毛里求斯的环境是典型的热带沙滩加上山区树林。季节性的气旋会对动植物造成损害,但他 们却会迅速恢复。毛里求斯是世界上空气质量最好的国家之一,在世界卫生组织公布的全球 空气质量排名中列第二位。
毛里求斯的政体是议会制共和国,总统是国家元首,总理担任政府首脑领导内阁。行政权属 于政府,立法权则由政府和毛里求斯国民大会共同履行,国家的最高权力则由总统和总理分 别行使。毛里求斯实行多党制,主要政党包括毛里求斯工党(Mauritian Labor Party, MLP)、 激进社会主义运动( Militant Socialist Movement, MSM)和毛里求斯激进运动( Mauritian Militant Movement, MMM)。
独立后的毛里求斯仍是英联邦的成员,全称是毛里求斯主权国( Dominion of Mauritius)以 英女王伊丽莎白二世为国家元首,并由其总督代行国家元首权力。毛里求斯独立后的首任总 督是约翰·萧·雷尼爵士。
1991 年 12 月,毛里求斯修订宪法,宣布毛里求斯将成为英联邦内的一个共和国。1992 年 3 月 12 日,毛里求斯共和国成立,最后一任总督林嘉杜成为临时总统。 1992 年 6 月 30 日, 卡萨姆·乌提姆成为毛里求斯共和国首任正式总统。
大港区(Grand Port) 马可邦(Mahébourg) 259 106,665(2000 年)
莫卡区(Moka) 军营村(Quartier Militaire) 221
88,479(2000 年)
庞波慕斯区(Pamplemousses) 特里奥莱(Triolet) 179 122,352(2000 年)
即使不是以爱情的名义来到毛里求斯,从这里回去之后, 你一定也会多了一种爱,这份爱是对毛里求斯的热爱与钟 情。
3、深海垂钓 超过1000中的鱼 类您心动了吗
静静躺在印度洋怀中的毛里求斯 可谓是垂钓爱好者的天堂。谁会想 到这浑然天成的色泽竟然是浩瀚印 度洋的天工?这里美丽的海面之下 蕴藏着丰富的鱼类资源,多于1000 种的鱼类您心动了吗?
4、“风筝冲浪”体验翱翔于天 际的刺激
毛里求斯是全球最棒的风筝冲 浪地之一,这是一项时髦的运动, 脚踩冲浪板,身体套上30米长的线 所连接的风筝,利用控制杆操作, 当冲浪者以时速40公里的速度滑行 水面,借助风筝拉力跳跃腾空20米, 将会体会无拘无束的刺激感。
3、语言 官方语言为英语;但法语普遍使用,如报纸、杂志、电视
4、时差 属东四区,比北京晚四个小时。
毛里求斯,这个比天堂还天堂的伊甸园,这里有着被誉 为地球上最美的沙滩,全世界最清澈的海水。你可以深情 地牵着爱人的手,轻轻地踏步在柔柔的细沙上,远眺着晶 莹深邃的大海,回眸着那一抹嫣红的霞光辉洒在烂漫的海 滩。闭上眼睛,深呼吸海的味道,在身心与自然融为一体的 时刻,回想着昔日的相认、相知,大声喊出对你的爱,让大 海去见证你们的爱情宣言,让大海为你们的真爱作证。这 里,成为了你们幸福开始延续的地方。
世界上最值得去的地方 (英文)
Phuket Island
• Phuket Island(普吉岛),the southern of the Thailand Islands, is known as a pearl on the Andaman Sea, Phuket has rich natural resources, which is called "treasure island" and "gold silver island" reputation. Business and industry, the tourism industry on the island are also developed.
• Today I will introduce some places where you can go if you want to travel
• Santorini(圣托里尼)is the most popular island located in Thera, Some tourists choose to live in Thera in order to enjoy scenery at night, • other live on seaside to enjoy the sunset. Santorini have a unique sunset scenery. Absolutely beyond your imagination.
• Istanbul(伊斯坦布尔) is the largest city and port. To see the real Turkey barbecue, know in the country of the Turkey barbecue understanding is so poor. Spectacular barbecue column, overflowing fragrance filled the streets and shopping malls, has become a beautiful landscape of Europe and the United States on the streets. Its unfailing hot scene is as the acme of perfection, enjoy it so much and forget to go home.
The history of Mauritius
Mauritius Cuisine
Mauritius Cuisine
China Town Food and Culture Festival
Port Louis is the capital of the country's largest city, but also the political, economic and cultural center, with 0.14 million residents. Port Louis is surrounded by mountains, beautiful scenery, is a natural harbor, is located in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean channel between the hub. Navigation in the Suez Canal before, here is the navigation around the Cape of Good Hope will be passed through.
is located in the Indian Ocean southwest, 103.4 degrees east longitude ° 35 '57 ° 15` 20. and it is 22 kilometers from East coast of the African continent ,also it is apameters.
PEARLE BEACH RESORT珍珠湾度假酒店 四星级精致海边酒店,全部海景客房
加拿大著名景点英文介绍以下是一些加拿大著名景点的英文介绍:1.Niagara Falls -尼亚加拉大瀑布Niagara Falls is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions in Canada. The falls are located on the border of Ontario and New York State, and are a must-see for anyone visiting the area. Visitors can enjoy the powerful and beautiful falls from various viewpoints, as well as take boat rides and visit the Niagara Falls Botanical Gardens.2.Rocky Mountains -落基山脉The Rocky Mountains, also known as the Rockies, are a mountain range that stretch from the Canadian to the Mexican border. The Canadian Rockies are famous for their stunning landscapes, including mountains, glaciers, lakes and waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, skiing and snowboarding in the mountains.3.Toronto -多伦多Toronto is the capital city of Ontario and one of the largest cities in Canada. It is a popular tourist destination with many attractions, including the CN Tower, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Toronto Zoo and the Toronto Islands. Visitors can also enjoy the city's many parks, galleries and museums, as well as its multicultural food scene.4.Vancouver -温哥华Vancouver is a city on the west coast of Canada and is known for itsbeautiful scenery and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking and skiing in the nearby mountains and parks. The city is also famous for its multicultural population and its many ethnic restaurants and shops.5.Quebec City -魁北克市Quebec City is located in Quebec Province in eastern Canada and is one of the oldest cities in North America. It is famous for its unique history and culture, as well as its beautiful scenery. Visitors can enjoy exploring the city's old-world architecture, visiting museums and galleries, and sampling traditional Quebecois cuisine.。
• 纸币 少数几个在纸币上印有华人肖像的国家之 一。华人部长朱梅麟,肖像被印在25元卢 比(人民币1元换4.5卢比)的正面。朱部长的 祖籍是广东梅县客家人,在抗战时号召毛 华回国救亡,呼吁毛华捐献外汇支援中国 政府。1970代初期建议毛里求斯政府发展 加工出口业,以免过于依赖旅游和蔗糖, 为毛里求斯的今天作出了重大贡献,因而 政府感念他,将其玉照印刷在钞票上以兹 纪念,朱部长已经于1991年过世。
中文名称: 中文名称:毛里求斯共和国 英文名称: 英文名称:The Republic of Mauritius 简称: 简称:毛里求斯 所属洲: 所属洲:非洲 首都: 首都:路易港 国庆日:3月12日国歌:《Motherland》 国庆日: 国歌: 国歌 官方语言: 官方语言:英语 货币: 货币:毛里求斯卢比 政治体制: 政治体制:共和制 国家领袖:阿内罗德·贾格纳特 国家领袖: 人口数量: 人口数量:128万(2010年7月估计数字) 国土面积: 国土面积:2040平方公里 主要语言: 主要语言:毛里求斯克里奥耳语
1.政局稳定。毛里求斯拥有稳定的政治和社会环境,良 好的民主传统,执政党和反对党都把精力放到了国家工 业政策上。有继承了美国和法国法律最好部分的、健全 的法律制度,有安定的生活、工作环境。劳动力文化素 质高,一般能讲英法两种语言,适应性强。 2.优惠的投资政策。政府只负责基础设施和公共设施建 设,企业则可以投资于其他高收益项目。经济完全放开, 无任何外汇管制。无国籍限制,海外投资者可享有百分 之百的控股权。为出资人和国外技术人员提供住宿和工 作许可。在出口加工区公司工作的外国雇员可有两人享 受只缴纳一半收入所得税的优惠。对出口企业实行财政 支持,包括全部免税,可分红,还可免费取走投资款项。
中国公民赴毛里求斯旅行须知毛里求斯MAUTITIUS 上帝先创造了毛里求斯,再创造了伊甸园—马克吐温尊敬的女士/先生:首先,非常感谢您对中青旅的信任和支持!为了您的旅途顺利愉快,现将赴毛里求斯旅行的注意事项作简要介绍:一、毛里求斯地理概况毛里求斯位于南半球印度洋西南部。
【国名】毛里求斯共和国(The Republic of Mauritius)。
【地理】印度洋西南部岛国, 2040平方公里【人文】毛里求斯的当地居民主要来自印度,欧洲,非洲和中国人后裔。
(Port Louis),人口万(2002年)毛里求斯国际机场(Sir Seewoosagur 【首都】Ramgoolam Air Terminal)位于马可邦(Mahebourg)市内,离路易斯港(Port Louis)45公里。
【交通】毛里求斯的陆上交通主要是巴士和的士;岛上的巴士很发达,但由于首都路易斯港(Port Louis)的面积较小,因此市内没有巴士服务。
对于信仰印度教的人们来说,毛里求斯最神圣的地方是Grand Bassin(圣水湖,又名Ganga Talao)。
历经艰苦的旅程(那个时候,这一带是没有道路的),一行人到达湖边,僧侣声称这就是他梦中的圣湖,并命名之为Pari Talao (Pari就是Fairy)。
第二年,在印度教重要的节日:Maha Shivarati(意为伟大的湿婆之夜)9名朝圣者来到湖边,并依照印度教的习俗带了一些圣水回到北部印度教神庙。
1972年,一位僧侣从印度的恒河取水并在湖边搞了一个圣水混合仪式,从此,这个湖的名字正式更名为Ganga Talao。
圣水湖朝圣每年的Maha Shivarati(通常是2月20-3月21日之间的某一天),很多毛里求斯的印度人都会走出家门,徒步前往圣水湖边朝圣。
毛里求斯大湾 Grand Baie景点简介,毛里求斯大湾 Grand Baie旅游攻略,haidaosky,海岛天下旅游
毛里求斯大湾Grand Baie
毛里求斯大湾Grand Baie景点简介
毛里求斯的英语作文Title: The Enigmatic Beauty of Mauritius。
Mauritius, a tiny island nation nestled in the Indian Ocean, boasts a captivating allure that transcends its diminutive size. Blessed with breathtaking natural landscapes, a rich cultural tapestry, and a fascinating history, Mauritius stands as a testament to the splendor of Mother Nature and the resilience of its people.One cannot begin to unravel the mystique of Mauritius without first delving into its geographical wonders. From the pristine beaches of Flic en Flac to the dramatic cliffs of Le Morne Brabant, the island is a treasure trove of scenic marvels. The azure waters that caress its shores teem with vibrant marine life, beckoning snorkelers and divers to explore its underwater realms. Inland, lush forests and cascading waterfalls create an idyllic backdrop for hiking enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.Yet, beyond its natural splendor, Mauritius is a melting pot of cultures and traditions. The island'shistory is etched with the imprints of various civilizations, from its colonial past under Dutch, French, and British rule to its vibrant Creole, Indian, Chinese, and European communities. This diverse heritage isreflected in every facet of Mauritian life, from its cuisine—a tantalizing fusion of flavors—to its festivals, where colorful celebrations pay homage to the island's multicultural roots.Moreover, Mauritius's journey to independence is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people. From the struggles against colonial oppression to the quest for social justice and economic prosperity, Mauritians have demonstrated resilience and unity in the face of adversity. Today, as a sovereign nation, Mauritius continues to chart its course on the global stage, leveraging its strategic location and robust economy to emerge as a beacon of stability and progress in the region.As I reflect on the enigmatic beauty of Mauritius, I amreminded of its enduring legacy as a haven of tranquility and wonder. Whether basking in the warmth of the tropical sun or immersing oneself in the vibrant tapestry of its culture, Mauritius offers a sanctuary for the soul—a place where time seems to stand still, and every moment is a testament to the boundless beauty of our world.In conclusion, Mauritius is more than just an island—it is a testament to the majesty of nature, the resilience of its people, and the richness of human diversity. As I bid farewell to this enchanting paradise, I carry with me memories that will forever linger, reminding me of the timeless allure of Mauritius.。
关于毛里求斯的英文作文英文:Mauritius is a small island nation located in the Indian Ocean. It is known for its beautiful beaches, diverse culture, and unique cuisine. The official languages of Mauritius are English, French, and Creole.One of the things I love about Mauritius is the food. The cuisine is a fusion of Indian, African, Chinese, and French influences. One of my favorite dishes is dholl puri, which is a type of flatbread filled with yellow split peas and served with a spicy tomato sauce. Another popular dish is boulettes, which are steamed dumplings made with fish, meat, or vegetables.In addition to the food, Mauritius is also known forits stunning beaches. The island has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, with crystal clear waters and white sand. One of my favorite beaches is Trou auxBiches, which is located on the northwest coast of the island. The beach is perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing.Another thing I love about Mauritius is the people. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and they always make me feel at home. One of the phrases I've learned is "bonzour," which means hello in Creole. It's a small thing, but it makes a big difference in making me feel like I belong.中文:毛里求斯是位于印度洋的小岛国。
Mauritius毛里求斯Mauritius, with its full name the Republic of Mauritius, an island country, lies 1,200 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa, and just east of Madagascar, another African island country, which is larger by far than Mauritius.毛里求斯全称毛里求斯共和国,是一个岛国,距离非洲东南海岸1200英里,位于另一个非洲岛国马达加斯加以东,马达加斯加比毛里求斯大得多。
The country can be divided into many parts with different climate all because of its peculiar terrains.这个国家因其独特的地形而被分成许多气候不同的地区。
In the center there are volcanoes several thousand feet high, and 90% of its arable land is covered with sugarcane.中心有几千英尺高的火山,90%的耕地覆盖着甘蔗。
There are no people living on the island before the Dutch landed on it in 1638. The Dutch abandoned it in 1710, and five years later, the French came and succeeded in planting sugarcane there.1638年荷兰人登陆之前,岛上没有人居住。
毛里求斯:印度洋上的明珠Mauritius: A Pearl in the Indian Ocean Mauritius, nestled in the blue expanse of the Indian Ocean, shimmers like a perfect gem. Its white-sand beaches fringed by azure waters are a sight to behold, drawing travelers from across the globe with promises of paradise found. This tropical island paradise is not just about its scenic beauty; it's also rich in culture and history that adds depth to its allure.Upon stepping onto this enchanting land, one cannot help but be awed by the natural splendor. The lagoons and reefs offer some of the most stunning snorkeling experiences, revealing an underwater world filled with colorful corals and an array of marine life. The sun glints off the waves, casting sparkling light across the serene landscape, making every moment feel like a dream come true.But Mauri tius isn’t just about relaxation on the beach. It’s also a cultural melting pot where diverse influences blend harmoniously. Creole cuisine, influenced by French colonialism as well as African and East Asian flavors, offers delectable dishes that tantalize taste buds. Traditional dance performances and vibrant music fill the air with joy, inviting participants to immerse themselves fully in the local way of life.Moreover, Mauritius boasts a rich historical heritage dating back centuries when sailors from around the world stoppedhere seeking refuge or trade opportunities. Today, visitors can explore forts and museums documenting these fascinating tales from bygone eras while taking walks through quaint villages that preserve much of their original charm.In conclusion, Mauritius truly deserves its reputation as a pearl in the Indian Ocean—an idyllic destination offering something for everyone whether they seek adventure, relaxation, culinary indulgence, or simply want to escape into another world altogether.。
灭绝动物介绍英文作文英文,Extinct Animals Introduction。
As a nature lover, I am deeply concerned about the extinction of various animal species. The loss of these creatures not only affects the ecosystem but also deprives us of the opportunity to witness their beauty and uniqueness. In this essay, I will introduce some extinct animals and discuss the causes of their extinction.The first animal I want to talk about is the dodo bird. This flightless bird was native to the island of Mauritius and was hunted by sailors for its meat. The introduction of non-native species, such as rats and pigs, to the island also contributed to their decline. The last sighting of a dodo bird was in the late 17th century, and they were declared extinct in the 19th century.Another extinct animal that I find fascinating is the Tasmanian tiger, also known as the thylacine. Thiscarnivorous marsupial was native to Australia and Tasmania and was hunted by farmers who believed it was a threat to their livestock. The last known Tasmanian tiger died in captivity in 1936, and despite unconfirmed sightings, the species is considered extinct.The passenger pigeon is another animal that suffered from overhunting. This bird was once the most abundant bird species in North America, with flocks numbering in the billions. However, due to commercial hunting and habitat loss, the last passenger pigeon died in captivity in 1914.The causes of animal extinction are complex and often involve human activity. Hunting, habitat loss, and the introduction of non-native species are just a few examples. It is important that we take action to protect endangered species and their habitats before it is too late.中文,灭绝动物介绍。
毛里求斯英文作文英文,Mauritius is a beautiful island nation located in the Indian Ocean. It is known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and vibrant culture. I had the opportunity to visit Mauritius last year, and it was truly an unforgettable experience.I spent my days lounging on the pristine beaches, taking in the breathtaking views of the ocean. The water was so clear and inviting, and I couldn't resist taking a dip to cool off from the warm sun. I also had the chance to try some water sports like snorkeling and parasailing, which were both thrilling and unforgettable experiences.In addition to the natural beauty, I was also captivated by the rich culture of Mauritius. The island is a melting pot of different ethnicities, and this is reflected in its cuisine, music, and traditions. I had the opportunity to try some delicious Creole dishes, listen to traditional Sega music, and learn about the history of theisland from the friendly locals.Overall, my time in Mauritius was a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. The natural beauty and vibrant culture left a lasting impression on me, and I can't waitto return to this paradise in the future.中文,毛里求斯是一个位于印度洋的美丽岛国。
● 国旗
● 毛里求斯国旗启用于1968年3月12日。国旗长宽之比为3:2。由红、蓝、 黄、绿四个平行相等的长方形构成。红色象征为独立自由而斗争,蓝色表示 毛里求斯位于蓝色的南印度洋,黄色象征独立的光芒照耀岛国,绿色表示国 家的农业和四季常青。
● 国徽
● 毛里求斯国徽制定于1906年,独立时新政府沿用了原国徽。国徽中心是一 枚一分为四的盾牌:左上角绘有一艘航行在印度洋上的金色帆船,显示日益 通达繁荣的海上贸易,同时也提醒人民牢记血写的历史——殖民者们正是飘 洋过海,乘船而来;三棵棕榈树矗立在右上角的热带土地上,代表国家的植 物资源和自然条件;五角星和红钥匙形象地解释了盾徽底部饰带上的文字 “印度洋上的明星和钥匙”,可见其战略地位之重要。盾徽两侧绘有该国主 要的农产品甘蔗以及主要动物野鹿和绝迹多年的渡渡鸟,给闪烁的海面添上 一抹大自然的诗情画意。