BPMN 2.0 概述
在Sequence Flow连接线上可以添加两种标记:代表Flow是有“条件”的菱形标记和代表“缺省”Flow的斜线标记。
"条件"标记表示此Sequence Flow有条件表达式,只有表达式满足才从本Flow流过。
"缺省"的意思是说:先判断其他带条件的Flow,所有其他条件都不满足的话才从本Flow 流过。
带“条件”标记的Sequence Flow只能出现在Task之后,不能出现在Gateway或Event 之后。
“缺省”Sequence Flow可以出现在Task和Gateway之后,但不能出现在Event 之后。
左边的图表示:如果上下两个条件Flow不满足的话,就走中间的缺省Flow; 只要有一个条件满足,中间的Flow就不会经过。
右边的图表示:不管上下两个条件Flow满足不满足,都会经过中间的Flow; Task后面不带标记的Sequence Flow的意思是:always.下面的Task后面直接分叉出来三条无条件Sequence Flow,它们会并行执行:BPMN2.0中消息(Message)可以表示在不同组织之间传递的各种形式信息,比如Email、Fax、电话、信件、SOAP或JMS调用、甚至是人工传递的口信。
可以发送消息的图元包括:User Task, Service Task, Send Task, subProcess, 标注为发送消息的End Event和Intermediate Event。
发送消息有如此多的选择,我们在建模中如何做比较好呢?基本上我们可以把消息发送按是否有执行人参与分为两类:1、手工回复的Email、Fax、电话、信件、人工传递的口信为一类消息,它们都需要人工执行,我们需要用User Task表示;2、自动发送的Email、Fax、SOAP或JMS调用我们用Service Task, Send Task, 标注为发送消息的Intermediate Event。
(开发人员至少熟悉UML图,标准也是这个组织)英文Object Management Group,缩写为OMG)是一个国际协会,开始的目的是为分布式面向对象系统建立标准,现在致力于建立对程序、系统和业务流程建模的标准,以及基于模型的标准。
•OMG的广泛使用的标准包括UML,MOF,XMI 业务流程建模标记法(BPMN)等。
一、BPMN 2.0BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)是业务流程建模与表示的标准,它提供了一种统一的流程建模语言,可以帮助企业更好地理解和管理业务流程。
igix流程定义采用BPMN 2.0标准,这是一个国际标准,由OMG(Object Management Group)制定和维护。
BPMN 2.0标准提供了更加丰富的元素和符号,可以更好地表达业务流程,同时也提供了更多的扩展机制,可以满足不同企业的需求。
二、XMLXML(Extensible Markup Language)是一种标记语言,它可以用来描述和传输数据。
三、JSONJSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,它基于JavaScript语言的一个子集,具有良好的可读性和可扩展性。
四、RESTful APIREST(Representational State Transfer)是一种软件架构风格,它使用HTTP协议进行通信,可以方便地进行资源的创建、读取、更新和删除。
igix流程定义提供了RESTful API,可以方便地进行流程管理和操作。
同时,RESTful API还可以与其他系统进行集成,提高了流程管理的灵活性和互操作性。
在BPMN中一个Task使用一个单实线圆角矩形来表示。在Task上可以 设置一个Marker(记ss)包含的Start Event被触发时,事件子流 程就启动了.事件子流程启动后,它的父流程是终止还是继续运行呢? 这 是由事件子流程的Start Event是否标注为“中断”决定的。 如果Start Event标注为中断(Start Event表现为实线的圆圈,如下 图中第二个事件子流程),则事件子流程启动后,父流程终止; 如果Start Event没有标注为中断(Start Event表现为虚线的圆圈,如 下图中第一个事件子流程),则事件子流程启动后,父流程继续运行。
池(Pool)主要用于2个独立的实体或者参与者之间的物理划分,可 以垂直或者水平。各个池(pool)中的活动通常是有自身的流程的。因 此,顺序流(the Sequence Flow)通常不会越过多个池(pool的), 而消息流是可以的,如下图就是一个带pool的业务流程图
道(Lane)是池(Pool)的子划分,可以垂直或者水平,用来对活动的 组织和分类,道(Lane)更加接近我们传统的甬道的概念。道(Lane)常用 来将活动按照角色划分,流程可以在一个池(Pool)中跨道(Lane)流转 ,但是在同一个池(Pool)中消息流通常不跨道(Lane)流转。
连接对象(Connecting Objects)
连接对象(Connecting Objects)将流程对象连接起来组成业务流 程的结构。有三种连接对象:序列流(Sequence Flow )、消息流( Message Flow )和结合关系(Association ) 序列流(Sequence Flow ) 用实线实心箭头表示,代表流程中将被执行的活动的执行顺序。 例如:
结束事件(End Event)
任务是流程在流转过程中的一个原子活动,它被用于一 个流程中的工作不能够被拆开到更细的级别的情景。
顺序流(Sequence Flow)
开始事件 任务
BPMN2.0概述 BPMN2.0基础 BPMN2.0体系 BPMN2.0实例
15Biblioteka 目录BPMN2.0概述 BPMN2.0基础 BPMN2.0体系
BPMN2.0全景 BPMN2.0流程模型 BPMN2.0元素分类
协作图:描 绘两个或多 个业务实体 间的交互。
BPMN2.0流程模型之:编排图 (Choreographies)
编排图:表现多个参与者之间的交互,由编排活动直 接表现多个参与者之间的消息交互,为协作模型提供 了一种基于流程图的视图。
BPMN2.0流程模型之:会话图 (Conversations)
BPMN2.0全景 图
BPMN2.0概述 BPMN2.0基础 BPMN2.0体系
BPMN2.0全景 BPMN2.0流程模型 BPMN2.0元素分类
私有流程 公有流程
协作图(Collaborations) 编排图(Choreographies) 会话图(Conversations)
BPMN2.0规范部分总结基本概念:对业务流程管理(Business process management)进⾏建模称为业务流程建模(Business Process Model),业务流程建模语⾔BPMN(Business Process Model Notation)是其⼀种建模语⾔,⽽BPMN2.0规范(Business Process Model and Notation 2.0)是基于BPMN的⼀套标准,对BPMN进⾏了重新的定义。
BPMN2-Conformance ⼀致性:Process Modeling Conformance 流程模型⼀致性Process Execution conformance 流程执⾏⼀致性BPEL Process Execution Conformance BPEL 流程执⾏⼀致性Choreography Modeling Conformance 编排模型⼀致性BPMN2-Element 元素:Flow Objects 流对象(三个核⼼元素)1) Events 事件(⽤于对流程⽣命周期中发⽣的事件进⾏建模。
)Event ⽤⼀个圆圈表⽰,它是流程中运⾏过程中发⽣的事情。
2) Activities 活动(任务表⽰流程中具体要做的事情,通常⼀个任务表⽰⼯作需要被外部实体完成,⽐如⼈⼯任务和⾃动服务。
3) Gateways ⽹关(⽤来控制流程的流向)⽹关⽤菱形表⽰,⽤于控制流程的分⽀和聚合。
现实业务所有的业务环节都离不开Activities、Gateways和Events,⽆论是简单的条件审批还是复杂的⽗⼦流程循环处理,在⼀个流程定义描述中,所有的业务环节都离不开Task、Sequence Flow、Exclusive Gateway、Inclusive Gateway(如图1中右侧绿⾊标记所⽰元素),其中Task是⼀个极具威⼒的元素,它能描述业务过程中所有能发⽣⼯时的⾏为,它包括User Task、Manual Task、Service Task、Script Task等,可以被⽤来描述⼈机交互任务、线下操作任务、服务调⽤、脚本计算任务等常规功能。
BPMN2.0介绍2015年交流目录BPMN2.0概述BPMN2.0基础BPMN2.0体系BPMN2.0实例BPMN2.0概述BPMN2.0的概念内涵BPMN,Business Process Model and Notation,业务流程模型与符号。
3发展与历史BPMN的发展历史:最早由BPMI提出,BPMI(The Business Process Management Initiative)开发了一套标准叫业务流程建模符号(Business Process Modeling Notation, BPMN)。
2.0版本后,BPMN全称变成:Business Process Model and Notation 。
2004年5月BPMN 1.02008年1月BPMN 1.12009年1月BPMN 1.22009年8月BPMN 2.0beta12010年5月BPMN 2.0beta22011年1月B PMN 2.0final2004 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 BPMI并入OMG目录BPMN2.0概述BPMN2.0基础BPMN2.0体系BPMN2.0实例BPMN基础-信息录入流程BPMN基础-开始事件和结束事件开始事件(Start Event)开始事件标志了一个流程将要开始。
BPMN 2.0编排在交互契约定义中的应用
BPMN 2.0编排在交互契约定义中的应用作者:吴瑞琼来源:《电子技术与软件工程》2018年第01期定义业务过程间协同的交互契约是跨组织业务过程建模的核心关键问题。
对象管理组织提出的业务过程模型和符号BPMN 2.0是业务过程管理领域事实上的工业标准。
将BPMN 2.0中的编排应用于定义业务过程间的交互契约,不仅可直观描述交互契约,还可得到众多工具的支持,有利于业务过程间协同的实施。
【关键词】BPMN 2.0 编排消息交互过程模型1 引言对业务过程间的交互进行定义是自上而下式跨组织业务过程建模必须解决的关键问题。
为此,对象管理组织(The Object Management Group,简称OMG)于2011年1月颁布了业务过程模型和符号BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation,简称BPMN)2.0。
在BPMN 2.0中,建模者可以使用编排(choreography)来直观定义业务过程间的交互契约。
2 PMN 2.0中编排在BPMN 2.0中,编排由下述四种元素组成:编排活动(choreography activity)、事件(event)、网关(gateway)和序列流(sequence flows)。
其中,编排的核心子集如图1示,其中,编排活动、事件、网关统称为流对象(flow objects);序列流又称为连接对象(connection objects)。
3 排在交互契约定义中的应用图2是文献[3]中使用协作图定义的火车站服务。
BPMN 2.0
第 3 章 BPMN 2.03.1. BPMN 2.0是什么呢?业务流程模型注解(Business Process Modeling Notation - BPMN)是业务流程模型的一种标准图形注解。
这个标准是由对象管理组(Object Management Group - OMG)维护的。
实际上,现在的jPDL设计器也使用了 BPMN元素。
通过使用XML语言来指定业务流程的可执行语法, BPMN规范已经演变为业务流程的语言,可以执行在任何兼容BPMN2的流程引擎中,同时依然可以使用强大的图形注解。
3.2. 历史和目标jBPM BPMN2的实现是在jBPM 4.0发布之后在2009年8月,在与社区进行了紧密协作之后启动的。
而后,我们决定了第一个发布版(比如,文档/QA)涉及一部分BPMN2规范,将在jBPM 4.3发布。
我们的目标是建立一个原生BPMN2运行引擎(或者说实现'可执行的BPMN2')基于流程虚拟机(Process Virtual Machine - PVM)。
注意,这个版本的主要目标是原生可执行,不是图形注解 - 但是我们清楚对于未来的版本是很重要的。
BPMN 2.0 跨平台互操作性标记:使交流数据中的互操作性问题显现说明书
Interoperability Markers for BPMN 2.0Making Interoperability Issues ExplicitXabier Heguy1, Gregory Zacharewicz2,*, Yves Ducq3 and Said Tazi41University of Bordeaux, IMS, UMR 5218 CNRS, Talence – France and ONETIK, D252, 64240 Macaye – France 2,3University of Bordeaux, IMS, UMR 5218 CNRS, Talence – France4University of Pau, Pau, – France*Corresponding authorAbstract—Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is being becoming the most used standard for business process modelling. One of the important upgrades of BPMN 2.0 with respect to BPMN 1.2 is the fact that Data Objects are now handling semantic elements. Nevertheless, BPMN doesn't enable the representation of interoperability problems in the exchanged data object, which remains a limitation when using BPMN to express interoperability issues in enterprise processes. We propose to extend the Meta-Object Facility meta-model and the XML Schema Definition of BPMN as well as the notation in order to fill this gap. The extension, named Data Interoperability, is defined using the BPMN Extension Mechanism. This new elements will allow to represent existing interoperability problems as well as interoperability concerns which have been solved. We illustrate the Data Interoperability capabilities with an example from a real industrial case.Keywords-interoperability; BPMN; modelling; CBPI.I NTRODUCTIONThe global economic context requires enterprises to acquire and maintain an efficient information system. An adapted and well-defined ERP is today a sine qua non condition for the success of a company. In addition, exchanges of information between various information systems are increasingly necessary: In particular, information exchanges is growing with customers, suppliers, subcontractors or when the enterprise is bought out and integrated in another company, but also within an internal department. Also, assuming one ERP covering all sectors of the company is not always possible, which entails grafting many heterogeneous ERP or at least modules. The crucial problem of interoperability then arises.Cross-organizational Business Process (CBP) modeling aims to describe the interactions between different organizations [1] but also between different systems within a single organization. Process modeling at the highest level should enable the various partners to understand the articulation of the different processes in a simple and intuitive way. However, defining user needs is not necessarily collaborative. Users rarely understand the differences between inter-organization processes and internal processes.BPMN 2.0 [2] is a de facto standard in the modeling of business processes. BPMN is currently the most used language among process modelers (64% of industry penetration according to P. Harmon's study) [3]. It provides a meta-model and notation for defining and visualizing them. BPMN 2.0 allows the modeling of CBP by clearly identifying independent resources pools and collaborative swim lanes within the same resource group. However, the representation of data in BPMN 2.0 does not reflect the concept of interoperability. Whether data is exchanged within the same information system or between two entities, the representation of the data remains the same. This is a weakness because this model hides the challenge and the difficulty of solving interoperability problems, in particular in the eyes of decision-makers. This lack of visibility can lead to incomprehension between IT technicians and managers and may lead them to underestimate both the impact of the lack of interoperability in the representation of the existing system and to make difficult the evaluation of costs and delays to produce the system to set up.The technical structuring of BPMN is based on the concept of extensible layers around a core set of basic elements. This extensibility makes it possible to define an overlay of elements in order to better represent concepts inherent in the targeted sector of activity. Each new layer is constructed in extension of a lower layer. BPMN extensions are most often used to represent the specific needs of an industry [4]. But they can also be used to fill a general gap. This is the proposition of this paper: Prolonging the BPMN model specification by adding an extension representing the data concerned by interoperability.II.P ROBLEM S TATEMENT AND B ACKGROUNDA.Problem StatementThe problem tackled in this paper is a lack of modeling data in a context of interoperability in BPMN. We propose to fill this gap defining a BPMN 2.0 metamodel extension to represent data interchanges with an interoperability problem. It will allow defining barriers and solved problems.B.CBPs Modeling RequirementsWhether they are interchanges between customers, suppliers or providers, or between different information systems within a company, data interchanges are more and more necessary. In order to ensure a decent implementation of these interchanges, a preliminary model is an essential stage.The goal of CBP modelling is to describe the interactions between different systems [1]. The processes modelling at the higher level must allow to the various partners to understand2nd International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering (EAME 2017)the articulation of the processes in a simple and intuitive way. The model has to be easily understandable by all parts, be they managers, processes owners or IT technicians who will have to implement the system. But user-driven requirements are not necessarily collaboration-oriented. Hence, users hardly understand the differences between internal business processes and cross-organizational processes, and thus the difficulties that these last ones represent.For a successful CBP modelling, interoperability points have to be necessarily shown. The managers and the users of the different organizations must be able to represent interaction from a high level business point of view in order to visualize data interchanges with interoperability problem. Thus, they will be able to grasp them. Hence, resolving interoperability problems involves an enhancement of the work.C.BPMN Shortcomings.One of the important upgrades of BPMN 2.0 with respect to BPMN 1.2 is the fact that Data Objects are now semantic elements defined as additional Data Categories aside form swim-lanes, flow objects, connecting objects and artifacts (whereas in the precedent version, they were considered as simple artifacts, simple annotation without any semantic).However, BPMN 2.0 does not distinguish between data with an interoperability issue. In order to represent the exchange of data between different systems, the corridors (swim lanes) [1] are used. However, the notion of interoperability is absent from this representation, because if we distinguish between different systems, there is no indication that the data exchanged can be integrated as such in the target system or that Must undergo pre-treatment. A modeling of CBP carried out using BPMN 2.0 therefore does not allow the different actors to understand the problem of interoperability in the exchange of data.We propose to enrich the BPMN meta-model with the addition of a Data Interoperability object which will mean that a data exchange must take into account interoperability.D.InteroperabilityThe most common definition of interoperability tells us that it is: "the ability of two (or more) systems or components to exchange information and use it" [5]. The InterOp NoE Network of Interoperability (Interoperability) defined interoperability as "the ability of a system to work with another system without effort on the part of the user" [6]. To complement these definitions we can say that interoperability is “the ability of systems, natively independent, to interact in order to build harmonious and intentional collaborative behaviors without deeply modifying their individual structure or behavior” [7]. These definitions demonstrate that interoperability is rapidly becoming complex and that its success depends on the resolution of a number of barriers [8]. rmational Perspective of BPMN 2.0We present here an overview of BPMN's informational perspective. In BPMN, the construct that allows modeling any type of information entity, regardless of its nature (electronic document, paper, etc.) is the Data Object [2]. In BPMN 2.0, Data Objects become first-class elements at the same level as tasks or activities [9]. They are visually represented in the process diagrams. Data can be referenced by DataObjectReference that specifies different states of the same object. The structure of the Data Objects is not visible in the diagrams, but can be defined by the itemDefinition element associated with it by specifying it in an XML schema. The data are represented graphically by the Data Objects as (Figure I).FIGURE I.BPMN DATA OBJECTF.BPMN Extension Mechanism.BPMN has been designed to be extensible. The technical structuring of BPMN is based on the concept of extensible layers around a core of simple elements. Extensibility is used to define an overlay of elements to better represent concepts inherent in the targeted industry. Each new layer is constructedin extension of a lower layer. BPMN provides generic extension elements in the meta-model.The BPMN extension mechanism consists of a set of extension elements that allow the addition of additional elements and attributes for standard and existing BPMN elements. These extension elements are: ExtensionDefinition, ExtensionAttributeDefinition, ExtensionAttributeValue and Extension. The Extension element is used to connect to the BPMN model an extension whose structure is defined using the ExtensionDefinition element. This adds additional attributes used to extend the BPMN model by attaching them to any BPMN element. The definition of each attribute includes the name and type of the attribute; given by the corresponding ExtensionAttributeValue element. In a BPMN extended element, ExtensionAttributeValue is used to assign a value to a extension attribute that was defined in the ExtensionDefinition by using ExtensionAttributeDefinition element.III.R ELATED W ORKSSeveral works treats of the problems of interoperability in data interchange between different Information Systems. Wexin Mu [11] focuses on automatically generate the cartography of collaborative processes. His method consists first in gathering knowledge of partners’ data, then building a repository of partners’ services and finally deducing a collaborative process model that can run and a workflow engine that enables to run it. Among the different modelling languages he uses, we can find BPMN. But he does not represent the problems of interoperability in his models.The approach of Jankovic et. al. [9] relates to ours since they propose an extension of BPMN 2.0 meta-model to represent information requirements in BPMN 2.0. They state that information requirements should be specified in terms of a common, reference ontology. Their methodology is based on the use of reference ontology as an unambiguous and formal representation of a set of business concepts and their relationships for a particular CBP environment. Thus, they exclude technological and organizational barriers. Furthermore,this BPMN extension is directed only to IT technicians and not to managers and processes owners.All mentioned works cover the problems of interoperability in data interchange between different Information Systems. But the goal of these works is to help the job of IT technicians. This is surely useful, but it doesn’t offer a possibility to make these problems visible for all the collaborating business partners (and not only IT technicians). With the extension we define in our work, we offer the possibility of that shared understanding, which is one of the main goals of BPMN.IV.E XTENSIONSPurpose: Our aim is to create a sustainable (conservative) extension of BPMN, which allows representing interoperabilityin data exchanges in the framework of process diagrams. This new extension can be used in very different business contexts, whether in inter-company data exchanges, in web applications, etc. It will make possible to represent explicitly and intuitivelythe exchanges of data presenting an interoperability problem.Framework: In order to explicit interoperability problemsin BPMN data exchanges, we introduce two extensions: dataInteroperabilityBarrier and dataInteroperabilitySolute.The first (dataInteroperabilityBarrier) represents a data exchange with an unresolved interoperability problem. It allows representing this drawback so that all the participants ofthe project (managers, IT technicians, owners of the process, etc.) can realize that there is a problem to solve. Its aim is notto enter into technical considerations. Ideally, it should be used only in existing modeling (AsIs), since the realization of the project should include resolution of the difficulty. But it can be assumed that in some cases, for various reasons (lack of funding or time for example) no solution will be put in place. This extension can thus also be part of the modeling of the future system (ToBe).The second extension (dataInteroperabilitySolute) will be used to represent an overcoming interoperability issue. As such,it should have its place only in the modeling of the project of the future system (ToBe).A.StructureWe used the extension mechanism of BPMN 2.0 to define the extension of the BPMN meta-model. It allows the inclusionof the definition of the interoperability document template. The structure of the proposed element is defined by the ExtensionDefinition and ExtensionAttributeDefinition elements. The structure of BPMN is described using two representations: a Meta-Object Facility (MOF) meta-model that describes the concepts and an XML Schema Definition (XSD) that establishes the format of exchanges [10]. The MOF class diagram of the BPMN meta-model is visible in the specification manual. It is divided into different sections. We will only represent here that which concerns the data objects. The classes corresponding to the extensions we propose are represented in gray in Figure II.This illustration shows that dataInteroperabilityBarrier and dataInteroperabilitySolute extend dataObject. These two classes therefore inherit its attributes and models of association.FIGURE II.BPMN CLASS EXTENSION.No additional attributes are defined. It would have beeninteresting to associate an association constraint with these two extensions: that they can only be linked to tasks belonging to different corridors. Indeed, a problem of interoperability can only exist between different systems, represented by distinct corridors. But in the basic structuring of BPMN, any source task can be linked to any target task. We have respected this flexibility. It is therefore up to the modelers to take account of this flexibility and not to use these extensions properly, that is to say between two tasks belonging to different corridors.V.G RAPHICAL R EPRESENTATIONWe propose to provide the following graphical representations for the interoperability extensions in figure III.(a)(b)FIGURE III. DATAINTEROPERABILITYBARRIER ANDDATAINTEROPERABILITYSOLUTEWe have extended the graphical representation of the Data Object to which we have added two inverse arrows, representing interoperability. The barred means that interoperability is not assured, as presented in Figure III left (a): dataInteroperabilityBarrier, is placed in the BPMN model with the same rules and constraints as the Data Object. In case of dataInteroperabilitySolute extension, Figure III right (b), the representation is similar, except the arrows are not barred, indicating that interoperability is assured.VI.U SE C ASETo illustrate the interest of dataInteroperabilityBarrier and dataInteroperabilitySolute extensions, we will study the case of Onetik SME. This company of the Basque Country manufactures and markets cheeses. It uses the Nodhos ERP. The shipment management module of this ERP does not give it complete satisfaction, and its use is source of errors and therefore, among other things, disputes with customers that are costly for the company. The replacement of the ERP is not envisaged in the short term mainly for financial reasons. The management of Onetik has then decided to graft the shipment management module of another ERP (Integraal Agro).In the framework of this project, two models were carried out using BPMN: one is corresponding to the existing system (AS IS) and the other to the desired system (TO BE). Each model consisted of several models of the various processes. We will represent the (simplified) process of order preparation.This AS IS model (Figure IV) is representing real case proposed by the current organization of the information system in the enterprise. This is to be developed by describing the problem faced by the enterprise and the problem that isengendered by this situation.FIGURE IV.DATAINTEROPERABILITYBARRIER On the TO BE model (Figure V), it can be seen that the BP document must be transmitted from the Nodhos ERP to the Integraal Agro module. The transmitted data is represented by the dataInteroperabilitySolute icon to specify that an interoperability problem among the two tasks has to be solved.FIGURE V.DATAINTEROPERABILITYSOLUTE Similarly, once the package has been weighed, the BP, together with the weight of the package and the batch number of the cheeses used, is transmitted in the opposite direction (from Integraal Agro to Nodhos).VII.P ERSPECTIVES AND I MPLEMENTATION These works are still under development. The next phase will consist in implementing the proposition within a software solution. The SLMToolBox [11] has been selected for its capacity to integrate a Model Driven approach, BPMN 2.0 models and simulation aspects. This extension will be validated and then will be the baseline for representing performance aspects on the BPMN model. We are working now on extending on performance aspects in the process modeling. We will refer to reference works in this domain such as the works of [13] and [14].VIII.C ONCLUSIONThis paper is proposing an extension to BPMN 2.0 in the context of interoperability identification and solving. This extension makes explicit the modeling of interoperability barriers and problem solved thanks to two graphical icons added to the original data item of BPMN. The interest of this approach has been illustrated on a use case from industry. These new features of BPMN allow bringing to light to all participants of a CBP project (managers, IT technicians, processes owners, etc.) the presence of an interoperability barrier and its solution.REFERENCES[1]ATHENA, D.A2.1: Cross-Organisational Business Process requirementsand the State of the Art in Research, Technology and Standards Version2. ATHENA Project No. (507849), 2005[2]OMG, OMG: MDA Guide Version 1.0.1, /mda/ 2003[3]Harmon, The State of Business Process Management 2016. BusinessProcess Trends, 2016[4]Braun R., W. 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1. 引言BPMN2.0(Business Process Model and Notation,业务流程建模标准)是一种用于描述业务流程的标准化符号和语法。
2. BPMN2.0的基本概念BPMN2.0是业务流程建模的标准,它使用一系列图形符号来表示不同类型的活动、事件、网关和流程流。
3. BPMN2.0的重要性在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,组织需要不断地优化其业务流程以提高效率和降低成本。
4. BPMN2.0在实际应用中的意义在实际应用中,BPMN2.0可以被广泛地运用于业务流程的建模、分析和优化。
5. 个人观点和理解作为业务流程建模的标准,BPMN2.0在当今商业社会中具有重要的意义。
6. 总结通过本文的介绍,读者对BPMN2.0的基本概念、重要性以及在实际应用中的意义有了更加清晰的认识。
jBPM6与BPMN2.0(JBPM6系列之一)1、何谓BPMN2.0BPMN是Business Process Model and Notation的缩写。
BPMN是OMG (Object Management Group 对象管理组织)所发布的规范之一。
所谓业务用户(Business users)其实包含三种类型的用户:业务分析员、业务开发者以及最终用户。
BPMN的早期版本(BPMN 1.x)仅仅定义了怎样图形化一个业务流程,而目前的BPMN 2.0不仅仅定义了业务流程的图形化标准,还追加了已定义元素的执行语义和流程定义的XML格式化。
在BPMN 2.0中,这种可执行流程(在这里,所谓可执行流程是指可以使用BPMN 2.0规范完整的描绘出流程图的业务流程。
)是由不同类型的节点(nodes)组成的,且节点之间使用顺序流(sequence flows)进行相互连接。
BPMN 2.0规范抽象了三大类型的节点:Events类型:事件类型的节点用于建模某个特定事件的发生。
BPMN 2.0抽象了三种事件节点:1)开始事件节点(start event):用于表示某个流程的开始;2)结束事件节点(end event):定义了流程的结束或者其子流程的结束;3)中间事件节点(intermediate event):用于表示在某个流程执行期间可能发生的事情。
消息流( Message Flow ) 用虚线空心箭头表示,用来表示2个分开的流程参与者(业务实体或 业务角色)之间发送或者接收到的消息流。例如:
结合关系(Association ) 点状虚线表示,用于显示活动的输入输出。例如:
泳道(Swimlanes):用以区分不同的参与者、功能和职责。 有两种类型的泳道:池(Pool)和道(Lane) 池(Pool) 代表流程中的一个参与者。它也可以用作一个图形容器来与其他的 pool相分隔。通常在交互流程中出现
开始事件启动一个流程的新案例,它只有一个唯一的输出顺序流,没 有输入顺序流,常用的为开始事件、消息事件、时间事件 开始事件(Start Event):为无类型事件类,表示状态的开始
消息事件(MessageStart Event):带有消息参数的事件,可以接受和 发送消息
时间事件(TimerStart Event):表示时间点(定时和超时)以及时间 区间
边界非中断事件(如下图) 当在任务1执行过程中,如果边界非中断事件捕获了触发器,那么任务1 不会被停止执行,只是我们同时开始执行任务3,任务1完成后正常触发任务 2;如果边界中断事件没有捕获触发器,那么任务1正常执行,然后执行任务 2,任务3不会触发。我们使用虚线来标识这是一个非中断事件。
描述对象(Artifacts):为了扩展基本符号,提供描述额外的上下文, BPMN使用了描述对象(Artifacts)。包括组(Group)、附注(Annotation)
组(Group)将一部分元素按逻辑或特定目的进行分组,便于查看和 管理,用于描述和解释目的的,不会影响流程的流转。如图:
bpmn2.0国际标准摘要:1.BPMN2.0 国际标准的概述2.BPMN 2.0 的主要特点和改进3.BPMN 2.0 的应用场景和优势4.我国在BPMN 2.0 国际标准方面的贡献和影响5.BPMN 2.0 的发展前景正文:一、BPMN 2.0 国际标准的概述BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)2.0 是业务流程建模和表示的国际标准,它是由国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电子与信息技术委员会(IEC)联合制定的。
BPMN 2.0 主要用于企业和组织中对业务流程的建模、分析、优化和部署,以实现业务流程的自动化和管理。
二、BPMN 2.0 的主要特点和改进相较于BPMN 1.0,BPMN 2.0 在多个方面进行了改进和优化。
以下是BPMN 2.0 的一些主要特点:1.更强大的表达能力:BPMN2.0 增加了许多新的建模元素,使得建模者能够更准确地表达各种复杂的业务流程。
2.更好的扩展性:BPMN 2.0 提供了一种标准的方式来扩展和定制建模元素,以满足特定行业或组织的需求。
3.更高的互操作性:BPMN 2.0 强调了建模元素之间的互操作性,使得不同工具和平台之间的BPMN 模型可以无缝地共享和交互。
三、BPMN 2.0 的应用场景和优势BPMN 2.0 广泛应用于各种业务流程管理领域,如:企业业务流程优化、业务流程自动化、跨组织业务协作等。
使用BPMN 2.0 的优势包括:1.提高业务流程的可视化程度:通过BPMN2.0 建模,企业和组织可以更清晰地了解业务流程的运行状况,从而发现潜在的问题和改进空间。
2.促进业务流程的优化和自动化:BPMN 2.0 模型可以作为业务流程优化和自动化的基础,帮助企业实现业务流程的快速迭代和升级。
3.提高跨组织业务协作效率:基于BPMN 2.0 的业务流程模型可以方便地共享和传递,有助于跨组织之间的业务协作和沟通。
四、我国在BPMN 2.0 国际标准方面的贡献和影响我国积极参与了BPMN 2.0 国际标准的制定和推广,对标准的制定提出了许多有价值的建议和意见。
什么是BPMN、Workflow?•BPM(Business Process Management)——“通过建模、自动化、管理和优化流程,打破跨部门跨系统业务过程依赖,提高业务效率和效果”。
Form al Sem antics and A nalysis of BPM N 2.0 Ch0reOgraphies
DAI Fei ' , ZHAO Wen.Zhuo , YANG Yun , MO Qi 一, LI Tong , ZHOU Hua
(Big Data and Artificial Intelligence College,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650091,China) (School of Software,Yunnan University,Kunming 65009 1,China) (Key Laboratory for Software Engineering of Yunnan Province,Kunming 65009 1,China)
BPMN2.0快速使用文档xx年xx月xx日•BPMN2.0概述•BPMN2.0基础知识•BPMN2.0建模实践•BPMN2.0执行与仿真目•BPMN2.0与其他系统的集成•BPMN2.0最佳实践录01 BPMN2.0概述BPMN2.0是Business Process Model and Notation的缩写,是一种业务流程模型的表示方法,用于描述、可视化、测量和改进业务流程。
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BPMN 2.0 规范概述
BPMN 2.0 规范于2011年1月正式发布,全称为:Business Process Model And Notation(业务流程模型和符号)。
BPMN 中定义的5类基础元素:
1、流对象:(Flow Objects)在一个业务流程中,流对象是用于定义行为图形元素,主要有事件(Events)、活动(Activitis)、网关(Gateways) 3种流对象。
2、数据:(Data)主要有数据对象(Data Objects)、数据输入(Data Inputs)、数据输出(Data Outputs)、数据存储(Data Stores)4种元素。
3、连接对象:(Connection Objects)用于连接流对象,顺序流(Sequence Flows)、消息流(Message Flows)、关联(Associations)、数据关联(Data Associations)。
5、制品:(Artifacts)制品主用用于为流程提供附加信息,包括:组(Group)h和注释(Text Annotation)。