

NE1102 中文规格书 1_2(1)

NE1102 中文规格书 1_2(1)

NE1102 为SOT-26封装,65K与100K频率可供选 择,具备优秀的频率抖动功能来减小EMI器件。
z 通用型开关电源 z 交流转直流适配器,笔记本电脑适配器 z 电池充电器 z 液晶显示器,机顶盒,电动工具电源 z 开放式开关电源 z 电视, 计算机, 家用电器的辅助电源
z z
者可以使用这个“保护”脚实现闭锁或自动恢复功 z
卓越的驱动能力 8uA启动电流 0.8mA工作电流 较低的待机功耗 内置斜率补偿 多功能的保护 (OTP, OVP, OLP) 内置 200nS的前沿消隐时间 最小25K的开关频率 保护发生时的精确电流迟滞功能 内置4mS软启动 逐周期的电流限制功能 频率抖动功能

Page 4内部结构图NE1 Nhomakorabea02
Page 5
Vcc_reset (V)
Vcc_on (V)
16 15.5
15 14.5
14 13.5
13 12.5
12 ‐50 ‐30 ‐10 10 30 50 70 90 110130150 Temp (oC) 图1 VCC开启电压与温度关系
人体模式静电防护……………………..……3KV 机械模式静电防护…………………….……300V
z 发散功耗, 环境温度 25℃, SOT26……...……….0.4W
z 封装热阻 (注释 4) SOT26, θJA..................................250℃/W



• Dust Cover • .187” Quick Connect
• Dust Cover
10A, 15A @ 28VDC/120VAC
12, 24, 120, 240VAC 6, 12, 24, 110VDC
• Upper Mounting Bracket Type for Easy Wiring and Mounting SPST−NO, SPDT
15A @ 24VDC/220VAC
24, 120VAC
Nominal Coil Power
AC Types DC Types
Options ( ) Suffix
Nominal Coil Power
AC Types DC Types Options ( ) Suffix
• Dust Cover • Slightly Larger than
One Cubic Inch
1A, 3A, 5A @ 28VDC/120VAC 12, 24, 120, 240VAC 6, 12, 24, 48, 110VDC
(N) LED Status Lamp (B) Push−to−Test Button (H) Flag Indicator (M) Removable Lock−Down Door
• Open Frame • Solder Terminals • Multi−Pole Switching
1.3VA −
• .250” Quick Connect Terminals



jq1000110的博文各种电容的特性及其应用(2007-08-25 15:23)分类:名称:聚酯(涤纶)电容(CL)符号:电容量:40p--4u额定电压:63--630V主要特点:小体积,大容量,耐热耐湿,稳定性差应用:对稳定性和损耗要求不高的低频电路名称:聚苯乙烯电容(CB)符号:电容量:10p--1u额定电压:100V--30KV主要特点:稳定,低损耗,体积较大应用:对稳定性和损耗要求较高的电路名称:聚丙烯电容(CBB)符号:电容量:1000p--10u额定电压:63--2000V主要特点:性能与聚苯相似但体积小,稳定性略差应用:代替大部分聚苯或云母电容,用于要求较高的电路名称:云母电容(CY)符号:电容量:10p--0.1u额定电压:100V--7kV主要特点:高稳定性,高可靠性,温度系数小应用:高频振荡,脉冲等要求较高的电路名称:高频瓷介电容(CC)符号:电容量:1--6800p额定电压:63--500V主要特点:高频损耗小,稳定性好应用:高频电路名称:低频瓷介电容(CT)符号:电容量:10p--4.7u额定电压:50V--100V主要特点:体积小,价廉,损耗大,稳定性差应用:要求不高的低频电路名称:玻璃釉电容(CI)符号:电容量:10p--0.1u额定电压:63--400V主要特点:稳定性较好,损耗小,耐高温(200度) 应用:脉冲、耦合、旁路等电路名称:铝电解电容符号:电容量:0.47--10000u额定电压:6.3--450V主要特点:体积小,容量大,损耗大,漏电大应用:电源滤波,低频耦合,去耦,旁路等名称:但电解电容(CA)铌电解电容(CN)符号:电容量:0.1--1000u额定电压:6.3--125V主要特点:损耗、漏电小于铝电解电容应用:在要求高的电路中代替铝电解电容名称:空气介质可变电容器符号:可变电容量:100--1500p主要特点:损耗小,效率高;可根据要求制成直线式、直线波长式、直线频率式及对数式等应用:电子仪器,广播电视设备等名称:薄膜介质可变电容器符号:可变电容量:15--550p主要特点:体积小,重量轻;损耗比空气介质的大应用:通讯,广播接收机等名称:薄膜介质微调电容器符号:可变电容量:1--29p主要特点:损耗较大,体积小应用:收录机,电子仪器等电路作电路补偿名称:陶瓷介质微调电容器符号:可变电容量:0.3--22p主要特点:损耗较小,体积较小应用:精密调谐的高频振荡回路独石电容最大的缺点是温度系数很高,做振荡器的稳漂让人受不了,我们做的一个555振荡器,电容刚好在7805旁边,开机后,用示波器看频率,眼看着就慢慢变化,后来换成涤纶电容就好多了.独石电容的特点:电容量大、体积小、可靠性高、电容量稳定,耐高温耐湿性好等.应用范围:广泛应用于电子精密仪器.各种小型电子设备作谐振、耦合、滤波、旁路.容量范围:0.5PF--1UF耐压:二倍额定电压.里面说独石又叫多层瓷介电容,分两种类型,1型性能挺好,但容量小,一般小于0.2U,另一种叫II型,容量大,但性能一般.就温漂而言:独石为正温糸数+130左右,CBB为负温系数-230,用适当比例并联使用,可使温漂降到很小.就价格而言:钽,铌电容最贵,独石,CBB较便宜,瓷片最低,但有种高频零温漂黑点瓷片稍贵.云母电容Q值较高,也稍贵.铝电解电容器适用指南一.电路设计(4)铝电解电容分正负极,不得加反向电压和交流电压,对可能出现反向电压的地方应使用无极性电容.(5)对需要快速充放电的地方,不应使用铝电解电容器,应选择特别设计的具有较长寿命的电容器.(6)不应使用过载电压1.直流电压玉文博电压叠加后的缝制电压低于额定值.2.两个以上电解电容串联的时候要考虑使用平衡电阻器,使得各个电容上的电压在其额定的范围内.(9)设计电路板时,应注意电容齐防爆阀上端不得有任何线路,,并应留出2mm以上的空隙.(10)电解也主要化学溶剂及电解纸为易燃物,且电解液导电.当电解液与pc板接触时,可能腐蚀pc板上的线路.,以致生烟或着火.因此在电解电容下面不应有任何线路.(11)设计线路板向背应确认发热元器件不靠近铝电解电容或者电解电容的下面.以上只是部分摘抄内容.特性比较①铝电解电容与钽电解电容铝电解电容的容体比较大,串联电阻较大,感抗较大,对温度敏感.它适用于温度变化不大、工作频率不高(不高于25kHz)的场合,可用于低频滤波.铝电解电容具有极性,安装时必须保证正确的极性,否则有爆炸的危险.与铝电解电容相比,钽电解电容在串联电阻、感抗、对温度的稳定性等方面都有明显的优势.但是,它的工作电压较低.②纸介电容和聚酯薄膜电容其容体比较小,串联电阻小,感抗值较大.它适用于电容量不大、工作频率不高(如1MHz以下)的场合,可用于低频滤波和旁路.使用管型纸介电容器或聚酯薄膜电容器时,可把其外壳与参考地相连,以使其外壳能起到屏蔽的作用而减少电场耦合的影响.③云母和陶瓷电容其容体比很小,串联电阻小,电感值小,频率/容量特性稳定.它适用于电容量小、工作频率高(频率可达500MHz)的场合,用于高频滤波、旁路、去耦.但这类电容承受瞬态高压脉冲能力较弱,因此不能将它随便跨接在低阻电源线上,除非是特殊设计的.④聚苯乙烯电容器其串联电阻小,电感值小,电容量相对时间、温度、电压很稳定.它适用于要求频率稳定性高的场合,可用于高频滤波、旁路、去耦.一薄膜电容器1. 在振荡电路,定时电路,延迟电路和滤波器中的应用.在这几种电路中,要求电容器的电容量具有良好的温度稳定性,保证振荡频率,定时时间,延迟时间具有良好的温度稳定性,此时选用温度系数低的聚碳酸酯介质电容为首选,其温度系数可以接近于零.其次应选用的是复合膜电容器,在国家标准中以CH表示,如国产的CH11复合膜电容器的电容量可以从1nF—0.47uF,在市场上很容易找到,采用黄色树脂封装.如果在温度几乎不变的情况下电容器的选择无特殊的要求,但是一定不能选用第二类陶瓷介质(其电容量随电容器的温度变化太大).2. 在积分电路中的应用在积分电路中,积分时间常数是由积分电容器和电阻决定的,通常电阻有良好的温度特性,所以最关键的是要保证电容量的稳定,这一点与前面所述电路没有区别,与它们不同的是,积分电路具有保持功能,因而要电容器的绝缘电阻越高越好,同时要保持积分的准确性,电容器的介质吸收要低.所以,通常积分电路的积分电容器应选择介质吸收低的,然后考虑的是温度系数,绝缘电阻.综合考虑应首选介质吸收最低的聚苯乙丙烯介质电容器.3. 在采样-保持电路中的应用在这种电路中的最关键的是电容器的绝缘电阻,应以选择绝缘电阻最高的介质为首选.如果频率较高,还应考虑损耗因数,通常在薄膜电容中,损耗因数均可以满足要求.4. 作为耦合电容器既要将交流或脉冲信号“无衰减”的耦合到后级,同时又不能影响后级的直流工作点,因而需要电容器的绝缘电阻要高,通常的聚酯薄膜电容即可满足要求.二陶瓷介质电容器1. I类陶瓷电容器过去称高频陶瓷电容器,是指介质损耗小,绝缘电阻高,介电常数随温度呈线性变化的陶瓷介质制造的电容器.它特别适用于谐振回路,以及其他要求损耗小和电容量稳定的电路,或用于温度补偿.2. II类陶瓷电容器过去被称作低频陶瓷电容器,这类电容的比电容大,容量随温度呈非线性变化,损耗较大,常用在电子设备中用于旁路,耦合或用于其他对损耗和电容量稳定性要求不高的电路中.陶瓷电容的基本特性:具有较高甚至非常高的介电常数.I类超稳定介质用于高频,但电容量作的不可能很大,通常1206SMD封装的电容从0.5pF到0.01uF.而II类稳定介质对应的电容则可做到2.2uF或再高一些.II类的可用级陶瓷介质材料可达到100uF.电容器的选择和注意事项(2) 关于陶瓷贴片电容的PCB设计问题.与引脚元件不同,片状元件面临着一个易受弯曲应力影响的问题,焊接锡量过大会加大机械和热应力,从而导致芯片破损.因此在设计基片时要考虑焊盘的布局和尺寸,以免焊锡量偏多.主要是在各元件间设有非焊接区,以免出现过多的焊锡.不知道大家对于这个有什么好的想法没有?独石电容实际也叫集成夹角,因为独石电容里面实际就是一颗SMD贴片(集层陶瓷电容)电容.在某些电路设计中,为解决不使用SMD贴片电容而特别把贴片加工成有引脚的DIP电容,而这种电容便称作"集成夹角"即"独石电容".而瓷片电容就是一般的陶瓷电容,陶瓷电容器采用钛酸钡、钛酸锶等高介电常数的陶瓷材料作为电介质,在电介质的表面印刷电极浆料,经低温烧结制成.陶瓷电容器的外形以片式居多,也有管形、圆片形等形状.而SMD贴片电容即集层陶瓷电容,从字面上解释就是:陶瓷电容的缩小化,多层化的制作工艺.从陶瓷电容演变而来,尺寸有: 进而,独石电容又是从集层陶瓷电容演变而来.独石电容电容量大、体积小、可靠性高、电容量稳定,耐高温耐湿性好等.陶瓷电容体积大,电压高,稳定性相对差些!独石电容和陶瓷电容的介质均为陶瓷!聚苯乙烯电容简介聚苯乙烯电容(polystyrene-film-capacitors type:PSR、PSA)是选用电子级聚苯乙烯膜作介质、高导电率铝箔作电极卷绕而成圆柱状,并采成热缩密封工艺制作而成。



N4 7 N3 5 N2 3 N1 1 8 6 4 2
4 3
Par t No.
Weight: 2g Dimensions in mm
Part No. 123G∗1E 124H1E 133G1E 134H1E
ET constant (V-µs) min. 25 25 25 15 15 15 12 12 12
Refer to Winding form and pin numberings.
Specifications which provide more details for the proper and safe use of the described product are available upon request. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
KP Series KP-27, -35, -51, -148 Types
7.3max. 6 4 2 7.1max. 8min. ø0.5 5±0.2
N2 5 3 6±0.2 6 4 2
N3 5 N2 3 N1 1 6 4 2
KP Series KP-27, -35, -51, -148 Types
10.5max. 12max. 4±0.6 7.5±0.25

三星 Sirius 3RN2温氨电机保护继电器说明书

三星 Sirius 3RN2温氨电机保护继电器说明书
0.5 ... 4 mm² 0.5 ... 4 mm²
20 ... 12 20 ... 12
0.6 ... 0.8 N·m
Installation/ mounting/ dimensions Mounting position Mounting type Height Width Depth Required spacing ● with side-by-side mounting — forwards — Backwards — upwards — downwards — at the side ● for grounded parts — forwards — Backwards — upwards
Control circuit/ Control Type of voltage of the control supply voltage Control supply voltage at AC ● at 50 Hz rated value ● at 60 Hz rated value Control supply voltage at DC ● rated value Operating range factor control supply voltage rated value at DC ● initial value ● Full-scale value Operating range factor control supply voltage rated value at AC at 50 Hz ● initial value ● Full-scale value Operating range factor control supply voltage rated value at AC at 60 Hz ● initial value ● Full-scale value Inrush current peak ● at 24 V Duration of inrush current peak ● at 24 V



TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT Process)RN1101MFV,RN1102MFV,RN1103MFVRN1104MFV,RN1105MFV,RN1106MFVSwitching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit and Driver Circuit ApplicationsUltra-small package, suited to very high density mountingIncorporating a bias resistor into the transistor reduces the number of parts,so enabling the manufacture of ever more compact equipment and lowering assembly cost.A wide range of resistor values is available for use in various circuits. Complementary to the RN2101MFV~RN2106MFV Lead (Pb) - freeEquivalent Circuit and Bias Resistor ValuesMaximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage V CBO 50 V Collector-emitter voltage RN1101MFV~1106MFV V CEO 50 V RN1101MFV~1104MFV 10 Emitter-base voltage RN1105MFV, 1106MFVV EBO5VCollector currentI C 100 mA Collector power dissipation P C (Note)150 mWJunction temperature T j 150 °C Storage temperature rangeRN1101MFV~1106MFV T stg−55~150°CNote : Mounted on an FR4 board (25.4 mm × 25.4 mm × 1.6 mmt )Unit:mmType No.R1 (k Ω) R2 (k Ω)RN1101MFV 4.7 4.7 RN1102MFV 10 10 RN1103MFV 22 22 RN1104MFV 47 47RN1105MFV 2.2 47 RN1106MFV 4.747Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol TestCircuitTest ConditionMin Typ.MaxUnitI CBO V CB = 50 V, I E = 0 ― ― 100Collector cutoff currentRN1101MFV~ 1106MFVI CEO―V CE = 50 V, I B = 0―― 500nARN1101MFV 0.82 ― 1.52RN1102MFV 0.38 ― 0.71RN1103MFV 0.17 ― 0.33RN1104MFVV EB = 10 V, I C = 00.082 ― 0.15 RN1105MFV 0.078 ― 0.145Emitter cutoff currentRN1106MFVI EBO― V EB = 5 V, I C = 00.074 ― 0.138 mA RN1101MFV 30 ― ―RN1102MFV 50 ― ―RN1103MFV 70 ― ―RN1104MFV 80 ― ―RN1105MFV 80 ― ― DC current gainRN1106MFVh FE ― V CE = 5 V, I C = 10 mA 80――Collector-emittersaturation voltageRN1101MFV~ 1106MFV V CE (sat)―I C = 5 mA, I B = 0.25 mA― 0.1 0.3 V RN1101MFV 1.1 ― 2.0 RN1102MFV1.2 ―2.4 RN1103MFV 1.3 ―3.0 RN1104MFV 1.5 ― 5.0 RN1105MFV 0.6 ― 1.1 Input voltage (ON)RN1106MFV V I (ON)―V CE = 0.2 V, I C = 5 mA0.7 ― 1.3 VRN1101MFV~ 1104MFV 1.0 ― 1.5Input voltage (OFF)RN1105MFV, 1106MFVV I (OFF)―V CE = 5 V, I C = 0.1 mA0.5― 0.8 VCollector output capacitanceRN1101MFV~ 1106MFV C ob―V CB = 10 V, I E = 0, f = 1 MH z―0.7―pF RN1101MFV 3.29 4.7 6.11 RN1102MFV7 10 13 RN1103MFV 15.4 22 28.6RN1104MFV 32.9 47 61.1 RN1105MFV 1.54 2.2 2.86 Input resistorRN1106MFV R1――3.294.7 6.11 k ΩRN1101MFV~ 1104MFV0.8 1.0 1.2RN1105MFV 0.0376 0.0468 0.0562 Resistor ratioRN1106MFVR1/R2 ― ― 0.08 0.1 0.120.11101000.1110100RN1101MFV 0.11101000.1110100RN1103MFV0.11101000.1110100RN1104MFV0.11101000.11101000.11101000.1110100RN1106MFV 0.11101000.1110100INPUT VOLTAGE VI (ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI(ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )IC - VI (ON)IC - VI (ON)IC - VI (ON)IC - VI (ON)IC - VI (ON)IC - VI (ON)RN1105MFV RN1102MFVIC - VI(OFF)101001000100000.40.60.811. IC - VI (OFF)101001000100000.40.60.811. - VI( OFF)101001000100000.40.60.811. IC - VI(OFF)1010010001000000. - VI(OFF)1010010001000000. - VI (OFF)101001000100000.40.60.811. VOLTAGE VI (OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI(OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI (OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (µA )RN1105MFVRN1106MFVRN1102MFVhFE - IC1101001000110100RN1101MFV101001000110100hFE - IC101001000110100RN1103MFVhFE - IC101001000110100RN1104MFV hFE - IC101001000110100RN1105MFVhFE - IC101001000110100RN1106MFV COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF E110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)0.010.11110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) ( V )110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)0.010.11110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) ( V )110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)0.010.11110100COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) ( V )XA XB XC XD XE XF• The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TOSHIBA or others. • TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. • The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.• TOSHIBA products should not be embedded to the downstream products which are prohibited to be produced and sold, under any law and regulations.030619EAARESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE。



NewTech Industrial CorporationNewTech Industrial Corporation8400 Normandale Lake Boulevard Suite 920 Bloomington,MN 55437Tel:1-952-837-2688 Fax:1-952-400-8947E-mail: info@Compressed air is the most important energyresource for present industrial production andautomated control equipment, because of itseconomy, feasibility and reliability. However,the oil, moisture, dust and other impurities incompressedair would damage air equipmentoperation, resulting in high maintenance costs,or even directly influence on the quality of products.With continuous improvement of industrial automation,manufacturing enterprises have more and more highlyrequirements of air quality.NewTech, headquartered in Minnesota, is a multinational enterprise with a global brand and a number of patents. It has more than 20 years of compressed air filters R&D, production and marketing experience.Our products are popular around the world. The NEUTEK® Series Filters was registered in the United States, designed specifically for air-compressor’s problems caused by the oil, moisture, dust. This series are all developed and produced in the United States.Compressed air dry filter is widely used in manufacturing enterprises, such as automobile, electric power, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, plastics and so on. In particular, it is absolutely necessary air filtration equipment for factory automation equipment and laboratory instruments which have high quality requirements of air. NEUTEK® filter is the new model equipment with 12 patents. It is made of its top-shell, middle-shell and bottom base. There are two holes in top-shell and middle-shell, and these two circle holes link between two aluminum barrels, so the first and second filtration room are formed. There is a connecting part between the bottom base and drainage device, which has floating ball. The filter element in the first filter room is made of special materials; the filter element in the second filtration room is made of stainless steel wire and special cotton. Due to adopting two-class, three-stage filtration structure, which is made up of the first filtration room, the second filtration room and bottom base, it can filtrate the water, oil, rust and other miscellaneous impurities out of air by two classes filter ways through the whole compressed process . And its filtration efficiency can be up to99.9%.• Standard 5-micron rating • Lower micron ratings available • SCFM range 15 thru 2000• Dewpoints 10 to 35 F at atmosphere • Easy to install and maintain• Modular design can expand to 4 stages if needed • Standard Differential Pressure Gauge • Standard Weep DrainHow our compressed air filter Works:1、Compressed air containing tiny particles of dirt,dust, oil and moisture enters the first stage of the Extractor/Dryer.2、A coalescing effect occurs as air passes through a cartridge mesh filter that captures particles and causes moisture to form larger droplets.3、Air velocity lessens as it enters the extraction chamber allowing particles to collect and moisture to condense on the honeycomb.4、 Particle laden water flows along the bottom and out the drain.5、Air passes through the second stage wire supported fiber filter cartridge that captures remaining particles down to 5 micron.6、Remaining moisture and contaminates are dried and filtered in the second stage filter.7、Exhaust air is clean and dry - no dirt, rust, oil or water droplets to disrupt air equipment operationNEUTEK ®Specifications of our compressed air filter::Drain TypeMODELSNPT m³/min(SCFM) MAX PSISIZE (INCHES)kgFE C NT-520A 1/4" 0.4(15) 17.5(250)181×77×320.9 √ √ NT-520B 1/4" 0.4(15) 17.5(250)210×77×450.9 √ √ √NT-105 1/4" 1.4(50) 17.5(250)210×102×64 1.4 √ √ √NT-106 3/8" 1.4(50) 17.5(250)210×102×64 1.4 √ √ NT-107 1/2" 1.4(50) 17.5(250)210×102×64 1.4 √ √ NT-110 1/2" 2.2(80) 17.5(250)300×153×83 2.7 √ √ NT-111 3/4" 2.2(80) 17.5(250)300×153×83 2.7 √ √ NT-120 1" 4.2(150) 17.5(250)381×242×140 6.8 √ √ NT-140 1-1/2" 7.0(250) 17.5(250)508×318×18516.2 √ √ NT-180 2" 14.0(500) 10.5(150)686×458×24831.5 √ √ NT-1954法兰56.0(2000) 10.5(150)1080×813×432168.8√Features of our compressed air filter F :Float Drain E :Electronic Drain C :Cycle DrainFor example: NT-107F is 1/2"NPT Dryer Filter of Model NT-107 with Float DrainFilter accessories ModelWithout shellWith shellMODEL GasketFirst StageSecond StageFirst StageSecond StageNT-105 10510 401F 402F 401 402 NT-106 10510 401F 402F 401 402 NT-107 10510 401F 402F 401 402 NT-110 11010 411F 412F 411 412 NT-111 11010 411F 412F 411 412 NT-120 12010 421F 422F 421 422 NT-140 14010 441F 442F 441 442 NT-180 18010 481F482F481482NT-195 19010 493 494 495 496With shellWithout shell Drying Filters Air Flow Volume and Pressure DropInstallation Size (mm)MODEL NPTA B C DE F G H I J K NT-105F 1/4" 270 100 651601104525179 19 25.6 100NT-106F 3/8" 270 100 651601104525179 19 25.6 100NT-107F 1/2" 270 100 651601104525179 19 25.6 100NT-110F 1/2" 340 155 822301104525361 23 25.6 120NT-111F 3/4" 340 155 822301104525361 23 25.6 120NT-120F 1" 410 234 22012571124302080 110 150NT-140F 1-1/2" 480 312 2841407323.672823119 200 180NT-180F 2" 575 450 3902101203082535170 200 200。



±100ppm/°C ±50ppm/°C ±25ppm/°C
包装方式: P (散装)
11K 110K 1M
11KΩ 110KΩ 1MΩ
04 of 04
Version 2014
GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.24 ΔR≤±(0.5%R+0.01Ω) ΔR≤±(2%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.21 ΔR≤±(0.4%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.25 ΔR≤±(2.0%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.18/3.29/3.16 ΔR≤±(0.15%R+0.01Ω)
Version 2014
03 of 04
RN65 型号: RN55, RN60, RN65, RN70. 额定功率 (W)
编码 RN55 RN60 RN65 RN70 RN55 RN60 RN65 RN70 温度 额定功率 (W) 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 0.1 0.125 0.25 0.5
RN 模压金属膜超精密电阻器
பைடு நூலகம்
阻值公差 (%)
编码 B C D F 阻值公差 ±0.1 ±0.25 ±0.5 ±1.0
70 °C
温度系数 (ppm/°C)
编码 C1 C2 C3 溫度系數
125 °C
阻值 (Ω):
编码 10R 100R 1K1 阻值 10Ω 100Ω 1.1KΩ



• The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
― VCE = 5V, IC = 0.1mA
― VCE = 10V, IC = 5mA

VCB = 10V, IE = 0, f = 1MHz

Min Typ. Max Unit





0.082 ―
0.33 mA
0.078 ― 0.145
0.074 ― 0.138

















Televac MP7ER FR 双反磁性磁管冷电子仪器产品说明书

Televac MP7ER FR 双反磁性磁管冷电子仪器产品说明书

INSTRUCTION MANUALMP7ER/FR RemoteDouble Inverted Magnetron Cold Cathode GaugeRange: 7ER 10-8 to 10-2 Torr7FR 10-11 to 10-2 TorrTELEVACA DIVISION OF THE FREDERICKS COMPANY2400 PHILMONT AVE.HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA 19006PARTS LISTDescription and Instrument OperationThe MP7ER/FR series Remote Module provides a compact stand-alone measurement solution for applications that do not require traditional panel-mounted instrument readouts. These modules can provide local readout and control or can be interfaced directly with a PLC, chart recorder, or data acquisition system. The MP7ER/FR series of instruments use the time proven reliable and rugged TELEVAC 7ER/FR Sensor, which can be changed in seconds. These instruments operate from low voltage DC and are easily integrated into the largest process system with a minimal effort. Likewise, the MP7ER/FR Remote Gauge can be used as a small stand-alone vacuum measurement solution.Features» Wide range 10-2 to 10-11 Torr» Fast restart at high vacuum» No x-ray limit» Reduced external magnetic field» Compact design» Rugged/durable» No-filament burnout»No degassing required» Long life» Cleanable sensor (7ER)START BY READING THESE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTES collected herefor your convenience and repeated with additional information at appropriate points in these instructionsIn these instructions the word “product” refers to the MP7ER/FR and all of its approved parts and accessories.NOTE: These instructions do not and cannot provide for every contingency that may arise inconnection with the installation, operation, or maintenance of this product. Should you requirefurther assistance; please contact Televac at the address on the title page of this manual.This product has been designed and tested to offer reason ably safe service provided in it’s installed, operated and serviced in strict accordance with these safety instructions.These safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, installation, and service of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Televac disclaims all liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requir ements.√READ Instructions– Read all safety and operating instructions before operating the product.√RETAIN instructions– Retain the Safety and Operating Instructions for future reference.√ HEED warnings– Adhere to all warnings on the product and in the operating instructions.√FOLLOW instructions–Follow all operating and maintenance instructions.√ACCESORIES– Do not use accessories not recommended in this manual as they may requirea technician to restore the product to its normal operation.CHAPTER 3Principles of Sensor OperationDouble Inverted MagnetronCold Cathode GaugeThe cold cathode gauge is a high vacuum sensor that measures pressure by ionizing the residual gases in a magnetron discharge. The body of the gauge serves as a cathode, and is at ground potential. The anode operates at voltages up to 4000 volts. The permanent magnet traps electrons in the gauge to sustain the discharge at very low pressure. This gauge is sensitive to gas type. Because of the relative ruggedness of this gauge and since it has no filament to burn out, it is often used in applications where hot cathode gauges are not reliable.SENSOR OPERATION AND INSTALLATION1.0 Connect the gauge to the vacuum system, (can be connected in any position, but mounting withthe vacuum port facing down eliminates any chance of particles entering into the gauge).2.0 Assure that there are no leaks.3.0 Apply 24 DC volt power between pin #4 (+) and #2 (-). Monitor the signal output with a digital voltmeter between pin # 3 (+) and pin # 7. The display will show “OFF” and the signal output will be between 10.5 volts and 14.5 volts.4.0 The gauge is activated by grounding the wire from pin # 1 of the connector and may be operatedover any vacuum range, however, the following cautions.4.1 Activate the gauge only at pressures below 10-2 Torr. Continuous operation above thisrange will result in build up of contaminants inside the gauge and will produce errors inreading. In addition, at even higher pressures the gauge may falsely indicate lowerpressures by having passed beyond the peak of its curve.4.2 Initial activation of the gauge at pressures below 10-6 Torr may exhibit a delay inproviding an accurate reading of pressure until the electrical discharge within the tubehas established itself. This initial delay increases significantly at even lower pressures.Once established the discharge within the tube is maintained over the entire range. Avery rough estimate of start time can be calculated as T, sec = 1/pressure in µTorr.5.0 While the pressure is above the range of the gauge it will display “HI” and the signal output will bejust above the highest reading. If, on the other hand the pressure is below the lower gauge limit, the display will display “LO” and the signal output will remain at its lowest value.6.0 The trip pressure for the setpoint relay can be displayed by pressing the “Display Setpoint”button. It can also be read as a voltage – anytime – on the wire pin # 9 of the connector. Thedisplay will show the setpoint pressure as a blinking number (to distinguish it from a pressurereading) until the button is again pressed or it times out automatically after 60 seconds. Thesetpoint pressure can be changed only during the blinking display by means of the labeledadjustment screw. The new value is retained in memory and the corresponding new voltage isprovided at the setpoint terminal on the connector and is scaled in the same way as the signaloutput.SENSOR OPERATION AND INSTALLATION (cont.)M P 7F R lo g 10-110123456789101.00E -111.00E -101.00E -091.00E -081.00E -071.00E -061.00E -051.00E -041.00E -031.00E -02P R E S S U R E (T O R R )V O L T A G ERecorder Outputs“HI”9.210.2Maintenance1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.3 2.4 Blast the2.5 After cleaning, blow out any residual glass beads or dust with dry air.2.6 Rinse with alcohol, followed with a rinse of de-ionized water. 2.7 Dry anode assembly and the body in a clean oven @ ~ 200° F.2.8 Re-grease the “O” ring with Apiezon L or M Grease. (A vacuum approved grease).DO NOT APPLY EXCESS GREASE. “O” ring should be shiny. 2.9 Install “O” ring in body..2.10 Replace the anode assembly in the body after the “O” ring has been installed.2.11 Screw the cap on and hand tighten.CHAPTER 6TELEVACCHAPTER 8CHAPTER 73.1 Without removing the sensor from the vacuum system, separate the electronic block from the sensor as described in Section 1.0 (Disassembling the 7ER/7FR ).3.2 After separating the electronics from the sensor, but before disassembling of the sensor for cleaning, use a marker to mark the orientation and positions of the magnets relative to each other and relative to the stainless steel sensor tube. These are aligned at the factory for optimum performance of the sensor. When reassembling after cleaning, reassemble I reverse order with the magnets in their original respective locations and like pole surfaces facing each other (N to N, S to S).3.3 Holding the magnets, use a 1/32” Allen wrench to remove three setscrews on the top alumin um holding ring.3.4 Slide away the magnet’s washers and aluminum spacers from the tube’s body. Do not remove the lower aluminum holding ring (one that is closest to the flange).3.5 Bake out the sensor using heat tape, blanket or other means with temperature controls. Temperature on the gauge’s surface should not exceed 350°C. NOTE : if the bake out temperature does not exceed 180°C for 2 hours, the sensor could be baked out with the magnets in place.3.6 After cooling the sensor down to room temperature, re-assemble with the magnets in their original respective locations and like pole surfaces facing each other (N to N, S to S).3.7 Put the electronic block onto the sensor and secure it with flat socket screw.CalibrationAll instrumentation is calibrated at the factory. No further calibration at the customer’s facility should be required, even if the gauge tube is replaced.For a reliable recalibration at a later date, it is necessary to have a reference standard vacuum system whose pressure is known to be accurate. For such a calibration, the instrument and sensor tube should be returned to the factory for re-certification. However, if the vacuum calibration verification must be done at the custo mer’s facility, a knowledgeable electronics technician trained in vacuum calibration should operate equipment of certifiable accuracy.Troubleshooting1.0 If display consistently displays “HI”, the pressure may be above the gauge upper limit (1 x 10-2 TORR) units to the gauge or there may be a leak locally. Check the integrity of the vacuum connection and, if the 7E sensor is used, check the o-ring seal on the sensor tube.2.0 If the display constantly reads “LO”, the sensor may ha ve become inoperative. Check for correct reassembly after bake out.3.0 If the display continues to read “LO” or “HI” after completing step 1.0 or 2.0, the sensor may be contaminated. Contamination can prevent the sensor from properly discharging (reference chapter 4, paragraph4.0 of this manual for information on operation of the sensor). To clean the sensor, refer to chapter 6, paragraph 2.0 of this manual.NOTE: If, after doing some or all of the above, the unit is still inoperative, return to the factory for repair.SpecificationsMeasurement Range RangeOutput Options1. Log 10 -10 to 10-2 Torr MP7ER: 10-2 TO 10-8 TORR2. Linear 10-8 to 10-3 Torr MP7FR 10-2 TO 10-11 TORR3. Log 2 X 10-11 to 10-2 TorrAccuracy Mounting Orientation+/-0.2 of decade of reading NoneInput Voltage/Power Ion ControlRequired +24 V DC @ 250 mA Ion ON/OFF Control is included Power ON Indicator LED is includedSetpoint Relay Adjustment PotentiometerForm C Contact SetpointOperating Temperature Calibration Medium+ 15 to 50C Dry Air or NitrogenSensor Material Overpressure ToleranceStainless Steel (Type 304) 150 PSIUnpacking and InspectionBefore each unit is installed or operated, a quick inspection should be performed and the following noted:a. damage to the unit (scratches, nicks, dents, cracks, etc.)b. missing: screws, switches or switch hardwarec. broken barrier strips, etc.d. broken or loose components within instrumentShould any of the above problems be encountered, contact the factory immediately. Any unauthorized repairs will void the warranty.CHAPTER 12Warranty informationThe Televac division warrants instruments and components to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year after the date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the quotation pr product literature. No salesman, Representative or agent of the Fredericks Company, or its divisions is authorized to give any guarantee or warranty or make any representation in addition or contrary to those stated herein.Other than those expressly stated herein, there are no other warranties of any kind, express or implied and specially excluded but not by way of limitation, are the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability. It is understood and agreed the seller’s liability whether in contract, in tort, under any warranty, in negligence or otherwise shall not exceed the return of the amount of the purchase price paid by the purchases and under no circumstances shall seller be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages. The price stated for the equipment is a consideration in limiting seller’s liability. No action regardless of form, arising out of transactions of this agreement may be brought by purchase more than one year after the ca use of action has accrued, seller’s maximum liability shall not exceed and buyer’s remedy is limited to either (1) repair or replacement.。



•AC solid state relay, 1- and 2 poles•Analog switching for resistive loads (heating)•4-20 mA or 0-10 V controls•Rated operational current 30 and 50 AAC rms •Rated operational voltage up to 480 VAC•LED-indication for normal operation and alarm status •IP 20 protection •DIN-rail mountableProduct DescriptionThe analog switching relay pro-vides a number of full cycles,evenly distributed over a fixed period, depending of the con-trol input. The input of 4-20 mA or 0-10 VDC respectively,corresponds to zero and full output within a period of 1.28 s @ 50 Hz (1.07 s @ 60 Hz). This principle makes the transfer characteristics fully linear . Theprinciple operates with zero switching, thus ensuring a reduced level of radiated and wire conducted noise. The 2-pole type has alarm LED indi-cation by loss of master phase. The analogue Full Cycle Switching is not recom-mended for light control due to light-flickering.Solid State RelaysAnalog Full Cycle Switching Type RN.F ...Type Selection, 1-PoleRatedControl Control Rated operational current operational voltageinput supply30 A 50 A 120 VAC 4-20 mA -RN 1F12I30RN 1F12I500-10VDC 12-32 VDC, 24 VAC RN 1F12V30RN 1F12V50230 VAC 4-20 mA -RN 1F23I30RN 1F23I500-10 VDC 12-32 VDC, 24 VAC RN 1F23V30RN 1F23V50480 VAC4-20 mA -RN 1F48I30RN 1F48I500-10 VDC12-32 VDC, 24 VACRN 1F48V30RN 1F48V50Type Selection, 2-PoleRatedControl Control Rated operational current operational voltage input supply30 A 50 A 120 VAC 4-20 mA -RN 2F12I30RN 2F12I500-10VDC 12-32 VDC, 24 VAC RN 2F12V30RN 2F12V50230 VAC 4-20 mA -RN 2F23I30RN 2F23I500-10 VDC 12-32 VDC, 24 VAC RN 2F23V30RN 2F23V50480 VAC4-20 mA -RN 2F48I30RN 2F48I500-10 VDC12-32 VDC, 24 VACRN 2F48V30RN 2F48V50Thermal SpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsOutput SpecificationsRN 1FInput SpecificationsCurrent controlled input Control current range Allowable input current Reverse polarity protected Voltage dropVoltage controlled input Supply voltage range Supply currentControl voltage range Control input currentInsulationRated imp. withstand voltage Input to output4000 V imp Rated imp. withstand voltage Output to heatsink4000 V impDimensionsDimensions with RHN 1(30 A)(H x W x D) 120 x 45 x 110 mm Dimensions with RHN 2(50 A)(H x W x D) 120 x 90 x 110 mmHousing SpecificationsEnvironment SpecificationsHumidity max.95%, no condensationRN 1FDimensionsWiring DiagramsFunctional DiagramsTerminal LayoutRN 1F。

N-TRON 106FX2 产品说明说明书

N-TRON 106FX2 产品说明说明书

The N-TRON®106FX2is a low cost, unmanaged six port Industrial Ethernet Switch. It is housed in a hardened, metal, DIN-Rail enclosure, and is designed for use in industrial data acquisition, control, and Ethernet I/O applications.PRODUCT FEATURES• Compact Size, Small Footprint• Unmanaged Operation• Full IEEE 802.3 Compliance• Four 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 Ports• Two 100BaseFX Ports with ST or SC Connectors • Extended Environmental Specifi cations• -40ºC to 70ºC Operating Temperature• >2M Hours MTBF• RJ-45 Ports Support Full/Half Duplex Operation • Auto Sensing Duplex, Speed, and MDIX (RJ-45)• Up to 1.2 Gb/s Maximum Throughput• Store-and-forward Technology• LED Link/Activity Status Indication• Redundant Power Inputs (10-30 VDC)• Hardened Metal DIN-Rail EnclosurePRODUCT OVERVIEWThe 106FX2Industrial Network Switch is designed to solve the most demanding industrial communications requirements while providing high throughput and minimum downtime.The 106FX2 provides four RJ-45 auto sensing 10/100BaseTX ports, plus two fi ber based Fast Ethernet uplink ports. All TX ports are full/half duplex capable, using leading-edge Ethernet switching technology. The 106FX2 auto-negotiates the speed and flow control capabilities of the four TX port connections, and confi gures itself automatically. The two fi ber ports are 100BaseFX fi ber optic uplinks utilizing industry standard ST or SC duplex connectors.Since the TX ports of the 106FX2 are auto sensing, there will be no need to make extensive wiring changes if upgrades are made to the host computers, plant systems, or Ethernet I/O modules. The switching fabric simply scales up or down automatically to match your specifi c network environment.The106FX2supports up to 2,000 MAC addresses, thus enabling these products to support extremely sophisticated and complex network architectures.The N-TRON106FX2 is an ideal candidate for upgrading existing hubs and repeaters to increase bandwidth and determinism by virtually eliminating network collisions. The product also keeps the network affordable, while maintaining the plug & play simplicity of a unmanaged hub. The 106FX2 can simplify plant wiring by eliminating the need to bring data acquisition and control network connections back to a climate controlled environment. The 106FX2has extended operating environmental specifi cations to meet the harsh needs of the industrial environment. For cost savings and convenience the 106FX2 can be DIN-Rail mounted alongside Ethernet I/O or other industrial equipment. The unique compact size provides a small footprint, conserving space in the most critical dimension.To increase reliability, the 106FX2 contains redundant power inputs. LEDs are provided to display the link status and activity of each port, as well as power on/ off status.THE INDUSTRIAL NETWORK COMPANYBENEFITSIndustrial Network Switch•Compact Size, Small Footprint •Extended Environmental Speci cations •High Reliability/Availability•Extended Environmental Speci cations •Hardened Metal DIN-Rail Enclosure •High Performance•High MTBF >2 Million Hours (measured)Ease of Use•Plug & Play Operation•Four Auto Sensing 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 Ports •RJ-45 Ports Auto Sense Duplex, Speed, and Cable Type•Compact DIN-Rail Package Increased Performance•Full Wire Speed Capable •100BaseFX Fiber Uplink •Full Duplex Capable•Eliminates Network Collisions •Increases Network DeterminismSPECIFICATIONS Case DimensionsHeight: 3.5" (8.9cm)Width: 1.5" (3.8cm)Depth: 3.6" (9.0cm)Weight: 0.6 lbs. (0.27 kg)DIN-Rail:35mmElectricalInput Voltage: 10-30 VDC Input Current: 270m A@24V BTU/hr:27@24VDCInrush:7.9Amp/0.7ms@24V EnvironmentalOperating Temperature: -40o C to 70o C Storage Temperature: -40o C to 85o C Operating Humidity: 10% to 95%(Non Condensing)Operating Altitude:0 to 10,000 ft.Network Media10BaseT: >Cat3Cable 100BaseTX:>Cat5Cable 100BaseFX:Multimode: 50-62.5/125μm Singlemode: 7-10/125μmConnectors10/100BaseTX: Four (1) RJ-45 TX Ports 100BaseFX: One (1) ST or SC Duplex Port Recommended Wiring ClearanceFront: 4" (10.16 cm)Top:1"(2.54Regulatory ApprovalsFCC Title 47 Part 15 Class A, ICES-003 Class ACE: EN61000-6-2, EN61000-3-2,3; IEC61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,11 EN55011UL/cUL: Hazardous Locations Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, D or non-Hazardous Locations, ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2000, T4A DNV -GL Type Approved and ABS for Shipboard Applicationscm)Designed to comply with:IEEE 1613 for Electric Utility SubstationsNEMA TS1/TS2 for Traffi c Control EquipmentTHE INDUSTRIAL NETWORK COMPANY106FX2 with Standard DIN rail MountOptional 100-MDR-2 Metal DIN Rail Mount +1 (717) 767-6511AMERICAS*****************ASIA-PACIFIC****************EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA******************As global experts in communication, monitoring and control for industrial automation and networking, Red Lion has been delivering innovative solutions for over forty years. Our automation, Ethernet and cellular M2M technology enables companies worldwide to gain real-time data visibility that drives productivity. Product brands include Red Lion, N-T ron and Sixnet. With headquarters in York, Pennsylvania, the company has offices across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Red Lion is part of Spectris plc, the productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls company. For more information, please visit . ADLD0318 031020 © 2020 Red Lion Controls, Inc. All rights reserved. Red Lion, the Red Lion logo, N-T ron and Sixnet are registered trade-marks of Red Lion Controls, Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.。





1.额定电压(Rated Voltage):用于表示熔断器能够正常工作的电源电压范围,一般为标准的交流电压值,例如220V或380V。

2.额定电流(Rated Current):表示熔断器额定工作条件下能够正常承载的电流大小,单位为安培(A),通常有常用的数值可供选择,如10A、20A等。

3.熔断能力(Breaking Capacity):用于表示熔断器的熔断能力,即在额定电流和额定电压条件下能够可靠地切断电流的最大短路电流值。


4.动作特性(Operating Characteristics):用于描述熔断器的工作状态和响应速度。

常见的动作特性有快速断开(Fast Acting)、延时断开(Time Delay)等。


5.额定断电能力(Interrupting Capacity):表示熔断器在短路情况下能够安全切断电路的能力,是熔断器性能的重要指标之一。


6.漏电保护性能(Leakage Protection Performance):用于指示熔断器对于漏电保护的性能。


7.额定冲击电流(Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage):用于指定熔断器可以承受的额定冲击电压大小。


8.额定热电流(Rated Thermal Current):表示熔断器能够长时间连续工作的最大额定电流。


607-2212-110f 水密LED指示灯说明书

607-2212-110f 水密LED指示灯说明书

o nl i ne c o mp o ne n t s .co mFEATURES / BENEFITS607 SeriesLED Panel Mount Indicators for 7.2mm Mounting Holew/ Optional Watertight CapabilityMDEL607X001_DSPECIFICATIONSFIG. 1Dimensions in inches [mm] All measurements are typicalp RoHS compliant*p Long Life - typically 100K hoursp Lower Power consumption - uses up to 90% less energythen an incandescent indicator p No heat generatedp Colors include red, green and yellow p Front panel mountingp Available Watertight Version: NEMA 4X/ IP66p Chrome or plastic housing:LED Positions: (See Figures below)Protruding (Fig 1,2)Recessed (Fig 3,4) Internal (Fig 5)p Voltage requirements:2 VDC (current limiting resistor required)6, 12, 24 VDC (no resistor required)p Electrical connection through solder terminals p Mounting hole size: 0.283 inches (7.2 mm)p Maximum panel thickness:(see reverse side)p Mounts with lock washer and nut 0.362 lbs/ft or 5 Kg/cm torque recommended 0.217 lbs/ft or 3 Kg/cm torque recommended (Figure 5 only)p Operating Temperature : -30ºC to +85ºC p Storage Temperature: -40ºC to +85ºC p Housing Material:Protruding & Recessed positions:Chrome plated brass or Internal Position:Polycarbonate to match emitting color -(Figure 5)p Watertight Seal from front of panel meets NEMA 4X/IP66Dialight reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to supply the best product possible.Dialight Corporation1501 Route 34 South • Farmingdale, NJ 07727 USATel: (1) 732-919-3119 • Fax: (1) 732-751-5778 • Dialight Europe LtdExning Road • Newmarket • Suffolk, United Kingdom, CB8 0AXTel :+44 (0) 1638 665161 • *Compliant with exemption 6c, lead used as an alloying element in brass (up to 4% by weight)FIG. 2FIG. 3FIG. 4FIG. 5。

Belimo 22DC-110L 二次空气导热器CO

Belimo 22DC-110L 二次空气导热器CO

22DC-110LDuct sensor CO₂ / TemperatureFor measuring CO₂, with integrated passivetemperature sensor. Dual channel CO₂technology. IP65 / NEMA 4X rated enclosure.Type OverviewType Output signal active CO₂Output signal passive temperature22DC-110L0...5 V, 0...10 V NTC10k (10k2) Technical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage range AC 19...29 V / DC 15...35 VPower consumption AC 4.3 VAPower consumption DC 2.3 WElectrical connection Pluggable spring loaded terminal block max.2.5 mm²Cable entry Cable gland with strain relief ø6...8 mmFunctional data Application AirVoltage output 1 x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, min. resistance 10 kΩOutput signal active note Output 0...5/10 V with Jumper adjustableOutput signal passive temperature NTC10k (10k2)Measuring data Measured values CO₂TemperatureSpecification CO₂Sensing element technology NDIR (non dispersive infrared) dual channelMeasuring range0...2000 ppmAccuracy±(50 ppm + 3% of measured value)Long term stability±50 ppm p.a.Time constant τ (63%) in the air duct Typical 33 s @ 1 m/sSpecification Temperature Measuring range0...50°C [32...122°F]Accuracy temperature passive±0.2°C @ 25°C [±0.35°F @ 77°F]Calibration Self-calibrationDual channelTime constant τ (63%) in the air duct Typical 136 s @ 3 m/sSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP65Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4X22DC-110LSafety dataEU Conformity CE Marking Certification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1Quality Standard ISO 9001UL Approval cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-9, CAN/CSA E60730-1/-2-9Type of actionType 1Rated impulse voltage supply 0.8 kV Pollution degree 3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature 0...50°C [32...122°F]Fluid humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Fluid temperature0...50°C [32...122°F]Operating condition airflowmin. 0.3 m/s max. 12 m/s Materials Cable gland PA6, black HousingCover: PC, orange Bottom: PC, orange Seal: NBR70, black UV resistant Probe materialPA6, blackTechnical dataSafety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application. Unauthorisedmodifications are prohibited. The product must not be used in relation with any equipment that in case of a failure may threaten humans, animals or assets.Ensure all power is disconnected before installing. Do not connect to live/operating equipment.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.RemarksGeneral remarks concerning sensorsSensing devices with a transducer should always be operated in the middle of the measuring range to avoid deviations at the measuring end points. The ambient temperature of transducer electronics should be kept constant. The transducers must be operated at a constant supply voltage (±0.2 V). When switching the supply voltage on/off, onsite power surges must be avoided.Remark: Occurring draft leads to a better carrying-off of dissipative power at the sensor. Thus temporally limited fluctuations might occur upon temperature measurement.22DC-110LBuild-up of self-heating by electricaldissipative powerTemperature sensors with electronic components always have a dissipative power which affects the temperature measurement of the ambient air. The dissipation in activetemperature sensors shows a linear increase with rising operating voltage. The dissipative power should be taken into account when measuring temperature.In case of a fixed operating voltage (±0.2 V), this is normally done by adding or reducing a constant offset value. As Belimo transducers work with a variable operating voltage, for reasons of production engineering only one operating voltage can be taken intoconsideration. Transducers 0...10 V / 4...20 mA have a standard setting at an operating voltage of DC 24 V. This means that at this voltage, the expected measuring error of theoutput signal will be the least. For other operating voltages, the offset error will be increased by a changing power loss of the sensor electronics.If a readjustment directly at the active sensor should be necessary during later operation, this can be done with the following adjustment methods.- For sensors with NFC or dongle with the corresponding Belimo app - For sensors with a trimming potentiometer on the sensor board - For bus sensors via bus interface with a corresponding software variableRequirements to be met by the mediumTo ensure the ongoing and optimal functioning of the sensor, it is imperative that the air being measured is free of dust or other contaminants that could accumulate on the sensor element.Information self-calibration feature CO₂All CO₂ sensors are subject to drift caused by the aging process of the components, resulting in regular re-calibration or replacement of units. However, the dual channel technologyintegrates automatic self-calibration technology vs. commonly used ABC-Logic sensors. Dual channel self-calibration technology is ideally suited for applications operating 24/7 hours such as those in hospitals or other commercial applications. Manual calibration is not required.RemarksParts includedDescriptionType Mounting flange for duct sensor 19.5 mm, up to max. 120°C [248°F], PlasticA-22D-A35AccessoriesOptional accessoriesDescriptionType Replacement filter sensor probe tip, wire mesh, Stainless steelA-22D-A06Connection adapter flex conduit, M20x1.5, for cable gland 1x 6 mm, Multipack 10 pcs.A-22G-A01.1Mounting plate L housingA-22D-A1022DC-110L Wiring diagram① Status LED22DC-110L DimensionsType Probe length Weight22DC-110L180 mm0.26 kgFurther documentation• Installation instructions• Resistance characteristics。



VI TELEFILTERVectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell RoadD 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USAMeasurement ConditionAmbient Temperature: 23 °C Input Power Level:0 dBm Terminating impedances *:Input: 700 Ω || -13,7 pF Output:700 Ω || -11,6 pFCharacteristicsRemark:Reference level for the relative attenuation a rel of the TFS 110 K2 is the minimum of the pass band attenuation a min . The minimum of the pass band attenuation a min is defined as the insertion loss a e . The given values for the relative attenuation a rel and for the group delay ripple have to be reached at the frequencies given below also if the centre frequency f o is shifted due to the temperature coefficient of frequency TC f in the operating temperature range and due to a production tolerance for the centre frequency f o .D a t atyp. Value LimitInsertion Lossa e = a min - max. 9 dB(Reference level)Nominal Frequency f N110,6 MHzRelative Attenuation a relf N - 65 kHz ... f N + 65 kHz - max. 1 dB f N ± 65 kHz ... f N ± 82,5 kHz - max. 1,5 dBf N ± 400 kHz ... f N ± 800 kHz - min. 22 dB f N ± 800 kHz ... f N ±1,6 MHz - min. 27 dB f N ±1,6 M Hz ... f N ± 10 MHz - min. 35 dB f N ± 10 MHz ... f N ± 25MHz-min. 45dBGroup delayGDRipple f N ± 80 kHz300 ns max 500nsInput Power Level - max.+10 dBmOperating Temperature Range- 25 °C...+ 85 °C*) The terminating impedances depend on parasitics and q-values of matching elements and the board used, and are to be understood asreference values only. Should there be additional questions do not hesitate to ask for an application note or contact our design team.Generated:Checked / approved:VI TELEFILTERVectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell RoadD 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USAConstruction, pin connection and 50 Ω - matching network(All dimensions in mm)TFS 110K2N44DatecodetftVI TELEFILTERVectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell RoadD 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USAStability characteristicsAfter the following tests the filter shall meet the whole specification:1. Shock: 500g, 18 ms, half sine wave, 3 shocks each plane;DIN IEC 68 T2 - 272. Vibration: 10 Hz to 500 Hz, 0,35 mm or 5g respectively, 1 octave per min, 10 cycles per plan, 3 plans;DIN IEC 68 T2 - 63. Damp heat: 25 °C to 55°C / 95% r.H. / 10 cycles (cycle)DIN IEC 68 - 2 – 30 Db4. Resistance tosolder heat (reflow): max. 2 times reflow process;for temperature conditions refer to the attached "Air reflow temperature conditions" on page 4;5. Density min. 1 E -4mbar*l/sPackingTape & Reel: IEC 286 - 3, with exception of value for N and minimum bending radius; tape type II , embossed carrier tape with top cover tape on the upper side;max. pieces of filters per reel: 1700Reel of empty components at start:min 300 mm Reel of empty components at start including leader: min 500 mm Trailermin 300 mmCOVER TAPETape (all dimensions in mm)W : 24 ± 0,3Po : 4 ± 0,1Do : 1,5 + 0,1 E : 1,75 ± 0,1F : 11,5 ± 0,1G (min) : 0,6P2 : 2 ± 0,1P1 : 12 ± 0,1D1(min) : 1,5Ao : 7,1 ± 0,2Bo : 13,9 ± 0,2D1 : 1,5 + 0,1NReel (all dimensions in mm):A : 330W1 : 24,4 +2W2 (m ax) : 30,4N (m in) : >= 60C : 13 + 0,5/-0,2The minimum bending radius is 45 mm. The mounting surface of the filters faces the bottom side of the embossed carrier tape. The marking of the filters is able to read if the view is directed on the upper side of the carrier tape with the sprocket holes on the right side of the tapVI TELEFILTERVectron International, Inc. Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell RoadD 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USAAir reflow temperature conditions1st and 2nd air reflow profileName:pre-heating periods main-heating periods peak temperatureTemperature: 150 °C - 170 °C over 200 °C 255 °C ± 5 °C Time: 60 sec. - 90 sec. 20 sec. - 25 sec.Tolerance of temperatures: ± 5 °Ctime / sec. temperature / °C time / sec. temperature / °C0 23 140 160 10 34 150 161 20 46 160 164 30 60 170 170 40 80 180 180 50 103 190 205 60 121 195 230 70 134 200 255 80 143 205 230 90 150 210 205 100 154 215 180 110 156 220 165 120 158 230 140 130 159 240 1208. HistoryVersion Reason of Changes Name Date 1.0 generate specification according to customer requirements Pfeiffer 06.06.2001 1.1 density parameter added Pfeiffer 26.10.2001 1.2 remove AC voltage specification Steiner 21.11.2001VI TELEFILTER Vectron International, Inc.Potsdamer Straße 18 267 Lowell RoadD 14 513 TELTOW / Germany Hudson, NH 03051 / USA。


Napoleon’s new NHAS Ductless Series offers a clean look to compliment any interior design. With both heating and cooling capabilities, the NHAS Ductless Series will keep your home comfortable throughout the seasons.
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Refrigeration Pipe Diameter (Liquid side / Gas Side) (in)
33ft./10m 66ft./20m 66ft./20m 1/4 / 1/2 1/4 / 1/2 3/8 / 5/8 NHAS-12 NHAS-18 NHAS-24
17 9.5 9.5
HIGHLIGHTS • Up to 19 SEER, 10 HSPF • Remote controlled • LED light display • Auto-Restart for power outages • Self diagnostic controls
Standard Remote Self Diagnostic Controls


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TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process)RN2110F,RN2111FSwitching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit and Driver Circuit Applicationsz With built-in bias resistors z Simplify circuit designz Reduce a quantity of parts and manufacturing process z Complementary to RN1110F, RN1111FEquivalent CircuitAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic Symbol RatingUnitCollector-base voltage V CBO −50 V Collector-emitter voltage V CEO −50 VEmitter-base voltage V EBO −5 VCollector currentI C−100 mACollector power dissipation P C 100 mW Junction temperature T j 150 °C Storage temperature rangeT stg−55~150 °CNote: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and thesignificant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings.Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/“Derating Concept and Methods”) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).JEDEC― EIAJ―TOSHIBA 2−2HA1AWeight : 2.3mg Unit : mmElectrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristic SymbolTestCircuitTest ConditionMin Typ. Max Unit Collector cut-off current I CBO ― V CB = −50V, I E = 0 ― ― −100nA Emitter cut-off current I EBO ― V EB = −5V, I C = 0――−100nA DC current gainh FE ― V CE = −5V, I C = −1mA 120 ― 400 Collector-emitter saturation voltage V CE (sat) ― I C = −5mA, I B = −0.25mA ― −0.1 −0.3V Transition frequency f T ― V CE = −10V, I C = −5mA ― 200 ― MH z Collector output capacitance C ob ― V CB = −10V, I E = 0, f = 1MH z― 36pFRN2110F 3.29 4.7 6.11Input resistorRN2111FR1――710 13k ΩType Name MarkingRN2110FRN2111FRESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN GENERAL •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。
