



包头部编版2024小学3年级上册语文第3单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷一、综合题(共计100题)1. 在学校,老师不仅教我们知识,还教我们_______。

(答案:做人)2. 春眠不觉_______,处处闻啼鸟。

答案:晓3. 小鸭子在水中_______,看起来特别可爱。

(答案:游泳)4. 青山遮不住,_______水长流。

答案:毕5. 妈妈做了好吃的_______,我忍不住想多吃几口。

(答案:饭菜)6. 在地球上,日食和月食的发生与哪个天体的运动有关?A. 太阳B. 月亮C. 地球D. 所有以上选项7. 什么是日食?A. 月亮挡住了太阳B. 太阳挡住了地球C. 地球挡住了月亮D. 星星消失了8. 小猫在阳光下____。

答案:打盹9. 爷爷喜欢在阳台上____。

答案:种花10. 哪种现象称为“极光”?A. 星星的闪烁B. 大气中出现的光带C. 太阳的光辉D. 流星的尾巴11. 阅读理解填空题:小马过河时,发现水流得很急,它有些_______。



12. 哪个城市因其古老的历史遗迹而受到欢迎?A. 纽约B. 开罗C. 迪拜D. 西雅图13. 小鸟在树上____。

答案:歌唱14. 在太阳系中,什么是最冷的地方?A. 水星B. 火星C. 冥王星D. 土星15. 小朋友们在草地上____。

答案:追逐16. 我们的班级很____(hǎo),大家都很____(tǐ yù)。

答案:好体育17. 下列哪个是太阳系的第一个行星?A. 水星B. 火星C. 地球D. 金星18. 填空题:童年是_______的,充满了欢声笑语。

19. 太阳风的速度大约是多少公里每秒?A. 100公里B. 300公里C. 400公里D. 800公里20. 我的梦想是成为一名____。

答案:科学家21. 银河系中有哪些天体?A. 只有星星B. 只有行星C. 星星和行星D. 只有黑洞22. 月明点滴_______,山空人静。



概率论与数理统计作业及解答第一次作业 ★ 1.甲.乙.丙三门炮各向同一目标发射一枚炮弹•设事件ABC 分别表示甲.乙.丙 击中目标.则三门炮最多有一门炮击中目标如何表示• 事件E 丸事件A, B,C 最多有一个发生},则E 的表示为E =ABC ABC ABC ABC;或工 ABU AC U B C;或工 ABU ACU BC;或工 ABACBC ;或工 ABC_(AB C ABC A BC ).(和 A B 即并AU B,当代B 互斥即AB 二'时.AU B 常记为AB)2. 设M 件产品中含m 件次品.计算从中任取两件至少有一件次品的概率★ 3.从8双不同尺码鞋子中随机取6只.计算以下事件的概率A 二{8只鞋子均不成双}, B={恰有2只鞋子成双}, C 珂恰有4只鞋子成双}.C 6 (C 2 )6 32C 8C 4(C 2)4 800.2238, P(B) 8 皆 0.5594,P(A) 8/143★ 4.设某批产品共50件.其中有5件次品•现从中任取3件•求 (1) 其中无次品的概率-(2)其中恰有一件次品的概率‘ /八 C 5 1419 C :C 5 99⑴冷0.724.⑵虫产0.2526. C 50 1960C 503925. 从1〜9九个数字中•任取3个排成一个三位数•求 (1) 所得三位数为偶数的概率-(2)所得三位数为奇数的概率•4(1) P {三位数为偶数} = P {尾数为偶数}=-,9⑵P {三位数为奇数} = P {尾数为奇数} = 5,9或P {三位数为奇数} =1 -P {三位数为偶数} =1 -彳=5.9 96. 某办公室10名员工编号从1到10任选3人记录其号码 求(1)最小号码为5的概率 ⑵ 最大号码为5的概率 记事件A ={最小号码为5}, B={最大号码为5}.1 12 C m C M m C mm(2M - m -1)M (M -1)6 —C 16143P(C)二 C 8CJC 2)300.2098.143C 16C 2 iC 2⑴ P(A)=# 詁;(2) P(B )X =C 10 12C 107. 袋中有红、黄、白色球各一个 每次从袋中任取一球.记下颜色后放回 共取球三次 求下列事件的概率:A={全红} B ={颜色全同} C ={颜色全不同} D ={颜色不全同} E ={无 黄色球} F ={无红色且无黄色球} G ={全红或全黄}.1 11A 3!2 8P (A)=3^2?P (B )=3P (A )=9, P(C^#=?=9, P(DH ^P(BH?28 1 1 2P(E)亏方P(F)亏审 P(G r 2P(A)盲☆某班n 个男生m 个女生(m^n 1)随机排成一列•计算任意两女生均不相邻的概率☆ •在[0 ■ 1]线段上任取两点将线段截成三段•计算三段可组成三角形的概率14第二次作业1.设 A B 为随机事件 P(A)=0.92 ■ P(B)=0.93 P(B|Z)=0.85 求 ⑴ P(A|B) (2) P (AU B) ■ (1) 0.85 =P(B| A) =P(A B )P (AB ),P (A B )=0.85 0.08=0.068,P(A) 1-0.92P(AB)二 P(A) -P(AB)二 P(A) - P(B) P(AB) = 0.92 -0.93 0.068 = 0.058,P(A| B): = P(AB) = 0.。



x kx
15.如图,ABCD Y 的顶点C 在等边BEF △的边BF 上,点E 在AB 的延长线上,G 为DE 的中点,连接CG .若3AD =,2AB CF ==,则CG 的长为_______.
16.如图,在Rt ABC V 中,AB BC ⊥,6AB =,4BC =,P 是ABC V 内部的一个动点,连接PC ,且满足PAB PBC ∠=∠,过点P 作PD BC ⊥于点D ,则APB ∠=______;当线段CP 最短时,BCP V 的面积为______



西宁“统编”小学语文第3单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1. 拼音填字:每到夏天,我们就会去(______)(hǎi)边游泳,享受阳光和海浪的(______)(xì) 感。

2. 小朋友们在游戏中____。

答案:欢笑3. 我们要保护____,让地球更美丽。

答案:环境4. 小朋友们在游戏中____。

答案:欢笑5. 听力填字:这个故事让我感到_______。

6. 阅读理解填空题:小镇上有一位和蔼的老奶奶,她每天都会给小朋友们讲_______。



7. 阅读理解填空题:小白兔听说森林里有一个_______,于是它决定去寻找,体验冒险。

8. 我喜欢晚上____(kàn)星星,尤其是那个亮亮的____(xīng)。

答案:看星9. 每年我们都会去____(lǚ)游,体验不同的文化。

答案:旅游10. 我们要珍惜时间,____好每一天。

答案:过11. 月明点滴窗前影,_______夜深人静。

答案:微12. 小朋友们在草地上____。

答案:追逐13. 阅读理解填空题:小鸟在枝头唱歌,清脆的声音传遍四方。


14. 每年的春节,家家户户都会_______,庆祝新年。

(答案:团聚)15. 天文学上,什么是“超新星”?A. 一种新发现的星星B. 一颗即将爆炸的恒星C. 一颗新的行星D. 一种大气现象16. 人间四月芳菲尽,_______山寺桃花始盛开。

答案:那17. 我们的班级是一个____的集体。

答案:团结18. 我们的班级是一个____的集体。

答案:团结19. 太阳系中最小的行星是哪一颗?A. 火星B. 水星C. 冥王星D. 地球20. 这道数学题真____!答案:难21. 我们要爱护____,不让它受污染。



小学上册英语第3单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the last Monday of May?A. Memorial DayB. Labor DayC. ThanksgivingD. Independence Day 答案:A2.I find ________ (天文学) very fascinating.3.The ________ was a significant battle during the American Revolution.4.看图选词。

5. A _______ is a measure of how much matter is in an object.6.What do you call a large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna?A. EcosystemB. HabitatC. BiomeD. Environment答案: C7.What is the name of the famous superhero who is also a billionaire?A. BatmanB. Iron ManC. Wonder WomanD. Captain America答案:B8.The rabbit is ______ in the grass. (hiding)9.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Los AngelesC. Washington,D.C. D. Chicago答案: C. Washington, D.C.10. A _____ (植物影响研究) can explore ecological relationships.11. A ______ can create a complex home.12.On hot days, I enjoy eating __________. (冰激凌)13.The process of purifying water involves _______.14.My sister has a great sense of __________ (幽默感).15. A ______ (蟒蛇) can be very long and thick.16.The ocean is a beautiful place to explore. I love swimming and looking for ______ (贝壳) on the beach.17.My uncle is a big fan of _______ (运动). 他喜欢 _______ (动词).18. A ________ can be a great pet.19.My _____ (外公) loves to tell stories.20.She loves to _______ (dance) at parties.21.My sister has a pet _____ (仓鼠).22.We enjoy playing in the ___. (snow)23.I saw a _______ in the tree (我在树上看到一只_______).24.An exothermic reaction releases ______.25.In chemistry, we measure the mass in __________.26.The rabbit can hop quickly to escape ______ (捕食者).27.The cat is ________ on the mat.28.The main product of anaerobic respiration is ______.29. A planet's _____ is the path it takes around the sun.30.The teacher is very ________.31.My uncle is a wonderful __________ (讲故事的人).32.We will have a ________ picnic.33.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)34.The __________ (历史的时间线) provides context.35.The scientist, ______ (科学家), experiments in the lab.36.Carbon dioxide is produced when we ______.37. A chemical that can produce heat is called a ______.38.My sister loves to ________.39.I feel excited when I go to ________.40. A ______ can camouflage itself from danger.41.I feel _______ when I draw.42.The boiling point of water at high altitudes is ______ than at sea level.43.What do we call a person who studies the laws of motion?A. PhysicistB. MathematicianC. EngineerD. Chemist答案: A44.The rain is ________ (下得很大).45.The __________ (历史的不断) progresses with society.46.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. HousesC. WaterD. Ground答案: C47.__________ are used in batteries to store chemical energy.48.The ________ was a major event in the history of World War I.49.I see _____ (五) stars in the sky.50.The ________ is a beautiful flower in my garden.51.I can ___ (fold) origami.52.My sister is learning to be a __________ (好学生) in school.53.The ________ was a famous rebellion in ancient China.54.Practicing good ______ techniques can lead to a productive garden. (实践良好的园艺技巧可以带来丰收的花园。



韶关2024年05版小学五年级下册英语第三单元暑期作业考试时间:80分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the largest island in the world?A. GreenlandB. AustraliaC. New GuineaD. Borneo2、选择题:What do bees produce?A. MilkB. HoneyC. EggsD. Silk3、选择题:What do you call a book that tells you how to cook?A. Recipe BookB. NovelC. DiaryD. Encyclopedia4、选择题:What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SugarD. Jam5、选择题:What is the name of the famous character who is a genie in a lamp?A. AladdinB. JasmineC. GenieD. Jafar6、选择题:What do you call a person who fixes broken machines?A. MechanicB. ElectricianC. PlumberD. Engineer7、What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. Montevideo8、What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red9、选择题:What do you call a large animal that lives in the ocean?A. FishB. WhaleC. SharkD. Dolphin10、选择题:What do we call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. Sea11、What is the capital city of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. AkureyriC. KopavogurD. Selfoss12、选择题:What is 100 - 50?A. 40B. 50D. 7013、选择题:Which of these is a type of shoe?A. SandalB. JacketC. HatD. Glove14、What is the primary ingredient in a traditional curry?A. RiceB. MeatC. SpicesD. Vegetables15、Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. LionC. ElephantD. Giraffe16、选择题:Which season comes after winter?A. FallB. SummerC. SpringD. Winter17、选择题:What is the name of the large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth?A. SeaB. OceanC. LakeD. River18、What is the primary gas that makes up Jupiter's atmosphere?A. OxygenB. NitrogenC. HydrogenD. Helium19、选择题:Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. ElephantB. FishD. Turtle20、选择题:What do cows produce?A. MilkB. EggsC. HoneyD. Wool二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:We will have a ________ next week.2、听力题:The color of cabbage juice changes with pH; it can be red or ______.3、听力题:The Earth's crust floats on the ______ below it.4、听力题:The _____ (car/bike) is red.5、听力题:The ability to conduct heat is known as _____.6、听力题:I see a _____ (bird/fish) in the tree.7、听力题:My sister enjoys singing in the ____ (choir).8、听力题:A chemical equation represents the reactants and ______.9、听力题:My brother likes to go ____ (rock climbing).10、听力题:A solute can be a _______ or a liquid.11、听力题:I like to listen to ______ (music).The chemical formula for calcium phosphate is ______.13、听力题:Acidic solutions have a pH less than _______.14、听力题:An atom is the smallest unit of ______.15、听力题:The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is __________.16、听力题:She has a beautiful ________.17、听力题:Carbon dioxide is produced during ______.18、听力题:My favorite sport is _____. (soccer)19、听力题:A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of ______.20、听力题:The Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede in ________.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:My favorite dessert is ________ (饼干) with chocolate chips.2、填空题:She has a _______ (小狗) named Max.3、填空题:A buffalo is a large ________________ (动物).4、 (Age) of Exploration led to the discovery of new lands. 填空题:The ____5、填空题:The first man on the moon was ________ Armstrong.The first woman to win the Nobel Prize was ______ (居里夫人).7、填空题:The _____ (洋娃娃) can wear different dresses.8、填空题:My sister likes to play ____.9、填空题:The lake is _______ (平静的).10、填空题:I enjoy having _________ (玩具聚会) where we showcase our favorite toys.11、填空题:I enjoy __________ with my friends. (交谈)12、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is very interactive and fun.13、填空题:I enjoy collecting _____ in my neighborhood.14、f Exploration saw many __________ (探险家) travel the world. 填空题:The Age15、填空题:My sister is my best _______ because we have so much fun together.16、填空题:I enjoy cooking with my _______ (家庭成员). It’s a fun way to spend time together.17、填空题:I enjoy making ________ (小礼物) for friends.18、填空题:I can play and learn with my ________ (玩具).19、填空题:I love to watch ________ (动画片).20、填空题:The __________ (历史的契机) can lead to breakthroughs.。



小学上册英语第3单元暑期作业(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 What do you call the soft part of the head of a baby?A. SkullB. BrainC. FontanelD. Cranium答案:C2 What do we call the act of telling a lie?A. HonestyB. DeceitC. TruthfulnessD. Integrity答案:B3 The chameleon can blend into its _________ (环境).4 What is the sum of 1 and 1?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:B5 What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Los AngelesC. WashingtonD.C.D. Chicago答案:C6 The owl is a _________ (夜行性) bird.7 A _______ is a property that can be observed without changing the substance.8 What is the primary color that, when mixed with green, creates cyan?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Orange答案:A9 The owl is a nighttime ________________ (捕食者).10 What do we call the fourth planet from the Sun?A. VenusB. EarthC. MarsD. Jupiter11 bay) is a body of water partially surrounded by land. The ____12 Did you see the _____ (兔子) hopping around?13 What do we call the protective outer layer of a seed?A. CotyledonB. Seed coatC. EndospermD. Germ答案: B14 The __________ (生态系统保护) is necessary for future generations.15 The _____ (老虎) has beautiful stripes on its fur.16 The discovery of gold in California led to the ________ (淘金热).17 The process of photosynthesis takes place in the __________ of the plant.18 What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. Minor character19 What do we call a series of events in a story?A. PlotB. ThemeC. SettingD. Character20 The __________ (历史的争议) spark debates among scholars.21 My favorite dessert is ______.22 Which insect is known for its ability to produce honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. Fly答案:C23 Which season comes after winter?A. SpringB. FallC. SummerD. Winter24 She is _______ (running) in the rain.25 The concept of "light years" helps us measure distances in _______.26 A reaction that produces a gas is often ______.27 What do you call a group of stars?A. GalaxyB. UniverseC. ClusterD. Solar System28 A chameleon can blend into its _______ (环境).29 I like to ______ pictures. (draw)30 The library has _______ (很多书).31 What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru?A. CuscoB. Machu PicchuC. NazcaD. Arequipa答案:B. Machu Picchu32 I see a ___ in the sky. (plane)33 I like to ________ with my family.34 The ancient Egyptians believed in ________ (来世).35 The ______ (植物分类) helps identify species.36 My favorite game is ________.37 A solution with a pH of is considered very _______.38 The Earth's crust is primarily composed of ______ and silica minerals.39 Many plants have a ______ (生命周期) that lasts for years.40 The park is _______ for everyone to enjoy.41 What is the name of the famous ancient site in Egypt?A. Great PyramidB. ColosseumC. Taj MahalD. Stonehenge答案: A42 A _______ is a property that describes how a substance behaves in a chemical reaction.43 The _____ (大树) can provide homes for birds.44 How many hearts does an octopus have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four45 The chemical formula for acetic acid is _______.46 I think volunteering is a great way to give back. Helping others in the community makes a positive impact. I hope to volunteer at __________ to support those in need.47 The first modern Olympic Games were held in ______ (雅典).48 What do we call the act of jumping from an airplane and free-falling before opening a parachute?A. SkydivingB. Bungee JumpingC. ParaglidingD. Base Jumping答案:A49 A ferret is known for being very ______ (好动).50 What is the term for a story that is not real?A. BiographyB. FictionC. HistoryD. Memoir答案:B51 A ____(healthy ecosystem) is vital for human survival.52 I enjoy writing letters to my friends. It’s a nice way to __________.53 She is studying to be a ________.54 Which animal is known for being very slow?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. CheetahD. Kangaroo答案:B55 Galaxies can collide and merge to form _______ galaxies.56 Many herbs are used in _____ (烹饪) to add flavor to dishes.57 What is the capital of Denmark?A. CopenhagenB. AarhusC. OdenseD. Aalborg答案:A58 The __________ is famous for its picturesque landscapes.59 Which of these animals can swim?A. CatB. DogC. FishD. Bird60 A _______ is a solution that has reached its maximum solute concentration.61 My aunt has a beautiful ____.62 The ____ is a small rodent that enjoys nibbling on seeds.63 n Wall was a symbol of __________ (分裂). The Berl64 What color is the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. Red答案:B65 The __________ (历史的探索) unveils insights.66 The capital city of Singapore is ________ (新加坡的首都城市是________).67 What is the capital of Bolivia?B. SucreC. Santa CruzD. Cochabamba答案: A. La Paz68 A strong base has a pH value that is ________ than .69 A ____ swims in the pond and has smooth skin.70 A __________ is a place where nature is preserved.71 Which of these is a reptile?A. FrogB. LizardC. EagleD. Whale72 A _____ (鸟) sings beautifully every morning in the tree.73 The __________ is a famous area known for its scenic routes.74 River flows northward through _____ (56). The Nile75 What do we call the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. Yangtze76 My friend is a ______. He enjoys cultural activities.77 The chemical formula for calcium sulfate is ______.78 The ________ (discussion) is enlightening.79 What is the main ingredient in pizza?B. RiceC. PastaD. Salad80 Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn答案:B81 What is the name of the first woman to fly in space?A. Sally RideB. Valentina TereshkovaC. Mae JemisonD. Eileen Collins82 When I want to get my dad's attention, I say, "Dad, !" (当我想引起我爸爸的注意时,我会说:“爸爸,!”)83 In winter, many plants go __________ (休眠).84 ts can ______ (净化) air pollutants. Some pla85 The rabbit is ___ in the garden. (hiding)86 My favorite dessert is ________.87 What do we use to take photographs?A. CameraB. PhoneC. Computer答案:A88 The dog is ________ in the yard.89 What is the name of the famous ancient Egyptian queen?A. CleopatraB. NefertitiC. HatshepsutD. Tutankhamun答案:A90 Galaxies can be shaped like _______ or spirals.91 The _____ (planter) holds soil and seeds.92 What do we call a baby rabbit?A. KittenB. BunnyC. PupD. Calf93 They are eating ________ for lunch.94 An ion is an atom with a _____ charge.95 What is the largest land animal?A. LionB. TigerC. ElephantD. Giraffe答案: C96 The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is ______.97 I want to _____ (go/stay) home.98 The frog has strong ______ (腿) for jumping.99 What is the name of the famous American author who wrote "Moby Dick"?A. Mark TwainB. Herman MelvilleC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Nathaniel Hawthorne答案:B100 The lunch is ___. (ready)。



小学上册英语第三单元暑期作业(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 Panther Party was founded to combat ________ (种族不平等). The Bost2 The _____ (蜜蜂) buzzes busily around flowers.3 I like to _____ (读书) in my spare time.4 The first manmade object to orbit the Earth was ________ (斯普特尼克).5 I am learning how to ________ (游泳) this summer.6 The _____ (蜜蜂) buzzes around flowers collecting pollen.7 The squirrel’s tail helps it balance when it _________. (跳)8 My ________ (朋友) is always there for me when I need help.9 The Earth's surface is constantly changing due to ______ and tectonic activity.10 The __________ (历史的叙述模式) shape our perceptions.11 (28) is a large desert in Africa. The ____12 What is the capital city of Malawi?A. LilongweB. BlantyreC. MzuzuD. Zomba13 The ______ helps with the detection of sound.14 What do we call a large, flying bird?A. SparrowB. EagleC. PenguinD. Ostrich15 Carbon is essential for all ______ life.16 What is the capital city of Bolivia?A. La PazB. SucreC. Santa CruzD. Cochabamba17 Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?A. ChinaB. JapanC. KoreaD. Thailand答案:B18 A ____ is a playful animal that enjoys being around people.19 Which planet rotates on its side?A. SaturnB. NeptuneC. UranusD. Jupiter20 The _______ (The French Revolution) inspired uprisings around the world.21 I like to _______ (参加) workshops.22 What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?A. Prime MeridianB. EquatorC. Tropic of CancerD. Tropic of Capricorn23 The __________ was a major conflict in the history of the United States. (越南战争)24 My _______ (狗) loves to run.25 What do you call a person who collects stamps?A. PhilatelistB. NumismatistC. CollectorD. Curator答案:A26 I love to ______ (与朋友共度时光).27 Which animal lives in water?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. Horse28 I want to try ________ (滑冰).29 The rain is ___. (pouring)30 What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionD. History31 A reduction reaction involves the gain of ______.32 The chemical symbol for chlorine is ______.33 The prairie dog lives in _________ (地下).34 My favorite animal is a ______ (狗) that likes to play fetch.35 The ________ blooms in the summer.36 The _____ (手册) is useful.37 My favorite subject is _______.38 What do we call the place where we watch movies?A. TheaterB. MuseumC. LibraryD. Park39 The chemical formula for calcium phosphate is __________.40 I like to _____ (追逐) butterflies.41 What do you call the outer layer of the Earth?a. Coreb. Mantlec. Crustd. Surface答案:c42 What is the name of the chemical element with the symbol H?A. HeliumB. HydrogenD. Silver答案:B43 What is the capital of Switzerland?A. GenevaB. ZurichC. BernD. Basel44 My birthday is in _____ (July/Friday).45 What do you call a young pelican?A. ChickB. CalfC. KitD. Pup46 What do we call a device that takes pictures?A. CameraB. ProjectorC. TelevisionD. Computer答案:A47 My dad works as a _______ (工程师).48 My grandpa tells interesting ____.49 In my family, we all have different names, but we love each other like ______. (在我的家庭中,我们都有不同的名字,但我们彼此相爱,就像____一样。



桂林“人教”2024年小学4年级下册语文第三单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1. 我们要珍惜时间,____好每一天。

答案:过2. 拼音填字:他每天都去(______)(tī)打篮球,锻炼身体,变得越来越(______)(qiáng) 壮。

3. 请填写反义词:直接 — (_________)4. 我们的班级有____个同学。

答案:三十5. 小河的水流得很____。

答案:清澈6. 阅读理解填空题:小丽是一位热爱运动的女孩。













7. 太阳表面温度大约是多少摄氏度?A. 3000°CB. 4000°CC. 5000°CD. 6000°C8. 宇宙中的“暗能量”是什么?A. 一种物质B. 一种能量形式C. 解释宇宙加速膨胀的假设D. 不存在的概念9. 我们要保持____的态度。

答案:积极10. 春风又绿_______,明月何时照我还。

答案:江南11. 我们要互相____,共同进步。

答案:帮助12. 听力填字:我们要爱护_______,让它们健康成长。



韶关2024年10版小学三年级英语第3单元暑期作业考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、How many legs does a dog have?A. TwoB. FourC. SixD. Eight答案:B2、填空题:My mom encourages me to ____.3、What do we call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?A. AtmosphereB. LithosphereC. HydrosphereD. Biosphere答案:A4、听力题:The discovery of gold in California led to the _______ Rush.5、填空题:My brother is a __________ (游戏设计师).6、填空题:The __________ (历史的边界) can be fluid.7、填空题:A _____ (植物探讨) can lead to innovative gardening methods.8、What is the name of the famous American author who wrote "Moby Dick"?A. Mark TwainB. Herman MelvilleC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Nathaniel Hawthorne答案:B9、填空题:The first person to swim across the English Channel was ______ (马修·温斯顿).10、填空题:A parakeet enjoys playing with ______ (玩具).11、填空题:My cat catches ______ (老鼠) in the house.12、听力题:A frog can live on land and in ______.13、What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. Villain答案:A14、听力题:The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is ________.15、填空题:A _____ (植物文学) can celebrate the beauty of nature.16、听力题:The _____ (sky/ground) is cloudy.17、填空题:The _____ (青蛙) has a unique life cycle.18、听力题:The pizza is ________ to share.19、听力题:My friend likes to play ____ (soccer) after school.20、听力题:The movie was very ___ (interesting).21、听力题:The element with atomic number is __________.22、听力题:__________ are important for food security.23、填空题:My grandma loves to share her __________ (故事) with us.24、听力题:We play soccer in the ___. (field)25、填空题:We have a lot of ________ (作业) to finish.26、填空题:The monkey swings from _______ (树).27、听力题:The children are ___ in the snow. (playing)28、听力题:The chemical symbol for magnesium is _____.29、听力题:A fox is known for being very ______.30、填空题:This girl, ______ (这个女孩), is very artistic and creative.31、听力题:The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces ______.32、听力题:The capital of Egypt is __________.33、填空题:I like to draw pictures of my ________ (玩具名) and imagine their adventures.34、听力题:The bear searches for _______ in the river.35、What do you call a place where you can see wild animals?A. SanctuaryB. ZooC. FarmD. Aquarium36、填空题:My brother loves to __________ (练习) soccer with friends.37、听力题:A reaction that produces a solid precipitate indicates a ______ change.38、What is 100 + 200?A. 300B. 400C. 500D. 600答案:A39、填空题:A ________ (清真寺) is a place of worship in Islam.40、What do you call a person who studies fish?A. IchthyologistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. Marine biologist41、听力题:The ______ is known for her public speaking skills.42、填空题:The capital of Germany is ________ (德国的首都是________).43、听力题:They are _______ (having) fun at the party.44、填空题:My grandma always makes __________. (饼干)45、听力题:A ________ is an area of land that is very dry.46、填空题:We are all . (我们都是。



2021届韶关市第十一中学高三英语三模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AYou haven’t truly visited a city until you’ve experienced its nightlife. Watching a big city likeLondongradually turn dark and darker into the night is a beautiful journey of time and light. So how about taking a historical evening walk and touchingsome of the nicest areas in centralLondon? Let’s get started.6:30 pmThe walk starts on theMillenniumBridge. On the bridge, watch the scenic city across the River Thames with the skyscrapers gradually lighting up against the darkening skies.TheMillenniumBridgehas been featured in many London-based films, includingHarry Potter, and the filmGuardians of the Galaxy.7:30 pmIt’s getting dark. A fifteen-minute walk northwest fromSt Paul’s Cathedral takes you to the historic Borough Market. During the evenings, you find a lot of restaurants around the market. This is an excellent time to get your dinner.9:00 pmThe next stop isLondonBridge. This is about 6 minutes’ walk from the Borough Market. As you join other onlookers and mentally go through the nursery school rhyme of “LondonBridgeis Falling Down”, you get lost again in history. Why does the song sayLondonBridgeis falling and who is the fair lady?During theLondoncity fire of 1897,LondonBridgeserved an important role in fire control. It was one of the major structures that prevented the fire from crossing over to the other side ofLondon.11:30 pmLondonnever sleeps; it’s a few minutes to midnight and everywhere is still filled with people moving around. About four minutes away from the Golden Jubilee Bridges isTrafalgar Square, our next stop.12:00 amIt’s been a beautiful evening, hasn’t it?1. Where can you visit aGuardians of the Galaxyfilming location?A. In theSt Paul’s Cathedral.B. On theMillenniumBridge.C. In the Borough Market.D. On the Golden Jubilee Bridges.2. What can be learned about the Borough Market?A. It is far fromLondonBridge.B. It is related to a famous song.C. It is an ideal place for dinner.D. It is a modern open-air market.3. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To showLondon’s color1 ful culture.B. To introduce the scenery inLondon.C. To ask people to do outdoor activities.D. To recommend a night tour inLondon.BFrom skateboarding to Fleetwood Mac, TikTok users got creative in a pandemic (流行病) year with new songs, dances and shows in 60 seconds or less.The social mediavideo app on Wednesday shared its list of top 100 videos, creators and trends in America during 2020. “These videos brought joy and inspiration to millions of Americans in the rough year,” said Kudzi Chikumbu, director of creator community at TikTok.The platform has been widely associated with Generation Z (people born after 1996), millennials (people born in the 1980s or 1990s) and influencers who have started careers based on the shared videos.The Weeknd'sBlinding Lightsand Jason Derulo's Savage Loveinspired TikTok dance challenges that made them among the top songs used on the app.For some TikTok creators, the pandemic itself became inspiration to create a connection with other users. Comedian Caitlin Reilly used the app during quarantine (隔离) to make fun of those annoying coworkers for one of the top liked videos. And singer Curtis Roach made an song for the endless days at home with his song Bored in the House.The second most popular video was an Idaho man named Nathan Apodaca who shot to fame after coolly singing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, while skateboarding on a highway.But the most liked TikTok video was awarded to Bella Poarch with 45 million followers, who created a simple but interesting video with a few seconds of well-timed head nods and eye rolls.While the app might be designed for youth, Chikumbu said that the growth of TikTok this year has pushed it more into mainstream culture. “You're seeing everyone from the teenager to the college students with their parents and then their grandparents all making videos,” said Chikumbu. “And now TikToktrulytranscendsgenerations, particularly in this year when people had a lot of time to dig in and not only watch, but try.”4. What do we know about The Weeknd?A. He created the famous song Dreams.B. He started a career based on shared videos.C. He is probably a popular singer on TikTok.D. He organized the TikTok dance challenges.5. What did Curtis Roach think of his life during quarantine?A. Meaningful.B. Peaceful.C. Content.D. Uninteresting.6. The most popular TikTok video in 2020 was created by ______.A. Caitlin ReillyB. Curtis RoachC. Nathan ApodacaD. Bella Poarch7. What does the underlined word “transcends” in the last paragraph mean?A. Makes use of.B. Goes beyond.C. Calls on.D. Takes charge of.CThe cumulative rainfall in Henan province during the four days was the highest since the province has records, the provincial meteorological service said. The rain was heaviest in the provincial capital, Zhengzhou, for a short period on Monday and Tuesday. Northern, western and central parts of Henan also experienced downpours, the service said. Zhengzhou's biggest one-hour precipitation (降水量) —201.9 mmbetween 4 and 5 pm on Tuesday—was also the highest on the Chinese mainland. The previous record was 198.5 mmin the village of Linzhuang in Zhumadian in August 1975, the National Meteorological Center said. The city's precipitation duringthe four days exceeded that of its average annual precipitation, the center said.Chen Tao, chief forecaster at the National Meteorological Center, said abundant water vapor (水蒸气) brought by Typhoon In-Fa and the province's special geographical features led to Henan's rain. “Partly affected by the typhoon, large amounts of water vapor have been transported to China's inland areas, including Henan,” he said.From Thursday to Monday, rain was forecast to continue in Henan. However, rainfall will gradually subside in Zhengzhou and the province's northern and central regions, though the storms will increase the risk of mountaintorrents and other geological disasters. By Monday, lighter rain is forecast for parts of Henan, the provincial weather service said. However, local authorities are still urged to bevigilantand prepare to prevent or cope with flooding and other possible disasters.Predicting such weather events remains a challenge worldwide because it involves many meteorological phenomena, the center said. “The formation of this kind of extreme weather, including rainstorms and high temperatures, is complex,” Chen said. “We still lack effective solutions and methods for such forecasting”, he said. “We are now putting a lot of effort into tackling the difficulty. We believe that as the technology improves, we can better forecast the events.”8. What message does the author mainly want to convey in the first paragraph?A. heavy rain fell in Zhengzhou.B. The rain in Henan lasted four days.C. Zhumadian also suffered the similar heavy rain.D. Henan experienced the biggest rainfall of all time.9. What can be indicated from Chen Tao's words?A. It is not easy to forecast the extreme weather.B The rain of Henan is mainly caused by Typhoon In-Fa.C. The center hasn't put a lot of effort into solving the problem.D. Rainstorms and high temperatures can account for the heavy rain.10. What does the underlined word “vigilant” probably mean?A. Relaxed.B. Alert.C. Reluctant.D. Communicative.11. Where might the text be most probably taken from?A. history book.B. A novel.C. A news report.D. A science magazine.DChina's Mars probe Tianwen-1 successfully landed on the surface of the red planet on May 15, 2021, leaving a Chinese footprint on Mars for the first time and in its first attempt, becoming the only other nation besides theUSto get such an achievement. The Tianwen-1 probe touched down at its pre-selected landing area in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a wide plain on Mars, at 7:18 a.m.(Beijing Time), after three months scanning the whole planet on Mars docking orbit, the China National Space Administration(CNSA) announced.Tianwen-1, including an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from the 'Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southernChinas islandprovinceofHainanon July 23, 2020. It was the first step inChina'splanetary exploration of the solar system, with the aim of completing orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission. According to the administration, the country's first Martian probe will conduct scientific investigations about the Martian soil, environment, atmosphere as well as water.China's planetary exploration program has been named “Tianwen”, which was named after a long poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan. The name represents the Chinese nation's willpower in pursuing truth, the country's cultural inheritance of its understanding of nature and universe, as well as the unending exploration in science and technology.China's first Mars rover has been named “Zhurong”, which means the god of fire in an ancient Chinese story. The name indicates Chinese people's blessing for the rover to light the flame ofChina's planetary exploration. The rover has six wheels and four solar panels, and carries 13 scientific instruments. According to the CNSA, Zhurong has started its scientific exploration after moving from the landing platform onto the Red Planet's surface on May 22.More than 40 Mars missions have been launched since the 1960s, but only about half have succeeded. It is the first time in the world that orbiting, landing and roving on Mars has been completed in one launch mission, andChinahas come to the forefront of Mars exploration in the world.12. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A. China is the only nation to launch a probe to Mars.B. Tianwen-1 landed in the northern part of the planet.C. Tianwen-1 scanned the southern part of the planet.D. The Mars probe will carry out scientific investigations.13. How did the planetary exploration program get its name?A. From a long poem by Qu Yuan.B. From an ancient Chinese story.C. From Chinese nation's willpower.D. From theChinaNational Space Administration.14. Why does the author sayChinahas come to the leading position of Mars exploration?A. The rover carried many scientific instruments.B. China completed three tasks in one attempt.C. The rover successfully moved from the landing platform onto Mars.D. The CNSA is continuously exploring science and technology.15. What is the text mainly about?A. Tianwen-1 completed its mission.B. Tianwen-1 represented the god of fire.C. Tianwen-1 successfully landed on Mars.D. Tianwen-1 was launched from Wenchang.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 在显微镜下观察到某黑藻细胞中的一个叶绿体位于液泡的右下方,细胞质环流方向为逆时针,如图所示。

相关描述错误的是()A.实际上叶绿体应位于液泡的左上方,细胞质环流方向仍为逆时针B.该细胞中的无膜细胞器有核糖体和中心体C.液泡内含糖类、无机盐、蛋白质等物质,可以调节植物细胞内的环境D.若滴加适当高浓度的蔗糖溶液浸泡该细胞,其细胞液的吸水能力增强2. 已知某植物的抗病(A)和不抗病(a)、花粉长形(B)和花粉圆形(b)、高茎(D)和矮茎(d)三对性状能自由组合。


下列相关叙述不正确的是()A. 任意选择两植株杂交都能验证基因的分离定律B. 欲验证基因的自由组合定律可选用的杂交组合只有①和①、①和①C. 欲培育出基因型为aabbdd的植株,可选择①和①进行杂交D. 欲通过检测花粉验证基因的分离定律可选择①和任意植株杂交3. 一对患同种遗传病的夫妻,生了一个不患此病的正常女孩,那么该病的遗传方式为A.X染色体上的隐性基因B.常染色体上的隐性基因C.X染色体上的显性基因D.常染色体上的显性基因4. 某实验小组为了探究乙烯对淀粉酶活性的影响,向多支试管加入等量的磷酸缓冲液、淀粉溶液和淀粉酶后分为实验组和对照组。


下列说法错误的是()A.酶活性指的是酶对化学反应的催化效率B.分析实验及结果,可以得出的结论是乙烯能提高淀粉酶的活性C.B点时,实验组和对照组的底物浓度相同,酶促反应速率相等D.若提高反应体系的温度,则t1和t2向右移动5. 以酒待客是我国的传统习俗,乙醇进入人体后的代谢途径如图所示.会“红脸”的人体内有乙醇脱氢酶但不含有乙醛脱氢酶.下列说法正确的是()A. “白脸”人的基因型有5种B.饮酒后酒精以易化扩散方式被吸收进入血液,并且在肝细胞光面内质网中“解毒”C.一对“白脸”夫妇后代出现白脸与红脸比为3:1,其原理与孟德尔一对相对性状的杂交试验相同D.若ADH基因仅一条母链上的G被A所替代,则该基因连续复制n次后,突变型ADH基因占的比例为6. 下图是细胞核的结构模式图。

































1. 如图甲、乙、丙三个装置,请选出他们的作用分别为()A.甲、乙用于调查种群密度,丙用于捕获土壤小动物B.甲、丙用于调查种群密度,乙用于采集土壤微生物C.甲用于采集鸟类,乙用于采集土壤小动物,丙用于标记重捕D.甲、丙用于调查种群密度,乙用于采集土壤小动物2. 下列有关细胞核的结构及功能的叙述,错误的是()A.核膜具有双层膜结构B.细胞核是细胞代谢和遗传的中心C.染色质主要由蛋白质和DNA组成D.具有细胞结构的生物不一定有细胞核3. 稳定性选择和单向性选择是自然选择中的两种类型,前者是把种群中趋于极端的变异个体淘汰,而保留中间型的个体,后者是在种群中保留趋于某个性状中某一极端的个体,而淘汰另一极端的个体。

下列关于英国曼彻斯特地区受工业发展影响,桦尺蠖黑化现象的叙述正确的是()A.桦尺蠖变异的不定向性导致该种群朝着不同的方向进化B.桦尺蠖黑化现象对该种群来说一定属于有利的变异C.桦尺蠖黑化现象属于自然选择中的稳定性选择D.单向选择导致某基因频率逐代增加,其等位基因频率逐代下降4. 如图是某草原生态系统中的食物网,相关叙述正确的是()A. 图中所有生物构成一个群落B. 青蛙和蜘蛛的关系为捕食和竞争C. 若人为大量捕杀蛇,则蝗虫数量将增加D. 蛇仅处于第四营养级5. 下列关于激素的叙述中,正确的是()A. 参与细胞结构组成B. 为生命活动提供能量C. 通过体液运输作用于靶细胞和靶器官D. 起催化作用6. 将某活组织放入适宜的完全营养液中,置于适宜的条件下培养。


据图分析下列叙述中正确的是A. 该组织的细胞吸收甲、乙两种离子的方式分别是自由扩散和主动运输B. 该组织细胞运输离子甲的载体数量比运输离子乙的载体数量多C. 两种离子均只能从低浓度的一侧运输到高浓度的一侧D. 曲线mn段和ab段表明两种离子浓度的升高抑制了细胞对水的吸收7. 神经递质分为兴奋性神经递质与抑制性神经递质两种,乙酰胆碱就是一种兴奋性神经递质,去甲肾上腺素是一种抑制性神经递质。


42、选择题: What type of animal is a salmon? A. Fish B. Bird C. Mammal D. Reptile
43、What is 11 6? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 答案: B
44、填空题: The __________ is the science of studying Earth’s features. (地球科学)
10、听力题: The baby is ________ in the crib.
11、Which month has Halloween? A. January B. February C. October D. December 答案: C
12、填空题: The _______ (Berlin Wall) was built to separate East and West Berlin.
D. Neopets 答案: A
22、填空题: In a __________, you can find various types of plants and animals. (生态系统)
23、填空题: The _____ (geranium) is a popular house plant.
58、Which one is a primary color? A. Purple B. Orange C. Green D. Blue 答案: D
59、填空题: A ________ (草丛) provides shelter for wildlife.
60、听力题: A ____ can swim and has webbed feet.
64、听力题: The substance that is dissolved in a solution is called the _______.





1. 下列与生态系统功能相关的描述中,正确的是()①生产者的遗体、残枝、败叶中的能量被分解者利用,经其呼吸作用消耗①能量金字塔是表示单位时间内群落中生产者、消费者和分解者得到的能量效值①蜜蜂发现蜜源时,会通过“跳舞”动作“告诉”同伴去采蜜,这属于行为信息①硝化细菌能将土壤的氨氧化成为硝酸,利用释放的能量将CO2和H2O合成糖类A. ①①①B. ①①①C. ①①①D. ①①①2. 下列组合在生命系统的层次中依次属于种群、群落和生态系统的一组()①一个池塘中的全部生物①一片草地上的全部昆虫①某水库中的全部鲫鱼①一根枯木及枯木上的所有生物A.①①①B.①①①C.①①①D.①①①3. 基因型为AABBCC与aabbcc的小麦进行杂交,这三对等位基因遵循孟德尔自由组合定律,F1形成的配子种类数和F1代自交产生F2的基因型种类数分别是()A.4和9B.4和27C.8和27D.32和814. 稳态是生命系统的特征,也是机体存活的条件。

下列叙述正确的是()A.人体内环境的温度会随着外界气温的变化而变化B.组织液为组织细胞提供营养物质,比血浆含有更多的蛋白质C.胰岛素和胰高血糖素相互协同,共同维持血糖含量的稳定D.若某人出现病理性溶血,则其血浆中的血红蛋白含量会偏高5. 某生物核酸的碱基组成,嘌呤碱基占52%,嘧啶碱基占48%,此生物一定不是()A. 蓝藻B. 人C. 乙肝病毒(DNA病毒)D. 流感病毒(RNA病毒)6. 下列疾病中,与免疫功能无关的是()A. 艾滋病与类风湿性关节炎B. 癌症与系统性红斑狼疮C. 高度近视与苯丙酮尿症D. 吃海鲜过敏与过敏性鼻炎7. 下图为部分碳循环示意图,下列叙述正确的是()A. 图中由生产者、①、①和①构成的食物链中,能量流动是单向、逐级递减的B. 生产者为第一营养级,①①①①之和为生产者固定的总能量C. 根瘤菌与豆科植物互利共生时,其生命活动所需的有机碳来自①过程D.①①①过程以CO2的形式进行,①①①①①过程以有机物的形式进行8. 图中“●”表示进入细胞的物质a。



















1. 研究者将大蒜的根分别浸入不同浓度的磷酸盐溶液中,4h后测定得到下图所示的PO43-吸收速率曲线。

对本实验现象作出的下列分析,合理的是()A.PO43-通过协助扩散进入大蒜根尖细胞B.PO43-吸收速率受到膜上载体数量制约C.PO43-一定是逆浓度梯度进行跨膜运输D.PO43-的吸收过程说明细胞膜具有流动性2. 酶具有极强的催化功能,其原因是()A.降低了化学反应的活化能B.增加了反应物之间的接触面积C.提高了反应物分子的活化能D.酶提供使反应开始所必需活化能3. 尿崩症是指由于各种原因使抗利尿激素(九肽激素)的产生或作用异常,使肾脏对水分的重吸收产生障碍。

下列相关叙述正确的是()A.肾小管和集合管对水的重吸收主要是通过水通道实现的B.抗利尿激素与斐林试剂反应后有砖红色沉淀生成C.该激素由下丘脑释放,通过体液运输作用于肾小管和集合管D.若尿崩症由该激素的产生减少导致,则可口服该激素来治疗4. 下图中甲、乙为某种生物种群的年龄组成曲线,如不考虑其他因素,种群甲和种群乙未来个体数量的发展趋势是()A.衰退和增长B.增长和衰退C.增长和稳定D.稳定和增长5. 水稻高秆(D)对矮秆(d)为显性,抗稻瘟病(R)对易感稻瘟病(r)为显性,两对相对性状独立遗传。

用一个纯合易感病的矮秆品种(抗倒伏)与一个纯合抗病的高秆品种(易倒伏)杂交,F1自交,F2代中出现既抗病又抗倒伏类型的基因型及其比例为()A.RRdd,1/8B.Rrdd,1/8C.RRdd,1/16和Rrdd,1/8D.rrDD,1/16和RRDd,1/86. 下列关于真核生物基因的叙述中,正确的是()A. 能结合RNA聚合酶B. 能转运氨基酸C. 能与核糖体结合D. 含有起始密码子7. 下图表示某植物的一个叶肉细胞及其相关生理过程示意图,下列说法中不正确的是()A. 图中的叶肉细胞呼吸作用释放的CO2量大于光合作用固定的CO2量B.M中[H]的运动方向是从叶绿体的类囊体到叶绿体的基质C.M、N既能进行DNA复制又能产生A TPD. 真核细胞中都含有M、N,原核细胞中都不含M、N8. 下列与水稻叶肉细胞中ATP相关的说法,正确的是()A. 只能由细胞呼吸产生B. 细胞质基质、线粒体基质和叶绿体基质中均能合成A TPC. 分解后脱离下来的末端磷酸基团挟能量与载体蛋白结合,可使载体蛋白空间结构发生变化D. 代谢旺盛时细胞中ATP的含量明显升高9. 真核细胞内不具有膜包裹的结构统称为非膜结构,包括颗粒状和纤维状结构,如核糖体、染色体、细胞骨架等。

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