燃烧器在调试完成后即可投入正常使用,日常操作按以下步骤进 行: 1、检查:确认设备系统的启动准备是否已就绪。确定后接通燃料、 气路和电源。 2、启动:打开电源开关启动燃烧器,通过外接控制启动运行。燃烧 器将根据设备控制装置控制自动进行大小火转换。 3、停机:如需停止运行,可按下急停按钮,关闭电源开关即可停机。 长时间停机时应关闭油路阀门及切断电源供应以确保安全。
注:点火失败或意外熄火引发燃烧机故障报警后,需排除故障后重新 启动。
和保养,出现故障时应及时检修。因维护,检修可能影响到燃烧器的 正常工作.请务必由合格的技术人员进行操作。 1、经常检查燃烧器及其各部件的连接是否紧固,位置有无变化。 2、每次开机前检查电源电路及气路是否异常以及启动运行过程中有 无异常。 3、经常检查油料供应是否正常,燃烧是否良好,控制系统是否灵敏。 4、注意燃烧器工作环境应清洁,干燥,尤其是电路部分不得受潮, 受高温。 5、如装置过滤器应定期清洗.保证燃料通路畅通。 6、定期清洁点火针,火焰监测器(离子针)及喷油嘴。 7、定期监测燃料喷嘴,点火针及稳焰盘位置是否变化,清理结垢或 积炭。 8、定期进行整体检查,保养。 9、经常检查电磁阀有无泄漏情况,如有应立即检查阀密封面磨损及 阀芯是否被异物卡死,必要时更换新阀。 10、定期拆洗燃油过滤器,使其处于清洁状态如滤网有损坏应立即 更换新滤网,尤其是开始使用阶段更要注意。 11、检查清洁点火电极和离子针:修正其位置如有损坏应及时修理 或更换 12、让燃烧器在非水冷炉膛中使用时,在燃烧器停机期间为防止炉 膛高温辐射损坏燃烧器,应采用适当保护措施。
( )
( )
20Leabharlann ( )10出灰后点火
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( )
、电柜电源保险管 、电柜总继电器
、输送机电机继电器 、鼓风电机继电器
、二次鼓风(给氧)电机继电器 上下气缸信号继电器
、上气缸继电器 、下气缸继电器
、 、 、PLC 、输送机热继电器
A .合闸送电,系统启动进入运行监控画面,在屏幕界面可以直接查看设备运行状态及运行频率
B .对运行进行设定、参数设定及故障查询可按运行监控界面下方的相应的功能键进入“运行设定”画面进行设定。
、鼓风电机变频器 、电源器
、二次鼓风(给氧)电机变频器 、散热风扇
2.1 燃烧器布置(附图Ⅰ)悬挂在移动小车(07)(见相关的操作说明书)上的燃烧器由一次风机(14)供给一次风。
2.2 见附图Ⅱ燃烧器通过支承管(21),与焊接在其上的悬挂梁上(23)相联。
里面镶有Densit 耐磨衬里。
燃烧器操作说明一、 初次使用,检查程序:遵循锅炉制造商的使用说明确认系统有足够多的水,油箱满油确认燃烧系统电控柜接线正确检查燃烧器电机转向检查温度、压力等传感器设定油路排气确保无空气检查油箱、油管、油泵充满油,喷嘴选择正确检查油路是否有泄露燃烧器处于开启位置,风门处于关闭位置程控器闭合,程控器处于启动位置二、 油路系统检查断开油路卸下电磁阀和喷嘴间连接启动燃烧器检查是否安程序控制器既定程序运行1、鼓风机气动2、风门伺服电机运行到最大位置3、风压监测正常4、风门伺服电机返回到点火位置5、点火6、油电磁阀打开7、安全时间后报警重新装好连接件三、 比例调节器回油与空气流量调节卸下风门伺服电机与比例调节器上的连接,启动燃烧器,点火后手动设定燃烧器负荷在最小位置,检查燃油和风量配合效果。
顺时针转动= 增加风量逆时针转动= 降低风量注意:燃烧器启动后调节风压开关,如果设定值过高,风压开关会自动保护,设定风压保护值一定要合理。
燃烧器操作说明一、 初次使用,检查程序:遵循锅炉制造商的使用说明确认系统有足够多的水,油箱满油确认燃烧系统电控柜接线正确检查燃烧器电机转向检查温度、压力等传感器设定油路排气确保无空气检查油箱、油管、油泵充满油,喷嘴选择正确检查油路是否有泄露燃烧器处于开启位置,风门处于关闭位置程控器闭合,程控器处于启动位置二、 油路系统检查断开油路卸下电磁阀和喷嘴间连接启动燃烧器检查是否安程序控制器既定程序运行1、鼓风机气动2、风门伺服电机运行到最大位置3、风压监测正常4、风门伺服电机返回到点火位置5、点火6、油电磁阀打开7、安全时间后报警重新装好连接件三、 比例调节器回油与空气流量调节卸下风门伺服电机与比例调节器上的连接,启动燃烧器,点火后手动设定燃烧器负荷在最小位置,检查燃油和风量配合效果。
顺时针转动= 增加风量逆时针转动= 降低风量注意:燃烧器启动后调节风压开关,如果设定值过高,风压开关会自动保护,设定风压保护值一定要合理。
7.11 故障模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.12 水泵防抱死功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8 系统设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.1 机械设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.1.1 检看膨胀水箱容积 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.1.2 更改供暖泵特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.2 Heatronic 3 控制器设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 8.2.1 操作 Heatronic 3 控制器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 8.2.2 设置最大或最小额定功率 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 8.2.3 供热输出 (检修功能 1.A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 8.2.4 热水输出 (检修功能 1.b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 8.2.5 集中采暖水泵控制模式 (检修功能 1.E). . . . . . 31 8.2.6 设备最大采暖出水温度 (检修功能 2.b) . . . . . 31 8.2.7 周期锁闭 (检修功能 3.b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 8.2.8 切换滞后 (检修功能 3.C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8.2.9 定时器切换 (检修功能 5.C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8.2.10 热水需求响应延时 (检修功能 9.E). . . . . . . . . . 32 8.2.11 Heatronic 3 控制器设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2 Burner Gas GriddleModel# TGG02TSupplier Model# SRGG21706User’s ManualWhen using this appliance, basic safety precautions should always be observed. Read andunderstand the meaning of these symbols before assembling and using this appliance.SAFETY SYMBOLS: DANGERIndicates a hazardous situation, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.WARNINGBe alert to the possibility of serious personal injury if the instructions are not followed.CAUTIONIndicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in moderate injury.CAUTION This instruction manual contains important information necessary for the proper assembly and saf using the appliance. Follow all warnings and instructions when using the appliance.e use of the appliance. Read and follow all warnings and instructions before assembling andWarnings...............................................................................................2, 4-8Parts List (11)Assembly Instructions (12)Troubleshooting (15)Care and Maintenance (13)Warranty Information..................................................................................15NOTE: Before beginning assembly of product, make sure all parts are present. Compare parts with package content list and hardware contents.If any part is missing or damaged do not attempt to assemble the unit.Contact customer service for replacement parts.Exploded View (10)Operating Instructions (8)Product Dimension (9)Failure to follow these instructions and warnings could result cause property damage, personal injury or even death. Using an LP appliance has a degree of risk that •DO NOT USE ON SURFACES such as wood, asphalt or plastic. These surfaces are combustible•Hot cooking liquids can remain dangerously hot long after cooking. NEVER handle the cooking •Do not move the appliance when in use.Equipped for use on: Propane. Main Max. Input Rating: 17,000 BTU/HOutdoor Cooking Specialty Gas Appliance WARNING: FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY . If stored indoors, detach and leave cylinder outdoors. Minimum clearance from sides and back of unit to combustible construction: 24 inches from sides and 36 inches from back. The appliance shall not be located or used under overhead unprotected combustible construction.WARNING: This appliance comes with a supplied CSA approved regulator which mustbe used with this appliance. Replace only with regulator Model No. RY0505D or GR-148.CAUTION: The instruction manual contains important information necessary for the properassembly and safe use of the appliance. Read and follow all warnings and instructions beforeassembling and using the appliance. Follow all warnings and instructions when using the appliance. If instructions or parts are missing contact customer service.This appliance is not designed nor intended for commercial use. If you smell gas: If possible, immediately turn off gas supply to the appliance by turning the LP tankvalve clockwise (right). If this cannot be accomplished safely, immediately get away from the appliance appliance until the cooking liquid has cooled to less than 115˚F (45˚C).•This appliance will be hot during and after e insulated oven mitts or gloves to protect from hot surfaces or splatter from cooking liquids. Closed toed shoes should always be worn during operation of this appliance.•Keep children and pets away from the cooking appliance at all times.•The use of alcohol, prescription drugs or non-prescription drugs may impair the consumer's ability to properly assemble or safely operate the appliance. Do not operate when u•The minimum outside operating temperature of this appliance is 32˚F (0˚C). NEVER use this appliance when temperature is below this minimum.•Take CAUTION when in close proximity to appliance. Falling or tripping near the gas appliance may result in the splashing or igniting of hot cooking liquids and potentially cause personal injury or property damage.•This appliance is NOT intended for commercial use.•The installation must conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58; or Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1; Propane Storage and Handling, CSA B149.2.•NEVER operate this appliance indoors or any enclosed area. This appliance should ONLY be used outdoors. The appliance shall not be used in a building, garage or any other enclosed area.•NEVER install or use this appliance on a boat or other recreational vehicles.•This product is NOT designed to be used as a heater. NEVER use this appliance as a source of heat.•Introduction of water or ice from any source into the oil/grease may cause overflow and severe burns from hot oil and water splatter.•When cooking, the appliance must always be on a level, stable, non-combustible surface such as brick, concrete, or dirt. NEVER use this appliance around surfaces such as asphalt, wood, dry grass or leaves, vinyl or plastic.•Keep the fuel supply hose away from any heated surfaces.•NEVER attempt to attach this appliance to the self-contained LP gas system of a camper, trailer or motor home. The pressure regulator and hose assembly supplied with the appliance MUST BE THE ONE USED. Replacement hose assembly must be GA09 or WG01.•Check and clean burner/venturi tubes for insects and insect nesbeneath the appliance.••Maintain proper clearances from combustible construction. Minimum clearance from sides and back of unit to combustible construction: 24 inches from sides and 36 inches from back.•Do not leave the appliance unattended. Keep children and pet •When cooking with oil or grease, have a type BC or ABC fire extinguisher readily available.•In the event of an oil or grease fire do not attempt to extinguish with water. Immediately call the fire department. A Type BC or ABC fire extinguisher may, in some circumstances contain the fire.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and carbon monoxide, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, go to .s away from the appliance at all times. tilation.!LP TANK REMOVAL, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE:1.Turn control knobs to OFF position.2.20Lb. cylinder: Turn off the cylinder valve. Turn coupling nut counterclockwise by hand only.NEVER use tools to disconnect. When the appliance is not in use, the gas must be turned off at the supply cylinder.3.1Lb. cylinder: Rotate LP gas tank counter-clockwise until it is loose. NEVER use tools to disconnect. The cylinder must be disconnected when the appliance is not in use.1.Do not store a spare LP gas cylinder under or near this appliance.2.NEVER fill the cylinder beyond 80 percent full.3.If the instructions in 1 and 2 are not followed exactly, a fire causing death or serious injury may occur.4.The safety release valve on the LP tank could activate the leaking of gas and cause a severe fire and increase the risk of serious injury or death.5.If you smell, see or hear leaking gas IMMEDIATELY get away from the LP tank and contact your FIRE DEPARTMENT.4.Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever the cylinder is not in use. Only install the type of dust cap on the cylinder valve outlet that is provided with the cylinder valve. Other types of caps or plugs may result in leakage of propane.5.A disconnected LP tank in storage or being transported must have a safety cap installed.NEVER leave an LP tank in a car that can become overheated by the sun.6.The cylinder must be stored outdoors out of the reach of children. NEVER store the cylinder in enclosed spaces such as a garage, carport, covered porch or any other structure.7.Storage of an appliance indoors is permissible only if the cylinder is disconnected and removed from the appliance.LP TANK:The LP tank must meet the following requirements in order to be used with your appliance:••Measurements must be 12” (30.5cm) in diameter by 18” (45.7cm) high with 20lb. (9.1kg)maximum capacity.Measurements must be 3.858" (9.8cm) in diameter by 7.874" (20cm) high with 1lb. (16.4oz) maximum capacity.••The LP gas supply cylinder must be constructed and marked in accordance with theNational Standard of Canada (CAN/CSA-B339), Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.Only cylinders marked "propane" shall be used.The 20Lb. LP tank must include the following:•QCC Type 1 outlet compatible with regulator or appliance.•Safety relief valve.•hand wheel. Only use tanks equipped with this type of valve. •LP tank must be arranged for vapor withdrawal and include collar that protects LP tank valve.•LP gas is odorless, non-toxic, and colorless when produced. For your safety, LP gas has been given an odor (similar to rotten eggs) so you can smell if there is any leaking.• DANGER Indicates a hazardous situation, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.CONNECTING HOSE ASSEMBLY TO 20LB. CYLINDER:1.Make sure cylinder valve is turned OFF (turning clockwise).2.Check cylinder valve to ensure it has proper externalmale threads as illustration(type 1 ANSI Z21.81).3.Make sure all burner valves are in the OFF positions.4.Inspect valve connections, port and regulatorassembly. Look for any damage or debris. Remove any debris. Inspect hose for damage.Never attempt to use damaged or obstructed equipment. See your local LP gas dealer for repair.5.When connecting hose assembly to the cylinder valve, do so manually, do not use a tool. Tighten6.SLOWLY - Open the cylinder valve fully. Proceedto a leak test (see LEAK TESTING section).1.Make sure all control knobs are in the OFF positions.2.for repair.3.a serious risk of gas leak.4.Proceed to a leak test (see LEAK TESTING section).LEAK TESTING VALVES, HOSE AND REGULATOR • •DO NOT smoke or have anything nearby that can easily ignite, such as lighters or matches.• •Appliance must be leak checked outdoors in a well-ventilated area away from open flames or sparks.STEPS TO LEAK TEST:e a clean paint brush and 50/50 soap and water solution.NOTE: Use a mild soap and water. DO NOT use household cleaning agents. Damage to gas train components could result.2.Brush soapy solution onto all metal seams and entire valve area. Slowly turn the LP tank valveimmediately turn the valve off by turning clockwise. After 10 seconds, turn the LP tank to the off position and continue to watch for any bubbles. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD THE VALVE REMAIN IN THE ON POSITION FOR MORE THAN 12 SECONDS.3.If bubbles are observed at the valve attachment, you may attempt to tighten the valve, and repeat 4.Brush soapy solution onto indicated connections as shownthe test from the beginning after waiting 5 minutes.5.If "growing" bubbles appear, there is a leak. Close LP tank valve immediately and retighten connections. If leaks cannot be stopped, do not try to repair. Call for replacement parts.6.For assistance with any malfunction related to the LP tank, regulator or hose, contact yourpropane dealer or customer service.W !ARNING If growing bubbles begin to appear there is a leak. IMMEDIATELY turnoff LP tank valve. If bubbles continue, IMMEDIATELY get away from theLP tank and contact your FIRE DEPARTMENT (e.g. 911)External threadsOPD triangular handleFix hose clockwiseINSTRUCTIONS FOR LIGHTING BURNER:1.Read all instructions before lighting.2.Make sure all control knobs are in the OFF position.3.When use 20lb. cylinder: Turn on the cylinder valve.4.Select the burner to be lit. Push and turn the control knob of that burner counter-clockwise to HIGH. Hold the control knob pushed down for 2-3 seconds. It will light the burner.5.Adjust the flame by turning control knob between HIGH and LOW.6.Repeat step 4 for lighting other burner.7.If ignition does not occur in 5 seconds, turn the burner control(s) OFF, wait 5 minutes, and repeat the lighting procedure.MANUAL LIGHTING 1.Make sure all control knobs are in the OFF position.2.When use 20lb. cylinder: Turn on the cylinder valve.3.Remove the cooking plate. Insert a match into the match lighter.Strike the match and place near the gas outlet openings on the burner. Push and turn the control knob of that burner counter-clockwise to HIGH. Hold the control knob pushed down for 2-3 seconds. It will light the burner.4.Adjust the flame by turning control knob between HIGH and LOW.5.Repeat step 3 for lighting other burner.6.If ignition does not occur in 5 seconds, turn the burner control(s)OFF, wait 5 minutes, and repeat the lighting procedure.7.Place the cooking plate back onto the griddle body.Note: Match lighter is attached to the main valve tube at the bottom of gas the manufacturer. Place the match lighter on the platform of the control panel after use.SHUT DOWN INSTRUCTIONS 2.20LB. cylinder: Turn LP cylinder gas valve clockwise to OFF position when griddle is not in use.1LB cylinder: Turn the cylinder counter-clockwise to disconnect cylinder from regulator when griddle is not in use.1.Push and turn control knob clockwise to OFF position.WHEN THE BURNER FLAME IS ACCIDENTALLY EXTINGUISHED 1.Close the LP tank valve.2.Push and turn control knob clockwise to OFF position.3.Inspect if the hose etc. connections are good, wait 5 minutes. After waiting 5 minutes, re-start the appliance following the lighting instructions.REGULATOR HOSE ASSEMBLY CHECK:WARNING Before each use, check to see if there is evidence of abrasion, wear, cuts or leaks on the hose. Ifdamage is evident, the hose must be replaced prior to appliance use.PRODUCT DIMENSION18.3"4.3"9"18 .5"456321Part #DescriptionImageQty1Griddle body 1123Cooking Plate NOTE: Wash all parts that will come in contact with food or water with warm soapy water, rinse and towel dry.4Adjustable Feet 45Regulator Assembly 16Hose Assembly 1Grease Box 1HOW TO CLEAN:Proper care and appliance maintenance will keep your product operating smoothl Keep appliance area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids.Keep the ventilation opening(s) of the cylinder enclosure free and clear from debris.NOT obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.Check for proper burner flame characteristics. Each burner is adjusted prior to shipment; however, variations in the local gas supply may take minor adjustments.Burner flames should be blue and stable with no yellow tips, excessive noise, or lifting. Slight yellow tipping is normal for LP gas.If the flame is yellow, itindicates insufficient air. If the flame is noisy and tends to lift away from the burner, it indicates too much air.Visually check the burner flames prior to each use,the flames should look like this picture, if flames do not, send mail to our customer service: *******************BURNER FLAME CHECKy.CLEAN THOROUGHLY AFTER EVERY USE.NOTE: Clean the entire appliance each year and tighten all hardware on a regular basis (1-2 times a year or more depending on amount of use).1.Before cleaning turn off the appliance at the gas cylinder. Check that there is no flame, gas smell and the valves are in off position. Next, make sure unit is properly disconnected from propane tank prior to any cleaning.2.Everything that was in contact with the food must be hand washed with warm soapy water and nylon pad. DO NOT spray oven cleaner on cooking plate to remove grease or soot. It will cause the finish to become dull. If food remains stuck to the cooking plate, add hot water and let it soak,after cooling, scrub with steel wool.3.lacing in storage.4.We recommend that the unit be thoroughly cleaned prior to every use.5.Store all components in a dry location when not in use.Forreplacementparts,************************************************************The regulator should be hung on the gas griddle to prevent it from being damaged.CAUTION!Allow unit to fully cool (115˚F or 45˚C) before performing any cleaning.SUGGESTED CLEANING MATERIALS:•Hot water•Mild dishwashing liquid detergent•Soft, nylon cleaning pad CLEANING BURNERSProblems Possible causes SolutionsBurners can’t be lit by the existing ignition system 1/ LPG gas bottle is empty2/ Faulty regulator3/ Obstructions in the burners4/ Obstructions in gas pipe orhose1/ Replace with full bottle2/ Check or replace theregulator3/ Clean burners4/ Clean gas pipe or hoseBurners can’t be lit by a match 1/ LPG gas bottle is empty2/ Faulty regulator3/ Obstructions in the burners4/ Obstructions in gas pipe orhose 1/ Replace with full bottle 2/ Check or replace the regulator3/ Clean burners4/ Clean gas pipe or hoseWeak flame or backfire (Fire inside the burner - you can hear a whistling or rusting noise) 1/ LPG gas bottle is too small2/ Obstructions in the burners3/ Obstructions in gas pipe orhose4/ Windy weather1/ Use a bigger bottle2/ Clean burners3/ Clean gas pipe or hose4/ Place the griddle in a moreprotected placeControl knob is difficult to turn 1/ Windy weather Replace the gas valveWhat is covered under this warranty?This product is covered under the Manufacturers Limited Warranty. To ensure your complete satisfaction, this warrants to the original purchaser that this griddle is free from defects in material and workmanship as of the date of purchase and that it will, under normal use and proper care, remain so for one year after the date of purchase. Replacement of missing or initially defective parts will be sent at no charge for a period of 10 days from date of purchase. The manufacturer and retailer will not be responsible for missing parts and/or hardware after 10 days from date of purchase.Warranty does not cover:Freight and packaging charges to and from our customer service center remain the customer’s responsibil- ity. Labor or material charges to remove or replace parts are not covered under this warranty. Any floor sample sales or clearance sales from the store are not covered by this warranty. Furniture used for com-mercial purposes; failures caused by improper care; unreasonable or abusive use; damage by modification or alteration; freeze damage; acts of nature; rust; fabric stains; ripping or fading; purchased parts; or return freight and packaging charges are not covered under this warranty. Proof of purchase (dated register receipt) is required for warranty claims.How to obtain service: Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcernspleasecontactcustomerservice:*******************SHENZHEN AUKEYHI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.ROOM 201, BLOCK A, NO.1, QIANWAN ROAD 1, QIANHAISHENGANG COOPERATIVE DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, CHINAWEB:EMAIL:SUPPORT@FACEBOOK:HTTPS:/// INSTAGRAM: HTTPS:///。
扬州市银焰机械厂厂长:韦维通迅地址:江苏省扬州市产陵产业园银焰路9号电话:0514-*******-8811传真:0514-*******邮编:225006目录1、概述--------------------------------------12、结构简图及主要尺寸--------------------------------------23、结构及特点-------------------------------------------2-54、工作原理-----------------------------------------------65、安装---------------------------------------------------66、操作要求---------------------------------------------7-11 6.1操作------------------------------------------------7-9 6.1.1火焰形状的调整-----------------------------------7-9 6.1.2燃烧器位置的调整-----------------------------------9 6.2点火--------------------------------------------------10 6.3停窑--------------------------------------------------117、检查及保养---------------------------------------------128、常见故障及处理-----------------------------------------139、其它---------------------------------------------------141、概述煤粉燃烧器是水泥企业熟料烧成系统中的关键设备,其性能及操作的好坏关系到熟料产量、质量、能耗和环保,回转窑耐火砖的使用寿命长短等一系列问题,也就是说性能质量优良的煤粉燃烧器,将给企业带来巨大的经济效益,反之,将会带来无法估计的经济损失,因此煤粉燃烧器倍受水泥企业管理者和技术人员的高度重视!我厂在消化吸收国内外多风道煤粉燃烧器特点的基础上,集众家之长,研制的多风道燃烧器性能优越,可适合于各类回转窑,总体性能达到国际同类产品先进水平。
COM-G-FN系列燃气燃烧器运行操作、维护说明书1.投运准备1.1 投运前,必须将炉前有关工艺管道清理、吹扫干净,再将瓦斯枪和长明灯安装连接就位。
1.2 对于新安装燃烧器,投运前应对燃烧器筒体、喷嘴、连接软管进行全面吹扫、清理、试漏等开工准备工作,以确认无堵塞、泄漏。
2.点火2.1点火准备2.1.1确认该炉燃料系统具备开工条件;2.1.2确认引风机运行正常;2.1.3确认炉膛负压正常、稳定;2.1.4确认燃料气压力正常、稳定;2.1.5 吹扫炉膛5~10分钟,取样分析以确保炉内无任何可燃气体成分,并即时点燃长明灯;2.2点火2.2.1点火时首先关小一、二次风门,而后将点火器(或火把)从点火孔或看火孔插入,点燃长明灯;也可将长明灯卸下,点燃后安装就位。
2.3 如果同时投运多台燃烧器,应依以上程序逐个点火。
2.4 如果点火失败或运行中熄火而再行点火时,必须自2.1开始重新执行以上程序。
3.运行3.1 燃烧器运行正常后,依企业操作规程进行烘炉。
3.2 烘炉完成后,按工艺要求调节炉子负荷,即依燃烧器操作条件调节燃料气压力,同时调节一、二次风门,保证形成氧化焰,过剩空气适当。
3.3 正常运行期间,应定时巡查、调整一、二次风门,并且应定时测定烟道气组分,保证烟道气无H2、CO等可燃组分,并将氧含量控制在2.0~2.5 %的范围(也可依企业操作规程要求,但最大不应超过5%)。
3.4 燃料气压力应根据炉子负荷变动随时调节,同时调节一、二次风,确保燃烧器处于良好的运行状态。
1For 1- or 2-stage oil power burners up to 30kg/h capacity with or without oil preheater and intermittent operations.Flame detection:- Photoresistor MZ 770 S- Infrared-flicker detector IRD 1010- UV solid state sensor UVD 970Oil Burner Safety ControlTECHNICAL DATAOperating voltage220/240 V (-15..+10%)50 Hz (40-60Hz)Fuse rating10 A fast, 6 A slow Power consumption ca. 5 VAMax. load per output - terminal 3 1.5 A, cos ϕ 0.2- terminal 4 4.0 A, cos ϕ 0.4- terminal 50.5 A, cos ϕ 0.4- terminal 6 4.0 A, cos ϕ 0.4- terminal 70.1 A, cos ϕ 0.4- terminal B 0.5 A, cos ϕ 0.4total load5.0 A, cos ϕ 0.4Pre-purge time ca. 12 sec.Pre-ignition timeca. 12 sec.Post-ignition time TF 834.3ca. 20 sec.TF 834 E.3noneTF 836.3ca. 2-4 secDelay time to oil valve 2ca. 20 sec. (TF 836.3)Lockout safety time 10 sec.Reset time from lockout ca. 60 secFlame detector:MZ 770 Sside-on and end-on viewing Light sensitivity MZ 770 S > 6 LuxIRD 1010side-on or end-on viewing UVD 970end-on viewing Sensor operating current min. 30 µA Weight incl. wiring base 0.25 kg Mounting position any Protection classIP44Recommended ambient operating temperature for control and flame detector0°C...+60°C approved and certified according to European standardsEN 230APPLICATION RANGEThe TF 834.3 or TF 836.3 oil burner safety control boxes are suitable to control and monitor oil power burner up to 30 kg/h capacity (approved and certified according to EN230).A special contact in the control unit short-circuits the thermo-switch of the oil preheater as soon as the burner is operating and the flame signal is present. Therefore interruption of the burner due to decreasing oil temperature (e.g. in case of high oil flow) can be prevented.If the control box goes into lock-out mode, the oil preheater power supply is also disconnected.TYPES AVAILABLE TF 834.21-stage operationpost-ignition time ca. 20 sec.low voltage protection according to EN230TF 834 E.31-stage operation no post-ignitionlow voltage protection according to EN230.TF 836.32-stage operationpost-ignition time 2-4 sec.low voltage protection according to EN230CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURESThe control box circuitry is protected by a flame resistant,transparent plastic housing. It incorporates the thermo-mechanical, temperature compensated timer, flame check and reset circuits.Manual reset from lockout is provided by a push button with an integrated lockout signal lamp. A central fixing screw locks the control box to the wiring base. The wiring base and control box have a positive plug-in arrangement, making it impossible to achieve an incorrect connection between the two parts. A variety of cable entry points provides utmostThe TF 834 and TF 834 E are fully compatible with the TF 734 and TF 734-2 respectively. Using the TF 83X.3 as a replacement, the flame detector IRD 911 must be replaced by its compatible type IRD 1010.An optional extension button (item no. 70601)compensates for height differences.0730.11-00-e /04/992COMMISSIONING AND ROUTINE CHECKS1. Important notes–The controls must be installed by qualified personnel only. The relevant national regulations have to be observed.–On commissioning the wiring has to be carefully checked according the appropriate diagram, Incorrect wiring can damage the unit and endanger the installation.–The fuse rating has to ensure that the limits specified in TECH NICAL DATA will not be exceed. If these precautions are not observed, the effect of a short circuit can cause severe damage to the control and installation.–For safety reasons a minimum of one control shut-down per 24 hours has to be observed.–Disconnect the mains before the control box is plugged in or out!–The control box is a safety device and must not be opened!2. Function controlFor safety reasons the flame detection system should be tested on commissioning the installation as well as after a service or longer shut-down.a)Start-up with covered flame detector–After lock-out safety time is over the unit has to go in to lockout mode!b)Start-up with exposed flame detector:–After 20 sec. pre-purge time the unit has to go into lockout mode!c)Normal start-up with burner in the normal position, cover up the flame detector:–After start-up, and end of lock-out safety time the unit has to go into lockout mode!3. Fault findingsBurner is not working:–thermostat circuit open –faulty electrical wiring –mains voltage too lowBurner starts, but the flame does not establish, a lock out occurs:–stray light on flame detector –no ignition or no fuel–mains voltage more than -15% below nominal value.Burner starts, the flame establishes, but after the safety time, a lock out occurs:–dirty or faulty flame detector –insufficient light on detector–sensitivity adjustment too low on IRD.For a quick and safe diagnosis use the Satronic UP 940burner test box.APPLICATION NOTES1. Flame controlThe following detectors can be used for flame control:–For yellow oil flame: photoresistor MZ 770 S–for blue or yellow flame: infrared-flicker detector type IRD 1010 or as alternative the UV solid state sensor UVD ing the photo resistor MZ 770 S, the no flame signal is generated at light levels below 3 Lux with respect to the operating cycle of the control. According to EN 230 stray light safety level has to be established in conjunction with the accompanying burner.Connecting the IRD 1010 or the UVD 970, the correct wiring has to be observed.2. Burner control With oil preheater:The fuel heater of the burner must have a temperature control switch. The closing contact-switch of the preheater has to be connected between terminals 4 and 6. A special contact in the control unit-connects the thermo-switch of the heater as soon as the burner is operating and a photocurrent is generated. Therefore an interruption of the burner operation due to a decrease in oil temperature is prevented (e.g. in case of high oil flow).According to EN 230 A2.1, the short circuiting of the thermo-switch is allowed only for an oil flow of max. 10 kg/h. Burners with a higher throughput have to shut down if the oil temperature gets below the allowed minimum. In such a case the thermo-switch has to be put in the phase-circuit and terminals 4 and 6 have to be connected with a link.Without oil heater:In such a case the terminals 4 and 6 have to be connected with a link.3. Low-voltage protectionThe start up of the burner can only take place if the mains voltage is higher than a limit which is 15% below nominal value. If the voltage drops below 160V, a start-up is prevented or – without allowing to release the fuel – the control box goes into lock out mode.4. SafetyThe design and control sequence of the TF 834.3, TF 834 E.3and TF836.3 control boxes comply with the currently applicable European standards and regulations.6. Mounting and electrical wiring Wiring base:– 3 earth terminals with additional terminal for burner earthing– 3 neutral terminals with internal permanent connection to neutral terminal (terminal 8)– 2 spare auxiliary terminals– 2 slide in plates and 2 easy-knockout holes (PG 11thread), plus 2 easy-knockout holes in the bottom of the base facilitate the wiring.General:–The control box can be mounted in any position. The protection class is IP44 (water spray tight). Neither the control box nor the flame detector should be subjected to excessive vibration.T F 834.3/836.3FTFT3.638/3.438FT34Honeywell-Platz 1Postfach 324CH-8157 Dielsdorf。
燃烧器安装指导 说明手册
- brülörler için kullanım kılavuzuTBL 45P TBL 60P 0006081377_200802TR - CN - RUTBL 45P DACA TBL 60P DACA- 燃烧器安装指导说明手册- Èíñòðóêöèè ïî ïðèìåíåíèþ ãîðåëêèC 0006081377_200802T ür k çe- Brülörü ilk defa kullanmadan önce lütfen ürünün bütünleşik ve lüzumlu bir parçası olarak brülörle beraber verilen bu kul -lanma kılavuzu içinde yer alan “BRÜLÖRÜN GÜVENLE KULLANILMASI İÇİN KULLANICIYA UYARI NOTLARI” bölümünü dikkatle okuyunuz. Brülör ve sistem üzerindeki çalışmalar sadece yetkili personel tarafından yapılmalıdır.- Brülörü çalıştırmadan veya onarımına başlamadan önce kullanma kılavuzunu dikkatle okuyunuz.- Brülör üzerinde onarıma başlamadan önce sistemin elektrik beslemesi kesilmelidir.- Talimatlara titizlikle uyulmayıp, çalışmalar düzgün yürütülmediği tehlikeli kazaların oluşması mümkündür .C I N E S E 注 意- 对燃烧器和系统的操作只能由合格的工作人员来执行。
燃烧器安装作业指导书1.工程概况1.1 概述某电厂扩建工程规模为 2 × 300MW,锅炉设备由上海锅炉厂生产提供。
1.2 主要工程量燃烧器吊挂、安装 4 台,总重 81448kg。
每台燃烧器重 20362kg。
1.3 工程特点切圆找正要求较严格,燃烧器组合吊挂与安装找正之间间隔时间较长。
2.编制依据2.1 2 × 300MW 安装工程《施工组织总设计》2.2 2 × 300MW 安装工程《锅炉专业施工组织设计》2.3 锅炉厂提供的安装说明书及施工图纸 2.4 《电力建设施工及验收技术规范》 (锅炉机组篇) DL/T5047-95 2.5 《火电施工质量检验及评定标准》 (锅炉篇) 1996 年版 2.6 《电力建设安全工作规程》 (第1 部份:火力发电厂) DL5009.1-20022.7 1 《火电施工主要机械技术资料》2.8 1QES 管理体系程序3.开工应具备的条件和施工前应做的准备3.1 开工前应具备的条件3.1.1 燃烧器组合前,设备到货,图纸资料供应齐全。
3.1.2 切圆找正前:水冷壁安装找正完;燃烧器区域平台安装完。
3.1.3 检修所用的材料到货。
3.1.4 对施工人员进行安全技术交底,使施工人员了解施工范围、施工工序和现场安全状况,并在交底上签字。
3.2 施工准备3.2.1 熟悉图纸、作业指导书等与该项目有关的资料。
3.2.2 熟悉现场,了解现场的环境。
3.2.3 工器具准备工器具准备见表 9-1。
表 9-1工 器 具 准 备续表4.人员组织、分工及要求 4.1 人员配置安装工: 8 人 起重工: 2 人 架 工: 4 人 电焊工: 2 人 4.2 资质要求所有特殊工种人员, 必须具有相应的资质和一定的工作经验, 必须经过培训合格, 持有政府部门颁发的有效证件。
2 使用性能出众 调节手段灵活
二次增强旋流置于煤风之内,可在环形煤风内部对煤粉进行二次 打散与窑内的热空气充分接触的同时还有效地增强高温烟气回流,在 火焰根部形成高温回流核,回旋气体大小可调。煤粉在双旋流气流作 用下充分燃烧,使燃烧器具有广泛的适应性,是燃烧器能适用低劣质 煤,无烟煤的必要手段。同时,有效的解决了中心防回火板的结焦问 题,确保具有稳定的火焰形状。BJEU双旋流燃烧器是应对进场煤质 产地广,煤质多变的首选燃烧器。
1 制造材质精良 设计精巧独特 2 使用性能出众 适用范围广泛 3 根据现场实际情况“一窑一设计” 4 专业的售后服务
1 制造材质精良 设计精巧独特
1 制造材质精良 设计精巧独特
BJEU双旋流高效燃烧器喷嘴头部600mm~1000mm精选瑞典进口 耐热钢(253MA),该材质的耐磨性、耐热性及其它机械特能均优 于国产常用的铸钢25Cr20Ni。
1 制造材质精良 设计精巧独特
2 使用性能出众 调节手段灵活
2 使用性能出众 调节手段灵活
(1)高速、高动能、大可变旋转量使得BJEU双旋流燃烧器适用于各种低品位 燃煤和无烟煤。
一次风出口风速使得火焰动量达3000%*m/s以上,从而有效地保证了火焰 强劲有力;保证煤粉燃尽率。
1:2的出风口调节范围使得燃烧器调整灵活,适应范围广。燃烧器的喷嘴为 锥形,其喷嘴截面积可以通过对内外管相对位置的变化来调整,其幅度为200%。 不同燃料,需求不同的燃烧动能,通过对燃烧器头部喷嘴截面积的调整,使燃烧 器最大幅度的适应各种不同煤质的特性,从而满足用户对燃料变化的需求和产量 变化的需求。
4 专业的售后服务
我公司技术实力雄厚,多为前天津水泥设计研究院人员。 产品送达现场后我公司派遣一名身体健康,经验丰富,工作 能力强的技术专家到买方现场指导设备安装调试和对买方技 术工人进行技术培训,提供全面正确的技术服务及必要的示 范。使用期间我公司还将派专业技术人员分区域的对使用厂 家进行走访服务,买方不承担费用。
燃烧器的设计特性参数如下表:风率% 风速m/s 风温℃风量m3/h 风阻Pa 一次风19.0 24 235 76388 1000二次风54.3 45 345 265393 1000三次风22.7 50 100 70392 2000 漏风 42.工程项目作业进度要求日期5.20~5.22 5.23~8.10 8.11~8.15 项目名称清点、领用检查、吊装安装、焊接验收3.工程项目作业准备工作及条件3.1参加施工人员的资质及要求。
3.2作业需要的工器具序号名称数量1 DBQ1500TM起重机1台2 50吨履带吊1台3 手拉葫芦(5T)2台4 电焊机2台5 手拉葫芦(2T)2台3.3作业环境的要求及措施。
燃烧器安装作业指导书 (2)
1.9.2编制依据:榆社电厂二期扩建工程#8标招标文件及图纸1.8.2.2《电力建设施工验收技术规范》(锅炉篇)DL/5047—951.8.2.3《火电施工质量检验及评定标准》(锅炉篇)1997—01—01实施1.8.2.4《电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》 江西省火电建设公司《施工工艺纪律》1.9.3施工准备及作业条件1.9.3.1 工具配备序号名称规格数量备注1 塔吊DBQ4000 1台吊装用2 履带吊CKE2500 1台转运用3 龙门吊63t/42m 1台组合用4 低驾平板车25 t 1台转运用5 手拉葫芦 5 t 4只6 手拉葫芦 2 t 4只7 手拉葫芦 1 t 4只8 钢丝绳Φ13.5l=20m 8根9 电焊机2台10 钢卷尺 2 m 4把11 玻璃水平尺4件12 活动扳手4把13 磨光机1台14 水平管1套15 线锤4只1.9.3.2施工条件1.施工人员应认真阅读图纸,熟悉燃烧器安装工艺和质量要求。清点设备,并用油漆编号。对燃烧器进行全面的检查,检查是否有碰撞、损坏的情况。用双I45工字钢制造4 根横梁,分加放在炉膛四角横梁上,具体位置见附图:炉膛中心线炉膛中心线1.在大板梁吊装前,用龙吊将#2、#3燃烧器运至塔吊旁,割除包装架,然后用塔吊主、付钩将其吊起翻身,从炉顶贯入,用钢丝绳临挂在制横梁上,在此过程中,只能使用设计给定的吊点,不能私设临时吊点。待汽包就位后,同样将#1、#4燃烧器运至塔吊旁,割除包装架,用塔吊将其从炉顶贯入,临挂在自制横梁上。准备好切园板1600×1600一块,花兰螺栓24只,φ0.5mm钢丝绳5kg。
油燃烧器(安装操作)说明书目录一、适用范围 (2)二、设计数据 (2)三、安装要求 (2)四、操作及维护 (4)五、故障排除 (5)六、附件资料 (7)一、适用范围1、此说明书供安装及使用单位参考。
验收的主要项目是:(1) 装箱单、质量合格证明书和安装图是否齐全。
(2) 装箱件数及备件是否与装箱单相符。
(3) 燃烧器铭牌及喷头上的钢印标记是否与合同要求相符。
(4) 与炉子及风道连接的螺栓孔的孔数、孔径及位置等是否与图纸相符。
(5) 风门及调节手柄是否灵活可靠。
(6) 钻屑和毛刺是否清除干净。
(7) 油喷嘴枪上的接口是否与安装图相符。
2.1 安装前的准备工作2.1.1 切断所有燃料供应线。
2.1.2 所有通道放置“炉内有人”标示,保证燃料供应阀和燃料线在断开位置。
2.1.3 炉子入口处有人值守。
2.1.4 进入前置换炉膛,置换空气量至少为炉膛体积的5倍,时间不少于15分钟。
2.1.5 工作人员在炉内时,烟囱挡板应在全开位置。
2.2 燃烧器的安装2.2.1 拆去燃烧器运输过程中的所有包装物,检查所有零部件有无缺损。