人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 WARMING UP 公开课一 (2)


人教版英语选修六Unit 2 poems(Warming up)课件(共20张PPT)

人教版英语选修六Unit 2 poems(Warming up)课件(共20张PPT)

You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too...
Let’s listen to an English song.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Can you find something like a poem?
Famous English poems Appreciation
Have you read the two poems below? A Grain of Sand William Blake
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.
Homework 1. Look up the new words
and expressions of the reading in the dictionary. 2. Preview the reading: A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS

高中英语 Unit 2 Section I Warming Up & Reading Pre reading课件 新人教版选修6

高中英语 Unit 2  Section I Warming Up & Reading Pre reading课件 新人教版选修6

Ⅰ.Look at the pictures and match the poets with the right dynasties or countries.
B.Tang Dynasty
C.Song Dynasty
Ⅱ.Look through the picture and poem, and then try to answer the following questions. Looking up, I find the moon

Section Ⅰ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Do you like poems?Do you know how to enjoy the beauty
of poetry? Please read the following passage to get the answer.
NK runs from the corners of my mouth
There is no happiness like mine
I have been eating poetry ... American poet Mark Strand wrote these words about 50 years ago.Now budding (萌芽的) Chinese poets have been
“The math genius we are so proud of doesn’t know how
to use an abacus /The music prodigy (神童) we produced doesn’t know jiao, zhi, gong, shang (角,徵,宫,商,我国古 代音阶中的四个音),” read some of Liu’s lines.The poem expresses Liu’s dream of carrying on Chinese traditional

选修六 5.19《Warming up》 公开课一等奖课件

选修六 5.19《Warming up》  公开课一等奖课件

Hurricane Video
3. Have you thought about how powerful nature is? Have you ever consider how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?
曹杨二中高三(14)班学生 班级职务:学习委员 高考志愿:北京 大学中文系 高考成绩:语文121分数学146分 英语146分历史134分 综合28分总分 575分 (另有附加分10 分)
“我对竞赛题一样发怵” 总结自己的成功经验,常方舟认为学习的高 效率是最重要因素,“高中三年,我每天晚 上都是10:30休息,这个生活习惯雷打不动。 早晨总是6:15起床,以保证八小时左右的睡 眠。平时功课再多再忙,我也不会‘开夜 车’。身体健康,体力充沛才能保证有效学 习。”高三阶段,有的同学每天学习到凌晨 两三点,这种习惯在常方舟看来反而会影响 次日的学习状态。每天课后,常方舟也不会 花太多时间做功课,常常是做完老师布置的 作业就算完。
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。 谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话” 两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师 的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法, 肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做 的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试 成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的 成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。

高中英语Warming up课件新人教版选修6

高中英语Warming up课件新人教版选修6

vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen (氮), sulphur(硫磺) bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc. lava (熔岩)
Where is most possible for a volcano to erupt?
Preview new words in this unit and the passage on P34 to find out more about being a volcanologist.

How is a lcano formed?
The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain.
Boiling rock erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain.
Near the oceans.
What types of volcanoes do you know?
An extinct volcano
An active volcano
dormant volcano
Vesuvius volcano
In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all the people were dead.

人教版选修6%3AUnit 2 Poems-warming up reading

人教版选修6%3AUnit 2 Poems-warming up reading

Wang Wei
( nature )
Bai Juyi
Shakespeare (1564—1616 )
Shelley (1792—1822 )
fantasy romantic classical
Song/Tang Dynasty
Have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem
Made up of five lines, convey a strong picture in just a few words. Made up of 17 syllables; Give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words. The translations have a free form.
Read for detailed information
Which Poem describes a person?
tells a story? describes an aspect of a season?
is about sport? is about things that don’t make sense?
is recited to a baby? describes a river scene? has rhyming words at the end of lines? repeats words or phrases?

人教版高中英语新课标 选修六 Unit 2 Poems warming up导入课课件

人教版高中英语新课标 选修六 Unit 2 Poems warming up导入课课件
•easy to read/remember/understand •have a certain pattern
•have a kind of rhyme (押韵)
Which words rhyme?
mad tale glory recite shade broke
spoken afraid story fail glad night goat
rhyming pattern: aabb
Find the rhyming pattern
轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。
Say Goodbye to Cambridge Again
Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. rhyming pattern: abcc
To My Parents, Thank you
You were always there
To _______me
You were always there
To _______me
You were always there
To _______me
laugh with
cry with
MetapLhifeoisra gift, accept it.
Enjoy special forms
Enjoy a poem regarded as the shortest poem in the history of English literature.

高中英语 Unit2 Warming up reading课件 新人教版选修6

高中英语 Unit2 Warming up reading课件 新人教版选修6

What is the main topic of the reading passage?
Some simple forms of English poems What five kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about? Nursery rhymes, List poems, the Cinquain, Haiku and Tang poems.
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat If that billy-goat runs away, Papa is going to buy you another today.
Which two poems have rhyming lines? Circle the pairs of rhyming words.
Poem A and B. Each poem has four beats a line.
Which poems give you one clear picture in your mind?
2. Does the speaker like the subject? Give a reason for your answer. Poem D: Yes. Although the speaker describes a couple of negative aspects of his/ her brother, the reader can feel the affection that the speaker feels for his/ her brother. Poem E: No. The reader gets the feeling that the speaker can’t wait until the summer is over. The words drooping, dreading, week in week out and endless convey this feeling.

选修六 2.8《Unit 2 Warmingup》 公开课一等奖课件

选修六 2.8《Unit 2 Warmingup》  公开课一等奖课件

青 春 风 采
692分(含20分加分) 语文131分 数学145分 英语141分 文综255分
毕业学校:北京二中 报考高校: 北京大学光华管理学 院 北京市文科状元 阳光女孩--何旋
来自北京二中,高考成绩672分,还有20 分加分。“何旋给人最深的印象就是她 的笑声,远远的就能听见她的笑声。” 班主任吴京梅说,何旋是个阳光女孩。 “她是学校的摄影记者,非常外向,如 果加上20分的加分,她的成绩应该是 692。”吴老师说,何旋考出好成绩的秘 诀是心态好。“她很自信,也很有爱心。 考试结束后,她还问我怎么给边远地区 的学校捐书”。
Why do people write poems? People write poems to tell a story to express feelings to make others laugh to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to tell stories to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyric of a song
animals people stories death war emotions
nature sea seasons
Kinds of topics poets write about
landscapes ……….
Young and old ages
Feelings and experieces
高考总分:711分 毕业学校:北京八中 语文139分 数学140分 英语141分 理综291分 报考高校:

人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 WARMING UP 公开课一 (1)

人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 WARMING UP  公开课一 (1)

The sun is setting along the mountain, And the yellow river is flowing to the ocean If you want to strain your eyesight, And look at a distant sight, You’ve to ascend another storey with all your might.
First listen to the tang poem: Awaiting husband stone and try to answer the questions form 1-3 .
望夫石 Where she awaits her husband,
On and on the river flows
5. 三岁的伢会答碗,一直答到个螺丝杆,螺丝杆 吃鱼坨,脱了鞋娃儿下去摸,菱角刺切了我的脚, 哎哟回去叫嫂拨。
6. 天上的星个个黄,地下的女儿无爷娘 有爷有娘金活宝,无爷无娘烂稻草,堂 屋的洗脸哥哥恨,厨房的洗脸嫂嫂嫌, 嫂啊嫂你莫嫌,在你的屋里站不到三两 年,金驮金马驮钱,给的哥哥当饭钱, 哥哥送了十里路,嫂嫂送了一条街,嫂 啊嫂往前转,妹啊妹你几时来,石磙烂 了长青苔,铁树开花我再来。
(by Wang Jian)
A.蝶恋花 B.竹枝词 C.望夫石 D.一剪梅
1. What is the story that the poem tell?
2. Which aspect does this poem show obviously in the three kind of beauty?
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, word Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. mockingbird If that mockingbird won’t sing, sing Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. ring If that diamond ring turns to brass, brass Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass. glass If that looking-glass gets broke, broke -goat Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat away If that billy-goat runs away, Papa is going to buy you another today. today
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Into the pond he fell with a plop.
Sunshine Lovely, cheerful Warming, welcoming, calming I sing with you Brightness
呆 秀才 吃长斋 胡须满腮 经书揭不开 纸笔自己安排 明年不请我自来
广 水 乡 谣
我 把 钱 恩 去 过 早
狗 娃 狗 娃 恩 莫 咬
卖 卖 好 到 灯 吃 河 草 佬 边 狗 娃 咬
好 吃 佬
广 水 乡 谣
厨堂地转天 房屋下转上 的的的灯的 吃吃幺 星 的的姑 稗白好 子米伤 羹饭心
天 上 的 星
U要 回 归 诗 意 生 活
音三 形种 和美 意丽 凸 显 诗 歌
诗二 歌种 之类 形型 唐 诗 儿 歌 ----
诗一 歌种 之理 美论 欣 赏 诗 歌
Three principles for the beauty of literature translation:
-------《 文 学 与 翻 译 》
许 渊 冲 北 京 大 学 教 授
其的 译 形意 者 式境 不 在 之之 仅 翻 美美 要 译 和, 再 古 音还 现 典 韵要 原 诗 之兼 诗 歌 美顾 中 时 。
Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.
Froggy-boggy had a great shock. Froggy-boggy fell off the top.