安信可ESP-12E WIFI文档
ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册目录术语和缩写错误!未定义书签。
1. 产品简介 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 概述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
产品特性 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
模块封装 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
模块基本参数 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
. 硬件介绍 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 功耗 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 射频指标 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 尺寸 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. WiFi 天线 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 推荐炉温曲线 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2. 功能描述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
安信可-NodeMCU-8266 规格书-中文说明书
文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V1.02016.10.04首次制定杨小飞V1.12019.03.04资料更改谢一骥V1.22020.04.23资料更改谢一骥目录一、产品概述 (5)二、电气参数 (7)三、外观尺寸 (8)四、管脚定义 (9)五、原理图 (11)六、设计指导 (11)七、回流焊曲线图 (12)八、包装信息 (13)九、联系我们 (13)一、产品概述NodeMCU-8266开发板是安信可针对ESP8266模组而设计的一款核心开发板,该开发板延续了NodeMCU1.0经典设计,引出全部I/O至两侧的排针,开发者可以根据自己的需求连接外设。
ESP-07 WiFi 模块规格书版本2015年8月23日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归 Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
目录1. 产品概述 (2). 特点 (2). 主要参数 (3)2. 接口定义 (4)3. 外型与尺寸 (6)4. 功能描述 (6). MCU (6). 存储描述 (7). 晶振 (7). 接口说明 (7). 最大额定值 (8). 建议工作环境 (8). 数字端口特征 (9)5. RF 参数 (9)6. 功耗 (10)7. 倾斜升温 (11)8. 原理图 (12)9. 产品试用 (12)1.产品概述ESP-07 WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器 ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的 Tensilica L106 超低功耗 32 位微型 MCU,带有 16 位精简模式,主频支持 80 MHz 和 160 MHz,支持 RTOS,集成 Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
该模块支持标准的 b/g/n 协议,完整的 TCP/IP 协议栈。
自2017年4月21日星期五晚上22:00开始毫无经验的学习使用版本修改说明目录版本修改说明 .......................................................1 基础了解 .........................................................2 板载资源说明 .....................................................3 拨码开关 .........................................................4 安信可云功能测试 .................................................4.1 测试前提 ....................................................4.2 进入设置状态 ................................................4.3 注册服务器账号 (2)4.4 问题 (3)4.5 第二种配置方法 (3)5 烧录ESP8266模块 (5)6 MCU烧录hex固件 (8)7测试程序 08 如何为ESP系列模组烧录固件 (2)8.1 硬件连接 (2)8.2 ESP8266 Flash 地址配置 (4)8.3 烧录下载 (5)8.4 如何擦除整片Flash (6)9 测试程序2 (7)安信可全功能测试板2.0使用笔记bsyang2017-5-7 前言:由于官方和QQ群资料太乱,太杂,以至于让人根本无从下手,因此,只好在使用过程中参考“拿到板子后让我们开始吧.pdf(又名“全功能测试板使用说明”)”边摸索边记录,以便查询。
安E系统使用手册V1.2杭州小华科技有限公司目录第1章系统概述 (1)第2章系统配置 (2)2.1 简单的配置 (2)2.2 复杂的配置 (2)第3章系统设备 (3)3.1 控制类 (3)3.1.1 智能网关 (4)3.1.2 多功能控制器 (5)3.1.3 调光控制器 (6)3.1.4 窗帘电机 (7)3.2 可视对讲类 (8)3.2.1 智能控制屏 (8)3.2.2 智能可视门铃 (10)3.3 智能门锁类 (11)3.4 家庭看护类 (12)3.5 第三方对接类 (12)3.5.1 电能表 (13)3.5.2 空调/地热面板 (14)3.5.3 红外遥控设备 (15)3.5.4 环境检测仪 (17)3.5.5 背景音乐 (18)3.6 网关远程服务等级 (21)第4章布线规则 (21)4.1整体布线 (21)4.2家庭报警布线 (22)4.3视频监控布线 (23)4.4可视对讲布线 (24)4.5智能照明布线 (24)4.6电动窗帘布线 (25)第5章调试与控制 (26)5.1 安E工程宝APP (26)5.2 安E生活APP (30)版本信息第1章系统概述安E生活系统是大华推出的新一代智能家居系统,整个安E系统基于无线网络通信、大数据、云计算、语音识别、人工智能、机器学习等先进技术,采用内置操作系统、智能芯片、传感器的硬件产品以及软件应用实现数据云端存储、分析,并据此为用户提供更为精准的安全、便捷、健康、智慧的人性化、智能化生态系统。
华美HAME A12E路由器操作手册
A12E 产品图解操作说明一:A12E 路由器有六种联机模式,分别为:智能模式、3G 模式、静态模式、动态自动取得模式、PPPOE 模式、WIFI 热点模式;根据你使用的模式选择相对应的联机模式(所有的联机模式都在广域网里面选择更改): ①使用3G 上网卡: 选择智能模式或者3G 模式 ②使用校园网或者使用网线不需要拨号但是有固定IP 地址: 选择静态模式③在宾馆使用或者家里的网线不需要拨号没有固定IP 地址: 选择动态自动取得模式 ④使用家庭宽带需要拨号: 选择PPPOE 模式 ⑤将路由器作为中继桥接,转发信号使用: 选择WIFI 热点模式 如图所示:二:进入广域网,操作如下:1.首先打开你的智能设备(智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本)再打开A12E ,然后我们产品的背面有个标签,标签上面写的 有WIFI 名称和WIFI 密码,如图:2.在电脑桌面右下角点击无线网图标,弹出无线列表框,然后在找到A12E 路由器的WIFI 名称,点击链接后需要输入网络密钥就是WIFI 名称,输完之后点击链接,连接上后会提示无线网已连接,如图:提示:以上操作设置仅限XP 系统电脑并且电脑具有无限搜索功能的客户使用,如果电脑没有无线搜索功能,需要客户用网线一端插在电脑主机上,另一端插在路由器网线接口上。
2.联上WIFI 后,打开浏览器输入网址192.168.169.1,然后进入路由器首页,点击登录输入密码:hame ,如图:3.进入设备管理界面,点击网络设置,然后点击广域网,如图:三:选择上网方式:提示:A12E路由器出厂默认模式是智能模式,就是插上资费卡就可以直接使用;如果使用其他上网方式就需要设置:1.使用3G资费卡上网,智能模式和3G模式情况下都可以插资费卡直接使用;但是使用之前要确定资费卡没有欠费;在插资费卡的时候,按照资费卡切口朝里,芯片朝上的方向方向插入,然后拨上号就可以上网了,如图:2.使用校园网或者使用网线分配的有固定IP的选择静态模式,输入静态IP地址,然后点击确定就可以了,如图:3.使用宾馆网线或者家里网线不需要拨号的选择动态模式,然后点击确定:4.使用网线需要拨号的选择PPPOE模式,输入网线的帐号和密码,点击确定:5.将路由器作为桥接或者使用CMCC网络将联机模式改为WIFI热点,然后点击抓取附近热点,再在列表中找到你想要连接热点名称,点击连接输入密码,再点击确定就可以了,如图:四:在将联机模式改为动态情况下还上不了网,就需要输入电脑网线的MAC地址了(XP系统电脑是实际IP,win7系统电脑是物理IP),操作步骤如下:1.打开我的电脑,点击网上邻居,然后双击本地连接图标,弹出本地连接状态框,然后点击支持,在点击详细信息,如图:2.然后弹出网络连接详细信息框,把里面的实际IP地址记录下来,如图:3.在用智能设备连接A12E,进入192.168.169.1界面,进入广域网,将广域网联机模式下边的Enablen点击启用,然后输入实际IP地址,在输的时候要将电脑上的XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX格式转变为XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX格式,然后点击确定就可以了,如图:A12E产品图解操作说明一、A12E路由器有六种联机模式:智能模式、3G模式、静态模式、动态自动取得模式、PPPOE模式、WIFI热点模式;根据你使用的模式选择相对应的联机模式(所有的联机模式都在广域网里面选择更改)①使用3G上网卡:选择智能模式或者3G模式②使用校园网或者使用网线不需要拨号但是有固定IP地址:选择静态模式③在宾馆使用或者家里的网线不需要拨号没有固定IP地址:选择动态自动取得模式④使用家庭宽带需要拨号:选择PPPOE模式⑤将路由器作为中继桥接,转发信号使用:选择WIFI热点模式二:进入广域网,操作如下:1.首先打开你的智能设备(智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本)再打开A12E,然后我们产品的背面有个标签,标签上面写的有WIFI名称和WIFI密码,如图:2.在电脑桌面右下角点击无线网图标,弹出无线列表框,然后在找到A12E路由器的WIFI名称,点击链接后需要输入网络密钥就是WIFI名称,输完之后点击链接,连接上后会提示无线网已连接,如图:提示:以上操作设置仅限XP系统电脑并且电脑具有无限搜索功能的客户使用,如果电脑没有无线搜索功能,需要客户用网线一端插在电脑主机上,另一端插在路由器网线接口上。
NETGEAR AC1200 WiFi范围扩ender商品说明文件说明书
Boost your existing WiFiOverviewNETGEAR AC1200 WiFi Range Extender boosts your existing network range, delivering AC dual band WiFi up to 1200 Mbps. The700mW high-power design provides ultimate range, while the dual-core processor enables maximum WiFi performance. It works with any standard WiFi router & is ideal for HD video streaming & gaming. Get the connectivity you need for iPads®, smartphones, laptops & more.• Dual band WiFi up to 1200 Mbps• 700mW high-power design for ultimate range • Dual-core processor for max WiFi performanceRANGEDUAL BAND AC1200AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band GigabitData SheetEX6200Blazing Fast CPUPowerful dual-core ARM A9 processor enables maximum WiFi throughput at Gigabit speed.Wireless PrintingPrint documents & photos to any USB printer connected to the WiFi Range Extender.5 Gigabit Ethernet PortsConnect up to 5 wired devices likeBlu-ray® players, game consoles, smart TVs or streaming players to your WiFi network.Next Generation WiFiCreate faster dual band WiFi access with 802.11ac technology up to 1200 Mbps.READYSHARE® USBWirelessly share & access USB storage connected to the USB 3.0 port.BEAMFORMING +Focuses WiFi signals directly to wireless devices for more reliable connections.FastLane ™ TechnologyUse both WiFi bands to establish one super high-speed connection; ideal for HD streaming & gaming.Ultimate Range700 mW high-power amplifiers & high-gain 5dBi antennas for maximum WiFi coverage.Existing WiFiSometimes your router does not provide the WiFi coverage you needExtenderBoosts the range of your existing WiFi & creates a stronger signal in hard-to-reach areasNetwork ConnectionsGigabit Ethernet portsPower on/o buttonConnect to powerStand for vertical placement (included)AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit Data SheetEX6200 WiFi Analytics AppHow strong is your WiFi signal? Use the NETGEAR WiFi Analytics app & get advanced analytics to optimize your existing or newly extended WiFi network. Check your network status, WiFi signal strength, identify crowded WiFi channels & much more!Here’s what you can do with the WiFi Analytics App!• Get a network status overview• Check WiFi signal strength• Measure WiFi channel interference• Keep track of WiFi strength by location• and more...Scan to install appThis product is packaged with a limited warranty, the acceptance of which is a condition of sale. Warranty valid only when purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.* 24/7 basic technical support provided for 90 days from date of purchase when purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.1Works with devices supporting Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS).Data throughput, signal range, and wireless coverage per sq. ft. are not guaranteed and may vary due to differences in operating environments of wireless networks, including without limitation building materials and wireless interference. Specifications are subject to change without notice.The product may not be compatible with routers or gateways with firmware that has been altered, is based on open source programs, or is non-standard or outdated. ATTENTION: Due to EU law, the country settings must be identical to the country where the device is operating (important due to non-harmonised frequencies in the EU).For indoor use only. Valid for sale in all EU member states, EFTA states, and Switzerland.NETGEAR, and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Any other trademarks herein are for reference purposes only. ©2015 NETGEAR, Inc.NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, /supportD-EX6200-1AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit Data SheetEX6200Package Contents• AC1200 WiFi Range Extender (EX6200)• Installation guide • Do More booklet • Power adapter • Stand• Two (2) 5dBi dual band detachable external antennasPhysical Specifications• Dimensions: 9.92 x 6.85 x 1.22 in (252 x 174 x 31 mm)• Weight: 0.67 lb (302 g)Warranty• For warranty details visit /about/warrantySecurity• WiFi Protected Access® (WPA/WPA2-PSK) and WEPStandards• IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz • IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac 5GHz• Five (5) 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports with auto-sensing technology • USB 3.0 port• DLNA compatible Digital Media Server (DMS)Support• 24/7 basic technical support free for 90 daysEase of Use• CD-less setup—great for mobile devices • Push ‘N’ Connect using Wi-Fi Protected Setup® (WPS)1• Power on/off buttonSystem Requirements• 2.4 and/or 5GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac WiFi router or gateway• Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5.0, Firefox® 2.0 or Safari® 1.4 or Google Chrome 11.0 browsers or higherDual Core Processor。
AXIS C1210-E网络天花板扬声器说明书
AXIS C1210-E Network Ceiling SpeakerDiscrete in-ceiling installation—largeAXIS C1210-E is an all-in-one speaker system that makes voice announcements and background music smart and easy. It connects to standard network using one cable for both power(PoE)and connectivity.AXIS C1210-E offers flexible, discrete recessed ceiling installation,ideal for indoor environments but can also be used for protected outdoor areas like under the eaves.Additionally,it features a backbox that meets plenum requirements.It offers easy integration with your video management software(VMS),VoIP telephony,analytics,and more.Including a preconfigured digital signal processer(DSP)it produces clear voice every time.It also features a built-in microphone enabling remote health testing and2-way audio talk-back.Furthermore,the embedded audio management software supports user,content,zone,and scheduling management.>All-in-one speaker system>Connects to standard network>Easy installation with just one network cable(PoE)>Scalable and easy to integrate>Remote healthtesting DatasheetAXIS C1210-E Network Ceiling Speaker Audio hardwareEnclosure One way enclosure with6,5inches broadband dynamic conespeakerMax soundpressure level96dBFrequencyresponse40Hz-20kHzCoverage pattern130°coaxialAudio input/output Built-in microphone(can be disabled) External microphone,Line inBuilt-inmicrophonespecification50Hz-20kHzAmplifierdescriptionBuilt-in7W Class D amplifierDigital signalprocessingBuilt-in and pre-configured Audio managementAXIS Audio Manager Edge Built in:–Content management for music and live/pre-recorded announcements.–Scheduling to decide when and where to play specific content.–Content prioritization to ensure urgent messages interrupt the schedule.–Zone management allowing you to divide up to200speakers into20zones.–Health monitoring for remote discovery of system errors.–User management to control who has access to what features. See separate datasheet for more details.AXIS Audio Manager Pro For larger and more advanced systems.Sold separately.See separate datasheet for specifications.Audio softwareAudio streaming One-way/two-way with optional half-duplex echo cancellation.Mono.Audio encoding AAC LC8/16/32/48kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz, Axisµ-law16kHz,WAV,MP3in mono/stereo from64kbps to320kbps.Constant and variable bit rate.Sampling rate from8kHz up to48kHz.System on chip(SoC)Model i.MX6SoloXMemory512MB RAM,512MB FlashNetworkSecurity IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1X a networkaccess control,user access log,Centralized CertificateManagementNetwork protocols IPv4/v6b,HTTP,HTTPS a,SSL/TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP, CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,RTCP, ICMP,DHCP,ARP,SOCKS,SSH,NTCIP,SIP(Cisco,Avaya,Asterisk)System integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®,One-click cloud connection,AXIS Camera Application Platform(ACAP).VoIP Support for Session Initiation Protocol(SIP)for integration with Voice over IP(VoIP)systems.Peer to peer or integrated withSIP/PBX.Tested with:SIP client such as Cisco,Bria and Grandstream andPBX suppliers such as Cisco and Asterisk.Supported SIP features:secondary SIP server,IPv6,SRTP/RTSPS,SIPS,SIP TLS,DTMF(RFC2976and RFC2833),NAT(ICE,STUN,TURN)Supported codecs:PCMU,PCMA,opus,L16/16000,L16/8000,speex/8000,speex/16000,G.726-32Intelligent audio Auto Speaker Test(verification via built-in microphone) Event triggers Call,virtual inputs,external input,AXIS Camera ApplicationPlatform(ACAP)Event actions Play audio clip,send SNMP trap,send Auto Speaker Test,status LED,File upload via HTTP,network share and email,Notification via email,HTTP,HTTPS and TCP,external output activationBuilt-ininstallation aidsTest tone verification and identificationCybersecurityEdge security Software:Signed firmware,brute force delay protection,digest authentication,password protection,AES-XTS-Plain64256bitSD card encryptionHardware:Secure boot,Axis Edge Vault with Axis device ID,signed video,secure keystore(CC EAL4+certified hardwareprotection of cryptographic operations and keys)Network security IEEE802.1X(EAP-TLS)a,IEEE802.1AR,HTTPS/HSTS a,TLSv1.2/v1.3a,Network Time Security(NTS),X.509Certificate PKI,IP address filteringDocumentation AXIS OS Hardening GuideAxis Vulnerability Management PolicyAxis Security Development ModelTo download documents,go to /support/cybersecu-rity/resourcesTo read more about Axis cybersecurity support,go to/cybersecurityGeneralCasing IP44(IP40above ceiling)Baffle:PlasticTop cover:PlasticMesh:Surface-treated steel plateMesh color:Off-white(RAL9010or equivalent)Repaintable.For repainting instructions and impact on warranty,contact your Axis partner.Speaker mounting method:Plastic clampPower Power over Ethernet(PoE),IEEE802.3af Type1Class3(max12.95W)Connectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoEI/O:4-pin2.5mm terminal block for2x supervised configurableI/OsStorage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardMax.size64GBFor SD card recommendations see Reliability Designed for24/7operation.LED indicators Status LED,front-facing LEDOperatingconditions-30°C to50°C(-22°F to122°F)Humidity10–100%RH(condensing)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Humidity5–95%RH(non-condensing)Approvals EMCCISPR24,CISPR35,CISPR32Class A,EN55024,EN55035,EN55032Class A,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,EN61000-6-3,EN61000-6-4,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),KC KN35,KC KN32Class A,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,VCCI Class ASafetyCAN/CSA C22.2No.62368-1,CAN/CSA-C22.2No.60950-22,IEC/EN62368-1,KC-Mark,UL62368-1,UL60950-22EnvironmentIEC60068-2-1,IEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78,IEC/EN60529IP44 Dimensions Height:150mm(5.9in),Front-meshØ285mm(11.2in)Ceiling thickness:for mounting:0–60mm(0–2.4in)Dimensions for fixing hole:Ø261mm±2mm(10.3in±0.08in) Weight3100gOptionalaccessoriesAXIS TC1603Tile Bridge(for installation in soft ceiling),AXIS TC1602Conduit Adapter,AXIS TC1702Back Cover,AXIS Safety Wire3MFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis’Application Development Partners availableon /techsup/softwareLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,ItalianWarranty5-year warranty,see /warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).b.Audio synchronization with IPv4only.Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2022-2023Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10177745/EN/M6.8/2301。
安信可 ATK-ESP8266 WIFI 用户手册
高性能UART-WIFI 模块ATK-ESP8266 WIFI 用户手册User Manual目录1.特性参数 (1)2.使用说明 (2)2.1模块引脚说明 (2)2.1安信可ESP8266-12F WIFI模块 (3)2.2模块使用说明 (4)2.2.1 功能说明 (4) 透传模式 (4)2.2.2 使用前准备 (4)2.2.3 硬件连接 (4)2.2.4 指令结构 (5)2.2.3 基础AT指令 (5) AT (5) AT+RST (6) AT+GMR (6) ATE (6) AT+RESTORE (6) AT+UART (6)2.2.4 WIFI功能AT指令 (7) AT+CWMODE (8) AT+CWJAP (8) AT+CWLAP (9) AT+CWQAP (9) AT+CWSAP (9) AT+CWLIF (10) AT+CWDHCP (10) AT+CW AUTOCONN (11) AT+CIPSTAMAC (11) A T+CIPAPMAC (11) A T+CIPSTA (12) A T+CIPAP (12) A T+SA VETRANSLINK (12)2.2.5 TCP/IP工具箱AT指令 (13) AT+CIPSTA TUS (13) AT+CIPSTART (14) AT+CIPSEND (15) AT+CIPCLOSE (15) AT+CIFSR (16) AT+CIPMUX (16) AT+CIPSERVER (16) AT+CIPMODE (17) AT+CIPSTO (17) A T+CIUPDA TE (17) A T+PING (18)2.2.6 基本AT指令测试 (18) AT+RST 重启模块,如图2. (19) AT+GMR 查看版本信息,如图2. (19)2.2.7 TCP Client透传模式 (19)2.2.8 多连接server (23)3 结构尺寸 (26)4 其他 (26)1.特性参数ATK-ESP8266是ALIENTEK推出的一款高性能的UART-WiFi(串口-无线)模块,ATK-ESP8266板载ai-thinker公司的ESP8266模块,该模块通过FCC,CE认证,可直接用于产品出口欧美地区。
无线测温在线监测系统产品介绍山东派瑞光电科技有限公司2012年3月9日目录第一章概述 (2)一、产品应用 (2)二、产品设计思想 (2)三、产品特色 (3)四、对企业产生的效益: (3)第二章无线测温系统的组成 (4)一、EPTM1000主机 (4)二、JNPT150温度传感器 (5)三、测温工作站 (6)第三章无线测温产品区别于其它及同类厂家的对比 (7)第四章产品选型 (8)第五章产品安装组网及图片 (9)一、组网图 (9)二、传感器安装描述 (10)1.航空胶固定 (10)2.卡子固定 (10)三、现场安装图片 (10)四、变电站事故图片 (11)第六章无线测温产品应用案例 (13)一、电力企业 (13)第七章无线测温系统后台软件 (15)一、直观显示接头的温度 (15)二、图示化功能菜单,汇集了系统的主要功能,简洁明了 (17)三、功能强大的报警分析功能 (18)四、历史记录分析,预测接头老化程度及火灾事故 (19)五、灵活的参数设置,满足各种复杂的现场需求 (20)六、功能完善的系统组态软件,随时适应现场变化 (20)第一章概述电气设备在运行中,伴随着一些安全问题,而这些问题具有突发性和不准确性,难以预知,应对这种情况,需要一种手段去解决。
安信可ESP-12E WIFI文档
ESP-12E WiFi 模块规格书版本1.02015年8月23日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
目录1. 产品概述 (2)1.1. 特点 (3)1.2. 主要参数 (4)2. 接口定义 (5)3. 外型与尺寸 (7)4. 功能描述 (9)4.1. MCU (9)4.2. 存储描述 (9)4.3. 晶振 (9)4.4. 接口说明 (10)4.5. 最大额定值 (11)4.6. 建议工作环境 (11)4.7. 数字端口特征 (11)5. RF 参数 (12)6. 功耗 (13)7. 倾斜升温 (14)8. 原理图 (15)9. 产品试用 (16)1.产品概述ESP-12E WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,带有16 位精简模式,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,支持RTOS,集成Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
ESP -12F WIFI模块规格说明书ESP-12F WIFI模块规格说明书版本 1.02015年8月23日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归 Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
注 意由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本手册内容有可能变更。
ESP-12F规格说明书目录1.产品概述 (2)1.1.特点 (3)1.2.主要参数 (4)2.接口定义 (5)3.外型与尺寸 (7)4.功能描述 (9)4.1.MCU (9)4.2.存储描述 (9)4.3.晶振 (9)4.4.接口说明 (10)4.5.最大额定值 (11)4.6.建议工作环境 (11)4.7.数字端口特征 (12)5.RF 参数 (12)6.功耗 (13)7.倾斜升温 (14)8.典型应用原理图 (15)ESP-12F规格说明书1.产品概述ESP-12F WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器 ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的 Tensilica L106 超低功耗 32 位微型 MCU,带有 16 位精简模式,主频支持 80 MHz 和 160 MHz,支持 RTOS,集成 Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册目录术语和缩写 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. 产品简介 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 概述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
产品特性 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
模块封装 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
模块基本参数 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
. 硬件介绍 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 功耗 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 射频指标 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 尺寸 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. WiFi 天线 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 推荐炉温曲线 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1、ESP-12F 烧录 MQTT 协议固件打开烧录⼯具双击打开后,选择Developer Mode点击Developer Mode后,选择ESP8266点击ESP8266后,点击下图红框进⾏选择我们需要的MQTT透传的固件(.bin⽂件)下图就是我们需要的bin⽂件选择后bin⽂件后如下图进⾏配置点击START后,出现下图就表⽰我们烧录地固件已经烧录完成了。
依次输⼊以下指令就可以连接到阿⾥云平台设置模式AT+CWMODE=1复位AT+RST连接WIFIAT+CWJAP="Mi","123456789"查看现在的时间AT+CIPSNTPTIME?AT+CIPSNTPCFG=1,8,""命令格式:AT+MQTTUSERCFG=0,1,"NULL","Username","Password",0,0,"" 。
ESP-12E WiFi 模块规格书版本1.02015年8月23日免责申明和公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
目录1. 产品概述 (2)1.1. 特点 (3)1.2. 主要参数 (4)2. 接口定义 (5)3. 外型与尺寸 (7)4. 功能描述 (9)4.1. MCU (9)4.2. 存储描述 (9)4.3. 晶振 (9)4.4. 接口说明 (10)4.5. 最大额定值 (11)4.6. 建议工作环境 (11)4.7. 数字端口特征 (11)5. RF 参数 (12)6. 功耗 (13)7. 倾斜升温 (14)8. 原理图 (15)9. 产品试用 (16)1.产品概述ESP-12E WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,带有16 位精简模式,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,支持RTOS,集成Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
该模块支持标准的IEEE802.11 b/g/n 协议,完整的TCP/IP 协议栈。
WT8266 -S1 WiFi模块产品说明书
WT8266-S1 WiFi ModuleExtreme / Open / Small / EasySpecificationVersion 1.02015/8/13Disclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The WiFi Alliance Member Logo is a trademark of the WiFi Alliance.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged.NoteAs the product upgrade or other reasons, this manual may change. Shenzhen Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd has right to modify the contents of this manual without any notice or warning. This manual is only as a guide,Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd Spareno effort to provide accurate information in this manual, but the Wireless-Tag can't guarantee manual there is no problem , all statements in this manual, information and suggestions do not constitute any guarantee of express or implication.Contents1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................- 4 -2. Main Features ............................................................................................................................................- 4 -3. Hardware Specifications .............................................................................................................................- 5 -3.1 System Diagram ....................................................................................................................................- 5 -3.2 Pin Description .....................................................................................................................................- 5 -3.4 Electrical Characteristic ........................................................................................................................- 8 -3.4.1 Maximum Ratings ..........................................................................................................................- 8 -3.4.2 Recommended Operating Environment ........................................................................................- 8 -3.4.3 Digital Port Characteristics ............................................................................................................- 8 -3.5 Power Consumption .............................................................................................................................- 8 -3.5.1 Operating Power Consumption .....................................................................................................- 8 -3.5.2 Standby Power Consumption ........................................................................................................- 9 -3.6 RF Characteristics .................................................................................................................................- 9 -3.6.1 RF Configuration and General Specifications of Wireless LAN .......................................................- 9 -3.6.2 RF Tx Characteristics ....................................................................................................................- 10 -3.6.3 RF Rx Characteristics....................................................................................................................- 10 -4. Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................................................................................- 11 -4.1 Module Size ........................................................................................................................................- 11 -4.2 Schematics..........................................................................................................................................- 12 -5. Product Trial .............................................................................................................................................- 12 -1. OverviewWT8266-S1 Wi-Fi module is a low consumption, high performance embedded Wi-Fi network control module designed by Wireless-Tag. It can meet the IoT application requirements in smart power grids, building automation, security and protection, smart home, remote health care etc.The module's core processor ESP8266 integrates an enhanced version of Tensilica's L106 Diamond series 32-bit processor with smaller package size and 16 bit compact mode, main frequency support 80 MHz and 160 MHz, support RTOS, integrated Wi-Fi MAC / BB / RF / PA / LNA, on-board PCB antenna.The module supports standard IEEE802.11 b / g / n protocol, a complete TCP / IP protocol stack. Users can use the module to add networking capabilities for existing equipment , also can build a separate network controller.2. Main Features∙Operating Voltage: 3.3V∙Operating Temperature:-20 - 70°C∙CPU Tensilica L106o RAM 36KB(Available)o Flash 16Mbit∙Systemo802.11 b/g/no IntegratedTensilica L106 ultra-low power 32-bitmicro MCU, with 16 bit compact mode,main frequency support 80 MHz and 160 MHz, support RTOSo WIFI 2.4 GHz,supportWPA/WPA2o Ultra-Small 18.6mm*15.0mmo Integrated 10 bit high precision ADCo Integrated TCP/IP Stacko IntegratedTR switch、 balun、 LNA、Power amplifier and matching networko Integrated PLL、Regulator and power source management components, +20 dBm output power in 802.11b modeo Supports antenna diversityo Deep sleep current < 10uA, Power down leakage current < 5uAo It can use an application processor SDIO 2.0、SPI、 UARTo Polymerization of STBC、 1x1 MIMO、 2x1 MIMO A-MPDU 、A-MSDU and 0.4 sguard intervalo Wake up within 2ms, connect and transfer data packetso Standby power consumption < 1.0mW (DTIM3)o Support AT remote upgrades and cloud OTA upgradeo Support STA/AP/STA+AP operation modes3. Hardware Specifications3.1 System DiagramFigure-2 Physical Map (Top View)Note:Table-2 Pin Mode3.4 Electrical Characteristic3.4.1 Maximum RatingsTable -7 Operating Power ConsumptionNote: RX mode data packet length is 1024 bytes;3.5.2 Standby Power ConsumptionThe following current consumption is based on 3.3V supply, a nd 25°C ambient, using internal regulators. Measurements are done at antenna port without SAW filter. All theTable-9 RF Configuration and General Specifications of Wireless LAN3.6.2 RF Tx Characteristics4. Mechanical Dimensions4.1 Module SizeFigure-4Module Size(Top View)Figure -5 Module Size (Side View) (Unit: mm)4.2 SchematicsFigure -6 WT8266-S1 Schematics5. Product Trial∙Aliexpress Store : /store/1784058 ∙Forum :∙Technical Support :************************。
Rain Bird ESP-RZXe WiFi 兼容固定站控制器说明书
Tech SpecESP-RZXeWiFi Compatible Fixed Station ControllerESP-RZXe Series Controllers The Rain Bird ESP-RZXe WiFi Compatiblestation irrigation controller for residential and light commercial applications.The ESP-RZXe Controller provides zone based set up that is easier to understand by untrained users. 4, 6 and 8 zone models are available.Applicationsfeatures that make the controller ideal for a wide variety of applications including residential and light-commercial irrigation systems.Easy to UseThe ESP-RZXe Controller was designed with ease of use in mind. Zone-based scheduling allows every valve to be scheduled independently; no more explaining “programs” to end users, virtually eliminating call-backs. The large LCD display shows all of the programming for each zone at the same time.Simple graphic based user interface is easy to explain and presents every controllerEasy to InstallThe ESP-RZXe Controller requires only two mounting screws. A guide for ½“ or ¾” conduit allows for professional installation Controller Hardware•Plastic wall-mount case• 2 x AAA batteries for time and datebackup•Wire nuts for outdoor modelsController Features•WiFi compatible with the Rain Bird LNKWiFi Module.•Large LCD display with easy to navigateuser interface•Weather Sensor input with softwareoverride•Master valve/pump start circuit•Non-Volatile (100- year) programmemory•Programmable under battery powerScheduling Features•Zone based scheduling, allows forindependent schedules assigned toeach zone. (Run times, Start Times andWatering Days are customizable byzone)•Contractor Rapid Programming™automatically copies the Start Timesand Watering Days from zone 1 to allremaining zones at initial set up• 6 independent Start Times per zone• 4 Watering Days options by zone:Custom days of week, ODD calendardays, EVEN calendar days, Cyclic (every1 – 14 days)•Manually water ALL zones or SINGLEzone on demandAdvanced Features•Electronic diagnostic circuit breaker• Contractor Rapid Programming™ and“Copy previous Zone” for faster initialset up•Contractor DefaultTM Save / Restore•Rain Sensor bypass•Rain Sensor bypass by Zone•Manual water SINGLE zone•Manual water ALL zonesHow To Specify:ESP-RZXe Indoor ModelsRZX4i-230V Indoor 4 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 VRZX6i-230V Indoor 6 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 VRZX8i-230V Indoor 8 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 VESP-RZXe Outdoor ModelsRZX4-230V Outdoor 4 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 VRZX6-230V Outdoor 6 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 VRZX8-230V Outdoor 8 STA ESP-RZXe – 230 V•Zone timing: 0 to 199 min•Seasonal Adjust; -90% to +100%•Independent schedule per zone• 6 Start Times per zone•Program Day Cycles include Customdays of the week, Odd, Even, & CyclicaldatesIndoor ModelOutdoor Model•Input required: 230 VAC ± 10%, 50Hz •Output: 24 VAC 650mA•Power back-up: 2 x AAA batteries maintain time and date while nonvolatile memory maintains the programming•UL, cUL, CE, C-Tick, FCC Part 15, Industry Canada ICES-03, IRAM S-MarkDimensionsIndoor Model:•Width: (16,9 cm)•Height: (15,0 cm)•Depth: (3,9 cm)Outdoor Model:•Width: (20,1 cm)•Height: (19,9 cm)•Depth: (3,9 cm)•The ESP-RZXe Controller shall be ofa hybrid type that combines electro-mechanical and microelectronic circuitry capable of fully automatic or manual operation. The controller shall be housed in a wall-mountable, plastic cabinet.•capacity of 4, 6 or 8 zones depending on the model. All zones shall have thecapability of independently obeyingor ignoring the weather sensor. Zonetiming shall be from 0 to 199 minutesper start time. The controller shall havea Seasonal Adjustment which adjuststhe Run Time for all zones from -90% to+100% in 10% increments.•The controller shall have independentStart Times, Watering Day cycles, andzone Run Times. Each zone shall haveup to 6 Start Times per day that areindependent from each other. Availableday cycles shall be: By Custom daysof the week, Odd, Even and 1-14 days(Cyclic).•The controller shall have an LCD displaythat is capable of displaying each zone’sirrigation scheduled Watering Days, StartTimes and Run Times in the same screen.•The controller shall have an electronicdiagnostic circuit breaker that shallsense a zone with an electrical overloador short circuit and shall bypass thatzone and continue to operate all otherzones.•The controller shall have a 365-daycalendar backed up against powerinterruptions by two user replaceableAAA batteries.•The controller shall provide the user theability to bypass the weather sensor forALL zones or each zone independently.•watering of ALL zones sequentiallyor ONE zone at a time, when manualwatering is triggered; the unit shallignore the status of the weather sensor(if connected) and re-enable the sensorwhen manual watering is completed.•The controller shall allow the userto copy the programming from theprevious zone to allow for faster andmore reliable programming.•The controller shall automatically copythe Start Times and Watering Days fromzone 1 to all remaining zones of thecontroller at initial start-up to allow forfaster initial set-up of the controller.•The controller shall have a mechanismto indicate to the user when AC-Power isnot present (if running on batteries).•The controller shall provide a methodfor the installer to save the irrigationschedule into non-volatile memory foreasy recall later if unwanted schedulechanges are made.•The controller shall provide a methodfor the installer to restore the scheduleto the factory fresh condition in order tostart programming from a “blank” state.•The controller shall provide a methodto wire the controller through a ½” or¾” wire conduit to allow for a moreprofessional installation.•The controller shall be manufacturedby Rain Bird Corporation in a NAFTAmember country.Rain Bird TurkeyÇamlık Mh. Dinç Sokak Sk. No.4 D:59-60 34760 Ümraniye, İstanbulTÜRKIYETel: (90) 216 443 75 23Fax: (90) 216 461 74 52*******************.trRain Bird Deutschland GmbHKönigstraße 10c70173 StuttgartDEUTSCHLANDTel: +49 (0) 711 222 54 158Fax: +49 (0) 711 222 54 200***************Rain Bird Ibérica S.A.C/ Valentín Beato, 22 2ª Izq. fdo28037 MadridESPAÑATel: (34) 91 632 48 10Fax: (34) 91 632 46 45********************.rainbird.es************************.rainbird.pt Rain Bird France SNCBAT A - Parc Clamar240, rue René Descartes BP 4007213792 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3FRANCETel: (33) 4 42 24 44 61Fax: (33) 4 42 24 24 72*******************.rainbird.frRain Bird Europe SNCBAT A - Parc Clamar240, rue René Descartes BP 4007213792 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3FRANCETel: (33) 4 42 24 44 61Fax: (33) 4 42 24 24 72*******************.rainbird.eu® Registered Trademark of Rain Bird Corporation.© 2017 Rain Bird Corporation.RBE17TE30。
ClareOne 无线安全与智能家居平台说明书
Wireless Security and Smart Home PlatformWireless Security Performance•Self or Professional monitoring options•LTE for alarm backup and 2-way audio•24-hour battery backup•Broad range of encrypted wireless sensorsFull-Featured Home Automation•Control's lighting, locks, cameras, security & more•Enables homeowner DIY/DIWM system expansion•Manages scenes, schedules, and automations•Free interactive services & automatic software updates ClareOne Security Product Line7519 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 104, Sarasota, FL 34243Main: 941.328.3991 | | Doc ID: 2022-05-1960-31ClareOne Wireless Security andSmart Home PanelCLR-C1-PNL1 (Verizon)CLR-C1-PNL1A (AT&T & Rogers)•Combines professionally installed wireless securityand full-featured home automation in a single panel•Z-Wave Plus, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, LTE, and 433MHz radioClareOne Wireless Securityand Smart Home 2-1 KitCLR-C1-21 (Verizon)CLR-C1-21A (AT&T & Rogers)•Starter smart home and security package•Kit includes the ClareOne Panel, two MiniDoor/Window Sensors, and Motion SensorClareOne Auxiliary TouchpanelCLR-C1-ATPTouchpanel Power Extension KitCLR-CS-CHT-EXT-10•Wi-Fi enabled, security touchpanel extendsClareOne control to additional rooms•Arm, disarm, monitor, and manage the smart home16-Zone Hardwired Input ModuleCLR-C1-WD16Wireless Repeater/TranslatorCLR-C1-W2WL•WD16: Connect compatible wired sensors (normallyopen/closed) to the ClareOne Panel (up to 16 zones).•W2WL: Take over sensors: Interlogix, GE, Qolsys(319.5), Honeywell 5800, 2GIG, legacy DSC, Napco.PIR Motion SensorCLR-C1-PIR360 Ceiling Mount Motion SensorCS-C1-360PIR•PIR motion sensor alerts upon detection of activity,immune to pets up to 55 lbs.•360 passive IR coverage area when ceiling mounted.Mini Door/Window SensorCLR-C1-MDW-W, CLR-C1-MDW-BRecessed Door/Window SensorCLR-C1-RCDW•Small form factor (2.25” tall) for discrete mounting.•Fits seamlessly along door frames or windowsill.•Encrypted 433MHz provides instant security alerts.Door/Window w/Shock SensorCLR-C1-DWSHK, CLR-C1-DWSHK-BDoor/Window w/External ContactCLR-C1-DWCNT•Easily mount on doors or windows, available as.external contact or with built-in shock sensor.•Encrypted 433MHz provides instant security alerts.High/Low Temperature SensorCLR-C1-HLTRate of Rise Heat DetectorCLR-C1-HT•HLT detects high (100°F) and low (40°F) temperature.•Rate of Rise detects rapid rising heat or when meetinga high temperature threshold of 135°F or 190 °F.Smoke and Heat DetectorCLR-C1-SMKCarbon Monoxide DetectorCLR-C1-CO•Wireless sensor alerts upon detection of smoke,rising heat, or carbon monoxide.•Encrypted 433MHz provides instant security alerts.Outdoor Door/Gate SensorCLR-C1-ODDGWater SensorCLR-C1-WTR•Weather-proof outdoor sensor with external input.•Detects water and moisture near washing machines,under sinks, or at hot water tanks.KeyfobCLR-C1-KFPanic Pendant (Keyfob)CLR-C1-PNC•Remote security control or remote panic pendant.•Features encrypted 433MHz transmitter.Glass Break SensorCLR-C1-GBIndoor Wireless SirenCLR-C1-SRN•Glass Break Sensor identifies sound of breaking glass.•Siren extends audible alarm tone to additional areas. ClareOne™unifies smart security with advanced smart home control in a single panel delivering peace of mind, comfort, and convenience.With a 7” touchscreen, wired and wireless interfaces, encrypted sensors, custom drivers, OvrC support and Control4 integration, ClareOne scales from simple to spectacular. And of course, ClareOneworkswith the brands customers know and trust for a truly connected and intelligent home.ClareVueLighting and Additional Smart Home Devices•2MP includes 16GB, 4MP includes 32GB SD card.•IP67 rating, and IR night vision up to 25 meters2MP Bullet, 3.6mm, 16GB CLR-V100-2B36(W/B)4MP Bullet, 3.6mm, 32GBCLR-V100-4B36(W/B)ClareVision Video Surveillance•2MP includes 16GB, 4MP includes 32GB SD card.•IP67 rating, and IR night vision up to 25 meters2MP Turret, 3.6mm, 16GB CLR-V100-2T36(W/B)4MP Turret, 3.6mm, 32GB CLR-V100-4T36(W/B)•3MP Starlight sensor, PIR motion, 2-way voice.•Supports existing wiring, 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi.•Includes 16GB Micro SD card for video storage.Clare Video Doorbell V3CLR-CVP-B3DB-50-ODIW•4MP Bullet includes 32GB micro SD card.•Includes built-in microphones, and IR up to 25 meters.4MP Bullet, Starvis™, 2.8mm, 32GB CLR-V200-4B28(W/B)8MP Bullet, Starvis™, 2.8mm, WDR CLR-V200-8B28(W/B)•4MP Turret includes 32GB micro SD card.•Includes built-in microphones, and IR up to 25 meters.4MP Turret, Starvis™, 2.8mm, 32GB CLR-V200-4T28(W/B)8MP Turret, Starvis™, 2.8mm, WDR CLR-V200-8T28(W/B)•4MP Dome includes 32GB micro SD card.•Sony® Starvis™image sensor and 20 meter IR.4MP Mini Dome, Starvis™, 32GB CLR-V200-4D28(W/B)8MP Mini Dome, Starvis™CLR-V200-8D28(W/B)•Features 2.7-13.5mm motorized varifocal lens.•Supports micro SD card up to 512GB.4MP Bullet, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-4BVF(W/B)8MP Bullet, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-8BVF(W/B)•Features 2.7-13.5mm motorized varifocal lens.•Supports micro SD card up to 512GB.4MP Turret, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-4TVF(W/B)8MP Turret, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-8TVF(W/B)•Features 2.7-13.5mm motorized varifocal lens.•Supports micro SD card up to 512GB.4MP Dome, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-4DVF(W/B)8MP Dome, Starvis™, Motorized Varifocal CLR-V200-8DVF(W/B)•Color at night viewing with warm white LED.•Includes built-in microphone.Color at Night 4MP Bullet, 2.8mm, 32GB CLR-V300-4B28CN(W/B)Color at Night 8MP Bullet, 2.8mm, WDR CLR-V300-8B28CN(W/B)•Supports Color at night capabilities.•Features 2.7-13.5mm motorized varifocal lens.Color at Night 8MP Varifocal Turret CLR-V300-8TVFCN(W/B)Color at Night 8MP Varifocal Bullet CLR-V300-8BVFCN(W/B)•Color at night viewing with warm white LED.•Includes built-in microphone.Color at Night 4MP Turret, 2.8mm, 32GBCLR-V300-4T28CN(W/B)Color at Night 8MP Turret, 2.8mm, WDRCLR-V300-8T28CN(W/B)•Supports up to 4K video resolution.•4 Channel: supports 9 cameras, 1TB HDD, 4 POE Ports •8 Channel: supports 16 cameras, 2TB HDD, 8 POE Ports4K, 4 Channel NVR, POE, 1TB HDD CLR-V200-4PNVR14K, 8 Channel NVR, POE, 2TB HDD CLR-V200-8PNVR2•Supports up to 4K video resolution.•Supports up to 25 cameras (16 physical, 9 network).•Includes 16 physical POE ports.•Features 4TB HDD and includes rack ears.4K, 16 Channel NVR, POE, 4TB HDDCLR-V200-16PNVR4•Support 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi connectivity.•4MP (2560 x 1440p) resolution at 30 FPS.•Includes 32GB micro SD card and IR range up to 25M.4MP Wi-Fi Turret, 3.6mm, 32GB CLR-V100-4T36WF-W4MP Wi-Fi Bullet, 3.6mm, 32GB CLR-V100-4B36WF-W•Helps protect wires from elements and corrosion.Junction Box -Fixed Lens Bullet CLR-VACC-JBOX1(W/B)Junction Box –Fixed Lens Turret and VF BulletCLR-VACC-JBOX2(W/B)Junction Box –Fixed Lens Dome CLR-VACC-JBOX3(W/B)•Wall mount bracket protect wires from elements.Wall Bracket -Fixed Lens Dome CLR-VACC-WBKT1(W/B)Wall Bracket -Fixed Lens Turret CLR-VACC-WBKT2(W/B)Wall Bracket –VF Dome & Turret CLR-VACC-WBKT3(W/B)•High endurance Micro SD (32, 64, and 128GB sizes).•Power ClareVision cameras using PoE injector.32, 64, 128 GB Micro SD Card CLR-VACC-(32|64|128)GBSD Clare PoE Injector CC-POE-10•Control light dimmer intensity•May be used in up to a 4-way lighting application •Add lighting controls to additional areas of the roomIn-Wall Dimmer CLR-CVL-IWD-10In-Wall Accessory Switch-Dimmer CLR-CVL-IWA-10•Remote and manual control of fans using Z-Wave •On/Off, high, medium, and low settings •Z-Wave Plus certifiedIn-Wall Fan Control CLR-CVL-IWF-10In-Wall Receptacle CLR-CVL-IWR-10•Remote on/off switch control of lighting fixtures •Includes white and light almond color paddles •Z-Wave Plus certifiedIn-Wall Switch CLR-CVL-IWS-10•Z-Wave Plus outdoor switch –120-277 VAC, 40 Amp •Push button Wi-Fi thermostat can be used in scenes, schedules, automations.Outdoor 40 Amp Switch CLR-CVL-OSS-DW40Wi-Fi Push Button Thermostat CLR-CH-TSB10-WF•Z-Wave enabled garage door module allows users to remotely control their garage door•Z-Wave Repeater extends Z-Wave networkLinear Z-Wave Garage Door Module CLR-GD00Z Z-Wave Repeater CLR-CH-Z-RPTR•Dimmer includes 1 Z-Wave outlet, 1 always-on outlet •Outdoor Plug-in Switch features weather resistance.•Power:120/277VAC,60Hz.Plug-In Dimmer CLR-CVL-PLD-10Outdoor Plug-In Switch CLR-CVL-OPS-10。
ClareOne Wireless安全和智能家居平台说明书
Wireless Security and Smart Home PlatformWireless Security Performance•Self or Professional monitoring options•LTE for alarm backup and 2-way audio•24-hour battery backup•Broad range of encrypted wireless sensorsFull-Featured Home Automation•Control's lighting, locks, cameras, security & more•Enables homeowner DIY/DIWM system expansion•Manages scenes, schedules, and automations•Free interactive services & automatic software updates ClareOne Security Product Line7519 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 104, Sarasota, FL 34243Main: 941.328.3991 | | Doc ID: 2021-02-1960-21.1ClareOne Wireless Security andSmart Home PanelCLR-C1-PNL1•Combines professionally installed wireless securityand full-featured home automation in a single panel•Z-Wave Plus, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, LTE, and 433MHz radioClareOne Wireless Securityand Smart Home 2-1 KitCLR-C1-21•Starter smart home and security package•Kit includes the ClareOne Panel, two MiniDoor/Window Sensors, and Motion SensorClareOne Auxiliary TouchpanelCLR-C1-ATP•Wi-Fi enabled, security touchpanel extendsClareOne control to additional rooms•Arm, disarm, monitor, and manage the smart home16-Zone Hardwired Input ModuleCLR-C1-WD16•Connect compatible wired security sensors(normally open/closed) to the ClareOnePanel.•Supports up to 16 unique zonesWireless Repeater/TranslatorCLR-C1-W2WL•Take over sensors from: Interlogix, GE, Qolsys(319.5),Honeywell 5800 series, 2GIG, legacy DSC, and Napco•Repeats signals for ClareOne wireless sensorsPIR Motion SensorCLR-C1-PIR360 Ceiling Mount Motion SensorCS-C1-360PIR•PIR motion sensor alerts upon detection of activity,immune to pets up to 55 lbs.•360 passive IR coverage area when ceiling mounted Mini Door/Window SensorCLR-C1-MDW-W, CLR-C1-MDW-BRecessed Door/Window SensorCLR-C1-RCDW•Small form factor (2.25” tall) for discrete mounting•Fits seamlessly along door frames or windowsill•Encrypted 433MHz provides instant security alertsDoor/Window w/Shock SensorCLR-C1-DWSHK, CLR-C1-DWSHK-BDoor/Window w/External ContactCLR-C1-DWCNT•Easily mount on doors or windows, available asexternal contact or with built-in shock sensor•Encrypted 433MHz provides instant security alertsRate of Rise Heat DetectorCLR-C1-HTZ-Wave Indoor SirenCLR-C1-SRNRate of Rise Heat DetectorCLR-C1-HT•Wireless sensor alerts upon detection of smoke,rising heat, or carbon monoxideOutdoor Door/Gate SensorCLR-C1-ODDGWater SensorCLR-C1-WTR•Detects water and moisture near washingmachines, under sinks, or at hot water tanks•Triggers alarms remotelyKeyfobCLR-C1-KFPanic Pendant (Keyfob)CLR-C1-PNC•Remote security control or remote panic pendant•Features encrypted 433MHz transmitterGlass Break SensorCLR-C1-GBZ-Wave Indoor SirenCLR-C1-SRN•Glass Break Sensor identifies sound of breaking glass•Siren extends audible alarm tone to additional areas ClareOne™unifies smart security with advanced smart home control in a single panel delivering peace of mind, comfort, and convenience.With a 7” touchscreen, wired and wireless interfaces, encrypted sensors, custom drivers, OvrC support and Control4 integration, ClareOnescales from simple to spectacular. And of course, ClareOne works with the brands customers know and trust for a truly connected and intelligent home.ClareVueLighting and Additional Smart Home DevicesIn-Wall SwitchCLR-CVL-IWS-10In-Wall DimmerCLR-CVL-IWD-10•Remote on/off switch control, or dimming intensityusing the dimmer•Includes white and light almond color paddles•Z-Wave Plus certifiedIn-Wall Accessory Switch-DimmerCLR-CVL-IWA-105-Scene KeypadCLR-CL-5KP-W-20, CLR-CL-5KP-LA-20•May be used in up to a 4-way lighting application•Add lighting controls to additional areas of the room•5-Scene keypad available in white or light almondIn-Wall Fan ControlCLR-CVL-IWF-10In-Wall ReceptacleCLR-CVL-IWR-10•Remote and manual control of fans using Z-Wave•On/Off, high, medium, and low settings•Z-Wave Plus certifiedPlug-In DimmerCLR-CVL-PLD-10Outdoor Plug-In SwitchCLR-CVL-OPS-10•Dimmer includes 1 Z-Wave outlet, 1 always-on outlet•Outdoor Plug-in Switch features weather resistance•Z-Wave Plus certifiedOutdoor 40 Amp SwitchCLR-CVL-OSS-DW40Wi-Fi Push Button ThermostatCLR-CH-TSB10-WF•Z-Wave Plus outdoor switch –120-277 VAC, 40 Amp•Push button Wi-Fi thermostat can be used in scenes,schedules, automations.Linear Z-Wave Garage Door ModuleCLR-GD00Z-4Z-Wave RepeaterCLR-CH-Z-RPTR•Z-Wave enabled garage door module allows users toremotely control their garage door•Z-Wave Repeater extends Z-Wave network ClareVisionCamera and NVR Product Line•3MP Starlight sensor, PIR motion, 2-way voice•Supports existing wiring, 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi, andincludes16GB MicroSD card for video storage•Performance Series 4MP or 8MP Dome camera•Features Sony® Starvis™image sensor with TrueWDR image correction and 20m IR night vision•4MP )2560 x 1536) Sony®Starvis™image sensor•2.7-13.5 mm motorized varifocal lens•Supports micro SD card up to 512 GB•Features advanced motion detection and analytics•High endurance micro SD can be used with allClareVision cameras•SD cards available in 32, 64, and 128 GB sizes•Power ClareVision cameras using PoE•Bullet form factor with 2MP or 4MP configuration•Value series camera includes 16GB or 32GB SD card,IP67 rating, and up to 25m IR night vision•Performance Series 4MP or 8MP Bullet camera•Features Sony® Starvis™image sensor with built inmicrophone and 25m IR night vision•4MP )2560 x 1536) Sony®Starvis™image sensor•2.7-13.5 mm motorized varifocal lens•Supports micro SD card up to 512 GB•Features advanced motion detection and analytics•Ceiling mount box protects wires from elements•CBOX1W can be used with fixed lens bullet camera•JBOX2W can be used with fixed lens turret andvarifocal bullet cameras•Turret form factor with 2MP or 4MP configuration.•Value series camera includes 16GB or 32GB SD card,IP67 rating, and up to 25m IR night vision•Performance Series 4MP or 8MP Turret camera•Features Sony® Starvis™image sensor with built inmicrophone and 25m IR night vision•4 channels/POE ports, up to 9 cameras, 1T HDD•8channels/POE ports, up to 16 cameras, 2TB HDD•16channels/POE ports, up to 25cameras, 4TB HDD•Use to mount turret and dome cameras on walls•WBKT3W can be used with varifocal dome and turret 4MP Dome, Starvis, MotorizedVarifocalCLR-V200-4DVF(W/B)4MP Bullet, Starvis, MotorizedVarifocalCLR-V200-4BVF(W/B)4MP Turret, Starvis, MotorizedVarifocal CLR-V200-4TVF(W/B)4K, 4 Channel NVR, POE, 1TB HDDCLR-V200-4PNVR14K, 8 Channel NVR, POE, 2TB HDDCLR-V200-8PNVR24K, 16 Channel NVR, POE, 4TB HDDCLR-V200-16PNVR4(Coming Soon)32, 64, 128 GB Micro SD CardCLR-VACC-(32|64|128)GBSDClare PoE InjectorCC-POE-10Junction Box -Fixed Lens BulletCLR-VACC-JBOX1WJunction Box –Fixed Lens Turretand VF Dome CLR-VACC-JBOX2WWall Bracket -Fixed Lens TurretCLR-VACC-WBKT2WWall Bracket -Fixed Lens DomeCLR-VACC-WBKT1WWall Bracket –VF Dome & TurretCLR-VACC-WBKT3W Clare Video Doorbell V3CLR-CVP-B3DB-50-ODIW2MP Bullet, 3.6mm, 16GBCLR-V100-2B36(W/B)4MP Bullet, 3.6mm, 32GBCLR-V100-4B36(W/B)2MP Turret, 3.6mm, 16GBCLR-V100-2T36(W/B)4MP Turret, 3.6mm, 32GBCLR-V100-4T36(W/B)4MP Dome, Starvis, 2.8mm, 32GBCLR-V200-4D28(W/B)8MP Dome, Starvis, 2.8mm, WDRCLR-V200-8D28(W/B)4MP Bullet, Starvis, 2.8mm, 32GBCLR-V200-4B28(W/B)8MP Bullet, Starvis, 2.8mm, WDRCLR-V200-8B28(W/B)4MP Turret, Starvis, 2.8mm, 32GBCLR-V200-4T28(W/B)8MP Turret, Starvis, 2.8mm, WDRCLR-V200-8T28(W/B)。
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ESP-12E WiFi 模块规格书版本1.02015年8月23日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
目录1. 产品概述 (2)1.1. 特点 (2)1.2. 主要参数 (3)2. 接口定义 (4)3. 外型与尺寸 (6)4. 功能描述 (6)4.1. MCU (6)4.2. 存储描述 (7)4.3. 晶振 (7)4.4. 接口说明 (7)4.5. 最大额定值 (9)4.6. 建议工作环境 (9)4.7. 数字端口特征 (9)5. RF 参数 (10)6. 功耗 (10)7. 倾斜升温 (12)8. 原理图 (12)9. 产品试用 (13)1.产品概述ESP-12E WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,带有16 位精简模式,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,支持RTOS,集成Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
该模块支持标准的IEEE802.11 b/g/n 协议,完整的TCP/IP 协议栈。
ESP8266 是高性能无线SOC,以最低成本提供最大实用性,为WiFi 功能嵌入其他系统提供无限可能。
图1 ESP8266EX 结构图ESP8266EX 是一个完整且自成体系的WiFi网络解决方案,能够独立运行,也可以作为从机搭载于其他主机MCU 运行。
ESP8266EX 在搭载应用并作为设备中唯⽤的应⽤处理器时,能够直接从外接闪存中启动。
另外⽤种情况是,ESP8266EX 负责无线上网接入承担WiFi 适配器的任务时,可以将其添加到任何基于微控制器的设计中,连接简单易⽤,只需通过SPI /SDIO接口或I2C/UART口即可。
ESP8266EX 强大的片上处理和存储能⽤,使其可通过GPIO口集成传感器及其他应用的特定设备,实现了最低前期的开发和运行中最少地占用系统资源。
ESP8266EX 高度片内集成,包括天线开关balun、电源管理转换器,因此仅需极少的外部电路,且包括前端模组在内的整个解决方案在设计时将所占PCB空间降到最低。
有ESP8266EX 的系统表现出来的领先特征有:节能在睡眠/唤醒模式之间的快速切换、配合低功率操作的自适应无线电偏置、前端信号的处理功能、故障排除和无线电系统共存特性为消除蜂窝/蓝牙/DDR/LVDS/LCD 干扰。
1.1.特点•802.11 b/g/n•内置Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,支持RTOS •内置10 bit高精度ADC•内置TCP/IP协议栈•内置TR 开关、balun、LNA、功率放大器和匹配网络•内置PLL、稳压器和电源管理组件,802.11b 模式下+20 dBm的输出功率•A-MPDU 、A-MSDU 的聚合和0.4 s的保护间隔•WiFi @ 2.4 GHz,支持WPA/WPA2 安全模式•支持AT远程升级及云端OTA升级•支持STA/AP/STA+AP 工作模式•支持Smart Config 功能(包括Android 和iOS 设备)•HSPI 、UART、I2C、I2S、IR Remote Control、PWM、GPIO •深度睡眠保持电流为10 uA,关断电流小于5 uA• 2 ms 之内唤醒、连接并传递数据包•待机状态消耗功率小于1.0 mW (DTIM3)•工作温度范围:-40℃- 125℃1.2.主要参数表1 介绍了该模组的主要参数。
表1 参数表 2.接口定义ESP-12E 共接出18 个接口,表2 是接口定义。
图2ESP-12E 管脚图表2ESP-12E 管脚功能定义表4接收灵敏度3.外型与尺寸ESP-12E贴片式模组的外观尺⽤寸为16mm*24mm *3mm(如图3所示)。
该模组采用的是容量为4MB,封装为SOP-210 mil 的SPI Flash。
模组使用的是3 DBi 的PCB 板载天线。
图3 ESP-12E 模组外观图4ESP-12E 模组尺寸平⽤面图表5ESP-12E 模组尺寸对照表4.功能描述4.1.MCUESP8266EX内置Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,带有16 位精简模式,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,⽤持RTOS。
目前WiFi 协议栈只⽤了20%的MIPS,其他的都可以用来做应用开发。
MCU 可通过以下接口和芯片其他部分协同⽤作:1.连接存储控制器、也可以用来访问外接闪存的编码RAM/ROM 接口(iBus)2.同样连接存储控制器的数据RAM 接口(dBus)3.访问寄存器的AHB 接口4.2.存储描述4.2.1. 内置SRAM与ROMESP8266EX 芯片⽤身内置了存储控制器,包含ROM和SRAM。
MCU可以通过iBus、dBus 和AHB 接口访问存储控制器。
基于目前我司Demo SDK的使用SRAM 情况,用户可用剩余SRAM空间为:RAM size <36kB(station模式下,连上路由后,heap+data区大致可用36KB左右。
)目前ESP8266EX片上没有programmable ROM,用户程序存放在SPI Flash中。
4.2.2. SPI Flash当前ESP8266EX 芯片支持使用SPI 接口的外置Flash,理论上最大可支持到16 MB 的SPI flash。
目前该模组外接的是4MB的SPI Flash。
建议Flash 容量:1 MB-16MB。
支持的SPI模式:支持Standard SPI、Dual SPI、DIO SPI、QIO SPI,以及Quad SPI 。
基于目前市场中主流晶振的情况,⽤般26Mhz晶振的输入输出所加电容C1、C2 在10pF 以内;⽤般40MHz晶振的输入输出所加电容10pF<C1、C2<22pF。
晶振的工作温度为-20°C- 85°C。
晶振位置尽量靠近芯片的XTAL Pins (走线不要太长),同时晶振走线须用地包起来良好屏蔽。
晶振的输入输出的bypass 电容请靠近芯片左右侧摆放,尽量不要放在⽤线上。
4.4.接口说明表6接口说明4.5.最大额定值表7最⽤大额定值4.6.建议工作环境表8建议工作环境4.7.数字端口特征表9数字端口特征5.RF 参数表10 RF 参数6.功耗下列功耗数据是基于3.3V 的电源、25°C 的周围温度,并使用内部稳压器测得。
[1]所有测量均在没有SAW 滤波器的情况下,于天线接口处完成。
[2]所有发射数据是基于90% 的占空比,在持续发射的模式下测得的。
表11功耗①时,如果没有数据传输,可根据802.11标准(如U-APSD),关闭WiFi Modem电路来省电。
例如,在DTIM3 时,每sleep 300mS,醒来3mS 接收AP的Beacon包等,则整体平均电流约15mA。
注②:Light-Sleep用于CPU可暂停的应用,如WiFi 开关。
在保持WiFi 连接时,如果没有数据传输,可根据802.11标准(如U-APSD),关闭WiFi Modem电路并暂停CPU来省电。
例如,在DTIM3 时,每sleep 300 ms,醒来3ms 接收AP 的Beacon包等,则整体平均电流约0.9 mA。
注③:Deep-Sleep不需一直保持WiFi连接,很长时间才发送一次数据包的应用,如每100 秒测量⽤次温度的传感器。
例如,每300 s醒来后需0.3s - 1s连上AP发送数据,则整体平均电流可远小于1mA。
7.倾斜升温表12倾斜升温8.原理图图5ESP-12E 原理图9.产品试用(1)淘宝店铺:深圳市安信可科技有限公司(2)微信公众号(3)技术支持邮箱:。