



OTN SDH Packet
OTN SDH Packet
U2000网管简化端到端业务部署,提升业务发放效率超 过60%;智慧光管系统,支持10G/40G/100G任意通道
OSN 9800 U16/U32/U64 2.8T/6.4T/12.8T ODUk交叉容量 10G/40G/100G/400G
•以37%的份额占据全球 市场第一
•经济高效的eDQPSK, 与10G混传最佳 •相干ePDM-BPSK, 免 DCM
应用场景: 1、智能电网传输网络 2、交通行业传输解决方案 3、数据中心互联解决方案 4、广电行业传输解决方案 5、教育行业传输解决方案 6、ISP行业传输解决方案
亮点: 1、10G/40G/100G 超长距, 充分共享,带宽 “0”浪费 2、OTN/PID 光电融合调度,业务发放“0”等待 3、ASON 网络智能可靠,业务发放“0”等待

66dB/80*10G 宿
10G 40G 100G 1.6T 3.2T 6.4T 单子架25.6T
视频会议 视频监控
办公 电话
数据网 客票
时间 系统






















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对环境的变化做出正确的反 应,以对失败、挫折不屈不 挠的积极心态战胜困难
公 司 概 况
企 业 文 化





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广知 博识 的面
1、市场营销基本概念 2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法

认为一个优秀的营销 人员应是什么样

做人 恪守三条信念: 相信自己所营销的产品 相信自己所代表的团体 相信自己
服务精神 无微不至的服务是克敌制胜的法宝销售员也是服务 员,没有服务就没有市场





目录第一章WCDMA第一节华为WCDMA概述1.1 Huawei WCDMA introductionHuawei has been investing heavily in 3G and currently there are over 4000 engineers engaged in the R&D of 3G system with global 3G R&D institutes in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing of China and Sweden, India and the United States. Huawei has already successfully deployed its commercial UMTS total solution. In fact, more and more operators are now placing their 3G confidence in Huawei.Huawei is one of the few vendors that have achieved commercial applications (10 commercial networks and over 30 trial networks). Commercial contracts include those with Sunday in Hong Kong, Etisalat in UAE, Emtel in Mauritius, TM in Malaysia and Telfort in the Netherlands.Hong Kong is one of the world's most competitive mobile markets. With high performance, mature product and quick response to customer’s requirement, Huawei was selected by SUNDAY from five global equipment vendors (others are Siemens, Alcatel, Nortel and ZTE).Etisalat, one of the world’s top 500 companies, provides telecommunication services to the United Arab Emirates and is one of the leading service providers in the Middle East Region. On Dec. 24, 2003, Huawei helped Etisalat launch UMTS services in UAE, enabling Etisalat to become the first company in the Middle East and the Arab World to introduce UMTS network.Telekom Malaysia(TM) is the biggest telecom operator in Malaysia and holds a very high position in the telecom market of Asia Pacific. In September of 2004, after strict trial network test and competition among Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, and Huawei, Huawei won the commercial contract from TM to cover the booming area of Malaysia. In this commercial network, Huawei RAN inter-works with Nokia CN, and proved its excellent interoperability.In Dec.8, 2004, Telfort, Netherlands selected Huawei as their partner on 3G and takes Huawei as the sole UMTS supplier. Huawei will help Telfort to build a nationwide and high-quality UMTS network in Netherlands with a coverage of the whole country including all the main cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, etc. Huawei will deliver a turnkey solution, giving Telfort full UMTS capabilities, interworking with its existing GSM and EDGE platforms and readiness for HSDPA. With Huawei innovative distributed UMTS solutions, Telfort can achieve 30% Opex and Capex saving. Just like the CEO of Telfort said “Huawei's technological and innovative skills are really impressive…We are confident that Huawei will help us to develop innovative and cost effective data solutions for our customers and look forward to a prosperous relationship with them."Here are some key points of this case:1. Huawei will provide an end-to-end solution based on R4 architecture for Telfort.2. Network covers 99% population of the Netherlands3. Replace the existing GSM/GPRS core network with a unified 2G/3G core network4. Distributed Coverage Solution can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, with 30%TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Saving5. Huawei will deliver a turnkey project1.2 Activities in UMTS industrya) Doing trails and tests with Vodafone, Telefonica, NTT DoCoMo, China Mobile, ChinaTelecom, China NetCom;b) Complete Inter-Operability Test (IOT) with the mainstream equipment vendors:Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Nortel, Siemens-NEC, Alcatel;c) Complete IOT for single/dual –mode handsets: Nokia 6650, Motorola A830, NECPeony, NEC C606, Sony-Ericsson Z1010, Qualcomm TM5200/6200, SANYO, LG ;d) Major founder for the Common Public Radio Interface, which is aiming to define apublicly available specification for the key internal interface of radio base stations.e) Establishing 3G open Lab for the development and testing of 3G services withSP/CP, researching WIN-WIN business models and cultivating the 3G value chain;f) Huawei respects IPR. Huawei is one of the few vendors who can design 3G coreASIC. We have our own intellectual properties for 3G and have signed IPR cross-license agreement with Ericsson and Nokia.g) In the MTNet test, which is organized by the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry,Huawei has passed all the 326 mandatory test items and 70 of the total 75 optional test items. Huawei has been ranked No. 1 in both 2 phases of the MTNet test.h)Huawei has also been investing heavily on 3G handsets and is planning to launch aseries of them especially the low-cost 3G handsets.1.3 Major events of Huawei UMTSa) 1995, started R&D on CDMA / UMTS technologyb) Aug. 2001, deployed China’s first UMTS pilot network in Shanghaic) Sep. 2002, dialed the world’s first UMTS intelligent call on CAMEL 3d) Jun. 2003, one of the major founders for CPRIe) Jun. 2003, complete long-distance IP video call based on R4f) Sep. 2003, joint force with Infineon to offer UMTS mobile phone platformg) Dec. 2003, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Etisalat (UAE)h) Dec. 2003, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Sunday (Hong Kong)i) Aug. 2004, complete world’s first and largest softswitch based R4 network for ChinaMobilej) Sep. 2004, RAN supplier of commercial UMTS system for TM (Malaysia)k) Dec. 2004, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Telfort (Netherlands)第二节展台展板讲解词2.1 Poster1: Long-term AccumulationThis poster is self-explaining.2.2 Poster2: Telfort ProjectIn Dec.8, 2004, Telfort, Netherlands selected Huawei as their partner on 3G and takes Huawei as the sole UMTS supplier. Huawei will help Telfort to build a nationwide and high-quality UMTS network in Netherlands with a coverage of the whole country including all the main cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, etc. Huawei will deliver a turnkey solution, giving Telfort full UMTS capabilities, interworking with its existing GSM and EDGE platforms and readiness for HSDPA. With Huawei innovative distributed UMTS solutions, Telfort can achieve 30% Opex and Capex saving. Just like the CEO of Telfort said “Huawei's technological and innovative skills are really impressive…We are confident that Huawei will help us to develop innovative and cost effective data solutions for our customers and look forward to a prosperous relationship with them."Here are some key points of this case:1. Huawei will provide an end-to-end solution based on R4 architecture for Telfort.2. Network covers 99% population of the Netherlands3. Replace the existing GSM/GPRS core network with a unified 2G/3G core network4. Distributed Coverage Solution can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, with 30%TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Saving5. Huawei will deliver a turnkey project2.3 Poster3: 4 commercial networksa) Introduction of Sunday projectHuawei provides SUNDAY entire end-to-end UMTS solution needed for the 3G launch, including UMTS radio access network, core network, 3G mobile intelligent network, data service platform and applications. The core network adopts soft switch architecture which supports 3GPP R99/R4, GSM/GPRS and TD-SCDMA standard.The 3G network will offer video mailbox, video phone, video conference, Portal, PTT, MMS, IN/CAMEL/MNP and WLAN integration, etc. services. Huawei may also supply SUNDAY with commercial UMTS mobile phones later.b) Introduction of Etisalat projectHuawei provides total UMTS solution with capacity of 160,000 subscribers (phase 1), based on 3GPP R4 architecture, including CN and RAN equipment. Coverage area: Whole country including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, etc.Services: Video phone, video conference, live TV on mobile phone, high-speed mobile Internet access and rich data services, etc.With Huawei’s solution, Etisalat GSM customers can migrate to 3G service without the need to change their existing numbers or SIM cards. This is also the world’s first commercial network which supports 2G/3G roaming.c) Introduction of TM projectTelekom Malaysia(TM) is the biggest telecom operator in Malaysia and holds a very high position in the telecom market of Asia Pacific. In September of 2004, after strict trial network test and competition among Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, and Huawei, Huawei won the commercial contract from TM to cover the booming area of Malaysia. In this commercial network, Huawei RAN inter-works with Nokia CN, and proved its excellent interoperability.2.4 Poster4: Introduction of China Mobile T-ProjectHere is the giant network structure for China Mobile. We are building the TMSC network for China Mobile. The project adopted Huawei’s advanced MSC: softswitch MSC, thus demonstrating the reliability of Huawei softswitch MSC. The position of TMSC1 is very important and they deal with all the long distance traffic between provinces. Based on softswitch MSC, CMCC can save much transmission cost in long-distance calls. The project includes 8 pairs of MSC servers and 32 dual homing MGWs, totally 40,000 E1 ports, building in 31 branch offices of CMCC. The project was completed in August, 2004. It survived the peak of the Chinese Lunar New Year in early 2005 and proved to be of best quality and reliability.2.5 Poster5: Introduction of abundant 2G/3G interworking experienceHuawei has rich 2G/3G interworking experience in commercial networks. Huawei provides the first commercial network which supports 2G/3G roaming for Etisalat, UAE.2.6 Poster6: UTRAN with high performanceThis poster is self-explaining, and may also refers to Key Message: 1.1 UTRAN for Better Coverage and Higher Performance.第三节演示业务介绍3.1 Video on demand (VOD)By using 3G handset as the wireless modem, enjoy the VOD service through UMTS network. The streaming data of high-resolution film is transported from 3G handset to laptop PC via USB port, and displayed on the screen of PC.The downlink speed reaches 384Kbps; the VOD will be one of the most excited services of 3G.3.2 Video Phone(VP)By using 2 UMTS handsets with camera to realized the video Call service,allowing customers to see each other on the screen when speaking to them.VP is circuit-switched based 64K service, will be one of the leading 3G service.3.3 UMTS Video conference interworking with NGN (VC)Customers using a 3G handset dial service access number to join video conference meeting of NGN to realize interworking with NGN VC.VC is one kind of 64Kbps service based on circuit - switched domain, can be used to provide mobile office and online monitor service.3.4 Media Streaming ServiceThe UMTS handset connects to the internet directly, plays the streaming data online such as music,movie, etc. Media streaming service is also one of most attractive service.3.5 Web-surfing via Bluetooth PDA combined with UMTS handsetUsing PDA with Bluetooth function combines with UMTS handset to realize high speed wireless data service, such web surfing, streaming media playing.Bluetooth PDA supplements the limitation of 3G handset data processing capability; realizes personal mobile internet, mobile office, etc., services.3.6 CMB (Cell Multimedia Broadcast) also called simplified MBMSHuawei is the first vendor to provide the end-to-end multimedia broadcast service over UMTS system in the industry. At the same data usage, services based on CMB, which is a simplified MBMS (Multiple Broadcast Multimedia Service), can be only priced at less than 5% of the present charge for media streaming services. CMB supports media streaming (live video, live TV, commercial video chips, etc.) and downloading services. This innovative service doesn’t require any hardware change, only software upgrade is needed.3.7 Uplink 384kbps ServicesBesides 14.4Mbps downlink rate that Huawei HSDPA solution can provide, Huawei also introduces enhanced solution to support 384k in both downlink and uplink, which can support symmetrical services such as high quality video phone, video conference and high speed for upload applications with large traffic, such as ftp and P2P file sharing.第四节展台设备介绍4.1 UTRAN for Better Coverage and Higher Performancea) Huawei delivers complete set of NodeB family, meeting different needs of operators.These include the 12-TRX/6-TRX indoor macro NodeB, the 6-TRX outdoor macro NodeB, the all-in-one Mini NodeB, and the distributed NodeB (Baseband Processing Unit (BBU) and the Remote Radio Unit (RRU));b) Distributed NodeB, which can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, Separatetraditional macro Node B into two parts: BBU and RRU connecting via optical fiber.The interface between RRU and BBU is open, according to CPRI, Huawei is one of the founders of CPRI. For details, please refer to 1.6.c) For the initial deployment of 3G network, the coverage is most concerned byoperators. With Huawei’s optimal coverage solution, the coverage of UMTS can be as good as that of GSM 900MHz system. These technologies include: power combining with TX diversity, high RX sensitivity of -125dBm, RRU and Tower Mounted Amplifier, 4-way RX diversity, AMR Control and DCCC RRM algorithms, etc.d) The efficiency of traditional LPA is 9%, based on FF technology. Huawei developednew PA technology, DP(Digital Pre-Distortion) plus HPA, which enhance the power efficiency to 18%.e) Huawei has also developed enhanced RTT algorithms that can ensure bothcoverage and capacity in the future. These include the Smart Antenna, the Multi-User Detection, etc.f) The bearer capability of Huawei NodeB is very remarkable. It can simultaneouslysupport up to 8 connections of 384Kbps on the downlink and 7 connections of 384Kbps on the uplink within one single sector-carrier.g) Huawei HSDPA can support 15 codes and full rates up to 14.4Mbps, relies onself-designed ASIC chip.4.2 RAN equipments introductiona) BTS3812E: new Indoor Macro NodeB➢ Smallest NodeB to support 12 CELLs in the industry with height of 1.4 meters and width of 0.6 meters➢ Support flexible configuration mode, such as O1, O2, O3, O4, S3×1, S3×2, S3×3, S3×4, S6×1, S6×2➢ Support flexible diversity mode, such as 2 Rx Diversity, 4 Rx Diversity, 2 Tx Diversity, etc➢ Support Remote Electric Tilt (RET) antenna➢ Support High Speed Downlink Packet Access(HSDPA)➢ High Power efficiency: type1: 18% (DPD: Digital PreDistortion);type2: 28% (DPD+Doherty)b) BTS3812A: new outdoor Macro NodeB➢ Compact design with height of 1.7 meters and width of 0.9 meters➢ Support flexible configuration mode, such as O1, O2, O3, O4, S3×1, S3×2, S3×3, S3×4, S6×1, S6×2➢ complies with the IP55 of International Protection Standard➢ Can work normally under the temperature -40 ︒C ~ +50 ︒C (with heat exchanger)➢ Support flexible diversity mode, such as 2 Rx Diversity, 4 Rx Diversity, 2 Tx Diversity, etcc) BTS3802C: All-in-One Mini NodeB➢ All-whether, all-in-one design➢ No equipment room needed, less auxiliary facilities➢ Small size and light weight, easy installation➢ T1, E1, STM-1 transmission, support CES and Fractional ATM➢ Support 128 voice channelsd) RRU3801C: Remote Radio Unit➢ Optical fiber transmission, flexible networking➢ Share base-band and clock modules with host NodeB➢ Adaptable to outdoor environmente) BBU3806: baseband processing unit➢ Distributed NodeB system with RRU➢ Size: 19’inch box,1U➢ Ambient Temp : -5~+50 °C➢ Single box support 3*1 up to 384voice channels/DL, 256 voice channels /UL, Four box support 3*4 up to 1536 voice channels /DL, 1024 voice channels /ULf) BSC6800: Radio Network Controller➢ Based on commercial ATM/IP platform➢ Modular design, smooth expansion and upgrade➢ 40,000 equivalent voice channels, 1,000,000 equivalent voice subscribers➢Max. 40K Erl/960M/1600 NodeBs/ 4800 cells➢ Powerful service bearing capability, support 8 kinds of AMR voice➢ Support transport sharing between 2G and 3G4.3 Advanced CS Core Networka) Huawei’s Circuit-Switched Core Network is based on the soft-switching architecture,which is the very pith of the next generation network (NGN). It realizes the separation of carrier and control, featuring smooth evolution, convenient O&M, flexible roll-out and control of services.b) Huawei R4 Core Network supports simultaneous access of both UTRAN and GSMBSS, and also has backward compatibility with 3GPP Rel99. So we call it a unified core network solution.c) The MSC Server and MGW feature large capacity, high density and high-scalability.They both have compact configuration of one single rack, supporting 50,000 subscribers to the minimum. Due to the modular design, they can be expanded all the way to their full capacity, i.e. 1.8 million subscribers with 3 racks.d) The Video Inter-working Gateway (VIG) is a very important network element for therealization of mobile video services. It functions as the interpreter for signaling between systems based on different video standards, e.g. H.323 and H.324M, enabling the inter-connection of video services between UMTS and other telecomsystems, e.g. NGN, broadband, Internet.e) Huawei adopts enhanced technologies to improve the quality of voice service,including TFO/TrFO, AMR Control, Comfortable Noise Generation, and Loss Packet Compensation.f) Huawei’s CS CN products have been widely deployed in the commercial network ofChina, Thailand and U.A.E. At the same time, Huawei NGN products, which are based on same platform as Huawei UMTS CS CN, have been deployed in Brunei Telecom. China Telecom, China Satellite Telecom. British Telecom, etc.4.4 CN CS equipments introductiona) UMG8900: Media Gateway⏹Unified media gateway for both mobile and fixed system⏹Smooth evolution to R5/R6, reusing existing hardware⏹Support dual homing features, network-level reliability ensured⏹Support E1/T1, SDH/ATM/POS 155M, FE/GE⏹Support H.324M, multiparty session, etcb) MSoftX3000: MSC Server⏹Abundant services: CAMEL 3, LCS, lawful interception, USSD callback, H.324M⏹Large capacity and high density, 1.8 million subs with 3 racks⏹Support dual homing networking, embedded SG functions⏹Support both layered and non-layered network architecture⏹Support simultaneous access of GSM BSS and UTRAN4.5 Versatile PS Core Networka) Huawei PS Core Network supports the simultaneous access of both UTRAN andGPRS BSS. It can support R99/R4/R5 and smooth evolution to R6 is also guaranteed.b) The GGSN embeds the SSP function and can support Pre-Paid Service (PPS).Huawei has provided the GGSN equipment for AIS of Thailand, enabling its prepaid subscribers to enjoy the attractive data services bringing by GPRS.c) The GGSN has the content-detection functionality. As a result, content-basedcharging can be supported by Huawei PS CN. This function gives operator the freedom of choosing different billing strategy and business modes.d) Due to the content-detection capability, another function which is called OnlyOneAPN can be provided. With this function, the end-users do not need to re-select APN by hand when they are changing to other services. The network will do the routing for the end-user. Re-selection of APN will be invisible by end-users. This function brings more convenience to both the end-users and the operators.e) Huawei’s PS CN has been deployed in 24 countries, 35 operators commercialexperiences, in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America.f) Huawei SGSN/GGSN/CG global application serves more than 12,000,000subscribers PS services and occupies more 47% market share in China Mobile.4.6 CN PS equipments introductiona) SGSN9810: Serving GPRS Support Node●Support both UMTS and GPRS●Capacity up to 1.6 million subs, and 800,000 PDP context simultaneously.●Guaranteed QoS: Diffserv QoS, MPLS, etc.●Support E1/T1, ATM STM-1/STM-4, POS STM-1/STM-4, FE/GE●Special functions: CAMEL 3, LCS, Lawful Interception, GTP HardwareForwarding, 2M Signaling, IPSec, etc.b) GGSN9811: Gateway GPRS Support Node●Support both UMTS and GPRS●handle 1,000,000 PDP context (Single sub-rack), 5,000,000 PDP context(Multiple sub-racks) simultaneously●Excellent quality of service based on Internet differentiated service classes.●Support packet security filtering/ACL mechanism●Support ATM STM-1/STM-4, POS STM-1/STM-4, FE/GE4.7 Experienced Radio Network PlanningHuawei has more than 300 professional UMTS Radio network planning (RNP) engineers locating in over 30 technical support centers worldwide. More than 75% of them hold master or higher degrees. Expertise database, simulation model database and case database of network planning & optimization have been set up to facilitate the RNP.Huawei holds more than 150 3G RNP patents and embodies the belief of RNP into ASIC design. Self-designed software has been developed to field test and network planning & optimization. Huawei has the experience of network planning & optimization in hundreds of 3G projects worldwide, including the commercial 3G network radio network planning in UAE , Hong Kong, Malaysia and NetherlandsHuawei RNP team cooperates with professional international RNP companies(such as WFI and Aircom), invites foreign experts from Europe, USA and Korea to join RNP team and provides professional 3G RNP service globally.About IPRHuawei respects IPR. Huawei is one of the few vendors who can also produce 3G core ASIC. We have our own intellectual properties for 3G and have signed IPR cross-license agreement with Ericsson and Nokia.Till today, Huawei has applied for more than 800 patents Covering UMTS key technologies.About CPRIIn May 2003, Ericsson, Huawei, NEC, Nortel Networks and Siemens created an industry cooperation, CPRI (Common Public Radio Interface).CPRI defines the interface between RE (Radio equipment) and REC (radio equipment control) which is a key internal interface in the radio base station. The aim of CPRI is to define a publicly available specification for the key internal interface of radio base stations.As a founder of CPRI, Huawei’s RRU is fully complied with CPRI 1.1 specification, which means operators can have the benefits of cost-effective and high quality from the whole CPRI industry.第二章CDMA2000第一节展板介绍1.1Global Applications of Huawei CDMA2000Huawei CDMA2000 has been widely applied worldwide in over 50 countries, in Europe, Eastern Europe, CIS region, middle Asia, Asia & pacific, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and north America., such as U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Ukraine, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Brunei, Yemen, Saudi Arab, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Ethiopia, …. The t otal capacity is c.a. 20 million subscribers. Especially, Huawei is the leading vendor of CDMA450 application with 66% market share worldwide, and 43% market share of CDMA-WLL, 5 commercial EV-DO networks and over 15 DO trial networks.In 2004, American operator (NTCH-CA) selected Huawei as the supplier of her CDMA network. And in the 1st phase, Huawei deployed 2 local networks in California and Arizona in 1900MHz, including SMS & MMS equipments. This is the first time that Chinese telecom vendor supplies CDMA system in United States of America. As we know, CDMA technology is originated from U.S.A. and applied in the first instance, they know CDMA very well, so they understand exactly the keys of CDMA. Huawei passed all the tests via series of excellent features and functions, and then got the first CDMA contract in United States of America.On the project of IUSACELL CDMA2000 network in Mexico, the capacity is 200,000 subscribers to cove 2 areas, section 1 and section 8, there are pairs of sates in each section.In section 1 the system is totally new CDMA2000 system, while in section 8 the system mainly comes from Huawei, the small part is from Motorola. In section 8 the system is at 800MHz frequency, while in section 1 the system is 1900MHz frequency, and the networks are 1X + EV-DO mixed configuration in both section. In phase I, the system is deployed with traditional MSC, and in second phase the SoftSwitch will be deployed. This is a turn-key project including infrastructure, transmission equipments, civil engineering, etc.Huawei provided the first CDMA network in Western Europe, it’s the nationwide CDMA450 network in Portugal, which is 1X + DO mixed network to offer 1X and DO services.CAT is a state-owned telecom operator in Thailand, the existing CDMA system was IS-95 technology provided by Lucent and NEC. The technology is outdated and the revenue was uneasy. So CAT carried out this bidding of CDMA2000 system over the whole country. In this bidding, 5 vendors took part in the bid works, in the phase of technology-evaluate, ZTE and Samsung were washed out. At the end, Huawei is the only vendor for CAT CDMA2000 network. In this network, Huawei will supply 1600 BTS to cover 51 provinces of total 76 provinces in 2 years, including 2.23 million subscribers. And all the BTS is 1X +EV-DO configuration.India is the hottest CDMA market in the world now, the population in India is over 1 billion. And it’s the No.1 CDMA market, so the competition in India is very active. In 2003, through a long time active competition, Huawei got the CDMA contract from MTNL, the capacity is 800,000 subscribers, coverage of Delhi and Mumbai, including OTAF and lawful interception equipments. These two cities are the top 2 biggest cities in India with large areas, dense population and dense buildings. The requirements from operator are very strict and various, Huawei passed all the test items in very short time.Huawei provided IN, CDMA infrastructure and terminals to PTCL in Pakistan. Five local CDMA networks will be distributed in 5 big cities - Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Quetta and Peshawar, including 1 WIN/SMSC, 1 PDSN, 5 MSC/HLR, 5 BSC, 127 BTS, 305 TRX, BSS capacity is 213K subscribers, NSS capacity is 291k subscribers. Subscriber’s traffic is 0.05Erl/subscriber. In the second phase of PTCL CDMA network, Huawei got 90% NSS capacity, (SoftSwitch + WIN), NSS capacity is 1275K subscribers (including 400K capacity of CDMA450, 875K capacity of CDMA1900), in 9 areas, total contract is over USD80M. Huawei is the biggest supplier.As you know, roaming is very important for the interconnection of networks. In Belarus, the first International roaming of CDMA450 was carry out on Huawei-built BelCel network and another operator Delta Telecom in St. Petersburg Russia.Huawei deployed its CDMA1900 network for Starcomms in Lagos Nigeria. Lagos is one of the most populated cities in the world. Huawei has provided S444 configured single cabinet BTS to provide dense coverage.In Tibet, CDMA450 network is supplied by Huawei. As we know, the terrain is so crude and hard in Tibet, and very harsh climate there. The nomadic people live in very spread regions. Huawei CDMA450 showed excellent features of coverage and service quality. The system provides telephone service in rural area to offer the nomad a link with the whole socity. In some of the places, before they have CDMA450 system, the people had to walk 6 hours to reach the nearest telephone. The CDMA450 system provides not only telephone services but also great changes of everyday life to Tibetans.1.2 End-to-end solution of Huawei CDMA2000Huawei provides CDMA2000 End-to-End solutions including network infrastructure, service platform, user terminals (inc. handsets and terminals) and after-sales service. The solution may be mobile network or Wireless Local Loop (WLL) system. The total network is divided into radio access network, core switch network, and core packet network, service supporting layer, and operation & maintenance center.Huawei offers series of handsets and fixed wireless terminals in different bands and different types to meet the requirements form different customers.。


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目 录
• 培训目标与内容 • 柜台陈列原则与规范 • 柜台陈列技巧与方法 • 柜台陈列管理规范与要求 • 陈列案例分享与讨论
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• 华为公司简介 • 华为员工培训体系 • 华为领导力培训 • 华为销售培训 • 华为技术培训 • 华为内部培训案例分享
1987年,华为成立,初 期主要从事电信设备代 理业务。
1993年,华为开始自主 研发交换机和接入网技 术,奠定了后续发展的 基础。
定期与客户保持联系,了 解客户需求变化,提供解 决方案,同时拓展新客户 和业务机会。
了解行业趋势、竞争对手动态和 客户需求变化,以便及时调整市
通过各种渠道推广华为品牌和产品 ,提高品牌知名度和美誉度。
寻求与其他企业或机构的合作与联 盟,共同开拓市场和业务机会。
领导力提升计划是华为内部培训的另一项重要内容,通过培训和实践活动,提高管理者的领导能力和 管理水平,从而提升整个组织的执行力和绩效。
华为的领导力提升计划包括多个方面,如领导力素质模型、领导力培训课程、领导力实践项目等。这 些计划帮助管理者更好地了解自己的领导风格和优势,提高团队管理和组织协调能力,同时也为公司 的长期发展提供了有力的人才保障。
2000年代初,华为开始 拓展海外市场,逐渐成 为全球通信设备行业的 领先者。
近年来,华为在5G、人 工智能等领域持续投入 ,保持技术领先地位。
华为的通信设备包括交换机、 路由器、基站等,广泛应用于





目录第一章WCDMA第一节华为WCDMA概述1.1 Huawei WCDMA introductionHuawei has been investing heavily in 3G and currently there are over 4000 engineers engaged in the R&D of 3G system with global 3G R&D institutes in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing of China and Sweden, India and the United States. Huawei has already successfully deployed its commercial UMTS total solution. In fact, more and more operators are now placing their 3G confidence in Huawei.Huawei is one of the few vendors that have achieved commercial applications (10 commercial networks and over 30 trial networks). Commercial contracts include those with Sunday in Hong Kong, Etisalat in UAE, Emtel in Mauritius, TM in Malaysia and Telfort in the Netherlands.Hong Kong is one of the world's most competitive mobile markets. With high performance, mature product and quick response to customer’s requirement, Huawei was selected by SUNDAY from five global equipment vendors (others are Siemens, Alcatel, Nortel and ZTE).Etisalat, one of the world’s top 500 companies, provides telecommunication services to the United Arab Emirates and is one of the leading service providers in the Middle East Region. On Dec. 24, 2003, Huawei helped Etisalat launch UMTS services in UAE, enabling Etisalat to become the first company in the Middle East and the Arab World to introduce UMTS network.Telekom Malaysia(TM) is the biggest telecom operator in Malaysia and holds a very high position in the telecom market of Asia Pacific. In September of 2004, after strict trial network test and competition among Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, and Huawei, Huawei won the commercial contract from TM to cover the booming area of Malaysia. In this commercial network, Huawei RAN inter-works with Nokia CN, and proved its excellent interoperability.In Dec.8, 2004, Telfort, Netherlands selected Huawei as their partner on 3G and takes Huawei as the sole UMTS supplier. Huawei will help Telfort to build a nationwide and high-quality UMTS network in Netherlands with a coverage of the whole country including all the main cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, etc. Huawei will deliver a turnkey solution, giving Telfort full UMTS capabilities, interworking with its existing GSM and EDGE platforms and readiness for HSDPA. With Huawei innovative distributed UMTS solutions, Telfort can achieve 30% Opex and Capex saving. Just like the CEO of Telfort said “Huawei's technological and innovative skills are really impressive…We are confident that Huawei will help us to develop innovative and cost effective data solutions for our customers and look forward to a prosperous relationship with them."Here are some key points of this case:1. Huawei will provide an end-to-end solution based on R4 architecture for Telfort.2. Network covers 99% population of the Netherlands3. Replace the existing GSM/GPRS core network with a unified 2G/3G core network4. Distributed Coverage Solution can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, with 30%TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Saving5. Huawei will deliver a turnkey project1.2 Activities in UMTS industrya) Doing trails and tests with Vodafone, Telefonica, NTT DoCoMo, China Mobile, ChinaTelecom, China NetCom;b) Complete Inter-Operability Test (IOT) with the mainstream equipment vendors:Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Nortel, Siemens-NEC, Alcatel;c) Complete IOT for single/dual –mode handsets: Nokia 6650, Motorola A830, NECPeony, NEC C606, Sony-Ericsson Z1010, Qualcomm TM5200/6200, SANYO, LG ;d) Major founder for the Common Public Radio Interface, which is aiming to define apublicly available specification for the key internal interface of radio base stations.e) Establishing 3G open Lab for the development and testing of 3G services withSP/CP, researching WIN-WIN business models and cultivating the 3G value chain;f) Huawei respects IPR. Huawei is one of the few vendors who can design 3G coreASIC. We have our own intellectual properties for 3G and have signed IPR cross-license agreement with Ericsson and Nokia.g) In the MTNet test, which is organized by the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry,Huawei has passed all the 326 mandatory test items and 70 of the total 75 optional test items. Huawei has been ranked No. 1 in both 2 phases of the MTNet test.h)Huawei has also been investing heavily on 3G handsets and is planning to launch aseries of them especially the low-cost 3G handsets.1.3 Major events of Huawei UMTSa) 1995, started R&D on CDMA / UMTS technologyb) Aug. 2001, deployed China’s first UMTS pilot network in Shanghaic) Sep. 2002, dialed the world’s first UMTS intelligent call on CAMEL 3d) Jun. 2003, one of the major founders for CPRIe) Jun. 2003, complete long-distance IP video call based on R4f) Sep. 2003, joint force with Infineon to offer UMTS mobile phone platformg) Dec. 2003, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Etisalat (UAE)h) Dec. 2003, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Sunday (Hong Kong)i) Aug. 2004, complete world’s first and largest softswitch based R4 network for ChinaMobilej) Sep. 2004, RAN supplier of commercial UMTS system for TM (Malaysia)k) Dec. 2004, sole supplier of commercial UMTS system for Telfort (Netherlands)第二节展台展板讲解词2.1 Poster1: Long-term AccumulationThis poster is self-explaining.2.2 Poster2: Telfort ProjectIn Dec.8, 2004, Telfort, Netherlands selected Huawei as their partner on 3G and takes Huawei as the sole UMTS supplier. Huawei will help Telfort to build a nationwide and high-quality UMTS network in Netherlands with a coverage of the whole country including all the main cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, etc. Huawei will deliver a turnkey solution, giving Telfort full UMTS capabilities, interworking with its existing GSM and EDGE platforms and readiness for HSDPA. With Huawei innovative distributed UMTS solutions, Telfort can achieve 30% Opex and Capex saving. Just like the CEO of Telfort said “Huawei's technological and innovative skills are really impressive…We are confident that Huawei will help us to develop innovative and cost effective data solutions for our customers and look forward to a prosperous relationship with them."Here are some key points of this case:1. Huawei will provide an end-to-end solution based on R4 architecture for Telfort.2. Network covers 99% population of the Netherlands3. Replace the existing GSM/GPRS core network with a unified 2G/3G core network4. Distributed Coverage Solution can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, with 30%TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Saving5. Huawei will deliver a turnkey project2.3 Poster3: 4 commercial networksa) Introduction of Sunday projectHuawei provides SUNDAY entire end-to-end UMTS solution needed for the 3G launch, including UMTS radio access network, core network, 3G mobile intelligent network, data service platform and applications. The core network adopts soft switch architecture which supports 3GPP R99/R4, GSM/GPRS and TD-SCDMA standard.The 3G network will offer video mailbox, video phone, video conference, Portal, PTT, MMS, IN/CAMEL/MNP and WLAN integration, etc. services. Huawei may also supply SUNDAY with commercial UMTS mobile phones later.b) Introduction of Etisalat projectHuawei provides total UMTS solution with capacity of 160,000 subscribers (phase 1), based on 3GPP R4 architecture, including CN and RAN equipment. Coverage area: Whole country including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, etc.Services: Video phone, video conference, live TV on mobile phone, high-speed mobile Internet access and rich data services, etc.With Huawei’s solution, Etisalat GSM customers can migrate to 3G service without the need to change their existing numbers or SIM cards. This is also the world’s first commercial network which supports 2G/3G roaming.c) Introduction of TM projectTelekom Malaysia(TM) is the biggest telecom operator in Malaysia and holds a very high position in the telecom market of Asia Pacific. In September of 2004, after strict trial network test and competition among Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, and Huawei, Huawei won the commercial contract from TM to cover the booming area of Malaysia. In this commercial network, Huawei RAN inter-works with Nokia CN, and proved its excellent interoperability.2.4 Poster4: Introduction of China Mobile T-ProjectHere is the giant network structure for China Mobile. We are building the TMSC network for China Mobile. The project adopted Huawei’s advanced MSC: softswitch MSC, thus demonstrating the reliability of Huawei softswitch MSC. The position of TMSC1 is very important and they deal with all the long distance traffic between provinces. Based on softswitch MSC, CMCC can save much transmission cost in long-distance calls. The project includes 8 pairs of MSC servers and 32 dual homing MGWs, totally 40,000 E1 ports, building in 31 branch offices of CMCC. The project was completed in August, 2004. It survived the peak of the Chinese Lunar New Year in early 2005 and proved to be of best quality and reliability.2.5 Poster5: Introduction of abundant 2G/3G interworking experienceHuawei has rich 2G/3G interworking experience in commercial networks. Huawei provides the first commercial network which supports 2G/3G roaming for Etisalat, UAE.2.6 Poster6: UTRAN with high performanceThis poster is self-explaining, and may also refers to Key Message: 1.1 UTRAN for Better Coverage and Higher Performance.第三节演示业务介绍3.1 Video on demand (VOD)By using 3G handset as the wireless modem, enjoy the VOD service through UMTS network. The streaming data of high-resolution film is transported from 3G handset to laptop PC via USB port, and displayed on the screen of PC.The downlink speed reaches 384Kbps; the VOD will be one of the most excited services of 3G.3.2 Video Phone(VP)By using 2 UMTS handsets with camera to realized the video Call service,allowing customers to see each other on the screen when speaking to them.VP is circuit-switched based 64K service, will be one of the leading 3G service.3.3 UMTS Video conference interworking with NGN (VC)Customers using a 3G handset dial service access number to join video conference meeting of NGN to realize interworking with NGN VC.VC is one kind of 64Kbps service based on circuit - switched domain, can be used to provide mobile office and online monitor service.3.4 Media Streaming ServiceThe UMTS handset connects to the internet directly, plays the streaming data online such as music,movie, etc. Media streaming service is also one of most attractive service.3.5 Web-surfing via Bluetooth PDA combined with UMTS handsetUsing PDA with Bluetooth function combines with UMTS handset to realize high speed wireless data service, such web surfing, streaming media playing.Bluetooth PDA supplements the limitation of 3G handset data processing capability; realizes personal mobile internet, mobile office, etc., services.3.6 CMB (Cell Multimedia Broadcast) also called simplified MBMSHuawei is the first vendor to provide the end-to-end multimedia broadcast service over UMTS system in the industry. At the same data usage, services based on CMB, which is a simplified MBMS (Multiple Broadcast Multimedia Service), can be only priced at less than 5% of the present charge for media streaming services. CMB supports media streaming (live video, live TV, commercial video chips, etc.) and downloading services. This innovative service doesn’t require any hardware change, only software upgrade is needed.3.7 Uplink 384kbps ServicesBesides 14.4Mbps downlink rate that Huawei HSDPA solution can provide, Huawei also introduces enhanced solution to support 384k in both downlink and uplink, which can support symmetrical services such as high quality video phone, video conference and high speed for upload applications with large traffic, such as ftp and P2P file sharing.第四节展台设备介绍4.1 UTRAN for Better Coverage and Higher Performancea) Huawei delivers complete set of NodeB family, meeting different needs of operators.These include the 12-TRX/6-TRX indoor macro NodeB, the 6-TRX outdoor macro NodeB, the all-in-one Mini NodeB, and the distributed NodeB (Baseband Processing Unit (BBU) and the Remote Radio Unit (RRU));b) Distributed NodeB, which can greatly reduce OPEX and CAPEX, Separatetraditional macro Node B into two parts: BBU and RRU connecting via optical fiber.The interface between RRU and BBU is open, according to CPRI, Huawei is one of the founders of CPRI. For details, please refer to 1.6.c) For the initial deployment of 3G network, the coverage is most concerned byoperators. With Huawei’s optimal coverage solution, the cove rage of UMTS can be as good as that of GSM 900MHz system. These technologies include: power combining with TX diversity, high RX sensitivity of -125dBm, RRU and Tower Mounted Amplifier, 4-way RX diversity, AMR Control and DCCC RRM algorithms, etc.d) The efficiency of traditional LPA is 9%, based on FF technology. Huawei developednew PA technology, DP(Digital Pre-Distortion) plus HPA, which enhance the power efficiency to 18%.e) Huawei has also developed enhanced RTT algorithms that can ensure bothcoverage and capacity in the future. These include the Smart Antenna, the Multi-User Detection, etc.f) The bearer capability of Huawei NodeB is very remarkable. It can simultaneouslysupport up to 8 connections of 384Kbps on the downlink and 7 connections of 384Kbps on the uplink within one single sector-carrier.g) Huawei HSDPA can support 15 codes and full rates up to 14.4Mbps, relies onself-designed ASIC chip.4.2 RAN equipments introductiona) BTS3812E: new Indoor Macro NodeBSmallest NodeB to support 12 CELLs in the industry with height of 1.4 meters and width of 0.6 metersSupport flexible configuration mode, such as O1, O2, O3, O4, S3×1, S3×2, S3×3, S3×4, S6×1, S6×2Support flexible diversity mode, such as 2 Rx Diversity, 4 Rx Diversity, 2 Tx Diversity, etcSupport Remote Electric Tilt (RET) antennaSupport High Speed Downlink Packet Access(HSDPA)High Power efficiency: type1: 18% (DPD: Digital PreDistortion);type2: 28% (DPD+Doherty)b) BTS3812A: new outdoor Macro NodeBCompact design with height of 1.7 meters and width of 0.9 metersSupport flexible configuration mode, such as O1, O2, O3, O4, S3×1, S3×2, S3×3, S3×4, S6×1, S6×2complies with the IP55 of International Protection StandardCan work normally under the temperature -40 ︒C ~ +50 ︒C (with heat exchanger)Support flexible diversity mode, such as 2 Rx Diversity, 4 Rx Diversity, 2 Tx Diversity, etcc) BTS3802C: All-in-One Mini NodeBAll-whether, all-in-one designNo equipment room needed, less auxiliary facilitiesSmall size and light weight, easy installationT1, E1, STM-1 transmission, support CES and Fractional ATMSupport 128 voice channelsd) RRU3801C: Remote Radio UnitOptical fiber transmission, flexible networkingShare base-band and clock modules with host NodeBAdaptable to outdoor environmente) BBU3806: baseband processing unitDistributed NodeB system with RRUSize: 19’inch box,1UAmbient Temp : -5~+50 °CSingle box support 3*1 up to 384voice channels/DL, 256 voice channels /UL, Four box support 3*4 up to 1536 voice channels /DL, 1024 voice channels /ULf) BSC6800: Radio Network ControllerBased on commercial ATM/IP platformModular design, smooth expansion and upgrade40,000 equivalent voice channels, 1,000,000 equivalent voice subscribersMax. 40K Erl/960M/1600 NodeBs/ 4800 cellsPowerful service bearing capability, support 8 kinds of AMR voiceSupport transport sharing between 2G and 3G4.3 Advanced CS Core Networka) Huawei’s Circuit-Switched Core Network is based on the soft-switching architecture,which is the very pith of the next generation network (NGN). It realizes the separation of carrier and control, featuring smooth evolution, convenient O&M, flexible roll-out and control of services.b) Huawei R4 Core Network supports simultaneous access of both UTRAN and GSMBSS, and also has backward compatibility with 3GPP Rel99. So we call it a unified core network solution.c) The MSC Server and MGW feature large capacity, high density and high-scalability.They both have compact configuration of one single rack, supporting 50,000 subscribers to the minimum. Due to the modular design, they can be expanded all the way to their full capacity, i.e. 1.8 million subscribers with 3 racks.d) The Video Inter-working Gateway (VIG) is a very important network element for therealization of mobile video services. It functions as the interpreter for signaling between systems based on different video standards, e.g. H.323 and H.324M, enabling the inter-connection of video services between UMTS and other telecomsystems, e.g. NGN, broadband, Internet.e) Huawei adopts enhanced technologies to improve the quality of voice service,including TFO/TrFO, AMR Control, Comfortable Noise Generation, and Loss Packet Compensation.f) Huawei’s CS CN products have been widely deployed in the commercial network ofChina, Thailand and U.A.E. At the same time, Huawei NGN products, which are based on same platform as Huawei UMTS CS CN, have been deployed in Brunei Telecom. China Telecom, China Satellite Telecom. British Telecom, etc.4.4 CN CS equipments introductiona) UMG8900: Media Gateway⏹Unified media gateway for both mobile and fixed system⏹Smooth evolution to R5/R6, reusing existing hardware⏹Support dual homing features, network-level reliability ensured⏹Support E1/T1, SDH/ATM/POS 155M, FE/GE⏹Support H.324M, multiparty session, etcb) MSoftX3000: MSC Server⏹Abundant services: CAMEL 3, LCS, lawful interception, USSD callback, H.324M⏹Large capacity and high density, 1.8 million subs with 3 racks⏹Support dual homing networking, embedded SG functions⏹Support both layered and non-layered network architecture⏹Support simultaneous access of GSM BSS and UTRAN4.5 Versatile PS Core Networka) Huawei PS Core Network supports the simultaneous access of both UTRAN andGPRS BSS. It can support R99/R4/R5 and smooth evolution to R6 is also guaranteed.b) The GGSN embeds the SSP function and can support Pre-Paid Service (PPS).Huawei has provided the GGSN equipment for AIS of Thailand, enabling its prepaid subscribers to enjoy the attractive data services bringing by GPRS.c) The GGSN has the content-detection functionality. As a result, content-basedcharging can be supported by Huawei PS CN. This function gives operator the freedom of choosing different billing strategy and business modes.d) Due to the content-detection capability, another function which is called OnlyOneAPN can be provided. With this function, the end-users do not need to re-select APN by hand when they are changing to other services. The network will do the routing for the end-user. Re-selection of APN will be invisible by end-users. This function brings more convenience to both the end-users and the operators.e) Huawei’s PS CN has been deployed in 24 countries, 35 operators commercialexperiences, in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America.f) Huawei SGSN/GGSN/CG global application serves more than 12,000,000subscribers PS services and occupies more 47% market share in China Mobile.4.6 CN PS equipments introductiona) SGSN9810: Serving GPRS Support Node●Support both UMTS and GPRS●Capacity up to 1.6 million subs, and 800,000 PDP context simultaneously.●Guaranteed QoS: Diffserv QoS, MPLS, etc.●Support E1/T1, ATM STM-1/STM-4, POS STM-1/STM-4, FE/GE●Special functions: CAMEL 3, LCS, Lawful Interception, GTP HardwareForwarding, 2M Signaling, IPSec, etc.b) GGSN9811: Gateway GPRS Support Node●Support both UMTS and GPRS●handle 1,000,000 PDP context (Single sub-rack), 5,000,000 PDP context(Multiple sub-racks) simultaneously●Excellent quality of service based on Internet differentiated service classes.●Support packet security filtering/ACL mechanism●Support ATM STM-1/STM-4, POS STM-1/STM-4, FE/GE4.7 Experienced Radio Network PlanningHuawei has more than 300 professional UMTS Radio network planning (RNP) engineers locating in over 30 technical support centers worldwide. More than 75% of them hold master or higher degrees. Expertise database, simulation model database and case database of network planning & optimization have been set up to facilitate the RNP.Huawei holds more than 150 3G RNP patents and embodies the belief of RNP into ASIC design. Self-designed software has been developed to field test and network planning & optimization. Huawei has the experience of network planning & optimization in hundreds of 3G projects worldwide, including the commercial 3G network radio network planning in UAE , Hong Kong, Malaysia and NetherlandsHuawei RNP team cooperates with professional international RNP companies(such as WFI and Aircom), invites foreign experts from Europe, USA and Korea to join RNP team and provides professional 3G RNP service globally.About IPRHuawei respects IPR. Huawei is one of the few vendors who can also produce 3G core ASIC. We have our own intellectual properties for 3G and have signed IPR cross-license agreement with Ericsson and Nokia.Till today, Huawei has applied for more than 800 patents Covering UMTS key technologies.About CPRIIn May 2003, Ericsson, Huawei, NEC, Nortel Networks and Siemens created an industry cooperation, CPRI (Common Public Radio Interface).CPRI defines the interface between RE (Radio equipment) and REC (radio equipment control) which is a key internal interface in the radio base station. The aim of CPRI is to define a publicly available specification for the key internal interface of radio base stations.As a founder of CPRI, Huawei’s RRU is fully complied with CPRI 1.1 specification, which means operators can have the benefits of cost-effective and high quality from the whole CPRI industry.第二章CDMA2000第一节展板介绍1.1Global Applications of Huawei CDMA2000Huawei CDMA2000 has been widely applied worldwide in over 50 countries, in Europe, Eastern Europe, CIS region, middle Asia, Asia & pacific, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and north America., such as U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Ukraine, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Brunei, Yemen, Saudi Arab, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Ethiopia, …. The t otal capacity is c.a. 20 million subscribers. Especially, Huawei is the leading vendor of CDMA450 application with 66% market share worldwide, and 43% market share of CDMA-WLL, 5 commercial EV-DO networks and over 15 DO trial networks.In 2004, American operator (NTCH-CA) selected Huawei as the supplier of her CDMA network. And in the 1st phase, Huawei deployed 2 local networks in California and Arizona in 1900MHz, including SMS & MMS equipments. This is the first time that Chinese telecom vendor supplies CDMA system in United States of America. As we know, CDMA technology is originated from U.S.A. and applied in the first instance, they know CDMA very well, so they understand exactly the keys of CDMA. Huawei passed all the tests via series of excellent features and functions, and then got the first CDMA contract in United States of America.On the project of IUSACELL CDMA2000 network in Mexico, the capacity is 200,000 subscribers to cove 2 areas, section 1 and section 8, there are pairs of sates in each section.In section 1 the system is totally new CDMA2000 system, while in section 8 the system mainly comes from Huawei, the small part is from Motorola. In section 8 the system is at 800MHz frequency, while in section 1 the system is 1900MHz frequency, and the networks are 1X + EV-DO mixed configuration in both section. In phase I, the system is deployed with traditional MSC, and in second phase the SoftSwitch will be deployed. This is a turn-key project including infrastructure, transmission equipments, civil engineering, etc.Huawei provided the first CDMA network in Western Europe, it’s the nationwide CDMA450 network in Portugal, which is 1X + DO mixed network to offer 1X and DO services.CAT is a state-owned telecom operator in Thailand, the existing CDMA system was IS-95 technology provided by Lucent and NEC. The technology is outdated and the revenue was uneasy. So CAT carried out this bidding of CDMA2000 system over the whole country. In this bidding, 5 vendors took part in the bid works, in the phase of technology-evaluate, ZTE and Samsung were washed out. At the end, Huawei is the only vendor for CAT CDMA2000 network. In this network, Huawei will supply 1600 BTS to cover 51 provinces of total 76 provinces in 2 years, including 2.23 million subscribers. And all the BTS is 1X +EV-DO configuration.India is the hottest CDMA market in the world now, the population in India is over 1 billion. And it’s the No.1 CDMA market, so the competition in India is very active. In 2003, through a long time active competition, Huawei got the CDMA contract from MTNL, the capacity is 800,000 subscribers, coverage of Delhi and Mumbai, including OTAF and lawful interception equipments. These two cities are the top 2 biggest cities in India with large areas, dense population and dense buildings. The requirements from operator are very strict and various, Huawei passed all the test items in very short time.Huawei provided IN, CDMA infrastructure and terminals to PTCL in Pakistan. Five local CDMA networks will be distributed in 5 big cities - Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Quetta and Peshawar, including 1 WIN/SMSC, 1 PDSN, 5 MSC/HLR, 5 BSC, 127 BTS, 305 TRX, BSS capacity is 213K subscribers, NSS capacity is 291k subscribers. Subscriber’s traffic is 0.05Erl/subscriber. In the second phase of PTCL CDMA network, Huawei got 90% NSS capacity, (SoftSwitch + WIN), NSS capacity is 1275K subscribers (including 400K capacity of CDMA450, 875K capacity of CDMA1900), in 9 areas, total contract is over USD80M. Huawei is the biggest supplier.As you know, roaming is very important for the interconnection of networks. In Belarus, the first International roaming of CDMA450 was carry out on Huawei-built BelCel network and another operator Delta Telecom in St. Petersburg Russia.Huawei deployed its CDMA1900 network for Starcomms in Lagos Nigeria. Lagos is one of the most populated cities in the world. Huawei has provided S444 configured single cabinet BTS to provide dense coverage.In Tibet, CDMA450 network is supplied by Huawei. As we know, the terrain is so crude and hard in Tibet, and very harsh climate there. The nomadic people live in very spread regions. Huawei CDMA450 showed excellent features of coverage and service quality. The system provides telephone service in rural area to offer the nomad a link with the whole socity. In some of the places, before they have CDMA450 system, the people had to walk 6 hours to reach the nearest telephone. The CDMA450 system provides not only telephone services but also great changes of everyday life to Tibetans.1.2 End-to-end solution of Huawei CDMA2000Huawei provides CDMA2000 End-to-End solutions including network infrastructure, service platform, user terminals (inc. handsets and terminals) and after-sales service. The solution may be mobile network or Wireless Local Loop (WLL) system. The total network is divided into radio access network, core switch network, and core packet network, service supporting layer, and operation & maintenance center.Huawei offers series of handsets and fixed wireless terminals in different bands and different types to meet the requirements form different customers.。



料contents •华为技术概述•华为网络设备培训•华为服务器与存储培训•华为操作系统与软件开发培训•华为5G技术培训•华为物联网技术培训目录华为技术概述01CATALOGUE华为成立初期,主要专注于通信设备的研发和生产,通过技术创新和产品质量赢得了市场认可。












交换机工作原理与类型路由器工作原理与配置VLAN 划分与配置交换机与路由器组合应用详细阐述路由器的工作原理,包括路由表、路由协议等,并介绍基本配置方法。

讲解VLAN (虚拟局域网)的划分目的、方法及配置步骤,提高网络隔离性和安全性。




物理规格 尺寸:436mm×200mm×43.6mm;重量:2500g 应用场景 楼层交换机,企业内部交换机 产品型号 LS-33**-EI 以太网交换机主机,24 100 BASE-FX SFP, 2 Combo 产品描述 GE(10/100/1000 BASE-T or 100/1000 Base-X SFP), 2 1000 Base-X SFP 电源规格 工作环境 输入电压: AC 100V~240V,DC -38.4V ~-57.6V ;标准功耗:<160W 环境温度:-25℃~+65℃;环境湿度:0%~95%,非 凝结
一. 二. 三.
产品型 HG8240 号 产品描 4GE + 2 POTS 述 输入电压:100V~240V AC, 电源规 50Hz~60Hz;最小功耗<6W,最 格 大功耗<12W,平均功耗<7.5W 工作 –5°C~+45° 环境 物理 195mm×155mm×34mm 规格 应用场 最多2门电话,4门宽带,用于沿街 景 商铺
产品型 号 产品描 述 电源规 格 工作 环境 物理 规格 应用场 景
MA5620 24FE+24POTS/16FE+16POTS/8FE+8POT S 输入电压: AC 90V~264V,50Hz~ 60Hz;标准功耗:<38W 环境温度:-10℃~+55℃;环境湿 度:5%~95%,非凝结 尺寸:19英寸×220mm×1U;重量: 2500g
浔南村S6503 10km 24km 23km 24km 23km


谈恋爱是不是项目,为什么? 交警的交通管理是不是项目?为什么?
什么是项目,其特点是什么? 谈恋爱是不是项目,为什么? 交警的交通管理是不是项目?为什么?
Ecological and Political.
明确项目经理 项目的目标 确认需要交付的产品
或服务 由管理层、项目发起
在质量,时间和资源中取 得平衡,从而进一步明确 范围
识别计划的偏离 采取矫正措施以使实际进展
接受和评估来自项目干系人 的项目变更请求
实施流程 必要时重新调整项目活动 必要时调整资源水平
得到授权者批准后,变更项 目范围
调整项目目标并获得项目干 系人的许可
实施流程 监控项目进展,衡量 绩效及与项目干系人 沟通
辅助流程 团队开发













话 容量电池,超长待机,您不用担心工作中或者出差路途中手机突然没电,加上
术 华为独有的节电技术和搜网算法,让G606的待机时间更长!
酷派 8195
华为 G606
QHD (960*540)
QHD (960*540)
1650 mAh
低功耗芯片+华为 节电技术
话 术
07 华

无限音乐 无线享受
也许大家都有蓝牙,但 G606的蓝牙不一样…
• 华为G606的蓝牙功能 支持A2DP立体声协议, 即便是用蓝牙耳机也可 享受CD般的音质
08 华
为己——5.0寸大 屏、超长待机 •希望自己的手机也能和别人 一样好玩——新的系统和丰 富的软件 •渴望和别人沟通——飞信等 社交软件 •追求性价比——千元
04 华

华为G606搭载双核 1G处理器,在数据及 图形处理上都有出色 的表现
华 为
华为G606搭载双核 1G处理器,尤其是 GPU性能强劲,比同 级别的芯片性能高出 30%
卖 双核1GHz处理器 A9架构 点
华 为
华为G606搭载双核 1G处理器,尤其是 GPU性能强劲,比同 级别的芯片性能高出 30%
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