



高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)词形变换归纳一、动词→名词01. accept → accept ance 接受02. appear → appear ance 出现03. defend → defense 防守04. depend → dependence 依靠05. dominate → dominance 主导06. emerge → emergence 出现,发生07. endure → endurance 持续08. govern → governance 管治09. in depend → in dependence 独立10. insist → insist ence 坚持11. maintain → mainten ance 保持,维持12. neglect → negligence 忽略13. obey → obedience服从14. offend → offense 进攻15. persist → persistence 坚持16. resist → resistance 抵抗17. analy ze→ analy sis 分析18. base → ba sis 基础19. emphasize → empha sis 强调20. advise → advice 建议21. choose → ch oi ce 选择22. practise → practice 练习23. appro ve→ appro val 赞成24. arri ve→ arri val 到达25. propose → proposal 提议26. beli eve→ beli ef 相信27. prove → proof 证明28. bathe → bath 洗澡29. breathe → breath 呼吸30. die → death 死亡31. grow → grow th 生长32. heal → health 拯救,健康33. accomplish → accomplishment 完成34. achieve → achievement 成就35. advance → advancement 提高36. advertise → advertisement37. agree → agreement38. amaze → amazement39. amuse → amusement40. announce → announcement41. appoint → appointment42. argue → argument43. astonish → astonishment44. develop → development45. disappoint → disappointment46. employ → employment47. encourage → encouragement48. enjoy → enjoyment49. enroll → enrollment50. govern → government51. improve → improvement52. invest → investment53. judge → judg(e)ment54. manage → management55. move → movement56. state → statement57. treat → treatment58. act → action59. add → addition60. apply → appli ca tion61. assume → assumption62. celebrate → celebration63. construct → construction64. consume → consumption65. contribute → contribution66. cooperate → cooperation67. describe → description68. devote → devotion69. educate → education70. expla i n → explanation71. found → foundation72. gra du ate → graduation73. imagine → imagination74. imply → implication75. indicate → indication76. inform → information77. intend → intention78. invite → invitation79. isolate → isolation80. liberate → liberation81. limit → limitation82. occupy → occupation83. operate → operation84. oppose → opposition85. organize → organization86. prepare → preparation87. produce → production88. pron ou nce → pron u nciation89. realize → realization90. relax → relaxation91. satisf y→ satisfaction92. separate → separation93. suggest → suggestion94. tempt → temptation95. translate → translation96. conclude → conclusion97. confuse → confusion98. decide → decision99. discuss → discussion100. ex clude → exclusion101. express → expression102. impress → impression103. in clude → inclusion104. oppress → oppression105. permit → permission106. possess → possession107. pro ceed→ pro ce ssion108. build → building109. mean → meaning110. discover → discovery111. recover → recovery112. behave → behavior113. fail → failure114. forgive → forgiveness115. identify → identity116. know → knowledge117. major → major ity118. marry → marriage119. pass → passage120. press → pressure121. speak → speech122. succ ee d → succ e ss123. urge → urgency124. vary → vari e ty125. weigh → weigh t二、形容词→动词01. able → enable02. rich → enrich03. sure → ensure04. long → lengthen05. strong → strengthen06. high → heighten07. broad → broaden08. soft → soften09. weak → weaken10. wide → widen三、名词→形容词01. anger → angry02. cloud → cloudy03. dirt → dirty04. friend → friendly05. fun → funny06. heart → hearty07. hunger → hungry08. health → healthy09. luck → lucky10. noise → noisy11. rain → rainy12. salt → salty13. sleep → sleepy14. snow → snowy15. sun → sunny16. taste → tasty17. time → timely18. wind → windy19. worth → worth y20. beauty → beautiful21. care → careful22. colo(u)r → colo(u)rful23. dread → dreadful24. fear → fearful25. harm → harmful26. help → helpful27. joy → joyful28. law → lawful29. power → powerful30. success → successful31. thank → thankful32. use → useful33. wonder → wonderful34. youth → youthful35. anxiety → anxious36. danger → dangerous37. glory → glorious38. mountain → mountainous39. mystery → mysterious40. nerve → nervous41. poison → poisonous42. atom → atomic43. basis → basic44. class → classic / classical45. economy → econo mic / econo mical46. electron → electro nic47. history → historic / historical48. scene → scenic49. science → scientific50. accident → accidental51. benefit → beneficial52. biology → biologi cal53. chemistry → chemi cal54. digit → digital55. education → educational 56. globe → global57. habit → habitual58. industry → industrial59. logic → logical60. nation → national61. nature → natural62. occasion → occasional63. person → personal64. ration → rational65. region → regional66. season → seasonal67. society → social / soci able68. tech no lo gy→ technologi cal69. tradition → traditional70. activity → active71. effect → effective72. defense → defensive73. differen ce→ differen t74. intelligen ce→ intelligen t75. a bility→ a ble76. capability → capable77. hono(u)r → hono(u)rable78. horror → horrible79. reason → reasonable80. value → valuable81. fool → foolish82. fortune → fortunate83. wool → woolen84. amazement → amaz ing / amaz ed85. astonishment→ astonishing/astonished86. depression → depressing / depressed87. excitement → exciting / excited88. interest → interesting / interested89. surprise → surprising / surprised90. pleasure → pleasing / pleased四、形容词→名词01. active → activity02. brave → bravery03. careful → carefulness04. careless → carelessness05. cautious → caution06. cruel → cruelty07. dark → darkness08. deep → depth09. difficult → difficulty10. free → freedom11. high → height12. happy → happiness13. ill → illness14. long → length15. real → reality16. sad → sadness17. safe → safety18. strong → strength19. true → truth20. wide → width五、动词→名词(表示人)01. act → actor / actr ess02. wait → waiter / waitress03. employ → employ er / employ ee04. interview → interview er / interview ee05. train → train er / train ee06. advise → adviser07. analyze → analyst08. apply → applicant09. assist → assistant10. build → builder11. clean → cleaner12. collect → collector13. create → creator14. dance → dancer15. detect → detective16. discover → discover er17. direct → director18. drive → driver19. edit → editor20. educate → educator21. farm → farmer22. invent → inventor23. invest → investor24. learn → learner25. manage → manager26. organize → organizer27. participate → participant28. play → player29. produce → producer30. run → runner31. serve → servant32. sing → singer33. speak → speaker34. swim → swimmer35. teach → teacher36. translate → translator37. travel → traveler38. type → typist39. visit → visitor40. win → winner六、名词单、复数(特殊)01. datum → data02. medium→ media03. phenomenon → phenomena04. belief → beliefs05. chief → chiefs06. roof → roofs07. proof → proofs08. key → keys09. toy → toys10. German → German s11. hero → hero es12. Negro→ Negroes13. potato → potato es14. tomato → tomato es15. foot → f ee t16. tooth → teeth17. mouse → mice18. child→ children19. means → means20. sheep → sheep。



一、词性转换,夯实基础1.___________ n. 画家;油漆匠→_________n. 油漆;颜料v. 油漆;给……刷上;画(图画) →______________________n. 绘画,油画2.__________ adj. 科学的→science n. 科学;技术;学科→___________ n. 科学家3.____________ vt. & vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助→______________ n. 贡献;捐献;投稿4. ______________ adj. 小心的;谨慎的→_____________n. 小心,谨慎5.__________ n. 挑战vt. 向……挑战→___________ adj. 挑战的;具有挑战性的6.___________vt. 污染;弄脏→___________ n. 污染;污染物7.____________ vt. & vi. 结束;推断出→____________n. 结论;结束8. refuse vt. 拒绝;不接受;抛弃→_____________n. 抛弃;拒绝9.____________ vt. 宣布;通知→______________ n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告10. instruct vt. 命令;指示;教导→______________n. 命令;指示;说明(常用复数)11._____________ adj. 有责任的;负责的→__________________ n. 责任,职责;义务12. construct vt. 建设;修建→________________ n. 建设;建筑物13._____________ adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的→____________vt. 创造,创作14. p___________ adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的→反义词:___________adj.消极的;否定的;15._______________ adj. 热情的;热心的→ _______________n.热情;热心二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 提出put _____________2. 使显露,暴露_______ _____3. 对…严格的________ ________ ________4. 除…外,此外_______ _________5. 将…和…联系起来link ______6. 得出结论_______ ______ _________7. 讲得通,有意义_________ ________8. 专心于be a___________ ______ 9. 正在建设中__________ ________________painter, paint, painting, scientific, scientist, contribute, contribution, cautious, caution, challenge, challenging, pollute, pollution, conclude, conclusion, refusal, announce, announcement, instruction(s), responsible, responsibility, construction, creative, create, positive, negative, enthusiastic, enthusiasmput forward, expose to, be strict with, apart from, link to, draw a conclusion, make sense, be absorbed in, under construction一、词性转换,夯实基础1.____________ n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集→ __________ vt. 收集;募捐2.____________ adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的)→反义:________ adj. 乐意的;自愿的;3.__________ adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的→ ____________ adv. 粗略地;粗糙地4._____________ adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的→ enjoy vt. 欣赏,享受;喜爱5.______________ n. 可能(性) → possible adj. 可能的;合理的;合适的6.__________ vt. 折叠;对折→反义:_______ vt. 打开;呈现vi. 展开;显露7. thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊→__________ adj. 非常兴奋的;极为激动的→_____________ adj. 毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的;颤动的8.__________ vi. 组成;在于;一致→ _____________ adj. 一致的;始终如一的9._______________ n. 便利;方便→__________________ adj. 方便的10.__________ vt. 吸引;引起...注意→_______________ adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的→_______________ n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物11.__________ vt. 筹备;安排;整理→________________ n. 布置;整理;准备;安排12. d_________ n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦vt. 使高兴;使欣喜→____________ adj. 高兴的13.____________ vt.描写;描述→_________________n.描写;描述14. ______________ adj.配备好装备的;带家具的→________________n.家具二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 由…组成c_____________ _________2. 把…分成_______ _____3. 挣脱(束缚),脱离________ ________ ________4. 值得赞扬_______ ________ _________5. 省去,遗漏,不考虑_________ ______6. 代替_________ the ________ _____7. (机器)损坏,抛锚_________ ________8. 令某人很高兴的是much ______ ______ d___________9. 在某人方便的时候________ _________ ________________collection, collect, unwilling, willing, rough, roughly, enjoyable, possibility, fold, unfold, thrilled, thrilling, consist, consistent, convenience, convenient, attract, attractive, attraction, arrange, arrangement, delight, delighted, describe, description, furnished, furniture 二、consist of, divide into, break away from, to one’s credit, leave out, take the place of, break down, much to one’s delight, at one’s convenience一、词性转换,夯实基础1. c__________ adj. 时常发生的;连续不断的→_____________adv. 不断地2. p__________ adj. 在前的;早先的→________________adv. 以前;预先;先前3. certain adj. 某一;必然的;确信;有把握的→_________ adv. 当然;必定→ ________ adj. 不确切的;无把握的4._________________ n. 周围的事物;环境→____________ vt. 围绕;包围→ _________________ adj. 周围的,附近的5.________________ n. 调整;调节→____________ vt. 调整,使…适合6. press v.按;压;逼迫n. 按;压;印刷;新闻→____________ n. 压力;压迫7.____________ n. 泥(浆) →__________ adj. 泥泞的8. representative n. 代表;典型人物adj. 典型的;有代表性的→ ___________ vt. 代表9._____________ n. 定居;解决→ ____________ vt. & vi. 解决;安排;(使)定居10._____________vt.回收利用;再利用→ ______________n.自行车,循环vt.骑自行车11._____________n.接受者;接收器,电话听筒→ ____________vt.收到;得到12.______________n.印象;感想;印记→ ___________vt.给…留下印象;使铭记;意识到13. g_____________ vt.指引;指导n.向导;导游→ ______________n.指导;引导14.typewriter n.打字机→ ____________n.打字员→ ____________v.打字n.类型15. i_____________n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的→ _______________adv.立即地;立刻16. c______________v. 联合,结合→ ___________________n.结合,组合17. optimistic adj. _______________→ pessimistic adj. _______________二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 加速_____________ _________2. 移动,溜进_______ _____3. (困境后)恢复,完全复原be back _______ ________ _________4. take up _______________________5. 打扫,横扫s_________ ______constant, constantly, previous, previously, certainly, uncertain, surroundings, surround, surrounding, adjustment, adjust, pressure, mud, muddy, represent, settlement, settle, recycle, cycle, receiver, receive, impression, impress, guide, guidance, typist, type, instant, instantly, combine, combination, 乐观(主义)的,悲观(主义)的二、speed up, slide into, be back on one’s feet, 拿起,接受,开始,继续,从事,sweep up一、词性转换,夯实基础1._________ n. 编辑→ edit vt. 编辑;校订→__________ n. 版(本);版次2.photograph n. 照片vt. 给…照相→_________________ n. 摄影师→_____________n.摄影3.___________________ adj. 难忘的;永远记得的→_______________ adj. 易被忘记的→__________ vt. &vi. 忘记;忽略(____________,_______________过去式,过去分词)4. d_______________ adj. 快乐的;欣喜的→___________ vt. 使高兴5.______________ adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的→__________ vt. 钦佩;赞美6. _____________ vt. 赞成;认可;批准→____________ n. 批准;认可;赞成7._________________ n. 职业;专业→_______________ adj. 专业的;职业的n. 专业人员→_______________ n. 教授8. _________ adj. 渴望的;热切的→_________ adv. 急切地;渴望地9. c______________ vt. 集中;聚集→ ________________ n. 集中;专心10. assess vt. 评估;评定→______________ n. 评定;估价11. technical adj. 技术(上)的;技巧方面的→______________ adv. 技术上;工艺上12. t_____________ adj. 彻底的;详尽的→_____________ adv. 彻底地,完全地13. __________ vt. 告知;通知→_______________ n. 信息,资料14. a__________ adj. 精确的;正确的→_____________ adv. 精确地,准确地→_____________ n. 精确度,准确性15._____________adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的→___________ adj. 年幼的;低年级的;低级的16._______________ n. 约会;任命→__________ vt. 任命;指定;约定;委派17.a__________ vt. 帮助;协助;援助→_____________ n. 助手;助理;售货员→_____________ n. 援助,帮助二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. be involved in ____________2. 集中注意力于_________________ _____3. 比…年长,有经验________ ___________ ________4. 因…指责或控告…___________ _________5. 依靠,依赖d_________ ______6. ahead of time ______________7. 为了(做)_________ ________ __________8. 与…有个约会________ _________ ________________editor, edition, photographer, photography, unforgettable, forgettable, forget, forgot, forgotten, delighted, delight, admirable, admire, approve, approval, profession, professional, professor, eager, eagerly, concentrate, concentration, assessment, technically, thorough, thoroughly, inform, information, accurate, accurately, accuracy, senior, junior, appointment, appoint, assist, assistant, assistance二、参与,被牵扯进, concentrate on, be senior to, accuse of, depend on, 提前,so as to, make an appointment一、词性转换,夯实基础1._________ n. 损伤;伤害→ injure vt. 伤害,损害→ _________adj. 受伤的;受损害的2. __________ vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效→_____________ n. 申请人,申请者→______________ n. 应用;申请;应用程序3.__________ n. 毒药;毒害vt. 毒害;使中毒→_____________ adj. 有毒的4.__________ adj. 轻微的;温和的;温柔的→______________ adv. 轻微地;温和地5.swell vi. & vt. (_________, _________)(使)膨胀;隆起→__________ adj. 肿胀的6.__________adj. 难以忍受的;不能容忍的→__________ adj. 可忍受的→bear v.忍受,承受7. t__________ adj. 牢的;紧的;紧密的→__________ adv. 紧地;牢牢地8. f__________ adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的→______ adv. 坚固地;稳定地9.____________n.器官→____________adj.器官的,有机的,不使用化肥的10. b_________ n. 勇敢;勇气→_________adj. 勇敢的,无畏的→__________adv. 勇敢地;华丽地11._________ n. 压力;挤压;压迫(感) →__________ v. 压;按;逼迫12. v__________ n. 变化;多样(化);多变(性)→____________ vi. 变化,改变;不同→__________ adj. 各种各样的13._________ vt. & vi. 治疗;对待;款待n. 款待;招待→____________ n. 治疗;处理;对待二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. first aid ____________2. 生病_________ _________3. 反复多次___________ __________ __________ ________4. 榨出,挤出___________ _________5. 在适当的位置,适当______ place6. 有影响,起作用,区别对待m_________ a d______________7. 许多,大量_________ ________ __________8. 找到put one’s___________ _________injury, injured, apply, applicant, application, poison, poisonous, slight/mild, slightly/mildly, swelled, swollen, swollen, unbearable, bearable, tight, tightly, firm, firmly, organ, organic, bravery, brave, bravely, pressure, press, variety, vary, various, treat, treatment, 二、急救,fall ill, over and over again, squeeze out, in place, make a difference, a number of, put one’s hands on。



扩大词汇量---词形变换1. The boss has promised a wage increase for all the (employ)______________.2. The sellers allowed us to pay them on a (month) _______________ basis.3. He told a very (live)__________________story about his life in Africa.4. Every day the director is the (late)________________person to leave the office.5. I didn't attend the evening party; but (apparent)__________, it was a great success.6. To his mother's relief, Tom had perfectly recovered from his (ill)_____________ .7. I'm afraid my attempt to make a cake wasn't very (success) ________________.8. In the museum, foreign visitors are especially interested in that ancient (paint) ______.9. The secretary is so efficient that his boss thinks (high) ____________ of him.10. I have decided to accept their (invite) ______________ to pay a visit to their factory.11. He seemed very young, but he was (real) _______________ older than all of us.12. John's performance in this exam made us feel rather (disappoint) ______________13. It was (luck) _____ indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe.14. His suggestions turned out to be very (effect) _____________ in the improvement ofour production.15. It is difficult for a (foreign) ________________ to learn Chinese.16. She is well-known for her excellent (achieve) ________________ in her career.17. He is (confidence) ________________ even though he has failed several times. 18.She managed to settle the argument in a (friend)______________ way. 19.You should send me山e report on the program _________________ (immediate). 20.The new flexible working time system will enable the(employ) _______________ to Work more efficiently.21.The more careful you are,the(well) _______________ you will be able to complete the work.22.I’ll put f orward my(suggest) _________________now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.23. Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference)_________ from what it was.24. The small village has become (wide) known in recent years for its silk exports.25. The fast (develop) of the local economy has caused serious water pollution in this region.26. The (late) model of the racing car will be on display at the exhibition this week.27. Miss Li was (luck) enough to get the opportunity to work in thatworld-famous company.28. The (manage)_____________of a company is a very important part of theworking process to its development.29. Although John was not experienced in business, he did it with (confident) ______.30. I'm (real)________sorry for the mistake our office worker made in the business last month,31. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need some (practice) _________________advice for getting out of the trouble.32.The organization will start a (move)_____________ to protect the environment manager.33. we will set up a factory in that country, which is rich in (nature)______________resource.34. My first (impress)_____________of England was that it was a grey and rainy place.35. could you tell me the (different)_______________ between American and British English in business writing?36. the people there were really friendly and supplied us with a lot of (use)______information.37. Greenpeace is an international (organize) ___________that works to protect the environment.38. Have you ever noticed any (improve)_____________ in the work environment of our factory?39. If you give us any opportunity to deal in your products, the result will be (entire)_____________satisfactory.40. The manager stressed the ( important)______________ of developing a long-term strategy for the company.41. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the (employ)____________.42. The local government has decided to spend more money on the (equip) __________of the hospitals in the rural area.43. Finally the woman found her (lose) __________child with the help of the police.44. The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform)_____________at work.45. Obviously, nuclear power can never be the only (solve)_____________to energy crisis.46. Nobody at the meeting would (belief)_____________that the new proposal could be carried smoothly.47. Provided that there is no (object)____________, we will begin with the next item.48. Sandy made quite a number of (apply)____________ for a management position but failed every time.49. The graduate had a (cheer)___________farewell party before leaving the college.50. The manager was (entire)______________unaware of the trouble with the beating system in the hotel until this week.51 I’m afraid there is not much (differ)_____________ in their points of view.52. I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be an efficient (employ)_____________.53. I cannot go shopping with you because I have an (appoint)___________ with my dentist this afternoon.54. Following the (settle) _______________of the strike, the train service is now back to normal.55. We should read more and see more in order to (wide) ___________our horizons.56. Doing a second job to earn money also means you have to pay (addition)____________income tax.57. At the meeting a (propose) ____________was put forward by John Smith.58. They fully recognized the enormous (strong)___________and influence of the union.59. There has not been a favorable (respond)______________ to your plan so far.60. Buying a house in such a neighborhood can be a (cost)__________ business.61. My sister has recently got a job as a (reception)_______________.。



⼤学英语B级词汇、语法重点及练习(专项训练)⼀.名词1.常见的不可数名词advice luggage bread damage food equipment furniture hair homework housework information knowledge progress population2.可数名词的特殊形式1)“s”结尾,单复同形means series species works2)形式上是单数,但⽤作复数police mankind people cattle audience3)合成名词的单复数变化,通常在主⼲词上加“s”brother-in-law (单数)brothers-in-law (复数)passer-by (单数)passers-by (复数)story-teller (单数)story-tellers (复数)⼆.形容词1.形容词可以跟在以下半系动词的后⾯做表语appear turn feel become stay look come prove grow go get keep2.容易混淆的形容词alone lonely alive living liveclean clear considerate considerable continual continuous dead deadlyeconomical economic efficient effective healthful healthy intense intensive imaginary imaginable imaginativesensitive sensible successful successive valuable invaluable pricelessvalueless worthless historical historic respectable respectful respectivelike likely alike三.副词1.有些形式相异的副词,意义差别也⽐较⼤,如:high highly just justly hard hardly free freely late lately most mostly near nearly2.些形容词也以-ly结尾,应避免误⽤为副词,如:lively lovely lonely friendly ugly costlysilly3.形容词和副词只差⼀个词尾,但意义⼤相径庭hard hardly like likely bare barelybad badly scarce scarcely四.介词1.介词和名词的搭配1)名词+ aboutconcern about remark about complaint aboutopinion about doubt abouthope for need for sorry for reason fortalent for3)名词+ fromabsence from difference from protection from 4)名词+ inconfident in delight in difficulty in experience in faith in pride in success in trust in5)名词+ ofaccount of capability of care of description of feeling of habit of impression of intention of number of pleasure of possibility of shortage of 6)名词+ on (upon )authority on dependence on effect on remark on emphasis on influence on impression on stress on7)名词+ overadvantage over control over quarrel over victory over worry over8)名词+ toanswer to access to attention to approach to contrast to exception to gratitude to invitation to limit to objection to reference to solution to9)名词+ withagreement with contact with common with connection with conversation with trouble with 2.介词+ 名词的固定搭配at ease at first at last at crossroads at leastat large at once at a loss at present at willby accident by chance by turns for certainin general in a sense in theory in practicein the way in the past in the future in advance in return in turn in that event in some respects in a hurry in addition in fact in place in sighton average on duty on vacation3.介词和形容词的搭配1)形容词+ aboutanxious about careful about curious about concerned about careless about certain about particular about doubtful about2)形容词+ atangry at annoyed at good at quick at pleased at 3)形容词+ foranxious for convenient for eager for famous for hungry for known for late for necessary for possible for ready for responsible for suitable for 4)形容词+ fromabsent from different from distant from free from far from protected from5)形容词+ ofafraid of aware of ashamed of capable of considerate of conscious of composed of deprived of full of fond of independent of proud of regardless of sick of short of tired of thoughtful of6)形容词+ toaccustomed to contrary to convenient to devoted to essential to familiar to favorable to opposed to peculiar to relevant to be used to beneficial to7)形容词+ inabsorbed in confident in disappointed in experienced in interested in lacking in lost in rich in successful in8)形容词+ withassociated with annoyed with angry withbusy with friendly with nervous with patient in⼀.单词1. She has been busy after she became the manager. Her working day often __ well into the night.A. expandsB. expendsC. extendsD. extents2. This __ him to the first rank among the writers of fiction.A. raisedB. liftedC. roseD. made3. It is arranged that the opening ceremony will __ at 10:00 Wednesday morning next week.A. happenedB. occurC. appearD. take place4. The sight __ to me the days of my childhood in the countryside.A. remindedB. recalledC. rememberedD. recommended5. Good transportation is essential to the __ growth of the country.A. economyB. economicalC. economicsD. economic6. The judge’s order to arrest me was no longer __.A. creativeD. competent7. Burglars broke is into the __ flat while the Whites were on holiday.A. vacantB. blankC. bareD. empty8. She is engaged in __ research.A. historicalB. historicC. historyD. histrionic9. She had never felt so __ and helpless in her life.A. alongB. lonelyC. aloneD. aloud10. As far as hobbies are concerned, Tom and his brother have little in __ .A. commonB. averageC. popularD. normal11. The restoration of China’s lawful rights in the United Nations was a great __ in history.A. caseB. incidentC. accidentD. event12. Mr. Smith will leave for New Y ork in__November.A. lateB. latelyC. later__ .A. senseB. senselessC. sensitiveD. sensible14. It’s almost __ that our team will win.A. certainB. sureC. exactD. accurate15. Some people in the back row were __ al the time during the lecture.A. speakingB. talkingC. sayingD. replying16. The school is going to __ the sports meeting to next week.A. postponeB. delayC. replaceD. exchange17. People can’t bear this __ hot weather.A. continualB. continuousC. variousD. variety18. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various __ ranging from home nursing to art appreciation.A. directionsB. pointsC. occurredD. subjects19. I didn’t know what to do but when an idea suddenly __ .A. happenedB. entered20. Waiter in restaurants __ all kinds of food and drink to customers.A. entertainB. serveC. provideD. offer⼆.固定搭配1. The failure in examination __ his inadequate preparation.A. resulted inB. resulted fromC. led toD. let in2. The party __ us to turn grief into strength.A. called offB. called atC. called onD. called to3. He __ a number of journals for his information.A. went throughB. saw throughC. looked throughD. notice through4. We have run __ typing paper.A. intoB. overC. onD. out of5. Scientists will have to __ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.A. come up toB. come up withC. come up forD. come put of6. you can __ our family whenever you are in need of assistance.A. associate withD. relate to7. The “lost money” __ to be in the safe all the time.A. turned intoB. turned outC. turned overD. turned down8. “Psychology” is __ the study of human behavior by scientific methods.A. defined asB. taken asC. regarded asD. believed as9. John found it extremely difficult to __ his had habitsA. do withoutB. dispose ofC. clear upD. do away with10. They could hardly believe that the trouble should __ the new engine of the car.A. lie inB. turn toC. come toD. bring down11. We didn’t tell her the sad news for fear that she might not __ the heavy blow.A. come up withB. make up forC. put up withD. stand up for12. The chairman put __ his plan, expecting that everyone would approve it.A. towardB. up13. Y ou must take into __ the boy’s long illness.A. accountB. conditionC. chanceD. calculation14. I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired __ working hard today.A. onB. fromC. outD. of15. Unlike most Chinese, many Americans __ bread and eggs for breakfast every morning.A. used to eatB. are used to eatC. are used to eatingD. used to eating16. Y ou should learn to take __ of every opportunity to improve oral English.A. chanceB. useC. actionD. advantage17. I took someone’s umbrella by __ .A. heartB. mistakeC. natureD. the way18. Some men broke __ the central bank near the post office last Sunday.A. intoB. upC. offnot notice me enter the room.A. onB. inC. ofD. at20. He tried to make __ all the trouble he had caused.A. outB. upC. forD. up for三.语法1. In the last ten years, great changes __ in my hometown.A. have been taken placeB. took placeC. was taken placeD. have taken place2. He discovered that his luggage __ stolen.A. had beenB. has beenC. wasD. would be3. I __ everything by the time you get back next time.A. shall finishB. will be finishingC. have finished C. shall have finished4. I have no doubt __ he will overcome all his difficulties.A. whetherB. whichC. thatD. if5. The science __ deals with the law of nature is calledB. whoC. by whichD. whom6. The city __ my father grew up is not far from here.A. whatB. whereC. whereverD. which7. __ you lice next door to Mr. Roberts, you ought to be able to recognize him.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. WhereD. Unlike8. Anyone can borrow books from this library __ he keeps them clean.A. even ifB. unlessC. as long asD. so that9. All matter is made of atoms, which are too small __ even through the most powerful microscope.A. to be seemB. to see themC. to have seenD. to be seeing10. Every day they spend a lot of time __ their assignments.A. to doB. on doingC. by doingD. doing11. __ five successful novels, she published a collection of short stories.A. Having been written C. WritingB. Having Written D. To write12. What do you think of the performances __ by the girls of Grade III?A. givingB. gaveC. having givenD. given13. It is necessary that the project __ before next Monday.A. be completedB. is completedC. is to be completedD. will be completed14. I lift very early last night, but I wish I __ so early.A. haven’t leftB. didn’t leaveC. hadn’t leftD. couldn’t leave15. I was ill that day. Otherwise I __ the meeting.A. would have attendedB. would attendC. attendedD. should had attended五.以单词正确的形式填空1. Y ou’d better _____ (copy) the whole article at once.2. The manager promised ____ (get) me a position in his company.3. Remember ____ ( lock) the door when you leave.4. The main benefit of ____ (work) with the company is the opportunity to travel abroad.5. I don’t mind ____ (have) a dog in the house so long as it’s clean and it doesn’t smell.6. Did you have any difficulty _____ (get) a visa to Britain?7. The children from the U.S. got used to ____ (eat)Chinese food quite soon.8. They stopped ____ (search) for the missing plane as the weather was very rough.9. If you intend ____ (visit) the National Garden, please contact me soon.10. I wondered why the boy often avoided ____ (talk) with his classmates.11. To my ____ (surprising), he passed the test.12. In recent years, Japan has to become less ____ (depend) on importing fish from other countries.13. He told me that it was not his fault, he was not_____ (response)for the accident.14. The weather here is ____ (change). Y ou’d better bring a rain coat with you in case it rains.15. Although I do not share his religious ____ (believe), I respect him.16. When I apply for jobs, I find I am always at a ____ (advantage) because I can’t drive.。



班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号_________1. There is a cheap __________ hotel near the harbor. (tour)2. “ How do you come to know ?it ” I asked in ______ . (surprise)3. How good is the __________ of these machines? (technological)4. Your words sound __________ . (reason)5. She was well __________ as an excellent dancer. (know)6. It ' s awful to cross such a __________ bridge. (float)7. He __________ one or two books, which we might buy. (suggestion)8. You shouldn ' t come to sue ____________ hastily匆忙地).(decide)9. John was __________ against James for the prize in mathematics. (competition)10. My uncle is a __________ of aircraft engines. (design)11. I have a lot of __________ which take up my time. (act)12. Long ago, Robin Hood __________ rich merchants. (robber)13. It' s impolite to speak with your mouth __________ of food. (fill)14. We all _________ over the lette—r it was very amusing. (laughter)15. The _________ of the examination is three hours. (during)16. We' ll _________ it at the meeting next Friday. (discussion)17. What you ' ve just told me is very ___________ . (surprise)18. More __________ visit Austria for their holidays each year. (tour)19. As the saying goes, good health is ___________ . (price)20. Most children are more __________ than grown people. (action)21. I have my __________ between a digital camera and MP3 for my birthday. (choose)22. The class __________ several problems after school yesterday. (discussion)23. We had a lot of __________ at the New Year party. (funny)24. Camping out in the high mountains was an __________ for us all. (excite)25. I can throw the ball _________ away than you. (far)26. This is a local problem, not a _________ one. (nation)27. His sister is one of the ___________ in the floating restaurant. (wait)28.29. There are __________ boys than girls in my class. (few)You must go away -- far away, to some place of __________ . (safe)This room was __________ as a children ' s playroom. (designer)We can __________ goods to your door. (delivery)Have you a gas _________ or an electric one? (cook)We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all __________ . (use)Automobiles and airplanes have __________ . (engineer)This area was not suitable for _________ . (farmer)Uncle Tom used to __________ me to school; but now he doesn ' t. (driver) A __________ is a person who operates a typewriter, especially for a living. (type) It ' s no __________ asking me. I don 't know any more than you do. (useful) A __________ is a person who watches or is watching esp. television. (view) We are __________ that he will get over his illness. (certainly)It ' s __________ to go to Taiwan for your holidays. (fashion) Her moods are as ___________ as the weather. (change) Mother made us a __________ cake. (taste) There ' no __________ in spending the evening doing nothing. (funny)Excuse me, but how can I get to the nearest__________ centre? (shop) __________ bake bread in huge ovens. (bakery)She hasn ' t _________ whether to sail or fly to America. (decision)Has anyone any other __________ to make? (suggest)He was __________ after his running. (sweater)It doesn ' t make a bit of __________ if you are late for my party. (different) The furniture in their house is very __________ . (taste) What is the ___________ of the film? (long) You can see __________ faces everywhere in our village. (smile) Many wild animals are __________ because of excess hunting. (appear) His getting first place in the final exam brought __________ to his parents. (happily)He should be playing the piano in a concert, but ____________ he has hurt his hand. (luck)The boss invited his workers and their __________ to dinner. (wife) 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 58.59. Hi, Maggie! You look much __________ after the long holiday. (health)60. The girl always thinks __________ from others. (difference)61. The sign on the bus says, “保证Uthe( _______ of passengers ” . (safe)62. Smoke from the cars and factories are __________ the air. (pollution)63. Let 's go back. It 's ___________ to wait here for the bus. (use)64. He told a very __________ story about his life in Africa. (life)65. A child understands a __________ direction better than a written one. (speak)66. There are several important _________ between English and French. (different)67. The __________ of man 's travelling to the moon has been proved. (possibly)68. It 's ____________ for you to speak so looudhimt . His leaning in not bad. (necessary)69. Later they __________ a climbing expedition to Mt.Qomolangma. (organization)70. He got a great deal of __________ in his work. (enjoyable)71. They fell into a lively __________ of the question. (discuss)。


addition—additional tradition----traditional 传统的 origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的
8.名词+ ly
live---lively 活跃的,有生气的
love—lovely 可爱的
3.V+ ance 结尾
appear—appearance 外貌 ,出现
perform----performance 演出
5.V+ 其他
behave 行为,举止---- behavior 行为 fly 飞— flight 飞行 succeed 成功– success 成功 tour 旅游----- tourist 游客 manage 管理--- manager 经理 Invent 发明--- inventor 发明家 employ 雇佣 ------ employee 雇员 ------ employer 雇主
Excited 兴奋的
disappointed 失望的
3.名词+ ful/less
Success—successful meaning—meaningful 有意义的 care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful 有帮助的 helpless 无助的 home—homeless 无家可归的
9. 其他 fool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的 freedom 自由—free 空的, 免费的 height 高度—high illness 疾病--- ill love—loving 慈爱的



B级考试训练之“词汇变形”Part II. 过关强化训练题Vocabulary and structuresDirections: There are 100 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write down the word or words in the corresponding space.1.It is necessary that he (should) (take) a good rest after working for a long time.2.Although I do not share his religious (believe), I respect him.3.The basic condition (require) for opening factories are now available for overseas investors.4. Both Western and Eastern arts looked to the past century for (inspire).5. We are going to Florida as soon as we (finish) taking our final exams.6. I tried to make everyone (feel) comfortable here.7. We (say) enough on how to learn a foreign language.8. It’s no use (go) there now. It’s too late.9. (Delay) for two hours, the train finally pulled into the station.10. Making the thread run through a hole in the center of the needle (able) the design of the first practical sewing-machine.11.The Grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts( produce).12. He said “Good Morning” in a most (friend) way.13. He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he (come) to the meeting.14. It is an international agreement that no government should take hijackers(劫机犯) under its __________(protect).15. (Apply) to a cut, this medicine will help to stop blood from flowing.16. The rocket was about (launch) when an error was found within its controlling part.17. The man told me that the (equip) would arrive in three days.18. The girl was very sure of herself. She’s always (confidence) that she’s right.19. The new factory (produce) electronic computers was built two years ago.20. We all agreed to cancel the race because many members objected to (have) a match without standard regulations.21. If (ask) what is the most valuable, he would say “experience”.22. People who cause trouble in society and bring shame on it (be) the black sheep of society.23. (Happy) is not about what happens to us ------it is about how we perceive what happens to us.24. The book you were looking for might (remove), or is temporarily unavailable.25. Through these years, he has accumulated something that is very important and __________ (value)------knowledge and experience.26. The police started off to search for the ________ (miss) girl after they received the call from the parents.27. She would rather her son ____________(tell) her frankly what he thinks./ thought28. I wrote her a _________(friend) letter thanking her for her help.29. A boy was sitting __________ (read) a book at a table, his head propped up in his hands.30. She will go to work next week if she _________ (be) well.31 According to the Contract, you are responsible for the training of the technical personnel (send) ___________by the factory.32. Recently, rings that are designed _________ (wear) near finger nails has developed.33. By the twentieth century, there have been many___________(invent) for travel.34. After two years’ training, we had no trouble in passing the national __________ (enter) exams.35. The experts believe that the __________(origin) inhabitants of North America came from Asia.36. Once he had done the exercises, he ___________ (do) his reading with much greater pleasure.37. Miss Martin remained _________ (puzzle) long after I had told her the truth.38. Tom had his pocket __________(pick) because of his carelessness.39. Space limitations simply required that hard decision ___________ (make).40. Sixteen-year-old Martina Hingis is __________ (c urrent) ranked first on the Women’s Tennis Association singles ranking.41. Once __________ (learn) to drive, you will be able to have many enjoyable trips in the country.42. The Britain in China Campaign aims to increase ___________ (aware) of Britain in China, and of China in Britain.43. The design of the engineers __________ ( expect) to be approved by the committee tomorrow.44. When the man broke open the door, he found his son ________ (lie) on the floor unconscious.45. In America, a _______ (type) pattern for the listener to signal that he is paying attention is by looking at the talker’s mouth or eyes.46. Nobody but Tom and Jack ___________ (be) in the classroom after class.47. Did you notice a young girl __________ (enter) the house just now?48. By raising the temperature of the atmosphere, we could change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world------a frightening __________ (possible).49. This is the __________ (good) photo I have ever taken.50. A new hospital _________ (build ) in our hometown now.51. Investors may pursue whatever business opportunities in Australia they wish, once their initial __________ ( invest) is made.52. He made it _________ (know) to all his friend that John had stolen his money.53. There was no way of getting out of the building except by climbing down a rope and Joan was too frightened ________(do) this.54. We are sorry to hear that part of his body has to __________ (take out) by a surgeon.55. The lecture hall was almost empty. The speaker was disappointed at the poor _______(attend).56. I couldn’t understand what the poem said, so I had my friend _________(translate) it for me.57. The information revolution mainly involves ________ (change) the ways to gather and make use of information.58. You must never blow out a gas light. Do you know what _________(happen) if you blew outa gas light?59. My mother noticed some__________ (improve) in my speech after I had practiced.60. The parents asked the child not to forget to ________ (sharp) his pencil before going to school.61. Cocktail is a mixed alcohol drink, often ________ (serve) before a Western-style meal.62. Now all the machinery in the factory _________(be) made in China.63. Everything __________ (consider), it is possible for the company to enlarge the export.64. In Chinese culture, the ability _________ (preserve) self-denial (自我否定) is marked as a sign of virtue in modesty.65. The garden has been carefully designed _________ (blend) traditional British craftsmanship with the local Chinese environment.66. When a person __________ (be) dishonest or holding back information, his eyes meet ours less than one-third of the time.67. We are confident that our prices are very ___________ (compete).68. The two twins look very much alike in their appearance, but ________(different) widely in their tastes.69. As there is still a great difference between urban and rural _________ ( consume) levels, there is huge potential in the used goods sector(旧货市场).70. Twenty dollars _________(seem) a reasonable price for that shirt.71. The policemen _________ (tell) not to take any action until they received further notice.72. Three hundred of the cars __________ (sell) since the beginning of the year.73. The chairman raised a series of questions ____________ (consider) for the next conference.74. The present situation requires that the firm ______ (cut) its expenses down somehow.75. I am not surprised at the young or the old _________ (fall) in love with her.76. Directions should be given in the order in which they are to_________ (follow).77. It was___________ (bore) to sit on the plane with nothing to read.78. He makes ______ (occasion) appearances for the local football team.79. When I was a boy, I dreamed of becoming a poet. Who w ould have thought I’d end up an _______ (engine)?80. The man said that he had been drunk the day before and could not ________ (call) what had happened.81. John, along with his two brothers, ___________ (be) going to the cinema this evening.82. There is a large amount of fossil fuel on earth, but the sun supplies an ________ (limit) supply of energy.83. To satisfy our own __________ (curious) we traveled to Baltimore.84.___________(Drop) out of school once or even twice, the boy’s cultural level was l ow.85. Both of these lamps ___________(burn) out, and we need some new electric lamps.86. Our society offers those who can play basketball well an education that might ________ (not obtain) by the poor.87. She ___________ (consider) to have been the best singer that America has ever produced.88. By the end of the century, noise pollution ___________ (become) a serious problem.89. _________ (Know) that he couldn’t land the plane without my help gave me self-confidence.90. Since the rain seems ___________ ( stop), you can close your umbrella.91. The president seemed ___________ (satisfy) with the results of the negotiation.92. __________ (Consider) the unstable condition of the patient, the doctor suggested that he stay at hospital for another month.93. Mr. Williams is much better after his illness, but he’s still not supposed _______ (do) anyheavy work.94. We will go to a lecture tomorrow ___________ (give) by a computer expert.95. No sooner had the teacher finished the lesson than the bell ____________ (ring)96. The Beijing-Kowloon Railway _________ (run) through North China and South China was completed two years ahead of schedule.97. I lost the watch you had bought me for my birthday. If only I __________ ( not lose) it.98. Why does he always come to see me at the __________(bad) possible moment?99. The doctor received an _________ (urge) call from the parents of the injured child.100. The world is running out of oil, and energy experts believe that there could be serious _________ (short) in ten years’ time.。



A-B级词形变换题库扩大词汇量---词形变换1. The boss has promised a wage increase for all the (employ)______________.2. The sellers allowed us to pay them on a (month) _______________ basis.3. He told a very (live)__________________story about his life in Africa.4. Every day the director is the (late)________________person to leave the office.5. I didn't attend the evening party; but (apparent)__________, it was a great success.6. To his mother's relief, Tom had perfectly recovered from his (ill)_____________ .7. I'm afraid my attempt to make a cake wasn't very (success) ________________.8. In the museum, foreign visitors are especially interested in that ancient (paint) ______.9. The secretary is so efficient that his boss thinks (high) ____________ of him.10. I have decided to accept their (invite) ______________ to paya visit to their factory.11. He seemed very young, but he was (real) _______________ older than all of us.12. John's performance in this exam made us feel rather (disappoint) ______________13. It was (luck) _____ indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe.14. His suggestions turned out to be very (effect)_____________ in the improvement ofour production.15. It is difficult for a (foreign) ________________ to learn Chinese.16. She is well-known for her excellent (achieve) ________________ in her career.17. He is (confidence) ________________ even though he has failed several times. 18.She managed to settle the argument in a (friend)______________ way. 19.You should send me山e report on the program _________________ (immediate). 20.The new flexible working time system will enable the(employ) _______________ to Work more efficiently.21.The more careful you are,the(well) _______________ you will be able to complete the work.22.I’ll put f orward my(suggest) _________________now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.23. Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference)_________ from what it was.24. The small village has become (wide) known in recent years for its silk exports.25. The fast (develop) of the local economy has caused serious water pollution in this region.26. The (late) model of the racing car will be on display at the exhibition this week.27. Miss Li was (luck) enough to get the opportunity to work in thatworld-famous company.28. The (manage)_____________of a company is a very important part of theworking process to its development.29. Although John was not experienced in business, he did it with (confident) ______.30. I'm (real)________sorry for the mistake our office worker made in the business last month,31. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need some (practice) _________________advice for getting out of the trouble.32.The organization will start a (move)_____________ to protect the environment manager.33. we will set up a factory in that country, which is rich in (nature)______________resource.34. My first (impress)_____________of England was that it wasa grey and rainy place.35. could you tell me the (different)_______________ between American and British English in business writing?36. the people there were really friendly and supplied us witha lot of (use)______information.37. Greenpeace is an international (organize) ___________that works to protect the environment.38. Have you ever noticed any (improve)_____________ in the work environment of our factory?39. If you give us any opportunity to deal in your products, the result will be (entire)_____________satisfactory.40. The manager stressed the ( important)______________ of developing a long-term strategy for the company.41. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the (employ)____________.42. The local government has decided to spend more money on the (equip) __________of the hospitals in the rural area.43. Finally the woman found her (lose) __________child with the help of the police.44. The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform)_____________at work.45. Obviously, nuclear power can never be the only (solve)_____________to energy crisis.46. Nobody at the meeting would (belief)_____________that the new proposal could be carried smoothly.47. Provided that there is no (object)____________, we will begin with the next item.48. Sandy made quite a number of (apply)____________ for a management position but failed every time.49. The graduate had a (cheer)___________farewell party before leaving the college.50. The manager was (entire)______________unaware of the trouble with the beating system in the hotel until this week.51 I’m afraid there is not much (differ)_____________ in their points of view.52. I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be an efficient (employ)_____________.53. I cannot go shopping with you because I have an (appoint)___________ with my dentist this afternoon.54. Following the (settle) _______________of the strike, the train service is now back to normal.55. We should read more and see more in order to (wide) ___________our horizons.56. Doing a second job to earn money also means you have to pay (addition)____________income tax.57. At the meeting a (propose) ____________was put forward by John Smith.58. They fully recognized the enormous (strong)___________and influence of the union.59. There has not been a favorable (respond)______________ to your plan so far.60. Buying a house in such a neighborhood can be a (cost)__________ business.61. My sister has recently got a job as a (reception)_______________.。

B 级考试词形变化练习

B 级考试词形变化练习

B 级考试词形变化练习一. verb-----noun (注意单复数,可数不可数以及所有格形式)1. His __application_________(apply) will be handed in tomorrow.2. Thank you very much for your _invitation__( invite).3. We’re glad at the _achievement__(achieve) you made last year.4. With the _development_(develop) of Chinese economy, we are living a better life.5. These __players__(play) are practicing running and throwing.6. She needed an _operation_(operate) at once.7. I like his _paintings__(paint).8. We have been informed that the (equip) _equipment_______will be arriving here in ten days.9. The secretary has been working for the same_manager_________ (manage) for over 3 years.10. Tom has made a great _decision_ (decide) to apply for a job inthe company.importance important, convience convient, different difference二、noun---adjective1. These words sound __reasonable _(reason).2. I feel very _confident__________(confidence) about the result.3. We are worried about the _effective __(effect) program.4. He used to be __friendly_(friend).5. The children looked _healthy__ (health)with bright smiles ontheir faces.6. The new _national_ (nation) museum will be open to publicnext week.7. This medicine is highly _effective_ (effect) in treating skincancer if it is applied early enough.8. Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite _different__ (difference) from what it was.三、动词改成动名词或现在分词\过去分词,并变化,各种时态和语态1. This film is worth __seeing __(see).2. They get used to __smoking __(smoke) a lot.3. It is no use_arguing _(argue).4. We must avoid _being__(be) sick.5. He went to the party without _being invited_(invite).6.She had trouble/difficulty __finding_(find) him.7. We look forward to _seeing__(see) the guests. Pay attention to , Great attention has been paid to _stopping _ stop8. While _crossing ___(cross) the road, you should see the traffic lights. When, as, before, after, for,9. Seeing__(see) from the top, we find the hill very beautiful.10. _Seen __(see) from the top, the hill is very beautiful.11. __Followed__(follow) by several boys, the man went into the room.12. Mr Li came into the lab, __following__(follow) some girls.13. If not _given__(give) more money, time, fund, chances, we’llhave to stop the construction.We finished the task , _giving ____ the team good result.14. In a sense, bad things can (turn) _be turned_ into good things.15. Ben is fully aware that if not properly (manage) _managed_______, his shirt factory will have to close down in less thana year.16. After the guests left, she spent half an hour (clean) __cleaning ______ the sitting room.18. Jim wants to have his bedroom (paint) painted_ and is lookingfor someone who can do the job. Get , have sth done,make oneself understood19.Hard work is regarded as the key to (make)_making_______ progress. He asked me _to make___make20.George, (see) __seeing__ that his brother was hurt, ranover to help him. There is/are ,,,,_____ doing 21. All things(consider) _considered__ , her paper is of greatervalue than yours. Do, should do, be done, should bedone22. Is it necessary that the task(finish) __be finished_______today?23. The hotel, _built_ (build) 100 years ago, still looks new.24. The tall building _being built_ (build) near the park now is anew school.25. We are pleased to learn that problem _was solved_ (solve) atyesterday’s meeting.26. I want _to point out_ (point out) that a decision about the matter must be made at once.27. Now the number of people who are working at home on the Internet __is__ (be) still very small.28. Now a number of young people _are_ (be) on the Internet.29. She will go on holiday as soon as she _finish es_ (finish) her accounting.30. Yesterday, the secretary _assigned_ (assign) the task to make arrangements for the annual meeting.32. As soon as the light change s(change) into green, cars canmove.33. If you spit in the public areas, you will _be fined_ (fine) 5dollars.34. By the time next year, my family_will have lived_ (live) in thesmall town for 20 years.四、动词在虚拟语气中的运用1. If you ___________(arrive) five minutes earlier, you would have seen Professor Wang.2. He insist ed that she __give__(give) up the chance.3. I wish she __were___(be) younger than I .4. If it __were to rain/ should rain_(rain) tomorrow, we would stay at home.5. The doctor advise d that the patient _be operated__(operate) at once.6. The doctor advise d that Mike (stay) __stay ______ in hospitaluntil he was fully recovered.7. We demand that the tour guide _tell (tell) us immediately aboutany change in the schedule.8. I would rather you __went__ (go) with me tomorrow.9. If I _were__ (be) you, I would accept his advice.五、形容词改成名词a an,the,this, that,these ,those, any ,some,no 1. It makes no _ difference__(different) to us whether you stayhere or not.2. It is of great _value________(valuable) to test the result.3. We consider/think/feel/judge it a great __success ___(successful)to win the game. it 形容词名词for sb to do….4. Her _illness __(ill) prevented her from going to school.5. Thank you for your _kindness __(kind). invite--invitation6. It’s going to be some time before I can recover my full (strong)_str e ngth_. To strenthen strongly7. The happiness of a country consists in the (free) _freedom _ ofits citizens.8. Food (short) shortage_ occurs in some underdevelopmentcountries.六、形容词改成副词(含改成反义词)(含各类级别)三种情况:1. 副词修饰形容词. 2. 副词修饰整个句子做状语. 3. 副词修饰动词做状语1. _ Generally_(general) speak ing, we like the story.2. He _certainly __(certain) cares about it.3. _Luckily _(luck) enough, he survived in the accident.4. _ U nfortunately_(fortunate), he was hurt badly in the crash. Fortune, fortunately, unfortunately5. We find our economy is __greatly _(great) increased.6. _Namely_(name) this kind of heating can lead to chemical changes.形容词的级别7. He is by far the _ cleverest_(clever) student in the class.8.This road is _ farther _(far) than that one. farther 距离, further study, reserch 程度9. This house is far_more comfortable _________(comfortable) than that one.10. Of the two t eachers, the one in black is (patient) _more patient _.11. This problem is _more difficult __ (difficult) than the one I answered.13. The __ latest________ (late) model of the racing car will be ondisplay at the exhibition this week.16. The more careless you are, the _ worse__ ( bad) it willbecome. Even, far ,a bit, a little,next time, still 比较级17. Our motherland is becoming even _more powerful (powerful)改成反义词11. (doubt)_Undoubted ly_, Mr Crow was an extremely peculiar man. 12. The different communication styles of a culture can causeserious (understand) __misunderstanding __.七、动词改成形容词1. He felt __ disappointed________(disappoint) at his failure.2. The _attractive_(attract) presents made her laugh happily.3. None of us thought the film _ real__(realize). Reality现实, realization 实现real, really4. One thing is ____ certain______(certainty).5.The weather is (favor)_favorable _______ for football.6. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need some (practice) _practical_______ advice for getting out of the trouble.6. Although she is young for the job, she is very _expperienced_________ (experience).7. The new law for environmental protection have been _ widely__ (wide) accepted by the public. Widen ,8. Mr Li was _luckily _ (luck) enough to get the opportunity towork in that world-famous company.9. You should send me the report on the program _immediately _(immediate).10. _Personally ________(personal) speaking, he is good atswimming.11. This __ _(certain) makes her cry.八. 名词改成动词.1. China must _strenthen_(strength) her economy.2. The two sides agreed on the treaty and decided to __realize_(reality) peace.3. The box _weighs__(weight) two kilos.4. This approach __has shortened________(short) the process of production.5. Although you may not__succeed_ (success) in the beginning, you should keep trying.。



北师大版B2U6语法填空版--词性转化Topic talk1.Most people think police officers are__________(admire)because they save people’s lives.2.Don’t act like such a fool—use your__________(intelligent).3.Chinese traditional culture should be passed down to the young__________ (generate).4.A city is the product of the human mind,reflecting man's intelligence and__________(create).5.Peter looked at his sister in__________(admire)as she was awarded first prize.6.As a writer,he seemed to lack__________(create)spark.Lesson11.I am indeed__________(honor)to have you as a guest at the party.2.The government is taking__________(effect)measures to deal with the problem of pollution.3.Einstein__________(award)the Nobel Prize for his work in physics in1921.4.She changed her name and appearance to avoid__________(recognize).5.15.The most obvious__________(limit)is weather conditions such as clouds, wind,and rain.6.Johnson was interested in science subjects,especially__________(chemical).7.She finished the third thing__________(eventual),and it is also the most difficult thing.8.Lily is good at many subjects and is a__________(promise)student.9.Ordinary soap,used correctly,can deal with bacteria__________(effect).10.The man born with disability became the champion of the Paralympics,which was very__________(honor).11.This college enjoys a good__________(academy)reputation both at home and abroad.12.In this paper I first describe the background to the__________(establish)of these zones.13.They switch to things like__________(herb)teas instead,because they think it's healthier.14.We are doing our best with the__________(limit)resources available.15.The announcement had a dramatic__________(affect)on house prices.16.Chinese people are well-known for hard work and__________(wise).17.His music is an_________(integrate)of tradition and new technology. Lesson21.In1816,Argentina declared its_________(independent)from Spain.2.I had a nice and_________(peace)morning just reading.3.They launched an appeal for_________(race)and religious tolerance.4.His writing style is very_________(impress).5.She was a lovely girl—polite,_________(respect)and hard-working.6.The soldier came back and brought the_________(inspire)news that we won the battle.7.John will go to America for_________(far)study after graduation.8.Don’t get angry when you are fooled by other people because anger will colour your _________(judge).9.She made a good_________(impress)on the interviewer during the job interview.10.Both poets drew their_________(inspire)from the countryside during their creation.11._________(discriminate)against older people has a long history.Lesson3+work shop+reading club1.Tom likes writing stories very much,and his dream is to be a_________(novel)in the future.2.He is the president of a large international_________(organize).4.He has a habit of exercising in the gym,so he is always_________(energy).5.There was a feeling of_________(depress)in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.6.He worked for the school newspaper and later left the university to become a_________(journal).7.It is important that students develop an_________(aware)of how the Internet can be used.8.A career as an actor requires one hundred percent_________(commit).9.The doctor observed the gentle_________(move)of his chest as he breathed.10.He showed a_________(passion)interest in music when he was a child.11.Never in all my life have I seen such a_________(horror)thing.12._________(depress)people may mix up their words when expressing their feelings.13.She had the courage and determination to rise above her physical_________ (disable).14.Mr.Green asks his students to write a_________(summarize)each time they finish reading a passage.15._________(original),we had intended to go to Italy,but then we got the opportunity to go to Greece.16.His_________(dare)rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.。



B级语法一.第三人称单数(1)、一般情况下,动词后直接加s. take-takes drop-drops(2)、以s,x,ch,sh或o结尾的动词,在后面加es.Kiss-kisses discuss-discusses pass-passes, relax-relaxes fix-fixes, Watch-watches, teach-teaches, wash-washes cash-cashes ,rush-rushes hush-hushes, brush-brushes , go-goes do-does(3)、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变为i,再加es. Study-studies cry-cries fly-flies carry-carries worry-worries 特例:say-says play-plays (以辅音字母+Y结尾,去y加ies. 以元音字母+Y结尾,直接加s) (4)、动词be遇有主语是第一人称单数时,be改为am,遇有主语是第二人称时,be改为are,遇有主语是第三人称单数时,be改为is.(5)、动词have遇在主语是第三人称单数时,have改为has,do的第三人称单数是does .练习:I 写出下列动词的第三人称单数和现在分词godoplayjumpswimrunputsingdancecomegethaveflystudyreadwritelookdrinkeatwalklike二选择1.Ben_____a new book.A.haveB.hasC.havesD.were2.Kitty__ English every dayA.readB.readesC.readingD.reads3.A man _____in front of his car.A.walkB.walksC.walkingD.work4.Sam’s bicycle ______a bell.A.have B has C.having D.is having5.I every dayA.swimB.swimsC.swimingD.swimes6.He his homework every day.A.doesB.doC.areD.is7. I ________ my homework every day.A.doB.isC.doesD.are8.They ________ their homework every day.A. doB.doesC. isD.are9.Lucy_______with her hands.A.touchB.touchingC.touchesD.touchs10.Superdog________the boysA.seeB.seesC.seeingD.ses填空三.填空:1.She ______(do) homework by herself.2.Jack ______(go) home by bike.3.The giant______(climb) up the beanstalk.4.Her mum ______(run) to the goose.5.He______(do not)like apple.6,Sam______(put) it under his arm.7.The boy_______(chase) it.8.Kitty______(watch)TV everyday.9.He______(feed)them at 8:00 in the morning.10.When ______(do)he get up?11.Grandma Wang___(live) in Pudong.12.The girls___(give) the key to Grandpa.13.That key ______(open) the old box.14.She ______(say) “I like these puppets”.15.What_____(do)Alice find?16.Which toy_____(do) she like?17.He doesn’t______(know)her name.18.John can’t_______(find) his watch.19.Where _____(do)Grandma live?20.How does he______(go)to the post office?B级英语基础练习Section A 选择题1. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much.A) without B) despite C) with D) for2. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.A) which B) why C) what D) how3. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless4. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager.A) that B) which C) what D) whether5. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time.A) will fish B) finished C) finish D) shall finish6. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black?A) which B) whose C) that D) its7. ________ in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in business negotiations.A) Having workedB) Have been working C) Have workedD) Worked8. Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document.A) she realizedB) did she realize C) she did realizeD) does she realize9. John had never been abroad before, ________ he found the business trip very exciting.A) because B) though C) so D) while10. ________ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A) Since B) While C) Because D) IfSection B 词形变化1. Employees are not allowed (make) ________ personal phone calls in the office.2. The shop assistant priced the goods before (put) ________ them on the shelf.3. The purpose of new technology is to make life (easy) ________, not to make it more difficult.4. The proposal about the annual sales (discuss) ________ at the next board meeting.5. Since we work in different sections of the company, we see each other only (occasional) ________.6. Some domestic manufacturers are busy increasing production, losing the chance to develop more (advance) ________ technology.7. I shall appreciate your effort in (correct) ________ this error in my bank account as soon as possible.8. If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a good reason to make your (complain) ________.9. 30 percent of the students who (interview) ________ yesterday believe they should continue with their education until they have a university degree.10. Measures should be taken to avoid the negative effect (bring) ________ about by unfair competition.Section C阅读理解与选词填空(1)Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.Aleem Walji works for -- the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth. will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.The creators of Google have promised to give about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future.1. The purpose of Google’s investments is to ________.A) help poor peopleB) develop new technology C) expand its own businessD) increase the power of information2. According to Aleem Walji, the company’s first project is to ________.A) set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseasesB) find out where infectious diseases developC) identify the causes of infectious diseasesD) cure patients of infectious diseases3. What kind of businesses will benefit from ’s second project?A) large enterprisesB) cross-national companies C) foreign-funded corporationsD) small and medium-sized businesses4. From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Google’s money is also invested to help ________.A) start more research programsB) make more advanced electric cars C) develop renewable and coal-based energyD) conduct studies related to climate changes5. From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by come from ________.A) Google’s profits and stock valueB) some international IT companies C) the company’s own interestsD) local commercial banks(2)Your boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that.The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development.Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss?The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and priorities (优先的事). Observe and understand your boss’s work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style.6. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.A) bosses are hard to deal withB) bosses have good character C) bosses determine your career futureD) bosses must have similar personality7. In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder” (Line 2) means ________.A) going to work abroadB) changing jobs frequently C) being promoted in positionD) pursuing an advanced degree8. In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will ________.A) do your best in your workB) show your management skills C) get along with your colleaguesD) write reports to upper management9. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is _____.A) high expectationsB) quick feedback C) frequent criticismD) effective communication10. The best title for the passage might be ________.A) How to Take Care Of Your Boss.B) How to Get Along with Your Boss C) How to Accept Your Boss’s CriticismD) How to Accomplish Your Boss’s Objective(3)We welcome you aboard the Eastern Flight and will do our best to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable.For your safety and convenienceTo begin the trip, we would like to draw your attention to some safety-related details. These are also explained on the instruction card in the seat pocket in front of you. Seat belts must remain fastened while the “Fastenseatbelts” sign is on. It is advisable to keep them fastened at all times while seated. All flights are non-smoking. The use of mobile telephones is now allowed when the airplane is on the ground. During the flight the use of CD and DVD players is not allowed.For your entertainmentTo help you enjoy your trip, we provide a range of newspapers. On our MD-11 and Boeing aircraft, we provide music and video programs. On Airbus A 321/320/319, short videos are shown.Meals and drinksDuring most flights we serve you a tasty meal and drinks. Beer, wine and other drinks are served free of charge. Coffee, tea and juice are served free of charge on all domestic (国内的) flights. On domestic flights leaving before nine and on all flights to Northern China, a snack is served.Eastern Flight ServiceSafety and convenience1) Seat belts: remain -46- while the “Fasten seatbelts” sign is on2) Smoking: not allowed on board3) Mobile phones: used only when the airplane is -47-4) CD and DVD: not allowed to play -48-Entertainment provided1) newspapers2) music and -49- on MD-11 and Boeing aircraftMeals and drinks on board1) meals served on most flights2) coffee, tea and juice served free of charge3) a snack served on all flights to -50-(4)A —air traffic control systemB ——armed policeC ——crime preventionD ——entry requirementE ——international criminal police organizationF ——level of securityG ——picket lineH ——police stationI ——patrolling vehicle J ——safety precaution measureK ——safety control device L ——security command centerM ——security serviceN ——security control center O ——security personnelP ——valid documents Q ——security monitoring and control Examples: ( M ) 保安服务( G ) 警戒线1. ( ) 空中交通管制系统2.( ) 安全预防措施3. ( ) 巡逻车4.( ) 武装警察5. ( ) 国际刑警组织6.( ) 有效证件7. ( ) 入境要求8. ( ) 安保人员9. ( ) 安全保障级别10.( ) 安全监控。

词转上海 6B词性转换(含答案)

词转上海 6B词性转换(含答案)

1.They are too ___________. (salt)2.___________diet is good. (she)3.Danny’s diet is ___________healthy than Alice’s. (little)4.I don’t like to eat sandwiches and ___________ rice. (fry)5.It’s helpful to write a ___________ list. (shop)Keys: salty her less fried shoppingPage 121.Tokyo is the capital of ___________(Japanese)2.There are many tall ___________in Garden City. (build)3.Let ___________say something about ___________to you first. (I)4.I like to go ___________ with Mum and she always buys something for me. (shop)5.Many ___________people like to go abroad on holidays. (China)Keys: Japan, building me myself shopping ChinesePage 201.There are so many beautiful ___________here. I have no idea which one to choose. (scarf)2.Our ___________leaves New Y ork at 10 a.m. (fly)3.The ___________of the train was delayed. (depart)4.___________are helpful in the supermarket. (trolley)5.Jessica has ___________ a lot of drinks. (bring)Keys : scarfs /scarves flight departure Trolleys broughtPage 241.Would you please find some ___________for me? (trolley)2.Where’s my ___________ card? I can’t find it. (board)3.Has Jenny ___________ enough dumplings for lunch? (buy)4.Please tell me the ___________ time and the arrival time of this flight. (depart)5.___________usually go window-shopping in big cities. (tour)Keys: trolleys boarding bought department touristsPage 341.I like the black shoes, but I don’t like the white___________. (one)2.It’s very ___________to swim in the river. (danger)3.Would you like some ___________ rice dumplings? (salt)4.Y our cousin will tell the truth ___________(late)5.I have been to many other ___________ (country)Keys : ones dangerous salty later countries1.I go to the restaurant ___________ a week. (one)2.I ___________enjoy the winter holiday. I have a lot of fun. (real)3.There is ___________ pollution in the countryside than in the cities. (little )4.Some students like all kinds of ___________. (act)puter specialists always write programs for people to solve different___________.(problem)Keys: once really less activities problemsPage 441.The Dragon Boat Festival is in the ___________ lunar month. (five)2.I like sweet rice dumplings, but I don’t like salty ___________without meat. (one)3.Would you like some ___________ for lunch today? (sandwich)4.Sally has a stomachache. She should have ___________rice dumplings. (few)5.We mustn’t pollute the environment any more because many animals and plants are in___________. (dangerous)Keys: fifth ones sandwiches fewer dangerPage 541.The ___________is interviewing a businessman. (report)2.Grandma often wears a pair of ___________when she does some sewing. (glass)3.I think you are too weak. Y ou should do ___________exercise. (much)4.Cici won the first prize ___________.(final)5.Judy can ___________lend you the book. (possible)6.My father is a ___________. He ___________ bread and cake in the ___________every day.(bake)Keys: reporter glasses more finally possibly baker bakes bakeryPage 601.There are a lot of ___________jobs in our city. (season)2.Boy students must wear shirts with short ___________. (sleeve)3.All the staff rooms in our school are ___________. (air-conditioned)4.We can see a lot of people ___________in the sea in Qingdao. (swim)st year there was a heavy snow in Shanghai. Many children made ___________ in thegarden. (snowman)Keys: seasonal sleeves air-conditioned swimming snowmen1.They will be ___________ when they’re 28 years old. (report)2.I’ll be taller and ___________in 3 years’ time. (heavy)3.Watermelon is one kind of ___________fruits. (season)4.Danny will ___________ be a cook when he grows up. (possible)5.I’ve moved to a new flat. It’s on the ___________ floor. (twelve) Keys: reporters heavier seasonal possibly twelfthI’d like to be a _______. I have to practice __________ more. (sing)Many foreigners like to go __________ in Beijing. (sightsee)We must keep the _______ mushrooms fresh. (dry)There will be _______ traffic jams in Shanghai. (few)There aren’t _________ in those rooms. So they feel very hot. (air-condition)singer singing sightseeing dried fewer air-conditionersPeter is a photographer. He takes _____. (photo)In the balcony there are a lot of ______ flowers. (beauty)Watermelons are a kind of _______ fruit. (season)I don’t like _____ rice dumplings. (salt)There are some _______ over there. (trolley)photos beautiful seasonal salty trolleysThere is a bus ______ on each bus. (conduct)We must wait for the green light at the ______. (cross)What will ______ in Shanghai be like in 10 years’ time? (travel)There will be _______ traffic jams in the future. (few)Joe likes using _________ card better than using money. (transport)conductor crossing traveling fewer transportationPlease hold your raincoat ________. (tight)James is taking these flower ______ into his room. (pot)The ______ in the sky move quickly. (cloud)Amy is a top student. She always does her homework _______. (careful)At first, the wind blows _______. (gentle)tightly pots clouds carefully gentlyThe notice is important. She read it very _______ just now. (careful)After typhoon, many street ______ work on the street. (clean)People like flying kites on ________ days. (wind)We should wait for the green light at the _______. (cross)Ships and boats _______ in the big waves when the typhoon came. (sink) carefully cleaners windy crossing sank_______ use nets to catch fish and prawns in the deep sea. (fish)Shall we have a ______ about the nature? (compete)There are ______ books in our school library than in yours. (many)What is the _____ animal on the Earth? (large)Some _____ are working in the field. (farm)Fishermen competition more largest farmersThe _______, fruits and flowers are food for small animals and insects. (leaf) Forests are large ______ of trees. (area)The baby stopped ______ as soon as he saw his mother. (cry)I would like to buy a new pair of sun _______. (glass)There are different _______ in the world. (country)leaves areas crying glasses countriesWe should save those animals in ______. (dangerous)_______ use water to cook food. (cook)Please fix the ______ tap. (drip)There is a _______ scarf on a ______ table. (wool, wood)It feels _______. (smoothly)danger Cooks dripping woolen wooden smooth_______ equipments are helpful to firemen. (breath)Lucy is a _______ girl. She always forgets things. (care)Don’t leave _______ cigarette ends. (burn)Fire can be useful, but it can also be very ______. (harm)We must try to _______ our environment. (protection)I want to write some ______ for fire drills. (rule)Breathing careless burning harmful protect rulesPlease have a lot of vegetables and water, or you’ll be _______. (health) These ______ clean the building every day. (clean)We’re ill these days. We’d better look after _______. (we)Alice lives on the _______ floor. (twelve)China will ______ be a powerful country in the future. (possible) unhealthy cleaners ourselves twelfth possiblyIn the past, there ______ no double-decker buses. (be)There are plenty of _______ in the yard in spring. (butterfly)My mum wants to make me a doctor, but I’d rather be a _______ for Shanghai Daily. (report) I’ll _______ be a model in the future. (possible)Look at these two pictures carefully. What are the _______? (different)were butterflies reporter possibly differences。



词形变换规律六: 直接抄
let 让 to后面
情态动词will, may, can, must, should; 1. You’d better (give) _________ me a call before you come to visit us. 2. We’ve only got one day in Paris, so we’d better (make) ______ the best use of the time. 3. The goods that you ordered ten years ago will (deliver)______ to you tomorrow.
5. No reader is allowed (take 拿) ________ any reference book out of the reading-room. 6. Advances I medical technology have made it possible(可能) for people ( live居住) ______ longer.
词形变换规律十一:of, for, the等前后需要名词 + ment, 1. Our company has brought two pieces of (equip)_____ for the lab. 2. The fast (develop)____ of the local economy has caused serious water pollution in this region. 3. The past decade has seen great economic (develop) _________ in this country.



conclude 总结—conclusion 结论
2.V+ tion/sion 结尾
③去e加ition compete—competition 竞争,比赛
④去e加ation educate-----education graduate 毕业—graduation organize----organization realize---realization 实现 invite—invitation
invent 发明—invention发明
direct指导---direction 方向
Instruct 说明,指导—instruction 指导, 介绍
2.V+ tion/sion 结尾 ②去e加ion,去e加sion operate 操作,动手术—operation 操作 pollute 污染----pollution 污染 cooperate 合作---cooperation 合作
1.v+ ment 结尾
achieve 实现---achievement 成就 advertise 广告--- advertisement 广告
agree 同意—agreement 协议
argue 争吵---argument争吵 develop 发展---development 发展 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府
late 迟的—lately 最近;近来
1. 形容词+ ly slow---slowly special—specially 专门,特殊地 sudden—suddenly突然



Vocabulary Name _________1. conduct (动) -- _____________ (名-人)2. transport (动) _____________ (名)3. visit (动.) _____________ (-ing) _____________ (名-人)4. pass (动) _____________ (名-人)5. nature (名) _____________ (形)6. collect (动) _____________ (名) _____________ (名-人)7. quick (形) _____________ (形比较) _____________ (形最高) _____________ (副)_____________ (副比较) _____________ (副最高) 8. leaf (单名) _____________ (复名) 9. gentle (形) _____________ (形比较) _____________ (形最高) _____________ (副)_____________ (副比较) _____________ (副最高) 10. sun (名) _____________ (形) 13. compete (动) _____________ (名) 14. pollute (动) _____________ (名)15. important (形) _____________ (名) 16. equip (动) _____________ (名)17. intelligence (名) _____________ (形) _____________ (形比较) _____________ (形最高)18. careful (形) _____________ (反义) 19. inform (动) _____________ (名)20. fix (动) _____________ (-ing) _____________ (三单) _____________ (过去式)21. save (动) _____________ (形) _____________ (名) _____________ (动反义)_____________ (形反义) _____________ (名反义)22. happy (形) _____________ (形比较) _____________ (形最高) _____________ (副)_____________ (名) 23. prepare (动) _____________ (-ing) _____________ (名) 24. wood (名) _____________ (形) 25. wool (名) _____________ (形)26. cotton (名) _____________ (形) 27. control (动) _____________ (-ing) _____________ (名) 28. different (形) _____________ (名) 29. queue (动/名) ____________ (-ing)30. possible (形) _____________ (反义) _____________ (副)31. bad / il l (形) _____________ (比较) _____________ (最高)32. 呼吸: _____________ (动) _____________ (形) _____________ (名)33. 健康: ____________ (名) ____________ (形) ____________ (比较) _____________ (最高)_____________ (形反义) _____________ (形反义比较) _____________ (形反义最高)34. fly (动) _____________ (过去式) _____________ (过去分词) _____________ (名)35. 写出过去式和过去分词:sink _________, _________; buy _________, _________; bring _________, _________;take _________, _________; fall _________, _________; build _________, _________cut _________, _________; become _________, _________;go _________, _________; see _________, _________; speak _________, _________;blow _________, _________; lose _________, _________; write _________, _________Vocabulary (keys)1. conduct (动) -- conductor (名-人)2. transport (动) -- transportation (名)3. visit (动.) –visiting (-ing) -- visitor (名-人)4. pass (动) -- passenger (名-人)5. nature (名) -- natural (形)6. collect (动) -- collection (名) -- collector (名-人)7. quick (形) -- quicker (形比较)-- the quickest (形最高) -- quickly (副)-- more quickly (副比较)-- most quickly (副最高)8. leaf (单名) -- leaves (复名)9. gentle (形) -- gentler (形比较)-- the gentlest (形最高) -- gently (副)-- more gently (副比较)-- most gently (副最高)10. sun (名) -- sunny (形)13. compete (动) -- competition (名)14. pollute (动) -- pollution (名)15. important (形) -- importance (名)16. equip (动) -- equipment (名)17. intelligence (名) -- intelligent (形) -- more intelligent (形比较)-- the most intelligent (形最高)18. careful (形) -- careless (反义)19. inform (动) –information (名)20. fix (动) -- fixing(-ing)-- fixes (三单) -- fixed (过去式)21. save (动) -- safe (形) -- safety (名) -- waste (动反义) -- dangerous (形反义) -- danger (名反义)22. happy (形) -- happier (形比较) -- happiest (形最高) -- happily (副) -- happiness (名)23. prepare (动) -- preparing (-ing) -- preparation (名)24. wood (名) -- wooden (形)25. wool (名) –woolen / woollen (形)26. cotton (名) -- cotton (形)27. control (动) -- controlling (-ing) -- control (名)28. different (形) -- difference (名)29. queue (动/名) -- queuing (-ing)30. possible (形) -- impossible (反义) -- possibly (副)31. bad / il l (形) -- worse (比较) -- worst (最高)32. 呼吸: breathe (动) breathing (形) breath (名)33. 健康: health (名) healthy (形) healthier (比较) healthiest (最高) unhealthy (形反义) unhealthier (形反义比较) unhealthiest (形反义最高)34. fly (动) flew (过去式) flown (过去分词) flight (名)35. 写出过去式和过去分词:sink,sank, sunk;buy bought, bought;bring brought, brought;take took, taken;fall fell, fallen;build built, builtcut ,cut, cut;become, became, become;go, went, gone;see , saw, seen;speak spoke, spoken;blow blew, blown;lose lost, lost;write, wrote, written。



一、词性转换,夯实基础1.s_____________ vt.&vi.遭受;忍受;经历→_________________n.痛苦;苦难2.c_____________vt.&vi.(使)平静;adj.平静的→______________adv.平静地3.______________vt.(使)担忧;涉及n.担心;关注→_____________adj.有关的;担心的→concerning prep.________4. loose adj.松的;松开的→_____________v.放松;松开;松弛;宽松5. __________vt.忽视,不理睬→ ______________n.无知→ignorant adj.__________6. e______________adj.整个的;完全的→________________adv.完全地;全然地7. p_________n.能力;力量;权力→__________ adj.无能为力的;无权的_________有能力的8. ____________vi.安家;定居vt.使定居;安排;解决→____________n.定居;解决→____________n.定居者;移民9. ________________ v. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得→________________n.痊愈;恢复10. __________vi.不同意→_________vi.同意→__________n.协议;同意11. like vt. 喜欢;prep.像;→ __________vt.不喜欢;→ __________prep.不像12. g___________ adj.感激的________________adv.感激地13. e________________adj.准确的→ _________________adv.确实如此/正是;确切地;二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 合计add ______2. 平静下来,镇定下来__________ __________3. 在黄昏_______ ________4. 关心,挂念_____ ___________ _____5. 经历,经受go _________6. 记下,放下,登记___________ ______7. 一连串,一系列a ___________ of 8. 遛狗__________ ______ _________9. 故意______ ___________ 10.遭受,患病__________ __________11. 与…相处,进展_______ ________ _________ 12. 对…厌烦_______ _________ _______ 13. 将…装箱打包_________ ________ 14. 面对面地__________ _______ ___________suffer, suffering; calm, calmly; concern, concerned, 关于; loosen; ignore, ignorance, 无知的,清白的,无辜的;entire, entirely; power, powerless,powerful; settle, settlement, settler; recover, recovery; disagree, agree, agreement; dislike, unlike; grateful, gratefully; exact, exactly二、add up; calm down; at dusk; be concerned about; go through; set down; series; walk the dog; on purpose; suffer from; get along(on) with; be/get tired of; pack (sth.) up; face to face一、词性转换,夯实基础1.______________vt.& n.命令;指令→____________n.指挥官;司令官2.a____________adv.实际上;事实上→____________adj.实际的3.e________________n.词语;表示;表达→_________________vt.表示;表达4.g____________adj.逐渐的;逐步的→__________________adv.逐渐地;逐步地5.r_______________vt.辨认出;承认;公认→__________________n.认出;承认6.____________vt.以……为根据;n.基部→____________adj.基本的→__________n.基础以…为基础be ________ ________(短语) → basement _______________7.后者______ __________→前者______ __________(词性和汉语) latest ___________→later __________→lately ___________→late __________8. __________adj.流利的;流畅的→____________adv.流利地;流畅地→___________n.流利9. __________ adj.频繁的;常见的→____________adv.常常;频繁地→__________n. 频率10. __________ adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的→_______ n.办公室→__________n.官员11. r___________ adj.富裕的,丰富的→ ______________ v.使富裕,改善12. spell v. 拼写,拼出→____________n.拼写,拼法→_____________adj.口语的,口头的13. east n.东,东方→__________adj.东方的,东部的→___________________adj.东南方的二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. come up _________________2. 利用,使用__________ ________ _______3. 目前,现在______ p__________4. 扮演一个角色,参与_______ _____ _______ ____5. 例如_______ ______6. 掌握,精通_______ ______ ________ __________ _______7. 直着走________ __________8. 因为,由于b__________ ______command, commander; actual, actually; expression, express; gradual, gradually; recognize, recognition; base, basic, basis, be based on, n. 地下室;the latter, the former;latest adj.最新的;最近的→later adv.后来(adj.) 较晚的→lately adv.近来;最近→late adj. & adv.晚的;迟地fluent, fluently, fluency; frequent, frequently, frequency; official, office, officer; rich, enrich; spelling, spoken; eastern, southeastern二、走近,上来,提出;make use of, at present; play a part in; such as, have a good command of; go straight, because of一、词性转换,夯实基础1._______________vi.毕业n.大学毕业生→_______________n.毕业2._______________ vt.更喜欢→__________________ n.偏爱3.______________ vt.说服;劝说→____________adj.有说服力的→_____________n.说服4.d____________ vt.下定决心→_______________adj.坚决的;→_______________n.决心5. ________ vi.骑车→_____________n.骑自行车的人→go _____________ 去骑车运动6. __________ n.细节;详情→____________ adj.详细的;详尽的7.______________ n.不利条件;不便之处→______________(反义词) n.优势;有利条件8. ____________ vt.组织;成立→________________n.组织→______________n.组织者9. r________________adj.可信赖的;可靠的→____________vi.相信;依赖10. __________________ adj.极度的→___________________adv.极其;非常11. s__________vt.& vi.(使) 震惊 n. 休克,震惊→______________adj.令人震惊的→________________adj.感到震惊的12. ________vt.损害;伤害→___________adj.受伤的→___________n.伤口;受伤处13. ____________n.祝贺;(复数) 贺词→___________vt.祝贺14. f___________vt.使害怕→_____________adj.受惊的→_____________adj.令人恐惧的15. ____________ v.幸存;存活下来→____________ n.幸存者;残存物→_____________n.生存;幸存16. ______________ vt.表示,表达 n.快车;速递→______________ n.表达,表情17. s_______________ adj.真诚的→_________________adv.真诚地,诚挚地二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 在午夜_______ ______________2. 改变主意__________ ________ _______3. 照常______ __________4. 下决心,决定_________ _____ _______ _________5. 喜爱,喜欢_____ __________ _____6. 起初_______ ________7. 投降,屈服,让步________ __________ 8. 在乎,关心__________ ______9. 立刻,马上________ __________ 10. 结束,终结_______ ______ ________ 11. 掘出,发现_______ _______ 12. 按时间表,按计划_____ ____________graduate, graduation, prefer, preference, persuade, persuasive, persuasion, determine, determined, determination, cycle, cyclist, cycling, detail, detailed, disadvantage, advantage, organize, organization, organizer, reliable, rely, extreme, extremely, shock, shocking, shocked, injure, injured, injury, congratulations, congratulate, frighten, frightened, frightening, survive, survivor, survival, express, expression, sincere, sincerely二、at midnight, change one’s mind, as usual, make up one’s mind, be fond of, at first, give in, care about, right away, at an end, dig out, on schedule一、词性转换,夯实基础1.________ n.暴力;暴行→________ adj.暴力的;猛烈的2.________n.残忍;残酷→________adj.残忍的3.________adj.法律的;依照法律的→________adj.非法的4. ______ vi.请求;乞求→_________ 过去式/过去分词→ _____________n.乞丐5.__________ adj.相等的;平等的→___________adv.相等地;平等地→__________n.平等;等同6.________adj.乐意的;自愿的→________n.意愿→________(反义词) adj.不乐意的7. ___________vt.教育;训练→_____________adj.受过教育的;有教养的→ ___________n.教育→______________ n.教育工作者→________________ adj.教育的;有关教育的8.________ vt.(与to连用) 献身;专心于→_____________n.献身;热爱;专心→______________adj.忠实的,深爱的9. _______________ adj.幼小的;青少年的→____________ n.青年;青年时期10.________adj.慷慨的→________________adv.慷慨地;丰盛地→_____________n.慷慨11.________n.自我;自身→____________adj.自私的→____________adj.无私的12. ______________ n.关系→_______________ n.亲属;亲戚13._________adj. 积极的;活跃的→____________ adv. 积极地→_____________ n.活动14.___________ adj.和平的;安宁的→____________ adv.和平地→________ n.和平15. ____________ n.&v.希望→__________ adj.怀有希望的→_________ adj.无望的二、重点短语,熟记搭配1. 被判处_______ ___________ _____2. 当权,上台__________ ______ __________3. 在危险,困难处境中______ __________4. 使充气,爆炸_________ _____5. 失业_____ ______ __________6. 事实上_____ ____ _________ ____ ______7. 丧失勇气或信心________ __________8. 求助于,转向__________ ______9. 建立,设立________ __________ 10. 遭受攻击_______ ________violence, violent, cruel, cruelty, legal, illegal, beg, begged, beggar, equal, equally, equality, willing, will, unwilling, educate, educated, education, educator, educational, devote, devotion, devoted, young, youth, generous, generously, generosity, self, selfish, selfless, relation/relationship, relative, active, actively, activity, peaceful, peacefully, peace, hope, hopeful, hopeless二、be sentenced to, come to power, in trouble, blow up, out of work/job, as a matter of fact, lose heart, turn to, set up, under attack。

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五、1.Once it (think) _____ that the earth was flat.2.The weather there is so (change) _____ that it varies from hour to hour.3.I don’t mind the children (play) _____ in the garden, butI won’t have them walk over my flowers.4.I’ll type the letter if you really want me to, but I would rather you (type) _____ it.5.There has been a large (grow) _____ of light industries in Shanghai during these years.6.The sun is the (big) _____ thing we can see when we look up at the sky.7.(frighten) _____ by the explosion, they all rushed out of the hotel.8.His (intend) _____ are good, but he seldom carries them out.9.(fortunate) _____, the boy has had the help and guidance of a learned teacher.10.The date of the meeting was postponed once again because of an (expect) _____ event.On the behalf of our company, I would like to sayhow delighted we are to receive you here in Qingdao. It's a great pleasure to have the presence of the general manager and his delegation here tonight. I hope that through our joint efforts, the future trade between us will expand even further.六、1.When will the work (complete) _____?2.You look so tired tonight. It is time you (go) _____ to bed.3.It gave me much (please) _____ to hear of your success.4.If the medicine (take) _____ in time, it will be quite effective.5.Unbelievable the little boy (speak) _____ three foreign languages.6.Since there is so little time (leave) _____, nobody can finish the task on time.7.If we had know his address, we (visit) _____ him.8.Their car was stolen while thy (watch) _____ the movie.9.I guess they will have some trouble in (solve) _____ such a big problem.10.The Red and the Black is said (translate) _____ into several languages in the past decades.We now offer unique pieces to appeal to a broad range of consumers with different interests and needs. Members are being offered an unlimited use rate of $19.95 per month. Those who choose to pay for their service in advance can choose a one-year unlimited usage membership for $17.95 per month, or a two-year unlimited membership for $14.95 per month.七、1.Whenever I went _____ (shop) with my sister, I had the urge to buy everything I saw.2.When I met her in the street, she pretended (not know) _____ me.3.The police are looking for the man who (disappear) _____ yesterday.4.He was wearing dark glasses (protect) _____ his eyes from the sun.5.The performance of Chinese football team in this game made us all feel rather (disappoint) _____.6.Go (straight) _____ down the road until you come to the Post Office.7.She closed the gate to prevent the dog from (go) _____ out of the garden.8.This is the first time I (hear) _____ such a terrible story.9.Every day the boy is the (early) _____ pupil to get to school.10.If I (leave) _____ earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train.The details of my education, work history, and publications are given in the enclosedresume. I would enjoy an opportunity to meet with you and learn more about Northern Science Company and your program needs. Would it be possible to set an interview next week? I can be reached at 566-1907 after 6:00 p.m.八、1.The general manager had promised a salary increase for some of the (employ) _____.2.The most obvious (explain) _____ is not always the correct one.3.Suppose you (give) _____ a chance to study in America, would you accept?4.She may need an (operate) _____ on her knee.5.Rats spread diseases, destroy crops or (store) _____ grain.6.If you computer stops (respond) _____ for a long time, turn it off and then back on.7.Foreign firms have advantages not only in terns of salaries, but also because they offer better opportunities for (train) _____.8.He (read) _____ novels whenever his wife goes shopping.9.Not only the students but also their teacher (be) ______ enjoying the film.10.The doctor received an (urge) _____ call from the parents of the injured child.A unique combination of reference grammar and practice book, Grammar in Use can be used as a classroom text or for self-study. It consists of a Student Book and a separate Answer Key. It is easy to use this book. Each unit consists of two pages: on the left-hand page are clear explanations of grammar points and on the right-hand page are exercises to check undersranding.1. It was known long ago that air had pressure.2. This shows that something unexpected may have turned up.3. Their suggestion remains that the working conditions should be changed.4. There is some truth in what he had just said.5. Where we shall do the experiment is still a question at issue.6. Let us discuss the problem of whether we can take these measures for the time being.7. We don’t kno w whose dictionary it is.8. He has answered the question why resistance is affected by temperature.9. That was what she did this morning on arrival.10. How this happened is not clear to anyone.2005年1月9号英语级考试1. Please remember (lock) ____ the door when you leave.2. The local people are very (friend) ____ to the visiting tourists.3. I suggested that he (call) ____ on the director a week later.4. One can jump (high) ____ on the moon than on the earth.5. He is asked to (short) ____ his report to one page.6. Hardly had we gathered in the square when it (begin) ____ to rain.7. Going abroad to have a holiday will be an (excite) ____ experience for us.8. The problem (discuss) ____ at the meeting yesterday has not been solved yet.9. Nothing can (do) ____ unless we are given more information about the situation.10. Yao Ming, our favorite basketball (play) ____, is becoming a superstar in the world.Thank you for your purchase of our Buick car at Shanghai GM. We try our best to provide you with world-class service. To better ensure your rights, please complete and return the Owner Information Form to Shanghai GM Marketing Department within 30 days from the date of the car delivery. You will receive our Buick Owner newsletter with the latest information on our product, after-sales service, car care, etc.Section B26. [to lock] 该题考查动词不定式。
