william Blake威廉 布莱克(课堂PPT)

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Using a language which even little babies can learn by heart.
a laughing child upon a cloud
பைடு நூலகம்
In the introduction of Songs of Experience, the poet becomes “the lapsed 流失的 Soul weeping in the evening dew”.
Literary Creations
1. Poems
Poetical Sketches 《诗歌素描》his first collection of poems
Songs of Innocence (1789)《天真之歌》 Songs of Experience (1794)《经验之歌》
Poetical Sketches
He was educated at home until 10
Text in here
14-20 an apprentice to an engraver
21 a professional engraver
1779, a student at the Royal Academy
❖ hallucination:幻觉 ❖ eg. a tree full of angels从童年时代起,布莱克就充满了
• Where the Youth pined away with desire, • And the pale virgin shrouded in snow, • Arise from their graves, and aspire • Where my Sunflower wishes to go!
The Little Black Boy 《黑小孩》 The Chimney Sweeper 《扫烟囱的孩子》 The Lamb 《羊羔》 TheTiger 《老虎》 Ah Sunflower! 《啊,向日葵!》 London《伦敦》
The Tiger
Ah Sunflower!
• Ah Sunflower, weary of time, • Who countest the steps of the sun; • Seeking after that sweet golden clime • Where the traveller's journey is done;
丰富的想像力,并且时常经历幻想。他说他曾看见过缀满 天使的大树,曾见到过安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂中的古圣先 贤,并给他们画过画像。他把自己所看到的一切用绘画和 诗歌表现出来。他的画大多是经过深思熟虑后的变形人体 或表现他幻觉中所见到的人物。
❖ 布莱克一生都没有得到官方或公众的赏识。在当时人们的 眼中,它是个反理性主义者、梦幻家和神秘主义者,一个 远离尘世的人和偏执狂。他的作品没有受到重视。直到十 九、二十世纪之交,叶芝等人重编了他的诗集,人们才惊 讶于他的纯真与深刻。接着是他的书信和笔记的发表,他 的神启式的画也逐渐普及,于是诗人与画家布莱克的地位 才确立无疑。
• In Songs of Experience Blake drew pictures of neediness and distress and showed the sufferings of the poor.
Some best-known poems 《天真之歌》和 《经验之歌》中最 著名的一些诗篇
Life Experience
1783, his first collection of poems Poetical Sketches was printed
1782, he married the illiterate
Catherine and taught her to read, write and engrave
W i l l i a m B l a k e 威 廉 ·布 莱 克 (1757-1827)
Life Experience Literary Creations Literary Position
a memorial of him was at the Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey
• 12-20岁之间写作的诗。尝试写作莎士比亚 的无韵诗以及民谣形式的诗和抒情诗。有 对诗坛充斥的娇柔造作表示毫无偏见的叹 息,也有对统治地位的理性法则充满轻视, 还有赞同伊丽莎白时期清新的诗歌。
• A collection of lyrical poems, which are highly musical. Blake's distinctive themes of love and jealousy, together with very early versions of some of his mythological figures, can be glimpsed in the delicately constructed songs.
Songs of Innocence
In the introduction of Songs of Innocence, the poet compares himself to a laughing child upon a cloud.
Songs of Innocence contains poems in which we can see pictures of merry nature and innocent children.
Blake’s political views
• Blake was a rebel. • Blake strongly criticized the capitalists'
cruel exploitation, saying that the "dark satanic mills left men unemployed, killed children and forced prostitution." • He cherished great expectations and enthusiasm for the French Revolution.