亲亲自然学英语 文字

从0到1的英语启蒙有问题的英语启蒙观当我们说到给孩子英语“启蒙"时,我们到底是在说什么呢?对于家长来说,”启蒙“意味着怎样的心理预期呢?是让孩子认识一些单词?唱一些儿歌和童谣?能说一段自我介绍?我问过很多家长这个问题,回答各异,但基本精神却出奇一致:1. 不必学多少2. 要建立兴趣3. 不能让孩子拉下4. 为将来铺路打基础……一个代表性的回答就是:我也没指望他能学多少,只要他开心就好。

英语三字经全文英语趣味三字经一个driver(司机), 掉进river(小河), 生命over(结束)。

英语趣味三字经 driv er (司机), 掉进riv er (小河), 生命ov er (结束)。
robb er (强盗),专抢 rubb er (橡胶)。
d a d (爸爸),脾气b a d (坏),让我s a d (伤心难过)。
c a t (猫咪),非常f a t (肥胖), 专吃r a t (鼠)。
pl a t e (盘子),赶到g a t e (门口),已经l a t e (晚了)。
w a k e (醒来),来到l a k e (湖边),钓上sn a k e (蛇)。
n e t (网),鱼没g e t (得到),衣服w e t (湿了)。
p e st (害虫),从不r e st (休息),本领b e st (最棒)。
p i g (猪),非常b i g (大),把洞d i g (挖)。
t i p (尖),把我l i p (唇),装上 z i p (拉链)。
k i t e (风筝),颜色wh i t e (白色),被狗b i t e (咬)。
r i d e (骑车),妈妈pr i d e (自豪)。
j o g (慢跑),带上d o g (狗),踩到fr o g (青蛙)。
h o p (跳),跳上t o p (顶部), 唱起p o p (流行音乐)。
/ə//æ//ei//e//i//ai//ɔ/c o k e(焦炭),听着j o k e(笑话),把腰br o k e(扭伤)。
g u n(枪),瞄准s u n(太阳),不停r u n(跑)。
b u g(错误),把我h u g(拥抱)。
exc u s e(借口),借车u s e(用),遭到ref u s e(拒绝)。
m u t e(静音),真是c u t e(可爱)。
c ar(车),向着st ar(星星),路途f ar(遥远)。
sm ar t(睿智),必须st ar t(开始),学习ar t(艺术)。
sh ir t(衬衫),脱下sk ir t(裙子),扔进d ir t(污垢)。


对英语是外语的孩子应该怎么学呢? 和孩子学中文一样, 学英语也应是先语后文. 即先听说, 后读写. 小孩子开始学英语一定要多听, 听多了就慢慢可以听懂很多话, 孩子的听力词汇量会随之增加. 到一定程度, 孩子自然想开口说话. 慢慢地, 孩子说出来的话会令家长都感到惊讶. 要知道孩子天生有很强的语言吸收能力. 不管是哪种语言, 只要能提供良好的语言环境, 让孩子多接触多听. 让孩子将语言和图象建立起关系来, 孩子就能很快掌握这种语言. 只有在能听懂, 能用自己的话表达出来之后, 这种语言才真正成为你的语言. 当能听得懂的词汇, 句子越多, 学英语的自信心就会越强. 将来这些听力词汇很容易就能转成阅读词汇. 而靠背字典, 背课文的方式来学习语言,不仅费时, 费力, 枯燥无味, 效果也极差. 绝不是学语言正确的方法.所以, 自然的英语学习法就是:第一步: 为孩子创造一个良好的英语语言环境, 多接触多听英语, 从生活的各个方面着手, 建立英语语音和实物图象之间的关系. 目标是基本听懂简单的生活用语, 指令. 能用英语表达简单的需求. 不断扩充听力词汇量. (注意这一阶段着重在听,孩子想说再说,不要强迫孩子跟读,背诵,照单词念。
)第二步: 在孩子能听懂绝大部分生活用语, 听力词汇量达到一定水平后, 教孩子ABC字母和PHONICS英语读音规则. 同时不断练习语言的表达能力. 目标是能读简单的句子, 听和说的能力有进一步的提高.第三步: 在孩子学会 PHONICS英语读音规则后, 开始找一些简单的小图画书让孩子练习阅读. 慢慢掌握最常用的第一批单词. 目标是能阅读简单的图画书和短文. 掌握一批最常用单词.第四步: 逐步提高孩子的阅读难度和阅读量, 广泛接触各个方面的英语. 同时开始逐步学习英语的语法知识和写作能力. 目标是能阅读简单的故事, 在听, 说, 读, 写上全面发展.孩子在学会拼读规则后,可以很快的直接就将自己已有的听力词汇全部转成阅读词汇。
自然拼读法 第一课

Lesson 1 第一节
Text 课文
Sam Is a Fat Man
Words 单词
Gramma 语法
Topic 话题
Donec luctus nibh sit amet sem vulputate venenatis
lesson 1
Sam Is a Fat Man
Lesson One
小米(Michelle)和妈妈刚到美国,认识 了新邻居萨姆(Sam)大叔。萨姆大叔 是一个既亲切又有趣的胖子(fat man),
米和妈妈去苹果蜂西餐厅吃过几次,那 里的果酱(jam)和火腿(ham)可真好吃啊。
Lorem ipsum dolor
Sam Is a Fat Man
Sam is a fat man. 萨姆是个胖子 He can dance, and he has fans. 他能跳舞,他有粉丝 He can dance the Cancan. 他能跳康康舞 And he is a superman. 他是个超人
beach 沙滩
home 家 hospital 医院 hotel 旅馆,酒店 restaurant 餐馆 castle 城堡 playground 操场
watch shoபைடு நூலகம்ping cart kite

Hold an attitude of embracing everything just like ocean containing hundreds of rivers. Because human brain has such a function of processing language materials automatically, it can produce some useful language information when materials have been accumulated to a certain extent. It’s natural you want to speak when you’ve heard a lot, and also natural you want to write when you’ve read a lot. Everything has been done in a natural way, then success will come when conditions are ripe.
Your thinking will be affected by your mental state. You’ll think quickly and memorize easily if you’re in high spirit and full of confidence, then you’ll get twice the result with half the effort in such a good mental state. Therefore, you should improve your English step by step in your English learning without the wrong thoughts of cracking English within ten days. Language learning is a lifelong developmental process, so don’t think you can master English thoroughly only through a period of great effort, and you should know there’s no end for language learning.

Nature's Lessons for Crafting an EnglishEssayAmidst the vast canvas of nature, there lies aninvisible yet profound teacher, ready to impart wisdom and inspiration for our English essays. The natural world, rich in diversity and beauty, offers an endless supply of themes, analogies, and insights that can enrich our writing and make it more engaging.The first lesson nature teaches us is the importance of observation. Just as a painter meticulously studies his subject to capture its essence, so must a writer observethe world around him to extract its meaning. The rustlingof leaves, the song of birds, the play of light on water—all these are windows to the soul of nature, reflecting its rhythms, moods, and messages. By paying close attention to these details, we can infuse our essays with the freshness and authenticity of direct experience.The second lesson is the art of comparison and analogy. Nature is a master at using symbols and metaphors to communicate its messages. The way a seedling breaks through the soil to reach the sun, or how a river perseveresthrough obstacles to reach the sea, can serve as powerful analogies for personal growth or the journey of life. Drawing parallels between natural phenomena and human experiences can add depth and resonance to our writing.Moreover, nature teaches us about the power of simplicity. In its vastness and complexity, nature often reveals its truest beauty in the simplest forms. A single flower blooming in the meadow, a drop of dew sliding down a leaf—these simple yet elegant images can serve as powerful examples in our essays, reminding us of the value ofclarity and conciseness in expression.Lastly, nature reminds us of the importance of revision. Just as a tree constantly sheds its old leaves to grow new ones, so must we be willing to revise and refine our writing. Feedback from nature—whether it's a gentle breeze that suggests a change in direction or a harsh storm that demands a stronger foundation—can help us shape our essays into more coherent and impactful pieces.In conclusion, nature is not just a beautiful backdrop for our lives; it's also a rich source of inspiration and wisdom for our English essays. By paying attention, drawinganalogies, embracing simplicity, and being open to revision, we can learn to craft essays that are as vibrant and profound as the natural world itself.**自然之课:英文作文的撰写艺术**在自然的广阔画卷中,隐藏着一位无形的老师,准备为我们的英语作文传授智慧和灵感。

以学习自然为话题的英文发言稿Ladies and Gentlemen,。
Today, I am honored to speak about a topic that is close to my heart and one that I believe is crucial for our future: learning from nature.Nature, the vast and diverse realm of life, has always been a source of inspiration and learning for humankind. From the tiniest ant to the tallest tree, nature teaches us lessons about survival, adaptation, and symbiosis. It is a teacher that is both patient and generous, offering its wisdom freely to anyone who is willing to listen and observe.Firstly, let us consider the lessons of survival. In nature, every species has its unique way of thriving and persevering, despite the constant challenges posed by the environment. The ant, for instance, with its incredible strength and teamwork, teaches us about resilience and thepower of collective effort. The camel, with its ability to store water and adapt to extreme conditions, teaches us about endurance and the importance of preparation.These lessons are not just relevant to the survival of individual species, but also to the survival of our planet. As we face the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, we can learn from nature's resilience and adaptability. We can learn to conserve our resources, to reduce our waste, and to create sustainable systems that can thrive in harmony with the natural world.Secondly, let us turn to the lessons of adaptation. Nature is constantly evolving, changing, and adapting to new environments and conditions. The Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection is a prime example of this. Species that are able to adapt to their environment are more likely to survive and thrive. This lesson teaches us about the importance of flexibility and adaptability in our lives.In today's rapidly changing world, we need to be ableto adapt to new technologies, new ways of working, and new social norms. We need to be open to change, willing to embrace new ideas and opportunities, and able to learn from our mistakes and failures. By doing so, we can grow and develop as individuals, and contribute to the growth and development of our communities and society.Thirdly, let us consider the lessons of symbiosis. In nature, species often form complex and mutually beneficial relationships with each other. The relationship between a flower and a bee, for instance, is a classic example of symbiosis. The bee pollinates the flower, helping it to reproduce, while in turn receiving nectar as a source of food. This type of relationship teaches us about the importance of cooperation and collaboration.In our world, we can apply these lessons to build stronger communities and a more inclusive society. We can learn to work together, to share our resources and knowledge, and to support each other in times of need. By doing so, we can create a world that is not just more sustainable but also more compassionate and empathetic.In conclusion, nature is a vast and endless source of wisdom and inspiration. It teaches us about survival, adaptation, and symbiosis in ways that are both profound and practical. As we face the challenges of the 21st century, it is more important than ever that we listen to the lessons of nature and apply its wisdom to our lives and our world.Let us embrace nature as our teacher and mentor, andlet us learn from its wisdom to create a better, more harmonious, and more sustainable future for ourselves and for all life on Earth. Thank you.。

向自然学习英文作文The sun was shining brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lush green trees and colorful flowers. I could hear the birds chirping happily, their songs filling the air with a sense of joy and freedom.As I walked through the forest, I could feel the soft earth beneath my feet and the gentle breeze on my skin. The scent of pine and wildflowers surrounded me, making me feel at peace and connected to the natural world.I sat down on a moss-covered rock and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the forest around me. The rustling of leaves, the buzzing of insects, the distantcall of a bird – all of it felt like a symphony of life, harmonious and beautiful.I opened my eyes and looked up at the clear blue sky, watching the fluffy white clouds drift lazily by. I felt a sense of wonder and awe at the vastness and beauty of theworld around me, realizing how small and insignificant my problems and worries truly were in the grand scheme of things.As I continued my walk through the forest, I came across a sparkling stream, its crystal-clear waters babbling over smooth stones. I knelt down and cupped my hands, taking a drink of the cool, refreshing water. It tasted pure and clean, like a gift from nature itself.Feeling rejuvenated and inspired, I made my way back home, grateful for the time I had spent in nature. The experience had reminded me of the importance of slowing down, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. Nature truly is the best teacher, if only we take the time to listen and learn.。

探索自然的奥秘:七年级的英语学习之旅 As a seventh-grader, my journey in English learning has been an exciting adventure. Each day, I embark on a new expedition to explore the vast and wonderful world of nature, using the language of English as my compass.Our textbook is a treasure trove of knowledge, filled with fascinating stories and captivating illustrations that bring the natural world to life. From the bustling forests to the serene oceans, from the tallest mountains to the deepest caves, English allows me to delve into these wonders and understand them in a deeper, more meaningful way.One of my favorite lessons was about the rainforest. As I read about the rich biodiversity and the intricate ecosystem, I felt like I was stepping into a magical world. The English words described the lush green foliage, the singing birds, and the animals hiding in the shadows. I could almost smell the fresh air and hear the rustling of the leaves.Not only did English help me visualize these scenes,but it also opened my eyes to the importance of protecting our natural resources. The stories of deforestation and climate change made me realize that our actions have consequences on the planet. English gave me the words to express my concern and the power to persuade others to take action.Another highlight of my English learning journey wasthe poetry unit. Reading poems about nature, I felt a deep connection to the world around me. The rhymes and rhythmsof the words brought me to places I had never been before, filled me with emotions I had never felt before. English poetry showed me that nature is not just a place, but an experience, a feeling, a way of life.Writing in English has also been a rewarding experience. From simple sentences to complex paragraphs, I have learned to express my thoughts and feelings about nature in a new language. The process has been challenging, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Every time I finish a composition, I feel a sense of成就感 because I have been able to convey my ideas in a different language.Overall, my seventh-grade English learning experience has been a transformative journey. English has not only helped me understand and appreciate the natural world, but it has also given me the tools to protect it and share its beauty with others. As I continue my learning adventure, I am excited to explore more of the world through the language of English and to contribute to the global effort to protect our planet.**探索自然的奥秘:七年级的英语学习之旅**作为一名七年级的学生,我的英语学习之旅充满了激动人心的探险。

英语自然拼读法零基础必学Learning to read in English can be a daunting task for beginners, but the natural phonics method simplifies the process. It's a foundational skill that empowers students to decode words by sound.Starting with the basics, phonics introduces the alphabet and its corresponding sounds. By associating letters with their phonetic values, learners can begin to sound out simple words, building confidence in their reading abilities.As students progress, they move on to blending sounds to form words. This step is crucial as it transitions them from single sounds to recognizing words in context, enhancingtheir reading fluency.Phonics also includes the learning of common letter combinations and patterns, such as 'sh', 'th', and 'ch'. Mastering these patterns helps in reading more complex words and improves pronunciation.In addition to decoding, phonics emphasizes the importance of sight words—words that are recognizedinstantly and do not require sounding out. These high-frequency words are essential for smooth reading and comprehension.Incorporating phonics into daily reading practice is keyto reinforcing the learned sounds and patterns. Regular practice helps to solidify the connection between letters and sounds, making reading a more natural process.For young learners, engaging activities and games that incorporate phonics make the learning process enjoyable. This approach ensures that students remain motivated and eager to learn.Lastly, patience and consistent practice are essential in mastering the natural phonics method. As with any new skill, it takes time and repetition to become proficient, but the rewards of improved reading abilities are well worth the effort.。
八上英语课件 Unit6 Task 课件

Interview (采访)
Now you would like to join the Birdwatching Society Your deskmate (同桌) is Chairperson of the Birdwatching Society
Let’s have an interview
介绍我自己 对……感兴趣 学习
4. different kinds of plants 各种各样的植物
5. become a member of 成为……的一员
6. natural world
7. take part in
8. know more about 更了解……
9. call sb. on + (phone number)
Yours sincerely,
You also want to join the Birdwatching Society. Write your own application letter. Use Amy’s letter as a modal.
在构思这封信时, 你可以从以下几个方面 入手:
Level 1: Fill in the application form
/,æpli'keiʃən/ /fɔ:m/
Level 2: Write an application letter
Amy’s application form
Name:__A_m__y____ Date of birth:__\__________ amy@sunshine
Tel no.:0_1_0_-_5_5_58_ 6390E-mail address:_t_o_w_n_.c_o_m_._c_n School:_S_u_n_sh_i_n_e_M__id_d_l_e_S_chool Grade:____8_________
《The Study of Living Things》Look into Science

Dr.Chip Taylor teaches biology __________ in the United States. He studies one kind of _____________butterfly.Just like a migrating bird, this butterfly travels _______________ South_________.
Things that scientists can’t understand
How do the butterflies know when to fly south? How do the great-great grandchildren of the butterflies ______the same forest?
Lesson 28 The Study of Living Things
1. 在秋天 ________________ 2. 引起某人的注意 ________________ 3. 砍伐 ________________ 4. as many as ________________5. lay eggs ________________ 6. leave for________________ 7.小片的森林 8. when to fly south
have been drawing
which is only 20 kilometres wide
left for the north
Things that Dr.Taylor worries about
In Mexico, people cut down the trees that the butterflies need to________. In the U.S and Canada, famers use chemicals that_______milkweed.
CHI Running_ Learn the Natural - Ashley Strong

CHI RunningA Beginner's Guide to Effortless and Injury Free RunningTable of ContentsTable of ContentsIntroductionThe Concept of ChiThe Benefits of Chi RunningSprint with EaseStay Injury FreeBetter StrengthChapter 1: Learning From the Chi Master The BackgroundThe Core PrinciplesDifference with Power RunningIs It Mandatory To Run?Chapter 2: Principles of Chi RunningRun TallHandling GravityLanding On the Mid FootUse Your Core MusclesRelax Your MusclesChapter 3: The Prime Chi Skills Improving Your FocusSensingBreathingRelaxingChapter 4: Basic Techniques of Chi Running FormThe Distance And Speed ConceptImbibe the FormsThe Focusing TechniqueChapter 5: The TriadVisionGoalPlanningChapter 6: Beginner’s Learning PlanThe Right DietPracticing the PostureTiny Steps to FollowAnother Chi TechniqueChapter 7: How to Prevent Injuries And Recover Fast? Buy the Best ShoesFoot LandingEasy RecoveryChapter 8: Integrating a Chi DietAvoid Junk FoodConsume Extra GreensWater Is ImportantSay Goodbye to CheeseConclusionIntroductionAre you a runner? Are you a fitness freak? Do you want to run at an effortless pace and stay injury free? Too many athletes have lost what could have been remarkable historic careers because they ran a bit too fast for their own good. We all have dreams, but the way you chase them is important too.In this book, you will learn the process of chi running. It is one of those principles that can help bring about the much-needed change in your running style. If you choose to follow the principles of chi running, you will find a remarkable improvement in your lifestyle. Y ou will run with ease and your affair with injuries can be a thing of the past too.The Concept of ChiChi running works on the principles of T’ai Chi. Chi actually refers to the energy vibrations, which unify body, spirit and your mind as well. It is the energy contained in your mind that forms the core. The energy particles then migrate from the core to the different body parts, including your limbs, which aids in faster running and smoother limb movements too.Chi running includes a set of principles that allows you to make the most out of your core energy and circulate it in the best way possible. This will help you engage your body in the right manner, run faster and stay injury free for longer.The Benefits of Chi RunningIf you are wondering what chi running can offer you, here are some of the points you need to be familiar with.Sprint with EaseWhen you follow the chi running principles, you will know how to sprint with ease. Athletes can benefit the most with these principles because you will learn how to increase your body stamina and the speed with which you are running. There are different sciences of movements and limb motion. With the perfect application of chi principles, you can sprint faster and easier as well.Stay Injury FreeThose who follow chi principles are likely to stay injury free for a larger part of their running career. Y ou will not have to be worried about straining your muscles repeatedly. As chi principles make use of your core energy, you can actually keep your injury problems at bay.In addition, even if you have had an injury prone career so far, you can still benefit from chi principles, as you will learn how to handle the problems and stay fit and healthy.Better StrengthWhen you are following the chi principles of running, you will improve the body strength and stamina. Y ou will succeed in running for longer periods and the overall improvement in your body structure is going to increase a great deal too.This was an insight into how chi principles can bring about the right changes in your structure and movements.Chapter 1: Learning From the Chi MasterThe BackgroundInfluenced by T’ai Chi, which is a Chinese martial art form, chi running is a set of principles that uses a quasi-yoga based method of running. The entire concept is to use such methods and postures that reduce the chances of being hurt or injured while conserving energy.It makes use of a set of principles designed to align the energy of your body in the best possible way. The idea is to equally distribute the energy and thereby help serve the needs of the body while you run. These principles make use of the right kind of postures, breathing correctly and focusing mentally, which allows you to make the most out of your body and thereby run in the best way.Danny Dreyer developed the chi running theory in 1999. He was an ultra-marathon runner who came up with all these principles after carefully observing T’ai Chi science. In the year 2004, he released his first book titled "Chi Running" and the book went on to sell 150,000 copies, which is an achievement in itself.The Core PrinciplesThe main underlying principles on which chi running truly works are as follows: Focus your mind: It is important to have the right focus, as it will allow you to align your thoughts in a streamlined manner.Sense your body: The next step is to sense the type of vibration and feeling that you have in your body. Y ou should not rush through these matters because ideally, you must spread the energy vibrations of your body in a way that will bring out the best in you.Tap into the chi: Y ou need to breathe in the energy and keep the focus correct. Chi involves positive energy and breathing in an organized and systematic manner. Believing in the chi principles is the best way of giving your body the right kind of boost and stamina that you need.Relax your muscles: When you subject your muscles and joints to extreme levels of stress and pressure, they tend to develop lactic acid, which slows your progress. It is important to relax your muscles so they get the time to recover from the stress and thereby gather ample strength to help you run.Practice good posture: The next step in the chi running principle is to havea good posture. The type of posture you have when you are running iscritical to handling your injuries. Most runners tend to be reckless when it comes to running and their posture; this is why they end up injured.Start slowly: Do not rush things when you begin to change your running style. Y ou need to believe in the importance of a slow start and follow the principles slowly and steadily. When you do so, you will be able to reap in the right benefits in the correct way, without causing yourself injury.Difference with Power RunningPower running is a different concept as it focuses mainly on the speed factor. The core point is to increase the speed and put in all of your effort to finish fast and first. However, chi running is significantly different because it emphasizes the need for alignment of energy vibrations, breathing properly and using correct postures to run.Is it Mandatory to Run?When you are running, you burn the extra fat and molecules in your body. At the same time, it keeps your body and muscles fit. While it is not mandatory to run, there are endless benefits that running has to offer.When you use Chi running principles to help you create the best running technique, you should incorporate them in your day-to-day lifestyle as well, to make the most out of your zest for running.Click Here for Free Kindle Books - Exclusive Offers - DiscountsChapter 2: Principles of Chi RunningThe key concepts that are a part of this form of running will now be described here. The focus in this chapter of running is in circulating the right energy and having the best postures.Run TallTry to assess how you run. Do you have a tendency to slump your shoulders or droop down? It is common practice among runners to bend down a little when they are running. This is the wrong posture and can create significant problems. As per the principle of chi running, you must stand tall and firm. Do not let your body droop or bend down because it distorts the posture. This puts additional pressure on the bones, joints and muscles, which can then fail to give you the support that would otherwise be available.Handling GravityThe next step to a following chi running techniques is to control the pull of gravity. This is an extremely important point that you must follow in the correct manner. When you are running, you can lean slightly forward. The moment you do so, you are able to use gravity in your favor rather than fight it. This will not only help you in improving your stance and gather more strength, but at the same time, the odds of injuries decreases as well. In addition, you need to remember that you only have to lean your ankles. The spine must be straight, and so should your waist.Landing on the Mid FootY our landing style and pattern is extremely important. Y ou have to be sure that you are perfecting this technique to avoid most of your injuries. Ideally, when you are landing your foot, it should land slightly behind you. Make sure your hips, shoulders and feet fall in the same single line. This is the best stance for running and if you can stick to it while you do run, you can help avoid additional injuries.Use Your Core MusclesThis is the penultimate step in the chi principles. Run by putting emphasis on your core muscles because they contain the majority of power, which you should try to put to use. This minimizes the strain applied on your calf and hip areas and thus you will be able to save yourself many injuries.Relax Your MusclesIt is important to give your muscles the time to relax. If you are not allowing the right kind of recovery, your muscles may burn out. This can cause muscle cramps, stress on the joints, and possible injuries. To avoid such issues, you need to relax your muscles by taking breaks in between exercises. Even if you exercise for relatively short periods, you should still take time to regroup and heal. This will help alleviate the fatigue and stress that would otherwise harm your muscles.These are the main principles that you need to follow that will allow you to run faster while at the same time, keeping injuries at bay.Chapter 3: The Prime Chi SkillsThe main skills used by chi can be broadly categorized under four separate headings:FocusingSensingBreathingRelaxationY ou need to be sure that you have mastered each of them thoroughly because it is only then that you can make the most out of your running techniques. While you have an understanding of what the chi principles are and how they can assist you in becoming a fast runner, you need to excel in these principles too.Improving Your FocusAs per the chi running technique, you should make it a point to focus on positive thoughts and the vibrations that circulate inside your body. Some runners believe that they should focus on nothing in particular, but this might not give you the best returns. Choose a positive thought or merely concentrate on the type of energy vibrations that are in your body.Allowing your mind to concentrate on the positive thoughts will give you an insight into better focusing. Concentrating hard on positive things allows you to push your stamina further. Y ou can choose to concentrate on your own cadence, as this is one of the ways of ensuring that you are following the chi principles. At the same time, it will allow you to be attentive and have the right focus.Y ou should watch your own movements and focus on them. This allows you to see how you are running so you can then fix your running style and keep your focus sharp.SensingSensing the right energy in your body is vital to proper running. Y ou need to learn how you can send the right kind of vibration. When you have focused your energy in the right way, the next thing is sensing your vibrations.Y ou can feel the energy vibrate inside your body and channel it into your running technique. This improves your final output significantly and you will be able to extract the right kind of benefits.In order to excel in sensing your body's energy, you have to allow the vibrations to run through your body and master control by putting these sensations into the right use.Listen to what your body is telling you as you run. If you feel cramped or pain, look at how your body was moving at that exact moment, and adjust what it was you were doing incorrectly.W e all breathe by default. However, the chi principles emphasize on the need for planned and methodical breathing. When you are breathing using the right pattern, you will be able to improve the overall stamina that you have. This in turns improves not only your running technique, but also your running distance. Chi running principles use the "belly breathing" technique. To do this, breathe in and out fully, making sure that your stomach expands and contracts as you breathe. Breathing in this method makes sure you are using your lungs to their full capacity. Breathing in and out too shallow leaves you short of breathe, which is especially harmful in long-distance running.The kind of breathing patterns that you use have significant bearing on the amount of energy you use while running. Learning how to breathe slowly and exhale in the right manner helps you make the most out of chi running principles.This is the final principle of chi running and is one of the most crucial aspects. If you do not relax in the best way, your body tenses and your limbs slow down. Even when you are running a marathon and speed is crucial, you still need to relax the muscles. Doing this will dissolve the accumulated lactic acid and give your muscles much needed oxygen, which will allow them to function properly. Using these methods will give you a head start to becoming a better and more efficient runner.Chapter 4: Basic Techniques of Chi RunningWhen you are analyzing the top techniques used in chi running, there are various points that will come into play.FormThe type of form you have during running holds tremendous value. Y ou need to be sure of your posture and body form. Y ou need to push your ankles slightly forward so that you can use gravity in your favor rather than stand against it. At the same time, make sure to keep your waist straight and do not stoop your body because this will prevent you from using your skeletal framework to the fullest.The Distance and Speed ConceptWhen you are running, you may tend to focus on completing the maximum distance in the shortest duration. It is important to analyze the distance and speed ratio and come up with the right way you can cover it properly. Speed running is not always the best solution available for you. If you are following chi running principles, you have to make sure that you are relaxing in between. When you are focusing, breathing and sensing your energy, you can cover longer distances. Y ou need to relax in between because it is through relaxation that you will get rid of the accumulated lactic acid that slows you down and causes harm to your muscles.Imbibe the FormsWhile there are different forms of chi running, knowing them is not enough. Y ou have to learn how to imbibe these forms in the right manner. Do not be complacent and reckless. Every single form has specific details etched on to it. You will have to slowly and steadily memorize the details and learn the forms. Some of the key forms you must instill in your running are:Always stand erect. Bending or stooping does not help you tap the full strength of your skeletal framework.In order to use gravity in your favor, you need to bend your ankles slightly towards the front.Follow the correct posture when you are landing your feet. Y ou must always try to land on your mid foot, as this minimizes the overall stress that is applied on your legs.Make sure to have your feet in front of you rather than under you when you are lading.Ideally, have a cadence of 85 to 90 strides in a minute. This will remarkably improve your speed and efficiency while running.Make sure to have your upper half and lower half run in unison. Y ou should have their movements in a synchronized manner.Y our knees and elbow need to bend in the right manner. When you are approaching your top speed, both your shin and forearm should be in parallel to the ground.The Focusing TechniqueWhen you have a long distance to cover, you have to stay focused. Do not run at extremely high speeds for a long time when you first start the run because it will burn you out. Y ou need to stay focused until the end, as it will help you finish the race without injury. When your mind starts to wander, look at your own running posture, listen to your body and focus on your inner vibrations. Another focusing technique is to keep staring ahead. Look straight ahead and imagine the finish line, see it in your mind and keep it as your goal. As you get closer to the winning point, you will need an extra rush of energy. This is why going slow and steady at the start will be of help.Y ou can also choose to partially focus. If you find it hard to stay focused all the time, you should concentrate on your thoughts whenever possible. With time, you will find that your concentration and focus will get better and thereby you will become a more efficient runner.Chapter 5: The TriadThe chi running principle is based upon three main pillars:VisionGoalPlanningY ou have to work upon all three principles and you must stick to them earnestly. Here, we will explore the details of these three aspects and give you an insight into how you can get the most out of it.The vision that you have holds tremendous value. Y ou need to be sure that you are focused on your goal. Having the right vision of what you are seeking from your life is extremely important. Y ou should be aware of what your expectations are. When you are following chi principles of running, you need to have a clear vision of what they are. The right details and points have already been illustrated and your belief in the same should be intact. Try to believe in the vision and enjoy the rewards that come your way.Y ou should strive hard to reach your goals. If you are running a long race, you need to be sure that you are not giving up on your goal. Y our goal should not just be completing the race; it has to be a mix of various aspects. Some of the key parts that should be a part of your goal are as follows.Completing the raceWinning the raceUsing chi principles of runningSticking to chi principlesCompeting the race without being injuredThese five components are to be a part of your goals. If you manage to stick to chi’s principles of running and you are following the goals and structure, you should be able to complete your goal successfully without any possible complications.PlanningHave you given thoughts to what do you need to do to accomplish your goal? If you merely set goals and do nothing, are you ever going to achieve them? Y ou can learn of a hundred different principles and points, but if you do not have a systematic plan, are they ever going to be of use? Planning the details out allows you to see what you need to do. With the right execution of your plan, you can achieve your goals desired.When you are planning your moves, stick to chi’s principle points that you are now familiar with. Try to have a plan of how you are going to implement the lessons. Y ou may not be able to ace all the lessons in the very first run, but if you continue to follow the principles and stick with your plan, over time you will easily fall into all the proper running techniques needed.Try to come up with the type of plan that you want to achieve. Even if you are unable to exercise your plan in the full manner, you should take your time and keep repeating the details. When you have a well thought plan that you personally develop, you have an easier time of actually following the plan.Chapter 6: Beginner’s Learning PlanIf you have just started this program and you are new to the entire concept of chi running, you will be looking for beginners’ lessons to be of help. Following are the main points that you should implement, follow and practice.The Right DietWhile this is not exactly a part of the running principles, it helps form the core-training guide. Y ou need to watch what you are eating on a daily basis. A bad diet will have adverse repercussions on your health and your running techniques.Avoid heavy meals saturated in grease or fat. Do not indulge in too many sugary foods because they will add to your weight, make you bulky and thereby make running problematic for you. Add green vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods to give your body the energy and nutrients it needs.Practicing the PostureThis is the next step that you need to be thorough with. The correct posture while running and even while you are not running, helps train your body to become one and avoid injuries from using incorrect posture.Y our pelvis must be in a leveled position. Run with your upper and lower body working together. When you use a 50/50 ratio, the work and energy needed is spread throughout the entire body. Do not put different parts of your body outside the line of motion. When you are moving from one foot to another, make sure that your entire body from your head to toe falls under a single line of motion.Tiny Steps to FollowWhen you just break into a run, take tiny steps to set the right tempo. Breaking into a fast run or starting with an overly long stride is perfect recipes for failure. Both ways bring on unnecessary injuries, waste energy and neither conforms to the chi running technique. As per chi’s principle, you need to break into tiny steps and then slowly build up your momentum by utilizing the energy vibrations that your body is giving out.As you are starting slow, concentrate on following the one leg posture stance all the time. Land with your mid foot and do not thrust your entire body forward. After you get a little tired, try and relax your muscles so that they can recover from the stress that has built up. Focus on the target at hand and then draw in the senses and vibrations. Channel it by making use of chi’s principles and break into a run again.As you progress, you need to pace your speed. Technically, you should only keep on running until you can follow these principles. When you fail to follow the chi’s principles, it means that you are more prone to injuries.Another Chi TechniqueY ou can use additional tools to assist you in achieving the best running posture and technique:Check that your pelvis is in line with your body.While running, drop your focus to the bottom of your feet. This will allow you to concentrate hard and at the same time, you will be able to check your alignment as well.Keep repeating these points as you run to give you added support and focus. These are the elementary points that you can keep in mind and use them as additional tools to help you learn how to read your body in order to achieve the greatest running technique.Chapter 7: How to Prevent Injuries and Recover Faster Using the chi running principle helps keep you from further injuries. Not only will you be able to prevent injuries, but if you have already been injured, recovering is easier as well.Buy the Best ShoesY es, chi principles do guide you upon the type of shoes you are buying. As a runner, your shoes are going to hold tremendous importance. Y our shoes should not be extremely heavy because they will bring your weight down. At the same time, they should not be extremely rigid or tight.The ideal running shoes should be perfect for your foot. Y our height, weight, arch and even your gender all determine the right running shoe for you. The best way to get the running shoe designed for your type of feet is to purchase them from a sporting goods store or shoe store where professionals in footwear can assist you.Foot LandingY our foot landing stance is extremely crucial. Chi's principles ask you to land with your mid foot. Keep your posture and body coordination in the ways described in previous chapters. When you manage to do so, you will be able to prevent your injury problems.Easy RecoveryWhen you are looking to recover from an injury:Make sure to have relaxation time in between running and exercises.Y ou should not burn your body beyond the point that it can take. Know the difference between a little stress and burning your muscles completely.Y ou have to follow your diet, which will help in easy and quick recuperation.You should offer the right kind of healing support to the muscles.When you are following these key points, you will be able to have a good running career that will be mostly free from injuries. Further, even those an injury can benefit by use of these techniques and have a quicker recovery.Chapter 8: Integrating a Chi DietWhen you are learning the right kind of diet plan that will assist you, you need to follow these key principles.Avoid Junk FoodEveryone is aware of the fact that junk food can lead to the accumulation of fat. What some people do not realize is that junk food also causes you to have less energy. Eating junk food offers no valuable nutrients or vitamins that your body needs.Consume Extra GreensIt is important to integrate a significant amount of greens in your diet. Green vegetables offer vital nutrients and vitamins a body needs. They also contain antioxidants to help prevent muscle damage that running often causes.Water is ImportantThe amount of water that you drink is extremely important. When you are running a lot, you lose large amounts of water from your body. Make sure that you are adding the right amount of water to your diet to help counteract the amount you lose running.Say Goodbye to CheeseY ou need to bid goodbye to cheese, as it tends to add to your problems. Avoid cheese and butter as much as you can. Cheese and butter tend to get stored in your body and it will prevent you from running quickly as your own body mass will be hard to handle.。

没给tip,把我lip,装上 zip。
想变smart,必须start ,学习art。
一个robber,专抢 rubber。
一只mouse, 穿件blouse, 走进house。
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What are you doing?
Hi,my name is Dino.
I am a baby elephant.
What are you doing?
I am hungry.
I am sucking my mom’s milk.
What are you doing?
I am saying “Hi” to my friends.
Look,we are good friends.
What are you doing?
I am helping my mom to pick up food.
I am a good baby elephant.
What are you doing?
I am running.
Running does the body good
I like running .
How about you?
What are you doing?
I am thirsty.
I am using my trunk to drink water. What are you doing?
I am taking a walk with my mommy.
I love my mommy.
Now,what are you doing?
I am making Pee-Pee and Poo-Poo. Oops,sorry.
What are you doing?
I am enjoying the cool air under a tree. Can you find me ?
What are you doing?
I am playing in the mud with good friends. What are you doing?
We are moving to a new place.
See,I am very busy.
I am always doing something.
How about you?
Are you always busy?
Bye !
See you next time.
A2 Trees 树
There are different kinds of trees.
Some trees are big, and some are small.
Some trees are tall, and some are short.
What other trees do you see?
Spring is here.
The leaves in spring
are green and soft.
Some leaves are round,
and some leaves are pointed.
What other leaves do you see?
A3 Coral and Friends 珊瑚一族
I am a coral and I live under the sea.
I have many friends who live with me.
Do you know who they are?
This is my friend.
What does she look like?
Guess what?
She looks like a tree.
I love my friend.
This is my friend.
A4 Where Is Cicada? 蝉在哪里?
Listen! What sound is that?
Where does that
sound come from?
Let's look for it...
You found it.
He is a cicada.
Cicadas make the buzzing
sound from their bellies.
What does she look like?
Guess what?
She looks like a flower.
I love my friend.
A5 Who Likes Water?谁喜欢水?
It is raining.
How wonderful!
I like to play in the rain
and I like to play in the water.
How about you?
I am a snail. I like water.
I like to take a walk in the rain.
I am a frog.
I like water.
I like to jump
in the water.
B1 Moth and Butterfly 飞蛾和蝴蝶
I am a moth.
I am a butterfly.
I am a moth.I love to drink nectar.
I am a butterfly.I love to drink nectar, too.
I am a moth.I can fly.
I am a butterfly.I can fly, too.
B2 In a Dry Land
There are only a few plants and
nothing else in a very dry land,
but sometimes you can
find monkeys.
There is only lots of sand and nothing
else in a very dry land,
but sometimes you can find camels.
B3 Train, Train, Where Are You Going?
Train, train,
where are you going?
I'm going to the top of the hill
to see the maple leaves and the clouds
in the sky.
Train, train,
where are you going?
I'm going to the seashore
to see the waves.
B4 I Wish I Could Be Like You
I am a scarecrow.I stand here every day.
I never go anywhere.
I wish I could buzz around like you.
Said the scarecrow to the bee.
I wish I could flash my light like you.
Said the scarecrow to the firefly.
I wish I could dance gracefully like you.
Said the scarecrow to the birds.
B5 We Are All Squirrels
Guess who I am.Am I a mouse?
No, I am not.I am a squirrel.
I have a furry body.
Really?My body is furry, too.
Me too!I also have a furry body.
I have shiny eyes.
Really?My eyes are shiny, too.
We too!We also have shiny eyes.。