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It was Labour Day weekend, the most important time of the year for the Romano family. Every year on this weekend, the whole family work together to make tomato sauce (酱). They will make enough so they can enjoy it the whole year!

In the backyard, several bags of fresh tomatoes lay on the ground, waiting to be washed, cut and boiled 煮(沸) into delicious sauce. Mrs Romano was busy cleaning the huge pots in which the tomatoes would be cooked. Mr Romano was preparing the outdoor stove (火炉) which would be used to heat the pots. Their two daughters, Rosemary and Pina, were washing the tomatoes.

After the tomatoes were washed, the girls sat down at the picnic table and began to cut the tomatoes carefully into small pieces. The pieces were then poured into the pots. When they had filled one pot, Mr and Mrs Romano worked together to lift the pot onto the stove. The pot was slowly heated until the tomatoes started to boil. Mrs Roma no thought about the day her mother taught her the recip食谱).She added the same in gredie nts 原料)to the tomatoes and stood by the stove, stirri ng 搅拌)and watching them turn into thick sauce.

When the tomato sauce was ready, all four of the Romanos smiled. They knew that their tomato sauce was delicious and ready to be put into glass bottles. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

()1. How many people are there in the Romano family?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

()2. Where did the Romanos make their tomato sauce?

A. In the field.

B. In the kitchen.

C. In the backyard.

D. In the living room.

()3. What did Mr Romano do?

A. He washed the tomatoes.

C. He cut the tomatoes.

( )4. Who taught Mrs Romano how to make tomato sauce?

( )5. What does the underlined word

B. Tomatoes.

C. Rosemary and Pina.

D. Mr and Mrs Romano.


If you want to make films, you'll be interested in our new competition.

If you're between 11 and 18, you can enter this year's Film-making Competition.

The film should last no more than 12 minutes and you should have at least three main

characters. Last year's winner had 8 people in it but we don't usually expect so many!

This is the third year of the competition. In the last two years, we accepted any

kind of film, from scary films to comedies, but this year we are looking for dramas.

There'll be another competition later in the year for people interested in making


We have seen some great films over the years from very exciting young film-

makers. Last year's films were about family, and we saw some wonderful entries (参赛

作品 ). This year, however, we want films about the weathe —r it can either be about

how it makes you feel or how it can change a day. A challenging theme!

The judges this year are Martha Fernando, presenter of our film programmme,

and director Mark Matthews, whose latest film is now in cinemas.

There are some fantastic prizes. Our first-prize winner will visit London

International Academy, one of the top film schools. We have other prizes to give away

— there are 100 books and also some of the latest cameras to win.

You can send your films to us by post or bring them to our office in Market Square.

The judges' decision is final. You'll have the chance to see the best films when they are

shown at the Town Hall.

A. Her mother.

B. Her husband.

C. Her friend.

D. Her grandmother.

them ” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Pots.
