第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共140分)注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的ID 号、姓名、学号和座位号涂写在答题卡上。
图例: ○ 城市 1.在上图中 D 地旅游,最常见的地貌景观是 ( )2.干旱地区城市聚落多分布在1题图中哪类地貌类型上 ( )A B C D 读图,根据图中信息回答4~5题。
3.据图信息推知甲河流域此时( )A .盛行西北风B .盛行西南风●B●AC ●D ●C.受副热带高气压带控制D.潜水补给河水4.甲河流主要补给形式及出现最大汛期的季节分别是()A.冰雪融水、冬季B.大气降水、冬季C.地下水、春季D.大气降水、夏季读世界四条著名河流入海口示意图,回答5~6题。
5. 属于印度洋水系的是()A.① B.②C.③ D.④6.河流附近地区蕴藏有丰富石油资源的是()A.①②B.②③C.①④D.②④下表反映了中国、印度、美国、澳大利亚四国1997—1999年耕地总面积和人均耕地面积情况,分析表中数据回答7~8题。
7. 表中①、②、③、④代表的国家依次是( )A.澳大利亚、美国、中国、印度B.美国、澳大利亚、印度、中国C.印度、澳大利亚、中国、美国D.美国、澳大利亚、中国、印度8.①国的国土面积比③国小,但耕地面积却比③国大得多,原因是 ( )A.①国河流众多,有广阔的冲积平原B.①国受季风气候影响,干旱区面积小C.③国山区面积广大,耕地比重小D.③国人口众多,人均耕地面积小9.③④两个国家发展农业生产的不利条件中,相同的是 ( )A.热带沙漠广布B.水旱灾害频繁C.人均耕地面积低于世界平均水平D.人口稀少,劳动力不足读下面的经纬网图,图中虚线是地球公转到近日点的晨昏线,①点以西是西半球,以东是东半球。
下列分类标准合理的是①根据水溶液能否导电将化合物分为电解质和非电解质②根据反应中是否有电子的转移将化学反应分为氧化还原反应和非氧化还原反应③根据分散系是否具有丁达尔现象将分散系分为溶液、胶体和浊液④根据反应中的热效应将化学反应分为放热反应和吸热反应A .②④B .①②C .①③D .③④2.已知X 、Y 、Z 、W 四种短周期元素在周期表中的相对位置如图所示,下列说法正确的是A .Z 元素的原子半径可能比Y 元素的小B .W 的原子序数可能是Y 的原子序数的2倍C .W 的气态氢化物的稳定性一定比Y 的强D .Z 的化学活泼性一定比X 强3.下列叙述中的前后两个量之比为1 :2的是A .液面在 “ 0 ” 刻度时,25mL 碱式滴定管和50mL 碱式滴定管所盛液体的体积B .相同温度下,0.1mol /L 乙酸溶液与0.2mol /L 乙酸溶液中,c (H +)之比C .氨水与(NH 4)2SO 4溶液混合后pH=7的溶液中,c (NH +4): c (SO -24)D .相同温度下,pH=12的Ba(OH)2与pH=12的KOH 溶液中,c 〔(Ba(OH)2〕: c (KOH )4.关于下列各装置图的叙述中,正确的是A .若采用装置①精炼铜,则a 极为纯铜, b 极为粗铜,电解质溶液为CuSO 4溶液B .装置②是原电池,能将化学能转化为电能,锌电极发生还原反应C .装置③中X 若为四氯化碳,则此装置可用于吸收氨气,并防止倒吸D .装置④可用于实验室配置一定物质的量浓度的稀硫酸5.下列反应的离子方程式正确的是A .碳酸钠的水解反应:CO -23+H 3O + HCO -3+H 2O B .向100mL0.1mol/L 的FeBr 2溶液中缓慢通入标准状况下的224mLCl 2:2Fe 2++2B r -+2Cl 2=2Fe 3++Br 2+4Cl -C .在氢氧化钡溶液中滴加硫酸氢钾溶液至pH =7:Ba 2++OH -+H ++SO -24=BaSO 4↓+H 2OD .向氯化银悬浊液中加入饱和碘化钾溶液:Ag + + I -= AgI ↓6.某有机物A 是农药生产中的一种中间体,其结构简式如下,下列叙述正确的是A .有机物A 属于芳香烃B .有机物A 和浓硫酸混合加热,可以发生消去反应C .有机物A 分子中所有的碳原子都在同一平面内D .1molA 和足量的NaOH 溶液反应,最多可以消耗3molNaOH7.若氧元素只存在16O 、18O ,下列说法正确的是A .16O 2与18O 2互为同位素B .向2SO 2(g) + O 2(g)2SO 3(g) 的平衡体系中加入18O 2,达到新的平衡后18O 2只出现在O 2与SO 2中C .CH 3COOH 和CH 3CH 218OH 发生酯化反应时,产物中分子式为H 218OD .用惰性电极电解含有H 218O 的普通水时,阳极可能产生三种相对分子质量不同的氧分子8.如右图所示,表示反应2SO 2(g)+O 2 2SO 3(g),△H<0的正反应速率随时间 的变化情况,试根据此曲线判断下列说法可能正确的是( )A .t 1时增加了SO 2和O 2的浓度,平衡向正反应方向移动B .t 1降低了温度,平衡向正反应方向移动C .t 1时减小了压强,平衡向逆反应方向移动D .t 1时减小了SO 2的浓度,增加了SO 3的浓度,平衡向逆反应9.已知A 、B 、C 是中学化学的常见物质,它们在一定条件下有如下转化关系: ⑴ 若A 能使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝;C 为红棕色气体。
武汉市2012届高中毕业生五月供题训练03 物理
14.自然界中某个量D 的变化量ΔD ,与发生这个变化所用时间Δt 的比值tD∆∆,叫做这个量D 的变化率。
下列说法正确的是:ABDA .若D 表示某质点做匀速直线运动的位移,则tD∆∆是恒定不变的 B .若D 表示某质点做平抛运动的速度,则tD∆∆是恒定不变的 C .若D 表示某质点的动能,tD∆∆越大,质点所受外力做的总功就越多 D .若D 表示穿过某线圈的磁通量,tD∆∆越大,线圈中的感应电动势就越大15.如图所示,一轻质弹簧其上端固定在升降机的天花板上,下端悬挂一小球,在升降机沿竖直方向向下匀速运动的过程中,小球相对于升降机静止。
若升降机突然停止运动,设空气阻力可忽略不计,弹簧始终在弹性限度内,且小球不会与升降机的内壁接触,则以升降机为参照系,小球在继续下降的过程中: CA .速度逐渐减小,加速度逐渐减小B .速度逐渐增大,加速度逐渐减小C .速度逐渐减小,加速度逐渐增大D .速度逐渐增大,加速度逐渐增大16.一理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比为n 1:n 2=10:1,原线圈与正弦交流电源连接,输入电压u 随时间t 变化的规律如图所示,副线圈只接入一个10Ω的电阻,则:DA .通过电阻的电流最大值为2.2 AB .与电阻并联的电压表示数为31.1 VC.电阻在1 s内产生的热量为96.8 JD.变压器的输入功率约为48.4 W17.如图所示,相距为L的两质点A、B沿相互垂直的两个方向以相同的速率v在同一平面内做匀速直线运动。
运动过程中,A、B间的最短距离为:AA L B.LC D.2L18.某集装箱吊车的交流电动机输入电压为380 V,当吊车以0.1 m/s的速度匀速吊起总质量为5.7×103 kg的集装箱时,测得电动机的电流为20A,g取10m/s2。
2012届高考生物综合训练题 4
2012高考生物综合训练题 4本试卷分选择题和非选择题(含选做题)两部分,共10页,满分150分。
在答题卡右上角的“试室号”栏填写本科目试室号,在“座位号”列表内填写座位号,并用 2B 铅笔将相应的信息点涂黑。
该化合物一定不能A.与抗原发生特异性结合 B.携带氨基酸到核糖体C.降低化学反应的活化能 D.携带氨基酸进入细胞4.下列哪一细胞结构不含有磷脂A.线粒体B.高尔基体 C.溶酶体 D.中心体5.当牛的精原细胞进行DNA复制时,细胞中不可能发生A.基因重组 B.DNA解旋 C.基因突变 D.蛋白质合成6.某植物培养液中含有甲、乙、丙3种离子,它们对植物的生长都有影响。
1. 根据图中提供的信息,判断该地区的气候类型是()A. 亚热带季风气候B. 温带季风气候C. 温带海洋性气候D. 地中海气候2. 该地区位于()A. 我国东北B. 我国江淮地区C. 日本本州岛D. 俄罗斯远东地区3. M所在的山地与N处的相对高度可能为()A. 650米B. 350米C. 700米D. 450米2008年1月中旬至2月初,我国南方地区出现罕见的强降温并普降大雪,湖南、贵州和我省北部山区遭受严重雪灾,造成大面积地区停电和严重的交通阻塞。
4.该地降雪最多的地区海拔高度约为:A.1600mB.1500mC.1300mD.1000m5.我国南方局部地区出现大范围暴雪和冻雨等恶劣天气,其形成的自然原因是:①南方地区减灾、防灾设备不足②北方地区冷空气活动频繁③西南暖湿气流活跃④受厄尔尼诺现象的影响A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.②④2011年3月以来,俄罗斯拟恢复征收无子女税,无子女家庭每月须上缴6%的薪水。
A.进升急需固然 B.晋升亟待当然C.晋升亟待固然 D.进升急需当然4.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是()A.我记得,父亲对我们兄弟三人从没有过好脸色,有时耳提面命,甚至棍棒相加。
中考五选四专项训练一、考察特点:1. 词汇方面注重对于词汇和搭配的考察。
2. 语法方面考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力。
3. 逻辑方面考察上下文联系二、解题步骤:Step 1:详读选项,词分类详细的理解这10个单词,熟悉的单词标明词性和词义,不熟悉的单词或者不认识的单词只需标明词性。
注意:1. 动词分为谓语动词和非谓语动词。
过去分词有两种可能性(形容词和动词的过去分词), 因此要根据动词的形式结合文章进行相应的时态或者语态的判断。
2. 不认识的词要看后缀。
构词法中, 前缀区分意思, 后缀区分词性。
3. 做出相应的标记。
Step 2:略读全文,定中心首先略读整篇文章,确定文章的中心或主要说明的问题。
Step 3:瞻前顾后,灵活选词性分类之后,回到原文中,根据划分句子结构,确定所要填的词性,然后从分类好的单词中选择出词性、意思、语法都符合要求的最佳选项。
Step 4: 复核检查,定结果迅速的确定答案,确定答案之后迅速的复查。
eg:T eacher are helpful to students. (名词)eg:They always try their best to help their students.(代词)eg:Learning a foreign language is very useful. (动名词)此外,形容词前加the也可作主语。
五选四训练一(2012朝阳一模)I’d just got in a taxi at the railway station when suddenly I found one of my suitcases (手提箱) missing. Just then, I saw a young man, not very far, opening it and taking out valuables. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” I shouted and threw open the car door and rushed out to him, followed by the driver and some passers-by. 60 . My driver caught him by the neck and took out the valuables from his trouser pocket and put them back into my suitcase.Half an hour later, I sat back in the taxi and breathed a sight of relief (松了一口气). But as I checked those stolen things, I became very surprised, unable to speak. 61 . And a blood test report of a 58-year-old woman appeared. I suddenly realized that the taxi driver must have mistaken the thief’s things and put his into my suitcase.62 . But this story keeps coming back to me. Was the young man a habitual thief or a dutiful son who had been driven to find money to save his mother’s life?63 . How I wish I had gone back that afternoon to return the money and the report and say sorry to him. For the first time in my life, I realized that hate and love are very close.A. My heart aches for himB. Two years has passed since thenC. The train left the station very quicklyD. Very soon we caught up with the thiefE. Before my eyes was 200 yuan instead of 100五选四训练二(2012东城一模)Have you ever wondered why toy bears are called Teddy Bears? Why not Harry or Joe or Jane? 60 . The president was Teddy Roosevelt. He was the 26th president of the United States. In 1902 Roosevelt went bear hunting(狩猎)with some friends. 61 . He couldn’t seem to find anything. His friends found a black bear, and tie d it to a tree. They thought that Roosevelt would want to shoot it with his gun. When Roosevelt saw the bear, he refused to kill it. Shooting a bear tied to a tree wasn’t fair!62 .A newspaper artist heard the story of the bear hunt and drew a cartoon about it. 63 . He made a toy bear. Later he was allowed to use President Roosevelt’s name for the bears he made. The “Teddy Bear” wa s born!A. He let the bear goB. They had a good time in the forestC. However, his hunt was going poorly that dayD. Morris Michtom, owner of a toy store, saw the cartoonE. The answer comes from a story about a U.S. president and a bear五选四训练三(2012昌平一模)Eating too much food makes you fat and this is very bad for your heart. There are two things to do. 60 . Eat food with proteins and vitamins. Fish and meat have a lot of protein in them. Fruit and vegetables have lots of vitamins. You need to eat some fat but don’t eat too much.61 . Also drink lots of water or fruit juice. Don’t drink too much coca cola because it’s bad for your teeth!Do some anaerobic exercise every day. 62 . The important thing is to keep moving until you breathe quickly and your heart beats fast. The heart gets stronger when it works hard. This helps your blood go around your body better.63 . Smoking is bad for your heart, and your health.A. Because it’s not good for your heartB. You can go swimming or do walkingC. Eat healthily and take lots of exerciseD. Second, do as much exercise as you canE. Finally, don’t smoke if you want to be fit五选四训练四(2012房山一模)Jay Chou was born in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quiet and shy kid. 60 So people thought he would never be successful in life.As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music. 61 . He loved it and kept on practicing. When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs. Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. 62 . His first album (专辑)came out in 2000, and soon he became quite popular.Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn’t talk much or smile.He doesn’t speak clearly when he sings or talks.63 Most of his fans like him because he never follows others.A. But he has a lot of fans.B. He didn’t do very well in schoolwork.C. He lived with his grandmother when he was young.D. For two years, he spent most of his time writing songs.E. His mother sent him to learn the piano when he was only three years old.五选四训练五(2012密云一模)A. Some people say it’s a silly name for a dogB. My older sister also goes to workC. He goes everywhere with meD. I like most sports, tooE. He likes barking(叫)every dayHi,Mike,Glad to hear from you! I’d really like to be your pen pal. I think Internet pal is a better name, isn’t it?I’m the same age as you are and I’m in Grade 9 at junior high school. I live with my mom and my older sister.My mom works. She’s a nurse.60 , so I look after myself a lot of the time. My dad doesn’t live with us but I see him once a week. He takes me to football games.61 , but my favorite sport is American football. I watch my team play every Sunday. They always win the games. They are the best in the league.My best friend is my dog. His name is Abe, after Abraham Lincoln. 62 , but I like the name, and so does my dog! He looks like a mixture of every day you’ve ever seen. I got him from the City Dog Pound. When he saw me, he wagged his tail, and I knew we were going to be friends. 63 .When I do my homework, he stays near my desk.When I sleep, Abe sleeps on my bed!Write to me soon. Tell me something about Paris.Sincerely Yours,Bob五选四训练六(2012大兴一模)David Beckham was born on 2nd May, 1975, in London. When he was a young boy, he play ed football whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends. 60 . This led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy at secondary school he played for not only his school but also his country team.On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United. 61 . On 2nd April, 1995, he played his first major football league game against Leeds United. During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.62 . In the first game of the 1996/7 season, he scored an amazing goal from beyond the halfway line. Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, David sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. He continued to score astonishing goals, especially from free-kicks.David Beckham is a great player, but he is different from most other players . He has a real love for football. 63 . He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member. He also has his feet on the ground and behaves in a very natural and relaxed way.A. David Beckham is 180 cm tall and weighs 47kgB. He won a prize at the age of twelveC. When he is training, he never restsD. David Beckham became very famous overnightE. This means that he could practice football as much as he wanted to五选四训练七(2012丰台一模)Two men are in the same room of a hospital. 60_______. One man has to lie on his back all day.Every day, the man sitting up by the window tells the other about things outside.“Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake.” “61_______.” The other man is happy to hear about all the activities and colors of the world outside.Days and weeks pass. 62_______. The other man asks the nurse to move his bed next to the window.Finally he can sit up to see the outside, but he is very disappointed. All he can see is a white wall!“But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says.“He was blind. 63_______. He just wanted you to live with hope,” says the nurse.A. He couldn’t even see the wallB. One morning, the man by the window diesC. The girls are so beautiful in their summer dressesD. He missed his roommate very muchE. Both of them are very ill五选四训练八(2012海淀一模)I’ve been singing and performing poems since I was six years old. I used to sing for my mother’sfriends.I have written three books of poems and songs. I gave all the money from the books to children’s charities. Money from the second book was spent on homeless children in Bosnia.I visit patients at a local hospital eve ry Saturday morning. I talk and sing for them. I guess that’s what’s really fulfilling(令人满意的)to me when I sing to someone who is dying, and someone who is really sick and who doesn’t even know what’s happening.Everyone can give love, and love is what everyone wants. That’s a really important lesson tome. Making someone happy makes you happy, and they go on and make others happy and it’s like a chain(链). You change when you get older, but love is ageless. Love is the same when you are7, 13, or102years old.A. Love is a chain of givingB. But now I am singing for people in needC. I visit people in the old people’s homeD. Money from my first look went to a school for deaf kids in MontanaE. I feel proud when I see a smile on that person’s face五选四训练九(2012怀柔一模)A. It seems that some people phone the hotlines for fun.B. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about.C. Some young children phone the hotline in order to take part in games.D. Others show great interest in hotlines.E. It is necessary for the radio station to improve the hotline program.Hotlines have become common in China. Some radio broadcasting stations(广播电台)use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk show. Are you interested in hotline?That’s a good idea. Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole program. Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they even do not know what the host is talking about.60.___________Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express his hope and show his ignorance (无知). Then the host has to answer and explain how silly this is ! It wastes a lot of time.61.____________ They just want to let the listeners hear them. They do not care about what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be.I am really bored by those people. 62.________________ In my opinion, if a caller does not know what is going on, the operator should not let the caller take part in it.63.______________Some radio or TV stations hold the hotline in order to get more money from the children. So if your phone fee goes up quickly suddenly, maybe your son or daughter often phone hotline.五选四训练十(2012顺义一模)A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said to him, “60 . You bring your grades up. Study yo ur Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we will talk about it” A month later, the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said, “61 You have br ought your grades up, yo u’ve studied your Bible diligently, 62 ” The young man waited a moment and then replied, “You know, Dad. I’ve been thinking about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah. had long hair, and even Jesus(耶稣)had long hair.” His father replied, “Yes son,63 ” The son stood there still and thought hard on what his father had just said to him.A. I’m really proud of you.B. I’ll make a deal with youC. but you didn’t get hair cut.D. what you are thinking is rightE. and they walked everywhere they went.五选四训练十一(2012通州一模)My earliest childhood memory was about kindergarten (幼儿园). My father was a doctor, my mother was a teacher. __60__. They had no time to look after my younger sister and me.When I was five years old, I was sent to a kindergarten with my sister. It was not far from our home. __61__, because I didn't like staying with strangers. I wanted my parents to take me back home, so I cried very loudly there. __62__. She was crying so much that I stopped, because I had to be a big girl. My parents told me to be brave and look after my sister, and I listened to them. In fact, my teachers were very kind to us, they often told stories and taught us to sing and dance. It was very interesting. __63__, so it was a happy memory.五选四训练十二(2012平谷一模)I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came. I was waiting for a letter from my friend Sam, so I picked the letter up and looked through them. I wasn’t surprise to see that there were some bills. There was an i nvitation to a party. There wasn’t a letter from Sam.60 , it shows some birds and the sea. What a nice picture!I turned the postcard over. It wasn’t easy to read.61 . I didn’t know who wrote it? I tried to read any o f the words. I could read “Dear Tom, I’m having a lovely time in….” Then the writing became unclear.62 . Who had gone to the seaside? I couldn’t think of anyone! It was a mystery(谜团). There was another mystery too. Where was Sam’s letter?Just then the phone rang. It was Sam! “I’m calling to see if you got any postcard,” he said. “We are at the seaside, not in London. We changed our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk. 63 . I’m sorry I didn’t write a letter. We’ve been so busy.”Both mysteries were solved!五选四训练十三(2012门头沟一模)Jenny was my grandmother’s sister and she was an amazing(神奇的) woman. 60 It was a pity that she didn’t live to celebrate her 100th birthday, but she had a good, long life.She had been a teacher before many women had jobs. She taught in Africa for many years.61 At that time, people didn’t travel by plane, so she had to travel there by ship. It took her three months to sail from England to Malaysia in those days. I n 1947, she traveled by plane for the firsttime. 62 She continued to teach around the world until she was 75 years old.Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at telling stories. I always loved to hear her talk about her stories. They were so interesting that I would like to listen to her when I was free. It was amazing that she could remember everything even though she was so old.63 My grandmother’s sister was really an amazing woman.A. This made traveling much easier and easier.B. She was born in 1912 and died in 2011.C. I think it was because she never stopped working and thinking.D. She was not interesting.E. Then she moved to Malaysia and taught English there for a few years.五选四训练十四(2012石景山一模)Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. 60. __________? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On theother hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.61. __________. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them.Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. 62. __________.In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their ow n family names and not using their husbands’. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations and their husbands’ in other situations. 63. __________.A. And some use both of themB. Is it good or bad to change namesC. Why do some people change their namesD. But with his family, he uses Li KaimingE. People have many reasons for changing their names五选四训练十五(2012西城一模)The oldest person in the world has died in her sleep at the age of 115. Her name is Gertrude Baines. 60 , following the death of Portuguese Maria. Ms. Baines was born in Georgia in 1894. She grew up in the southern American state. She saw many changes in her life. 61 . She had a child when she was just fifteen. Gertrude received a Guinness World Records certificate (证书) on her 115th birthday. 62 . During her whole life, she never did drink, she never did smoke and she always ate healthy food. Her doctor said Ms. Baines had been “in excellent shape” just two days before her death. “She was quite smart. She smiled very often,” he said. Ms. Baines became famous in 2008 for voting (投票) for President Obama in theU.S. 6663 . The first was for John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. She lived to see 21 different American presidents. She told reporters she chose Mr. Obama “because he’s for the colored people”.五选四篇训练十六(2012延庆一模)In the early 20th century, most western people didn’t know much about Asia and its people. However, one woman helped to change that. 60 . Pearl was born in 1892 and moved to Asia when she was only three months old. She lived in a church with her father and her childhood friends were mostly the children of Chinese farmers. Most of the people who lived around in the countryside were very poor. 61 .Pearl moved back to America in 1934. She began to write books about her experiences in China. 62 , and in 1938, she won the Noble Prize for her novel The Good Earth. She became known as “the Marco Polo” for reintroducing Asia to West.63 . She also tried to change people’s attitudes. She became active in many movements in the United States. From the day of her move to the US, Pearl was active in American civil rights and women's rights activities. Her experiences in China influenced her thinking, not only about Asia but also about her own country. Pear died in March, 1973, just two months before her eighty-first birthday.A. The woman was Pearl S. BuckB. Her books were huge successC. So she could understand these people’s feelingsD. People loved Pearl very muchE. Pearl did more than just write stories about Asia五选四篇训练十七(2012丰台二模)A police officer pulled a car over. When he walked up to the car, a man rolled down (摇下) the window. “__60___” he asked.The policeman answered: “I stopped you for running that red light behind you.”Just then the man’s wife leaned forward from the passenger’s seat and said in a very loud voice: “I told him to stop at that light. But did he listen? No. __61___”The man turned to his wife and shouted: “Shut up!”The policeman continued: “And just before the light I clocked (测速) you doing 50 miles (80km) per hour.__62___”His wife leaned forward again and whined (埋怨): “I told him to slow down. But did he listen to me? No! Henever listens to me.”__63___ “Shut up! I told you to SHUT UP!”The policeman looked at the woman and asked: “Does he always talk to you this way?”To which the woman replied: “Only when he has been drinking.”A. He just kept right on going.B. Again the man shouted at his wife,C. He’s just listening to music.D. What’s the problem, officer?D. The speed limit is only 30.五选四篇训练十八(2012东城二模)Armida Scarpa is an English teacher. She believes that stories can be used from the very beginning. She uses a real text of Goldilocks with her class. 60 . They are in their second year at school. They are learning to read in Italian, and have En glish three times a week. She doesn’t expect the children to learn the difficult grammar. 61 . She only asks them to really learn the words. This method is to give children an experience of real English and allows the teacher to use almost any story. 62 and if the teacher uses it carefully, the children can understand it.Children are used to living in a world where they do not understand a lot of things. 63 , but they can also notice all the other information around them. If we deprive (剥夺) children of every experience except those we want them to master, then we take away the chance for them to experience this natural growth.A. Most children take what we find for themB. But she does want to show them that they can make sense of themC. Her class are a group of seven-year-old pupilsD. If the children like the storyE. Because they are interested in the story五选四篇训练十九(2012海淀二模)Maria Martinez is remembered today as the maker of beautiful pottery. Her pottery is in museums all over the world.60 She lived in New Mexico in America. As a young woman, Maria was known for the fine pots she made. Maria and the other village women made pots for their families. They also sold pots to visitors.In 1908, some archaeologists (考古学家) found broken bits of pottery in Maria’s village. They belonged to Americans who lived there 700 years before.61 They were thinner than Maria’s pots. The finds influenced her art. Maria decided to make such a pot. Her husband helped her. They had to find a way to make the pot thinner. Maria knew the clay she used would not work. A thin pot made out of that clay would crack (破裂) easily. Maria mixed different amounts of clay, sand, and water. 62 Maria produced many pots in her lifetime. 63 They are keeping the old ways alive just as Maria had done before.A. Her son and grandson also learned how to make beautiful pots.B. At last, she discovered a mix that would not crack.C. Maria taught her husband how to make pots.D. Then the archaeologists showed them to Maria.E. Maria was born around 1881.五选四篇训练二十(2012顺义二模)A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. 60._____ Except for writing with his toes (脚趾头), he could hardly do anything in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of problems and they often argued. 61._____ So he was very sad and didn’t know what to do.62._______ Though her elder sister wanted to take care of her, she decided to be completely independent. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her composition, “I am lucky. Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. 63.______ ”One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote “My younger brother’s arms are my arms” while the girl wrote “Broken wings, flying heart”.A. A girl lost her hands because of a fire.B. Then one day, his younger brother left him.C. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly.D. Then they started to learn to do everything by themselves.E. Since then, he had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.五选四篇训练二十一(2012朝阳二模)A program is very popular with the children at St. Sava Orthodox School.Students are given warm, winter hats if they read enough books. The hats are gifts from a woman who lives in Colorado. She knits (编织) each hat by hand. 60 .The woman is called Nora. 61 . She is a retired (退休的) geographer.Nora enjoys knitting hats. She thinks the hats are a way to get children to read more. And they help her have a sense of purpose. They also give her a connection with children.Mary Lee, a high school teacher says that the program encourages students to read more than before. “If children read books while they are young, they will read books before they pick up anything else,” she said. “Some of those students are reading because it gives them a goal. ___62 .”Nora said she hoped that more and more people would knit hats or do something else to help children read more books. It’s not only good for children, but also good for themselves. ___63.A. She is 80 years oldB. Their parents are very happy to do thatC. She spends about three hours on each oneD. So try to do something to help the children.E. They probably won’t read so many books without the program五选四篇训练二十二(2012大兴二模)Joanne Rowling was born in England. She wrote her first story at the age of five or six. At school her favorite subject was English and she used to make up stories with her friends. When she left school, she studied in Paris for a year to learn French. 60 However, most of all she wanted to write!In 1992, she left England to go to Portugal(葡萄牙) to teach English. While she was there she got married to a journalist and had a daughter. A few years later, Joanne returned to live in Scotland. 61 While she was there, she finished her story about Harry Potter, a young boy who is a wizard(术士).Then one day, in 1997, she found a publisher(出版商). She was very excited and happy! To her surprise, her book was sold in millions! It won many prizes! 62Everybody wanted to read about Harry Potter. Her stories have been translated into manylanguages. 63 Joanne Rowling has written several more books about Harry Potter and all of them have sold millions of copies. Some of these later books are also being made into films.A. So Joanne became very rich and famous.B. It took her over one year to write her first book.C. After university, she experienced all sorts of different jobs.D. And they can now be read all over the world.E. She had very little money and lived in a very small flat.五选四篇训练二十三(2012密云二模)It’s very common for students’marks to fall. Sometimes it is because of situations(情况)outside school, such as problems at home. 60 .When your marks start to fall, you should try to talk to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you find difficult. 61 . It does not matter if other students get higher exam marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. 62 ,you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the most important things you have written in a shorter form. Look through your shorter notes again just before the exam. You will be surprised when you find you remember so much. It may take hard work and your marks may not improve quickly. 63 Soon you will find your marks begin to climb again.A.Stop comparing your marks with other students’B.Never play computer games for a long timeC.Before each examD.Sometimes it is only because the exams get harderE.But let your confidence(自信)rise by every mark五选四篇训练二十四(2012石景山二模)I’ll remember the first carnival(狂欢节). 60. __________. My parents came from Jamaica and they helped to start carnival. We had very little money, but we made costumers from old bits of material and feathers, and colourful masks. We decorated old lorries, so that we could ride on them through the streets. It took us six months to get ready.But on the big day, all our hard work had been worth it. People of all ages, from babies to grandparents, black and white, danced together in the street. 61. __________. The music was played on anything made of metal: it was very noisy.There were people watching from the windows of every house. We ate all our favourite Jamaican food, washed down with beer. 62. __________– but carnival helps you forget the weather!When the carnival got too big, those old streets became too narrow for such big crowds(人群). Some people said they felt frightened by the large crowds and the noise. We were worried that carnival would be banned(禁止). Then we found an answer – everything was moved to a wider and safer street. 63.__________.A. It was in the 1960sB. The weather was wetC. The policemen danced, tooD. But sometimes it’s too crazyE. So carnival should continue for years.五选四篇训练二十五(2012延庆二模)One day, while I was walking along the street, I noticed a piece of wood. 60. . I picked him up and found he was badly hurt. I took it home as quickly as possible.After several days, the cat got well. The cat was very small. 61. . So I called it Little Bit. At that time, I loved Little Bit very much. Wherever I went, I always took him. Any time I was home, he never left my side.62. . I spent my most of my time with my friends. I would come in the house on my phone and not make time for Little Bit at all.Until one day, I found something was wrong with him and I took him to the pet hospital, but they could do nothing. 63. .Little Bit’s death made me realize how much he meant to me. I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always remember the special memories we made.A. However, I grew upB. I could even put him into my pocketC. Under the wood was a small black catD. My parents loved him very muchE. The poor cat filled my arms and died五选四篇训练二十六(2012西城二模)五选四篇训练二十七(2012平谷二模)I was talking to my mom yesterday about when I was a baby. 60 . I don’t remember much about when I was a small baby. 61 . I haven’t always lived in LA. I was born near Des Moines, Iowa. It’s a small farming town in America. We lived with my grandparents on their farm. It was in the middle of wheat fields. We moved to LA when my dad changed jobs. I was eight years old. 62 .I had to catch the bus to school. I had to stand on the road by our farm at 7 am and wait. If the bus was late, I waited for the bus. If I was late, the bus driver waited for me! If I was sick, someone went down to the road to tell the driver I wasn’t coming.63 , we all spent a lot of time on our own, or with brothers and sisters. But we soon made friends. It was good to be with kids of our own age. My best friend was Sam. He was very naughty!A. Because many of the students came from farmsB. I remember lots of things about when I was smallC. So my first school was in Des Moines, IowaD. But my mom has told me about thatE. We flied kites happily五选四篇训练二十八(2012通州二模)When you go to a new school, you may be nervous. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. 53.____. Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. How do people make friends?Zhang Fang and Liu Ying are best friends. They have been friends since their first day at school. Zhang Fang is happy almost all the time and very friendly. Liu Ying is a quiet girl. 54.____.Zhang Fang and Liu Ying are both interested in the same things, and they listen to each other’s problems. 55.____. Liu Ying likes to listen. They are both good at different school subjects, for example: Zhang Fang is good at history and English. 56.____. So they help each other with their homework too!。
荆州市2012年高三生物综合训练题(五)江陵一中一、选择题1. 有人取同种生物的不同类型细胞,检测其基因表达,结果如右下图。
下列有关图示的分)析正确的是(3 中,控制呼吸酶合成的基因最有可能是基因1~8A.在基因细胞,胰岛素基因分子探针可以检测到是胰岛A.若细胞B5mRNA相应的7 与、5C.功能最为近似和差异最大的细胞分别是1与6 完全不同,导致细胞的形态和.细胞分化使不同细胞中RNAD 功能各不相同)下列关于二倍体生物四幅图的描述正确的是( 2.c阶段用秋水仙素能抑制纺锤体的形成b阶段X射线照射可诱发突变,.图A1中 b时酶分子肽键断裂B.图2中的温度在点由于气孔关闭,不能进行光合作用中cC.图3bc段可能不含同源染色体.图4中造成D ( )3. 下列关于病毒的叙述中,错误的是.没有独立的代谢活动,因此不能用动物或植物组织培养液单独培养。
A B.人类免疫缺陷病毒感染可导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症。
C .病毒作为基因工程的运载体,利用了病毒的侵染特性。
D 为探究影响扦插枝条生根的因素,某兴趣小组以同一植物的枝条为材料,用营养素和4.得到的实验结果如右下图所示。
下列推断正确的是处理后,生长调节剂X.营养素对根的形成无明显影响A 对不同枝条的生根均具有促进作用 B.生长调节剂X 均有利于根的形成 C.营养素和生长调节剂X 类似作用的物质 D.叶片可能产生与生长调节剂X 25℃℃、将某种植物置于CO浓度适宜、水分充足的环境中,温度分别保持在515℃、5. 2中的吸收速率,得到图1所示的结果。
处理图1℃下,改变光照强度,测定和 35CO21专心爱心用心.有关数据得到图2、图3。
下列叙述不正确的是()浓度7时限制CO的吸收速率的因素可能是温度或CO5 A.℃光强大于22时,限制植物光合作用速率的内因可能是色素含量偏低B.25 ℃光强为2 ℃下该植物最大光合作用速率的变化表示在5℃-35C.图2 ℃表示在5-35℃下该植物呼吸作用速率的变化D.图3某山区实施退耕还林之后,群落经过数十年的演替发展为树林。
2012年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试预测题1语文一、语文知识(每小题4分,共40分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.摭.拾(zhã)迷惘.(wǎnɡ) 歇憩.(qì) 开天辟.地(pì)B.甄.别(zhēn) 思忖.(cǔn)蠕.动(rǔ) 恪.尽职守(kâ)C.濡.染(rú) 熨.帖(yù)肴馔.(zhuàn) 铩.羽而归(shā)D.迸.发(bânɡ) 麻痹.(bì)犄.角(jī) 曝.背谈天(bào)【】2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.甄别腥红亲和力声名鹊起 B. 迂腐乔迁舶来品两全齐美C. 福祉喝彩挖墙角甘之如饴D. 真谛整饬明信片共商国是【】3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是()①这场争夺无名高地的激战整整 _____ 了八个小时。
②封建王朝的统治者多次在这里 _____ 怎样镇压农民起义。
③铜鼓出土时口朝上,鼓面朝下, _____ 了铜鼓起源于铜釜的说法。
A .继续策划证明B .持续策划证实C .持续策动证实D .继续策动证明【】4.下列各句加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A、1941年7月9日,近代著名教育家、出版家,简化汉字的始作俑者....陆费逵病逝于香港。
2012届高考英语 能力训练5
能力训练(五)(限时40分钟)21.【A】【B】【C】【D】 41.【A】【B】【C】【D】 51.【A】【B】【C】【D】22.【A】【B】【C】【D】 42.【A】【B】【C】【D】 52.【A】【B】【C】【D】23.【A】【B】【C】【D】 43.【A】【B】【C】【D】 53.【A】【B】【C】【D】24.【A】【B】【C】【D】 44.【A】【B】【C】【D】 54.【A】【B】【C】【D】25.【A】【B】【C】【D】 45.【A】【B】【C】【D】 55.【A】【B】【C】【D】26.【A】【B】【C】【D】 46.【A】【B】【C】【D】 56.【A】【B】【C】【D】【E】【F】27.【A】【B】【C】【D】 47.【A】【B】【C】【D】 57.【A】【B】【C】【D】【E】【F】28.【A】【B】【C】【D】 48.【A】【B】【C】【D】 58.【A】【B】【C】【D】【E】【F】29.【A】【B】【C】【D】 49.【A】【B】【C】【D】 59.【A】【B】【C】【D】【E】【F】30.【A】【B】【C】【D】 50.【A】【B】【C】【D】 60.【A】【B】【C】【D】【E】【F】一、完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)( 09年广州一模)Grasslands need time to recover when cattle and other animals feed on them. Moving animals from one field to another can provide the 21 needed for new growth. This is called rotational grazing(轮流放牧), and here’s more about how it 22 .Rotational grazing is good for the land and the animals, and it can save money. This farm of grazing can decrease the need for pesticides(杀虫剂) by reducing the 23 of weeds. And it can 24 the need for chemical fertilizers by letting animal waste do the job of natural fertilizer. Rotational grazing can even help prevent wildfires by keeping 25 in good condition.Letting animals feed constantly in the same grazing areas can require 26 planting. Animals eat the most 27 growth first. When that keeps happening, the roots do not have enough time to recover. 28 , less wanted plants may replace them. Heavily used grassland are also harmed as the soil is 29 pressed down under the weight of heavy animals.While rotational grazing can save money over time, it also requires 30 . And that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supplies and grazing areas.21.A.cattle B. time C. space D. help22.A.works B. happens C. does D. grows23.A.cost B. size C. growth D. availability24.A.spread B. meet C. dismiss D. limit25.A.soil B. cattle C. grasslands D. weeds26.A.costly B. unnecessary C. priceless D. immediate27. A. rapid B. common C. necessary D. desirable28. A. On the other hand B. In short C. As a result D. In fact29. A. surprisingly B. continually C. gently D.accidentally30. A. training B. planning C. co-operation D. determinationⅢ.阅读(共两节,满分40分)( 09年广州一模)AThirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my father, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely mad would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for meat a local auction. I named him Cowboy.Cowboy was without a doubt the ug liest horse in the world. But I didn’t care. I lovedhim beyond all reason.I joined a riding club and suffered rude comments and mean snickers about Cowboy’s looks.I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful, registered horses.When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate. No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty.My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. I chose the jumping race.One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons. Needless to say, she didn’t feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn’t need to. I came in next to last.The stinging memory of Becky’s smirks made me determined to beat her. For the whole next month I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena (赛马场). We practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home totally exhausted.All of our hard work didn’t make me feel confident by the time the show came. I sat atthe gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the courseand finish in first place.My turn finally came. I put on my hat, rubbed Cowboy’s neck and entered the arena. Atthe signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped it without trouble and raced on tothe next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird andI turned him toward the finish line.As we crossed the line the crowd was shocked into silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Beckyand her fancy horse by two seconds!I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what th e odds, I’d always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to workfor it.41. The underlined expression "shown the gate" (paragraph 4) most probably means " ".A. told how to enter the arenaB. shown how to make the horse beautifulC. removed from the competition earlyD. told to enter the timed-speed events42. Why was the writer not confident of victory?A. He was an inexperienced rider.B. He had not practiced enough.C. He believed he was unpopular with the crowd.D. He thought his horse wasn’t as good as the others.43. When the final race finished, nobody cheered because .A. the audience didn’t like CowboyB. people envied the writerC. the win was unexpectedD. the writer bad run out of time44. What did the writer learn from his experience?A. Life can sometimes be unfair.B. Anything is possible if one tries hard enough.C. A positive attitude will bring success.D. One should not make judgments based on appearance.45. The best title for the story is .A. A Run to RememberB.A Horse’s TaleC. Neck and NeckD.A Difficult AgeBIs the woman pictured on the right more attractive than the woman on the left?The photograph on the right was changed using a new "beauty making" computer program, which uses a mathematical formula involving 234 measurements of distances between facial features to get a theoretically more attractive version, while keeping the basic appearance of the face unchanged. Unlike changes done in fashion magazine photos, wrinkles were not smoothed and hair color was not changed.The program is the latest attempt to combine beauty and science, a subject that has drawn increasing academic interest in the last decade.Studies have shown there is surprising agreement among people of different cultures about what makes a face attractive. Most important is symmetry (匀称), along with youthfulness, skin smoothness and vivid eyes and hair color. Yet, like the many other scientific or mathematical attempts to define beauty, this software program raises complex and difficult questions about the understanding of beauty."How can they prove something is more or less beautiful?" said Lois Banner, a history professor at Chicago University, who studies changing beauty standards. "There can never be a single standard of beauty because so much of it is culturally influenced."After viewing "before" and "after" photographs of different people, Banner said the original faces were more attractive. "Irregular beauty is the real beauty," said Banner, adding that attempts to measure beauty are driven by the media’s efforts to define beauty and who is beautiful.Martina Eckstut, the woman whose photo was beautified for this article, said she was struck by how different she looked. "I think the “after” picture looks great, but it doesn’t really look like me at all." She added, "I would like to keep my original face."For centuries people have tried to define a universal ideal of beauty. "The first reactionwe have to faces will be based on face symmetry." said Alexander Nehamas, a professor who has written about beauty. "But in real life we don’t just see a face. We see faces as people express their emotions and ideas, and all those aspects of the face are essential to our deciding whether a face or a person is beautiful."46. How does the program work to beautify a face?A. It changes the distances between facial features.B. It smoothes the skin and softens the color of the hair.C. It digitally repairs some obvious facial faults.D. It replaces the original face with a similar one.47. Banner believes that .A. there is no such thing as beautyB. efforts to develop a beauty measure should be encouragedC. the media is to blame for the failure to agree on beauty standardsD. it is impossible to show that one thing is more beautiful than another48. When seeing the "after" picture, Martina Eckstut was .A. pleasantly surprised but thought she could look even betterB. eager to get her face changed although it didn’t look like her at allC. amazed by the attractiveness but preferred not to have a different faceD. confused by how different she looked and had no idea what to do49. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Beauty is mainly based on face symmetry.B. There is no single standard or definition of beauty.C. The program is likely to encourage people to change their appearance.D. Mathematics should be used to help us create beauty.50. The purpose of the passage is to .A. oppose the attempts to create artificial beautyB. introduce a beauty program and a discussion about beautyC. discuss what makes a person beautifulD. show how a beauty engine can beautify a personCMany kids turn up their noses at the thought of eating fish because, well, it can smell "fishy". While it is usually a healthy source of protein in the diet, there may be several reasons to avoid biting into a forkful of fish. Before you break out the tartar sauce, learn some facts about fish to keep yourself and the environment healthy.Some fish may contain harmful chemicals, which can be the result of both natural causes and water pollution. Mercury is a poisonous chemical, which occurs naturally in oceans and the Earth’s crust, but also comes from man-made sources, such as pesticides, burning garbage, and the releasing of fossil fuels.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a group of chemicals, can also be found in some fish. These dangerous man-made chemicals were used in many industries until 1977, when they were banned. PCBs were released or leaked into the air and water and have been transported around the globe.How do mercury and PCBs end up in fish and the food supply? When they are released into the air, they attach themselves to particles. These particles settle on the ground and in the water and are eventually eaten by microscopic organisms. Small fish eat the micro-organisms, and large fish eat the small fish and on up the food chain.Because they can negatively affect your health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises that kids younger than 15 years old avoid fish that contain high levels of mercury and PCBs. These include shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.There are also many types of fish that are good for you, but because of overfishing are in danger of being wiped out. Some are being fished in the wild so much that they cannot reproduce fast enough to survive. Others are being farmed in ways that are not environmentally friendly. These fish include red snapper, Atlantic salmon, blue-fin tuna, and king crab.Despite these problems, there are several fish that are both healthy and sustainable, such as Alaskan salmon, American catfish, Pacific cod, and several farm-raised fish and shellfish.51. How do mercury and PCBs come to our food supply?A. Mercury and PCBs--water --fish -- particles --food supplyB. Mercury and PCBs--particles -- organisms-- fish -- food supplyC. Mercury and PCBs--particles -- fish -- organisms -- food supplyD. Mercury and PCBs—organisms--ground and water -- fish -- food supply52. The underlined word "they" (paragraph 5) refers to " ".A. fishB. particlesC. microscopic organismsD. mercury and PCBs53. According to the passage which group of fish can be safely eaten by young kids?A. Shellfish; tilefish; Alaskan salmon.B. King crab; king mackerel; Pacific cod.C. Pacific cod; Alaskan salmon; American catfish.D. Pacific cod; Atlantic salmon; swordfish.54. The writer is most likely to agree that .A. we should be careful when deciding what kind of fish to eatB. over fishing is the main cause of fish poisoningC. most types of fish can be safely raised on fish farmsD. the government should ban children under 15 from eating fish55. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. children like eating fish because it smells fishyB. if you want to be more environmentally friendly, eat less fishC. PCBs were not allowed to be used in food industry before 1977D. adults might be less affected by high chemical levels in fish第二节:信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)首先请阅读下列住宿信息。
每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项正确) 1.如果破除细胞骨架,动物蛋白的分泌速度会明显降低。
有关解释合理的是A.生长素与乙烯相互转化B.生长素可诱导乙烯的合成C.生长素与乙烯的化学本质相同D.生长素对乙烯进行负反馈调节5.下列有关遗传、变异和进化叙述正确的是A.非等位基因一定能够自由组合B.生物基因频率改变就一定形成新物种C.DNA连接酶和限制性内切酶都能作用于磷酸二酯键D.原发性高血压、青少年型糖尿病的遗传遵循孟德尔的遗传定律6.右图曲线不能够表示A.pH值的增大对酶催化效率的影响B.植物茎的生长与生长素浓度的关系C.ATP的生成量与O2浓度的关系D.在“草→鹿→狼”的关系中,大量捕杀狼后,鹿的数量变化7.钯的化合物氯化钯可用来检测有毒气体CO,常温发生反应的化学方程式为:CO + PdCl2 + H2O CO2+ Pd↓ +2HC1 ,下列说法正确的是A.反应中PdCl2被氧化B.氧化性:PdCl2 > CO2C.生成22.4LCO2时,转移的电子为2mo1D.CO气体只有在高温下才能表现还原性8.下列说法中,不正确...的是A.二氯乙烷存在二种同分异构体B.油脂、淀粉、蛋白质在一定条件下都能发生水解反应C.米酒变酸的过程涉及了氧化反应D.石油裂化和油脂皂化都是化学变化,而石油的分馏和煤的干馏都是物理变化9.常温下,稀释0.1 mol·L-1Na2CO3溶液,右图中的纵坐标可以表示A.CO32-水解的平衡常数B.溶液的pHC.溶液中HCO3-离子数D.溶液中c(CO32-)10.下列关于C、Si、S、Cl四种非金属元素的说法中,正确的是A.两两结合形成的化合物都是共价化合物B.在自然界中都能以游离态存在C.氢化物的热稳定性比较:CH4 < SiH4 < H2S < HClD.最高价氧化物都能与水反应生成相应的酸,且酸性依次增强11.下列有关实验原理或操作正确的是A.用图1装置验证在该条件下铁钉发生吸氧腐蚀B.用图2装置检验乙烯中混有SO2和CO2C.用20mL量筒量取15mL酒精,加水5mL,配制质量分数为75%酒精溶液D.用湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸检验氨气12.在25℃时将pH=11 的NaOH 溶液与pH=3 的CH3COOH溶液等体积混合后,下列关系式中正确的是A.c (Na+)=c(CH3COO-)+c(CH3COOH)B.c(H+)=c(CH3COO-)+c(OH-)C.c (Na+) > c (CH3COO-)>c(OH-)>c(H+)D.c (CH3COO-)>c(Na+)>c(H+)>c(OH-)13.反应CO(g)+2H2(g) 2 CH3OH(g)在密闭容器中进行。
湖北省监利一中2012届高三物理限时训练四命题人:胡体龙 审题人:徐爱梅一、选择题(本题包括8小题.每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)1. 2010年广州亚运会上,刘翔重归赛场,以打破亚运记录的方式夺得110米跨栏的冠军。
如图所示,假设质量为m 的运动员,在起跑时前进的距离S 内,重心上升高度为h ,获得的速度为v ,阻力做功为阻W 、重力对人做功重W 、地面对人做功地W 、运动员自身做功人W ,则在此过程中,下列说法中不.正确..的是A .地面对人做功mgh mv W+=221地B .运动员机械能增加了mghmv +221C .运动员的重力做功为mgh W -=重D .运动员自身做功阻人W mgh mv W-+=2212.如图所示,实线圆环A 、B 是光滑绝缘水平面内两个固定的同心超导环,两环分别通上大小相等的电流后,在环间环形区域内产生了相同方向的磁场,在这两个磁场的共同“束缚”下,带电离子沿图中虚线做顺时针方向的圆周运动,已知A 环中电流沿顺时针方向,则A .B 环中电流沿顺时针方向 B .B 环中电流沿逆时针方向C .带电离子带正电D .带电离子带负电3.“探路者”号宇宙飞船在宇宙深处飞行的过程中,发现A 、B 两颗均匀球形天体,两天体各有一颗靠近其表面飞行的卫星,测得两颗卫星的周期相等,以下判断正确的是A .天体A 、B 的质量一定不相等 B .天体A 、B 的密度一定相等C .两颗卫星的线速度一定相等D .天体A 、B 表面的重力加速度之比等于它们的半径反比 4。
如图所示,高为h 的光滑绝缘曲面,处于方向平行于竖直平面的匀强电场中,一带电荷量为+q ,质量为m 的小球,以初速度v 0从曲面底端的A 点开始沿曲面表面上滑,到达曲面顶端B 点的速度仍为v 0,则A .电场力对小球做功为2021mv mghB .A 、B 两点的电势差为C D .小球在B 点的电势能小于在A 点的电势能5.一质量为m 的质点,系在细绳的一端,绳的另一端固定在水平面上,水平面粗糙.此质点在该水平面上做半径为r 的圆周运动,设质点的最初速率是0v ,当它运动一周时,其速率变为330v ,则A .当它运动一周时摩擦力做的功为320m v -B .质点与水平面的动摩擦因数为πμrg v 320=C .在小球运动过程中细绳的拉力逐渐减小D .质点在运动了三个圈时恰好停止6.如图所示,从倾角为45°的斜面B 点正上方,高度为h 的A 点处,静止释放一个质量为m 的弹性小球,落在B 点和斜面碰撞,碰撞后速度大小不变,方向变为水平,经过一段时间小球落在斜面上C 点。
影响因素气温日较差影响因素气温年较差纬度随纬度增高而减小纬度随纬度增高而增大(原因:随纬度升高,正午太阳高度和昼夜长短变化幅度增大)海陆陆地大于海洋海陆陆地大于海洋(随大陆性增强而变大)天气晴天大于阴天天气少云雨区大于多云雨区季节夏季大于冬季地形平原大于山区植被裸地大于植被覆盖地植被裸地大于植被覆盖地海拔山区海拔越高气温日较差越小海拔山区海拔越高气温年较差越小(典型例题:材料一世界两区域图与七月份相比,一月份m 、n 两地的温差较大,请分析两地一月份温差较大的原因。
(4分) 学以致用题目一:阅读下面资料,回答问题(1)写出四城市相对应的气温曲线和降水柱状图的字母: 广州_______武汉_______北京_______哈尔滨_______ (4分)(2)四城市中,气温年较差最大的城市是_______,(1分)试分析形成气温年较差大的原因。
(4分)学以致用题目二:下图为某世界知名汽车拉力赛2004年(a 图)和2009年(b 图)的比赛路线图。
b▲ ▲ 40°706040MN ABCP41656960达喀瓦尔帕莱分析P地气温特征及主要原因。
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五选四训练一(2012朝阳一模)I’d just got in a taxi at the railway station when suddenly I found one of my suitcases (手提箱) missing. Just then, I saw a young man, not very far, opening it and taking out valuables. “Stop thief! Stop thief!”I shouted and threw open the car door and rushed out to him, followed by the driver and some passers-by. 60 . My driver caught him by the neck and took out the valuables from his trouser pocket and put them back into my suitcase.Half an hour later, I sat back in the taxi and breathed a sight of relief (松了一口气). But as I checked those stolen things, I became very surprised, unable to speak. 61 . And a blood test report of a 58-year-old woman appeared. I suddenly realized that the taxi driver must have mistaken the thief’s things and put his into my sui tcase.62 . But this story keeps coming back to me. Was the young man a habitual thief or a dutiful son who had been driven to find money to save his mother’s life? 63 . How I wish I had gone back that afternoon to return the money and the report and say sorry to him. For the first time in my life, I realized that hate and love are very close.A. My heart aches for himB. Two years has passed since thenC. The train left the station very quicklyD. Very soon we caught up with the thiefE. Before my eyes was 200 yuan instead of 100五选四训练二(2012东城一模)Have you ever wondered why toy bears are called Teddy Bears? Why not Harry or Joe or Jane?60 .The president was Teddy Roosevelt. He was the 26th president of the United States. In 1902 Roosevelt went bear hunting(狩猎)with some friends. 61 . He couldn’t seem to find anything. His friends found a black bear, and tie d it to a tree. They thought that Roosevelt would want to shoot it with his gun. When Roosevelt saw the bear, he refused to kill it. Shooting a bear tied to a tree wasn’t fair! 62 .A newspaper artist heard the story of the bear hunt and drew a cartoon about it. 63 . He made a toy bear. Later he was allowed to use President Roosevelt’s name for the bears he made. The “Teddy Bear” was born!A. He let the bear goB. They had a good time in the forestC. However, his hunt was going poorly that dayD. Morris Michtom, owner of a toy store, saw the cartoonE. The answer comes from a story about a U.S. president and a bear五选四训练三(2012昌平一模)Eating too much food makes you fat and this is very bad for your heart. There are two things to do.60 .Eat food with proteins and vitamins. Fish and meat have a lot of protein in them. Fruit and vegetables have lots of vitamins. You need to eat some fat but don’t eat too much. 61 . Also drink lots of water or fruit juice. Don’t drink too much coca cola because it’s bad for your teeth! Do some anaerobic exercise every day. 62 . The important thing is to keep moving until youbreathe quickly and your heart beats fast. The heart gets stronger when it works hard. This helps your blood go around your body better.63 . Smoking is bad for your heart, and your health.A. Because it’s not good for your heartB. You can go swimming or do walkingC. Eat healthily and take lots of exerciseD. Second, do as much exercise as you canE. Finally, don’t smoke if you want to be fit五选四训练四(2012房山一模)Jay Chou was born in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quiet and shy kid.60 So people thought he would never be successful in life.As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music. 61 . He loved it and kept on practicing. When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs.Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. 62 . His first album (专辑)came out in 2000, and soon he became quite popular.Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn’t talk much or smile. He doesn’t speak clearly when he sings or talks. 63 Most of his fans like him because he never follows others.A. But he has a lot of fans.B. He didn’t do very well in schoolwork.C. He lived with his grandmother when he was young.D. For two years, he spent most of his time writing songs.E. His mother sent him to learn the piano when he was only three years old.五选四训练五(2012密云一模)Hi,Mike,Glad to hear from you! I’d really like to be your pen pal. I think Internet pal is a better name, isn’t it?I’m the same age as you are and I’m in Grade 9 at junior high school. I live with my mom and my older sister.My mom wor ks. She’s a nurse. 60 , so I look after myself a lot of the time. My dad doesn’t live with us but I see him once a week. He takes me to football games.61 , but my favorite sport is American football. I watch my team play every Sunday. They always win the games. They are the best in the league.My best friend is my dog. His name is Abe, after Abraham Lincoln. 62 , but I like the name, and so does my dog! He looks like a mixture of every day you’ve ever seen. I got him from theCity Dog Pound. When he saw me, he wagged his tail, and I knew we were going to be friends.63 .When I do my homework, he stays near my desk.When I sleep, Abe sleeps on my bed! Write to me soon. Tell me something about Paris.Sincerely Yours,BobA. Some people say it’s a silly name for a dogB. My older sister also goes to workC. He goes everywhere with meD. I like most sports, tooE. He likes barking(叫)every day五选四训练六(2012大兴一模)David Beckham was born on 2nd May, 1975, in London. When he was a young boy, he play ed football whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends.60 . This led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy at secondary school he played for not only his school but also his country team.On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United. 61 . On 2nd April, 1995, he played his first major football league game against Leeds United. During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.62 . In the first game of the 1996/7 season, he scored an amazing goal from beyond the halfway line. Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, David sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. He continued to score astonishing goals, especially from free-kicks.David Beckham is a great player, but he is different from most other players . He has a real love for football. 63 . He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member. He also has his feet on the ground and behaves in a very natural and relaxed way.A. David Beckham is 180 cm tall and weighs 47kgB. He won a prize at the age of twelveC. When he is training, he never restsD. David Beckham became very famous overnightE. This means that he could practice football as much as he wanted to五选四训练七(2012丰台一模)Two men are in the same room of a hospital. 60_______. One man has to lie on his back all day.Every day, the man sitting up by the window tells the other about things outside.“Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake.” “61_______.” The other man ishappy to hear about all the activities and colors of the world outside.Days and weeks pass. 62_______. The other man asks the nurse to move his bed next to the window.Finally he can sit up to see the outside, but he is very disappointed. All he can see is a white wall!“But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says.“He was blind. 63_______. He just wanted you to live with hope,” says the nurse.A. He couldn’t even see the wallB. One morning, the man by the window diesC. The girls are so beautiful in their summer dressesD. He missed his roommate very muchE. Both of them are very ill五选四训练八(2012海淀一模)I’ve been singing and performing poems since I was six years old. I used to sing for my mother’s friends.I have written three books of poems and songs. I gave all the money from the books to children’s charities. Money from the second book was spent on homeless children in Bosnia.I visit patients at a local hospital every Saturday morning. I talk and sing for them. I guess that’s what’s really fulfilling(令人满意的)to me when I sing to someone who is dying, and someone who is really sick and who doesn’t even know what’s happening.Everyone can give love, and love is what everyone wants. That’s a really important lesson to me. Making someone happy makes you happy, and they go on and make others happy and it’s like a chain(链). You change when you get older, but love is ageless. Love is the same when you are7, 13, or 102years old.A. Love is a chain of givingB. But now I am singing for people in needC. I visit people in the old people’s homeD. Money from my first look went to a school for deaf kids in MontanaE. I feel proud when I see a smile on that person’s face五选四训练九(2012怀柔一模)A. It seems that some people phone the hotlines for fun.B. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about.C. Some young children phone the hotline in order to take part in games.D. Others show great interest in hotlines.E. It is necessary for the radio station to improve the hotline program.Hotlines have become common in China. Some radio broadcasting stations(广播电台)use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk show. Are you interested in hotline?That’s a good idea. Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole program. Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they even do not know what the host is talking about. 60.___________Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express his hope and show his ignorance(无知). Then the host has to answer and explain how silly this is ! It wastes a lot of time.61.____________ They just want to let the listeners hear them. They do not care about what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be.I am really bored by those people. 62.________________ In my opinion, if a caller does not know what is going on, the operator should not let the caller take part in it.63.______________Some radio or TV stations hold the hotline in order to get more money from the children. So if your phone fee goes up quickly suddenly, maybe your son or daughter often phone hotline.五选四训练十(2012顺义一模)A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said to him, “ 60 . You b ring your grades up. Study yo ur Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we will talk about it” A month later, the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said, “ 61 You have br ought your grades up, you’ve studied your Bible diligently, 62 ” The young man waited a moment and then replied, “You know, Dad. I’ve been thinking about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah. had long hair, and even Jesus(耶稣)had long hair.”His father replied, “Yes son, 63 ”The son stood there still and thought hard on what his father had just said to him.A. I’m really proud of you.B. I’ll make a deal with youC. but you didn’t get hair cut.D. what you are thinking is rightE. and they walked everywhere they went.五选四训练十一(2012通州一模)My earliest childhood memory was about kindergarten (幼儿园). My father was a doctor, mymother was a teacher. __60__. They had no time to look after my younger sister and me.When I was five years old, I was sent to a kindergarten with my sister. It was not far from our home. __61__, because I didn't like staying with strangers. I wanted my parents to take me back home, so I cried very loudly there. __62__. She was crying so much that I stopped, because I had to be a big girl. My parents told me to be brave and look after my sister, and I listened to them. In fact, my teachers were very kind to us, they often told stories and taught us to sing and dance. It was very interesting. __63__, so it was a happy memory.五选四训练十二(2012平谷一模)I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came. I was waiting for a letter from my friend Sam, so I picked the letter up and looked through them. I wasn’t surprise to see that there were some bills. There was an i nvitation to a party. There wasn’t a letter from Sam. 60 , it shows some birds and the sea. What a nice picture!I turned the postcard over. It wasn’t easy to read. 61 . I didn’t know who wrote it? I t ried to read any of the words. I could read “Dear Tom, I’m having a lovely time in….” Then the writing became unclear. 62 . Who had gone to the seaside? I couldn’t think of anyone! It was a mystery(谜团). There was another mystery too. Where was Sam’s letter?Just then the phone rang. It was Sam! “I’m calling to see if you got any postcard,” he said. “We are at the seaside, not in London. We changed our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk.63 . I’m sorry I didn’t write a letter. We’ve been so busy.”Both mysteries were solved!五选四训练十三(2012门头沟一模)Jenny was my grandmother’s sister and she was an amazing(神奇的) woman. 60 It was a pity that she didn’t live to celebrate her 100th birthday, but she had a good, long life.She had been a teacher before many women had jobs. She taught in Africa for many years.61 At that time, people didn’t travel by plane, so she had to travel there by ship. It took her three months to sail from England to Malaysia in those days. I n 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time. 62 She continued to teach around the world until she was 75 years old.Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at telling stories. I always loved to hear her talk about her stories. They were so interesting that I would like to listen to her when I was free. It was amazing that she could remember everything even though she was so old.63 My grandmother’s sister was really an amazing woman.A. This made traveling much easier and easier.B. She was born in 1912 and died in 2011.C. I think it was because she never stopped working and thinking.D. She was not interesting.E. Then she moved to Malaysia and taught English there for a few years.五选四训练十四(2012石景山一模)Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. 60. __________? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.61. __________. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them.Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. 62. __________.In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their ow n family names and not using their husbands’. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations and their husbands’ in other situations.63. __________.A. And some use both of themB. Is it good or bad to change namesC. Why do some people change their namesD. But with his family, he uses Li KaimingE. People have many reasons for changing their names五选四训练十五(2012西城一模)The oldest person in the world has died in her sleep at the age of 115. Her name is Gertrude Baines. 60 , following the death of Portuguese Maria. Ms. Baines was born in Georgia in 1894. She grew up in the southern American state. She saw many changes in her life. 61 . She had a child when she was just fifteen. Gertrude received a Guinness World Records certificate (证书) on her 115th birthday. 62 . During her whole life, she never did drink, she never didsmoke and she always ate healthy food. Her doctor said Ms. Baines had been “in excellent shape”just two days before her death. “She was quite smart. She smiled very often,”he said. Ms. Baines became famous in 2008 for voting (投票) for President Obama in the U.S. 6663 . The first was for John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. She lived to see 21 different American presidents. She told reporters she chose Mr. Obama “because he’s for the colored people”.五选四篇训练十六(2012延庆一模)In the ear ly 20th century, most western people didn’t know much about Asia and its people. However, one woman helped to change that. 60 . Pearl was born in 1892 and moved to Asia when she was only three months old. She lived in a church with her father and her childhood friends were mostly the children of Chinese farmers. Most of the people who lived around in the countryside were very poor. 61 .Pearl moved back to America in 1934. She began to write books about her experiences in China.62 , and in 1938, she won the Noble Prize for her novel The Good Earth. She became known as “the Marco Polo” for reintroducing Asia to West.63 . She also tried to change people’s attitudes. She became active in many movements in the United States. From the day of her move to the US, Pearl was active in American civil rights and women's rights activities. Her experiences in China influenced her thinking, not only about Asia but also about her own country. Pear died in March, 1973, just two months before her eighty-first birthday.A. The woman was Pearl S. BuckB. Her books were huge successC. So she could understand these people’s feelingsD. People loved Pearl very muchE. Pearl did more than just write stories about Asia五选四篇训练十七(2012丰台二模)A police officer pulled a car over. When he walked up to the car, a man rolled down (摇下) the window. “__60___”he asked.The policeman answered: “I stopped you for running that red light behind you.”Just then the man’s wife leaned forward from the passenger’s seat and said in a very loud voice: “I told him to stop at that light. But did he listen? No. __61___”The man turned to his wife and shouted: “Shut up!”The policeman continued: “And just before the light I clocked (测速) you doing 50 miles (80km) per hour. __62___”His wife leaned forward again and whined (埋怨): “I told him to slow down. But did he listen to me? No! He never listens to me.”__63___ “Shut up! I told you to SHUT UP!”The policeman looked at the woman and asked: “Does he always talk to you this way?”To which the woman replied: “Only when he has been drinking.”A. He just kept right on going.B. Again the man shouted at his wife,C. He’s just listening to music.D. What’s the problem, officer?D. The speed limit is only 30.五选四篇训练十八(2012东城二模)Armida Scarpa is an English teacher. She believes that stories can be used from the very beginning. She uses a real text of Goldilocks with her class. 60 . They are in their second year at school. They are learning to read in Italian, a nd have English three times a week. She doesn’t expect the children to learn the difficult grammar. 61 . She only asks them to really learn the words. This method is to give children an experience of real English and allows the teacher to use almost any story. 62 and if the teacher uses it carefully, the children can understand it.Children are used to living in a world where they do not understand a lot of things. 63 , but they can also notice all the other information around them. If we deprive (剥夺) children of every experience except those we want them to master, then we take away the chance for them to experience this natural growth.A. Most children take what we find for themB. But she does want to show them that they can make sense of themC. Her class are a group of seven-year-old pupilsD. If the children like the storyE. Because they are interested in the story五选四篇训练十九(2012海淀二模)Maria Martinez is remembered today as the maker of beautiful pottery. Her pottery is in museums all over the world.60 She lived in New Mexico in America. As a young woman, Maria was known for the fine pots she made. Maria and the other village women made pots for their families. They also sold pots to visitors.In 1908, some archaeologists (考古学家) found broken bits of pottery in Maria’s village. They belonged to Americans who lived there 700 years before.61 They were thinner than Maria’s pots. The finds influenced her art. Maria decided to make such a pot. Her husband helped her. They had to find a way to make the pot thinner. Maria knew the clay she used would not work. A thin pot made out of that clay would crack (破裂) easily. Maria mixed different amounts of clay, sand, and water. 62 Maria produced many pots in her lifetime. 63 They are keeping the old ways alive just as Maria had done before.A. Her son and grandson also learned how to make beautiful pots.B. At last, she discovered a mix that would not crack.C. Maria taught her husband how to make pots.D. Then the archaeologists showed them to Maria.E. Maria was born around 1881.五选四篇训练二十(2012顺义二模)A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. 60._____ Except for writing with his toes (脚趾头), he could hardly do anything in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of problems and they often argued. 61._____ So he was very sad and didn’t know what to do.62._______ Though her elder sister wanted to take care of her, she decided to be completely independent. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her composition, “I am lucky. Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. 63.______ ”One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote “My younger brother’s arms are my arms” while the girl wrote “Broken wings, flying heart”.A. A girl lost her hands because of a fire.B. Then one day, his younger brother left him.C. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly.D. Then they started to learn to do everything by themselves.E. Since then, he had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.五选四篇训练二十一(2012朝阳二模)A program is very popular with the children at St. Sava Orthodox School.Students are given warm, winter hats if they read enough books. The hats are gifts from a woman who lives in Colorado. She knits (编织) each hat by hand. 60 .The woman is called Nora. 61 . She is a retired (退休的) geographer.Nora enjoys knitting hats. She thinks the hats are a way to get children to read more. And they help her have a sense of purpose. They also give her a connection with children.Mary Lee, a high school teacher says that the program encourages students to read more than before. “If children read books while they are young, they will read books before they pick up anything else,”she said. “Some of those students are reading because it gives them a goal. ___62 .”Nora said she hoped that more and more people would knit hats or do something else to help children read more books. It’s not only good for children, but also good for themselves. ___63 .A. She is 80 years oldB. Their parents are very happy to do thatC. She spends about three hours on each oneD. So try to do something to help the children.E. They probably won’t read so many books without the program五选四篇训练二十二(2012大兴二模)Joanne Rowling was born in England. She wrote her first story at the age of five or six. At school her favorite subject was English and she used to make up stories with her friends. When she leftschool, she studied in Paris for a year to learn French. 60 However, most of all she wanted to write!In 1992, she left England to go to Portugal(葡萄牙) to teach English. While she was there she got married to a journalist and had a daughter. A few years later, Joanne returned to live in Scotland.61 While she was there, she finished her story about Harry Potter, a young boy who is a wizard(术士).Then one day, in 1997, she found a publisher(出版商). She was very excited and happy! To her surprise, her book was sold in millions! It won many prizes! 62Everybody wanted to read about Harry Potter. Her stories have been translated into many languages. 63 Joanne Rowling has written several more books about Harry Potter and all of them have sold millions of copies. Some of these later books are also being made into films.A. So Joanne became very rich and famous.B. It took her over one year to write her first book.C. After university, she experienced all sorts of different jobs.D. And they can now be read all over the world.E. She had very little money and lived in a very small flat.五选四篇训练二十三(2012密云二模)It’s very common for students’marks to fall. Sometimes it is because of situations(情况)outside school, such as problems at home. 60 .When your marks start to fall, you should try to talk to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you find difficult.61 . It does not matter if other students get higher exam marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. 62 ,you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the most important things you have written in a shorter form.Look through your shorter notes again just before the exam. You will be surprised when you find you remember so much. It may take hard work and your marks may not improve quickly. 63 Soon you will find your marks begin to climb again.A.Stop comparing your marks with other students’B.Never play computer games for a long timeC.Before each examD.Sometimes it is only because the exams get harderE.But let your confidence(自信)rise by every mark五选四篇训练二十四(2012石景山二模)I’ll remember the first carnival(狂欢节). 60. __________. My parents came from Jamaica and they helped to start carnival. We had very little money, but we made costumers from old bits of material and feathers, and colourful masks. We decorated old lorries, so that we could ride on them through the streets. It took us six months to get ready.But on the big day, all our hard work had been worth it. People of all ages, from babies to grandparents, black and white, danced together in the street. 61. __________. The music wasplayed on anything made of metal: it was very noisy.There were people watching from the windows of every house. We ate all our favourite Jamaican food, washed down with beer. 62. __________– but carnival helps you forget the weather!When the carnival got too big, those old streets became too narrow for such big crowds(人群). Some people said they felt frightened by the large crowds and the noise. We were worried that carnival would be banned(禁止). Then we found an answer –everything was moved to a wider and safer street. 63. __________.A. It was in the 1960sB. The weather was wetC. The policemen danced, tooD. But sometimes it’s too crazyE. So carnival should continue for years.五选四篇训练二十五(2012延庆二模)One day, while I was walking along the street, I noticed a piece of wood. 60. . I picked him up and found he was badly hurt. I took it home as quickly as possible.After several days, the cat got well. The cat was very small. 61. . So I called it Little Bit. At that time, I loved Little Bit very much. Wherever I went, I always took him. Any time I was home, he never left my side.62. . I spent my most of my time with my friends. I would come in the house on my phone and not make time for Little Bit at all.Until one day, I found something was wrong with him and I took him to the pet hospital, but they could do nothing. 63. .Little Bit’s death made me realize how much he meant to me. I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always remember the special memories we made.A. However, I grew upB. I could even put him into my pocketC. Under the wood was a small black catD. My parents loved him very muchE. The poor cat filled my arms and died五选四篇训练二十六(2012西城二模)五选四篇训练二十七(2012平谷二模)I was talking to my mom yesterday about when I was a baby. 60 . I don’t r emember much about when I was a small baby. 61 . I haven’t always lived in LA. I was born near Des Moines, Iowa. It’s a small farming town in America. We lived with my grandparents on their farm. It was in the middle of wheat fields. We moved to LA when my dad changed jobs. I was eight years old. 62 .I had to catch the bus to school. I had to stand on the road by our farm at 7 am and wait. If the bus was late, I waited for the bus. If I was late, the bus driver waited for me! If I was sick, someone。