英特尔至强E7处理器性能多项测试比拼18款不同型号Xeon E7处理器自英特尔2010年发布至强7500处理器家族以来,针对企业关键任务领域使得X86处理器在挑战RISC霸主地位上迈出坚实一步。
英特尔至强E7处理器家族据官方资料,Xeon E7系列处理器开发代号Westmere-EX,制造工艺升级为32nm,不过封装接口仍采用LGA1567,同时向下兼容Xeon 7500系列产品,而一直比较受关注的Sandy Bridge-EP/EN面向主流服务器市场,才会改用新的LGA2011封装接口。
18款不同型号Xeon E7处理器作为新一代关键业务应用的至强处理器,Xeon E7系列家族囊括多达18款不同型号,分为Xeon E7-8800、Xeon E7-4800、Xeon E7-2800三个子系列,分别支持最多八路、四路和双路并行,核心数量6/8/10个,除了E7-8837外全部支持超线程,原始频率1.73-2.67GHz不等,都支持不同程度的Turbo Boost睿频动态加速,三级缓存容量18/24/30MB,QPI总线频率4.8/5.86/6.4GT/s,对应内存频率1066/978/800MHz,热设计功耗提供95/105/130W三种。
·E7-2800系列:可以组建单处理器或双处理器系统· E7-4800系列:可以组建四处理器系统· E7-8800系列:可以组建八处理器系统,每个服务器可以支持80或160条线程新一代至强E7处理器不仅在制程上提供改进,在性能和RAS特性上给予了更大的提升,E7的前一代至强7500产品就曾经以3倍的性能提升、高达1TB的内存支持和20多项RAS特性,创下了英特尔多路服务器处理器性能及功能提升多项记录。
作为至强7500继任者Westmere-EX,在技术上不仅提升三级缓存容量到30MB 以及集成内存控制器数量达32GB,同时在虚拟化方面,具有增强的虚拟化支持,将有效提升虚拟机的切换速度,并加入Real mode功能、减少延迟和响应时间以及RAS特性等方面改进,具体看看至强E7处理器在多项性能测试表现。
十载寒窗英特尔至强处理器历代记 2011-04-11 佚名 IT168 摘要:回顾至强处理器发展的历程,面向双路的产品从最初的至强5000系列到5400系列到最新的至强E7,算下来Intel在双路及四路以上服务器处理器中已经整整更新了10代产品。
一代、Dempsey核心至强5000系列英特尔公司的“Bensley”平台包括代号为“Dempsey”的双核Xeon DP处理器和代号为“Blackford”的Intel 5000系列芯片组,另外还有一系列的新技术,比如I/O AT技术、FBD内存技术、更新的安全特性等等。
英特尔当时一共发布了8款基于“Dempsey”核心的处理器:Xeon 5080、Xeon 5070、Xeon 5060、Xeon 5063、Xeon 5050、Xeon 5040、Xeon 5030和Xeon 5020。
在Xeon 5000系列处理器中整合了两个完整的NetBurst微架构处理器,并且对于NetBurst 微架构进行了进一步的优化——主要涉及到超管线技术(Hyper Pipelined Technology)和执行追踪缓存(Execution Trace Cache)。
SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSE4.2,Intel-VT,VT-d,Turbo Boost,Hyper-Threading
全部支持Turbo Boost睿频加速技术
三通道DDR3 800/1066/1333MHz
Intel 5520芯片组
Intel 5520芯片组
8MB缓存、6.40 GT/秒QPI:
W5590(3.33 GHz)、W5580(3.20 GHz)、
X5570(2.93 GHz)、X5560(2.80 GHz)、
Intel Xeon 5600
自动低功耗 状态
IT 适应性
您可以实施自动操作或选 择性配置(手动控制)。
通过提供高达 15:1 的整合能力,英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列 有助于控制服务器的增长速度。2 除提供整合优势外,基于 英特尔® 微体系架构 Nehalem 的英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列 借助多项创新带来了更多虚拟化优势 — 这些创新包括:提升性 能,增加整合比率,支持将各代服务器集成到同一个虚拟服务 器池中,以及提高虚拟机故障切换、负载平衡和灾难恢复能力 等。随着同等功耗范围内的性能提升,您可以利用虚拟化提供 高可用性解决方案来灵活应对灾难恢复和实时工作负载平衡, 从而出色地对预料中和预料外的情况做出响应。
英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列为全球部署最广泛的服务器架构 提供强大的智能性能。英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列是全球适 应能力最强的服务器平台,能够根据您的计算工作负载的具体要 求实时调整性能和能源使用情况,同时还支持 IT 管理人员实施手 动调整。
英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列集成了多项智能创新技术:
支持下一代英特尔® 虚拟化技术∆(英特尔® VT)的英特尔® 至强® 处理器 5600 系列可提供高达 3.5 倍的虚拟性能提升,并可使虚 拟化往返延迟时间缩短 2 倍。7
• 英特尔® 虚拟化技术(英特尔® VT-x)可在各种 32 位和 64 位 配置下持续提供多代虚拟机移植的投资保护和基础设施灵活 性,扩大虚拟机池的容量。
英特尔的新一代服务器处理器为企业构建完全自适应型 IT 环境提供了坚实基础。新处理器架构集成了多项创 新特性,可根据软件和业务需要调整性能,帮助用户减少能耗,实现最佳运行性能和效率,同时还可支持虚 拟化战略,帮助您的 IT 基础设施更快地适应您的业务要求。
服务器CPU Intel Xeon E5600与Intel Xeon E5-2600参数对比
服务器CPUIntel Xeon E5600与Intel Xeon E5-2600参数对比针对目前市场上比较火热的两款服务器CPU:Intel Xeon E5600和Intel Xeon E5-2600系列,几乎成了众多服务器厂商标配,E5-2600系列更是深受服务器厂商欢迎,到底E5-2600到底有什么优势能占据霸主地位呢?下面我们拿在服务器上热配的两款CPU型号Xeon E5645、Xeon E5-2620 v2一起进行对比分析:最大CPU配置2颗2颗指令集SSE4.2,64-bit AVX,64-bitXeon E5645、Xeon E5-2620 v2两款CPU 参数对比表通过上图技术参数对比可以看到,Xeon E5-2620 v2的性能参数较之前的Xeon E5645有很大的提升,核心架构升级了两代(Westmere EP之后是SandyBridge EP,再之后是Ivy Bridge EP),工艺从32nm提升到22nm,集成度更高。
虽然主频较Xeon E5645稍低一些,但其他技术参数的提高,使得性能确高于Xeon E5645。
1、三级缓存也是CPU的一项很重要的参数,从Xeon E5645的12M提高到了15M,进一步大幅度提升CPU内部读取数据的命中率,而不用频繁再从内存或者硬盘读取,提高了CPU工作效率。
3、由于Xeon E5645发布较早(2010年),对于内存最大只支持1333MHz,最大支持三通道内存,而Xeon E5-2620 v2可以支持1600MHz的高频高速内存,同时支持DDR3的四通道内存,对于大容量,高速率内存的支持更好。
4、CPU的插槽类型从LGA 1366提高到目前最新的LGA 2011,由于LGA 1366平台太老,Intel发布全新的LGA 2011平台将逐渐取代LGA 1366。
美国《InfoWorld》近期对基于该处理器的戴尔PowerEdge M1000e、惠普BladeSystem c7000和IBM BladeCenter H等数款刀片服务器系统进行了测试。
另外,它采用英特尔第二代高K金属栅极晶体管技术,实现了处理器计算速度的提升和能耗降低,使至强5600 系列在性能上比基于45纳米的至强5500系列提升最高达60%。
浪潮服务器商品编码 部件产品名称 Q1对应编码 Q1对应配件名称
商品编码部件产品名称Q1对应编码Q1对应配件名称CPUSPT0CPU0002H Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4809v2(6C,105W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX305XeonE7-4809v2(1.9GHz/6c)/6.4GT/12ML3 SPT0CPU0002I Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4820v2(8C,105W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX306XeonE7-4820v2(2.00GHz/8c)/7.2GT/16ML3 SPT0CPU0002J Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4830v2(10C,105W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX307XeonE7-4830v2(2.2GHz/10c)/7.2GT/20ML3 SPT0CPU0002K Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4850v2(12C,105W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX308XeonE7-4850v2(2.3GHz/12c)/7.2GT/24ML3 SPT0CPU0002L Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4860v2(12C,130W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX309XeonE7-4860v2(2.6GHz/12c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002M Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4870v2(15C,130W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX310XeonE7-4870v2(2.3GHz/15c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002N Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4880v2(15C,130W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX311XeonE7-4880v2(2.5GHz/15c)/8.0GT/37.5ML3 SPT0CPU0002O Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-4890v2(15C,155W,2.8GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX312XeonE7-4890v2(2.8GHz/15c)/8.0GT/37.5ML3 SPT0CPU0002P Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8857v2(12C,130W,3.0GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8857v2-Xeon3_8.0G_30M_12CSPT0CPU0002Q Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8850v2(12C,105W,3.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX437XeonE7-8850v2-Xeon2.3_7.2G_24M_12C SPT0CPU0002R Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8870v2(15C,130w,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8870v2-Xeon2.3_8.0G_30M_15CSPT0CPU0002S Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8891v2(10C,155W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8891v2-Xeon3.2_8G_37.5M_10CSPT0CPU0002T Inspur NF8460M3,NF8465M3Inbbb Xeon E7-8893v2(6C,155W,3.4GHz)Processor Option Kit XeonE7-8893v2-Xeon3.4_8G_37.5M_6CSPT0CPU0002U Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4809v3(8C,115W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX377XeonE7-4809v3(2.0GHz/8c)/6.4GT/20ML3 SPT0CPU0002V Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4820v3(10C,115W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX376XeonE7-4820v3(1.9GHz/10c)/6.4GT/25ML3 SPT0CPU0002W Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4830v3(12C,115W,2.1GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX375XeonE7-4830v3(2.1GHz/12c)/8.0GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU0002X Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-4850v3(14C,115W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX374XeonE7-4850v3(2.2GHz/14c)/8.0GT/35ML3 SPT0CPU0002Y Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8860v3(16C,140W,2.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX373XeonE7-8860v3(2.2GHz/16c)/9.6GT/40ML3 SPT0CPU00030Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8870v3(18C,140W,2.1GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX372XeonE7-8870v3(2.1GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00032Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8880v3(18C,150W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX371XeonE7-8880v3(2.3GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00033Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8890v3(18C,165W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX370XeonE7-8890v3(2.5GHz/18c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU0002Z Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8867v3(16C,165W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX369XeonE7-8867v3(2.5GHz/16c)/9.6GT45ML3 SPT0CPU00034Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8891v3(10C,165W,2.8GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX368XeonE7-8891v3(2.8GHZ/10c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00035Inspur NF8460M4,NF8465M4Inbbb Xeon E7-8893v3(4C,140W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX367XeonE7-8893v3(3.2GHz/4c)/9.6GT/45ML3 SPT0CPU00003Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2609v3(6C,85W,1.9GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX323E5-2609v3(1.9GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00004Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2620v3(6C,85W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX324E5-2620v3(2.4GHz/6c)/8GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00005Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2630v3(8C,85W,2.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX325E5-2630v3(2.4GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00006Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2637v3(4C,135W,3.5GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2637v3(3.5GHz/4c)/9.6GT/15ML3SPT0CPU00007Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2640v3(8C,90W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX326E5-2640v3(2.6GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00008Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2643v3(6C,135W,3.4GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX339E5-2643v3(3.4GHz/6c)/9.6GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00009Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2650v3(10C,105W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX327E5-2650v3(2.3GHz/10c)9.6GT/25ML3SPT0CPU00010Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2660v3(10C,105W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX328E5-2660v3(2.6GHz/10c)9.6GT/25ML3 SPT0CPU00011Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2667v3(8C,135W,3.2GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2667v3(3.2GHz/8c)9.6GT/20ML3SPT0CPU00012Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2670v3(12C,120W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX329E5-2670v3(2.3GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00013Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2680v3(12C,120W,2.5GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX330E5-2680v3(2.5GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00015Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2690v3(12C,135W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX331E5-2690v3(2.6GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3 SPT0CPU00016Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2695v3(14C,120W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX333E5-2695v3(2.3GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 SPT0CPU00017Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2697v3(14C,145W,2.6GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX334E5-2697v3(2.6GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3SPT0CPU00018Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2698v3(16C,135W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit BCX335E5-2698v3(2.3GHz/16c)9.6GT/40MLSPT0CPU00019Inspur NF5280M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2699v3(18C,145W,2.3GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2699v3(2.3GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3SPT0CPU00014Inspur NF5280M4,NF5270M4Inbbb Xeon E5-2683v3(14C,120W,2.0GHz)Processor Option Kit E5-2683v3(2.0GHz/14C)/9.6GT/35ML3 BCX438XeonE3-1220V5(3.0GHZ)/8M/4CBCX439XeonE3-1230V5(3.40GHZ)/8M/4CBCX440XeonE3-1240V5(3.50GHZ)/8M/4CBCX441XeonE3-1240LV5(2.10GHZ)/8M/4CBCX442XeonE3-1260LV5(2.90GHZ)/8M/4CBCX443XeonE3-1270V5(3.60GHZ)/8M/4CBCX444XeonE3-1280V5(3.70GHZ)/8M/4CBCX445i3-6320(3.9GHz)/4M/2CBCX446i3-6300T(3.3GHz)/4M/2CBCX447i3-6300(3.8GHz)/4M/2CBCX448i3-6100T(3.2GHz)/3M/2CBCX449i3-6100(3.7GHz)/3M/2CBCX450G4520(3.0GHz)/3M/2CBCX451G4500T(3.0GHz)/3M/2CBCX452G4500(3.5GHz)/3M/2CBCX453G4400(3.3GHz)/3M/2CBCX322E5-2603v3(1.6GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3BCX401E5-2603v4(1.7GHz/6c)/6.4GT/15ML3BCX402E5-2609v4(1.7GHz/8c)/6.4GT/20ML3BCX403E5-2620v4(2.1GHz/8c)/8GT/20ML3BCX406E5-2630v4(2.2GHz/10c)/8GT/25ML3BCX408E5-2640v4(2.4GHz/10c)/8GT/25ML3BCX412E5-2650v4(2.2GHz/12c)9.6GT/30ML3BCX414E5-2660v4(2.0GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX416E5-2680v4(2.4GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX419E5-2690v4(2.6GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX404E5-2623v4(2.6GHz/4c)8.0GT/10ML3 BCX407E5-2637v4(3.5GHz/4c)/9.6GT/15ML3 BCX409E5-2643v4(3.4GHz/6c)/9.6GT/20ML3 BCX415E5-2667v4(3.2GHz/8c)9.6GT/25ML3 BCX417E5-2683v4(2.1GHz/16c)/9.6GT/40ML3 BCX420E5-2695v4(2.1GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3 BCX422E5-2697v4(2.3GHz/18c)9.6GT/45ML3 BCX421E5-2697Av4(2.6GHz/16c)9.6GT/40ML3 BCX423E5-2698v4(2.2GHz/20c)9.6GT/50ML BCX424E5-2699v4(2.2GHz/22c)9.6GT/55ML3 BCX405E5-2630LV4(1.8GHz/10c)8.0GT/25ML3 BCX411E5-2650LV4(1.7GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX410E5-2648LV4(1.8GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX413E5-2658V4(2.3GHz/14c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX418E5-2687WV4(3.0GHz/12c)9.6GT/35ML3 BCX425XeonE7-4809v4(2.1GHz/8C)/6.4GT/20ML3 BCX426XeonE7-4820v4(2.0GHz/10C)/6.4GT/25ML3 BCX427XeonE7-4830v4(2.0GHz/14C)/8.0GT/35ML3 BCX428XeonE7-4850v4(2.1GHz/16C)/8.0GT/40ML3 BCX429XeonE7-8860v4(2.2GHz/18C)/9.6GT/45ML3 BCX430XeonE7-8855v4(2.1GHz/14C)/8.0GT/35ML3 BCX431XeonE7-8867v4(2.4GHz/18C)/9.6GT/45ML3 BCX432XeonE7-8870v4(2.1GHz/20C)/9.6GT/50ML3 BCX433XeonE7-8880v4(2.2GHz/22C)/9.6GT/55ML3 BCX434XeonE7-8890v4(2.2GHz/24C)/9.6GT/60ML3 BCX435XeonE7-8891v4(2.8GHz/10C)/9.6GT/60ML3 BCX436XeonE7-8893v4(3.2GHz/4C)/9.6GT/60ML3 DDR3内存SPT0MEM00006Inspur32GB DDR3L-1600LRDIMM SPT0MEM00007Inspur16GB DDR3-1866RDIMMSPT0MEM00008Inspur16GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM00009Inspur16GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000A Inspur8GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000B Inspur8GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000C Inspur4GB DDR3-1600RDIMMSPT0MEM0000D Inspur4GB DDR3L-1600RDIMMDDR4内存DDR4内存BMD1558G_DDR4_UDIMM-EUBMD15616G_DDR4_UDIMM-EUSPT0MEM00002Inspur8GB DDR4-2133MHz(1Rx4)RDIMM BMD1418G RDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00001Inspur16GB DDR4-2133MHz(2Rx4)RDIMM BMD14216G RDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00003Inspur16GB DDR4-2133MHz(1Rx4)RDIMMSPT0MEM00004Inspur32GB DDR4-2133MHz(2Rx4)RDIMM BMD14332G LRDIMM DDR4内存SPT0MEM00005Inspur32GB DDR4-2133MHz(4Rx4)LRDIMM3.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)3.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)SPT0STG35007Inspur3.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0231TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35001Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0422TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35006Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0703TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35005Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0834TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35003Inspur3.5"6TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT1076TB SATA(企业级)SPT0STG35002Inspur3.5"8TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive8TB SATA(企业级)2.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)2.5寸企业级SATA(含托架及包装)SPT0STG25006Inspur2.5"500GB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT062500GB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25005Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BHT0611TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25004Inspur2.5''2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap HardDrive2TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)2.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)2.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)7,200RPM7,204RPMSPT0STG25S03Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S05Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S01Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive2TB SAS硬盘2.5"10,000RPM10,004RPMSPT0STG25001Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25002Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S02Inspur2.5"1.8TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1091.8T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0E Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0G Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S08Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S09Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S04Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S06Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"15,000RPM15,004RPMSPT0STG25S0D Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S0F Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S07Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA108600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立SPT0STG25003Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立3.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)3.5寸SAS(含托架及包装)SPT0STG35S09Inspur3.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TYP0231TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S08Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0762TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S05Inspur3.5"2TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA0762TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S07Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TCP0493TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S04Inspur3.5"3TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive TCP0493TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S06Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1064TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S03Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive BSA1064TB SAS硬盘SPT0STG35S01Inspur3.5"6TB7.2K Enterprose SAS12Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive6TB SAS硬盘3.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸SAS硬盘7,200RPM7,204RPMSPT0STG25S0N Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S0P Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0531TB SAS硬盘2.5"SPT0STG25S0H Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray2TB SAS硬盘2.5"10,000RPM10,004RPMSPT0STG25S0K Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0M Inspur2.5"1.2TB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA0841.2T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0J Inspur2.5"1.8TB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA1091.8T热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S11Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25S13Inspur2.5"300GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA023300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5" SPT0STG25S0T Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0V Inspur2.5"600GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA036600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0Q Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"SPT0STG25S0R Inspur2.5"900GB10K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA057900G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万转)2.5"15,000RPM15,004RPMSPT0STG25S0Z Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S12Inspur2.5"300GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA059300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"希捷SPT0STG25S0S Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS12Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray BSA108600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立SPT0STG25S0U Inspur2.5"600GB15K Enterprise SAS6Gbps Hot Swap HDD in3.5"Tray600G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)2.5"日立3.5寸云盘和归档盘(含托架及包装)3.5寸云盘和归档盘(含托架及包装)SPT0STG3500A Inspur3.5"4TB7.2K Cloud Storage SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive4T云盘(7200转)V03ZVSPT0STG3500E Inspur3.5"4TB5.9K Cloud Storage SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive4T云盘(5900转)_W0CCP0B0000060053.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸企业级SATA3.5寸硬盘托架,2.5寸企业级SATASPT0STG25008Inspur2.5"2TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray2TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG25009Inspur2.5"1TB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray1TB SATA 2.5"(企业级)SPT0STG2500A Inspur2.5"500GB7.2K Enterprise SATA6Gbps Hot Swap Hard Drive in3.5"tray500GB SATA 2.5"(企业级)PCIE SSD卡PCIE SSD卡BHD025400G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD026600G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD024800G MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD0231.2T MLC SSD PCIe接口BHD0272.4T MLC SSD PCIe接口其他硬盘及组件其他硬盘及组件BHE00264G SATA-DOM硬盘BHD02880G MLC SSD 2.5BHD029120G MLC SSD 2.5BHD004160G MLC SSD 2.5BHD030240G MLC SSD 2.5BHD010300G MLC SSD 2.5BHD016480G MLC SSD 2.5BHD009600G MLC SSD 2.5BHD019800G MLC SSD 2.5TYP004500GB SATA(桌面级)BPT0201T SATA(桌面级)BSA012300G热插拔SAS硬盘(1万5千转)RAID卡RAID卡SPT0POC00R06Inspur SAS3008iMR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BSS012INSPUR八通道高性能SAS3008卡IMR(可选Raid key)SPT0THR00K02Inspur RAID5Upgrate key for SAS3008iMR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BSS013INSPUR八通道高性能3008Raid KeySPT0POC00R02Inspur RAID1GB9271-8i6Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRE028八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271(1G缓存)SPT0THR00D02Inspur iBBU09Battery Backup Unit Upgrade for RAID2208MR,9271-8i PCIe Adapter BDC020八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271电池SPT0THR00D05Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID2208MR,9271-8i PCIe Adapter BDC022八通道SAS高性能RAID-9271缓存断电保护模块SPT0THR00K03Inspur RAID CacheCade Pro2.0Key for2208MR,3108MR,9271-8i,9361-8i BRE032RAID卡功能模块-CacheCade模块SPT0POC00R0G Inspur RAID2GB PM806012Gbps PCIe Adapter BDC027INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RAID卡RS0820P(2G缓存)SPT0THR00D01Inspur Supercapacitor for RAID PM8060(1GB,2GB)PCIe Adapter by Adaptec BRE038INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RS0810P缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R09Inspur RAID1GB9361-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRE034八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(1G缓存)SPT0THR00D03Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID1GB9361-8i PCIe Adapter by LSI BDC026八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(1G缓存)缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R08Inspur RAID2GB9361-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRD036八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(2G缓存)SPT0THR00D04Inspur Supercapacitor Upgrade for RAID9361-8i(2GB),3108MR(2GB,4GB)by LSI BDC025八通道SAS高性能RAID-9361(2G缓存)缓存断电保护模块SPT0POC00R07Inspur RAID4GB9364-8i12Gbps PCIe Adapter by Avago BRD037八通道SAS高性能LSI RAID-9364(4G缓存+缓存断电保护模块)SPT0POC00R0A Inspur RAID4GB3108MR12Gbps PCIe Adapter BRE040INSPUR八通道高性能SAS RAID卡RS0840L3(4G缓存)电源电源SPT0PSU00001Inspur CRPS800W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00002Inspur CRPS1200W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00003Inspur CRPS550W Platinum Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00004Inspur CRPS800W Titanium Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00005Inspur CRPS800W-48VDC Hot Swap Power SupplySPT0PSU00006Inspur CRPS800W336VDC Hot Swap Power SupplyBDY096300W电源适用于NP3020M4BDY097550W白金电源适用于NP3020M4光纤通道连接配件光纤通道连接配件SPT0POC00B01Inspur LPe1250Single Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF019光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B02Inspur LPe12002Dual Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF021光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,双端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B05Inspur QLE2560Single Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF019光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B06Inspur QLE2562Dual Port8Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF021光纤通道HBA卡,FC8Gb,双端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B03Inspur LPe16000B Single Port16Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex TAF028光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B07Inspur QLE2670Single Port16Gb Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic TAF028光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,单端口,LC接口SPT0POC00B04Inspur LPe16002B Dual Port16Gb Fibre Channel Adapter by Emulex TAF029光纤通道HBA卡,FC16Gb,双端口,LC接口转接卡转接卡BKZ013PCI-E转接卡套件(NF8460M3)PCI-E转接卡套件(NF8460M4)网卡及远程管理卡网卡及远程管理卡SPT0POC00W01Inspur I350PCIe1Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT004双口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W02Inspur I350PCIe1Gb4Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT010四口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W06Inspur I350PCIe1Gb4Port SPF Ethernet Adapter BNT042四口千兆网卡(光纤接口)SPT0POC00W07Inspur82599ES PCIe10Gb1Port with Multi-mode SFP+module Ethernet Adapter单口万兆网卡(光纤接口含多模模块)SPT0POC00W09Inspur MCX312B-XCCT PCIe10Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT009双口万兆网卡(光纤接口)SPT0POC00W08Inspur82599ES PCIe10Gb2Port with Multi-mode SFP+module Ethernet Adapter双口万兆网卡(光纤接口含多模模块)SPT0POC00W0J Inspur X710PCIe x8+x110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Daughter Card出厂前升级INSPUR双口万兆FLOM网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0H Inspur82599ES PCIe x8+x110Gb1Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT034INSPUR单口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0K Inspur CX3PCIe x8+110Gb1Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT034INSPUR单口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0G Inspur82599ES PCIe x8+x110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT035INSPUR双口万兆网卡(光纤接口),不含光模块SPT0POC00W0L Inspur CX3PCIe x8+110Gb2Port SFP+Ethernet AdapterSPT0THR00S01Inspur1Gb Single-Mode SPF+Optical Module INSPUR千兆网卡光模块(单模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S02Inspur1Gb Multi-Mode SFP+Optical Module INSPUR千兆网卡光模块(多模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S03Inspur10Gb Single-Mode SFP+Optical Module BNT036INSPUR万兆网卡光模块(单模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0THR00S04Inspur10Gb Multi-Mode SFP+Optical Module BNT037INSPUR万兆网卡光模块(多模,搭配INSPUR万兆网卡使用)SPT0POC00W0A Inspur T580-SO-CR PCIe40Gb2Port QSFP+Ethernet Adapter BNT039双口40GbE网卡光纤接口,不含光模块,需搭配40G网卡线缆使用SPT0POC00W03Inspur X540PCIe10Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter BNT030双口万兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W04Inspur I350PCIe x8+11Gb4Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter出厂前升级INSPUR四口千兆网卡(RJ45接口)SPT0POC00W05Inspur X540PCIe x8+110Gb2Port Base-T Ethernet Adapter INSPUR双口万兆网卡(RJ45接口)BNT002单口千兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT005双口千兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT008单口万兆网卡(光纤接口)BNT040双口40GbE CNA网卡光纤接口,不含光模块,需搭配40G网卡线缆使用BNT04140G网卡线缆,15米Infiniband card Infiniband cardSPT0POC00C01Inspur MCX353A-FCBT56Gb1Port with QSFP Module InfiniBand Adapter TAF027HCA卡(单口IB卡56GB)SPT0POC00C02Inspur MCX353A-FCBT56Gb2Port with QSFP Module InfiniBand Adapter HCA卡(双口IB卡56GB)软驱、光驱、刻录机软驱、光驱、刻录机BHU001U盘软驱MGQ002标准DVDBCD006DVD刻录机BCD017USB DVD刻录机BCD026SLIM DVD刻录机显卡显卡BXK039显卡K420(显存1G)BXK040显卡K620(显存2G)BXK041显卡K2200(显存4G)显示器显示器BOV01419.5寸液晶显示器BOV00921.5寸液晶显示器BOV01523.6寸液晶显示器RACK机柜及组件RACK机柜及组件BOG022浪潮42U标准服务器机柜(无PDU)/2000mm×1100mm×600mm(H×D×W)BPK0396口PDU国标万用插口/10ABPK03821口PDU国标万用插口/32ABTP00140公斤机柜托盘BTP002100公斤机柜托盘BOK001键盘B0M001鼠标BOQ008四合一切换器17寸液晶8口/USBBOQ009四合一切换器17寸液晶16口/USBBOQ0018口切换器BOQ00516口切换器其他其他BPT002配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS_2.5X8BPT017硬盘模组_2.5×8BPT003配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS12G_4X3.5BPT004配件,背板_INSPUR_SAS12G_8X2.5BPT008配件,SAS线BPT010配件,风扇BPT011配件,硬盘托架_2.5寸BPT012配件,硬盘托架_3.5寸BPT013配件,包装箱BPT014配件,电源线BPT015配件,服务器用户手册及睿捷服务器套件光盘BPL001NF5270M42U前面板V08WY0208000B014SPT0BKD00001Inspur Milestone42U3.5"x4Drive Backplane Kit SPT0BKD00002Inspur Milestone42U Rear2.5"x2Drive Backplane Kit SPT0BKD00003Inspur Milestone42U2.5"x8Drive Backplane Kit。
服务器金-银-铜 至强CPU速查表
DDR4-2933 150W
金牌 6136 3.0G, 12C/24T, 24.75M 缓存,10.4GT/s 2UPI, Turbo,HT
DDR4-2666 150W
金牌 6138 2.0G, 20C/40T, 27M 缓存, 10.4GT/s 2UPI, Turbo,HT
DDR4-2666 125W
金牌 5117 2.0-2.8G, 14C/28T 19.25M缓存 2UPI Turbo, HT
DDR4-2400 105W
金牌 5217 3.0-3.7G, 8C/16T 11MB缓存 Turbo, HT
DDR4-2667 115W
金牌 5118 2.3-3.2G, 12C/24T, 16M 缓存, 10.4GT/s 2UPI, Turbo, HT DDR4-2400 105W
DDR4-2400 100W
银牌 4112 2.6-3.0G, 4C/8T, 8.25M缓存, 9.6GT/s 2UPI, Turbo, HT
银牌 4114 2.2-3.0G, 10C/20T, 13.75M 缓存, 9.6GT/s 2UPI, Turbo, HT
银牌 4214 2.2-3.2G 12C/24T 17MB 缓存, Turbo, HT
银牌 4214R 2.4-3.5G 12C/24T 16.5MB缓存 Turbo, HT 深度学习提升
DDR4-2400 100W
银牌 4215 2.5-3.5G 8C/16T 11MB 缓存, Turbo, HT
英特尔至强铂金 规格参数
戴尔易安信 PowerEdge 服务器第二代 AMD EPYC 处理器的平衡内存说明书
WhitepaperBalanced Memory with 2nd GenerationAMD EPYC TM Processorsfor PowerEdge ServersOptimizing Memory PerformanceRevision: 1.4Issue Date: 4/21/2020AbstractProperly configuring a server with balanced memory is critical to ensure memorybandwidth is maximized and latency is minimized. When server memory is configured incorrectly, unwanted variables are introduced into the memory controllers’ algorithm, which inadvertently slows down overall system performance. To mitigate this risk of reducing or even bottlenecking system performance, it is important to understand what constitutes balanced, near balanced and unbalanced memory configurations.Dell EMC has published this brief to educate PowerEdge customers on what balanced memory means, why it is important and how to properly populate memory to 2ndGeneration AMD EPYC TM server processors for a balanced configuration.RevisionsDate Description12 September 2019 Initial release for 1st wave of AMD CPUs21 April 2020Includes all AMD CPU SKUs AcknowledgementsThis paper was produced by the following people:Name RoleMatt Ogle Technical Product Marketing, Dell EMC Trent Bates Product Management, Dell EMCJose Grande Software Senior Principal Engineer, Dell EMC Andres Fadul Software Senior Principal Engineer, Dell EMCTable of Contents1.Introduction (4)2.Memory Topography and Terminology (5)3.Memory Interleaving (6)3.1NPS and Quadrant Pairing (6)4.Memory Population Guidelines (9)4.1Overview (9)4.2Memory Channel Population (9)4.3Identical CPU and DIMM Parts (10)4.4Identical Memory Configurations for Each CPU (10)5.Balanced Configurations (Recommended) (11)6.Near Balanced Configurations (12)7.Unbalanced Configurations (13)8.Conclusion (19)9. References (19)1. IntroductionUnderstanding the relationship between a server processor (CPU) and its memory subsystem is critical when optimizing overall server performance. Every processor generation has a unique architecture, with volatile controllers, channels and slot population guidelines, that must be satisfied to attain high memory bandwidth and low memory access latency.2nd Generation AMD EPYC TM server processors, which will be referred to by their code name throughout this white paper, Rome processors, offer a total of eight memory channels with up to two memory slots per channel.1 This presents numerous possible permutations for configuring the memory subsystem with traditional Dual In-Line Memory Modules (DIMMs), yet there are only a couple of balanced configurations that will achieve the peak memory performance for Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.Memory that has been incorrectly populated is referred to as an unbalanced configuration. From a functionality standpoint, an unbalanced configuration will operate adequately, but introduces significant additional overhead that will slow down data transfer speeds. Similarly, a near balanced configuration does not yield fully optimized data transfer speeds but it is only suboptimal to that of a balanced configuration. Conversely, memory that has been correctly populated is referred to as a balanced configuration and will secure optimal functionality and data transfer speeds.This white paper explains how to balance memory configured for Rome processors within Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.2. Memory Topography and TerminologyFigure 1: CPU-to-memory subsystem connectivity for Rome processorsTo understand the relationship between the CPU and memory, terminology illustrated in Figure 1 must first be defined:•Memory controllers are digital circuits that manage the flow of data going from the computer’s main memory to the corresponding memory channels.2 Romeprocessors have eight memory controllers in the processor I/O die, with onecontroller assigned to each channel.•Memory channels are the physical layer on which the data travels between the CPU and memory modules.3 As seen in Figure 1, Rome processors have eightmemory channels designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. These channels wereintended to be organized into pairs such as two-way (AB, CD, EF, GH), four-way (ABCD, EFGH) or eight-way (ABCDEFGH).•The memory slots are internal ports that connect the individual DIMMs to their respective channels.4 Rome processors have two slots per channel, so there are a total of sixteen slots per CPU for memory module population. DIMM 1 slots are the first eight memory modules to be populated while DIMM 0 slots are the last eight.In the illustrations ahead, DIMM 1 slots will be represented with black text marked A1-A8 and DIMM 0 slots will be represented with white text marked A9-A16.•The memory subsystem is the combination of all the independent memory functions listed above.3. Memory InterleavingMemory interleaving allows a CPU to efficiently spread memory accesses across multiple DIMMs. When memory is put in the same interleave set, contiguous memory accesses go to different memory banks. Memory accesses no longer must wait until the prior access is completed before initiating the next memory operation. For most workloads, performance is maximized when all DIMMs are in one interleave set creating a single uniform memory region that is spread across as many DIMMs as possible.5 Multiple interleave sets create disjointed memory regions.3.1 NPS and Quadrant PairingRome processors achieve memory interleaving by using Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) in Nodes Per Socket (NPS).6 There are four NPS options available in the Dell EMC BIOS:1. NPS 0– One NUMA node per system (on two processors systems only). Thismeans all channels in the system are using one interleave set.2. NPS 1– One NUMA node per socket (on one processor systems). This means allchannels in the socket are using one interleave set.3. NPS 2– Two NUMA nodes per socket (one per left/right half). This means eachhalf containing four channels is using one interleave set; a total of two sets.4. NPS 4– Up to four NUMA nodes per socket (one per quadrant). This means eachquadrant containing two channels is using one interleave set; a total of four sets. The simplest visual aid for understanding the NPS system is to divide the CPU into four quadrants. We see below in Figure 2 that each quadrant contains two paired DIMM channels that can host up to two DIMMs. The paired DIMM channels in each quadrant were designed to group and minimize the travel distance for interleaved sets. NPS 1 would correlate to all four quadrants being fully populated. NPS 2 would correlate to having either the left or right half quadrant being fully populated. NPS 4 would correlate to having any one quadrant being fully populated.Figure 2: Quadrant layout of Rome processors3.2 NPS and Quadrant PairingNPS 0 and NPS 1 will typically yield the best memory performance, followed by NPS 2 and then NPS 4. The Dell EMC default setting for BIOS NUMA NPS is NPS 1 and mayneed to be manually adjusted to match the NPS option that supports the CPU model. As seen below in Figure 3 there are various CPUs that will not support NPS 2 or 4 that require awareness of which memory configurations are optimized for each CPU. Figure 4 below shows our recommended NPS setting for each # of DIMMs per CPU:Figure 3: A full list of 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs and their respectivesupported NPS models. The CPUs with an asterisk have been optimizedto reduce the performance impact of only filling four DIMM channels.Figure 4: Recommended NPS setting for each# of DIMMs per CPUIf the NPS setting for a memory configuration will limit performance (as seen in Figure 5), Dell EMC BIOS will return the following informative prompts to the user:UEFI0391: Memory configuration supported but not optimal for the enabledNUMA node Per Socket (NPS) setting. Please consider the following actions:1) Changing NPS setting under System Setup>System BIOS>ProcessorSettings>NUMA Nodes Per Socket, if supported.2) For optimized memory configurations please refer to the General MemoryModule Installation Guidelines section in the Installation and ServiceManual, of the respective server model available on the support site.In layman’s terms, a different NPS setting or memory configuration will result in better memory performance. The system is fully functional when this message appears, but it is not fully optimized for best performance.Figure 5: Color-coded table illustrating whenan informative message will occur (yellow) orno message (green)4. M emory Population Guidelines4.1 OverviewDIMMs must be populated into a balanced configuration to yield the highest memory bandwidth and lowest memory access latency. Various factors will dictate whether a configuration is balanced or not. Please follow the guidelines below for best results 7:o Memory Channel Population•Balanced Configuration-All memory channels must be fully populated with one or two DIMMs for best performance; a total of eight or sixteen DIMMs per CPU•Near Balanced Configuration-Populate four or twelve DIMMs per socket-Populate DIMMs in sequential order (A1-A8)o CPU and DIMM parts must be identicalo Each CPU must be identically configured with memory4.2 Memory Channel PopulationTo achieve a balanced configuration, populate either eight or sixteen DIMMs per CPU. By loading each channel with one or two DIMMs, the configuration is balanced and has data traveling across channels most efficiently on one interleave set. Following this guideline will yield the highest memory bandwidth and the lowest memory latency. If a balanced configuration of sixteen or eight DIMMs per CPU cannot be implemented, then the next best option is a near balanced configuration. To obtain a near balanced population, populate four or twelve DIMMs per CPU in sequential order. When any number of DIMMs other than 4, 8, 12 or 16 is populated, disjointed memory regions are created making NPS 4 the only supported BIOS option to select.The last guideline is that DIMMs must be populated in an assembly order because Rome processors have an organized architecture for each type of CPU core count. To simplify this concept, the lowest core count was used as a common denominator, so the assembly order below will apply across all Rome processor types. Populating in this order ensures that for every unique Rome processor, any DIMM configuration is guaranteed the lowest NPS option, therefore driving the most efficient interleave sets and data transfer speeds. Figure 6 illustrates the assembly order in which individual DIMMs should be populated, starting with A1 and ending with A16:Figure 6: DIMM population order, starting with A1 and ending with A164.3 Identical CPU and DIMM PartsIdentical DIMMs must be used across all DIMM slots (i.e. same Dell part number). Dell EMC does not support DIMM mixing in Rome systems. This means that only one rank, speed, capacity and DIMM type shall exist within the system. This principle applies to the processors as well; multi-socket Rome systems shall be populated with identical CPUs.4.4 Identical Memory Configurations for Each CPUEvery CPU socket within a server must have identical memory configurations. When only one unique memory configuration exists across both CPU sockets within a server, memory access is further optimized. Figure 7 below illustrates the expected memory bandwidth curve when these rules are followed:Figure 7: Bar graph illustrating expected performance variation as # of dimms increases 16151413121110987654321M e m o r y B a n d w i d t h #DIMMs per CPU populatedR6525 Memory Bandwidth per DIMM Population BalancedNear-Balanced Unbalanced5. Balanced Configurations (Recommended)Balanced configurations satisfy NPS 0/1 conditions by requiring each memory channel to be populated with one or two identical DIMMs. By doing this, one interleave set can optimally distribute memory access requests across all the available DIMM slots; therefore, maximizing performance. Memory controller logic was designed around fullypopulated memory channels, so it should come as no surprise thateight or sixteen populated DIMMs are recommended. Having eight DIMMs will reap the highestmemory bandwidth while having sixteen DIMMs will yield the highest memory capacity.Figure 8: Eight DIMMs are populated in a balanced configuration, producing the highest memorybandwidth while at a lower capacity than sixteenFigure 9: Sixteen DIMMs are populated in a balanced configuration, producing the highest memorycapacity while at a lower bandwidth than eight6. Near Balanced ConfigurationsNear balanced configurations satisfy NPS 1 or 2 conditions by populating either four or twelve identical DIMMs per CPU. These configurations are not optimized because the channels are partially populated, which creates disjointed memory regions that reduce performance (making it near balanced). Performance for near balanced configurationswill undergo degradation when compared to balanced configurations. Although the below configurations are adequate for implementation, they are not highly recommended. *Note that CPUs 7282, 7252, 7232P and 7272 were designed to reduce the performance impact of populating four DIMM channels.Figure 10: Four DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 11: Twelve DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configuration7. U nbalanced ConfigurationsUnbalanced configurations can only satisfy NPS 4 conditions. More than two interleave sets can now be introduced to the memory controller algorithm which causes very disjointed regions. Memory performance for the unbalanced configurations below are significantly less than balanced or near balanced and are not recommended.Figure 12: One DIMM is populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 13: Two DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 14: Three DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 15: Five DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 16: Six DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 17: Seven DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 18: Nine DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 19: Ten DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 20: Eleven DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 21: Thirteen DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configurationFigure 22: Fourteen DIMMs are populated in a near balanced configurationFigure 23: Fifteen DIMMs are populated in an unbalanced configuration8. ConclusionBalancing memory with 2nd Generation EPYC TM server processors increases memory bandwidth and reduces memory access latency. When memory modules are configured in such a way that the memory subsystems are identical, and channels are fully populated with one or two DIMMs, one interleave set will create a single uniform memory region that is spread across as many DIMMs as possible. This allows the distribution of data to perform most efficiently on Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. Applying the balanced memory guidelines demonstrated in this brief will ensure that both memory bandwidth and memory access latency are optimized, therefore ensuring peak memory performance within Dell EMC PowerEdge servers.9. References1 https:///wp-content/resources/56301_1.0.pdf2 https:///travel_guide/124468/hardware/computer_memory_controllers_how_they_work.html3 https:///jargon/d/dual-channel-memory.htm4 https:///jargon/m/memoslot.htm5 https:///memory-interleaving/6 https:///system/files/2018-03/AMD-Optimizes-EPYC-Memory-With-NUMA.pdf7 https:///wp-content/resources/56301_1.0.pdfThe information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any ki nd withrespect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.© 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of DellInc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.Dell believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to changewithout notice.。
HP ProLiant DL380 G7(589152-AA1) 1.84基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主频 2.666GHz标配CPU数量 1颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 12MB总线规格 QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心 四核CPU线程数 八线程主板扩展槽 最多6个内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 6GB内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储硬盘接口类型 SATA/SAS标配硬盘容量 标配不提供最大硬盘容量 8TB热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 1个智能阵列 P410i/256MB光驱 标配不提供网络网络控制器 2个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 iLO 3电源性能电源类型 热插拔电源电源数量 1个电源功率 460WHP ProLiant DL380 G7(583917-B21)1.5基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主频 2.666GHz标配CPU数量 1颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 12MB总线规格 QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心 四核CPU线程数 八线程主板扩展槽 最多6个内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 2GB内存描述 1×2GB PC3-10600E ECC内存内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储硬盘接口类型 SATA/SAS标配硬盘容量 标配不提供内部硬盘架数 最大支持6块LFF热插拔硬盘热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 1个集成Smart Array P410i智能阵列控制器,无缓存光驱 薄型SATA DVD-RW网络网络控制器 2个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 HP Insight Control套件24x7支持iLO 3电源性能电源类型 热插拔高效电源电源数量 1个电源功率 460WHP ProLiant DL380 G7(583914-B21)3.39基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主频 2.666GHz标配CPU数量 2颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 12MB总线规格 QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心 四核CPU线程数 八线程主板扩展槽 最多6个内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 12GB内存描述 6×2GB内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储标配硬盘容量 584GB硬盘描述 4块146GB 2.5英寸硬盘内部硬盘架数 最大支持16块SAS/SATA(SFF)硬盘热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 1个集成的智能阵列 P410i,256M缓存光驱 DVD网络网络控制器 2个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 带iLO高级软件包的 Insight Control (iLO 3)电源性能电源类型 热插拔电源电源数量 2个电源功率 460WHP ProLiant DL380 G7(583966-AA1) 4.05基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon X5650CPU频率 2.66GHz智能加速主频 3.066GHz标配CPU数量 2颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 12MB总线规格 QPI 6.4GT/sCPU核心 六核CPU线程数 12线程主板扩展槽 最多6个内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 12GB内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储硬盘接口类型 SATA/SAS标配硬盘容量 标配不提供最大硬盘容量 8TB热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 1个智能阵列 P410i/1GB FBWC光驱 薄型SATA DVD-RW网络网络控制器 2个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 HP Insight Control套件24x7支持iLO 3电源性能电源类型 热插拔电源电源数量 2个电源功率 750WHP ProLiant DL380 G7(583970-AA1) 4.49基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon X5660CPU频率 2.8GHz智能加速主频 3.2GHz标配CPU数量 2颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 12MB总线规格 QPI 6.4GT/sCPU核心 六核CPU线程数 12线程主板扩展槽 最多6个内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 12GB内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储硬盘接口类型 SATA/SAS标配硬盘容量 标配不提供最大硬盘容量 8TB热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 1个智能阵列 P410i/1GB FBWC光驱 薄型SATA DVD-RW网络网络控制器 2个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 HP Insight Control套件24x7支持iLO 3电源性能电源类型 热插拔电源电源数量 2个电源功率 750WHP ProLiant DL388 G7(QP854A)1.65基本参数产品类别 机架式产品结构 2U处理器CPU类型 Intel 至强5600CPU型号 Xeon E5606CPU频率 2.13GHz标配CPU数量 1颗最大CPU数量 2颗制程工艺 32nm三级缓存 8MB总线规格 QPI 4.8GT/sCPU核心 四核CPU线程数 四线程主板扩展槽 6内存内存类型 DDR3内存容量 2GB内存描述 PC3-10600R RDIMM DDR3 或 PC3-10600E UDIMM DDR3内存插槽数量 18最大内存容量 192GB存储硬盘接口类型 SATA/SAS标配硬盘容量 标配不提供最大硬盘容量 8TB内部硬盘架数 最大支持8块SFF SATA/SAS硬盘热插拔盘位 支持热插拔RAID模式 P410i控制器网络网络控制器 两个NC382i 双端口千兆网卡管理及其他系统管理 iLO 3电源性能电源功率 460W外观特征产品尺寸 85.9×660.7×445.4mm电话备注 周一到周五:8:30-18:00(节假日休息)详细内容 保修于指定日期开始和结束。
英特尔至强处理器型号大全第1页:双核至强UP:3000、3100系列3000系列“Conroe”2006年9月末英特尔发布了代号为“Conroe”(产品代码80557)的双核至强3000系列CPU,它只不过是英特尔主流“Conroe”的重新贴牌产品,商标采用了酷睿2 Duo(用于消费级的桌面产品),和其它大多数至强处理器不同,它们只支持单CPU运算,使用Socket T (LGA775),前端总线速度1066MHz,支持英特尔增强的自动降频和虚拟化技术,但不支持超线程。
3100系列“Wolfdale”代号为“Wolfdale”(产品代码80570)3100系列双核至强CPU只是对英特尔主流产品Wolfdale进行了重新包装,采用相同的65纳米制造工艺和6MB二级缓存,和大多数至强不同,它们仅支持单CPU运算,使用Socket T (LGA775),前端总线1333MHz,支持增强的自动降频和虚拟化技术,但不支持超线程。
第2页:四核至强UP:3200、3300、3400和3500系列——英特尔的多核之路:四核、六核至强3200系列“Kentsfield”2007年1月7日,英特尔发布了重新包装过的四核(2x2)酷睿2 Quad处理器,即至强3200系列(产品代码80562),2x2四核心包括两个独立的双核芯片,包括三个型号X3210、X3220和X3230,分别运行在2.13GHz、2.4GHz 和2.66GHz。
和300系列类似,这些型号只支持单CPU运算,前端总线1066MHz,其目标定位于刀片服务器市场,X3220也当作Core2 Quad Q6600销售,X3230对应到Q6700。
3300系列“Yorkfield”英特尔发布重新包装的四核酷睿2 Quad Yorkfield Q9400和Q9x50处理器时,同期发布了至强3300系列(产品代码80569),它包含两个独立的双核芯片,采用了45纳米制造工艺,型号包括X3320、X3350、X3360和X3370,分别运行在2.50GHz、2.66GHz、2.83GHz和3.0GHz,每个芯片统一使用6MB二级缓存(但X3320每块芯片二级缓存只有3MB),前端总线1333MHz,所有型号都支持英特尔64位(x86-64实现),XD位和虚拟化技术,也支持按需供电,使用LAG775 Socket。
英特尔Xeon E5比Xeon 5600强在哪里
• 英特尔Xeon E5与Xeon 5600都是目前最流行的服务器CPU,但是 Xeon E5是今年最新推出的双路服务器CPU,因而更有技术上的领先 性。Xeon E5系列处理器与Xeon 5600系列处理器相比,到底有哪些 方面的改变和提升呢? • 宝通集团北京公司刘晓旭认为,英特尔Xeon E5目前主要应用于高 端应用,通过丰富的功能帮助用户来构建灵活、高效的数据中心。 Xeon5600处理器则主要在主流和通用性的应用中有着良好的表现。 英特尔表示,相同定位的XeonE5和Xeon5600处理器,实现了性能的 大幅提升,针对高级、标准级和基础级应用,Intel Xeon E5-2600产 品家族的性能比英特尔至强5600系列性能提升最多至80%。比如以6 款流行处理器实际性能作对比,高端的E5-2670相比X5670性能提升 多达57%;标准级别中的E5-2620相比E5620性能提升高达67%;基 础级别中的E5-2609相比E5607性能提升也可以达到45%。
• Intel Xeon E5-2600产品家族采用了英特尔集成I/O(英特 尔IIO)和英特尔数据直接I/O(英特尔DDIO)技术,英特接传输至处理器高速缓存,减少将其传输到系统内 存的过程,从而降低功耗和I/O延迟。此外,E5-2600系列 还是第一款直接在微处理器中集成支持PCI-Express3.0标 准的I/O控制器的服务器处理器。
• 宝通刘晓旭经理还表示,Xeon E5系统不仅能够改进计算能力, 同时还应具有能够更快向数据 饥渴型应用提供数据的能力, 并加大数据中心的带宽。最近 Xeon-E5系统的出货高持续攀 升,国内多数服务器生产厂商 的E5出货已经成为主流。更多 信息见 台湾服务器 /
2.在您使用的服务器出现任何硬件故障时或您希望对硬件进行任何升级时,请将 您机器的详细硬件配置反映给我们的客户服务中心;您不要自行拆卸服务器机箱及机 箱内任何硬件设备。
3.本服务器的内存、C P U、C P U 散热器、风扇等都是特殊规格的,请您不要将它 们和任何其他型号机器的相应设备混用。
4.您在使用服务器过程中遇到的任何软件问题,我们希望您首先和相应软件的提 供商联系,由其和我们联系,以方便我们沟通、共同解决您碰到的问题。对于如数据库、 网络管理软件或其他网络产品等的安装、运行问题,我们尤其希望您能够这样处理。
5. 随机印刷品中的图片仅供参考,请您以实际购买的机器为准。 6.如果上架安装本服务器,请先仔细阅读随机的快速使用指南。如果您有任何使 用疑难问题,请与我们的客户服务中心联系。 7.我们特别提醒您:在使用过程中,注意对您的数据进行必要的备份。 8.此为 A 级产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能会造成无线电干扰。在这种情况下, 可能需要用户对其干扰采取切实可行的措施。 9.本手册中涉及的各软、硬件产品的标识,名称版权归产品的相应公司拥有。 10.以上声明中,“我们”指代浪潮;浪潮拥有对以上声明的最终解释权。
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产品概述............................................................. 1 服务器技术规格 .................................................... 1 前面板视图 ........................................................ 3 后面板视图 ........................................................ 5
Dell R610
处理器选项∙英特尔®至强® 5500和5600系列处理器操作系统选项∙Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server 2011Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server 2008Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 SP2,x86/x64(x64版包括Hyper-V®)Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 SP1,x64(包括Hyper-V v2)Microsof t® Windows® HPC Server 2008 R2Novell® SUSE® Linux® Enterprise ServerRed Hat® Enterprise Linux®Oracle® Solaris™虚拟化选项:Citrix® XenServer™VMware® vSphere™ 4.1(包括VMware ESX® 4.1、VMware ESXi™ 4.1 [Update 1]或ESXi5.0)芯片组选项∙Intel™ 5520 (Tylersberg)内存选项1∙高达 192GB2(12 个 DIMM 插槽/每个处理器 6 个插槽):1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB DDR3 800MHz、1066MHz 或 1333MHz嵌入式虚拟机管理程序(可选)∙Citrix® XenServer®Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008,附带Hyper-V™VMware® ESXiv 3.5到VMWare® ESX 4.1存储∙热插拔硬盘选项:2.5英寸SAS SSD、SATA SSD、SAS (10K、15K)、近线SAS (7.2K)、SATA (7.2K)最大内部存储:最大12 TB3外部存储:有关戴尔外部存储选项的信息,请访问/Storage。
b、 产水量设定 按动 Up 或 Down 键可以设定软水器再生前的产水量; c、 再生时间设定 按动 Extra Cycle 键,程序进入再生时间设定,通过按动 Up 或 Down
1、 调整控制器到工作位置,让水流进树脂罐,当水流停止时,打开阀门以放尽罐中空气, 然后关闭;
2、 插上电源,观察是否工作; 3、 控制器时间设定 按动 Up 或 Down 键可调整时间,连续按住可连续调整; 4、 控制器简单编程(控制器时间非 12:01PM)
硬水经控制器进水口,向下通过树脂 层,然后向下流过下布水器、中心管, 最后通过排水口流出。
硬水经控制器进水口,经过射流器、盐阀、 流量控制板给盐箱充水,同时硬水流过阀 体凹槽向下经过树脂层,被软化后进入布 水器、中心管,最后通过出水口流出。
5600 5600SE 中文操作手册
5600 5600SE 中文操作手册
5600 5600SE 中文操作手册
FLECK5600 控制器(流量型/时间型) 调试步骤
a、 设备在调试及运行前应按厂家要求安装完毕进、出水、排污管道和阀门; b、 自来水、电源及排水沟准备就绪; c、 打开旁通阀,让自来水冲洗管道至出水变清,然后关闭阀门; d、 控制器手动再生旋钮只可顺时针旋转,相应位置分别为:工作(SERVICE)、预清洗
oeEg刀 M 1 ,M 1 务器、3 款戴尔Pe iin rcso 塔式工作站均 Pw r d e 片服 务器 ( 70 60 强 5600系 列 处
采 用新的英特尔至 ̄50 “et ee 6 0 W sm r-
器的戴尔Pw rd e o e E g  ̄务 器 Pe ii n T 5 0 丁 5 O T 5 O r c so 7 0 、 5 0 和 3 O 。
仅为3 瓦,适合高密度小型设备和功耗 O
为尽快响应用户需求,包括思科 、
在 时钟频率和 功耗方 面 ,英 特尔 敏 感 型 应 用环 境 。
用该 工艺 ,且最 多集 成 了六个 内核 的 至强处理 器5 0 系列 中高 端 四核 型号 60
芯片 产品 。3 纳 米制程 工艺带来 的更 的最 高时钟频率可达34 G z 2 B  ̄ 甲骨文在 .6 H ,封装功 戴尔 、富士通 、惠普 、I M n
相 比 ,客 户 能够 实现 整体
C D C M与制造业信息化 ・ 0 0 A /A 2 1 年第2 3 ~ 期 91
高晶体 管集成 度 ,以及它所 采 用的英 耗为 10 。其高端六核型号 的时钟频 内的多家世界级服务器、工作站系统制 3瓦
特尔第二代高K 属栅 极晶体管技术实 率 最高可 达33 G z 金 .3 H ,封装 功耗 为1 0 造商,将从即 日起到未来 的4 天内发布 3 5 现的处理器计算速度提升和能耗降低效 瓦 。高级 的六核 型号 时钟 频率 最高 为 多款基于至强处理器50 系列的服务器 60 应 ,使50 系列在性 能上 b50 系列最 29G z 60 L50 . H ,封装功耗为9 瓦。标准四核型 和工作站产 品。 3 5 高提升达6 % 0。 对于 看重能效 的数据 中心用户 , 号的时钟频率最高为26G z .6H ,封装功耗 与 此 同时 , 多 家软 件 提 供 商 ,
•Architecture •CPU / system design •Floating point •Memory performance •Expansion bus •Processor SKUs •Advanced Clustering Systems •Compute Blade (1BX2601)•2U 8x hot-swap(2X2601H8)•3U 16x hot-swap(3X2601H16)Existing Xeon 5600 series CPU1234Core 56Xeon 5600 “Westmere”32KB L1256KB L212MB Shared L3QPI s QPI links DDR3Memory Controller 800/1066/1333MHz RAM Processor launched in Q1 of 2010•Small changes from previousgeneration 5500 series•Available in 4 or 6 core variants •T ri-channel memory controller •128bit floating point unit, 4 FLOP/sper cycleNew Xeon E5-2600 series CPU Expected launch Q1 of 2012•Available in 6 or 8 core variants •Scalable ring interconnect•Quad-channel memory controller •256bit floating point unit, 8 FLOP/sper cycle•PCI-e bus integrated into CPU PCI-e Bus QPI Xeon E5-2600 “SandyBridge”Core 8DDR3 Memory Controller Core 7Core 6Core 5256KB L2Core 4Core 332KB L1Core 2Core 115 -20MB Shared L33.0 lanesExisting Xeon 5600 architecture 2x Intel Xeon 5600 Series Processors“Westmere”2.Single 6.4GT/s QPI link between processors3.Dedicated 6.4GT/s QPI link per CPU to I/Ocontroller4.Dedicated tri-channel memory controllersper CPU with 1333MHz max speed5.I/O controller provides PCI expansion bussupport with 24 or 36 lanes of PCI-e Gen 2.0expansion6.IO Hub to connect to storage, legacy PCIbus, USB, and moreI/OcontrollerPCI-e 2.0 16xPCI-e 2.0 4xDIMM 0DIMM 1CPU 1CPU 2I/O hubUSB, SATA, BIOS,Legacy, etc.123456Xeon E5-2600 architecture 2x Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series Processors “SandyBridge”2.Dual channel 8.0GT/s QPI link betweenprocessors 3.Dedicated quad-channel memory controllersper CPU with 1600MHz max speed4.Integrated I/O controller per CPU, eachprovides CPU provides 40 lanes of PCI-e Gen 3.0 expansion5.IO Hub to connect to storage, legacy PCIbus, USB, and moreP C I -e 3.0 8x CPU 2DIMM 0DIMM 1CPU 1I/O hub USB, SATA, BIOS, Legacy, etc.12345Floating point•New 256-bit floating point unit, and AVX instructions doublefloating point performance •Previous 5600 can do 4 FLOP/s per cycle•New E5-2600 can do 8 FLOP/s per cycle•Even with lower clock speedsmore floating point performance065130195260256 GFLOP/s 124.8 GFLOP/s 2P X5650 (6c 2.6GHz)2P E5-2650 (8c 2.0GHz)Memory Performance •E5-2600 provides quad-channel memory controller per CPU, with1600MHz RAM support•Previous 5600 series only tri-channel and 1333MHz•More DIMM sockets, 16 perserver instead of 12 - maximum of 256GB on E5-2600 series•Support new DIMM technologies for larger capacity in future020******** GB/s 42 GB/s 2P X5650 (6c 2.6GHz)2P E5-2650 (8c 2.0GHz)Expansion Bus•PCI-e integrated into the CPU lowers latency and increasesperformance •40x PCI-e Gen3.0 lanes per CPU, total of 80x available per system (number and type will vary based on motherboard and chassis)•Gen 3.0 runs at 8GT/s vs. 5GT/s for PCI-e 2.00162.5325487.5650640 Gb/s 180 Gb/s 2P X5650 (6c 2.6GHz)2P E5-2650 (8c 2.0GHz)System Cost E5-2650 vs X5650•Performance gains for using E5-2650 vs. X5650•106% more FLOP/s •78% more memory bandwidth •255% more PCI-e bandwidth•For only 15% more cost01125225033754500$4,400$3,8002P X5650 (6c 2.6GHz)2P E5-2650 (8c 2.0GHz)X5650 has 24GB of 1333MHz memory5600 vs. E5-2600Xeon 5600Xeon E5-2600Number of CPUs Number of Cores CPU/System FLOP/s per cycleSymmetric Multi-threading Clock speeds QPI speed L1/L2 cache L3 cacheIntegrated memory controller Memory supportMemory channels CPU/System Maximum DIMMsIntegrated PCI-e controller PCI-e Gen 2.0 lanes PCI-e Gen 3.0 lanes Power draw226/128/1648Yes Yes 2.3 - 3.2GHz 2.0 - 2.6GHz 5.6 - 6.4GT/s 7.2 - 8.0 GT/s 32KB / 512KB32KB / 512KB12MB 20MB YesYesDDR3 1333MHz ECC RegisteredDDR3 1600MHz ECC Registered3/64/81216No Yes 36008095W or 115W95W, 115W, 135WProcessor SKUsE5-56206c 2.0 GHz (95W)E5-56306c 2.3 GHz (95W)E5-56406c 2.5 GHz (95W)E5-56508c 2.0 GHz (95W)E5-56608c 2.2 GHz (95W)E5-56658c 2.4 GHz (115W)E5-56708c 2.6 GHz (115W)6 core, 15MB L3 Cache •7.2 GT/s QPI •DDR3 1333MHzE5-5680*8c 2.7 GHz (130W)E5-5690*8c 2.9 GHz (135W)8 core, 20MB L3 Cache 8.0 GT/s QPI DDR3 1600MHzPinnacle 1BX2601•Innovative high-density form factor, 2 complete systems in one rack unit (1U)•2x E5-2600 series CPUs (6 or 8core) 115W max•16x DDR3 DIMM sockets (max 256GB 1600MHz RAM)•1x fixed 3.5” drive or 2x 2.5” hot-swap drives•Dual Gigabit LAN & dedicated IPMI with iKVM network •Optional Connect-X 3 QDR or FDR InfiniBand •One free PCI-e Gen 3.0 16x expansion slotPinnacle 2X2601H8•2U form factor with 4 or 8 hot-swap drive bays •2x E5-2600 series CPUs (6 or 8core) 135W max •16x DDR3 DIMM sockets (max 256GB 1600MHz RAM)•4x or 8x hotswap SATA/SAS or SSD drives •Dual Gigabit LAN & dedicated IPMI with iKVM network•Single or redundant power supplies•3x PCI-e Gen 3.0 16x and 3x PCI-e Gen 3.0 8x expansion slots•T ool-less sliding rails for easy rack installationPinnacle 3X2601H16•3U form factor with 16 hot-swap drive bays•2x E5-2600 series CPUs (6 or 8core) 135W max •16x DDR3 DIMM sockets (max 256GB 1600MHz RAM)•16x hot-swap SATA/SAS or SSD drives (optional 2x 2.5” hot-swap in rear of chassis)•Dual Gigabit LAN & dedicated IPMI with iKVM network•3x PCI-e Gen 3.0 16x and 3x PCI-e Gen 3.0 8x expansion slots•T ool-less sliding rails for easy rack installationModel comparison1BX26012X2601H83X2601H16Rack UnitsNumber of CPUsMax CPU wattage Memory slots Max memory Drive configuration Max diskspace Hot-swap drives Networking (std)InfiniBand support Management Power supply0.5U (2x in 1U)2U 3U 222115W 135W 135W 161616256GB 256GB 256GB 1x 3.5” or 2x 2.5”4 or 8x 3.5”16x 3.5” + 2x 2.5”2TB 24TB 48TB 2.5” only Yes Yes 2x GigE2x GigE 2x GigE QDR or FDR onboard add-in card only add-in card only IPMI 2.0 + iKVM IPMI 2.0 + iKVMIPMI 2.0 + iKVM 500W fixed600W fixed or 660W redundant840W redundantComing soon...•Intel Xeon E5-4600 series • 4 socket, 6 or 8 core persocket (24 or 32 core system)•40x PCI-e Gen 3.0 lanes persocket (160 lanes per system)•512GB of 1600MHz RAM per system•Much lower cost than previous 4 socket Intel systems •Launch Q2 2012CPU 2CPU 1I/O hubUSB, SATA, BIOS, Legacy, etc.CPU 4DIMM 0CPU 3P C I -e 3.0 8xDIMM 1。
NPort 5600-DT Series 驱动程序(NPort 管理套件)发布说明书
Driver for NPort 5600-DT Series (NPort Administration Suite)Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Driver signature failure on Windows 7.• Unable to reopen the Grouped-COM port for IP Serial library.• BSOD issue when a Grouped-COM port is opened.• Cannot import encrypted configuration files via the web console.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019NPort 5000AI-M12 Series, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200A Series,NPort P5150A Series, NPort IA5000 Series, NPort IA5000A Series• Supports Windows Server 2019.• Supports Moxa Security Guidelines.New Features• Driver version 2.0: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/Vista and Windows Server 2003/2008; Driver version 3.0: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016/2019.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports encrypted configuration.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Device search failure when the host has more than 16 IP addresses.• NPort Administration Suite could not be run on Windows 2000.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 10.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Updated IPSerial.dll to fix thread handle always existing.• Utility could not monitor devices with "auto save device" setting when restarting the utility.• Utility could not monitor devices with "manual" setting before executing search function.• Ports mapped by the NPort Administration Suite v1.18 or earlier would disappear when using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.18.• Searching by 802.11 WLAN would fail on Windows 7 or later.• The timeout of IPSerial nsio_checkalive function would not work on Windows 7 Ultimate.• Popup error message "The network component is not ready" when searching for an NPort on Windows 8.• Ports could not be sorted by COM number order when clicking the COM number field in the monitor page.• The ports mapped by NPort Administration Suite v1.19 or earlier could not be opened by using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.19.17.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME,Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • IPSerial.dll upgraded to version 1.7.3.• IPSerial added example code for VB2010.• Updated NPort.dll to support NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.• Supports "Always Accept Open Request" for Windows 2000 and newer.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Driver caused a BSOD when opening and closing repeatedly in Windows 2008 R2.• Driver caused a BSOD when applications open grouped COM ports which contain one or more disabled ports.• In the COM Grouping function, sometimes HyperTerminal may not read the received data immediately.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5150AI-M12, 5250AI-M12, 5450AI-M12.• Supports LLDP configuration.• Supports Windows publish.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Application will not work properly when logging as a standard user in Windows Vista/7environments. This version will prompt the user change to an account with administrative rights.• Windows 2008 64-bit driver would cause a BSOD when accessing an invalid memory path.• Modified the Georgetown time zone to GMT-04:00, Caracas to GMT-04:30, and Sofia to GMT +02:00.• The "nsio_RTS" function was not able to control RTS signals.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• System BSOD when setting and enabling COM grouping functions in Windows 2008 R2.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5600-8-DTL Series.• Supports NPort A Series products in NPort.dll library.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Reduced handle counts when application called nsio_init() from IPSerial library.• When closing COM port and applying change to other COM numbers simultaneously, the NPort administrator utility will cause a hang up.• If the nsio_close() function is called several times and then the nsio_open() function is called, it will fail and return an undefined error code.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Multi-connection by IPSerial library.• Supports Windows 7.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Shortened opening time for COM Grouping.• Shortened setting time for COM Grouping.• Write operation would stop transmitting.• Monitor and port monitor would stop after removing target.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports COM Grouping function for Windows NT.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Set IP filter netmask error on Windows x64 platforms.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5110A, 5130A, 5150A, IA5450A, IA5450AI, IA5150A, IA5150AI, IA5250A, IA5250AI,5210A, 5230A, 5250A.• Supports COM Grouping function (does not support Windows 95/98/ME/NT).New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• "Import COM Mapping" function would throw an "invalid pointer opertion" message.• Monitor function would cause a memory leak.• Adjusted the IRP completion order for multi-processor environments.• Fixed the buffer protection mechanism for issues while inserting special characters in the serial RX buffer.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort IA-5250I.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Upgraded package: IPSerial Library.• Application crash problem with IP serial library when binding more than 8 IPs(alias) for PC.• Loading driver failed in Windows Vista x64.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT did not reset the WriteCharsQueued counter.• SIO outqueue count was inaccurate under classic mode.• The port number was incorrect in the "UDP Mode Settings: Destination" list.• Startup of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• Removal of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• The search function would have issues on a Windows 2003 host with dual LAN cards.• Adding COM port would fail if "SERIALCOMM" registry key was absent.• Invalid argument for time encode.• Access violation problem in "IP Address Report List".• Search function supports 16 IP addresses for local host.• "Alive" status in Monitor and Port Monitor may be incorrect.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows Vista.• Supports 5610-8-DT, 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT, 5650-8-DT-J and 5650I-8-DT.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved IoctlGetCommstatus() to report live out queue count.• Improved utility user interface.• Improved COM setting functions. If the selected ports are in use, no change can be made to them.These settings include: COM number, Tx mode, FIFO, and Fast Flush.• Improved COM setting functions. If the users do not have administrative privileges, they cannot add or delete COM ports. However, they can still view the COM settings and open the COM ports.• Improved utility user interface.• Modem dial out caused system halt on multi-processor platforms.• Driver read operations caused double completion (BSOD) on multi-processor platforms.• GetCommStatus caused a BSOD on multi-processor platforms.• ioctl of setting Xon/Xoff character failed.• Fixed bugs detected by Static Driver Verifier, which include a double completion problem and completion of IRP without releasing the cancel spinlock.• FastFlush setting error when COM port number exceeds 127.• COM Mapping problem when a disabled port is opened.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Added "Network Timeout" function for COM settings.• Added auto message log function.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER bug causing system halt.• Accessible IPs export and import configurations did not match.• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IPSerial nsio_write and mutli-port connection problems.• Administrator could not remove serial port settings when uninstalling the NPort Administration Suite.• COM Mapping could not import files exported by Administrator v1.2.• Disconnecting an NPort will crash the application while calling nsio_close.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports PPP Mode and Real COM Mode (RFC2217) operating mode for NPort 56xx.• Supports 64-bit Windows.• Moved nprcmisic.dll to nport.dll to cover all NPort models.• Supports NPort 5130, 5150, 5650, 5650-S-SC, 5650-M-SC.• Supports SERIAL_LSRMST_ESCAPE and SERIAL_LSRMST_MST event types of IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT requests. SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_NODATA and SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_DATA event types are not supported due to driver limitations.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved Windows 2000/XP/2003 driver "Fast Flush" performance.• Improved disconnection process to prevent application blocking.• Improved NT/2000/XP/2003 driver Ioctl performance (parity, baud, modem...).• High CPU loading with Hyper Threading systems.• COM Mapping rescan prevents some models from being able to be configured.• Port Monitor: When NPort is reconnecting, Administrator increases CPU load to 100%.• Event log lost problem.• IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK (npser+114c) BSOD RQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL problem.• (npser+5c13) BSOD KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED problem.• Verifier testing problem.• Classic mode oqueue length was not correct.• Tx does not stop on network disconnection.• Write blocked after reconnecting.EnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports new functions of firmware 2.0.• Added new NPort IA model.• Added Web console toolbar.• Supports IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER command (Windows 2000/XP/2003), which is used by some 16-bit programs.New Features• Registered COM number usage (Windows 2000/XP/2003). This will avoid other COM device from using the same COM number occupied by this driver.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。
首搭5600M显卡戴尔G5 SE 3A游戏笔记本
首搭5600M显卡戴尔G5 SE 3A游戏笔记本作者:刘丹来源:《计算机与网络》2020年第14期自AMD发布7 nm制程的桌面级锐龙处理器之后,锐龙在高中低端完成了全面布局,同时在很多的电商平台,7 nm制程的锐龙处理器也同样卖的火热,现在AMD为笔记本移动端平台带来了最新的4800H处理器,这款处理器综合性能出众,8核心16线程的规格,最大频率可以达到4.2 GHz,这样的纸面数据着实让人感到惊喜。
不久前搭载Ryzen 7 4800H的笔记本一经推出就刷爆了整个网络,今天作为全球销量领先的笔记本厂商戴尔,为我们带来了一款搭载了Radeon RX 5600M移动版显卡的纯正3A平台游戏本———戴尔G5 SE游戏本,这款笔记本定位高端,显卡综合性能领先笔记本搭载的GTX 1660TI,逼近RTX 2060显卡,目前这款笔记本已经在京东等各大电商平台上架,4800H+5600M+16G内存+144 Hz屏幕的价格仅为7 999元,性价比表现卓越,下面就来和大家一起体验一下这款纯正的3A游戏笔记本。
外观:银色外观时尚大气质感做工均优秀外观方面,戴尔G5 SE整体了银色的喷涂,同时漆面经过特殊的处理,在特定角度下会发现喷漆会折射出多种色彩,里面的磨砂颗粒有点像汽车的珍珠漆,在漆水表现方面非常的出色。
在A面正中间是DELL的品牌Logo,在B面,是一块分辨率为1 080 p,144 Hz刷新率的IPS屏幕,B面的顶部是一颗高清摄像头。
触控板方面,戴尔G5 SE采用一体式的触控板设计,手感较为细腻,在定位方面也挺好,按键隐藏在触控板的下方。
接口丰富散热良好日常易用性优秀笔记本由于一体化程度高,所以日常使用中,接口的易用性表现对于日常使用的实际体验有很大影响,戴尔G5 SE接口丰富,在机身左侧设计了电源接口、1个Mini DP接口、1个HDMI接口、1个高速USB 3.2接口、1个标准网口还有1个TYPE-C接口。
服务器主板 TYAN S7012GM4NR S7012W 说明书
INTEL-BASEDHPC/GPU PLATFORMSS er v e r B o a r dS er v e r B oa r dS7016S7016GM3NR / S7016WGM3NRProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Management Form Factor Dual LGA1366 sockets support Intel Xeon 5500/5600 series processors (Nehalem/ Westmere)Intel 5520 + ICH10R (9+9) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 144GB of R-DDR3 1333/1066/800 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 48GB of U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x16 slot(2) PCI-E (Gen.2) x8 slots(2) SATA 3Gb/s connectors (Intel Matrix RAID)(4) SATA 3Gb/s ports by (1) mini-SAS connector (Intel Matrix RAID)(8) SAS 3Gb/s ports by (2) mini-SAS connectors (LSI RAID stack) (S7016WGM3NR)(3) GbE (via Intel 82576EB and Intel 82574L) ServerEngine Pilot II Integrated GraphicsServerEngine Pilot II (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) EATX (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)S er v e r B o a r d W o rk s t a t i o n B o a r dS er v e rB o a r d W o rk s t a t i o n B o a r dS7025S7025AGM2NR / S7025WAGM2NRProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Audio Management Form Factor Dual LGA1366 sockets support Intel Xeon 5500/5600 series processors (Nehalem/ Westmere)Intel 5520 + 5520 + ICH10R (4+4) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 64GB of R-DDR3 1333/1066/800 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 32GB of U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(4) PCI-E (Gen.2) x16 slots(1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x8 slot (1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x4 slot (1) PCI 32/33MHz slot(6) SATA-II connectors running at 3.0 Gb/s w/ RAID 0, 1, 10,5 support(8) SAS ports by (2) mini-SAS connectors w/ RAID 0, 1, 1E support (S7025WAGM2NR)(2) GbE (via two Intel 82574L) ASPEED AST2050 Integrated Graphics Realtek ALC262 audio CODECASPEED AST2050 (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) SSI EEB (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)Intel ® 5500Series ChipsetFT77A- B7059B7059F77AV4R (BTO)Intel ® C600Series ChipsetS er v e rB o a r dS er v e rB o a r dS7053S7053GM2NR / S7053WGM2NR / S7053GM4NR / S7053WGM4NRS7066S7066GM3NR / S7066WGM3NRWorld’s Only 8 GPU BareboneSupporting (2) Intel ® Xeon ® E5-2600 Processor Series Supporting up to (8) GPU cards in a 4U chassis (24) DDR-III R/U-DIMM slots (8) PCI-E x16 Gen.3 slots (4) 2.5” HDDsIntel ® C600Series ChipsetN e w G e n e r a t i o nN e w G e n e r a t i o nProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Management Form Factor Dual LGA2011 sockets support Intel Xeon E5-2600 series processors (Sandy Bridge-EP)Intel C602 PCHIntel C602 PCH + LSI SAS2308 (S7053WGM2NR/S7053WGM4NR)(8+8) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 512GB of LRDIMM 1333/1066 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 256GB of R-DDR3 1600/1333/1066 w/ ECC memory Support up to 128GB of U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 slots(4) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8 slots(2) SATA 6Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(4) SATA 3Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(4) SATA 3Gb/s ports by (1) mini-SAS connector (Intel RSTe 3.0) (8) SAS 6Gb/s ports by (2) mini-SAS conncetors (LSI RAID stack) (S7053WGM2NR/S7053WGM4NR)(2) GbE (via Intel I350-AM2) (S7053GM2NR/S7053WGM2NR)(4) GbE (via Intel I350-AM4) (S7053GM4NR/S7053WGM4NR)ASPEED AST2300 Integrated GraphicsASPEED AST2300 (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) SSI EEB (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)ProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Management Form Factor Dual LGA2011 sockets support Intel Xeon E5-2600 series processors (Sandy Bridge-EP)Intel® C602 PCHIntel C602 PCH + LSI SAS2308 (S7066WGM3NR)(8+8) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 512GB of LRDIMM 1333/1066 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 256GB of R-DDR3 1600/1333/1066 w/ ECC memory Support up to 128GB of U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 slots (2) SATA 6Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(4) SATA 3Gb/s ports by (1) mini-SAS connector (Intel RSTe 3.0) (8) SAS 6Gb/s ports by (2) mini-SAS conncetors (LSI RAID stack) (S7066WGM3NR)(3) GbE (via Intel I350-AM2 and Intel 82574L) ASPEED AST2300 Integrated GraphicsASPEED AST2300 (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) EATX (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)Intel ® C600Series ChipsetIntel ® C600Series ChipsetModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetChipset Interconnection Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage Controller RAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard ModelNumber of HDD Bay Storage BackplanePower Supply B7059F77AV4R (BTO)(4) Internal 2.5"N/A(2+1) 2,400W RPSUIntel® C602 PCH Intel® QPI 8.0/ 7.2/ 6.4GT/s(8) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 + (1) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8+ (1) PCI 32/33MHz + (1) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8 Mezzanine slot 24/ 12+12R-DDR3 1600/1333 / 1066 w/ ECC (384GB)U-DDR3 1600/ 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (192GB)Intel® C602 PCH (SATA 6Gb/s & 3Gb/s)0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel® RSTe 3.0)(2) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)FT77A-B70594U (28" in depth)(2) Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 Series (Sandy Bridge-EP)S7055S7055AGM3NR / S7055WGM3NR / S7055GM3NR-B / S7055GM3NR-2T-BProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Audio Management Form Factor Dual LGA2011 sockets support Intel Xeon E5-2600 series processors (Sandy Bridge-EP)Intel C602 PCHIntel C602 PCH + TYAN TRK#5 ROM Kit (S7055WGM3NR)(4+4) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 256GB of LRDIMM 1333/1066 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 128GB of R-DDR3 1600/1333/1066 w/ ECC memory Support up to 64GB of U-DDR3 1600/1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(4) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 slots(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8 slots (S7055GM3NR-B)(1) PCI 32/33MHz slot (2) SATA 6Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(4) SATA 3Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(8) SAS 3Gb/s ports by (2) mini-SAS connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0) (S7055WGM3NR)(3) GbE (via Intel I350-BT2 and Intel 82574L)(S7055AGM3NR / S7055WGM3NR / S7055GM3NR)(2) 10GbE (via Intel X540-AT2) + (1) GbE (Intel 82574L) (S7055GM3NR-2T-B)ASPEED AST2300 Integrated Graphics Realtek ALC262 audio CODEC (S7055AGM3NR) ASPEED AST2300 (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) SSI EEB (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)S7056S7056GM3NR / S7056WGM3NR / S7056WGM3NR-2TProcessorChipset Memory Expansion Storage Network Video Management Form Factor Dual LGA2011 sockets support Intel Xeon E5-2600 series processors (Sandy Bridge-EP)Intel C602 PCHIntel C602 PCH + TYAN TRK#5 ROM Kit (S7056WGM3NR/S7056WGM3NR-2T)(8+8) DDR-III DIMM socketsSupport up to 512GB of LRDIMM 1333/1066 w/ ECC memorySupport up to 256GB of R-DDR3 1600/1333/1066 w/ ECC memory Support up to 128GB of U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC memory(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 slots(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x4 slots in-lined w/ x16 slots & x8 link(2) SATA 6Gb/s connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0)(4) SATA 3Gb/s ports by (1) mini-SAS connector (Intel RSTe 3.0) (8) SAS 3Gb/s ports by (2) mini-SAS connectors (Intel RSTe 3.0) (S7056WGM3NR/S7056WGM3NR-2T)(3) GbE (via Intel I350-BT2 and Intel 82574L)(S7056GM3NR/S7056WGM3NR)(2) 10GbE (via Intel X540-AT2) + (1) GbE (Intel 82574L) (S7056WGM3NR-2T)ASPEED AST2300 Integrated GraphicsASPEED AST2300 (IPMI v2.0 compliant w/ iKVM) EATX (12" x 13", 305mm x 330mm)HPC/GPU Platforms -SMB PlatformsEmbedded PlatformsMatrixCloud PlatformsFT48-B7025B7025F48W4H / B7025F48W8HRGOLD FT48-B7055B7055F48W8HRTN70-B7066B7066T70W12HRGOLD TN70-B7016B7016T70-077V12HRGOLD GN70-B7056B7056G70V8HR / B7056G70V8HR-2TGOLDYR292-B7008-X4B7008Y292X4-080V4HRModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU (per node)Chipset (per node)QuickPath Interconnect Number of DIMM Slot (per node)Memory Type (max. capacity)(per node)Storage Controller (per node)RAID Support (per node)Networking (per node)PCI Expansion Slots (per node)Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7008Y292X4-080V4HR(4) Hot-swap 2.5"(per node)4-port SAS/ SATA6Gb/s (per node)(1+1) 800W RPSUIntel 5500 + ICH10R Intel QPI 6.4/ 5.86/ 4.8 GT/s(1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x169R-DDR3 1333/1066/800 w/ ECC (72GB)U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC (36GB)Intel ICH10R (SATA 3Gb/s)RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel Matrix RAID)(2) GbE + (1) IPMI YR292-B7008-X42U (28.74" in depth) / 4 Nodes(1) Intel Xeon 5500/5600 Series (Nehalem/ Westmere)Intel ® C600Series Chipset Intel ® 5500Series Chipset Intel ® 5500Series ChipsetModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetChipset Interconnection Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage Controller RAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7025F48W4H (4) Hot-swap 3.5"4-port SAS/ SATA3Gb/s1,300W (2x 650W)B7025F48W8HR(8) hot-swap 3.5"(2) 4-port SAS/ SATA 3Gb/s(2+1) 1,300W RPSUIntel 5520 + 5520 + ICH10R Intel QPI 6.4/ 5.86/ 4.8 GT/s(4) PCI-E (Gen.2) x16 + (1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x8 +(1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x4 + (1) PCI 32/33MHz8/ 4+4R-DDR3 1333/ 1066/ 800 w/ ECC (64GB)U-DDR3 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (32GB)LSI SAS1068E (SAS 3Gb/s)0, 1, 1E (LSI RAID stack)(2) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)FT48-B70254U (27.5" in depth)(2) Intel Xeon 5500/5600 Series (Nehalem/ Westmere)GOLDModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetQuickPath Interconnect Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage ControllerRAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard ModelNumber of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7016T70-077W12HR(12) hot-swap 3.5"12-port SAS/ SATA(1+1) 770W RPSUIntel 5520 + ICH10R Intel QPI 6.4/ 5.86/ 4.8 GT/s18/ 9+9R-DDR3 1333/ 1066/ 800 w/ ECC (144GB)U-DDR3 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (48GB)LSI SAS1068E (SAS 3Gb/s)Intel ICH10R (SATA 3Gb/s)0, 1, 1E (LSI RAID stack)0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel Matrix RAID)(3) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)(2) PCI-E (Gen.2) x8 + (2) PCI-E (Gen.2) x4TN70-B70162U (27.56" in depth)(2) Intel Xeon 5500/5600 Series (Nehalem/ Westmere)Intel ® 5500Series Chipset Intel ® C600Series Chipset N e w G e n e r a t i o nN e w G e n e r a t i o n Model Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetQuickPath Interconnect Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage Controller RAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7066T70W12HR(12) hot-swap 3.5"12-port SAS/ SATA(1+1) 770W RPSUIntel C602 PCH Intel QPI 8.0/ 7.2/ 6.4GT/s16/ 8+8R-DDR3 1600/ 1333/ 1066/ 800 w/ ECC (256GB)U-DDR3 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (128GB)LSI SAS2308 (SAS 6Gb/s)Intel C602 PCH (SATA 6Gb/s & 3Gb/s)0, 1, 1E, 10 (LSI RAID stack)0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel RSTe 3.0)(3) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)(4) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8TN70-B70662U (27.56" in depth)(2) Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series (Sandy Bridge-EP)SILVERIntel ® C200Series ChipsetModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetChipset Interconnection Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage Controller RAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7055F48W8HR(8) hot-swap 3.5"(2) 4-port SAS/ SATA6Gb/s(2+1) 1,540W RPSUIntel C602 PCH Intel QPI 8.0/ 7.2/ 6.4GT/s(4) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 + (2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x8 + (1) PCI 32/33MHz 8/ 4+4R-DDR3 1600/ 1333/ 1066/ 800 w/ ECC (256GB)U-DDR3 1600/ 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (64GB)Intel C602 PCH (SATA 6Gb/s & 3Gb/s)0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel® RSTe 3.0)(3) GbE (shared IPMI NIC), or(2) 10GbE + (1) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)FT48-B70554U (27.5" in depth)(2) Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series (Sandy Bridge-EP)Model NumberEnclosure Form Factor Supported CPU ChipsetQuickPath Interconnect Number of DIMM Slot Memory Type (max.capacity)Storage Controller RAID Support NetworkingPCI Expansion Slots Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7056G70V8HR (8) hot-swap 3.5"8-port SAS/ SATA (1+1) 770W RPSU B7056G70V8HR-2T(8) hot-swap 3.5"8-port SAS/ SATA(1+1) 770W RPSUIntel C602 PCH Intel QPI 8.0/ 7.2/ 6.4GT/sGN70-B70562U (27.56" in depth)(2) Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series (Sandy Bridge-EP)(2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x16 + (2) PCI-E (Gen.3) x816/ 8+8R-DDR3 1600/ 1333/ 1066/ 800 w/ ECC (512GB)U-DDR3 1333/ 1066 w/ ECC (128GB)Intel C602 PCH (SATA 6Gb/s & 3Gb/s)0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel RSTe 3.0)(3) GbE (shared IPMI NIC), or(2) 10GbE + (1) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)Model Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU (per node)Chipset (per node)QuickPath Interconnect Number of DIMM Slot (per node)Memory Type (max. capacity)(per node)Storage Controller (per node)RAID Support (per node)Networking (per node)PCI Expansion Slots (per node)Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B7018Y290D2-045V8H (8) Hot-swap 2.5"(per node)8-port SAS/ SATA 3Gb/s(per node)450W PSU (per node)YR290-B7018-D22U (28.74" in depth) / 4 Nodes(2) Intel Xeon 5500/5600 Series (Nehalem/ Westmere)Intel 5500 + ICH10R Intel QPI 6.4/ 5.86/ 4.8 GT/s12/ 6+6R-DDR3 1333/1066/800 w/ ECC (96GB)U-DDR3 1333/1066 w/ ECC (48GB)LSI SAS1068E on TYAN P3202 HBA (SAS 3Gb/s)Intel ICH10R (SATA 3Gb/s)RAID 0, 1, 1E (LSI RAID stack)RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel Matrix RAID)(3) GbE (shared IPMI NIC)(1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x8 + (2) PCI-E (Gen.2) x4B7018Y290D2-045W8HR(8) Hot-swap 2.5"(per node)8-port SAS/ SATA 3Gb/s(per node)(1+1) 450W RPSU(per node)YR292-B5518-X4B5518Y292X4-080V4HRModel Number Enclosure Form Factor Supported CPU (per node)Chipset (per node)Number of DIMM Slot (per node)Memory Type (max. capacity)(per node)Storage Controller (per node)RAID Support (per node)Networking (per node)PCI Expansion Slots (per node)Standard Model Number of HDD Bay Storage Backplane Power Supply B5518Y292X4-080V4HR(4) Hot-swap 2.5"(per node)4-port SAS/ SATA6Gb/s (per node)(1+1) 800W RPSUIntel C204 PCHYR292-B5518-X42U (28.74" in depth) / 4 Nodes(1) Intel Xeon E3-1200 v2 Series/ Next Gen. Xeon E3-1200 Processor (Sandy Bridge-DT)4U-DDR3 1333/1066/ 1600 w/ ECC (32GB)Intel C204 PCH (SATA 6Gb/s & 3Gb/s)RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 (Intel RST 11.x)(2) GbE + (1) IPMI (1) PCI-E (Gen.2) x16YR290-B7018-D2B7008Y292X4-080V4HRHPC/GPU Platforms -SMB PlatformsEmbedded PlatformsMatrixCloud Platforms。
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Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series“Westmere-EP”
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• • Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Performance tests and ratings are measured using specific computer systems and/or components and reflect the approximate performance of Intel products as measured by those tests. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. Buyers should consult other sources of information to evaluate the performance of systems or components they are considering purchasing. For more information on performance tests and on the performance of Intel products, visit Intel Performance Benchmark Limitations Intel does not control or audit the design or implementation of third party benchmarks or Web sites referenced in this document. Intel encourages all of its customers to visit the referenced Web sites or others where similar performance benchmarks are reported and confirm whether the referenced benchmarks are accurate and reflect performance of systems available for purchase. Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See /products/processor_number for details. Intel, processors, chipsets, and desktop boards may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with a processor supporting HT Technology and an HT Technology-enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. For more information including details on which processors support HT Technology, see here Intel® Turbo Boost Technology requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology capability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. For more information, see /technology/turboboost Intel Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and applications enabled for virtualization technology. Functionality, performance or other virtualization technology benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations. Virtualization technology-enabled BIOS and VMM applications are currently in development. 64-bit computing on Intel architecture requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers and applications enabled for Intel® 64 architecture. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor for more information. Lead-free: 45nm product is manufactured on a lead-free process. Lead is below 1000 PPM per EU RoHS directive (2002/95/EC, Annex A). Some EU RoHS exemptions for lead may apply to other components used in the product package. Halogen-free: Applies only to halogenated flame retardants and PVC in components. Halogens are below 900 PPM bromine and 900 PPM chlorine. Intel, Intel Xeon, Intel Core microarchitecture, and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. © 2009 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) logo is reprinted with permission
Maintaining Aging Servers Limits Innovation & Growth Now is the Time to Refresh!
Source: IDC 2009 Q3 Server Tracker. Install base calculated by using this IDC data and a standard life-cycle distribution. Assumptions: 4 yr replacement cycle increases slightly when the recession hit.
/it/page.single-core & 42% dualcore based on Q3’09 IDC Server Tracker
single core dual core four core +
• • •
• • • •
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Copyright © 2010, Intel Corporation.