




1、爱普生cb-u42投影机亮度:3600流明对比度:15000:1分辨率:宽屏WUXGA(1920x1200)水平梯形校正滑钮双画面/网络四画面投影无线投影功能(内置)HDMI 高清接口/USB 三合一投影重量:约2.8kg显示技术:3LCD2、爱普生cb-u05投影机亮度:3400流明对比度:15000:1分辨率:宽屏WUXGA(1920x1200)水平梯形校正滑钮双画面/网络四画面投影HDMI 高清接口/USB 三合一投影重量:约2.8kg显示技术:3LCD与cb-u42对比少一个内置无线、流明低了200,价格相对便宜一点3、爱普生cb-w42投影机亮度:3600流明对比度:15000:1分辨率:宽屏WXGA(1280x800)水平梯形校正滑钮双画面/无线四画面投影无线投影功能(内置)HDMI 高清接口/USB 三合一投影重量:约2.5kg显示技术:3LCD4、爱普生cb-w05投影机亮度:3300流明对比度:15000:1分辨率:宽屏WXGA(1280x800)水平梯形校正滑钮双画面/网络四画面投影HDMI 高清接口/USB 三合一投影重量:约2.5kg显示技术:3LCD5、爱普生cb-x39投影机亮度:3500流明分辨率:XGA(1024 x 768)分辨率全新12,000小时长寿灯泡(ECO模式下) *3自动信号源搜索功能HDMI高清接口水平梯形校正滑钮支持侧面投影重量:约2.7kg显示技术:3LCD。

EPSON CB-X21投影机规格介绍

EPSON CB-X21投影机规格介绍

爱普生(Epson) CB-X21轻松实现大屏幕的梦想一、产品特点*2*31.3000流明亮度/ 色彩亮度2.XGA(1024x768)物理分辨率*2*33.10000:1 超高对比度4.支持USB三合一投影功能5.6000小时(ECO)超长灯泡寿命6.滑钮式水平梯形校正功能二、产品概述●3000 流明亮度,10000:1 的对比度*2*3CB-X21基于3LCD投影技术,拥有3000流明的亮度和10000:1的超高对比度,保证投影机输出高品质的投影画面。

● 1.2 倍光学变焦镜头投影机拥有1.2 倍的光学变焦镜头,可以满足多种环境的安装需求。







●无线投影功能投影机可以选配ELPAP07无线网卡,轻松实现无线投影功能,使用者不仅可以通过笔记本电脑进行无线演示,更能够通过智能手机或平板设备安装“Epson iProjection”软件,进行功能强大的便携式无线投影。




●6000 超长灯时(ECO 模式)投影机拥有长达6000小时的灯泡寿命(ECO模式),有效的节省了使用成本。



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连续多年荣获服务满意度金奖; 连续多年荣获服务满意度金奖; 2009年 2009年8月,爱普生荣获CCID颁发的 “针式打印 爱普生荣获CCID颁发的 CCID 喷墨打印机” 投影机” 机” “喷墨打印机” 和 “投影机” 服务满意 度金奖。 度金奖。
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爱普生(EPSON)EB-Z8000WU 工程投影机技术规格(一) 综合概述Epson EB-Z8000WU 是爱普生最新的最高端专业投影产品,是世界第一款WUXGA(1920×1200像素)的3片液晶投影机,完全支持全高清HD视频影像。





专业典范,再现完美影像高分辨率WUXGA (1920×1200) ,呈现出高清晰的图像6000流明高亮度,双灯配置,可投射出大画面高画质,高对比度(5000:1) ,采用爱普生水晶高清技术和爱普生电影滤镜技术高可靠性,配有爱普生无机液晶面板,采用爱普生原创的珀尔帖主动液体冷却系统(二) 综合测评爱普生EB-Z8000WU是全球首款WUXGA(1920×1200)分辨率的3LCD显示技术(液晶)投影机。







Epson投影仪使用说明书尊敬的用户,欢迎您选择和使用 Epson 投影仪。


一、投影仪外观及接口介绍首先,让我们来熟悉一下 Epson 投影仪的外观。




投影仪的侧面和背面分布着各种接口,包括电源接口、HDMI 接口、VGA 接口、USB 接口等。


HDMI 接口可以连接电脑、高清播放器等设备,以传输高清图像和音频信号。

VGA 接口则适用于连接老式的电脑或其他具有 VGA 输出的设备。

USB 接口可用于连接 U 盘、移动硬盘等存储设备,以便直接播放其中的多媒体文件。

二、投影仪的安装1、选择合适的安装位置Epson 投影仪可以选择桌面正投、吊装正投、桌面背投、吊装背投等多种安装方式。










EPSON CB-PU2220B 激光工程投影机 产品规格手册

EPSON CB-PU2220B 激光工程投影机 产品规格手册

专业可靠 灵活易用CB-PU2220B 3LCD 激光工程投影机激光光源20,000小时免维护*2超高原生对比度选配外置摄像头,画面自动调节密封光源与光学引擎,易维护多种选配电动镜头*3紧凑机身设计,重量仅24.4kgIP5 防尘等级*1*8得益于爱普生家庭影院投影机中研发的相同技术,一种特殊光学部件的使用可以调整偏振角度的偏差,以提高原生对比度,即使在剧院等黑暗环境中使用,也能显示出真正的黑色。

高对比度场景自适应Gamma 校正功能是爱普生自主研发的画质调节功能,可以根据图片内容逐帧分析图像,自动调整Gamma 值,以更佳对比度投射。

场景自适应Gamma 校正令人惊叹的画质无特殊光学部件有特殊光学部件LCD 液晶板LCD 液晶板特殊光学部件OFF ON 4K 增强*8分辨率爱普生的4K 增强*8技术将像素点斜向双倍增强达到分辨率加倍的效果,使画面更加清晰生动。

注:模拟图片高动态范围图像:关高动态范围图像:开HDR 高动态范围图像技术CB-PU2200/2100系列支持HDR10和HLG 标准,可在宽色调范围内实现动态输出,并有效的降低黑色和白色斑点。

OFF ON本宣传页中的数据,来源于爱普生实验室数据,与实际使用数据存在差异,彩页中技术更高的稳定性CB-PU2220B 激光工程投影机CB-PU2220B 为爱普生全新升级高亮度激光工程投影机,亮度提升至20,000流明*5*6,采用激光光源,无机液晶面板和无机荧光轮,实现持久可靠的高质量投影。


3LCD 技术及WUXGA 分辨率为用户带来精美画质。



CB-PU2200/2100系列配备符合IEC 标准的IP5X*认证光学引擎和激光光源模块,提供出色的防尘保护。



Epson爱普生EX31投影仪英文版说明书一、产品概述1. 高分辨率:提供清晰、细腻的图像质量,让您享受更佳的视觉体验。

2. 高亮度:即使在明亮的环境下,也能呈现明亮、清晰的图像。

3. 多种连接方式:支持HDMI、VGA、USB等多种连接方式,方便您连接各种设备。

二、安装与设置1. 安装投影仪:将投影仪放置在平稳的表面上,确保通风良好,避免过热。

2. 连接电源:将电源线插入投影仪的电源接口,并连接到电源插座。

3. 连接设备:使用HDMI、VGA或USB线将投影仪与您的设备(如电脑、电视等)连接。

4. 调整投影角度:使用投影仪的调整杆,将投影图像调整到合适的尺寸和位置。

三、操作指南1. 开机与关机:按下投影仪的电源按钮,打开或关闭投影仪。

2. 菜单设置:按下菜单按钮,进入投影仪的设置菜单,您可以在这里调整图像、声音、网络等设置。

3. 信号源切换:按下信号源按钮,切换不同的输入信号源,如HDMI、VGA等。

4. 音量调节:使用音量按钮,调节投影仪的音量大小。

四、维护与保养1. 清洁镜头:定期使用干净的软布清洁投影仪的镜头,避免灰尘和污垢影响图像质量。

2. 更换灯泡:当投影仪的灯泡寿命到期时,请及时更换新的灯泡,以确保正常使用。

3. 存放:在不使用投影仪时,请将其存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿。

五、常见问题解答1. 投影图像模糊:请检查投影仪与设备的连接是否正确,并调整投影角度和焦距。

2. 投影仪无法开机:请检查电源线是否连接牢固,并确保电源插座有电。

3. 投影仪无声音:请检查音频连接是否正确,并调整音量设置。

六、产品规格1. 投影技术:3LCD2. 分辨率:800x6003. 亮度:3200流明4. 对比度:15000:15. 投影尺寸:30300英寸6. 投影距离:1.210.2米7. 噪音:37dB(经济模式)七、保修信息Epson爱普生EX31投影仪享有1年有限保修服务。




2600 SVGA 2000:1 2.3 UHE-200
XGA 2000:1 Biblioteka .3 UHE-200265
XGA 2000:1 2.3 UHE-200
2600 WXGA 2000:1 2.3 UHE-200
XGA 2000:1 1.66 UHE-230
XGA 1000:1 6.6 UHE-330
XGA 1000:1 6.7 UHE-330
XGA 2000:1 6.8 UHE-330
4000 WUXGA 1000:1 6.8 UHE-275
4500 WUXGA 1500:1 6.8 UHE-330
液晶板尺寸 (英寸)
标称亮度 (流明)
物理分 辨率
重量 灯泡类型和 整机功耗 (Kg) 功率(W) (W)
EB-C1050X EB-C1830 EB-C1900 EB-C1910 EMP-280 EB-C1920W EB-410W EB-450W EB-450Wi EB-460 EB-460i EB-C450XE EB-C450XB EB-C450WH EB-C2020XN EB-C2040XN EB-C2080XN EB-C1000X EB-C1010X EB-C1020XN EB-C1030WN EB-C1040XN EB-C250S EB-C250X EB-C250XC EB-C250XS EB-C250W EB-C260S EB-C260X EB-C260XS EB-C260W EB-C260M EB-C260MN EB-C300MN EB-C300MS EB-C2090X EB-C1915 EB-C1925W EB-C2000X EB-C2010X EB-C2030WN

EPSON EB-D290 投影机手册

EPSON EB-D290 投影机手册
图像菜单............................................................................................................. 23 信号菜单............................................................................................................. 24 设定菜单............................................................................................................. 25 扩展菜单............................................................................................................. 26 信息菜单 (只适用于显示)................................................................................ 28 重设菜单............................................................................................................. 29
安全功能 .....................................................................................................17

EPSON CB-X22规格介绍

EPSON CB-X22规格介绍

爱普生(Epson) CB-X22专为教学环境量身打造一、产品特点*2*31.3000 流明色彩亮度/3000 流明白色亮度2.XGA(1024x768)物理分辨率*2*33.10000:1 超高对比度4.支持USB 三合一投影功能*15.6000 小时(ECO)灯泡寿命6.滑钮式水平梯形校正功能7.内置先进的ECO 节能菜单二、产品概述高精还原CB-X22 基于3LCD 投影技术,拥有3000 流明的亮度和 10000:1 的超高对比度,保证投影机输出高品质的投影画面。

色彩亮度检测数据爱普生投影机采用出色3LCD 投影技术,并通过了国家数字音视频及多媒体产品质量监督检验中心严格的测试,能够为每一位消费者提供真实可靠的色彩亮度数值。

ECO 节能菜单投影机提供专业的ECO 节能菜单,用户可以根据自己的使用需求,定制专属的节能方案。





1.2 倍光学变焦镜头投影机拥有1.2 倍的光学变焦镜头,可以满足多种环境的安装需求。

丰富的连接性投影机拥有非常丰富的接口,能够满足新型设备的连接需求,使用者可以根据自己设定的安装方案,从HDMI、 VGA、LAN 等接口中任选使用。


多PC 投影功能投影机拥有先进的多PC 投影功能,最多支持50个使用者进行连接,在设置会议主持人之后,可以任选其中的1-4个信号源进行同屏显示。


EPSON 投影机 使用说明书 ( 详细版 ) 操作指南 CP-X8150 CP-X8160 CP-

EPSON 投影机 使用说明书 ( 详细版 ) 操作指南 CP-X8150 CP-X8160 CP-

1投影机使用说明书(详细版) 操作指南CP-X8150/CP-X8160/CP-WX8240/ CP-WX8255/CP-SX8350/CP-WU8440/承蒙您购买本投影机,谨向您表示衷心的感谢。









商标承认•Mac ® 是 Apple Inc. 的注册商标。

• W indows ®, DirectDraw ® 和 Direct3D ® 是微软公司在美国和/或其它国家的注册商标。

•VESA 和 DDC 是 Video Electronics Standard Association 的商标。

• H DMI TM 、HDMI 徽标以及 High-Definition Multimedia Interface 是 HDMI Licensing LLC. 在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。

• P JLink 商标适用日本、美国和其它国家和地区的商标权。

• B lu-ray Disc TM 和Blu-ray TM 是Blu-ray Disc Association 的商标。

• D ICOM ® 是National Electrical Manufacturers Association 公司的注册商标,其标准(出版物)与医疗信息的数字通信相关。



2介绍. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3特点 ..............3检查包装内容 ..........3部件名称 ............4投影机、控制面板和指示灯、端口、 遥控器设置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7布置 ..............7现有器材的连接 .........10系紧电缆固定适配器盖子 .........15使用安全条和安全槽 .......15连接电源 ............16遥控器. . . . . . . . . . . . . .17装入电池 ............17使用远程ID 功能 ........17改变遥控信号的频率 .......18关于遥控信号 ..........18用作简易电脑鼠标和键盘 .....19状态监视器. . . . . . . . . . . .20<仅限CP-X8160、CP-WX8255、 C P-WX8255A和 CP-WU8450>显示投影机状态 (20)显示日志 ............22电源开/关. . . . . . . . . . . .24打开电源 (24)关闭电源 ............24操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25调节音量 ............25暂时关闭屏幕和音频 .......25选择输入信号 ..........26选择宽高比 ...........27调节投影机的脚撑 ........28调节镜头 ............29调节变焦和对焦、调节镜头位置、 镜头记忆使用自动调节功能 ........31调节位置 ............31校正失真 ............32使用放大功能 ..........35暂时冻结屏幕 ..........36暂时遮蔽图像 ..........36显示两个画面 ..........37<仅限CP-WX8240A、CP-WX8255A、 CP-WU8440和CP-WU8450>使用菜单功能 ..........39OSD(屏幕显示)中的指示、 各菜单包含的项目简易菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .42图像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .44影像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .47输入菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .50设置菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .54声音菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .57屏幕菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .59选项菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .65网络菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .76安全菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .87演示工具. . . . . . . . . . . . .94无需电脑演示 ..........94缩略图模式、全屏模式、幻灯片模式、播放列表绘图功能 ...........104连接设备、使用绘图功能USB 显示 ...........109启动USB 显示、右键单击菜单、 浮动菜单、选项窗口维护. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113更换灯泡 ...........113清洁和更换空气过滤器 .....115其他保养 ...........117故障诊断. . . . . . . . . . . . 118状态监视器上显示的警告信息 ..118<仅限CP- X 8160、CP-WX8255、 CP-WX8255A 和CP-WU8450>相关消息 (118)关于指示灯 ..........120重设所有设置 .........122容易误认为是机器缺陷的现象 ..123规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283•请妥善保管原包装材料,以备日后重新装运。


读懂指示灯 ......................................................................................................... 37 看了指示灯仍不明白时 ....................................................................................... 40
切换投影图像 (源搜索)............................................................................12 提高投影的功能 ..........................................................................................13
选择投影质量 (选择颜色模式)......................................................................... 13 暂时隐藏图像和声音 (A/V 无声)...................................................................... 14 暂停图像 (静止).............................................................................................. 15 改变长宽比 (外观)........................................................................................... 15 放大部分图像 (E 变焦).................................................................................... 16



15000:1高对比度*2*3Screen fit 一键图像校正手势演示功能全新10000小时长寿命灯泡(ECO 模式)*13LCD 投影技术水晶高清液晶面板爱普生无机液晶面板XGA(1024 x 768)分辨率产品尺寸图EVS170121AZ备注:*1 上述时间为非承诺保修时间。




*2 《信息显示测量标准》(IDMS)2012 年6 月发布了色彩亮度的测量方法,《信息显示测量标准》(IDMS)由国际信息显示协会(SID)管理下的国际显示计量委员会ICDM 负责编写。

基于ISO21118标准制定, 该标称值代表量产时产品的平均值,而产品的出厂最低值为标称值的80%。

*3 亮度、对比度数据基于:颜色模式:动态、变焦:广角、自动光圈:开。

*4 本产品可安全使用的地区:海拔高度2000m 及2000m 以下地区(基于中国国家标准GB4943.1-2011)。

*5 基于爱普生室内测试结果,在普通办公环境下使用(灰尘数量: 0.04-0.2 mg/m ,温度25°C )。


CB-2065爱普生高端工程投影机SVGA 和XGA 是IBM 注册商标,NSF 是Analog Devices B.V .的商标。



清晰、明亮、绚丽的3LCD 技术3LCD 技术可以获取明亮、自然、柔和的图像和锐利的视频影像。


持久可靠 高亮易用CB-2065爱普生高端工程投影机CB-2065爱普生高端工程投影机爱普生工程投影机CB-2065,采用爱普生水晶高清无机液晶面板,5500流明高色彩亮度**输出,呈现更加清晰、锐利的画质。

爱普生 EB-Z8000WUNL Z8050WNL 无线投影机用户手册说明书

爱普生 EB-Z8000WUNL Z8050WNL 无线投影机用户手册说明书

EPSON EB-Z8000WUNL/Z8050WNLPowerful performance beyond Hi-Def.Powerful performers that are easy to install, manage and maintain, the Epson "Z Series” multimedia projectors offer high brightness and superior reliability for captivating presentations in virtually any venue. Featuring WUXGA widescreen resolution, the EB-Z8000WUNL offers 6000 lumens of colour light output and 6000 lumens of white light output. A brighter 7000 lumens of colour light output and 7000 lumens of white light output in WXGA resolution is offered by the EB-Z8050WNL giving you the flexibility of choice to best suit your application. With innovative LCD chips sand a contrast ratio of up to 5000:1, Epson’s "Z Series" delivers brilliant widescreen images in lecture halls, conference centres and more. Offering a full suite of monitor and control features, these high brightness projectors ensure easy integration with complex devices, plus a lower overall cost of ownership. Choose from a variety of optional lenses.A powerful combination of brightness, resolution and true-to-life colour –EB-Z8000WUNL: — 6000 lumens colour light output, 6000 lumens white light output, WUXGA resolution and 3LCD, 3-chip technologyEB-Z8050WNL: — 7000 lumens colour light output, 7000 lumens white light output, WXGA resolution and 3LCD, 3-chip technology Innovative technology for added reliability —Durable LCD chips and a new cooling system and filter designMULTIMEDIA PROJECTORSMirror3LCD technologyFor more information on Epson’s environmental programs, go to 3LCD technology – for quality and colour that’s beyond amazingInnovative technology with proven reliability • 3 chips for vibrant, true–to–life colour • 25% less electricity required per lumen when compared to 1–chip DLP projectors **• Road-tested reliability from a company with over 20 years of experienceQuiet, reliable liquid cooling systemEpson’s innovative system uses liquid to cool the LCD chips directly. The liquid absorbs the heat and is then cooled by a peltier device, which is then cooled by a fan, thereby keeping the overall optical engine cool. This system design promotes greater reliability and enables stable operation in temperatures up to 45˚C. In addition, it offers quiet, unobtrusive operation and allows for off–axis installation orientations.C²Fine ® technology delivers blacker blacksC²Fine offers smooth, uniform imageswith exceptional contrast for better imagequality. Based on the new phase–compensation technology, light leakage is eliminated, allowing for the reproduction of blackerblacks. C²Fine technology is combined with an auto iris, which allows for a contrast ratio up to 5000:1.Eco features• Energy-efficient 3LCD technology • Designed to be recycled ***The best-selling projectors in the world.Epson offers a wide range of high-quality projectors to meet almost any need. Built with image quality and reliability in mind, Epson projectors enhance communication and inspire collaboration, while offering a low total cost of ownership. From projectors designed for educational settings to auditorium or boardroom–ready businessprojectors, Epson has the model made to meet the most demanding needs.LCD chipsRadiatorPeltier device(Reserve tank antifreeze liquid)PumpDescription/Product #ELPLS04Standard Zoom Lens V12H004S04ELPLW04Wide Zoom Lens V12H004W04ELPLM07Middle-throw Zoom Lens #2V12H004M07Throw ratio/Screen size Throw Ratio: 1.74 – 2.82:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Zoom Ratio: 1 – 1.61:1Throw Ratio: 0.77:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Throw Ratio: 1.31 – 1.80:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Zoom Ratio: 1 – 1.37:1Throw Ratio: 2.68 – 4.1:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Zoom Ratio: 1 – 1.5:1Throw Ratio: 3.92 – 5.97:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Zoom Ratio: 1 – 1.5:1Throw Ratio: 5.83 – 8.18:1Screen Sizes: 60" – 500"Zoom Ratio: 1 – 1.39:1Focal length/F #Focal Length:36.00 mm – 57.35 mm F/#: 1.65 – 2.51Focal Length: 16.15 mm F/#: 1.85Focal Length:27.32 mm – 37.04 mm F/#: 1.8 – 2.26Focal Length:F/#: 1.81 – 2.4Focal Length:80.59 mm – 121.1 mm F/#: 1.81 – 2.34Focal Length:118.98 mm – 165.39 mm F/#: 1.8 – 2.45ELPLR04Rear-projection Wide Lens V12H004R04ELPLM06Middle-throw Zoom Lens #1V12H004M06Focal Length:55.43 mm – 83.3 mm ELPLL07V12H004L07Long-throw Zoom LensFocal Length:Off–axis, flexible installationThe Epson “Z Series” can be rotated 90 degrees upward or downward with an additional 30–degree tilt operation for off–axis positioning flexibility. As a result, it can be used for a wide range of applications, such as projecting on the ceiling or floor, or as part of a rear–projection system. Epson technology keeps the projector running without compromising performance or causing overheating.Epson lens shift technologyIn addition to added reliability and amazing colour performance, 3LCD’s industry–leading technology enables the projector to achieve a wide range of lens shift capabilities. This lens shift technology enables outstanding installation flexibility with an incredible range of + or – 70% on the vertical axis and + or – 20% on the horizontal axis. Users can operate the vertical lens shift function using the remote control, the projector control panel, or control commands.Lens not includedPrecision controlConvenient lens designWith it’s centered lens design, the Epson “Z Series” makes installation easy to plan. Positioning the ceiling mount, screen, and projector can be performed individually and independent of one another.Six powered lens optionsWith a 1.6 x standard lens, theEpson “Z Series” offers increased placement flexibility. For even greater flexibility, Epson offers a total of six lenses with varying ranges including short, wide, and rear, along with mid–to–long–throw lenses that allow users to choose the motorised lens most suited for their environment. A quick release leverallows for a quick, easy lens exchange. (Lens not included)Lens throw chartFloor projectionCeiling projectionWUXGA resolutionQuality and reliabilityBeyond Hi–DefWith WUXGA resolution (1920 x 1200), the EB–Z8000WUNL delivers high quality images and crisp, sharp text without any distortion or scaling, and it makes it easy to display more content. In fact, with the EB–Z8000WUNL, the display area can accommodate two independant, A4–sized windows, side by side, at the same time. You can also display HDTV content at it’s native resolution withLow cost of ownershipProtect your investment — long–life electrostatic air filterThe Epson “Z Series” filter is designed to protect the optical engine, lamp and electronics from small dust particles that can enter any projector. It has a recommended 10,000 hour filter cleaningschedule. The Epson electrostatic filter captures particles as small as 3 microns, due in part to it’s pleated, expanded design. With one air intake and one exhaust path, the Epson “Z Series” offers an efficient airflow system for optimum cooling of key components and a reduction in dust–related problems. Additionally, it has the capability to send an e–mail notification out through the Epson Monitor utility when an increase in temperature is detected, due to clogging.Powerful, large venue performanceThe EB-Z8000WUNL combines the brightness of 6000 lumens colour light output and 6000 lumens white light output* with the detail of widescreen WUXGA resolution. Surpassing 1080p Hi-Def performance, this projectordelivers captivating presentations and videos in virtually any venue. The EB-Z8050WNL boasts 7000 lumens colour light output and 7000 lumens white output in WXGA resolution. These amazing, flexible performers were engineered and designed for easy integration with installation features that even the most savvy professional installer would appreciate. Durable 3LCD chips and a contrast ratio of up to 5000:1, the Epson “Z Series” delivers brilliant widescreen images for presentation in lecture halls, auditoriums, conference centres and houses of worship. It also offers a full suite of monitor and control features that contribute to a low cost of ownership.Easy maintenance and monitoringWith convenient access to the lamps and filter, the Epson “Z Series” makes maintenance easier than ever, even if the projector is ceiling mounted. The lamp cover is located on the rear side panel and there are no screws, so the lid can be removed without any special tools. In addition to easy lamp and filter replacements, the Epson “Z Series” includes features that make it easy to monitor and control. With EMP Monitor, users can access advanced status functions over the LAN network.Easy access filterEasy Management® with Epson MonitorEasy MP® technology makes it easy to monitor and controlnetworked Epson projectors. You can use the utility while perform-ing help desk services and proactively manage your projector assets. Remotely power down your projector(s) to extend the lamp life and produce energy savings. The utility is packaged on a CD with the projector and can be used with a PC to check the status of a projector. It is also available online at .auUninterrupted operationWith a dual lamp (330w) system, the Epson “Z Series” eliminates the risk of interruption. If one lamp were to fail, operation would continue, using the other lamp. And, replacements are made easy with free and unobstructured access to the rear control panel.Powerful performanceQuality and reliability• Powerful combination of brightness, resolution and true–to–life colour• Core technology for added reliability• Digital connectivity for ultimate performance• Exceptional colour fidelity• Greater detail with blacker blacksPrecision control• Easier installation• Powered lens• Wide lens shift capabilities• Perfect for auditoriums and lecture hall venues • Direct On and Direct OffLow cost of ownership• Protect your investment• Easy monitor and control capabilities• Value–added features• Dual lamps with long lamp lifeAdvanced installation• Innovative cooling and filter system for venues with more demanding requirements – perfect for restaurants, gaming venues and sports venues that require dust protection and have a higher performance/usage requirement.• Off–axis installation for flexible placement – install the projector so that it’s facing up or down, for off–axis signage positioning.Control panelEPSON EB-Z8000WUNLProduct NameEB–Z8000WUNL Lens required EB–28050WNL Lens requiredSpecificationsProjection SystemHigh−aperture Epson 3−chip, 3LCD technologyProjection MethodsFront/rear/ceiling mountLCD Driving MethodEpson Poly−silicon TFT Active Matrix Pixel Number2,304,000 pixels x 3LCDsNative ResolutionEB–Z8000WUNL: WUXGA (1920 x 1200)EB–Z8050WNL: WXGA (1280 x 800)Aspect RatioEB–Z8000WUNL: Native 16:10EB–Z8050WNL: Native 16:9Pixel Arrangement Cross stripeProjection LensT ypePowered zoom/focusF–number1.65 –2.51 (Standard lens), lens not includedFocal Length36 mm – 57.35 mm (Standard lens)Zoom RatioOptical zoom 1.0 – 1.61 (Standard lens)Screen Throw Ratio Range 1.74" – 2.82" (Standard lens)Size (projected distance)60" – 500"Lens Shift (powered) Vertical: ±70%Horizontal: ±20%Keystone CorrectionVertical: −30 degrees to +30 degrees Horizontal: −20 degrees to +20 degrees Brightness (Normal Mode)*EB–Z8000WUNL:White light output: − 6000 lumens (ISO 21118 standard),Colour light output: −6000 lumens EB–Z8050WNL:White light output: − 7000 lumens Colour light output: −7000 lumens Contrast Ratio (Normal, Dynamic Mode)Up to 5000:1Brightness Uniformity (typical)90%Colour Reproduction 16.7 million coloursRemote ControlFeaturesBrightness, Contrast, Tint, Saturation, Sharpness, Input signal, Sync, Tracking, Position, Zoom, Focus, Lens Shift, Shutter,ID, source searchOperating AngleFrontRight/left ± 60 degreesUpper/lower -45 to +15 degreesRearRight/left ± 30 degreesUpper/lower -45 to +15 degreesOperating Distance15 mDisplay PerformanceNativeEB–Z8000WUNL: 1920 x 1200EB–Z8050WNL: 1280 x 800Resize 640 x 480800 x 6001280 x 10241400 x 10501600 x 1200Video I/0Display Performance NTSC: 560 lines PAL: 560 lines(depends on observation of the multi−burst pattern)InterfacesComputer/component video: D–sub HD 15 pin x 15BNC component x 1HDMI x 1DVI–D x 1Hardware remote jack x 1S–video: mini DIN x 1Composite video BNC x 1,LAN networking: RJ–45 x 1, 10/100Mb Serial: RS–232c x 1Monitor out: mini D–sub 15 pin x 1Other FeaturesAudio Output None Operating Temperature 32° to 113 °F (0 ° to 45 °C)Power Supply Voltage 100 – 240V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz AC Power Consumption877 W (Normal operation)734 W (ECO operation)0.5 W standby (network off)Fan Noise38 dB (Normal Mode)32 dB (ECO Mode)SecurityKensington ® − style lock provision, anchor (metal) bar for security lock or cable, handles attached to body for cable wrapInput SignalNTSC / NTSC4.43 / PAL / M–PAL / N–PAL / PAL60 / SECAMSDTV: 480i / 576i / 480p / 576p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p3D Y/C separartion, noise reduction motion compensatedInterlace progressive conversion (2 – 2, 3 – 2 film detection)Accessary Part NumbersLens Part NumbersStandard zoom lens (ELPLS04)Long throw zoom lens (ELPLL07)Middle–throw zoom lens 1 (ELPLM06Middle–throw zoom lens 2 (ELPLM07)Rear projection wide lens (ELPLR04)Wide zoom lens (ELPLW04)Mount Part NumbersFlush ceiling mount bracketMount bracket with extended pipe Replacement Lamp Part Numbers Single (ELPLP51)Dual lamp kit (lamp x 2) (ELPLP52)Projector Part Number EB−Z8000WUNL (lens not included)Replacement Air Filter Set Replacement Air Filter SetV12H004S04V12H004L07V12H004M06V12H004M07V12H004R04V12H004W04V12H003B25V12H003B26V13H010L51V13H010L52V11H266953V13H134A23WarrantyFour–year projector limited warranty, one year warrantyContents in BoxPower cable, computer cable, projector remote control, batteries, cable cover, user manual CD, Quick Setup Sheet, password protection sticker, monitor and control CDProduct CodeV11H266953V11H265953* Light output varies depending on mode (colour and white light output). White light output measured using ISO 21118 standard.** Data source: , Jan.2009. Average of 796 shipping models, for which manufacturers provided lumens and total power data, all resolutions and brightness levels.*** See our website for convenient and reasonable recycling options at .au/company/environment/index.asp**** Lamp life will vary depending upon mode selected, environmental conditions and usage. Lamp brightness decreases over time.Epson, C² FIne, Easy Management, EasyMP and Quick Corner are registered trademarks, Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PowerLite and PrivateLite are registered trademarks and Epson Connection is a service mark of Epson America, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. CPD-31363 9/09Dual LampType300 W x 2 UHELamp Life****Up to 2500 hours (Normal Mode)Up to 3500 hours (ECO Mode)Dimensions (W x D x H)Including Feet (with standard lens)21.0" x 28.9" x 8.9"Excluding Feet, Lens 21.0" x 28.9" x 8.9"Weight22kg with standard lensEffective Scanning Frequency Range Pixel Clock13.5 MHz to 162 MHz (up to UXGA 60 Hz)Horizontal15 kHz to 80 kHzVertical24 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz (Digital)50 Hz to 85 Hz (Analog)。



Epson投影仪使用说明书关键信息项:1、投影仪型号:____________________________2、生产日期:____________________________3、购买日期:____________________________4、保修期限:____________________________11 安全注意事项111 请在使用本投影仪前,仔细阅读并遵循以下安全指南。

112 请勿在靠近水或潮湿的环境中使用投影仪,以避免触电危险。

113 切勿自行拆卸投影仪外壳,以免造成内部零件损坏或导致触电。

114 投影仪运行时,请勿直视镜头,避免强光对眼睛造成伤害。

115 确保投影仪放置在稳定、平坦且通风良好的表面上,防止掉落或过热。

12 投影仪部件介绍121 镜头:用于投射图像。

122 电源按钮:用于开启和关闭投影仪。

123 输入接口:包括 HDMI、VGA 等,用于连接外部设备。

124 扬声器:提供音频输出。

125 调焦环:用于调整图像的清晰度。

13 连接外部设备131 使用合适的连接线将您的电脑、笔记本、手机或其他设备与投影仪的相应接口连接。

132 连接完成后,确保选择正确的输入源,以便投影仪能够显示您所连接设备的内容。

14 开启投影仪141 连接好电源适配器,并将其插入电源插座。

142 按下电源按钮,等待投影仪启动。


15 图像调整151 通过调焦环调整图像的清晰度,直至图像清晰锐利。

152 如果图像的尺寸或比例不合适,可以使用投影仪的缩放和梯形校正功能进行调整。

16 音频设置161 您可以根据需要调整投影仪的音量大小。

162 如果连接的外部设备有独立的音频输出,也可以通过该设备进行音频设置。

17 投影模式选择171 本投影仪提供多种投影模式,如正投、背投、吊装等,根据您的使用场景选择合适的模式。

18 节能模式181 投影仪具有节能模式,当您在一段时间内未进行操作时,投影仪会自动进入节能状态,以节省能源。

EPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD 投影仪用户手册说明书

EPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD 投影仪用户手册说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.EPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD Projector User Guide Home » Epson » EPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD Projector User GuideContents1 EPSON PowerLite 107 3LCDProjector2 Product Information3 Product Usage Instructions4 Quick Setup5 Turn on your equipment6 Adjust the image7 Using the remote control8 Project over a wired network9 Setting up a wireless connection10 Select wireless network settings11 Install the optional software12 Troubleshooting13 Where to get help14 Documents / Resources14.1 References15 Related PostsEPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD ProjectorProduct InformationThe product described in the user manual is a projector. It is designed for projecting visual content onto a screen or surface. The projector has various input ports including HDMI, VGA, USB, and audio, allowing it to be connected to different devices such as computers, video devices, mobile media devices, and USB devices. The projector also comes with a remote control for convenient operation.Product Usage Instructions1. Before using the projector, read the safety instructions in the online User’s Guide.2. Connect the projector to your desired device using one of the following methods:Computer: Connect one end of an HDMI cable to the projector’s HDMI port and the other end to anHDMI port on your computer. Alternatively, connect one end of a VGA cable to the projector’s Computer1 or Computer2 port and the other end to your computer’s monitor port. Make sure to switch your laptop to external display.USB: Connect the square end of a USB cable to the projector’s USB-B port and the flat end to any USB port on your computer. If you are using OS X 10.7.x or higher, follow the on-screen instructions to install the Epson USB Display software.Video Device: Connect multiple video devices and use the Source Search button on the projector orremote control to switch between them.Mobile Media Device: Connect tablets, smartphones, and other devices that support the MHLTMstandard to the HDMI2/MHL port. Use an MHL cable if required.USB Device or Epson DC-07 Document Camera: Connect a digital camera, USB flash drive, USBstorage device, or Epson DC-07 document camera to the projector’s USB-A port. Use a USB cable forconnection.3. Turn on your computer or video source.4. Plug in the projector. The power light on the projector will turn blue.5. Open the A/V Mute slide all the way.6. Press the power button on the projector or remote control. The projector will beep and the Status light will flashblue before staying on.7. Use the arrow buttons on the remote control to navigate and select options on the Home screen.8. To change the language of the menu system, press the Menu button on the projector or remote control. SelectExtended, then Language, and choose your desired language. Press the Menu button again to exit the menu system.For more detailed information and troubleshooting, refer to the online User’s Guide.Quick SetupBefore using the projector, make sure you read the safety instructions in the online User’s Guide.Note: Your product may differ from the illustrations on this sheet, but the instructions are the same.Connect the projectorChoose from the following connections. See the sections below or the online User’s Guide for details. Computerlaptop or computer’s monitor port. Make sure to switch your laptop to external display (seeSome devices may require an adapter or may not require an MHL cable. Not all features or functions may be supported. Check your device’s documentation for more information.If you connect a digital camera, USB flash drive, or USB storage device, you can use the projector’s PC Free feature. See the online User’s Guide for details.Turn on your equipmentPlug in the projector. The power light on the projector turns blue.3. Open the A/V Mute slide all the way.4. Press the power button on the projector or remote control. The projector beeps, the Status light flashesblue, and then stays on.Note: To shut down the projector, press the power button twice.5. Use the arrow buttons on the remote control to highlight any of the options on the Home screen that appears,then press to select it. You can switch between projection sources and quickly access various adjustment options from this screen.6. The default language of the menu system is English. To select another language, press the Menu button on theprojector or remote control. Select Extended and press Select Language and press . Select your language and press . Press the Menu button to exit the menu system.Adjust the image1. If you don’t see an image, press the Source Search button on the projector or remote control to select theimage source.Note: If you still see a blank screen or have other display problems, see the troubleshooting tips on the back of this sheet.2. To raise the image, press the foot release button and lift the front of the projector. Release the button to lockthe foot in position.3. To reduce or enlarge the image, turn the zoom ring.To sharpen the image, turn the focus ring.If your image looks like , you may have placed the projector off to one side of theYour projector automatically adjusts images that look like but if necessary you can press the button on the projector to correct it.For more information on using the remote control, see the online User’s Guide.Project over a wired networkFollow the steps here to configure your projector for your wired network using the projector’s menu system.1. Plug in and turn on the projector.2. Press the Menu button on the remote control, select the Network menu, and press .3. Select Network Configuration and press4. Select the Basic menu and press5. Select the Projector Name setting and enter a name (up to 16 characters long) to identify your projector overthe network.Use the displayed keyboard to enter characters. Press the arrow buttons on the remote control to highlight the characters and press to select them.Note: See the online User’s Guide for information on adding passwords.6. Select the Wired LAN menu and press7. Choose IP Settings and press8. If your network assigns addresses automatically, turn on the DHCP setting. If not, turn off the DHCP settingand enter the projector’s IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address, as needed. Then pressEsc.9. To prevent the IP address from appearing on the network standby screen, set the IP Address Display setting toOff.10. When you are finished, select Complete and press , then press again to save your settings.11. Press the Menu button to exit the menu system.Setting up a wireless connectionFollow the steps here to set up the projector for a wireless connection. You will need the optional wireless LAN module (part number V12H731P02).Install the optional LAN module1. Remove the wireless LAN module cover screw.2. Insert the optional wireless LAN module into the USB-A port.3. Attach the included wireless LAN module cover and secure it using the screw you removed.Note: The light on the wireless LAN module turns on when the module is installed and operating. The light flashes when the module is communicating over the network.Select Wireless LAN On as the Wireless Mode setting.Select Network Configuration and pressSelect the Wireless LAN menu and pressSelect one of the following as the Connection Mode setting:Quick for a direct connection to a computer, tablet, or smartphone.If you connected the projector to a network wirelessly, make sure to connect your mobile device to the sameFollow the app instructions to connect your device to the projector. For more information on setting up and using this app, visitmonitor. It may be labeled CRT/LCD or have an icon such as . You may have to hold down the Fn key while pressing it (such as Fn + F7). Wait a moment for the display to appear.If you’re using a Mac laptop, open System Preferences and select Displays. Click the Arrangement tab andAndroid and Chromebook are trademarks of Google Inc.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.This information is subject to change without notice.© 2017 Epson America, Inc., 7/17Printed in XXXXXX CPD-54224Documents / ResourcesEPSON PowerLite 107 3LCD Projector [pdf] User Guide01, PowerLite 107, PowerLite 107 3LCD Projector, 3LCD Projector, ProjectorReferencesWireless Projector - iProjection App | Epson CanadaEpson® Official SupportiProjection App | Epson USEpson® Official SupportEpson Product RegistrationBuy Direct from Epson | Epson CanadaBuy Direct from Epson | Epson USSearch - Manuals+,。

Epson PowerLite 460 超短焦距多媒体投影仪说明书

Epson PowerLite 460 超短焦距多媒体投影仪说明书

designed with education in mind, the epson powerlite 460 offers XGa resolution and ultra-short-throw projection to easily engage any audience, without taking up valuable classroom space, or allowing shadow interference. ideal for wall-mount installations and use with interactive whiteboards, the powerlite 460 also offers powerful communication tools, including a built-in 10 W speaker, closed captioning decoder and the ability to deliver content over the network. With versatile connectivityfeatures and optional wireless capabilities, this high-performance projector offers the ultimate choice in smart presentation solutions.Brilliant quality and detail — native XGa resolutionSuper bright and colorful — 3000 lumens color light output, 3000 lumens white light output 1Amazing quality. Ultra-short-throw projection.Epson PowerLite ® 460MultiMedia projectorEco features• Designed to be recycled 4• Energy-efficient E-TORL lamp • RoHS compliant• Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay SM transport partner 5For more information on epson’s environmental programs, go to e-torl lampThe best-selling projectors in the worldepson understands education and has a solution no matter what your teaching scenario. Built withimage quality and reliability in mind, epson projectors enhance communication and inspire collaboration, while offering a low total cost of ownership. From long-throw projectors designed for traditional educational settings to ultra-short-throw and all-in-one solutions built for progressive classrooms, epson has the model made for you.3LCD technology — for quality and color that’s beyond amazingInnovative technology with proven reliability • 3 chips for full-time, vibrant color• 25% less electricity required per lumen of brightness when compared to 1-chip dlp projectors 2• road-tested reliability from a company with over 20 years of experienceEnergy-efficient E-TORL ® lamp, exclusively from Epson• delivers more lumens per watt and lasts up to 3500 hours 3• Minimizes both light diffraction andlight leakage, providing you the ultimate in lamp longevityAmazing light output• 3000 lumens color light output and 3000 lumens white light output 1• High color light output for bright, balanced, colorful images• light output and performance to meet your expectations • White light output that’s measured using ISO 21118 (a more rigid standard than the outdated aNSi lumens rating used by competitive products)High color light output low color light outputactual photographs of images taken from two competing projectors run in default mode. Price, resolution and brightness (white light output) are the same for both projectors.RedGreenBlueScreenLensPrismMirrorLCD chipMirrorDichroic mirrorDichroic mirrorLampMirrorYou asked, we deliveredIncluded wall mount• Makes installation and short-throw operation easier than everValue-added features• Content delivered over the network, via RJ-45, with optional wireless capabilities• Built-in 10 W speaker and microphone inputUSB Plug ’n Play instant setup• No more computer function keys or bulky VGa cables • Just plug in a standard USB cable and instantly project from your pc or Mac ®• Instantly view your images on both the screen and your PC ; one standard uSB cable does it all!Built-in closed captioning• Essential for education — helps meet ada508requirements for students with hearing impairments • Helps save money — no need to pay for an additional decoder and its installation• Effective and easy to use — easily enabled or disabledthrough the projector remote or menuPowerLite 460 features• Ultra-short throw distance • Brilliant quality and detail • Super bright and colorful • Rich, vibrant color and reliable performance •Versatile connectivity options • Value-added communication features • USB Plug ’n Play instant setup • PC-free slideshows • Energy-efficient E-TORL lamp Ultra-short throw projectionpc-free slideshowsLong throwSignificant reductions in shadow interferenceUltra-short throwuSB plug ’n play instant display6.1"14.52"Mount included14.0"Epson PowerLite ® 460MultiMedia projectorProduct Name PowerLite 460Genuine Epson Lamp Air Filter SetProduct Code V11H343020V13H010L57V13H134A27UPC0 10343 87564 70 10343 87574 60 10343 87575 31Light output varies depending on modes (color and white light output). White light output measured using ISO 21118 standard.2Data source: , Jan. 2009. Average of 796 shipping models, for which manufacturers provided lumens and total power data, all resolutions and brightness levels.3Lamp life will vary depending upon mode selected, environmental conditions and usage. Lamp brightness decreases over time.4See our website for convenient and reasonable recycling options at /recycle 5SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.Epson America, Inc. Epson Canada, Ltd. 3840 Kilroy airport Way, long Beach, ca 90806 3771 Victoria park avenue, toronto, ontario M1W 3Z5, instant off and e-torl are registered trademarks, epson exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko epson corporation.powerlite and privateline are registered trademarks and epson connection is a service mark of epson america, inc. all other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. cpd-31390r1 1/10Packaging SpecificationsPowerLite 460Dimensions 22.8" x 31.3" x 13.1" (W x D x H)Weight 51.2 lbGenuine Epson LampDimensions 6.3" x 5.6" x 5.6" (W x D x H)Weight 0.8 lb Master CartonDimensions 28.4" x 13.1" x 6.8" (W x D x H)Weight 9.7 lbUnits Per Master Carton 10Air Filter SetDimensions 3.9" x 4.9" x 1.2" (W x D x H)Weight 0.1 lb Master CartonDimensions 5.2" x 12.7" x 4.6" (W x D x H)Weight 1.8 lbUnits Per Master Carton 10Dimensions (W x D x H)Max: 19.0” x 14.52” x 6.1”Min: 19.0” x 14.52” x 4.5”Weight: 12.6 lb (without slide plate) 13.8 lb (with slide plate)Remote ControlFeaturesPower, source search, computer, video, USB, LAN, A/V mute, freeze, user, auto, aspect, color mode, page up and down, e-zoom, pointer, help, volume, menu, esc, enter, mouse functions Operating Angle -75 to +15 degrees Right/left: ± 55 degrees Operating Distance 19.7 ft (6 m)Support —The Epson Connection SMPre-sales support U.S. and Canada 800-463-7766Internet website Service ProgramsTwo-year projector limited warranty, Epson Road Service program,Epson PrivateLine ® dedicated toll-free support and 90-day limited lamp warranty What’s In The BoxPower cord, computer cable (VGA),projector remote control, batteries, user manual CD, EMP Monitor CD, Quick Setup Sheet, PrivateLine support card, mount and password protection stickerAccessory Part NumbersWireless LAN module V12H306P11(ELPAP03)Quick Wireless Connection USB Key V12H005M05(ELPAP05)Epson DC-10s document camera ELPDC10S Epson DC-06 document camera V12H321001(ELPDC06)Presentation remote control V12H007TOBDistribution amplifierELPDA01Component-to-VGA video cable ELPKC19S-video cable ELPSV01Kensington security lock ELPSL01Projection LensTypeManual focusF-number Focal Length1.804.68 mm Zoom RatioDigital zoom 1.0 – 1.35xOtherDisplay Performance NTSC: 480 lines PAL: 560 lines(Depends on observation of the multi-burst pattern)Input SignalNTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/M-PAL/N-PAL/ PAL60/SECAM InterfacesComputer/component video:D-sub 15 pin x 2S-video: Mini DIN x 1Composite video: RCA x 1Audio in x 3 (RCA (L&R) x 1, mini stereo x 2)Variable audio out: mini stereo x 1LAN networking: RJ-45 x 1Serial: RS-232c x 1Monitor out: D-sub 15 pin x 1USB Type B x 1 (USB display, mouse, keyboard interfaceUSB Type A x 1 (USB memory device)Wireless port 802.11 a/b/g (optional module sold separately)Speaker10 W monauralOperating Temperature 41 ˚ to 95 ˚F (5 ˚ to 35 ˚C)Power Supply Voltage 100 – 240 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption 363 WNetwork on: 10 W standby,Network off: 0.3 W standby Direct power on/off Instant off Fan Noise35 dB (Normal Mode)28 dB (ECO Mode)SecurityKensington ®-style lock provision,security anchor bar,password protection functionSpecificationsProjection SystemEpson 3LCD, 3-chip optical engine Projection MethodFront/rear/wall/ceiling mount Driving MethodEpson Poly-silicon TFT Active Matrix Pixel Number786,432 dots (1024 x 768) x 3White Light Output 13000 lumens (ISO 21118 Standard)Color Light Output 13000 lumens Aspect Ratio 4:3Native Resolution 1024 x 768 (XGA)Resize640 x 480 (VGA), 800 x 600 (SVGA), 1280 x 800 (WXGA), 1152 x 864 (SXGA1), 1280 x 960 (SXGA2), 1280 x 1024 (SXGA3),1280 x 768 (WXGA60-1), 1360 x 768 (WXGA60-2), 1440 x 900 (WXGA+), 1400 x 1050 (SXGA+), 1600 x 1200 (UXGA)Lamp TypeE-TORL 230 W UHE Lamp Life 3Up to 3500 hours (ECO Mode)Up to 2500 hours (Normal Mode)Throw Ratio Range (4:3) 0.37:1 – 0.50:1(16:10) 0.37:1 – 0.50:1(16:9) 0.37:1 – 0.50:1Size (projected distance)4:3 63" – 102" (18" – 30")16:10 60"– 96" (18" – 30")16:9 60" – 93" (18" – 30")Keystone Correction Manual Vertical: ± 50 degrees Plug ’n PlayProjector is Mac ® compatible DVI VGAUSB Plug ’n Play for Windows ® 2000 or later Contrast Ratio Up to 2000:1Color Reproduction 16.77 million colors。

埃普森 EB-980W 3LCD 投影机参数表说明书

埃普森 EB-980W 3LCD 投影机参数表说明书

EB-980W DATENBLATTFür dieses Produkt liegt keine Beschreibung vor. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre EpsonKontaktperson für weitere Informationen.PRODUKTMERKMALEPRODUKTSPEZIFIKATIONENTECHNIKProjektionssystem3LCD-Technologie, RGB-FlüssigkristallverschlussLCD-Panel0,59 Zoll mit MLA (D9)BILDFarbhelligkeit 3.800 Lumen- 2.410 Lumen (im Sparmodus)Weißhelligkeit 3.800 Lumen - 2.410 Lumen (im Sparmodus) gemäß ISO 21118:2012Auflösung WXGA, 1280 x 800, 16:10Kontrastverhältnis15.000 : 1Lampe UHE, 210 W, 6.000 Std. Lebensdauer, 12.000 Std. Lebensdauer (im Sparmodus) Trapezkorrektur Automatisch Vertikal: ± 30 °, Manuell Horizontal ± 30 °Farbwiedergabe Bis zu 1,07 Milliarden FarbenOPTIKProjektionsverhältnis1,38 - 2,24:1Zoom Manual, Factor: 1,6Projektionsfläche29 Zoll - 280 ZollProjektionsabstandWeitwinkel/Tele1,79 m - 2,92 m ( 60 Zoll Leinwand)Projektionsobjektiv F1,51 - 1,99Brennweite18,2 mm - 29,2 mmFokus ManuellOffset10 : 1KONNEKTIVITÄTUSB-Display-Funktion 3 in 1: Bild / Maus / TonAnschlüsse USB 2.0 Typ A, USB 2.0 Typ B, RS-232C, Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n (optional), VGA-Eingang (2x), VGA-Ausgang, HDMI-Eingang (2x), Composite-Eingang, Component-Eingang(2x), S-Video-Eingang, RGB-Eingang (2x), Stereo-Mini-Klinkenbuchsen-Ausgang, Stereo-Mini-Klinkenbuchsen-Eingang (2x), Ethernet-Schnittstelle (100 Base-TX/10 Base-T), MHL,MikrofoneingangSmartphone-Verbindung Ad-Hoc/InfrastrukturERWEITERTE FUNKTIONENSicherheit Kensington-Schutz, Vorrichtung für Sicherheitskabel, Wireless-LAN-Sperre, Wireless-LAN-Sicherheit, KennwortschutzFeatures AV-mute-funktion, Automatische Trapezkorrektur, Integrierter Lautsprecher, Sofortiges Ein-/Ausschalten, Dokumentenkamera kompatibel, Einfache OSD-Voreinstellung, Horizontale undvertikale Trapezkorrektur, MHL-Audio-/Videoschnittstelle, Netzwerkprojektion, OSD-Kopierfunktion, Ohne PC, Quick Corner, Split-Screen-Funktion, Wireless-LAN-fähig,iProjection-Einrichtung mit QR-CodeFarbmodi Tafel, Kino, Dynamisch, Präsentation, sRGBALLGEMEINESEnergieverbrauch315 W, 225 W (im Sparmodus), 0,2 W (im Standby)SONSTIGESGarantie24 Monate Carry in, Lampe: 12 Monate oder 1.000 h (je nachdem, was zuerst eintritt) LOGISTIKINFORMATIONENArtikelnummer V11H866040Barcode8715946642642Ursprungsland PhilippinenEB-980WLIEFERUMFANGVGA-KabelHauptgerätStromkabelFernbedienung incl. Batterien OPTIONALES ZUBEHÖRELPLP96V13H010L96Deckenbefestigung (Weiß) – ELPMB23V12H003B23Soft Carry Case - ELPKS70V12H001K70Wireless LAN Adapter - ELPAP10V12H731P01Verlängerungsrohr (918-1168 mm) – ELPFP14 V12H003P14Verlängerungsrohr (668-918 mm) – ELPFP13 V12H003P13Aktivlautsprecher – ELPSP02V12H467040Epson Deutschland GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 4D-40670 Meerbusch Epson in ÖsterreichInfo-Line: 01 253 49 78 333。

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5 ℃ - 35 ℃ (41 °F - 95 °F)
0 米到 2000 米(超过 1500 米区域:应用于高海拔模式)
-10 ℃ - 60 ℃ (14 °F - 140 °F)

Kensington 锁

100-240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
480i/576i/480p/576p/720p/1080i/1080p NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/M-PAL/N-PAL/PAL60/SECAM
立体声:10W x 2
自动, 动态, 起居室, 自然, 影院, 3D 动态, 3D 影院
A/V Mute, 色彩自动调节, 双画面投影, 超级解像度、3D 景深调整 等
紧凑的设计 对通风无特殊要求
投影机的通风口位于其正前方,因此可以将投影机放置在如书柜等狭小的空间内,或者紧贴着墙安装,无 需担心投影机 的通风问题。
色彩自动调节 任何时刻都呈现最佳色彩 通过对环境光的感应投影机能够自动选择最佳投影模式,实现最佳投影效果。
HDMI LINK 综合遥控 投影机,以及连接投影机的音视 频设备,都可以通过投影机的遥 控器进行控制。拥有背光设计, 即使在黑暗中也可正常使用。
高品质全高清 3D 影像
高色彩亮度 2300 流明高色彩亮度*2*3(EH-TW6510C) 即使在明亮的房间使用,也可以观看到清晰的影像。
高效 E-TORL 灯泡 配备了高效小巧的 230W E-TORL 灯泡(E-TORL:Epson-Twin Optimize Reflection Lamp),使投 影机的亮度达到 2300 流明*2*3,保证观看效果。
变焦比 1-1.6
镜头盖 有
灯泡 *1
参考寿 命
4000 小时 ( 标准亮度模式), 5000 小时( 环保亮度模式)
30- 300 英寸 (0.87 米-14.5 米)
水平 方向
滑杆调 节
-30 度到+30 度
垂直 方向
自动调 节
-30 度到+30 度接口类型HDMI x 2, VGAx1(D-sub 15pin), RCA x 3 ( 红 / 绿 / 蓝), RCA( 黄)x 1, RCA( 白 / 红)x 1, RS-232Cx 1, RJ45 x 1, USB A x1
超级解像度技术 混合色彩分离 超级解像度技术通过混合色彩分 离的方法将图像的模糊区域去除, 有效地提高画面的清晰度。即使播 放 DVD 片源,也能投影出高清的 效果。对于低解像度和模糊的图像 也能生成清晰锐利的影像。
梯形校正 灵活的摆放位置 具有±30 度的垂直和水平梯形校正功能,无需将投影机放置在屏幕的正前方摆放位置非常灵活。
功耗 (220-240V)
标准亮度模式 环保亮度模式
358W 274W
尺寸(长× 宽× 高)
420×365×139.6 mm
约 6.0 kg
32 dB ( 色彩模式:动态)
24 dB ( 色彩模式:影院)
RGB 光阀式液晶投影系统
前投/ 背投/ 吊顶
主要部件技 术参数
0.61 英寸/ 宽屏/ 带微透镜(D9, C2Fine, 12Bit)
像素数 2073600 点 (1920 x 1080) x 3
实际分 辨率
纵横比 16:9
投影 镜头
类型 F- 值
手动光学变焦 / 手动聚焦 1.51-1.99
低对比度投影机 2D 转 3D 技术
转换功能 当通过 HDMI 连接蓝光 播放机时,投影机可以将 2D 片源转换成 3D 进 行投影,解决 3D 片源少 的问题,让你时刻都能享 受 3D 的视觉震撼。
明亮的 3D
全新 3D 驱动 采用爱普生最新的 480Hz 驱动技术, 极大降低了 3D 眼 镜的信号中断时间, 有 效提高了 3D 模 式下的投 影亮度, 确保更好的投影 效 果。
2300 流明
2300 流明
3D 格式
Frame Packing
1080p 24, 720p 50/60
Side by Side
1080p 50/60, 1080i 50/60, 720p 50/60
Top and Bottom
1080p 24, 720p 50/60
低色彩亮度投影 内置扬声器
内置双 10W 立体扬声器 无需外接扬声器,便可轻松享受音视频 的 震撼。同时省去了接线的麻烦,安装 更加 方便,外观整洁干净。
40000:1 动态对比度*2*3 先进的自动光圈技术 爱普生自动光圈技术,确保每一个画面达到最佳的对比度和亮度,尤其是表现黑色场景画面时,能精确还 原每一个细节,画面更加清晰、锐利。 *仅 EH-TW6510C D9 C2Fine 液晶面板 由于具有高开口率,D9C2Fine 液晶面板能够 输出更高的亮度,同时画面也更加清晰、锐利。