechnologiesThe trend in a number of organizations has been to make their systems more open. Many believe their information systems should be accessible both to their own employees to work from remote sites and to the customers themselves who use the systems [9]. As this trend will likely continue, the number and significance of network vulnerabilities will continue to grow. Networked systems will always have vulnerabilities [10], but many technologies have been developed and marketed as the 'final solution' to network protection; none of them, however, can live up to these claims.The most common mechanism that has made exaggerated claims of network protection is the firewall. Most firewalls are vulnerable because they are subject to subversion and provide little protection against malicious code that enters the firewall in seemingly legitimate messages. They are also vulnerable to ill-defined and incomplete security policies [10]. Further, firewalls provide absolutely no protection against attacks by malicious insiders [1]. At best, firewalls provide protection from the 'casual attacker' who simply is trying to rattle doorknobs. In the worst case, firewalls give an organization a false sense of protection.Intrusion Detection SystemsIntrusion detection systems detect attacks that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of a resource [11]. A good intrusion detection system tries to detect abuse and to contain the effects of any attack in the early stages, preferably in real time. System designers must assume that sooner or later, the system will be successfully attacked, most likely in a completely new and unexpected way. Therefore, the ability to detect such an attack is important, as well as the ability to contain the attack to ensure it does minimal damage [12].Intrusion detection systems, however, have a number of weaknesses. First, as systems grow and become more fullyconnected, the simple task of even noticing a penetration or penetration attempt becomes extremely difficult. Many times, intrusion detection systems cannot distinguish between events that can be considered normal and those events that are intrusive [5]. These systems are vulnerable to falsely characterizing normal behaviors as attacks, to missing attacks altogether, to being disabled, and to incomplete or false knowledge about what should be considered an attack [10]. The sheer volume of information itself needed to monitor a network frustrates an intrusion detection system's ability to quickly identify problems. Second, like many other security mechanisms, intrusion detection systems have a very difficult time stopping the insider threat. Finally, very few intrusion detection systems are able to formulate an appropriate real-time response to perceived attacks, thus reducing many of them to mere burglar alarms.CryptographyAnother technology that many are hoping will solve the computer security dilemma is cryptography. Schneier summed it up when he made the statement that "strong cryptography is very powerful when it is done right, but it is not a panacea"[12]. Indeed, when system administrators and security personnel focus solely on the power of cryptographic mechanisms while ignoring other aspects of security, they just set themselves up for failure. "Building a secure cryptographic system is easy to do badly, and very difficult to do well" [7] because cryptographic system design is an art as well as a science. Those who design and implement these systems must strike a balance between security and convenience, anonymity and accountability, privacy and availability [13]. Smart attackers will just go around the cryptography and target weaker points in the system [12].The first problem with cryptography is that it lulls the user into a false sense of security. The cryptography now on the market doesn't usually provide the level of security it advertises. Most systems today are designed by engineers who think cryptography is like any other computer technology. They often believe that systems can be made secure by attaching cryptography as an afterthought [8]. Unfortunately, these products often get the cryptography wrong, because they frequently rely on proprietary encryption algorithms. Many of these proprietary algorithms are very weak because it is very easy to introduce defects in even simple cryptographic protocols if the designers are unfamiliar with the technology [7, 14].Another problem with cryptographic technology is that it is potentially vulnerable to weaknesses in the algorithms and protocols used, as well as the key generation and key management techniques employed [10]. Some people believe that longer keys will solve the problem, but using longer keys doesn't necessarily translate into better security [7, 12]. In practice, most attackers rarely break cryptography through mathematics; other parts of the system are much easier to break [13]. Attackers can almost always find ways that bypass these algorithms by exploiting errors in design, implementation, and installation [7]. The people who break into systems don't follow the rules. They often attack a system using methods the designers never considered [8]. For example, key recovery databases can become sources of vulnerability if not designed and implemented correctly. Random-number generators are another place where attackers can often break cryptographic systems [7]. Further, attackers don't even have to target the cryptographic technologies at all -- social engineering attacks often produce better results than months of persistent cryptanalysis [12].In addition, cryptography may be irrelevant if an attacker can circumvent it through some network insecurity [7]. Even if cryptography was ubiquitous and implemented correctly every time, 85% of the CERT advisories over the last 10 years describe vulnerabilities that would still exist because they are beyond the scope of cryptography to fix [14]. Security problems such as traffic analysis and denial of service can continue to plague systems even if the underlying cryptography is sound.Other TechnologiesMany other technologies have been proposed to solve the computer security problem. Mechanisms such as vulnerability scanners, virus scanners, secure software, and even security policies and standards have all been advocated as solutions. While each of these tools may improve security peripherally, none of them, whether used in isolation or together with other tools, address the inherent problems in computer security. Such tools also do little to protect systems from the insider threat or well-informed hackers who know about new vulnerabilities before the security tools are updated. As technology continues to progress, hackers will find ways to inject malicious code into target systems through a broadening variety of delivery mechanisms, including commercial software, network protocols, electronic mail, and web browsers [10].4. A BETTER WAY?Good security is very difficult to achieve and total security is impossible. No single technical security solution can provide an answer because they fail to address the inherent problems in computer security. Rather, a proper balance of security mechanisms must be achieved that addresses the fundamental problems of increasing complexity, rapid rate of change, and the people factor [1, 10]. This paper advocates three approaches that begin to address the inherent difficulties in computer security.Designing Security into Systems from StartIn a world of limited resources, system developers must distribute them among the competing demands of functionality, performance, and customer usability [10]. Often, one of the first components to go, if it was ever included in the first place, is security. One reason is that most users usually don't care much about security. Their primary concern is simplicity, convenience, and compatibility with their existing, albeit insecure, systems [13]. For example, it has been documented that some electronic commerce systems have made implementation trade-offs in security to enhance usability [7]. Moreover, when security is included with a system, it is usually added on at the end, almost as an afterthought. Such practices do not produce secure software, and many times have the opposite effect of introducing vulnerabilities. The better approach is to design security into systems from the very start.Schneier and Shostack propose a defensive model of designthat is focused on designing systems to be secure from the architecture down. Because it has been shown that adding security to a system after the design phase is difficult, expensive, and prone to failure, they offer a model that encourages motivating security considerations in the beginning phases of system design. This approach eliminates many of the costly and complex attempts to add security at the end of design [15]. All trusted systems must base their engineering on sound security models that were considered from the start [10]. This approach will successfully produce secure systems only if they require those responsible for the design, development, and implementation of these systems to recognize potential unintended consequences and vulnerabilities introduced by their decisions in the process [5]. After all, just because a system works does not mean it works correctly or securely; unfortunately, testing never identifies all security flaws before a product is shipped [7].Secure Operating SystemsMany current security efforts operate under the mistaken assumption that adequate security can be achieved by building applications that run on top of today's operating systems [1]. Even applications that were designed very securely often fail because of the lack of underlying security support from the operating system. An operating system with well designed security mechanisms is an important and necessary component to the lofty goal of total system security [1].Security provided by the operating system is essential to providing overall system security. Because the operating system is the interface between the hardware and any software applications that execute, failure to build basic security mechanisms into the operating system can result in system-wide vulnerabilities. For example, the OS is responsible for protecting application-space mechanisms from tampering by other processes [1]. If even this basic need is not provided, an informed attacker and a renegade process can hijack the system with a few careful operations. Because rising system complexity and interconnectivity have increased system-wide vulnerabilities, the need for secure operating systems is more essential in today's computing environment than ever before [1].Today's mainstream operating systems are subject to easy subversion. Once the operating system has been penetrated, nothing is left to protect a system's hardware except hardware itself. Attempts to address this problem outside of redesigning the actual operating system have failed. For example, Java is a language that was developed with some security mechanisms built in. All security concerns in Java are addressed at the application layer above the operating system. The basic Java Security Model is based on the notion of the sandbox. The system relies on features of the language working in conjunction with the Java Security Manager to prevent unauthorized actions [1]. A number of other, independently-developed security solutions for the World Wide Web have been proposed, each one with its own security model. All of these systems, including Java, have been shown to be vulnerable to numerous attacks, including those from mobile code, because these systems rely on 'high-level' security solutions which are vulnerable because of a lack of operating system support for security [1]. The fundamental limitation of these high-level approaches is that none of them can guarantee that the system cannot be tampered with or bypassed [1]. Truly secure operating systems, with mandatory security mechanisms built in, provide security-related functionality and support to an application by ensuring that these systems cannot be tampered with or bypassed [1]. These built-in mandatory security mechanisms can also strictly confine an application to a single security domain that is rigidly separate from other process domains in the system [1].Security Awareness and TrainingAnother approach that has a good chance of improving overall system security, quite apart from any particular technology, is that of security awareness and training for the user. This can be done effectively by most organizations as part of a broad, ongoing training and awareness program that keeps members' attention focused on security related issues [9]. This effort cannot be a simple one-time effort; it must be a comprehensive training and awareness program that is done continually, with emphasis always on maintaining a secure environment [9]. It has been shown in many organizations that a large number of existing vulnerabilities in any information system can be eliminated through the consistent application of reasonable, low-cost computer security awareness training combined with procedures to implement the organization's policies [9]. For example, many users consider hand-held authenticators to be inconvenient. However, in high-threat environments where remote access is required, they offer a substantial increase in security [16]. By making users aware of the threats and the need for better security, many of them begin to use proposed security mechanisms that enhance the security of the overall organization.5. CONCLUSIONPublic awareness of the need for secure systems has grown tremendously over the last several years. The increase in personal computer use, the exponential growth in interconnectivity, and the advent of the World Wide Web has especially increased public concern for security [1, 2]. A number of well-intentioned computer security technologies have been developed, but none of them provide adequate, system-level security. Moreover, based on the current direction of information technology, it appears unlikely that a silver bullet is on the horizon in the area of computer security. While no system can guarantee 100% security, approaches that attempt to address the inherent problems in computer security will likely provide better solutions and make our systems more secure in the future.6. REFERENCES[1] P. A. Loscocco, S. D. Smalley, P. A. Muckelbauer, R. A.Taylor, S. J. Turner, and J. F. Farrell, “The Inevitability ofFailure: The Flawed Assumption of Security in ModernComputing Environments,” in Proc. 21st NationalInformation Systems Security Conference, Crystal City,VA, 1998.。
