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中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Four treasures of the study
bamboo and weasel(黄鼬) hair 湖笔
and inkstick: made from lampblack (soot) and binders, grinded with water before use.徽墨
The evolution of Chinese characters font
→小篆 →隶书 →楷书 →草书 →行书
篆书 Seal script
隶书和楷书 official and regular
颜真卿(A.D.709-785)—Tang dynasty
of the four greatest masters of kaishu
Special types of paper called Xuanzhi is used, from Tatar wingceltis(青檀) and other materials. 宣纸 •Inkstone: used to grind the solid inkstick into liquid ink and to contain the ink once it is liquid.Made of: stone, ceramic, or clay from the banks of the Yellow River 端砚
——The spirit of Chinese art
former first lady Laura Bush 美国前总统布什夫人
Chinese calligraphy
world famous
What is Chinese calligraphy?
Art of lines Philosophy Spirit
草书Cursive script
柳公权(778-865)—Tang dynasty
Gongquan, a master of kaishu and cursive(行草) who is often mentioned with Yan Zhenqing. Kaishu: vigorous and rigorous Running-cursive: fluent and flowing
Yan Zhenqing used to practise calligraphy while sweeping the yard with a groom when he was young. Later he asked Zhang Xun, a famous calligrapher on how to achieve the achievements as the ancients. After years of hard work and combining his sentiments and ambitions from the battlefield, his works reached the consummate level. Yan’s works: firm and stretchy
汉语是我们的母语,不一定每个人都 能成为书法家,但每个人都要把汉语学 好、把汉字写好。
At the same time, we should try our utmost to learn English well to spread Chinese to the world!
同时,我们要把英语学好, 将汉字传播到全世界!
Thank you!
BY :王晓晨 Mar 21st 2016
“The best running handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher