
本书的特点包括:- 精选经典作品:该书的作者在选择作品时,注重代表性和知名度,涵盖了英国文学的不同流派和时期。
- 丰富的背景信息:每个作品都附有相关的背景信息和解读,帮助读者更好地理解作品的内涵和意义。
- 学术导读:本书还提供对每篇作品的学术导读,指导读者如何进行进一步的文学研究和分析。



CHAPTER SIXTHE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (1603——1688) 1.Historical background:The Stuart: James first (1603— 1625)His son Charles I (1625—1649)Commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell (1649——1660)Charles II, the son of Charles I (1660——1665)James II, the brother of Charles II (1665——1688)1)Causes of revolutionLack of ruling skillsWorsening relationship between the parliament and the monarch Puritans’s dissatisfaction and fear of persecution2)Processes of revolutionbreaking out of the bourgeois revolution in 1642: rejection of the Grand RemonstranceThe nature of the Lord Protectorrestoration of the monarchThe Glorious Revolution in 16883)Influences of revolution(1). supremacy of Parliament(2). beginning of modern England(3). final triumph of the principle of political liberty4)The literary scene of the timea.Decline of the English Renaissance:b.Decline of drama in early 17th century to the closing of the theaters in London in 1642c.A new literary movement gathering way:a movement away from the ornamental (artificial) language, elaborate metaphors toward plainer language2.The King James Bible of 1611·Testament: covenant between God and Hebrews·The Old Testament: in Hebrew·The New Testament: in Greek·Contributions:a. influenced the English prose by its “biblical language”b. granted ordinary people access to the bible. Thus it greatly promoted the protestant movement.*Genesis·the first book of the Old Testament·Central theme:God creates the world and appoints man as his regent, but man proves disobedient and God destroys his world through the Flood.The new post-Flood world is equally corrupt, but God does not destroy it, instead calling one man, Abraham, to be the seed of its salvation. At God's command Abraham descends from his home into the land of Canaan, given to him by God, where he dwells as a sojourner, as does his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob.Jacob's name is changed to Israel, and through the agency of his son Joseph, the children of Israel descend into Egypt, 70 people in all with their households, and God promises them a future of greatness. Genesis ends with Israel in Egypt, ready for the coming of Moses and the Exodus. The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God, successively narrowing in scope from all mankind (the covenant with Noah) to a special relationship with one people alone.3.FRANCIS BACON (1561—1626)1)Question:Why did he, as Shakespeare’s contemporary belong to the next period?(1)Chief figure in English prose with his Essays(2)Aversion to medieval scholasticism(3)Progenitor of English materialism2)Characteristics of his works:(1)simple sentence structure(2) conciseness of expression(3) simplicity of diction4.Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets1)Metaphysical poetry(1)Characteristics:bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity of thought, frequent use of paradox, deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression(2)Main themes:Love, death and religion(3)Chief representative: John Donne2)Cavalier poets(1)Characteristics:Courtliness, urbanity, and polish(2)Main themes:Love, “carpe diem”(3)Chief representative: Ben Johnson【*Cavalier School】The characteristics:1)The theme2)The style:(1)shared many elements with the metaphysical school such as(2) refined, elegant language, sweet rhythm5.John Donne (1572-1631)1)His life:Born in a Roman Catholic familyWent to Oxford, Cambridge and Lincoln’s InnAs a young man known as “a greatVisitor of ladies, a great frequenter ofPlays, a great writer of conceited verses”Eloped with Ann MoreDean of St. Paul’s Cathedral2)His WorksBefore 1600: Satires, Elegies, Songs and Sonnets: 55 love lyrics 1621 to 1631: religious poems and sermons, other religious writings *SongThe characteristics exemplified by John Donne’s Song:a. The themes:………………b. The style:(1)Why metaphysical?Emphasis on intellectual power and complexity of thoughts(2)Easy-to-understand language (plain language), yet not necessarily(3)Rigid and harsh expressions(4) Unnatural rhythm and strong lines(5) Bold and ingenious conceits and incongruous imagery;(6) analogy and paradox3)Two groups of his love lyrics(1). negative attitude towards love: cynical comments on the inconsistency of women in love(2). positive attitude towards love: fiery utterances of unruly passion mixed with coarse suggestions of sensual love and morbid thoughts of deathStyle: complicated reasoning through far-fetched comparisons or “conceits”and in strange imageries and obscure language e.g. The Flea6.George Herbert(1593 –1633)a Welsh-born English poet, orator and Anglican priest1)his life:Born into an artistic and wealthy familyWent to Trinity College, Cambridge2)his worksIn 1633 published The Temple: Sacred poems and privateejaculations3)characteristics of his religious poems:Wrote religious poems characterized by a precision of language, a metrical versatility, and an ingenious use of imagery or conceits7.Ben Jonsonwas chiefly known as a dramatist. He was also a poet,the representative of Cavaliers.1)His works:(1)drama:He was famous for his Comedies of Humous(2)poem:Love lyric: Song to Celia8.JOHN MILTON, The greatest puritan poet (1608——1674)1) his life story2) Paradise Lost, a religious worka. its literary genre: epicb. (1)its main theme: the assertion of God’s Providence(2) his hatred for the returned monarch(3)his Renaissance ideal of man: the glorification of humans for their lovec. writing techniques: black verse of iambic pentameterrun-on linescomplicated sentences like LatinAllusions9.JOHN BUNYAN,The chief puritan writer of prose (1628——1688)1) his life story2)The Pilgrim’s Progress, a religious worka. its literary genre: prose in the form of allegory and dramab. Theme: its main theme: the assertion of his religious views subtheme: satires at the vice and ills of the society he lived inc. writing techniques:(1) simple and daily used expressions(2) biblical language(3) revealing his ideas in a direct and straightforward way10.JOHN DRYDEN(1631——1700),the dominant literary figure in the Restoration period heavily influencing the literary trend at the time·his life story·his literary achievements: poetry, dramas and the most important ofall: the literary criticism, of which the most well known is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy【Question after class:】In what way does the 17th century literature pave the way for the literature of the next century?。

二、经典作家与作品1. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)作为英国文学的巨擘,莎士比亚的作品贡献不可估量。
2. 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)简·奥斯汀是英国文学史上最具影响力的女作家之一。
3. 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)狄更斯是维多利亚时代的重要作家,他的作品描写了工业革命时期英国的社会问题,如贫困、不公平和人性的黑暗面。
4. 奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)王尔德是19世纪末英国文学的代表作家之一,他以其独特的幽默和讽刺风格著称。
三、推荐阅读的作品1. 《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)这是简·奥斯汀最著名的小说之一,以其幽默和独特的视角吸引了无数读者。
新编英语教程6Unit 6 Black English

Learn the PPTs about Black English
Main idea: To present the author’s opinion on the status of Black English.
What is the author’s opinion?
Para. 1
Main idea Line 4: He speaks a dialect that has a strikingly different grammar and sound system, even though to white ears the black appears to be trying to speak SE.
Less important; not as good as (quality) (1) He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself. 他喜欢与那些智力水平不如他的人共处。 (2) ...the inferior status of women in prerevolutionary Russia... 革命之前俄国妇女的低微地位 (3) Most career women make me feel inferior. 大部分职业女性让我感到自己不如她们。
Line 6- 9
Stigmatize: (stigma [ n.]) If someone or something is stigmatized, they are unfairly regarded by many people as being bad or having something to be ashamed of. Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatized. 单亲家庭的孩子们不应该受到歧视。 The AIDS epidemic further stigmatized gays. 艾滋病的流行让人们更加瞧不起男同性恋者。 They are often stigmatized by the rest of society as lazy and dirty. 他们经常被社会中的其他人污蔑为懒惰、肮脏。
罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)教材-第6章 17世纪(1603~1688)【圣才出品】

第6章17世纪(1603~1688)6.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景)(1) During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the burgher class grew in strength, but it was not yet strong enough to constitute a threat to the feudal monarch. The burghers wanted free trade but the king controlled trade and commerce and imposed heavy taxes on the merchants. For eleven years the king ruled without calling Parliament and invented all kinds of ways to raise money. In this way the monarch greatly enraged the burgher class and these policies were one of the causes of the English bourgeois revolution.在伊丽莎白女王统治时期,市民阶层正在茁壮成长,但是还不足以对封建君主造成威胁。
(2) Another cause of the bourgeois revolution was the persecution of the Puritans. Puritanism represented the interests of the bourgeoisie. Charles I took strong measures against the Puritans and many of them had to emigrate to America to escape persecution.另一个造成资产阶级革命的原因是国王对于清教徒的迫害。

Week I Assignment—Beowulf1. How many groups of early settlers came to Britain? (Please provide their names, time and place as to when and where they were from)2. How many languages were spoken at the same time in Norman England? And on what occasions were they spoken?3. From which early settlers’ languages is the modern English language derived?Anglo- Saxon4. Who was the father of English history? And what book did he wrote?5. What are King Alfred the Great’ contributions to English literature?6. Pls make a brief summary of the story of Beowulf.7. What’s the metrical feature of the Anglo-Saxon poetry; take the epic Beowulf for example?8. What’s the significance of Beowulf?9. Explain the following terms.AlliterationKenning (provide some examples)10. Scan the meter of the following lines and underline the alliterative letters in the following lines.Condemned to agony. The door gave way,Toughened with iron, at the touch of those hands.The foe then stepped onto the unstained floor,Angrily advanced: out of his eyes stood.An unlovely light like that of fire.11. Read part II on your own and find as many kennings as possible.Homework week 2 Assignment 21. Explain the following terms:Knights / romance2. Please summarize the story of Sir Gawain and Green Knight.3. Pls describe the feudal system of hierarchy in Norman England.4. What are the main themes of religious literature?5. What are the subject matters of romance?6. What conclusion can we draw about the chivalric spirit from the story of Sir Gawain?7. What’s the metrical feature of Sir Gawain and Green Knight?8. Scan the last five lines of the second stanza.Our knightAnd at that holy tideHe prays with all his mightThat Mary maybe his guideTill a dwelling comes in sight9. pls recite the second stanza of the poem.Homework Week 31. Explain : allegory2. What is John Wycliff’s contribution to English literature?3. What is heroic couplet?4. Scan the following lines:And the small fowls are making melodyThat sleeps away the night with open eye5. pls sum up the life story and writing career of Chaucer.6. What is the significance of The Canterbury Tales?7. What kind of book is The Canterbury Tales?8. In what way does Chaucer contribute to the English language?8. Pls point out the lines that present Chaucer’s mild satire upon the Prioress.9. what kind of person is the woman of Bath?Assignment 41. What is ballad?2. What are the characteristics of popular ballad?3. Explain ‘The ballad meter’4. Please scan the third stanza of Robin hood.5. pls explain the war of roses and Henry VIII’s reformation of the church.6. Please recite The Three Ravens.Assignment 51. Explain [ the English renaissance]2. [humanism]3. [gentleman]4. [religious reformation]5. What is Spenserian stanza? What is his writing style?6. Pls briefly summarize the story of Faerie Queene.7. Pls Scan stanza 17 of canto iv of the Faerie Queene.8. What are the six virtues presented in the six books of Faerie Queene?9. What are the seven sins? Also pls sum up the features of each sin described by Spencer?10. Please recite the first two stanzas.Assignment 61. What are the reasons for the flouring of drama in Renaissance England?2. Describe the English theater (take the Globe for example) .3. Who are the University wits?4. What renaissance spirit does Tamberline the great represent? And what spirit does Dr. Faustus represent?5. What is the writing style of Christopher Marlowe?6. What is blank verse? Scan the first four lines of Dr. Faustus.Homework week 7:1. What are the famous four tragedies of Shakespeare? And the famous comedies?2. Into how many periods is Shakespea re’s writing career divided?3. What are the great achievements of Shakespeare?4. What is Shakespearean sonnet? Pls recite sonnet 18!5. Is Shylock a cruel usurer or a persecuted Jew? Pls analyze Shylock’s character.6. Pls recite Portia’s famous speech on mercy versus justice; and Hamlet’s famous soliloquy. Homework week-81. What are the two main reasons for the British Bourgeois revolution?2. What is the significance of “the Glorious revolution”?3. What God created on the first six days? God’s creation of man?4. What do you know about Francis Bacon’s Philosophical view and the style of his essays?5. Pls recite Of Study.Homework week 9:1. What is metaphysical poetry? Its main theme? Its representatives?2. What is cavalier poetry? Its main theme? Representatives?3. What are the main features of John Donne’s poetry?4. What is feminine ending? And what is masculine ending?5. Recite Virtue.6. What is Miltonic style? (written/ oral)7. In what kind of genre is Milton’s Paradise Lost wr itten?8. What main theme does Paradise Lost deal with? What is the purpose of Milton’s in writing this poem?9. What sentiment is expressed in the image of Satan? And what kind of attitude should we take towards Satan in paradise Lost?10. What is the significance of the love story between Adam and Eve?Homework week 101. In what kind of genre is Milton’s Paradise Lost written?2. What main theme does Paradise Lost deal with? What is the purpose of Milton’s in writing this poem?3. What sentiment is expressed in the image of Satan? And what kind of attitude should we take towards Satan in paradise Lost?4. What is the significance of the love story between Adam and Eve?5. What is Miltonic style?6. What is the genre of Pilgrim’s Progress?7. W ho is the man in Bunyan’s dream And what book in his hand? What the burden is?8. What kind of journey did the pilgrim make? And adventure he underwent through what city?9. What is the significance of the story? And the city?10. What is Bunyan’s style? What does he criticize through his satire/Homework week 12 & Revision:1. What are the six features of 18th century English cultural life?2. What are the five characteristics of neo-classicism?3. What class and class spirit are embodied in the figure “Robinson Crusoe”?4. Please state the reasons why Defoe is regarded as a great artist (with his Moll Flanders’s entering the serious literature)?5. Why was Jonathan Swift respected by the Irish people as their National hero?6. Why is Swift’s A Mode st Propsal regarded as a bitter satire?Homework week 131. Addison and Steel launched several periodicals together. What are their aims?2. What do they mainly deal with in their essays?3. What methods do they adopt in writing the essays?4. What is Addison’s writing style?5. The Royal Exchange: how many important roles did the merchants play in Addison’s time?6. What is genre of the Rape of the Lock by A Pope?7. What is it about?8. What is the significance of An Essay on Man? What are Pope’s achi evements?9. Pls explain Augustan Age.10. Pls recite An essay on Man: Whatever Is, Is Right; and Know Then Thyself.P.S.1 pls read carefully the Royal Exchange and An Essay On man2 pls preview Johnson’s The Preface to Shakespeare; and Fielding’s Tom Jones.Homework week 141. How many periodicals did S Johnson publish?2. How did he compile A Dictionary of English Language? what is the significance of A Letter to the Right Honorable The Earl of Chesterfield?3. How many careers did Henry Fielding go in for? And what are his achievements for each career?4. How many novels did Fielding write altogether?5. What is the special genre did Fielding create in Tom Jones?6. How many parts can Tom Jones be divided into? And what does each part mainly deal with? And What aspect of English society does each part represent ?Homework week 15:1. Of what school was Thomas Gray a representative poet?2. In what way do the poets of this school deviate from the neo-classic rules?3. In What tradition is Sherid an’s masterpiece the School of Scandal written?4. What does Sheridan mainly expose in this play?5. Pls recite the first four stanzas of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.Homework week 16:1. What are the features of Burns’s poems?2. Please read Is There for Honest Poverty and answer: What kind of feeling is conveyed in this poem? And what is Burns’s attitude towards both the rich and the poor respectively?3. Please recite A Red, Red Rose.4. In what way(s) do the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience reflect the world respectively?5. What are the features of William Blake’s poetry?6. What kind of picture of the society has been drawn in London?7. pls recite The Lamb and The Tiger.。

罗经国版《新编英国文学简史(上)》第六章2 (1)

God to enjoy the supreme beauties and bounties of
Paradise, provided they do not eat the fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan desires to tear them away from the influence of God and make them tools in his struggle against God’s authority.
John Milton
Life The greatest poet and pamphleteer during the bourgeois revolution in the mid-17th century as well as the greatest author of Puritanism. Major Works Textual Study Paradise Lost The Plot of the Epic The theme of the Epic The image of Satan On His Blindness
The Image of Satan
Satan in the poem is a rebel who rises against God and, though defeated, still seeks for revenge. He is by far the most striking character in the poem. Satan is the real hero of the poem. Like a conquered and banished giant, he remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. He is firmer than the rest of the fallen angels. One can't help but admire Satan's stubbornness and determination in the face of so much which goes against him, and his incredible efforts to achieve his goals.

Point of View
Religiously, Bunyan was a devout Christian. He insisted that Biblical doctrines be the best way of life and everyone be entitled to understand Bible in his own way. He believed that man’s final salvation could be achieved only by one’s own spiritual struggle. Politically, Bunyan had a deep hatred for the corrupted and hypocritical rich who accumulated their wealth by hook and by crook (illegal way). He eulogized the truthseeking Chrisitan, who was a symbol of the virtuous common people.
Bunyan’s literary creation
The Pilgrim’s Progress: an allegory A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. Thus an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. The most famous allegory in English literature is John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s hero, Christian, makes a journey to the Celestial city, during which he meets such characters as Hope, Shame, and Despair. The symbolic meaning of the journey is the search for spiritual salvation.


Chapter 6英国文学共19页

• In the 18th century, under the influence from European enlightenment, esp. from the philosophers and writers of France, who “cleared the minds of men for the coming revolution”,
Pope’s well-known lines?
Essay on Criticism: For fools rush in where angels fear to
tread… To err is human, to forgive, divine... A little learning is a dangerous thing… Hills peep o’er hills, and Alps on Alps arise!
• What became a perfect poetic medium in
pope’s hands, and it is also the principal verse
form for the neoclassic poets? p103
• He was at best in satire and epigram, but he
• The English Classicism found exponents in Joseph Addison & Richard Steele, the essayists, and Pope, the poet, and still another exponent in Samuel Johnson.

William Blake (1757-1827)
• Son of a small London tradesman, William Blake was born on November 28, 1757. He was the most independent and the most original poet of the 18th century. AS a strange and imaginative child, his soul was more at home with brooks and flowers and fairies than with the crowd of the city streets. He never went to school, but picked up his education as well as he could. His favorite writers include such giants as Shakespeare and Milton. At the age of ten, he was sent to a drawing school, and at 14, he was apprenticed to an engraver(雕刻师) and later began to earn his living as an engraver for various publishers. But he was never prosperous in this business and remained poor and obscure all his life.
Hale Waihona Puke • During the years 1788—1793, Blake mixed a lot with such political radicals and social reformers of the time as Thomas Paine and Richard Price. At the same time, under the stimulus of the French Revolution, he wrote a series of long poems, which he called Prophecies, including the famous “The French Revolution, a Prophecy(预言)” (1791)— describing the epoch-making attack on Bastille(监狱). In the meantime, Blake also turned to the triumph of American Independence, which is well interpreted in “Visions of the Daughters of Albion and America, a Prophecy”(1783). In these poems, Blake was in sympathy with the political radicals in their revolt against priests and kings, against the slavery and the oppression and exploitation of the poor. However, he differed from them in that he cared more for what he considered to be inner spiritual liberty rather than their external political and social liberty. Besides this, Blake also wrote a prophetic satire mainly in prose—The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790), which contains “A Song of liberty” as its last section and was considered by Swinburne as the greatest of Blake’s works. This prose word is great and important for its expression of Blake’s spirit of rebellion against oppression.
外教社2024新编英国文学史教程PPT课件 Unit 6

Key Words
Insufficient evidence to support religious claim Political turbulences staged the unresolved paradox between faith and reason.
Key Words
setting shape our interpretation of the work?
2. What are the features of Neoclassicism?
Writers and Works
John Bunyan (1628-1688)
1. Enlisted in the Parliamentary army and served in the English Civil War
Paradise Lost
1. The story 2. The character of Satan
The Epic Style and Milton’s Political Standing
Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels William Blake (1808)
e.g. love, books, truth…
2. Testify arguments
“to try” or “to attempt”, to analyze with logic
Questions for Critical Thinking
1. Why did Bacon write most of his works in Latin but Essays in English?

单元标题分别为:1. 古英国文学2. 文艺复兴时期文学3. 17世纪文学:清教文学和文艺复兴戏剧4. 18世纪文学:启蒙主义文学和浪漫主义文学5. 维多利亚时期文学:十九世纪中叶的小说与诗歌6. 现代主义文学:20世纪初的实验性文学7. 后现代主义文学:20世纪后期的文学8. 当代英国文学每个单元都包括多篇经典文学作品的摘录,并附有详细的注释和解读。
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CHAPTER SIXTHE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (1603——1688)1.Historical background:The Stuart: James first (1603— 1625)His son Charles I (1625—1649)Commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell (1649——1660) Charles II, the son of Charles I (1660——1665) James II, the brother of Charles II (1665——1688)1)Causes of revolutionLack of ruling skillsWorsening relationship between the parliament and the monarchPuritans’s dissatisfaction and fear of persecution2)Processes of revolutionbreaking out of the bourgeois revolution in 1642: rejection of the Grand RemonstranceThe nature of the Lord Protectorrestoration of the monarchThe Glorious Revolution in 16883)Influences of revolution(1). supremacy of Parliament(2). beginning of modern England(3). final triumph of the principle of political liberty4)The literary scene of the timea.Decline of the English Renaissance:b.Decline of drama in early 17th century to the closing ofthe theaters in London in 1642c.A new literary movement gathering way:a movement away from the ornamental (artificial) language,elaborate metaphors toward plainer language2.The King James Bible of 1611·Testament: covenant between God and Hebrews·The Old Testament: in Hebrew·The New Testament: in Greek·Contributions:a. influenced the English prose by its “biblicallanguage”b. granted ordinary people access to the bible. Thus itgreatly promoted the protestant movement.*Genesis·the first book of the Old Testament·Central theme:God creates the world and appoints man as his regent, but man proves disobedient and God destroys his world through the Flood. The new post-Flood world is equally corrupt, but God does not destroy it, instead calling one man, Abraham, to be the seed of its salvation. At God's command Abraham descends from his home into the land of Canaan, given to him by God, where he dwells as a sojourner, as does his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob.Jacob's name is changed to Israel, and through the agency of his son Joseph, the children of Israel descend into Egypt, 70 people in all with their households, and God promises them a future of greatness. Genesis ends with Israel in Egypt, ready for the coming of Moses and the Exodus. The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God, successively narrowing in scope from all mankind (the covenant with Noah) to a special relationship with one people alone.3.FRANCIS BACON (1561—1626)1)Question: Why did he, as Shakespeare’s contemporary belong to the next period?(1)Chief figure in English prose with his Essays(2)Aversion to medieval scholasticism(3)Progenitor of English materialism2)Characteristics of his works:(1)simple sentence structure(2) conciseness of expression(3) simplicity of diction4.Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets1)Metaphysical poetry(1)Characteristics:bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity of thought, frequent use of paradox, deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression(2)Main themes:Love, death and religion(3)Chief representative: John Donne2)Cavalier poets(1)Characteristics:Courtliness, urbanity, and polish(2)Main themes:Love, “carpe diem”(3)Chief representative: Ben Johnson【*Cavalier School】The characteristics:1)The theme2)The style:(1)shared many elements with the metaphysical school such as easy-to-understand language(2) refined, elegant language, sweet rhythm5.John Donne (1572-1631)1)His life:Born in a Roman Catholic familyWent to Oxford, Cambridge and Lincoln’s InnAs a young man known as “a greatVisitor of ladies, a great frequenter ofPlays, a great writer of conceited verses”Eloped with Ann MoreDean of St. Paul’s Cathedral2)His WorksBefore 1600: Satires, Elegies, Songs and Sonnets: 55 love lyrics1621 to 1631: religious poems and sermons, other religious writings*SongThe characteristics exemplified by John Donne’s Song:a. The themes:………………b. The style:(1)Why metaphysical?Emphasis on intellectual power and complexity of thoughts (2)Easy-to-understand language (plain language), yet not necessarily easy to understand the poem(3)Rigid and harsh expressions(4) Unnatural rhythm and strong lines(5) Bold and ingenious conceits and incongruous imagery;(6) analogy and paradox3)Two groups of his love lyrics(1). negative attitude towards love: cynical comments on the inconsistency of women in love(2). positive attitude towards love: fiery utterances of unruly passion mixed with coarse suggestions of sensual love and morbid thoughts of deathStyle: complicated reasoning through far-fetched comparisons or “conceits” and in strange imageries and obscure language e.g. The Flea6.George Herbert(1593 –1633)a Welsh-born English poet, orator and Anglican priest1)his life:Born into an artistic and wealthy familyWent to Trinity College, Cambridge2)his worksIn 1633 published The Temple: Sacred poems and private ejaculations3)characteristics of his religious poems:Wrote religious poems characterized by a precision of language, a metrical versatility, and an ingenious use of imagery or conceits7.Ben Jonsonwas chiefly known as a dramatist. He was also a poet,the representative of Cavaliers.1)His works:(1)drama:He was famous for his Comedies of Humous(2)poem:Love lyric: Song to Celia8.JOHN MILTON, The greatest puritan poet (1608——1674)1) his life story2) Paradise Lost, a religious worka. its literary genre: epicb. (1)its main theme: the assertion of God’s Providence(2) his hatred for the returned monarch(3)his Renaissance ideal of man: the glorification of humans for their lovec. writing techniques: black verse of iambic pentameter run-on linescomplicated sentences like LatinAllusions9.JOHN BUNYAN, The chief puritan writer of prose (1628——1688)1) his life story2)The Pilgrim’s Progress, a religious worka. its literary genre: prose in the form of allegory and dramab. Theme: its main theme: the assertion of his religious viewssubtheme: satires at the vice and ills of the society helived inc. writing techniques:(1) simple and daily used expressions(2) biblical language(3) revealing his ideas in a direct and straightforward way10.JOHN DRYDEN(1631——1700),the dominant literary figure in the Restoration period heavily influencing the literary trend at the time·his life story·his literary achievements: poetry, dramas and the most important of all: the literary criticism, of which the most well known is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy【Question after class:】In what way does the 17th century literature pave the way for the literature of the next century?。