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2、跟你相比,张琳上学期在学英语上做得比你更 好。
Compared with you, Zhanglin did better in English learning last term. 3、我们通常每天早上7:00去上学。
We usually go to school at seven every day. 注:像usually, always, often, sometimes, never等频率副词经常方在行 为动词前,连系动词后。
2、特殊疑问句的选择疑问句? Which do you like better, summer or autumn? Which do you like best, summer, autumn or
翻译陈述句,一般先翻译主干成分,通常 把状语部分译在句末。如:
1、上周末,我和小华一起在体育中心打乒乓球。 I played pingpong with Xiaohua at the Sports Centre last weekend. 注:有时状语也可放在句首。在句首时,状语翻 译的顺序依次为:时间状语-地点状语-频度副词 作状语 ;在句末时,依次为:方式状语-频度副 词作状语-地点状语-时间状语 。
3、Daming那时不会说英语和法语。 Daming could not speak English or French at that time.
4、他们两个都不知道银行在哪里。 Neither of them knows where the bank is.
wk.baidu.com 疑问句
疑问句分为以下几种: 1、一般疑问句 2、特殊疑问句 3、选择疑问句 4、反问句 5、反意疑问句
语序:一般疑问词+主语+(动词)+其它。如: Can you speak English? Do you often go to the cinema? Are you a student? 注:常见的一般疑问词有:be,can, could, will,
would, shall, should, may, might, must, have/ has (done), had (better), 助动词do, does, did。
1、昨晚九点,我正在家里做作业。 I was doing my homework at home at nine last night.
2、下周一,我们将要在体育中心举行一场激 烈的篮球赛。 We will have an exciting basketball match at the Sports Centre next Monday.
否定句有两种: 1、使用否定词no, never, neither等,或使用半否
定词hardly,few, little等进行否定。如: I will never come here again. They have no money any more. I have few friends here because I am new here. 2、在肯定句的一般疑问词后加not变否定。如: He is not doing his homework now. She doesn’t like maths at all.
much, how old, how long, how often, how soon, what time, what colour…..
1、一般疑问句的选择疑问句,如: Do you like some tea or coffee? Does she like summer or autumn?
语序:特殊疑问词+一般疑问词+主语+(动词) +其它。如:
Why does he do like that? When will you go to school tomorrow? 常见的特殊疑问词有what, who, when, where, which, why, how等。注意:how many, how