便携式智能安全帽一、智能模块•产品简介智能模块是一款性价比高双星快速定位设备,主控平台MT2503提供GNSS秒定,业界第一Aiding GPS solution,内置GPS,北斗,快速到精准秒定位,支持2G通讯(中国移动/中国联通),支持GPRS数据通讯,sos求救功能,采集定位数据用GPRS数据发送到服务端,作为建筑工人打卡记录。
2.1 产品功能智能安全帽对佩戴者进行实时数据收集系统,再对其进行智能统计筛选分析,管理人员通过手机和电脑即可对一线作业人员进行的远程控制。
2.2.1 劳务实名制管理进入现场施工的所有劳务人员建立个人档案,劳务人员个人档案存档至系统,并会及时更新。
2.2.2 定位功能实时定位,智能管控,可对人员的工作状态实时掌控。
2.2.3 脱帽、倒地监测当现场人员未佩戴安全帽或者佩戴安全帽出现异常的时候,系统会发出警示,在项目地图上会有相对应的图标颜色进行显示;管理人员可根据实际情况进行现场检查并处理。
2.2.4 全体语音通告当需要语音通报的时候,管理人员勾选通知人员和通知的语音内容,点击发送,相关人员的智能安全帽实时接收语音提示内容。
ZSPM4013AA1W33中文资料(ZMDI)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
该ZSPM4013采用电流模式反馈 正常调节PWM模式.当稳压 被禁用(EN为低电平)时,设备将小于 10uA静态电流.
该ZSPM4013集成多种防护护电路,包括: 输入欠压锁定,输出电压软启动,限流和热关断.
该ZSPM4013包括通过PG(电源良好)开漏输出 监管报告接口等组成系统.
· 固定输出电压:1.5V,1.8V,2.5V,3.3V, 并用5V +/- 2%输出容差
· ZSPM1000:5A单相,单轨,真 数字PWM控制器(24引脚4×4 QFN)
· 评估套件 · 数据表
· 结工作温度-40°C至125°C · 包装在一个16针QFN(3×3)
固定输出 VCC
2 典型性能特性................................................................................................................... 9 3 电路说明......................................................................................................................................... 12
5 引脚配置和包装......................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.标记图& Pin-out......................................................................................................................... 16 5.2.引脚说明为16引脚3x3 QFN封装....................................................................................................... 17 5.3.详细引脚说明............................................................................................................................. 17 5.3.1.未经稳压输入,VCC(引脚#2,3)....................................... .................................................. ........... 17 5.3.2.引导控制,BST(引脚#10) ......................................................................................................... 17 5.3.3.检测反馈,FB(引脚#5) ............................................................................................................... 17 5.3.4.开关量输出,VSW(引脚#12,13)....................................... .................................................. ......... 18 5.3.5.接地,GND(引脚#4) .......................................................................................................................... 18 5.3.6.电源接地,防护护接地(引脚#14,15)....................................... .................................................. .......... 18 5.3.7.启用,高电压,EN(管脚#9) ........................................................................................................ 18 5.3.8. PG输出,PG(引脚#8) ....................................................................................................................... 18
立山科学工業株式会社 温度传感器 产品指南
温水便座用/For Hygiene Toilet Seat
使用温度範围 Category Temp. Range 绝缘级别 Insulation Level 热时间常数 Thermal Time Constant
耐電圧 Dielectric Strength
DC500V、100MΩ τ(63.2%)≦3.5秒 *对铝板 AC750V×1秒
350℃×1000小时 〔室温×5分⇔350℃×5分〕×10000次 〔Room Temp.×5min⇔350℃×5min〕×10000cycle
【尺寸图】 φ20
23.8 66.7
±1%,±2% ±3%,±5%
B值 公差 B-value Tolerance
熱放散常数(空气中) 温度时间常数(空气中)
Thermal Time
Factor in Air
Constant in Air
最大容许 电 力 Max.Permissible
±1%,±2% ±3%,±5%
耐電圧 Dielectric Strength
耐熱性 Heat Resistance
温度循环 Temperature Cycle
〔-30℃×10分⇔125℃×10分〕×300次 〔-30℃×10min⇔125℃×10min〕×300cycle
耐電圧 Dielectric Strength
耐熱性 Heat Resistance 温度循环 Temperature Cycle
ISL6251HAZ ISL6251HAZ -10 to 100 24 Ld QSOP M24.15
ISL6251AHRZ ISL6251AHRZ -10 to 100 28 Ld 5x5 QFN L28.5×5
ISL6251AHAZ ISL6251AHAZ -10 to 100 24 Ld QSOP M24.15
Ordering Information
PART NUMBER (Notes 1, 2)
ISL6251HRZ ISL6251HRZ -10 to 100 28 Ld 5x5 QFN L28.5×5
28 27 26 25 24 23 22
EN 1
19 CSIP 18 NA
17 NA
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(ISL6251A) • Programmable Charge Current Limit, Adapter Current
Limit and Charge Voltage • Fixed 300kHz PWM Synchronous Buck Controller with
Diode Emulation at Light Load • Output for Current Drawn from AC Adapter • AC Adapter Present Indicator • Fast Input Current Limit Response • Input Voltage Range 7V to 25V • Support 2, 3 and 4 Cells Battery Pack • Up to 17.64V Battery-Voltage Set Point • Thermal Shutdown • Support Pulse Charging • Less than 10µA Battery Leakage Current • Charge Any Battery Chemistry: Li-Ion, NiCd, NiMH, etc. • Pb-Free Plus Anneal Available (RoHS Compliant)
13001 晶体管芯片说明书
█ 管芯示意图
█ 极限值(Ta=25℃)(封装形式:TO-92)
Tstg——贮存温度……………………………………-55~150℃ Tj——结温…………………………………………………150℃ PC——集电极耗散功率…………………………………900mW VCBO——集电极—基极电压………………………………600V VCEO——集电极—发射极电压……………………………400V VEBO——发射极—基极电压…………………………………9V IC——集电极电流(DC)…………………………………0.25A
MHz VCE=10V,IC=20mA
█ 电参数(Ta=25℃)(封装形式:TO-92)
集电极—发射极击穿电压 集电极—基极击穿电压 发射极—基极击穿电压 集电极—基极截止电流 发射极—基极截止电流 直流电流增益 集电极—发射极饱和压降 基极—发射极饱和压降 特征频率
13001 晶体管芯片说明书
█ 芯片简介
芯片尺寸:4 英寸(100mm) 芯片代码:D083AJ-00 芯片厚度:240±20µm 管芯尺寸:830×830µm 2 焊位尺寸:B 极 140×144µm 2,E 极 180×140µm 2 电极金属:铝 背面金属:金 典型封装:KSE13001,HE13001
最小值 典型值 最大值 单 位 测 试 条 件
V IC=10mA,IB=0
V IC=1mA,IE=0
V IE=1mA,IC=0
一 产品型号说明J D L310表示规格110710L 表示为直行程执行器R 表示为角行程执行器D 表示为电子式J 表示为经济式二 产品主要特点1执行器本身具有伺服功能无需另配伺服放大器2关键部件控制器采用先进的混合集成电路并用树脂浇铸固化经老化处理可靠性高防潮防震3 用电位器调整零点行程灵敏度方便易行 4用跳线器任意选择正反动作 5断电源或断信号阀门自锁三 型号与规格表一类别 型号 输出力N速度mm/s行程 JDL 310 4000 1.25 101625 JDL 410 6400 1.25 4060直行程JDL510 16000 1.58 60100类别型号 输出力矩NM 全行程时间S 最大转角度JDR 110 40 25 JDR 210 100 25 JDR 310 250 25 JDR 410 600 25 JDR 510 1600 25 JDR 610 4000 40角行程JDR710 60006090四主要技术参数输入标准信号DC420mA开度反馈信号DC420mA反应时间1秒基本误差 2.0%开度检测精密导电塑料电位器电源电压220V AC 50Hz使用环境温度10 +55使用相对湿度普通型95%以下防爆型4585%环境气体无腐蚀性气体允许振动 1.5G以下信号线与电源线隔离信号线应选用屏蔽控制电缆4芯S=0.75mm²外径91电源线选用电缆2芯S=1.0mm²外径91防护等级IP55防爆等级ExdIIBT4手动机构手柄或手轮五工作原理JDL JDR系列电子式电动执行器是以220V单相交流作为驱动电源接受来自计算机调节器或操作器的DC420mA输入信号来工作的全电子式电动执行机构电子控制单元采用集成电路制作被设计成匣子并用树脂浇铸固化称为控制器本身具有伺服功能控制器部分接受的输入信号DC420mA和来自开度检测部分的开度信号将两信号相比并放大向消除其差值的方向驱动和控制电机使减速输出轴朝着减少这一偏差信号的方向转动直到开度信号和输入信号相等为止此时输出轴就稳定在与输入信号相对应的位置上由于二相伺服电动机采用杠杆式制动机构能保证在断电是迅速的制动从而改善了系统的稳定性并能限制执行器的惯性惰走消除负载反馈的影响本伺服电动机又由于转子电阻较大因而其机械特性较软保证了本执行器因系统事故而卡住时电机不被烧毁阀位反馈两个端子如不接线时请用250500电阻短接调行程和调零操作如下表二表二跳线器上位时安装为反作用调节方式直行程执行器角行程执行器给定信号增大输出轴向上行输出轴逆时针转动顺时针调零输出轴向下行输出轴顺时针转动顺时针调行程输出轴向上行输出轴逆时针转动跳线器下位时安装为正作用调节方式直行程执行器角行程执行器给定信号增大输出轴向下行输出轴顺时针转动顺时针调零输出轴向上行输出轴逆时针转动顺时针调行程输出轴向下行输出轴顺时针转动顺时针调灵敏度正反作用均相同灵敏度降低六电动执行器故障及检查办法1不动作但控制电源和信号灯均亮检查• 电源电压是否正确• 电动机是否断线• 电动机电位器电容各接插头是否良好• 在上述检查都无问题情况下用对比互换法判断控制器是否良好2不动作电源灯亮信号灯不亮检查 • 输入信号是否正确• 输入信号+极性是否接反• 在上述检查都无问题情况下用对比互换法判断控制器是否良好3电动机发热一天内可能有几次停止动作检查• 配套阀门允许压差是否在额定范围内• 零位和行程调整是否正确• 灵敏度是否过高• 环境湿度是否过高4电动机发热迅速震荡爬行短时间内停止动作检查• 用数字方式万用表交流2伏电压档测控制器输入端是否有交流干扰• 信号线是否采用屏蔽线是否与电源线隔离• 电位器及电位器配线是否良好• 反馈组件动作是否正常5执行器动作呈步行爬行现象动作缓慢检查• 检查操作器来信号的动作时间是否正确6位置反馈信号太大或太小检查• 零位和行程调整是否正确• 更换控制器判断七安装和使用注意事项1执行机构应安装在环境温度为10+50相对湿度95%无腐蚀性气体的环境中安装位置应考虑到手动操作及维修安装的方便执行机构输出轴与调节机构阀门等的连接可通过连杆支架及专用的连接头安装时必须避免所有结合处的松动间隙止挡限位应在输出轴的有效转角或行程范围内紧固不可松动执行机构的外形及安装尺寸见图三图四表三表四2特别注意隔爆型执行器的安装及使用产品的选用安装必须严格按照中华人民共和国危险场所安全规程的规定内外接地牢固可靠维修时断开电源后盖连接电源的接线端子爬电距离及电气间隙应大于8mm定期检查密封圈的老化问题如已老化应及时更换更换零件须到生产厂购买不得借用其它元件产品外壳保持清洁其最高表面温度不得超过1303为避免电源线的干扰信号线请采用屏蔽电缆线并与电源线隔离4安装场所若受辐射热直射日光的影响超出允许范围时请用适当遮蔽板或隔热材料进行保护5安装及运输时切勿承受猛烈冲动震动避免跌落等现象6安装前请不要拆卸配线入口塞子和护罩保管时避免灰尘及高温潮湿气体等场所7室外安装请不要在雨天配线作业8电源配线要有足够的容量以满足执行器额定电流及起动电流的要求9请安装地线连接电源及信号线时请先切断电源以防触电10安装时请留足执行器调整及检修时拆卸护罩所需要的空间并兼顾出口的方向11根据调节系统要求对执行机构进行整定然后可接入调节系统再投入运行前在投入运行前应检查现场的电源电压是否与规定相符按规定的电气安装接线图检查所有接线是否正确各接线端子是否牢靠12输出轴力或力矩应和终端调节机构阀门等所需力或力矩相适应以防止过载13电动执行器各组成部分应根据现场使用条件定期检查和高速减速器应定期清洗加油八外型尺寸图表JDL型系列直行程电子式电动执行器外形见图三外形尺寸见表三执行机构外形尺寸图三JDR型系列角行程电子式电动执行器外形及尺寸见图四,表四图四九手动机构执行机构后端盖上装有手柄如将手柄拨到手动位置可是制动盘和制动轮脱开可实现执行机构就地手动操作如将手柄拨到电动位置可保证执行器在自动运行时可靠的启动与停止执行机构就地手动操作只能在断电时进行不允许在伺服电动机通电的情况下进行手动操作执行机构就地手动操作时将电机上的手把拨在手动位置拉出手轮摇动即可操作完毕后先将电机上的手把拨到自动位置再把手轮推进如配有操作器可将操作器打在手动档在操作器上直接手动操作十定货须知及其它1订货须知请参照产品型号说明的内容填写产品名称型号规格以及输入信号注明是否配电子式电动操作器2其它电动执行器应放在干燥通风无腐蚀性气体的地方而且环境温度和相对温度应符合技术要求自发货时起十八个月内仪表如有损坏若属于厂方制造质量问题则由厂方负责免费保修若属于用户保管使用不当而造成的则由用户负责企业宗旨质量第一.信誉第一.服务第一 .新雪仪表 . 控制世界电话0411---3325668传真0411---3325168E-mail:****************。
常用开关电源芯片大全第1章DC-DC电源转换器/基准电压源1.1 DC-DC电源转换器1.低噪声电荷泵DC-DC电源转换器AAT3113/AAT31142.低功耗开关型DC-DC电源转换器ADP30003.高效3A开关稳压器AP15014.高效率无电感DC-DC电源转换器FAN56605.小功率极性反转电源转换器ICL76606.高效率DC-DC电源转换控制器IRU30377.高性能降压式DC-DC电源转换器ISL64208.单片降压式开关稳压器L49609.大功率开关稳压器L4970A10.1.5A降压式开关稳压器L497111.2A高效率单片开关稳压器L497812.1A高效率升压/降压式DC-DC电源转换器L597013.1.5A降压式DC-DC电源转换器LM157214.高效率1A降压单片开关稳压器LM1575/LM2575/LM2575HV15.3A降压单片开关稳压器LM2576/LM2576HV16.可调升压开关稳压器LM257717.3A降压开关稳压器LM259618.高效率5A开关稳压器LM267819.升压式DC-DC电源转换器LM2703/LM270420.电流模式升压式电源转换器LM273321.低噪声升压式电源转换器LM275022.小型75V降压式稳压器LM500723.低功耗升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LT107324.升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT161525.隔离式开关稳压器LT172526.低功耗升压电荷泵LT175127.大电流高频降压式DC-DC电源转换器LT176528.大电流升压转换器LT193529.高效升压式电荷泵LT193730.高压输入降压式电源转换器LT195631.1.5A升压式电源转换器LT196132.高压升/降压式电源转换器LT343333.单片3A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT343634.通用升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT346035.高效率低功耗升压式电源转换器LT346436.1.1A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT346737.大电流高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT378238.微型低功耗电源转换器LTC175439.1.5A单片同步降压式稳压器LTC187540.低噪声高效率降压式电荷泵LTC191141.低噪声电荷泵LTC3200/LTC3200-542.无电感的降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC325143.双输出/低噪声/降压式电荷泵LTC325244.同步整流/升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340145.低功耗同步整流升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340246.同步整流降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340547.双路同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340748.高效率同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC341649.微型2A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC342650.2A两相电流升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC342851.单电感升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC344052.大电流升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC344253.1.4A同步升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC345854.直流同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC370355.双输出降压式同步DC-DC电源转换控制器LTC373656.降压式同步DC-DC电源转换控制器LTC377057.双2相DC-DC电源同步控制器LTC380258.高性能升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1513/MAX151459.精简型升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1522/MAX1523/MAX152460.高效率40V升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1553/MAX155461.高效率升压式LED电压调节器MAX1561/MAX159962.高效率5路输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX156563.双输出升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1582/MAX1582Y64.驱动白光LED的升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX158365.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1642/MAX164366.2A降压式开关稳压器MAX164467.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1674/MAX1675/MAX167668.高效率双输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX167769.低噪声1A降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1684/MAX168570.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX169871.高效率双输出降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX171572.小体积升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1722/MAX1723/MAX172473.输出电流为50mA的降压式电荷泵MAX173074.升/降压式电荷泵MAX175975.高效率多路输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX180076.3A同步整流降压式稳压型MAX1830/MAX183177.双输出开关式LCD电源控制器MAX187878.电流模式升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX189679.具有复位功能的升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX194780.高效率PWM降压式稳压器MAX1992/MAX199381.大电流输出升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX61882.低功耗升压或降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX62983.PWM升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX668/MAX66984.大电流PWM降压式开关稳压器MAX724/MAX72685.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX756/MAX75786.高效率大电流DC-DC电源转换器MAX761/MAX76287.隔离式DC-DC电源转换器MAX8515/MAX8515A88.高性能24V升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX872789.升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器MC33063A/MC34063A90.5A升压/降压/反向DC-DC电源转换器MC33167/MC3416791.低噪声无电感电荷泵MCP1252/MCP125392.高频脉宽调制降压稳压器MIC220393.大功率DC-DC升压电源转换器MIC229594.单片微型高压开关稳压器NCP1030/NCP103195.低功耗升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP1400A96.高压DC-DC电源转换器NCP140397.单片微功率高频升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP141098.同步整流PFM步进式DC-DC电源转换器NCP142199.高效率大电流开关电压调整器NCP1442/NCP1443/NCP1444/NCP1445100.新型双模式开关稳压器NCP1501101.高效率大电流输出DC-DC电源转换器NCP1550102.同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP1570103.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP5008/NCP5009 104.大电流高速稳压器RT9173/RT9173A105.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器RT9262/RT9262A106.升压式DC-DC电源转换器SP6644/SP6645107.低功耗升压式DC-DC电源转换器SP6691108.新型高效率DC-DC电源转换器TPS54350109.无电感降压式电荷泵TPS6050x110.高效率升压式电源转换器TPS6101x111.28V恒流白色LED驱动器TPS61042112.具有LDO输出的升压式DC-DC电源转换器TPS6112x 113.低噪声同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器TPS6200x114.三路高效率大功率DC-DC电源转换器TPS75003115.高效率DC-DC电源转换器UCC39421/UCC39422116.PWM控制升压式DC-DC电源转换器XC6371117.白光LED驱动专用DC-DC电源转换器XC9116118.500mA同步整流降压式DC-DC电源转换器XC9215/XC9216/XC9217119.稳压输出电荷泵XC9801/XC9802120.高效率升压式电源转换器ZXLB16001.2 线性/低压差稳压器121.具有可关断功能的多端稳压器BAXXX122.高压线性稳压器HIP5600123.多路输出稳压器KA7630/KA7631124.三端低压差稳压器LM2937125.可调输出低压差稳压器LM2991126.三端可调稳压器LM117/LM317127.低压降CMOS500mA线性稳压器LP38691/LP38693128.输入电压从12V到450V的可调线性稳压器LR8129.300mA非常低压降稳压器(VLDO)LTC3025130.大电流低压差线性稳压器LX8610131.200mA负输出低压差线性稳压器MAX1735132.150mA低压差线性稳压器MAX8875133.带开关控制的低压差稳压器MC33375134.带有线性调节器的稳压器MC33998135.1.0A低压差固定及可调正稳压器NCP1117136.低静态电流低压差稳压器NCP562/NCP563137.具有使能控制功能的多端稳压器PQxx138.五端可调稳压器SI-3025B/SI-3157B139.400mA低压差线性稳压器SPX2975140.五端线性稳压器STR20xx141.五端线性稳压器STR90xx142.具有复位信号输出的双路输出稳压器TDA8133143.具有复位信号输出的双路输出稳压器TDA8138/TDA8138A144.带线性稳压器的升压式电源转换器TPS6110x145.低功耗50mA低压降线性稳压器TPS760xx146.高输入电压低压差线性稳压器XC6202147.高速低压差线性稳压器XC6204148.高速低压差线性稳压器XC6209F149.双路高速低压差线性稳压器XC64011.3 基准电压源150.新型XFET基准电压源ADR290/ADR291/ADR292/ADR293151.低功耗低压差大输出电流基准电压源MAX610x152.低功耗1.2V基准电压源MAX6120153.2.5V精密基准电压源MC1403154.2.5V/4.096V基准电压源MCP1525/MCP1541155.低功耗精密低压降基准电压源REF30xx/REF31xx156.精密基准电压源TL431/KA431/TLV431A第2章AC-DC转换器及控制器1.厚膜开关电源控制器DP104C2.厚膜开关电源控制器DP308P3.DPA-Switch系列高电压功率转换控制器DPA423/DPA424/DPA425/DPA4264.电流型开关电源控制器FA13842/FA13843/FA13844/FA138455.开关电源控制器FA5310/FA53116.PWM开关电源控制器FAN75567.绿色环保的PWM开关电源控制器FAN76018.FPS型开关电源控制器FS6M07652R9.开关电源功率转换器FS6Sxx10.降压型单片AC-DC转换器HV-2405E11.新型反激准谐振变换控制器ICE1QS0112.PWM电源功率转换器KA1M088013.开关电源功率转换器KA2S0680/KA2S088014.电流型开关电源控制器KA38xx15.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5H0165R16.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5Qxx17.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5Sxx18.电流型高速PWM控制器L499019.具有待机功能的PWM初级控制器L599120.低功耗离线式开关电源控制器L659021.LINK SWITCH TN系列电源功率转换器LNK304/LNK305/LNK30622.LINK SWITCH系列电源功率转换器LNK500/LNK501/LNK52023.离线式开关电源控制器M51995A24.PWM电源控制器M62281P/M62281FP25.高频率电流模式PWM控制器MAX5021/MAX502226.新型PWM开关电源控制器MC4460427.电流模式开关电源控制器MC4460528.低功耗开关电源控制器MC4460829.具有PFC功能的PWM电源控制器ML482430.液晶显示器背光灯电源控制器ML487631.离线式电流模式控制器NCP120032.电流模式脉宽调制控制器NCP120533.准谐振式PWM控制器NCP120734.低成本离线式开关电源控制电路NCP121535.低待机能耗开关电源PWM控制器NCP123036.STR系列自动电压切换控制开关STR8xxxx37.大功率厚膜开关电源功率转换器STR-F665438.大功率厚膜开关电源功率转换器STR-G865639.开关电源功率转换器STR-M6511/STR-M652940.离线式开关电源功率转换器STR-S5703/STR-S5707/STR-S570841.离线式开关电源功率转换器STR-S6401/STR-S6401F/STR-S6411/STR-S6411F 442.开关电源功率转换器STR-S651343.离线式开关电源功率转换器TC33369~TC3337444.高性能PFC与PWM组合控制集成电路TDA16846/TDA1684745.新型开关电源控制器TDA1685046.“绿色”电源控制器TEA150447.第二代“绿色”电源控制器TEA150748.新型低功耗“绿色”电源控制器TEA153349.开关电源控制器TL494/KA7500/MB375950.Tiny SwitchⅠ系列功率转换器TNY253、TNY254、TNY25551.Tiny SwitchⅡ系列功率转换器TNY264P~TNY268G52.TOP Switch(Ⅱ)系列离线式功率转换器TOP209~TOP22753.TOP Switch-FX系列功率转换器TOP232/TOP233/TOP23454.TOP Switch-GX系列功率转换器TOP242~TOP25055.开关电源控制器UCX84X56.离线式开关电源功率转换器VIPer12AS/VIPer12ADIP57.新一代高度集成离线式开关电源功率转换器VIPer53第3章功率因数校正控制/节能灯电源控制器1.电子镇流器专用驱动电路BL83012.零电压开关功率因数控制器FAN48223.功率因数校正控制器FAN75274.高电压型EL背光驱动器HV8265.EL场致发光背光驱动器IMP525/IMP5606.高电压型EL背光驱动器/反相器IMP8037.电子镇流器自振荡半桥驱动器IR21568.单片荧光灯镇流器IR21579.调光电子镇流器自振荡半桥驱动器IR215910.卤素灯电子变压器智能控制电路IR216111.具有功率因数校正电路的镇流器电路IR216612.单片荧光灯镇流器IR216713.自适应电子镇流器控制器IR252014.电子镇流器专用控制器KA754115.功率因数校正控制器L656116.过渡模式功率因数校正控制器L656217.集成背景光控制器MAX8709/MAX8709A18.功率因数校正控制器MC33262/MC3426219.固定频率电流模式功率因数校正控制器NCP165320.EL场致发光灯高压驱动器SP440321.功率因数校正控制器TDA4862/TDA486322.有源功率因数校正控制器UC385423.高频自振荡节能灯驱动器电路VK05CFL24.大功率高频自振荡节能灯驱动器电路VK06TL第4章充电控制器1.多功能锂电池线性充电控制器AAT36802.可编程快速电池充电控制器BQ20003.可进行充电速率补偿的锂电池充电管理器BQ20574.锂电池充电管理电路BQ2400x5.单片锂电池线性充电控制器BQ2401xB接口单节锂电池充电控制器BQ2402x7.2A同步开关模式锂电池充电控制器BQ241008.集成PWM开关控制器的快速充电管理器BQ29549.具有电池电量计量功能的充电控制器DS277010.锂电池充电控制器FAN7563/FAN756411.2A线性锂/锂聚合物电池充电控制器ISL629212.锂电池充电控制器LA5621M/LA5621V13.1.5A通用充电控制器LT157114.2A恒流/恒压电池充电控制器LT176915.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173216.带热调节功能的1A线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173317.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173418.新型开关电源充电控制器LTC198019.开关模式锂电池充电控制器LTC400220.4A锂电池充电器LTC400621.多用途恒压/恒流充电控制器LTC400822.4.2V锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电控制器LTC405223.可由USB端口供电的锂电池充电控制器LTC405324.小型150mA锂电池充电控制器LTC405425.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC405826.单节锂电池线性充电控制器LTC405927.独立线性锂电池充电控制器LTC406128.镍镉/镍氢电池充电控制器M62256FP29.大电流锂/镍镉/镍氢电池充电控制器MAX150130.锂电池线性充电控制器MAX150731.双输入单节锂电池充电控制器MAX1551/MAX155532.单节锂电池充电控制器MAX167933.小体积锂电池充电控制器MAX1736B接口单节锂电池充电控制器MAX181135.多节锂电池充电控制器MAX187336.双路输入锂电池充电控制器MAX187437.单节锂电池线性充电控制器MAX189838.低成本/多种电池充电控制器MAX190839.开关模式单节锂电池充电控制器MAX1925/MAX192640.快速镍镉/镍氢充电控制器MAX2003A/MAX200341.可编程快速充电控制器MAX712/MAX71342.开关式锂电池充电控制器MAX74543.多功能低成本充电控制器MAX846A44.具有温度调节功能的单节锂电池充电控制器MAX8600/MAX860145.锂电池充电控制器MCP73826/MCP73827/MCP7382846.高精度恒压/恒流充电器控制器MCP73841/MCP73842/MCP73843/MCP73844 647.锂电池充电控制器MCP73861/MCP7386248.单节锂电池充电控制器MIC7905049.单节锂电池充电控制器NCP180050.高精度线性锂电池充电控制器VM7205。
网址:/ 营销服务中心:上海市闵行区七莘路3599号华商时代广场9号楼506室电话:+86-21-34140399 传真:+86-21-64515171产品与技术支持:杭州市西湖区西斗门路毛家桥路北中天MCC B 座202室 电话:+86-571-88820269 传真:+86-571-88820239E-mail:*********************.cn如果是因为客户不正确使用鑫雁电子系列GH143F●电源电压范围宽,输出电流大。
●工作频率宽(0~100KHz )。
备注:1)L 代表工作温度范围为-40℃~150℃:2)UA 代表封装形式为SIP-3L(TO-92S)GH143F 系列高温单极性霍尔效应集成传感器是由内部电压稳压单元、霍尔电压发生器、差分放大器、温度补偿单元、施密特触发器和集电极开路输出级组成的磁敏传感电路,其输入为磁感应强度,输出是一个数字电压信号。
PMAC625 PMAC625H 三相交流智能数显仪表 说明书
PMAC625/PMAC625H 三相交流智能数显仪表说明书Installation & Operation ManualV2.0安全注意事项危险和警告⏹本设备只能由专业人士进行安装。
目 录一、PMAC625/PMAC625H技术规格参数 (5)二、PMAC625/PMAC625H外形和安装尺寸 (7)三、PMAC625低压三相交流智能数显仪表订货说明 (8)四、PMAC625H高压三相交流智能数显仪表订货说明 (9)五.PMAC25低压三相交流智能数显仪表型号列表 (10)六.PMAC625H高压三相交流智能数显仪表型号列表 (12)五、PMAC625/PMAC625H显示及按键操作说明 (13)六、通讯协议 (19)七、附录 (24)1. PMAC625/PMAC625H端子定义 (24)2. PMAC625/PMAC625H典型接线图 (25)概 述PMAC625/PMAC625H三相交流智能数显仪表, 广泛适用于各行业供配电场所、能源管理、自动化以及智能化网络监控系统等。
bk7231 中文规格书
bk7231 中文规格书BK7231 中文规格书目录1. 引言2. 产品概述3. 技术规格3.1 处理器3.2 存储器3.3 网络连接3.4 无线通信3.5 音频处理3.6 视频处理3.7 电源管理3.8 外设接口4. 软件支持5. 性能指标6. 产品优势7. 应用领域8. 总结1. 引言本文档是 BK7231 中文规格书,旨在介绍 BK7231 的技术规格、软件支持、性能指标、产品优势以及应用领域等信息。
BK7231 是一款先进的通信芯片,具备高性能、低功耗、丰富的接口和广泛的应用领域。
2. 产品概述BK7231 是一款集成了处理器、存储器、网络连接、无线通信、音频处理、视频处理、电源管理以及外设接口等功能的芯片。
BK7231 在物联网、智能家居、工业自动化等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
3. 技术规格3.1 处理器BK7231 配备了一颗高性能的处理器,能够快速处理各种复杂的计算任务。
3.2 存储器BK7231 集成了丰富的存储器,包括闪存和内存。
3.3 网络连接BK7231 支持各种网络连接方式,包括以太网、Wi-Fi、蓝牙等。
3.4 无线通信BK7231 内置了强大的无线通信功能,支持多种无线协议,如Wi-Fi 和蓝牙。
3.5 音频处理BK7231 集成了先进的音频处理功能,能够实现音频的录制、播放和处理。
3.6 视频处理BK7231 可以实现对视频的采集、编码、解码和显示。
3.7 电源管理BK7231 内置了高效的电源管理模块,能够实现对芯片的供电和功耗的管理。
ST13003HIGH VOLTAGE FAST-SWITCHINGNPN POWER TRANSISTORs MEDIUM VOLTAGE CAPABILITYs LOW SPREAD OF DYNAMIC PARAMETERS sMINIMUM LOT-TO-LOT SPREAD FOR RELIABLE OPERATIONsVERY HIGH SWITCHING SPEEDAPPLICATIONS:s ELECTRONIC BALLASTS FOR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING s SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLIESDESCRIPTIONThe device is manufactured using high voltage Multi Epitaxial Planar technology for high switching speeds and medium voltage capability.It uses a Cellular Emitter structure with planar edge termination to enhance switching speeds while maintaining the wide RBSOA.The device is designed for use in lighting applications and low cost switch-mode power supplies.®INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMJune 2000ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V CES Collector-Emitter Voltage (V BE =0)700V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B =0)400V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage(I C =0,I B =0.75A,t p <10µs,T j <150o C)BV EBO V I C Collector Current1.5A I CM Collector Peak Current (t p <5ms)3A I B Base Current0.75A I BM Base Peak Current (t p <5ms) 1.5A P t ot Total Dissipation at T c =25oC 40WT stgStorage Temperature-65to 150oC321SOT-321/7THERMAL DATAR t hj-ca se R t hj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-case MaxThermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max3.1289o C/Wo C/WELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T case=25o C unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitI CEV Collector Cut-offCurrent(V BE=-1.5V)V CE=700VV CE=700V T j=125o C15mAmABV EBO Emitter-BaseBreakdown Voltage(I C=0)I E=10mA918VV CEO(sus)∗Collector-EmitterSustaining Voltage(I B=0)I C=10mAL=25mH400VV CE(sat)∗Collector-EmitterSaturation Voltage I C=0.5A I B=0.1AI C=1A I B=0.25AI C=1.5A I B=0.5A0.513VVVV BE(s at)∗Base-EmitterSaturation Voltage I C=0.5A I B=0.1AI C=1A I B=0.25A1.01.2VVh FE DC Current Gain I C=0.5A V CE=2VGroup AGroup BI C=1A V CE=2V8155203525t r t s t f RESISTIVE LOADRise TimeStorage TimeFall TimeI C=1A V CC=125VI B1=0.2A I B2=-0.2AT p=25µs1.04.00.7µsµsµst s INDUCTIVE LOADStorage TimeI C=1A I B1=0.2AV BE=-5V L=50mHV c la mp=300V0.8µs∗ Pulsed:Pulse duration=300µs,duty cycle=1.5%Note:Product is pre-selec ted in DC current gain(GROUP A and GROUP B).STMicroelectronics reserves the right to ship either groups according to production availability.Please contact your nearest STMicroelectronics sales office for delivery details.ST130032/7Safe Operating AreasDC Current GainCollector Emitter Saturation Voltage Derating CurveDC Current GainBase Emitter Saturation VoltageST130033/7ST13003Inductive Fall Time Inductive Storage Time Reverse Biased SOA4/7ST13003 Figure1:Inductive Load Switching Test Circuits.Figure2:Resistive Load Switching Test Circuits.5/7DIM.mminch MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A 10.510.80.4130.445b 2.4 2.70.0400.106c1 1.0 1.30.0390.050D 15.416.00.6060.629e 2.20.087e3 4.154.650.1630.183F 3.80.150G 3 3.20.1180.126H2.540.100c1H20016114SOT-32(TO-126)MECHANICAL DATAST130036/7ST13003Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics.Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a trademark of STMicroelectronics©2000STMicroelectronics–Printed in Italy–All Rights Reserve dSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-China-Finland-France-Germany-Hong Kong-India-Italy-Japan-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-United Kingdom-U.S.A.7/7。
固特控制技术 三相全桥整流模块 说明书
GOLD CONTROL固特控制技术有限公司MDS3-Phase Rectifier Bridges Module三相全桥整流模块特 性:●国际标准封装●焊接结构,优良的温度特性和功率循环能力●玻璃钝化工艺(方片)芯片主要用途:●低通态压降≤1.3●直流屏●引线端与底板电气绝缘,2500V 交流电压●变频器●阻断电压高达1600V ●电焊机●高达12倍抗浪涌能力●直流充电电源●安装方便●直流电动机●环保产品(符合ROHS 要求)结温T j (℃)最小典型最大Io 单相全波整流电路,℃TC=10015030A I RRM 15010mA I D 30A Tc 80℃I F(AV)25A I F(RMS)40A I FSM 465AI 2t 2.8A 2S *103V TO 1.0V V FM 251.3V V iso 50Hz,R.M.S,t=1min,I iso :1mA(max)2500V R th(j-c) 2.5℃/W T stg -40125℃W t200g固特电力半导体模块通过欧盟CE 、ISO9001、符合ROSH 认证企业Page 3of 12007-01产品热线:TEL:86-510-85166093 88085590 85166195 FAX:88085591 投诉QQ :453742705Email:*****************移动电话Mobile :139****0504MDS30A主要技术参数参数符号测试条件参数值单位直流输出电流反向重复峰值电压V RRM V RRM tp=10ms V V RSM =V RRM +200V 反向重复峰值电流at V RRM15080016002500最大输出电流正向平均电流正向有效值电流正向浪涌电流10ms 正弦半波150浪涌电流平方时间积V R =0.6V RRM 通态门槛电压峰值压降I FM =30A绝缘电压结壳热阻单面散热贮存温度重量Gold Power字母c:串联K:共阴器件类别: A :共阳Q:单相全桥D: 普通整流管S:三相全桥G:三相共阳半桥T :普通晶闸管 Y :三相共阴半桥F :D 和T加()为混合型器件顺序单位:mmPage 3of 22007-01产品热线:TEL:86-510-85166093 88085590 85166195 FAX:88085591 投诉QQ :453742705Email:***************** 移动电话Mobile :139****0504内部电路 circuit外 形 尺 寸70mm*40mm*28.5mm说 明表中的参数为每个整流芯片的额定值和特性参数适用型号: MDS方桥电力半导体模块命名示例M字母数字功率半导体模块内部电路形式:额定通态平均电流I T(AV)性能曲线图额定正向平均电流I F(AV) 直流输出电流I o外形图、接线图、安装孔尺寸●使用说明为了本公司的半导体功率模块能满足您的高可靠使用要求,请注意以下几点事项:1、过电流的保护可采用半导体专用快熔;2、RC吸收(缓冲)建议使用吸收模块(本公司可供应);3、使用环境条件:a)半导体功率模块工作温度为:-40℃~+125℃(结温);整流为:-40℃~150℃;b)环境相对湿度≤85%;海拔1000米以下;c)使用环境应无剧烈振动和冲击,环境介质中应无腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的杂质气氛;d)模块采用强制风冷时风速应>6米/分,环境温度一般应控制在-40℃~60℃,散热器温度一般应控制在80℃以下。
ST7703 数据手册:TFT 移动单片机驱动器,适用于 720RGB x 1280 点,a-Si
ST7703 Data SheetTFT Mobile Single Chip DriverFor 720RGB x 1280 dot, a-Si TFT LCD, 16.7M color With MIPI InterfaceVersion 01 PreliminaryOctober 2015List of Contents1. function (56)5.8.1Standard Command Default Value (56)5.8.2Input Pins (57)5.8.3Output or Bi-directional Pins (57)5.9OTP Sequence (58)5.9.1OTP Sequence (58)5.9.2OTP Standard Programming Table (59)5.10CABC (60)mand Description (62)6.1Command Table (62)6.2Command description (79)6.2.1NOP (00h) (79)6.2.2Software reset (01h) (80)6.2.3Read Display ID (04h) (81)6.2.4Read Display Power Mode (0Ah) (82)6.2.5Read Display MADCTR (0Bh) (83)6.2.6Read Display Pixel Format (0Ch) (84)6.2.7Read Display Image Mode (0Dh) (85)6.2.8Read Display Signal Mode (0Eh) (86)6.2.9Read Display Self-Diagnostic Result (0Fh) (87)6.2.10Sleep In (10h) (88)6.2.11Sleep Out (11h) (89)9293949596979899100102103104105106107108109111120121122123124125127128 6.2.48Read ID2 Value (DBh) (129)6.2.49Read ID3 Value (DCh) (130)6.2.50SETEXTC (B9h) (131)6.2.51SETDISP (B2h) (132)6.2.52SETRGBIF (B3h) (134)6.2.53SETCYC (B4h) (135)6.2.54SETBGP (B5h) (136)6.2.55SETVCOM (B6h) (137)6.2.56SETOTP (B7h) (140)6.2.57SETPOWER_EXT (B8h) (142)6.2.58SETMIPI (BAh) (144)6.2.59SETVDC (BCh) (146)6.2.60SETSCR (C0h) (147)6.2.61SETPOWER (C1h) (149)6.2.62SETID (C3h) (152)6.2.63SETDDB (C4h) (152)6.2.64SETIO (C7h) (153)6.2.65SETCABC (C8h) (154)6.2.66SETPANEL (CCh) (154)6.2.67DGC_R (CDh) (155)6.2.68DGC_G (CEh) (156)6.2.69DGC_B (CFh) (157)6.2.70SETGAMMA (E0h) (158)161162163170173174176 7.1777.11777.21781781797.3181181182186 8.1878.11878.21888.31891891901918.41921921931941958.5196 (46)Figure 5.34: Case 2: RESX line is held low by host at power on (54)Figure 5.35: Power flow chart for different power modes (55)Figure 5.36: Two kinds of CABC Architecture (60)Figure 7.1: Input glitch rejections of low-power receivers (179)Figure 7.2: Differential voltage range and Command mode voltage (180)Figure 7.3: Serial Interface Characteristics (181)Figure 7.4: DSI clock timing Characteristics (182)Figure 7.5: Rising and falling time on clock and data channel (182)Figure 7.6: BTA from HOST to Display Module Timing (183)Figure 7.7: BTA from Display Module Timing to HOST (183)Figure 7.8: Reset input timing (186)Figure 8.1: Interfacing for MIPI by Setting Lane [1:0]=”11” (187)Figure 8.2: Source Pin Connection for Panel (188)Figure 8.3: Using External Power IC Application (189)Figure 8.4: Using PFM - Type C Application (190)Figure 8.5: Using Three Power Mode Application (191)Figure 8-6: DSI Power On Sequence of Power IC Mode (192)Figure 8-7: DSI Power Off Sequence of Power IC Mode (193)Figure 8-8: DSI Power On Sequence of 3 Power Mode (194)Figure 8-9: DSI Power Off Sequence of 3 Power Mode (195)dots at The driveimageand⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹- Three-Power Mode:●I/O and interface power supply (IOVCC):1.65V to 2.0V●Analog power supply (VSP):4.5V to 6.0V●Analog power supply (VSN):-4.5V to -6.0V⏹Output voltage:Positive source output voltage level: VSPR=3.3V to 5.6VNegative source output voltage level: VSNR=-5.6V to -3.3V Positive gate driver output voltage level: VGH=+10V to +20V Negative gate driver output voltage level: VGL=-7.5V to -15V VCOM=-3.5V to 0VIM1~0CSX DCX SCL SDA SDO DSI_CP DSI_CN DSI_D0P DSI_D0N DSI_D3~1DSI_VSSNote: “X” = Don’t care.5.5.1 5.1.1Figure 5.1: DBI Type C interface Option 1 write modeSDASCLCSX 1SDA SCLCSX 1SDASCL CSX15.1.3sentFigure 5.4: Break during parameterSDA SCL CSX 2. Between frameWith breakThelow5.2The and DSI setvisibleHighis5.2.1.1Low Power Mode (LP-11: Stop) DSI-C2.Ultra Low Power Mode (LP-00: ULPM)DSI-CLK+/- lanes can be driven to the Ultra Low power Mode (ULPM), when DSI-CLK lanes are entering LP-00 State. The entering way is from the Low Power Mode (LPM, LP-11 State) =>LP-10 =>LP-00 (ULPM). This sequence is illustrated below.Figure 5.9: From LPM mode to ULPMCLK+ CLK- LP10 LP00 LP11ThisFigure 5.11: Switching the Clock Lane between HSCM and LPMD0+ D0-ESCAPE MODEData lanes (DSI-D0+/-) can be used in different Escape Modes when data lanes are in Low Power (LP) mode.Figure 5.13: DSI Data Lane D0 general escape mode sequenceD0+ D0-LP11 LP10 LP00 LP01 LP00Time LP10 LP11 LP00 Escape Mode EntryST7703 can support three different Escape Commands. The commands (EC) can be divided 2Figure 5.14: DSI Data Lane D0 LPDT sequenceUltra Low Power State (ULPS)Remote Application Reset (RAR)Tearing Effect (TEE)aAcknowledge (ACK)byHigh Speed Data TransmissionThe ClockFigure 5.20: DSI Data Lane Entering High Speed Data TransmissionD0+ D0- If the last bit is HS-0, the transmitter changes from HS-0 to HS-1If the last bit is HS-0, the transmitter changes from HS-1 to HS-0Bus Turnaround (BTA)D0+D0- The 6 toDI (Data ID):Contain Virtual Channel Identifier and Data Type.WC (Word Count):8+8 bits The receiver use WC to define packet end.ECC (Error Correction Code):The Error Correction Code allows single-bit errors to be corrected and 2-bit errors to be detected in the Packet Header. PF(Packet Footer):Mean 16-bit Checksum.Figure 5.24: Structure of the long packetHeader (PH)Footer (PF)Packet Data (Payload)Table 5.7: Data Types from the Driver IC to Host• PLong5.2.2.2IC. TheDisplay Command Set Write, 1 Parameter, Data Type = 01 0101 (15h)Display Command Set (DCS) Write, 1 Parameter is always using a Short Packet from the HOST to the driver IC. The content of 2 payload bytes is “command” and“parameter”.Display Command Set Long Write, Data Type = 11 1001 (39h)Display Command Set (DCS) Long Write is always using a Long Packet from the HOST to the driver IC.The content can include Command (No Parameters) or Command with 1 or more parameters.Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter, Data Type = 00 0110 (06h)Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter is always using a Short Packet, from the HOST to the driver IC. The HOST has to define to the driver IC, what is the maximum size of the return packet. A command, what is used for this purpose, is “Set Maximu m Return Packet Size”, which Data Type is 11 0111 and which is using Short Packet before the HOST can send “Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter” to the driver IC.Null Packet, No Data , Data Type = 00 1001 (09h)mode to normal display operation.Shutdown Peripheral Command, Data Type = 10 0010 (22h)Shutdown Peripheral command is a Short packet command that turns off the display in a Video Mode driver IC for power saving. Note the interface shall remain powered in order to receive the turn-on, or wake-up command.Turn On Peripheral Command, Data Type = 11 0010 (32h)Turn On Peripheral command is Short packet command that turns on the display in a Video Mode driver IC for normal display operation.Figure 5.26: 16-bit RGB Color Format, Long packetPacked Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format, Long packet, Data type = 01 1110 (1Eh)Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format in Three Bytes, Long packet, Data Type = 101110 (2Eh)Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit Format, Long packet, Data Type = 11 1110 (3Eh)when a corrandDCS Read Long Response is always using a Long Packet, from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Long Response” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned, Data Type = 10 0001(21h)DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned is always using a Short Packet from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned, Data Type = 10 0010(22h)DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned is always using a Short Packet from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.Generic to the to the5.3of IntheS1S2401G 2Figure 5.27: Source channels of ZigZag inversion modeFigure 5.28: Gamma adjustments different of source driver with digital gamma correctionVV0 VV4 VV8 VV12VV28 VV52 VV76 VV100 VV131 VV155VV179 VV203 VV227VV243 VV247 VV251 VV2555.4.2RGB. Figure 5.30: Sleep out flow chart–command and self-diagnostic functions。
Agilent MGA-62563 Current-Adjustable, Low Noise Amplifier Data SheetDescriptionAgilent’s MGA-62563 is an economical, easy-to-use GaAs MMIC amplifier that offers excellent linearity and low noise figure for applications from 0.1to 3 GHz. Packaged in an minia-ture SOT-363 package, it requires half the board space of a SOT-143 package.One external resistor is used to set the bias current taken by the device over a wide range. This allows the designer to use the same part in several circuit positions and tailor the linearity performance (and current consumption) to suit each posi-tion. The MGA-62563 is normally operating with Id set in the 20-80mA rangeThe output of the amplifier is matched to 50Ω (below 2:1 VSWR) across the entire band-width and only requires mini-mum input matching. The ampli-fier allows a wide dynamic range by offering a 0.9 dB NF coupled with a +32.9 dBm Output IP3. The circuit uses state-of-the-artE-pHEMT technology with proven reliability. On-chip bias circuitry allows operation from a single +3V or +5V power supply.Features•Single +3V or +5V supply•High linearity•Low noise figure•Miniature package•Lead-free option availableSpecifications at 500 MHz; 3V, 60mA(Typ.)•0.9 dB noise figure•32.9dBm OIP3•22 dB gain•17.8 dBm P1dBPin Connections andPackage MarkingNote:Package marking provides orientation andidentification:“62” = Device Code“x” = Date code indicates the month ofmanufacture.OUTPUTand V dGNDGNDGNDINPUT123654BIASAttention:Observe precautions forhandling electrostaticsensitive devices.ESD Machine Model (Class A)ESD Human Body Model (Class 1A)Refer to Agilent Application Note A004R:Electrostatic Discharge Damage and Control.MGA-62563 Absolute Maximum Ratings [1]Absolute SymbolParameterUnitsMaximumV d Device Voltage (pin 6)[2]V 6I d Device Current (pin 6)[2]mA 100P in CW RF Input Power (pin 3)[3]dBm 21I ref Bias Reference Current (pin 4)mA 12P diss Total Power Dissipation [4]mW 600T CH Channel Temperature °C 150T STG Storage Temperature °C 150θch_bThermal Resistance [5]°C/W97Notes:1.Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may cause permanent damage.2.Bias is assumed at DC quiescent conditions.3.With the DC (typical bias) and RF applied to the device at board temperature T B = 25°C.4.Total dissipation power is referred to lead "5"temperature. Tc=92°C, derate Pdiss at 10.3mW/°C for Tc>92°C.5.Thermal resistance measured using 150°C Liquid Crystal Measurement method.Figure 1a. Test circuit of the 0.5 GHz production test board used for NF, Gain and OIP3 measure-ments. This circuit achieves a trade-off between optimal NF, Gain, OIP3 and input return loss.Circuit losses have been de-embedded from actual measurements.+_6.8 nH100 pF312564100 pFMGA-6256347 nH68 pF10 nF3V240ΩVdSimplified SchematicNote:1.Measured on the production test circuit2. Distribution data sample size is 250 samples taken from 5 different wafers. Future wafers allocated to this product may have nominal values anywhere between upper and lower limitsProduct Consistency Distribution Charts at 3V, 0.5 GHz, R bias = 240Ω[1, 2]Figure 2. NF @ 0.5 GHz 3V 60 mA. USL=1.4, Nominal=0.93. NF (dB)F R E Q U E N C Y0Figure 3. Gain @ 0.5 GHz 3V 60 mA. USL=23.4, Nominal=20.4, USL=22.0. GAIN (dB)F R E Q U E N C Y0Figure 4. OIP3 @ 0.5 GHz 3V 60 mA. LSL=30, Nominal=32.9.OIP3 (dBm)F R E Q U E NC Y0Figure 5. Id @ 3V.LSL=47, Nominal=77, USL=62.0.Id (mA)F R E Q U E N C Y475262770576772Figure 6. Rbias vs. I d (3V supply).I d (mA)R b i a s (o h m )090102040507080306028002600240022002000180016001400120010008006004002000Figure 7. Rbias vs. I d (5V supply).I d (mA)R b ia s (o h m )09010204050708030605500500045004000350030002500200015001000500Direct to GroundRF Input RF OutputFigure 1b. A diagram showing the connection to the DUT during an S and Noise parameter mea-surement using an automated tuner system.MGA-62563 Electrical SpecificationsRbias=240ohmT C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 3V (unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions Freq Units Min.Typ.Max.Std Dev Id[1,2]Device Current mA476277 2.09NF test [1,2]Noise Figure in test circuit[1] f = 0.5 GHz dB0.93 1.40.06G test[1,2]Associated Gain in test circuit[1] f = 0.5 GHz dB20.42223.40.36OIP3test[1,2]Ouput 3rd Order Intercept in test circuit[1] f = 0.5 GHz dBm3032.90.51OIP350Ω[3]Output 3rd Order Intercept Point in 50Ω system f = 0.1 GHz dBm34.7f = 0.2 GHz34.7f = 0.5 GHz34.8f = 1.0 GHz33.50.51f = 1.5 GHz33f = 2.0 GHz32.3f = 2.5 GHz32f = 3.0 GHz31P1dB50Ω[3]Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression in 50Ω system f = 0.1 GHz dBm18f = 0.2 GHz18f =0.5 GHz18f = 1.0 GHz17.6f = 1.5 GHz17.6f = 2.0 GHz17.7f = 2.5 GHz17.9f = 3.0 GHz17.7Notes:1.Guaranteed specifications are 100% tested in the production test circuit as shown in Figure 1, the typical value is based on measurement of at least500parts from three non-consecutive wafer lots during initial characterization of this product.2. Circuit achieved a trade-off between optimal NF, Gain, OIP3 and input return loss.3. Parameter quoted at 50Ω is based on measurement of selected typical parts tested on a 50Ω input and output test fixture.Figure 8. Gain vs. Frequency (3V 60 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )Figure 10. OIP3 vs Frequency (3V 60mA) FREQUENCY (MHz)O I P 3 (d B m )03000500100015002000250027Figure 11. OP1dB vs. Frequency (3V 60 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)O P 1d B (d B m )3000500100015002000250014Figure 9. NF vs. Frequency (3V 60 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)N F (d B)0300050010001500200025000Figure 12. Gain vs. Frequency (3V 30 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B m )300050010001500200025005Figure 13. NF vs. Frequency (3V 30 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)N F (d B m )0300050010001500200025000Figure 14. OIP3 vs. Frequency (3V 30 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)O I P 3 (d B m )22Figure 15. OP1dB vs. Frequency (3V 30 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)O P 1d B (d B m )12Figure 16. Gain vs. Frequency (5V 60 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B m )0300050010001500200025005Figure 17. NF vs. Frequency (5V 60 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )030005001000150020002500Figure 18. OIP3 vs. Frequency (5V 60 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)O I P 3 (d B m )03000500100015002000250025Figure 19. OP1dB vs. Frequency (5V 60 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)O P 1d B (d B m )03000500100015002000250015Figure 20. Gain vs. Frequency (5V 30 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B m )0300050010001500200025005Figure 21. NF vs. Frequency (5V 30 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)N F (d B )Figure 22. OIP3 vs. Frequency (5V 30 mA). FREQUENCY (MHz)O I P 3 (d B m )30005001000150020002500Figure 23. OP1dB vs. Frequency (5V 30 mA).FREQUENCY (MHz)O P 1d B (d B )12Figure 24. Gain vs. Id (500 MHz). Id (mA)G A I N (d B )01002040608010Figure 25. NF vs. Id (500 MHz).Id (mA)N F (d B )Figure 26. OIP3 vs. Id (500 MHz). Id (mA)O I P 3 (d B m )01002040608015Figure 27. OP1dB vs. Id (500 MHz).Id (mA)O P 1d B (d B m )100204060805Figure 28. Gain vs. Id (100 MHz). Id (mA)G A I N (d B )5Figure 29. NF vs. Id (100 MHz).Id (mA)N F (d B)0100204060800Figure 30. OIP3 vs. Id (100 MHz).Id (mA)O I P 3 (d B m)1002040608020Figure 31. OP1dB vs. Id (100 MHz).Id (mA)O P 1d B (d B m)0100204060805Freq. S 11 S 21 S 12 S 22K-factorGHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.185-82.27222.9113.982155.8270.042 5.40.129-164.437 5.4740.135-168.363 5.6360.141-172.09 5.9120.148-175.737 6.3460.154-179.503 6.8920.159177.105 1.310.317-143.23219.669.611121.3420.04210.6450.173167.409 1.321.20.358-151.66818.878.78111.3870.04213.520.177165.719 1.351.30.371-154.62518.488.397106.9650.04314.990.172164.894 1.361.40.378-156.90318.18.035102.8320.04416.4370.163164.215 1.381.50.385-159.10117.717.68498.8860.04517.7980.153164.02 1.421.70.397-164.75216.927.01591.4240.04820.2270.132162.822 1.421.80.4-167.68516.55 6.7288.0930.04921.2070.122162.927 1.441.90.4-170.68616.19 6.44684.9310.05122.0850.113163.177 1.4420.4-173.61515.84 6.19581.8920.05222.8210.104163.203 1.472.50.401171.98614.29 5.18467.4230.06324.2020.059160.575 1.4630.391153.6412.93 4.43253.8710.07422.3230.029162.52 1.463.50.418141.0211.87 3.92339.7250.08816.9190.02414.44 1.3740.461127.00810.81 3.47226.2440.09911.2890.04317.922 1.324.50.548119.589.83 3.111.9230.108 4.0740.083 3.197 1.2250.615105.7718.73 2.733-1.9580.119-3.1410.05718.181 2.425-13.2810.126-10.8350.026-8.344 1.0560.70185.9677.26 2.308-24.5090.131-17.1260.096123.432 6.44 2.099-35.3240.138-24.6170.165105.103 1.0670.6966.448 6.33 2.072-47.3180.145-31.0490.25992.547 5.55 1.895-59.770.15-39.0870.28478.001 1.1480.67345.318 5.18 1.816-68.8390.157-45.8220.29470.774 1.1490.71826.713 4.61 1.701-88.80.167-62.3040.32348.33 1.07100.77815.2854.141.61-104.2150.168-76.0060.36424.4150.99Figure 32. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )0122468103025 20 15 10 5 0Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.790.0857.80.120.810.650.07168.20.070.651.50.760.12- 1.063.5 1.110.24-1500.09 1.224 1.280.27-142.70.11 1.434.5 1.360.33-133.70.12 1.615 1.440.38-1230.15 1.795.5 1.470.43-1140.19 1.976 1.630.45-103.60.25 2.26.5 1.690.5-94.50.34 2.477 1.770.54-85.30.43 2.717.5 1.940.58-75.10.57 3.088 2.070.6-64.90.77 3.428.5 2.250.64-54.61 3.899 2.40.67-45.9 1.28 4.31Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 3V, I ds = 60 mA11211222GHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.229-64.83921.8112.314156.5240.049 5.8510.088-127.44 5.6880.093-135.628 5.5690.1-143.242 5.5260.108-150.147 5.5880.116-156.622 5.7380.125-161.903 6.0020.133-166.307 6.3790.141-169.879 6.8870.15-172.861 1.2310.324-133.00418.778.676121.8180.0497.6290.158-174.888 6.75895.8510.05313.6460.156179.214 1.311.70.413-158.27816.21 6.46692.1080.05414.5810.148179.163 1.331.80.416-161.4715.86 6.20788.7780.05515.3930.141179.311 1.351.90.418-164.66615.51 5.96585.6130.05716.1420.134179.509 1.3620.417-167.75115.18 5.74482.5610.05816.7910.128179.436 1.382.50.422177.27413.71 4.84867.9990.06818.1610.089176.954 1.430.412158.33712.41 4.17454.2320.07916.4640.062176.77 1.423.50.442144.96911.39 3.7139.9610.09211.540.015130.879 1.3540.486129.99410.34 3.28726.3160.102 6.160.02868.898 1.324.50.573121.5979.35 2.93511.9730.111-0.7920.06324.183 1.2150.638107.1238.25 2.585-2.0510.122-7.7270.05750.418 2.285-13.4250.128-15.1590.02655.253 1.0560.72186.681 6.73 2.169-24.6660.131-21.3460.124119.49716.50.71378.214 5.85 1.961-35.5350.139-28.7250.191103.907 1.0670.70466.96 5.7 1.927-47.610.146-34.9630.28791.799 4.88 1.753-60.150.15-42.6440.3177.221 1.1680.6845.807 4.47 1.673-69.2830.156-49.0760.31869.627 1.1890.72527.162 3.85 1.558-89.5130.166-65.1250.34347.128 1.1100.78715.6743.341.469-105.2150.168-78.7880.38223.4671Figure 33. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )0122468103025 20 15 10 5 0Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.760.0792.80.10.7710.660.06149.80.080.671.50.790.09167.20.070.820.860.14142.80.080.882.50.910.15167.50.080.9530.940.23-174.70.07 1.033.5 1.070.24-159.30.08 1.174 1.210.27-148.90.09 1.354.5 1.280.32-140.70.11 1.515 1.390.36-129.50.13 1.695.5 1.430.4-119.90.17 1.856 1.580.42-109.10.21 2.056.5 1.630.48-100.30.28 2.317 1.680.53-910.35 2.517.5 1.860.56-80.20.48 2.878 1.960.59-69.40.65 3.188.5 2.150.63-58.60.85 3.619 2.260.64-51.5 1.12 4.02Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 3V, I ds = 30 mA11211222GHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.274-53.94920.9211.121157.0350.054 5.7150.094-80.83 5.3830.09-91.02 5.0860.089-102.192 4.8330.091-113.483 4.6370.095-124.7 4.5250.101-133.965 4.5040.109-141.605 4.5760.118-147.841 4.7830.129-152.991 1.1910.331-123.57118.047.983122.5880.054 5.1950.139-156.749 5.7630.15-160.026 6.3740.16-162.849 6.828104.3880.0557.9390.16-165.092 6.555100.4730.0568.7360.157-165.37 6.28996.7860.0579.5140.152-166.308 6.02593.0170.05810.2940.146-166.218 5.78989.6570.05910.9840.141-166.034 1.321.90.428-158.76414.91 5.56886.4710.0611.6510.137-165.814 1.3420.428-161.99514.59 5.36583.4020.06212.2460.132-165.841 1.352.50.432-177.57313.16 4.54968.7020.0713.7010.098-166.888 1.4130.422162.9211.89 3.93354.6320.0812.3320.073-164.868 1.453.50.453148.81610.89 3.50340.0960.0927.9850.024-165.023 1.3940.497133.0039.85 3.10826.1070.102 3.0270.013108.515 1.354.50.584123.7948.87 2.77711.490.111-3.4860.04423.417 1.2450.648108.7927.8 2.455-2.9390.121-9.9980.04461.186 6.75 2.174-14.6770.128-17.1420.01983.666 1.0560.72987.836 6.32 2.07-26.0880.131-23.1780.129125.11816.50.71979.179 5.46 1.875-37.2270.138-30.4310.194108.15 1.0670.70967.879 5.33 1.847-49.360.144-36.5080.28994.828 4.54 1.686-62.0330.148-43.9770.31279.896 1.1780.68246.564 4.15 1.613-71.1660.155-50.3510.32172.003 1.1990.72527.786 3.57 1.508-91.2110.164-66.3080.34449.405 1.11100.79115.8263.071.424-106.6910.166-79.90.38225.3951Figure 34. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )012246810252015105Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.830. 1.073.5 1.10.24-164.50.08 1.24 1.20.28-1540.09 1.364.5 1.290.33-143.90.1 1.525 1.40.36-132.80.12 1.715.5 1.460.4-122.90.16 1.886 1.620.42-1120.21 2.16.5 1.680.47-102.30.28 2.347 1.740.52-92.90.35 2.567.5 1.920.55-82.20.47 2.918 2.040.57-71.50.65 3.238.5 2.220.61-600.85 3.659 2.320.65-52.5 1.13 4.09Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 3V, I ds = 20 mA11211222GHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.22-62.53922.2212.911155.7150.046 2.60.041-117.254 2.0810.038-129.6 1.6080.038-142.653 1.2010.039-155.322 1.310.80.259-119.519.719.675130.7310.0410.7340.047168.782 1.370.90.279-125.97219.359.281125.6390.041 1.0420.048164.393 1.410.299-131.628198.911120.5130.04 1.7620.049163.524 1.451.10.32-137.17718.618.521115.2450.039 2.850.048164.901 1.511.20.336-142.07318.238.159110.5070.039 4.10.049167.544 1.551.30.348-145.66517.847.801106.060.039 5.6030.043170.928 1.591.40.356-148.3817.457.455101.8980.0397.3040.032178.48 1.641.50.363-150.98917.057.12197.9360.0399.0910.024-165.089 6.894.2190.03910.880.019-143.445 1.751.70.374-157.39616.23 6.48190.4640.0412.7350.02-106.9 1.781.80.376-160.63915.85 6.287.1310.0414.4420.027-86.207 1.841.90.376-163.91415.47 5.93983.9690.04116.0840.035-75.973 1.8720.375-167.08215.12 5.69980.940.04217.6120.043-70.287 4.73666.6720.0522.9550.081-58.59 1.930.356158.0112.14 4.04753.370.05924.1960.112-56.813 1.893.50.381144.37611.06 3.57339.3690.0721.0540.14-52.546 1.7540.423129.78910.03 3.17525.9050.0817.1960.146-53.692 1.664.50.508121.9189.07 2.84211.4720.0911.5170.155-54.803 1.4950.576107.9078.06 2.528-2.5350.102 5.2250.123-67.978 1.355.50.63999.3627.06 2.255-14.40.11-2.3160.122-90.136 1.2360.67288.277 6.69 2.16-25.8880.122-8.4640.105-150.094 5.92 1.976-37.1990.125-15.9470.121162.804 1.1870.66868.454 5.81 1.953-49.4870.135-22.4150.187127.855 5.12 1.803-62.2840.142-30.8960.213108.129 1.2280.65547.003 4.75 1.728-71.760.151-38.4360.23198.412 1.290.70428.227 4.24 1.629-91.7890.161-55.9340.26173.264 1.09100.77216.73.851.558-107.4040.162-68.840.29844.4210.98Figure 35. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )0122468103025 20 15 10 5 0Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 5V, I ds = 40 mA Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.750.0589.70.10.7510.670.06157.90.080.671.50.780.11740.070.7920.870.13147. 1.073.5 1.10.23-153.60.09 1.24 1.250.26-146.30.1 1.44.5 1.330.31-138.50.12 1.545 1.420.36-127.20.14 1.735.5 1.440.4-117.80.18 1.886 1.610.43-107.40.22 2.16.5 1.660.48-97.80.3 2.367 1.70.53-89.10.38 2.577.5 1.920.56-78.40.51 2.948 2.030.58-68.20.69 3.278.5 2.210.62-57.20.91 3.79 2.340.65-50.2 1.18 4.1511211222GHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.237-58.46721.812.306156.1260.048 2.3350.051-78.66 1.7650.045-87.521 1.2280.039-99.059 1.330.90.284-121.83519.038.94126.040.043-0.0430.039-171.896 1.3810.304-127.79718.698.602120.950.0430.4620.041-173.502 1.3060.044-172.856 1.461.20.342-138.74217.977.914110.9760.042 2.3130.047-171.524 1.481.30.354-142.50817.67.583106.5280.042 3.5810.044-166.973 1.521.40.363-145.38917.227.259102.3570.041 5.0630.038-156.713 6.94698.3740.041 6.6520.034-141.923 1.641.60.378-151.30516.45 6.64494.6310.0428.2680.032-127.89 1.661.70.383-154.81616.04 6.34290.8320.0429.9630.034-108.748 1.721.80.386-158.16115.67 6.07587.4550.04311.5580.039-95.871 1.741.90.386-161.51115.31 5.82784.2580.04313.1150.045-87.243 1.820.385-164.73814.96 5.681.1880.04414.5870.052-81.336 1.832.50.383179.49513.41 4.68466.720.05119.9680.083-65.882 1.8630.368159.88512.09 4.02353.2340.0621.4590.111-61.634 1.853.50.393145.91711.05 3.56839.1540.07118.6760.136-55.813 1.7240.435130.89210.05 3.17925.6260.08115.0460.14-56.384 1.624.50.52122.5929.11 2.85411.2640.099.5630.148-56.648 1.4650.588108.3228.1 2.541-2.660.102 3.4670.117-69.997 1.325.50.6599.5927.11 2.266-14.3870.11-3.9530.117-92.334 1.260.68288.363 6.72 2.167-25.7680.122-10.0310.106-153.954 5.93 1.979-36.8710.125-17.4110.125160.43 1.1670.67568.426 5.8 1.949-490.134-23.7690.193126.821 5.06 1.791-61.6020.141-32.1180.218107.343 1.2180.65946.972 4.67 1.711-70.9480.15-39.5360.23697.607 1.2190.70728.23 4.07 1.597-90.8450.16-56.7810.26572.633 1.11100.77416.6943.61.513-106.4090.161-69.8650.30344.1171Figure 36. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )0122468103025 20 15 10 5 0Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.770.0883.80.110.7810.670.05149.40.080.681.50.790.09168.80.070.820.870.13142. 1.063.5 1.090.23-159.30.08 1.194 1.210.26-148.70.1 1.354.5 1.290.31-140.30.11 1.515 1.390.35-129.60.13 1.685.5 1.420.39-120.30.17 1.826 1.580.41-109.20.21 2.036.5 1.620.47-1000.28 2.287 1.680.52-90.70.35 2.497.5 1.880.55-79.90.48 2.85820.57-69.80.65 3.178.5 2.170.62-58.80.85 3.599 2.30.64-51.3 1.12 4.03Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 5V, I ds = 30 mA11211222GHzMag.Ang.dBMag.Ang.Mag.Ang.Mag.Ang.0.10.276-50.78120.9911.213156.8840.053 3.0860.093-52.766 2.410.083-58.024 1.7530.074-64.698 1.1310.065-72.808 1.3110.313-119.58418.18.038122.1340.049-0.5680.056-133.663 1.321.10.332-125.98317.777.7321170.048-0.0930.062-138.752 1.361.20.349-131.53617.447.446112.3490.0480.540.067-142.695 1.381.30.362-135.66717.097.154107.9710.047 1.4120.068-141.888 1.431.40.371-138.84316.73 6.864103.8510.047 2.4970.066-137.128 1.471.50.38-141.916.37 6.58399.9050.047 3.6760.065-131.552 1.511.60.389-145.32316 6.31196.1720.047 4.9080.063-126.926 1.551.70.394-149.05115.62 6.03792.390.047 6.2420.063-119.49 5.79489.0220.0487.4990.065-113.329 1.621.90.397-156.06314.91 5.56685.8170.0488.7740.067-107.935 1.6820.396-159.40614.58 5.35782.7390.04910.0210.07-103.352 4.50868.140.05514.8010.083-84.66 1.7830.38164.39111.79 3.88854.3860.06316.2720.102-74.77 1.813.50.407149.75410.77 3.45440.0910.07413.8070.118-63.62 1.740.449133.829.76 3.07526.3080.08310.4360.118-61.976 1.634.50.534124.6338.8 2.75311.7520.092 5.2620.123-58.73 1.4750.6109.7717.78 2.448-2.5290.104-0.4510.093-72.766 1.335.50.661100.709 6.77 2.179-14.4990.111-7.5320.097-96.992 1.2260.69289.216 6.37 2.083-26.0540.122-13.4230.102-166.868 5.56 1.897-37.3790.125-20.6530.134151.132 1.1870.68169.043 5.43 1.868-49.6530.134-26.7840.209121.656 4.69 1.716-62.4760.141-34.820.234103.118 1.2480.66147.473 4.3 1.641-71.8990.149-41.9820.2593.688 1.2490.70828.579 3.73 1.537-920.159-58.9340.27869.322 1.13100.77416.7893.281.459-107.7190.161-72.0370.31541.4491.02Figure 37. MAG vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)M A G (d B )012246810252015105Freq F min Γopt Γopt R n/50NF@50ΩGHzdBMag.Ang.dB0.50.810.1900.110.8310.70.05129.30.080.711.50.820.08150.10.080.8320.90.13132.10.080.922.50.940.15158.40.080.9830.980.221800.07 1.063.5 1.10.23-1650.08 1.194 1.190.27-153.60.09 1.344.5 1.280.31-144.20.1 1.495 1.390.35-132.90.12 1.665.5 1.420.39-122.50.16 1.816 1.580.4-1120.2 2.016.5 1.640.46-102.70.27 2.267 1.70.51-93.50.33 2.477.5 1.90.54-82.50.45 2.828 1.990.57-71.30.62 3.158.5 2.170.6-60.20.82 3.549 2.30.63-52.6 1.09 3.98Typical Noise Parameters at 25°C,T C = 25°C, Z O = 50Ω, V d = 5V, I ds = 20 mASOT-363/SC-70 (JEDEC DFP-N) Package DimensionsDevice ModelsRefer to Agilent’s Web Site /view/rfRefer to Agilent’s Web Site for S-parameters at different /view/rf Ordering Information Part NumberNo. of DevicesContainerMGA-62563-TR130007” Reel MGA-62563-TR21000013”Reel MGA-62563-BLK 100antistatic bag MGA-62563-TR1G 30007" Reel MGA-62563-TR2G 1000013" Reel MGA-62563-BLKG100antistatic bagDimensions Symbol Min (mm)Max (mm)E 1.15 1.35D 1.80 2.25HE 1.80 2.40A 0.80 1.10A20.80 1.00A10.000.10e 0.650 BCS 0.650 BCS b 0.150.30c 0.100.20L0.100.30Device OrientationUSER FEEDEND VIEWTOP VIEW(Package marking example orientation shown.)Recommended PCB Pad Layout for Agilent's SC70 6L/SOT-363 Products (dimensions in inches)Tape Dimensions/semiconductorsFor product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (65) 6755 1939Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/International), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only)Korea: (65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines,Indonesia: (65) 6755 2044Taiwan: (65) 6755 1843(COVER TAPE THICKNESS)DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL SIZE (mm) SIZE (INCHES) LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH PITCHBOTTOM HOLE DIAMETER A 0B 0K 0P D 1 2.40 ± 0.102.40 ± 0.101.20 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.00 + 0.250.094 ± 0.0040.094 ± 0.0040.047 ± 0.0040.157 ± 0.0040.039 + 0.010CAVITYDIAMETER PITCH POSITION D P 0E 1.50 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.75 ± 0.100.061 ± 0.0020.157 ± 0.0040.069 ± 0.004PERFORATIONWIDTHTHICKNESS W t 18.00 ± 0.30 - 0.100.254 ± 0.020.315 ± 0.0120.010 ± 0.0005CARRIER TAPE CAVITY TO PERFORATION (WIDTH DIRECTION)CAVITY TO PERFORATION (LENGTH DIRECTION)F P 23.50 ± 0.052.00 ± 0.050.138 ± 0.0020.079 ± 0.002DISTANCEWIDTHTAPE THICKNESSC T t 5.40 ± 0.100.062 ± 0.0010.205 ± 0.0040.0025 ± 0.00004COVER TAPE。
• Bus line short circuit diagnosis
• Bus dominant clamping diagnosis
• Undervoltage detection at VCC, VI/O and VBAT
• Cold start diagnosis (first battery connection)
Final Data Sheet
Rev. 3.2, 2006-04-05
TLE 6251 G
Pin Configuration
TLE 6251 G (P-DSO-14-13)
• Overtemperature protection
• Protected against automotive transients
• +/- 6kV ESD Robustness according to IEC 61000-4-2
Type TLE 6251 G
Final Data Sheet
A diagnosis output allows mode dependent enhanced diagnosis of bus failures and wake-up
source. A VBAT fail flag reports an power-on condition at the battery supply input.
Ordering Code
一 概述 .................................................................................................................................3
3.1 保护特性 ........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 过载长延时保护 ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.2 短路短延时保护 ..................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.3 瞬时保护特性 ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.4 MCR 和 HSISC 保护 ................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.5 中性线保护 ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.6 接地保护 ................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1.7 漏电保护 ................................................................................................................................. 16 3.1.8 接地报警 ................................................................................................................................. 17 3.1.9 漏电报警 ................................................................................................................................. 18 3.1.10 电流不平衡保护 .................................................................................................................. 18 3.1.11 需用电流保护 ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.12 欠压保护 ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.1.13 过压保护 ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.1.14 电压不平衡保护 ................................................................................................................... 22 3.1.15 欠频,过频保护 ................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.16 逆功率保护 ........................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.17 相序保护 ............................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.18 负载监控保护特性 ............................................................................................................... 24
Superior music recordingin CD-like audio qualityCapture music in outstanding definition and stunning clarity with threehigh-quality microphones. The wireless remote control enables convenient operation, even from a distance. HighFidelity music recording at it's best.Superior audio quality• 3Mic HighFidelity for best-in-class music recording• Motion sensor for automatic microphone sensitivity adjustment• Pre-recording function for never missing a single word• MP3 recording for clear playback and easy file sharingEasy and intuitive experience• Large color display for clear recording status information• Wireless remote control included for convenient recording• Rechargeable li-polymer battery for extra-long recording• Plug and play in Windows, Mac OS and LinuxDesigned around you• 4 GB memory built-in for up to 44 days of recording• MicroSD memory card slot for virtually unlimited recording• Robust and ergonomic metal design for extra durability•Line-in jack for recording from external sound sourcesPhilips Voice Tracer digital recorder with 3Mic HighFidelity recordingDVT6500Music recording3Mic HighFidelity recordingSeveral key components are needed to recordmusic as naturally as possible in CD-like audioquality: high signal-to-noise ratio, highly dynamicmicrophones to capture soft tones as well as louddrums, a high-quality microphone suspension toavoid pickup of grip noise, a strong left and rightchannel separation for human ear live-like effect.Motion sensorThe built-in motion sensor detects the recorderwhen it is placed on a desk or held and selectsthe microphone sensitivity to suit the recordingsituation preventing you from accidently blockingthe audio you want to record.Pre-recording functionThe pre-recording function allows you to recordthe last five seconds before you press the recordkey. The device switches into a standby modeand records a five-second loop without saving it.Press the record key to save the five-second loop.This feature allows you to spontaneously recordimportant parts of a conversation.MP3 recordingCapture your recordings in MP3. The popular fileformat allows you to play back your files virtuallyanywhere and simply share them with others.Large color displayThe large color display offers sharp images, makingit easier to see and read everything at first glance.The clear user interface supports eight languagesand is optimized for easy, intuitive operation.Wireless remote controlThe included wireless remote control enablesconvenient placement of the recorder to bestmeet the needs of the audio environment whilemaintaining ease of operation. Start, pause, andstop recording, without having to clumsily reachover things even from a distance.Extra long battery lifeThe high-capacity Li-polymer battery can be easilycharged through a standard micro USB jack. Thisguarantees extended battery life for extra-longrecording ensuring that your recorder will alwaysbe ready to work when you are.Plug and playThanks to Plug and Play in Windows, Mac OSand Linux, you can quickly access your recordingswithout installing any additional software. Therecorder is automatically displayed as a removabledrive once connected to your computer via USB. Itcan also be used as a convenient way to store, backup and share files.4 GB internal memoryCapture and store up to 44 days of continuousrecording thanks to the 4 GB of internal memory.MicroSD memory card slotVirtually unlimited recording and storage capacity thanks to a microSD memory card slot supporting up to 32 GB of additional memory.Robust metal designIts robust and lightweight design maximizes comfort and the metal surface creates a robust shell around the device. With the integrated fold-out stand you can conveniently position the recorder towards the sound source. Two ergonomically placed soft keys allow for convenient, quick and direct access to the most important functions.Line-in jackSimply connect the recorder with the included line-in cable to record from external sound sources.Connectivity• Headphones: 3.5 mm• Microphone: 3.5 mm, Built-in microphone, Microphone stereo socket • Micro-SD card socket • USB: High-speed USB 2.0Display• Type: LCD color display • Backlight• Diagonal screen size: 1.77"/4.5 cm • Resolution: 128 × 160 pixelsAudio recording• Built-in microphone: 3 MIC System, high-sensitivity, HQ Stereo, low-noise microphone • Recording formats: MPEG1 layer 3 (MP3), PCM (WAV)• Recording modes: PCM 1411 kbps, SHQ 192 kbps, HQ 96 kbps, SP 64 kbps, LP 8 kbps• Sample rate: 44,1 kHz (PCM/SHQ), 32 kHz (HQ), 22 kHz (SP), 16 kHz (LP)• Bit rate: 8, 64, 96, 192, 1411 kbps • File overwrite and append mode • Record monitor function• Recording time: 1140 h (LP), 142 h (SP), 95 h (HQ), 47 h (SHQ), 6 h (PCM)• Silent recording mode • Prerecording modeSound• Sound enhancement: ClearVoice • Frequency response: 50–20,000 Hz • Signal-to-noise ratio: > 60 dB • Speaker output power: 110 mW • Speaker diameter: 28 mmStorage media• Built-in memory capacity: 4 GB • Built-in memory type: NAND Flash • Mass storage class compliantT uner• Frequency range: 87.5–108 MHz • Station presets: 20• Auto digital tuning• Tuner bands: FM stereoMusic playback• Compression format: MP3, WMA • Equalizer settings: Jazz, Pop, Classic • ID3 tag support• MP3 bit rates: 8–320 kbps• WMA bit rates: 48–320 kbps (44 kHz), 64–192 (48 kHz), stereoSpecificationsDigital recorder with 3 Mic HighFidelity recordingConvenience• Firmware upgradeable • Keypad lock• Multi language: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Simplified Chinese • Variable playback speed • Voice volume indicator • Voice-activated recording • AutoAdjust+ recording• AutoZoom+ recording: 15 m zoom • Calendar search• Instant one-touch recording• Optimized for notes, conversations, lectures and interviews, musicPower• Li-polymer built-in battery• Battery lifetime: up to 50/25 hours in LP record mode (built-in memory / microSD memory card)System requirements• Free USB port• Operating system: Windows 8/7/Vista, Mac OS X, LinuxDesign and finishing• Colour(s): Champagne/silver shadowGreen specifications • Lead-free soldered product Package contents• Recorder• Stereo headphones• Wireless remote control • Line-in cable • Carry case • USB cable• Quick start guideProduct dimensions• Product dimensions (W × H × D): 4.5 × 12.5 × 1.8 cm / 1.75 × 4.9 × 0.71 inch • Weight: 85 g/3.0 oz.• EAN: 91 20056 50053 6Issue date 2014-09-11Version 1.0© 2014 Speech Processing Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Philips and the Philips’ shield emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. and are used by Speech Processing Solutions GmbH under license from Koninklijke Philips N.V. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners./dictation。
DeltaTrak 自动检测非接触红外额头温度计K3用户指南说明书
Model 15050Please read this manual before operating unit.Important safety information inside.3Table of Contents Configuration ........................................................................................................Specifications .......................................................................................................Status Descriptions Operating Instructions Installing/Replacing Battery Mounting Instructions Helpful Tips for Reliable Results 8910114756Status Descriptions• Standby Mode: When the device is in standby mode the red light beneath the temperature display will appear. (Figure 1)• Low Power: When power is low, three dashes will appear across the temperature display. (Figure 2)• Normal T emperature: When the temperature reading is within the normal range, green lights will flash and the device will beep one time. (Figure 3)•Abnormal T emperature: When the temperature reading is outside of the normal range, red lights will flash and the device will beep twice. (Figure 4)2in-4in (5-10cm)3. To select the Temperature Scalescrewdriver (or other tool) into theback of the device. (Figure 8)4. Press the screwdriver (tool) into the hole to select the desiredTemperature Scale5. To select the Measurement Mode0.1in (3mm) screwdriver (or other tool) intopress and hold for 3 seconds.Fig. 86. Continue pressing the screwdriver (tool) into the hole to select the desiredMounting InstructionsMethods for mounting the device:Nail/Hook: Place nail hook(s) (located on back of device) onto nailed wall.6• Connect thermometer to computer using USB cable and turn on. Click “Connect”.• If the connection is successful, “Success” will appear in green. (“Fail” will change to “Success”)• When this step is completed the connection is active and the temperature data can be captured in real time.Note:1) Once the software is opened it will automatically find the appropriate COMport. If the COM port displayed by the software is different from the computer resource manager, it will not work properly. Manually set the serial port to the corresponding serial port of the resource manager.2) After the thermometer is turned off and then on again, click “Disconnect”and “Connect”, or close software and open again. This step is necessary torefresh the connected serial port so the data will display properly.2. Data Viewing and Export• TXT Data View: The subfolder, “T empData\\year\\month\\”, isautomatically generated within the T estACY folder. The format is Year/Month/Day. The file type is TXT. If you cannot find the folder, use yourcomputer’s search function to locate it. The following data will be savedfor each measurement: Quantity (measurement number); T est Time;T est Value (T emperature Reading); Environmental T emperature (Ambienttemperature at time of measurement).• Excel Data View: Click “Save As” and select “CSV” format to export fileto Excel.3. Software Introduction• The software name is TESTACY. This image shows a successful connection between the software and thermometer to capture themeasurement data. If the connection is good the screen will show Array•••••••• •84. TroubleshootingQ: Why won’t the software open?A: The serial port control is not registered, or the registration failed. Find thecommand prompt in the Windows menu and open it as an administrator.Locate the mscomm32.ocx file in the folder and enter the command: regsvr32 (mscomm32.ocx file path name).Q: Why can’t I open the serial port?A: 1) The wrong COM port has been selected. Solution: Connect the USBcable before opening the software, so that it will automatically recognize theport number.2) The USB driver is not updated. Solution: Connect to the network and right-click on “MyComputer” to open the resource manager, and update the driver.Q: Why didn’t the data refresh after the serial port was opened?A: The thermometer is not turned on or the device was connected after thesoftware was opened. Solution: Reconnect the device, then open the software. Contact Tech Support at:Phone: 925-249-2250 Ext 5120 Toll Free: 800-390-0804US&CanadaEmail:*************************WarrantyThe ThermoTrace Auto-Check Non-Contact Infrared Forehead Thermometer was designed for long term professional use and has a limited warranty period of 1 year from the date of purchase against defects in material and workmanship.9。
Eaton MPS6253MEAXX2S商品说明书
Eaton MPS6253MEAXX2SEaton Magnum low voltage power circuit breaker, Magnum PXR,Standard frame, 2500 A, 65 kA, Three-pole, Drawout vertical withmotorized racking mounting, PXR25 LSIGAM trip unitGeneral specificationsEaton Magnum low voltage power circuitbreakerMPS6253MEAXX2S78668962270114.6 in16.8 in16.2 in118 lbCCC MarkedCE Marked NEMA Compliant SABA Listed KEMA CertifiedLloyd's Register Certified ANSIUL ListedCSA CertifiedDNV GL CertifiedABS CertifiedProduct Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances CertificationsStandard Three-pole Magnum PXRStandard Magnum PXR25 LSIG ARMSThree-pole2500 A65 kAIC65 kAIC2500 AZone selective interlocking application paper Magnum circuit breakers with Power Xpert Release trip units product aid Selevctive coordination application paper - IA0120000E3Magnum PXR and PD-SB standard and narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceMagnum PXR and PD-SB double and double narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceMicrosoft Word - Power Xpert Protection Manager Quick Start Guide.docxPower Xpert Release trip unit for Magnum PXR circuit breakers PXR 20/25 user manualFrame Number of poles TypeFrame Series Trip TypeNumber of poles Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Interrupt rating Interrupt rating Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reportsManuals and user guidesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaMagnum PXR low voltage power circuit breakers user manual Power Xpert Protection Manager x32 22.06 1 Power Xpert Protection Manager x64 22.6 1 Eaton Specification Sheet - MPS6253MEAXX2S Low voltage circuit breakers guide spec Magnum PXR 20/25 electronic trip units time current curves Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Cyber security white paperSoftware, firmware, and applications Specifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。
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(See end of Datasheet for Ordering Information)
DEVICE ST62T53B ST62T60B ST62T63B ST62E60B OTP (Bytes) 1836 3884 1836 EEPROM 128 64 128
s s s
3.0 to 6.0V Supply Operating Range 8 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency -40 to +125°C Operating Temperature Range Run, Wait and Stop Modes 5 Interrupt Vectors Look-up Table capability in Program Memory Data Storage in Program Memory: User selectable size Data RAM: 128 bytes DataEEPROM:64/128bytes(none onST62T53B) User Programmable Options 13 I/O pins, fully programmable as: – Input with pull-up resistor – Input without pull-up resistor – Input with interrupt generation – Open-drain or push-pull output – Analog Input 6 I/O lines can sink up to 20mA to drive LEDs or TRIACs directly 8-bit Timer/ Counter with 7-bit programmable prescaler 8-bit Auto-reload Timer with 7-bit programmable prescaler (AR Timer) Digital Watchdog 8-bit A/D Converter with 7 analog inputs 8-bit Synchronous Peripheral Interface (SPI) On-chip Clock oscillator can be driven by Quartz Crystal Ceramic resonator or RC network User configurable Power-on Reset One external Non-Maskable Interrupt ST626x-EMU2 Emulation and Development System (connects to an MS-DOS PC via a parallel port).
Rev. 2.4
April 1998
Table of Contents
ST62T53B/T60B/T63B / ST62E60B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 1.3 MEMORY MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1.3.2 Program Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1.3.3 Data Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 1.3.4 Stack Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 1.3.5 Data Window Register (DWR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.3.6 Data RAM/EEPROM Bank Register (DRBR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3.7 EEPROM Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.4 PROGRAMMING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 1.4.1 Option Byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 1.4.2 Program Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 1.4.3 EEPROM Data Memory (except ST62T53B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.4.4 EPROM Erasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 2 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 2.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 2.2 CPU REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 3 CLOCKS, RESET, INTERRUPTS AND POWER SAVING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.1 CLOCK SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 3.1.1 Main Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 3.2 RESETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3.2.1 RESET Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3.2.2 Power-on Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3.2.3 Watchdog Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3.2.4 Application Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3.2.5 MCU Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3 DIGITAL WATCHDOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 3.3.1 Digital Watchdog Register (DWDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.3.2 Application Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 3.4 INTERRUPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 3.4.1 Interrupt request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 3.4.2 Interrupt Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.4.3 Interrupt Option Register (IOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.4.4 Interrupt sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 3.5 POWER SAVING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 3.5.1 WAIT Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 3.5.2 STOP Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 3.5.3 Exit from WAIT and STOP Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32