1 advise, caution, warn, admonish, counsel这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。
advise: 普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。
caution: 主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。
warn: 含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。
admonish: 一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。
counsel: 正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。
2 district, region, area, section, zone, belt, quarter, neighbourhood这些名词均有“地区”之意。
district: 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。
region: 常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。
area: 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。
section: 指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。
zone: 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。
belt: 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。
quarter: 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。
neighbourhood: 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。
3 part, piece, section, division, portion, fraction, fragment, segment, share 这些名词均可表示“整体的一部分”之意。
part: 含义广,最普通用词,常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。
1、local inhabitant:地方居民、当地居民
2、local community:地方社团、当地社区
3、local customs:地方习俗、当地风俗
5、local culture:地方文化、当地文化
8、local enterprise:地方企业、当地企业
9、local government:地方政府、当地政府
10、local bank:地方银行、当地银行
11、local store:地方商店、当地商店
12、local history:地方史、当地史
13、local sport:地方运动、当地运动
14、local tourism:地方旅游、当地旅游
15、local politics:地方政治、当地政治
16、local cuisine:地方美食、当地美食
17、local media:地方媒体、当地媒体
18、local education:地方教育、当地教育
19、local landmark:地方标志性建筑、当地标志性建筑
20、local language:地方语言、当地语言。
Area, region, belt, zone, district, locality 的区别
Area, region, belt, zone, district, locality 的区别1.Area和region这两个词能使用范围最广。
1)Area 指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。
① part of a place, town, etc., or a region of a country or the world. (地方、城市、国家、世界的)地区,地域。
例如:A dialect spoken over a large area在很大区域中说的方言Desert areas of North Africa北司乍洲的沙漠地区Mountainous / desert areas 山区;荒漠地区Rural / urban / inner-city / downtown areas 农村/城市地区;内城区; 闹市区The local area 本地区Surrounding area 周围地区The business area of a town 城市的商业区②a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose. (房间、建筑物、处所划为某用途的)地方、场地、区。
例如:The hotel reception area 酒店接待处(前台)A play / parking / dining/ rest (break) / service area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处;休息区;服务区2)region:常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。
例如:Tropical regions of South America南美的热带地区Polar regions极地A mountainous / wooded district 山(林)区The farming district 耕作区3) belt指区域,常常但非总是用于广阔情况,它单独表达的方面区别于其他词。
reservoir 水库,蓄水池
skyscraper 摩天大楼
stadium 体育场
staircase 楼梯
tomb 坟墓
threshold 门蓝;入口;开端
Cathedral 大教堂
hell 地狱,阴间;苦境,极大的痛苦
bureau 署,局,司,处
locality 位置,地点
location 位置,场所
municipality 自治区,市政府
charity 慈善团体,仁慈,施舍
slum 贫民窟,贫民区,陋巷
court 法院,法庭;宫廷,朝廷;院子,球场
workshop 车间,工厂;专题讨论会
gallery 长廊,画廊,美术馆
exhibition 表现,展览会
paradise 天堂
architecture 建筑,建筑学
balcony 阳台,楼亭,楼座
avenue 林荫大道
cyberspace 计算机世界,网络空间
hemisphere 半球
SSD6名词解释1. alignment(对齐)Compilers often try to align data word boundaries or even double-word or even double-word boundaries.(计算机系统对基本数据类型的可允许地址做出的限制,要求某种类型的对象地址必须是某个值K(2,4,8)的倍数。
2. activation record(活动记录)The chunk of memory allocated for each function invocation .大块的内存分配为每个函数调用3. buffer overflow(缓存溢出)Place more than the buffer can hold, so overwrite the boundary .4. static memory allocation(静态内存分配)Static memory allocation is the allocation of memory storage during the compile time and link time (在程序编译和链接时分配内存)5. dynamic memory allocation(动态内存分配)Dynamic memory allocation is the allocation of memory storage during the runtime of program. (在程序运行时分配内存)6. garbage collection (垃圾回收)Automatic reclamation of heap-allocated storage .自动回收堆存储的过程叫做垃圾回收。
7. timer(计时器)A component in computer system/CS, as a hardware or software, which can provide the ability of measure time in some degree.计算机系统的组件,可以是硬件或者软件,能够提供某种精度上的时间的测量。
1、地区发展模式(locality development)(1)基本假设一是认为社区居民应该愿意参与社区事务;二是认为社区问题的主要成因是缺乏沟通和合作,所以如果能通过发动居民参与,改善沟通和加强合作,社区问题就能够获得解决,同时也相信社区自身有解决社区问题的力量;三是认为社区是应当也可以实现和谐,社区内不同人群的利益不是对立的,而是有共同利益的,社区本身有潜力和资源解决社区问题。
20. No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life.
24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.
18. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure.
12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.
局部敏感哈希算法(LocalitySensitiveHashing)from:阅读⽬录 局部敏感哈希(Locality Sensitive Hashing,LSH)算法是我在前⼀段时间找⼯作时接触到的⼀种衡量⽂本相似度的算法。
1. 基本思想 局部敏感哈希的基本思想类似于⼀种空间域转换思想,LSH算法基于⼀个假设,如果两个⽂本在原有的数据空间是相似的,那么分别经过哈希函数转换以后的它们也具有很⾼的相似度;相反,如果它们本⾝是不相似的,那么经过转换后它们应仍不具有相似性。
2. 局部敏感哈希LSH 局部敏感哈希的最⼤特点就在于保持数据的相似性,我们通过⼀个反例来具体介绍⼀下。
假设⼀个哈希函数为Hash(x) = x%8,那么我们现在有三个数据分别为255、257和1023,我们知道255和257本⾝在数值上具有很⼩的差距,也就是说它们在三者中⽐较相似。
我们将上述的三个数据通过Hash函数转换: Hash(255) = 255%8 = 7; Hash(257) = 257%8 = 1; Hash(1023) = 1023%8 = 7; 我们通过上述的转换结果可以看出,本⾝很相似的255和257在转换以后变得差距很⼤,⽽在数值上差很多的255和1023却对应相同的转换结果。
locality的用法【释义】localityn.(特定的)地方,地区复数localities【短语】1locality of reference计访问局部性;局部化;局部性;引用局部性2temporal locality计时间局部性;时间的局部性3Spatial locality计空间局部性;空间的局部性4data locality数据本地化;数据的局部性;资料局部性5Type locality生物模式产地6locality of profit利润来源;利润来历7Principle of Locality局部性原理;定域性原理;区域性原则;计局部性原则8non-locality非定域性;非局部性9this locality本地;说话人所在地区;我们当地【例句】1There is no airport in the locality.这个地区没有飞机场。
2We talk of the brain as the locality of thought.我们把进行思维的地方叫做大脑。
3Following the discovery of the explosives the president cancelled his visit to the locality.发现爆炸物之后总统取消了对该地区的访问。
4They were skeletons of dinosaurs inhabiting the locality.它们是当地恐龙的骨架。
5It has to cover things that happen in a certain locality.它必须报道发生在特定地区的事情。
6They are tuned to their locality,and diverse within as well as across cities.他们因地而异,在城市内部和城市之间都各不相同。
7Interesting facts regarding transport were found:95%was on foot;80% was within the locality;and70%was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.人们发现了一些关于交通的有趣事实:95%的人是步行;80%的人住在当地;70%的人的行程与取水、拾柴,以及去磨坊有关。
Locality Sensitive Hashing 总结概述最近邻搜索问题(Nearest Neighbor Search Problem , NNS)是:给定距离空间X中的点集P = { p1, p2…pn },以及q€ X,如何高效的找到P中距离近q最近的那个点。
当d较小的时候,文献H. Edelsbrunner. Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry. 1987提出了一个有效的解决办法。
这种由于维度d太大,而带来的求解困难的问题称为"维度灾难” 。
但是即使是& -NNS问题,情况也不比NNS好到哪里去。
比较经典的是汉明空间上的LSH、p-stable LSH。
P-stable LSH是汉明空间LSH的改进版本,它使得数据无需转化为01串,可以直接在欧氏空间上处理。
place的同义词辨析place同义词:place, position, spot, situation, site, location, locality, setting, sceneplace同义词辨析:这些名词均含"地点,位置,场所"之意。
place 含义广泛,最普通用词,既可指很小的地点,又可指很大很远的地方或场所。
position 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。
spot 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。
situation 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。
site 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。
location 指某物设置的方向或地点。
locality 指某物所处的客观位置和周围地区。
setting 一般特指戏剧或小说所写的环境或场所。
scene 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。
place的例句:1. the united states plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place.美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。
2. he kept encouraging rosie to find a place of her own.他不断鼓励罗茜为自己找个住处。
3. did she usurp his place in his mother's heart?她取代了他在他母亲心目中的地位吗?4. place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.将煎蛋饼放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。
5. the mother provides the embryo with nourishment anda place to grow.母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。
地方性( locality)是指:在局部地形、地面组成物质及地下水埋深的影响下,自然地理环境各组成成分之地带性特征产生变异的现象(此名词由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布)。
地点位于的英语短语香港的生长地点位于郊野公园内,已受到保护.下面是店铺给大家整理的地点位于的英语短语,供大家参阅!地点位于的英语短语篇11. The locality is within Lantau Country Park under protection.但生长地点位于大屿山郊野公园内而受到保护.2. Office in Shenzhen Futian District, the constant crown Tropicana Garden Road.办公地点位于深圳福田区福民路恒冠豪园.3. In Hong Kong, the species occurs in Country Parks under protection.香港的生长地点位于郊野公园内,已受到保护.4. The locality at Lai Chi Wo is within Marine Park under protection.荔枝窝的生长地点位于海岸公园内,因而受到保护.5. This position is located at Aircraft OEMs located in China.工作地点位于中国境内的飞机制造公司.6. A wholly foreign - owned magnetite mine locates in the middle part of Anhui Province an open pit.工作地点位于安徽省中部. 外商独资的矿山企业.7. In Hong Kong, the locality of its occurrence is within Country Park under protection.香港的生长地点位于郊野公园而受到保护.8. The company office located in Hangzhou, three Cheong Building 2 to torch the building.公司办公地点位于杭州市文三路昌地火炬大厦2号楼.9. Sales locations in B 21 Jinxiang Decorate material Market No.23 Nan an Road , Guangzhou city.公司销售主要地点位于广州市南岸路23号金翔装饰材料市场B21档.10. The Project site is located on the western shore of Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung.工程项目的地点位于西贡白沙湾的西岸.11. The above image, vertically compressed, was taken at sunset last Friday from mountains above Catalonia, Spain.上图是经过纵向压缩的影像, 原始影像是在上星期五拍摄的, 拍摄地点位于西班牙加泰隆尼亚的山上.12. Location: DORS project office in Fulin , county town of Hanyuan in Yaan Prefecture, Sichuan Province.工作地点位于四川省雅安市汉源县的县城(富林镇).13. Work place is located in Pengjiang district Jiangmen City ( near new bus station ).工作地点位于江门市蓬江区新汽车站附近.14. In Hong Kong , some localities of its occurrence are in Country Parks under protection.部分生长地点位于郊野公园内而受到保护.15. In Hong Kong, the locality of its occurrence is in Country Park under protection.在香港其生长地点位于郊野公园而受到保护.地点位于的英语短语篇2在教练指导动作的同时,亲王开始与一起锻炼的搭档说笑。
⾮分区索引创建⽅式,create index index_name on table_name(column_name);查询索引状态从dba_indexes->status列查询全局分区索引创建,create index index_name on table_name(column_name) global partition by range(column_name) (partition p1 values less than (11104) tablespace system,partition p2 values less than (11100) tablespace users,partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace sysaux.) or partition by hash (id) partitions 8 online等;查询索引状态dba_ind_partitions->STATUS列查询查询分区索引类型,是全局or本地 DBA_PART_INDEXES ->LOCALITY本地分区索引创建,create index index_name on table_name(column_name) local;查询索引状态dba_ind_partitions->STATUS列查询⼆、create/selet 说明1) ⾮分区索引SQL> create index ind_1 on range_part_tab(deal_date);Index created.SQL> select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,HIGH_VALUE,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_1'; no rows selectedSQL> select index_name,STATUS,GLOBAL_STATS,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_indexes where owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_1';INDEX_NAME STATUS GLO TABLESPACE_NAME------------------------------ -------- --- ------------------------------IND_1 VALID YES SYSTEMSTATUS表⽰⼀个⾮分区索引是否VALID或UNUSABLEGLOBAL_STATUS对于分区索引,指⽰是通过分析整个索引(YES)来收集统计信息,还是根据基础索引分区和⼦分区(NO)的统计信息进⾏估计2)全局分区索引create index ind_3 on range_part_tab(area_code) global partition by range(area_code) (partition p1 values less than (11104) tablespace system,partition p2 values less than (11100) tablespace users,partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace sysaux)*ERROR at line 1:ORA-14037: partition bound of partition "P1" is too high12:39:59 SYS@ceshi>select area_code,count(*) from range_part_tab group by area_code;AREA_CODE COUNT(*)---------- ----------599 11104594 11074596 11021593 11113595 10927592 11214598 11235591 11169597 111439 rows selected. 全局范围分区索引,第⼀个分区不能⽐所有的值都⼤SYS@ceshi>create index ind_3 on range_part_tab(area_code) global partition by range(area_code) (partition p1 values less than (592) tablespace system,partition p2 values less than (11100) tablespace users,partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace sysaux); Index created.select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,HIGH_VALUE,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_3'INDEX_NAME PARTITION_ HIGH_VALUE STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME---------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------IND_3 P1 592 USABLE SYSTEMIND_3 P2 11100 USABLE USERSIND_3 P3 MAXVALUE USABLE SYSAUXPARTITION_NAME 索引的分区名称HIGH_VALUE 索引分区的范围条件STATUS 分区索引的状态SYS@ceshi>selectindex_name,table_name,PARTITIONING_TYPE,SUBPARTITIONING_TYPE,PARTITION_COUNT,LOCALITY,DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME from DBA_PART_INDEXES where index_name='IND_3';INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME PARTITION SUBPARTIT PARTITION_COUNT LOCALI DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME---------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------------- ------ ------------------------------IND_3 RANGE_PART_TAB RANGE NONE 3 GLOBAL SYSTEMhash全局分区索引,使⽤场景较多,例如索引块争⽤,且表为⾮分区表时SYS@ceshi>create table a1 as select * from range_part_tab;SYS@ceshi>create index ind_4 on a1(id) global partition by hash (id) partitions 8 online;Index created.SYS@ceshi>alter index ind_4 parallel 1;Index altered.select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,HIGH_VALUE,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_4'INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME HIGH_VALUE STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------- ------------------------------IND_4 SYS_P61 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P62 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P63 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P64 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P65 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P66 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P67 USABLE SYSTEMIND_4 SYS_P68 USABLE SYSTEM8 rows selected.SYS@ceshi>selectindex_name,table_name,PARTITIONING_TYPE,SUBPARTITIONING_TYPE,PARTITION_COUNT,LOCALITY,DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME from DBA_PART_INDEXES where index_name='IND_4';INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME PARTITION SUBPARTIT PARTITION_COUNT LOCALI DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------------- ------ ------------------------------IND_4 A1 HASH NONE 8 GLOBAL SYSTEM3)本地分区索引SQL> create index ind_2 on range_part_tab(id) local;Index created.select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,HIGH_VALUE,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_2'INDEX_NAME PARTITION_ HIGH_VALUE STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IND_2 P1 TO_DATE(' 2017-02-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P10 TO_DATE(' 2017-11-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P11 TO_DATE(' 2017-12-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P12 TO_DATE(' 2018-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P2 TO_DATE(' 2017-03-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P3 TO_DATE(' 2017-04-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P4 TO_DATE(' 2017-05-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P5 TO_DATE(' 2017-06-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P6 TO_DATE(' 2017-07-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P7 TO_DATE(' 2017-08-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P8 TO_DATE(' 2017-09-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P9 TO_DATE(' 2017-10-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P_MAX MAXVALUE USABLE SYSTEM13 rows selected.SYS@ceshi>selectindex_name,table_name,PARTITIONING_TYPE,SUBPARTITIONING_TYPE,PARTITION_COUNT,LOCALITY,DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME from DBA_PART_INDEXES where index_name='IND_2';INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME PARTITION SUBPARTIT PARTITION_COUNT LOCALI DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME---------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------------- ------ ------------------------------IND_2 RANGE_PART_TAB RANGE NONE 13 LOCAL三、索引的重建⾮分区索引:SQL> alter index ind_1 rebuild;全局分区索引:SQL> alter table range_part_tab move partition p1;Table altered.SQL> select TABLE_NAME,PARTITION_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_tab_partitionswhere TABLE_OWNER='SYS' and TABLE_NAME='RANGE_PART_TAB';TABLE_NAME PARTITION_ TABLESPACE_NAME------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------RANGE_PART_TAB P1 SYSTEMRANGE_PART_TAB P10 SYSTEMRANGE_PART_TAB P11 SYSTEMSQL> select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,HIGH_VALUE,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAMEfrom dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_3';INDEX_NAME PARTITION_ HIGH_VALUE STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME---------- ---------- -------------------- -------- ------------------------------IND_3 P1 592 USABLE SYSTEMIND_3 P2 11100 USABLE USERSIND_3 P3 MAXVALUE USABLE SYSAUXSQL> alter index ind_3 rebuild partition p1;Index altered.全局分区索引,单个分区的move并不会导致全局分区索引的失效本地分区索引select index_name,PARTITION_NAME,STATUS,TABLESPACE_NAMEfrom dba_ind_partitions where index_owner='SYS' and index_name='IND_2'; INDEX_NAME PARTITION_ STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME ---------- ---------- -------- ------------------------------IND_2 P1 USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P10 USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P11 USABLE SYSTEMIND_2 P12 USABLE SYSTEMSQL> alter table range_part_tab move partition p1;Table alteredSQL> alter index ind_2 rebuild partition p1;Index altered.。
英语作文地方特色Title: Exploring Local Features: A Journey Through Unique Cultural Elements。
Introduction:Exploring the distinct cultural features of a locality not only broadens one's understanding but also fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity. In this essay, we embark on a journey to uncover the unique characteristics of a specific region, delving into its history, traditions, cuisine, and more.History and Heritage:Every locality has a rich history that shapes its unique identity. Whether it's ancient ruins, historical landmarks, or cultural festivals, these elements serve as a testament to the area's past. For instance, in my hometown, the remnants of a medieval castle stand tall, serving as areminder of the region's medieval history and the battles fought within its walls.Traditional Practices:Traditions passed down through generations offer a glimpse into the cultural fabric of a community. From folk dances to traditional ceremonies, these practices embody the values and beliefs of the people. In my locality, the annual harvest festival is a vibrant celebration of agriculture, featuring traditional music, dance performances, and local delicacies.Cuisine:One of the most delicious ways to experience alocality's culture is through its cuisine. Each dish tells a story, reflecting the region's climate, geography, and culinary heritage. From street food stalls to fine dining restaurants, my locality boasts a diverse array of flavors and ingredients. Whether it's savory dumplings or spicy curries, every bite is a journey through centuries ofculinary tradition.Art and Craftsmanship:Local artisans play a vital role in preserving traditional craftsmanship and creating unique works of art. From pottery and weaving to wood carving and painting,their skills are showcased in markets and galleries across the region. In my hometown, we take pride in our skilled artisans who create intricate pottery using techniques passed down through generations.Language and Dialects:Language is a fundamental aspect of culture, shaping communication and identity. Local dialects, slang, and idioms add color and flavor to everyday conversations, reflecting the region's history and influences. In my locality, we speak a distinct dialect that incorporates words and phrases from neighboring regions, giving it a unique charm and character.Natural Wonders:Beyond its cultural heritage, every locality is blessed with natural wonders that inspire awe and admiration. From majestic mountains and pristine lakes to lush forests and sprawling plains, these landscapes offer opportunities for exploration and adventure. In my hometown, we are fortunate to be surrounded by breathtaking scenery, inviting residents and visitors alike to immerse themselves in nature's beauty.Conclusion:Exploring the local features of a region is a journey of discovery and appreciation. From its rich history and traditions to its vibrant cuisine and natural wonders, each aspect contributes to the tapestry of culture that makes every locality unique. By embracing and celebrating these characteristics, we not only preserve our heritage but also enrich our lives with the diversity and beauty of the world around us.。
计算机系统英文版课件-第二十七讲 locality
Local disks hold files retrieved from disks on remote network servers.
remote secondary storage
(distributed file systems, Web servers)
• Fundamental idea of a memory hierarchy:
• Storage technologies and trends • Locality ✓ The memory hierarchy • Cache memories
Memory Hierarchy
• Fundamental properties of storage technology and computer software
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2003 2005 2010
Disk seek time Flash SSD access time DRAM access time SRAM access time CPU cycle time Effective CPU cycle time
– Spatial locality • Items with nearby addresses tend to be referenced close together in time
• All levels of modern computer systems are designed to exploit locality
医学英语的词汇学如下:lens screen 光阑lens spoon 晶状体匙lens thickness measure 镜片厚度测量器lenticular ①透镜状的②晶状体状的lenticular knife 扁豆形刀lenticule 微透镜leptometer 比粘计leptoscope 测膜镜lesion 损害lesson 课程,课文lest 以免,免得lethal 致死的lethal dose 致死剂量lethality 致死率letter 字母,信件,铅字lettering 编字码,写字,印字letter of confirmation 确认书letter of credit (abbr. L/C) 信用证letter of guarantee 信用保证书letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书leuco-;leuko- 白细胞leucocyte 白细胞,白血球leukocyte 白细胞,白血球leukocytometer 白血球计数器leukoscope 色盲测验镜leukotome 脑白质切断器leukotomy 脑白质切断术level 水平,程度,等级level controller 位面控制器level gauge 水准仪,液面计level indicator 位准指示器level oscillator 电平振荡器level regulator 液位调节器,液面调节器lever ①杆,杠杆②折弯器leverage 杠杆机构,杠杆率levo- 左,向左,左旋levocardia 左位心levocardiogram 左心电图levogram ①左心电图②轴左偏心电图levogyration 左旋lexicography 词典编纂学,词典编辑法lexicon 词典,专门词汇LFD (least fatal dose) 最小致死量L/G (letter of guarantee) 信用保证书Li (lithium) 锂liberation 释放,解放,游离liberty 自由,随意libra ①磅(重量单位,等于0.59 公斤)②镑(英国货币名称,在数字前略作£;在数字后略作1)library 图书馆licence 执照,许可证license 执照,许可证lid ①眼睑②盖,罩lid clamp 眼睑夹lien 脾lieno- 脾lienography 脾造影术,脾X 线照相法life 生命,生活lifepak 手提式心脏除颤器(商品名)life scope ①床边监护装置(商品名)②生命镜lifetime 寿命,使用期限lift 电梯,升降机lifter ①铲②升降机ligament 韧带ligament knife 韧带刀ligation 结扎,结扎法ligator 结扎器ligature ①结扎线②结扎法ligature carrier ①缝线运送器②带线钳ligature clamp 结扎线夹ligature cutter 缚线刀ligature cutting pliers 剪丝线钳ligature forceps 结扎钳ligature guide carrier 显微手术结扎导引输送器ligature hook 结扎钩ligature knife 结扎刀ligature locking pliers 结丝钳ligature needle 结扎针ligature scissors 拆线剪ligature wire 结扎丝light ①光,灯②轻便的light adaptation 光适应light adjusting lens 光调节秀镜light cell 光电池,光电元件light chopper 遮光器light difference 光差light dust 光尘lighter 点火器,打火机,引燃器lightfast 耐晒的,晒不褪色的light filter 滤光器,滤色片light flux 光通量light flux meter 光通量计light guide ①光导管,光导纤维②光制导light guide cap 光导罩light gun 光束light knife 光刀(激光手术刀)light meter 照度计,光计量仪light modulator 调光器light perimeter 轻便视野计light pipe 光导管light ray 光线light scattering apparatus 光散射仪(分子测定用)light seeking 光导的light sense tester 光觉测验器light sensitive 感光的,光敏的light sensitive diode 光敏二极管light sensitiveness 光过敏light source 光源light source filter 光源滤光镜light source unit for fiberoptic 纤维光束光源light spectrum 光谱light supply 光源light supply apparatus 光源装置light tight 不透光的light tight shutter 遮光器light transmitting bundle 导光束light valve 光阀limb ①肢②零件③分度盘limb electrode 肢电极limb electrode strap 肢电极带limbus 缘limbus girdle 角膜缘带lime 石灰,氧化钙lime chloride 氯石灰,漂白粉limen 阈limes 界限,限度limestone 石灰石limewater 石灰水liminal value 阈值liminometer 反射阈计limitation 限度,界限limited (abbr. Ltd.) 有限的(公司)limited company 股份有限公司limiter 限幅器,限制器limiting amplifier 限幅放大器limitless 无限的limit state 极限状态linagogue 缝合线导引器linagogus 缝合线导引器line ①线,电线②方面,范围linear accelerator 直线加速器linear densitometer 线性光密度计linear filter 线性滤波器linearity 线性,直线性linearity checker (直)线性检查仪linearity control 线性调整linear rate meter 直线率计linear relation 线性关系linear sector scanner 线性肩形扫描仪linear vibrator 线性振荡器line feed 换行,移行line focus tube 线性焦点X 射线管linen measure tape 布带尺line of demarcation 分界线line of incidence 入射线line of sight 视线liner 衬垫,衬圈,套筒line scan recorder 行扫描记录器line width 线幅,行宽lingua 舌lingual arch appliance 舌弓矫正器lingual wire 舌面丝linguo- 舌linguogingival 舌龈的linguotrite 牵舌器lining 衬料,衬筒,垫片link 环链,键linkage ①键②连接,耦合lint 绒布(外科用布)lintine 脱脂绒布lion forceps 狮牙钳lion jawed forceps 狮牙钳lip ①唇②缘刃③口承lipide 脂类,脂质lipiodol 碘油(商品名)lipiodolography 碘油造影术lipo- ①脂,脂肪②缺乏,无lipocrit 脂肪比容管,脂肪比容lipocyte 脂细胞liposoluble 脂溶性的lip retractor 唇拉钩,唇牵开器liquefaction 液化,熔解liquefier ①液化器②液化剂liquefy 溶化,溶解liquid (abbr.liq.) ①液体②液态的liquid air 液态空气liquid and solid colorimeter 液体和固体比色计liquidator 液化器liquid chemical dosimeter 液体化学剂量仪liquid chromatograph 液相色谱仪liquid chromatography 液相色谱法liquid coolant 冷却液liquid counter 液体计数器liquid crystal 液态晶体liquid crystal display 液晶显示器liquid cuticle 火棉胶liquidensitometer 液体密度(校正)计liquid expansion thermometer 液体膨胀温度计liquid flow counter 液体流动计数器liquid for denture acrylic 牙托水liquid-in-glass thermometer 玻管液温度计liquid laser 液体激光器liquid level controller 液位控制器liquid level indicator 液面计liquid manometer 液体压力计liquid measure ①液体测量器②液量单位liquid nitrogen container 液氮容器liquid nitrogen cryosurgical system 液氮冷冻手术刀liquid nitrogen plan 液氮装置liquidometer 液位计,液体流量计liquid phase 液相liquid potentiometer 液体电位计liquid resin 液体离子交换树脂liquid scintillation counter 液体闪烁计数器liquid scintillation spectrometer 液体闪烁分光仪liquid scintillator 液体闪烁器liquid thermometer 液体温度计liquid trap 液体分离器liquifier 液化器liquor 液,溶液liquor room 配液室list 目录,清单,表格listen 听,收听Liston's scissors 利斯顿氏剪,石膏绷带剪liter (abbr.l) (公)升(容量单位)literal 文字的,字面的literal translation 直译literature 文学,著作,文献litho- 石,结石lithoclast 碎石器lithoclasty 碎石术lithoconion 碎石器lithokonion 碎石器litholabe 持石器litholysis 结石溶解litholyte 溶石液灌注器lithometer 结石测定器lithomyl 膀胱碎石器lithophone 听石探杆,诊石听音器lithoplaxy 碎石术lithoscope 膀胱石窥镜lithotome 碎石器lithotomy clamp 膀胱取石夹lithotomy forceps 膀胱取石钳lithotomy gorget 膀胱取石有槽导子lithotomy knife 膀胱石刀lithotony probe 切石术探子,膀胱取石探子lithotomy scoop 膀胱取石匙lithotomy sound 膀胱取石探子lithotomy sound and catheter 膀胱取石探子和导尿管lithotomy staff 取石探杆lithotriptic 碎石的lithotriptor 碎石器lithotriptoscope 碎石(膀胱)镜lithotrite 碎石器litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸litre(abbr.l) (公)升(容量单位)litter 担架/stretcherlcheelstretoher 担架车live load 工作负载,实用负载liver 肝liver biopsy forceps 肝活检钳liver biopsy needle 肝活检针liver biopsy puncture needle 肝脏活体组织穿刺针liver clamp 肝夹liver forceps 肝叶钳liver function test 肝功能试验liver puncture nedle 肝脏穿刺针liver retractor 肝叶牵开器live splint 活动夹live time 使用期限livid 铅色的,青灰色的living clock 生物钟living suture 活体筋膜缝线LIXI scope imaging system 手提式袖珍X 光机(商品名)load ①负载,负荷②充填loader ①装载机②输入器,输入程序loading charges 装货费loading machine 装料机load stone 天然磁石loam 粘土lobe ①叶片②凸起部,突齿lobectomy scissors 肺叶切除剪lobster-tail catheter 虾尾状导管lobule 小叶local 局部的,本机的local anesthesia needle 局部麻醉针头local anesthesia set 局部麻醉器local battery 自给电池local dental base 局部牙托locality 地区,位置方向localization 定位,固定localizer 定位器localizing electrode 定位电极location 定位,探测,位置locator ①定位器②探测器、locator for intraocular foreignbody 眼内异物定位器lock 锁,栓,闸lock circuit 锁定电路locker 柜,箱locking 锁定,同步locking tweezers 同步范围,牵引范围lock nut 锁定螺母lock remover 开锁器lock unit 同步器locomotion 运动,行动locomotorium 运动器locus 部位,场所,轨迹log ①名单,记录表②测程仪③对数logarithm (abbr. log) 对数logarithmic converter 对数变换器loaarithmic curve 对数曲线logger 记录器logic 逻辑,逻辑线路logic analyzer 逻辑分析器logic machine 逻辑机logo- 词,言语log sheet 记录卡片log table 对数表-logy …学,…论,言语long bladed amputation knife 长刃切断刀long forceps 长镊longitudinal section 纵切面,纵切片long lived isotope 长寿命同位素long neck round bottom flask 长颈圆底烧瓶long retractor arm 长牵引器臂long rib shears 长肋骨剪long scan 慢扫描long tipdigital varimetric pipettor 长针数字显示可调注射器look-at-me 中断信号look-at-me function 中断功能look forward to 期待,展望looking glass 窥镜look through 透视,监听look up 查找,检查loop ①环,套圈②环形天线loop bandage 套圈绷带loop carrier ①套圈导器②接种棒loop coil 螺环loop oscillograph 回线示波器,环线示波器loop stone extractor 环形取石器loose 松动的,未被固定的lorgnette 有柄眼镜lose 丢失,降低,浪费loss 损失,降低lot 一套,一组,一块,一批lot number 批号louchettes 斜视矫正(眼)镜loudness 响度,音量loud-speaker 扬声器,嗽叭lounging chair 躺椅loupe 双目放大镜,放大镜low cost high resolution scanning electron microscope 实用高分辨率扫描电镜lower alveolar forceps 下槽钳lower extremity 下肢lower jaw elevator 下颌升降托lower limb 下肢,腿lower limit 下限lower temperature asher 低温灰化器low forceps 低位钳low forceps delivery 低位产钳分娩low frequency 低频率low frequency comprehensive magnetism unit 低频电磁综合治疗机low frequency signal generator 低频信号发生器low frequency therapy apparatus 低频率治疗机low mass electrode 轻量电极low noise amplifier 低噪音放大器low output laser system 低输出激光系统low pass filter 低通滤波器low power field 低倍视野low power lens 低倍镜头low power microscope 低倍显微镜low power ocular 低倍目镜low resistance galvanometer 低阻抗检流计low speed centrifuge 低速离心机low temperature incubator 低温培养箱low temperature installation 低温设备,致冷装置low temperature sterilization 低温灭菌法low tension battery 低压电池low tracheoscopy 低位气管镜检查low voltage chromatograph 低压色谱仪low voltage electrophoresis unit 低压电泳仪loxophthalmus knife 斜视刀LSC (liquid scintillation counter) 液体闪烁计数器Ltd……(limited)有限公司Lu(lutecium) 镥lube 润滑油lubricant 润滑剂lubricating oil 润滑油lubricator ①润滑器②润滑剂lucite 人造荧光树脂,有机玻璃lucite pipe 透明塑料管lucite plunger 有机玻璃活塞lug 支托,柄,接线头lug blt 支托钉lukewarm 微温的lumbar 腰的lumbar anesthesia needle 腰椎麻醉针头lumbar anesthesia set 腰椎麻醉器lumbar lamina blade 腰椎板刀片lumbar lamina retractor 腰板牵开器lumbar lamina spreader 腰板摊开器lumbar puncture needle 腰椎穿刺针lumbar puncture outfit 腰椎穿刺器lumbar puncture set 腰椎穿刺器lumbar vertebra 腰椎lumber ①木材②杂物③废料lumen ①流明(光通量单位)②腔lumenmeter 照度计,流明计luminaire 光源,照明设备luminance 亮度,照度luminescence 发光,冷光,荧光luminescent diode 发光二极管luminometer 光度计,照度计luminosity 发光度,亮度luminous organ 发光器lump 块,团,总共lumped load 集中负载lung 肺lung catheter 肺导管lung dissecting forceps 肺解剖镊lung forceps 肺组织镊lung function measuring equipment 肺功能测定仪lung grasping forceps 持肺钳lung holder 持肺钳lungmotor 肺充气机lung preparation 肺标本lung protector 肺防尘保护器lung radiography 肺部X 射线摄影lung retractor 肺叶拉钩,肺牵开器lung tourniquet 肺止血器lung vessel 肺导管lupus curet 狼疮刮匙lupus lancet 狼疮刺针lutation 密封,封闭lutecium(abbr. Lu) 镥lux 勒克司(照度单位),米烛光luxation 脱位lux gauge 照度计,勒克司计luxometer 照度计,光度计,勒克司计LV(left ventricle) 左心室Lw (lawrencium) 铹lymph ①淋巴②浆,苗lymph-;lympho- 淋巴lymphadenogram 淋巴结造影片lymphadenography 淋巴结造影术lymphangioadenography 淋巴系统造影术lymphangiogram 淋巴管造影片lymphangiography 淋巴管造影术lymphangion 淋巴管lymphatome 增殖体切除器lymphocyte 淋巴细胞lymphogram 淋巴系统造影片lymphography 淋巴系统造影术lymphotome 增殖体切除器lymph receptacle 疫苗容器lyophil apparatus (低压)冻干器lyophilization unit 低压冻干器,寒冷冻真空干燥器lyophilizer 冻干器lyse 溶解,溶化lysimeter 溶度测定器,溶度计lysis 溶解,溶化,分解lysol 煤酚皂溶液,来苏儿。
lag [læɡ] n. 落后;迟延;防护套;囚犯;桶板vt. 落后于;押往监狱;加上外套vi. 滞后;缓缓而行;蹒跚adj. 最后的landscape ['lændskeip] n.风景,景致;山水画vt. 美化…景观vi. 从事景观美化工作lane[lein] n.小路,胡同,小巷,里弄,行车道;[篮球]罚球区lantern ['læntən] n.灯,灯笼;灯笼式天窗lapse[læps] n.失足,失效;流逝;过失vi. 失效;流逝;背离,失检;陷入Two weeks have lapsed since they arrived in Paris.自他们抵达巴黎以来,已过去了两个星期了。
latent ['leitənt] a.潜在的,潜伏的,不易察觉的lateral['lætərəl] n.侧部;边音adj.侧面的,旁边的latitude ['lætitju:d]n.纬度longitude['lɔndʒitju:d, -tu:d] n.经度liberal ['libərəl]a.慷慨的,大方的;富足的;自由的,思想开朗的;不拘泥的;宽大的n. 自由主义者lid [lid] n.盖,盖子;眼睑;限制vt. 给…盖盖子limb[lim] n.肢,翼,大树枝,臂;分支;枝干vt. 切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝lime[laim] n.石灰limp[limp] a.柔软的,易曲的v./n.蹒跚,跛行liner ['lainə]n.班机,班轮;衬垫;画线者linger['liŋɡə] v.逗留,徘徊,拖延liquor ['likə]n.酒,烈性酒literacy ['litərəsi] n.有文化,识字;读写能力;教养2. 擅长写作literally['litərəli] ad.照字面意义,逐字地;确实literary ['litərəri]a.文学上的,文学的;精通文学的,从事写作的;书面的n.[美国英语]文学俱乐部literature['litərətʃə] n.文学,文学作品,文献;著作litter['litə] n.废物vi.乱扔vt.乱扔杂物launch[lɔ:ntʃ, lɑ:ntʃ] v.发射;使(船)下水,发动,开展n.发射,下水laundry['lɔ:ndri, 'lɑ:n-] n.洗衣房(店);待洗衣物,所洗衣物lavatory['lævətəri, -,tɔ:ri] n.厕所,盥洗室layout n.布局,陈设;陈列;;安排leap[li:p] v.跳,跳跃n.跳跃,飞跃vt. 跳跃,跳过;使跃过[ 过去式leaped或leapt 过去分词leaped或leapt 现在分词leaping ]lease [li:s]vt vi.出租, 租得n.租约,租契leasehold ['li:shəuld]a. 借贷的,租赁的n.1. 租借;租得2. 租赁权3. 租得的土地、房屋等4. 出租土地所得的利润leaseholder['li:shəuldə] n. 租地人,租借人,租赁人,承租人,leaser [li:sə]分纱机;出租人legacy ['leɡəsi]n. 遗产,遗留之物legend['ledʒənd] n.传说,传奇,传奇人物,[口语]香饽饽(特受欢迎的人) lens[lenz] n. (凹或凸)透镜;镜片2. 【摄影术】(照相机等的)镜头3.【解剖学】(眼球的)晶状体;(昆虫复眼的)晶体( =crystalline adj. 透明的;水晶般的;水晶制的['kristəlain] lens)lessen ['lesən] v.减少,减轻,使缩小,使减轻to lessen production costs降低生产成本to lessen the tension['tenʃən]减少压力2. [古语]轻视,藐视;贬低;抹杀:例句: to lessen a person's feat抹杀某人的功绩vi.减少;变小;缩小;减轻:例句: The difference between the city and the countryside lessens gradually.城乡差别逐渐缩小lest [lest]conj.惟恐,免得He got up early that morning lest he shouldmiss the train.他那天早上起得很早,生怕误了火车。
局部特性原理的应用案例1. 引言局部特性原理(Principle of locality)是计算机科学中的重要概念之一,它指出在一段时间内,程序趋向于访问邻近的内存位置或数据项。
2. 缓存技术缓存是计算机系统中广泛使用的技术,也是局部特性原理的应用之一。
3. 虚拟内存管理虚拟内存是操作系统中一种将主存和磁盘空间结合起来使用的技术,也是局部特性原理的重要应用之一。
4. 磁盘调度算法磁盘调度算法是操作系统中用于优化磁盘访问顺序的技术。
5. CPU高速缓存CPU高速缓存是计算机系统中提高处理器性能的关键技术之一。
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A mixture of old and new—Dingxi cityThis once poverty -stricken city lying in the north- western part of China is absolutely blessed by gods. Noted for abundant natural resources, astonishing natural scenic spots, amazing cultural relics as well as unique cultural activities, Dingxi city is a hidden world waiting for more and more people to discover.Dingxi is a small city of Gansu province, which was the only way mustbe passed for silk trade -- worldlyknown as Silk Road and vital north--western fortress for nationaldefense in ancient times. The greatcultural heritage was formed sincethen and generations of its peoplewere nurtured and influenced by thisbestowment and tried to conserve it.I was born and bred up in this city, and all my qualities like passion for life, eagerness for being a better human being, kindness to others, all which distinguished me from being commonplace and enlightened my life are owe to the nurturing of this holy place .This time, I was just a child left hometown and regretted for not being able to appreciate its beauty with the seasonal footsteps. Attracted by its magic power, longed for its amiableness, I started this pilgrimage.I set off this tour on foot with my intimate friend An Nan, who is proceeding for her diploma in Yangzhou. We grew up together, struggled together and empathized with each other the immense love for this city.We started our journey as taking a promenade after dinner. We walked along the Binhe road towards the newly developed cultural park and were enchanted by the glamorous nature, the birds were twittering, the shinygreen leaves rustling, the gentle windsbreezing, the newly built windmillspinning above us, which absorbs thewind energy and turns into streetlamp inthe evening. This land of idyllic beautyhad no hustle and bustle, heavypollution but the bluish clear sky andfresh air filled with earth fragrant.Suddenly I saw a vague caesious brick wall. When approached, it turned out to be a fortress guarded by four bronze robust and awe-inspiring looked horses. Though they are eternally mute, it looks like they are dashing about in a battlefield. Behind the horses appeared the wall with 40 steps climbing, and a big drum set arrogantly in the left at the position of about 30th step. After an exciting climbing ,what came to our sight was a general standing erect and majestic as green pines, his eyes brimming with radiating vigor cast into the distance with a spear in his right hand as if he would defend this land at any time.“He is the one who defeated the invasion of other clan and brought peace to the city, then he named the city as “Dingxi ”, implying the forever peace and tranquility in t his land.” Explained An, who is major in Chinese, with her eyes casting in the statue. Awed by this masterpiece I could not help thinking that the general died though, his vision of work out splendid plans to win victories in battles a thousand miles away is still persisting in our generation.Every year, a flood of students tried their efforts to be admitted to famous universities and achieved gratifying results in their own field. They worked out their plans and won the battle with the destiny.Dingxi is a city lacks water, which is also a limitation for economic development. People here are aware of saving water. “The water we are using is highly dependent on the bestowment of heaven ,if we waste toomuch ,one day we will run out of it.’’ My mom alway s reminds the whole family to reduce unnecessary waste to save water.After 30 minutes’ walking, we arrived at the Artificial Lake. Surrounded by the layer upon layer of peaks and hills , with the willow alongside itflicking gently a natural cradle, and thesigning of the insects a soft lullaby, theoval shaped lake was like a cute dormantbaby in her sweet dreams ignoring ourarrival .We two sat at the causewaycautiously in order not to disturb thistranquility. The breeze ruffles the greenwater, the surface of the lake ripples andtiddler fish swimming gaily, some ofthem even swam towards us spying whois here.All people here have an inborn love for water just like us .since Dingxi is an agricultural based district, water brings harvest and strength. A man can drink a big bowl of water from well to supplement physical strength after working in the field. Whenever I saw a spring flowing in the foot of a mountain, a stream cracking between rocks, or a lake of water rippling, a sense of awe for vitality and strength of life would sweep me.“Our city is developing fast than before in its own way to retain the past glamour and dig out new possibilities.” An turned to me.What could I say except for agreeing her more?。