Inverse diode forward voltage VGS = 0 V, IF = 160 A Reverse recovery time VR = 30 V, IF=IS , diF/dt = 100 A/µs
- 1.25 1.8 V
105 160 ns
Reverse recovery charge VR = 30 V, IF=lS , diF/dt = 100 A/µs
min. typ. max.
0.5 K/W
Electrical Characteristics, at Tj = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified
- 100
Gate-source leakage current VGS = 20 V, VDS = 0 V Drain-Source on-state resistance VGS = 10 V, ID = 80 A
- 0.29 0.45 µC
Data Sheet
BUZ 111S
Ptot ID
开发的综合布线系列产品包含:五类电缆,超五类电缆,六类电缆,U TP,FTP,SFTP室内外光缆和光纤等系列产品,适用网络工程团队工作布线的配线架,5类,超5类,通用RJ45插座,110插座,RJ45水晶插头;5类通用跳线和各式安装盒的
N-Channel MOSFETs: OptiMOS™ (20V…250V) Product TypeProduct TypeBSN045NE2LSBSN011NE2LSBSN011NE2LSIBSN012N03LSBSN012N03LSIBSN048N03LSBSB012NE2LXBSB014N04LX3 GBSB015N04NX3 GBSB017N03LX3 GBSB012N03LX3 GBSB028N06NN3 GBSB044N08NN3 GBSB056N10NN3 GBSB013NE2LXIBSB008NE2LXBSB280N15NZ3 G BSB165N15NZ3 G BSB012NE2LXI BSF024N03LT3 G BSF050N03LQ3 G BSF030NE2LQ BSF134N10NJ3 G BSF110N06NT3 G BSF450NE7NH3 G BSF035NE2LQ IPB015N04L G IPB027N10N3 G IPB035N08N3 G IPB015N04N G IPB019N06L3 G IPB083N10N3 G IPB042N10N3 G IPB054N06N3 GIPB037N06N3 G IPB097N08N3 G IPB055N03L G IPB054N08N3 G IPB042N03L G IPB022N04L G IPB065N03L G IPB072N15N3 G IPB025N08N3 G IPB080N03L G IPB081N06L3 G IPB147N03L G IPB096N03L G IPB136N08N3 GIPB090N06N3 G IPB029N06N3 G IPB049NE7N3 G IPB031NE7N3 G IPB020NE7N3 G IPB123N10N3 G IPB038N12N3 G IPB144N12N3 G IPB320N20N3 G IPB107N20N3 G IPB200N25N3 G IPB600N25N3 G BUZ32 H3045A BUZ31 H3045A IPB108N15N3 G BUZ30A H3045AIPB107N20NA IPB057N06N IPB026N06N IPB230N06L3 G IPB067N08N3 G IPB034N03L G 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VFS6045SA102VFS6045SA151VFS6045SA451VFS6045VA031VFS6045VA102 VFS6045VA121VFS6045VA201VFS6045VA301E M C C o m p o n e n t sNoise suppression filterFor home appliances (conductive noise countermeasure) VFS seriesVFS6045 typeFEATURESAPPLICATIONPART NUMBER CONSTRUCTIONCHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION TABLEMeasurement equipmentEquivalent measurement equipment may be used.VFS6045V A031Series nameL×W×H dimensions V: at 10MHzS: at 1MHzInternal codeImpedance6.0×6.0×4.5 mm(Ω)Type Impedance DC resistance Rated current Part No.(Ω)Typ.(Ω)Min.(Ω)typ.(Ω)max.(A)max.6045VA[at 10MHz]57300.0120.0156 6.0VFS6045VA0311451200.0190.0247 5.1VFS6045VA1212422000.0230.0299 4.95VFS6045VA2014683000.0360.0468 3.6VFS6045VA301127510000.0750.0975 2.5VFS6045VA102 6045SA[at 1MHz]1881500.1750.2275 1.5VFS6045SA1515524500.470.6110.9VFS6045SA45112321000 1.15 1.4950.5VFS6045SA102Measurement item Product No.ManufacturerImpedance4294A Keysight T echnologiesDC resistance34420A Hewlett-PackardE M C C o m p o n e n t sVFS6045 typeZ FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICSINSERTION LOSS VS. FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICSE M C C o m p o n e n t s VFS6045 typeSHAPE & DIMENSIONSRECOMMENDED LAND PATTERNRECOMMENDED REFLOW PROFILEPACKAGING STYLETEMPERATURE RANGE, INDIVIDUAL WEIGHT *Operating temperature range includes self-temperature rise.**The storage temperature range is for after the assembly.Dimensions in mmDimensions in mmT ype A B KVFS6045 6.3 6.3 4.7Package quantity1500 pcs/reelOperating temperature range*Storagetemperature range**Individualweight–40 to +105 °C–40 to +105 °C0.6 gE M C C o m p o n e n t sREMINDERS FOR USING THESE PRODUCTSBefore using these products, be sure to request the delivery specifications.SAFETY REMINDERSPlease pay sufficient attention to the warnings for safe designing when using this products.The storage period is less than 12 months. Be sure to follow the storage conditions (temperature: 5 to 30°C, humidity: 10 to 75% RH or less).If the storage period elapses, the soldering of the terminal electrodes may deteriorate.Do not use or store in locations where there are conditions such as gas corrosion (salt, acid, alkali, etc.).Before soldering, be sure to preheat components.The preheating temperature should be set so that the temperature difference between the solder temperature and chip temperature does not exceed 150°C.Soldering corrections after mounting should be within the range of the conditions determined in the specifications.If overheated, a short circuit, performance deterioration, or lifespan shortening may occur.When embedding a printed circuit board where a chip is mounted to a set, be sure that residual stress is not given to the chip due to the overall distortion of the printed circuit board and partial distortion such as at screw tightening portions.Self heating (temperature increase) occurs when the power is turned ON, so the tolerance should be sufficient for the set thermal design.Carefully lay out the coil for the circuit board design of the non-magnetic shield type.A malfunction may occur due to magnetic interference.Use a wrist band to discharge static electricity in your body through the grounding wire.Do not expose the products to magnets or magnetic fields.Do not use for a purpose outside of the contents regulated in the delivery specifications.The products listed on this catalog are intended for use in general electronic equipment (AV equipment, telecommunications equip-ment, home appliances, amusement equipment, computer equipment, personal equipment, office equipment, measurement equip-ment, industrial robots) under a normal operation and use condition.The products are not designed or warranted to meet the requirements of the applications listed below, whose performance and/or qual-ity require a more stringent level of safety or reliability, or whose failure, malfunction or trouble could cause serious damage to society,person or property.If you intend to use the products in the applications listed below or if you have special requirements exceeding the range or conditions set forth in the each catalog, please contact us.(1) Aerospace/aviation equipment(2) T ransportation equipment (cars, electric trains, ships, etc.)(3) Medical equipment(4) Power-generation control equipment (5) Atomic energy-related equipment (6) Seabed equipment(7) T ransportation control equipment(8) Public information-processing equipment (9) Military equipment(10) Electric heating apparatus, burning equipment (11) Disaster prevention/crime prevention equipment(12) Safety equipment(13) Other applications that are not considered general-purposeapplicationsWhen designing your equipment even for general-purpose applications, you are kindly requested to take into consideration securing pro-tection circuit/device or providing backup circuits in your equipment.REMINDERSVFS6045SA102VFS6045SA151VFS6045SA451VFS6045VA031VFS6045VA102 VFS6045VA121VFS6045VA201VFS6045VA301。
ES030-5中文资料(Powerbox)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
温度系数 环境
CV: 5x10 /°C, CC: 10x10/°C.
工作温度 储存温度 湿度
降额 冷却 热防护护
-20°C至+ 50°C -40°C至+ 85°C 最大. 95%RH,无冷凝,最高可达40℃. 最大. 75%RH,无冷凝,最高可达50℃. 50°C以上,减免线性至20%@ 75℃
AC 90-265V,为48Hz-到62Hz 10A与NTC电阻30Ω抗寒性. 0.99 / 0.83(110 / 230V交流)
ES015-10: 100mΩ, ES030-5: 200mΩ, ES075-
2: 250mΩ,ES0300-0.45: 5Ω.
ES0300-0.45: 0.3mA. 线,90-265VAC
ES015-10: 0.5mA, ES030-5: 0.2mA, ES075-2: 0.1mA,EMI标准
ES0300-0.45: 0.05mA. 电压/电流调整到10圈电位器,分辨率0.03%
纹波和噪声峰 - 峰值
过压防护护 (固定)
ES015-10: 18V, ES030-5: 40V, ES075-2: 90V, ES0300-0.45: 330V.
机械 安装
Case 尺寸/重量
No 是,主/从操作可能 是,总电压不超过600V 电压0-5V
FoFrowrawradrdVoVltolatgage:e VFV(FV()V)
Reverse Current: IR (ЖA) Reverse Current IR (uA)
ReRveevresreseVoVltoaltgaeg:eV RV(RV()V)
0.0 0
Opeeraattinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree : Ta (ˆ℃)
1. The products and product specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice to improve performance characteristics. Consult us, or our representatives before use, to confirm that the information in this catalog is up to date.
Schottky Barrier Diode, 1A, 40V, SOD-123A Package
Forward Voltageç ç ç ç ç ç Forward Currentç ç ç ç ç ç
General DescriptionThe MAX3040–MAX3045 is a family of 5V quad RS-485/RS-422 transmitters designed for digital data trans-mission over twisted-pair balanced lines. All transmitter outputs are protected to ±10kV using the Human Body Model. In addition the MAX3040–MAX3045 withstand ±4kV per IEC 1000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Stressing. The MAX3040/MAX3043 (250kbps) and the MAX3041/MAX3044 (2.5Mbps) are slew-rate limited transmitters that minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables, thus allowing error-free transmission.The MAX3040–MAX3045 feature a hot-swap capability*that eliminates false transitions on the data cable during power-up or hot insertion. The MAX3042B/MAX3045B are optimized for data transfer rates up to 20Mbps, the MAX3041/MAX3044 for data rates up to 2.5Mbps, and the MAX3040/MAX3043 for data rates up to 250kbps.The MAX3040–MAX3045 offer optimum performance when used with the MAX3093E or MAX3095 5V quad differential line receivers or MAX3094E/MAX3096 3V quad differential line receivers.The MAX3040–MAX3045 are ESD-protected pin-compat-ible, low-power upgrades to the industry-standard ‘SN75174 and ‘DS26LS31C. They are available in space-saving TSSOP, narrow SO, and wide SO packages.*Patent pendingApplicationsTelecommunications Equipment Industrial Motor ControlTransmitter for ESD-Sensitive Applications Hand-Held Equipment Industrial PLCs NetworkingFeatureso ESD Protection: ±10kV—Human Body Model o Single +5V Operationo Guaranteed Device-to-Device Skew(MAX3040/MAX3041/MAX3043/MAX3044)o Pin-Compatible with ‘SN75174, ‘26LS31C and LTC487o Hot-Swappable for Telecom Applications o Up to 20Mbps Data Rate (MAX3042B/MAX3045B)o Slew-Rate Limited (Data Rates at 2.5Mbps and 250kbps)o 2nA Low-Power Shutdown Mode o 1mA Operating Supply Currento ±4kV EFT Fast Transient Burst Immunity per IEC 1000-4-4o Level 2 Surge Immunity per IEC 1000-4-5,Unshielded Cable Model o Ultra-Small 16-Pin TSSOP, 16-Pin Narrow SO, and Wide 16-Pin SOMAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1Pin ConfigurationsSelector GuideOrdering Information19-2143; Rev 1; 12/01Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422TransmittersABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.All voltages referenced to ground (GND).Supply Voltage (V CC ).............................................................+7V Control Input Voltage (EN, EN , EN_) .........-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Driver Input Voltage (T_IN).........................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Driver Output Voltage (Y_, Z_)(Driver Disabled).............................................-7.5V to +12.5V Driver Output Voltage (Y_, Z_)(Driver Enabled).................................................-7.5V to +10V Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16-Pin TSSOP (derate 9.4mW/°C above +70°C)..........755mW16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C)..696mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).....762mW Operating Temperature RangeMAX304_C_E.......................................................0°C to +70°C MAX304_E_E....................................................-40°C to +85°C Maximum Junction Temperature.....................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422TransmittersSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS —MAX3040/MAX3043SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS —MAX3041/MAX3044M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Note 2:∆V OD and ∆V OC are the changes in V OD and V OC , respectively, when the transmitter input changes state.Note 3:This input current level is for the hot-swap enable (EN_, EN, EN ) inputs and is present until the first transition only. After thefirst transition the input reverts to a standard high-impedance CMOS input with input current I IN . For the first 20µs the input current may be as high as 1mA. During this period the input is disabled.Note 4:Maximum current level applies to peak current just prior to foldback-current limiting. Minimum current level applies duringcurrent limiting.SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS —MAX3041/MAX3044 (continued)(V CC = +5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V CC = +5V and T A = +25°C.)OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )54-6-5-4-2-1012-3310203040506070800-76OUTPUT CURRENT vs. TRANSMITTEROUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE0. CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U RR E N T (m A )10010000105152025353040450.1110MAX3040/MAX3043SUPPLY CURRENT vs. DATA RATEDATA RATE (kbps)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )4000.1110100100010,000MAX3041/MAX3044SUPPLY CURRENT vs. DATA RATEDATA RATE (kbps)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )1052015353025MAX3042B/MAX3045BSUPPLY CURRENT vs. DATA RATEDATA RATE (kbps)0.1100100010,000110100,000S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )60010203050400201040306050700426810OUTPUT CURRENT vs. TRANSMITTEROUTPUT LOW VOLTAGEOUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )MAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters_______________________________________________________________________________________5Typical Operating Characteristics(V CC = +5V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)020104030605070021345OUTPUT CURRENTvs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGEM A X 3040 t oc 07DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A ) DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUTVOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)D I F FE R E N T I A L O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters 6_______________________________________________________________________________________MAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters7Detailed DescriptionThe MAX3040–MAX3045 are quad RS-485/RS-422 trans-mitters. They operate from a single +5V power supply and are designed to give optimum performance when used with the MAX3093E/MAX3095 5V quad RS-485/RS-422 receivers or MAX3094E/MAX3096 3V quad RS-485/RS-422 receivers. The MAX3040–MAX3045 only need 1mA of operating supply current and consume 2nA when they enter a low-power shutdown mode. The MAX3040–MAX3045 also feature a hot-swap capability allowing line insertion without erroneous data transfer.The MAX3042B/MAX3045B are capable of transferring data up to 20Mbps, the MAX3041/MAX3044 for data rates up to 2.5Mbps, and the MAX3040/MAX3043 for data rates up to 250kbps. All transmitter outputs are pro-tected to ±10kV using the Human Body Model.±10kV ESD ProtectionAs with all Maxim devices, ESD-protection structures are incorporated on all pins to protect against electro-static discharges (ESD) encountered during handling and assembly. The MAX3040–MAX3045 transmitter outputs have extra protection against electrostatic dis-charges found in normal operation. Maxim ’s engineers have developed state-of-the-art structures to protect these pins against the application of ±10kV ESD (Human Body Model), without damage.ESD Test ConditionsESD performance depends on a number of conditions.Contact Maxim for a reliability report that documents test setup, methodology, and results.Human Body ModelFigure 6a shows the Human Body Model, and Figure 6b shows the current waveform it generates when dis-charged into low impedance. This model consists of a 100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of interest,which is then discharged into the device through a 1.5k Ωresistor.Machine ModelThe Machine Model for ESD testing uses a 200pF stor-age capacitor and zero-discharge resistance. It mimics the stress caused by handling during manufacturing and assembly. Of course, all pins (not just RS-485inputs) require this protection during manufacturing.Therefore, the Machine Model is less relevant to the I/O ports than are the Human Body Model.±4kV Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Testing(IEC 1000-4-4)IEC 1000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst (EFT/B) is an immunity test for the evaluation of electrical and electronic systems during operating conditions. The test was adapted for evaluation of integrated circuits with power applied. Repetitive fast transients with severe pulsed EMI were applied to signal and control ports. Over 15,000 distinct discharges per minute are sent to each interface port of the IC or equipment under test (EUT) simultaneously with a minimum test duration time of one minute. This simulates stress due to dis-placement current from electrical transients on AC mains, or other telecommunication lines in close prox-imity. Short rise times and very specific repetition rates are essential to the validity of the test.Stress placed on the EUT is severe. In addition to the controlled individual discharges placed on the EUT,extraneous noise and ringing on the transmission line can multiply the number of discharges as well as increase the magnitude of each discharge. All cabling was left unterminated to simulate worst-case reflections.The MAX3040–MAX3045 were setup as specified in IEC 1000-4-4 and the Typical Operating Circuit of this data sheet. The amplitude, pulse rise time, pulse dura-tion, pulse repetition period, burst duration, and burst period (Figure 8)of the burst generator were all verified with a digital oscilloscope according to the specifica-tions in IEC 1000-4-4 sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. A simpli-fied diagram of the EFT/B generator is shown in Figure 7. The burst stresses were applied to Y1–Y4 and Z1–Z4simultaneously.IEC 1000-4-4 provides several levels of test severity (see Table 1). The MAX3040–MAX3045 pass the 4000V stress, a special category “X ” beyond the highest level for severe (transient) industrial environments for telecommunication lines.M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters 8_______________________________________________________________________________________MAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters_______________________________________________________________________________________9IEC 1000-4-4 Burst/Electrical FastTransient Test Levels (For Communication Lines)The stresses are applied while the MAX3040–MAX3045are powered up. Test results are reported as:1)Normal performance within the specification limits.2)Temporary degradation or loss of function or perfor-mance which is self-recoverable.3)Temporary degradation, loss of function or perfor-mance requiring operator intervention, such as sys-tem reset.4)Degradation or loss of function not recoverable due to damage.The MAX3040–MAX3045 meets classification 2 listed above. Additionally, the MAX3040–MAX3045 will not latchup during the IEC burst stress events.Hot-Swap CapabilityHot-Swap InputsWhen circuit boards are plugged into a “hot ” back-plane, there can be disturbances to the differential sig-nal levels that could be detected by receivers connected to the transmission line. This erroneous data could cause data errors to an RS-485/RS-422 system.To avoid this, the MAX3040–MAX3045 have hot-swap capable inputs.When a circuit board is plugged into a “hot ” backplane there is an interval during which the processor is going through its power-up sequence. During this time, the processor ’s output drivers are high impedance and will be unable to drive the enable inputs of the MAX3040–MAX3045 (EN, EN , EN_) to defined logic lev-els. Leakage currents from these high impedance dri-vers, of as much as 10µA, could cause the enable inputs of the MAX3040–MAX3045 to drift high or low.Additionally, parasitic capacitance of the circuit board could cause capacitive coupling of the enable inputs to either G ND or V CC . These factors could cause the enable inputs of the MAX3040–MAX3045 to drift to lev-els that may enable the transmitter outputs (Y_ and Z_).To avoid this problem, the hot-swap input provides a method of holding the enable inputs of the MAX3040–MAX3045 in the disabled state as V CC ramps up. This hot-swap input is able to overcome the leakage currents and parasitic capacitances that may pull the enable inputs to the enabled state.Hot-Swap Input CircuitryIn the MAX3040–MAX3045 the enable inputs feature hot-swap capability. At the input there are two NMOSdevices, Q1 and Q2 (Figure 9). When V CC is ramping up from 0, an internal 10µs timer turns on Q2 and sets the SR latch, which also turns on Q1. Transistors Q2, a 700µA current sink, and Q1, an 85µA current sink, pull EN to GND through a 5.6k Ωresistor. Q2 is designed to pull the EN input to the disabled state against an exter-nal parasitic capacitance of up to 100pF that is trying to enable the EN input. After 10µs, the timer turns Q2 off and Q1 remains on, holding the EN input low against three-state output leakages that might enable EN. Q1remains on until an external source overcomes theM A X 3040–M A X 3045required input current. At this time the SR latch resets and Q1 turns off. When Q1 turns off, EN reverts to a standard, high-impedance CMOS input. Whenever V CC drops below 1V, the hot-swap input is reset.The EN12 and EN34 input structures are identical to the EN input. For the EN input, there is a complimentary cir-cuit employing two PMOS devices pulling the EN input to V CC .Hot-Swap Line TransientThe circuit of Figure 10 shows a typical offset termina-tion used to guarantee a greater than 200mV offset when a line is not driven. The 50pF represents the mini-mum parasitic capacitance which would exist in a typi-cal application. In most cases, more capacitance exists in the system and will reduce the magnitude of the glitch. During a “hot-swap ” event when the driver is connected to the line and is powered up, the driver must not cause the differential signal to drop below 200mV. Figures 11 and 12 show the results of the MAX3040–MAX3045 during power-up for two different V CC ramp rates (0.1V/µs and 1V/µs). The photos show the V CC ramp, the single-ended signal on each side of the 100Ωtermination, the differential signal across the termination, and shows the hot-swap line transient stays above the 200mV RS-485 specification.Operation of Enable PinsThe MAX3040–MAX3045 family has two enable-func-tional versions:The MAX3040/MAX3041/MAX3042B have two transmit-ter enable inputs EN12 and EN34. EN12 controls the transmitters 1 and 2, and EN34 controls transmitters 3and 4. EN12 and EN34 are active-high and the part will enter the low-power shutdown mode when both are pulled low. The transmitter outputs are high impedance when disabled (Table 2).The MAX3043/MAX3044/MAX3045B have two transmit-ter enable inputs EN and EN , which are active-high and active-low, respectively. When EN is logic high or EN is logic low all transmitters are active. When EN is pulled low and EN is driven high, all transmitters are disabled and the part enters the low-power shutdown mode. The transmitter outputs are high impedance when disabled (Table 3).Applications InformationTypical ApplicationsThe MAX3040–MAX3045 offer optimum performance when used with the MAX3093E/MAX3095 5V quad receivers or MAX3094E/MAX3096 3V quad differential line receivers. Figure 13 shows a typical RS-485 con-nection for transmitting and receiving data and Figure 14 shows a typical multi-point connection.±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters 10______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 9. Simplified Structure of the Driver Enable Pin (EN)MAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters______________________________________________________________________________________11V CC 2V/div Y-Z(20mV/div)238mVY200mV/div Z200mV/div Figure 11. Differential Power-Up Glitch (0.1V/µs)V CC 2V/div Y-Z(5mV/div)238mVY50mV/div Z50mV/div 1µs/divFigure 12. Differential Power-Up Glitch (1V/µs)Figure 10. Differential Power-Up Glitch (Hot Swap)M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters 12______________________________________________________________________________________Typical Multiple-Point ConnectionFigure 14 shows a typical multiple-point connection for the MAX3040–MAX3045 with the MAX3095. Because of the high frequencies and the distances involved, high attention must be paid to transmission-line effects while using termination resistors. A terminating resistor (RT)is simply a resistor that should be placed at the extreme ends of the cable to match the characteristic impedance of the cable. When the termination resis-tance is not the same value as the characteristic impedance of the cable, reflections will occur as the signal is traveling down the cable. Although some reflections are inevitable due to the cable and resistor tolerances, large mismatches can cause significant reflections resulting in errors in the data. With this in mind, it is very important to match the terminating resis-tance and the characteristic impedance as closely as possible. As a general rule in a multi-drop system, termi-nation resistors should always be placed at both ends of the cable.Figure 13. Typical Connection of a Quad Transmitter and a Quad Receiver as a PairMAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422Transmitters13Pin Configurations (continued)Figure 12. Typical Connection for Multiple-Point RS-485 BusChip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 545PROCESS: CMOSOrdering Information (continued)M A X 3040–M A X 3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/422Transmitters 14______________________________________________________________________________________Ordering Information (continued)Pin Configurations (continued)MAX3040–MAX3045±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422TransmittersM axim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a M axim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________15©2001 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.Package Information (continued)。
55 1.6 0.1 10 0.095 2
VGS = 0 V, ID = 0.25 mA, Tj = 25 °C
Gate threshold voltage
VGS=VDS, ID = 20 current
d e f g h i j
0.12 0.08 0.04
VGS [V] =
a 2.5 3.0 b 3.5 c 4.0 d 4.5 e f 5.0 5.5 g 6.0 h i 6.5 7.0 j 8.0 k 10.0
b k
d e gf j kh i
0.5 a 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
0.1 1 100
VDS = 55 V, VGS = 0 V, Tj = -40 °C VDS = 55 V, VGS = 0 V, Tj = 25 °C VDS = 55 V, VGS = 0 V, Tj = 150 °C
Gate-source leakage current
nA Ω 0.125
VDD = 30 V, VGS = 5 V, ID = 3.2 A RG = 16.8 Ω
Gate charge at threshold
Qg(th) Qg(5)
VDD = 40 V, ID ≥ 0.1 A, VGS =0 to 1 V
Gate charge at 5.0 V
VDD = 40 V, ID = 3.2 A, VGS =0 to 5 V
55 V
3.2 A
-36 dB
1 MHz START . 030 MHz
10 MHz
100 MHz
3 1 GHz GHz STOP 3000. 000000 MHz
Analog Crosstalk
CH1 S21 LOG 20 dB / REF 0 dB
ESD Clamping (+8kV Contact per IEC 61000-4-2)
8 7 Forward Voltage - V F (V) 6
Normalized Junction Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage
1.4 1.2 CJ(VR) / CJ(VR=0) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peak Pulse Current - IPP (A) Waveform Parameters: tr = 8µs td = 20µs
Circuit Diagram
Schematic & PIN Configuration
SOT-23 6L (Top View)
Revision 01/17/2008 1
Device Connection Options for Protection of Four High-Speed Data Lines This device is designed to protect data lines by clamping them to a fixed reference. When the voltage on the protected line exceeds the reference voltage the steering diodes are forward biased, conducting the transient current away from the sensitive circuitry. Data lines are connected at pins 1, 3, 4 and 6. Pin 2 should be connected directly to a ground plane. The path length is kept as short as possible to minimize parasitic inductance. The positive reference is connected at pin 5. The options for connecting the positive reference are as follows: 1. To protect data lines and the power line, connect pin 5 directly to the positive supply rail (VCC). In this configuration the data lines are referenced to the supply voltage. The internal TVS diode prevents over-voltage on the supply rail. 2. In applications where the supply rail does not exit the system, the internal TVS may be used as the reference. In this case, pin 5 is not connected. The steering diodes will begin to conduct when the voltage on the protected line exceeds the working voltage of the TVS (plus one diode drop). 3. In applications where complete supply isolation is desired, the internal TVS is again used as the reference and VCC is connected to one of the I/O inputs. An example of this configuration is the protection of a SIM port. The Clock, Reset, I/O, and VCC lines are connected at pins 1, 3, 4, and 6. Pin 2 is connected to ground and pin 5 is not connected. Matte Tin Lead Finish Matte tin has become the industry standard lead-free replacement for SnPb lead finishes. A matte tin finish is composed of 100% tin solder with large grains. Since the solder volume on the leads is small compared to the solder paste volume that is placed on the land pattern of the PCB, the reflow profile will be determined by the requirements of the solder paste. Therefore, these devices are compatible with both lead-free and SnPb assembly techniques. In addition, unlike other lead-free compositions, matte tin does not have any added alloys that can cause degradation of the solder joint.
Maximum Ratings
• •
Operating Temperature: -55°C to +150°C Storage Temperature: -55°C to +150°C Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage 20V 30V 35V 40V 45V 60V 80V 100V Maximum DC Blocking Voltage 20V 30V 35V 40V 45V 60V 80V 100V
MBR3020 thru MBR30100
Figure 1 Typical Forward Characteristics 200 100 60 40 25 20 25°C Amps 10 6 4 2 1 .6 .4 .2 .1 0.05 0.06 0.07 Volts Instantaneous Forward Current - Amperes versus Instantaneous Forward Voltage - Volts 0.08 0.09 0.1 0 5 Amps 10 20 30
MBR3020 thru MBR30100
Figure 4 Typical Reverse Characteristics 1000 600 400 350 200 100 60 40 20 mAmps 10 6 4 2 1 .6 .4 .2 .1 10 20 TA=25°C 40 60 Volts Instantaneous Reverse Leakage Current - MicroAmperes versus Percent Of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage - Volts 80 100 120 TA=125°C 0 1 2 4 Amps 300 250 200 100
[ 作者:转贴自:点击数:110 更新时间:2006-3-21 文章录入:南岚 ]材料类别宝钢企标宝钢1550国标日本标准德国标准欧洲标准美国标准备注热镀锌冷轧低碳钢板及钢带商用咬合成形(CQ)St01ZSt02ZDC51D+ZPTJYSGCCSt01ZSt02ZDX51D+ZA653CQA653FQ(CS-A\BFS-A\B)1适用于制造形状简单的产品;2适用制造机械咬合成型的产品冲压(DQ)St03ZDC52D+ZSCSt03ZDX52D+ZA653DQ适于制造拉延、冲压成型产品及厚度>0.9mm的翻卷咬合产品深冲(DDQ)St04ZSt05ZSt06ZSt07ZDC53D+ZDC54D+ZDC56D+ZCSSGCD1SGCD2SGCD3St04ZSt05ZSt06ZSt07ZDC53D+ZDC54D+ZDC56D+ZDQDQSKDDSEDDS1适于制造高变形性能,深拉延产品及形状较复杂产品;2镀层厚度一般不能超过275g/m^2结构板StE280-2ZStE345-2ZS280GD+ZS350GD+ZJGSGC400SGC440StE280ZStE350ZS280GD+ZS350GD+ZSQ-275340使用钢板和钢带供货状态下力学性能和工艺性能的结构件产品。
知识3 电位器的类型和主要参数
碳膜电位器主要由马蹄形电阻片和滑动臂构成,其结构简单,阻值随滑动触点位置的改变而改变。碳膜电位器的阻值范围较宽(100 ~4.7 M),工作噪声小、稳定性好、品种多,广泛用于无线电电子设备和家用电器中。电位器的外形、符号及连接方法如图1.4所示。
2.电阻器阻值和允许误差的标志方法 电阻器阻值和允许误差常用的标志方法有下列3种。 (1)直接标志法 将电阻器的阻值和误差等级直接用数字印在电阻器上。对小于1 000 的阻值只标出数值,不标单位;对k、M只标注k、M;精度等级标Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级,Ⅲ级不标明。 (2)文字符号法 将需要标志的主要参数与技术指标用文字和数字符号有规律地标志在产品表面上,如欧姆用表示,千欧用k表示,兆欧(106 )用M表示,吉欧(109 )用G表示,太欧(1012 )用T表示。 (3)色环标志法 对体积很小的电阻和一些合成电阻器,其阻值和误差常用色环来标注,如图1.2所示。色环标志法有4环和5环两种。4环电阻的第1道环和第2道环分别表示电阻的第1位和第2位有效数字,第3道环表示10的乘方数(10n,n为颜色所表示的数字),第4道环表示允许误差(若无第4道色环,则误差为20%)。色环电阻器的单位一律为。
包括: 额定功率
SIWAREX JB 钢铁外壳接缆盒说明书
sTable of ContentsTable of Contents (2)Warning and Safety Terms (3)General (4)1Technical Description (5)1.1Area of Application (5)1.2Structure (5)1.3System Configuration (6)2Installation/Assembly (7)2.1Installation (7)2.2Connection (7)2.3Installation (10)2.4Spring Terminal Connection Technique (10)3Commissioning (12)4Technical Data (13)4.1Functional Data (13)4.2Device Version (13)4.3Explosion protection (13)4.4Electromagnetic Compatibility (14)4.5Dimensions (14)5.Care and Maintenance (15)6.Ordering data (16)Warning and Safety TermsDANGERmeans, that death, severe injury to persons or damage to equipmentcan be caused, if the respective safety measures have not been taken.WARNINGmeans, that death or severe injury can be caused, if the respective safety meas-ures are not taken.CAUTIONwith a warning triangle means that failure to take the necessary precautions maylead to minor injury.CAUTIONwithout a warning triangle means that failure to take the necessary precautionsmay lead to property damage.IMPORTANTMeans that failure to observe the appropriate instructions may lead to an unde-sirable result or condition.NOTEMeans a note of a possible benefit if recommendations are followed.Qualified personnel as referred to in the safety instructions in this manual and onthe product itself are individuals who are familiar with the installation, assembly,initial start-up and operation of this product. They must be authorized and quali-fied to install, start and maintain devices, systems and circuits in accordance withnational safety rules and regulations.Copyright © Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Circulation or duplication of this document, utilization and disclo-sure of its contents are not permitted unless explicitly approved. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights reserved, including rights created by granting of patents or registration of a utility model or design.Siemens AGAutomation and DrivesProcess Instrumentation and AnalyticsD-76181 Karlsruhe DisclaimerWe have tested the contents of this document for compatibility with the hardware and software described. This does not exclude the possibility of discrepancies, in which case we do not guarantee the complete compatibility of this document. The information in this document is assessed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in the next revision. We are grateful for any sugges-tions for improvement.© Siemens AG 2006Subject to technical changes.GeneralIntended UtilizationIntended utilization means that this product is only to be utilized within the limita-tions defined in the technical specifications and purposes of use in this operatingmanual.There are no dangers associated with this device when conforming with the safetynotes and the intended utilization.The fail-safe and secure operation of this device depends on proper transportation,storage, installation and assembly as well as on careful operation and commission-ing.Proper operation of this device can only be ensured if the specifications provided intechnical data are observed.Improper handling can cause death, bodily harm and damage to equipment. Notes on Product LiabilityWe expressly point out that the nature of the product is described exclusively andconclusively in the sales contract. The content of this product documentation is notpart of an earlier or existing agreement, promise or legal relationship and neithershall it change any of these. All obligations of Siemens are the result of the respec-tive contract of purchase, which also contains the complete and solely valid liabilityagreement. The provisions concerning product liability specified in the contract ofpurchase are not extended nor are they limited by the information provided in thisdocument.Delivery NotesThe respective scope of delivery is listed on the enclosed shipping documents ac-cording to the valid contract of sale.Please observe the instructions printed on the packaging when opening. Check thatthe delivered goods are complete and undamaged. In particular, compare the ordernumber on the type plate with the order data.Please read this manual before starting work! It contains important notes and data,the observance of which will assure the general safety and functionality of this de-vice. This makes handling this product much easier and produces reliable measur-ing results.1 Technical Description1.1 Area of ApplicationThe SIWAREX JB junction box in stainlesssteel is used for connecting up to four load cells with the weighing module (Fig. 1).Load cells with wire strain gauges (WSG) in 4 and 6-wire technology can be connected in parallel.The cable connection from the junction box to the weighing module must be a 6-wire cable.The SIWAREX JB junction box may only be used with low voltages of ≤ 30 V.1.2 StructureThe housing is made of rust- and acid resistant steel 1.4301. It consists of a lower portion and a cover. It is dustproof and splash proof conforming with IP 66 protec-tion. The cables are fed into the housing through screw-type cable glands. High protection against spurious radiation (EMC) can only be achieved by attaching the shield in the screw-type cable gland. The cable glands are made of brass, nickel plated.NOTEIf EMC cable glands or sealing plugs of stainless steel are requested, they can be obtained from respective suppliers.Suggested supplier:RST Rabe-System-Technik und Vertriebs-GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 19 49134 Wallenhorst GermanyTel: +45 (0) 54 07 / 87 66 – 0 Fax: +45 (0) 54 07 / 87 66 – 98 Internet: www.rst-gruppe.dePrinciple of ApplicationRevision 03.06 Technical DescriptionThe electrical conductors are wired by spring terminals. The spring terminal tech-nology guarantees vibration-free and maintenance-free connections. The reliabilityof the contact is guaranteed on a continued basis.A grounding bolt can be used for connecting an equipotential bonding connector.1.3System ConfigurationThe SIWAREX JB junction box is used in technical weighing systems for switching upto four WSG weighing cells in parallel. Load cells can be connected in 4 and 6-wiretechnology.The junction box is connected with the weighing module with a signal cable.A shielded cable with six wires must be used as the signal connection. We recom-mend the SIWAREX cable Li2Y2x0,75St+2x(2x0,34St)-CY:7MH4 702-8AG, orange coated, for standard applications or7MH4 702-8AF, blue coating, for Ex-applications.The maximum cable length between load cells and the weighing module is speci-fied in the technical data of the weighing module.2Installation/Assembly2.1InstallationThe SIWAREX JB junction box may only be installed and connected by qualified per-sonnel.2.2 ConnectionConnecting load cells with 4 or 6-wire technology to a weighing module is shown inthe connection diagrams in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3 on page 8.The connection shields must be routed through the EMC cable glands (Fig. 4,Page 9). EMC cable glands and sealing plugs are delivered with the junction box.These are to be installed according to the number of load cells. Openings that arenot used in the housing are to be closed off with the sealing plugs.Cable gland assignment is to be completed according to Fig. 5 on page 9.The assembly of the carrier rail with the spring terminals has to be executed accord-ing to figure 6 on page 9.When connecting load cells using 4 wires, two bridges are absolutely necessary:Bridge 1: EXC- to SENSE-Bridge 2: EXC+ to SENSE+IMPORTANTIf the two bridges EXC-/SENSE- and EXC+/SENSE+ are missing in load cells in4-wire technology, this can be signaled by the weighing module as a wire break.Fig 2 Load cell connection in 4-wire technologyFig 4 Shielding in the cable glandLC = Load cell InputW = Output to weighing module or Ex-barrier EPB = Equipotential bonding connectionFig 6 Carrier rail assembly2.3 InstallationThe SIWAREX JB junction box can be mounted in any position. The cable glands should be at the bottom pointing downward if possible. It is fastened with four M8 screws.CAUTIONPlease ensure that there is no dirt or cable scraps in the housing that could cause malfunctions or short-circuits before closing the cover.CAUTIONThe device protection degree is only guaranteed when the housing is closed. The cover must be mounted, the necessary screw-type cable glands must be installed and tightened and any unused openings for cable glands must be closed with the sealing plugs that are provided. Please ensure that sealing surfaces are clean and O-rings are positioned correctly in the cable glands and sealing plugs.2.4 Spring Terminal Connection TechniqueA screwdriver with a maximum blade width of 2.5 mm is required for connecting the cables. It is pressed into the rectangular opening (1).This opens the spring bracket. The stripped cable is pushed through the round opening to the stop (2). The cable makes a solid connection in the springbracket when the screwdriver (3) is removed. (Fig. 7)The cables are stripped 8 to 9 mm. (Fig. 8)IMPORTANTWith smaller gauged wire, there is a danger of putting a kink in the wire when inserting it into the clamp. The cable is then clamped by the insulation. The result is contact problems. Crimp-on sleeves prevent these problems.Revision 03.06 Installation/AssemblyThe following cables can be connected.0.08 to 1.5 mm2 / AWG 28 to 16:Single-wire, multi-wire, fine-wire – also with tinned single wires, fine-wire –stranded wire compressed and fine wire with gas-tight crimp-on pin cable shoe.0.08 to 1 mm2 / AWG 28 to 18:Fine wire with gas-tight crimped on end sleeves.3CommissioningSince the extension box is a passive component, the operating manual of theweighing module should be observed primarily for commissioning.4Technical Data4.1Functional DataEnvironmental temperature: -30 °C to +85 °CStorage temperature: -40 °C to +90 °C60529DIN66,IPProtection:Freedom of vibration of the terminals: conforming with DIN VDE 0611 11/77:Amplitude1mmHz,Hz12and50Insulation resistance of the terminals: 1012 Ohm cm4.2Device VersionHousing dimensions (LxWxH): 150 x 100 x 63 mm3steelStainless1.4301Housingmaterial:Weight: approx. 1.5 kgpolishedsteel,Color: StainlessElectrical connection: Spring terminal connection 1.5/1 mm2Screw-type cable glands:Load cells: M16 x 1.5 5 to 10 mmSignal cable: M20 x 1.5 7 to 12 mm4.3Explosion protectionThe extension box is simple electrical equipment in accordance with EN 60079-14or EN 50020. It may be used in hazardous areas also for connecting intrinsically safecircuits.The terminals meet the requirement for separating intrinsically safe circuits – creepand air gap > 6 mm.WARNINGTo be observed when using in hazardous areas:-The regulations governing the installation and operation of devices in explo-sive areas that are in force in the country of use.-In EU countries, the laws passed in the relevant country to enforce EU Directive 1999/92/EC.-The regulations for erecting electrical installations in areas with a risk of explo-sion DIN EN 60079-14 (VDE0165) or DIN EN1127-1.-EC Type Examination CertificateAll work on electrical circuits for systems where there is a risk of explosion mustbe performed by qualified personnel.Revision 03.06 Technical Data4.4Electromagnetic CompatibilityThe SIWAREX JB extension box meets the following EMC requirements:•EN 61326: 1999•EN 45501: 1992•NAMUR NE21: 2004To maintain EMC, e.g.•an EMC-compatible laying of cables (also inside cabinets!) must be observed.•the signal cable must be laid separately from cables with voltages > 60 V or high currents.•the vicinity of large electrical installations must be avoided.4.5DimensionsFig. 9 Dimensions5.Care and MaintenanceThe extension box is maintenance-free. The clamping force of the spring terminalsalways remains constant.CAUTIONDo not apply the jet of a high-pressure cleaner directly to the extension box.6.Ordering datanumber: Name: OrderSIWAREX JB Junction Box - Stainless Steel Housing7MH4 710-1EA。
Features●ESD Protect for Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) channels●Protects four I/O lines and one V DD line●Provide ESD protection for each channel to IEC 61000-4-2,(ESD) ±19kV (air), ±12kV (contact) IEC 61000-4-5 (Lightning) 4.7A (8/20μs)●For below 5V operating voltage●Ultra low capacitance : 0.55pF typical●0.03pF matching capacitance between the TMDS intra-pair●Fast turn-on and Low clamping voltage●Array of ESD rated diodes with internal equivalent TVS diode●Solid-state silicon-avalanche and active circuit triggering technology●Back-drive protection for power-down mode●Lead-free version available●Green part availableApplications●High Definition Multi-Media Interface (HDMI)1.3 version●DisplayPort interface●SATA and eSATA interface●Digital Visual Interface (DVI)●USB2.0 up to 480Mb/s●IEEE 1394 up to 3.2 Gb/s●Ethernet port: 10/100/1000 Mb/s ●Desktop and Notebooks PCs●Consumer Electronics●Set Top Box●DVDRW Players●Graphics CardsDescriptionAZ1045-04SU is a design which includes ESD rated diode arrays to protect high speed data interfaces. The AZ1045-04SU has been specifically designed to protect sensitive components which are connected to data and transmission lines from over-voltage caused by Electrostatic Discharging (ESD).AZ1045-04SU is a unique design which includes ESD rated, ultra low capacitance steering diodes and a unique design of clamping cell which is an equivalent TVS diode in a single package. During transient conditions, the steering diodes direct the transient to either the power supply line or to ground line. The internal unique design of clamping cell prevents over-voltage on the power line, protecting any downstream components. Besides, there is a back-drive protection design in AZ1045-04SU for power-down mode operation.AZ1045-04SU may be used to meet the ESD immunity requirements of IEC 61000-4-2, Level 4 (±15kV air, ±8kV contact discharge).SPECIFICATIONSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETER PARAMETERRATINGUNITSPeak Pulse Current (tp =8/20μs) (I/O pins) I PP 4.7 A Operating Supply Voltage (VDD-GND) V DC 6 VESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Air) (I/O pins) ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Contact) (I/O pins) V ESD_IO1912kVESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Air) (VDD, GND pins) ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Contact) (VDD, GND pins) V ESD_PW3030kVLead Soldering Temperature T SOL260 (10 sec.) o C Operating Temperature T OP-55 to +85 o C Storage Temperature T STO-55 to +150 o CDC Voltage at any I/O pin V IO (GND – 0.5) to(VDD + 0.5)VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSReverse Stand-Off Voltage V RWM Pin 5 to pin 2, T=25 o C5VReverse LeakageCurrentI Leak V RWM = 5V, T=25 o C, Pin 5 to pin 2 5 μAChannel Leakage Current I CH-Leak V Pin5 = 5V, V Pin2 = 0V, T=25 o C 1μAReverse BreakdownVoltageV BV I BV = 1mA, T=25 o C, Pin 5 to Pin 2 6 9 V Forward Voltage V F I F = 15mA, T=25 o C, Pin 2 to Pin 5 0.8 1 VESD Clamping Voltage –I/O V clamp_ioIEC 61000-4-2 +6kV, T=25 o C, Contactmode, Any Channel pin to Ground12 VESD Clamping Voltage –VDD V clamp_VDDIEC 61000-4-2 +6kV, T=25 o C, Contactmode, VDD pin to Ground9 VESD Dynamic Turn on Resistance –I/O R dynamic_ioIEC 61000-4-2 0~+6kV,T=25 o C,Contact mode,Any Channel pin toGround0.3 ΩESD Dynamic Turn on Resistance –VDD R dynamic_VDDIEC 61000-4-2 0~+6kV, T=25 o C,Contact mode, VDD pin to Ground0.14 ΩLightning Clamping Voltage V lightning I PP=4.7A, tp=8/20μs, T=25 o CAny Channel pin to Ground8.5 VChannel Input Capacitance -1 C IN-1V pin5 =5V, V pin2 =0V, V IN =2.5V, f =1MHz,T=25 o C, Any Channel pin to Ground0.55 0.65pFChannel Input Capacitance - 2 C IN-2V pin5=floated,V pin2=0V,V IN=2.5V,f=1MHz,T=25o C,Any Channel pin to Ground0.7 0.9pFChannel to Channel Input Capacitance -1 C CROSS-1V pin5 =5V, V pin2 =0V, V IN =2.5V, f =1MHz,T=25 o C , Between Channel pins0.03 0.06pFChannel to Channel Input Capacitance -2 C CROSS-2V pin5 =floated,V pin2 =0V,V IN =2.5V,f=1MHz,T=25 o C,Between Channel pins0.05 0.08pFVariation of Channel Input Capacitance -1C△IN-1V pin5 =5V, V pin2 =0V, V IN =2.5V, f =1MHz,T=25 o C , Channel_x pin to Ground -Channel_y pin to Ground0.03 0.06pFVariation of Channel Input Capacitance -2C△IN-2V pin5 =floated, V pin2 =0V, V IN =2.5V, f=1MHz, T=25 o C , Channel_x pin toGround - Channel_y pin to Ground0.05 0.08pFTypical CharacteristicsApplications InformationA. Design ConsiderationsThe ESD protection scheme for system I/O connector is shown in the Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, the diodes D1 and D2 are general used to protect data line from ESD stress pulse. The diode D3 is a back-drive protection design, which blocks the DC back-drive current when the potential of I/O pin is greater than that of VDD pin. If the power-rail ESD clamping circuit is not placed between VDD and GND rails, the positive pulse ESD current (I ESD1) will pass through the ESD current path1. Thus, the ESD clamping voltage V CL of data line can be described as follow:V CL = Fwd voltage drop of D1 + Breakdown voltage drop of D3 + supply voltage of VDDrail + L1⨯ d(I ESD1)/dt + L2⨯ d(I ESD1)/dtWhere L1 is the parasitic inductance of data line, and L2 is the parasitic inductance of VDD rail.An ESD current pulse can rise from zero to its peak value in a very short time. As an example, a level 4 contact discharge per the IEC61000-4-2 standard results in a current pulse that rises from zero to 30A in 1ns. Here d(I ESD1)/dt can be approximated by ΔI ESD1/Δt, or 30/(1x10-9). So just 10nH of total parasitic inductance (L1 and L2 combined) will lead to over 300V increment in V CL! Besides, the ESD pulse current which is directed into the VDD rail may potentially damage any components that are attached to that rail. Moreover, it is common for the forward voltage drop of discrete diodes to exceed the damage threshold of the protected IC. This is due to the relatively small junction area of typical discrete components. Of course, the discrete diode is also possible to be destroyed due to its power dissipation capability is exceeded.The AZ1045-04SU has an integrated power-rail ESD clamped circuit between VDD and GND rails. It can successfully overcome previous disadvantages. During an ESD event, the positive ESD pulse current (I ESD2) will be directed through the integrated power-rail ESD clamped circuit to GND rail (ESD current path2). The clamping voltage V CL on the data line is small and protected IC will not be damaged because power-rail ESD clamped circuit offer a low impedance path to discharge ESD pulse current.ESD current path 1 (I ESD1)ESD current path 2 (IESD2)Fig. 1 Application of positive ESD pulse between data line and GND rail.B. Device ConnectionAZ1045-04SU can provide protection for 4 I/O signal lines simultaneously. If the number of I/O signal lines is less than 4, the unused I/O pins can be simply left as NC pins.The AZ1045-04SU is designed to protect four data lines and power rails from transient over-voltage (such as ESD stress pulse). The device connection of AZ1045-04SU is shown in the Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, the four protected data lines are connected to the ESD protection pins (pin1, pin3, pin4, and pin6) of AZ1045-04SU. The ground pin (pin2) of AZ1045-04SU is a negative reference pin. This pin should be directly connected to the GND rail of PCB (Printed Circuit Board). To get minimum parasitic inductance, the path length should keep as short as possible. In addition, the power pin (pin 5) of AZ1045-04SU is a positive reference pin. This pin should directly connect to the VDD rail of PCB., then the VDD rail also can be protected by the power-rail ESD clamped circuit (not shown) of AZ1045-04SU.In some cases, systems are not allowed to be reset or restart after the ESD stress directly applying at the I/O-port connector. Under this situation, in order to enhance the sustainable ESD Level, a 0.1μF chip capacitor can be added between the VDD and GND rails. The place of this chip capacitor should be as close as possible to the AZ1045-04SU.In some cases, there isn’t power rail presented on the PCB. Under this situation, the power pin (pin 5) of AZ1045-04SU can be left as floating. The protection will not be affected, only the load capacitance of I/O pins will be slightly increased. Fig. 3 shows the detail connection.ToProtected ICToProtected ICToI /O-port ConnectorToI/O-port ConnectorμFFig. 2Data lines and power rails connection of AZ1045-04SU.ToProtected ICToProtected ICToI /O-port ConnectorToI/O-port ConnectorFig. 3 Data lines and power rails connection of AZ1045-04SU. VDD pin is left as floating when nopower rail presented on the PCB.C. ApplicationAZ1045-04SU is designed for protecting high speed I/O ports from over-voltage caused by Electrostatic Discharging (ESD). Thus, a lot of kinds of high speed I/O ports can be the applications of AZ1045-04SU, especially, the HDMI port.HDMI Protection for High and Low speed signalsThe HDMI Compliance Test Specification (CTS) requires sink (receiver) ports maintain a differential impedance of 100 Ohms +/- 15%.ESD protection devices have an inherent junction capacitance. Even a small amount of added capacitance on an HDMI port will cause the impedance of the differential pair to drop. Thus, some form of compensation to the layout will be required to bring the differential pairs back within the required 100 Ohm +/- 15% range. The higher the added capacitance, the more extreme the modifications will need to be. If the added capacitance is too high, compensation may not even be possible. The AZ1045-04SU presents 0.55pF capacitance to each differential signal while being rated to handle >8kV ESD contact discharges (>15kV air discharge) as outlined in IEC 61000-4-2. Therefore, it is possible to make none or minor adjustment to the board layout parameters to compensate for the added capacitance of the AZ1045-04SU. Figure 4 shows how to implement the AZ1045-04SU in an HDMI application. In Figure 4, the none-TMDS signals, DDC_CLK, DDC_DAT, CE_REMOTE, and HOTPLUG_DET, can be protected with another low cost part, e.g., AZC099-04S.TMDS_D2+TMDS_D2-TMDS_D1+TMDS_D1-TMDS_D0+TMDS_CK+TMDS_CK-DDC_CLK HDMIConnectorFig. 4 HDMI Protection for High and Low speed signals.Mechanical DetailsSOT23-6LPACKAGE DIAGRAMSPACKAGE DIMENSIONSTOP VIEWSIDE VIEWEND VIEWMillimetersSYMBOLMIN. NOMINALMAX.A - - 1.45 A1 0 - 0.15 A2 0.90 1.15 1.30 b 0.30 0.40 0.45 c 0.08 0.13 0.20 D 2.90 BSC E 1.60 BSC E1 2.80 BSC e 0.95 BSC e1 1.90 BSC L1 0.30 0.45 0.60 L 0.60 REFL2 0.25 BSC0o4o8oNotes:● This dimension complies with JEDEC outline standard MO-178 Variation AB. ● Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M-1994.LAND LAYOUTDimensionsIndex Millimeter Inches A 0.60 0.024 B 1.10 0.043 C 0.95 0.037 D 2.50 0.098 E 1.40 0.055 F3.60 0.141Notes:This LAND LAYOUT is for reference purposes only. Please consult your manufacturing partners to ensure your company’s PCB design guidelines are met.MARKING CODEPart NumberMarking CodeAZ1045-04SU 104XY AZ1045-04SU (Green part)110XYS15X104 = Device CodeX = Date Code Y = Control Code103X 104XYRevision HistoryDescription Revision ModificationRevision 2007/06/13 Original Release.Revision 2007/06/22 Update the “Forward Voltage” in the Electrical Characteristics.Revision 2007/09/17 1. Add the surge (8/20us) characteristic results.2. Update the max. values of C IN-1 and C IN-2.Revision 2007/12/18 1. Add application for “DisplayPort” and “SATA”2. Update “For HDMI Transceiver Port” to “For High Speed I/O Port”in headlineRevision 2008/01/23 Present the Mechanical Details by JEDEC formation.Revision 2008/09/29 Add the marking code for Green part.Revision 2009/10/20 Change the description of ESD level in the Features to be the sameas that in ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS.。
GUMX104型号的Universal紧固定光纤+CST分布式电缆,LSZH外衣,4纤MM OM1类
UL Rating/Flame Test:
Non-UL Rated
IEC Flammability:
IEC 60332-1-2
Reaction to Fire - Bundle Flame Test:
IEC 60332-3-22
IEC 60754-1 - Halogen Amount:
Revision Number: 0.40 Revision Date: 12-11-2023
© 2023 Belden, Inc
All Rights Reserved.
Although Belden makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of this publication, information and specifications described here in are subject to error or omission and to change without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability.
Optical Characteristics
Max. Attenuation at 1300 nm: Max. Attenuation at 850 nm:
0.9 dB/km 3.4 dB/km
Mechanical Characteristics
Mechanical Tests
Fiber Type Buffer Construction
负载电感:≤3.3 mH
通讯设备的输入阻抗: ≥10 kΩ(24 kHz时)
若需邮寄纸质样本或技术支持,请电询 18663726013 0531-89000918-804 范经理 上海日基自动化控制有限公司济南办
通讯距离: 当使用多股双绞线时,通讯距离≤1.5 km (0.9英里)。 通 讯距离会随电缆的类型而变化。
累积值开关(*1): 当累积值等于或大于设定值时,状态为输出。
预设累积值(*1): 参数设置或状态输入功能允许系统将累计值预设为设定值 或零。
0% 信号锁定(*1)(*2): 状态输入强制性地将瞬时流量显示、电流输出、脉冲输出 和流量累积值锁定为0%。
报警选择功能 (*2): 报警分为系统报警(硬件故障),过程报警(如“Empty Pipe(空管)”、“Signal Overflow(信号溢出)”和 “Adhension Alarm(粘污报警)”)、设置报警和警 告。用户可以选择是否对各项进行报警。报警的电流输出 值可以任意选择:≤2.4 mA,固定为4 mA、≥21.6 mA 等,或HOLD(保持)。
横河电机株式会社 2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180 Japan Tel.: 81-422-52-4443 Fax.: 81-422-52-2018
JIS G3445
Grade 12A Grade 12 B Grade 12C
980 -
CDS-3 -
Global Marketing for Tube & Pipe
Grade14 B Grade14 C Grade15 A Grade15 C Grade16 A Grade16 C Grade17 A Grade17 C Grade18 A Grade18 B Grade18 C Grade19 A Grade19 C Grade20 A -
0.040 max.
0.040 max.
Grade 19
0.25 max.
0.55 max.
1.50 max.
0.040 max.
0.040 max.
0.55 max.
1.60 max.
0.040 max.
0.040 max.
0.15 max.
Remarks 1. When the purchaser requires product analysis for the tubes made of killed steel, the tolerances for the values given above shall be as specified in Table 2 in JIS G 0321 for
MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions in mm
6.35 (0.250) 8.64 (0.340)
3.68 (0.145) rad. max.
3.61 (0.142) 3.86 (0.145) rad.
4.83 (0.190) 5.33 (0.210) 9.14 (0.360) min.
1.27 (0.050) 1.91 (0.750)
Pin 1 – Base Pin 2 – Emitter Case - Collector
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25°C unless otherwise stated)
OFF CHARACTERISTICS VCEO(sus) VCER(sus) ICEO ICEX IEBO Collector – Emitter Sustaining Voltage IC = 100mA Collector – Emitter Sustaining Voltage IC = 100mA Collector – Cutoff Current Collector – Cutoff Current Emitter Cut–Off Current ON CHARACTERISTICS hFE VCE(SAT) VBE(on) ft hfe fhfe DC Current Gain Collector – Emitter Saturation Voltage Base – Emitter On Voltage DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current – Gain Bandwidth Product Small – Signal Current Gain Common – Emitter Cutoff Frequency IC = 200mA IC = 100 f = 1.0 KHz IC = 100mA VCE = 4.0 V VCE = 10V VCE = 4V 3.0 25 30 180 MHz – KHz IC = 0.5A IC = 3.0A IC = 500mA IC = 3.0A IC = 500mA VCE = 4.0 V VCE = 4.0V IB = 50mA IB = 1.0A VCE = 4.0V 25 5 1 6 1.7 V 150 – VCE = 30 V VCE = 90 V VBE(off) =1.5V VBE = 7.0V TC = 150°C IC = 0 IB = 0 IB = 0 RBE = 100W 55 60 500 1 6 1 V V
LWH 拉杆式直线位移传感器
LWH系列传感器直线位移传感器,工作量程可达900mm防护等级IP 55该系列传感器用于测量和控制系统中,对位移和长度进行直接和绝对测量。
工作量程最大达 900mm 以及高分辨率 (0.01mm)可提供精确的线性位移测量。
说明外壳阳极氧化铝安装扣压式可调节固定夹钳拉杆不锈钢(1.4305),可旋转,M6外螺纹轴承柔性缓冲轴承电阻元件导电塑料滑刷组件贵金属多触脚滑刷,带弹性阻尼电气连接DIN 43650标准4极插座订购规格型号产品编号LWH-0050*024302 LWH-0075024303 LWH-010******* LWH-0110*024360 LWH-0130024305 LWH-0150024306 LWH-0175024307 LWH-020******* LWH-022******* LWH-025******* LWH-027******* LWH-0300024312 LWH-0325024313特点:•不同应用条件下,使用寿命长达100 x 106次•线性优异,高达±0.04%•分辨率高于0.01mm•高运行速度•DIN 43 650标准插头和插座•防护等级IP 55LWH-0360024314LWH-0375024315LWH-0400024316LWH-0425*024317LWH-0450024318LWH-0500024320LWH-0550024322LWH-0600024324LWH-0650*024326LWH-0750024330LWH-0800*024332LWH-0900024336*)如需打星号产品,请单独索要技术参数。
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SIPMOS Power TransistorProduct Summary Drain source voltage55V DS V Drain-Source on-state resistance Ω0.08R DS(on)I DContinuous drain current13.5AFeatures •N channel•Enhancement mode•Avalanche rated •d v /d t rated•175 ˚C operating temperaturePin 1Pin 2Pin 3GDSPackagingType Package Ordering Code BUZ104S TubeP-TO220-3-1Q67040-S4007-A2BUZ104S E3045A Tape and Reel Q67040-S4007-A6P-TO263-3-2TubeBUZ104S E3045P-TO263-3-2Q67040-S4007-A5Maximum Ratings ,at T j =25˚C, unless otherwise specified ParameterSymbolUnit Value Continuous drain currentT C = 25 ˚C T C = 100 ˚C13.59.6I DAPulsed drain currentT C = 25 ˚CI Dpulse 54Avalanche energy,single pulseI D =13.5A,V DD =25V,R GS =25ΩmJE AS 52Avalanche energy,periodic limited by T jmax 3.5E ARReverse diode d v /d tI S =13.5A,V DS =40V,d i /d t =200A/µs,T jmax = 175 ˚Cd v /d t6kV/µs Gate source voltage V GS ±20V Power dissipationT C = 25 ˚CP tot 35W Operating and storage temperature T j ,T stg˚C-55...+17555/175/56IEC climatic category;DIN IEC 68-1Thermal CharacteristicsParameter ValuesSymbol Unittyp.max.min.CharacteristicsR thJC -- 4.3K/W Thermal resistance, junction - case-Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, leded R thJA-62- ---6240SMD version, device on PCB:@ min. footprint@ 6 cm2 cooling area1)R thJAElectrical Characteristics, at T j = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol UnitValuesmin.max.typ.Static CharacteristicsDrain- source breakdown voltage V GS = 0 V, I D = 0.25 mA-V(BR)DSS55-VGate threshold voltage, V GS = V DS I D = 20 µA V GS(th)432.1Zero gate voltage drain currentV DS = 50 V, V GS = 0 V, T j = 25 ˚C V DS = 50 V, V GS = 0 V, T j = 150 ˚C--I DSSµA11000.1-Gate-source leakage current V GS = 20 V, V DS = 0 V I GSS-10nA100Drain-Source on-state resistance V GS = 10 V, I D = 9.6 A R DS(on)-0.0740.08Ω1 Device on 40mm*40mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm2 (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air.Electrical Characteristics, at T j = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol Values Unitmin.typ.max. Dynamic CharacteristicsTransconductanceg fs4 5.8-SV DS≥2*I D*R DS(on)max , I D = 9.6 AInput capacitanceC iss-270340pF V GS = 0 V, V DS = 25 V, f = 1 MHzOutput capacitanceC oss-95120V GS = 0 V, V DS = 25 V, f = 1 MHzReverse transfer capacitanceC rss-5065V GS = 0 V, V DS = 25 V, f = 1 MHzTurn-on delay timet d(on)-915ns V DD = 30 V, V GS = 10 V, I D = 13.5 A,R G = 33 ΩRise timet r-2235V DD = 30 V, V GS = 10 V, I D = 13.5 A,R G = 33 ΩTurn-off delay timet d(off)-1830V DD = 30 V, V GS = 10 V, I D = 13.5 A,R G = 33 ΩFall timet f-1725V DD = 30 V, V GS = 10 V, I D = 13.5 A,R G = 33 ΩElectrical Characteristics, at T j = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol Values Unitmin.typ.max. Dynamic CharacteristicsGate to source charge V DD = 40 V, I D = 13.5 A3.75nC2.5Q gs-- 3.8Q gdGate to drain chargeV DD = 40 V, I D = 13.5 A5.7Gate charge totalV DD = 40 V, I D = 13.5 A, V GS = 0 to 10 V-9.514 Q gGate plateau voltage V DD = 40 V, I D = 13.5 A V(plateau) 5.9-V-Reverse DiodeInverse diode continuous forward currentT C = 25 ˚CI S--13.5AInverse diode direct current,pulsedT C = 25 ˚CI SM--54Inverse diode forward voltage V GS = 0 V, I F = 27 A V SD- 1.17V1.8Reverse recovery timeV R = 30 V, I F=I S , d i F/d t = 100 A/µs t rr-50ns75Reverse recovery chargeV R = 30 V, I F=l S , d i F/d t = 100 A/µs Q rr-µC0.10.15Power Dissipation P tot = f (T C )20406080100120140160˚C 190T C 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 2832W38 BUZ104SP t o tDrain currentI D = f (T C )parameter: V GS ≥ 10 V20406080100120140160˚C 190T C0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12A15 BUZ104SI DTransient thermal impedanceZ thJC = f (t p )parameter : D = t p /T10-710-610-510-410-310-210st p-3 10 -210 -110 010 110 K/WBUZ104SZ t h J Csingle pulse0. = 0.50Safe operating area I D = f (V DS )parameter : D = 0 , T C = 25 ˚C10-110101102V V DS -1 10 010 110 210 ABUZ104SI DR D S (o n ) = V D S / I DDC10 ms1 ms 100 µs10 µst p = 3.3µsTyp. output characteristicsI D = f (V DS )parameter: t p = 80 µs0. DS0 4812162024A32 BUZ104SI DV GS [V] aa4.0bb 4.5cc5.0dd5.5ee6.0ff 6.5gg 7.0h h7.5ii 8.0jj 9.0kk10.0lP tot = 35Wl20.0Typ. drain-source-on-resistanceR DS(on) = f (I D )parameter: V GS48121620A 26I D0. 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.200.22 Ω0.26BUZ104SR D S (o n)V GS [V] =c c 5.0d d 5.5e e 6.0f f 6.5g g 7.0h h 7.5ii 8.0j j 9.0kk10.0l l 20.0Typ. transfer characteristics I D = f (V GS )parameter: t p = 80 µsV DS ≥ 2 x I D x R DS(on) max2345678910V12V GS 0 10 20 A40I DTyp. forward transconductanceg fs = f (I D ); T j = 25˚Cparameter: g fs2468101214A 17I D0 12345S7g f sDrain-source on-resistanceR DS(on) = f (T j )parameter : I D= 9.6 A, V GS = 10 V-60-202060100140˚C200T j0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.220.24 Ω0.28BUZ104SR D S (o n )typ98%Gate threshold voltageV GS(th)= f (T j )parameter : V GS = V DS , I D = 20 µA-60-202060100140˚C200T j0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 5.0 V G S (t h )min typmaxTyp. capacitances C = f (V DS )parameter: V GS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz1020V40V DS110 210 310 pFCCissCossCrssForward characteristics of reverse diodeI F = f (V SD )parameter: T j , t p = 80 µs0.00.40.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4V 3.0V SD-110 010 110 210 ABUZ104SI FT j = 25 ˚C typ T j = 25 ˚C (98%)T j = 175 ˚C typ T j = 175 ˚C (98%)Typ. gate chargeV GS = f (Q Gate )parameter: I D puls = 13.5 A24681012nC 15Q Gate0 24681012V16BUZ104SV G SDS maxV 0,8 DS maxV 0,2 Avalanche Energy E AS = f (T j )parameter: I D = 13.5 A, V DD = 25 VR GS = 25 Ω20406080100120140˚C 180T j0 10203040mJ60E A SDrain-source breakdown voltageV (BR)DSS = f (T j )-60-202060100140˚C 200T j50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64V66BUZ104SV (B R )D S S。