【最新】沪教牛津版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Friends课件ppt


牛津上海版(三起)五年级上册英语Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

牛津上海版(三起)五年级上册英语Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

pr /pr/
princess 公主
Learn the sounds
The princess has a dream. In her dream, she puts on a pretty dress.
She walks into the forest And meets a handsome prince.
花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。2时47分2时47分5-Jul-207.5.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。2020年7月5日星期日二〇二〇年七月五日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。14:4714:47:527.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020
Ask and answer
S1: Who's your good friend? S2: ... and ...are my good friends. S1: Are you in the same class? S2: Yes. We're both /all in Class...
这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。14:477.5.202014:477.5.202014:4714:47:527.5.202014:477.5.2020 4、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。7.5.20207.5.202014:4714:4714:47:5214:47:52 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Sunday, July 5, 2020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/2020

沪教牛津版五年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 Friends

沪教牛津版五年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 Friends

2. I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball. 我喜欢打乒乓球,艾丽斯喜欢打排球。 like是实义动词,意思是“喜欢”,主要指对某人或某物
产生好感或发生兴趣,不带有感情色彩,后面接名词、代词, 动名词或动词不定式作宾语。其具体用法如下:
Oliver’s mother is busy in the kitchen. “Mum, I’m bored, “ says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?” asks his mother. “I don’t know,” answers Oliver.
4. The books are not interesting. 这些书没有趣。 interesting的意思是“有趣的,引起兴趣的,”强调事
物本身有趣,通常是某事物作主语。 例句:The book is interesting. 这本书是有趣的。(强调书有趣)
拓展:interested的意思是“感兴趣的,关心的”,强 调某人对某物产生兴趣,通常是人作主语。 例句:I’m interested in this book.
Think and Write
__P__et_e_r___is my good friend. We both like__s_p_o_r_t_________. I like__p_l_a_y_i_n_g_b_a_s_k_e_t_b_a_ll____. He / She likes_p__la_y_i_n_g_t_e_n_n_i_s__. We both like_a_n_i_m__a_ls________. I like__c_a_t_s________________. He / She likes__d_o_g_s__________.

五年级英语上册Unit5 Friends 课件(上海教育版)高品质版

五年级英语上册Unit5 Friends 课件(上海教育版)高品质版

Unit 5 Friends
[bəʊθ] adj.二者,两者都
like+ doing
[kæ ri] 携带
[hevi] 重的
[bɔ:rd] [ænsə(r)]
Name________ Good friend(s)_______
I have a friend. She’s very small. I always talk to her, But she doesn’t talk at all.
not….at all 根本不 I have a friend. We both like to play. We go to the park almost every day.
And meets a handsome prince.
[prɪns] n.王子
Pr-- [pr] dr-- [dr]
soon 立刻,马上,不久 same 相同 different 不同 bored 无聊的,厌烦的 answer回答 almost 几乎,差不多 pretty dress 漂亮的裙子 both 两者都 princess 公主 dream 梦,梦想 prince 王子 volleyball 排球
随着年岁的叠加,我们会渐渐发现:越是有智慧的人,越是谦虚,因为昂头的只是稗子,低头的才是稻子;越是富有的人,越是高贵,因为真正的富裕是灵魂上的高贵以 及精神世界的富足;越是优秀的人,越是努力,因为优秀从来不是与生俱来,从来不是一蹴而就。随着沧桑的累积,我们也会慢慢懂得:成功的路,其实并不拥挤,因为 能够坚持到底的人实在太少;所有优秀的人,其实就是活得很努力的人,所谓的胜利,其实最后就是自身价值观的胜利。人到中年,突然间醒悟许多,总算明白:人生, 只有将世间的路一一走遍,才能到尽头;生活,只有将尘世况味种种尝遍,才能熬出头。这世间,从来没有最好,只有更好。每天,总想要努力醒得比太阳还早,因为总 觉得世间万物,太阳是最能赐人力量和能量的。每当面对喷薄的日出,心中的太阳随之冉冉腾起,生命之火熊熊燃烧,生活的热情就会光芒四射。我真的难以想象,那些 从来不早起的人,一生到底能够看到几回日升?那些从来没有良好习惯的人,活到最后到底该是多么的遗憾与愧疚?曾国藩说:早晨不起,误一天的事;幼时不学,误一 生的事。尼采也说:每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。光阴易逝,岂容我待?越是努力的人,越是没有时间抱怨,越是没有工夫颓丧。每当走在黎明的曙光里, 看到那些兢兢业业清洁城市的“美容师”,我就会由衷地欣赏并在心底赞叹他们,因为他们活得很努力很认真。每当看见那些奔跑在朝霞绚烂里的晨练者,我就会从心里 为他们竖起大拇指,因为他们给自己力量的同时,也赠予他人能量。我总觉得:你可以不优秀,但你必须有认真的态度;你可以不成功,但你必须努力。这个世界上,从 来没有谁比谁更优秀,只有谁比谁更努力。我也始终认为:一个活得很努力的人,自带光芒万丈;一个人认真的样子,比任何时候都要美好;一个能够自律自控的人,他 的人生也就成功了大半。世间每一种的好,从来都只为懂得努力的人盛装而来。有时候,我真的感觉,人生的另一个名字应该叫做努力,努力了就会无悔,努力了就会无 愧;生活的另一种说法应该叫做煎熬,熬过了漫漫黑夜,天就亮了,熬过了萧萧冬日,春天就来了。人生不易,越努力越幸运;余生不长,越珍惜越精彩。人生,是一本 太仓促的书,越认真越深刻;生命,是一条无名的河,越往前越深邃。愿你不要为已逝的年华叹息,不要为前路的茫茫而裹足不前愿你相信所有的坚持总能奏响黎明的号 角,所有的努力总能孕育硕果的盛驾光临。愿你坚信越是成功的人越是不允许自己颓废散漫,越是优秀的人越是努力……生活中很多时候,我们遇到一些复杂的情况,会 很容易被眼前的障碍所蒙蔽,找不到解决问题的方法。这时候,如果能从当前的环境脱离出来,从一个新角度去解决问题,也许就会柳暗花明。一个土豪,每次出门都担 心家中被盗,想买只狼狗栓门前护院,但又不想雇人喂狗浪费银两。苦思良久后终得一法:每次出门前把WiFi修改成无密码,然后放心出门每次回来都能看到十几个人捧 着手机蹲在自家门口,从此无忧。护院,未必一定要养狗换个角度想问题,结果大不同。一位大爷到菜市场买菜,挑了3个西红柿到到秤盘,摊主秤了下:“一斤半3块 7。”大爷:“做汤不用那么多。”去掉了最大的西红柿。摊主:“一斤二两,3块。”正当身边人想提醒大爷注意秤时,大爷从容的掏出了七毛钱,拿起刚刚去掉的那个大 的西红柿,潇洒地换种算法,独辟蹊径,你会发现解决问题的另一个方法。生活中,我们特别容易陷入非A即B的思维死角,但其实,遭遇两难困境时换个角度思考,也许 就会明白:路的旁边还有路。一个鱼塘新开张,钓费100块。钓了一整天没钓到鱼,老板说凡是没钓到的就送一只鸡。很多人都去了,回来的时候每人拎着一只鸡,大家 都很高兴!觉得老板很够意思。后来,钓鱼场看门大爷告诉大家,老板本来就是个养鸡专业户,这鱼塘本来就没鱼。巧妙的去库存,还让顾客心甘情愿买单。新时代,做 营销,必须打破传统思维。孩子不愿意做爸爸留的课外作业,于是爸爸灵机一动说:儿子,我来做作业,你来检查如何?孩子高兴的答应了,并且把爸爸的“作业”认真 的检查了一遍,还列出算式给爸爸讲解了一遍不过他可能怎么也不明白为什么爸爸所有作业都做错了。巧妙转换角色,后退一步,有时候是另一种前进。一个博士群里有 人提问:一滴水从很高很高的地方自由落体下来,砸到人会不会砸伤?或砸死?群里一下就热闹起来,各种公式,各种假设,各种阻力,重力,加速度的计算,足足讨论 了近一个小时 后来,一个不小心进错群的人默默问了一句:你们没有淋过雨吗 人们常常容易被日常思维所禁锢,而忘却了最简单也是最直接的路有两个年轻人,大学毕



How old is Yalina? She is eleven.
They are both eleven years old.
Which class are they in? They are both in Class 1, Grade 5.
These students are all in Class 1, Grade 5.
They both like animals. But they like different animals.
What do they both like doing? They both like helping people.
each other(互相)
What do they both like?
On the first day of military training, they are all happy.
On the second day of military training, they are all tired.
However, they all like military training.
A friend is the biggest wealth in the whole life.
1. Read the sentences in page 30.
2. Introduce your good friend to your parents.
I like... He likes/She likes/They like ... We both/all like ... … We usually...at school/after school. No matter we are the same or different, we love each other. We are good friends.

五年级英语上册Unit5 Friends 课件(上海教育版)完美版

五年级英语上册Unit5 Friends 课件(上海教育版)完美版
Behind the mountains
there are people to be found.
[b] [e ] [f ] [l] [s] [ai]
[ tʃ ] [w] [v] [k] [ʌ] [u:] [ j ] [t] [i:] [ai] [d] [dʒ]
风,没有衣裳;时间,没有居所;它们是拥有全世界的两个穷人生活不只眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。你赤手空拳来到人世间,为了心中的那片海不顾一切。 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可以产生、增进、保持体力和健康。 秋水无痕聆听落叶的情愫红尘往事呢喃起涟
class Favourite ______
_________is my good friend. We both like_____________. I like___________. He\She likes_________. We both like _____________. I like________. He\She likes__________.
希望你将来会拥有选择的权利,选择有意义,有时间的工作,而不是被迫谋生。 尽管心很累 很疲倦 我却没有理由后退 或滞留在过去与未来之间
三千年读史,不外功名利禄;九万里悟道,终归诗酒田园。 这是一个最好的时代,这是一个最坏的时代这是一个智慧的年代,这是一个愚蠢的年代;这是一个光明 的季节,这是一个黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬;人们面前应有尽有,人们面前一无所有;人们正踏上天堂之路,人们正走向地狱之门。 我有所感事, 结在深深肠。 你一定要“离开”才能开展你自己。所谓父母,就是那不断对着背影既欣喜又悲伤,想追回拥抱又不敢声张的人。 心之所向 素履以往 生如逆旅 一 个人的行走范围,就是他的世界。因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 刻意去找的东西,往往是找不到的。天下万物的来和去,都有他的时间。 与善人 居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也。 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。 半生 闯荡,带来家业丰厚,儿孙满堂,行走一生的脚步,起点,终点,归根到底,都是家所在的地方,这是中国人秉持千年的信仰,朴素,但有力量。风吹不倒有根的 树我能承受多少磨难,就可以问老天要多少人生。心,若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪...如果有来生,要做一只鸟,飞越永恒,没有迷途的苦恼。东方有火红 的希望,南方有温暖的巢床,向西逐退残阳,向北唤醒芬芳。如果有来生,希望每次相遇,都能化为永恒。不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安 好。 笑,全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭。 一辈子,不说后悔,不诉离伤。上帝作证,我是真的想忘记,但上帝也知道,我是真的忘不了 如果其中一半是 百分百的话那就不是选择了而是正确答案了,一半一半,选哪一半都很困难,所以这才是选择。跟着你,在哪里,做什么,都好。眠。我倾尽一生,囚你无期。择 一人深爱,等一人终老。痴一人情深,留一世繁华。断一根琴弦,歌一曲离别。我背弃一切,共度朝夕。 人总是在接近幸福时倍感幸福,在幸福进行时却患得患失。 路过的已经路过,留下的且当珍惜 我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。我还是相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的木 栅栏和冬天的风雪之后,你终会抵达! 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 每个清晨都像一记响亮的耳光,提醒我,若不学会遗忘,就背负绝望。 那一 年夏天的雨,像天上的星星一样多,给我美丽的晴空,我们都有小小的伤口,把年轻的爱缝缝又补补,我会一直站在你左右,陪你到最后的最后。 如果一开始就知道是这样 的结局,我不知道自己是不是会那样的奋不顾身。 黄昏是一天最美丽的时刻,愿每一颗流浪的心,在一盏灯光下,得到永远的归宿。 因为有了因为,所以有了所

沪教牛津版五年级英语上册Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

沪教牛津版五年级英语上册Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

Think and write 根据给出的例子介绍一下你的好朋友。
is my good friend.
We both like
I like
He/She likes
We both like
I like
He/She likes
Learn the sounds
dr /dr/
dress 连衣裙
Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting.
Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy.
Read a story 3
Oliver feels bored
Oliver's mother is busy in the kitchen. “Mum, I'm bored,” says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?” asks his mother. “I don't know,” answers Oliver.
这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 76、人生生命贵太相过知短,暂何,用今金天与放钱弃。了明20天.7.不14一20定.7能.1得42到0.。7.184时。2260分280时年276月分1144日-J星ul期-2二07二.14〇.2二02〇0年七月十四日 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 87、勇放气眼通前往方天,堂只,要怯我懦们通继往续地,狱收。获的20季:26节2就0:2在6前:02方7.。, 0Ju.7ly.1144。, 2020年7月14日星期二二〇二〇年七月十

小学英语五年级上册(牛津上海版)Unit 5 Friends课件

小学英语五年级上册(牛津上海版)Unit 5 Friends课件
Kitty is my good friend.
Are you in the same class?
Yes. We’re both in Class One.
Do you like the same sport?
No. I like playing tennis and she likes playing football.
a Oliver is happy.
d Oliver’s mother makes
b Oliver plays word games. some phone calls.
c Oliver reads books.
e Oliver’s friends come.
Language points
4. The books are not interesting. 这些书没有趣。 interesting的意思是“有趣的,引起兴趣的,”强调事
物本身有趣,通常是某事物作主语。 例句:The book is interesting. 这本书是有趣的。(强调书有趣)
拓展:interested的意思是“感兴趣的,关心的”,强 调某人对某物产生兴趣,通常是人作主语。 例句:I’m interested in this book.
Oliver feels bored
Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting. 奥利佛在家里看书。这些书没 有趣。
Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy. 然后奥利佛玩文字游戏,但是它们太简单了。

牛津沪教版五上英语课件Unit 5 Friends 课件-附教案

牛津沪教版五上英语课件Unit 5 Friends  课件-附教案

Do you like?
Yes , I do . /No, I don’t.
Do you like candies?
Yes, I do.
Does the monkey like bananas?
Yes, it does.
Does it like icecream?
No, it doesn’t.
We both like pears.
I like meat. He doesn’t like meat.
We bothhe doesn’t like rice.
We both like fish.
See and talk
Cat, do you like apples?
Free talk:
Talk with your friends about your hobbies and interests. And find some interests you both have.

We both like listening to music.
I like reading. I like reading, too.
We both like reading.
Do you like the same sport with your friend?
Yes, we both like swimming.
Do you like …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Look and say: Do you like…?



Do you want to be a doctor?
No, I don’t. I want to be a cook. I want
to cook food.
Do you want to be a cook?
Yes, I do. I want to cook food.
Learn the sounds
too high!
but he is afraid of flying.
Froggy wants to be a singer, but he is not good at singing.
青蛙想要成为一名歌手, 但是他不擅长唱歌。
You’re good at swimming. Do you want to be a lifeguard?
Yes, I do!
Froggy becomes a lifeguard. He likes his new job. 青蛙成为一名救生员。他喜欢他的新工作。
Write T(true) or F(false).
学生课堂行为规范的内容是: 按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。
THANKS 遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。 上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。 尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。 不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。 听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。 上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。 上课必须按座位表就坐。 要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。 要注意保持教室环境卫生。 离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。

新沪教牛津版五年级上Unit 5 Friends课件PPT

新沪教牛津版五年级上Unit 5 Friends课件PPT

(1)“like +名词”表示“喜欢某物”。 例句:I like cats.我喜欢猫。
(2)“like + v.-ing形式”表示“喜欢做某事”,指一贯性的 爱好或表示动作的习惯性和经常性。
例句:I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。
(3)“like + to + 动词原形”表示“喜欢做某事”,like to do表示一次性或偶然性的动作。
What do you usually do with Kitty?
I usually go to the park and fly kites with Kitty.
New words
Happy Supermarket
Super Cinema
Benny’s Cake Shop
Play roles
Super Cinema
They can see a film at the Super Cinema.
They can buy cakes at Benny’s Cake Shop.
4. The books are not interesting. 这些书没有趣。 interesting的意思是“有趣的,引起兴趣的,”强调事
物本身有趣,通常是某事物作主语。 例句:The book is interesting. 这本书是有趣的。(强调书有趣)
拓展:interested的意思是“感兴趣的,关心的”,强 调某人对某物产生兴趣,通常是人作主语。 例句:I’m interested in this book.

牛津上海版(深圳)五年级上册Unit 5《Friends》(第二课时)ppt课件 (1)

牛津上海版(深圳)五年级上册Unit 5《Friends》(第二课时)ppt课件 (1)

Ask and answer
根据例子进行对话,说一说你和 你好朋友的相同点和不同点。 S1: Who's your good friend? S2: ... and ...are my good friends. S1: Are you in the same class? S2: Yes. We're both /all in Class... No. We're in different classes. S1: Do yo like the same sport? S2: Yes. We both /all like ... No. I like ...and ...likes...
1. What does Oliver feel at home? He feels bored. 2. Is Oliver's mother free in the kitchen? No, she isn't. She is busy. 3. What does want to do then? He doesn't know.
Read a story
Soon all Oliver's friends come. Oliver is happy.
New words
adj. 有趣的
New words
adj. 容易的
New words
adj. 忙碌的
New words 教学目

Read a story
Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting.

小学英语沪教版五年级上册Unit 5 Friends 课件1

小学英语沪教版五年级上册Unit 5 Friends 课件1

[hevi] 重的
[bɔ:rd] [ænsə(r)]
Name________ Good friend(s)_______
same class Favourite ______ different
_________is my good friend. We both like_____________.
Pr-- [pr] dr-- [dr]
soon 立刻,马上,不久 same 相同 different 不同 bored 无聊的,厌烦的 answer回答 almost 几乎,差不多 pretty dress 漂亮的裙子 both 两者都 princess 公主 dream 梦,梦想 prince 王子 volleyball 排球
But she doesn’t talk at all. not….at all 根本不 I have a friend. We both like to play. We go to the park almost every day.
The princess has a dream.
小学英语沪教版 五年级上册
市实小 清风制作
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
[dɪfrlike+ doing [vɒlibɔ:l] n.排球
[kæ ri] 携带
I like___________.
He\She likes_________. We both like _____________.

最新牛津上海版(三起) 五年级英语上册《5 Friends》课件

最新牛津上海版(三起)  五年级英语上册《5 Friends》课件

How about you and your frienin the same class.
I like ….
He / She likes…. We both like …. …
playing sport / badminton/…
5A M2U5 Friends(Period 2)
_p_retty _p_rincess _p_rince
practice primary school
_d_ress _d_ream
1. Who’s Kitty’s friend ? 2. Why are they good friends ?
reading / skating / dancing/… playing the piano / … cats /dogs / … English / Chinese /…
We like each other.
1.Listen and read page 30 after the tape. 2.Copy the new words and recite them.
What else do they both like?
Learning tip(学习小提示)
Read and circle.(读一 读、试着在文中圈出关键 信息。)
We both like helping people. We sometimes help old people cross the street.
They are in the same school. n(相a同m的e )
I’m in Class 1,too.

2020年沪教牛津版英语五年级上册Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

2020年沪教牛津版英语五年级上册Unit 5《Friends》第2课时课件

Read a story 5
Oliver feels bored

Soon all Oliver's friends come. Oliver is happy.
New words
interesting adj. 有趣的
New words
easy adj. 容易的
New words
busy adj. 忙碌的
Think and write 根据给出的例子介绍一下你的好朋友。
is my good friend.
We both like
I like
He/She likes
We both like
I like
He/She likes
Learn the sounds
dr /dr/
dress 连衣裙
Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting.
Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy.
Read a story 3
Oliver feels bored
Oliver's mother is busy in the kitchen. “Mum, I'm bored,” says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?” asks his mother. “I don't know,” answers Oliver.
Write T(true)or F(false)
1. Oliver feels interesting at home. ( F) 2. Oliver likes playing word games. ( F) 3. Oliver's mother is busy. (T) 4. Finally Oliver's friends come to his home. ( T)

沪教版五年级上册英语Unit 5 Friends讲义(学生版)

沪教版五年级上册英语Unit 5 Friends讲义(学生版)

Unit 5 Friends一、重点词汇及拓展1. _______ adj. 聪明的词汇拓展:______ 聪明的______ 聪明的e.g. _____________ 狗狗很聪明2. ________ adj. 相同的词汇拓展:the same + ________e.g. _____________________________ 我们在相同的班级。

3. _________两者都词汇拓展:_________ 两者都不______ 都(两者以上)e.g. ________________________ 我的父母都是老师。

4. _________v. 穿过词汇拓展:__________ 十字路口__________ prep. 穿过e.g. ________________ 他们正在过马路。

5. ________ v. 背,提,拿(单三:__________ 过去式:__________)e.g. __________________________他们帮助老人提重物。

6. ________ 不同的词汇拓展:different + _______区分:___________ 困难的e.g. ________________________他们来自不同的城市。

7. ___________ adj. 无聊的词汇拓展:______ 令人无聊的,主语是____ bored 主语是________e.g. ________________我感觉到无聊。

8. __________n. 单词词汇拓展:__________ 字母___________ 词汇________词组区分:__________ 世界e.g. ___________________________________ 他们正在玩文字游戏。

9. ___________ adj. 容易的词汇拓展:________ 困难的__________ 困难的e.g. _________________________________ 英语对我来说很简单。

M2U5 Friends(课件)-2023-2024学年五年级英语上册同步备课(沪教牛津版深圳)

M2U5 Friends(课件)-2023-2024学年五年级英语上册同步备课(沪教牛津版深圳)

different 不同的 bored 无聊的 word 单词 easy 容易的 say 说 then 然后;那么 ask 问 answer 回答
each other 互相 help people 帮助人们 carry bags 提包;拿包
make a phone call 打电话 cross the street 过马路 both like (两个)都喜欢
CONTENTS 01 Vocabulary 02 Text 03 Grammar 04 Practice
PART 01 Vocabulary
clever /ˈklevə(r)/ adj.聪明的
【近义词】 smart 【例句】The boy is clever.这个男孩很聪明。
d enjoy
Learn the sounds
PART 03 Grammar
like的用法like表示“喜欢”,后面可加动词或名词。①like+动词ing, 表示“喜欢做...”,长时间喜欢指的是兴趣爱好;②like+ to+动词原形, 表示“喜欢做...”,具体某一次的意愿;③like+名词,表示“喜欢...”。
speak、 say、 talk、 tell speak“说、讲话”。强调说的能力。 speak+语言“说某种语言”。 She can speak French.
speak、 say、 talk、 tell say“说”,接说的内容。 I can say abc. say hello to sb.向某人问好。 say sorry to sb.向某人道歉。
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a Oliver is happy.
d Oliver’s mother makes
例句:I like to swim. 我喜欢游泳。
3. We also help them carry heavy bags. 我们也帮助他们提重物。 also的意思是“也,而且”,一般用于肯定句中。常用
于正式场合,在句中的位置一般位于行为动词前,be动词、 助动词、情态动词之后。 例句:He can also cook nice food.
2. I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball. 我喜欢打乒乓球,艾丽斯喜欢打排球。 like是实义动词,意思是“喜欢”,主要指对某人或某物
产生好感或发生兴趣,不带有感情色彩,后面接名词、代词, 动名词或动词不定式作宾语。其具体用法如下:
Unit 5 Friends
Yes, I do.
Do you have any friends?
Who is your best friend?
My best friend is Kitty.
She is thin. She has big eyes.
What does she look like?
Oliver’s mother is busy in the kitchen. “Mum, I’m bored, “ says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?” asks his mother. “I don’t know,” answers Oliver.
(1)“like +名词”表示“喜欢某物”。 例句:I like cats.我喜欢猫。
(2)“like + v.-ing形式”表示“喜欢做某事”,指一贯性的 爱好或表示动作的习惯性和经常性。
例句:I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。
(3)“like + to + 动词原形”表示“喜欢做某事”,like to do表示一次性或偶然性的动作。
We both like sport. I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball. We both love animals. I have a cat and Alice has a dog.
We both like helping people. We sometimes help old people cross the street. We also help them carry heavy bags.
Oliver feels bored
Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting. 奥利佛在家里看书。这些书没 有趣。
Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy. 然后奥利佛玩文字游戏,但是它们太简单了。


Listen and Say
We both like sport.
I’m Kitty. I have a friend. Her name’s Alice. She’s clever. We’re in the same class.
We like each other. We’re good friends.
What do Kitty and Alice like? Match and say.
Kitty likes… Alice likes… They both like…
Kitty likes playing table tennis. Alice likes playing volleyball.
Kitty has a cat. Alice has a dog. They both like helping people.
Language nts
1. We both like sport. 我们都喜欢运动。
情态动词或实义动词之前。 例句:We both like bananas.
奥利佛的妈妈在厨房里忙碌。 “妈妈,我很无聊。”奥利佛说。 “那么你想要做什么?”他妈妈问。 “我不知道。”奥利佛回答。
“I have an idea!” says Oliver’s mother. She makes some phone calls. “Hello! This is Oliver’s mother. Is that Ken? Can you come to my home?” “Hello!...”
What do you usually do with Kitty?
I usually go to the park and fly kites with Kitty.
New words
“我有一个主意!”奥利佛的妈妈说。她打了几个电话。 “你好!我是奥利佛的妈妈。你是肯吗?你能来我家吗?” “你好!……”
Soon all Oliver’s friends come. Oliver is happy.
很快奥利佛所有的朋友都来了。 奥利佛很高兴。
Put the sentences in order.
注意:too表示“也,又”时,表示有相同的意见或情 况。通常位于肯定句句末,且与前面的内容用逗号隔开。 例句:He likes cats. I like cats , too.
Look and learn
same 相同的
different 不同的
Read a story